Holistic Wellness Approach to Dementia · Holistic Place like home Wellness Approach to Dementia . Pastoral care and spiritual wellbeing . Today, our Holistic Wellness Approach to

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Holistic Wellness Approach to Dementia By Jan Horsnell CEO, Southern Cross Care (Vic)

Our philosophy • Valuing every person

• Every person is treated with the

same respect and compassion

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As an aged care organisation, Southern Cross Care Victoria is committed to supporting older people to live well for as long as possible. Our philosophy of “Valuing Every Person” underpins everything that we do. We treat each and every person in our care with the same respect and compassion, regardless of their background, needs, health or socio-economic status.

Holistic wellness approach to dementia Focuses on the whole person – body, mind and spirit

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That’s why we are very proud of our Holistic Wellness Approach to Dementia, which focuses on various aspects of the whole person – body, mind and spirit – to help older people who are living with dementia, to achieve optimal wellbeing.

Our commitment • The most vulnerable people

• Older people who are living

with dementia

• Being a voice to those who are no longer heard

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Older people who are living with dementia are one of the most vulnerable groups of people in our society. At Southern Cross Care Victoria, we are committed to assisting people who are living with dementia to continue to live well and be as independent as possible, and being a voice to those who are no longer heard.


Recruitment and education

Appetising food

Use of technology

Lifestyle opportunities

Place like home Holistic Wellness

Approach to Dementia

Pastoral care and spiritual wellbeing

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Today, our Holistic Wellness Approach to Dementia is embedded in various services and supports across the Organisation, as illustrated in this diagram.

Recruitment and education • Based on values and


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For the past ten years, we have made a very conscious effort to hire only the best people with the right attitudes, personalities and people skills to work with us. We provide all levels of staff with dementia education from induction and throughout their career with our Organisation.

Place like home • “Smaller is better” concept

Living area at our Keon Park home

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Some of our newer aged care homes are modelled on a ‘smaller is better’ concept to look and feel more like a real home. Each home is divided into several self-contained households, each with its own lounge, dining, kitchen and outdoor spaces. The smaller spaces provide residents who are living with dementia with a more intimate, home-like setting to promote calmness.

Calming effects of exercise • At Keon Park home, residents

have access to a private gym and personal trainer

99-year-old resident working out at our Keon Park home’s gym, supported by a personal trainer

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Exercise is known to have a calming effect on residents, resulting in less verbal and physical aggression among residents who are living with dementia. Therefore, we encourage our residents to participate in physical activities such as walking groups or group exercises. At our Keon Park home, residents have access to a private gym and personal trainer. This picture shows 99-year-old Lee, a resident at our Keon Park home, who uses the gym every day to maintain her mobility.

Appetising food • Healthy options

• Ambient dining

• SCCV nutritionist

Appetising and appealing food at our Dandenong home

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A healthy, appetising diet plays an important role in strengthening one’s overall wellbeing. Other key initiatives include ambient dining; providing residents access to food and drinks 24 hours a day, particularly for anyone with difficulty sleeping; and creating awareness among staff and residents’ families about changes in eating patterns, eating abilities and appetites commonly seen in people who are living with dementia. As part of our wellness approach, we also recruited a full-time nutritionist to improve our catering processes, and to ensure that meals we serve to residents are healthy, nutritious and delicious.

Pastoral care and spiritual wellbeing • Spiritual needs do not change

because someone is living with dementia

• Pastoral care team

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We recognise that the spiritual needs of older people differ from person to person, and do not change because someone is living with dementia. That’s why we have a team of experienced and trained pastoral carers and volunteers available to support residents and clients - emotionally and spiritually.

Lifestyle opportunities • Access a broad range of lifestyle


• Volunteer support

Residents from our Dandenong home on a fishing outing

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As part of our “Valuing Every Person” philosophy, we ensure that each client and resident is supported to access a broad range of lifestyle opportunities, which best contribute to their enjoyment of life. Volunteers are then selected and matched individually to support them.

Use of technology • Electronic tablet

• MP3 player

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Tablet Electronic tablets are increasingly being used to assist in the provision of person-centred care at our Community Services. Staff have found the tablet to be effective in the prevention and management of client’s complex behaviours such as anxiety and restlessness. People who are living with dementia need ready access to their faith. Take our respite client, Mary, for instance. Mary spends the night at our respite centre every Saturday. When she is worried about not being at church on Sundays, she get immense satisfaction from staff playing mass on the device. And at times when anxiety keeps Mary awake at night, staff will use the tablet to recite the rosary to comfort her to sleep. MP3 player In September 2013, we conducted a two-year study with La Trobe University which highlighted the positive effects of music for people who are living with dementia. Music also acts as a coping mechanism for their carers. This resulted in the use of personalised MP3 players across our Community Services and aged care homes.

Holistic wellness approach to dementia • Sees • Knows • Values the whole person

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Thank you

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