Heartbeat Connection Magazine September 2012 Edition

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Heartbeat Connection Magazine September 2012, a lifestyle mag all about the art of living with heart. In its pages you will find articles on authors, photography, giveaways, social media, recipes, tech tips, Out and About, and heartfelt organizations.



POETRY Collection




One lives here, one lives there.One is a little taller than the other.Two different colors of hair,two different outlooks on life,two different views from their windows.Both have different tomorrows ahead...Each has a separate destinationand a distinctly different pathto get there, But...

For all the things that mightbe different and unique about them...these two sisters will always share so much.

They will always be the best of familyand friends, entwined together,through all the days of their lives.Their love will always be veryspecial: gentle and joyful when it can be, strong and givingwhen it needs to be, reminding them,no matter how different their storiesturn out...

They share the incredibly precious giftof being "sisters."


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Mission:Sharing the Art of Living with Heart.

Create * Conceive * Connect


Letter from the EditorNews and Celebrations

Heart of FashionBeing a Maxxinista

Magic Kingdom TripFavorite Rides

Why Journal?3 Benefits of Journaling

Cousins' Friendship5 Things That Bond us Together

Ask a QuestionAsk the Nurse You Asked & We Answered

A Confident Heart15 Favorite Quotes

Out and About AlaskaExit Glacier

Recipe CornerSlow Cooker Applesauce

Amazing WildlifeWhy do some Animals Turn White in the Winter?

Tech TipsHealthy Tech & iPhone Photography

Featured FoundationsFamily to Family Kids Crisis ClosetProject Help











*Heart Healthy Fresh Baked Cookies

& Confections

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Shoppes at Vanderbilt 239-777-3953* Advertisement






Are some companies making a difference in the world? At Heartbeat Connection Magazine we discover the answer. Online, we share exclusive company reviews. Be sure to visit us at www.heartbeatmag.com.

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Advertise with Us!Heartbeatmag.comManaging Editor NICOLE FLOTHEPhotographer MELINDA NAGY OTEROPhotographer JENNY PLOCINSKIArt Director SUZANNE ERVINEditor CHERYL FLOTHECover Photo - Caitlyn, Madison & Amanda

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letter from the editor

Our kids are having a great time being back to school. They all have adjusted well to early morning wake ups and are happy to see all their friends again. I participated in a few church sponsored groups, one on learning the art of pottery and another on cooking. It's fun to meet new people and get involved with my community.

Recently, I attended a Marriage Event at the First Baptist Church and the Guest Speaker was Kirk Cameron. I enjoyed every minute of the event. Kirk shared three steps for a successful marriage...1. Be unselfish.2. Change ourselves, don't try and change others.3. Follow a successful strategy to work on our marriage.

Getting excited for the upcoming holidays, and looking forward to spending time with the ones I love.

With love, Nicole Flothe Managing Editor

I fell in love with this picture of my friend Beth Gatrell's kids, Caitlyn and Madison, with their cousin, Amanda. This photo was taken by Jenny Plocinski and captures the happy family moment. Read more in a Cousins' Friendship, 5 Things that Bind us Together.

Jennifer Tutino - Jen's Fabulous FindsShelly Aristizabal - You Asked & We AnsweredBeth Gatrell - Tech Tip of the Week Cheryl Flothe - Out & About, Recipe Corner, Amazing NatureJake Flothe - Magic Kingdom Trip

There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart ... pursue those.

Author Unknown


Jen's Fabulous


I'm a Maxxinista, are you? When it comes to great discount fashion...Don't dis-count TJMaXX. They have a great array of clothing, shoes & home goods to choose from. They are part of Marshall's & Home Goods---surprise, surprise---yet they carry slightly different merchandise to keep you coming back for more. (1) I found these fab "Unlisted" brand wedges there for $29.99. The original price tag was $69.99. They had sooo many things there! But, like Marshalls, if you go in with a target in mind you won't feel overwhelmed and you'll be a Maxxinista in no time!

(2) I pledge allegiance to Banana Republic! They know how to take classic pieces and give them a fresh contemporary twist. Like this tortoise & white enamel ring. Love it! When I found out It was $39 with 30% off, it was very easy to justify buying it! I mean, come on, it was on sale, right?

(3) And then I saw THE Dress!! OMG!! It was love at first sight. This hue of meyer lemon yellow is one of the hottest colors for fall!! It looks great on most skin types (except for the fairest of them all) in which case I'd suggest using this color to accessorize with instead. It's in a shirt dress style, a huge fall trend. And it's lightweight silk which gives it such a rich look. It was full price at $130.00, but it will be a wardrobe staple! You can wear it now with a great pair of strappy sandal wedges like the ones I scored at TJ Maxx, or in just a few short weeks, rock it with an awesome pair of knee high black leather boots and black belt. The dress came with a matching tie at the waist, which gives it a great monochromatic look.

(4)To have a little fun, I found a great leather belt at J. Crew for $29.99 that I'll wear with the dress to add a little "somethin, somethin," as we say in NY!! Don't be afraid to wear bold color for fall. Start with accessories first if you are a little timid, but be proud of who you are and let your inner goddess out!

by Jennifer Tutino






Being a Maxxinista



Clack, clack, clack! I can't believe we're really at the Magic Kingdom on my favorite ride Thunder Mountain. I can't wait to see all of my favorite rides, Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain, see the parade and afterwards watch the fireworks.

What I think is really cool about Thunder Mountain is the train track is made out of wood. So it makes the clack, clack, clack sound. The first time I went on it I was so scared I hid at the bottom of the mine cart almost the whole time. It was so fast, when I did sit up my hair was flying behind me.

The ride I went on after was Splash Mountain Where you go really high up and then go through a river with a bunch of animals talking and dancing. Then at the end you see a light. Then you go down a huge drop at the bottom you splash into a lot of water, getting soaked every time!

After Splash Mountain it was time for the parade. We got our spot by the restaurant and the parade began. Whoa, cool! The parade floats are glowing. There are castle floats, pirate ship floats, and a pumpkin float! Some of them are dark and eerie; they have evil characters on them like Captain Hook or Scar from The Lion King. But some of them are rainbow colors with good characters like Peter Pan and Woody.

Bang, Clack, Bang! Whoa! That one looked like goofy! Every night at the Magic Kingdom the fireworks go off. Splashes of color explode in the sky, all in shapes of Disney characters. Sometimes the fireworks go for 2 hours! Tonight I will be up till 2:00 in the morning!

Whoo Hoo! That was awesome! I wish I could go to Disney's Magic Kingdom every day and go on my favorite rides, watch the parade, and see the fireworks.



Do you Journal? I write down quotes, ideas, or task lists. It's been a while since I truly journaled. I was listening recently to a Podcast and the speaker said that she takes about 15 minutes a day to do a nonstop journal. What that means is that she begins writing and doesn't stop for 15 minutes. She may change subjects and jump from idea-to-idea, but once she finishes, she goes back and reads what she wrote. To her amazement there have been some days when it was truly exciting to see the results. I thought I'd give it a try.

I recently read on www.mytherapyjournal.com some benefits of journaling are scientifically proven to:

1. Improve physical health and mental well-being2. Improve cognitive functioning3. Counteract many of the negative effects of stress

People who practice journaling have also been found to become re-employed sooner after losing their jobs (Spera et al, 1994), to miss fewer days of work (Francis & Pennebaker, 1992), and to have higher grade point averages (Cameron & Nicholls, 1998). They have better overall sporting performances (Scott et al, 2003) and even better working memories (Klein & Boals, 2001). It has even been found that journaling causes people to have short-term changes in their heart rates, electrodermal activity, and muscular activity – all in the directions of health (Pennebaker, 1997).

sk the Nurse!

by Nicole FlotheWhy Journaling Works

by Shelly Aristizabal of Healthy Living ConciergeY

C ousins' Friendship by Nicole Flothe

5 Things that Bond us Together...

Family Events - When I was growing up, my family would always go to my grandparents' house for the Holidays. I was also able to spend time with them in the summer. I'm so thankful for those memories and fun times I spent with my cousins.

Parks - Last year I went with my cousin and her kids to Disney World. It was amazing being able to spend quality time we will all remember.

Sleepovers - I remember so many times sleeping over at my cousins' homes. It gave me the one-on-one time with them and allowed us to bond.

Photos - There are many family photos that I can look back on now and see what fun times I had with my cousins. Capturing these moments has been priceless.

Dinners - My family really enjoyed meal time together. We would all sit around the big table at grandma's house and enjoy the family favorites. I can remember sometimes all the adults would sit at one table while the cousins sat at the other table.

40 Days and 40 Nights: Taking Time Out for Self-Discovery By Llene Segalove

If you're looking for a How to Journal guide, the above book is a perfect solution. Otherwise, I would suggest, just go to your local store, buy a notebook, and begin.

Another great resource is my friend, Shelly Aristizabal's, book This is Your Year To Live the Life of Your Dreams. It has 365 topics of interest that could inspire you to journal.


Our kids have been healthy all summer long and it has been a true blessing. The first week they went back to school though, one came home with a cough and runny nose. Could it happen that quickly? I gave them some extra juice and vitamins and we increased our hand washing. Unfortunately once one of the kids had the germ, the other two ended up getting it and a few weeks worth of coughing and sneezing have gone by. At least it was only temporary, but frustrating to have to see them not feeling so well. Here are a few tips in preventing or shortening the life of cold:

1. Wash hands regularly. Not just a quick wash, make sure to spend time with your kids when they're first learning to wash their hands. I find my kids sometimes like to zip in and out of the bathroom. Encourage them to really use the soap and water, the better the friction, the better the germs come off.

2. Cough or sneeze in your arm.They teach the kids this technique at school. Instead of sneezing into their hands, then touching friends or paperwork, they sneeze or cough into their arm.

3. Bring a Pencil Box.While it's nice to share with your friends, having a pencil box that has all their tools in it can help prevent the spread of germs.

As per Webmd.com a couple of hot spots for germs are... *Class Pencil Sharpeners *Water Fountains *Plastic Cafeteria Trays

If possible, donate extra soap, hand sanitizer, or tissues to your child's classroom. This will help provide a cleaner environment in the classroom.

A sk the Nurse!by Nicole Flothe RN

How do I Prevent Back-to-School Germs?


by Shelly Aristizabal of Healthy Living Concierge

ou Asked & We Answered.

of the time! If you enjoy the occasional "off meal", we recommend eating a balanced meal 3 to 4 hours later to re-stabilize your blood sugar and get your body back in balance. You may still feel a bit full from your "off meal" so you can always cut your next meal in 1/2 or 1/4. The key is to make it balanced with 40% protein, 35% carbs, 25% fat.

YQ: What if I eat something that isn't in my Nutrtion Plan?

A: A healthy lifestyle that we can maintain permanently is all about balance. It is nearly impossible for most of us to follow our nutrition plans 100% perfectly all

Q: How do you stop doubting yourself?

Visit our Blog to enter for a chance to win A Confident Heart!

Our sponsor,Renee Swope,

has provided her book for this months Giveaway. Renee shares her own personal story on her struggles with self-doubt and how, through God's promises, you too, can find security that you need and the confidence you long for!

The giveaway is on the Heartbeat Magazine Blog. The rafflecopter drawing will end September 30th so be sure to enter as often as you'd like. Good luck!




has provided her book for this months Giveaway. Renee shares her own personal story on her struggles with self-doubt and how, through God's promises, you too, can find security that you need and the confidence you long for!

The giveaway is on the Heartbeat Magazine Blog. The rafflecopter drawing will end September 30th so be sure to enter as often as you'd like. Good luck!

by Shelly Aristizabal

Never miss an opportunity to speak with an Angel!

This morning I made a quick decision to run into Einstein Bagel to grab a quick bite on my way to an appointment. I sat down at a table and before I could pull out my phone to check emails, etc., the lovely couple at the table next to me said, "Hi, Lox and Bagel is our favorite too!"

We started chit chatting and they shared their beautiful story of 62 years of marriage! They bragged a bunch about their children and grandchildren, how wonderful it was they'd had an opportunity to travel, his experience in WWII, and how much they love Naples. They've been here for 26 years after moving from Boston.

They are clearly very happy and in love. Finally, I asked if they could share their secret of happiness for 62 years of marriage.

The Irish gentleman glanced at his beautiful Italian wife and, without hesitation, said that at 19, just after they had married, an old man had said to him, "I'll give you some advice, you can take it or leave it, never go to sleep angry and always give your wife a kiss before you fall to sleep!" Words they have lived by!

I am so thankful for the wisdom that's all around us, just waiting for an opportunity to be heard!

Have a wonderful day & sweet dreams sealed with a kiss!

by Nicole Flothe

I recently read A Confident Heart, How to Stop Doubting Yourself & Live in the Security of God's Promises.

I loved how Renee entwined stories from the Bible with her everyday life. When she had struggles, she was able to see how the people from the Bible overcame their obstacles, and she believed we can too.

She also ended each chapter with a review of what lessons were discussed, how to apply it in our lives, and then finished with a prayer.

HappinessHere are 15 of my favorite quotes throughout the book...

Whatever you have done, or will do, God still loves you and he forgives you.

God's Spirit will convict you, but his heart will never condemn you.

Find the gold in our children.

Mining for gold in the heart of our children.

God never intended for us to compete with each other. He wants us to complete one another, celebrating and encouraging each other's strengths while discovering who he created us to be.

Think about the things that make your heart come alive.

Your heart is the core of who you are, the truest you.

Eliminating constraints or excuses often reveals our heart's desire.

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." - Prov. 4:23NLT

Psalm 37:4 says to "take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

But just as a target is designed to narrow the aim of an arrow, God uses the desires of our hearts to narrow the focus of where He wants our lives to make a mark for eternity.

You have something to offer that can make a difference in others' lives.

It is important to focus on what we have instead of what we don't have.

A woman with a confident heart chooses to believe that God wants to make an impact through her life, and she looks for ways to let him.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.

I truly enjoyed reading the book and would love to share it with someone that is looking to learn about developing A Confident Heart! Enter as often as you like on our blog and I hope you win:) You can also visit the author's website at www.reneeswope.com



















Exit Glacier: “The Most Accessible Glacier on the Kenai Peninsula”

by Cheryl Flothe

Exit Glacier is near Seward, Alaska within the Kenai Fjords National Park. As the only glacier you can drive to on the Kenai Peninsula, it’s a great place to stop when you visit Seward or the Kenai Peninsula. Kenai Fjords National Park covers 1,047 square miles of coastline and includes around 38 glaciers. The Harding Ice Field, which is one of the largest in the U.S., is located within the park and can be accessed on the 7.4 mile Harding Ice field Trail that starts at the Exit Glacier Nature Center. Kenai Fjords National Park was named for the many fjords that moved from the Harding Ice Field down the mountains, carving the fjords over thousands of years.

The Kenai Fjords National Park Exit Glacier Nature Center has park rangers, hands-on displays and exhibits, a gift shop, and restroom facilities. You can join a Ranger-led walk, attend interpretive talks, or just hike or browse around on your own.


Recipe Corner


The Kenai Fjords National Park Exit Glacier Nature Center has park rangers, hands-on displays and exhibits, a gift shop, and restroom facilities. You can join a Ranger-led walk, attend interpretive talks, or just hike or browse around on your own.

Exit Glacier area has the only maintained trails in the Kenai Fjords National Park.

Signs on Exit Glacier Road show where the My grandsons hiked on a rocky area that Exitglacier was beginning in the 1800’s, showing Glacier had traveled over many years before.how far the glacier has receded until today.

Glaciers are part of geographic and environmental history---they carve out valleys and deposit rocks and boulders along their trail. Their ice can be studied to learn about plants, animals, and the environment from long ago. They are also fun and interesting places to visit and learn about!

Resources: Kenai Fjords National Park Website; Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula Wildlife Viewing Trail Guide, by Alaska Department of Fish and Game; and Wikipedia: Kenai Fjords National Park.

Photos by: Jim Flothe and National Park Service

Recipe Corner

by Cheryl Flothe


Fall and back-to-school bring us images of warm dishes on cool mornings. No matter what the temperature, this delicious homemade applesauce reminds me of having a pumpkin pie in the oven! The brown sugar and pumpkin pie spice give it a different taste than regular applesauce.

Ingredients8 apples – peeled, cored, and thinly sliced½ cup water¾ c. packed brown sugar½ teaspoon pumpkin spice

DirectionsCombine apples and water in slow cooker. Cook on low 6-8 hours.Stir in brown sugar and pumpkin spice.Continue cooking another ½ hour.

Note: If your family prefers the traditional applesauce, substitute ¾ cup white sugar and and ½ teaspoon cinnamon.(Source: Recipe from A.S.G. at All Recipes.com)


Visit us online and enjoy our Recipes!

Photo by Crikkitt


A slow cooker, also known as a Crock-Pot, or Slo-Cooker, (trademarks that are often used generically in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK), is a countertop electrical cooking appliance that is used for simmering, which requires maintaining a relatively low temperature compared to other cooking methods (such as baking, boiling, and frying) for many hours, allowing unattended cooking of pot roast, stew, and other suitable dishes.

The Naxon Utilities Corporation of Chicago developed the Naxon Beanery All-Purpose Cooker in the late 1970s. The Rival Company bought Naxon in 1970 and reintroduced it under the Crock-Pot name in 1971. In 1974, Rival introduced removable stoneware inserts, making it more convenient for the consumer.Source: Wikipedia.

This fools predators and prey alike---all that is seen of them against the snow is that black tip, letting them fool animals into thinking their head’s at the other end! All of the mammals have short ears and legs, allowing them to stay warmer and closer to the ground. The hares have wider feet so it’s easier for them to travel on top of snow. The collared lemming would be easy prey if they were not white against the snow. Their predators still pursue them into the snow banks they tunnel under, but at least their chances of survival are better because they are white in winter. Ptarmigan shed their summer plumage and grow white feathers in the fall. They are then all white except for some black tail feathers. The Ptarmigan also has feathers on its legs and feet to keep them warm and help them walk on snow. Nature is truly amazing with all its ways of helping animals survive in varied climates and seasons!

References: National Geographic Kids Online; Alaska’s Mammals by Dave Smith; How Stuff Works (online) - How Animals’ Camouflage Works, by Tom Harris; E-How (online) – List of Animals that Have Winter Camouflage, by Nancy Hayden.

Photos by: Jim Flothe and National Park Service



by Cheryl FlotheW hy do some animals turn white in the winter?

Did you ever wonder why some animals change their color to white during the winter? When you think about it, it’s a matter of survival! To keep them safe from predators and to conceal themselves from prey, some animals’ hormones cause them to shed their brown or grey summer coats of fur or feathers and grow white winter coats in the fall. Animals that assume beautiful white fur or plumage are: the Arctic Fox, Arctic and Snowshoe Hare, Short-tailed Weasel (or Ermine), Long-tailed Weasel, Willow Ptarmigan (a bird), and the Collared Lemming. The Arctic Fox, Arctic and Snowshoe Hare, and Collared Lemmings turn all white. Both Short and Long tailed Weasels turn white, except for a black plume on the tip of their tails.

This fools predators and prey alike---all that is seen of them against the snow is that black tip, letting them fool animals into thinking their head’s at the other end! All of the mammals have short ears and legs, allowing them to stay warmer and closer to the ground. The hares have wider feet so it’s easier for them to travel on top of snow. The collared lemming would be easy prey if they were not white against the snow. Their predators still pursue them into the snow banks they tunnel under, but at least their chances of survival are better because they are white in winter. Ptarmigan shed their summer plumage and grow white feathers in the fall. They are then all white except for some black tail feathers. The Ptarmigan also has feathers on its legs and feet to keep them warm and help them walk on snow. Nature is truly amazing with all its ways of helping animals survive in varied climates and seasons!

References: National Geographic Kids Online; Alaska’s Mammals by Dave Smith; How Stuff Works (online) - How Animals’ Camouflage Works, by Tom Harris; E-How (online) – List of Animals that Have Winter Camouflage, by Nancy Hayden.

Arctic Fox Collared LemmingPhoto from: Pic Search Online Photo from: Kids’ National Geographic

Willow Ptarmigan in winter plumeage. Photographer: Stacy John Peterson

Snowshoe Hare turning white in the fall. Photographer: Glenn Flothe

Short-tailed Weasel (Ermine) in summer and winter coats.Photographer: Glenn Flothe

Iphone Photography

Do you ever see exceptional photos posted on Instagram or on Facebook? With the success of smartphones these days, it's getting harder and harder to tell if the photo was taken with a professional camera or a cellphone. I was reading a few good articles on how to take better photos with your phone and here are a few suggestions:1. Look around you, what captures your eye? Being more aware of your surroundings provides the opportunity to take an interesting photo.2. Bring the phone close to the item of interest. If it's a flower, fill your screen and snap the shot.

I've recently found several new photography apps for you to enjoy.

To view more information about iPhone apps visit www.jenstarmedia.com


Apps1. iLightningCam 6. Image Chef2. Photo Editor - Fotolr 7. BubbleFrame3. InstaPicFrame 4. MarbleCam 5. Phonto


Capture: The beauty of an iphone is that it allows you to take a photo instantly without too much planning, use this to your advantage and never miss an opportunity. - Tony Mclaren www.xseedphotography.co.uk


for that ailment. They also provide links to information about food health, diseases and treatments, sleep needs, benefits of sleeping with pets, and more. Health.com is another good online source for information on diet and fitness, beauty, super foods, healthy recipes, shopping tips, and lots of additional health needs. Great resources found on sites like Web MD include tips for less stress, information on healthy teeth, tips for proper shampooing and cleansing, healthy home, diseases and care and tons more. There are also awesome sites dedicated to men's health, women's health and kids. And if you have kids, you might want to take a peek at Nick Jr's Kids Health, where they give great tips on allergy proofing your house, coping with cold and flu, resources for parents, and even stay at home activities for those sick days. If you're happy about apps, try downloading iTriage, which includes a symptom checker, information on medications and procedures, doctors, conditions, and more. iFirst Aid is a good resource for information on CPR, burns, choking and lots of other emergency situations. You can even fill your prescriptions from your phone with apps like the one provided by Walgreens Pharmacy. Wishing everyone great health today and "Into Tomorrow"! www.intotomorrow.com


2 3





Into Tomorrow's Healthy living in high tech times...by Beth Gatrell

Lots of people are becoming more aware of their health these days, and looking online is a great place to gather information. Symptom Find is a cool site allowing you to click on the parts of the body and symptoms you are experiencing to give you the most common possibilities


Willow Ptarmigan in winter plumeage. Photographer: Stacy John Peterson




Southwest Florida Youth Basketball

Advetise With Us!

by Nicole Flothe

Julie Thomas, from Project Outreach provided another recommendation of a great foundation to feature. She suggested Family to Family Kids Crisis Closet. Fran Bratcher runs the charity organization located in Naples, Florida. Their mission is to ease the burden on families in crisis, helping them rebuild their homes and lives with people's "extras". They struggle to get people into beds and off the floor(mainly single moms & kids). "GOT STUFF? PASS IT ON!" Family to Family is a charity in a donated space, run by volunteers and they GIVE people's "extra stuff" to those in need. They help Foster care families suddenly expanding, families moving out of the Abused Women's shelter (usually just their kids and a suitcase) and others in crisis situations in need of the bare necessities.

For the last 9 years they have also provided Holiday Gift Baskets for Foster Care families in the community. Visit them on Facebook or call 239-352-KIDS.

Since 1986, it has been the mission of Project HELP, as Collier County's Crisis Center, to offer survivor-focused crisis intervention and advocacy services for victims of crime, survivors of sudden death, and survivors of sexual assault. Project HELP provides a 24-hour crisis hotline, sexual assault and sudden death response, crisis counseling, support groups, information and referral, training, and prevention education.

Project HELP is located in Naples, Florida. They are available to be the 'Emotional 911' for all those in crisis in the Naples community. You can reach them by visiting their website at www.Projecthelpnaples.org or call them at 239-262-7227.

You can also keep in touch with them on Facebook or read the latest news from their blog http://blogs.naplesnews.com/projecthelp/ www.projecthelpnaples.org & Facebook

Naples Sea Life LightsUnique Sea Life Light boxes

Honoring, Empowering and Listening to those People in our Community.


Family Time at Busch Gardens, enjoy a trip of

a lifetime!



Southwest Florida Youth Basketball

Advetise With Us!

Naples Sea Life LightsUnique Sea Life Light boxes





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Honoring, Empowering and Listening to those People in our Community.

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