

Cell and Tissue ID Practice Practical test

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Blood

B. Hyaline

C. Adipose

D. Elastic Cartilage

E. Fibrocartilage

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Blood

B. Hyaline

C. Adipose

D. Elastic Cartilage

E. Bone

Where would you find smooth muscle tissue?

A. The heart

B. Attached to bones

C. In between the joints

D. In between the vertebral discs

E. In the walls of hollow organs

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Dense Irregular

B. Hyaline

C. Areolar

D. Adipose

E. Bone

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Dense Irregular

B. Hyaline

C. Areolar

D. Adipose

E. Bone

Epithelial tissue is classified according to

A. Its location

B. Its function

C. The composition of the matrix

D. The shape and arrangement of cells

E. Whether it is voluntary or not

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Dense Irregular

B. Dense Fibrous

C. Areolar

D. Adipose

E. Bone

Which of the following is not a connective tissue?

A. blood

B. adipose

C. reticular

D. Simple cuboidal

E. cartilage

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Dense Fibrous Tissue

B. Adipose

C. Neurons

D. Elastic Cartilage

E. Dense Irregular

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Dense Irregular

B. Hyaline

C. Areolar

D. Adipose

E. Bone

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Neuron

B. Elastic Cartilage

C. Reticular

D. Adipose

E. Blood

Which of the following has a liquid extracellular matrix?

A. Elastic cartilage

B. Lymph

C. areolar

D. reticular

E. osseous

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Fibrocartilage

B. Osseous

C. Dense Irregular

D. Bone

E. Neurons

Which connective tissue cells secrete antibodies?

A. Mast cells

B. Adipocytes

C. macrophages

D. Plasma cells

E. Chondrocytes

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Elastic Cartilage

B. Simple Squamous

C. Osseous

D. Hyaline Cartilage

E. Transitional

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Adipose

B. Reticular

C. Hyaline

D. Areolar

E. Bone

Goblet cells are found in which of the following tissues?

A. nervous tissue

B. columnar epithelium

C. cuboidal epithelium

D. connective tissue

E. none of the above

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Adipose

B. Reticular

C. Hyaline

D. Areolar

E. Bone

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Simple Stratified

B. Simple Columnar

C. Adipose

D. Areolar

E. Reticular

The different types of epithelia are named according to

A. cell size

B. location.

C. cell shape and arrangement of layers.

D. cell shape and location in the body.

E. location and function.

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Simple Squamous

B. Transitional

C. Endocrine

D. Simple Cuboidal

E. Exocrine

Tissue that functions in support and protection of body organs, stores energy, and provides immunity is

A. epithelial tissue.

B. connective tissue.

C. nervous tissue.

D. muscle tissue.

E. osseous tissue.

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Psuedostratified

B. Simple Squamous

C. Stratified Columnar

D. Simple Cuboidal

E. Smooth Skeletal

The epithelial tissue which contains cells of different shapes and is capable of distention is

A. simple columnar epithelium.

B. pseudostratified epithelium.

C. transitional epithelium.

D. stratified cuboidal epithelium.

E. squamous epithelium.

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Pseudostratified

B. Simple Squamous

C. Simple Cuboidal

D. Simple Columnar

E. Transitional

Which of the following tissues is avascular?

A. connective tissue

B. muscle tissue

C. skeletal tissue

D. epithelial tissue

E. nervous tissue

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Cardiac Muscle

B. Smooth Muscle

C. Skeletal Muscle

D. Dense Connective

E. Dense Irregular

The fibers in the matrix of connective tissue are made of

A. carbohydrates.

B. proteins.

C. nucleic acids.

D. lipids.

E. hyaluronic acid.

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Cardiac Muscle

B. Smooth Muscle

C. Skeletal Muscle

D. Dense Connective

E. Dense Irregular

The cells of mature cartilage are

A. osteoblasts.

B. osteocytes.

C. chondroblasts.

D. chondrocytes.

E. fibroblasts.

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Cardiac Muscle

B. Smooth Muscle

C. Skeletal Muscle

D. Dense Connective

E. Dense Irregular

Which of the following contain(s) a large amount of elastic connective tissue?

A. heart valves

B. the periosteum

C. dermis

D. epidermis

E. wall of arteries

Name the type of cell or tissue at the end of the pointer.

A. Dense Irregular

B. Neurons

C. Reticular

D. Areolar

E. Fibrocartilage

Epithelial tissue functions to

A. Conduct nerve impulses

B. Store fat and triglycerides

C. Covering and lining the body

D. Storing minerals

E. movement

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