Holistic growth of students: A key to Nation buildingChancellor Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mahajan, Dean Ac-ademics Dr. Desh Bandhu Gupta, Registrar Dr. Sushma Arya, Dean Students Welfare Dr.

Post on 19-Mar-2020






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Mh,oh fo'ofo|ky; esa ;K ls fd;k uo o"kZ dk “kqHkkjaHk

Vice Chancellor'sMessage

Dear Students and Staff!Welcome to the new year2019! With new beginningsand new resolutions, I wishyou all a very Happy NewYear. The commencement ofthe University after a break

provide us an opportunity tore-establish our focus on ac-ademic learning. With thenew changes around thecampus we are working to-wards the idea of change- asign of improvement. We re-cently organized Departmentof Science And Technology(DST) sponsored ‘Inspireprogram’ aiming to promotescientific temperamentamong the students. Culturaland traditional values arethrived well among the stu-dents through various cul-tural programs such as Lohricelebration, Republic Daycelebrations etc. The Univer-sity is growing steadily andour academic and researchprograms range acrossnearly all disciplines. OurUniversity is committed toprovide an intellectual envi-ronment to prepare studentsas innovative thinkers. Weare working towards thelong-term growth-strategyfor the university to achieveexcellence in all the aca-demic and research areas.

Support us in all the endeavours! Best Wishes,Dr. R. K. Mahajan

egkf’kZ n;kuanljLorh th egkjkt Research programme INSPIRE held at varsity

Many hues of young talent exhibited at the varsity

Tkkya/kj % u;s o"kZ ds 'kqHkkjaHk ij Mh,oh fo'ofo|ky; esa ;K dkvk;kstu fd;k x;kA blesa midqyifr MkW- jkds'k dqekj egktu]jftLVkj lq"kekvk;Z] Mhu vdkn-fed MkW- ns'kca/kqxqIrk] Mhu LVwMsaVosYQs;j MkW-tlchj _f"k usvkgwfr Mkydjlq[k 'kkafr dheaxydkeuk dhAMkW- egktu us dgkfd Hkkjrh; ijaijkesa fdlh Hkh dk;Zdks djus ls igys;K djus dkfo/kku gSA blls ,d vksj tgka okrkoj.k LoPN gksrk gS ogha

fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks vius fjfr fjoktksa ls tqM+us dk volj çkIrk gksrkgSA Mh,oh laLFkk bl vk/kqfur le; esa Hkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks mUur

f'k{kk eqgS;k djokusds lkFk&lkFkfo|kfFkZ;ksa dks oSfndijaijk ls tqM+s j[kusdk dke dj jgh gSAuo o"kZ ds vkxeuij eq>s mEehn gS fd;g laLFkku lQyrkdh mapkbZ;ksa dksNq,xkA lkFk gh ;gkai<+ jgs fo|kFkhZ ;gkals feys f'k{kk vkSjKku dks gkfly djthou dh cqyafn;ksa

dks Nq,a ,slh esjh eaxydkeuk gSA

Jalandhar : INSPIRE (Inno-vation in Science Pursuit for Inspiration Research ), an in-novative program by Depart-ment of Science andTechnology (DST) , Govern-ment of India was or-ganized by DAVUniversity that lastedfrom Jan 8, 2019 toJan 12, 2019. The ob-jective of this IN-SPIRE INTERNSHIPwas to motivate tal-ented youth to take upresearch as a personalundertaking . Thecamp had invitedbright 11 th graders in Sciencestream. Only top scoring stu-dents based om their 10 thboard examination marks,based on the criteria of mini-mum 95% marks for CBSEBoard and 88% for PSEB, 39students from 7 different

schools of Punjab and Hi-machal Pradesh were invited.It was a 5-day residential campin which students got an excel-lent opportunity to interactwith the best scientific leaders

of the country. The studentsand accompanying teacherswere provided accomodationin the University campus itself.The event, inaugrated on 8th ofJanuary, 2019, started withlamp-lighting ceremony by Dr.Rakesh Kumar Mahajan,

Hon'ble Vice Chancellor of theUniversity, accompanied bychief guest prof. R. K. Kohli,VC , CUP, Bathinda and prof.S. K. Mehta (chemistry lec-turer, PU) . Various speakers

spoke at their desig-nated time slotsthroughout the 5- dayevent. The key speak-ers included Prof S KMehta, Prof PBharatam, NIPER,Mohali; Prof A SAhluwalia, PU; ProfSanjeev Puri, UIET &PU and Prof ArvindKaur, GNDU, Amrit-

sar among others. The interac-tive Camp exposed thestudents to the excitement andmethods of science, researchand innovation, just prior to thetime when they would maketheir career decisions. -Mehak Sharma , BAJMC

Jalandhar : The Department of student welfare ofthe university organized Youth Flair 2018. Schoolstudents from various states including Punjab,Haryana and Himachal Pradesh, participated atvarious events. It was an endeavor aimed at inspir-ing students to choose right careers and exhibittheir talents. Various departments of the universityorganized different programmes which aimed atfascinating the school students and ensuring theyknew everything about their respective fields ofinterest. The event was inaugurated by the Vice

Chancellor Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mahajan, Dean Ac-ademics Dr. Desh Bandhu Gupta, Registrar Dr.

Sushma Arya, Dean Students Welfare Dr. JasbirRishi- who was also the convener of the event- andformer registrar of the university Dr. KN Kaul. Ad-

dressing the students, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mahajan said that success lies in acuminating im-manent talent and keeping stride with the fastevolving professional scenario. University motivates students to pursue their dreams accord-ing to their interest and grooms the students so thatthey can survive in different walks of life. The students were engaged in different activities including model making, poster presentation, engineering projects, literary activities, mediaevents and sports. -Shiwangi Sinha, BAJMC

Youth Flair 2018 organized

New Delhi : We at DAV University emphasize on student’s in-tellectual growth and growth of their character. We believe thisintellectual growth and character building should go hand inhand. Students and teachers both should have passion for learn-ing. In 2013, when DAV University wasinaugurated, our Chancellor Padma ShriSh. Punam Suri ji nostalgically recalledthat our forefathers had always dreamtof their own University. Their vision was‘Man-making’. A university which car-ries the idea of intellectual growth andcharacter building. We do not believe inthe concept of ‘students as products’, wewant our young men and women to havea sterling character. We plan the growth of university with a visionthat the youth are to be enabled to prepare themselves for life.Teachers prepare the students to choose the right path. The ideais whenever there is a cross-path to choose, they can choose be-tween the right and wrong path. Students should “Think criticallyand Act Judiciously”. Questioning spirit is nurtured. This intel-lectual growth is ensured with good academics, disciplined en-vironment, placements and a platform where students canshowcase their talent. We at the university have state of the artinfrastructure, equipped labs, latest equipment. We are extendingand expanding our library which is significant part of any educa-tional institution. The development of new infrastructure such asauditorium, new labs, food court, boys’ hostel is in pipeline. Weare introducing new courses in the new session. Our desire is that our students should be ‘enlightened and accom-plished human beings’. Our university education should furtherextend the fragrance of truth and fair play and add to the sumtotal of Human happiness. We envision the creation of excellenthuman-resource through the integration of multi-dimensionalPersonality Development Programs with the University Curricu-lum in order to produce world-class professionals. Our four main educational goals are:

‘Man-making’ the vision of University : Mrs. J. Kackria

Humanized education (to educate an individual to be an intellectual with strong moral character)Socialized education (to educate an Individual who can willingly serve the community)Specialized education (to foster creativity, well-balancedwith practicality)Globalized education (A forward-looking global minded individual)

Mrs. J. Kackria,Director, DAVCMC

Holistic growth of students: A key to Nation buildingThe students of the University are very important for us because University exists with the existence

of the students and they should find potential of their being

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

-Lao Tzu

No doubt, it is. But it has been subject to a lot ofcriticism in recent years. IS MEDIA SOCIALLY RE-SPONSIBLE? This has become a debatable issuethese days. On one hand it is a fact that media shapesup the mindset of society, it makes it easier for peopleto know, what is to be done and what not. On the otherhand, media is also blamed for the obscenity, crimeand lowering moral values of the society.

In 2005, John Brogden committed suicide and theway it was all reported, shook the society to its core.It is widely believed that media could have contributedto his actions to actually save him. And it is quiteagreeable because humanity is prior to everything elseunder any circumstances and that is what make us hu-mans. But these incidents cannot judge the worldwidemedia and it's ethics. There are two sides of every-thing. One can never deny the fact that media hashelped people with almost everything. People get jobsthrough it, they get to know about what is happeningaround the world, they can advertise and it is also animportant medium to communicate to billions in onego. There are countless things media has done for thebetterment of society. The question of obscenity be-comes invalid when we ethically magnify the meaningof media as it is- a medium of talking to billions atonce instead of spreading vulgarity all over. But it isalso true that media has been commercialized recently,and there are reasons for the same. For instance, anewspaper brings really less income which cannot ful-fil needs of the organization and its employees, whichis why media gives away advertisements and, in theprocess, sometimes it loses its way.

Media has earned social trust and a standard posi-tion over the years. And it is not a move full of grati-tude to blame media, after all the society is in a greatdebt of knowledge, entertainment and informationever provided by the various forms of media.

-Parul Rana, BAJMC Sem VI


The existence of DAV University is becauseof the young blooming minds of dear stu-dents, who have opted to be the part of theDAV family considering its legacy and val-ues. The university is trying to create humanminds which are able to think critically andrationally to serve the society in a way todevelop a non-discriminatory, classless andpeaceful world by providing scientificknowledge through modern technology andancient values. The University is providing all kinds of fa-cilities which are pertinent for the studentsalong with academics. Whether its sports,cultural, canteens etc., so that their mindsget stable and they can enjoy the stay with-out any stressful condition. We want tomake them clear that they are born ashuman beings and they are the ones whocan contribute towards the society and na-ture in many ways. Our students are already

doing it by participating in different activi-ties like National Service Scheme, NationalCadet Corps, cultural and sports activitieswhere their minds are developing stronglytowards the different problems of society.They are also taking part in several compe-titions regularly where they get lots of chal-lenges. But they compete to overcome thosechallenges through which they become sen-sitive to the problems oflife. By taking part in dif-ferent activities they areable to preach and teachothers also with regard tothe realities and practical-ities of life. In this man-ner, we are preparing ourstudents. The students who joinedthis university may havelistened about the university’s legacy and itsvalues. This university is different fromother universities as we are providing mod-ern knowledge to the students along withtheir ancient Vedic values. We are creatingthe University as a unique platform whereboth rural and urban area students come,share their values and their learnings. It isneeded that we forget our differences andconflicts and come together as a single unitfor the betterment of our great country, and

achieving this is the main objective of theUniversity administration. Our motive isthat all students should grow on their level,so that they are capable of serving the soci-ety and indirectly the nation. They shoulddevelop the nation with their wise andgrooming minds. In the crux, the Universityis an amalgam of education and currentthings happening in the society. If those

things are good, we teach our students to ac-cept them, otherwise counter them throughcritical thinking imparted to them. So thatthey are able to adjudicate between rightand wrong. This is the basic objective whichwe are pursuing here. I wish all students ahappy and prosperous future so that they canenjoy the purpose of their existence ashuman beings happily.

- A messsage for students by the Dean Academics

"Media is the fourth pillar of Indian democracy"

Harpinder SinghBAJMC Sem IV

Appreciate more. Criticize less.Keep supporting and keep participating

we welcome your contributions. Reach us at unicomm.davu@gmail.com

The Social responsibilities of Media

Toon Space Sheetal Jaryal (BAJMC Sem II)

....give more smiles than you take A curve,A way of acknowledgingpeople around you,Or just a simple gesture,One we can use anywhere tofill that little emptiness, Or awkwardness while ex-pressing ourselves. So, is that all a smile is? Or something more than that?While it is little known abouthow well the other species areable to express this beautifulemotion, it is a well-knownfact that humans are able to ex-hibit smiling most exquisitely.In fact, we seem to be the onlycreation of nature blessed tosmile out almost effortlessly ofhappiness, joy and all thosebeautiful emotions whichmake our lips stretch in a beau-tiful manner.A smile on a mother’s facewhen she sees her child forfirst time. That smilethrough all the pain she en-dured for her own little soul.

A smile of tears on a kid’s facewhen someone offers him acandy just for the sake of stop-ping him crying. That million-dollar smile.A smile on your father's facewhen he finally decides tobreak all the barriers of hisstrict demeanour to shower all

the love he carried in his heartfor you, but didn't care to ex-press it hitherto.Your teacher smiling at youwhile you receive first prize. Asmile full of pride. That I-know-you-very-wellsmile your friend gives youwhen he understands your jokeeven before you finished it.

Your sibling's cute smile whenyou let them have all the treatyour parents bought and wasmeant for both.And last but not the least, themost beautiful smile you giveto a deeply upset stranger justto lift him up because you-deep in your heart -can feel thesorrow in his eyes even thoughyou don’t even know hisname. Strange… isn’t it? Buttrue that those smiles hold upso much power. We often be-come very ungrateful and ignorant about how rich oursmiles make us. Let’s tradelove in form of these preciousexpressions only we humanbeings seem capable of ex-hibiting so exquisitely. Let’sgive more than we take. Don’tworry- for then- you will onlyget richer by giving. Let usgive more smiles because whoknows if someone needs one?

- Anshu RajputB. Sc. Hons chemistry

No country according to me iscompletely developed; they areall developing and will ever bedeveloping. India too is on itsway of becoming a developedcountry. The roots of a devel-oped country lie in the devel-oped mindset and sound moralsof the people of that country.While there are many eco-nomic, social or technologicalstandards by which we can de-clare whether or not a countryis developed, these standardsand measures are all very vaguein the long run and not alwaysabsolute. There is a measure ofperspective and relativity at-tached to them, and thereforethe status of India by these stan-dards is something I would notlike to talk about, but rather Iwould want to describe the kindof developed India I wish ourmotherland to be.The real picture of a developedIndia to me is a country wherepeople will be more accepting

to other people of all back-grounds (a thing we rarely wit-ness these days!) and mentallydeveloped, where people willbe more law abiding and moreaware about their rights and du-ties and would live in harmonywith nature and where peoplewould be more practical and

rational.Emphasis would not beon the standard paradigms of adeveloped country or big facetslike well-developed industriesand infrastructure but on themany rudimentary factorswhich an individual must nec-essarily possess to make up adeveloped country, viz., locali-ties with their surroundings

clean, taxes paid on time,refrainment from immoral ac-tivities, removal of all stereo-types from society and mostimportant of all a place wherepeople follow their ambitionsand support each other. In other words, a place wherepeople love their country, knowtheir responsibilities towards itand have a broad vision will bea developed India for me, be-cause I firmly believe thatwhere development starts fromis from one’s mind and con-scious.In conclusion, it can be said thatwe need to understand that howbeautiful India is in all termsand it is our responsibility tomake it more so. Our societyneeds people that are ready tochange their mind sets and helpit grow more because devel-oped mindsets for me means adeveloped India.

-Vanshika Rana B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture

My dream of a Developed India

fgSb/ e[ZM fdBk_ s'_ f;js yokp j' ojh ;h. ;ohoe[ZM fdBk_ *u jh ;[Ze/ s{s tork j' frnk . fJZe d';sw/oh fJj jkbs d/y w?B{z j;gskb b? frnk. j;gskb gj[zu d/ ;ko f;ZXk n?woi?_;h o{w *u,vkeNo Bo;k_ w/o/ d[nkb/ fJzM fJeZm/ j' rJ/ fiT[_ w?B{zwkJhnk_ bkT[D bZr/ j'D . vkeNo B/ w/o/ wZE/ s/ jZEoZyfdnk g[ZfSnk eh gq'pbw j' ojh j? . e[ZM Bjh vkeNo;kfjp e[ZM fdBk__ s' T[Zuh-T[Zuh G[Zpk_ wko e/ o'D B{z iheo fojk_ . vkeNo j?okB j' e/ efjzdk fJj fejVh fpwkoh j'Jh . fJjh fpwkoh n? vkeNo ;kp fijVhethnk_ B{z bZrdh n? . fJ; fpwkoh d/ fJbk— d[Zy' fµte[wko ftbedk wo frnk. fJjh fpwkoh ;h fi; ekoBgzikph dk T[;skd r—br' nkgDh e[Vh d/ ftnkj bੲhoZy/ g?f;nk_ dh µokp gh frnk ;h . id xo tkbh B/dhge i?s'Jh ;kp B{z g[ZfSnk s[;h fJdk feT[ eod/ j'T[j efjD bZr/ fJjh sk e'Jh ;wM Bh ;edk . fJ;

s'_ pknd vkeNo ;kfjp, w/o/ d';s d/ efjD s/, w/o/f;o dhnk_ ;e?Bk_ ns/ w/o/ fdb d/ n?e;o/ b? rJ/ goT[j w/oh o{j d/ n?e;o/ Bk b? ;e/ i' jo t/b/µzt/dB;hbsk_ dh g"Vh uVh ofjzdh j? . id' w/oh wk_th_j ;kb g[okD/ ;tkNo d/ T[ZXV/ T[ZB d/ Xkfrnk_ B{zw[V f;nkb bzxkT[D bJh p[Ddh j?, id w/ok pkgfdjkVh s' nk g;hB/ Bkb fGZi/ SD rJ/ e[Vs/ B{z febhs/ Nzrdk j?, T[; t/b/ i' o{j *u so/V nk_T[Zdh j? .T[j fJjBk_ vkeNok_ dh wµhB ed/ Bjh_ dZ;dh, T[jfJe eth jh dZ; ;edk j? . nkgD/ xotkæh dhnk_nZyk_ *u nZyk_ gk e/ T[j nkgD/ g/fenk dhnk_ rbhnk_*u ;]hnk ;j/bhnk Bkb y/vhnk_ S{D S[nkJh dhnk_y/vk_ B{z ni/ th :kd eodh j? . fJj th fJe eth jhdZ; ;edk j? . id'_ ;{oi nkgDk ;kok e[ZM ;w/N tkfg;ik fojk j[zdk j? *s/ T[j nkbfDnk_ *u w[Vd/ gzShnk_B{z ftjV/ *u yVk d/ydk j? . feT[_ d/ydk, fe;/ B{z fJ;

pko/ GDe th Bjh_ j[zdh.fJe eth dh eftsk jh j?fijVh gjkVk_ ftZu'_ µesh,;{oi ftZu' frnkB, ;kroftZu' ihtB s/ fe;/ dhnk_nZyk_ dh i[pkB gV ;edhj? . fJ; B{z ikDB bJhth eth dk fYZv co'bDkgt/rk . eth B{z fJeZb/ µpdk_ tkbh eftsk Bjh_ fbyDhnkT[_dh . T[; B{z sk_ fe;/ w[fNnko dhnk_ SDedhnk_tzrk_ dh N[Deko u' eftsk fdZ;dh j? . ed/ ftXtk j'rJh n"os dh T[Zvdh fuZNh u[zBh *u' s/ ed/ wko{ mzvftZu c[ZNgkEk_ *s/ ;[Zs/ pZfunk_ *u .

;' d';s' fJj ethnk_,ekbkekok_, fuZsoekok_ dhnk_ fpwkohnk_ jB . puk eob?D ftZu jh s[jkvk Gbk j? .

eth j'Dk d{;fonk_ d/ d[Zy nkgDh nZy Bkb o'Dk j?

r[ogqhs v?Bh,phHJ/Hi/Hn?ZwH;hH

Follow us : Please send your News stories/ Write-up for next edition at unicomm.davu@gmail.com

Dr. Deshbandhu Gupta, Dean Academics

“ You should find qualities in others ”

“An apology is a lovely per-fume, it can transform theclumsiest moment into a gra-cious gift,” so goes a lovelyquote by Margaret Lee Run-beck. And yet quite a few ofus possess this rare quality toapologize when in the wrong.So when a person reaches thehigher echelons of power, canhe still be expected to showthis extraordinarily compas-sionate emotion? Surprisingly,some still do exhibit this rareattribute, as reveals Hon’bleRegistrar of the University DrSushma Arya in this rare con-versation to Unicomm. Someexcerpts from the interview:

During your tenure asthe Principal of DAVGirls College, Yamu-nangar, the institute

was granted an A certificateby the NAAC, How was thislandmark achieved?

When I took over as Princi-pal, the strength of the Col-lege was only 1400 and whenI left the college in April 2017the strength of the college hadreached 5722. It was the resultof sheer hard work and team-work of the staff and adminis-tration. I was lucky to havesuch a good team to work. So,I would not say that it’s onlyme alone who worked for thecollege. The unity and hardwork of everyone in the team,from top to bottom, slowlyand gradually led us to havesuch magnificent outcomes.

How do you wish to dothe same for this Uni-versity?

I have so many ideas, ratherI would say I am bubblingwith ideas. There is widerscope available in colleges. Atsmall level it is easy to imple-ment ideas. University func-tions at bigger level therefore,we have to plan ideas accord-ingly and its takes time for ex-ecution too. So, I am workingon a more extended level andin near future you will be ableto see a lot many changes inand around the campus.

Tell us a bit about yourjourney as an academi-cian.

My beginning of the careerwas full of struggles but withGod’s grace things improvedand I got a lot of opportunitiesto give strength to my poten-tial and talent with fruitful re-sults. I consider myself areally blessed person in everyway. Since my childhood Iwanted to be a teacher. Therewere some inborn and inher-ent qualities which I believehelped me to become an aca-demician.

What is your supportsystem in life?

I would say, it is mypositive approach towards life.My beginning with any personis always with a positive mindand with a belief that the per-son is good, unless and until heproves himself otherwise. Thatis why my approach towardslife is also positive and con-structive. I always feel blessedto be surrounded by so manysupportive people around me.Some of them have greatly in-fluenced my life and actions.Foremost among these peopleis my father whom I havenever seen exhausted or dis-heartened and who has alwaystaken bold steps. I think I have

inherited a great deal fromhim.

What are the things youdo in your free time?

Earlier I used to studya lot. I was fond of reading lit-erature and good books, butnow, I would watch TV or lis-ten to music and do gardening.

Would you like to sharewith us some of yourfavorite books?

I started taking interest inliterature when I was in SixthGrade and the first novel I readwas 'Devdas' by ' SaratchandraChattopadhyay’. And when Ireached my high school, I hadalready gone through most of‘Premchand’, ‘Saratchandra’and other Hindi literature. Theseeds were sown from thoseearly days and I even went formy higher studies in literatureonly. My favorite books aremany which have really leftintelligible impression in mymind. To name a few, MaximGorky’s ‘Mother’, ‘IgnitedMinds’ etc.

What is the biggest les-son life taught you?Something you wouldsay contains your

whole experience in itself?There are many such les-

sons, but yes, one stands above

them all, which is to neverthink that the other person iswrong and you are right. Inever hesitate in apologizingwhen in wrong. I am a personwho would gladly apologizeeven to a child if I know that Iam in the wrong.

What is your wholeidea of a Clean andGreen campus? Andhow does it affect you

in your personal life?I have a deep passion for

plants and I am fond of gar-dening. Though I do not getenough time to do gardeningpersonally, I am definitely in-terested in creating a beautifulcampus with plants and flow-ers.

What are the otherchanges, in the campusor administrative orotherwise, we are

going to see in the comingweeks?

Introduction of new coursesin the University, creating aclean and green campus andits landscaping plus the cre-ation of an atmosphere of en-thusiasm among the students;through functions, excursionsand interactions. There are alot many other things we arelooking forward to in thecoming future.

Jalandhar : The Women’s Empowerment Cell of DAV Univeristy, Ja-landhar, together with Sanjay Karate Schools, organized a self-defencetraining camp for girls. The expert for the session was the renowned Han-shi Alain Saily, the 8th Dan Goshindo and the international ambassadorof the World Kobudo Federation who travels to almost 30 countries to ex-pance the skills and values of martial art. The esteemed guest of honourwas escorted by the founder of Sanjay Karate Schools, Mr Sanjay Gokul,the Black Belt 6th Dan and the first ever Indian to do so. The Worthy ViceChancellor, while addressing the guests and the students, pronounced hisstrong belief in building a culture where women’s safety should be set asa benchmark and not an objective. The event was attended by more than200 girls of DAV University where they were trained on how to defendthemselves in time of sudden attack or attempts of molestation. Mr AlainSaily taught the girls to be fierce and confident. The right attitude, he said,is the first step towards women’s safety.

Jalandhar : A Faculty Development programme was conducted byHarvard Business School Publishing for the faculty of Business studies on 3rd December, 2018. The speaker, Mr. Lav Nigam, fo-cused on the methods which helped in making the transmission ofknowledge from the faculty to the students highly effective. Themanagement insight, thought leadership and expertise of HarvardBusiness School faculty and Harvard Business School authors werediscussed so that these can be leveraged by the faculty members toprovide solutions for the most pressing businesses today. He also in-formed the faculty about the downloadable tools, packed with prac-tical tips and large number of resources present at the website ofHarvard Business School publishing. It was an enthralling sessionis which the importance of the usage of case studies and simulationsfor the students were discussed. Also,a hands-on experience on sim-ulation was given to the faculty members.

Self-defence training camp organised FDP conducted by Harvard Business School

Try not to become a man of success butrather try to become a man of value.-Albert Einstein

We are extremely happy toshare that students of DAVUniversity have been selected during campusplacements by renownedorganizations. Followingare the highest package securing students amongthe selected candidates:


Jalandhar : RJ Ranbir from Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM taught the studentsabout the “Basics of Radio Production” in one-day workshop organizedby the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. In twodifferent sessions he told students about the technical directions re-quired in making a radio show. He also guided students on radio scriptwriting and how to prepare links for a radio show. During the session,he made students become a part of his radio show by interacting withthem for voxpop, common questions-answers round. RJ Ranbir said,“Hard work is the key to success. Keep practicing, you will excel oneday.” Students learned the whole process of Radio Production that in-cludes pre-production, production and post production. The worthyVice Chancellor, Dr R. K. Mahajan advised students to learn from theexperiences of the RJ about how to speak and play with words. Ms. Geeta Kashyap, HoD, extended the vote of thanks. Mr. Hari KSingh and Mr. Raushan Yadav were also present during the session.

Mirchi RJ Ranbir at DAV University

Please send your News stories/ Write-up for next edition at unicomm.davu@gmail.com

Rohit Dhawan BAJMC Sem IV

Gursumeet Kaur (B.Tech CSE)

Click Labs CTC 9 LPA

Mohit Bains (MBA) Think & Learn CTC 10 LPA

Shivam Gupta (MBA) Bajaj Allianz Gen. Insurance

CTC 5.43 LPA

Rajwinder Kaur (MBA) Home First India



Dr. Sushma Arya, Registrar

Words of wisdom: Personality Talk Personality Talk

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If you can’t fly then run, If you can’t run then walk, If you can’t walk then crawl, but every step you

take, should be to move forward. -Josheph Pulitzer

Editorial Team

This paper is published from :-Amar Jyoti Printing Press, Jalandhar Contact : 98141-60223


New section dealing with the achievers of our campus

Jalandhar : DAV Universitycelebrated Hostel Night on Nov17 2018. A platform where thehostelers were given an oppor-tunity to celebrate an eveningwith the Punjabi Singer NimratKhaira who was the mainhighlight of the event. Theevent startedfo l lowingthe institu-tional legacylighteningthe lamp bythe digni-taries Vice Chancellor Dr.Rakesh Kumar Mahajan, Reg-istrar Dr. Sushma Arya, DeanAcademics Dr. DeshbandhuGupta, Dean Student Welfare

Dr. Jasbir Rishi followed byDAV Gaan which marked thebeginning of the event. Therewere various performancesgiven by the hostelers includingsinging and folk dances which

was accompanied by modelingevent which marked the start ofselection of Mr. and Ms. HostelNight. After a short while the

most awaited personality of theevent Punjabi Singer NimratKhaira made her presence andwas welcomed by the digni-taries. After the event the resultof Mr. Hostel Night Taqdir

Bhullar andMs. HostelN i g h tP r i y a n k aJ a m w a lw e r ecrowned thetags by thedignitaries.The students

were in tuned as the D.J. Floorwas declared open.

- Himanshu Gupta, BAJMC Sem IV

DAV University celebrated Jashan-e-Raina

Saga s o f conques t

News reading workshop organized at DAV university

PatronDr. R.K. Mahajan Vice-ChancellorTeacher Co-ordinatorsGeeta Kashyap, HoD Hari K. Singh

Technical Assistant Raushan Yadav

Design and Layout Hari K. Singh

Student Editors Rohit Dhawan, Sakshini Prabhakar, Shiwangi Sinha, Harpinder Singh Co-ordinating Team Aman Thakur, Muskan Bhardwaj, Kashish Sharma, Bhavika Suneja, Khushdeep Jassi, Gurtej Singh.

Photography Co-ordinators Prabhjot Singh, Ashish Thakur

Caption Contest Photo caption contest: Caption this photo by sending us your

suggestions for the same at


If your entry is found worth something, it shall be published in the next

edition. You may also be awardedsome surprise prizes, so


Jalandhar : News readinginternal workshop was or-ganised in Dav UniversityJalandhar by the de-partment of Journal-ism and Masscommunication. Stu-dents participatedenthusiastically andshowed their keeninterest. Studentswere taught theusage of equipment.They read news

from the teleprompter andrehearsed a mock news read-ing activity. Under the guid-

ance of department HoD,Ms. Geeta Kashyap, stu-dents were guided the tips

and tricks to enhancetheir skills. She saidthat the basic knowl-edge of teleprompterwill prove very help-ful in this activity.Mr. Hari K Singhand Mr. RaushanYadav were alsopresent here. -Sakshini Prabhakar

GoI's flagship 'National Youth Parliament' held at the varsityJalandhar : The walk-inscreening of the district levelof Government of India’s(GoI’s) National Youth Parlia-ment was held on January 17and 18, 2019 in thecampus of DAV University. TheYouth Parliament, aGovernment ofIndia's novel initia-tive, aims at youthparticipation for anenvironment of con-structive dialogue toprovide viable suggestions forthe many peculiar problemsour country faces.

The level 1 of the competi-tion at the University was or-ganized by Dr. Gurkaran,Andhra Pradesh NSS wing,Dr. Sandeep, coordinator,

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sang-hatan (NYKS) and Dr. SamritiKhosla, Nodal officer, DAV

University. It was a joint effortby the NSS wing of the Uni-versity and sponsored by theMinistry of Sports and YouthWelfare, GoI. In these two

days auditions studentsfrom the DAVUniversity and othersschools and college par-ticipated. About 200students visited thecampus and out of them105 participated. Theselected candidateswould speak at the next

levels at other designated insti-tutions in the coming weeks. -Divyanshi Soni, BAJMC

Taranjot Singh, a student ofM. Sc. Physics, has beingparticipating in variousevents and competitions, andhas many achievements tohis credit. Re-cently, he was se-lected in the NSSRepublic Day Pa-rade Camp held inNew Delhi on the26th of January,2019. He has alsosecured first posi-tion in tabla play-ing at Punjabuniversity consec-utively for the lasttwo years. He alsosecured first posi-tion in a quiz com-petition andsecond position in a roboticscompetition held at NIT Ja-landhar. And last but not theleast, he was also selected forthe Indian Student Parlia-ment held at MIT, Pune lastyear

Riya Dhadwal, a student of B.A. English Honors, is anNSS volunteer, who has represented the University atvarious forums and events. Ms.Riya attended the National Campof NSS ‘YOUTH READER-SHIP’, organized at Manaliwhere she got the best volunteer

award and an appreciation letter. Shealso got the first prize in declamation atanother camp organized in the state ofMaharashtra. Off late, she was also se-lected for Raj path parade on the occa-sion of Republic Day.

Harpreet Singh Basra, a student of the Department of Phys-ical Education, has represented the University at many sportsevents and bagged many top positions.A player of wrestling, he has won twobronze medals at the Punjab State

games. Recently, he participatedin the Greco Roman Men cate-gory held at Hoshiarpur held onthe 4th of Sept last year. Hence,he participated in the 38th JuniorPunjab Wrestling Championshipheld at Faridkot on the 22nd ofthe same month and there againhe got the 3rd position in the 97 kg category

Compiled by - Himani Sharma, Ruchi Kairem, Raghav Jain


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Jalandhar : DAV University celebrated Repub-lic Day with great enthusiasm to show love forthe nation. The worthy Vice Chancellor Dr.Rakesh Kumar Mahajan, the Registrar Dr.Sushma Arya, DPR Mr. Vikas Kohal and theHostel Faculty were present. The program com-menced by the Flag hoisting ceremony by thedignitaries followed by the national anthem andmarch past. NCC students, NSS students, Artclub students, Physical Ed. Students and the Se-curity team of DAV University participated inthe March Past. Students exhibited their talent.with this the program came to an end.

DAV University celebrates Republic day

Photo by: Prabhjot Singh, BAJMC Sem II

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