Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation with Weighted Finite-State ...

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Hierarchical Phrase-based

Translation with Weighted

Finite-State Transducers

Universidade de Vigo

Departamento de Teoría do Sinal e Comunicacións

AuthorGonzalo Iglesias

AdvisorsAdrià de Gispert

Eduardo R. Banga


Departamento de Teoría do Sinal e ComunicaciónsUniversidade de Vigo


Ph.D Thesis Dissertation

Hierarchical Phrase-based Translationwith Weighted Finite-State Transducers

Author: Gonzalo Iglesias

Advisors: Adrià de GispertEduardo R. Banga

January 2010


Hierarchical Phrase-based Translationwith Weighted Finite-State Transducers

Autor: Gonzalo IglesiasDirectores:Adrià de Gispert

Eduardo R. Banga


Presidente: Dr. D.


Dr. D.

Dr. D.

Dr. D.

Secretario: Dr. D.


Vigo, a de de .

“An idle mind is the Devil’s seedbed”

Tad Williams

Esta tesis se la dedico a mis padres y a Aldara.


This work has been supported by Spanish Government researchgrantBES-2007-15956, project AVIVAVOZ (TEC2006-13694-C03-03) and projectBUCEADOR (TEC2009-14094-C04-04). Also supported in part by the GALE pro-gram of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Contract No. HR0011-06-C-0022.


This dissertation is focused in the Statistical Machine Translation field (SMT),

particularly in hierarchical phrase-based translation frameworks. We first study and

redesign hierarchical models using several filtering techniques. Hierarchical search

spaces are based on automatically extracted translation rules. As originally defined

they are too big to handle directly without filtering. In thisthesis we create more

space-efficient models, aiming at faster decoding times without a cost in perfor-

mance. We propose more refined strategies such as pattern filtering and shallow-n

grammars. The aim is to reduce a priori the search space as much as possible without

losing performance (or even improving it), so that search errors will be avoided.

We also propose a new algorithm in the hierarchical phrase-based machine

translation framework, calledHiFST. For the first time, as far as we are aware,

an SMT system combines successfully knowledge from two other research

areas simultaneously:parsing, and weighted finite-state technology. In this way

we are able to build a more efficient decoding tool, taking theadvantages of

both worlds: the capability of deep syntax reordering with parsing, and the

compact representation and powerful semiring operations of weighted finite-

state transducers. Combined with our findings for hierarchical grammars, we are

able to build search-error free translation systems with state-of-the-art performance.

Keywords: HiFST, SMT, hierarchical phrase-based decoding, parsing,CYK,

WFSTs, transducers.



Esta tesis se centra en dos objetivos relacionados con el conocido problema

computacional de la búsqueda, en el marco de la traducción defrases jerárquicas.

Por un lado, queremos definir un espacio de hipótesis lo más compacto y completo

posible; por el otro, procuramos un nuevo algoritmo que ejecute la búsqueda sobre

dicho espacio de la forma más eficiente posible.

Los sistemas de traducción de frases jerárquicas[Chiang, 2007] utilizan

gramáticas incontextuales síncronas que se inducen automáticamente a partir de un

corpus bilingüe de texto, sin conocimiento lingüístico previo. La idea subyacente

es que los dos idiomas pueden representarse con una estructura sintáctica común,

lo que permite un sistema de traducción con gran capacidad para realizar reorde-

namientos de palabras a larga distancia.

Es importante destacar que dicha gramática define el espaciode hipótesis en el

que estaremos buscando nuestra traducción. En consecuencia, modelamos indirec-

tamente el espacio de hipótesis elaborando estrategias querefinen adecuadamente

la gramática. Una vez tenemos esta gramática preparada, se utiliza un analizador

para obtener, dada una oración del lenguaje fuente, un conjunto de posibles análisis

sintácticos representados como secuencias de reglas oderivaciones. Usando esta

información, es posible construir listas de hipótesis de traducción con sus respec-

tivos costes. Esta organización en listas de hipótesis constituye una limitación habi-

tual de los decodificadores jerárquicos. Como demostraremos a lo largo de la di-

sertación, resulta más eficiente utilizar representaciones más compactas, como son

lascelosías. A continuación, describimos los objetivos de esta tesis:


1. Proponemos un nuevo algoritmo de traducción de frases jerárquicas, llama-

do HiFST. Esta herramienta utiliza los conocimientos de tres áreas de in-

vestigación:análisis sintáctico, máquinas de estados finitosy, por supuesto,

traducción automática. Existen bastantes aportaciones previas en el campo

de traducción estadística con máquinas de estados finitos, por una parte; y

con algoritmos de análisis sintáctico, por la otra. Pero porprimera vez, que

sepamos, un sistema de traducción automática combina la capacidad de re-

ordenamiento de los algoritmos de análisis sintáctico con la representación

compacta y eficiente de celosías implementadas mediante transductores que

permiten el uso sencillo de operaciones complejas como minimización, deter-

minización, composición, etc.

2. Refinamos los modelos jerárquicos utilizando varias técnicas de filtrado. Los

espacios de búsqueda se basan en reglas jerárquicas de traducción extraí-

das automáticamente. La gramática inicial es demasiado grande como para

utilizar directamente sin filtrar. En esta tesis vamos a buscar modelos más

eficientes, con vistas a tiempos más rápidos de decodificación sin pérdida

de calidad. En concreto, en vez del filtrado habitual por número mínimo de

instancias de reglas extraídas del corpus de entrenamiento(mincount), pro-

ponemos estrategias más refinadas, como el filtrado de patrones y las gramáti-

casshallow-N . El objetivo es reducir a priori el espacio de búsqueda lo más

posible sin perder calidad (o incluso mejorando), para evitar los errores de

búsqueda derivados de podas en modelos durante su proceso deconstrucción.

En resumen, estos objetivos pueden englobarse en uno único yambicioso: la

construcción de un sistema que traduzca con la mayor calidadposible, capaz de

alcanzar el estado del arte, incluso para tareas de traducción a gran escala, que

requieren de enormes cantidades de datos.

Organización de la Tesis

A continuación exponemos la estructura de la tesis:

En el Capítulo 1 motivamos e introducimos esta disertación.

En el Capítulo 2 sentamos las bases deHiFST. Se introducen los transduc-

tores de estados finitos, y explicamos mediante ejemplos diversas operaciones


posibles (unión, concatenación, composición, ...). También describimos el al-

goritmo CYK y realizamos una revisión histórica del análisis sintáctico como

problema computacional.

El Capítulo 3 se dedica a la traducción estadística. Despuésde una introduc-

ción histórica se describen los conceptos fundamentales para el estado del arte

de la traducción estadística, tal como la entendemos hoy en día.

Ya en el Capítulo 4 centramos esta disertación en los sistemas de traduc-

ción jerárquica. Específicamente se describen los detallesde implementación

de un decodificador de poda hipercúbica (HCP) y proponemos mejoras a la

aplicación estándar. También describimos unos cuantos experimentos de con-

traste con otro traductor basado en frases, del que derivamos conclusiones

importantes para el espacio de búsqueda jerárquica en el capítulo siguiente.

Este capítulo termina con una revisión de las aportaciones más importantes

durante estos años al campo de la traducción estadística de frases jerárquicas.

El Capítulo 5 se concentra en la creación eficiente de espacios de búsqueda

definidos a través de las gramáticas jerárquicas. Se introducen los patrones

como un concepto clave para aplicar filtrados selectivos. Mostramos cómo

construir estas gramáticas combinando diversas técnicas de filtrado. Además,

introducimos nuevas variantes como la familia de gramáticasshallow-N . Eva-

luamos nuestro método con una serie de experimentos para la tarea de traduc-

ción de árabe a inglés.

En el Capítulo 6 presentamosHiFST. Se explican en detalle los algoritmos

de traducción, que utilizan transductores. Describimos dos métodos de ali-

neación para el proceso de optimización. Evaluamos nuestrotraductor con

una batería de experimentos para tres tareas de traducción,empezando con

un contraste entreHiFST y HCP para árabe-inglés y chino-inglés. También

incluimos experimentos conHiFST para gramáticasshallow-N , descritas en

el capítulo anterior.

El Capítulo 7 extrae las conclusiones más importantes de la tesis y propone

varias líneas futuras.

A continuación describimos con más detalle esta tesis. En primer lugar expli-

caremos la traducción basada en frases jerárquicas. Luego plantearemos algunas es-


trategias para filtrar gramáticas; finalmente expondremos los detalles más relevantes

de nuestro nuevo sistema de traducción, denominadoHiFST.

Traducción basada en Frases Jerárquicas

Gramáticas Síncronas

El problema de la traducción estadística basada en frases semodela como una

gramática incontextual síncrona, que es simplemente un conjunto R = Rr de

reglasRr : N → 〈γr,αr〉 / pr, dondepr es la probabilidad de esta regla síncrona y

γ, α ∈ (N ∪ T)∗ son las frases (secuencias de terminales y no terminales) para la

lengua origen y la frase en la lengua destino, respectivamente.N ∈ N es cualquier

no terminal (constituyente o categoría).

gramática estándar jerárquicaS→〈X,X〉 regla ‘glue’ 1S→〈S X,S X〉 regla ‘glue’ 2X→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X ∪T+ reglas jerárquicas

Cuadro 1: Reglas de una gramática estándar jerárquica.T es el conjunto de termi-nales (palabras).

Más específicamente, el Cuadro 1 resume el tipo de reglas utilizadas por una

gramática jerárquica. Solo se admiten dos no terminalesS oX, constituyentes abs-

tractos, es decir, sin ningún significado sintáctico. La gramática incluye un par de

reglas especiales llamadas reglas ‘glue’[Chiang, 2007], que permiten la concate-

nación de las frases jerárquicas. Cada regla de cabeceraX nos indica que la frase

jerárquicaα es la traducción deγ (con una cierta probabilidad). Las reglas con

cabeceraX pueden a su vez incorporar en el cuerpo un número arbitrario de no

terminalesX, que se pueden traducir en cualquier orden. Siempre ha de existir el

mismo número deX para la frase origen que para la frase destino. La forma en que

se reordenan los no terminales se establece formalmente mediante∼, una función

biyectiva que relaciona los no terminales del la frase de lengua origen y los no termi-

nales de la frase de lengua destino de cada regla. Para reglasconcretas,∼ no se usa;

en su lugar, los no terminales llevan un subíndice que marcanla correspondencia,

como puede verse en la siguiente regla jerárquica con dos no terminales:

X → 〈 X2 en X1 ocasiones , on X1 occasions X2〉


Cuando para una regla se cumple queγ, α ∈ T+, es decir, que no existe ningún

no terminal en la regla, entonces estamos ante una frase puramente léxica, que cons-

tituye el núcleo de cualquier sistema de traducción basado en frases.

Las reglas se extraen a partir de un corpus paralelo de textosen ambos idiomas

de interés. Dicha extracción se aplica con una serie de restricciones, como por ejem-

plo que no se permiten más de dos no terminales en una frase jerárquica. El heurís-

tico se describe con más detalle en la Sección 4.2. Las probabilidades de las frases

jerárquicas se obtienen contando el número de apariciones relativas en el corpus de

entrenamiento como se indica en la Sección 3.5.

Decodificador de Poda Hipercúbica

Figura 1: Decodificador de poda hipercúbica (HCP).

El decodificador de poda hipercúbica es probablemente la opción más exten-

dida hoy en día para manejar gramáticas síncronas. Funcionaen dos etapas, como

puede verse en la Figura 1. En la primera etapa se realiza un análisis sintáctico

monolingüe aplicado a la oración que se quiere traducir. Al acabar dicho análisis

tendremos acceso a las reglas que se han aplicado con éxito, através de una reji-

lla de celdas(N, x, y): N es un no terminal cualquiera,x = 1, . . . , J representa

la posición en la oración origen (que contieneJ palabras) ey = 1, . . . , J repre-

senta un número de palabras consecutivas que abarca una celda. Además tenemos

una serie de punteros especiales llamadosbackpointers, que relacionan los no ter-

minales de las reglas jerárquicas con sus respectivas celdas dependientes. En la Sec-

ción 2.3.1 se explica el proceso y detalles del algoritmo de análisis, una variante de

un CYK modificado[Chappelier and Rajman, 1998]. En la segunda etapa se aplica

el algoritmok-best[Chiang, 2007] combinado con poda hipercúbica para obtener

las hipótesis de traducción. Para ello empezamos por la celda superior(S, 1, J), y

recorremos el resto de las celdas de la rejilla CYK siguiendolos backpointersque


Figura 2: HCP construye el espacio de búsqueda mediante listas de hipótesis, ana-lizando reglas almacenadas en la rejilla CYK.

hemos creado con la primera etapa. En cada celda revisamos las reglas aplicables y

construimos las listas de hipótesis correspondientes, ordenadas por coste. Estas lis-

tas pueden podarse si se cumplen determinadas condiciones,para lo que se utiliza

la técnica de poda hipercúbica descrita en la Sección 4.3.2.Al final, en la celda más

alta, tenemos una lista de hipótesis de traducción para todala oración, como puede

verse en la Figura 2.

En la Sección 4.3 se proporcionan más detalles acerca de su funcionamiento.

Aunque este método es muy eficaz e introduce mejoras en la traducción si se com-

para con sistemas de traducción basados en frases, el hecho de construir el espacio

de búsqueda mediante listas de hipótesis es una limitación que inevitablemente lleva

a errores de búsqueda.

En la Sección 4.4 proponemos dos mejoras a la implementaciónde HCP:

Un método más eficiente de gestión de la memoria que denominamossmart


Una extensión en el algoritmo de poda hipercúbica para reducir el número

de errores de búsqueda y mejorar así la calidad de traducción. Esta técnica la

denominamosSpreading Neighourhood Exploration.


Estrategias para Filtrar Gramáticas

Patrones de Reglas

Ya hemos visto que las reglas jerárquicas de una gramática tienen la forma X→

〈γ,α〉. Tantoγ comoα se componen de no terminales (categorías) y subsecuencias

de terminales (palabras), que llamamos indistintamenteelementos. En la fuente está

permitido un máximo de dos no terminales consecutivos. Estose explica con más

detalle en la Sección 4.2. Las reglas jerárquicas pueden clasificarse atendiendo a su

número de no terminales, Nnt, y su número de elementos, Ne. Hay 5 clases posibles

asociadas a las reglas jerárquicas: Nnt.Ne=1.2,1.3,2.3,2.4,2.5. El patrón correspon-

diente a las frases no jerárquicas se asocia a Nnt.Ne=0.1.

Es fácil reemplazar las secuencias de terminales de cada regla por un único

símbolo ‘w’. Esto es útil para clasificar reglas, ya que cualquier regla pertenecerá

siempre a algún patrón, mientras que un patrón agrupa una cantidad arbitraria de

reglas. Presentamos a continuación unos ejemplos de reglasde árabe a inglés con

sus patrones correspondientes. El árabe se escribe con codificación Buckwalter.

Patrón 〈wX1 , wX1w〉 :

〈w+ qAl X1 , theX1 said〉

Patrón 〈wX1w , wX1〉 :

〈fy X1 kAnwn Al>wl , on decemberX1〉

Patrón 〈wX1wX2 , wX1wX2w〉 :

〈Hl X1 lAzmp X2 , aX1 solution to theX2 crisis〉

Al abstraernos de las palabras concretas estamos capturando su estructura y el

tipo de reordenamiento de palabras que codifican los no terminales. Los patrones

son interesantes porque podrían capturar una cierta cantidad de información sin-

táctica que ayude, por ejemplo, a guiar un filtrado más selectivo. En total, incluido

el patrón correspondiente a las frases léxicas (〈w,w〉, Nnt.Ne=0, 1), existen 66 pa-

trones posibles.

Como mostraremos en la Sección 5.4.2, algunos patrones incluyen muchas más

reglas que otros. Por ejemplo, patrones con dos no terminales (Nnt = 2) contienen

muchas más reglas que patrones con un único no terminalNnt = 1. Lo mismo se

puede decir de los patrones con dos no terminales monótonos respecto a sus homó-

logos reordenados. Esto es particularmente cierto para patrones idénticos (el patrón

de la frase origen coincide con el patrón de la frase destino). Por ejemplo, el pa-


trón 〈wX1wX2w,wX1wX2w〉 contiene más de la tercera parte de todas las reglas

de la gramática. En cambio, su homólogo reordenado〈wX1wX2w,wX2wX1w〉 sólo

representa escasamente el0, 2%.

Para fijar ideas, describimos a continuación algunos conceptos que manejaremos

a lo largo de esta disertación:

Un patrón es una generalización de cualquier regla por reescritura del lado

derecho de sus subsecuencias de terminales. Típicamente, se sustituye por la

letraw. Los no terminales no se modifican.

Un patrón fuentees la parte de un patrón que se corresponde a la fuente de

la regla síncrona. Unpatrón destinoes la parte del patrón que se corresponde

con la parte destino de una regla síncrona.

Hablaremos depatrones jerárquicossi se corresponden a reglas jerárquicas.

Solo existe un patrón que se corresponde a todas las frases, ypor lo tanto lo

llamaremos elpatrón de frase.

Un patrón se diceidénticosi el patrón fuente y el patrón destino coinciden.

Por ejemplo,〈wX1,wX1〉 es un patrón idéntico.

Un patrón se dicemonótonosi los no terminales de fuente y destino se es-

criben con el mismo orden (incluyendo subíndices). De lo contrario, se dice

que es unpatrón reordenado. Por ejemplo, 〈wX1wX2w,wX1wX2w〉 es un

patrón monótono, mientras que〈wX1wX2w,wX2wX1〉 es unpatrón reorde-


Construcción Eficaz de una Gramática

En la Sección 5.4.3 vemos que los patrones monótonos no parecen útiles para

mejorar la traducción. En particular, nos encontramos con que los patrones idén-

ticos, especialmente con dos no terminales, podrían ser perjudiciales. Por último,

vemos que la aplicación por separado de filtradosmincountes una estrategia fácil

que puede ser muy eficaz.

Basándonos en estos resultados construimos una gramática inicial mediante la

exclusión de ciertos patrones (idénticos y monótonos), y aplicando filtrosmincount

como se recoge en el Cuadro 2. En total, con este procedimiento estamos excluyen-


do 171.5M reglas, con lo que solo nos quedan 4,2 millones de reglas, 3.5M de las

cuales son jerárquicas.

Reglas Excluidas Númeroa 〈X1w,X1w〉 , 〈wX1,wX1〉 2332604b 〈X1wX2,∗〉 2121594

〈X1wX2w,X1wX2w〉 ,c〈wX1wX2,wX1wX2〉


d 〈wX1wX2w,∗〉 69437146e Nnt.Ne= 1.3 mincount=5 32394578f Nnt.Ne= 2.3 mincount=5 166969g Nnt.Ne= 2.4 mincount=10 11465410h Nnt.Ne= 2.5 mincount=5 688804

Cuadro 2: Reglas excluidas en la gramática inicial.

Posteriormente también limitaremos el máximo número de traducciones por

frase en lengua origen. Los experimentos referidos a esta técnica de filtrado se des-

criben en la Sección 5.4.5.

Traducción Shallow versus Jerárquica

Aun habiendo extraído las reglas con las limitaciones descritas en la Sección 4.2

y aplicando los filtros de patrones, el espacio de hipótesis puede resultar demasia-

do grande. Esto se debe a que una gramática jerárquica estándar permite anidar

las reglas jerárquicas. El único límite está en el número máximo de palabras con-

secutivas que se permite para las frases de la lengua origen.Es posible producir

reordenamientos complejos de palabras, lo que puede resultar muy útil para ciertos

pares de idiomas, como es el caso del chino-inglés. Sin embargo, también se puede

crear un espacio demasiado grande como para realizar una búsqueda eficiente, ya

que dicha estrategia puede no ser la más eficiente para cualquier par de idiomas.

En concreto, sabemos que la tarea de traducción de árabe-a-inglés no requiere en

general de grandes movimientos de palabras. Por lo tanto, puede ser que si usamos

gramáticas jerárquicas para esta tarea, en realidad estemossobregenerandoel espa-

cio de hipótesis. Esto quiere decir que se crea un espacio de hipótesis de traducción

demasiado grande.

Para investigar si esto ocurre o no, hemos ideado un nuevo tipo de gramáticas

jerárquicas en que las reglas jerárquicas se aplican sólo una vez, por encima de las


cuales hay que aplicar la regla ‘glue’. Denominamosgramáticas shallowa estas

gramáticas, por comparación con las gramáticas jerárquicas habituales1, en las que

el límite de anidamiento se establece indirectamente a través de un número máximo

de palabras consecutivas (típicamente 10-12 palabras).

Las reglas utilizadas para una gramáticashallow pueden expresarse como se

muestra en el Cuadro 3.

Gramática ShallowS→〈X,X〉 regla ‘glue’ 1S→〈S X,S X〉 regla ‘glue’ 2V→〈s,t〉 reglas léxicasX→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ V ∪T+ reglas jerárquicas

Cuadro 3: Reglas de una gramática jerárquicashallow.

La Figura 3 muestra una gramática jerárquica definida por seis reglas. Para la

oración que queremos traducirs1s2s3s4 existen dos árboles de análisis posibles, que

se corresponden a las derivacionesR1R4R3R5 y R2R1R3R5R6. Cada árbol muestra

también la traducción correspondiente.

Al comparar los dos árboles vemos que el de la izquierda saca una traducción

más reordenada, a través de las reglas jerárquicasR3 y R4, anidadas sobreR5.

Esto puede ser interesante para la traducción entre ciertospares de lenguas que

requieren reordenamientos más agresivos, pero en pares de lenguas más cercanos

crearía hipótesis innecesarias.

R1: S→〈X ,X〉R2: S→〈S X ,S X〉R3: X→〈X s3,t5 X〉R4: X→〈X s4,t3 X〉R5: X→〈s1 s2,t1 t2〉R6: X→〈s4,t7〉

Figura 3: Ejemplo de traducción jerárquica con dos árboles de análisis sintáctico queusan diferentes anidamientos de reglas para la misma oración de entradas1s2s3s4.

Para evitarlo, podemos reescribir la gramática de la siguiente manera:

1Que consecuentemente a veces denominamos en inglésfull hierarchical grammars.


1. Se sustituye el no terminalX de la parte derecha de las reglas por un no

terminalV enR3, R4:

R3:X→〈V s3,t5 V 〉

R4:X→〈V s4,t3 V 〉

2. Las reglas léxicas (frases) se aplican en celdasV . Por lo tanto:

R5:V→〈s1 s2,t1 t2〉


Con estas sencillas modificaciones estamos evitando que se aniden reglas

jerárquicas sobre otras reglas que no sean frases léxicas, es decir, reglas que so-

lo traducen secuencias de palabras. Por lo tanto, ahora la hipótesis de traducción

t3t5t1t2 no puede ser generada. En este sentido, lo que estamos haciendo es filtrar

todas aquellas derivaciones que anidan reglas jerárquicasmás de una vez.

En la Sección 5.4.4 contrastamos calidad y velocidad de una gramáticashallow

y otra tradicional para la tarea de traducción de árabe a inglés utilizando el decodi-

ficador HCP, descrito en la Sección 4.3. Mientras que la calidad se mantiene, la

velocidad de traducción aumenta considerablemente.

Extensiones a las Gramáticas Shallow

Las gramáticas son muy flexibles. Se pueden definir muchas variaciones, dando

lugar cada una de ellas a un espacio de hipótesis diferente.

Por ejemplo, hemos visto que limitar el numero máximo de anidamientos de las

reglas a uno es una buena estrategia para la tarea de traducción de árabe a inglés.

También puede considerarse la posibilidad de limitar ciertas reglas en la etapa de

análisis a un ámbito definido por un mínimo y un máximo de palabras consecutivas.

O, si se detecta un problema concreto con un modelo para una tarea específica de

traducción, se podrían añadir reglasad hocpara permitir que el decodificador en-

cuentre la hipótesis correcta. Al final, el objetivo es construir de manera eficiente el

espacio de búsqueda necesario para cada tarea de traducción.

En resumen, en esta tesis se proponen las siguientes estrategias de diseño para

obtener espacios de búsqueda más eficientes:

1. Gramáticasshallow-N . Esta técnica es una extensión natural de las gramáti-

casshallow, y básicamente limita los anidamientos a un número arbitrario N .


El Cuadro 4 muestra gramáticasshallow-N conN = 1, 2. Cuanto mayor sea

N , más cerca estará de una gramática jerárquica estándar. La descripción de-

tallada puede hallarse en la Sección 5.6. Experimentos paraestas gramáticas

pueden encontrarse en la Sección 6.6.2.

2. Concatenación de frases jerárquicas a niveles bajos. Aumentamos el espacio

de búsqueda al permitir que ciertas frases jerárquicas se concatenen directa-

mente. El procedimiento se explica en detalle en la Sección 5.6.2. Experimen-

tos con esta extensión se realizan en la Sección 6.5.2.

3. Filtrado por número de palabras consecutivas. Es una técnica sencilla de fil-

trado que se puede aplicar durante la etapa de análisis sintáctico. Se impone

que ciertas reglas se apliquen solo si cubren un intervalo entre un número

mínimo y uno máximo de palabras consecutivas. Esta técnica se explica en la

Sección 5.6.3; los experimentos pueden encontrarse en la Sección 6.6.2.

gramática reglas incluidasS-1 S→〈X1,X1〉 S→〈SX1,SX1〉 reglas ‘glue’

X0→〈γ,α〉 , γ, α ∈ T+ frases léxicasX1→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X0 ∪T+ reglas jerárquicas de nivel 1

S-2 S→〈X2,X2〉 S→〈SX2,SX2〉 reglas ‘glue’X0→〈γ,α〉 , γ, α ∈ T+ frases léxicasX1→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X0 ∪T+ reglas jerárquicas de nivel 1X2→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X1 ∪T+ reglas jerárquicas de nivel 2

Cuadro 4: Reglas para una gramáticashallow-N , conN = 1, 2.

Traducción Jerárquica con Celosías

En esta sección hablaremos del nuevo decodificador que denominamosHiFST.

En términos generales, este decodificador funciona de una manera muy similar a un

decodificador de poda hipercúbica. Sin embargo, en lugar de construir las listas en

cada celda de la rejilla CYK, construimos celosías que contienen todas las posibles

traducciones de la frase origen cubierto por dicha celda. Demanera similar a HCP,

en la celda superior obtendremos la celosía con hipótesis detraducción para toda

la oración de entrada. La Figura 4 muestra un ejemplo de traducción para el que


se usan celosías en vez de listas. A priori, vemos que esto podría ser beneficioso


1. Las celosías son representaciones mucho más compactas deun espacio que

contiene lask mejores hipótesis. Esto se traduce en espacios de búsqueda más

grandes, menos errores de búsqueda y listas más ricas de hipótesis que pueden

conducir a una mejor optimización enMinimum Error Training[Och, 2003]

y mejorrescoring.

2. Las celosías implementadas como transductores (WFSTs) tienen la ventaja de

aceptar cualquier operación definida sobre elsemianillode los WFSTs. Esto

es, podemos realizar determinización, minimización, composición, etcétera.

Ya en la Sección 4.5 contrastamos HCP con un traductor (implementado con

celosías) basado en frases que prácticamente carece de errores de búsqueda. Pese

a que el experimento se realiza sobre un espacio de búsqueda sencillo, detectamos

un número notable de errores de búsqueda con HCP. Esto nos sugiere que para

gramáticas más complejas tendremos más errores de búsqueda.

Puesto que las celosías representan hipótesis de una maneramucho más com-

pacta que las listas, las necesidades de poda serán menores;por lo tanto se puede

afirmar que mediante el uso de celosías estamos trabajando enla práctica con un

espacio de búsqueda que es un superconjunto del creado por eldecodificador de la

poda hipercúbica. Pero las ideas subyacentes de ambos decodificadores son exac-

tamente las mismas, ya que los dos han de analizar la frase de origen y almacenan

subconjuntos del espacio de búsqueda que, guiados por losbackpointersa través de

la rejilla de celdas CYK, se van combinando hasta crear el conjunto de traducciones

correspondientes a la oración de entrada.

Concluimos esta sección presentando una visión general de este nuevo decodi-

ficador, llamadoHiFST, representado en la Figura 5.

HiFST funciona en tres etapas:

1. El algoritmo de análisis CYK se aplica a la frase de origen.Se construye

una rejilla que almacena el uso de reglas y losbackpointersnecesarios para

obtener las posibles derivaciones.

2. Utilizando losbackpointers, se inspeccionan de forma recursiva las celdas re-

levantes de la rejilla. En cada celda construimos una celosía con las hipótesis


Figura 4: HiFST construye el mismo espacio de búsqueda utilizando celosías.

Figura 5: El sistema de traducciónHiFST.


de traducción. Una vez acabado el algoritmo tendremos en la celda supe-

rior la celosía que contiene todas las traducciones disponibles para la oración

de origen. Como veremos, por una cuestión de eficiencia no se construye la

celosía de palabras de una sola pasada, sino que se utilizan punteros a celosías

inferiores. En un segundo paso se realiza la expansión para obtener el espacio

completo de hipótesis. En cualquier caso, la poda durante laconstrucción de

la celosía de traducción puede ser necesaria en esta etapa.

3. Una vez que tenemos la celosía de traducciones para toda lafrase de entrada,

se aplica el modelo de lenguaje. Las hipótesis 1-best (correspondiente a la

ruta con menor coste) serán usadas para la evaluación. No obstante, se suele

aplicar una poda menos estricta a la celosía de traducción, lo que permite al-

macenar cientos de miles de hipótesis que serán útiles para etapas posteriores

derescoringo combinación de sistemas.

Algoritmo de Construcción de Celosías

Cada celda(N, x, y) de la rejilla CYK contiene un conjunto de índices de reglas

R(N, x, y). Para un índicer/Rr ∈ R(N, x, y), la reglaN → 〈γr,αr〉 se ha usado

al menos en una derivación que pasa por esta celda.

Para cada reglaRr, r ∈ R(N, x, y) construimos una celosíaL(N, x, y, r), para

lo que utilizamos la traducción de la regla, que consiste en una serie deelementos(o

combinación arbitraria de terminales y no terminales) consecutivos,αr = αr1...α

r|αr |.

Estas celosías se construyen por concatenación de pequeñascelosías asociadas a

cada elementoαri . Si este elemento es una palabra o terminal, la celosía es trivial

(dos estados unidos por un arco que codifica la palabra traducida). Si por el contrario

es un no terminal, entonces existe unbackpointer(creado durante el análisis CYK)

que permite crear (recursivamente) una celosíaL(N ′, x′, y′) a nivel inferior, de la

que depende de esta regla.

La Figura 6 muestra el algoritmo recursivo que empleaHiFST para construir

la celosía en cada celda. El algoritmo utiliza memoización (memoization): si una

celosía asociada a una celda ya existe, entonces se ha guardado y solo toca devolver-

la (línea 2). De lo contrario, hay que construirla primero. Para todas las reglas, se

revisa cada elemento de la traducción (líneas 3 y 4). Si es terminal (línea 5), se cons-

truye el aceptor trivial descrito anteriormente. De lo contrario (línea 6) se devuelve

la celosía asociada a subackpointer(líneas 7 y 8). La celosía para la regla com-


pleta se construye por concatenación de las celosías para cada elemento (línea 9).

La celosía para cada celda se construye por unión de las celosías asociadas a todas

las reglas que aplican en dicha celda (línea 10). Finalmente, se reduce su tamaño

mediante operaciones estándar de transductores (líneas 11, 12 y 13), descritas en la

Sección 2.2.2.

1 función buildFst(N,x,y)2 if ∃ L(N, x, y) returnL(N, x, y)3 for r ∈ R(N, x, y), Rr : N → 〈γ,α〉4 for i = 1...|α|5 if αi ∈ T , L(N, x, y, r, i) = A(αi)6 else7 (N ′, x′, y′) = BP (αi)8 L(N, x, y, r, i) = buildFst(N ′, x′, y′)9 L(N, x, y, r)=

i=1..|α|L(N, x, y, r, i)

10 L(N, x, y) =⊕

r∈R(N,x,y) L(N, x, y, r)

11 fstRmEpsilonL(N, x, y)12 fstDeterminizeL(N, x, y)13 fstMinimizeL(N, x, y)14 returnL(N, x, y)

Figura 6: Pseudocódigo del algoritmo recursivo que construye el espacio de búsque-da.

A continuación introduciremos un detalle de implementación muy relevante que

denominamos traducción demorada. La Sección 6.3 explica este y otros detalles al-

gorítmicos, incluyendo la poda durante la construcción de la celosía de traducción

(Sección o la estrategia de borrado de palabras (Sección 6.3.5). La Sec-

ción 6.4 explica qué pasos son necesarios para realizar optimización con MET.

Traducción Demorada

La inclusión directa de celosías de nivel inferior conduce en muchos casos a

una explosión de memoria. Para evitarlo, construimos las celosías usando unos ar-

cos especiales que sirven como punteros a dichas celosías denivel inferior. Una

vez acabado el algoritmo de construcción de la celosía de traducción, la celosía

L(S, 1, J) asociada a la celda superior contiene punteros a celosías defilas infe-

riores. Entonces utilizamos una única operaciónfstreplace[Allauzenet al., 2007]

que expande recursivamente la celosía sustituyendo los punteros por sus correspon-

dientes celosías, hasta que no queda ningún puntero y, por lotanto, el espacio de


hipótesis solo contiene palabras. A esta técnica la denominamos traducción de-

morada (delayed translation).

Figura 7: Técnica de traducción demorada (Delayed Translation) durante la cons-trucción de las celosías.

Para entender mejor esta técnica y su necesidad, consideremos una situación

hipotética como la representada en la Figura 7: estamos ejecutando el algoritmo de

construcción de celosías y ya hemos construido una celosía de una de las celdas

de la fila1 en la red de CYK (L1). En algún punto de la ejecución tenemos que

construir una celosía nuevaL3 correspondiente la fila3, y que requiere a través

de diversas reglas la celosíaL1, de jerarquía inferior. Dado que hay más de un

puntero en la celosíaL3, L1 podría repetirse más de una vez enL3. Es fácil prever

el riesgo de explosión por crecimiento exponencial del número de estados. Para

resolver este problema, se usa un arco especial enL3 que apunta aL1, con lo que se

demorala construcción de hipótesis de traducción hasta el final, cuando se realiza la

expansión de las celosías. En conjunto, este procedimientocontrola el tamaño de las

celosías asociadas a las celdas de la rejilla CYK que visitamos durante el algoritmo

de construcción de la celosía final de traducción.

Es importante destacar que ciertas operaciones estándar enestas WFSTs

—como la reducción de tamaño sin pérdida a través de determinización y

minimización— todavía se pueden realizar. Debido a la existencia de múltiples re-




























Figura 8: Ejemplo de aplicación de operaciones WFST para celosías con traduc-ción demorada. En este caso se muestra un transductor antes [arriba] y después deminimizar [abajo].

glas jerárquicas que comparten las mismas dependencias a través de susbackpoin-

ters, estas operaciones pueden reducir considerablemente el tamaño de una celosía

con arcos puntero; la Figura 8 muestra un pequeño ejemplo. Sibien la reducción de

número de estados puede ser importante, no es posible eliminar completamente la

redundancia, ya que pueden aparecer hipótesis duplicadas una vez expandidos los

arcos puntero, identificados como una funcióng.

Experimentos conHiFST

Para esta tesis usamos el traductorHiFST con tres tareas de traducción dife-


Árabe a inglés. La descripción detallada de los experimentos, resultados y

correspondientes discusiones se encuentran en la Sección 6.5. En particular,

contrastamos la calidad de nuestro sistema de traducción depoda hipercúbi-

ca conHiFST. Cabe destacar queHiFST es capaz de construir el espacio de

hipótesis de la gramáticashallow-1 sin necesidad de poda, debido a la com-

pacidad de las celosías. En este contexto se realiza una búsqueda exacta de

la mejor hipótesis de traducción, lo que justifica las mejoras de calidad intro-


ducidas porHiFST. Asimismo,HiFST es parte del sistema ganador del NIST

2009, enviado por el departamento de ingeniería de la Universidad de Cam-

bridge (CUED) para esta tarea de traducción. También estudiamos siHiFST

puede mejorar utilizando probabilidades marginales (semianillo logarítmico).

Chino a inglés. En la Sección 6.6 se describen en detalle estos experimentos,

que incluyen un contraste con HCP; las conclusiones son similares pese a que

ahora es necesario realizar traducción jerárquica estándar y se realiza poda

durante la construcción de la celosía de traducción. En estasección también se

experimenta con las gramáticasshallow-N y se estudian diversos parámetros

de poda durante la construcción de la celosía de traducción para ver cómo

afecta en velocidad y calidad.

Castellano a inglés. En la Sección 6.7 se muestran algunos experimentos en

que vemos queHiFST es capaz de obtener calidades comparables al estado

del arte utilizandoHiFST con gramáticasshallow.


En esta tesis nos centramos en dos aspectos fundamentales dela traducción

automática estadística: el diseño deespacio de hipótesisy el algoritmo de búsqueda,

en el marco de decodificación de frases jerárquicas.

El Capítulo 5 se ocupa del diseño eficiente de espacios de hipótesis. Para ello

proponemos diversas técnicas, entre las que cabe destacar muy especialmente las

gramáticasshallow, que limitan directamente la anidación de reglas, con la idea

de evitar problemas de sobregeneración y ambigüedad que surgen de espacios de

búsqueda demasiado grandes, lo que conduce a errores de búsqueda durante la cons-

trucción del espacio de hipótesis.

El Capítulo 4 y el Capítulo 6 se ocupan del problema algorítmico. En primer

lugar, desarrollamos un decodificador de poda hipercúbica.Proponemos dos pe-

queñas mejoras, llamadassmart memoizationy spreading neighbourhood explo-

ration, que tratan de llegar a una mayor eficiencia en términos de usode memoria y

de rendimiento, respectivamente.

Además, este traductor nos sirve de referencia para el nuevosistema de tra-

ducciónHiFST, explicado en detalle a lo largo del Capítulo 6. Utiliza celosías que


contienen hipótesis de traducción, implementadas mediante máquinas de estados

finitos. Para ello empleamos la libreríaOpenFSTde Google[Allauzenet al., 2007].

Este nuevo algoritmo puede verse como una evolución de HCP, en que se utilizan

celosías en vez de listas de hipótesis, lo que lleva a mayor eficiencia y compacidad

en la representación de las mismas en memoria. Al implementar estas celosías me-

diante transductores (WFSTs) tenemos la ventaja añadida decontar con operaciones

estándar como minimización, determinización, composición, etcétera, que simplifi-

can considerablemente la implementación de dicho algoritmo.

UtilizandoHiFST con nuestras gramáticasshallowconseguimos crear espacios

de hipótesis exactos, lo que implica que evitamos errores debúsqueda que provienen

de podar durante el proceso mismo de la construcción del espacio de hipótesis.

Hemos visto que es posible obtener con una gramáticashallow-1 una calidad si-

milar a una gramática tradicional jerárquica para ciertos pares de traducción en que

no es necesario reordenar excesivamente las palabras. Además, al tratarse de un

espacio de búsqueda lo suficientemente pequeño como para queHiFST evite podas

durante la construcción del espacio de hipótesis, la velocidad de traducción aumenta



1. Introduction 1

1.1. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3. Thesis Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2. Foundations 9

2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2. Finite-State Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.1. Semirings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Weighted Finite-state Transducers . . . . . . . . 14

2.2.2. Standard Weighted Finite-state Operations . . . . . . .. . 16 Inversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Concatenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Epsilon Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Determinization and Minimization . . . . . . . . 18 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.3. Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.3.1. CYK Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.3.2. Some Historical Notes on Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.3.3. Relationship between Parsing and Automata . . . . . . . .29

2.4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

XXIV Contents

3. Machine Translation 33

3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2. Brief Historical Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.2.1. Interlingua Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2.2. Transfer-based systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2.3. Direct Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.3. Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.3.1. Automatic Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.3.2. Human Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.4. Statistical Machine Translation Systems . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 41

3.4.1. Language Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.4.2. Maximum Entropy Frameworks and MET . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.4.3. Model Estimation and Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.4.4. Word Alignment and Translation Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.5. Phrase-Based systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.5.1. TTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.5.2. The n-gram-based System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.6. Syntactic Phrase-based systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52

3.7. Reranking and System Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.8. WFSTs for Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3.9. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation 57

4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2. Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 58

4.3. Hypercube Pruning Decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.3.1. General overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.3.2. K-best decoding with Hypercube Pruning . . . . . . . . . . 62 Applying the Language Model . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.4. Two Refinements in the Hypercube Pruning Decoder . . . . . .. . 66

4.4.1. Smart Memoization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.4.2. Spreading Neighbourhood Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.5. A Study of Hiero Search Errors in Phrase-Based Translation . . . . 69

4.6. Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.6.1. Hiero Key Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Contents XXV

4.6.2. Extensions and Refinements to Hiero . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.6.3. Hierarchical Rule Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.6.4. Contrastive Experiments and Other Hiero Contributions . . 74

4.7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5. Hierarchical Grammars 77

5.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5.2. Experimental Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

5.3. Preliminary Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.3.1. Completeness of the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.3.2. Do We Actually Need the Complete Grammar? . . . . . . . 82

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars . . . . . . . .. . . . . 83

5.4.1. Rule Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5.4.2. Quantifying Pattern Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

5.4.3. Building a Usable Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

5.4.4. Shallow versus Fully Hierarchical Translation . . . .. . . . 93

5.4.5. Individual Rule Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

5.4.6. Revisiting Pattern-based Rule Filters . . . . . . . . . . .. . 98

5.5. Large Language Models and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99

5.6. Shallow-N grammars and Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

5.6.1. Shallow-N Grammars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

5.6.2. Low Level Concatenation for Struct. Long Dist. Movement 102

5.6.3. Minimum and Maximum Rule Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

5.7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 107

6.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

6.2. From HCP toHiFST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111

6.3.1. Lattice Construction Over the CYK Grid . . . . . . . . . . 112 An Example of Phrase-based Translation . . . . . 113 An Example of Hierarchical Translation . . . . . 115

6.3.2. A Procedure for Lattice Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

6.3.3. Delayed Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

6.3.4. Pruning in Lattice Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

XXVI Contents Full Pruning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Pruning in Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

6.3.5. Deletion Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

6.3.6. Revisiting the Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

6.4. Alignment for MET optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

6.4.1. Alignment via Hypercube Pruning decoder . . . . . . . . . 127

6.4.2. Alignment via FSTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Using a Reference Acceptor . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Extracting Feature Values from Alignments . . . 132

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133

6.5.1. Contrastive Experiments with HCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Search Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Lattice/k-best Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Translation Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

6.5.2. Shallow-N Grammars and Low-level Concatenation . . . . 136

6.5.3. Experiments using the Log-probability Semiring . . .. . . 138

6.5.4. Experiments with Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

6.5.5. Combining Alternative Segmentations . . . . . . . . . . . .141

6.6. Experiments on Chinese-to-English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 142

6.6.1. Contrastive Translation Experiments with HCP . . . . .. . 143 Search Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Lattice/k-best Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

6.6.2. Experiments with Shallow-N Grammars . . . . . . . . . . 144

6.6.3. Pruning in Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

6.7. Experiments on Spanish-to-English Translation . . . . .. . . . . . 148

6.7.1. Filtering by Patterns and Mincounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

6.7.2. Hiero Shallow Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

6.7.3. Filtering by Number of Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

6.7.4. Revisiting Patterns and Class Mincounts . . . . . . . . . .. 151

6.7.5. Rescoring and Final Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

6.8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

7. Conclusions 155

Bibliography 159

List of Figures

1. Decodificador de poda hipercúbica (HCP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VII

2. HCP construye el espacio de búsqueda mediante listas de hipótesis. VIII

3. Ejemplo de traducción jerárquica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XII

4. HiFST construye el mismo espacio de búsqueda utilizando celosías. XVI

5. El sistema de traducciónHiFST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XVI

6. Pseudocódigo del algoritmo recursivo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. XVIII

7. Técnica de traducción demorada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XIX

8. Aplicación de operaciones WFST con traducción demorada.. . . . XX

1.1. Research areas versus HiFST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1. Trivial finite automata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2. Trivial finite transducer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.3. Trivial weighted finite-state transducer. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 15

2.4. An inverted finite-state transducer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 17

2.5. A concatenation example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.6. Union example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.7. An epsilon removal example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.8. Determinization example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.9. Minimization example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.10. Composition example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.11. Grid with rules and backpointers after the parser has finished. . . . . 26

2.12. A simple example of a Recursive Transition Network. . .. . . . . . 30

3.1. Triangle of Vauquois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.2. Model Estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

XXVIII List of Figures

3.3. Parameter optimization and test translation. . . . . . . .. . . . . . 45

3.4. An example of word alignments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.5. An example of phrases extracted from alignments in Figure 3.4. . . 48

3.6. An example of tuples extracted from alignments inf Figure 3.4. . . 51

3.7. An example of hierarchical phrases, from alignments inFigure 3.4. . 52

4.1. General flow of a hypercube pruning decoder (HCP). . . . . .. . . 61

4.2. Grid with rules and backpointers after the parser has finished. . . . . 63

4.3. Example of a hypercube of order 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.4. Now a cost for each hypothesis has to be added on the fly. . .. . . . 66

4.5. Situation with 9 hyps extracted and the 10th hyp goes next. . . . . . 67

4.6. Spreading neighbourhood exploration within a hypercube. . . . . . 69

5.1. Model versus reality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.2. Example of multiple translation sequences from a simple grammar. . 80

5.3. Example of multiple translation sequences from a simple grammar. . 95

5.4. Movement allowed by two grammars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6.1. HCP builds the search space using lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 109

6.2. HiFST builds the same search space using lattices. . . . . . . . . . 110

6.3. TheHiFST decoder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

6.4. Translation rules, CYK grid and production of the translation lattice. 113

6.5. A lattice encoding two target sentences. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 115

6.6. Translation fors1s2s3, with rulesR3, R4, R6,R7,R8. . . . . . . . . 116

6.7. A lattice encoding four target sentences. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 117

6.8. Recursive Lattice Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 118

6.9. Delayed translation during lattice construction. . . .. . . . . . . . 119

6.10. Delayed translation WFST before and after minimization. . . . . . . 121

6.11. Pseudocode for Pruning in Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 123

6.12. Transducers for filtering up to one or two consecutive deletions. . . 124

6.13. Recursive lattice construction, extended. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 125

6.14. Global pseudocode forHiFST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

6.15. Alignment is needed to extract features for optimization. . . . . . . 126

6.16. An example of a suffix array used on one reference translation. . . . 128

6.17. FST encoding simultaneously a rule derivation and thetranslation. . 129

6.18. FST encoding two different rule derivations for the same translation. 130

List of Figures XXIX

6.19. Construction of a substring acceptor. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 130

6.20. One arc from a rule acceptor that assignsK feature weights. . . . . 132

6.21. A rule acceptor that assignsK feature weights to each rule. . . . . . 133

List of Tables

1. Reglas de una gramática estándar jerárquica. . . . . . . . . . .. . . VI

2. Reglas excluidas en la gramática inicial. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . XI

3. Reglas de una gramática jerárquicashallow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII

4. Reglas para una gramáticashallow-N , conN = 1, 2. . . . . . . . . XIV

2.1. A state matrix for a simple automaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

2.2. Semiring examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3. Chomsky’s hierarchy (extended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

4.1. Contrast of grammars.T is the set of terminals. . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2. Phrase-based TTM and Hiero performance onmt02-05-tune . . . . 71

5.1. Hierarchical rule patterns (〈source,target〉) for mt02-05-tune(I). . . 84

5.2. Hierarchical rule patterns (〈source,target〉) for mt02-05-tune(II). . . 85

5.3. Hierarchical rule patterns (〈source,target〉) for mt02-05-tune(and III). 86

5.4. Scores for grammars using one single hierarchical pattern (I). . . . . 89

5.5. Scores for grammars using one single hierarchical pattern (II). . . . 90

5.6. Scores for grammars using one single hierarchical pattern (and III). . 91

5.7. Scores for grammars adding a single rule pattern to the new baseline. 91

5.8. Grammar configurations, with rules in millions. . . . . . .. . . . . 92

5.9. Rules excluded from the initial grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 94

5.10. Rules contained in the standard hierarchical grammar. . . . . . . . . 94

5.11. Rules contained in the shallow hierarchical grammar.. . . . . . . . 95

5.12. Translation performance and time for full vs. shallowgrammars. . . 96

5.13. Impact of general rule filters on translation, time andnumber of rules. 97

5.14. Top five hierarchical 1-best rule usage. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 98

XXXII List of Tables

5.15. Effect of pattern-based rule filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 99

5.16. Arabic-to-English translation results. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 100

5.17. Rules contained in shallow-N grammars forN = 1, 2, 3. . . . . . . 102

6.1. Full and shallow grammars, including deletion rules. .. . . . . . . 124

6.2. Contrastive Arabic-to-English translation results after rescoring steps.135

6.3. Arabic-to-English translation results with various configurations. . . 137

6.4. Examples extracted from the Arabic-to-Englishmt02-05-tuneset. . 138

6.5. Arabic-to-English results with alternative semirings. . . . . . . . . . 139

6.6. Experiments with features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

6.7. Contrastive Chinese-to-English translation resultsafter rescoring. . . 143

6.8. Chinese-to-English translation results with variousconfigurations. . 145

6.9. Examples extracted from the Chinese-to-Englishtune-nwset. . . . 146

6.10. Chinese-to-English translation results for severalpruning strategies. 147

6.11. Parallel corpora statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 149

6.12. Rules excluded from grammarG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

6.13. Performance of Hiero Full versus Hiero Shallow Grammars. . . . . 151

6.14. Performance of G1 when varying the filter by number of translations. 151

6.15. Contrastive performance with three slightly different grammars. . . 152

6.16. EuroParl Spanish-to-English translation results after rescoring steps. 152

6.17. Examples from the EuroParl Spanish-to-English dev2006 set. . . . . 153

Chapter 1Introduction

Contents1.1. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3. Thesis Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.1. Motivation

Mankind has conflictive needs. One very good example of this is that there is an

undeniable demand for both local linguistic identity and global communication. But

conflict is the essence of dreams and creativity. Just to citetwo well known fantasy

and science-fiction examples, Tolkien’sCommon Tongueor Star Trek’scommon

translator amongst multiracial environments show the two standard utopian solu-

tions we are searching for in our real world. And this is no recent quest. Already in

the seventeenth century, Descartes and others proposed ideas for multilingual trans-

lation based on dictionaries with universal codes. We have come a long way since

then. Specially since the twentieth century, huge progresshas been accomplished

in every technology-related research field, of course including Machine Translation.

But even today we are far away from achieving a global multi-language translating


Indeed, we are still very far from achieving good quality automatic translations

in global environments and many people would claim that thisis an impossible task.

2 Chapter 1. Introduction

On the other hand, the ever-growing popularity of Internet is one major cause of the

world globalisation, which is forcing us to break down the language barriers. And

even so, for instance, the efforts invested to develop Machine Translation technology

for minority languages are specially important for their survival or even revival. The

fact is that translation systems are now part of our life. Every day, thousands, even

millions of people navigate with their computers through the World Wide Web and

translate automatically pages from foreign languages. Even though these automatic

systems lack acceptable output quality, the key for successis that they actually are

very helpful tools for gisting. Only visionaries would haveimagined such a thing

twenty years ago. And this is due to the researchers’ work in many fields.

Researchers build models to imitate and better understand reality. As the re-

searchers further investigate these models they discover its flaws and its advantages

accumulating experiences and knowledge until a certain critical mass is reached.

Then this crucible of conflictive models will lead, as Kuhn suggests in his bookThe

Structure of the Scientific Revolutions, to discover or invent a revolutionary new

model that unifies many concepts of the previous incompatible ones.

The case of technology researchers is specially interesting, as instead of trying

to imitate reality, it is more like reinventing it, trying tobuild artifacts that could

make our life easier and thus effectively change our realityand our basic needs. In

the particular case of the Machine Translation research field, Popper’sfalsifiability

constantly reminds us that we are far away from solving the problem, as no matter

how good the proposed new model is, we are and will be — at leastfor a long time

— very far from this new reality we are looking for, this is, instantaneous multilin-

gual speech-to-speech translation. In the process of doingour best to bridge the gap,

there certainly is a whole lot of creativity involved, whichis quickly rewarded with

small but encouraging improvements, setting the appropriate grounds for a major

leap forward in the near future.

The challenge of designing a Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system is a

particular instance in computational theory of the so-calledsearch problem; and as

such it is two-fold.

On one side there is thesearch model, which should match “reality" as closely

as possible. Indeed, such a thing is not a trivial task. Attempting to cover com-

pletely the reality we may feel tempted to build a loose model, which will contain

hypotheses that are replicated or do not belong to reality. In our context we call

these problemsspurious ambiguityandovergeneration, respectively. If we prefer

1.1. Motivation 3

to be conservative, we could build a tighter model, precisely attempting to avoid

overgeneration and spurious ambiguity. But if we fall too short, many real “good"

translations may not even exist in the model, which we call the undergeneration


Once the search problem is modeled, and as this model is expected to be in any

case far too big for precise investigation, we need a strategy capable of examining

selectively the hypotheses provided by the model and retrieve a correct solution or

set of solutions. This strategy is thesearch algorithm.

The search model and the search algorithm are tightly related. For instance, in

the context of the algorithm, looser models are much more difficult to traverse. Due

to hardware restrictions, pruning strategies are typically required, which in turn lead

to search errors in the model, and will impoverish the representation of reality.

In our particular case, we have to define and build the search space of interesting

possible translations on one hand and the necessary algorithms to handle appropri-

ately this search space, on the other. In both cases, today’shardware restrictions

are establishing the limits of feasibility and appropriateness for general worldwide

use. Even if we allow ourselves to trespass these limits and go far beyond (as re-

searchers actually do), we cannot just write down every single possible existing

word or phrase translation, include all the possible word reorderings and then just

make a tool to find the correct translation traversing every single hypothesis of the

model. Even if we had this information, we are not sure that wewould be able

to retrieve the best translation hypothesis. And even if we could do so, we do not

actually have the necessary hardware to perform the search in a reasonable time. So

we can only afford to define a set of constraints and hope not toharm (too much)

the final output.

In other words, when the researcher launches the SMT system on a sentence and

the expected translation does not appear on the output, one good reason could be

that the algorithm has made asearch errorbecause it has discarded orprunedout

at some point this translation from the search space. But another good reason could

be that the search space we are working with is too small and does not contain

at all this hypothesis, because the constraints to this model discards it from the

beginning. In this dissertation we advocate for tighter models and more efficient

algorithms to search across the model, with the global idea of attempting to avoid

as much as possible search errors. We will assess these propositions with adequate


4 Chapter 1. Introduction

In the following sections, we detail the objectives and the organization of this


1.2. Objectives

This thesis focuses on the two aforementioned challenges related to the search

problem: the algorithm and search model. In our particular case, the problem is

to find, given a source sentence, the most probable translation, in the context of

hierarchical phrase-based frameworks.

Hierarchical phrase-based decoders, introduced by Chiang[2007], are based on

grammars automatically induced from a bilingual corpus with no prior linguistic

knowledge. The underlying idea is that both languages may berepresented with a

common syntactic structure, thus allowing a more informed translation capable of

powerful word reorderings. Importantly, the grammar itself defines the search space

in which we will be looking for our translation. So, in this case, in order to model

the search space we have to devise strategies that refine the grammar.

Provided with this grammar, a parser is used to build for a given sentence a set

of possible valid syntactical analyses represented as sequences of rules orderiva-

tions. Using this information, it is possible to build the translation hypotheses with

its respective costs. Several strategies and extensions for hierarchical decoding have

been presented in the Machine Translation literature, which rely on lists of partial

translation hypotheses. Having reached state-of-the-artperformance, this is a com-

mon limitation, as ideally it would be better to use more compact representations

such as lattices.

Concluding, the objectives of this dissertation are the following:

1. We propose a new algorithm in the hierarchical phrase-based framework,

calledHiFST. This tool uses knowledge from three research areas:parsing,

weighted finite-state technologyand, of course,machine translation. There

has been extensive work in the SMT field with weighted finite-state transduc-

ers on one hand and with parsing algorithms on the other hand.But for the

first time, to our knowledge, a Machine Translation system uses both to build

a more efficient decoding tool, taking the advantages of bothworlds: the capa-

bility of deep syntax reordering with parsing, and the compact representation

and powerful semiring operations of weighted finite-state transducers.

1.3. Thesis Organization 5

2. We study and redesign hierarchical models using several filtering techniques.

Hierarchical search spaces are based on automatically extracted translation

rules. As originally defined they are too big to handle directly without fil-

tering. In this thesis we create more space-efficient models, aiming at faster

decoding times without a cost in performance. Specifically,in contrast to tra-

ditionalmincountfiltering, we propose more refined strategies such as pattern

filtering and shallow-N grammars. The aim is to reduce a priori the search

space as much as possible without losing performance (or even improving it),

so that search errors will be avoided.

In brief, these could be rewritten as one single ambitious objective: to build a

translation system yielding as best output quality as possible, with powerful word

reordering strategies and capable of reaching state-of-the-art performance even for

large scale translation tasks involving huge amounts of data.

1.3. Thesis Organization

Figure 1.1: Research areas versus HiFST.

HiFST itself was born from a hierarchical hypercube pruning de-

coder[Chiang, 2007]. As it would not be possible to design HiFST without first

working on and understanding Chiang’s decoder, we feel it isalso not possible as

a reader to understand HiFST algorithms without first understanding how a hyper-

cube pruning decoder works. Figure 1.1 structures this dissertation. Chapter 2 and

6 Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 3 introduce the basics and state-of-the-art of the three research areas we are

relying on, represented by the respective columns. Chapter4 introduces the hierar-

chical phrase-based paradigm, represented by the architrave that lies on top of the

parsing and machine translation columns. Chapter 5, represented by the pediment,

will deal with the the search space problem; and, finally, we reach the acroterion,

representing Chapter 6, which is devoted to the algorithmicsolution. The last chap-

ter concludes this dissertation. In more detail, the outline is the following:

In Chapter 2, we set the foundations for HiFST. We introduce weighted finite-

state transducers (WFST) defined over semirings, and show different possible

WFST operations with a few examples. On the other side, we describe the

CYK algorithm and review historically the parsing field.

Chapter 3 is dedicated to overview Statistical Machine Translation. After a

historical introduction, we describe the fundamental concepts for the state-of-

the-art of statistical machine translation as we understand it today.

In Chapter 4, we focus in the framework of this dissertation:hierarchical

phrase-based decoding. We specifically describe the implementation details

of a hypercube pruning decoder and suggest improvements to the canonical

implementation, namelysmart memoizationand spreading neighbourhood

exploration. We also provide a few contrastive experiments with a phrase-

based decoder that will suggest meaningful conclusions forthe hierarchical

search space in the following chapter. This chapter ends with a review of the

main contributions during these years to hierarchical phrase-based systems.

Chapter 5 deals with search spaces defined by hierarchical grammars. We

introduce rule patterns as a means to apply selective filterings and build usable

grammars that will define our hierarchical search space. We show how to

build these grammars with several filtering techniques and assess our method

with extensive experimentation. We also introduce theshallow-N grammars.

In Chapter 6,HiFST is introduced. We describe in detail the algorithms for

translation using weighted finite-state transducers. We introduce the concept

of delayed translation, a key aspect of the decoder. Two alignment methods

for Minimum Error Training optimization are discussed. We assess our find-

ings with extensive experimentation on three translationstasks, starting with

1.3. Thesis Organization 7

a contrastive experimentation for Arabic-to-English and Chinese-to-English

of the hypercube pruning decoder and HiFST. We provide experiments using

HiFST with shallow-N grammars, introduced in the previous chapter.

Chapter 7 reviews the conclusions drawn from the dissertation, proposes se-

veral lines for future research and concludes.

Chapter 2Foundations

Contents2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2. Finite-State Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3. Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.1. Introduction

Our decoderHiFST is a consequence of three great research fields converging:

finite-state technology, parsing and machine translation.In order to establish the

necessary foundations to understand algorithms underlying HiFST, this chapter will

be devoted to an introduction of the first two fields. Machine Translation will be

introduced in the next chapter.

In detail, the outline of this chapter is the following: Section 2.2 introduces

weighted finite-state transducers (WFST) based on semirings, after which standard

WFST operations are described, such as Union, Concatenation, Determinization or

Composition. Section 2.3 introduces the CYK parsing schemaand an overview of

the tabular implementation to be used in both the hypercube pruning decoder and

HiFST. A historical overview of parsing is also provided. This chapter ends with

a brief comparison between both research fields, in which automata alternatives to

the CYK algorithm are introduced.

10 Chapter 2. Foundations

2.2. Finite-State Technology

Before computers even existed, Alan Turing proposed in 1936a model of al-

gorithmic computation as an abstract machine with a finite control and an infinite

input/output tape. The Turing machine was so simple it couldonly read a symbol on

the tape, write a different symbol on the tape, change state,and move left or right.

But this simple model is capable of performing any algorithmrun by a computer

today. He certainly was laying the first brick of finite-statemachine theory, as he

had designed the king of all finite-state automata, on the topof Chomsky’s hierar-

chy [Jurafsky and Martin, 2000]. But it has been only during the last twenty years

that finite-state technology has been succesfully applied to tasks such as speech

recognition, POS-tagging or machine translation, mainly using finite-state automata

or transducers, the least powerful of all finite-state machines. In this section we de-

scribe the basics of finite-state technology. We will start defining automata and

transducers. Then we will define semirings, which allow effective weight integra-

tion. With this mathematical artifact, it is possible to devise efficient methods for

complex weighted transducers to handle ambiguity. Finallywe will describe a few

standard finite-state operations that are used inHiFST.

A finite-state automaton is a 5-tupleQ, q0,F,Σ,T, with:

Q, a finite set of N statesq0 to qN−1.

q0, thestart state.

F, a set of final states.F ⊂ Q.

Σ, a set of words used to label arc transitions between states.

T, the set of transitions,T ⊂ Q× (Σ ∪ ǫ)×Q. More specifically,t ∈ T

is defined by a previous statep(t), the next staten(t) and an input wordi(t).

In other words, for a given a stateq ∈ Q and an input symboli ∈ Σ ∪ ǫ,

the transitiont = (q, i, n(t)) leads to the next staten(t).

Table 2.1 is a state matrix that fully describes a trivial automaton. The words

accepted and the states are in the header and the left column of the table, respec-

tively. The automaton begins at state0. Whenever it receives a word, it will inspect

the matrix looking into the row corresponding to state0. If the word received is

“I”, the matrix indicates that the automaton may proceed to state1. Any other word

2.2. Finite-State Technology 11

I ate many potatoes0S 1 - - -1 - 2 -2 - - 2 3

3F - - - -

Table 2.1: A state matrix for a simple automaton that implements the regular lan-guage defined by /I ate (many )+potatoes/. S and F mark the start and the finalstate.

would be rejected. Similarly, at state1 only the word “ate” will be accepted and

the automaton goes to state2. At this state there are two possible word allowed.

The automaton will accept any number of “many” because this transition keeps the

automaton in state2. If the word “potatoes” is received the automaton will shiftto

the final state3. Thus, the automaton has accepted a sequence of words from the

start state0 to the final state3 aswell-formedsentences. The automaton can either

be regarded as an acceptor or a generator. Actually, this automaton is defining very

compactly a simple grammar that allows to generate an infinite number of sentences

out of a very reduced set of words:

I ate potatoes

I ate many potatoes

I ate many many potatoes

I ate many many many potatoes

I ate many many many many potatoes


In general, the set of (possibly infinite) inputsentencesaccepted by any finite-

state machine is called aLanguage. As the example shows, these sentences are

generated with a finite set ofwordsobeying certain rules that describe ourgrammar.

We could theoretically use our finite-state automaton to either recognise or

generate this language. This means that the finite-state automaton itself is an

equivalent model of this language. Formally, it is said thatboth are isomor-

phic [Jurafsky and Martin, 2000]. In general, finite-state automata are isomorphic

12 Chapter 2. Foundations

with the so-called regular languages[Kleene, 1956]; in other words, for any regu-

lar grammar there exists an automaton capable of only accepting those sentences

that comply with this grammar. The example above could correspond to a regular

language described implicitly by the grammar contained in the following regular

expression:/I ate (many )+potatoes/1.

A more practical way of representing automata (and transducers) is with directed

graphs: a finite set of nodes together with a set of directed arcs between pairs of

nodes, as shown in Figure 2.1. These nodes are the states, typically represented as

circles, whereas arcs (represented with arrows) are transitions between these states.

State0 is by conventionq0. A state with two concentric circumferences is final.

0 1I

2a t e


3pota toes

Figure 2.1: Trivial finite automata.

A finite-state transducer may be defined as a 6-tupleQ, q0,F,Σ,∆,T with:

Q, a finite set ofN statesq0, ..., qN−1.

q0, the start state.

F, a set of final states.F ⊂ Q.

Σ, a finite set of words corresponding to the input transition labels.

∆, a finite set of words corresponding to the output transitionlabels.

T, a set of transitions,T ⊂ Q×(Σ∪ǫ)×(∆∪ǫ)×Q . More specifically, a

transitiont is defined by a previous statep(t) and the next staten(t); an input

word i(t), and an output wordo(t). In other words, for a given a stateq ∈ Q

and an input symboli ∈ Σ ∪ ǫ, the transitiont = (q, i, o(t), n(t)) leads to

the next staten(t).

1A reader with some experience in the field will no doubt noticethat this regular grammar and thefinite-state automaton, although outputing the same language are are not exactly identical as the unitfor the regular expression is the letter and the unit for the automaton is the word. Hence the regularexpression takes into account white spaces. In the context of Machine Translation it seems sound todescribe automatons in terms of words and sentences that build languages, rather than simple letters(and their sequences).

2.2. Finite-State Technology 13

0 1Yo:I



3pata tas :po ta toes

Figure 2.2: Trivial finite transducer.

Figure 2.2 shows a simple example. Now we have input words in Spanish and

output words in English represented within the transitions. In other words, a trans-

ducer has the intrinsic power oftransducingor translating. Whenever the transducer

shifts from one state to another, it will print the output word, if any. So, as a result,

not only will it accept the Spanish sentence “Yo comía muchaspatatas”, but it will

print the English translation “I ate many potatoes”. Alternatively, a transducer can

be seen as a bilingual generator of Spanish/English sentences.

The reader should note that every finite-state automaton canbe seen as a finite-

state transducer for which in each word pair the input word and the output word


2.2.1. Semirings

In machine translation, as in many other computational linguistic problems, we

have to deal with ambiguity. In other words, we will be actually modelling trans-

ducers with more than one translation for a given input sentence. We attempt to

model correctly these ambiguities by assigning costs with (hopefully) sensible cri-

teria in order to extract the correct hypothesis. To achievethis we first need to

extend our transducers to assign weights for each path. But different applications

may require different kind of weights (e.g. probability versus costs). This is where

semirings come in, as they provide a very solid basis for weighted finite-state trans-

ducers. Semirings for finite-state machines were introduced by Kuich et al.[1986]

and popularized by Mohri et al.[2000].

A semiring(K,⊕,⊗, 0, 1) consists of a setK, over which two operations are


K-addition (⊕): an associative and commutative operation with identity0.

2There are different conventions in the literature. This oneis quite convenient as it is followedby the OpenFst library[Allauzenet al., 2007] .

14 Chapter 2. Foundations

K-product (⊗): an associative operation with identity1 and anihilator0.

By definition,K-product distributes overK-addition3.

While the definition of semirings may look somewhat harsh andexcessively for-

mal, the very interesting fact is precisely that usual FST operations to be explained

later on in this section (union, concatenation, determinization, etc.) over finite-state

transducers are easily defined in terms of abstract semiringoperations. In other

words: changing the actual semiring (for instance, using probabilities instead of

costs in a transducer) will not enforce changes in the algorithms of the finite-state

transducers. Several practical semiring examples are shown in Table 2.2.1, adapted

from [Mohri, 2004].


Boolean 0, 1 ∨ ∧ 0 1Probability R+ + × 0 1

Log −∞,+∞ − log(e−a + e−b) + +∞ 0Tropical −∞,+∞ min + +∞ 0

Table 2.2: Semiring examples.

A typical one is the set of real numbers with addition and multiplication. This

is actually used for the so-calledprobability semiring (R+,+,×, 0, 1), when the

weights associated to each arc are to be regarded as probabilities. Instead of prob-

abilities we could prefer to work with log-probabilities orcosts. The so-calledlog-

probability semiring is ([−∞,+∞],− log(e−a + e−b),+,+∞, 0).

Thetropical semiring([−∞,+∞], min,+,+∞, 0) is a useful simplification in

which the⊗ operator discards all but the lowest cost, such as is done by the Viterbi

algorithm. Weighted Finite-state Transducers

A weighted finite-state transducerT over a semiringK is a 7-tuple

Q, q0,F,Σ,∆,T, ρ, with:

Q, a finite set ofN statesq0, ..., qN−1.

q0, the start state.

3A semiring is a ring that may lack negation, in other words,⊕ has no anhilator.

2.2. Finite-State Technology 15

F,a set of final states.F ⊂ Q.

Σ, a finite set of words corresponding to the input transition labels.

∆, a finite set of words corresponding to the output transitionlabels.

T, a set of weighted transitions,T ⊂ Q×(Σ∪ǫ)×(∆∪ǫ)×K×Q. More

specifically, a weighted transitiont is defined by a previous statep(t) and the

next staten(t); an input wordi(t), an output wordo(t) and a weightw(t). In

other words, for a given a stateq ∈ Q and an input symboli ∈ Σ ∪ ǫ, the

transitiont = (q, i, o(t), n(t), w(t)) leads to the next staten(t) with weight


ρ : F → K, the final weight function.

Again, we will consider weighted finite-state automata to bea particular case

of weighted finite-state transducers, in which the input language and the output

language coincide.

A sentences will be accepted by a weighted finite-state transducer if (and only

if) there is a successful pathπ labeled with:

i(π) = i(t1)i(t2)...i(tn) = s

with t1, . . . , tn ∈ T . For such a path, its weight is calculated in the following way:

w(π) = w(t1)⊗ w(t2)⊗ ...⊗ w(tn)⊗ ρ(n(tn))

In other words, the weight of any path in the transducer in a semiring K is the

K-product of weights of each transition and the weight of the final state. Consider

the transducer in Figure 2.3, built using a tropical semiring.

0 1Yo:I

2como:eat /0.5




pata tas :po ta toes

Figure 2.3: Trivial weighted finite-state transducer.

This transducer contains a path with the following Spanish sentence: “Yo como

muchas muchas patatas”. For this path, the costw(π) would be:

16 Chapter 2. Foundations

w(π) = 0.5⊗ 0.35⊗ 0.35 = 0.5 + 0.35 + 0.35 = 1.2


Of course, the same sentence could be recognized/generatedby following more

than one path in a transducer. In this case, theK-addition over all these paths is

applied. Consider the functionP (A,B, s, t) to return all the paths in a transducer

between any two set of statesA ⊂ Q andB ⊂ Q accepting a sentences ∈ Σ∗

and transducing a sentencet ∈ ∆∗. Then we can define|T |(s, t) as the weight

considering all the pathsπ from the start stateq0 to any final state inF, accepting a

sentences and transducing to sentencet, as shown in Equation 2.1.

|T |(s, t) =⊕

π∈P (q0,F,s,t)

w(π)⊗ ρ(n(π)) (2.1)

2.2.2. Standard Weighted Finite-state Operations

One of the great advantages of working with weighted finite-state transducers

is that they support many standard operations. Next we studybriefly the most im-

portant operations used within the core algorithms ofHiFST, which are inversion,

concatenation, union, determinization, minimization andcomposition. For simpli-

city we will assume to work over the tropical semiring. Inversion

This operation simply switches input and output languages.An example can be

seen in Figure 2.4. More formally: given a transducerT that transducess ∈ Σ∗ into

t ∈ ∆∗ with a weight|T |(s, t), the inverted transducerT −1 will transduce fromt

to s with the same weight:

|T |(s, t) = |T −1|(t, s) Concatenation

Consider two transducersT1, associated toΣ1,∆1 andT2, associated toΣ2,∆2.

The transducerT is a concatenation ofT1, T2, which is expressed asT = T1 ⊗ T2.

This means that ifT1 acceptss1 ∈ Σ∗1 generatingt1 ∈ ∆∗

1 andT2 acceptss2 ∈ Σ∗2

2.2. Finite-State Technology 17

0 1I:Yo





pota toes :pata tas

Figure 2.4: An inverted finite-state transducer, respect totransducer in Figure 2.3.

generatingt2 ∈ ∆∗2, thenT acceptss1s2 generatingt1t2 with the weight defined by

Equation 2.2.

|T |(s1s2, t1t2) =⊕

π∈P (q0,F,s1s2,t1t2)

|T1|(s1, t1)⊗ |T2|(s2, t2) (2.2)

Figure 2.5 (bottom) is a trivial example of concatenation between two trans-

ducers from Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5 (top). The resulting transducer now accepts

sentences that are concatenations of the sentences accepted by the two transducers,

so for instance the sentence “I eat many many pumpkins with peas” is a valid in-

put for this transducer (which will of course produce the corresponding translation).

The Openfst library[Allauzenet al., 2007] performs this operation by adding one

single epsilon transition.

0 1with:con



0 1I:Yo





pota toes :pata tas4

< e p s > : < e p s >5




Figure 2.5: A concatenation example. Union

Consider two transducersT1, associated to vocabulariesΣ1, ∆1 andT2, asso-

ciated toΣ2, ∆2. The transducerT is a union ofT1, T2, which is expressed as

T = T1 ⊕ T2. This means that ifT1 acceptss1 generatingt1 andT2 acceptss2

generatingt2, thenT acceptss1 or s2 generatingt1 or t2, respectively. In particu-

lar, for a source sentences generating a target sentencet, the weight is defined by

Equation 2.3:

18 Chapter 2. Foundations

|T |(s, t) = |T1|(s, t)⊕ |T2|(s, t) (2.3)

All the sentences accepted by any of the two transducers willbe accepted by

the union of both. Figure 2.6 shows the resulting transducer(bottom) when the top

transducer and the bottom transducer from Figure 2.5 are unioned. The Openfst

library uses epsilon transitions to perform efficiently this operation.

0 1I:Yo/3.2

I :<eps>2




beer :cerveza



7< e p s > : < e p s >





I :<eps>




pota toes :pata tas4

< e p s > : < e p s >5






1 0wine:vino

beer :cerveza

Figure 2.6: Union example. Epsilon Removal

A critical aspect of finite-state transducers is the number of epsilon transitions

it contains, i.e. transitions with empty input and/or output words. From a practical

perspective, an excessive number of epsilon transitions isdangerous, as there is a

risk of memory explosion, especially with complex operations such as determiniza-

tion, composition and minimization. On the other hand, it ispossible to perform

certain operations such as union and concatenation very efficiently by inserting ep-

silon transitions, as is done in the Openfst library. Hence the convenience of this

transducer operation, that yields an equivalent epsilon-free transducer. The generic

epsilon removal algorithm is described by Mohri[2000a]. Figure 2.7 illustrates this

operation applied to the transducer in Figure 2.6. Determinization and Minimization

Efficient algorithms for these operations on weighted transducers have been pro-

posed since the late 90s[Mohri, 1997; Mohri, 2000b; Allauzenet al., 2003].

A weighted transducer is deterministic if no two transitions leaving any state

share the same input label. A transducer is determinizable if the determinization

2.2. Finite-State Technology 19



I :<eps>





eat :como/0.5


3pota toes :pata tas





8beer :cerveza


Figure 2.7: An epsilon removal example.

algorithm applied to this transducer halts in a finite amountof time. If this is so, the

determinized transducer is equivalent to the original one,as they associate the same

output sentence and weight to each input sentence. In particular, any unweighted

non-deterministic automaton is determinizable. Interestingly, this operation is the

finite-state equivalent tohypotheses recombination. In other words, if the same

sentence can be accepted through different paths (presumably with different costs),

it is guaranteed that the determinized transducer will onlycontain one unique path

for the same sentence. As for the final weight, this will depend on the semiring. For

instance, the tropical semiring will simply leave the path with the lowest cost, but

the log-probability semiring would compute the exact probability for the same path

(log(e−a + e−b)). Such a simplification with the tropical semiring leads to faster

implementations at the cost of losing weight mass.

In practice, there exists an important limitation to determinization and minimiza-

tion in the Openfst library[Allauzenet al., 2007]4: transducers must befunctional,

this is, each input string must be transduced to a unique output string. So for in-

stance the finite-state transducer from Figure 2.7 is not determinizable, and hence it

cannot be minimized.

In these cases there are other ways of approximating determinization and min-

imization that will usually be enough for our practical needs. For instance, in this

one, as the problem comes from the output epsilon from state0 to state6, it could be

enough to simply invert the transducer, determinize, minimize and then invert back

again. A more practical approach for complex transducers consists of converting

the transducer into an automata by using a special mapping bijective function that

appropriately encodes input/output labels. This automatais determinizable (and

minimizable). After applying these operations, and as we encoded with a bijective

function we can therefore decode the labels to obtain an equivalent transducer. It is

4This is a well known issue, up to Openfst version 1.1.

20 Chapter 2. Foundations













muchas/0 .35

3pa ta tas















muchas/0 .35

5pa ta tas





Figure 2.8: Determinization example. If applied to the top automaton, this opera-tion will output the bottom automaton, which remains equivalent to the top one.

not guaranteed that this transducer will actually be determinized (nor minimal), but

this approximation is an effective approach for transducers. Figure 2.8 illustrates

determinization over an automaton that is a projection of the output language from

Figure 2.7.

A deterministic weighted transducer is minimized if there is no other equivalent

transducer with less number of states. Importantly, only determinized transducers

are susceptible of minimization, this is why the limitationdescribed previously to

transducer determinization affects minimization too. Figure 2.9 shows an example

of minimization applied to the automaton in Figure 2.8. Composition

Consider two transducersT1, associated toΣ, Ω; andT2, associated toΩ, ∆.

The transducerT is a composition ofT1 with T2, which is expressed asT = T1 T2.

This means that ifT1 acceptss generatingx andT2 acceptsx generatingt, thenT

acceptss generatingt. The weight is defined by Equation 2.4:

|T |(s, t) =⊕

|T1|(s, x) |T2|(x, t) (2.4)

2.3. Parsing 21













muchas/0 .35

4pa ta tas

calabazas 5


con guisantes

Figure 2.9: Minimization example.

Composition is very useful in NLP to apply context dependency models, for

instance with language models, to be introduced in Section 3.4.15.

We show a simple example of composition in Figure 2.10, in which the top

flower shaped FST is composed with the bottom automaton in Figure 2.8. This

flower FST shows two simple reasons for which composition maybe very useful.

In first place, by composing with this filter we discard all thesentences that contain

the Spanish word “calabazas”. We also force transductions,for instance on the

Spanish word “muchas” into “pocas”. This is reflected in the bottom transducer of

Figure 2.10. Finally, this transduction adds a new cost to all the sentences in the

original automaton containing the Spanish word “muchas”.

There are very recent contributions in this research field tomake this particu-

lar operation more efficient. For instance, the problem of composing more than

two transducers is tackled by Allauzen and Mohri[2008; 2009]; and severalcom-

position filtersare proposed to speed up efficiency in terms of speed and memory

usage[Allauzenet al., 2009], which is conceptually an extension to the built-in ep-

silon filter for the composition operation[Mohri et al., 2000].

2.3. Parsing

The Parsing Field is a very important area in Natural Language Processing. We

do not intend to cover it here extensively. Rather, our goal is to provide a clear view

5The reader should note that language model backoffs[Jurafsky and Martin, 2000] may be ap-proximated by epsilon transitions, but the best option withthe Openfst library is to usefailure tran-sitions. Indeed, for a given state, a failure transition accepts anyword not accepted by any other arc,without consuming the transition. This is consistent with the language model backoff. In contrast,an epsilon will accept any word without consuming it, even ifthere exists another arc that actuallyaccepts this word.

22 Chapter 2. Foundations





bebo:bebopa ta tas :pa ta tasvino:hidromielcerveza:agua















5pa ta tas :pa ta tas




Figure 2.10: Composition example. The top transducer has been composed withthe bottom automaton from Figure 2.8. The result is depictedhere in the bottomtransducer.

of how the underlying parsing algorithm inHiFST works. We put this into context

with a brief overview of contributions to this field spanningmore than fifty years.

Finally, we relate parsing to finite-state technologies.

To parseis to search for an underlying structure in well formed sentences ac-

cording to a grammar, defined as a set of rules encompassing some kind of syntactic

knowledge about a given language. Of course, parsing as a computational problem

relies heavily on this linguistic knowledge. Unfortunately, there is no global consen-

sus on how syntax analysis from a linguistic point of view must be performed. Tra-

ditionally, it has been considered that a sentence could be recursively broken down

into smaller and smallerconstituentsaccording to these rules, until constituents are

no bigger than words. This idea of hierarchical constituency was formalized into

phrase-structure grammarsby the famous linguist Noam Chomsky[1965]. Dur-

ing these decades the Syntax field has evolved considerably,for instance searching

for the one theory that explains syntax structure of any language, through the X-

bar theory, Government and Binding or the Minimalist program [Jackendoff, 1977;

2.3. Parsing 23

Chomsky, 1981; Chomsky, 1995]. Other linguists advocate fordependency gram-

mars, introduced by Lucien Tesnière[1959], in which words are organized hierar-

chally, attending to the relationship between pairs of words (head or dependent).

From these and other linguistic pillars6 several theories and practical implementa-

tions arised — further refining, discussing or extending these theories, and quite

frequently blurring the line between linguists and engineers. For instance, a prac-

tical implementation of dependency grammars with some refined ideas was intro-

duced in the 90s by Sleator and Temperley[1993]. A modern and very sophis-

ticated extension to the original PSGs is the head-driven phrase structure gram-

mars [Pollard and Sag, 1994]. Other powerful extensions are tree adjoining gram-

mars [Joshiet al., 1975; Joshi, 1985; Joshi and Schabes, 1997], and combinatory

categorial grammars[Steedman and Baldridge, 2007]. It is clear that there is a

plethora of linguistic formalisms that are yet to be fully exploited in Machine Trans-


2.3.1. CYK Parsing

In this section we will introduce the parsing algorithm usedfor HiFST. It is a

variant of the classic bottom-up technique CYK by Cocke[1969], Younger[1967]

and Kasami[1965], who discovered the algorithm independently in the early 60s

[Kay and Fillmore, 1999; Jurafsky and Martin, 2000] and can be considered as the

head of a broad family of algorithms proposed in the parsing literature.

This CYK family of algorithms relies on context-free grammars (CFG), which

we will define as a 4-tupleG = N,T, S,R, with:

N: a set of non-terminal elements.

T: a set of terminal elements,N ∩T = ∅.

S: the start symbol and the grammar generator,S ∈ N.

R = Rr: a set of rules that obey the following syntax:N → γ, where

N ∈ N andγ ∈ (N ∪T)∗ is a string of incoming terminal and non-terminal


6For instance, there are other linguistic theories more concerned of functions in the sentence,such as subject or object, etc. A good example is the Functional Grammar[Dik, 1997].

24 Chapter 2. Foundations

To provide quick insight into our particular instance of thebasic algorithm,

closer to that of Chappelier[1998], we will rely on the methodologies pre-

sented by the so-calledParsing schemata[Sikkel, 1994; Sikkel and Nijholt, 1997;

Sikkel, 1998] and deductive proof systems[Shieberet al., 1995; Goodman, 1999],

which are very similar methods for generalization of any parsing algorithm defined

in a constructive way, allowing to leave aside implementation details like data and

control structures. Aparsing schemapresents the parsing solution as a deductive

system applied to abstract items originated by a sentence, aset of inference rules

and an item goal.

The core of anyparsing schemais the abstractitem, as it defines by itself the

important characteristics of the required parsing algorithm. In our case, any CYK

item contains three elements: the category or non-terminal, an index that relates this

item to a word in the sentence, and another index that informshow many words of a

given sentence is this item spanning. An example of one item could be(NP, 3, 5),

which means that we have a noun phrase (NP ) spanning 5 words from the third

word of a sentence.

It is important to remember that items only exist in parsing time. Any deductive

proof system has an initialization that creates a set of items and an inference stage.

During this stage this set of initial items is allowed to instantiate new items accord-

ing to the sentence and a few inference rules. There is a goal in this procedure that

must be reached during the inference stage. Let us consider asentences1s2...sJ ,

si ∈ T ∀i. The goal is one special item, which typically is(S, 1, J), meaning that

we have found a CYK item for the non terminalS (for sentence) that spans the

whole sentence, i.e. explains syntactically the sentence as a whole and hence the

sentence iswell-formed.

Let us consider the following grammar defined withT = s1, s2, s3, N =

S,X and a set of rulesR:

R1: X → s1s2s3

R2: X → s1s2

R3: X → s3

R4: S → X

R5: S → S X

2.3. Parsing 25

For this grammar, we could take all the rules based exclusively on words and

establish them as our hypotheses:

X → sx+y−1x

(X, x, y)

This means that if we have a sequence of wordssx+y−1x for which there is a rule

X → sx+y−1x , we can create an item(X, x, y). Additionally, we could have two

kinds of inference rules:

S → X, (X, x, y)

(S, x, y)

S → S X, (S, x, y′)(X, x+ y′, y − y′)

(S, x, y)

For instance, the second inference rule tells us that if we have two contiguous

items(S, 1, 3) and(X, 4, 2), by using the ruleS → S X we can derive a new item

(S, 1, 5). Let us consider thatJ = 3, i.e. our sentence iss1s2s3. Then, the target

item we will be looking for is:

(S, 1, 3)

In the initial stage, hypotheses items(X, 3, 1),(X, 1, 2) and(X, 1, 3) are created

using rulesR3, R2 andR1, respectively. Now the parser has to search among every

item in order to discover if it can make use of any rule that will insert more items,

which, in turn, will allow more rules to be applied and so on; this process will

continue systematically until no more items can be derived (if the goal item has

not been found, the analysis would fail). For the first iteration, we derive(S, 3, 1),

(S, 1, 2) and(S, 1, 3) usingR4. We have already derived here our goal item(S, 1, 3).

In the second iteration we find that we can useR5 to derive yet again(S, 1, 3). At

this point, no more items can be derived and the parsing algorithm must stop. Implementation

A typical way of implementing a CYK parser is using a tabular version of the

algorithm, which is based on a tridimensional grid of cells.These cells are defined

by the non-terminal, the position in the sentence (denoted by x, the width) and

the span of a substring in the sentence (denoted byy, its height). Therefore, each

cell of the grid is uniquely identified as(N, x, y) which spanssx+y−1x , and thus is

26 Chapter 2. Foundations

Figure 2.11: Grid with rules and backpointers after the parser has finished.

equivalent to the items described earlier. The practical goal is to find all the possible

derivations of rules that apply to(S, 1, J).

The parser first initializes the grid (i.e. bottom row) and then traverses the grid

bottom-up through all the cells of each row, checking whether any rule applies. If

so, the rule is stored in that cell. In this fashion, in the first row it will find that only

R3 applies for(X, 3, 1). In the second rowR2 for (X, 1, 2) andR4 for (S, 1, 2).

Finally, in the uppermost cell the parser finds thatR1 applies for(X, 1, 3), whilst

for (S, 1, 3)R4 andR5 are proved. Figure 2.11 shows the grid for this sentence with

all the rules that apply. Note that in practice, S elements inderivations covering

the whole sentence exist only within the leftmost column of the grid: for instance,

(S, 3, 1) is actually derived, but the reader may verify that no rule inupper cells will

use this cell with this grammar. Therefore we can represent here the grid in two

dimensions with a special subdivision for the first column.

It should be noted that if we only stored the rules we would have a CYK recog-

nizer, i.e. it would not be possible to recover any derivation, because given a cell and

its rules it is not clear where are its dependencies. For thisreason, backpointers are

required: they are represented in Figure 2.11 with arrows, from each rule to lower

cells. Backpointers could point to lower rules7, but pointing to the lower cell im-

plies a lossless rule recombination that greatly reduces the number of backpointers

required, yielding in turn a much faster analysis.

This toy grammar does not contain lexicalized rules following Chiang’s con-

straints[2007]. For instance, le us assume now we have the following lexicalized

rules, which will be needed for our SMT systems:

R6: X → s17For instance this is the case in the parser of the Intersection Model, see[Chiang, 2007].

2.3. Parsing 27

R7: X → Xs2X

These two rules should add a new derivation, but the previousad hoctoy infer-

ence system would not be able to handle it because it lacks more general inference

rules. A complete inference system, generalized to any kindof hierarchical rules

(M,N, P being any non-terminals∈ N) could be described as:

M → sx1−1x Nsx+y−1

y1: w, (N, x1, y1 − x1) : w1

(M,x, y) : ww1

M → sx1−1x N sx2−1

y1P sx+y−1

y2: w, (N, x1, y1 − x1) : w1 (P, x2, y2 − x2) : w2

(M,x, y) : ww1w2

Weights (w) are also included to show how they are handled within the inference

rules. For instance, consider that we have two items(X, 1, 1) and(X, 3, 1) spanning

s1 ands3, respectively.R7 is a particular instance ofM → sx1−1x N sx2−1

y1 P sx+y−1y2 ,

in which sx1−1x andsx+y−1

y2are empty strings. Then we could apply the second in-

ference rule and create a new item(X, 1, 3). The weight for this new item combines

the weight of the rulewR7 with the weight of the itemsw(X,1,1) andw(X,3,1). In other

words,w(X,1,3) = wR7 w(X,1,1) w(X,3,1).

2.3.2. Some Historical Notes on Parsing

The first known algorithm in the parsing literature is a simple bottom-up tech-

nique proposed by Yngve[1955]. Since then, a wide variety of algorithms have been

proposed, augmented and refined, and many could be used in machine translation8.

A significant contribution is the LR algorithm[Knuth, 1965], still used nowadays

for compilers to perform syntax analysis of source code. Twovery influential con-

tributions are the Earley Algorithm[1970] and the CYK algorithm[Cocke, 1969;

Younger, 1967; Kasami, 1965], which solved the parsing problem for context-free

grammars in cubic time. Whereas the CYK algorithm is a bottom-up technique

primarily defined for a special type of grammars calledChomsky Normal Gram-

mars, the Earley algorithm proceeds in a top-down fashion. For many years there

has been rivalry between top-down and bottom-up techniques, which can be traced

down through many publications.

Interestingly, this evolved into more global views. For instance these algo-

rithms turned to be instances of the so-called chart parsingframework, introduced8As well as other very different research fields. For instance, CYK algorithms are used nowadays

in genetics.

28 Chapter 2. Foundations

by Kay [1986b; 1986a]. Deductive proof systems would provide a very solid and

mathematical backbone, for instance,[Shieberet al., 1995; Goodman, 1999] and

specially [Sikkel, 1994; Sikkel and Nijholt, 1997; Sikkel, 1998].

During the 90s the parsing field gave a big leap. For instance,Black intro-

duced history-based parsing[Black et al., 1993] and Charniak combined succes-

fully Maximum Entropy inspired models for parsing[1999]. The so-called Collins’

parser[1999] has been regarded in the present decade as a reference in the parsing

field [Bikel, 2004].

In the meantime, the evolution of syntactic frameworks led to new advances

in the parsing research field. Credit goes to Martin Kay[1979] for the idea of

using unification with natural languages. Although some interesting discussion

about feature structures will be found in[Harman, 1963] and [Chomsky, 1965],

Kay has also established formally feature structures as thelinguistic knowl-

edge representation[Knight, 1989] for unification-based approaches to natural

language parsing[Carpenter, 1992]. The basic idea is that when productions

are applied, there could be constraints that must agree9. It is precisely this

agreement that is conveniently expressed by means of well-known mathemat-

ical tools like generalization, matching and, mostly, unification [Knight, 1989;

Jurafsky and Martin, 2000]. There are quite a number of initiatives with its

own historical evolution based on unification, for instancethe PATR sys-

tems[Shieber, 1992], or Definite Clause Grammars[Pereira and Warren, 1986] –

typically implemented in Prolog-like languages. More modern systems would

use attribute-value matrices (AVMs) to represent featuresand unification, such as

Lexical Functional Grammars[Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982] and –most importantly–

Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammars[Pollard and Sag, 1994] which is seem-

ingly evolving into a new framework called Sign-Based Construction Gram-

mar[Sag, 2007].

Yet another important strand in this research area ischunk parsing10. The first

attempt in this area is usually credited to[Church, 1988]. In opposition to full

parsing, chunk parsing does not try to find complete and structured parses of a

9For example, consider the following two NP phrases constructed by means of a determiner anda noun: la niña, la niño. Both would satisfy a simple production or constituent-based rule likeNP → DetN . But it is obvious that the second phrase is not really a correct nominal phrasebecause gender agreement (feminine forla and masculine forniño) fails between the determiner andthe noun. Other simple traits that typically require agreement are number and person.

10Sometimes calledshallow or partial parsing, in contrast tofull or deep parsingalgorithms, suchas CYK or Earley.

2.3. Parsing 29

sentence. Instead, the aim is a shallow analysis, trying firstly to identify basic

chunks. Chunk parsing is faster and more robust11. It has been argumented that

chunks are psycholinguistically natural and related to some prosodic patterns in

human speech[Abney, 1991]. Algorithms valid for POS-tagging have been suc-

cesfully applied to this task. Examples are the influential transformational learn-

ing [Brill, 1995; Ramshaw and Marcus, 1995; Vilain and Day, 2000]12, markovian

parsers[Skut and Brants, 1998], memory-based learning[Daelemanset al., 1999],

support vector machines[Sang, 2000; van Halterenet al., 1998] or boost-

ing [Carreras and Màrquez, 2001; Patrick and Goyal, 2001], just to cite a few.

For contributions filling the gap between chunk parsing and full parsing, for

instance see[Sang, 2002]. Very interesting too is the Constraint Grammar formal-

ism [Karlsson, 1990; Karlssonet al., 1995; Bick, 2000], which attempts to tackle

the inherent ambiguity in constituent syntax with a new a POS-tag style notation for

each word including a syntactic functional (full) analysis.

2.3.3. Relationship between Parsing and Automata

Type Machine Grammar0 Turing Machine Unrestricted1 Linear Bounded Context-Sensitive- Nested Stack Indexed- Embedded PDA Tree Adjoining2 ND-PDA Context-free3 FSA Regular

Table 2.3: Chomsky’s hierarchy (extended). The right column shows the typeof grammar/language. The Turing Machine is capable of generating any languagewith an unrestricted grammar (rulesα → β). Each grammar is strictly a subsetof higher levels. Context-sensitive grammars are defined byrules such asαNβ →αγβ. Rules belonging to Context-free grammars follow the formN → γ. Regulargrammars only incorporate words on the right or on the left, for instance with rulesN → wM .

11Faster, because complete parsing algorithms like CYK and Earley have a worst-case perfor-mance ofO(n3), while chunk parsing may be accomplished in linear time. Additionally, shallowparsing can perform better in noisy conditions, say, for instance, utterances in natural speaking orsimply POS tagging mistakes.

12It is an error-driven learning algorithm. The key idea is to discover in which order a finite set ofrules must be applied in order to minimize an objective function, such as an error count using a truthreference such as a parsed corpus.

30 Chapter 2. Foundations

Parsing theory and automata theory are actually related through Chomsky’s hier-

archy, shown in Table 2.3. Context-free grammars are one step above regular gram-

mars, for which a few finite-state tools have been freely available for years, such as

theAT&T fsmtoolsand theOpenfst library[Allauzenet al., 2007], The Xerox finite-

state Tool[Beesley and Karttunen, 2003], just to cite a few. This has not been the

case of push-down automata (PDA), the context-free equivalent machine13. Never-

theless, the main reason for whichHiFST is mixing parsing and finite-state machine

technology is no doubt historic: as it will be explained in following chapters,HiFST

is an evolution or generalization of the hypercube pruning decoder[Chiang, 2007].


0 1I

2a t e





1pota toes


0 1I

2a t e

3< e p s >


4pota toes

5< e p s >

Figure 2.12: A simple example of a Recursive Transition Network.

An interesting alternative is the use of recursive transition networks, which can

be seen as an extension to finite-state transducers in which transitions act as point-

ers to other (sub-)transducers, allowing a recursive substitution. It is compelling

because it is a very simple extension to finite-state transducers. Actually,HiFST

relies on this procedure for a technique calleddelayed translation(see Chapter 6).

For instance, consider the three transducers in Figure 2.12. The topmost one (a) is

13Obviously, nor higher levels. Indeed, deciding whether a sentence belongs to a context sen-sitive language is considered a PSPACE-complete problem. Different subsets of the context-sensitive language have been proposed, such as the mildly context-sensitive grammars (seeTAG [Joshiet al., 1975] or CCG[Steedman and Baldridge, 2007].

2.4. Conclusions 31

encoding a sentence “i ate X”. We could use this special transition named X to subs-

titute it by the middle transducer (b). The operation is efficiently carried out in the

Openfst library[Allauzenet al., 2007] by adding epsilon transitions to the second

transducer, as shown in the bottom transducer (c). Importantly, in this particular

implementation a recursive replacement of many levels would add many epsilons

and thus requires special attention as it has a severe impactin memory and speed.

2.4. Conclusions

In this chapter we have introduced finite-state transducersover semirings and

context-free grammar parsing, specifically with the CYK algorithm. Providing the

reader with this basic knowledge is indispensable to get to understand howHiFST

works. We have explained the semiring as a level of abstraction that allows algo-

rithms to be defined independently of how weights are used (costs, probabilities, ...).

Several operations for transducers have been explained, including practical issues

related to epsilons in the Openfst library[Allauzenet al., 2007]. The basic CYK

algorithm is the head of a vast family of algorithms. We used the parsing schema as

a tool to introduce how it works and we described a tabular implementation adapted

to our needs for hierarchical decoding. The reader has also been briefly introduced

to the parsing research field.

In the following chapter we will provide the reader with an overview of statisti-

cal machine translation.

Chapter 3Machine Translation

Contents3.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2. Brief Historical Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.3. Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.4. Statistical Machine Translation Systems . . . . . . . . . . .. 41

3.5. Phrase-Based systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.6. Syntactic Phrase-based systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.7. Reranking and System Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.8. WFSTs for Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3.9. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3.1. Introduction

This chapter is dedicated to Machine Translation. After a historic introduction,

we explain in Section 3.3 why is the machine translation taskso difficult and discuss

alternative evaluation metrics. Then we get to describe in Section 3.4 the fundamen-

tal concepts of Statistical Machine Translation, attempting to provide the reader a

general overview of the typical pipeline flow. We also introduce phrase-based sys-

tems in Section 3.5 and syntax-based systems in Section 3.6.In Section 3.7 we

describe reranking and system combination for statisticalmachine translation; fi-

nally, we review the usage of WFSTs for translation in Section 3.8, after which we


34 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

3.2. Brief Historical Review

The first practical ideas for machine translation can be traced back to 1933, when

Smirnov-Troyanski filed a patent of translation in three stages: linguistic analysis,

linguistic transformation into the target language and linguistic generation. The

main idea endures today.

The first public demonstration of machine translation took place at the Univer-

sity of Georgetown in 1954. It was a Russian-English system with a very restrictive

domain (around 250 words). At the time, an exceedingly optimistic view of the ma-

chine translation problem and the political context favoured a strong investment of

the United States government. But these high expectations would not last long. The

Bar-Hillel Report[1960] and the Alpac Report[1966] in the 60s indicated that high

quality machine translation was neither feasible nor economically reasonable. Thus

Machine Translation research almost disappeared throughout the rest of the decade.

But in the 1970s, investments from Canada and Europe helped machine translation

leap forward. Two French-English translation systems,Météo(for weather forecast

translation) andSystranwere at the time a great success. Many machine transla-

tion projects appeared, such asAriane, from the Grenoble University; the European

projectEurotra; Metal (University of Texas),RossetaandDLT. It was the time of

the so-called transfer-based and interlingua systems. Butthese systems – based on

rules crafted by linguists – had a costly development and robustness under noisy

conditions was an issue.

Figure 3.1: Triangle of Vauquois.

In general rule-based translation systems share two steps of the translation pro-

cess: analysis, and generation. The analysis is that stage in which the source text

3.2. Brief Historical Review 35

is analyzed with whatever linguistic tools available, whilst in the generation step

the final translation process is carried out, taking into account whatever linguistic

information there is available. These systems use grammarsdeveloped with the

aid of linguist expertise. According to the quantity of linguistic information used,

these translation systems are typically classified asdirect, transfer-basedor inter-

lingua. The general idea is depicted in the triangle of Vauquois[1985], shown in

Figure 3.1. Systems that translate from source to target along the base of the triangle

do not make use of any kind of analysis, or very scarcely (direct translation). Those

that climb the hill to reach the topmost vertex of the triangle are somewhat utopian

systems making use of every possible linguistic analysis (syntactic, semantic, prag-

matic...), to define a global conceptual representation of any language. This abstract

representation is namedinterlingua. In the middle we can find the more realistic

transfer-based translations systems.

3.2.1. Interlingua Systems

The great drawback is that, realistically speaking, a global interlingua for any

language in the world is probably impossible to obtain, or atleast we are certainly

very far from doing so. So analyzers and generators are very costly to develop,

specially taking into account that human experts would needto agree on pragmatics,

semantics, syntax, etcetera. This said, it is also true thatif this problem could be

bypassed interlingua systems are the most efficient for multilanguage environments:

for a translation system withn languages each new language only requires two new

translation modules in order to make it translatable to any other language – instead

of 2n modules for direct or transfer-based systems.

Attempts to implement interlingua systems have obtained success in very lim-

ited domains with low robustness at non-grammatical input.Examples of interlin-

gua systems at the time were theDLT project,NESPOLE!, C-STAR, Verbmobiland


3.2.2. Transfer-based systems

These systems use different levels of analysis/generation(syntax parsing, se-

mantics, ...), traditionally by means of rules typed by experts. Additionally, for each

language pair it is required a set of transference rules, which translate linguistically

structured data from one language to another. The analysis step maps the source

36 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

sentence to linguistically structured data. And conversely, the generation step maps

the target structured data into the final translated sentence. These systems have been

applied quite successfully within many commercial MT systems. Transfer-based

examples areMETALandEUROTRA.

3.2.3. Direct Systems

The first generation of machine translation systems weredirect, with very poor

performance. Transfer-based systems quickly surpassed their performance. But

in many senses, pure statisticalcorpora-basedsystems are a step back to direct

systems, as they also require no linguistic knowledge whatsoever, with the clear

advantage of allowing fully automatic development.

Statistical machine translation kicked off in the early 90sdue in part

to the key results provided by the T. J. Watson center ([Brownet al., 1990;

Brownet al., 1993]). The model proposed in these articles is an analogy to the

noisy channel: a message transmitted in English through this noisy channel gets

somehow transformed into a message in the foreign language.And therefore, the

receiver tries to recover the English message (translated message) from the noisy

one (original message). Actually, to translate a source sentences in the original

language consists of searching a sentencet such that:

t = argmaxtp(t|s) = argmaxtp(s|t)p(t) (3.1)

wherep(s|t) is the translation model andp(t) models the target language. This

may not seem linguistically very intuitive, but it is a common approach to statistical

problems, inspired on cryptography and information theory[Shannon, 1948]. The

translation model, to be introduced in Section 3.4, is viewed as a set of word align-

ments estimated with the so-called IBM models, which envisages formally concepts

like fertility and reordering, even for a pair of very different languages. These mod-

els are estimated over parallel corpora, this is, bilingualcorpora aligned sentence

by sentence. From this turning point, some strands of research arose quite natu-

rally. Among them, word alignment limitations motivated the search for translation

systems based on other translation units more complex than words, with the idea

that this approach could model much better word reorderingsthan words alone.

The first successful translation unit was the phrase. Combined with log-linear mod-

3.3. Performance 37

els[Och and Ney, 2002], phrase-based systems became state-of-the-art in statistical

machine translation[Och and Ney, 2004]. These are explained in Section 3.5.

Even before Martin Kay encouraged to use chart parsing techniques

in translation [Kay and Fillmore, 1999], the shift to syntax-based transla-

tion had started with Wu’s Inversion Transduction Grammars[1997]. It

had no formal syntactic dependences, contrary to other contributions, like

the submitted by Yamada[2001], which required linguistic syntactic an-

notations. During the first years of the present decade, thissubject at-

tracted the interest of a number of researchers[Alshawiet al., 2000; Fox, 2002;

Xia and McCord, 2004; Galleyet al., 2004; Melamed, 2004; Simardet al., 2005].

But until Hiero [Chiang, 2005; Chiang, 2007], syntax-based translation systems

could not achieve state-of-the-art performance in SMT. Thesolution proposed by

Chiang is to align a model based on lexicalized hierarchicalphrases, in other words,

phrases that can contain subphrases, but with no specific syntax tagging. The model

obtained through this method is a probabilistic synchronous context-free grammar,

and so a chart parser is a natural candidate (e.g. CYK) for thecore of the new

decoder. Section 3.6 will describe hierarchical phrase-based systems.

3.3. Performance

Translation is a very complex task full of challenges and difficulties. Broadly

speaking, these fall into the following main categories:

Morphology. Some languages, such as Basque or Finnish, use agglutination

extensively; fusional languages, such as German, use declensions. These lan-

guage phenomena produce a word variability that easily leads to sparsity even

with big corpora. Morphological analysis must be applied before processing.

Syntax. Languages may have free word order (such as Hungarian) or use fixed

structures to a certain degree. These differences are a major problem in ma-

chine translation, as the number of possible reorderings grows exponentially

with the sentence length. In fact, considering all possiblereorderings could

lead to an NP-complete problem[Knight, 1999]. For instance, the Japanese

Language uses Subject-Object-Verb structure and the Arabic Language uses

Verb-Subject-Object structure in their sentences. A translation task between

38 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

Japanese and Arabic would require to move the verb from the beginning of

the sentence to the end or vice versa.

Semantics. The semantic problem is two-fold:

• Word sense. Words, idioms and even proper names depend on thecon-

text, which in most cases allows to disambiguate correctly.

• Sublanguages. It is not the same to translate religious texts than newspa-

pers. Novels, textbook and legal documents fall into different domains.

This affects vocabulary (i.e. consider technical versus poetic texts), style

(passive versus active voice), etcetera. Unfortunately, amachine trans-

lation system that works reasonably well for one sublanguage will not

necessarily work well for another.

Phonetics. Names often require transliteration, rather than translation, and

thus it is required to obtain an orthographic solution for the phonetically clo-

sest pronunciation of a foreign word[Menget al., 2001].

These problems account for the enormous ambiguity involvedin a translation

task and hence the difficulty to obtain reasonable quality, specifically in certain lan-

guage pairs such as Chinese-to-English1. But even so, there is yet another very

serious problem in this task: how can we measure quality? Automatic metrics de-

pend on (at least ) one reference. But this represents a smallsubset of all the possible

correct translations to a given source sentence, as even expert humans do not trans-

late in the same way. So it is not easy to ensure that an automatic metric correlates

to human judgements. There is an ongoing discussion in the research community

over automatic and human metrics, both to be introduced in the next subsections.

3.3.1. Automatic Evaluation Metrics

Many automatic metrics contrasting hypotheses against oneor more references

have been proposed to evaluate translation tasks, such as Word Error Rate, Posi-

tion Independent Rate, BLEU[Papineniet al., 2001], TER[Snoveret al., 2006] or

GTM [Turianet al., 2003] among others. But almost ten years after its conception,

1Not to forget the availability of parallel corpora, which depends on the interest of the communityor funders. For instance, there are loads of data for Chinese-to-English, but it would probably be verydifficult to obtain even a few hundreds of sentences for a Japanese-Galician translation system.

3.3. Performance 39

the BLEU metric2 is still the most extended automatic evaluation metric. In its

simplest form, the formula is described by Equation 3.2:

BLEU(T,R) = (N∏





N β(T,R) (3.2)

In other words, the BLEU score is the geometric mean of the n-gram match (mi)

over the number of n-grams (Mi) in the reference (or n-gram precision) for orders

i = 1..N . This is scaled by a brevity penaltyβ, a function that penalizes translation

hypotheses with fewer words than the reference. Typically it is assumedN = 4.

As an example, consider the following reference:

mr. speaker , in absolutely no way .

This sentence contains eight 1-grams, seven 2-grams, six 3-grams or five 4-grams.

For a translation hypothesis such as:

in absolutely no way , mr. chairman .

we have in common seven 1-grams , three 2-grams, two 3-grams and one 4-gram.

So the BLEU score is:







4 = 0.3976

For real evaluations, this score is computed at the set level, not at the sentence


Slight variations in its definition has lead to different implementations of this

metric in the machine translation research field. For instance, when there is more

than one reference available, there are three typical variants based on the following


Closest reference: use the closest reference to compute thebleu score (IBM


Shortest reference: use the reference with less words (NISTBLEU)

2Pronounced as “blue".

40 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

Average reference: Once computed for all the references, compute the mean.

BLEU has received many criticisms in these years. Among them, in one inter-

esting paper written by Callison-Burch and Osborne[2006] there is an extensive

discussion concerning the use of BLEU for Machine Translation, and concrete ex-

amples are shown in which it does not correlate with human judgement. One impor-

tant reason for this could be that while maximum entropy systems use BLEU as the

optimization metric, rule-based machine translations systems do not. In conclusion,

it is suggested that the BLEU score should be used restrictedto several scenarios,

as for instance a comparison between very similar systems.

Many other automatic metrics have been proposed along this decade to over-

throw BLEU. For instance, theNIST metric [Doddington, 2002] is a variant of

BLEU that assigns different value to each matching n-gram according to informa-

tion gain statistics. It has less sensitivity to brevity penalty. Scoring range goes

from 0 to ∞. METEOR[Banerjee and Lavie, 2005] is a harmonic mean of uni-

gram precision and recall. Other metrics areORANGE[Lin and Och, 2004], and

ROUGE[Lin, 2004].

Another one commonly used nowadays is the Translation Edit Rate metric

(TER), a variant of the well known word error rate (WER) metric, which counts

the minimum number of insertions, deletions and substitutions needed to go from a

candidate sentence to the reference sentence. TER also counts shifts of continuous

blocks in the hypothesis.

TER(T,R) =Ins+Del + Sub+ Shft


For the previous example, it would be required to shift 4 times and make one

substitution. So the TER score is:

0 + 0 + 1 + 4

8= 0.625

3.3.2. Human Evaluation Metrics

Once the references have been defined for a given test set, automatic evalu-

ations are easy and quite cheap. The main problem with automatic metrics is

their correlation to human evaluation. In contrast, human evaluation is a dif-

ficult challenge, due to the intrinsic subjectiveness of thetask. Despite seve-

ral different attempts (for instance, binary contrast preference and preference

3.4. Statistical Machine Translation Systems 41

reranking[Callison-Burchet al., 2008]) traditionally human judgement has focused

mainly on two aspects:

Fluency. Indicates naturalness of the sentence to a native speaker.

Adequacy. Indicates correctness of a candidate sentence compared toa refer-


Generally these kind of evaluations use trivial grades (e.g. from 1 to 5 ). De-

ciding the grade that applies for each case is itself a very subjective exercise, which

further complicates trying to establish common criteria for a group of judges.

One interesting alternative in the machine translation literature consists of us-

ing HTER [Snoveret al., 2006; Snoveret al., 2009], which is based on the TER

formula presented in Equation 3.3 and thus shares its advantages and weakness;

it has been claimed that used adequately it correlates better to human judgement

than BLEU[Callison-Burch, 2009]. The idea is that a human edits the translated

sentence from the system in such way that the edited version must be correct and

contain the complete original meaning from the source sentence. Actually, this idea

is applicable to any other automatic metric (i.e. Human METEOR, Human BLEU,


3.4. Statistical Machine Translation Systems

Equation 3.1 expresses that the translation problem has twobasic components,

being the first a translation model and the second one a language model. The trans-

lation model assigns weights for any source word translatedto any target word,

whereas the language model assigns better weights to more fluent hypotheses3. A

decoder will output translation hypotheses with final weights corresponding to the

contributions of both the translation and the language model. We expect the trans-

lation hypothesis with the best weight to be the best translation. Nowadays state-of-

the-art systems tend to use maximum entropy frameworks, which allow to represent

the translation model as a log-combination of models or features.

In order to learn these models, it is required two kind of corpora. For the lan-

guage model a typical monolingual corpus is enough. For the translation model, it

3So this fundamental equation has itself a correspondence with adequacy (translation model) andfluency (language model).

42 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

is needed a parallel corpus – in other words, two monolingualcorpora being one a

very good translation sentence-by-sentence of the other – in order to estimate word

translation probabilities.

We next review the language models and explain the maximum entropy frame-

works, after which we will provide a general overview of statistical machine trans-

lation systems, from the researcher’s perspective.

3.4.1. Language Model

Language modeling is is a widely used procedure for many NLP applica-

tions [Jurafsky and Martin, 2000]. Given a corpus big enough, we could attempt

to find the exact probability of a sequence ofJ wordswJ1 by means of Equation 3.4.

p(wJ1 ) =



p(wn|wn−11 ) (3.4)

This is not feasible for an arbitraryJ . But fortunately we can use theMarkov

assumption: any word depends only on the most recent previous words up to a

window with maximum sizeN (N-gram) including the word itself, as can be seen

in Equation 3.5.

P (wJ1 ) ≈



p(wn|wn−1n−N+1) (3.5)

These probabilities are estimated by maximum likelihood over frequencies of

n-grams in a monolingual corpus. As a corpus is finite by definition, there will al-

ways be unseenn-grams. Attempting to compensate for these missing instances in

the training data, typically backoff strategies[Jurafsky and Martin, 2000] are com-

bined with a smoothing procedure, such as Good-Turing or theModified Kneser-

Ney [Kneser and Ney, 1995]. Interestingly, Brants et al.[2007] show that for very

large language models a “Stupid-Backoff" strategy is a goodoption, even in ma-

chine translation tasks: the backoff probability is directly computed by frequencies

of the ngram instances in the corpus, instead of taking into account the discount-

ing/smoothing strategy.

3.4. Statistical Machine Translation Systems 43

3.4.2. Maximum Entropy Frameworks and Minimum Error


By using log-linear combination we can combine a set of featuresfm(s, t) that

contribute differently according to weightsλm, as described by Equation 3.6.

tI1 = argmax



λm fm(sJ1 , t



Weights are optimized, for instance with Minimum Error Training [Och, 2003],

using as the objective function an automatic metric such as BLEU. The strategy

provides significant gains over uniform weights. Typical features used to train a

maximum entropy model in this research field are translationmodels in both direc-

tions, the word penalty (to compensate language models tendency to assign better

scores to shorter sentences), a phrase or rule insertion penalty, lexical features4 and,

of course, the target language model. Many contributions inthe research field are

based on the design of new features acting assoft constraintsto the model. The

Minimum Error Training procedure is limited in the amount offeatures it can han-

dle. To overcome this limitation, the Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm has been

proposed for this optimization task[Chianget al., 2009].

3.4.3. Model Estimation and Optimization

Statistical Machine Translation models are estimated overlarge collections of

data, including at least a parallel and a monolingual corpus. Most of the transla-

tion models are defined by the kind of translation unit used: these could be words,

sequences of words or more complex syntactically based units. In any case, once

the models have been calculated an optimization strategy isrequired to combine

adequately all these models into one unique global model. Only then we can test

the performance of our system. Summing up, the Statistical Machine Translation

problem has two differentiated parts:

1. Models Estimation

2. Optimization

Figure 3.2 depicts a general overview of the models estimation. In general, two

kind of corpora are used for this purpose: parallel (alignedsentence-by-sentence)4Based on IBM model 1.

44 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

Figure 3.2: Model Estimation.

and (target) monolingual, which we assume here to be concordantly tokenized. The

target language model is estimated from both the target sideof the parallel corpus

and the monolingual corpus. From the parallel corpus we haveto estimate the trans-

lation units. Which kind of translation units we are considering to extract is related

to the kind of statistical machine system we are actually using to decode. In state-of-

the-art systems the translation unit is typically more complex than aligned words.

It should be noted too that many models or features are uniquely determined by

these translation units (such as the forward and backward translation models). Nev-

ertheless, information from word alignments is used in order to build these more

complex translation units, so word alignments are typically extracted in a first pass.

The general procedure will be described in Section 3.4.4.

Before we can test our system we must find a set of weights that will balance

our models in the best way possible. For this the typical solution is Minimum Error

Training[Och, 2003]. The main idea is the following: using an initial set of weights,

we perform a translation over a development set. By means of an automatic metric,

the optimization looks for a new set of weights for which it expects the system to

perform better. This expectation must be tested with a new translation, which in turn

leads to a new optimization and so on until the optimization converges according to

a certain criterion (typically related to the BLEU score). As shown in Figure 3.3,

once the optimization is over we can test the system with the final weights, using

3.4. Statistical Machine Translation Systems 45

automatic and/or human metrics.

Figure 3.3: Parameter optimization and test translation.

3.4.4. Word Alignment and Translation Unit

A key characteristic of actual Machine Translation systemsis the translation

unit, which determines not only how the translation must be performed, but it also

requires a special extraction algorithm from the parallel corpora (with the corre-

sponding weights). The most naive system would use only aligned words as the

translation unit. An example of word alignments is shown in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4: An example of word alignments.

The word alignment mathematical process is described by Brown et al.[1990;

1993]. The basic idea consists of defining a hidden variablea(s, t) to model the

alignment between sentences, so we can extend the translation model from Equa-

tion 3.1 into Equation 3.7.

46 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

p(s|t) =∑


p(s, a|t) (3.7)

In other words, given a target sentencet the global probability of having trans-

lated from a source sentences is the sum of the probabilities restricted to each

possible set of alignments that allow this particular translation. For each alignment,

considering that we haveJ source words andI target words, i.e.s = sJ1 , a = aJ1

andt = tI1, theexactalignment equation is defined by:

p(s, a|t) = p(J |t)J∏


p(aj |aj−11 , sj−1

1 , J, t)p(sj|aj1, s

j−11 , J, t) (3.8)

From a generative point of view, Equation 3.8 suggests that if we had to translate

from target to source we would first decide the size of the source sentence, then

create the next alignment from a target word and finally create the next source word.

Equation 3.8 is actually not tractable for a fully automaticprocess. But as-

sumptions applied to Equation 3.8 lead to a series of models of growing complexity

commonly referred to in the literature as theIBM models. Five were proposed in

this influential paper by Brown et al.[1993]:

Model 1 is the simplest of all. Considers that alignment probabilities follow

a uniform distribution.

Model 2 makes the alignments dependent of position in the source. Vogel et

al. refined this model into the so-calledHMM alignment model[1996], which

adds a first order dependency on the alignment of the previousword.

Model 3 introducesfertility i.e. allows a target word to generate more than

one source word with a certain probability.

Models 4 and 5 refine fertility.

These models can be estimated using the Expectation-Maximization algo-

rithm [Dempsteret al., 1977]. As each model is actually a refinement of the pre-

vious one, the parameters extracted from model 1 is used to estimate model 2 and

so on, in order to ensure convergence. There are tools freelyavailable that esti-

mate the word alignments, such as GIZA++[Och and Ney, 2000] and the MTTK

toolkit [Deng and Byrne, 2006], which estimates word alignments using a word-to-

phrase model.

3.4. Statistical Machine Translation Systems 47

Word alignments have a direction (i.e. word links are in practice 1-to-N in

each direction). In order to calculate the translation unitmodels, word align-

ments in both directions are required. To do this, although several strategies have

been proposed and discussed in the SMT literature (i.e. union, intersection, re-

fined[Och and Ney, 2003] and grow-final-diag[Koehnet al., 2007] ), the union of

both alignments is typically applied.

During this decade more complex translation units have beenproposed success-


Phrases: sequences of consecutive words. Used by phrase-based models such

as TTM[Blackwoodet al., 2008] and Moses[Koehnet al., 2007]. These will

be explained in Section 3.5.

Tuples: a subset of phrases. Used by n-gram based models such

as Marie [Cregoet al., 2005; Mariñoet al., 2006] inspired on a trans-

lation system based on finite-state transducers developed by Casacu-

berta[Casacuberta, 2001; Casacuberta and Vidal, 2004]. See Section 3.5.2.

Syntactic phrases: an extension to phrases. These may contain gaps to be

filled with other phrases in a recursive fashion. These gaps may have linguis-

tically syntactic meaning or not. The phrases for the lattercase usually are re-

ferred to ashierarchical phrasesor hiero phrases; and are widely used within

hierarchical phrase-based decoders[Chiang, 2007; Iglesiaset al., 2009c]. Hi-

ero phrases will be introduced in Section 3.6 and expanded inChapter 4.

Other syntactic units. In contrast to the string-to-stringtranslation units de-

scribed before, it has been proposed several SMT systems using more com-

plex translation units involving trees and operations withtrees, either on

source or target. These systems, not having yet reached state-of-the-art re-

sults for large scale translation tasks, promise new strands of research in

the near future. It is worth citing here tree-to-tree modelssuch as data ori-

ented translation[Poutsma, 2000], translation with synchronous tree adjoin-

ing grammars[Shieber, 2007] and with packed forests[Liu et al., 2009]. Ya-

mada and Knight[2001], Galley et al.[2006], Graehl and Knight[2008],

Nguyen et al.[2008] and Zhang et al.[2009] have been working on tree-to-

string models.

48 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

In general, translation units are extracted using the word alignments previously

obtained with IBM models 1-5, with symmetrization, although it should be noted

that alternative methods have been proposed in the literature, such as word align-

ments based on Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars[Saers and Wu, 2009].

The translation model to use in each case will be defined by relative counts of these

translation units instead of the word alignment probabilities. Tuples, phrases and

hierarchical phrases will be reviewed in more detail in the following sections.

3.5. Phrase-Based systems

In the context of Statistical Machine Translation, phrases[Ochet al., 1999;

Koehnet al., 2003] are simply bitext sequences of words. The phrase alignment

process departs from the word alignments and builds every possible bitext sequence

up to a maximum number of source wordsPW , provided that it containscom-

pletelyall the word alignments. Figure 3.5 shows the phrases extracted from the

word alignments in Figure 3.4.

comida # foodchina # chinese

quisiéramos # would likequisiéramos # we would like

comprar # to buyquisiéramos comprar # would like to buy

quisiéramos comprar # we would like to buycomida china # chinese food

comprar comida china # to buy chinese foodquisiéramos comprar comida china # would like to buy chinesefood

quisiéramos comprar comida china # we would like to buy chinese food

Figure 3.5: An example of phrases extracted from alignmentsin Figure 3.4.

For instance, Figure 3.5 shows all the possible phrases extracted from word

alignments for a Spanish-English bi-sentence. In this example, it is not possible to

extract the phrase

quisiéramos comprar # would like to

becausecomprar is aligned to a word that is not in the phrase (buy). On the other

hand, ifPW = 3 then the phrase extraction algorithm would disallow:

quisiéramos comprar comida china# we would like to buy chinese food

3.5. Phrase-Based systems 49

Leaving aside implementation details,we can state formally that a phrase is a

triple v, u, w wherev andu correspond to the source and the target side of the

phrase respectively; andw is a vector of feature weightsw1, ...wk uniquely associ-

ated to each phrase. Once phrases have been estimated from the word alignments,

many feature weights are easily calculated. For instance, the source-to-target and

target-to-source phrase probabilities for the k-th phraseare estimated by relative

frequency counts (c()):

p(uk|vk) =c(uk, vk)


p(vk|uk) =c(vk, uk)


Considering that we have translated a source sentence usingK phrases, we can

compute the weight of the source-to-target and target-to-source translation models

using Equations 3.11 and 3.12.

hv2u(sJ1 , t

I1) =



log p(uk|vk) (3.11)

hu2v(sJ1 , t

I1) =



log p(vk|uk) (3.12)

In general, other models are quite straightforward to calculate: the phrase

penalty only counts phrases (i.e. sum 1 per phrase), the wordpenalty counts target

words in each phrase and the lexical features are estimated for each phrase taking

the IBM-1 source-to-target/target-to-source model for the words within. All these

features can be seen asphrase-dependentand may be calculated and storeda pri-

ori to actual decoding. Note that in general features need not bephrase-dependent.

This is the case of the language model, which has to be appliedduring the decod-

ing process; and as the phrase boundaries do not coincide with the language model

boundaries, extra care is required in order to apply fair pruning strategies.

Moses[Koehnet al., 2007]5 is a very recent state-of-the-art open-source phrase-

based decoder.

5Available for download at http://www.statmt.org/moses/.

50 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

3.5.1. TTM

The Transducer Translation Model(TTM) is a phrase-based SMT system im-

plemented with Weighted Finite-State transducers using standard WFST operations

with the Openfst library[Allauzenet al., 2007]. It is formulated as a generative

source-channel model for phrase-based translation in which a series of stochastic

transformations of a target sentence (via translation, reordering, and so on) lead to

a source sentence. Note that in this model the source (English) and target (foreign)

are swapped. Anad hocdecoder is not needed in this case, as the model is simply

designed as a composition of the following models/transducers.

G: Contains the source language model implemented as a finite-state automa-

ton using failure transitions for exact implementation.

W : The unweighted source phrase segmentation, maps phrases to words.

R: Phrase translation and reordering models.

Φ: Target phrase insertion6

Ω: The unweighted target phrase segmentation. It maps from words to


Word and Phrase Penalties.

If T contains the input sentence (or input lattice) we wish to translate, then the

translation lattice is obtained via WFST composition:

L = G W R Φ Ω T (3.13)

Modularity is one of its best advantages, as each model is easy to work with

separately, and adding new models is fairly straightforward. For instance,R itself

is a composition of a basic phrase translation model with a reordering model, such

as Maximum-Jump-1 (MJ1)[Kumar and Byrne, 2005], that allows phrases to jump

either left or right to a maximum distance of one phrase.

3.5. Phrase-Based systems 51

quisiéramos # would likecomprar # to buy

comida china # chinese food

Figure 3.6: An example of tuples extracted from alignments inf Figure 3.4.

3.5.2. The n-gram-based System

This system models the translation problem within the maximum-entropy

framework as a language model of a particular bilanguage composed of translation

units (tuples), and thus theMarkovassumption is used to simplify the calculation of

weights, as shown in Equation 3.14.

p(T, S) =



p((t, s)k|(t, s)k−N+1, ..., (t, s)k−1) (3.14)

Tuples, which are a subset of phrases, are extracted from many-to-many word

alignments according to the following restrictions[Cregoet al., 2004]:

Tuples are the set of shortest phrases for a monotonic segmentation.

A unique, monotonous segmentation of each sentence pair is produced.

No word in a tuple is aligned to words outside of it.

No smaller tuples can be extracted without violating the previous constraints

Tuples with empty source sides are not allowed.

Figure 3.6 shows the tuple extraction for a pair of sentenceswith word align-

ments. In contrast to phrase extraction, the tuple extraction does not have a risk of

explosion and thus there is no need of controlling the size ofthe tuples. In general

this should benefit translation for similar languages, as tuples are able to handle

short reorderings defined by the word alignments within. Fordistant reorderings,

tuples big enough to contain these word reorderings are required. Hence, tuple

sparseness makes the system more likely to fail[Mariñoet al., 2006].

This strategy requires a special decoder. There is an open-source tool avail-

able namedMarie7 [Cregoet al., 2005], that decodes monotonically using a beam-

search with pruning and hypothesis recombination. Pruningis applied to translation

6This corresponds to phrase deletions from source (foreign)to target (English)7Available for download at http://gps-tsc.upc.es/veu/soft/soft/marie/.

52 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

hypotheses for the same number of source words to ensure a fair competition be-

tween hypotheses.

3.6. Syntactic Phrase-based systems

Syntactic phrase-based systems extend the definition of thephrase into a quadru-

pleγ, α, w,∼. Now γ andα are sequences of words with an arbitrary number of

gaps8, and∼ is a bijective function that maps gaps between source (γ) and target

(α). These gaps point recursively to other phrases, synchronized across both lan-

guages. Gaps could have a syntactic meaning, i.e. phrases underlying actually yield

a syntactic function (NP, VP, etc). If they do not, we call these phraseshierarchical.

Consequently, the systems that use these kind of phrases fall into the category of

hierarchical phrase-based systems. Figure 3.7 shows the hierarchical phrases cor-

responding to the word alignments in Figure 3.4. Gaps for hierarchical systems are

typically indicated with the capital letterX. Estimating hierarchical models is very

similar to estimating phrase-based models as we still have the language model and

a set of weights that are uniquely defined by the translation units.

comida # food...

quisiéramos comprar comida china # we would like to buy chinese foodX china # chineseXX china #X food

quisiéramosX # would likeXquisiéramosX # we would likeX

X comprar #X to buyX1 comprarX2 china #X1 to buy chineseX2


Figure 3.7: An example of hierarchical phrases extracted from alignments in Fig-ure 3.4.

The hierarchical phrase-based models were introduced by Chiang[2005] using

synchronous context-free grammars as the framework basis for the translation units.

The decoder typically involves at least a monolingual context-free parser with a

second pass to build the translation search space, althoughChiang also proposed

the use of a bilingual parser, hence constructing the translation search space in only

one pass. Hierarchical decoding will be explained in more detail in Chapter 4.

8Typically limited up to two gaps.

3.7. Reranking and System Combination 53

3.7. Reranking and System Combination

It is not uncommon nowadays in natural language processing to rerank or

rescore in a second stage the lattice or n-best lists of hypotheses produced by a

system. Statistical machine translation reranking strategies have been described

in [Shenet al., 2004; Ochet al., 2004] for oracle studies, and implemented for in-

stance with lattices by Blackwood et al.[2008] for large scale translation tasks. One

practical reason to do this is typically that the decoder itself depending on its partic-

ular architecture and hardware restrictions can handle reasonably language models

up to a given maximum threshold size9. Once the decoder has finished, the list of

hypotheses are rescored by taking away the language model costs assigned by the

decoder and reapplying language model costs estimated overlarge-scale corpora,

and containing higher-ordern-grams.

Another widespread strategy in natural language processing is to combine the

output of many decoders and choose the best hypotheses according to certain crite-

ria, relying on the fact that, appropriately done, it will take advantage in many cases

of the strengths of each individual system avoiding their weaknesses. This proce-

dure is calledsystem combination. In particular, it has become a notable current

trend in statistical machine translation.

For instance, Minimum Bayes risk decoding is widely used to rescore and

improve hypotheses produced by individual systems[Kumar and Byrne, 2004;

Trombleet al., 2008; de Gispertet al., 2009b]. More aggressive system combi-

nation techniques that synthesize entirely new hypothesesfrom those of con-

tributing systems can give even greater translation improvements[Simet al., 2007;

Rostiet al., 2007; Fenget al., 2009]. It is now commonplace to note that even the

best available individual SMT system can be significantly improved upon by such

techniques. In turn, both reranking and system combinationburden the underlying

SMT systems with the requirement of producing large collections of candidate hy-

potheses that are simultaneously diverse and of good quality, instead of the single

1-best hypothesis considered for performance evaluation.

9As a good example of how using the language model affects speed, Chiang[2007] contrasts ahierarchical system that does not apply language models (the -LM decoder) with two other systemsthat use only a3-gram language model. The difference in terms of speed (and of course performance)is quite notable.

54 Chapter 3. Machine Translation

3.8. WFSTs for Translation

There is extensive work in using Weighted Finite-State Transducers for machine

translation. For instance, Bangalore and Riccardi[2002] present the translation

task as a composition of a translation lattice with a reordering lattice, although no

performance in terms of BLEU scores are presented in this paper. Casacuberta

and Vidal [2004] describe inference techniques for weighted transducers applied

to machine translation. To overcome reordering limitations, Matusov et al.[2005]

propose source sentence word reordering in training and translation.

Kumar et al. develop the Translation Template Model[2006], a full phrase-

based translation system with constrained phrase-based reordering, yielding re-

spectable performance on large bitext translation tasks. This system has also been

used successfully for speech translation[Mathias and Byrne, 2006].

Graehl and Knight[2008] motivate the usage of tree-to-string transducers.

Tromble et al.[2008] develop a lattice implementation of a Minimum-Bayes Risk

system, used for rescoring and system combination, with consistent gains in perfor-


3.9. Conclusions

The Machine Translation field is very active nowadays and attracts the interest

of many researchers, as can be seen by the number of contributions to important

conferences and journals10 or various workshops for MT shared tasks11. In this

chapter we have presented a very brief overview of this field.After a historic review

and discussing the problem of performance, we have described the basic framework

for most of the state-of-the-art SMT systems today. The translation unit is key to the

design of both the search space and the decoding algorithm. As such, it determines

the kind of SMT system. Many features depend uniquely on the translation unit;

other features have other dependencies. Among the latter ones, a good example

is the language model. Hierarchical phrase-based decodersare based on a transla-

tion unit (hierarchical phrases) conceived as variant of other translation units called

“phrases" in which gaps are now also considered instead of words alone. In the next

10For instance, see the ACL conferences and journal papers, http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/.11For instance, the NIST (http://www.itl.nist.gov/iad/mig/tests/mt/) and the ACL workshop


3.9. Conclusions 55

chapter we get into the details of a special kind of hierarchical decoder based on the

well known hypercube pruning technique.

Chapter 4Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

Contents4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2. Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.3. Hypercube Pruning Decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.4. Two Refinements in the Hypercube Pruning Decoder . . . . 66

4.5. A Study of Hiero Search Errors in Phrase-Based Translation 69

4.6. Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.1. Introduction

In this chapter we introduce hierarchical phrase-based translation. After a gen-

eral overview in Section 4.2, we get into the details of our hypercube pruning de-

coder1 in Section 4.3 using the k-best algorithm[Chiang, 2007]. We describe tech-

niques to reduce memory usage and search errors in hierarchical phrase-based trans-

lation in Section 4.4. Memory usage can be reduced in hypercube pruning through

smart memoization, and spreading neighbourhood exploration can be used to re-

duce search errors. In Section 4.5, we show that search errors still remain even

when implementing simple phrase-based translation due to the use of k-best lists.

We discuss this issue with a contrastive experiment, for which we use as a golden

1Although the original name iscube pruning, we will use the prefixhyper- as the algorithmactually builds hypercubes of different orders to prune.

58 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

reference another phrase-based system. After reviewing inSection 4.6 the state of

the art for hierarchical phrase-based translation, we conclude.

4.2. Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation

Hierarchical phrase-based translation[Chiang, 2005] has emerged as one of the

dominant current approaches to statistical machine translation. Hiero translation

systems incorporate many of the strengths of phrase-based translation systems, such

as feature-based translation and strong target language models, while also allowing

flexible translation and movement based on hierarchical rules extracted from aligned

parallel text. The approach has been widely adopted and reported to be competitive

with other large-scale data driven approaches, e.g.[Zollmannet al., 2008].

Basically, Hiero systems use phrase-based rules equivalent to traditional phrase-

based translation and hierarchical rules that model reordering, guided by a parser:

the underlying idea is that both languages have very similar‘syntactic’ trees. Pars-

ing may be monolingual (i.e. using rules over the source language) or bilingual

(synchronous rules for both the source and the target language). If the parsing is

bilingual, target hypotheses are built at the parsing stage, whereas a monolingual

parse delays this hypotheses generation to a second step. Inboth cases, hypotheses

generation must be guided by the target language model.

As introduced in Section 3.6, the translation units for the hierarchical model,

which we callhiero phrases, can be seen as an extension to normal phrases. As

such, they can be defined as a quadrupleγ, α, w,∼, with γ andα mixing words

and gaps, whereas∼ relates gaps between source and target. The hiero phrase ex-

traction procedure is a heuristic method that departs from the word alignments. In

first place, the usual phrases〈sji , tj′

i′ 〉 are extracted. Then, for each candidate hiero

phrase it is inspected whether there exists a subsequence ofaligned terminals in

both source and target that correspond to any phrase〈sji , tj′

i′ 〉. If this is the case,

the terminal subsequence in both source and target are replaced by a non-terminal

X. In other words, if we have a candidate〈γ1sjiγ2, α1t


i′α2〉 and we have derived

the phrase〈sji , tj′

i′ 〉, then we can derive〈γ1Xkγ2, α1Xkα2〉. This candidate is added

and the search for new candidates keeps going until no more hiero phrases can be

derived. This extraction obeys the following constraints to avoid excessive redun-

dancy[Chiang, 2007]:

4.2. Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation 59

1. Unaligned words are not allowed at the edge of (hierarchical) phrases.

2. Initial phrases are limited to a length of 10 words on either side.

3. Hierarchical rules with up to two non-terminals are allowed.

4. Non-terminals on the source side are not allowed to be adjacent.

5. Rules are limited on the source side to a string of five elements, consider-

ing an element as either a non-terminal or a subsequence of terminals (see

Chapter 5).

6. Rules must be lexicalized, i.e. they must contain at leastone pair of aligned


In brief, the model derived in this way builds on phrase-based systems in the

sense that it takes the advantage of their local word reordering power. But even

more, it provides special lexicalized phrases with gaps that must point to other

phrases (possibly pointing to other phrases, etcetera), thus yielding a very pow-

erful reordering model. It should be noted that in principleit is possible to use

gap phrases with non hierarchical systems, i.e. in extendedphrase-based sys-

tems[Galley and Manning, 2008] or tuple-based systems[Crego and Yvon, 2009].

On the other hand, only hierarchical decoders are capable ofhandling the full power

conveyed by these rules, expressed in a special type of bilingual grammars that

transduce context-free grammars, to be explained in Section 4.3.2. Chiang intro-

duced threeHiero strategies[Chiang, 2007]:

-LM decoder: The system translates in three steps. The first step is devoted to

parsing the source sentence with a modified CYK algorithm, whilst the second

step traverses the derivations in order to build different translation hypotheses.

For this, Chiang describes his k-best algorithm with memoization. Language

Model is incorporated via rescoring as a third step. As thereis pruning in

search without the language model, it yields the worst performance, although

it is also the fastest system.

Intersection decoder: The slowest solution, as it builds translations in one

single pass during parsing, and therefore is effectively using a grammar with

rules that bind both source and target phrases. The languagemodel is ‘inter-

sected’ with the grammar, inspired by Wu’s similar idea of combining brack-

eting transduction grammars with bigram models[1996].

60 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

Hypercube Pruning decoder: It is a compromise between the two previous

strategies. The idea is to approximate an Intersection model in two steps, by

first parsing only the source sentence as in -LM decoder, leaving to the second

stage the hypotheses construction: k-best lists of translation hypotheses are

built. The main difference with -LM decoder is that the hypercube pruning is

applied in this second stage, taking into account the language model costs.

We decided to implement a hypercube pruning decoder becauseChiang demon-

strates it can deliver almost the same scores as the Intersection model with far more

reasonable decoding times. In contrast to the other models,the hypercube pruning

decoder is being widely used by the community research. On the other hand, its ar-

chitecture seemed a good starting point for the developmentof a new decoder with

Weighted Finite State Transducers, i.e. we saw that it couldbe possible to refurbish

the k-best hypotheses lists into lattices using FSTs. More to this will be explained

in Chapter 6.

We chose a slightly different approach to the one presented by Chiang[2007], as

we combine the hypercube pruning procedure with the recursive k-best algorithm,

originally used for -LM decoding, instead of the original bottom-up approach in

which all the cells of the CYK grid are systematically traversed from the bottom

row to the top row.

As stated before, even if extensions to phrase-based and tuple-based systems

have been devised, it seems that only hierarchical phrase-based decoders can fully

exploit hierarchical models. But, interestingly enough, as a hierarchical decoder is

based on a full parser such as CYK, it is also merely a framework: all the reordering

power relies on the grammar it uses. Thus, it is easy to emulate any other system

with simpler models, as monotonic phrase-based models or with simple reorderings;

it therefore allows a comparison of performance and a study of search errors with

any other baseline system. We will see more to this in Section4.5.

4.3. Hypercube Pruning Decoder

4.3.1. General overview

Figure 4.1 shows the flow of this decoder, that works in two main stages. In

the first one, an algorithm to parse context-free grammars isused. We recall here

that context-free grammars are defined as 4-tuplesG = N,T, S,R. N is a

4.3. Hypercube Pruning Decoder 61

Figure 4.1: General flow of a hypercube pruning decoder (HCP).

set of non-terminal elements andT is a set of terminal elements,N ∩ T = ∅;

S ∈ N is the start symbol and the grammar generator,R = Rr is a set of

rules that obey the following syntax:N → γ, whereN ∈ N andγ is a string of

incoming terminal and non-terminal symbols,γ ∈ (N ∪ T)∗. We use a variant

of the well known CYK algorithm[Cocke, 1969; Younger, 1967; Kasami, 1965;

Chappelier and Rajman, 1998], already introduced in Section 2.3.1. Three impor-

tant characteristics should be noted:

1. Although this is a translation problem with a source and a target, hypercube

pruning decoders usemonolingual parsersexclusively on the source side.

2. Hypotheses recombination is performed, so rule backpointers point to lower

cells rather than rules within these lower cells. This has noconsequence in

terms of search errors.

3. Following the restrictions introduced in Section 4.2, the number of words

spanned by hierarchical phrases is limited to a fixed threshold (i.e. 10). No

other pruning or filtering strategy is applied. This means that, within this max-

imum span constraint, the complete search space ofall possible derivations is

built over the CYK grid.

In the second stage, the hypotheses search space is built by following the back-

pointers of the CYK grid. A special pruning procedure calledhypercube pruning

(hcp)2 is applied. We organize the surviving hypotheses into k-best lists. Once this

stage is finished, the topmost cell is expected to contain a k-best list of the best

translation hypotheses according to the model.

2The whole decoder is named after this pruning algorithm, which of course may be used in othervery different systems.

62 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

As Section 2.3.1 has already explained the CYK algorithm corresponding to the

first stage, we next introduce the k-best algorithm with hypercube pruning, corre-

sponding to the second stage.

4.3.2. K-best decoding with Hypercube Pruning

Hiero decoders work on the assumption that a very similar ‘syntactic’ structure

for source and target exist. Speaking in general terms:

Both source and target are parsable, each on its respective context-free gram-

mar. Both grammars share the same non-terminals.

If we parse both source and target independently we obtain two forests. Ex-

amining both we could find a set of structurally very similar trees between

source and target, i.e. created by very similar derivations, being the main

difference in the number and order of words.

If we reorganize these derivations into pairs of source and target rules in which

the right-hand side of the source rule is a translation of theright-hand side of

the target rule and the number of non-terminals coincide, wehave asynchro-

nizedderivation over both languages.

Synchronous context-free grammarsdescribe efficiently this idea of two context-

free grammars that share the same non-terminals with rules ‘synchronized’ along

source and target sequences. A synchronous context-free grammar consists of a set

R = Rr of rulesRr : N → 〈γr,αr〉 / pr, wherepr is the probability of this

synchronous rule andγ, α ∈ (N ∪ T )∗. Following Chiang, we callS → 〈X,X〉

andS → 〈S X,S X〉 ‘glue rules’. The translation weights for each rule are derived

from the frequency count of hiero phrases〈γr, αr〉 found in the training corpus, by

means of the heuristic method described in Section 4.2.

Let us now extend the CYK example in Section 2.3.1 by rewriting rulesR1 to

R5 as:

R1: X → 〈s1 s2 s3,t1 t2〉

R2: X → 〈s1 s2,t7 t8〉

R3: X → 〈s3,t9〉

R4: S → 〈X,X〉

4.3. Hypercube Pruning Decoder 63

Figure 4.2: Grid with rules and backpointers after the parser has finished.

R5: S → 〈S X,S X〉

We have now added a second part to the right hand side of the rules, binding

source phrases to target phrases. For instance, informallyR1 tells us thatX →

s1s2s3 andX → t1t2 both exist and they actually must co-ocurr. A bigger and

more realistic grammar would allow multiple translations;so, for instance, the target

phraset1t2 could appear in many synchronous rules as a translation of many other

source phrases.

The analysis depicted in Figure 4.2 — copied from Figure 2.11— is still valid,

as we recall we are using a monolingual parser. So now that theparsing stage

is completed, we are ready to build the translation hypotheses. Starting from cell

(S, 1, 3) it is easy to do so by traversing its backpointers. In this case we have two


With R4 ⇒ R1. Translation ist1t2.

R5 ⇒ (R4 ⇒ R2, R3): Translation ist7t8t9.

The k-best algorithm uses this idea. Traversing the backpointers from the high-

est cell we can now explore the target side of the rules and build translation hypothe-

ses. The k-best algorithm starts at the highest cell and checks recursively each rule

for dependencies (i.e. through backpointers from its non-terminals), solving these

ones first. Of course, in a real situation there will be many rules in each cell. Thus

we have to consider reducing the search space: this is performed via hypercube

pruning, which is related to Huang and Chiang’s lazy algorithm[2005].

Hypercubes only represent a small part of the search space defined by candidate

rules (and its dependencies) belonging to the same class. Inour system, two rules

64 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

in the same cell belong to the same class if they share the samesource side of the

rule, and its backpointers (i.e. they point to the same lowercells). In other words,

hypercubes only represent the search space defined by alternative translations to the

same source — which may or may not include non-terminals. A cell could contain

two or more hypercubes, which must compete in the extractionof the list of best


Let us assume that at some point we want to build partial translation hypotheses

using a set of candidate rules belonging to the same class. Asthese candidate rules

share common cell backpointers, we also have access to all possible partial transla-

tions already built that can feed these candidate rules. Thus we can organize it into

a hypercube with one of its axes defined by this set of candidate rules. The other

axes are defined by candidate dependencies that could apply to the non-terminals

of these rules, i.e. partial translation hypotheses from lower cells, backpointed by

these rules. For a set of candidate rules withNntdependencies, the order — number

of axes — of this hypercube will beNnt+ 1. Thus, for a set of phrase-based rules

(without dependencies, as there are no non-terminals) we only have a row (order

1); for rules with one non-terminal we have a square (order 2), and with two non-

terminals we have a cube (order 3). Note that following Chiang’s restrictions we do

not use more than two non-terminals in the right-hand side ofthe rule. So we never

build hypercubes of an order bigger than 3.

If rules and derivations are sorted by costs (in Figure 4.3, monotonic increasing

rightwards and downwards), and provided that the cost of each hypothesis is the

sum of costs of a rule and its dependencies, this monotonicity is also guaranteed

through each axis. It is possible to build and extract only a fixed number of candidate

hypotheses with the best costs, avoiding calculations of all the hypotheses of the

search space. This is exact for costs known a priori (i.e. previously calculated for

the rules and dependencies). Figure 4.3 depicts an example for a rule with only one

dependency. In this ideal case, the procedure is very simple:

Initialize a priority queue with the topmost leftmost square representing the

best hypothesis.

Repeat until a k-best list is obtained:

• Extract the best hypothesis from the priority queue.

4.3. Hypercube Pruning Decoder 65

Figure 4.3: Example of a hypercube of order 2, before and after extracting thethird best hypothesis. Eachri represents a rule with its cost; eachdi represents adependency (partial translation belonging to the list backpointed by the rule) withits cost. White squares are hypotheses not inspected yet, dark gray squares arehypotheses already extracted and gray squares are hypotheses in the priority queue.

• Add neighbouring hypotheses to the last best candidate, onefor each

axis of the hypercube, to the priority queue.

As this priority queue can be seen graphically as a frontier in the hypercube, we

call this queue thefrontier queue. Applying the Language Model

Unfortunately, language model costs depend on each new hypothesis and must

be added on the fly with the cost determined by words in the rulecombined with

its dependencies. As a result, final costs differ significantly. This has the risk of

breaking monotonicity, which may lead to search errors, as can be seen in Figure

4.4. We will discuss this in more detail in Section 4.5.

As stated before, each hypercube has an associated priorityqueue which points

to the candidates, ordered by costs that must include the language model. Each

time the next best hypothesis is retrieved from the hypercube, it is automatically

deleted from the frontier queue, and in turn the neighbours through each of the axis

of the hypercube are added. Ideally the frontier queue will contain an ever-growing

universe of candidates with costs that include the languagemodel, thus reducing the

risk of search errors. Nevertheless, it may happen that these neighbours are in the

frontier queue or have already been chosen as candidates. Infact, search errors are

related to the shrinkage of the frontier queues.

66 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

Figure 4.4: Now a cost for each hypothesis has to be added on the fly (i.e. languagemodel). The real third best hypothesis is built withr1 and d3, but it cannot bereached at this time because it is not in the frontier queue yet.

As there can be an arbitrary number of hypercubes for each cell (one per class),

these hypercubes must compete one against another, and onlythe winning hyper-

cube will be allowed to extract its best hypothesis. This is easily organized through

another priority queue which we will call thehypercubes queue. The complete pro-

cedure can be seen in Figure 4.5. The hypercubes queue chooses the hypercube

with the best candidate. We can then extract this candidate from its frontier queue.

Finally, if the hypercube is not empty, we return it to the queue. This process con-

tinues until the maximum size of the list has been reached, the hypercubes queue

is empty (no more hypotheses available) or other constraints like a beam search

parameter have been reached.

4.4. Two Refinements in the Hypercube Pruning De-


In this section we propose two enhancements to the hypercubepruning decoder:

smart memoizationandspreading neighbourhood exploration. Before k-best list

generation with hypercube pruning, we apply asmart memoizationprocedure in-

tended to reduce memory consumption during k-best list expansion. Within the

hypercube pruning algorithm we proposespreading neighbourhood explorationto

improve robustness in the face of search errors.

4.4. Two Refinements in the Hypercube Pruning Decoder 67

Figure 4.5: Hypothetic situation where 9 hypotheses have been extracted (darkgray squares) and the 10th-best hypothesis goes next. At stage (a), hypercubes areordered in the hypercubes queue by its best reachable hypothesis in the respectivefrontier queues (light gray squares). In this case, hypercube containing hypothesiswith cost 2 is the winner and is extracted. Then, at stage(b), this hypothesis isextracted and two more are added to the frontier queue. Now its best hypothesishas cost 4. Finally, at stage(c) this hypercube is inserted again in the hypercubesqueue, after which the hypercubes queue points to another hypercube with the besthypothesis (cost 3) and the process continues as in stage(a).

68 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

4.4.1. Smart Memoization

One key aspect of the k-best algorithm is its memoization, a dynamic program-

ming technique that consists of calculating partial results once and store for reusing

many times. In this particular case, we calculate once listsof partial translation hy-

potheses associated to each cell of the CYK grid and store forlater use. But, if these

stored lists are big, it also implies strong memory requirements. With smart memo-

ization we alleviate this issue taking advantage of the k-best algorithm itself. After

the parsing stage is completed, it is possible to make a very efficient first sweep

through the backpointers of the CYK grid to count how many times each cell will

be accessed by the k-best generation algorithm. When the k-best list generation is

running, the number of times each cell is visited is logged sothat, as each cell is

visited for the last time, the k-best list associated with each cell is deleted. This

continues until the one k-best list remaining at the top of the chart spans the entire


Summing up, smart memoization is a simple garbage collecting procedure that

yields substantial memory reductions for longer sentences. For instance, for the

longest sentence in the tuning set described in Section 4.5 (105 words in length),

smart memoization reduces memory usage during the hypercube pruning stage from

2.1GB to 0.7GB. For average length sentences of approximately 30 words, memory

reductions of 30% are typical.

4.4.2. Spreading Neighbourhood Exploration

When a hypothesis is extracted from a frontier queue, the frontier queue is up-

dated by searching through the neighbourhood of the extracted item in the hyper-

cube to find novel hypotheses to add; if no novel hypotheses are found, that queue

necessarily shrinks. This shrinkage can lead to search errors. Chiang[2007] only

explores the next neighbour through each axis. As shown in Figure 4.6, we require

that new candidates must be added by exploring a neighbourhood which spreads

from the last extracted hypothesis. Each axis of the hypercube is searched (here, to

a depth of 20) until a novel hypothesis is found. In this way, we try to guarantee that

Nnt+1 candidates will always be added to the frontier queue every time a candidate

has been chosen.

Chiang [2007] describes an initialization procedure in which these frontier

queues would be seeded with a single candidate per axis; we initialize each frontier

4.5. A Study of Hiero Search Errors in Phrase-Based Translation 69

Figure 4.6: Spreading neighbourhood exploration within a hypercube, just beforeand after extraction of the item C. Grey squares represent the frontier queue; blacksquares are candidates already extracted. Chiang would only consider adding itemsX to the frontier queue, so the queue would shrink. Spreadingneighbourhood ex-ploration adds candidates S to the frontier queue.

queue to a depth ofbNnt+1, where Nnt is the number of non-terminals in the deriva-

tion andb is a search parameter set throughout to 10. By starting with deep frontier

queues and by forcing them to grow during search we attempt toavoid search errors

by ensuring that the universe of items within the frontier queues does not decrease

as the k-best lists are filled.

4.5. A Study of Hiero Search Errors in Phrase-Based


We have already hinted in this chapter that the reordering power of a hierarchical

decoder depends solely on the grammar it is using. The grammar is a set of rules

that can be conveniently manipulated. So instead of building standard hierarchical

models we can easily introduce slight modifications, or evenbuild very different

models, with simpler reorderings. This makes it possible tocontrast the hierarchical

decoder with other phrase-based systems.


X → 〈V ,V 〉 γ, α ∈ (X ∪T)+

X → 〈s,t〉 V → 〈s,t〉s, t ∈ T+ s, t ∈ T+

Table 4.1: Contrast of grammars.T is the set of terminals.

70 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

In particular, in this section we compare the hypercube pruning decoder to

the TTM [Kumaret al., 2006], a phrase-based SMT system implemented with

Weighted Finite-State Transducers[Allauzenet al., 2007]. The system implements

either a monotone phrase order translation, or an MJ1 (maximum phrase jump of

1) reordering model[Kumar and Byrne, 2005]. Relative to the complex move-

ment and translation allowed by Hiero and other models, MJ1 is clearly infe-

rior [Dreyeret al., 2007]; MJ1 was developed with efficiency in mind so as to run

with a minimum of search errors in translation and to be easily and exactly realized

via WFSTs. Even for the large models used in an evaluation task, the TTM system

is reported to run largely without pruning[Blackwoodet al., 2008].

The Hiero decoder can easily be made to implement Monotone phrase-based

or with MJ1 reordering by allowing only a restricted set of rules in addition to the

usual glue rule, as shown in the left-hand column and the middle column, respec-

tively of Table 4.1, where both are contrasted to the standard hierarchical grammar.

Constraining Hiero in this way makes it possible to compare its performance to the

exact WFST TTM implementation and to identify any search errors made by Hiero.

For experiments in Arabic-to-English translation reported in this section

we use all allowed parallel corpora in the NIST MT08 Arabic Constrained

Data track (∼150M words per language). Parallel text is aligned with

MTTK [Deng and Byrne, 2006; Deng and Byrne, 2008]. We use a development set

mt02-05-tuneformed from the odd numbered sentences of the NIST MT02 through

MT05 evaluation sets. Themt02-05-tuneset has 2,075 sentences. Features ex-

tracted from the alignments and used in translation are in common use: target lan-

guage model, source-to-target and target-to-source phrase translation models, word

and rule penalties, number of usages of the glue rule, source-to-target and target-to-

source lexical models, and three rule count features inspired by Bender et al.[2007].

MET [Och, 2003] iterative parameter estimation under IBM BLEU is performedon

the development set. The English language used model is a 4-gram estimated over

the parallel text and a 965 million word subset of monolingual data from the English

Gigaword Third Edition. BLEU score is obtained withmteval-v11b3.

Table 4.2 shows the lowercased IBM BLEU scores obtained by the systems for

mt02-05-tunewith monotone and reordered search, and with MET-optimizedpa-

rameters for MJ1 reordering. For Hiero, an N-best list depthof 10,000 is used

throughout. In the monotone case, all phrase-based systemsperform similarly al-

3See ftp://jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov/mt/resources/mteval-v11b.pl.

4.6. Related Work 71

though Hiero does make search errors. For simple MJ1 reordering, the basic Hiero

search procedure makes many search errors and these lead to degradations in BLEU.

Spreading neighbourhood expansion reduces the search errors and improves BLEU

score significantly but search errors remain a problem. Search errors are even more

apparent after MET. This is not surprising, given thatmt02-05-tuneis the set over

which MET is run: MET drives up the likelihood of good hypotheses at the expense

of poor hypotheses, but search errors often increase due to the expanded dynamic

range of the hypothesis scores.


a 44.7 - 47.2 - 49.1 -b 44.5 342 46.7 555 48.4 822c 44.7 77 47.1 191 48.9 360

Table 4.2: Phrase-based TTM and Hiero performance onmt02-05-tunefor TTM(a), Hiero (b), Hiero with spreading neighbourhood exploration (c). SE is the num-ber of Hiero hypotheses with search errors.

To sum up, our contrastive experiments prove that spreadingneighbourhood

exploration is a simple yet useful technique to reduce search errors. Nevertheless,

the hypercube pruning decoder is able to perform far more complex reorderings, so

it is expected that search errors may be an issue, particularly as the search space

grows to include the complex long-range movement allowed bythe hierarchical

rules. Importantly, these findings suggest too that a more compact representation

than the k-best lists would improve the hierarchical as lesspruning in searchwould

be required (see discussion in Section 5.3) and thus search errors would be reduced.

4.6. Related Work

Hiero translation systems incorporate many of the strengths of phrase-based

translation systems, such as feature-based translation and strong target language

models, while also allowing flexible translation and movement based on hierarchi-

cal rules extracted from aligned parallel text. In order to put our work into context,

in this section we classify and examine contributions, mainly the ones related to

hierarchical phrase-based translation.

72 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

4.6.1. Hiero Key Papers

Chiang [2005] introduces hierarchical decoding and presents results in

Mandarin-to-English translation. Chiang[2007] explains hierarchical decoding

with three different strategies: the -LM decoder, the Intersection decoder and the

hypercube pruning decoder. The Intersection decoder applies decoding in one sin-

gle pass using the synchronous context-free grammar, whereas the other two divide

the problem in two steps. The first step parses the source sentence and the sec-

ond step retrieves the target translation hypotheses. While the -LM decoder prunes

in search without a language model, the hypercube pruning decoder includes the

language models costs thus applying a more effective pruning strategy that yields

results comparable to the Intersection decoder in faster times. Results are provided

for Chinese-to-English. This paper is probably the most extensive one publicly

available for the research community.

4.6.2. Extensions and Refinements to Hiero

Huang and Chiang[2007] offer several refinements to hypercube pruning to

improve translation speed, i.e. they use a heuristic that attempts to reduce the k-best

within each node. In this work, their enhanced hypercube pruning system is used

for a Pharaoh-like decoder ([Koehn, 2004]) and a tree-to-string (syntax-directed)


Li and Khudanpur[2008] report significant improvements in translation speed

by taking unseen n-grams into account within hypercube pruning to minimize lan-

guage model requests. They also propose to use distributed language model servers,

suggesting that the same strategy could be used with the synchronous grammar.

Dyer et al. [2008] extend the translation of source sentences to translation of

input lattices following the algorithm described by Chappelier et al. [1999] that

inserts alternative source words into higher cells of the CYK grid.

The Syntax-Augmented Machine Translation system[Zollmannet al., 2006] in-

corporates target language syntactic constituents in addition to the synchronous

grammars used in translation. Thus, the SAMT system allows many non-terminals

for more meaningful syntactic information. Interestingly, the system uses different

kind of prunings, even during parsing, and uses a ‘Lazier than lazy k-best’ strategy

instead of hypercube pruning.

Venugopal et al.[2007] introduce a Hiero variant with relaxed constraints for

4.6. Related Work 73

hypothesis recombination during parsing; speed and results are comparable to those

of hypercube pruning.

Shen et al.[2008] make use of target dependency trees and a target depen-

dency language model during decoding. Marton and Resnik[2008] exploit shal-

low correspondences of hierarchical rules with source syntactic constituents ex-

tracted from parallel text, an approach also introduced by Chiang [2005] and in-

vestigated by Vilar et al.[2008]. Chiang et al[2008] extend this work training

with coarse-grained and fine-grained features using the Margin Infused Relaxed Al-

gorithm [Crammer and Singer, 2003; Crammeret al., 2006] rather than traditional

MET [Och, 2003]. They also introduce what they define asstructural distortion

features, trying to model the influence of the non-terminal height on reorderings.

As yet another alternative approach, Venugopal et al.[2009] refine probabilistic

synchronous context-free grammars with soft non-terminalsyntactic labels.

In order to tackle constituent-boundary-crossing problems, Setiawan et

al. [2009] design special features based simply on the topological order of func-

tion words. Marton and Resnik also add features for constituent-boundary-

crossing synchronous rules and claim significant improvements[2008]. Zhang and

Gildea[2008] propose a multi-pass variant of a Hiero system as an alternative to

Minimum-Bayes Risk[Kumar and Byrne, 2004]. Finally, Blunsom et al.[2008]

discuss procedures to combine discriminative latent models with hierarchical SMT.

4.6.3. Hierarchical Rule Extraction

Zhang and Gildea[2006] propose binarization for synchronous grammars as a

means to control search complexity arising from more linguistically syntactic hi-

erarchical grammars. Zhang et al.[2008] describe a linear algorithm, a modified

version of shift-reduce, to extract phrase pairs organizedinto a tree from which

hierarchical rules can be directly extracted. Lopez[2007] extracts rules on-the-fly

from the training bitext during decoding, searching efficiently for rule patterns using

suffix arrays[Manber and Myers, 1990]. He et al.[2009] filter the rule extraction

using theC-valuemetric [Frantzi and Ananiadou, 1996], which takes into account

four factors: the length of the phrase, the frequency of thisphrase in the training

corpus, the frequency as a substring in longer phrases and the number of distinct

phrases that contain this phrase as a substring.

74 Chapter 4. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation

4.6.4. Contrastive Experiments and Other Hiero Contributions

Chiang et al.[2005] contrast hierarchical decoding with phrase-based decoding

using patterns built on part-of-speech of source sequencesto analyze when and why

hierarchical decoding has better word reordering capabilities.

Zollman et al. [2008] compare phrase-based, hierarchical and syntax-

augmented decoders for translation of Arabic, Chinese, andUrdu into English, and

they find that attempts to expedite translation by simple schemes which discard rules

also degrade translation performance.

Lopez [2008] explores whether lexical reordering or the phrase discontiguity

inherent in hierarchical rules explain improvements over phrase-based systems.

Auli et al. [2009] contrast hierarchical and phrase-based models. Their ex-

periments suggest that the differences between both modelsare structurally quite

small and hence hypotheses ranking accounts for most of the differences in per-

formance. Lopez[2009] formulates theoretically the statistical translation problem

as a weighted deduction system that covers phrase-based andhierarchical models.

Although this is an abstract work, it shows that deductive logic could be in the fu-

ture a great practical framework for fair comparisons between both models and their

multiple variants, suggesting that in general it is quite difficult to track down the rea-

sons for which one system performs better than another when the implementation is

completely different. Hoang et al.[2009] extend Moses to build a common frame-

work for hierarchical, syntax-based and phrase-based models in order to facilitate

comparisons between these three models.

4.7. Conclusions

In this chapter we have described hierarchical phrase-based translation. In par-

ticular, we have described models and implementation of thehypercube pruning

decoder, which consists of two steps. The first step is a variant of the CYK parser

on the source side with hypotheses recombination and no pruning. The second step

is the k-best algorithm, which traverses each cell of the CYKgrid. In each cell,

a priority queue of hypercubes (the hypercubes queue) is used to extract the best

candidates. In turn, each hypercube implements the hypercube pruning procedure

by means of another priority queue calledfrontier queue.

We then present two enhancements to the basic decoder.Smart memoizationis

4.7. Conclusions 75

a garbage collecting procedure for more efficient memory usage. Spreading neigh-

bourhood explorationprevents many search errors by not only examining neigh-

bours next to the chosen item in the hypercube, but extendingthis search through

each axis to a fixed depth. We demonstrate this by using two simple phrase-based

systems almost free of search errors as a contrast for the hypercube pruning decoder.

As it is simple to reproduce strictly the search space of these systems with the ap-

propriate grammar, we perform a fair comparison of search errors. To end with this

chapter, we have introduced several papers that are relevant to hierarchical phrase-

based translation — already a successful research strand after only a few years, and

very attractive to MT researchers.

The experimental part and the enhancements to hypercube pruning pre-

sented in this chapter have partially motivated a paper in the EACL confer-

ence[Iglesiaset al., 2009c].

At this point we have two paths to follow. The first path is related to the fact that

a hierarchical decoder is as powerful as the grammar it is relying on. To modify the

grammar is trivial. Such a thing endows this framework with aflexibility we expect

to exploit with more informed strategies as a post-processing step to the initial rule

extraction described in Section 4.2. In this sense, up to nowwe have only scratched

the surface with the experimental part of this chapter. In Chapter 5 we will work

with several variations of a standard hierarchical grammar, attempting to design

more efficient search spaces.

The second path leads to a lattice implementation of a hierarchical decoder,

attempting to reduce search errors found for the hypercube pruning decoder even

for trivial models such as monotone phrase-based and MJ1. Wewill deal with this

in Chapter 6.

Chapter 5Hierarchical Grammars

Contents5.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5.2. Experimental Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

5.3. Preliminary Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars . . . . . . . . . 83

5.5. Large Language Models and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

5.6. Shallow-N grammars and Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

5.7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5.1. Introduction

We now face the problem of how to design the hierarchical search space we ac-

tually want to explore with both our hypercube pruning decoder andHiFST, to be

introduced in the next chapter. A hierarchical search spaceis defined by the sen-

tence we wish to translate and a synchronous context-free grammar, which basically

is a very big set of rules we have learnt from the training corpus. As imposing re-

strictions to the sentences we translate is completely out of the point, the only way

of attempting to model our search space in this context is to modify the grammar.

After describing in Section 5.2 the experimental framework, we discuss in Sec-

tion 5.3 a few key concepts we have to keep in mind as search space designers.

Several techniques will be described in order to analyze andreduce this grammar

in Section 5.4. We do this based on the structural propertiesof rules and develop

78 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

strategies to identify and remove redundant or harmful rules. We identify groupings

of rules based on non-terminals and their patterns and assess the impact on transla-

tion quality and computational requirements for each givenrule group. We find that

with appropriate filtering strategies rule sets can be greatly reduced in size without

impact on translation performance. We also describe a ‘shallow’ search through

hierarchical rules which greatly speeds translation without any effect on quality for

the Arabic-to-English translation task. We show rescoringexperiments for our best

configuration on Section 5.5. Finally we propose new grammars in Section 5.6. In

particular, in Section 5.6.1 we will extend this shallow configuration into a new type

of hierarchical grammars: theshallow-N grammars.

5.2. Experimental Framework

For translation experiments reported along this chapter inArabic-to-

English, alignments are generated with MTTK[Deng and Byrne, 2006;

Deng and Byrne, 2008] over all allowed parallel corpora in the NIST MT08

Arabic Constrained Data track(∼150M words per language). We use a develop-

ment setmt02-05-tuneformed from the odd numbered sentences of the NIST MT02

through MT05 evaluation sets; the even numbered sentences form the validation set

mt02-05-test. Themt02-05-tuneset has 2,075 sentences. For a comparative with

other translation systems, we use the NIST MT08 Arabic-to-English translation

task. Features extracted from the alignments and used in translation are in common

use: target language model, source-to-target and target-to-source phrase translation

models, word and rule penalties, number of usages of the gluerule, source-to-target

and target-to-source lexical models, and three rule count features inspired by

Bender et al.[2007]. MET [Och, 2003] iterative parameter estimation under IBM

BLEU is performed on the development set. The English language used model

is a 4-gram estimated over the parallel text and a 965 millionword subset of

monolingual data from the English Gigaword Third Edition. All the experiments

are performed with our hypercube pruning decoder (HCP) explained in Chapter 4.

BLEU score is obtained withmteval-v11b1. Experiments with other language pairs

will be shown in the next chapter.

1See ftp://jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov/mt/resources/mteval-v11b.pl.

5.3. Preliminary Discussions 79

5.3. Preliminary Discussions

5.3.1. Completeness of the Model

Figure 5.1: Model versus reality.

Researchers build models to imitate reality. But the contrast between model and

reality, depicted in Figure 5.1, is something that researchers should always keep in

mind, because we are (or should be) attempting to bridge the gap between both of

them. IfR is the reality andM is the model,R ∩M corresponds to the reality we

have successfully mimicked, whereasR − R ∩ M corresponds to that part of the

reality the model is not capable of generating. This is anundergenerationproblem.

Conversely,M−R∩M refers to the part of the model that does not correspond to the

reality. We call itovergeneration. Both terms have been used regularly in the Pars-

ing literature. It is not very common to find these terms in theStatistical Machine

Translation literature2. Interestingly, for instance papers from the rule-based system

developed for the Eurotra Project in the 80s used this term[Varile and Lau, 1988].

We advocate for the use of these terms as now many state-of-the-art MT sys-

tems embed parsers in the pipeline decoding process, so it would only seem natural

to keep coherence. As an example, in Figure 5.2 overgeneration occurs because

different derivations based on the same rules give rise to different translations. This

process is not necessarily a bad thing in that it allows new translations to be synthe-

sized from rules extracted from training data; a strong target language model, such

as a high order n-gram, is typically relied upon to discard unsuitable hypotheses.

2A very recent example is a paper proposed by Setiawan et al.[2009].The “Stochastic InversionTransducer Grammar" paper[Wu, 1997] does not use this term, but the author is clearly concernedabout the issue.

80 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

R1: X→〈s1 X ,A X〉R2: X→〈X s3,X C〉R3: X→〈s2,B〉

Figure 5.2: Example of multiple translation sequences froma simple grammar frag-ment showing variability in reordering in translation of the source sequences1s2s3.

However overgeneration does complicate translation in that many hypotheses are

introduced only to be subsequently discarded.

For instance, thinking in terms of overgeneration and undergeneration, com-

mon sense dictates that similar languages (such as Spanish-English) would probably

need smaller and simpler models than differently structured languages pairs (such

as Chinese-English) that require very long reorderings. Soif we use a Chinese-

to-English model as a Spanish-to-English model we will probably suffer of se-

vere overgeneration. And conversely, applying the Spanish-to-English model to

a Chinese-to-English task would probably lead to undergeneration problems.

So this suggests that perhaps we should build different models for different

translation tasks. Precisely one of the advantages of usinga parsing algorithm such

as CYK is that it relies on a grammar that could be easily manipulated. We have

already seen a good example of this flexibility in Chapter 4, in which two simple

grammars were built, corresponding to a monotone phrase-based model and an ex-

tended version that includes a trivial reordering scheme defined with a few extra


Researchers usually take their models to the limits. When this happens, usually

the search space gets too big for the hardware it is running on. In turn, this forces

to discard hypotheses in order to make the decoding process tractable. We use the

term pruning for this hypotheses discarding process. Depending on the decoder,

two kind of pruning procedures may be needed:

Final Prune. Once we have built a translation search space, it will probably

be far too big to handle, so this requires a pruning stage, which will be con-

5.3. Preliminary Discussions 81

cordant with the model itself (but not necessarily with reality). So we expect

that if the model is good enough the probability of undergenerating will be


Search Pruneor Pruning in Search. The translation search space is so big

that we have to prune whilst we are building it. Pruning partial search spaces

is dangerous as it leads quite inevitably tosearch errors, i.e. to discard hy-

potheses that would turn out to be winning candidates. Not only do search

errors affect the best hypothesis. Typically we work with k-best hypotheses

or lattices — to incur in search errors is to degrade the quality of all these best

hypotheses the k-best list or lattice is encompassing.

For our purposes we will extend the concept of undergeneration to the final

translation proposed by any SMT decoder. In other words, if the decoder is not able

to generate the correct translation hypothesis, this couldbe due to two reasons. The

first one is simply the grammar: it lacks the power to generatethat hypothesis. This

is a problem of design in the sense that the grammar is completely definedbefore

the decoding stage. Hence, it should be relatively easy to define strategies to correct

this problem. However, by means of pruning in search the decoding procedure itself

may incur insearch errors. If due to these search errors good translation hypotheses

are discarded we have a spurious kind of undergeneration problem, very difficult to

control. No matter how powerful a decoder is, if forced to apply pruning in search

consequently there will be search errors producing undergeneration problems.

Related to overgeneration and undergeneration, another limitation we have to

face is thespurious ambiguity, another concept inherited from parsing, and already

discussed by Chiang[2007]. This phenomenon occurs when different derivations

lead to the same translation hypotheses. This is due in part to thehypercube prun-

ing procedure, which enumerates all distinct hypotheses to a fixed depth by means

of k-best hypotheses lists. If enumeration was not necessary, or if the lists could

be arbitrarily deep, there might still be many duplicate derivations but at least the

hypothesis space would not be impoverished. This problem may be partially alle-

viated by means of a hypotheses recombination strategy. Thebigger the size of the

list (or the lattice), the better. But indeed this is a costlyprocedure. In practice, due

to hardware restrictions it is not possible to avoid a weightmass loss, as we only

keep the best weight for the recombined hypotheses.

Concluding, as search space designers we would like to find grammars that build

82 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

tractable translation search spaces, of course containinggood translation hypothe-

ses, but as small as possible in order to avoid the spurious ambiguity and spurious

undergeneration produced by search errors. Of course, no sensible researcher will

lose 1 point BLEU just to avoid search errors — but at least conceptually, smaller

search spaces with no search errors seem a safer standing point for further improve-

ments. We feel that keeping this always in mind is a healthy exercise.

5.3.2. Do We Actually Need the Complete Grammar?

Large-scale hierarchical SMT involves automatic rule extraction from aligned

parallel text, model parameter estimation, and the use of hypercube pruning k-

best list generation in hierarchical translation. The number of hierarchical rules

extracted according to the procedure explained in Section 4.2 far exceeds the num-

ber of phrase translations typically found in aligned text.While this may lead to

improved translation quality, there is also the risk of lengthened translation times

and increased memory usage, along with possible search errors (as discussed be-

fore) due to the pruning procedures needed in search.

Interestingly, for instance Auli et al.[2009] suggest that limiting the number of

translations for the same source phrase does affect performance. But in fact, we feel

it is possible that discarding certain rules from this grammar is not harmful at all,

but even helps to improve the performance. It should be notedthat due to the nature

of the (hierarchical) phrase extraction, it is likely that the complete grammar should

overgenerate because it is not imposed as a restriction thatthe rules are actually

used in even one complete derivation of any sentence throughout the training set.

Thus perhaps an important number of these rules are actuallynoisy, lead to spurious

ambiguity and even harm the MET optimization procedure.

During rule extraction we obtain from alignments only thoserules that are rele-

vant to our given test set; for computation of backward translation probabilities we

log general counts of target-side rules but discard unneeded rules. Even with this

restriction, our initial grammar formt02-05-tuneexceeds 175M rules, of which only

0.62M are simple phrase pairs.

The question is whether all these rules are needed for translation. If the grammar

can be reduced without reducing translation quality, both memory efficiency and

translation speed can be increased. Previously published approaches to reducing

the grammar include: enforcing a minimum span of two words per non-terminal

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 83

[Lopez, 2008], which would reduce our set to 115M rules; or a minimum count

(mincount) threshold[Zollmannet al., 2008], which would reduce our set to 78M

(mincount=2) or 57M (mincount=3) rules. Shen et al.[2008] describe the result of

filtering rules by insisting that target-side rules are well-formed dependency trees.

This reduces their grammar from 140M to 26M rules. This filtering leads to a

degradation in translation performance (see Table 2 of Shenet al. [2008]), which

they counter by adding a dependency LM in translation. As another reference point,

Chiang[2007] reports Chinese-to-English translation experiments based on 5.5M


Zollmann et al.[2008] report that filtering rules en masse leads to degradation

in translation performance. Rather than apply a coarse filtering, such as a mincount

for all rules, we now propose a more syntactic approach and further classify our

rules according to theirpatternand apply different filters to each pattern depending

on its value in translation. The premise is that some patterns are more important

than others.

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars

In this section we propose the following four filtering strategies in order to re-

duce the complete grammar:

1. Filtering by rule pattern.

2. Filtering by rule count.

3. Filtering by selective mincounts applied to groups of patterns (classes).

4. Filtering by rewriting hierarchical grammars as shallowgrammars.

The following subsections will study each type of filtering.

5.4.1. Rule Patterns

Hierarchical rulesX → 〈γ,α〉 are composed of non-terminals and subsequences

of terminals, any of which we callelements. In the source, a maximum of two

non-adjacent non-terminals is allowed, as explained in Section 4.2. Leaving aside

rules without non-terminals (i.e. phrase pairs as used in phrase-based translation),

rules can be classed by their number of non-terminals, Nnt, and their number of

84 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

elements, Ne. There are5 possible classes associated to hierarchical rules: Nnt.Ne=

1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. The phrase-based pattern is associated to Nnt.Ne= 0.1.

Class Rule PatternNnt.Ne 〈source, target〉 Types % NSP

〈wX1 , wX1〉 1185028 0.68 51879〈wX1 , wX1w〉 153130 0.09 25525

1.2 〈wX1 , X1w〉 97889 0.06 16090〈X1w , wX1〉 72633 0.04 14710〈X1w , wX1w〉 106603 0.06 22470〈X1w , X1w〉 1147576 0.66 52659

〈wX1w , wX1〉 989540 0.57 5815761.3 〈wX1w , wX1w〉 32903522 18.79 12730783

〈wX1w , X1w〉 951116 0.54 597710〈X1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 178325 0.10 21307〈X1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 4840 0.00 3042〈X1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 64293 0.04 15236〈X1wX2 , wX1X2w〉 6644 0.00 3840〈X1wX2 , X1wX2〉 1554656 0.89 46429〈X1wX2 , X1wX2w〉 243280 0.14 25142〈X1wX2 , X1X2w〉 69556 0.04 15293

2.3 〈X2wX1 , wX1wX2〉 41529 0.02 8760〈X2wX1 , wX1wX2w〉 5706 0.00 2469〈X2wX1 , wX1X2〉 35641 0.02 11249〈X2wX1 , wX1X2w〉 9297 0.01 4536〈X2wX1 , X1wX2〉 39163 0.02 9886〈X2wX1 , X1wX2w〉 28571 0.02 7481〈X2wX1 , X1X2w〉 33230 0.02 9844

Table 5.1: Hierarchical rule patterns (〈source,target〉) classed by number of non-terminals (Nnt) and number of elements (Ne). Additionally, types (distinct rules),percentage (%) and NSP (number of source phrases per rule pattern) are shown foreach pattern in the grammar extracted formt02-05-tune.

Given any rule, it is easy to replace every sequence of terminals by a single

symbol ‘w’. This is useful to classify rules, as any rule belongs to only one pattern,

whereas patterns encompass many rules. Some examples of extracted rules and

their corresponding pattern follow, where Arabic is shown in Buckwalter encoding.

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 85

Class Rule PatternNnt.Ne 〈source, target〉 Types % NSP

〈wX1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 26901823 15.36 8711914〈wX1wX2 , wX1wX2w〉 2534510 1.45 1427240〈wX1wX2 , wX1X2〉 744328 0.43 433902〈wX1wX2 , wX1X2w〉 1624092 0.93 1057591〈wX1wX2 , X1wX2〉 850860 0.49 470340〈wX1wX2 , X1wX2w〉 159895 0.09 121615〈wX1wX2 , X1X2w〉 10719 0.01 9808〈wX2wX1 , wX1wX2〉 349176 0.20 209982〈wX2wX1 , wX1wX2w〉 68333 0.04 51854〈wX2wX1 , wX1X2〉 172797 0.10 113305〈wX2wX1 , wX1X2w〉 131517 0.08 93973〈wX2wX1 , X1wX2〉 36144 0.02 28630〈wX2wX1 , X1wX2w〉 70063 0.04 56831

2.4 〈wX2wX1 , X1X2w〉 8172 0.00 7566〈X1wX2w , wX1wX2〉 79888 0.05 66482〈X1wX2w , wX1wX2w〉 1136689 0.65 674745〈X1wX2w , wX1X2〉 3709 0.00 3518〈X1wX2w , wX1X2〉 1984021 1.13 1257279〈X1wX2w , X1wX2〉 841467 0.48 451561〈X1wX2w , X1wX2w〉 26053969 14.88 853373〈X1wX2w , X1X2w〉 487070 0.28 320415〈X2wX1w , wX1wX2〉 97710 0.06 73306〈X2wX1w , wX1wX2w〉 106627 0.06 65005〈X2wX1w , X1X2〉 13774 0.01 12262〈X2wX1w , wX1X2w〉 180870 0.10 125180〈X2wX1w , X1wX2〉 27911 0.02 24044〈X2wX1w , X1wX2w〉 259459 0.15 178288〈X2wX1w , X1X2w〉 115242 0.07 80870

Table 5.2: Hierarchical rule patterns (continued) classedby number of non-terminals (Nnt) and number of elements (Ne). Additionally, types, percentage (%)and NSP (number of source phrases per rule pattern) are shownfor each pattern inthe grammar extracted formt02-05-tune.

86 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

Class Rule PatternNnt.Ne 〈source, target〉 Types % NSP

〈wX1wX2w , wX1wX2〉 2151252 1.23 1590126〈wX1wX2w , wX1wX2w〉 61704299 35.24 32926332〈wX1wX2w , wX1X2〉 4025 0.00 3896〈wX1wX2w , wX1X2w〉 3149516 1.80 2406883〈wX1wX2w , X1wX2〉 87944 0.05 81088〈wX1wX2w , X1wX2w〉 2330797 1.33 1679725

2.5 〈wX1wX2w , X1X2w〉 9313 0.01 8675〈wX2wX1w , wX1wX2〉 114852 0.07 98956〈wX2wX1w , wX1wX2w〉 275810 0.16 212655〈wX2wX1w , wX1X2〉 7865 0.00 7507〈wX2wX1w , wX1X2w〉 205801 0.12 161170〈wX2wX1w , X1wX2〉 6195 0.00 5956〈wX2wX1w , X1wX2w〉 90713 0.05 80661〈wX2wX1w , X1X2w〉 6149 0.00 5886

Table 5.3: Hierarchical rule patterns (continued) classedby number of non-terminals (Nnt) and number of elements (Ne). Additionally, types, percentage (%)and NSP (number of source phrases per rule pattern) are shownfor each pattern inthe grammar extracted formt02-05-tune.

Pattern〈wX1 , wX1w〉 :

〈w+ qAl X1 , theX1 said〉

Pattern〈wX1w , wX1〉 :

〈fy X1 kAnwn Al>wl , on decemberX1〉

Pattern〈wX1wX2 , wX1wX2w〉 :

〈Hl X1 lAzmp X2 , aX1 solution to theX2 crisis〉

By ignoring the identity and the number of adjacent terminals, the rule pattern

represents a natural generalization of any synchronous rule, capturing its structure

and the type of reordering it encodes. Intuitively, we rely on patterns because we

are expecting them to be capturing some amount of syntactic information that could

help, for instance to guide a filtering procedure. Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 present all

the patterns extracted for the development setmt02-05-tuneand grouped into their

respective classes Nnt.Ne= 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 (left column). In total, including

the phrase-based pattern (〈w, w〉 or Nnt.Ne= 0.1) there are 66 possible rule patterns.

The three columns to the right show the number of distinct rules (types) found in the

development set, the percentage of types relative to the whole grammar (%) and the

number of source phrases per rule pattern, this is, how many hierarchical phrases

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 87

does each pattern actually translate.

The table shows that some patterns have many more types than others. Pat-

terns with two non-terminals (Nnt=2) include many more types than patterns with

Nnt=1. Additionally, patterns with two non-terminals that also have a monotonic

relationship between source and target non-terminals are much more diverse than

their reordered counterparts. This is particularly notorious for identical patterns

(rule patterns with source pattern identical to target pattern). For instance, rule pat-

tern 〈wX1wX2w,wX1wX2w〉 contains by itself more than the third of all the rule

types (Table 5.3), whereas its reordered counterpart〈wX1wX2w,wX2wX1w〉 only

represents less than0.2%.

To clarify things, we formalize the previous ideas.

A rule pattern— or simply pattern — is a generalization of any rule by

rewriting in the right-hand side of the rule sequences of adjacent terminals

as one single letter. By convention this letter will bew (indicating word, i.e.

terminal string,w ∈ T+). Non-terminals are left untouched.

A source pattern is the part of the rule pattern corresponding to the source of

the synchronous rule. Similarly, a target pattern corresponds to the target of

the synchronous rule.

Rule patterns are calledhierarchical if they correspond to hierarchical rules.

There is only one pattern corresponding to all the phrase-based rules, and thus

we call it thephrase-based pattern.

A rule pattern is tagged asidenticalif the source pattern and the target pattern

are identical. For instance,〈wX1,wX1〉 is an identical rule pattern.

A rule pattern is tagged asmonotonic— or monotone— if the non-terminals

of the source and the target patterns have identical ordering. If not, this pattern

is called reordered. For instance, 〈wX1wX2w,wX1wX2w〉 is a monotone

pattern, whereas〈wX1wX2w,wX2wX1〉 is a reordered pattern.

5.4.2. Quantifying Pattern Contribution

In order to quantify the contribution of each pattern, we propose the following

experiment. We define grammars that combine the phrase-based rules with hierar-

chical rules belonging to a single pattern. Using a phrase-based configuration as the

88 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

baseline reference, it is easy to measure the contribution of each pattern alone by

comparing performance.

The results are shown in Tables 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. These experiments have been

performed with no MET optimization and small k-best lists (i.e. k=100). In order

to speed up the translation system, these experiments are performed using shallow

grammars, its usage to be explained and justified in Section 5.4.4. The contribu-

tion of all these single patterns to phrase-based rules are measured as a difference

of BLEU scores, (seediff column). Class Nnt.Ne=0.1 represents the baseline score

with only phrase-based rules. The best contribution is provided by adding 64293

rules belonging to pattern〈X1wX2,wX1wX2〉, with an increase in performance

of 2.5 BLEU (see Table 5.4). It is followed closely by two patterns belonging

to class Nnt.Ne=1.2: 〈X1w,wX1〉 (adding +2.3 BLEU) and〈wX1,X1w〉 (adding

+2.2 BLEU). These patterns encompass 72633 and 97889 types respectively. On

the other hand, pattern〈X1wX2,X1wX2〉, encompassing more than 1.5 million

types, is not able to improve performance — actually the performance decreased

in −0.1 BLEU. Interestingly, we also find that many other rule patterns show no

improvements at all, for instance patterns〈X1w,X1w〉, 〈X2wX1,wX1wX2w〉 and


All these results suggest that the importance of a rule pattern has nothing to do

with the number of rules it encompasses. Of course, a question that could arise is

whether these experiments act as an oracle for grammars combining different rule

patterns, as it could be possible that this combination of patterns would somehow

produce certain synergy that a single pattern is not able to reflect. To answer this

question, let us consider what would happen if we now take a new baseline consist-

ing of both the previous phrase-based grammar and rules belonging to the pattern

〈X1wX2,wX1wX2〉, which yielded the best improvement. We repeat the previous

experiment for a few selected patterns among those with the best contribution to

performance. Table 5.7 shows that the relative improvementof each pattern to the

new baseline, depicted in columndiff, is lower than the isolated contribution to the

pure monotone phrase-based grammar, probably due to spurious ambiguity.

In conclusion, these experiments suggest that the contribution of isolated rule

patterns to the phrase-based grammar are optimistic oracles of their overall im-

provement in a complex grammar, and perhaps this knowledge could be used to

build a practical grammar.

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 89

Class Rule PatternNnt.Ne 〈source, target〉 Types BLEU diff

0.1 〈w , w〉 615190 44.3 -+ 〈wX1 , wX1〉 1185028 44.3 0+ 〈wX1 , wX1w〉 153130 46.1 +1.8

1.2 + 〈wX1 , X1w〉 97889 46.5 +2.2+ 〈X1w , wX1〉 72633 46.6 +2.3+ 〈X1w , wX1w〉 106603 45.5 +1.2+ 〈X1w , X1w〉 1147576 43.3 0

+ 〈wX1w , wX1〉 989540 45.1 +0.81.3 + 〈wX1w , wX1w〉 32903522 44.7 +0.3

+ 〈wX1w , X1w〉 951116 45.6 +1.3+ 〈X1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 178325 45.2 +0.9+ 〈X1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 4840 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 64293 46.8 +2.5+ 〈X1wX2 , wX1X2w〉 6644 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X1wX2 , X1wX2〉 1554656 44.2 -0.1+ 〈X1wX2 , X1wX2w〉 243280 46.2 +1.9+ 〈X1wX2 , X1X2w〉 69556 44.4 +0.1

2.3 + 〈X2wX1 , wX1wX2〉 41529 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X2wX1 , wX1wX2w〉 5706 44.3 0+ 〈X2wX1 , wX1X2〉 35641 44.6 +0.3+ 〈X2wX1 , wX1X2w〉 9297 44.3 0+ 〈X2wX1 , X1wX2〉 39163 44.8 +0.5+ 〈X2wX1 , X1wX2w〉 28571 44.3 0+ 〈X2wX1 , X1X2w〉 33230 44.5 +0.2

Table 5.4: Scores for grammars using one single hierarchical pattern onmt02-05-tuneset (k=100). The right column (diff ) shows the improvement relative to thebaseline phrase-based grammar (Nnt.Ne=0.1).

90 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

Class Rule PatternNnt.Ne 〈source, target〉 Types BLEU diff

+ 〈wX1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 26901823 45.0 +0.7+ 〈wX1wX2 , wX1wX2w〉 2534510 44.7 +0.4+ 〈wX1wX2 , wX1X2〉 744328 45.0 +0.7+ 〈wX1wX2 , wX1X2w〉 1624092 44.6 +0.3+ 〈wX1wX2 , X1wX2〉 850860 45.3 +1.0+ 〈wX1wX2 , X1wX2w〉 159895 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX1wX2 , X1X2w〉 10719 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1 , wX1wX2〉 349176 44.6 +0.3+ 〈wX2wX1 , wX1wX2w〉 68333 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1 , wX1X2〉 172797 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1 , wX1X2w〉 131517 44.5 +0.2+ 〈wX2wX1 , X1wX2〉 36144 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1 , X1wX2w〉 70063 44.4 +0.1

2.4 + 〈wX2wX1 , X1X2w〉 8172 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X1wX2w , wX1wX2〉 79888 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X1wX2w , wX1wX2w〉 1136689 44.5 +0.2+ 〈X1wX2w , wX1X2〉 3709 44.3 0+ 〈X1wX2w , wX1X2〉 1984021 44.7 +0.4+ 〈X1wX2w , X1wX2〉 841467 45.0 +0.7+ 〈X1wX2w , X1wX2w〉 26053969 45.0 +0.7+ 〈X1wX2w , X1X2w〉 487070 45.4 +1.1+ 〈X2wX1w , wX1wX2〉 97710 44.5 +0.2+ 〈X2wX1w , wX1wX2w〉 106627 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X2wX1w , X1X2〉 13774 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X2wX1w , wX1X2w〉 180870 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X2wX1w , X1wX2〉 27911 44.4 +0.1+ 〈X2wX1w , X1wX2w〉 259459 44.7 +0.4+ 〈X2wX1w , X1X2w〉 115242 44.4 +0.1

Table 5.5: Scores for grammars using one single hierarchical pattern onmt02-05-tuneset (k=100)(continued). The right column (diff ) shows the improvement rela-tive to the baseline phrase-based grammar(Nnt.Ne=0.1), in Table 5.4.

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 91

Class Rule PatternNnt.Ne 〈source, target〉 Types BLEU diff

+ 〈wX1wX2w , wX1wX2〉 2151252 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX1wX2w , wX1wX2w〉 61704299 44.5 +0.2+ 〈wX1wX2w , wX1X2〉 4025 44.3 0+ 〈wX1wX2w , wX1X2w〉 3149516 44.5 +0.2+ 〈wX1wX2w , X1wX2〉 87944 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX1wX2w , X1wX2w〉 2330797 44.6 +0.3

2.5 + 〈wX1wX2w , X1X2w〉 9313 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1w , wX1wX2〉 114852 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1w , wX1wX2w〉 275810 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1w , wX1X2〉 7865 44.3 0+ 〈wX2wX1w , wX1X2w〉 205801 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1w , X1wX2〉 6195 44.3 0+ 〈wX2wX1w , X1wX2w〉 90713 44.4 +0.1+ 〈wX2wX1w , X1X2w〉 6149 44.3 0

Table 5.6: Scores for grammars using one single hierarchical pattern onmt02-05-tuneset (k=100)(continued). The right column (diff ) shows the improvement rela-tive to the baseline phrase-based grammar(Nnt.Ne=0.1), in Table 5.4.

Class Rule PatternNnt.Ne 〈source, target〉 Types BLEU diff

〈w,w〉 + 〈X1wX2 , wX1wX2〉 679483 46.8 -+ 〈wX1 , wX1w〉 153130 47.4 +0.6

1.2 + 〈wX1 , X1w〉 97889 47.3 +0.5+ 〈X1w , wX1〉 72633 46.9 +0.1

1.3 + 〈wX1w , wX1〉 951116 46.9 +0.12.3 + 〈X1wX2 , X1wX2w〉 243280 47.4 +0.62.4 + 〈wX1wX2 , X1wX2〉 850860 47.2 +0.42.5 + 〈wX1wX2w , X1wX2w〉 2330797 46.8 0

Table 5.7: Scores for grammars adding a single rule pattern to the new baselinewhich consists of phrase-based and〈X1wX2,wX1X2〉 rules. The right column(diff ) shows the improvement relative to the baseline grammar, now a combina-tion of phrase-based rules and a single hierarchical pattern ( 〈w,w〉 + 〈X1wX2,wX1wX2〉).

92 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

5.4.3. Building a Usable Grammar

Grammar Configuration rules BLEUG01 Phrase-based 0.62 44.7G02 G01 + Nnt.Ne=1.2 3.2 47.5G03 G02 + Nnt.Ne=1.3, mincount=5 5.8 47.8G04 G02 + Nnt.Ne=1.3 mincount= 10 4.4 47.7G05 G03 + Nnt.Ne=2.3 mincount=5 7.4 47.8G06 G05 - 2nt monotone rules 5.8 47.9G07 G06 + Nnt.Ne=2.5, mincount=5 8.6 47.9G08 G06 + Nnt.Ne=2.5, mincount=10 6.9 47.9G09 G07 - 2nt monotone rules 5.8 48.0G10 G08 - 2nt monotone rules 5.8 48.0G11 G09 + Nnt.Ne=2.4, mincount=10 15 48.0G12 G11 - 2nt monotone rules 5.9 47.9G13 G11 - 〈 wX1, wX1〉 13.5 48.3G14 G13 - 〈 X1w, X1w〉 12.8 48.4G15 G14 - 〈 X1wX2w, X1wX2w〉 8.6 48.5G16 G15 - 〈 wX1wX2, wX1wX2〉 4.2 48.5

Table 5.8: Grammar configurations, with rules in millions. IBM BLEU scores formt02-05-tuneset, obtained with k=10000.

In this section we show it is possible a greedy approach to building a grammar in

which rules belonging to a pattern are added to the grammar guided by the improve-

ments they yield onmt02-05-tunerelative to the monotone Hiero system described

in the previous chapter (k = 10000). The exploratory experiments are shown in

Table 5.8.

We start with a phrase-based grammar (G01) and buildG02 by adding the pat-

terns associated to Nnt.Ne= 1.2. The performance boosts up almost three points

(47.5 BLEU), suggesting that much of the reordering power of hierarchical gram-

mars can be found here. Then we buildG03 andG04 by adding patterns from

Nnt.Ne= 1.3 with two different mincount filterings,5 and10 respectively. Both

grammars improve slightly in perfomance. We useG03 to build the next grammar

G05, in which we add rules belonging to Nnt.Ne= 2.3 with a mincount filtering of

5. This grammar, with7.4 million rules, yields no improvement respect toG03; but

by discarding monotonic patterns in Nnt.Ne= 2.3 we get below6 million rules with

G06, even improving slightly in performance.

We follow a similar strategy for patterns belonging to Nnt.Ne= 2.5. We see

that adding these patterns directly does not affect perfomance (G07 andG08 versus

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 93

G06) whilst the size of the grammar boosts up to8.6 million rules for mincount= 5.

Remarkably, by removing monotonic patterns from any of bothgrammarsG07 and

G08 we reach much smaller grammarsG09 andG10, with an improvement of0.1


Again, taking nowG09 as our new baseline, we include all the patterns in

Nnt.Ne= 2.4 filtered with mincount= 10. This new grammar,G11, contains 15 mil-

lion rules. Interestingly, removing monotonic patterns slightly reduced perfomance

(G12). At this point we further reduce the grammar size by extracting identical

rule patterns. Results with grammarsG13 to G16 show consistent improvements

by discarding more than10 million rules3. All these experiments are clearly sug-

gesting that in this multiple-pattern context certain patterns seem not to contribute

to any improvement due to spurious ambiguity. To be more specific, we draw out

a few practical conclusions. Firstly, we see that monotonicpatterns tend not to

help in many cases. In particular, we find that identical patterns, specially with two

non-terminals, could be harmful. Finally, we see that to apply separate mincount

filterings is an easy strategy that could be quite effective.Based on the previous

results, an initial grammar is built by excluding patterns reported in Table 5.9. In

total, 171.5M rules are excluded, for a remaining set of 4.2Mrules, 3.5M of which

are hierarchical. We acknowledge that adding rules in this way is less than ideal and

inevitably raises questions with respect to generality andrepeatability. In particular,

it is important not to forget that MET has not been applied forthese experiments, so

it is possible that these conclusions will not carry over to optimized scores, as MET

could perhaps encounter derivations that are now unreachable. We will assess the

validity of these conclusions with more experiments in Section 5.4.6. In our experi-

ence this is a robust approach, mainly because it is possibleto run many exploratory

experiments in a short time.

5.4.4. Shallow versus Fully Hierarchical Translation

Hierarchical phrase-based rules define a synchronous context-free grammar,

which describes a particular search space of translation candidates for a sentence.

Table 5.10 shows the type of rules included in a standard hierarchical phrase-based

3Experiments are presented in this order for historical reasons. The reader should note that itwould be possible and even reasonable to extract the identical patterns〈 wX1, wX1〉 and 〈 X1w,X1w〉 fromG02. We have confirmed this afterwards: such a grammar yields an improvement of 0.3BLEU with a grammar size under1 million rules.

94 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

Excluded Rules Typesa 〈X1w,X1w〉 , 〈wX1,wX1〉 2332604b 〈X1wX2,∗〉 2121594

〈X1wX2w,X1wX2w〉 ,c〈wX1wX2,wX1wX2〉


d 〈wX1wX2w,∗〉 69437146e Nnt.Ne= 1.3 w mincount=5 32394578f Nnt.Ne= 2.3 w mincount=5 166969g Nnt.Ne= 2.4 w mincount=10 11465410h Nnt.Ne= 2.5 w mincount=5 688804

Table 5.9: Rules excluded from the initial grammar.

standard hierarchical grammarS→〈X,X〉 glue rule 1S→〈S X,S X〉 glue rule 2X→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X ∪T+ hiero rules

Table 5.10: Rules contained in the standard hierarchical grammar.

grammar, whereT denotes the terminals (words) and∼ is a bijective function that

relates the source and target non-terminals of each rule. Whenγ, α ∈ T+, i.e.,

there is not any non-terminal in the rule, the rule is a standard phrase.

Even when applying the rule extraction constraints described in Section 4.2 and

filters mentioned in Section 5.4.3, the search space may growtoo large. This is be-

cause a standard hierarchical grammar allows non-terminalsX to recursively gen-

erate hierarchical rules without any other limitation thanthe requirement for rule

terminals to cover parts of the source sentence. This allowsplenty of word move-

ment during translation, which can be very useful for certain language pairs, such

as Chinese-English. On the other hand, this may create too big a search space for

efficient decoding, and may not be the optimum strategy for all language pairs. We

also know that Arabic-to-English translation task requires less word reorderings.

So it may be that if we use hierarchical grammars in this way for this task we are

actually overgenerating.

To investigate whether this is happening or not, we devised anew kind of hi-

erarchical grammars in which only pure phrases are allowed to be substituted into

non-terminals. This is, hierarchical rules will be appliedonly once before feed-

ing the glue rule, in contrast to ‘fully hierarchical’ grammars, in which the limit is

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 95

R1: S→〈X ,X〉R2: S→〈S X ,S X〉R3: X→〈X s3,t5 X〉R4: X→〈X s4,t3 X〉R5: X→〈s1 s2,t1 t2〉R6: X→〈s4,t7〉

Figure 5.3: Hierarchical translation grammar example and two parsing trees withdifferent levels of rule nesting for the input sentences1s2s3s4.

established by a maximum span (typically 10-12 words). We call this grammar a

shallow grammar. The rules used for a shallow grammar can be expressed as shown

in Table 5.11.

Shallow hierarchical grammarS→〈X,X〉 glue rule 1S→〈S X,S X〉 glue rule 2V→〈s,t〉 phrase-based rulesX→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ V ∪T+ hiero rules

Table 5.11: Rules contained in the shallow hierarchical grammar.

Consider the example shown in Figure 5.3 which shows a hierarchical grammar

defined by six rules. For the input sentences1s2s3s4, there are two possible parse

trees as shown; the rule derivations for each tree are R1R4R3R5 and R2R1R3R5R6.

Along with each tree is shown the translation generated and the phrase-level align-

ment. In comparing the two trees and alignments, the left-most tree makes use of

more reordering when translating from source to target through the nested appli-

cation of the hierarchical rulesR3 andR4. For some language pairs this level of

reordering may be required in translation, but for other language pairs it may lead

to overgeneration of unwanted hypotheses. Suppose the grammar in this example is

modified as follows:

1. A non-terminalV is introduced into hierarchical translation rules

R3:X→〈V s3,t5 V 〉

R4:X→〈V s4,t3 V 〉

96 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

2. Rules for lexical phrases are applied toV

R5:V→〈s1 s2,t1 t2〉


These modifications exclude parses in which hierarchical translation rules generate

other hierarchical rules, except at the lexical phrase level. Consequently the left-

most tree of Figure 5.3 cannot be generated andt5t1t2t7 is the only allowable trans-

lation of s1s2s3s4. In this sense, reducing our grammar from a (fully) hierarchical

grammar to a shallow grammar is clearly a form of derivation filtering.

The experiment for Arabic-to-English in Table 5.12 contrasts performance and

speed of a traditional (fully) hiero search space with its reduced shallow grammar.

The decoder is HCP, described in Chapter 4. As can be seen, there is no impact on

BLEU, while translation speed increases by a factor of 7. Of course, these results

are specific to this Arabic-to-English translation task, and do not carry over to other

language pairs, such as Chinese-to-English translation (see Chapter 6). However,

the impact of this search simplification is easy to measure, and the gains can be

significant enough, that it is worth investigation even for languages with complex

long distance movement.

mt02-05- -tune -test

System Time BLEU BLEUHCP - full 14.0 52.1 51.5HCP - shallow 2.0 52.1 51.4

Table 5.12: Translation performance and time (in seconds per word) for full vs.shallow grammars.

5.4.5. Individual Rule Filters

Attempting to further speed up the system, we take our previous shallow

grammar as a baseline and we now filter hierarchical rules individually (not by

class) according to their number of translations, i.e. we limit the number of

translations of each individual source hierarchical phrase. More specifically, for

each fixedγ /∈ T+ (i.e. with at least 1 non-terminal), we define the following filters

over rulesX → 〈γ,α〉:

5.4. Filtering Strategies for Practical Grammars 97

Number of translations (NT). We keep theNT most frequentα’s, i.e. each

γ is allowed to have at mostNT rules.

Number of reordered translations (NRT). We keep theNRT most frequent

α’s with monotonic non-terminals and theNRT most frequentα’s with re-

ordered non-terminals.

Count percentage (CP). We keep the most frequentα’s until their aggregated

number of counts reaches a certain percentageCP of the total counts ofX →

〈γ,∗〉. Someγ’s are allowed to have moreα’s than others, depending on their

count distribution.

Results applying these filters with various thresholds are given in Table 5.13,

including number of rules and decoding time. As shown, all filters achieve at least a

50% speed-up in decoding time by discarding 15% to 25% of the baseline grammar

with 4.2 million rules. Remarkably, performance is unaffected whenapplying the

simpleNT andNRT filters with a threshold of 20 translations. Finally, theCP filter

behaves slightly worse for thresholds of 90% for the same decoding time. For this

reason, we selectNRT=20 as our general filter.

mt02-05- -tune -test

Filter Time Rules BLEU BLEUbaseline 2.0 4.20 52.1 51.4NT=10 0.8 3.25 52.0 51.3NT=15 0.8 3.43 52.0 51.3NT=20 0.8 3.56 52.1 51.4NRT=10 0.9 3.29 52.0 51.3NRT=15 1.0 3.48 52.0 51.4NRT=20 1.0 3.59 52.1 51.4CP=50 0.7 2.56 51.4 50.9CP=90 1.0 3.60 52.0 51.3

Table 5.13: Impact of general rule filters on translation (IBM BLEU), time (in sec-onds per word) and number of rules (in millions).

These findings are quite consistent with Table 5.14, which shows a surprisingly

low hierarchical rule usage for 1-best translations in the initial grammar for the

shallow configuration (Table 5.11). We discovered that onlyaround 3100 different

rules appear in the 1-best translation from a grammar more than one thousand times

bigger. Indeed, a closer look to the rule usage in 1-best alsoreveals that very few

98 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

Usage Foreign English44 17 X 16 16 X 1532 12 X 12 16 X 1518 X 459 12 12507 12 466 X 840 40399 84017 X 1070 717 X12 X 343 370 X

Table 5.14: Top five hierarchical 1-best rule usage with initial grammar configu-ration for mt02-05-tune. Numbers in source and target parts of each rule map tosource and target words respectively.

synchronous hierarchical rules with the same source phrasetranslate into different

target phrases, and the chosen translations are among the most probable ones in the

grammar extraction.

5.4.6. Revisiting Pattern-based Rule Filters

In order to assess that the greedy search is a valid procedure, in this subsection

we wish to revisit the decisions taken in building our first usable grammar. We first

reconsider whether reintroducing the monotonic patterns (originally excluded as

described in rows ’b’, ’c’, ’d’ in Table 5.9) affects performance. Results are given in

the upper rows of Table 5.15. For all classes, we find that reintroducing these rules

increases the total number of rules substantially, despitethe NRT=20 filter, but leads

to degradation in translation performance.

We next reconsider the mincount threshold values for Nnt.Ne classes 1.3, 2.3,

2.4 and 2.5 originally described in Table 5.9 (rows ’e’ to ’h’). Results under vari-

ous mincount cutoffs for each class are given in Table 5.15 (middle five rows). For

classes 2.3 and 2.5, the mincount cutoff can be reduced to 1 (i.e. all rules are kept)

with slight translation improvements. In contrast, reducing the cutoff for classes

1.3 and 2.4 to 3 and 5, respectively, adds many more rules withno increase in per-

formance. In the latter case there is a decreasing factor of 2, suggesting that the

system is handling plenty overgeneration and spurious ambiguity. We also find that

increasing the cutoff to 15 for class 2.4 yields the same results with a smaller gram-

mar. Finally, we consider further filtering applied to class1.2 with mincount 5 and

10 (final two rows in Table 5.15). The number of rules is largely unchanged, but

translation performance drops consistently as more rules are removed (undergener-


5.5. Large Language Models and Evaluation 99

mt02-05- -tune -test

Nnt.Ne Filter Time Rules BLEU BLEU

baselineNRT=20 1.0 3.59 52.1 51.42.3 +monotone 1.1 4.08 51.5 51.12.4 +monotone 2.0 11.52 51.6 51.02.5 +monotone 1.8 6.66 51.7 51.21.3 mincount=3 1.0 5.61 52.1 51.32.3 mincount=1 1.2 3.70 52.1 51.42.4 mincount=5 1.8 4.62 52.0 51.32.4 mincount=15 1.0 3.37 52.0 51.42.5 mincount=1 1.1 4.27 52.2 51.51.2 mincount=5 1.0 3.51 51.8 51.31.2 mincount=10 1.0 3.50 51.7 51.2

Table 5.15: Effect of pattern-based rule filters. Time in seconds per word. Rules inmillions.

Based on these experiments, we conclude that applying separate mincount

thresholds to the classes helps to control overgeneration and spurious ambiguity

whilst keeping optimal performance with a minimum size grammar.

5.5. Large Language Models and Evaluation

It is a common strategy in NLP to rerank lattices or n-best lists of translation

hypotheses with one or more steps in which stronger models are used. In this sec-

tion we report results of our shallow hierarchical system with the 2.5 mincount=1

configuration from Table 5.15, after including the following n-best list rescoring


Large-LM rescoring. We build sentence-specific zero-cutoff stupid-backoff

[Brantset al., 2007] 5-gram language models, estimated using∼4.7B words

of English newswire text, and apply them to rescore each 10000-best list.

Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR). We then rescore the first 1000-best hypotheses

with MBR, taking the negative sentence level BLEU score as the loss function

to minimize[Kumar and Byrne, 2004].

Table 5.16 shows results formt02-05-tune, mt02-05-test, the NIST subsets

from the MT06 evaluation (mt06-nist-nwfor newswire data andmt06-nist-ng

100 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

mt02-05-tune mt02-05-test mt06-nist-nw mt06-nist-ng mt08HCP+MET 52.2 / 41.6 51.5 / 42.2 48.4 / 43.6 35.3 / 53.2 42.5 / 48.6+rescoring 53.2 / 40.8 52.6 / 41.4 49.4 / 42.9 36.6 / 53.5 43.4 / 48.1

Table 5.16: Arabic-to-English translation results (lower-cased IBM BLEU / TER)with large language models and MBR decoding.

for newsgroup) andmt08, as measured by lowercased IBM BLEU and TER

[Snoveret al., 2006].

The mixed case NIST BLEU for our HCP system onmt08 is 42.5. This is

directly comparable to the official MT08 Constrained Training Track evaluation

results4. It is worth noting that many of the top entries make use of system combi-

nation; the results reported here are for single system translation.

5.6. Shallow-N grammars and Extensions

In this framework it is possible to define many types of grammars, each gram-

mar yielding a different search space. It could be possible to consider filtering in

the parsing stage, for instance according to word spans. We have also seen that lim-

iting the rule nesting to one was a good strategy for the Arabic-to-English task. So

relaxing this constraint for other translation tasks with more language reordering re-

quirements is another strategy worth trying. Or, if a particular problem in the model

is detected, we could addad hocrules to allow the decoder to find the correct hy-

potheses. In the end, the goal is to build efficiently the appropriate search space for

each translation task. In this section we propose the following strategies for more

efficient search space design.

1. Shallow-N grammars. This filtering technique is a natural extension toshal-

low grammars.

2. Low-level phrase concatenation. It augments the search space by allowing

certain hierarchical phrases to be concatenated.

3. Span filtering. This a simple filtering technique applied to the parser.

4See http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/mt/2008/doc/mt08_official_results_v0.html for full re-sults.

5.6. Shallow-N grammars and Extensions 101

These strategies are described here for coherence with thischapter, although

experimentation will be made withHiFST, hence results and discussion will appear

in the next chapter.

5.6.1. Shallow-N Grammars

In order to face language pairs with greater word reorderingrequirements than

Arabic-to-English, we extend our shallow grammars to a slightly more complex

scheme in which we expect to avoid overgeneration and spurious ambiguity by

adapting rule nesting to the needs of the particular translation task.

A shallow-N translation grammar can be formally defined as :

1. the usual non-terminalS

2. a set of non-terminalsX0, . . . , XN

3. two glue rules:S → 〈XN ,XN〉 andS → 〈S XN ,S XN〉

4. hierarchical translation rules for levelsn = 1, . . . , N :

R: Xn→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ Xn−1 ∪T+

with the requirement thatα andγ contain at least oneXn−1

5. translation rules which generate lexical phrases:

R: X0→〈γ,α〉 , γ, α ∈ T+

Table 5.17 illustrates the shallow grammars forN = 1, 2, 3. As is clear, with

largerN the expressive power of the grammar grows closer to that of full Hiero.

Shallow grammars are created by a trivial rewriting procedure of the full

grammar. In this context, the added requirement in condition (4) in the definition of

shallow-N grammars is included to avoid spurious ambiguity. To see theeffect of

this constraint, consider the following example with a source sentence ‘s1 s2’ and a

full grammar defined by these four rules:

R1: S→〈X,X〉

R2: X→〈s1 s2,t2 t1〉

R3: X→〈s1 X,X t1〉

R4: X→〈s2,t2〉We can easily rewrite these rules according to a shallow-1 grammar:

102 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

grammar rules includedS-1 S→〈X1,X1〉 S→〈SX1,SX1〉 glue rules

X0→〈γ,α〉 , γ, α ∈ T+ lexical phrasesX1→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X0 ∪T+ hiero rules level 1

S-2 S→〈X2,X2〉 S→〈SX2,SX2〉 glue rulesX0→〈γ,α〉 , γ, α ∈ T+ lexical phrasesX1→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X0 ∪T+ hiero rules level 1X2→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X1 ∪T+ hiero rules level 2

S-3 S→〈X3,X3〉 S→〈SX3,SX3〉 glue rulesX0→〈γ,α〉 , γ, α ∈ T+ lexical phrasesX1→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X0 ∪T+ hiero rules level 1X2→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X1 ∪T+ hiero rules level 2X3→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ X2 ∪T+ hiero rules level 3

Table 5.17: Rules contained in shallow-N grammars forN = 1, 2, 3.

R1: S→〈X1,X1〉

R2: X1→〈s1 s2,t2 t1〉

R3: X1→〈s1 X0,X0 t1〉

R4: X0→〈s2,t2〉

There are two derivations R1R2 and R1R3R4 which yield an identical transla-

tion. However R2 would not be allowed under the constraint introduced here since

there is noX0 in the body of the rule.

5.6.2. Low Level Concatenation for Structured Long Distance


The basic formulation of shallow-N grammars allows only the upper-level non-

terminal categoryS to act within the glue rule. This can prevent some useful

long-distance movement, as might be needed to translate Arabic sentences in Verb-

Subject-Object order into English. It often happens that the initial Arabic verb re-

quires long distance movement, but the subject which follows can be translated in

monotonic order. For instance, consider the following Romanized Arabic sentence:

TAlb AlwzrA’ AlmjtmEyn Alywm fy dm$q <lY ...

(CALLED) (the ministers) (gathered) (today) (in Damascus)(FOR) ...

where the verb ’TAlb’ must be translated into English so thatit follows the transla-

tions of the five subsequent Arabic words ’AlwzrA’ AlmjtmEynAlywm fy dm$q’

5.6. Shallow-N grammars and Extensions 103

which are themselves translated monotonically. A shallow-1 grammar cannot gen-

erate this movement except in the relatively unlikely case that the five words fol-

lowing the verb can be translated as a single phrase. A more powerful approach is

to define grammars that allow low-level rules to form movablegroups of phrases.

Additional non-terminalsMk are introduced to allow successive generation ofk

non-terminalsXN−1 in monotonic order for both languages, whereK1 ≤ k ≤ K2.

These act in the same manner as the glue rule does in the uppermost level. Apply-

ingMk non-terminals at the N-1 level allows one hierarchical ruleto perform a long

distance movement over the tree headed byMk.

We further refine shallow-N grammars by specifying the allowable values ofk

for the successive productions of non-terminalsXN−1. There are many possible

ways to formulate and constrain these grammars. IfK2 = 1, then the grammar

is equivalent to the previous definition of shallow-N grammars, since monotonic

production is only allowed by the glue rule of level N. IfK1 = 1 andK2 > 1, then

the search space defined by the grammar is greater than the standard shallow-N

grammar as it includes structured long distance movement. Finally, if K1 > 1 then

the search space is different from standard shallow-N as theN level is only used

for long distance movement.

The introduction ofMk non-terminals redefines shallow-N grammars as:

1 the usual non-terminalS

2 a set of non-terminalsX0, . . . , XN

3 a set of non-terminalsMK1, . . . ,MK2 for K1 = 1, 2; K1 ≤ K2

4 two glue rules:S → 〈XN ,XN〉 andS → 〈S XN ,S XN〉

5 hierarchical translation rules for levelN :

R: XN→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ MK1, . . . ,MK2 ∪T+

with the requirement thatα andγ contain at least oneMk

6 hierarchical translation rules for levelsn = 1, . . . , N − 1:

R: Xn→〈γ,α,∼〉 , γ, α ∈ Xn−1 ∪T+

with the requirement thatα andγ contain at least oneXn−1

7 translation rules which generate lexical phrases:

R: X0→〈γ,α〉 , γ, α ∈ T+

104 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

Figure 5.4: Movement allowed by two grammars: shallow-1, with K1 = 1, K2 = 3[left], and shallow-2, withK1 = 1,K2 = 3 [right]. Both grammars allow movementof the bracketed term as a unit. Shallow-1 requires that translation within the objectmoved be monotonic while shallow-2 allows up to two levels of reordering.

8 rules which generatek non-terminalsXN−1:

if K1 == 2 :

R: Mk→〈XN−1 Mk−1,XN−1 Mk−1,∼〉 , for k = 3, . . . , K2

R: M2→〈XN−1 XN−1,XN−1 XN−1〉

if K1 == 1 :

R: Mk→〈XN−1 Mk−1,XN−1 Mk−1,∼〉 , for k = 2, . . . , K2

R: M1→〈XN−1,XN−1〉

For example, with a shallow-1 grammar,M3 leads to the monotonic production

of three non-terminals X0, which leads to the production of three lexical phrase

pairs; these can be moved with a hierarchical rule of level 1.This is graphically

represented by the left-most tree in Figure 5.4. With a shallow-2 grammar,M2 leads

to the monotonic production of two non-terminals X1, a movement represented by

the right-most tree in Figure 5.4. This movement cannot be achieved with a shallow-

1 grammar.

5.6.3. Minimum and Maximum Rule Span

We parse the sentence to create the forest that describes thecompletesearch

space using a given grammar, intentionally avoiding any kind of filtering or prun-

ing. But of course, different filtering strategies could be applied here. We propose

two parameters that control the application of hierarchical translation rules in gen-

erating the search space. These two parameters namedhmaxandhminspecify the

5.7. Conclusions 105

maximum and minimum height at which any hierarchical translation rule can be ap-

plied in the CYK grid. In other words, the idea is that a hierarchical rule would only

be applied in cell(x, y) if hmin≤ y ≤hmax. In principle, these filters are expected

to be specially useful for shallow-N grammars, as they are set independently for

each non-terminal category of the grammar. With these experiments we hope to see

whether the span of these rules is significant. Besides the opportunity to speed up

the system, this knowledge could lead to new ideas for searchspace design.

5.7. Conclusions

This chapter has focused on efficient search space design forlarge-scale hi-

erarchical translation. We defined a general classificationof hierarchical rules,

based on their number of non-terminals, elements and their patterns, for refined

extraction and filtering. We have demonstrated that certainpatterns are of much

greater value in translation than others and that separate minimum count filters

should be applied accordingly. Some patterns were found to be redundant or harm-

ful, in particular identical patterns and many monotonic patterns. Moreover, we

show that the value of a pattern is not directly related to thenumber of rules

it encompasses, which can lead to discarding large numbers of rules that are ei-

ther overgenerating or producing spurious ambiguity, and consequently to dramatic

speed improvements. For a large-scale Arabic-to-English task, we show that shal-

low hierarchical decoding is as good as fully hierarchical search and that decod-

ing time is dramatically decreased. In addition, we describe individual rule fil-

ters based on the distribution of translations with furthertime reductions at no

cost in translation scores. This is in direct contrast to recent reported results in

which other filtering strategies lead to degraded performance [Shenet al., 2008;

Zollmannet al., 2008]. Finally, given our initial findings with shallow grammars,

we extend them to a new kind of hierarchical grammars called shallow-N gram-

mars, that attempt to control overgeneration and spurious ambiguity by imposing

a direct constraint to rule nesting. As this constraint filters derivations with longer

distance word reorderings, it should be adapted to each particular translation task.

We also propose low level concatenation and motivate the usefulness of this strat-

egy with an Arabic-English sentence. Finally, we propose tofilter rules by span in

the parser. Experiments for these new strategies have been realized withHiFSTand

thus results and discussion are postponed to the last sections of the next chapter.

106 Chapter 5. Hierarchical Grammars

The experiments reported in this chapter have partially motivated a paper in the

EACL conference[Iglesiaset al., 2009c]. In the next chapter we face the challenge

of implementing a more efficient search algorithm than the hypercube pruning de-


Chapter 6HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with


Contents6.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

6.2. From HCP to HiFST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

6.4. Alignment for MET optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

6.6. Experiments on Chinese-to-English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

6.7. Experiments on Spanish-to-English Translation . . . . .. . 148

6.8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

6.1. Introduction

Hypercube pruning decoders, already introduced in Chapter4, rely on hypothe-

ses lists to build the translation search space. Even thoughthis approach is very

effective and has been shown to produce improvements in translation, the reliance

on k-best lists is a limitation that inevitably leads to search errors. In this chapter,

we propose a new search algorithm. Whilst based on a similar hierarchical frame-

work, it uses lattices implemented with weighted finite-state transducers, yielding

more compact and efficient representations of bigger searchspaces and thus more

108 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

robust to search errors. By using WFSTs we also benefit from the semiring oper-

ations described in Chapter 2, as this simplifies considerably the implementation.

The outline of this chapter is the following: in Section 6.2 we motivate the shift

from the hypercube pruning decoder (HCP) toHiFST and we discuss the concep-

tual similarities and differences between both decoders. In Section 6.3 we describe

how this decoder can be easily implemented with WFSTs. For this we employ the

OpenFST libraries[Allauzenet al., 2007], as we make use of FST operations such

as composition, epsilon removal, determinization, minimization and shortest-path.

As the use of transducers currently forces us to perform a posterior alignment, we

also discuss two alignment methods for MET optimization in Section 6.4. In Sec-

tions 6.5 and 6.6 we report translation results in Arabic-to-English and Chinese-to-

English translation, respectively, and contrast the performance of lattice-based and

hypercube pruning hierarchical decoding. We will show that, compared to the hy-

percube pruning decoder (HCP), the main advantages are a significant reduction in

search errors, a simpler implementation, direct generation of target language word

lattices, and better integration with other statistical MTprocedures. For Chinese-

to-English and Arabic-to-English, we present contrastiveexperiments with our hy-

percube pruning decoder. We also contrast shallow-N grammars introduced in Sec-

tion 5.6 with full hiero grammars. We also present experiments for low-level phrase

concatenation and the log-probability semiring in Arabic-to-English, and pruning

strategies for Chinese-to-English.

Finally, Section 6.7 shows experiments for the Europarl Spanish-to-English

translation task, after which we conclude.

6.2. From HCP toHiFST

We have already explained that a hypercube pruning decoder works in two

steps (see Chapter 4). In the first step the sentence is parsed. In the second step,

we apply the k-best algorithm with hypercube pruning to build the hypotheses list.

As we traverse the backpointers we build in a bottom-up direction lists for each cell

in the grid containing partial translation hypotheses. These lists could be pruned if

certain conditions are met. At the end, in the topmost cell, we have a list of trans-

lation hypotheses. Figure 6.1 shows an example of what couldbe happening right

after the list for the topmost cell has been built.

In this chapter, we introduceHiFST. Broadly speaking, this decoder will work

6.2. From HCP to HiFST 109

Figure 6.1: HCP builds the search space using lists.

in a very similar fashion to the hypercube pruning decoder. However, rather than

building lists in each cell of the CYK grid, we build a single,minimal word lattice

containing all possible translations of the source sentence span covered by that cell.

In the upper-most cell we have our lattice that spans the whole source sentence and

consequently contains the translation hypotheses.

So in essence, as shows Figure 6.2, what we propose is to throwaway the k-best

lists and use lattices instead, implemented with WFSTs. Themotivation for this is:

1. Lattices are much more compact representations of a spacethan k-best lists.

This translates into bigger search spaces, less search errors and richer list of

hypotheses that can lead to better optimization and rescoring steps.

2. Lattices implemented as WFSTs have the advantage of usingany WFST op-

eration defined on the semiring. This is, we can perform determinization,

minimization, composition, etcetera.

As lattices represent hypotheses lists in a far more compactway, we can state

that by using lattices we are workingin practicewith a search space that is a super

set of the one created by the hypercube pruning decoder. But the underlying ideas

of both decoders are quite the same, as both parse the source sentence and store a

subset of the search space for each cell.

110 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

Figure 6.2: HiFST builds the same search space using lattices.

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 111

Figure 6.3: TheHiFST decoder.

We conclude this section by presenting an overview of this new decoder, called

HiFST, depicted in Figure 6.3. Ideally it works in three stages:

1. A parsing algorithm is applied to the source sentence, namely the CYK al-

gorithm, effectively building a grid that stores derivations and required back-

pointers for later use.

2. We build the translation lattice following the backpointers through the CYK

grid. As we will see, for efficiency we do not build in practicethe whole

lattice in one pass. Instead, a much more simpler lattice using pointers to

external lattices is built. In a second pass, the lattice is expanded into the

full lattice containing all the translation hypotheses. Wecall this procedure

delayed translation. Pruning in search may be required in this stage.

3. Once we have the translation lattice for the whole sentence, we apply the

language model. The 1-best (shortest path) corresponds to the hypothesis that

will be evaluated, although keeping the (pruned) translation lattice is useful

for posterior reranking/system combination steps.

In the next section we introduce the equations that govern the decoder. We ex-

plain how it works by following the example from Section 2.3.1. Then we describe

the algorithm, and further refine it with the delayed translation technique, pruning

in search and the deletion rules constraint.

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

The translation system is based on a variant of the CYK algorithm closely

related to CYK+[Chappelier and Rajman, 1998]. Parsing has been described in

Section 2.3. We keep backpointers and employ hypotheses recombination without

112 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

discarding rules, unless stated otherwise. The underlyingmodel is a synchronous

context-free grammar consisting of a setR = Rr of rulesRr : N → 〈γr,αr〉 / pr,

with ‘glue’ rules,S → 〈X,X〉 andS → 〈S X,S X〉. If a rule has probabilitypr,

it is transformed to a costcr; here we use the tropical semiring, socr = − log pr.

N denotes any non-terminal (S,X,V , etcetera),N ∈ N. T denotes the terminals

(words), and the grammar builds parse forests based on stringsγ, α ∈ N ∪ T+.

Each cell in the CYK grid is specified by a non-terminal symboland position in the

CYK grid: (N, x, y), which spanssx+y−1x on the source sentence.

In effect, the source language sentence is parsed using a context-free grammar

with rulesN → γ. The generation of translations is a second step that follows

parsing. For this second step, we describe a method to construct word lattices with

all possible translations that can be produced by the hierarchical rules. Construction

proceeds by traversing the CYK grid along the backpointers established in parsing.

In each cell(N, x, y) in the CYK grid, we build a target language word lattice

L(N, x, y). This lattice contains every translation ofsx+y−1x from every derivation

headed byN . These lattices also contain the translation scores on their arc weights.

The ultimate objective is the word latticeL(S, 1, J), which corresponds to all

the analyses that cover the source sentencesJ1 . Once this is built, we can apply a

target language model toL(S, 1, J) to obtain the final target language translation

lattice[Allauzenet al., 2003].

We use the approach of Mohri[2002] in applying WFSTs to statistical NLP. This

fits well with the use of the OpenFST toolkit[Allauzenet al., 2007] to implement

our decoder.

6.3.1. Lattice Construction Over the CYK Grid

In each cell(N, x, y), the set of rule indices used by the parser is denoted

R(N, x, y), i.e. for r ∈ R(N, x, y),N → 〈γr,αr〉 was used in at least one derivation

involving that cell.

For each ruleRr, r ∈ R(N, x, y), we build a latticeL(N, x, y, r). This lattice is

derived from the target side of the ruleαr by concatenating lattices corresponding

to the elements ofαr = αr1...α

r|αr |. If an αr

i is a terminal, creating its lattice is

straightforward. Ifαri is a non-terminal, it refers to a cell(N ′, x′, y′) lower in the

grid identified by the backpointerBP (N, x, y, r, i); in this case, the lattice used is

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 113

Figure 6.4: Translation rules, CYK grid fors1s2s3, and production of the translationlatticeL(S, 1, 3).

L(N ′, x′, y′). Taken together,

L(N, x, y, r) =⊗


L(N, x, y, r, i) (6.1)

L(N, x, y, r, i) =

A(αi) if αi ∈ T

L(N ′, x′, y′) else(6.2)

whereA(t), t ∈ T returns a single-arc acceptor that accepts only the symbolt. The

latticeL(N, x, y) is then built as the union of lattices corresponding to the rules in

R(N, x, y):

L(N, x, y) =⊕


L(N, x, y, r)⊗ cr (6.3)

This slight abuse of notation indicates that the costcr is applied at the path level to

each latticeL(N, x, y, r); the cost can be added to the exit states, for example. This

could as well be done at Equation 6.1. An Example of Phrase-based Translation

In Section 4.3.2 we used a toy example with the following rules:

R1: X → 〈s1 s2 s3,t1 t2〉

R2: X → 〈s1 s2,t7 t8〉

R3: X → 〈s3,t9〉

R4: S → 〈X,X〉

114 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

R5: S → 〈S X,S X〉

We will now reuse this example to explain how theHiFST works in practice.

Figure 6.4 depicts the state of the CYK grid after parsing with the rulesR1 toR5 for

translation of sentences1s2s3, and including backpointers, represented as arrows,

from non-terminals to lower-level cells. This is a phrase-based monotone translation

scenario asR1, R2, R3 lack non-terminals, whilstR4, R5 are the glue rules. How to

get to this situation has been explained in Section 2.3.1.

At this point, the system is ready to find translation hypotheses. We are inter-

ested in the upper-most S cell(S, 1, 3), as it represents the search space of translation

hypotheses covering the whole source sentence. The latticeL(S, 1, 3) for this cell

is easy to obtain by using Equations 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 and traversing backpointers

similarly to the k-best algorithm, explained in Section 4.3.2. Two rules (R4, R5)

are in cell(S, 1, 3), so the latticeL(S, 1, 3) will be obtained by the union of the two

lattices found by the backpointers of these two rules:

L(S, 1, 3) = L(S, 1, 3, 4) ⊕ L(S, 1, 3, 5)

On the other hand,

L(S, 1, 3, 4) = L(X, 1, 3) = L(X, 1, 3, 1) = A(t1)⊗A(t2)

asL(S, 1, 3, 4) is determined byR4, pointing from(S, 1, 3) to (X, 1, 3), which in

turn is determined only byR1, a phrase-based rule. Therefore, we can build it

by concatenations, one arc per each target word in the rule. On the other hand, as

L(S, 1, 3, 5) depends solely onR5, its backpointers leading to(S, 1, 2) and(X, 3, 1),

L(S, 1, 3, 5) is simply a concatenation of two sublattices.

L(S, 1, 3, 5) = L(S, 1, 2)⊗L(X, 3, 1)

Again, lattices in(S, 1, 2) and(X, 3, 1) have to be calculated first. So:

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 115


1t 1

3t 7


t 2

4t 8

t 9

Figure 6.5: A lattice encoding two target sentences:t1t2 andt7t8t9.

L(S, 1, 2) = L(S, 1, 2, 4) = L(X, 1, 2) = L(X, 1, 2, 2) = A(t7)⊗A(t8)


L(X, 3, 1) = L(X, 3, 1, 3) = A(t9)


L(S, 1, 3, 5) = A(t7)⊗A(t8)⊗A(t9)

Finally we can obtain the lattice for(S, 1, 3):

L(S, 1, 3) = (A(t1)⊗A(t2))⊕ (A(t7)⊗A(t8)⊗A(t9))

whereL(S, 1, 3) corresponds to the lattice depicted in Figure 6.5. An Example of Hierarchical Translation

Let us now study the complete scenario by considering three additional rules

R6, R7, R8:

116 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

R6: X → 〈s1,t20〉

R7: X → 〈X1 s2 X2,X1 t10 X2〉

R8: X → 〈X1 s2 X2,X2 t10 X1〉

These rules are hierarchical, i.e. they contain non-terminals in the right side.

Figure 6.6 shows the CYK grid for the same sentence, where only hierarchical

derivations have been considered. The reader should note that R7 andR8 share

the source part of the rule and only differ in the target part (i.e. different order of

non-terminals). The goal, once again, is to build a completelattice for(S, 1, 3):

L(S, 1, 3) = L(S, 1, 3, 4) ⊕ L(S, 1, 3, 5)

As we are considering results from the previous example, we can reuse

L(S, 1, 3, 5). For this reasonL(S, 1, 3, 5) is marked with brackets (). Thus, we

only have to calculateL(S, 1, 3, 4):

Figure 6.6: Translation fors1s2s3, with rulesR3, R4, R6,R7,R8.

L(S, 1, 3, 4) = L(X, 1, 3) = L(X, 1, 3, 1) ⊕ L(X, 1, 3, 7)⊕ L(X, 1, 3, 8)

Similarly,L(X, 1, 3, 1) is as obtained for the phrase-based example. So we only

have to find the lattices produced by the two hierarchical rules:

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 117



t 1

3t 7

5t 2 0


t 9


t 2

4t 8

6t 1 0

8t 1 0

t 9

t 9

t 2 0

Figure 6.7: A lattice encoding four target sentences:t1t2, t7t8t9, t9t10t20 andt20t10t9.

L(X, 1, 3, 7) = L(X, 1, 1, 6)⊗A(t10)⊗ L(X, 3, 1, 3) = A(t20)⊗A(t10)⊗A(t9)

L(X, 1, 3, 8) = A(t9)⊗A(t10)⊗A(t20)

As expected, the only difference between these two latticesis the order of con-

catenation. This is as easily applied to two naive arcsA(t9) andA(t20) as to full

lattices containing thousands of hypotheses. Indeed, thisprovides a taste of the

power and elegant flexibility of using semiring operations.Finally, the complete

lattice for(S, 1, 3) is:

L(S, 1, 3) = (A(t1)⊗A(t2))⊕

⊕ (A(t20)⊗A(t10)⊗A(t9))⊕ (A(t9)⊗A(t10)⊗A(t20))⊕

⊕ (A(t7)⊗A(t8)⊗A(t9))

whereL(S, 1, 3) now corresponds to the lattice depicted in Figure 6.7.

6.3.2. A Procedure for Lattice Construction

Figure 6.8 presents the algorithm used inHiFST to build the lattice for every

cell. The algorithm uses memoization: if a lattice for a requested cell already exists,

118 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

it is returned (line 2); otherwise it is constructed via Equations 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.

For every rule, each element of the target side (lines 3,4) ischecked as terminal or

non-terminal (Equation 6.2). If it is a terminal element (line 5), a simple acceptor

is built. If it is a non-terminal (line 6), the lattice associated to its backpointer is

returned (lines 7 and 8). The complete latticeL(N, x, y, r) for each rule is built by

Equation 6.1 (line 9). The latticeL(N, x, y) for this cell is then found by union of all

the component rules (line 10, Equation 6.3); this lattice isthen reduced by standard

WFST operations (lines 11,12,13). It is important at this point to remove any epsilon

arcs which may have been introduced by the various WFST union, concatenation,

and replacement operations described in Section 2.2.2, as operations over finite-state

machines with too many epsilons may lead to memory explosion.

1 function buildFst(N,x,y)2 if ∃ L(N, x, y) returnL(N, x, y)3 for r ∈ R(N, x, y), Rr : N → 〈γ,α〉4 for i = 1...|α|5 if αi ∈ T , L(N, x, y, r, i) = A(αi)6 else7 (N ′, x′, y′) = BP (αi)8 L(N, x, y, r, i) = buildFst(N ′, x′, y′)9 L(N, x, y, r)=

i=1..|α|L(N, x, y, r, i)

10 L(N, x, y) =⊕

r∈R(N,x,y) L(N, x, y, r)

11 fstRmEpsilonL(N, x, y)12 fstDeterminizeL(N, x, y)13 fstMinimizeL(N, x, y)14 returnL(N, x, y)

Figure 6.8: Recursive Lattice Construction.

6.3.3. Delayed Translation

Equation 6.2 leads to the recursive construction of lattices in upper-levels of the

grid through the union and concatenation of lattices from lower levels. If Equa-

tions 6.1 and 6.3 are actually carried out over fully expanded word lattices, the

memory required by the upper lattices will increase exponentially.

To avoid this, we use special arcs that serve as pointers to the low-level lattices.

This effectively builds a skeleton of the desired lattice and delays the creation of

the final word lattice until a single replacement operation is carried out in the top

cell (S, 1, J). To make this exact, we define a functiong(N, x, y) that returns a

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 119

unique tag for each lattice in each cell, and use it to redefineEquation 6.2. With the

backpointer(N ′, x′, y′) = BP (N, x, y, r, i), these special arcs are introduced as:

L(N, x, y, r, i) =

A(αi) if αi ∈ T

A(g(N ′, x′, y′)) else(6.4)

The resulting latticesL(N, x, y) are a mix of target language words and lattice

pointers (Figure 6.9, top lattice). However, each still represents the entire search

space of all translation hypotheses covering the span.

At the upper-most cell, the latticeL(S, 1, J) contains pointers to lower-level lat-

tices. A single FST replace operation[Allauzenet al., 2007] recursively substitutes

all pointers by their lower-level lattices until no pointers are left, thus producing the

complete target word lattice for the whole source sentence.The use of the lattice

pointer arc was inspired by the ‘lazy evaluation’ techniques developed by Mohri

et al. [2000]. Its implementation uses the infrastructure provided by the OpenFST

libraries for delayed composition, etc.

Figure 6.9: Delayed translation during lattice construction.

As an example, consider a hypothetic situation depicted in Figure 6.9, in which

we are running the lattice construction. We have built a lattice for one of the cells of

120 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

row 1 in the CYK grid (L1). At some point in row3 we are building a new latticeL3

that requires through various hierarchical rules the lowerlatticeL1. This means that

L1 could be replicated more than once intoL3. It is easy to foresee the potential for

state exponential growth, as lattices at a higher rowj will probably require bothL3

andL1, which in turn will feed even higher rows, etcetera. To solvethis problem,

we use a single arc inL3 that points toL1, effectivelydelayingthe procedure of

building pure translation hypotheses until the expansion.This keeps under control

the size of lattices as we go up the CYK grid during the latticeconstruction.

Importantly, operations on these cell lattices — such as lossless size reduction

via determinization and minimization — can still be performed. Owing to the ex-

istence of multiple hierarchical rules which share the samelow-level dependen-

cies, these operations can greatly reduce the size of the skeleton lattice; Figure 6.10

shows the effect on the translation example. As stated, sizereductions can be sig-

nificant. However, not all redundancy is removed, since duplicate paths may arise

through the concatenation and union of sublattices with different spans.

One interesting issue is where to use and wherenot to use pointer arcs. As

explained in Chapter 2, several WFST operations are quite efficient due to the use

of epsilon arcs. Unfortunately, combining carelessly these operations introduces an

excessive number of epsilon arcs that very easily lead to intractable lattices. In many

cases, removing epsilons is enough. But the expansion is a single operation that

recursively traverses all the arcs substituting pointers to lower lattices by adding at

least two epsilons per substitution1. So, the issue is not only about making the lattice

construction fast, but delivering a tractable skeleton forposterior steps. We decide

which cell lattice will be replaced by a single arc dependingon the non-terminal

this cell is associated to. The reader should note that, as a rule of thumb, theS

cell lattices should never be replaced by pointer arcs, as they are used recursively

many times for each translation hypothesis. A lattice construction doing so would

return a minimal FST of two states binded by one single pointer arc, from which

the complete search space lattice (possibly with millions of derivations) must be

created, including at least twice as many epsilons as glue rules used within each


1See Section 2.3.3. There could be more than two epsilons if there is more than one finite state.

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 121



























Figure 6.10: Delayed translation WFST with derivations from Figure 1 and Figure2 before [t] and after minimization [b].

6.3.4. Pruning in Lattice Construction

As introduced in Section 5.3, there are two pruning strategies we can apply:Full

PruningandPruning in Search. We now explain how each strategy is implemented

in HiFST. Full Pruning

The final translation latticeL(S, 1, J) can grow very large after the pointer arcs

are expanded. We therefore apply a word-based language model, via WFST com-

position, and perform likelihood-based pruning[Allauzenet al., 2007] based on the

combined translation and language model scores. For directevaluation we simply

need the 1-best hypotheses; for posterior reranking steps bigger search spaces are

required. As stated previously, this kind of pruning will strictly take out the worst

hypotheses of the search space. In this sense it is predictable and any undergenera-

tion problems it could produce is due to an incorrect search space modeling.

122 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs Pruning in Search

Pruning can also be performed on sublattices during search.This is an undesired

situation in which the search space grows so big that the onlyway to handle it with

our hardware resources is to discard hypotheses, at the riskof search errors that will

lead to spurious undergeneration problems, very difficult to control.

In order to have as much control as possible over this situation,HiFST follows

the strategy described next. We define a condition demandingthat certain events,

when running the decoder, must occur jointly in order to trigger the search pruning

procedure on the minimized latticeL(N, x, y). These events are three:

1. The specific non-terminalN accepts pruning.

2. The cell(N, x, y) spans a minimum number of words.

3. The number of states of the minimized lattice exceeds a minimum threshold.

For example, a conditionX, 5, 1000 means that a transducer spanning five

source words from anX cell will be pruned if it has1000 states or more. We

typically add one more parameter to set the likelihood pruning, i.e. X, 5, 1000, 9

would prune hypotheses with a cost that exceeds9 respect to the 1-best hypothesis.

The same non-terminal may accept different configurations.For instance, we could

trigger pruning for a fully hierarchical grammar ifX cell lattices spanning2 words

exceed 1000 states,X cell lattices spanning5 words exceed 10000 states andX cell

lattices spanning10 words exceed 100000 states. For grammars with more types of

non-terminals, more possible configurations are available.

This offers a fine-grained strategy for pruning, with the objective of no more

than doing it in order to obtain a feasible output to compute.

In terms of implementation, we expand any pointer arcs and apply a word-based

language model via composition. The resulting lattice is then reduced by likelihood-

based pruning, after which the language model scores are removed, as shown in

Figure 6.11.

Interestingly, pruning in search not only risks performance by means of search

errors. These can be more or less controlled with an adequatepruning configura-

tion. But it has a severe impact on speed. If this procedure isfrequently triggered,

decoding times will increase considerably. Conversely, ifpruning in search is not

needed, the translation stage could be quite fast, unless the final lattice is so big that

6.3. Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs 123

1 function pruneInSearch(L)2 fstReplaceL3 ApplyLM L4 fstPruneL5 RemoveLML6 returnL

Figure 6.11: Pseudocode for Pruning in Search.

composing and posterior pruning/shortest-path is too slow. We will discuss several

pruning experiments in Section 6.6.3.

6.3.5. Deletion Rules

It has been experimentally found that statistical machine translation systems

tend to benefit from allowing a small number of deletions. In other words, allowing

some input words to be ignored (untranslated, or translatedto NULL) can improve

translation output. For this purpose, we want to add to our grammar a deletion rule

for each source-language word, i.e. synchronous rules withthe target side set to a

special tag identifying the null word.

In practice, this represents a huge increase in the search space as any number of

consecutive words can be left untranslated. To control thisundesired situation, we

apply two strategies:

1. Inspired by the shallow grammar approach, we insert the deletion rules in such

a way that they will not be used as non-terminals for higher hierarchical rules.

In other words, each deletion rule is generated by a non-terminal that can

only feed the high glue rule used to buildS by non-lexicalized non-terminal

concatenation. Table 6.1 shows both full and shallow hierarchical grammars

modified to allow deletion rules in this way2.

2. We limit the number of consecutive deleted words. This is done by standard

composition with an unweighted transducer that maps any word to itself, and

up to k NULL tokens toǫ arcs. In Figure 6.12 this simple transducer for

k = 1 andk = 2 is drawn. Composition of the lattice in each cell with this

transducer filters out all translations with more thank consecutive deleted


2Out-of-vocabulary words (OOVs) are coded in a very similar way.

124 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

Hiero Hiero ShallowV → 〈γ,α〉 X → 〈γs,αs〉X → 〈V ,V 〉 X → 〈V ,V 〉

X → 〈si,NULL〉 V → 〈s,t〉,X → 〈si,NULL〉γ, α ∈ (X ∪T)+ s, t ∈ T+; γs, αs ∈ (V ∪T)+

Table 6.1: Full and shallow grammars, including deletion rules.







NULL :ǫ102

Figure 6.12: Transducers for filtering up to one [left] or two[right] consecutivedeletions.

6.3.6. Revisiting the Algorithm

Taking into account previous subsections, we now show in Figure 6.13 the ex-

tended recursive algorithm for lattice construction, which includes pruning, delayed

translation and deletion rules. To be more precise, after minimizing the lattice we

filter out consecutive nulls (line 14). If the joint conditions (i.e. non-terminal, num-

ber of states threshold and minimum word span) for search pruning are met (sp-

conditions, line 15), then we trigger the pruning procedurein Figure 6.11. Finally,

this lattice is stored and the function returns a trivial lattice consisting of two states

binded by a pointer arc (pointing to the stored lattice), if allowed for this cell (pa-

conditions, line 16). If not, the complete lattice is returned. The output is a lattice,

which opens up the possibility of applying more powerful models in rescoring (see

Sections 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7).

In Figure 6.14 we provide the reader with the global perspective for a full trans-

lation of the sentence.

6.4. Alignment for MET optimization

As introduced in Section 3.4.2, MET optimization[Och, 2003] is typically used

within maximum entropy frameworks to optimize a vector withthe scaling factors

assigned to each feature,λ = (λ1, . . . , λn). If we are not going to apply this opti-

mization step, the most efficient way in translation is to keep only one single cost,

6.4. Alignment for MET optimization 125

1 function buildFst(N,x,y)2 if ∃ L(N, x, y) returnL(N, x, y)3 for r ∈ R(N, x, y), Rr : N → 〈γ,α〉4 for i = 1...|α|5 if αi ∈ T , L(N, x, y, r, i) = A(αi)6 else7 (N ′, x′, y′) = BP (αi)8 L(N, x, y, r, i) = buildFst(N ′, x′, y′)9 L(N, x, y, r)=

i=1..|α|L(N, x, y, r, i)

10 L(N, x, y) =⊕

r∈R(N,x,y) L(N, x, y, r)

11 fstRmEpsilonL(N, x, y)12 fstDeterminizeL(N, x, y)13 fstMinimizeL(N, x, y)14 filterConsecutiveNullsL(N, x, y)15 if (sp-conditions) pruneInSearchL(N, x, y)16 if (pa-conditions) return pointer toL(N, x, y)17 returnL(N, x, y)

Figure 6.13: Recursive lattice construction, extended.

1 function HiFst(sentence)2 parsesentence→ CYK grid with topmost cell(S, 1, J)3 L =buildFst(S, 1, J)4 expandLatticeL5 ApplyLM L6 fstPruneL7 returnL

Figure 6.14: Global pseudocode forHiFST.

obtained by summing all the feature costs multiplied by their respective scaling fac-

tors. For optimization we must keep a vector of costs representing each individual

feature contribution to the overall score. Ideally, for optimization we would like

to extend our decoder to be able to do this in one single pass. We would like to

build a transducer that represents the mapping from all possible rule derivations to

all possible translations — in the same conditions as the decoding explained above,

and containing costs vectors instead of single costs. We would even be content with

single costs, as if we know the derivations we can still recover this information. But

creating this transducer, which maps derivations to translations, is not feasible for

large translation search spaces. The solution is to make a second pass thatalignsto

a translation reference provided by the first pass decoding.Such a strategy has also

been followed for other WFST-based translation systems[Blackwoodet al., 2008].

126 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

This is depicted in Figure 6.15.

Figure 6.15: Alignment is needed to extract features for optimization.

In Section 3.6 we said that a translation unit coincides witha rule of synchronous

context-free grammars. We now express such a rule as:

N → γ, α, c,∼

with N ∈ N; γ,α ∈ N ∪ T, andc = (c1, ...cK) is a vector of costs that depend

on each particular translation unit,K = |c|.

Assume that we are given a source sentences and a target sentencet, previously

suggested by our decoder with costcst. We carry out bilingual decoding under the

hiero grammar using the translation sentencet as a constraint. This produces the

set oftreesthat can generate the sentence pairs, t. This is the standard alignment

procedure: we already know the translation and its overall cost, but we wish to find

out more details (i.e. feature costs) concerning the particular tree that generated it.

Each treeT is defined uniquely by a derivation of rulesRr1 , . . . , Rrn and thus the

final cost vector (without scaling) for this tree can be defined as in Equation 6.5:

cT =∑


crj (6.5)

wherej iterates over all rules of this particular derivation. These final cost vec-

tors are used to train theλ within the maximum entropy framework. Formally ex-

pressed, for a given set of scaling factorsλ the overall costc for a given derivation

is obtained, as shows Equation 6.6, with the scalar product of λ and the vector of

6.4. Alignment for MET optimization 127

costs corresponding to the features of this derivation. Ideally, c = cst.

c = λ · cT =



λicTi =





crji (6.6)

In the general case, we use as a reference a fixed number of possible translation

hypotheses (i.e. typically 1000 hypotheses). Typically, the aligner will find the best

derivation that leads to a reference translation hypothesis, which is the derivation

we are looking for unless the best derivation has been discarded in the decoder due

to search errors in translation. Having found in this way allthe feature costs, we can

proceed to optimize. In the context of hierarchical decoding, the MET optimization

problem[Och, 2003] consists of searching a new vectorλ′, attempting to change

the costs for each treeT , aiming to reorder translation hypotheses. Typically, the

goal is to align the combined models to the BLEU metric, whichis our case.

We now describe two alternative implementations of the aligner.

6.4.1. Alignment via Hypercube Pruning decoder

By default, HCP is already able to carry through the originalcost vectors, needed

for MET optimization. So we modified our hypercube pruning decoder in order

to work in alignment mode. The hypercube size is set to infinite, i.e. no prun-

ing at all is required. The decoding process is guided by means of a suffix array

search[Manber and Myers, 1990] that provides access to every possible valid sub-

string within the reference translations. This allows to discard partial translation

hypotheses that are not substrings of the complete reference sentences. The suffix

array search is a standard solution typically used to searchpartial substrings within

a big corpus. It is very efficient as for initialization and memory usage: only an

extra set of indices is required apart from the translation references. Figure 6.16

provides an overview of how it is implemented.

Due to the constrained search space, the aligner makes no search errors. This

guarantees that the best derivation for the aligned hypothesis is always obtained. If

the decoder has produced, due to a search error, the same output with a worst deriva-

tion (i.e. with a worst cost), there will be a cost mismatch that could lead to reranked

hypotheses. This could harm the MET procedure. In general, special care has to be

taken to ensure that both the aligner and the decoder use the same constraints. For

instance, ifHiFST only allows to delete one consecutive word but the hypercube

128 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

pruning decoder does not have the same constraint, it will eventually produce alter-

native derivations with two or more consecutive words deleted. If they yield a better

cost these will be chosen with the risk of harming the MET optimization.

For full hierarchical translation, the alignment step is roughly 8 times faster

than decoding. In contrast, alignment and decoding yield similar speeds for shallow


Figure 6.16: An example of a suffix array used on one referencetranslation. Wordsare mapped to an array of indices by alphabetical order. Search of word sequencesis performed with a binary search. For instance, the search will find hypothetictranslation candidates ‘boy’, ‘boy ate’ and ‘boy ate potatoes’ at index3, but will notfind a translation candidate ‘boy ate fish and chips’.

6.4.2. Alignment via FSTs

In this subsection we propose a solution to the alignment problem using FSTs.

Consider again the example in Section 6.3.1 (Figures 6.4 and6.6). Only one deriva-

tion leads to the target sentencet20t10t9: R4R7R6R3. Figure 6.17 shows a trans-

ducer that encodes simultaneously this rule derivation (input language of the trans-

ducer) and its translation (output language). More generally, we can represent the

mappings from rule derivations to translation sequences asa transducer. Figure 6.18

shows two different derivations that lead to the same translation.

In order to construct this, we introduce two modifications into lattice construc-

tion over the CYK grid described in Section 6.3.1:

1. In each cell we build transducers that map rule derivations to the translation

6.4. Alignment for MET optimization 129

R4 : ǫ R3 : t9ǫ : t10R7 : ǫ R6 : t2010 32 54

Figure 6.17: FST encoding simultaneously a rule derivationR4R7R6R3 and thetranslationt20t10t9.

hypotheses they produce. In other words, the transducer output strings are

all possible translations of the source sentence span covered by that cell; the

input strings are all the rule derivations that generate those translations. The

rule derivations are expressed as sequences of rule indicesr given the set of

rulesR = Rr.

2. As these transducers are built they are composed with acceptors for subse-

quences of the reference translations so that any translations not present in

the given set of reference translations are removed. In effect, this replaces

the general target language model used in translation with an unweighted au-

tomaton that accepts only substrings belonging to the translation reference. It

is functionally equivalent to the suffix array solution proposed for alignment

with the modified hypercube pruning decoder.

For alignment, Equations 6.1 and 6.2 are redefined as:

L(N, x, y, r) = AT (r, ǫ)⊗


L(N, x, y, r, i) (6.7)

L(N, x, y, r, i) =

AT (ǫ, αi) if αi ∈ T

L(N ′, x′, y′) otherwise(6.8)

whereAT (r, t), Rr ∈ R, t ∈ T returns a single-arc transducer that accepts the

symbolr in the input language (rule indices) and the symbolt in the output language

(target words). The weight assigned to each arc is the same inalignment as in

translation. With these definitions the goal latticeL(S, 1, J) is now a transducer

with rule indices in the input symbols and target words in theoutput symbols. A

simple example is given in Figure 6.18 where two rule derivations for the translation

t5t8 are represented by the transducer.

130 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

R5 : ǫ R6 : t5

R3 : t5

R1 : ǫ

R1 : ǫR2 : ǫ R4 : t8

ǫ : t8







Figure 6.18: FST encoding two different rule derivationsR2R1R3R4 andR1R5R6,for the same translationt5t8. The input sentence iss1s2s3 while the grammar con-sidered here contains the following rules: R1: S→〈X,X〉, R2: S→〈S X,S X〉 , R3:X→〈s1,t5〉, R4: X→〈s2 s3,t8〉, R5: X→〈s1 X s3,X t8〉 and R6: X→〈s2,t5〉.





0 32







0 32


Figure 6.19: Construction of a substring acceptor. An acceptor for the stringst1t2t4andt3t4 [left] and its substring acceptor [right]. In alignment thesubstring acceptorcan be used to filter out undesired partial translations via standard FST compositionoperations.

6.4. Alignment for MET optimization 131 Using a Reference Acceptor

As we are only interested in those rule derivations that generate the given target

references, we can discard non-desired translations via standard FST composition

of the lattice transducer with the given reference acceptor. In principle, this would

be done in the upper-most cell of the CYK, once the complete source sentence has

been covered. However, keeping track of all possible rule derivations and all pos-

sible translations until the last cell may not be computationally feasible for many

sentences. It is more desirable to carry out this filtering inlower-level cells while

constructing the lattice over the CYK grid so as to avoid storing an increasing num-

ber of undesired translations and derivations in the lattice. To do so we compose

cell lattices with a reference acceptor to cut off translations not containing strictly

substrings of the references. We follow a similar strategy to that ofsearch pruning:

any cell lattice is susceptible of being composed with the reference acceptor to cut

off translations not containing strictly substrings of thereferences. We use as joint

triggers for this procedure the non-terminal, the number ofstates and the word span


As for the reference lattice itself, it is just an unweightedautomaton that ac-

cepts all possible substrings of each target reference string. For instance, given the

reference stringt1t2 . . . tJ , we build an acceptor for all substringsti . . . tj , where

1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ J . This reference acceptor will accept correctly the complete refer-

ence strings at the uppermost cell if the start and the end of the sentence are marked

with unique tags that cannot appear in any other position of the sentence. Other-

wise, in the upper-most cell we would have to compose with a reference acceptor

that only accepts complete reference strings. Given a lattice of target references, the

unweighted substring acceptor is built as follows:

1. change all non-initial states into final states

2. add one initial state and addǫ arcs from it to all other states

Figure 6.19 shows an example of a substring acceptor for the two references

t1t2t4 andt3t4. The substring acceptor also accepts an empty string, accounting for

those rules that delete source words,i.e., translate into NULL. In some instances the

final composition with the reference acceptor might return an empty lattice. If this

happens there is no rule sequence in the grammar that can generate the given source

and target sentences simultaneously.

132 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs Extracting Feature Values from Alignments

The term∑

∀rjcrji from Equation 6.6 is the contribution of theith feature to

the overall translation score for that parse. These are the quantities that need to be

extracted from alignment lattices for use in optimization procedures such as MET

for estimation of each scaling factorλi.

So far, the procedure described in this section produces alignment lattices with

scores consistent with the total parse score. Further stepsmust be taken to factor

this overall score to identify the contribution due to individual features or transla-

tion rules. We introduce a rule acceptor that accepts sequences of rule indices, such

as the input sequences of the alignment transducer, and assigns weights in the form

of K-dimensional vectors. Each component of the weight vector corresponds to the

feature value for that rule. Arcs have the form0Rr/wr

−→ 0 wherewr = [cr1, . . . , crK ].

An example of composition with this rule acceptor is given inFigure 6.20 to il-

lustrate how feature scores are mapping to components of theweight vector. The

same operations can be applied to the (unweighted) alignment transducer on a much

larger scale to extract the statistics needed for minimum error rate training.

r/[cr1, . . . , crK ]


R5 : ǫ R6 : t5

R3 : t5

R1 : ǫ

R1 : ǫR2 : ǫR4 : t8/[c

T11 . . . cT1K ]

ǫ : t8/[cT21 . . . cT2K ]







Figure 6.20: One arc from a rule acceptor that assigns a vector of K featureweights to each rule [top] and the result of composition withthe transducer ofFigure 6.18 (after weight-pushing) [bottom]. The components of the finalK-dimensional weight vector agree with the feature weights ofthe derivation relatedto a specific parse tree, e.g.cT1i = c2i + c1i + c3i + c4i for i = 1 . . .K.

In HiFST, given the upper most cell alignment transducer obtained as described

in the previous section, this is simply achieved by replacing each arc weight with a

vector of weights; for instance, via composition with a ruleacceptor that assigns a

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English 133

vector ofK feature costs[cr1, cr2, . . . , c

rK ] to each rule indexr. Figure 6.21 shows an

example of this rule acceptor when considering only three rule indices.




CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3/[c31, c32, . . . , c

3K ]

2/[c21, c22, . . . , c

2K ]

1/[c11, c12, . . . , c

1K ]

Figure 6.21: A rule acceptor that assigns a vector ofK feature weights to each rule.

FST projection to the output symbols can be used then to discard the rule indices,

so that the resulting lattice is an acceptor containing all the paths that generated any

of the reference translationswith separate feature contributions, as expressed by the

vectors of weights associated to each arc.

Typically, MET optimization is performed considering the best derivation that

generated each reference translation. This is obtained by determinizing the acceptor

described above in the tropical semiring,i.e. finding the Viterbi probability associ-

ated to each distinct translation. However, in this framework alternative approaches

could be followed, such as determinizing in the log semiring, i.e. using marginal

probabilities instead. It should be also noted that, in order to apply determiniza-

tion correctly, each weight must be scaled appropriately, so we still obtain the same

overall weight for each derivation. But applying or removing these scaling factors

is a fairly trivial operation within the OpenFST framework.

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English

Consistently with experiments in Chapter 4, In this sectionwe report experi-

ments on the NIST MT08 (and MT09) Arabic-to-English translation task. For trans-

lation model training we use all allowed parallel corpora inthe NIST MT08 Arabic

track (∼150M words per language). Alignments are generated over theparallel data

with MTTK [Deng and Byrne, 2006; Deng and Byrne, 2008]. The following fea-

tures are extracted and used in translation: target language model, source-to-target

and target-to-source phrase translation models, word and rule penalties, number of

usages of the glue rule, source-to-target and target-to-source lexical models, and

134 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

three rule count features inspired by Bender et al.[2007]. The initial English lan-

guage model is a 4-gram estimated over the parallel text and a965 million word

subset of monolingual data from the English Gigaword Third Edition. In addition

to the MT08 set itself, we use a development setmt02-05-tuneformed from the odd

numbered sentences of the NIST MT02 through MT05 evaluationsets; the even

numbered sentences form the validation setmt02-05-test. Themt02-05-tuneset has

2,075 sentences. It contains newswire, with four references. BLEU scores are ob-

tained withmteval-v133. Standard MET[Och, 2003] iterative parameter estimation

under IBM BLEU is performed on the corresponding development set extracting

features as explained in previous sections.

After translation with optimized feature weights, we carryout the two following

rescoring steps.

Large-LM rescoring. We build sentence-specific zero-cutoff stupid-backoff

[Brantset al., 2007] 5-gram language models, estimated using∼4.7B words

of English newswire text, and apply them to rescore either 10000-best lists

generated by HCP or word lattice generated by HiFST.

Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR). We rescore the first 1000-best hypothe-

ses with MBR[Kumar and Byrne, 2004], or the lattice with Lattice MBR

(LMBR) [Trombleet al., 2008], taking the negative sentence level BLEU

score as the loss function.

6.5.1. Contrastive Experiments with HCP

We now contrast our two hierarchical phrase-based decoders. The first decoder,

HCP, is the hypercube pruning decoder implemented as described in Chapter 4. The

second decoder, HiFST, is the lattice-based decoder implemented with weighted

finite-state transducers as described in the previous sections. For the HCP system,

feature contributions are logged during decoding and MET isperformed afterwards.

For theHiFSTsystem, we obtain a k-best list from the translation latticeand extract

each feature score with HCP in alignment mode, as described in Section 6.4.1.

The grammar is built following the filtering strategies explained in Section 5.4.

We translate Arabic-to-English with shallow hierarchicaldecoding as defined in

Table 5.11,i.e. only phrases are allowed to be substituted into non-terminals.

3See ftp://jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov/mt/resources/mteval-v13.pl.

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English 135

decoder mt02-05-tune mt02-05-test mt08a HCP 52.5 51.9 42.8

+5g 53.4 52.9 43.5+5g+MBR 53.6 53.0 43.6

b HiFST 52.5 51.9 42.8+5g 53.6 53.2 43.9+5g+MBR 54.0 53.7 44.2+5g+LMBR 54.3 53.7 44.8

Decoding time in secs/word: 1.1 for HCP; 0.5 for HiFST.

Table 6.2: Contrastive Arabic-to-English translation results (lower-cased IBMBLEU) after first-pass decoding and subsequent rescoring steps. Decoding timereported formt02-05-tune. Both systems are optimized using MET over the k-bestlists generated by HCP.

The hypercube pruning decoder employs k-best lists of depthk=10000. Using

deeper lists results in excessive memory and time requirements. In contrast, the

WFST-based decoder, HiFST, requires no search pruning during lattice construction

for this task and the language model is not applied until the lattice is fully built at

the upper-most cell of the CYK grid.

Table 6.2 shows results formt02-05-tune, mt02-05-testandmt08, as measured

by lowercased IBM BLEU4) and TER[Snoveret al., 2006]. MET parameters are

optimized for the HCP decoder. As shown in rows ‘a’ and ‘b’, results after MET

are comparable. Search Errors

Since both decoders use exactly the same features, we can measure their search

errors on a sentence-by-sentence basis. A search error is assigned to one of the

decoders if the other has found a hypothesis with lower cost.Formt02-05-tune, we

find that in 18.5% of the sentencesHiFST finds a hypothesis with lower cost than

HCP. In contrast, HCP never finds any hypothesis with lower cost for any sentence.

This is as expected: theHiFST decoder requires no pruning prior to applying the

language model, so the search is exact. This means that for this translation task

HiFST is able to avoid spurious undergeneration due to search errors.

4It should be noted that scores in Chapter 5 have been obtainedwith a different version of thebleu scorer. This accounts for the difference with HCP scores in Table 5.16.

136 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs Lattice/k-best Quality

Rescoring results are different for hypercube pruning and WFST-based de-

coders. Whereas HCP improves by 0.9 BLEU,HiFST improves over 1.5 BLEU.

Clearly, search errors in HCP not only affect the 1-best output but also the quality

of the resulting k-best lists. For HCP, this limits the possible gain from subse-

quent rescoring steps such as large language models and MBR.Importantly, using

LMBR [Trombleet al., 2008] as a scoring step on top ofHiFST yields an improve-

ment on all sets respect to MBR. This is yet another piece of evidence of how k-best

list implementations are easily surpassed by lattices due to its efficient, more com-

pact and richer representation of the search space. Translation Speed

HCP requires an average of 1.1 seconds per input word.HiFST cuts this time

by half, producing output at a rate of 0.5 seconds per word. Itproves much more

efficient to process compact lattices containing many hypotheses rather than to inde-

pendently processing each one of them in k-best form. Again,this is due toHiFST

being able to avoid pruning in search: for both decoders thisis a costly operation.

The mixed case NIST BLEU for theHiFST system onmt08 is 42.9. This is

directly comparable to the official MT08 Constrained Training Track evaluation

results5. As in the previous chapter, the reader should note that manyof the top

entries make use of system combination, whilst the results reported here are for

single system translation.

6.5.2. Shallow-N Grammars and Low-level Concatenation

In Section 5.6.1 we proposed a new family of grammars as an alternative to the

standard hierarchical grammar: the shallow-N grammars. In these kind of gram-

mars, the rule nesting is controlled with a fixed thresholdN . We already know that

a shallow (shallow-1) grammar is comparable in performance to a full grammar in

the Arabic-to-English translation task. In this section wecontrast this with the per-

formance of a shallow-2 grammar. We also study whether low-level concatenation

helps to overcome some specific long distance reordering problems in Arabic-to-

English, explained in Section 5.6.2. In brief, low-level concatenation is a refinement

5See http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/mt/2008/doc/mt08_official_results_v0.html for full re-sults.

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English 137

grammar time mt02-05-tune mt02-05-test mt08HiFST shallow-1 0.8 52.7 52.0 42.9

+(K1,K2) = (1, 3) 1.3 52.6 51.9 42.8+(K1,K2) = (1, 3), vo 0.9 52.7 52.1 42.9shallow-2 4.2 52.7 51.9 42.6+(K1,K2) = (2, 3), vo 1.8 52.8 52.2 43.0

+5g shallow-1 - 53.9 53.4 44.9+(K1,K2) = (1, 3), vo - 54.1 53.6 45.0shallow-2+(K1,K2) = (2, 3), vo

- 54.2 53.8 45.0

Table 6.3: Arabic-to-English translation results (lower-cased IBM BLEU) with vari-ous grammar configurations. Decoding time reported in seconds per word formt02-05-tune.

to shallow-N grammars through which (hierarchical) phrases are first concatenated

or grouped into a bigger single phrase, which could be reordered at higher levels.

This will happen if for a given context we have a hierarchicalrule that allows this

movement with grouped phrases. In this case, the objective is to allow structured

long distance movement for verbs. Table 6.3 reports these experiments6.

Results are shown in first-pass decoding (‘HiFST’ rows), and in rescoring with a

larger 5gram language model for the most promising configurations (‘5gram’ rows).

Decoding time is reported for first-pass decoding only; rescoring time is negligible

by comparison.

As shown in the upper part of Table 6.3, translation under ashallow-2 gram-

mar does not improve relative to ashallow-1 grammar, although decoding is much

slower. This suggests that the additional hypotheses generated when allowing a

hierarchical depth of two are overgenerating and/or producing spurious ambigu-

ity in Arabic-to-English translation. By contrast the shallow grammars that allow

long distance movement for verbs only (shallow-1+(K1,K2) = (1, 3), vo and shallow-

2+(K1,K2) = (2, 3), vo), perform slightly better thanshallow-1 grammar at a similar

decoding time. Performance differences increase when the larger 5-gram is applied

(Table 6.3, bottom). This is expected given that these grammars add valid transla-

tion candidates to the search space with similar costs; a language model is needed

to select the good hypotheses among all those introduced. Examples for Arabic-to-

6We note that the scores in row ’shallow-1’ do not match those of row ’b’ in Table 6.2 whichwere obtained with a slightly simplified version ofHiFST and optimized according to the 2008NIST implementation of IBM BLEU; here we use the 2009 implementation by NIST.

138 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

English translation are shown in Table 6.4.

Arabic EnglishwzrA’ Albyp AlErb yTAlbwn b+<glAq mfAEl dymwnp Al<srAyly

arab environment ministers call forthe closure of israeli dimona reactor

AlqAhrp 1-11 ( <f b ) - TAlbwzrA’ Albyp AlErb AlmjtmEynAlywm Al>rbEA’ b+ rEAyp Al-jAmEp AlErbyp <lY <glAq mfAEldymwnp Al<srAyly w+ wqf An-thAkAt <srAyl l+ Albyp lA symAsrqp w+ tlwyv mSAdr AlmyAhAlflsTynyp .

shallow-1:cairo 11-1 (afp) - called arab en-vironment ministers, gathered todaywednesday under the auspices of thearab league to close the israeli di-mona reactor and stop the violationsby israel of the environment in partic-ular theft and pollution of palestinianwater sources.shallow-2+(K1,K2) = (2, 3), vo):cairo 11-1 (afp) - arab environmentministers, gathered today demandedwednesday under the auspices of thearab league to close the israeli di-mona reactor and stop the violationsby israel of the environment in partic-ular theft and pollution of palestinianwater sources.

w+ yqdr AlxbrA’ Al>jAnb >n<srAyl tmtlk b+ fDlh $HnAt tkfylmA byn mp w 002 r>s nwwyp l+SwAryx Twylp AlmdY

foreign experts estimate that israelhas by virtue of shipments sufficientfor between 100 and 200 nuclear war-heads for long-range missiles.

Table 6.4: Examples extracted from the Arabic-to-Englishmt02-05-tuneset. Ara-bic is written using Buckwalter encoding. For the second sentence we show trans-lations with and without low-level concatenation, in orderto assess how low-levelconcatenation moves the verb that begins the arabic sentence to build a SVO Englishsentence (TAlb translated ascalled/demanded).

6.5.3. Experiments using the Log-probability Semiring

As has been discussed earlier, the translation model in hierarchical phrase-based

machine translation allows for multiple derivations of a target language sentence.

Each derivation corresponds to a particular combination ofhierarchical rules that

builds a particular bilingual tree. It has been argued that the correct approach in

translation hypotheses recombination is to accumulate translation probability by

summing over the scores of all derivations[Blunsomet al., 2008]. In the world

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English 139

semiring mt02-05-tune mt02-05-test mt08tropical HiFST 52.8 52.2 43.0

+5g 54.2 53.8 44.9+5g+LMBR 55.0 54.6 45.5

log HiFST 53.1 52.6 43.2+5g 54.6 54.2 45.2+5g+LMBR 55.0 54.6 45.5

Table 6.5: Arabic-to-English results (lower-cased IBM BLEU) when determinizingthe lattice at the upper-most CYK cell with alternative semirings.

of weighted transducers, this is equivalent to determinizing on the log-probability

semiring, introduced in Section 2.2.1. The use of WFSTs on this semiring al-

lows the sum over alternative derivations of a target stringto be computed effi-

ciently. Determinization applies the⊕ operator to all paths with the same word

sequence[Mohri, 1997]. When applied in the log semiring, this operator computes

the sum of two paths with the same word sequence asx⊕ y = −log(e−x + e−y) so

that the probabilities of alternative derivations can be summed.

However, computing this sum for each of the many translationcandidates ex-

plored during hierarchical decoding is computationally difficult, as this has to be

done repeatedly for each cell of the CYK grid. We already encounter severe mem-

ory problems with sentences of circa 25 words, using a shallow-1 grammar.

For this reason the translation probability is commonly computed using the

Viterbi max-derivation approximation. This is the approach taken in the previous

sections in which translations scores were accumulated under the tropical semiring

explained in Section 2.2.1, and equivalent to the hypotheses recombination strategy

of taking the best cost in our hypercube pruning decoder.

As explained before, computing the true translation probability with the hierar-

chical decoder would require the same operation to be repeated in every cell during

decoding, which is very time consuming. To investigate whether using the log-

probability semiring could actually improve performance or not, we perform trans-

lation experiments over the log semiring only with the top cell (final) translation lat-

tice. So it is still an approximation to the true translationprobability. Note that the

translation lattice was generated with a language model andso the language model

costs must be removed before determinization to ensure thatonly the derivation

probabilities are included in the sum. After determinization, the language model

is reapplied and the 1-best translation hypothesis can be extracted from the logarc

140 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

determinized lattices.

Table 6.5 compares translation results obtained using the tropical semiring

(Viterbi likelihoods) and the log semiring (marginal likelihoods). First-pass trans-

lation shows small gains in all sets: +0.3 and +0.4 BLEU formt02-05-tuneand

mt02-05-test, and +0.2 formt08. These gains show that the sum over alternative

derivations can be easily obtained inHiFST simply by changing semiring and that

these alternative derivations are beneficial to translation. The gains carry through to

the large language model 5-gram rescoring stage but after LMBR the final BLEU

scores are unchanged. The hypotheses selected by LMBR are inalmost all cases

exactly the same regardless of the choice of semiring. This may be due to the

fact that our current marginalization procedure is only an approximation to the true

marginal likelihoods, since the log semiring determinization operation is applied

only in the upper-most cell of the CYK grid and MET training isperformed using

regular Viterbi likelihoods.

6.5.4. Experiments with Features

One of the advantages of working with maximum entropy modelsis that it is

quite natural to include a new feature or set of features intothe model. Generally

speaking, these features are frequently designed to improve performance based on

certain phenomena observed by the researcher. Combined with MET optimization,

these features may act assoft constraintsto the search space, attempting to boost

or penalize certain derivations. This is in contrast to other strategies like filtering,

which are sometimes calledhard constraints.

In this section we show experiments with three new features inspired on Chi-

ang’s ongoing work with MIRA[2008]. As explained in Section 5.4.3, we have

seen that many monotonic patterns tend not to improve the performance. Although

we have filtered out most of the rules belonging to these patterns, some monotonic

patterns still remain (i.e. monotonic patterns belonging to Nnt.Ne=2.4). We now

apply a new binary feature to these remaining patterns: it will be set to one if the

pattern is monotonic. We call it themonotonic feature. Conversely, we have seen

in Sections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 that reordered patterns containeffective rules within

the grammar. Thus, we add a binaryreordering featurethat attempts to boost hi-

erarchical rules belonging to reordered patterns. Finally, we devise a feature that

contributes to the model with the gaussian probability of the source word span of

6.5. Experiments on Arabic-to-English 141

each non-terminal for each hierarchical rule found to applyduring translation. For

this we need to extract previously the mean and the variance of word spans for each

non-terminal associated to every hierarchical rule in the training set (note that in

practice rules only contain up to two non-terminals in the right-hand side of the

rule). The results are shown in Table 6.6.

Hiero Model mt02-05-tune mt02-05-testshallow-1 +monnt 52.7 52.0shallow-1 +monnt +reont 52.7 52.0shallow-2 +monnt +reont 52.7 52.0shallow-1 +gaussian 52.7 52.0

Table 6.6: Experiments with features for a gaussian model ofsource word spans atwhich rules are applied, and for monotonic and reordered patterns.

First, we combine shallow-1 with the monotonic feature (monnt). Then we try

it also with the reordering feature (reont). We also shifted to a shallow-2 grammar

for these two features. Unfortunately, none of these experiments succeeded in im-

proving performance. It may be that the remaining monotonicpatterns are actually

useful or that for translations tasks with little word reordering requirements these

features cannot boost/penalize one type of patterns or another. As a sidenote, we

also tried to use a fine-grained strategy, in which four extrascaling factors are ap-

plied to monotonic and reordered patterns respectively (adding a total of eight fine-

grained scaling factors). Which one of these four scaling factors is fired depends

on the word span of the rule, as suggested by Chiang[2008]. For this experiment

we failed to optimize under MET, probably due to an excessivenumber of features

(22). Finally, we tried a shallow-1 grammar combined with the gaussian feature, in

which we also find no gains in performance for this task.

6.5.5. Combining Alternative Segmentations

HiFST was used within the hybrid system sent by the Cambridge University

Engineering Department to the NIST MT 2009 Workshop. This system uses three

alternative morphological decompositions of the Arabic text. For each decom-

position an independent set of hierarchical rules is obtained from the respective

parallel corpus alignments. The decompositions were generated by the MADA

toolkit [Habash and Rambow, 2005] with two alternative tokenization schemes,

142 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

and by the Sakhr Arabic Morphological Tagger, developed by Sakhr Software

in Egypt. Finally, LMBR is used to combine hypotheses of the three segmen-

tations. In line with the findings of de Gispert et al.[2009b], we find signifi-

cant gains from combining k-best lists with respect to usingany one segmentation

alone[de Gispertet al., 2009a].

For MT09, the mixed case BLEU-4 is 48.3, which ranks first in the Arabic-to-

English NIST 2009 Constrained Data Track7.

6.6. Experiments on Chinese-to-English

In this section we report experiments on the NIST MT08 Chinese-to-English

translation task. For translation model training, we use all available data for the

GALE 2008 evaluation8, approximately 250M words per language. Word align-

ments are generated with MTTK[Deng and Byrne, 2006; Deng and Byrne, 2008].

In addition to the MT08 set itself, we use a development settune-nwand a validation

settest-nw. These contain a mix of the newswire portions of MT02 throughMT05

and additional developments sets created by translation within the GALE program.

The tune-nwset has 1,755 sentences. We use 4 references. The usual standard fea-

tures are extracted and used in translation: target language model, source-to-target

and target-to-source phrase translation models, word and rule penalties, number of

usages of the glue rule, source-to-target and target-to-source lexical models, and

three rule count features inspired by Bender et al.[2007]. The initial English lan-

guage model is a 4-gram estimated over the parallel text and a965 million word sub-

set of monolingual data from the English Gigaword Third Edition. Translation per-

formance is evaluated using the BLEU score[Papineniet al., 2001] implemented

by mteval-v13, used for the NIST 2009 evaluation9.

After translation with feature weights optimized with MET[Och, 2003], we

carry out as rescoring steps a large language model rescoring and Minimum-Bayes

Risk, in the same conditions as for the Arabic-to-English task. Additionally, our

filtering strategies consist of considering only the 20 mostfrequent rules with the

same source side, excluding identical patterns and many monotonic patterns, and

applying several class mincount filterings, as described inSection 5.4.

7See http://www.itl.nist.gov/iad/mig/tests/mt/2009/ResultsRelease for full MT09 results.8See http://projects.ldc.upenn.edu/gale/data/catalog.html.9See ftp://jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov/mt/resources/mteval-v13.pl.

6.6. Experiments on Chinese-to-English 143

decoder MET k-best tune-nw test-nw mt08a HCP HCP 32.8 33.1 –b HCP 32.9 33.4 28.2

+5g HiFST 33.4 33.8 28.7+5g+MBR 33.6 34.0 28.9

c HiFST 33.1 33.4 28.1+5g HiFST 33.8 34.3 29.0+5g+MBR 34.0 34.6 29.5+5g+LMBR 34.5 34.9 30.2

Table 6.7: Contrastive Chinese-to-English translation results (lower-cased IBMBLEU) after first-pass decoding and subsequent rescoring steps. The MET k-bestcolumn indicates which decoder generated the k-best lists used in MET optimiza-tion.

6.6.1. Contrastive Translation Experiments with HCP

In this section we contrast performance of both our decoderswithin this com-

plex translation task. As it requires plenty long-distanceword reordering, we trans-

late Chinese-to-English with full hierarchical decoding,i.e. hierarchical rules are

allowed to be substituted repeatedly into non-terminals. We consider a maximum

span of 10 words for the application of hierarchical rules and only glue rules are

allowed at upper levels of the CYK grid.

Again, the HCP decoder employs k-best lists of depthk = 10000. TheHiFST

decoder has to apply pruning in search, so that any lattice inthe CYK grid is pruned

if it covers at least 3 source words and contains more than 10kstates. The likelihood

pruning threshold relative to the best path in the lattice is9. This is a very broad

threshold so that very few paths are discarded.

Table 6.7 shows results fortune-nw, test-nwandmt08, as measured by lower-

cased IBM BLEU and TER. The first two rows show results for HCP when using

MET parameters optimized over k-best lists produced by HCP (row ‘a’) and by

HiFST (row ‘b’). We find that using the k-best list obtained by theHiFST decoder

yields better parameters during optimization. Tuning on the HiFST k-best lists im-

proves the HCP BLEU score, as well. We find consistent improvements in BLEU;

TER also improves overall, although less consistently.

144 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs Search Errors

In this case, asHiFST is using the ‘fully’ hierarchical model, pruning in search

cannot be avoided10. Nevertheless, measured over thetune-nwdevelopment set,

HiFST finds a hypothesis with lower cost in 48.4% of the sentences. In contrast,

HCP never finds any hypothesis with a lower cost for any sentence, indicating that

the described pruning strategy forHiFST is much broader than that of HCP. HCP

search errors are more frequent for this language pair. Thisis due to the larger

search space required in fully hierarchical translation; the larger the search space,

the more search errors will be produced by the hypercube pruning decoder. Lattice/k-best Quality

The lattices produced byHiFSTyield greater gains in language model rescoring

than the k-best lists produced by HCP. Including the subsequent MBR rescoring,

translation improves as much as 1.4 BLEU, compared to 0.7 BLEU with HCP. If

instead of MBR we use LMBR then the improvement boosts up to 2.1 BLEU. The

mixed case NIST BLEU for theHiFST system onmt08 is 27.8, comparable to

official results in the UnConstrained Training Track of the NIST 2008 evaluation.

6.6.2. Experiments with Shallow-N Grammars

The shallow-N grammars, introduced in Section 5.6.1, attempt to avoid over-

generation by imposing a direct restriction on the number oftimes rules may be

nested (N). This could be specially relevant for Chinese-to-English, as we want to

see whether the full hierarchical grammar is actually required or by reducing the

search space limiting rule recursivity we could at least expect to achieve the same

performance. We also combine shallow-N grammars with the CYK filtering tech-

niques introduced in Section 5.6.3:hminandhmax, which discards rules under or

over certain spans in the CYK grid.

Table 6.8 shows contrastive results in Chinese-to-Englishtranslation for full hi-

erarchical and shallow-N (N=1,2,3) grammars11. Unlike Arabic-to-English transla-

tion, Chinese-to-English translation improves as the hierarchical depth of the gram-

10For a comparison with the shallow grammar for Chinese-to-English, see Section note that the scores in row ’full hiero’ do not match those of row ’c’ in Table 6.7 which were

obtained with a slightly simplified version ofHiFST and optimized according to the 2008 NISTimplementation of IBM BLEU; here we use the 2009 implementation by NIST.

6.6. Experiments on Chinese-to-English 145

mar is increased, i.e. for largerN . Decoding time also increases significantly. The

shallow-1 grammar constraints that worked well for Arabic-to-English translation

are clearly inadequate for this task; performance degradesby approximately 1.0

BLEU relative to the full hierarchical grammar.

grammar time tune-nw test-nw mt08 (nw)HiFST shallow-1 0.7 33.6 33.4 32.6

shallow-2 5.9 33.8 34.2 32.7+hmin=5 5.6 33.8 34.1 32.9+hmin=7 4.0 33.8 34.3 33.0shallow-3 8.8 34.0 34.3 33.0+hmin=7 7.7 34.0 34.4 33.1+hmin=9 5.9 33.9 34.3 33.1+hmin=9,5,2 3.8 34.0 34.3 33.0+hmin=9,5,2+hmax=11 6.1 33.8 34.4 33.0+hmin=9,5,2+hmax=13 9.8 34.0 34.4 33.1full hiero 10.8 34.0 34.4 33.3

+5g shallow-1 - 34.1 34.5 33.4shallow-2 - 34.3 35.1 34.0shallow-3 - 34.6 35.2 34.4+hmin=9,5,2 - 34.5 34.8 34.2full hiero - 34.5 35.2 34.6

Table 6.8: Chinese-to-English translation results (lower-cased IBM BLEU ) withvarious grammar configurations and search parameters. Decoding time reported inseconds per word fortune-nw.

However, we find that translation under the shallow-3 grammar yields perfor-

mance nearly as good as that of the full hiero grammars; translation times are shorter

and yield degradations of only 0.1 to 0.3 BLEU. Translation can be made signif-

icantly faster by constraining the shallow-3 search space withhmin= 9, 5, 2 for

X2,X1 andX0 respectively; translation speed is reduced from 10.8 s/w to3.8 s/w

at a degradation of 0.2 to 0.3 BLEU relative to full Hiero.

Shallow-3 grammars describe a restricted search space but appear to have ex-

pressive power in Chinese-to-English translation that is very similar to what is used

from a full Hiero grammar. As we have a bigger set of non-terminals, instead of

building the original hierarchical cell lattice for a givenword span, now we build

several lattices, each one associated to its respective non-terminal. This allows for

more effective pruning strategies during lattice construction. We note also thathmax

values greater than 10 yield little improvement. As shown inthe five bottom rows of

146 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

Table 6.8, differences between grammar configurations tendto carry through after 5-

gram rescoring. In summary, a shallow-3 grammar and filtering withhmin= 9, 5, 2

lead to a0.4 degradation in BLEU relative to full Hiero. As a final contrast, the

mixed case NIST BLEU-4 for theHiFST system onmt08is 28.6. This result is ob-

tained under the same evaluation conditions as the official NIST MT08 Constrained

Training Track12. A few translation examples are shown in Table 6.9.

Table 6.9: Examples extracted from the Chinese-to-Englishtune-nwset.

6.6.3. Pruning in Search

The Chinese-to-English translation task requires grammars capable of express-

ing long-distance word reorderings. This has been seen in the previous subsec-

12See http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/mt/2008/doc/mt08_official_results_v0.html for full MT08results.

6.6. Experiments on Chinese-to-English 147

tion, in which we show that shallow-1 grammars, being search-error free models

for HiFST, do not reach the same performance as full hierarchical grammars. Un-

fortunately, full hierarchical grammars build search spaces far too big forHiFST to

be able to handle without using pruning in search. In this subsection we study a few

different pruning-in-search strategies following criteria defined in Section,

in order to understand how they affect the performance and speed ofHiFST. Results

are shown in Table 6.10.

Pruning Strategy tune-nw test-nw time prunesa X,5,100,9,V,3,100,9 33.8 34.2 6.6 16.8b X,5,1000,9,V,3,1000,9 34.0 34.4 5.9 8.3c X,5,1000,9,V,3,10000,9 34.0 34.4 14.3 8.5d X,5,1000,9,V,3,10000,7 33.7 34.1 12.7 7.8e X,5,10000,9,V,3,10000,9 34.0 34.4 13.2 5.1f X,5,10000,9,V,4,10000,9 33.9 34.4 13.7 5.1g X,7,10000,9,V,6,10000,9 34.0 34.4 13.3 5.1h V,7,10000,9 — — — —i X,6,10000,9,V,7,10000,9 — — — —j X,6,1000,9,V,7,10000,9 34.0 34.4 15.8 7.6k X,6,1000,9,V,8,10000,9 34.0 34.4 31.5 7.5

Table 6.10: Chinese-to-English translation results for several pruning strategies ap-plied to full hierarchical decoding (lower-cased IBM BLEU). Time is measured inseconds per word fortest-nw. The columnprunesinforms of the number of times(per word) that pruning in search has been applied under thisconfiguration. Cellsmarked with — are not feasible due to hardware constraints.

As a baseline, we first forceHiFST to apply pruning in any X,V cells if FSTs

exceed 100 states, starting with cells that span 3 source words (experimenta). As

the number of states required to trigger the pruning strategy increases by a factor

of ten, we see that the mean number of prunings per word decreases dramatically,

leading to a small improvement and faster decoding (experiment b). Increasing

again by a factor of ten (experimentc) seems not to have an impact in the mean

number of pruning events or performance for the 1-best translation hypothesis. But

this does affect speed: it decreases by a factor of more than two. Decreasing the

pruning threshold from 9 to 7 (experimentc versusd) speeds up the system, at the

cost of 0.3 BLEU.

In experimentse tog we increase the minimum number of source words spanned

byX andV cell lattices to 7 and 6, respectively. Performance does notchange, and

the mean pruning in search is reduced to 5.1 per word for the three experiments. We

148 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

find the reason to be that pruning is fired for a minimum of 6 source words, as in

practice the number of states only surpasses 10000 states when this span is reached.

There is a strong relationship between the number of states of lattices and the source

word span, which is quite expected. On the other hand, for this grammarX lattices

simply map fromV lattices. We confirm that it is very unlikely for a prunedV

lattice to be bigger than 10000 states. In fact, even transducers with millions of

states are reduced by likelihood pruning to much smaller lattices counting no more

than a few thousands of states. Summing up, using the condition V,6,10000,9 would

be equivalent to any of these experiments.

In conditionh we push up the minimum number of source words to 7 and take

away theX condition. This means that each translation lattice for sixsource words,

which was pruned in the previous experiments, is used now directly by theS lattices

at higher word spans, for which no pruning strategy is defined. Consequently, the

complexity carries over to the full pruning stage describedin Section, which

is applied to the whole search model after the lattice construction has finished, pro-

ducing peaks of memory usage. In this case, for the biggest sentence of thetune-nw

set, which has circa 130 words, the memory usage reached 14 gigabytes. This is a

completely impractical scenario. So we can consider now several strategies to con-

trol this issue. In experimentsi andj we apply again theX constraint. This time,

however, we apply it to cells that span at least 6 words. In this way, we guarantee

that all lattices feedingS are actually pruned, althoughV lattices spanning 6 words

remain intact, and may be used by higherV lattices (up to 10 words). In this sense,

X lattices could serve well as a practical pruning frontier. Experimenti reduces

memory usage of the biggest sentence to 11 gigabytes. As thisis still impractical,

we further reduce the minimum number of states to 1000 in experimentj, for which

the usage is now under 6 gigabytes, and it is feasible to translate. Unfortunately, we

find no improvements for the 1-best translation. Increasingthe number of words to

8 in the condition forV lattices does not improve performance either (experiment

k), but speed is roughly cut down to half, due to the extra complexity in the final

pruning procedure.

6.7. Experiments on Spanish-to-English Translation

In this section we present results on the Spanish-to-English translation

shared task of the ACL 2008 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,

6.7. Experiments on Spanish-to-English Translation 149

WMT [Callison-Burchet al., 2008]. The parallel corpus statistics are summa-

rized in Table 6.11. Specifically, throughout all our experiments we use the Eu-

roparl dev2006and test2008sets for development and test, respectively. BLEU

score is computed usingmteval-v11b13. against one reference. The training

sentences words vocabES

1.30M38.2M 140k

EN 35.7M 106k

Table 6.11: Parallel corpora statistics.

was performed using lower-cased data. Word alignments weregenerated us-

ing GIZA++ [Och, 2003] over a stemmed14 version of the parallel text. Af-

ter unioning the Viterbi alignments, the stems were replaced with their origi-

nal words, and phrase-based rules of up to five source words inlength were ex-

tracted[Koehnet al., 2003]. Hierarchical rules with up to two non-contiguous non-

terminals in the source side are then extracted applying therestrictions described in

Section 4.2.

The Europarl language model is a Kneser-Ney[1995] smoothed default cutoff

4-gram back-off language model estimated over the concatenation of the Europarl

and News language model training data.

As usual, minimum error training under BLEU is used to optimize the feature

weights of the decoder with respect to thedev2006development set. We obtain a

k-best list from the translation lattice and extract each feature score with an aligner

variant of a k-best hypercube pruning decoder. This variantproduces very efficiently

the most probable rule segmentation that generated the output hypothesis, along

with each feature contribution. The usual features are optimized.

In order to work with a reasonably small grammar – yet competitive in perfor-

mance, we apply the filtering strategies successfully used for Chinese-to-English

and Arabic-to-English translation tasks, which are pattern and mincount-per-class

filtering, filtering by number of translations per source side and the hierarchical

shallow model, successful for Arabic-to-English task. Specifically, we expect the

shallow model to work reasonably well on this task too, as translating from Spanish

to English requires a very small amount of reordering.

13See ftp://jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov/mt/resources/mteval-v11b.pl.14We used snowball stemmer, available at http://snowball.tartarus.org.

150 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

6.7.1. Filtering by Patterns and Mincounts

Even after applying the rule extraction constraints described in Section 4.2, our

initial grammarG for dev2006exceeds 138M rules, of which only 1M are simple

phrase-based rules. With the procedure described in Section 5.4 we reduce the size

of the initial grammar.

Excluded Rules Types〈X1w,X1w〉 , 〈wX1,wX1〉 1530797

〈X1wX2,∗〉 737024〈X1wX2w,X1wX2w〉 ,〈wX1wX2,wX1wX2〉


〈wX1wX2w,∗〉 45162093Nnt.Ne= 1.3 mincount=5 39013887Nnt.Ne= 2.4 mincount=10 6836855

Table 6.12: Rules excluded from grammarG.

Our first working grammar was built by excluding patterns reported in Ta-

ble 6.12 and limiting the number of translations per source-side to 20. In brief, we

have filtered out identical patterns (corresponding to rules with the same source and

target pattern) and some monotonic non-terminal patterns (rule patterns in which

non-terminals do not reorder from source to target). Identical patterns encompass

a large number of rules and we have not been able to improve performance by us-

ing them in other translation tasks. Additionally, we have also applied mincount

filtering to Nnt.Ne=1.3 and Nnt.Ne=2.4.

6.7.2. Hiero Shallow Model

We have already seen in Sections 5.4.4 and 6.6.2 the impact this grammar has

in terms of speed as it reduces drastically the size of the search space, compared to

a full grammar. Whether it has a negative impact on performance or not depends on

each translation task: for instance, it was not useful for Chinese-to-English, as this

task takes advantage of nested rules to find better reorderings encompassing a large

number of words. On the other hand, a Spanish-to-English translation task is not

expected to require big reorderings: thus, as a premise it isa good candidate for this

kind of grammars. In effect, Table 6.13 shows that a hierarchical shallow grammar

yields the same performance as full hierarchical translation.

6.7. Experiments on Spanish-to-English Translation 151

Hiero Model dev2006 test2008Shallow 33.7/7.85 33.7/7.88

Full 33.6/7.85 33.7/7.88

Table 6.13: Performance of Hiero Full versus Hiero Shallow Grammars.

6.7.3. Filtering by Number of Translations

Filtering rules by a fixed number of translations per source-side (NT ) allows

faster decoding with the same performance. As stated before, the previous experi-

ments for this task used a convenient baseline filtering of 20translations. As can be

seen in previous sections, this has been a good threshold forthe NIST 2008/2009

Arabic-to-English and Chinese-to-English translation tasks. In Table 6.14 we com-

pare performance of our shallow grammar with different filterings, i.e. by 30 and

40 translations respectively. Interestingly, the grammarwith 30 translations yields a

slight improvement, but widening to 40 translations does not improve the translation

system in performance.

NT dev2006 test200820 33.7/7.85 33.7/7.8830 33.6/7.85 33.8/7.9040 33.6/7.85 33.7/7.88

Table 6.14: Performance of G1 when varying the filter by number of translations,NT.

6.7.4. Revisiting Patterns and Class Mincounts

In order to review the grammar design decisions taken in Section 6.7.1, and as-

sess their impact in translation quality, we consider threecompeting grammars, i.e.

G1, G2 andG3. G1 is the shallow grammar withNT = 20 already used (base-

line). G2 is a subset ofG1 (3.65M rules) with mincount filtering of 5 applied to

Nnt.Ne= 2.3 and Nnt.Ne= 2.5. With this smaller grammar (3.25M rules) we would

like to evaluate if we can obtain the same performance.G3 (4.42M rules) is a su-

perset ofG1 where the identical pattern〈X1w,X1w〉 has been added. Table 6.15

shows translation performance with each of them. Decrease in performance forG2

is not surprising. These rules filtered out fromG2 belong to reordered non-terminal

rule patterns (Nnt.Ne= 2.3 and Nnt.Ne= 2.5) and some highly lexicalized mono-

152 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

tonic non-terminal patterns from Nnt.Ne= 2.5, with three subsequence of words.

More interesting is the comparison betweenG1 andG3, where we see that this

extra identical rule pattern produces a degradation in performance.

dev2006 test2008G1 33.6/7.85 33.7/7.88G2 33.5/7.84 33.7/7.88G3 33.1/7.79 33.1/7.81

Table 6.15: Contrastive performance with three slightly different grammars.

6.7.5. Rescoring and Final Results

After translation with optimized feature weights, we carryout the two following

rescoring steps to the output latticeLarge-LM rescoringandMinimum Bayes Risk

(MBR). Table 6.16 shows results for our best Hiero model so far (using G1 with

NT = 30) and subsequent rescoring steps. Gains from large languagemodels

are more modest than MBR, possibly due to the domain discrepancy between the

EuroParl and the additional newswire data. Table 6.17 contains examples extracted

from dev2006. Scores are state-of-the-art, comparable to the top submissions in the

WMT08 shared-task results[Callison-Burchet al., 2008].

dev2006 test2008HiFST 33.6/7.85 33.8/7.90+5gram 33.7 /7.90 33.9/7.95+5gram+MBR 33.9 /7.90 34.2/7.96

Table 6.16: EuroParl Spanish-to-English translation results (lower-cased IBMBLEU / NIST) after MET and subsequent rescoring steps

6.8. Conclusions

In this chapter we have introduced a novel lattice-based decoder for hierarchical

phrase-based translation, which has achieved state-of-the-art performance. It is eas-

ily implemented using Weighted Finite State Transducers. We find many benefits in

this approach to translation. From a practical perspective, the computational opera-

tions required are easily carried out using standard operations already implemented

6.8. Conclusions 153

Spanish EnglishEstoy de acuerdo con él en cuanto alpapel central que debe conservar en elfuturo la comisión como garante delinterés general comunitario.

I agree with him about the central rolethat must be retained in the future thecommission as guardian of the gen-eral interest of the community.

Por ello, creo que es muy importanteque el presidente del eurogrupo -quenosotros hemos querido crear- con-serve toda su función en esta materia.

I therefore believe that it is very im-portant that the president of the eu-rogroup - which we have wanted tocreate - retains all its role in this area.

Creo por este motivo que el métododel convenio es bueno y que en el fu-turo deberá utilizarse mucho más.

I therefore believe that the method ofthe convention is good and that in thefuture must be used much more.

Table 6.17: Examples from the EuroParl Spanish-to-Englishdev2006 set.

in general purpose libraries, as is the case of Openfst[Allauzenet al., 2007]. From a

modeling perspective, the compact representation of multiple translation hypotheses

in lattice form requires less pruning in hierarchical search. The result is fewer search

errors and reduced overall memory usage relative to hypercube pruning over k-best

lists. We also find improved performance of subsequent rescoring procedures. In

direct comparison to k-best lists generated under hypercube pruning, we find that

MET parameter optimization, rescoring with large languagemodels and MBR de-

coding are all improved when applied to translations generated by the lattice-based

hierarchical decoder.

Lattice rescoring and Minimum Bayes Risk show that results are not only better

for the 1-best hypothesis as the BLEU score suggests, but forthe k-best hypotheses

too. Using LMBR instead of MBR we even find more gains. This is due to the fact

that LMBR works with the whole lattice instead of only a k-best.

The fact that better MET parameters for both decoders can be found using the

HiFST hypotheses, is yet another piece of evidence in this direction. Finally, we

must stress the inherent advantages of working with a finite-state transducer frame-

work like OpenFST, which allowed us to make a really simple design for the new

decoder based on well known standard operations (e.g. union, concatenation and

composition, among others).

Although with shallow hierarchical translation for Arabicit has proved impres-

sively faster decoding times than the hiero decoder for 10000-best, in fully hierar-

chical scenario theHiFST is slower due to local pruning, necessary to keep the size

of the lattices tractable. Without doubt, this is one very important issue to tackle

154 Chapter 6. HiFST: Hierarchical Translation with WFSTs

with the new decoder.

This chapter has motivated a paper in the NAACL-HLT’09 confer-

ence[Iglesiaset al., 2009a] and the SEPLN’09 conference[Iglesiaset al., 2009b].

Chapter 7Conclusions

In this dissertation two main aspects of Statistical Machine Translation under

the hierarchical phrase-based decoding framework have been focused: thesearch

space designand thesearch algorithm.

As for the search space problem, in Chapter 5 we have proposedseveral strate-

gies attempting to create efficient search spaces. The goal is to model the reality

with models as tight as possible, avoiding overgeneration,spurious ambiguity and

pruning in search, that causes search errors. Search errorsin the model lead to spu-

rious undergeneration, very difficult to control. Thus, a key design idea is to search

for models as precise as possible in order to avoid this nastybehaviour; and from

this standing point, to look for strategies that widen the search space in the correct

direction. In practice, this is not always possible, but it is a healthy exercise to at

least keep this in mind in the long run. In this sense we feel itis important to stress

thateachtranslation task (or set of translation tasks) will requirea specific search

space design. Among these strategies, we have proposed and experimented with

pattern filterings, mincount class filterings and individual rule filterings.

In particular, we find pattern filtering a very successful strategy to reduce the

grammar size with a more informed approach than global mincount filtering. By

combining pattern filtering with mincount filtering to patterns or groups of patterns

we easily obtain tractable grammars that yield state-of-the-art performance. On the

other hand, we expected pattern structures to show more special linguistic evidence

unique to each translation task; our experimentation suggests that this is most likely

not to be the case. It seems that very similar pattern filtering strategies may work

well for any language pair, not only for the three translation tasks described in this


156 Chapter 7. Conclusions

We have introduced shallow grammars. They can be seen as a derivation filtering

respect to full hierarchical grammars, in which all derivations with rule nesting over

one hierarchical rule are discarded. Shallow grammars for Arabic-to-English and

Spanish-to-English yield state-of-the-art performance.

We have extended this grammar into the shallow-N grammars, in which deriva-

tions with rule nesting exceeding a thresholdN are discarded. Additionally, we

have introduced low-level concatenation, strategy intended for certain reordering

problems found in the Arabic-to-English task.

As for the algorithmic part, firstly we implemented a hypercube pruning de-

coder as described in Chapter 4, which we have used as a baseline. We proposed

two minor improvements, namelysmart memoizationand spreading neighbour-

hood, which reach more efficiency in terms of memory usage and performance, re-

spectively. In particular, we find that spreading neighbourhood does reduce search

errors, although it is not possible to eliminate them completely even in a simple

scenario such as monotonic phrase-based translation. Thisis due to the k-best list

implementation. In a second stage, to overcome the main limitations caused by the

use of k-best lists, we presented a new hierarchical decodernamedHiFST, which

extends the hypercube pruning decoder by using weighted finite-state transducers

to build translation lattices. This is based on Openfst, a powerful open-source fi-

nite state library[Allauzenet al., 2007]. HiFST is capable of creating bigger search

spaces because the lattice representation is far more compact and efficient than the

k-best lists of a hypercube pruning decoder. The design of the lattice based decoder

is simpler too, as it is using powerful and efficient WFST operations that avoid the

complexity that must be handled explicitly, for instance, by the hypercube pruning

decoder. In each cell of the CYK grid, we build a target language word lattice.

This lattice contains every translation of the source wordsspanned by this cell. It is

implemented with weighted transducers, mainly using unions and concatenations.

Additionally, delayed translationis used to control exponential growth of memory

usage. This technique consists of building skeleton lattices that mix target words

with special pointer arcs to other lattices. Interestingly, weighted transducer op-

erations such as determinization and minimization discardno hypothesis in skele-

ton lattices. Thus, partial hypotheses recombination is efficiently performed at this


Our experiments combiningHiFST and our search space models have shown

a great success: for Arabic-to-English and Spanish-to-English we are capable of


reaching state-of-the-art performance by using the shallow grammar instead of a

fully hierarchical grammar, thus proving that hierarchical grammars, although suit-

able for translation tasks with great needs for plenty word reordering, clearly pro-

duce overgeneration and spurious ambiguity for closer translation tasks such as

Spanish-to-English and Arabic-to-English. Using a shallow grammar,HiFST is

capable of creating a hierarchical search space without search errors, i.e. the search

is exactand thus we avoid completely spurious undergeneration.

As for Chinese-to-English, this task requires plenty word reordering and a shal-

low grammar yields a performance that is far from the state ofthe art. By us-

ing shallow-N grammars we have found that it is possible to build smaller models

that almost bridge the gap in terms of performance, cutting down by three the de-

coding times, in respect to crude fully hierarchical grammars. Nevertheless, these

shallow-N grammars require search pruning too, thus search errors arenot com-

pletely avoided and there is still room for improvement.

In contrast to its very important advantages, one interesting aspect ofHiFST is

that it requires a complex strategy for optimizing. The strategy requires a second

pass ofHiFST or HCP in alignment mode, in which the translation lattice isused

as a reference, with the goal of obtaining the independent feature scores, required

to optimize the scaling factors for MET. As the alignment procedure always obtains

the best scores for these hypotheses, when pruning in searchis required a search

error inHiFST may actually force reranked alignments. It may be possible that this

affects optimization.

Interestingly, we have seen that experiments withHiFST on the log-probability

semiring are not possible yet due to hardware limitations, but preliminary experi-

ments in Section 6.5.3 using only the final translation lattice show that we could

achieve important gains, specially for big sentences.

Future Work

Statistical Machine Translation, as we already said in the introduction, is far

from reaching its objectives.HiFST is a state-of-the-art decoder, but there is still a

lot of space for improvement. We next present the lines we would like to investigate

in the future.

1. We aim for new strategies to further reduce the complexityof the hierarchical

158 Chapter 7. Conclusions

grammars for the Chinese-to-English translation task keeping or improving

state-of-the-art performance. As explained previously, this task is a com-

plex one. Fully hierarchical models achieve state-of-the-art performance. We

have not yet found a model capable of such a performance avoiding com-

pletely search errors. In particular, we believe the hierarchical phrase-based

translation unit extraction algorithm should be reviewed,as it does not actu-

ally guarantee that every single rule is required at least once in the training

data. This may be leading to the usual overgeneration/spurious ambiguity

problems, very difficult to tackle afterwards in such a context as hierarchical


2. One interesting line of research is to add more features, such as many soft

syntactically motivated constraints proposed in the Machine Translation liter-

ature. The goal is to head towards a discriminative synchronous translation

model[Blunsomet al., 2008] full of features. For this, the MET optimizing

strategy, traditional in the MT research community, must bereviewed, as it

cannot handle too many features. One possible alternative worth investigat-

ing would be the MIRA optimization[Chianget al., 2009].

3. We hope to perform in the near future translation experiments when more

efficient transducer operations for the log-probability semiring are available.

4. We would like to devise a hierarchical decoder that uses a pure finite-state

solution. So far,HiFST requires a traditional parsing algorithm such as CYK.

For instance, we could remove this algorithm and substituteit for an alter-

native with the same performance on large scale translationtasks. Theoreti-

cally, a push-down automata would be a context-free grammarequivalent. We

feel, though, that using Recursive Transition Networks (RTN) is more likely

the path to success, as it is a natural evolution from our present work and

the lattice expansion used for the delayed translation technique introduced in

Chapter 6 is based precisely on the same idea.


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