Holiday compensation the facts holiday

Post on 25-May-2015






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If you've suffered an accident or injury whilst on holiday then you may want to look into holiday compensation. Here are the facts.


Holiday Compensation: The Facts

If you’ve suffered an accident or injury whilst on holiday then you may want to look into holiday


You can only claim holiday compensation if your claim was not your fault and could not

have been prevented.

Mulderrigs Solicitors have helped hundreds of people get the compensation they


The friendly team have years of experience helping people that have suffered an accident

while out of the country.

This is Mr Frances from Essex, whilst he was on holiday he tripped over by the pool and

Mulderrigs managed to get him….

£38,500!In Compensation.

It had turned out that Mr Frances had tripped over a concealed step which was

not marked.

He hurt his ankle and arm badly and had to have surgery when he got back to the UK.

This is Mrs Eltham from Sussex, she went on a package holiday to Lanzarote and tripped down some stairs. Mulderrigs

managed to secure her…


Mrs Eltham had slipped on some freshly cleaned stairs, but nobody had thought to

put a wet floor sign in place.

She suffered significant injuries to her lower back. The Holiday Package Tour Regulations enabled Mulderrigs to secure the money.

Have you suffered an accident or injury whilst away?

You could be entitled to holiday compensation.

First thing is first.

Did it happen whilst on holiday? Who was at fault for the accident?

If you qualify, Mulderrigs solicitors will be able to help you secure the compensation

you deserve.

For more information, visit the website.

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