HONG KONG PRACTICAL MEDIA GUIDE 17-31 … Around Hong Kong Island Race / 1130 start ... stakeholders including Volvo Group, Volvo Cars and other Volvo business entities, as well as

Post on 18-Apr-2018






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Dear Media,

Welcome to the Volvo Ocean Race. Hong Kong is one of 12 host cities on the round the world route and it is the first time in the race’s 45 history that the race has stopped in Hong Kong.

This is a practical guide to the media facilities at the Race Village.

The official Media Guide for the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18 can be found here http://www.volvooceanrace.com/en/media/en.html

There are many ways to follow the Volvo Ocean Race online, via our App and our social media channels, and there are many other tools and assets the media can access.

Media Hub A central source of information about the race, results, history, the sailors.

Image Library An archive of photos from our photographers and the Onboard Reporters on each boat.

Broadcast Room Where broadcast media can access Video News Releases, live conferences with the boats, video from the Onboard Reporters and more.

Press Releases & Video News Releases Alerts Sign-up for press releases, Video News Release alerts, Best Videos & Images alerts or Feature Opportunities.

All media enquiries: press@volvooceanrace.com



Hong Kong Fast Facts

Population 7.34 million. Per capita GDP, US$48,908. Landmass 1,104 square kilometres. Territorial islands 263. Main coastline 733 kilometres. Marine water around 1,700 square kilometres.

The Hong Kong Stopover is one of the programme of events celebrating the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China and the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 1997, and there are sure to be plenty of topics of interest for the international media ranging from sport and culture to entertainment, business and finance in Hong Kong.

Also, for the first time, Hong Kong is represented in the Volvo Ocean Race by Team Sun Hung Kai / Scallywag with a crew of talented international sailors skippered by Australian veteran David Witt. BrandHK is proud to support the team in the Volvo Ocean Race, with the “flying dragon” logo for Asia’s world city featured prominently on the sails.

Further information about Hong Kong, can be found here http://www.brandhk.gov.hk/html/en/Volvo.html or download http://www.brandhk.gov.hk/pdf/factSheets/en/BrandHK_fact_sheets_for_Volvo_Ocean_Race_EN_final.pdf

Join our Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/1153717144732038/



How to find usThe Race Village in Hong Kong is located at the end of Kai Tak Runway Park (the old airport runway) in Kowloon Bay next to the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal.

Approximately a 45-minute taxi journey from the airport or 25-minutes from Central.

Race Village @ Kai Tak

Race Village



Hong Kong Island



Map of Area - Race Village


1 Race Village Entrance




Media Centre



Accreditation Centre



Volvo Pavilion & Test Track



The Globe



Sailors Terrace



Team Bases / Dongfeng Pavilion



Race Boat Experience in partnership with




Musto Store



The Boatyard



VO65 Fleet*



M32 Catamarans

* Press Boats depart from the VO65 pontoon once the boats have




Race Schedule


16-20.1.18 ETA range for the fleet to arrive

17.1.18 Race Village opens (opens daily 0900-2200)

25.1.18 Practice Race / 1400-1500

27.1.18 HGC In-Port Race on the harbour / 1400-1500

28.1.18 Around Hong Kong Island Race / 1130 start

29.1.18 Arcadis Pro-Am Races x 4 / start times 1400, 1455, 1550, 1645

30.1.18 Skippers Press Conference / start time 1000 @ Media Centre

30.1.18 Volvo Ocean 65 Boat Tours (VO65 pontoon) / 1400 Dongfeng Race Team & 1520 Team Sun Hung Kai / Scallywag

31.1.18 Leg 5 start Hong Kong to Guangzhou (pm)

31.1.18 Race Village closes to public / approx 2200

ETA Estimated time of arrival Practice Race 4 x onboard media places per VO65 (7 boats) Pro-Am Race Sailing race for hospitality guests In-Port Race Official regatta within the In-Port Race Series

Arrival of the Fleet / Media Alerts

Please follow our digital channels for the latest information around timings of the boat arrivals in to Hong Kong at the end of Leg 4 https://twitter.com/RaceExperts http://www.volvooceanrace.com/en/raceblog.html

Stopover media can join a WhatsApp group to be alerted to boat arrivals at -2 hours to estimated arrival. Press boats depart -1 hour. Please register for this group at the Media Centre or email hugo.chartier@volvooceanrace.com

On arrival the boat will dock at the pontoon, a team prize giving will take place at the Arrivals Stage after docking - a media pen is located in front of the stage.

Media interview opportunities will be coordinated with the relevant team Press Officer at the Volvo Pavilion after the prize giving.



Practice Race 25.1.18

On Thursday, 25 January we have a number of places available for media to go on board the racing boats for the Practice Race starting at 1400 local time. Please email amy.monkman@volvooceanrace.com to register your interest (places are limited to 4 media per boat - 2 places nominated by the Volvo Ocean Race and 2 places by the team).

Finish of Leg into Hong Kong



HGC In-Port Race & Around Hong Kong Island Race 27.1.18 & 28.1.18

Normally there is only one In-Port Race per stopover but in Hong Kong the Volvo Ocean 65 fleet will compete in two races. One inshore course on the 27 January, the HGC In-Port Race, and the second offshore Around Hong Kong Island Race on the 28 January.

HGC In-Port Race - Inshore Course 27.1.18

Around Hong Kong Island Race - Offshore Course 28.1.18



Press Boat Allocation

We have a number of places available on press spectator boats and photo boats.

Two photo boats (capacity 6 persons max) will be available for the Arrivals, HGC In-Port Race and Around Hong Kong Island Race (start/finish only) and Leg Start. We will have large media spectator boats (capacity 40 persons max) also available for the inshore HGC In-Port Race on the 27 January.

Media must apply in advance for a place on the photo boats or media spectator boats. To apply for a place, please email press@volvooceanrace.com or register on site at the Media Centre. The cut-off time to apply for a place on a press boat is 1600 local time on the day prior to the scheduled event. Places are limited and are granted upon merit of the the media assignment. The decision on press boat places is made by the Organising Authority.

Media Centre Opening Hours (local time)

The Media Centre will be open daily from the 17-31 January between 0900-1900 hours local time. The Media Centre will also be open for for each boat arrival into Hong Kong if this takes place outside of normal office hours.

Media accreditation

Please sign up to media accreditation prior to your arrival. You can do this by filling in your details on the following link: volvooceanrace-accreditation.com

On the day that you arrive at the Race Village, please collect your accreditation from the Accreditation Centre located next to the Media Centre. Please ensure that you have your ID with you.

Places in the Media Centre are limited to 80 journalists.

Please note, we can accept accreditation on the day, however the process may take some time.

Pro-Am Races

Pro-Am Racing on the 29th January is an opportunity for VIP guests to go sailing. Invitations to race on board are only issued by the teams.

Skippers Press Conference

The skippers press conference on Tuesday 30th January starting at 1000 local time will be staged in the Media Centre at the Race Village. Places are limited to 80 media, please email press@volvooceanrace.com if you wish to attend.

Tour of a Volvo Ocean 65: On Tuesday, 30th January we can offer media a tour of a VO65 for up to 9 guests. There will be two tours - Dongfeng Race Team at 1400 and Team Sun Hung Kai / Scallywag at 1520. To book a place, please email press@volvooceanrace.com



Start of Leg 5 to Guangzhou 31.1.18

On Wednesday, 31 January the fleet will depart the Race Village for the leg to Guangzhou.

The fleet will be in Guangzhou from the 1st - 5th February. They will depart Guangzhou on the 5th February and will start Leg 6 of the race to Auckland on 7th February from a starting line between Kowloon and Hong Kong island (to be finalised).

Interview Opportunities

For media interviews with any of the Volvo Ocean Race skippers or crew, please email amy.monkman@volvooceanrace.com who will coordinate with the relevant team press officer. The teams will also host ‘Open Media Sessions’ at their team bases. Dates and timings to be advised.

In addition to the sailors, many C-Suite executives will attend the Hong Kong stopover from our family of stakeholders including Volvo Group, Volvo Cars and other Volvo business entities, as well as Inmarsat, AkzoNobel, 11th Hour Racing and others. If you would like to arrange a B2B interview, please email lou.newlands@volvooceanrace.com

For any media interviews in relation to the Ocean Summit or Volvo Ocean Race sustainability programme, please email robin.clegg@volvooceanrace.com



Other Race Village Activities


17.1.18 Media Tour / Introduction of Race Village

17.1.18 Hong Kong Sailing Federation Opening Cocktails / 1730-1830 (invitation only)

17.1.18 Hong Kong Sailing Federation Sailing Community Welcome Drinks / 1900-2000 (invitation only)

17.1.18 - 31.1.18 Schools Programme (12,500 students visiting Race Village & The Globe)

20.1.18 Fleet Arrival Festivities / 1100-1400 (NB: fleet will arrive prior to the official festivities - see race schedule)

21.1.18 Opening Festivities / 1100-1500

22.1.18 Ocean Summit at the Volvo Pavilion (invitation only event)

22.1.18 Movie Night ‘A Plastic Ocean’ on the big screen / 1900-2100

24.1.18 Hong Kong Young Talent Opera Group / 1500-1600

25.1.18 Vestas 11th Hour Racing Open Media Session with skipper/crew / 1000-1100

25.1.18 Team Sun Hung Kai / Scallywag Open Media Session with skipper David Witt and Mr Lee Sent Huang, chairman of Sun Hung Kai & Co / 1045-1215

25.1.18 Dongfeng Race Team Open Media Session with skipper Charles Caudrelier and Chinese sailors Chen Jinhao and Xue Liu / 1600-1700

26.1.18 Cantopop Concert - Sammi Cheng, Gin Lee, Ellen Loo & Adrian Fu / 2030-2200 (entry by free ticket)

27.1.18 Volvo Cars Hong Kong Beach Clean-Up / 0900-1100 Big Wave Bay

27.1.18 HGC Music Showcase / 1700-2000

27.1.18 Awards Night (invitation only event)

28.1.18 HGC e-Sport competition / 1800-2000

Tbc Volvo Ocean Race Academy powered by International

31.1.18 Closing Ceremony / 1130-1330

Please visit http://volvooceanracehk.com for further information and full entertainment listings.

Open Media Sessions with individual teams at held at the Team Base of relevant team. Further Open Media Session to be advised by the teams in due course.



Schools Programme Over 12,500 students (aged between 6-12 years) will engage with the Volvo Ocean Race Education Programme where they will learn about the race and how plastic pollution is damaging our seas, and how they can help protect our blue planet by becoming Champions for the Sea. Students will visit the Race Village and The Globe for sustainability workshops. If you would like to find out more or join one of the educational workshops, please email lucy.hunt@volvooceanrace.com

Volvo Cars Hong Kong Beach Clean-up Volvo Car Group, in association with the Volvo Ocean Race, Hong Kong Clean Up and the UN Environment, will work together to help clean up one of Hong Kong’s famous beaches - Big Wave Bay. Media are welcome to join the event alongside some of the Volvo Ocean Race sailors who have dedicated their time to this event including team AkzoNobel’s Martine Grael from Brazil, Annemieke Bes from Team Sun Hung Kai / Scallywag amongst other crew from Dongfeng Race Team and Vestas 11th Hour Racing.

Ocean Summit Hong Kong is one of seven host cities to officially host an Ocean Summit. Part of the Volvo Ocean Race Sustainability Programme, the Ocean Summit brings together sport, science, government, NGOs and the private sector to generate discussion and create local relevance to ensure Clean Seas for the future. Hosted by Paul Rose, Vice President of the Royal Geographical Society, who will welcome a strong line-up of speakers . This is an invitation only event. For any media that wish to attend, please email robin.clegg@volvooceanrace.com to secure a place.

Cantopop Concert Hosted by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Hong Kong Sailing Federation and stopover presenting sponsor HGC. For media wishing to attend the Cantopop Concert, please email PRESA@elitestep.com for further information.



Other Useful Information

There is no parking available for media at the site, please use public transport Please go here for further information https://www.volvooceanracehk.com/transport/

Safety & security - your equipment and personal possessions are your responsibility. Volvo Ocean Race S.L.U. take no responsibility for loss or damage.

Disclaimer - if you go on the water on board a racing boat, you will be required to sign a disclaimer form. We will require an ID number (passport, NIE) and details of an emergency contact person.

HKT Time Zone UTC +8 Average temperature 10-23 degrees C Local currency is HK dollars / 1 Euro = 9 HK dollars (HKD) Pin and credit card payment accepted everywhere. Power: 220 volts AC, 50Hz (UK style socket)

Top Tip: when catching a taxi, have the address of your destination in Chinese to show the driver. Many taxi drivers do not speak or read English.

Volvo Ocean Race Hong Kong www.volvooceanracehk.com

Brand Hong Kong www.brandhk.gov.hk

Brand Hong Kong X Volvo Ocean Race www.brandhk.gov.hk/html/en/Volvo.html

Hong Kong Tourism Board www.discoverhongkong.com

The Foreign Correspondents' Club, Hong Kong www.fcchk.org

Fact Sheets: Asia’s World City at a Glance www.brandhk.gov.hk/uploads/brandhk/files/factsheets/en/3_Asia'sWorld2017_en.pdf

Fact Sheets: Top Tourist Destination www.brandhk.gov.hk/uploads/brandhk/files/factsheets/en/4_TopTourist2017_en.pdf

Other Useful Links



Team Contacts:

Team AkzoNobel teamakzonobel@mallory-group.com

Team Brunel bart@teambrunel.com

Dongfeng Race Team julia@dongfengraceteam.com

MAPFRE desafiomapfre@infosailing.net

Sun Hung Kai / Scallyway kim@pyshk.hk

Turn The Tide on Plastic emily@deecaffari.com

Vestas 11th Hour Racing tjomc@vestas.com kate@risingt.com


Volvo Ocean Race press@volvooceanrace.com

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Overseas Public Relations Sub-division Information Services Department Email: oprs@isd.gov.hk Tel: 2842 8613/2842 8615

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