Home Business Success

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    Terms and Conditions


    The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible

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    this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$

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    An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations

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    In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no

    &uarantees o# inome made( eaders are autioned to re"l' on their

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    This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$

    aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies

    o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane


    .ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    Table O# Contents


    Cha"ter 1

    -unnin& A 2usiness 2asis

    Cha"ter 2

    3a,e 4ure .our 2usiness 0its )ith)hat .ou 5o


    Cha"ter /

    6avin& A Private)or, Area

    Cha"ter 7

    2e A Good Time3ana&er

    Cha"ter 8


    Cha"ter :

    4ta' 9" To 5ate On Trainin&

    Cha"ter ;

    4ta' 9" To 5ate On Promotin&


  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    Almost ever'one %ants to dabble in a home business at some "oint in

    their lives( Toda' ho%ever #or most "eo"le it is beomin& a ver' viable

    o"tion to &arnerin& some health' amounts o# revenue( 6o%ever in

    onsiderin& suh an o"tion the individual needs to be in#ormed o# all

    it entails( Get all the in#o 'ou need here(

    6ome 2usiness 4uess

    6o% To 4uess#ull' un .our 6ome ased usiness

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - : -

    Cha"ter 1-unnin& A 2usiness 2asis


    The #ollo%in& are some ti"s to hel" shed some li&ht on the home

    business and %hat it entails

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - ; -

    The asis

    4ettin& u" an o##ie s"ae that has some semblane o# an o##iial

    loo,in& "remise does hel" to reate the onduive %or,in&

    environment #or the runnin& o# the business on a dail' basis(

    This simulation %ill enoura&e the individual to ,ee" a "ro#essional

    mindset %hen "re"arin& #or a da'>s %or,(

    unnin& a business also re?uired the "ro"er orres"ondin&

    e?ui"ment that ontributes to the man' di##erent relevant "roesses

    %ith the dail' business transations(

    O#ten these tools are om"romised u"on and this eventuall' re#lets

    "oorl' on the business as a %hole(

    6avin& a se"arate ban, aount is also im"ortant to the smooth

    runnin& o# the business as it allo% eas' aess and de"osits to the

    om"an'>s on&oin& "roesses(

    It also ensures the om"an' &ives a "ro#essional a""earane as those

    ma,in& "a'ments %ill notie(

    6avin& a %ebsite and email that is setu" solel' to ater #or the

    business needs is another "ro#essional thin& to desi&n and e=eute(

    Tr'in& at all times to a""ear "ro#essional is ver' im"ortant to &ainin&

    the res"et o# others interested in stri,in& u" a business relationshi"

    or sim"l' bein& a ustomer(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    unnin& a business also re?uires the relevant "a"ers to be #iled and

    the relevant lienses to be a""lied #or and &ranted(

    These lienses %ill &ive the business #urther areditation and

    le&itima'( It %ill also hel" to ,ee" the business %ithin the le&al

    "erimeters and &uidelines desi&ned b' the various &overnment


    Cha"ter 2

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    3a,e 4ure .our 2usiness 0its)ith)hat .ou 5o 2est


    3an' "eo"le are #indin& that turnin& %hat the' do best into a viable

    business endeavor an be a lurative and interestin& %a' o# hurnin&

    out a &ood inome( 6o%ever in doin& so$ one should be are#ul in

    evaluatin& its bene#its and revenue earnin& "o%er$ be#ore ma,in& the

    ommitment #airl' "ermanent(

    )hat .ou 5o est

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - 1 -

    The #ollo%in& are some "oints that should hel" in ma,in& suh an


    0or some "eo"le doin& %hat the' en*o' brin& out the best results

    in them no matter ho% hard the matter at hand ma' be( There#ore

    it is im"ortant to identi#' an'thin& that the individual en*o's doin&

    and onsider it #or business "ur"oses(

    Attem"tin& to reate the "ossibilit' o# &arnerin& some revenue

    throu&h settin& u" a business based on this en*o'ment ma' brin&

    #orth "leasantl' sur"risin& results(

    Evaluatin& the mar,et a&ainst the a"abilities and e="ertise o# the

    individual is also another "lat#orm to &au&e the relevane o#

    settin& u" a suess#ul business venture(

    It an be a ver' re%ardin& and satis#'in& e="eriene to disover

    that the individual an har&e other #or somethin& he or she sim"l'

    en*o's doin&(

    This ,ind o# business venture usuall' has the "otential o# ahievin&

    "henomenal suess as the more mone' made the more the

    re%ardin& #eelin&s %ill be(

    3a,in& the elements that brin& en*o'ment$ into a viable business

    an be done %ith some "ro#essional loo,in& elements inluded in

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    6avin& A Private)or, Area


    There is nothin& more distratin& that havin& to share the home

    business %or, "lae %ith other on &oin& home ativities(

    This %ill most ertainl' ne&ativel' im"at on the dail' runnin& o# the

    business and on the individual>s "ro#essionalism and attitude to%ards

    the entire business e=erise #orm the ver' be&innin&(

    There#ore havin& a se"arate and "ro"erl' #untionin& "rivate %or,

    area dediated to solel' the business should be seriousl' onsidered

    #or its obvious merits(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    )or, Area

    The #ollo%in& are some *usti#iations laid out to onvine those

    &oin& into the home business entit'$ o# the need #or "rivate %or,areas to be a "re re?uisite #or an' home business

    Gettin& into the B"ro#essional mood dail' %ill be #or some a rather

    di##iult tas, to aom"lish$ thus the need to ma,e suh an e##ort


    This an be e##etivel' done %ith the settin& u" or allottin& o# a

    "rivate %or, area that is dediated to the business en&ine itsel#(

    The normal reations e="eted o# those "laed in suh an

    environment$ %ould be to immediatel' simulate into the situation$

    %hih in this ase %ould re?uire the individual to be "ro#essional

    and business li,e(

    Creatin& a se"arate and "rivate %or, area %ill also hel" the

    individual ,ee" tra, o# the ever'da' %or,in&s o# the business(

    )ith ever'thin& related to the runnin& o# the business at hand and

    ,e"t %ithin this area it %ould ma,e it muh easier to #ailitate thesmoother runnin& o# the business(

    I# there is no se"arate s"ae #or the business$ losin& im"ortant

    douments or mis"lain& them %ill not be unommon and this an

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    ause serious ne&ative re"erussions #or the business(

    Interru"tions and distrations %ill also be ommon and little

    res"et %ill be &iven in terms o# "riva' #or ondutin& thebusiness at an' &iven time( This %ill not #are %ell %ith ustomers

    and other business interations(

    Cha"ter 7

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    2e A Good Time3ana&er


    )hen an individual is %or,in& #rom home there is al%a's the

    "ossibilit' o# bein& distrated or not disi"lined enou&h to ,ee" to

    shedules and time lines( I# this beomes a habit it ould re#let badl'

    on the individual$ the business and de#initel' the revenue earned(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    .our Time

    6ere are some ti"s to ensure the individual sta's #oused on the time

    lines and &ood time mana&ement s,ills "rovided #or and e="eted

    4ettin& u" some sort o# dail' timetable or shedule %ould be a &ood

    "lae to start( The items that should be inluded %ould be the li,es o#

    se"arate time slots o# ver' #untion needed %ithin the business> dail'


    These ma' inlude s"ei#i times allotted #or o"enin& mail and

    ans%erin& the ones that re?uire suh a res"onse$ ta,in& an'

    movements in the %ebsites or other business related online material$

    res"ondin& or desi&nin& ne% ontent about the business$ "rodut or

    servie and then "ostin& it at the relevant "lat#orms(

    Time should also be allotted #or brea,s suh as o##ee time$ lunh

    brea,s and tea brea,s(

    I# this is not set in "lae and not stritl' adhered to$ there %ill

    de#initel' be a tenden' to ta,e lon&er than neessar' brea,s %hih

    %ould end u" om"romisin& the &eneral runnin& o# the business(

    An even %orse "ossibilit' is$ i# this beomes habitual ver' little %or,

    %ill atuall' be ahieved and eventuall' the business %ill #old due to

    the la, o# interest or revenue earnin& "ossibilities(

    6avin& &ood time mana&ement %ill also ensure the individual is

    disi"lined enou&h to ,ee" all a""ointments %ithout an' distrations

    as ever'thin& %ould have been aounted #or based on a "re desi&ned

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    dail' shedule( This %ould &ive the individual the #reedom to ensure

    all a""ointments are made aordin& to the said shedules(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - 1< -

    Cha"ter 89se 3entors


    E="eriene is a hi&hl' valued element and o#ten sou&ht throu&h the

    ourse o# an' business entit'( 9sin& a mentor to hel" an individual

    have some idea or measurable benh mar, is a "ositive additive to a

    business e?uation( The bene#its o# havin& a mentor annot be

    em"hasi+ed enou&h(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - 1@ -


    3entorin& involves the more e="eriened "art' e=tendin& therelevant ,no%led&e and s,ill in a "artiular area to the less

    e="eriened individual(

    This is su""osed to hel" the lesser e="erienes individual in more

    %a's than one to understand and emulate some o# the &ood ?ualities

    e="ounded( The #ollo%in& are some o# the ideas behind the %isdom in

    usin& a mentor

    3entorin& involves the teahin& "roess either diretl' or indiretl'

    #or the "ur"ose o# im"artin& valuable s,ills or in#ormation on a

    "artiular to"i or area and this is ver' use#ul #or the novie tr'in& to

    ma,e some head%a' into the said #ield(

    6avin& someone to lean on #or &uidane and also to steer the

    individual a%a' #rom deisions that %ill ne&ativel' im"at the

    business is not onl' advanta&es but also sometimes the de#inin&

    di##erene bet%een suess and disaster #or the business(

    4ometimes the mentorin& e="eriene an &o be'ond *ust assistane(

    This is %here the mentor an atuall' embar, u"on sharin& resoures

    and net%or,s %ith the novie(

    This is ertainl' a hu&e hel" to the individual *ust startin& out in the

    business #ield( The develo"ment "ossibilities are boundless %ith this

    t'"e o# e=tended hel" and it also hel"s to eliminate some o# the ris,s

    the novie %ould have other%ise ta,en(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    9sin& a mentor also hel"s to introdue a sa#er learnin& environment

    and this also ontributes "ositivel' to a lo%er stress#ul e="eriene(

    The ris,s ta,en are then done so in a more alulated manner %ith

    minimal i# an' ne&ative re"erussions( 0or the novie this is a ver'

    im"ortant element as it is also in most ases a ver' ost e##etive %a'

    o# &oin& about the business endeavor(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    Cha"ter :4ta' 9" To 5ate On Trainin&


    ein& in business$ es"eiall' #or those %ho have been in this line o#

    %or, #or a lon& time$ reates a om#ort that is o#ten ?uite entiin&(

    The dan&er o# sta'in& in this om#ort +one is that althou&h the

    "resent "roedures "ratied %ithin the business entit' are %or,in&

    %ell #or the said business$ the individual ma' be missin& out on

    o""ortunities to #urther &ro% the business and ma,e it lea"s and

    bounds more suess#ul(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    There#ore understandin& the merits o# sta'in& urrent throu&hativel' bein& involved in trainin& "ro&rams$ %ill hel" to ,ee" all

    involved abreast %ith %hat are the latest tools$ "raties$ innovations

    and other suh advanes available in the mar,et toda'(

    4ome or all o# these %hen a""lied to the various om"onents o# the

    urrent business environment %ill in most ases bene#it the business

    either immediatel' or in the lon& run( There is also the ost savin&

    "oint that some ne%er ideas ma' hel" to brin& about(

    Inor"oratin& "eriodial trainin& sessions %ill also hel" the individual

    understand %hat is urrentl' &oin& on in the business arena o# the


    This is es"eiall' im"ortant$ as most home business entre"reneurs

    don>t have the lu=ur' o# bein& in ontat %ith the oo"erate %orld as a

    %hole$ %here suh han&es are a""arent and onstantl' at the

    #ore#ront #or all to be "riv' to(

    This is es"eiall' so$ i# the said business entit' is not aterin& to this

    level$ in its servies or "roduts(

    Trainin& "ro&rams also "rovide some outside interation %ithin the

    "eers$ %here in#ormation and e="erienes an be disussed$

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    e=han&ed and e="lored #or the betterment o# the business and its

    om"etin& entities(

    Ideas and ne% ontats an be made and ne% relationshi"s an be#ormed throu&h the trainin& sessions %here li,e minded individuals

    ome to&ether$ #or the ommon &oal o# learnin& somethin& ne%(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - 27 -

    Cha"ter ;4ta' 9" To 5ate On Promotin&


    Introduin& "romotions in an im"ortant %a' to reah the tar&et

    audiene in an e##etive and entiin& manner$ %hereb' the interest o#

    the intended "art' is stirred to harness the "ossibilit' o# ma,in& a

    ommitment to%ard %hatever that is bein& "romoted(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    Promotions have been noted to be amon& the more innovative

    %a's o# reahin& the tar&et audiene e##etivel' and %ith theshortest "ossible time #rame(

    This is o# ourse a ver' im"ortant #ator in the ?uest to &arner the

    desired revenue to the business entit' as a %hole( asiall' it is all

    about the business entit' reahin& out and ommuniation %ith

    the "otential ustomer bases(

    The #ollo%in& are some avenues that should be e="lored %ithin the

    "romotin& e=erise #or the home business entit'

    Advertisin& D this is sometimes the more e=tensive and e="ensive

    %a' o# &ettin& the reo&nition #or the "rodut$ servie or business

    to the #ore#ront o# the intended audiene(

    0or some this is an e##etive and ?ui, %a' o# &ettin& "rodut

    reo&nition$ but it is also a ostl' %a' o# doin& so( 9nless there is a

    bud&et #or doin& so$ most home based businesses do not use this

    #orm o# reahin& the tar&et audiene too o#ten(

    Personal sellin& D bein& brave and s,illed enou&h to a""roah

    an'one and ever'one in order to "romote the business$ "rodut or

    servie is also another %a' o# "romotin& the individual>s om"an'(

    The "ersonal sellin& tehni?ue is initiall' initiated throu&h the

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - 2: -

    develo"in& o# a relationshi" %ith the intended "otential ustomer$

    %hih usuall' evolves into the ultimate &oal o# atuall' ma,in& a

    #irm sale or ommitment on the "art o# the ustomer(

    4ales "romotions D this is also another %a' to &arner the

    ommitted interest o# the tar&et audiene( The attrativeness o#

    havin& the "ossibilit' o# &ettin& somethin& %ith additions at no

    #urther ost is al%a's %ell reeived(


  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


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    Learn To -ela= A 2it


    0or most the an=iet' starts to build %hen the "ereived om#ort and

    revenue is not #orthomin& in the manner initiall' "lanned out and

    this an and %ill usuall' lead to stress and other ne&ative elements

    enroahin& into the mi=( There#ore is it im"ortant to learn to

    inor"orate some level o# the rela= state o# mind %hen bein& #aed

    %ith hallen&ed throu&h the ourse o# the business e=erise(

    0inal Ti"s

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - 2< -

    In the initial sta&es o# the home business venture a &ood and "ro"er

    time shedule should be dra%n u" that &iven the individual time toBbreath "eriodiall' durin& the atual %or,in& hours set aside(

    This time is the used to rela= and lear the mind$ even i# it is #or a

    short "eriod o# time( 3ost "eo"le #ind this short brea, a%a' #or the

    "h'sial surroundin& o# the %or, area does hel" to revitali+e the

    individual and this o# ourse ontributes "ositivel' to the re#reshed

    state o# mind and bod'(

    Ta,in& time to rela= does not neessar' mean &oin& on vaation$

    es"eiall' i# the home business has onl' *ust started( It ould mean

    ta,in& time o## #or a #e% hours to touh base and e=han&e ideas %ith

    other li,e minded business individual(

    This in itsel# is re#reshin& as it %ould "rovide the individual %ith the

    vital lin, to the outside %orld and also onnet to all the latest

    innovations available that ma' be o# hel" to the business

    advanement "ossibilities(

    Throu&h this rela=in& e=erise the individual &et to #ill u" on vital

    in#ormation that he or she ma' not have been "riv' to$ bein& stu, at

    home immersed in the business ativities o# the da'(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - 2@ -

    )ra""in& 9"

    3an' "eo"le start a home business thin,in& that their %or, load

    %ould be a lot less %hen om"ared to %or,in& in an established o##ie

    environment( This ma' be true in the initial sta&es as the individual is

    still in the startu" sta&e but eventuall' %hat un#olds ma' not be as

    rela=in& as #irst envisioned(

    5o 'our home%or, and this %ill hel" to alleviate some issues(6o"e#ull' this boo, has &iven 'ou a &reat start(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Success


    - / -

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