Hello Moyamba! Here is a PowerPoint to show you what it’s like in Swainby and Potto Primary School! We hope you enjoy it!

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Hello Moyamba! Here is a PowerPoint to show you what it’s like in Swainby and Potto Primary School!

We hope you enjoy it!

Map MagicWe are here!

Swainby and Potto have some really fun lessons. They include- Maths, English, Spanish, French, Science, P.E ( physical education), R.E (religious education) and topic work. They are taught by a selection of teachers but our main teachers are: Mrs Foster, Mrs Welsby and Mrs Graham. The other teachers are, Mrs Deighton, Mrs Bridge and Mrs Vernon. We also have some helpers in the classes. The lessons are good fun and the teachers are always there for you.

Funky Food We have a variety of meals all containing healthy food such as fruit, vegetables and meat.

We have a distinct uniform at Swainby and we all like it. Here are several photos to show you all about it.

Our school has put together a garden in which to grow fruit, flowers and vegetables. Lots of the food has been dug up for winter and some have been eaten in our fabulous school dinners.

We enjoy playing tennis, football, skipping and many other sports at Swainby and Potto. We have a fantastic field and playground to play on and two long playtimes to use them.

Every so often we like to stay at school a bit longer as we have after school clubs such as…


Every so often we will work on the laptops to do Power Points, graphs or even just to play. They are extremelyuseful!

We have forty-one children in our school.

We have eighteen girls and twenty-three boys.

We have three main female teachers and other supply teachers. We have no male teachers and lots of classroom helpers.

We have three toilets for girls, and two for boys.

We have a water fountain and three, well supplied classrooms.

We have a choice of either school dinners or a pack lunch.

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