

Heat• A form of energy• The motion of particles in matter• Flows from warmer objects to cooler ones

Did you Know


Steam Engines


Solar Energy

A Toaster

Rubbing your hands together produces heat.

What produces heat energy?

Nuclear reactionsIn the sun

The earth’s most important heat source

(The energy of motion)

-Rubbing your hands together

-Striking a match

Mechanical Energy

Sometimes heat is released when substances react chemically with each other.

Chemical Energy


What other appliances can you name that change electricity into heat energy?


A measure of how fast an object’s particles are moving.

Touching an object is not the safest or most accurate way to measure its temperature.

Use a thermometer to measure temperature accurately.

Freezing point- The temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid.

Water= 0 degrees Celsius32 degrees Fahrenheit

Melting Point- The temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid.

Same as freezing point, but used when an object is being heated.

Boiling point- Temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas.

Water= 100 degrees Celsius

212 degrees Fahrenheit

Every substance has its ownFreezing and boiling points

How does heatTravel?

RadiationThe movement of energy through space.

Conduction- The movement of heat energy from one molecule to the next.

Convection- Flow of energy that occurs when a warm liquid or gas rises.

Heat makes things rise!

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