
History of Rocinha.


Where is Rocinha?

Rocinha, is situated in Rio between São Conrado and Gávea de Janeiro in brazil. • It is one of the largest favelas, the population is around 11.7 million. • It is the largest and most populates an urbanised slum.,+Rio+de+Janeiro+-+State+of+Rio+de+Janeiro,+Brazil/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x9bd427adbbdaeb:0x4cf95af6dc0096b9?sa=X&ei=hX3HVMW8BMi1UdX6gxA&ved=0CB4Q8gEwAA&safe=vss&safe=vss

What is the history of the settlement?

• History tells us that Rocinha developed after the Second World War, with the arrival of Portuguese, French and Italian farmers who settled in small farms on the hillside. Around 1930, it became a supply centreof vegetables for the city’s Zona Sul. At the end of the 1950s, more immigrants came, this time from other parts of Brazil, like the agricultural regions in Minas and the Northeast

• The arrival of new residents increased during the 1960s and 70s, with a huge expansion after the opening of the Rebouças and Dois Irmãos tunnels, which led to increased job offerings in the region. From that point on, an even greater variety of stores and services appeared within the favela to meet the needs of this population


What are the opportunities of living here?

• 99% of the houses have electricity.• A majority of population have running water.• There are four public schools in Rocinha. • there are a handful of small health clinics.• The houses are made of brick and cement, this means that the houses will

be stable and secure.• 65% of the favelas slum are a part of the new middle class.• Even with its social problems, structural improvements have begun to be

made in Rocinha in recent years.

What are the challenges of living there?

challenges of living here is that the houses are very close by and are limited with space. This means that sanitation will be poor and you're more likely to be ill.

There sewage flows down the middle of the houses. This then will more than likely increase diseases such as dengue which has increased infant mortality rate figures by 50%

The area is prone to landslides which will lead to homelessness.

There is a lot of unemployment.

Some of the lower class houses are made from scrap metal such as wood and metal.

What effect, if any, did the world cup have on Rocinha?

The world cup effected Rocinha because a lot of residents had to move in order for new things to be built.Some residents also rented out their homes to gain money.There was many tourists. So this meant that businesses in Rocinha gained a lot of money.

World cup training.

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