Heartbeat Newsletter

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Heartbeat Newsletter of Magen David Adom Israel Ambulance Service Jewish Jews Jew



MDA – Protective Edge of the Israeli Front – the national life saving organisation’s team under fire.

Operation Protective Edge commenced on July 8th 2014, with an objective to restore safety and peace back to the residents of Southern Israel, who suffered massive missile attacks from the Gaza strip towards civilian population in Southern Israel. After the kidnapping of the three teenagers on June 12th, the IDF launched Operation “Shuvu Achim” to try and locate the boys, whose bodies were found in a field near Hebron. During Operation “Shuvu Achim”, missiles were fired from the Gaza strip towards Israeli cities and villages. The missile launching grew gradually and on July 7th, 2014, at its peak during the escalations right before Operation “Protective Edge”, over 80 missiles were fired towards southern cities and settlements.

At its initial stage, the operation included mainly artillery bombing and airstrikes by the Israeli Air Force over the Gaza Strip, while the Palestinians fired dozens of missiles towards cities

Operation Protective Edge

Newsletter of Magen David Adom Australia


Operation Protective Edge Operation Protective Edge

and settlements of “Otef Aza”, in Southern Israel, Shfela and the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area on a daily basis as well as further destinations including the Sharon region, Zichron Yaakov, Dimona and Jerusalem. Simultaneously, there were a number of incidents of armed Palestinian terrorists trying to penetrate Israeli land from the Gaza strip through the sea or through tunnels. On July 17th, IDF ground forces invaded the Gaza strip with the aim of destroying the offensive terrorist tunnel system, which threatened the lives of residents who live adjacent to the border.

Upon the beginning of the operation, during which 4,591 missiles of various types were fired at Israel, the Iron Dome batteries were deployed throughout Israel to protect cities and settlements in central Israel as well.

Magen David Adom, Israel’s national life saving organisation, deployed throughout the country

with intensified alignment in order to provide immediate response for the treatment and evacuation of casualties.

On August 26th, 2014, after 50 days of conflict, an unlimited cease-fire was announced.

During the operation days, MDA engaged approximately 1,000 ambulances and Mobile Intensive Care Units throughout the country. For comparison, during routine days only 600 ambulances are operated. This huge effort was enabled thanks to thousands of volunteers, employees of the organisation who were not recruited to the IDF and dozens of reserve forces and volunteers from overseas, who arrived to provide assistance.

Magen David Adom transported and evacuated 842 citizen casualties through the southern, Jerusalem and central Israel districts as well as many dozens of IDF soldiers.

Upon discovery of the kidnapped teenager’s bodies, the escalation of missile firing from the Gaza Strip and disrupting orders throughout Israel, MDA’s Director General, Eli Bin, conducted an evaluation of the situation, which lead to an increase in MDA’s preparedness to the highest level. MDA’s calling and dispatching centres throughout Israel operated from protected areas and the blood bank continued to operate from a bomb shelter.

This early preparedness enabled MDA to provide immediate, life-saving treatment throughout the country in general and in Israel’s southern districts, which were under constant missile strikes, in particular for approximately 50 days.

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By virtue of the law, MDA serves as an aiding force to the IDF during times of emergency, as part of its role as the Israeli Red Cross Organization. MDA’s forces stayed in constant touch with the IDF medical forces. Special-purpose ambulances were on call at the hospitals’ helipads, transporting wounded soldiers to the ER’s, as well as special-purpose ambulances which aided the transporting of wounded soldiers arriving from the Gaza Strip to different hospitals in Israel. MDA’s ambulances were stationed in cemeteries where IDF fallen soldiers were laid to their final rest, to provide medical care as may be necessary, and MDA’s teams accompanied the town-majors who brought the news of the fallen sons to the bereaved families.

Since the beginning of Operation “Protective Edge”, MDA teams responded to 3,233 calls due to rocket strikes over Gaza Envelope settlements down south and all the way to the Netanya and Jerusalem regions. At the same time, MDA continued to provide lifesaving services to routine calls of the ill and the injured, with an average of approx. 1,800 cases per day. The situation required MDA to be on full preparedness to any scenario, anywhere throughout Israel.

Many volunteers from all over Israel joined MDA teams down south, along with 84 volunteers from abroad, including five French doctors, who constitute part of MDA’s international unit. 52,167 shifts and on-call shifts were manned by adult volunteers, meaning 417,336 volunteering hours.

The organisation also managed to maintain the blood supply at the blood bank ahead of time, and luckily, there was no need for such a large scope of blood units; therefore, there is no shortage of blood units at the moment.

Operation Protective Edge

Barkai Shor, 21 dedicated his life to saving lives. He served in the Israel Defence Force and was undertaking the Commander’s Training Course when he was deployed to the Gaza border at the onset of Operation Protective Edge.

He was also a committed Magen David Adom volunteer. He received special dispensation to work double shifts when on leave from the army and in his spare time he trained as an ambulance driver.

On 27th July 2014, Barkai’s ambulance licence arrived in the post at his parent’s home in Jerusalem. Moments later they received a knock on the door to tell them that their son had been killed in a gun fight near Kibbutz Nahal Oz.

As Israel’s largest volunteer organization, Magen David Adom and its people are integral to the fabric of Israeli life. During Operation Protective Edge, the 13,000 volunteers operating across the length and breadth of the country enabled MDA to provide an unparalleled lifesaving service even as rockets and missiles had our teams on full-alert for over fifty days.

Simply put, it is because of these volunteers, together with the financial support of donors from across from world, that MDA can continue to save more lives.

Barkai Shor MDA Volunteer – Soldier – Hero

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MDA Annual Appeal 2014MDA Annual Appeal 2014


Magen DaviD aDoM

Dinner Monday, 8th

September 2014

at St Kilda Town Hall

(entrance via Brighton Rd)

Dinner $85. Tables of 10 or 12

available for group bookings.

RSVP by Thursday 28th August.

BookingS eSSential:

Contact MDA on 9272 5633

or email info@mdavic.org

Over 300 people filled St Kilda Town Hall, on Monday 8th September 2014, to attend Magen David Adom Victoria’s “Peace & Harmony Dinner” in support of our 2014 Annual Appeal.

Keynote speaker, H.E. Dr. Mohammed Al-Hadid, (President of the Jordanian Red Crescent Society. Dr. Al-Hadid chaired the 29th International Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, in 2006, at which Magen David Adom was admitted as a full member of the movement.

Guest speaker, Uri Shacham head of the MDA Director-General’s Bureau and Director of Red Cross Movement Relations and Coordination returning to Melbourne for the second time, Uri spoke of what MDA personnel went through during Operation Protective Edge.

Held in the presence of H.E. Mr. Shmuel Ben-Shmuel, Israeli Ambassador to Australia, the event was MC’ed by Mark Dreyfus QC MP, a constant and strong supporter of the lifesaving work of Magen David Adom. Magen David Adom Victoria sincerely thanks its staff and volunteers, as well as all its supporters and attendees, for helping make the event such a great success!

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MDA Annual Appeal 2014MDA Annual Appeal 2014

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When there’s an emergency in Israel – when a car crashes or when a bomb falls – everyone dials 101.

The call is answered with, “Shalom, Magen David Adom,” and ends with, “We’re on the way.” In a moment of chaos and despair, it’s the first step towards comfort and healing.

Magen David Adom (MDA) is Israel’s official ambulance service, blood services, and disaster rescue agency. Each of Israel’s eight million residents relies on the paramedics of MDA to respond to all emergencies.

In Israel, that could be anything from large-scale disasters to car accidents and sudden illnesses.

It can also mean attending the scene of a suicide bombing near the country’s borders. Virtually everyone in Israel knows someone whose life has been saved by Magen David Adom.

MDA has to be ready for any event. But MDA isn’t a government agency, so it’s dependent on the support of generous people like you, who ensure that dispatch centres are equipped with the latest communications technology, that paramedics have the most up-to-date training, that the country has enough ambulances, and that those ambulances are stocked with lifesaving equipment.

So when you support Magen David Adom, you get the satisfaction of knowing your gift has impact – that you’re literally helping save lives.

Magen David Adom Emergency Response

…MDA isn’t a government agency,

so it’s dependent on the support of generous donors.

Racing to Save Lives – The Starting Line

The race to save lives begins at one of MDA’s more than 130 emergency medical stations and ends wherever there are sick or injured Israelis.

MDA operates stations in strategic locations throughout Israel to ensure speedy responses to all calls, using a variety of emergency medical vehicles – from Life Support Ambulances and Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICUs) to motorbikes and all-terrain vehicles.

What all these vehicles have in common, however, is their ability to get sick and injured Israelis to the hospital care they need as quickly as possible. Because when lives are at stake, this is of the essence. When you make a donation to Magen David Adom, you ensure that every second brings injured victims closer to recovery.

Getting Blood and Giving BackWhen Chana followed her children in making Aliyah to Israel, her new life was everything she hoped for. But one day she was hit by a car while crossing the street to catch a taxi.

She required three units of blood and 120 days of hospital treatment, but today she is on the road to recovery. Recognising that her life was saved by blood donors, she now volunteers to collect blood, helping to ensure that anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation will have a new chance at life. She also spends, a lot of time with her four great-grandchildren.

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International Magen David Adom Conference 2014

International Magen David Adom Conference Report

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Sunday 16th November 2014 With delegates attending the 2014 IMDAC from Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, it was great to see so many new faces from the Friends Societies around the world and to renew old acquaintances.

The day began with a trip south to hear about the MDA’s activities, during “Operation Protective Edge”, from Magen David Adom personnel and volunteers.

From there, we were taken as close as possible to the border with Gaza in order to see where the tunnels entered Israel.

This year’s IMDAC Opening cocktail party was held at MDA’s Ashdod Medical Emergency Station, at which six new emergency vehicles were dedicated – four were donated from Australia, one from Switzerland and one bullet-proof command vehicle was donated from Belgium.

That event ended a very emotional and rewarding day

Monday 17th November 2014 The day began very early as we headed north to dedicate two new MDA Medical Emergency Stations. The first was located in Katzrin and was dedicated by the British Society. Four new ambulances were also dedicated at this Station, plus a new mobile intensive care unit donated by IMDA Italy.

The new Katzrin station improves the quality of life of the local inhabitants, as well as those living in the Golan Heights. It enables MDA to continue to reach every person in need swiftly and efficiently.

We visited Kibbutz Nirim, where a memorial service was held for MDA volunteer Ze’ev Etzion, who was killed minutes prior to the cease-fire. We listened to the heart-wrenching stories of the residents who had been under fire for over eight years.

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Purchase your brand new 2015 / 2016 Entertainment Book now to receive over $15,000 in valuable offers.Call MDA Victoria 9272 5633 during office hours to order. For every book sold MDA receives $13. Please support MDA as it is a win-win for you and for us.




From there, we continued to the “Ein Kuneitra” view point, close to Ein Zivan, which overlooks Kuneitra in Syria.

The day continued to Hazor Haglilit, where a refurbished MDA station, sponsored by the Netherlands and Switzerland, was dedicated. It was great to see so many MDA youth volunteers handing out roses to all the guests from around the world.

The event opened with Shimon Abitbul, Manager of the MDA Upper Galilee region, saying, “When I want to welcome someone and to thank them, I usually go to find something in the Bible. In this instance, in the Book of Psalms, verse 100 is a psalm of thanks which reads,

‘Enter his gates with thanksgiving, his courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, blessed be His name’.

Welcome to the gates of Magen David Adom, and I thank you from the staff and volunteers for this truly wonderful gift”.

The newly refurbished MDA station will provide a feeling of security to the inhabitants of Hazor, who have suffered from constant Ketyusha rocket attacks over the last few years.

Tuesday 18th November 2014 The first plenary session day was addressed by MK Ya’akov Peri, former Shin Beit chief and former Minister of Science, Technology and Space. He told delegates that “During Operation Protective edge we, once again, saw the Magen David Adom teams work around the clock for the inhabitants of Israel. I saw the impressive technology used and the quality of the teams – both personnel and volunteers. MDA plays an important role in the protection of the public of Israel and, for that, I thank you for your tremendous support of the saving of lives in Israel”.

The first person to arrive at the site of the devastating massacre in the Har Nog synagogue in Jerusalem was MDA paramedic Akiva Polak, who provided lifesaving medical treatment to the wounded. Delegates were moved as he described the horror of a scene following a terrorist attack and as he spoke of the dedication of MDA teams, working to save lives while under fire.

Needless to say that there was not a dry eye in the room.Testimonials were then given in memory of MDA stalwart

supporter, the late Captain Willem Van Balan (from the Netherlands) and the late Allan Bermeister (from Australia), who both passed away during 2014. As at every IMDAC, MDA Director General, Eli Bin, provided a comprehensive and informative report on MDA activities during the past twelve months.

Wednesday 19th November 2014 The final day began with a fascinating lecture on security by the Channel 10 military commentator Alon Ben David, who explained the complex nature of “Operation Protective Edge”, and increasing terror level in Israel. He also pointed to the complicated situation of the people living near the Gaza strip, surviving under the hard challenges that they faced during the summer and still face today.

Dan Dobin, from the American Friends of MDA, then provided delegates with an update on the new blood bank and logistics project. Plans are proceeding well and, hopefully, construction should begin in 2015.

IMDAC 2015 ended with inspiring words from Mark Lebow, Chairman of AFMDA, and from Magen David Adom President Avi Zohar. MDA Director General, Eli Bin, presented all delegates with a special memento of the event and thanked them for their ongoing support of the vital life-saving work of MDA Israel.

Glynis Lipson, MDA Australia President & IMDAC Vice-Chairperson.

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Whether it’s a wounded Israel Defence Forces soldier or someone undergoing surgery, almost every Israeli who receives a blood transfusion can thank MDA’s National Blood Service Centre, a facility built largely through the support of donors around the world.

The facility tests, types, and stores 97 percent of Israel’s blood supply, ensuring there’s adequate inventory for routine medical procedures and major emergencies. It uses the most advanced technology, such as nucleic acid tests, for the earliest detection of pathogens to keep the blood supply safe.

The centre also houses the Israel Cord Blood Bank, where stem cells from umbilical cords are harvested for lifesaving therapies and research.

Your support ensures that lifesaving blood is available whenever and wherever there’s an Israeli in need.

MDA Providing Israel’s Blood Supply

Artist’s impression of MDA’s new National Blood Centre, being built underground for security purposes.

Everything at MDA has a Cost …but Lives are Priceless

MDA is Israel’s largest non-govenmental organisation and it relies on its 18,000 volunteers to do one thing: SAVE LIVES.

But running into harm’s way to administer CPR or transport a patient to hospital has a cost. MDA’s expenses range from severeal hundred dollars for uniforms to several million dollars to help build a new national blood centre.

But MDA doesn’t have an endowment or government support to fund its operations. So while MDA first-responders concentrate on saving lives, Australians can ensure they have the means to do so.

Life Support Ambulance Standard: $90,000

MICU: $120,000

Defibrillators (including the Corpuls-3 and

Lifepak Machines): $3,000 to $30,000

GPS Navigation Device: $3,000

Training: $15,000

Uniform & Safety Vest: $500

Communications Equipment: $1000

Medical Supplies: $3,500


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Donate Blood in Israel with MDA’s nEw English-Language App

Heading to Israel this year and want to help save lives by donating blood to MDA? Now you’re only a swipe away!

MDA’s new English-language app lets you find a local MDA blood donation centre anywhere in Israel, track your donation history, schedule appointments, and it even has helpful first-aid videos you can watch on-the-go.

And, of course, there’s a “101” button that alerts an MDA dispatch centre in the event of an emergency. The Hebrew version of the app was introduced in late 2013.

Available for both iphone and android devices

For the full range, contents and pricing details phone MDA on (03) 9272 5633 or online at www.magendavidadom.org.au

Hampers for BaBiesA Magen David Adom Fundraiser




MDA using Cutting-Edge Technology

From the moment an emergency call comes in, technology is at work to make MDA as fast, efficient, and safe as possible.

Each call is routed through the Motobridge system, which allows seamless communications across different platforms. Thanks to GPS-equipped ambulances, dispatchers can assign the vehicle closest to the scene and ambulance drivers can easily find the fastest route.

Inside the ambulance, paramedics use the Corpuls-3 Defibrillator to revive patients and to take ECG readings that are wirelessly transmitted via Bluetooth and cellular technology to a physician on call at MDA’s National Medical Dispatch Centre.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe lifesaving treatment while the patient is still en-route to the hospital and alert emergency room physicians about the preliminarily diagnosis to provide faster treatment when the patient arrives. Because at Magen David Adom, saving lives in our top priority. And you make it possible through your generous support.

FREE MDA Tzedakah Ambulance Money

Box! Kids love them, adults can fill them and MDA needs them!

Call now for your FREE Money Box: (03) 9272 5633 www.magendavidadom.org.au

mDa saving Lives…with Your support

mDa saving Lives…with Your support

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Assistance That Even Traffic Can’t Stop

When the call came in that a 57-year-old man collapsed, paramedics at the closest station jumped into their ambulance and sped to the scene.

But the call also went out to the local motorbike drivers, including Nati Regev, who happened to be just blocks away.

Thanks to his proximity and the MDA motorbike’s ability to manoeuvre around traffic, Nati arrived at the scene in just 90 seconds and started CPR. When the ambulance came a few minutes later, the patient was already revived and immediately rushed to hospital. Today, the man is fully recovered.

And Nati, a busy father of three, is always ready for the next emergency call, knowing that the coordination of agile motorbikes and fully equipped ambulances can save time and save lives.

In January, Israel’s Ministry of Health declared that MDA serve as the country’s official national emergency medical dispatch centre for all of Israel’s private first-response organisations, including United Hatzalah (UH).

A separate agreement, signed in March between MDA and UH, also requires that UH volunteers be trained by MDA, ensuring the accountability of all Israeli first-responders while holding them to MDA’s rigid professional standards.

The agreement also guarantees that personal and medical data is retained and safeguarded only by MDA, which adheres to strict rules regarding personal information secrecy.

The agreement brings UH in line with the other 30 private emergency-response organisations under MDA’s oversight.

MDA to Dispatch ALL Israeli First Responders

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MDA’s Tree of Life Continues to Grow

Every leaf makes a difference to the vital work of MDA

The Tree of Life continues to grow as family and friends celebrate and honour loved ones. With your donation, an engraved leaf or foundation stone will be placed on

The Tree of Life at MDA Australia’s Emergency Medical Station at Yokneam, Israel.

For further information please contact the MDA office.



Silver $360

Gold $720

A Four-Minute Miracle. A 3-month-old baby was choking, her life slipping away. When the MDA dispatcher got a call from the distraught parents, he instructed them on how to perform CPR.

At the same time, he checked MDA’s c4I system, which allows dispatchers to monitor every ambulance, to find the paramedic closest to the suffering baby. Right away the dispatched found a first responded on the same street and called him by walkie-talkie. Within four minutes, the paramedic was at the scene, and shortly after that the parents could breathe again because their baby’s life was saved. All thanks to innovative technology and people with the compassion and expertise to make a difference.

BIRTHDAYSStephanie Heller 90th Annetta Able 90thRosy Mathews BirthdayIvan Cohen 80th Belinda Friedman 60thGolda Grubel 96thAlex Jaye 90thLilian Rose BirthdayBella Meylich 89thEvelyn Danos 60thNan Moss 75thLeora Cohen 50thMark Perlow 60thAva Schachna 3rdJosh & Jesse Slade 7thVera Freidin 85thSusan Lipton 70thIan Pohl 70th

BAR & BAT MITZVAHSAngel Cohen Bat MitzvahMichael Zukerman Bar MitzvahErnie Malinek 2nd Bar MitzvahNathan Lutchner Bar Mitzvah

OTHER ANNIVERSARIESGoldie Malin “no excuses”Zalman Plotke

Birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs & Anniversaries

Limited Copper, Silver & Gold leaves remaining.

Bar Mitzvah boy Nathan Lutchner

Long time MDA supporter Bella Meylich with family and friends on her 89th birthday.

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A gift in your WILL can be large or small, it can be for a specific purpose or for a general donation, it can be a specific amount or a percentage. EVERY GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO SAVING LIVES IN ISRAEL.

Please send me information about including a gift in my Will.

I have included a gift to MDA in my Will.

Please send me appropriate wording to include in my Will.

I would like a confidential discussion with an MDA representative regarding the inclusion of a gift in my Will.

All information is treated in the strictest confidence.



Daytime Phone No:


VIC: 306 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield Sth, VIC 3162 Tel: (03) 9272 5633 Email: info@mdavic.org

QLD: PO Box 5887, Gold Coast MC, Bundall, QLD 9726 Tel: (07) 5539 0632 Email: mdaqld@hotmail.com

WA: 61 Woodrow Ave, Yokine WA 6060 Tel: (08) 9275 3313 Email: josephineorya@yahoo.com


A gift in your wILL saves lives in Israel for generations to come.

Large or small – every gift makes a real difference

to the lifesaving work of Magen David Adom Israel

A gift in your wILL saves lives in Israel for generations to come.








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