
People under Aries zodiac sign can achieve success by wearing Gomedh but they should wear it when Rahu is in the second, third or tenth position.

People under Taurus zodiac sign should wear Gomedh if Rahu is in the third, sixth ninth and tenth position for achieving success.

People under the Gemini zodiac sign, Rahu is regarded as an important planet. Individuals whose Rahu is in first, sixth and ninth position can achieve success in their life by wearing Hessonite.

People under the cancer zodiac sign should wear Gomedh after a trial of three days. If Rahu in the third, sixth and tenth position

People under Leo zodiac sign should wear this gemstone for achieving prosperity in life. If Rahu having Individuals in sixth, tenth or eleventh position

People belonging to Virgo zodiac sign should wear Gomedh when Rahu enters first, fifth, sixth and tenth house.

People under Libra zodiac sign should wear Gomedh when Rahu is in sixth and tenth position.

People under Scorpio zodiac sign should wear Gomedh when Individuals having Rahu in third, sixth and tenth position for Good luck.

People under Sagittarius Zodiac sign should wear this powerful stone while Rahu is in the third, sixth, eighth, tenth and eleventh position.

People under Capricorn zodiac sign, they can wear this particular stone by consulting with an astrologer.

People under Aquarius zodiac sign should wear this stone by keeping certain things in mind.

People under Pieces zodiac sign should wear this particular stone when the Rahu period starts operating.

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