Healthy Eyes Without Glasses

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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Healthy Eyes WithoutGlasses and Health

Without Drugs


DR. R. A. RICHARDSONOsteopathic-Physician and Surgeon

Oculist and Optometrist

icensed to Practice

Osteopathic !edicine and Surgery in the State o" #loridaOsteopathy and Surgery in the States o" !issouri$Io%a$ &ansas and O'lahoma.

Author o"(

)hy #e% Succeed and !illions #ail.

!yra Deane Company

P*BISH+RS&ansas City$ !issouri

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Copyrighted$ ,/By

DR. &. A. RICHARDSON&ansas City$ !o.

All Rights Reser0ed.

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To the man, woman or child who is now suffering with poor vision, or ill health, I would bring improved vision and freedom from all illness. To those who arewell and enjoy good vision, I would give protectionagainst the dangers of illness and loss of sight. To all  people, I would teach the natural methods of 

normalizing the body in order that it may functionnormally. With normal, natural function of the mental, physical, and spiritual phases of our existence, health,happiness, and prosperity is assured. This is mydedication.


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PageHo% to 1est 2our +yes Be"ore 2ou Practice the

+3ercises .......................................................................... 4

Impro0ing 2our 5ision )ithout 6lasses or Drugs........................

Important 1hings to Remem7er.................................................. 841he Importance o" Sunlight........................................................ 94

*se o" arge and Small Charts in +3ercising the +yes...............:,

Diseases o" the +ye.................................................................. 4

Doctors and Home 1reatment..................................................... ;4

2our Health #oundation and +limination................................... /

#oods "or Di""erent Conditions...................................................,,<

Breathing +3ercises ...................................................................,9/

Physical +3ercise and Rela3ation...............................................,

1he !ind and Its +""ect on the Body..........................................,/8

Sel"-Analysis ...........................................................................,4,

In"ormation +0ery7ody Should Ha0e.........................................,4:Inde3 .........................................................................................89:

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1here is a large chart and a small chart enclosed %ith this

 7oo'. By testing your eyes 7e"ore you start ta'ing thee3ercises$ you %ill ha0e a record o" your 0ision "or com- parison.

A"ter e3ercising one %ee'$ you should notice su""icientimpro0ement to gi0e you encouragement "or continuing the%or'.

#irst$ test your distance 0ision 7y pinning the large charton the %all and ta'ing a seat ten "eet a%ay. )hile you are at adistance o" ten "eet "rom the large chart$ co0er your le"t eye%ith your le"t hand and see i" you can read the 7ottom line%ith your right eye %ithout glasses. I" you cannot read the 7ottom line$ "ind out %hich line you can read clearly =not"aintly>.

Second$ co0er the right eye and test the le"t eye in thesame manner$ and do not "orget to %rite on a piece o" paper e3actly %hat you can read %hen you start. 1hen i" some7odyas's you later %hat impro0ement you ha0e made$ you %illha0e an e3act record. 2ou %ill "ind this not only interesting 7ut 0ery important.

1hird$ ta'e the small chart and test the 0ision o" each eyeseparately at a distance o" thirteen inches. !a'e a record o" this also. Remem7er$ all tests are to 7e made %ithout glasses.

I" you %ill "ollo% the a7o0e instructions and do e3actly

as you are told$ you %ill 7e astonished at the results. Do notstart ta'ing any eye e3ercises until you ha0e made the


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a7o0e tests$ and read the entire 7oo' at least once. Remem7er$most people "ail in li"e 7ecause they do e0erything in ahapha?ard$ hal"-hearted manner.

I" you start %ith too many e3ercises$ you no dou7t %illnotice a soreness and sti""ness o" your eye muscles %hich can 7e a0oided 7y using a little @udgment$ and 7y not o0erdoingthe e3ercises at the 7eginning. Increase the e3ercises a littleeach day.

!a'e the tests 7e"ore you read another page in this 7oo'.It is 0ery important.

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6ASS+S OR DR*6S1here is need o" a 7oo' that can 7e read and used 7y

 people %ho are not "amiliar %ith Ophthalmology. It is mydesire to %rite this in"ormation in such a manner that thelayman %ho has not had a college education may 7e a7le toimpro0e his eyesight and his health %ithout consulting a physician. 1his 7oo' is not intended to ta'e the place o" the physician$ 7ut to help the thousands o" people %ho are %illingand ready to help themsel0es. A"ter more than t%enty years o"  practice$ I am thoroughly con0inced that a large percentage o" human ailments can 7e treated more scienti"ically at home 7ynatural methods o" right li0ing than 7y unnatural methods o" 

drugging$ operating and general tampering %ith the human 7ody.

O" course$ %here "oreign 7odies get into the eye a phy-sicians attention is needed. 1he physician is also needed "or accidents$ 7ro'en 7ones$ lacerations$ and surgery occasional-ly. Ho%e0er$ it is my opinion that in the ma@ority o" cases$many o" our ailments are due largely to our o%n mista'es andcarelessness$ and most o" us could do much to impro0e our conditions 7y using a little good @udgment in the care o" our o%n physical and mental 7ody.

As a young man$ , started out to help impro0e de"ecti0e0ision. !y "irst e3perience %as "itting glasses. A"ter my

college training$ I decided to ta'e the ad0ice o" one o" my0ery good pro"essors$ %ho told me that college training %asnot su""icient$ and that I should %or' %ith a physician %hohad practiced many years and learn the practical$ as %ell asthe theoretical$ method o" treating the eyes and 7odyailments.

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I %ent to %or' as an assistant to a doctor$ %hom I con-sidered one o" the 7est eye specialists in America. Prom thisdoctor I learned many things a7out the eye that %ere not

taught in college. He had thousands o" patients$ and I sa%many conditions that %ere not e0en mentioned in college. It is%onder"ul to read %hat people %rite$ 7ut practical e3perienceis the most %onder"ul training that anyone can ha0e.

A"ter %or'ing %ith this good doctor "or se0eral months$ Inoticed that people %ho came to him %ith headaches in-0aria7ly got relie" through properly "itted glasses. Ner0ous patients %ere helped 0ery much 7y his s'ill"ul re"raction.People %ith eye strain %ere a7le to read %ith com"ort andease. All o" these "acts con0inced me "or a time that glasses%ere a god-send to humanity. Ho%e0er$ a"ter I 7egan too7ser0e his patients more closely$ I "ound that many o" them%ere coming 7ac' in a year or so to ha0e their glasses

changed.A"ter re-e3amining their eyes$ I "ound that their glasses

%ere not strong enough$ and that it %as necessary to gi0ethem stronger lenses. I as'ed the good doctor %hy it %asnecessary to gi0e these people stronger glasses since glasses%ere supposed to 7ene"it the eyes. He stated that the glasses%ere doing the %or' o" the %ea'ened eye muscles$ and thatsince the eye muscles and eye tissues %ere not "unctioningnormally$ they naturally %ould get %ea'er$ and glasses %ouldha0e to 7e made stronger "rom time to time.

ittle children %earing glasses soon 7ecame helpless%ithout them. 1his %as a thri0ing 7usiness in "act$ an endless

chain. Not only did %e get ne% patients$ 7ut the old onesne0er "ailed to return many times "or ne% glasses. Some people had to ha0e their glasses changed in si3 months othersin one year a "e% %ould go t%o or three years$ or may7elonger. 1here %as su""icient e0idence to con0ince me thateyeglasses %ere a detriment in the ma@ority o" cases.

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I told the doctor that this did not loo' right to me$ andthat there must 7e some %ay o" e3ercising the eyes or im- pro0ing the strength o" the eye tissues$ the same as the

muscles o" the arm and other tissues o" the 7ody can 7estrengthened. He in"ormed me that he had spent se0enteenyears o" his li"e "itting glasses$ and that he did not 7elie0e thatI could suggest any %ay o" impro0ing his %or'. He called myattention to the "act that he had a larger practice than anyother eye specialist in the state$ and that his reputation had 7een made as a result o" his unuestiona7le s'ill and a7ility.1his %as true. He certainly %as a7le to gi0e relie" to many people %ho had not 7een helped 7y other specialists. I admitthat he taught me many things that %ere 0ery practical.

As time %ent on$ I o7ser0ed many elderly people %hohad reached the age o" ;< or < %ithout the aid o" glasses.)hen I uestioned these people$ I "ound that they had ne0er 

%orn glasses$ and that their eyes "unctioned almost per"ectly.1hey did not ha0e the trou7le that people had %ho %oreglasses.

At college %e %ere taught that the eyes 7ecame pres- 7yopic 7et%een the ages o" < and :< in other %ords$ old-agesight %as supposed to 7egin a7out the age o" <. But %e ha0emany people 7et%een the ages o" ;< and < %ho ha0e "ailedto de0elop old-age sight in proportion to their age.

!any o" his patients %ere recei0ing their second sighta7out the age o" 4<$ 4: or ;<. )ith all o" this con"using$contradictory e0idence I as'ed so many uestions that I mademysel" 0ery unpopular.

1here %as another group o" patients %ho had %ornglasses "rom childhood. Some o" them had had their glasseschanged as many as "i"ty times$ and yet they %ent 7lind %ithcataract or glaucoma. It seemed to me that i" glasses

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%ere doing so much good$ these people %ould not 7e ha0ingso much trou7le$ especially %hen they %ere consulting one o" the 7est specialists in America.

A"ter e3amining thousands o" cases$ I can truth"ully saythat I ha0e ne0er "ound a single case %here eyeglasses ha0enot made the eyes %ea'er. In more than t%enty years o"  practice$ I surely %ould ha0e "ound some cases %here glasseshad not made the eyes %ea'er had there 7een any.

I discarded my o%n glasses many years ago$ and$ 7y"ollo%ing the instructions %hich I am going to gi0e you Iha0e 7een a7le to impro0e my 0ision.

)hile I am past "i"ty years o" age$ I am a7le to read the"inest print in the telephone 7oo' or ne%spaper$ %ithoutglasses$ and I can read longer %ith more com"ort than I e0er did %ith glasses. I recently read "or 9, hours and ,8 minutes

%ithout glasses$ and %ithout stopping. I mention this not to 7rag a7out my eyesight$ 7ut merely to encourage those %hoare %illing to ma'e a little e""ort to impro0e their eyesight.

)hen %e stop to reason$ %e reali?e that the eye musclesare @ust as large in proportion to the "unction they per"orm asother muscles o" the 7ody. Ho% long do you thin' %e %ouldha0e strength in the muscles o" our arms i" %e carried them inslings$ or ho% much strength in the muscles o" our legs i" %eused crutches Common sense should tell us that the eyemuscles do lose their strength and tone %hen their %or' isinter"ered %ith 7y eye crutches. All o" these "acts %ill 7ee3plained later.

)hen I 7egan the study o" anatomy and physiology o" the 7ody$ I learned that many de"ecti0e eye conditions are 7rought a7out 7y 0iolation o" Natures la%s$ and that con-stipation is a direct cause o" much eye trou7le. 1he %aste ma-terial that remains in the large 7o%el produces a to3ic su7-

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stance that is carried 7y the 7lood stream to the eyes. 1histo3emia causes the eye muscles to contract and pull the eyesout o" "ocus.

Sometimes these people are "inancially una7le to securethe 7est ad0ice$ and they may go to a department store$ a drugstore$ a @e%elry store$ or any other place %here eyeglasssalesmen sell eyeglasses. On account o" their "inancialcondition they are loo'ing "or 7argains$ and there are plentyo" so-called eyeglass and eyesight specialists %ho li'e to ha0ethe pro"it that is made "rom such sales.

I" these people could reason "rom cause to e""ect$ they%ould 'no% that no real eye specialist$ a"ter spending ten or "i"teen years o" his time to learn his 7usiness$ %ould "ind itnecessary to %or' in a department store$ a drug store$ or a @e%elry store. 1here are many splendid gentlemen %ho %or' 

in such places$ and they ha0e a license and a right to ma'e ali0ing selling eyeglasses$ 7ut usually they are not men %hoha0e 7een trained in the scienti"ic care o" the human 7ody$%hich is necessary 7e"ore a correct diagnosis can 7e made o" the eyes$ 7ecause most eye trou7les are associated %ith other conditions.

1here are many men in the medical pro"ession %ho ha0e alicense %hich entitles them to hang out the sign$ E+ye-Specialist$E and they also ha0e a right to ma'e a pro"it sellingeyeglasses$ 7ut their 'no%ledge o" the human eye$ in manyinstances$ is 0ery limited. 1hey ha0e studied medicine and noteyes. I do not claim to 7e anything more$ than a student$ and Ita'e this opportunity to assure my readers that I reali?e I stillha0e much to learn.

In this 7oo' I am endea0oring to gi0e you in"ormationthat I ha0e gathered 7oth as a student and as a practicingOsteopathic Physician. I do not claim to 7e original in allthat I ha0e to say %ithin these pages. I am 0ery much

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inde7ted to some o" the 7est physicians$ as %ell as other  people$ %ho ha0e helped me to gather this in"ormation that Imay pass it on to you to help you impro0e your eyesight and

your health$ or to retain the good health that you may no% 7een@oying.

At last %e ha0e "ound a 7etter %ay o" treating many eyeconditions rather than 7y prescri7ing glasses. )e ha0e "ounda 7etter %ay o" impro0ing the health than 7y prescri7ingha7it-"orming drugs. Natural methods are "ar superior to man-made crutches and drugs o" %hich %e 'no% little. One o" our  7est medical authorities$ Dr. Osier$ is responsi7le "or thestatement that %e ta'e drugs o" %hich %e 'no% little$ and putthem into 7odies o" %hich %e 'no% less$ to cure disease o" %hich %e 'no% nothing at all.

I" you ha0e eye7alls that are really de"ormed$ it may 7e

necessary "or you to %ear eyeglasses$ the same as it isnecessary "or a man %ith a 7ro'en leg or a de"ormed leg touse crutches. But i" your eyes really are de"ormed$ and you doha0e to %ear eyeglasses$ you need the instructions in this 7oo' more than the person %ho has the a0erage case o" eyestrain 7ecause i" your eyes are in such a %ea'ened conditionthat glasses are necessary$ your eyes certainly %ill get %ea'er as time goes on unless you do something to impro0e the toneo" the tissues$ the circulation and the elasticity o" the entirestructure.

I" you happen to 7e a shallo% 7reather$ it may surpriseyou to 'no% that correct 7reathing e3ercises %ill impro0eyour 0ision 7ecause your eyes %ill recei0e 7lood that has 7een puri"ied 7y proper o3idation.

I" you are a person %ho eats %hate0er your appetite calls"or$ your eyes may 7e greatly impro0ed 7y eating %hat your  7ody needs$ rather than %hat your appetite calls "or. Adrun'ard has an appetite "or alcohol$ 7ut it certainly is

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%ea'est part. I" the eyes are the %ea'est organs o" the 7ody$they are the "irst to 7ecome congested$ and the disease isnamed accordingly. I" it is in the con@uncti0a$ it is called

con@uncti0itis. I" the retina o" the eye happens to 7e %ea' andis clogged %ith the %aste material carried 7y the 7lood andlymph$ the disease is then 'no%n as retinitis. Regardless o" the name$ it is still the one diseaseFcongestion.

I" the appendi3$ the tonsils$ the heart$ the li0er$ or thesinuses$ recei0e more o" the %aste material than it is possi7le"or them to eliminate$ then the disease is called appendicitis$tonsillitis$ li0er atrophy$ or in accordance %ith the organa""ected.

!edical science has made many impro0ements since I%rote my "irst 7oo'. 6ood specialists are no% prescri7ingmore minerals and more 0itamins$ and they are gi0ing more

attention to the diet 7ut there may 7e still a "e% unscrupulousdoctors %ho are ad0ising unnecessary operations andtreatments. I" you 'eep the poisonous %aste materials out o" your 7ody$ ta'e a reasona7le amount o" outdoor e3ercise$ andeat correctly$ your chances o" maintaining good health aregreatly impro0ed.

One o" our pro"essors at medical college$ %ho not only%as a great teacher 7ut also a splendid physician and surgeon$told us that %hen %e %ere graduated he %ould gi0e us hisgreat 1hree-in-One PrescriptionE %hich had helped him torelie0e more su""ering$ cure more diseases$ and ma'e more people healthy and happy than any other prescription he hade0er used. Reduced to its simplest "orm$ the prescriptionconsisted o"( COO 1H+ H+AD$ )AR! 1H+ #++1$ AND!O5+ 1H+ BO)+S.

In short$ uiet the patient through relie0ing his mental%orries$ and see that the 7lood is circulating "rom head toCoot$ all o" %hich %ould not 7e possi7le unless the 7o%els

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%ere discharging their %aste. Any physician o" any school$regardless o" ho% little or ho% much he 'no%s$ learns earlyin the practice o" the healing art that it is impossi7le "or him

to treat any disease %ithout elimination through the 7o%els$'idneys$ and the s%eat glands. *nless the 7o%els are 'eptacti0e and. regular$ all the other organs are sure to 7ecomeo0erloaded through a7sorption o" uneliminated %astematerial.

 No man or machine can continue to "unction correctlyunless properly supplied %ith "uel. )e %ould not attempt torun our automo7ile %ith a poor grade o" gasoline$ and e3pectthe 7est results. 1he human machine %ill not "unction %hen itis supplied %ith "uel that has 7een deminerali?ed$ de0itali?ed$and denatured through heating$ seasoning$ canning$ and other unnatural methods o" preparation. )hen 0egeta7les ha0e 7eencoo'ed to a point o" destruction o" their essential elements$%hich are so important in supplying 7uilding material andenergy-producing properties$ the po%er and strength o" the 7ody is greatly diminished.

Adeuate repair material is positi0ely essential "or themaintenance o" the 7ody tissues. 1he 7ody tissues consist o"  7ones$ ner0es$ 7lood$ glands$ muscles and s'in. 1he mostimportant materials in 7ody 7uilding are( Nitrogen$ protein$calcium and phosphorus. 1hey are necessary "or 7ones andteeth$ and are also needed 7y all other tissues. Organic iron$"ound in green$ lea"y 0egeta7les$ is essential to pure 7loodand necessary "or health.

1he magnetic and electric po%er$ generated into thegreen 0egeta7les 7y sunlight$ is o" utmost importance tohuman and animal li"e. 1hey cannot li0e %ithout it. !anand animals are directly or indirectly the product o" 0ege-ta7le li"e. I" the 0egeta7les ha0e 7een too long in storage$too long in cans$ or heated too much$ they are o" poor 

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uality. !an or animal$ li0ing on such de0itali?ed 0egeta7les$%ill naturally lose his resistance and "all many years short o" his normal li"e span$ and his 0ision may 7ecome 0ery dim.

*nless the nutriment is in accordance %ith Nature andnot denatured$ the cells o" the 7ody lac' the a7ility to thro%o"" their %aste su7stance$ and ta'e on ne% li"e-7uildingsu7stance. Any diet that does not contain all o" the proper "ood elements deteriorates the 7ody$ and the more delicatetissues are the "irst ones to 7e a""ected.

A good-natured$ s%eet-tempered disposition is not pos-si7le %ithout special e""ort on the part o" anyone %hose physical and mental 7ody is depri0ed o" proper nutrition. 1heunder-nourished person sooner or later 7ecomes despondent$easily discouraged$ lac'ing in %ill po%er$ and %ithoutenthusiasm.

1he purpose o" "ood is to "urnish "uel to 'eep the 7ody%arm$ and gi0e it energy "or proper acti0ity. A small amounto" "ood is reuired in maintaining the structure o" the 7odya"ter it once reaches maturity. A"ter the age o" <$ the 7odyreuirements "or protein and hea0y "oods are greatly lessened.1he gro%ing child$ %hen acti0e in outdoor e3ercise and play$uses and reuires a greater uantity o" these hea0y "oods thanthe adult$ unless the adult is engaged in 0ery hard %or' %hereunusual strain is put upon the muscles o" the 7ody and a greatdeal o" energy is used.

I" "oods are ta'en in %rong com7inations$ they may not 7e properly assimilated. Since %e ha0e learned ho% to com- 7ine spices$ oils$ e3tracts$ 0inegar$ "ruit @uices$ and 0egeta7les$

our tastes and appetites ha0e 7ecome per0erted. Only a small percentage o" people reali?e the 7ad e""ect o" grape"ruit %ithsugar. It is only during the last "e% years that students o" organic chemistry ha0e "ound the true ans%er to many o" our "ood pro7lems.

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I" more acid-"orming "ood is ta'en into the 7ody than isreuired$ the arteries and 0eins 7egin to dry up$ the mucouslining o" the stomach and intestines is o0er-stimulated 7y the

acid condition$ the eyes also lose their tone$ and the 7ody%ithers. 1his is commonly called old-age$ 7ut in reality isnothing more than a diseased condition o" the tissues resulting"rom too much acid-"orming "ood.

I" the al'alinity o" the 7lood is maintained through eatingthe al'aline-"orming "oods$ the 7ody 7alance is more per"ectand 7etter health is the result. 1he lo%er "orms o" animal li"eli0e to many times their maturity 7ecause they ha0e not 7eentaught ho% to destroy their "oods %ith too much coo'ing andspices conseuently$ they get the "ull "ood 0alue in the proper  proportions and do not contract the great 0ariety o" diseasescommonly "ound among the human "amily.

Animals that are 'ept in pens$ ?oos$ or homes "or pets$

many times contract the same diseases as their masters.$ 7ecause they ha0e had their appetites per0erted$ their tasteschanged$ and their 7ody tissues congested. 1heir eyes 7ecome%ea'$ their 0ision dim$ and their 7odies sho% the 7ad e""ectso" the unnatural li"e they are compelled to li0e %hile pennedup and "ed deminerali?ed "oods.

In this 7oo' I ha0e endea0ored to gi0e an e3planation o" ho% these di""erent conditions are 7rought a7out$ and ho% tocorrect them. I ha0e eliminated the use o" medical terms and phrases as "ar as possi7le$ so that the 7oo' may 7e o" 0alue tothe laity$ as %ell as to physicians.

At last$ I ha0e "ound a 7etter %ay o" impro0ing many

conditions o" the eyes rather than 7y prescri7ing glasses. Inorder to a0oid a misunderstanding regarding the e3ercises%hich "ollo%$ please let me %arn you that a"ter more than 8<years o" practice I ha0e decided there are three distinctclasses o" people %ith %hom the physician has to deal(

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=,> One class comes to the physician %ith their minds "ullymade up to do e3actly as they are told and "ollo% instructionsuntil they ha0e regained their health. =8> )e get another class

o" patients %ho come %ith their minds made up$ EHere I am$Doctor$ go ahead and cure me. I am paying my money "or your ser0ice and I e3pect you to cure me.E 1his type o"  patient %ill promise to "ollo% instructions$ 7ut ne0er does. =9>1hen there is the third class made up o" all sorts o" human'ind %ho are mentally de"ecti0e$ physically de"ecti0e$and a7solutely incapa7le o" seeing the ad0antage o" doinganything as it should 7e done. 1hey either do not remem7er %hat you tell them or$ they are so %ea' physically that they"ail to ma'e the e""ort or$ they are actually insane or partlyso.

It is surprising the num7er o" people %ho go to phy-sicians %ho are actually cra?y. 1his may shoc' you$ 7ut mucho" a physicians practice consists o" handling mentalde"ecti0es.

I ha0e had patients tell me that they read my 7oo' manytimes and practiced the e3ercises$ 7ut %hen uestioning these people and as'ing them to gi0e me a demonstration o" ho%they too' the e3ercises$ I al%ays "ind they are plain liars.1hey do not 'no% ho% to ta'e e0en the simplest "orm o" eyee3ercises. 1hey pro7a7ly had read t%o or three pages in the 7oo' and stretched their imaginations to 7elie0ing that theyhad not only mastered the 7oo' 7ut actually put it into practice. #urther e3amination o" these people pro0esconclusi0ely that they are mentally un7alanced not enough to 7e loc'ed up or put in a padded cell$ 7ut enough to 7enoticea7le to a person %ho understands the normal"unctioning o" the human mind.

1he intelligent person %ho goes to a physician onlyhas to go a 0ery "e% times to get the instructions he needs.

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1hen he gets 7usy and does something. He doesnt go 7ac'day a"ter day e3pecting the doctor to do e0erything "or him.

Gust to gi0e you a "e% e3amples$ I had a !rs. # %ho

came to me complaining that she had constant pain in her eyes. An e3amination re0ealed the "act that her eyes %ere asnear per"ect as it %as possi7le to "ind a pair o" eyes. A"ter "urther in0estigation and studying her case$ I "ound that I %asthe ,4th doctor %ho had 7een consulted. +ach physician hadstudied her case "or a %ee' or ten days$ and had told her thatthere %as nothing %rong %ith her eyes. She had made up her mind that there %as something %rong %ith her eyes$ and thatshe %ould "ind a doctor %ho could cure it$ so she complainedto her hus7and that the doctor didnt 'no% %hat he %as doing$then$ they called a ne% doctor. 1his patient %as a plain nut$not much cra?ier than thousands o" others 7ut her one "ormo" insanity %as the preconcei0ed idea that she had %ea' eyes.

I made se0eral tests until I %as thoroughly con0inced thatit %as her mind$ and not her eyes. A"ter sending her throughthe clinic$ and ha0ing a thorough chec'-up$ I "ound that shehad normal 7lood pressure her 'idneys$ heart$ li0er and lungs%ere all "unctioning normally her digestion as near per"ect asit is possi7le "or a person to ha0e$ and her 7ody %as as per"ectly "ormed as any I ha0e seen. One o" my rectalspecialists disco0ered a 0ery small internal hemorrhoid$ 7utnot as large as the a0erage person o" her age sometimes has.

1his young %oman had 7een petted at home$ humoredand %aited upon until she had a great desire "or a lot o" unnecessary attention. )hene0er the "amily %anted to dosomething that she didn t %ant to do$ or go some place that

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she didnt %ant to go$ she %ould use her eye trou7le as the 7ige3cuse. In0aria7ly on such days her eyes %ere much %orse$according to her$ and she %as cle0er enough to con0ince all

mem7ers o" her "amily$ including her hus7and$ that she reallyhad some serious eye trou7le$ regardless o" the statement o" si3teen physicians that they could "ind nothing %rong %ithher eyes.

I made up my mind that I %as not going to 7e @ust the,4th physician %ho had 7een discarded %ith the statementthat I didnt 'no% %hat I %as doing$ so I planned a littlearrangement %here7y I could ta'e her mind o"" her eyes and put it on her rectum. In other %ords$ I made up my mind that I%as going to trans"er her eye trou7le to her rectum. A personcannot ha0e pain in t%o parts o" the 7ody at the same time%ithout noticing that one is a little %orse than the other. )ega0e such treatment as to really produce su""icient pain in therectum to 'eep her mind centered on her rectum "or a %hilein "act$ she %as not com"orta7le sitting do%n$ and not al%ayscom"orta7le standing. It %as per"ectly legitimate to gi0e her the rectal treatment that %e ga0e. She really needed it$ and 7ygi0ing her some eye treatment that she did not need it %as0ery easy to pro0e to her that there %as no pain in her eyes$ 7ut there %as H  the rectum. +0en her imaginary eye pains 7ecame less noticea7le to her 7ecause her attention %as"ocused on her rectum.

In si3 %ee's this patient discontinued tal'ing a7out her eyes$ and since it %as not polite and re"ined to 7e constantlytal'ing a7out her rectum$ she discontinued complaining a7outher eyes and "ound a ne% %ay o" getting sympathy. She%ould 7ecome 0ery ner0ous$ 0ery much distur7ed$ andal%ays had the e3cuse that she %as too ner0ous to do this$ thator the other thing.

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1o help one o" these patients is physically impossi7le. Aslong as her "amily has any money le"t$ she %ill continue tospend a good share o" it %ith physicians. 1here is not much

chance o" anyone e0er helping such an indi0idual. I ha0e usedmany methods to trans"er so-called pain "rom one part o" the 7ody to another$ 7ut these patients %ho ha0e imaginary achesand pains dont %ant to 7e helped$ 7ut %hen I turn one o" them loose I ha0e usually con0inced the "amily that there isone loose nut that they are helping to ma'e %orse.

Another patient %ho had 7een ta'en "rom one hospital toanother %as 7rought to me to relie0e a supposed pressure inher head. 1he patient complained that there %as a hea0y pressure "eeling that ne0er le"t. She "elt li'e the top o" her head %as 7eing pushed o"". She claimed that hot to%els$massaging her 7ac'$ and holding the hands pressed against

her "orehead relie0ed her pain.1he "amily spent se0eral thousand dollars ha0ing -ray pictures made and all 'inds o" e3aminations. +0ery 'ind o"  physician %ho had any reputation at all %as consulted.Chiropractors$ dietitians$ osteopaths$ naturopaths$ masseurs$hot springs$ e0erything imagina7le had 7een suggested$ 7utnothing had relie0ed this head pressure. 1hey had employedso many doctors that they didnt 'no% the num7er.

I trans"erred her imaginary pain "rom her head to her stomach. It too' me a7out "i0e months to ma'e the trans"er$ 7ut a"ter it %as done all I had to sho% "or my trou7le %as the"act that it %as a mental condition$ and not a physicalcondition at all. 1his patient threatened to @ump out o" the%indo% or commit suicide in some other %ay i" she did notget the attention she %anted. !y o""ice %as on the ,9th "loor.She e0en threatened to @ump out o" my o""ice %indo%$ %ent

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to the %indo% and loo'ed do%n on the street. I le"t the roomand told her to go ahead$ that her "amily and e0ery7ody else%ould 7e 7etter o"" i" she did. O" course$ she did not do it. She

merely told her "amily that I %as a heartless 7rute %ho had nosympathy$ and that she must ha0e another doctor.+0en little children %ill many times con0ince their 

 parents that their eyes are de"ecti0e and that they needglasses$ simply 7ecause they see another child %earingglasses and they %ant a pair. 1here are many children %house the e3cuse that they cannot get their lessons$ 7ecause their eyes are %ea'. Its true that some children do ha0e de"ormedeyes and really need the attention o" an eye specialist$ andthey need to ta'e eye e3ercises$ 7ut many o" them do not needeyeglasses.

I" the eyes are su""iciently de"ormed to really needglasses$ then they also need eye e3ercises more than any7odyelse$ 7ecause glasses are li'e crutches. 1hey do not cureanything. 1hey relie0e a condition$ and %hile crutches help a person to %al' around$ they also permit the unused lim7s to%ither and 7ecome less use"ul. 1he glasses many timesimpro0e the 0ision$ 7ut cause the eyes to 7ecome more%ithered$ less acti0e$ and %ea'er in general.

Among my patients I ha0e had presidents and 0ice- presidents o" large companies$ great and near-great la%yers$ne%spaper editors$ "inanciers$ college pro"essors$ etc.$ 7ut my practice$ li'e all other physicians$ includes many mentalde"ecti0es$ and it is these mental de"ecti0es %ho gi0e the physician the most trou7le. 1here is a great army o" them$constantly telling the %orld a7out the many physicians %ho"ailed to gi0e them relie". 1his is one o" the reasons %hy somany people ha0e lost con"idence in doctors.

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Another reason is that doctors %ho really 'no% their  7usiness also 'no% that a 0ery small percentage o" peoplee0er do %hat they should do in order to get %ell. In 8< years

o" practice$ I can truth"ully say that it has meant more to meto learn ho% to discern the patient %ho really %ants to get%ell "rom the one %ho has no intention o" getting %ell thananything else. It is true that many o" the mental de"ecti0es%ho go to doctors really do ha0e some "orm o" disease$ 7uttheyll al%ays ha0e it no matter ho% many doctors they go to$ 7ecause they ha0ent the intellect to ma'e the necessary e""ortto get %ell.

#or instance$ a patient %ho has lo% 0itality$ due to certaindietary ha7its %hich lo%ers the 7lood pressure to a point%here there is 0ery poor circulation to the eyes$ %ill ne0er getresults "rom ta'ing eye e3ercises alone$ 7ecause his eyetrou7le is due to lac' o" proper nourishment and$ since he hasmade up his mind that he cannot eat certain "oods regardlesso" the "act that they are necessary$ it is impossi7le to helpsuch a patient$ @ust the same as it is impossi7le to heat %ater %ithout heat.

)hy do I tell you all o" this 1o ma'e you understandthat the instructions %hich "ollo% ha0e to 7e carried out intheir entirety$ not partly. #or instance$ the chapter onelimination is @ust as important in the treatment o" diseases o" the eye as the chapter on eye e3ercises. 1he chapter on physical e3ercise is eually important. 1he chapter on mentalattitude is @ust as important$ 7ecause your mental attitudeinter"eres %ith the "lo% o" your digesti0e @uices$ your circulation$ your sleep$ and the entire "unction o" all your 0italorgans.

I" you read this 7oo' %ith the idea that you only needcertain things$ and that you already 'no% a7out all thereis to 'no% a7out health$ then you are @ust li'e the patient

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%ho comes to the physician and says$ ENo%$ Doctor$ , 'no%e3actly %hat my trou7le is$ and I 'no% %hat treatment I need.I" youll @ust gi0e me so-and-so Ill 7e all right.E

I al%ays say to such a patient$ EI" you 'no% e3actly %hatyour trou7le is and %hat you need$ then youd 7etter ta'e your o%n treatment. Since you0e diagnosed your o%n case and prescri7ed your o%n treatment you ha0e made my ser0icesunnecessary.E

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I!POR1AN1 1HIN6S 1O R+!+!B+R Remem7er to test your eyes as instructed on page 4.In the preceding chapter %e ha0e discussed the di""erent

types o" people and the reasons "or their success or "ailure intheir e""ort to regain or retain their health. In this chapter %e%ill tell you the 7est method o" procedure to impro0e your 0ision.

!any students misunderstand and o0er-e3ercise their eyes the "irst "e% days. Others ta'e the e3ercises occasionallyand 0iolently enough to produce some soreness o" the eyemuscles and eye tissues$ 7ut ne0er systematically enough to

create a natural$ harmonious "unction o" the eye7all.2ou should not ta'e any stretching or pulling eyee3ercises the "irst "e% days. By this I mean you should notloo' to the right$ le"t$ up or do%n$ rolling your eyes all the%ay around and stretching the muscles. A0oid all o" this untilyou ha0e helped relie0e the 0enous congestion 7y 7lin'ing$shi"ting and rela3ing "or three or "our days. The three

important things to remember are* +I-I-/, 01I2TI-/

 3-4 5637I-/.

By 7lin'ing$ %e mean opening and closing the eyesgently. I" you %ill 7lin' your eyes 8: times 0ery rapidly andrepeat this e0ery t%o hours$ you %ill 7e astonished at the "ree$

easy mo0ement o" your eye7alls.)hen you 7lin' your eyes$ the lids close o0er the eye-

 7alls$ sho0ing them 7ac' in the head. )hen you open your eyes$ the eye7alls come "or%ard slightly. 1his 7ac' and "orthmo0ement o" the eye7alls produced 7y 7lin'ing has

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the same e""ect on the tissues o" the eyes as rela3ing andcontracting the muscles o" the arm. )e 'no% that 7y rela3ingand contracting the muscles o" the arm %e can increase their 

tone$ po%er and e""iciency. I" this %ere not true the pri?e-"ighter %ould not spend months and months training hismuscles to deli0er a more accurate and po%er"ul 7lo%. )hyman has ignored the constructi0e side o" this principle %henapplied to the eyes is di""icult to understand.

A study o" the anatomy and physiology o" the eye pro0esconclusi0ely that little children %ho %ear glasses "romchildhood in0aria7ly ha0e small$ suinty$ unde0eloped eyes.*nless their eyes are e3ceptionally large at 7irth$ they seldomde0elop into normal eye7alls. Blin'ing is such a mild "orm o" e3ercise that no sti""ness or soreness o" the muscles is e0er  produced. I" you ha0e occasion to %atch the cat$ dog$ co% or horse %hile in the sunlight$ you %ill notice a slight 7lin'ingthat all o" these animals do naturally. 1heir eyes open andclose so rapidly you %ould not notice it unless you %ere%atching "or it and$ i" they are conscious o" the "act that youare %atching them$ the 7lin'ing %ill cease immediately.

Blin'ing is Natures method o" relie0ing the tension o" theeye7all in order that the congested 0enous 7lood may drain"reely and carry a%ay the "atigue$ to3ic su7stanceaccumulated during the hours the eyes are in acti0e ser0ice.)hen the 0enous 7lood drains$ the "resh arterial 7loodcarrying the nutriment circulates "reely$ and 7y this processthe eye cells re7uild$ the same as other tissues o" the 7ody

re7uild. I" it %ere not "or the method o" 0enous drainageand arterial circulation$ the tissues %ould decay$ shri0el upand atrophy. I" one dou7ts this$ all he needs to do is put hisarm in a sling and lea0e it there "or 9< days$ and then com- pare the arm %ith the other one that has 7een in acti0e use.

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Blin'ing has another ad0antage. 1he e3ercise can 7eta'en any time and any place %ithout inter"ering %ith ones%or'$ and since the time reuired to 7lin' the eyes 8: times is

less than se0en seconds$ surely no one can use the e3cuse thathe does not ha0e time.A"ter you ha0e 7lin'ed your eyes 8: times$ close them as

tightly as possi7le$ suee?ing all the 7lood out. Repeat thisthree times. 1hen rela3 "or a "e% minutes 7e"ore going ahead%ith your %or'.

)hile you are %or'ing pay a little attention to the di"-"erent things you are loo'ing at. #or instance$ i" you loo' at adoor 'no7$ a type%riter 'ey$ or some small o7@ect$ loo' at thetop o" the o7@ect and then shi"t to the 7ottom o" the sameo7@ect. 1hen loo' at one side o" the o7@ect$ and shi"t to theother side. Do this 0ery rapidly. )hen you are tal'ing to a

 person$ loo' at one o" his eyes and then the other eye. oo' atthe top o" his eye7all and then at the 7ottom o" his eye7all. Byshi"ting your eyes slightly on 0ery small o7@ects no one %ille0er notice you shi"ting$ 7ecause shi"ting the eyes on such asmall o7@ect reuires so little mo0ement that it is notnoticea7le to anyone %ho may 7e %atching you. 1his e3erciseo" shi"ting 7rea's the ha7it o" staring and straining.

It is staring and straining that produces much o" our eyetrou7le. 1hrough un%a0ering concentration and practicingholding our eyes de"initely "i3ed on an o7@ect$ %e ha0ecaused the muscles to 7ecome so tense that the 0enous 7loodcannot drain out conseuently$ the eyes 7ecome 7loodshot$

due to 7lood congestion$ and since congestion is the principalcause o" almost all o" our aches and pains$ %e can reali?e ho%it a""ects the delicate tissues o" the eyes.

)hy do all physicians agree that hot %ater 7ottles$therapeutic lamps and all "orms o" heat therapy ha0e a

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tendency to start the congested 7lood to drain$ %hich ta'es the pressure o"" the ner0es that are causing the pain # )hen a physician tells his nurse to place a hot %ater 7ottle o0er !rs.

Gones a7domen he does so %ith the idea o" supplying heat$%hich causes rela3ation o" the a7dominal muscles and permitsthe 7lood to drain a%ay. 1his relie0es the pain. It is the heatand not the %ater that accomplishes the 0enous drainage. 1hishas 7een demonstrated 7y the "act that electric pads andtherapeutic lamps accomplish the same results$ and in manyinstances e0en 7etter results. Some types o" congestionrespond to moist heat$ %hile others respond to dry heat$ 7ut allcongestion is relie0ed 7y moderate heat$ %hile intense heatmay produce more congestion.

Blin'ing the eyes 8: times %arms the eye muscles andtissues$ there7y aiding circulation. SHI#1IN6 1H+ +2+SON S!A OBG+C1S BR+A&S 1H+ HABI1 O# S1AR-IN6 AND S1RAININ6. COSIN6 1H+ +2+S 1I6H121HR++ 1I!+S 6I5+S PO)+R$ 1ON+ AND +##ICI+NC21O 1H+ !*SC+S S*RRO*NDIN6 1H+ +2+BAS$ as%ell as all other eye tissues conseuently$ 7lin'ing$ shi"tingand rela3ing accomplishes so much that many people %hoha0e only a light "orm o" eye strain are a7le to discard their glasses %ithin a %ee's time. 1housands o" patients discardtheir glasses in the 7eginning and "ind that the a7o0e e3ercisema'es it possi7le "or them to do their %or' more com"orta7ly%ithout their glasses than they e0er did %ith them.

A tra0eling man %ho dro0e his car "rom one city toanother complained to me that he did not ha0e any trou7le

%ith his eyes e3cept %hen dri0ing. He said that %atching theroad closely caused his eyes to 7ecome 7loodshot and manytimes produced a se0ere headache. #or this reason he said he%as compelled to %ear eyeglasses %hen dri0ing$ 7ut "or noother purpose.

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A"ter teaching him the a7o0e e3ercise and as'ing him todo a little 7lin'ing %hile dri0ing to 7rea' the stare and strain$%hich caused the 7lood to 7ecome congested$ he reported that

all o" his eye trou7le had disappeared. 1his has 7een si3 yearsago and$ %hile he is that much older$ he has not "ound itnecessary to use glasses at all. 1his is one o" hundreds o" cases %here the 7lin'ing$ shi"ting and rela3ing has 7een allthat %as necessary to relie0e eye strain.

A type setter %ho set the type "or my "irst 7oo' told methat %hile setting the type he thought he %ould try the 7lin'ing$ shi"ting and rela3ing$ 7ecause it sounded soreasona7le. Be"ore he had "inished setting the type "or the 7oo' he stated that he had discarded his glasses. 1his %as in,8:$ and he has not %orn his glasses since.

1his is not a cure-all. 1here are a "e% cases %here theeye7alls are actually de"ormed in "act$ 7adly de"ormed$ andthese poor$ un"ortunate people need eyeglasses$ 7ut they alsoneed the a7o0e eye e3ercises more than any7ody else. I" theydepend on glasses alone$ their eyes %ill continue to get%ea'er and their glasses %ill ha0e to 7e made stronger. 1hatis %hy many o" these poor people go 7lind regardless o" ho%many pairs o" glasses they ha0e.

Here is another thing o" great importance "or the person%ho has to %ear glasses( he should 7e 0ery care"ul to see thatthe eye specialist does not ma'e his glasses as strong as he%ould "or the a0erage indi0idual. 1he person %ho ta'es eyee3ercises should ha0e his glasses made as mild as possi7le in

order to allo% "or the impro0ement that %ill 7e made 7yta'ing the eye e3ercises.

#or e3ample$ I had a patient %ho came to me %earing plus "our lenses. )hen a patients eye7all is so short that plus "our lenses are reuired$ %e consider this an un-naturally "ormed eye7all %ith a high error o" re"raction.

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!uch o" the shortening o" the eye7all is produced 7y con-tracted$ congested eye tissues. 1his %e did not 7elie0e manyyears ago$ 7ut %hen a patient %earing plus "our lenses ta'es

the eye e3ercises "or 9< days and complains that hiseyeglasses are no longer com"orta7le$ and I re-test his eyesand "ind that plus one and three-"ourths is as strong a glass ashe needs$ I 'no% immediately that this patient has had%onder"ul results$ and so does the patient.

I" a patient can read longer %ith more com"ort %ithglasses less than hal" as strong as the ones he "ormerly used$he certainly is con0inced that there has 7een an unusually 7igimpro0ement in his 0ision. A"ter spending /< or < daysmore$ I ha0e had many patients discard their glassescompletely.

A person does not ha0e to 7e 0ery intelligent to see that i" 

in the 7eginning he cannot loo' up telephone num7ers%ithout glasses$ 7ut "inds that he can loo' up telephonenum7ers %ithin /< or < days a"ter ta'ing the eye e3ercises$surely no argument is necessary to con0ince him that his0ision has impro0ed.

)hen a person has 7een %earing glasses "or ,: or 8<years and has reached the place %here he cannot read morethan "i0e or ten minutes %ithout his eyes causing pain$ andthen "inds that a"ter ta'ing a "e% eye e3ercises he can read"rom 9< to < minutes %ithout pain$ and later on "inds that hecan read "rom one to t%o hours %ithout pain$ this certainly is proo" enough.

!y reader may say$ E)hy dont all people discard their glassesE2ou may as %ell as'$ E)hy dont all people ma'e a

success in 7usinessE1he ans%er is that some are too careless or la?y to

ma'e the e""ort. 1hen there are some %ho are 7orn into

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1he eye specialist is e3actly the same in this respect. Heis out "or 7usiness. He 'no%s that he ma'es a good pro"ite0ery time he sells you a pair o" glasses. He also 'no%s that

you %ill 7rea' your glasses or lose them$ and i" you do not 7rea' them or lose them you %ill ha0e to ha0e your lensesmade stronger %ithin a year or so$ many times %ithin si3months$ and that he %ill get another pro"it. 1he eye specialist'no%s that properly "itted glasses %ill relie0e eye strain andheadaches$ and that you %ill tell someone else a7out hisa7ility to relie0e eye aches and headaches.

Do you thin' your eye specialist is going to spend se0eralhours o" his time teaching you ho% to ta'e eye e3ercises$'no%ing that he more than li'ely %ill lose you as a customer "ore0er Do you suppose that i" you told him you %erereading a 7oo' learning ho% to ta'e eye e3ercises that he

%ould say$ E6o right ahead$ thats "ine. I dont need any more patients any%ay.E Nonsense$ my dear "riends$ nonsenseJ2ou may say$ 1he eye specialist gets paid "or teaching

eye e3ercises$ the same as he ma'es a pro"it "or selling eye-glasses$ doesnt heE

2es$ 7ut he only gets paid once "or teaching eye e3-ercises$ %hile the glass-"itting specialist gets a pro"it e0erytime he ma'es a ne% pair o" glasses$ and e0ery time a ne%style comes out$ and the pro"it goes on "ore0er. But once heteaches you the eye e3ercises and you learn ho% to correctyour o%n eye trou7les$ you certainly dont need him anymore.

1here are patients %ho ha0e said to me$ E!y eyespecialist doesnt e0en sell glasses. He tests my eyes$ gi0es mea prescription$ and I get my glasses at the %holesale opticalhouse.E

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2es$ and the %holesale optical house sends your eyespecialist a chec' the "irst o" the month "or his commission onyour glasses. In this case he ma'es t%o pro"its. He gets a "ee

"or testing your eyes$ and also a pro"it on the glasses you are%earing$ and this is as it should 7e. 1he a0erage patient is sostupid that he thin's that "i0e or ten dollars is a lot o" money"or testing his eyes. He doesnt reali?e that the eye specialistspent ten or t%el0e years o" his li"e and a small "ortunelearning ho% to 7e an eye specialist. 5ery "e% o" them e0er ma'e enough money to pay their good parents "or puttingthem through college. 1here are lots o" 7asic principles to the 7usiness game that 0ery "e% people understand. 1his isanother reason %hy only a "e% succeed$ 7ut millions "ail.

1he principal thing I ha0e tried to ma'e clear to you inthis chapter is that you should learn to BIN&$ SHI#1 ANDR+A 2O*R$ +2+S$ repeating the 7lin'ing 8: times e0eryt%o hours.

Dont %aste your time trying to teach these eye e3ercisesto some7ody else$ and dont lend this 7oo' to anyone. *nlessa person is su""iciently interested to 7uy a 7oo' and a set o" charts "or himsel"$ he is not interested enough to do the %or' enthusiastically. *nless he has the 7oo' close at hand %herehe can study it occasionally o0er a period o" se0eral months$he %ill get 0ery little out o" it$ and %hen people get something"or nothing they certainly do not appreciate it. 1his is a %ell'no%n "act. I remem7er 0ery %ell at college the students %ho 7orro%ed my 7oo's rarely read them$ and ne0er did return

them %ithout 7eing reminded.I" you "ollo% the instructions$ all o" them and not parto" them$ you %ill 7e astonished at the results. )hen youmeet an indi0idual %ho %ants to argue %ith you as to

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!any people complain that the 7right sunlight in@urestheir eyes. In this chapter I %ill con0ince you that the op- posite is true. Sunlight is 0ery important. 1here could 7e no0ision %ithout it. Sunlight is ethereal 0i7rations created 7ymolecular motion$ and 7y its aid o7@ects are rendered 0isi7le.

I" %e remain in the dar' too long the pupil 7ecomesinacti0e 7ecause it has 7een depri0ed o" its greatest stimula-tion$ sunlight. 5ery "e% people reali?e that the pupil o" theeye is o" great importance. 1he normal pupil is circular andregular in outline. In the young$ it is larger than in ad0ancedli"e. Both pupils should 7e ali'e and respond to light eually.1o illustrate the importance o" the pupil$ i" it e0er closedcompletely and "ailed to open you %ould 7e 7lind.

1he pupil contracts upon e3posure to light also %hen theeyes are con0erged and %hen reading at close distance. I amtelling you these things to help you to understand theimportance o" the e3ercises %hich "ollo%.

People %ho %or' in o""ices %ith arti"icial light usuallyha0e some trou7le %ith their eyes. 1his is 7ecause o" un-natural light stimulation and unnatural "unction o" the eyes atclose range$ 7oth o" %hich are "actors in causing the sphincter  pupillae to 7ecome "atigued and e3hausted.

On the other hand$ it is e0en more destructi0e and

dangerous to %or' in rooms that are not properly lightedor to %ear glasses that ha0e a slight color$ e0en though itmay 7e in0isi7le. Proo"( Shipping cler's$ %arehouse em- ployees$ and miners %ho %or' in poorly lighted places are

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0ery sensiti0e to light. )hen these people %al' or ride in theopen on Sundays or holidays their eyes are so sensiti0e tolight that they can hardly stand it$ their pupils ha0ing 7een in

 poorly illuminated places so long that they ha0e lost their  po%er o" contraction conseuently$ they "ail to contract andregulate the uantity o" rays "rom the sun$ and as the pupilregulates the amount o" light that passes directly to the retina$%hich is the opening to the 7rain that ma'es it possi7le "or usto see$ there"ore$ the intense 7right light is almost un7eara7le.

)hen these people consult an eye specialist$ they some-times are told that they must ha0e some special 'ind o" tintedor colored lenses to protect their eyes "rom the sunlight. 1hissounds reasona7le they get the glasses$ and a"ter they %ear them "or a %hile they "ind they are helpless %ithout them.1heir condition has 7een only relie0ed$ %hile their eyes ha0econtinued to 7ecome more sensiti0e to light. A"ter many years

these people may go 7lind. It is a long$ dra%n out process$ 7utne0ertheless it happens$ %hich accounts "or many o" our elderly people spending the last "e% years o" their li0es intotal dar'ness.

1he "ish and small animals "ound in the !ammoth Ca0eso" &entuc'y %here there is no sunlight ha0e no eyes. +0enmules that %or' on the dump carts in the mines underneaththe ground lose their sight i" they are not 7rought out in Natures o%n natural sunlight o"ten enough to gi0e their eyesnatural sunlight stimulation.

)hen the eyes are closed and the light e3cluded "rom theeyes$ the pupils dilate. )hen the eyes are open and the pupils

are e3posed to light$ they contract. 1hat is one o" the reasons%hy I ha0e had you do the 7lin'ing$ suee?ing and rela3inge3ercises.

 No% I %ant you to go into the sunlight at least threeor "our times a day$ close your eyes and let the sun shine

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on your closed eyelids$ 7lin' at the sun ten times$ then closeyour eyes and rela3. I" this is repeated three or "our times aday e0ery day that the sun shines$ in a 0ery short time you

%ill "ind that you ha0e a great tolerance to sunlight$ 7ecauseyour pupils %ill 7ecome normally acti0e.

One o" the %orst things that has e0er happened to man as"ar as his eyesight is concerned %as %hen a 0ery energeticgentleman in0ented colored lenses and disco0ered ho% rest"ulthey %ere to the eyes. #or many years this has 7een a great 7oom to the optical 7usiness. In the 7eginning$ plain am7er$ 7lue$ and 7lac' glasses %ere used to "ilter out the 7rightsunlight$ 7ut since people did not %ant to %ear theseunsightly colored lenses$ a 0ery scienti"ic 7ut un%isegentleman disco0ered that he could color the lenses and ma'ethe color in0isi7le. 1his little disco0ery made him lots o" money and ruined many eyes.

A"ter a person %ears tinted or colored lenses "or a %hile$his eyes 7ecome so sensiti0e to sunlight that he "inds itimpossi7le to discard them$ and the longer he %ears them themore helpless he 7ecomes %ithout them. 1he a0erage personis not capa7le o" "iguring "rom cause to e""ect conseuently$he is 0ery gulli7le. It is much easier to ma'e him understandsomething that is not practical than something that is practical.

A physiology teacher %ho 'ne% enough a7out physi-ology to teach medical students all a7out the physiological"unction o" the di""erent organs o" the 7ody$ including theeyes$ came to me su""ering "rom photopho7ia =a7normalintolerance o" light>. In order to help her I 'ne% that I %ouldha0e to 7rea' do%n some o" the old theories o" physiology.

I as'ed her to e3plain to me the physiological "unctiono" the sphincter pupillae. She said$ E1hat is a 7and o" 

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radiating "i7ers 7y %hich the pupil is dilated$ and so %or's inharmony %ith the retina that the dilator pupillae enlarges the pupil in proportion to the intensity o" light. But I do not see

%here this has anything to do %ith my case.E She 'ne% alla7out physiology yet did not 'no% ho% the physiological"unction o" her eyes in their a7normal reaction to sunlight hadanything to do %ith the su7@ect.

, could see that it %as hopeless to e3plain it to her "romthat angle$ so I as'ed her i" she did not 7elie0e that people%ho li0ed in the e3treme northern part o" the country couldendure more cold than people %ho li0ed in the e3treme south.She ans%ered immediately$ E2es$ they can 7ecause they ha0ea greater tolerance to cold. 1heir 7odies ha0e a greater resistance$ 7ecause they are used to cold %eather %hile the people %ho li0e in the south ha0e a greater tolerance to heat$ 7ecause they are used to 0ery %arm %eather.E

I as'ed her i" she had e0er heard o" people mo0ing "romthe south to the north and in a "e% years increasing their tolerance to cold until they could endure the cold %eather as%ell as any7ody else. I as'ed her i" she had e0er heard o"  people mo0ing "rom the north to the e3treme south and intime 7ecoming so accustomed to the heat that they couldendure the heat.

She said$ E2es$ 7ut this has nothing to do %ith my case.EI as'ed her i" animals %ho searched "or their "ood all day

%ith the 7right light shining in their eyes "ound it necessary to%ear colored lenses to 'eep the sun out o" their eyes. 1henshe suddenly reali?ed that i" she %ould spend a little more

time in the sunlight she %ould soon 7e a7le to enduresunlight.A"ter a "e% days trial$ she came 7ac' to the o""ice

complaining that she 'ne% it %ould not %or' in her case.

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1he sun %as seemingly so irritating to her eyes that it almost 7linded her. I had a special light made "or her %hich ga0e o"" yello%$ red and in"ra-red rays almost identical %ith sunlight. I

had her ta'e a "e% eye e3ercises %ith this special light shiningin her eyes "or "i0e minutes e0ery day at a distance o" "i0e"eet a%ay.

A"ter a %ee' had passed$ I had her ta'e her e3ercises "our "eet "rom the light. In t%o %ee's$ I had her ta'e her e3ercisesthree "eet "rom the light. In 9< days$ I had her ta'e her eyee3ercises in the sunlight. In the 7eginning$ she closed her eyesand let the sun shine on her eyelids. 1hen she 7lin'ed at thesun ten or t%el0e times$ and repeated this three or "our times aday. In ninety days$ she could loo' directly at the sun %ithoutany discom"ort to her eyes.

1his con0inced her that the colored lenses she had 7een

%earing had made her eyes %ea'er 7y shutting out thesunlight and causing the little muscles o" the eye that regulatethe amount o" sunlight that passes into the eyes to lose their tone.

It seems that the more a person has 7een educated to dothings according to %rong theories$ the more di""icult it is toget him to understand a ne% principle$ 7ecause he has to 7econ0inced that %hat he has 7een studying to 7e true is ana7solute "alsehood. 1hen to sho% him that the ne% theoryactually %or's is a 7it di""icult$ 7ecause he is s'eptical$ sincethe ne% theory has 7een accepted 7y a 0ery "e% and the oldtheory has 7een accepted 7y many.

At this point you might 7e interested to 'no% that thisapplies to many things 7esides the eyes and the general physical 7ody. I" I %ere to tell you that some o" our citiesare run 7y croo's and gangsters$ you immediately %ouldresent this$ 7ecause you %ould thin' o" the mayor$ the prosecuting attorney$ the city manager and others %ho

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must 7e o" the highest type 7ecause they %ere selected 7y thegreat ma@ority o" people.

1he "act is that the 7est people in any city are the 7usiest

 people$ and they are so 7usy attending to their o%n 7usinessthat they do not ha0e time to enter into any agreement %ithcroo's$ gangsters and loa"ers %ho may so ma'e up the greatma@ority o" the 0oting pu7lic that a "e% cities can 7e run 7ythe lo%er classes.

#or instance$ consider the large city o" Chicago %ith itsmar0elous manu"acturing plants and its tremendous ta3ation.+0ery 7usiness man in Chicago has to pay a ta3 %hether he isa merchant$ a 7oot 7lac'$ restaurant o%ner$ manu"acturer$ or %hatnot. 1hen he must pay property ta3$ dog ta3$ personalta3$ and many other "orms o" e3pense %hich pour into thehands o" the incompetent political 7osses %ho ha0ent the

intellect to manage the a""airs o" the city and 'eep it out o" de7t. 1heir mentality is o" such poor uality that they cannotdisplay intelligence enough to e0en copy a system "rom someo" the cities that are success"ul in managing their a""airs.

I mention these things merely to sho% you that youshould not 7e in"luenced so much 7y %hat the great mo7 o"  people do as 7y %hat the intelligent "e% are doing. 1here %asonly one A7raham incoln$ only one 1homas Ge""erson$ andone 6eorge )ashington. It seems that$ %ith ,8: million people$ %e should 7e a7le to select a greater num7er o" theseoutstanding characters$ 7ut they are rare.

I" your eyes are sensiti0e to sunlight and you go out in

the sun and start ta'ing the e3ercises that I ha0e descri7ed inthis chapter and "ind that the sun seems to irritate your eyes$and ma'es them "eel %orse$ are you intelligent enough to%ithstand the criticism o" the mo7 %ho may tell you that it isin@urious

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)hen a person is persistent and intelligent enough to usea little @udgment$ and ta'e these sun 7aths systematically andgradually until he can stand more and more sunlight$ good

results are sure to "ollo%. I" you %ere going to train "or a ,<<mile race you %ould run a "e% miles each day and 7uild upyour 7ody tissues and increase your strength each day$ preparing yoursel" "or the race. 2ou certainly %ouldnt try torun the ,<< miles %ithout any preparation. 2ou %ouldnt tryto pass a medical e3amination %ithout some preparation.

1hen %hy not prepare your eyes to endure more sunlightuntil you reach the stage %here you are accustomed to lots o" sunlight and it no longer 7others you I ha0e had many patients %ho could not stand the sunlight "or more than aminute or t%o at a time %ithout their colored lenses$ 7ut in a"e% months these same patients %ere a7le to loo' directly atthe sun %ith no discom"ort %hate0er.

In this chapter I ha0e used e0ery means %ithin my po%er to con0ince you that you must ha0e con"idence in yoursel"$and that you must do some real serious thin'ing$ and not 7ein"luenced 7y %hat others say or thin'. 2ou may come incontact %ith a great la%yer$ a great physician$ or a great pro"essor o" physiology$ and they may$ %ith all their 'no%ledge o" these 0arious things$ try to con0ince you thatyou are doing the %rong thing$ 7ut remem7er that there aremany educated people %ith one-trac' minds. 1hey areeducated as "ar as one su7@ect is concerned$ 7ut they cannotsee 7eyond the "e% things they ha0e studied.

1o "ind a person %ho is really capa7le o" acting on his

o%n @udgment$ is a rare occurrence. Among my patients$ Iha0e had my share o" the mental de"ecti0es$ as %ell as thehighly educated$ and sometimes it is di""icult to tell one "romthe other. It is a case o" one 7eing a little Eo""E on one su7@ect$and another 7eing Eo""E on all su7@ects.

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, can read %ith more com"ort than I could 8: years ago., spend a considera7le amount o" time in the sunlight$ andmost o" the time I do not %ear a hat$ conseuently$ my eyescan get plenty o" sunlight.

I am only as'ing you to 7e "air %ith yoursel" and ta'eenough time to "ollo% my instructions to pro0e to yoursel" that the system leally %or's. 1ry letting the sun shine on your eyes a "e% minutes at a time three or "our times a day. I" you%or' in an o""ice$ stic' your head out o" the open %indo% andget a little sunshine and notice ho% much easier it 7ecomes"or you to remain in the 7right light.

Do not con"use sunlight %ith ordinary electric light$ anddo not con"use ordinary electric light %ith car7on electriclight or car7on "ilament light. 1he ordinary electric light thatis used "or lighting o""ices i" too 7right acts as an irritant tothe eyes$ instead o" a stimulant$ 7ecause some o" the yello%$red and in"ra-red rays and all o" the ultra0iolet rays aremissing. 1he ultra-0iolet$ yello%$ red and in"ra-red rays areespecially 0alua7le. It is the yello% rays %hich stimulate themotor ner0es$ and the red rays %hich stimulate the sensoryner0es. 1he in"ra-red rays are the deep$ penetrating rays%hich penetrate into the deeper tissues and relie0e the 0enouscongestion and impro0e the arterial circulation. )ithout theserays %e could not ha0e animal li"e or plant li"e$ e3cept possi7ly in the lo%est "orms.

*ltra-0iolet rays are certainly 0ery important to the eyes.1hese in0isi7le rays o" the spectrum are 7eyond the 0iolet rayspectrum and$ %hile this is not a treatise on helio-therapy$ I atleast %ant you to 'no% enough a7out the di""erent rays o" light to appreciate their importance.

I ha0e already e3plained to you that "ish and animals"ound in the !ammoth Ca0es o" &entuc'y ha0e no eyes

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animals that li0e in the open. 1hey are "ound %ith animals that li0e in homesand ?oos$ stoc'yards and the li'e.

1housands o" people are using such lights as you see illustrated in #ig. No. ,. I mention this light 7ecause there are many "amilies and a large num7er o" doctors %ho are using this 'ind o" lamp. It is a %onder"ul piece o" euip-ment to loo' at$ 7ut has 0ery little 0alue in the treatment o" the eyes or anyother part o" the anatomy$ 7ecause it is not scienti"ically constructed. I ha0ee3perimented %ith hundreds o" di""erent lamps that %ere 7rought to me 7ymanu"acturers %ho made many claims "or their lights %hich did not %or' out

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 7ecause they do not ha0e Natures natural sunlight stimula-

tion. Shipping cler's$ miners$ 7an' cler's$ o""ice help$ andothers %ho %or' in electrically lighted rooms o"ten ha0e%ea' eyes$ especially i" they %or' there 0ery long.

#ig. No. ,.

It is not necessary to gi0e up your position 7ecauseyou %or' under an electric light$ 7ut it is necessary to ha0esome o" the natural light$ and to spend as much time in the

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open as possi7le. Cataract$ glaucoma and all conditions o" the

eyes that result in 7lindness are tracea7le to something

#ig. No. 8.

the patient has 7een doing that originally produced thecondition$ 7ecause these conditions are ne0er "ound %ith

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in actual practice.In #ig. No. 8 is another type o" lamp that has some real 0alue$ the only

trou7le 7eing that the re"lector is made in such a manner that it does notdistri7ute the light rays e0enly. But since I could not "ind anything to ta'e its place$ I used this light %ith a piece o" card7oard in "ront o" the patient %itht%o holes cut through the card7oard su""iciently large to admit light only to

the eyes. In this %ay I ha0e success"ully treated many cases that %ould notrespond to any other "orm o" eye treatment. 1his again con0inced me o" theimportance o" light "or the treatment o" the eyes.

A"ter e3perimenting many years %ith all types o" lamps$ I "ound amanu"acturer %ho %as capa7le o" ma'ing a light that %ould distri7ute thelight rays e0enly and %as per"ectly sa"e "or the patient to use at home. )iththis light I ha0e 7een a7le to impro0e 0ision$ and impro0e the sight o" manyso-called hopeless cases. O" course$ it is not a cure-all. But %hen the patient sits under this light and rol ls his eyes "rom one side to the other$up and do%n$ loo'ing in all directions$ the penetrating rays relie0e thecongestion and impro0e the circulation so rapidly that patients ha0e

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 pu7lic %ill 7uy any 'ind o" a 7argain %ithout in0estigation as to the truemerits o" the article. 1his al%ays has 7een true and apparently %ill ne0er change. oo' at the thousands o" people %ho ha0e ruined their eyes 7y purchasing eyeglasses at a dollar store$ a department store$ or drug store.

)e ha0e read a good deal in the medical @ournals and the opticalliterature a7out the people o" A"rica ha0ing so much cataract and going 7lind 7ecause o" the intense light rays o" the sun in the e3treme south$ 7ut %hen Itoured A"rica and other parts o" the southern %orld searching "or "acts youmay 7e interested to 'no% that I did not "ind cataract among the herdsmen$ the"armers$ and others %ho %or'ed outdoors$ e3cept in rare cases. !ost o" the

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noticed an impro0ement in their 0ision a"ter the "irst treat-

ment. Since it is so simple and easy to use that any patient canuse it at home$ it sa0es the e3pense o" 7eing treated 7y a physician.

I am not in the lamp manu"acturing 7usiness$ so treat thisas in"ormation rather than ad0ertising. 2ou %ill notice

#ig. No. 9.

that , ha0e not used the names o" any o" these lamps$ and thatI am not 7oosting any particular lamp manu"acturer. I amsimply trying to help you to get a 7etter understanding o" ho%to help yoursel"$ 7ecause many lamps on the mar'et are positi0ely dangerous to use on the eyes$ %hile there are somethat ha0e real 0alue. 1he lamp 7usiness$ li'e e0eryother 7usiness$ al%ays has someone in it %ho can ma'ea lamp cheaper and sell it "or less$ and the gulli7le

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 people %ho had cataract %ere old people %ho %or'ed inside and ate 7read anddran' %ine and chic'oryFpeople %ho li0ed on deminerali?ed$ de0itali?ed"ood.

Since the crystalline lens o" the eyes is /8 per cent %ater and a7out 9: per cent solu7le al7uminous matter$ and the 7alance a little "at and cholesterin$ %ecan see that this lens %ill dry up i" the a7o0e elements are lac'ing in the diet$

and %hen "ood is coo'ed too long these su7stances are destroyed. 1hat is %hythe dog and the cat$ a"ter li0ing on scraps "rom the ta7le$ go 7lind %ithcataract$ the same as their masters. 1he person %ho eats lots o" lettuce$ celery$"resh "ruit$ and green$ lea"y 0egeta7les %ill ne0er ha0e cataract$ unless he getshit in the eye and de0elops traumatic cataract.

It is my 7elie" that cataract %as ne0er caused 7y sunlight. I" sunlightcaused cataract$ all o" the animals that spend their time loo'ing "or "ood%hile the sunlight pours into their eyes %ould soon go 7lind. )e ha0e somuch e0idence to upset the old theories that it seems that some time%ithin the ne3t :< years %e should 7e a7le to teach

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at least a small percentage o" the more intelligent people thatsunlight is a7solutely necessary$ not only to the health o" theeyes 7ut the general physical %ell-7eing.

I %ould not ha0e mentioned the 0arious 'inds o" lightsre"erred to in these pages 7ut %e ha0e so many people %ho%or' inside all day and %ho ha0e "or many years 7een%or'ing in close uarters %ho can use the lights in thee0ening a"ter %or' and in the morning 7e"ore going to %or'.A "i0e-minute treatment %ith a light that %ill gi0e o"" theessential rays certainly is a 7ig help and has ena7led many people to hold their @o7s and continue their close %or' %itheye com"ort.

1he same lamps that are used "or eye treatments can also 7e used "or the relie" o" neuritis and other trou7les.

1here are some cases %here the eyes ha0e 7een depri0ed

o" sunlight so long that a little milder "orm o" light isnecessary to increase their tolerance to light$ so the patientcan get into the sunlight 7athing gradually. All o" these thingsreuire a little @udgment$ and$ 'no%ing people as I do$ I ha0e purposely repeated my %arning not to do anything radical or o0er-indulge in anything that you are not accustomed todoing.

2ou %ill notice that in this 7oo' I do not mention thename or the address o" any lamp manu"acturer$ "oodmanu"acturer$ or toilet preparations. I ha0e purposelyomitted e0erything that might 7e considered ad0ertising.1here are many %onder"ul articles on the mar'et %hichha0e real 0alue$ 7ut I ha0e "ailed to mention them$ 7ecauseI do not %ant to 7e accused o" ad0ertising or 7oosting anymanu"acturers products. By "ollo%ing this policy$ I ha0ele"t mysel" "ree to discuss truth"ully all matters pertainingto health %ithout 7oosting or condemning anyones product.

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*S+ O# 1H+ AR6+ AND S!A CHAR1SIN ++RCISIN6 1H+ +2+S

I" you ha0e "ollo%ed "aith"ully the instructions inChapters I$ II$ III and I5$ you should ha0e no discom"ort "romta'ing the "ollo%ing e3ercises. 1here is a large chart enclosed%ith this 7oo'. Place the chart on the %all %ith the : in thecenter on a direct line %ith the 7ridge o" your nose %hile youare standing. Stand in "ront o" the chart at a distance o" threeinches a%ay %ith the : on a line %ith the 7ridge o" your nose.oo' "rom No. , to No. 8 "i0e times "rom No. 9 to No. "i0etimes "rom A to B "i0e times "rom No. ; to No. "i0e times.

1hen 7egin at A and 7lin' at the dots all the %ay around to theright "i0e times then 7lin' and shi"t "rom one dot to the other all the %ay around to the le"t "i0e times.

Repeat these e3ercises night and morning$ and remem7er that you should stand as close as possi7le to the chart and atthe same time see the num7ers on the chart. It is 0eryimportant that the : 7e on a line %ith the 7ridge o" your nose$and that you stand as close as possi7le to the chart.

Do not mo0e your head %hile ta'ing these e3ercises.1his is an eye e3ercise and not a head and nec' e3ercise.!orning and e0ening is o"ten enough to ta'e these e3ercises.

I" you see the dots on the chart dou7le$ or you see threeor "our$ one a7o0e the other$ or side 7y side$ remem7er thatthis %ill straighten out and you %ill see the dots as they reallyare and the same as e0ery7ody else sees them %ith normal0ision.

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I"$ during the day$ you see "lashes o" light$ or your eyest%itch and @er' a little$ please remem7er that you ha0e 7eenta'ing eye e3ercises$ and that you ha0e stimulated to action

and li"e some o" your eye tissues that ha0e not 7een acti0e$and as a result o" this unusual acti0ity you are seeing andha0ing peculiar e3periences %ith your eyes. Do not 7ecome"rightened$ and i" you dont ha0e any o" these e3periencesdont %orry a7out it either$ 7ecause all people do not reacte3actly the same.

I" it ta'es you a little longer to get your eyes in goodcondition than some other mem7er o" your "amily or one o" your "riends$ remem7er that your case may reuire a littlemore %or' and a little more time. I" you get results muchuic'er than some o" your "riends ha0e$ it may 7e due to the"act that you ha0e "ollo%ed- instructions much 7etter$ or that

your condition %as not as 7ad to 7egin %ith.One should not attempt to teach others ho% to ta'e eye

e3ercises until a"ter he has "irst learned to impro0e his o%n0ision. 1here are some cases %hich ha0e 7een neglected solong that they are in such a 7ad condition that 0ery little can 7e done to impro0e them. Ho%e0er$ many cases sho% amar'ed impro0ement %ith proper care.

I" your eyes ache$ itch or 7urn during the day$ close themas tightly as possi7le three times and then close them gentlyand rela3 "or one or t%o minutes. 1his relie0es the congested 7lood and you get a "resh supply o" 7lood to the delicate eyetissues$ %hich 7athes the ner0es and "urnishes nutriment. 1hishas the same e""ect as gi0ing a thirsty man a drin' o" %ater. Insome cases it is much more noticea7le.

2our eyesight and your health are the most importantthings in li"e as "ar as you are concerned. 2ou are help-

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less %ithout them. 2ou ha0e one encouraging thing to loo' "or%ard to$ and that is a"ter you get your eyes in goodcondition and you 7uild up your general physical health$ it%ill reuire 0ery little time to 'eep your eyes and 7ody"unctioning per"ectly.

2ou are ready no% to use the small chart enclosed %iththis 7oo'. 2ou should spend some time e0ery day reading thissmall chart. 1here are se0eral di""erent si?es o" type$ and youshould practice reading the smallest type that it is possi7le "or you to read at a distance o" ,9 inches. 2ou should also try toread the microscopic print.

)hile reading the small chart$ ,9 inches is the proper distance$ and i" you are going to read "or any length o" time$you %ill ha0e more com"ort at a reading distance o" ,9inches.

1he near-sighted patient should start practicing %ith thesmall chart on the smallest line o" letters he can read at adistance o" "i0e inches$ and 'eep practicing until he can readthat same line o" letters at ,: to 9< inches. 1his impro0es hisdistance 0ision 7y practicing reading the letters a little 7it"arther a%ay each day.

1he "ar-sighted patient$ or the patient %ith old-age sight$%ho "inds it di""icult to read at the near point$ should test hiseyes to "ind the smallest line o" letters he can read on thesmall chart at a distance o" 8< inches and then start 7lin'ingand shi"ting his eyes$ mo0ing the chart 7ac' and "orth$ practicing reading the same line a little 7it closer each day.1his %ill gi0e his eyes more tone$ and e""iciency "or close%or'.

I" one eye is a little %ea'er than the other$ it is asplendid practice to co0er the good eye and practice on thesmallest line o" letters you can read %ith the %ea'er eye.By holding the small chart at a distance o" ,9 inches and

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co0ering each eye separately you %ill "ind it 0ery easy todetermine %hich is your 7est eye. 2ou may ma'e this sametest on the large chart at a distance o" ,< "eet.

Do not "orget al%ays to practice your eye e3ercises at adistance %here the type is not so clear. In other %ords$ %hat Ireally %ant you to do is to impro0e your 0ision at that point%here the 0ision needs impro0ing.

1o 7e 7rie"$ a near-sighted patient should do more practicing on distant o7@ects. 1he "ar-sighted patient$ as %ellas the patient %ith old-age sight$ should do most o" his practicing on o7@ects at a near point$ %hile a patient %ithastigmatism should practice these e3ercises and also thee3ercises as outlined on the large dots and num7ers at the topo" the large chart.

Read the microscopic print on the small chart once or t%ice a day and practice reading it as close to the eyes as possi7le. 1his increases the strength o" the muscles o" accommodation. It is a good e3ercise "or "ar-sighted peopleand also those su""ering %ith old-age sight. I" you cannot readthe "ine print$ you should try$ and 'eep trying until you can.Remem7er$ you cannot read it unless your eyes and mind arecompletely rela3ed$ %hich permits more per"ect circulationand relie0es 0enous congestion.

During the preceding chapters I ha0e told you a7out the0arious 'inds o" e3ercises. It is time no% "or you to learn thatthe good results you ha0e already had %ill 7e permanent i" you "ollo% the "ollo%ing suggestions.

)e 'no% that %hen the circulation is poor the health is

also 0ery poor$ and the 0itality 0ery lo%. It is constantstaring and straining that causes 7lood to 7ecome con-gested in the eyes. #orm the ha7it o" loo'ing at the top andthe 7ottom o" all small o7@ects that you see. I" you areloo'ing at a door 'no7$ loo' at the top o" it$ then the 7ot-tom$ one side and then the other side. I" you are tal'ing

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to a person$ loo' at one o" his eyes and then the other. #ormthe ha7it o" loo'ing at the top o" one eye and then the 7ottomo" the same eye o" the people %ith %hom you tal'. By"orming the ha7it o" shi"ting your eyes it 7ecomes per"ectlynatural "or you to do it$ and once you get the ha7it it is aseasy as it "ormerly %as to strain and stare into space$ or stareat di""erent o7@ects as most people do.

By learning to shi"t on small o7@ects you are releasing thetension o" the eye7all$ permitting the 7lood to circulate "reely$%hile i" you continue staring you hold the eyes in one position$ %hich causes congestion. Dont %orry a7out 7ecoming shi"ty-eyed$ or dont %orry a7out getting your eyesstarted to 7lin'ing and not 7eing a7le to stop them 1hese preposterous$ ridiculous ideas %ere taught many o" us ingrade school.

)e %ere also told ne0er to read "ine print$ ne0er to readlying do%n$ and ne0er to read on mo0ing trains or street cars.All o" these things are supposed to in@ure the eyes. I ha0e 7lin'ed my eyes hundreds o" thousands o" times during the past ten years. I ha0e toured practically all parts o" the %orld$read on trains$ steamships$ in "lying machines$ lying do%nand standing on my head$ and I ha0e read all 'inds o" "ine print. I ha0e read "or thirty-one hours and t%el0e minutes%ithout glasses and %ithout stopping. 1hese things I ha0edemonstrated 7e"ore large audiences and thousands o"  patients to pro0e that the old teaching %as a7solutely "oreignto truth.

+arly in li"e$ I had much di""iculty in reading$ especially"ine print. Since using the methods e3plained in this 7oo'$ Iha0e greatly impro0ed my eyesight$ %hich accounts "or my 7eing so enthusiastic.

I am telling you these things$ not to 7rag$ 7ut merely thatyou %ill ha0e con"idence enough to gi0e the e3ercises

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a "air trial. O" course$ the system is not a cure-all$ and I do notclaim to 7e a7le to ta'e glasses o"" o" all people. 1here aresome cases %here the eye7all is actually de"ormed andeyeglasses are a7solutely necessary.

But in such cases these people need to ta'e the e3ercisesmore "aith"ully than anyone else$ e0en though they ha0e to%ear glasses. I" such people do not ta'e e3ceptionally goodcare o" their eyes$ they %ill ha0e to get stronger glasses e0eryyear or so$ %hile the tissues continue to lose their strength andtone$ and i" they li0e to 7e 0ery old they may e0en go 7lind.

)hen you are reading$ i" you %ill "orm the ha7it o" closing your eyes "or a "raction o" a second e0ery time youcome to a period$ you %ill "ind that you can read much longer and that closing your eyes at the end o" e0ery sentencerelie0es the tension so the 7lood does not 7ecome congested.It also has a tendency to rela3 one mentally$ ma'ing it

 possi7le to remem7er more o" %hat one reads.At "irst you %ill "ind that this e3ercise %ill tend to ma'e

you dro%sy$ 7ut a"ter you ha0e practiced it "or some time you%ill "orm a ha7it o" reading %ith the eyes and mind rela3ed.Conseuently$ you %ill not tire as easily and %ill ne0er 7etrou7led %ith eye strain.

At a distance o" ten "eet "rom your large chart practiceshi"ting "rom the top to the 7ottom and "rom side to side o" the letter +. 2our eyes soon %ill mo0e 0ery "reely and easily.Shi"t "rom top to 7ottom and "rom side to side on all theletters on the 7ottom o" the large chart.

)hen reading "ine print$ remem7er to open and close

your eyes many times and you %ill ha0e no eye strain or su""er any 7urning %ith your eyes that is caused "romstaring and straining %hile reading "ine print. 1he reason%hy people strain their eyes reading "ine print is that theytry so hard to see the small letters that they actually

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 pull their eyes out o" "ocus. 1he harder you try to see$ the lessyou see. 1he eyes "ocus per"ectly only %hen per"ectlyrela3ed. )hen one stares and strains to see$ the eyes are

 pulled out o" "ocus$ and not in "ocus. Headaches and other annoying symptoms caused 7y eye strain can 7e 0ery uic'lyand easily relie0ed 7y rela3ing the eyes completely.

I" you are going to read %hile lying do%n$ do not 7eginreading immediately a"ter lying do%n. )hen you lie do%n$rela3 your eyes completely and let the 7lood start to circulatenaturally %hile you are in a hori?ontal position. 1hen your eyes %ill not 7ecome congested %hen you start reading. !ost people %ho read lying do%n "orget that %hile they arestanding the circulation is a little di""erent than it is lyingdo%n. )hen a person changes "rom the standing to thereclining position$ the 7lood naturally rushes into the head "or a "e% seconds. I" one starts reading immediately 7e"ore the

 7ody has a chance to adapt itsel" to a natural circulation in thene% position$ he in0aria7ly irritates his eyes.

1here"ore$ it is not reading lying do%n that hurts your eyes$ 7ut the %ay you do it. 1he same thing is true %henreading %hile riding on street cars or railroad trains. 1he0i7ration o" the train causes the 7oo' or paper to 0i7rate$ andi" the person reading tries to "orce his eyes to "ocus on the0i7rating 7oo'$ he produces congestion in his eyes. But i" you%ill rela3 your eyes completely and let them %or' "reely andeasily %ith the 0i7rating 7oo'$ you %ill ha0e no di""iculty inreading %hile riding on a mo0ing 0ehicle o" any 'ind.

!any years ago$ %hile "lying "rom Paris to ondon inone o" the old style passenger planes$ I read during the entiretrip %ith no discom"ort to my eyes$ regardless o" the0i7ration.

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2ou %ill ha0e to reali?e that this %or' is ne%$ and that it%ill 7e ne% "or the ne3t "i"ty years. 1he great mo7 o" humanity mo0es slo%ly. 1his %or' is only "or the moreintelligent$ ad0anced thin'ers %ho ha0e learned to reason"rom cause to e""ect.

)hen people try to discourage you in ta'ing the eyee3ercises$ the uic'est and 7est %ay to a0oid all argument isto tell them the truth$ and tell them that regardless o" 

#ig. No. .

%hat they say$ you 'no% that your eyes ha0e impro0ed 0erymuch$ and that they "eel much 7etter than they did %hen youstarted the e3ercises. 1ell them you are thoroughly con0inced$and since it has helped your eyes and they "eel 7etter youcertainly intend to continue %ith it. 1his lea0es them noargument$ and the 7est part o" this is that i" you ha0e 7eenta'ing the eye e3ercises and "ollo%ing the other instructionsyou %ill ha0e impro0ement$ and you %ill

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 7e telling the truth. Dont tell others %hat you are doing untilyou ha0e accomplished something. 2ou %ill 7e morecon0incing and your remar's %ill ring true. )hen %e tell the"acts in any case it is 7etter "or all concerned.

#igures No. and No. : illustrate the correct %ay toe3ercise the internal and the e3ternal rectus muscles o" theeye. #irst$ loo' to the right %ith the eyes %ide open$ as in #ig.. 1hen loo' to the le"t as in #ig. No. :. )hen

#ig. No. :.

you loo' to the right$ stretch the muscles as i" you %ere tryingto see the 7ac' o" your right ear. 1hen loo' to the le"t$ as i" you %ere trying to see the 7ac' o" your le"t ear. 1hen loo' upas i" you %ere trying to loo' o0er the top o" your head. oo' do%n as i" you %ere trying to loo' under your chin.

Practice each one o" the a7o0e mo0ements "i0e times ineach direction. Repeat these e3ercises three times a day$

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"i0e times each %ay. 1hen loo' all the %ay around your "ace$

in a circle to the right$ repeating the same in a circle to thele"t$ "i0e times each day.

A"ter you ha0e ta'en the e3ercises illustrated in Pigs. No. and No. :$ loo' at the 7ridge o" your nose$ %ith your eyes%ide open$ as i" you %ere cross-eyed$ as in #ig. No. /. Do this"i0e times$ and then loo' at the smallest letter you can see onthe arge Chart at a distance o" ten "eet. As soon

#ig. No. /.

as you can see this letter$ shi"t your eyes again to the 7ridge o" your nose$ and as soon as you see the 7ridge o" your nose$shi"t 7ac' to the smallest letter you can see on the argeChart.

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Repeat this shi"ting 7ac' and "orth ten times. Do this atleast t%ice a day. 1his e3ercise$ %hen not o0erdone$ is one o" the 7est "or increasing the tone and e""iciency o" the muscleso" accommodation$ and it is e3ceptionally good "or hypermetropia$ pres7yopia$ astigmatism$ con0ergent anddi0ergent suint.

A"ter you ha0e ta'en the e3ercises illustrated in #igs. $ :and /$ close your eyes tight as in #ig. No. 4. Do this at least"i0e times and do not 7e a"raid you %ill close your 

#ig. No. 4.

eyes too tight. 1his e3ercise not only %or's all o" the muscleso" the eyes 7y causing them to contract$ 7ut it also increasesthe circulation to the or7icularis palpe7rarum muscle.

1his muscle closes the eyelids and its condition is in-dicati0e o" healthy or %ea' eyes. )hen this muscle loses

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its tone$ the eyes lose their lustre$ and ha0e a %ea'$ %ateryappearance.

By e3ercising the or7icularis palpe7rarum muscle$ youalso normali?e the action o" the lacrimal glands. 1hese

#ig. No. ;.

glands "urnish an al'aline and saline solution that is "arsuperior to any eye tonic that has e0er 7een manu"actured.

1his e3ercise also stimulates and normali?es the "unc-tion o" the !ei7omian glands$ %hich "urnish the oily su7-stance that lu7ricates the outer sur"ace o" the cornea$ andgi0es to the eye that glo% o" 7rilliancy that cannot 7e o7-

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upon a ta7le or 7ench in "ront o" you$ close your eyes$ andco0er them %ith the palms o" your hands as in Pig. No. ;.)hile you are in this position rest and rela3 "or a7out ten

minutes. 1hin' o" rela3ation and imagine your 7ody in acomplete state o" rest and looseness. Picture in your mind a pair o" per"ect eyes$ and a per"ect 7ody at a7solute rest$ %ithall o" its muscles$ tissues and 7lood 0essels rela3ed and the 7lood carrying nutriment to the tissues. Hold a picture in your mind o" your eyes in a state o" per"ect rela3ation %ith the 7lood "lo%ing "reely$ carrying "ood to all the cells$ increasingtheir strength$ tonicity and e""iciency.

Some patients ha0e 7een greatly 7ene"ited %hile palming 7y imagining also that they can see the letters clearly anddistinctly %ith their eyes closed. 1his is a good practice %henyou can do it %ithout strain$ 7ut i" your imagination is not

good you %ill ha0e trou7le "orming a mental picture o" letters$ "igures or o7@ects$ and in this case it is much 7etter tothin' o" rela3ation$ per"ect health$ 7eauti"ul "lo%ers$ or someother 0ery "amiliar o7@ect that you can remem7er %ithoutstrain.

)e do not see %ith the eye. )e see %ith the 7rain. 2oucan strain your eyes %hile closed @ust as much as you canstrain them %hen open hence$ the 0alue o" completerela3ation o" the mind %hile palming.

Patients %ho practice this method o" rela3ation "ind that$in addition to impro0ing their 0ision$ they store up a greatamount o" ner0e energy$ %hich re"reshes and increases thee""iciency o" the physical 7ody and also impro0es thememory.

One patient$ a minister$ %ho %as trou7led %ith myopia$ pres7yopia$ and insomnia$ in"ormed me that a"ter earning

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to palm correctly he not only impro0ed his 0ision and dis-carded his glasses 7ut also %as a7le to sleep soundly anda%a'en re"reshed$ a condition he had not 7een a7le to en@oyin t%enty years prior to this practice. He also "ound that %hen practiced correctly$ palming a""orded relie" "rom headacheand ner0ousness.

It is 7est to practice the eye e3ercises %ith your glasseso""$ unless your 0ision is so poor that you cannot see theletters %ithout your glasses.

Al%ays splash cold %ater in your eyes e0ery night andmorning. People %ho use a %ash cloth on their "aces %asho0er the hair "ollicles and the mei7omian glands. +0en thelacrimal glands that secrete your tears 7ecome congested%hen the "ace is %ashed %ith a cloth. ittle children %hoha0e their "aces %ashed %ith a %ash cloth in0aria7ly ha0e acondition 'no%n as 7lepharitis marginalis =in"lammation o" the eyelids>. Children %ho are taught to splash cold %ater intheir eyes night and morning ne0er ha0e this condition.

1his is something that %as not taught at college. I learnedthis a"ter I started ma'ing e3aminations o" the schoolchildrens eyes. )hen cold %ater is splashed in the eyes$ itstimulates the circulation and gi0es the eye7all a clear$healthy$ 7rilliant e""ect that cannot 7e o7tained any other %ay.

)hen you "irst get up in the morning splash cold %ater in your eyes$ 7lin' your eyes ,<< times$ then close them tight"i0e times. I" you did nothing else 7ut this one thing you%ould notice an impro0ement in the tone$ 7rilliancy and

e""iciency o" your eyes.In #ig. No. 7oth eyes not only turn in 7ut the right eyeturns up and in$ and the le"t eye turns in 7ut does not turn upas much as the right eye.

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understands the de0elopment o" the muscles o" the 7ody 'no%s that they %illnot de0elop i" they are not used. 1o put glasses on this child to do the %or' themuscles should do$ certainly %ould cause atrophy and loss o" tone o" the eyemuscles$ and o" the eye7all itsel".

1he child %ould gro% up %ith a pair o" small$ suinty$ unde0eloped eyes$such as are common among people %ho ha0e %orn glasses constantly "romearly childhood.

H + A 1 H 2   + 2 + S   ) I 1 H O * 1   6 A S S + S

Although the child %as only t%o years and nine monthso" ago$ a %onder"ul impro0ement %as made$ regardless o" 

#ig. No. .

Age 8 years and months. +yes turn ing in and up %ithmuscles contracted %hile staring.

the "act that the 7a7y %as not old enough to understand ho%the e3ercises %ere to 7e practiced. Due to the persistente""orts o" the mother$ it %as not a month until there %as

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a decided impro0ement in her condition$ as sho%n in #ig. No.,<.

#ig. No. ,<.

+yes impro0ed %ith the muscles rela3ed %ithout the use o"glasses$ drugs or surgery.

1he specialists %ho "irst treated this child "igured$ asmany others do$ that at the age o" "i"teen she %ould 7e oldenough to ha0e the eyes operated upon. Anyone %ho

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1he parents$ %ho %ere a7o0e the a0erage in intelligence$ did not consentto the use o" glasses$ although the specialist %as a man o" high standing as "ar as orthodo3 theory and practice are concerned. He %as in good standing %iththe American !edical Association$ the County Society and the !edical 1rustin general$ pro"essionally and politically$ and he happened to 7e the one %hodictated the destiny o" the 0ision o" the school children in his community. He%as so situated$ pro"essionally and politically$ that he could$ %ith his po%er and in"luence$ hinder the proper de0elopment o" many pairs o" eyes.Personally$ I 7elie0e that he %as 0ery conscientious. But most pro"essionalmen are molded 7y the educational system through %hich they ha0e acuiredtheir training.

et us return to the little girl in #igs. and ,<. 1he parents too' her toanother physician %ho re"erred her to me. I taught the mother ho% to gi0e her the eye e3ercises$ ho% to ha0e her 7lin' at the sun$ and ho% to de0elop theeye muscles as outlined in this 7oo'. In a short time there %as the remar'a7leimpro0ement you see in #ig. No. ,<. I predict that long 7e"ore this child is"i"teen years o" age$ she %ill ha0e strong$ healthy eyes$ and that no operation

%ill 7e necessary. Page )!

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)hat is true o" de0eloping the eyes is also true o" de0eloping the 7ody. Drugs do not cure anything any morethan glasses do. 1hey only relie0e symptoms. Drugs and

medicine %ill no more help to 7uild up a strong physical 7odythan 7rain "ood ta'en "rom a hypodermic needle %ill increasea mans a7ility to thin' and remem7er.

Again$ %e are reminded o" the "act that people %ho dotheir o%n thin'ing$ accomplish the most. I" the parents o" thislittle girl had let the eye specialist do their thin'ing anddecide "or them$ he %ould ha0e 7een se0eral hundred dollars 7etter o""$ and they %ould ha0e 7een se0eral hundred dollars poorer$ and$ incidentally$ they %ould ha0e a daughter %ith%ea'$ unde0eloped$ suinty eyes.

1he picture o" the little girl in #ig. No. ,, sho%s that%earing glasses "or t%o years le"t her eyes in a %orse con-

dition than they %ere in %hen she started to %ear them. She%as %earing a plus 9(:< lens "or the le"t eye and a plus 9(8:lens "or the right eye$ prescri7ed a"ter thorough e3amination 7y a medical eye specialist. )ith the glasses on$ her 0ision%as ,<K:< "or 7oth eyes. )ith the glasses o""$ the 0ision inher right eye %as ,<K< and in her le"t eye$ ,<K:<.

)hen the glasses %ere remo0ed$ the right eye turned inas illustrated in Pig. No. ,,. I" glasses helped the child$ %hy%ould her eye turn in more a"ter %earing them t%o years thanit did 7e"ore the glasses %ere prescri7ed 1he ans%er is thatthe glasses did the %or' %hile the muscles lost their strength.Immediately a"ter remo0ing the glasses and e3ercising the eyemuscles$ there %as not only an impro0ement in her 0ision andan impro0ement in the appearance o" her eyes$ 7ut they %erestraightened as in #ig. No. ,8.

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manner. But I "eel con"ident that i" the instructions ha0e 7een carried out ine0ery detail$ the childs eyes %ill ne0er cross again. I" the instructions ha0e not 7een "ollo%ed "or a long enough time to 7uild the muscles properly$ her eyese0entually %ill turn in again.

)ith children o" this age the parents are a7out the only ones %ho can helpthem. 1he doctor can act only as a teacher and instructor to the parents. 1he0ision impro0es as the strength o" the eye muscles increases.

1he deep therapy lamp and a special therapeutic lens are 0ery essential in

H + A 1 H 2   + 2 + S   ) I 1 H O * 1   6 A S S + S

I did not ha0e an opportunity to continue treatment or 

"ollo% this case as I %ould ha0e li'ed to do$ 7ecause the parents li0ed in another state$ and it %as not poss i7le

#ig. No. ,,.

A little girl$ age si3$ %hose eyes had 7een in the a7o0econdition "or t%o years.

"or them to remain in &ansas City %here I could gi0e the casemy personal attention. 1he mother o" the child agreed tocontinue the e3ercises and the treatment as 7est she

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could$ until the muscles %ere strong enough to hold the

eyes straight.At the time I handled this case$ I %as not e0en a7le to

#ig. No. ,8.

1he same patient$ a"ter "i0e treatments$ %ithout the useo" drugs$ glasses or surgery.

gi0e the mother a 7oo' o" instructions$ as it %as not yet ready"or the pu7lisher$ and I %as not in close enough touch %iththe case to continue the %or' in a scienti"ic

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the treatment o" such cases$ "or as the rays o" light are con0erged on the eyeand penetrate the tissues$ the 0enous congestion is relie0ed and the arterialcirculation impro0ed. 1he lymph drainage and circulation are also greatlyimpro0ed.

Since the 7lood carries the li"e-gi0ing elements to the tissues$ it isessential that the diet consists o" the necessary "ood elements %hich ma'e pure 7lood %ith %hich to nourish the 0arious parts o" the eye. )e cannote3pect the 7est results in any case i" the si3 essentials o" li"e$ i. e.$ air$ %ater$"ood$ e3ercise$ rest$ and mental attitude$ are de"icient in any manner. 1hat is%hy I ha0e gi0en space in this 7oo' to these details$ as %e cannot de0elop a per"ect 7ody or any part o" the 7ody to its highest e""iciency i" %e ignore thisimportant part. )e "ind these essentials a7solutely indispensa7le in all cases%here health$ happiness and success are in0ol0ed.

I" you cannot read the "ine print in #ig. No. ,9$ do not stare and strainto read it. Close your eyes gently$ rela3 "or a minute and try again. *nlessyour eyes are completely rela3ed it %ill 7e impossi7le to read the "ine print. Remem7er that the harder you try to see$ the more you pull your eyesout o" "ocus$ and the less you %ill see.

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Reading "ine print is a splendid e3ercise$ and is 0eryhelp"ul 7ecause it teaches the patient ho% to read %ith hiseyes and mind rela3ed. Once you "orm the ha7it o" reading

%ith your eyes rela3ed$ you %ill 7e a7le to read "or hours%ith com"ort and ease. It is the ha7it o" staring$ straining andtrying to "orce your eyes to see "ine print that is responsi7le"or your eyes 7ecoming 7lood-shot$ congested and irritated.

#ig. No. ,9.

Re-read the instructions regarding "ine print and "i3 themin your mind. It %ill help you %ith "uture reading$ and %ill

sa0e you many eye aches.#ig. No. , sho%s the *ni0ersal Ophthalmometer 7eing

used. 1his instrument determines the amount o" astigmatism$and its a3is. !any patients ha0e 7een "rightened into 7elie0ing that a small amount o" astigmatism is a terri7lede"ormity o" the eye7all %hich cannot 7e corrected %ithouteyeglasses. 1his is not true.

+yeglass salesmen %ho %or' in @e%elry stores$ drugstores and such places under the guise o" eye specialists usethis as a 0ery strong tal'ing point to "righten people into 7uying glasses.

1here are a 0ery "e% cases %here the astigmatism is so pronounced that eyeglasses really are necessary. !any caseso" astigmatism certainly do not need eyeglasses. Again letme %arn you that there is a tremendous pro"it in the

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I" you can not read the a7o0e print 'eep on trying until youcan. )hat %e ha0e 7een taught %ith regards to reading "ine

 print is all %rong. 1he "iner print %e read it is easier on theeyes "or the reason that %e can not reset "ine print unless%e rela3 the eye muscles and %hen they are rela3ed thecirculation is per"ect there"ore the eyes are not 7eingdepri0ed o" there normal 7lood supply. In dealing %iththousands o" cases I ha0e had a good opportunity to try

 7oth the ne% and the orthodo3 theory %hich 7y the %ay%as ne0er anything 7ut a theory$ as %e ha0e ne0er had any

 proo" o" the statements made regarding the disad0antageand the detriment o" reading.Page ;<

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Please remem7er that astigmatism is not as 7ad as it sounds. 1housands o"  people ha0e a mild "orm o" astigmatism %ho do not need eyeglasses.

Recently a poor$ old lady$ 4, years o" age$ came to me su""ering %ithglaucoma. She could not count my "ingers at a distance o" three "eet a%ay%ith either eye. She %as practically 7lind. She could see only enough largeo7@ects to get around %ith a little help. She e3plained that a"ter her childrenmarried and le"t home she 7ecame interested in reading$ and as a result o" staring$ straining and continuing to read a"ter her eyes %ere tired$ she causedthe congestion %hich resulted in glaucoma.

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eyeglass 7usiness$ and you should not 7e too easily "rightenedinto %earing glasses.

On the other hand$ it %ould 7e 0ery un"air "or me to statethat eyeglasses are ne0er necessary$ 7ecause there

#ig. No. ,.

are a "e% cases %here the eyes are so 7adly de"ormed thatglasses are not only necessary$ 7ut the patient must also ta'eeye e3ercises to 'eep "rom losing the sight he has.

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1his poor soul had piles$ hardening o" the li0er and heart trou7le. She pro7a7ly %ill li0e "i0e or ten years more during %hich time 7lindness andsu""ering %ill ma'e the 7alance o" her li"e a hell on earth. I" there is such a place as hell$ it certainly cannot 7e any %orse than %hat thousands o" peoplesu""er right here 7ecause they do not understand a "e% o" the simple rules o" health.

2ou can do your 7it 7y helping other people to get a 7etter understandingo" ho% to a0oid the terri7le conditions %hich result "rom lac' o" 'no%ledge.O" course$ it is a %aste o" time to try to "orce this in"ormation on people$ 7utthere are many intelligent people %ho %ill ma'e the e""ort %illingly to learnmore. All they need is a little encouragement "rom someone in %hom theyha0e con"idence.

A doctor has so "e% patients %ho ha0e studied anatomy$ physiology andneurology that it is pro0o'ing at times to try to ma'e them see a "e% o" thereasons %hy the eyes do not "unction i" some other part o" the 7ody is"un ctioning a7normally. )hen I "irst started this %or'$ I %as

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%earing glasses and had 7een %earing them "or many years. Naturally$ I could not con0ince other people that the methodhad any merits until a"ter I had remo0ed my o%n glasses.

#ran'ly spea'ing$ I had my trou7les. , o0er-did the e3ercises$made my eyes 0ery sore$ and at that time I didnt understandthe necessity o" ta'ing the e3ercises regularly.

I only too' them occasionally %hen I had the time tospare$ 7ut I soon learned that there had to 7e some system andregularity %ith this %or' the same as %ith e0erything else. Icrossed my eyes thousands o" times in order to demonstrate toother people that crossing my eyes did no harm.

1%o o" my "irst patients %ere a la%yer and his %i"e. 1heyhad 7een %earing glasses a long time. A"ter a "e% treatmentsthey 7ecame con0inced that they could do their reading much

 7etter$ and that their eyes %ere impro0ed. Among my early patients %ere many physicians %ho came to me more out o" curiosity than %ith an earnest desire to do anything. !ylectures on the su7@ect created much comment$ 7oth "a0ora7leand un"a0ora7le$ and I assure you it %as no easy matter to getthe s'eptical people to do something %ith their eyes that %ascontrary to %hat they had 7een taught all their li0es. In order to pro0e %hat I had started$ I treated many people a7solutelygratis.

In a short time I made many con0erts and 7oosters. Itreated the people in groups$ so one could see %hat the others%ere doing. Patients %ho could read only the large letters inthe 7eginning a"ter a "e% %ee's treatment could readmuch smaller type. 1here %as no mista'e a7out theimpro0ement. )e 'ept a record o" %hat the patient couldsee %hen he 7egan the e3ercises and %hat he could see

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a"ter a certain num7er o" treatments. 1hese records %ere opento the pu7lic and all mem7ers o" each group %ere in0ited to 7e present during all the instructions and treatments. By this

method each one could see ho% the other %as impro0ing.)e no% ha0e accumulated so much e0idence that it ismuch easier to get people to ta'e the e3ercises$ and see theimportance o" the system than it %as in the 7eginning. Butthis is as it should 7e. )e all %ould 7e much 7etter o"" i" %e%ould do a little more in0estigating 7e"ore %e in0est. A"ter ind7ergh "le% to Paris$ many others %ere %illing to try %ho%ouldnt ha0e thought o" such a thing 7e"ore. A"ter the "irstautomo7ile %as manu"actured and pro0ed to 7e a means o" transportation$ many minds 7egan %or'ing on %ays o" impro0ing and per"ecting the automo7ile until the automo7ilehas 7ecome a 0ery smooth running$ easy riding and

 practically noiseless 0ehicle. 1he old$ noisy street car soon%ill 7e displaced %ith 7usses$ and "lying machines %ill 7ecarrying people "rom the su7ur7s to a landing on top o" theo""ice 7uilding %here they %ill ta'e the ele0ator to their o%no""ice$ and man %ill 7e ma'ing the trip "rom his su7ur7anhome to his do%nto%n o""ice in less than ten minutes$ %hile itno% ta'es "rom a hal" hour to t%o hours$ depending on thedistance he has to tra0el.

)ith all o" these "acts %e still ha0e people %ho continueto say that e0erything has 7een in0ented and that %e ha0e progressed so "ar that there is not much chance "or "urther 

de0elopment. 1he truth is that %e ha0e only started. 1heingenious mind o" man ne0er %ill 7e satis"ied %ith the present condition o" anything. He %ill continue to impro0ehis methods o" li0ing$ doing 7usiness$ impro0ing his health$his memory$ and e0erything pertaining to man.


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1he most interesting thing in li"e is the constant desire tolearn more and do more. People %ho ha0e not "ound this out"ind li"e 0ery dull and people 0ery uninteresting$ 7ut the

 person %ho is constantly loo'ing "or 7igger and 7etter %orldsto conuer al%ays %ill "ind something su""iciently interestingto ma'e his stay on earth %orth %hile.

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DIS+AS+S O# 1H+ +2+


Pterygium is a "an-shaped gro%th e3tending o0er theeye7all 7rought a7out 7y staring$ straining$ %ind$ dust$ or anything that irritates the con@uncti0a. Pterygium occurs morecommonly in elderly people %ho are e3posed to %ind anddust$ such as masons$ coachmen$ sailors$ "armers andtra0elers. It is not common among pro"essional people$ andthose %ho do o""ice %or'. 1he treatment consists o" remo0ingthe cause$ and i" the pterygium is o" long standing it %ill ha0eto 7e remo0ed or transplanted.

In the early stages it can 7e a7sor7ed 7y the use o" 

car7on light heat and a 7urning glass$ together %ith strictadherence to the la%s o" Nature.


 Nystagmus is characteri?ed 7y a rapid and short$ in-0oluntary oscillation or rolling mo0ement o" the eye7all. Itusually a""ects 7oth eyes$ and is associated %ith de"ecti0e0ision. It is produced 7y staring$ straining$ and e3cessi0eeating o" acid-"orming "oods. *pon uestioning a patient$ age8:$ su""ering "rom nystagmus$ complicated %ith myopicastigmatism and constipation$ %e "ound that he %as eating as"ollo%s(

Brea'"ast( Ham and eggs$ hot ca'es and co""ee$ or sometimes rolled oats$ hot 7iscuits$ 7acon and eggs.His noon meal consisted o" chic'en$ 0eal or stea'$ "ried

 potatoes$ %hite 7read$ 7utter$ and salad.His e0ening meal consisted o" 7eans$ rice$ corn$ oysters

or "ish$ pie$ ca'e or ice cream.

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)e treated this patient a7out thirty days %ith no results$although he practiced his 7reathing e3ercises and %as 0erycare"ul a7out his physical e3ercise. He did not see %hy there

should 7e any change made in his diet. Ho%e0er$ si3 %ee'sa"ter his diet had 7een changed to t%o meals o" "ruit and oneo" 0egeta7les daily$ ma'ing sure that he did not com7ine the"ruits and 0egeta7les at the same meal$ there %as a mar'edimpro0ement in his nystagmus and his 0ision also %asimpro0ed. His constipation disappeared completely$ hiscomple3ion cleared up$ and all the pimples disappeared "romhis "ace.

1his illustrates that 7y discontinuing the "oods %hich"ormed the to3ins$ and 7y replacing them %ith "oods that %ereeasily digested and assimilated$ his 7lood stream %as puri"iedand the irritating to3ins %ere no longer present to causespasmodic contraction o" the eye muscles.

)e ha0e had other cases o" nystagmus %here hemor-rhoids$ colon trou7le$ diseased sinuses$ in"ected tonsils$ etc.$ha0e had to 7e corrected 7e"ore the nystagmus %as impro0ed.


6laucoma is a common disease o" the eye characteri?ed 7y intra-ocular tension. 1here are many 0arieties o" glaucoma.!ost authorities agree that the cause is un'no%n and that the prognosis is 7ad in e0ery case. +ye specialists 'no% thatglaucoma patients are su""ering "rom one or more o" the"ollo%ing conditions( Arteriosclerosis$ cardiac diseases$ gout$to3emia$ constipation$ errors in diet$ emotional comple3es$especially o" a depressing character$ %orry$ insomnia andmany other diseases.

)hen a glaucoma patient consults a specialist$ heusually is told that the prognosis is 7ad and that nearly allcases go 7lind. 1he ne3t thing he is told is that an operation

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is the "irst method o" procedure$ a non-operati0e regimen thesecond$ and general treatment the third$ and that none o" thesemethods are 0ery promising as to results. Is it any %onder thatthe patient goes 7lind He has had enough discouragingin"ormation gi0en him to intensi"y his depressing emotionsand to increase %orry and "ears regarding anything else thatmight 7e %rong.

Since the cause o" glaucoma is un'no%n$ as is the causeo" many other conditions$ %hy not gi0e the patient the 7ene"ito" the dou7t and e0ery possi7le chance "or reco0ery )hy note3plain to him the necessity "or changing his diet$ and teachhim ho% to rela3 and relie0e the intra-ocular congestion andtension

A patient$ age :$ %ho su""ered %ith glaucoma$ consultedone o" our leading oculists$ %ho ad0ised operation$ and to

%hich the patient agreed. #ollo%ing the operation$ the tension%as relie0ed "or a short time. 1hen another operation %as per"ormed$ "ollo%ed 7y a short period o" relie". A"ter si3operations had 7een per"ormed on the right eye and the sighto" that eye %as entirely gone$ and t%o operations %ere per"ormed on the le"t eye %ithout success$ the patientconsulted me.

I "ound that the eye surgeon had not ta'en into con-sideration an o7stinate constipation$ insomnia and neu-rasthenia$ "rom all o" %hich the patient su""ered. She had toldhim a7out the insomnia and constipation$ and he had prescri7ed a la3ati0e and some sleeping po%ders.

1he patient %as li0ing on a protein diet$ %as not drin'-ing more than t%o glasses o" %ater a day$ %as not ta'inge3ercise o" any 'ind$ and did not 'no% ho% to 7reathecorrectly. All o" these things that are so essential to healthhad 7een a7solutely ignored. +0en %hen they are not

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ignored$ they usually are treated so lightly that patients are notmade to reali?e their importance.

People %ho li0e in accordance %ith Nature a0oid dis-

tressing conditions o" the eye$ as %ell as diseases in general.6laucoma can sometimes 7e corrected i" ta'en 7e"ore thesurgeon has done his damage and in some cases it can 7ecorrected 7y the simple application o" air$ "ood$ %ater ande3ercise$ and 7y the maintenance o" the proper mental attitudeon the part o" the patient.

1he %ay glaucoma is usually treated reminds me o" the%ay the little 7oy %as trying to clear the %ater in the cree' 7ydipping it up and pouring it 7ac'. His "ather$ %ho %as%atching him$ "inally shouted to him to go up the cree' anddri0e the hog out that %as ma'ing the %ater muddy$ and %henhe did the stream ran clear.

)ith glaucoma$ i" the cause is remo0ed 7y eliminatingthe to3ins in the 7lood stream and puri"ying it$ the eye %illagain recei0e its normal uota o" pure$ clear$ healthy 7lood$and again %ill "unction normally.

Surgery and drugs ne0er ha0e cured glaucoma and theyne0er %ill. It is the to3ins in the 7lood stream that cause theirritation and contraction o" the di""erent ocular tissues andcongestion$ %hich in turn causes increased intra-ocular tension and may cause 7lindness. 1he treatment "or glaucomaconsists o" "resh air$ proper "ood$ pure %ater$ su""iciente3ercise$ and prompt and complete elimination o" to3emia anddepressing emotions$ plus any additional relie" that may 7egi0en 7y a physician.


A cataract is any opacity o" the crystalline lens or o" its capsule or 7oth. 1here are many 'inds o" cataract andmany causes "or the condition. I shall not attempt to dis-cuss them here as it %ould 7e possi7le to %rite a 7oo' on

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ness sooner than need 7e. As a result o" closing out thenormal light$ and ro77ing the tissues o" the eye o" their normal stimulation "rom it$ the lenses 7ecome more opaue

and the 0ision 7ecomes less. 1he circulation to the eyesshould 7e increased 7y proper use o" un-decomposed lightand e3ercise$ in order that nature %ill ha0e an opportunity toa7sor7 the cataract and restore sight.

#or many years$ I did not 7elie0e there %as a cure "or cataract$ 7ut a"ter e3amining a case that had 7een corrected 7ya non-medical practitioner$ I in0estigated and "ound that manycataracts had disappeared %hile the patients %ere ta'ingosteopathic treatments. I recently e3amined a case that %ascorrected 7y 7lin'ing and shi"ting %hile loo'ing at the sun.1his patient loo'ed at the sun "rom three to "i0e minutes at atime$ 7lin'ing and shi"ting the eyes$ then palming andrela3ing "or "i0e or ten minutes. 1he patient repeated thiseight or ten times a day. He did not "atigue his eyes$ and thee3ercise esta7lished 0enous drainage$ there7y relie0ing thecongestion and esta7lishing a normal "lo% o" arterial 7loodand lymph.

1he use o" the light as illustrated in #ig. No. 9 is one o" the 7est methods o" treating cataract$ and other chronic eyetrou7les. 1his light "urnishes the yello% rays %hich are amotor stimulant$ the red rays %hich are a sensory stimulant$and the in"ra-red rays %hich penetrate into the deeper tissuesand increase their tone and e""iciency.

!any cataract patients ha0e 7een 7ene"ited 7y omitting

acid-"orming "oods "rom their diet. Cataract patients should 7e especially care"ul a7out their 7reathing$ as correct 7reathing o3ygenates and puri"ies the 7lood as nothing elsecan. Ho%e0er$ i" there is no iron in the 7lood$ o3ygen cannot 7e dra%n through the lungs hence$ the necessity o" a dietcontaining a ma3imum amount o" iron. +3ercise is also

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essential$ 7ecause it distri7utes the energies and euali?es thecirculation. It ma'es no di""erence %hat condition %e aretreating$ %e are 7rought 7ac' to the la%s go0erning health$

%hich are the proper use o" air$ "ood$ %ater$ rest$ e3ercise andmental attitude.

 4iseases That -eed 0pecial 3ttention

1here are a "e%$ 0ery common diseases$ such as gran-ulated eyelids$ mem7ranous con@uncti0itis$ catarrhal con- @uncti0itis$ "ollicular con@uncti0itis$ gonorrhoeal con@unc-ti0itis$ trachoma$ pin' eye$ and se0eral others. 1hese diseasesal%ays are complicated %ith something else. 1he patient iseither su""ering "rom auto-into3ication$ anemia$ "ocalin"ection$ or some other condition.

Iritis$ optic ner0e atrophy$ and retinitis$ all common

diseases o" the eye$ ha0e ne0er 7een "ound %ithout other complications. #or me to try to e3plain these things to thelayman in a %ay that he could understand %ould ta'e a lot o" 0alua7le space in this 7oo' that can 7e used "or more practical purposes.

I" you ha0e any o" the diseases mentioned in this chapter$you not only need an eye specialist 7ut you need a %ellorgani?ed clinic %here a thorough and complete e3aminationcan 7e made o" your entire anatomy to determine your general physical condition.

A high percentage o" eye trou7les can 7e corrected 7y"ollo%ing the instructions that I ha0e gi0en you in this

 7oo'. 2ou must not 7e discouraged$ i" you "ind that your eye specialist does not agree %ith many o" the statementsin this 7oo'. Please remem7er that I ha0e spent many yearsand thousands o" dollars tra0eling and gathering thisin"ormation "rom many clinics. 1he a0erage eye specialistdoes not ha0e this opportunity$ and it %ill 7e many years

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 7e"ore the ma@ority o" eye specialists %ill understand the real0alue o" the ne%er methods o" treating the eye.

2ou %ill do much "or yoursel" i" you %atch your "ood

inta'e and ma'e sure that your elimination is good. 1his$ %iththe eye e3ercises$ %ill do much "or all diseases o" the eye andeyelids and is a7out all a layman can do "or himsel". I" e0ery7ody remem7ered these "e% simple things there %ould 7e much less eye trou7le and other trou7les %ith the physical 7ody.

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2our doctor may tell you that it is 0ery un%ise to ta'eany "orm o" home treatment %ithout "irst ha0ing a thoroughe3amination and diagnosis 7y a reputa7le physician.

1here is a certain amount o" truth in this statement$ 7utli'e many things %e are told 7y the medical pro"ession$ as%ell as others$ it is not altogether true. 1here is no reason %hy physicians should try to "righten patients into 7elie0ing thate0erything has to 7e done 7y a doctor. 1he most importantthings pertaining to health ha0e to 7e done 7y the patient.1hey are things that no physician can do "or a patient.

Sel"-con"idence is a %onder"ul thing. I" you ha0e noam7ition or no sel"-con"idence$ the uic'er you pass out o" this li"e the 7etter it %ill 7e "or you and e0ery7ody %ho'no%s you$ 7ecause you are a detriment to society.

A "e% months ago I %anted to incorporate a company.Reali?ing that I did not 'no% enough a7out la% to dra% myarticles o" incorporation$ I naturally consulted a la%yer. Hega0e me %hat I considered 0ery good ad0ice. At the clu7 the"ollo%ing day I met another la%yer %ho in"ormed me that thela%yer I had employed %as a shyster la%yer. 1his put me tothin'ing that I should 7e a little care"ul a7out the la%yer Iemployed "or such important 7usiness$ so I 7egan anin0estigation o" la%yers. I "ound that they 'noc'ed each other the same as doctors do$ and the same as merchants do$ and I

"inally "ound that the "irst la%yer I employed %as as good$ i" not 7etter$ than many o" the others.

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2ou can go to practically any physician in any city$tell him that you are going to another physician and as' him %hat he thin's a7out it. He in0aria7ly %ill 7e gentle

man enough to tell you that the other physician is all right$B*1 .... he may not 7e in 0ery good standing %ith the localsociety. He is either a mem7er or he is an outla%. Be"oreyou lea0e his o""ice he %ill tell you the other doctor is allright$ B*1. . . . . . . . . .

2ou %ill "ind the chiropractors al%ays 'noc'ing themedical doctors. 1he osteopathic doctors do their share. 1hemedical doctor considers himsel" the "ather o" them all$ andhe not only 'noc's all other 7ranches o" the healing art 7utalso ta'es a dig at his o%n 7rother practitioner.

2ou should consult the doctor o" your choice$ and the onein %hom you ha0e the most con"idence. Con"idence is a 7ig

 part o" any treatment$ and the more doctors you consult themore con"used you %ill 7ecome$ and the less con"idence you%ill ha0e in any o" them. *se your o%n @udgment in selectinga physician$ and %or' %ith him$ not against him. I 7elie0ethat good doctors are necessary and 0ery help"ul in cases o" accidents$ 7ro'en 7ones$ etc.$ 7ut I also 7elie0e that many people ha0e 7een "rightened unnecessarily into going todoctors "or treatment %hen they should do something in the%ay o" health hygiene "or themsel0es.

I" you are a7o0e the a0erage in intelligence$ you %ill notneed to spend a great deal o" time or money %ith any physician. 2ou %ill spend a little more time learning ho% to

ta'e care o" yoursel".)e hear so much a7out ethics$ 7ut those %ho 0oci"erate

the loudest a7out their ethics are usually the most unethical$the same as a person %ho shouts a7out his honesty and his purity is sometimes o" the 0ilest and most decepti0e type.

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!orris #ish7ein$ !. D.$ e3-president o" the American !ed-ical Association$ %riter and editor o" their literature$ ga0e alecture in &ansas City at the Central Christian Church %here

he stated that Chicago had a population o" three and one-hal" million people and only si3teen Christian Science Churches$and that os Angeles had a population o" one million$ andthirty-t%o Christian Science Churches. He ga0e this ase0idence that the %ea'-minded are mo0ing %est.

He re"erred to Cali"ornia as a sort o" catch-all "or the%ea'-minded and religious superstitions. He made light o" *nity$ Catholics and other religions. He said that Chiropractic%as the "irst three %ee's o" Osteopathy$ and that Osteopaths%ere entering the medical pro"ession 7y the 7ac' door. He'noc'ed all 7ranches o" the healing art$ e0en 'noc'ed medicalmen 7ecause they %ere not mem7ers o" the Association$ and

shouted a7out unethical ad0ertising$ still he goes a7out thecountry gi0ing lectures$ getting all the "ree pu7licity he canget.

He re"erred to Bernarr !c#addens EPhysical CultureE asthe Bi7le o" Health "or the !orons o" America.

I %ould disli'e to @udge all the mem7ers o" the medical pro"ession 7y the actions o" !orris #ish7ein. 1here are manysplendid gentlemen in the medical pro"ession$ as %ell as inthe Osteopathic and Chiropractic pro"ession. Con"idence plays a 7ig part in e0ery treatment. 1here"ore$ the patient %horeally needs a doctor should go to the one in %hom he has themost con"idence$ and not go to an Osteopath$ a !edicalDoctor$ or Chiropractor 7ecause he 7elongs to a certainsociety.

1he 7iggest croo's many times @oin societies "or a screento hide 7ehind$ the same as thousands o" people use

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religion "or a coat$ 7ut this does not condemn sincere religious people.

1he practice o" surgery is a science. 1he practice o" 

Osteopathy and Chiropractic is also a science$ and the practice o" medicine is a science plus a lot o" guess%or'$ and%e all do a certain amount o" guessing. )hat ma'es themedical pro"ession 7oil is that other mem7ers o" the healingart ha0e made it practically impossi7le "or the medical men to pass any more la%s to e3clude people "rom 7elie0ing anddoing as they please.

Cali"ornia is one place %here the medical pro"ession has 7een una7le to pass some o" their inimical la%s$ and the people still en@oy "ree speech and reser0e the right to %orshipin the %ay they %ish$ and patroni?e the physician o" their choice. 1he moral is( 5ote against the Basic Science a% and

e0ery other la% presented 7y the medical pro"ession$ 7ecausethey ha0e a sel"ish moti0e 7ac' o" them.

As "ar as religious people 7eing %ea'-minded$ and thenatural methods o" healing 7eing uac'ery$ I %ill meet !orris#ish7ein or any other loud spea'er the medical pro"ession hasto o""er in a de7ate on this su7@ect.

I 7elie0e that people should 7e "ree to thin' %hat theycare to a7out religion$ and patroni?e any doctor they choose.

Dr. ogan Clendening$ !. D.$ %riting "or the &ansasCity Star$ !onday$ #e7ruary ,$ ,98$ states( EIt is the littlethings that count. I" medical schools %ould teach medicalstudents nothing 7ut the little homely things "or a %hile

many o" the complaints you hear a7out doctors %ould cease.But noJ 1hey learn a7out achondroplasia =ah-'on-dro- phalse-ah> and myositis-ossi"icans-traumatica$ and ho% toremo0e the entire stomach$ and it isnt until the poor studentgets into a hospital or out in practice that he learns

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other physicians se0eral times$ 7ut al%ays has 7een "ired. 1helast report I heard o" him %as that he %as %or'ing in a drugstore.

1here are thousands o" such people$ not only in the practice o" medicine$ 7ut in e0ery line o" 7usiness. 1hey arenot e3actly dum7 or altogether stupid$ 7ut they simply cannotmeet their "ello%-men on a 7asis that inspires con"idence andrespect. A Chiropractor %ith only si3 months training and agood personality %ith a 'een desire to ser0e people manytimes %ill get much 7etter results than a ten-year medicalgraduate %ho hasnt the human interest at heart.

I am not a Chiropractor and do not 7elie0e in all o" his philosophy$ 7ut I am not so narro%-minded that I cannot seethat some o" them get much 7etter results than some o" our great physicians %ho ha0e learned ho% to do so many thingso" no importance.

A man had 7etter learn ho% to do @ust a "e% things and dothem %ell. 1he human 7rain is only capa7le o" so much and 7ecomes 0ery much congested %hen o0er-loaded. +ducationis a %onder"ul thing pro0ided$ a person is not educated 7eyond his intellect.

1o pro0e this statement$ one has only to loo' at thethousands o" hospitals all o0er America that are "ailures$constantly losing money 7ecause they are managed 7y stupid physicians %ho ha0ent the slightest conception o" ho% to runa 7usiness. 1hey are one-trac' minds$ and %hen they step o"" the trac' they lose their %ay. I" you %ant a 7usiness to "ail$ put a good doctor in charge o" it. 1he 7etter doctor he is$ the

sooner the 7usiness %ill "ail.Do not misunderstand me. I 7elie0e that good doctors are

use"ul$ 7ut I also thin' that many o" them spend so much time%ith theories and impractical 'no%ledge that they neglect theimportant things "or health.

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!ost patients go to a physician %ith the idea o" spendingas little money as possi7le. 1hey e3pect an e3amination "or t%o to "i0e dollars$ and they usually get @ust such an e3-

amination. 1he doctor loo's at the tongue$ "eels the pulse$ta'es the 7lood pressure and as's %hen the 7o%els mo0ed. Hesometimes ta'es the temperature and then starts to prescri7e.

)ith such an e3amination$ no physician can ha0e e0en a"air idea as to %hat is %rong %ith the patient. 1he patientshould ha0e a 7lood test$ %hich costs "rom "i0e to "i"teendollars. 1he patient should ha0e a urinalysis$ %hich costs"rom t%o to "i0e dollars. 1he patient should ha0e a rectale3amination 7y a rectal specialistFnot a "amily doctor thiscosts "i0e dollars. 1he male should ha0e a prostatice3amination$ and the "emale a 0aginal e3amination. 1he eyes$ears$ nose and throat should 7e e3amined$ and the sinuses

e3amined this costs ten dollars. 1he patient should ha0e aspinal e3amination the 7lood pressure$ the heart$ lungs andli0er should 7e considered.

1he a7o0e is @ust a sample o" a "e% things that should 7edone 7ut the a0erage patient %ants to go to a departmentstore$ a drug store or to some cheap optician %ho sells glasses"or L8.; and ha0e his eyes e3amined. Such an e3amination isa detriment rather than a help. )hat they really get is an eyetest and a sales tal'. 1hey ne0er get a complete eyee3amination. )e ha0e o0er :<<$<<< 7lind people in America$and many o" them are 7lind 7ecause some optician told themthat all they needed %as a pair o" his "i"teen dollar glasses that

%ere 7eing sold "or L.:.!an really is not a 0ery intelligent animal$ especially%hen %e stop to consider that he has e0ery opportunity tolearn. 1housands o" people ha0e almost crippled themsel0es 7uying shoes that %ere 7argains. 1housands o" silly %omen

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I" %e %ere going to 7uild a 7uilding$ the "irst tas' %ould 7e to clean a%ay all the under-7rush$ %eeds$ trees$ stic's$stones and gra0el and get do%n to 7ottom roc'. )e %ould 7uild a "oundation that %ould hold up the 7uilding$ 7ut %hen people thin' o" 7uilding a health "oundation they seem tothin' that they should ta'e a pill or a spring tonic. 1heyseldom thin' o" getting all the %aste material and "ilth out o" the 7ody$ and then putting in good 7uilding material.

I hear many people say$ EI0e tried diet and I ha0e tried

all the health suggestions I0e heard o"$ and they dont %or' inmy case. It seems that health tonics and other things in mycase dont help at all. !y case is di""erent$ I tell you.E

It has ne0er occurred to these poor$ deluded indi0idualsthat i" they put the 0ery purest$ 7est "ood in a dirty gar7agecan that in a 0ery "e% minutes the "ood %ould start to"erment$ and %ithin t%enty-"our hours %ould 7e as rotten asanything in the gar7age can. It does no good to change a persons diet i" his 7ody is loaded %ith mucous andundigested$ decaying "ood su7stance. 1his$ %ith an inacti0e$sluggish colon$ %ill pre0ent any person "rom getting %ell$regardless o" %hat he eats.

I" I as'ed you right no%$ E)hat are the "our mostimportant things %ater does "or your systemE I am positi0e you could not ans%er unless you ha0e made aspecial study o" the 0ital importance o" %ater to the human

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 7ody. I" you thin' you can$ %rite out the "our most importantthings %ater does "or the 7ody and compare %ith my ans%er$%hich "ollo%s.

#IRS1$ %ater acts as a sol0ent agent 7y carrying to thecells the nutriti0e elements supplied 7y "ood$ and then carriesa%ay the %aste products o" the 7ody.

S+COND$ %ater is the medium through %hich all inter-cellular chemical changes ta'e place.

1HIRD$ %ater is the chie" regulator o" temperature 7ythe process o" e0aporation o" %ater "rom the lungs and s'in.i"e cannot continue %ithout this process.

#O*R1H$ %ater carries o3ygen to the tissues to o3idi?e poisons.

1here"ore$ i" the %ater inta'e is not su""icient "or all o" these "unctions$ the patient 7ecomes congested. 1he dead

cells o" the 7ody are not remo0ed poisons are su7-o3idi?edthe li0e cells are not properly nourished the lungs and s'insu""er the 7o%els 7ecome inacti0e there is a generalstagnation o" all the 0ital organs o" the 7ody.

)hen the 7ody is in a state o" health$ instinct guides usas to our %ater inta'e$ and the guide is 0ery satis"actory 1hirstindicates the 7ody needs %ater. I" a small person %ho %eighsa7out ,<< pounds %ill drin' si3 glasses o" %ater e0ery day$this is ordinarily su""icient. But i" a person %eighs ,:< pounds$ he must ha0e at least eight or nine glasses o" %ater aday$ %hile a person %ho %eighs 8<< pounds should ha0e tenor t%el0e glasses o" %ater a day. In other %ords$ it ta'es more

%ater to "ill a t%o-gallon @ug than it does to "ill a one-gallon @ug.)e must not "orget that all solid "oods contain a small

 percentage o" %ater$ 7ut not su""icient to supply the 7odyneeds. +0en animals that li0e on grass$ %hich contains a high percentage o" %ater$ still "ind it necessary to drin' %ater.

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!an$ %ho li0es on toast$ mashed potatoes$ coo'ed meatsand coo'ed 0egeta7les$ seems to thin' that he needs 0ery little%ater. O" course$ there are some people %ho do drin' enough

%ater other%ise$ %e doctors %ould ha0e ten times as much%or' as %e could do. I" an indi0idual is depri0ed o" %ater$ greatdistress %ill result$ and death usually comes %ithin /< to 48hours. ac' o" %ater leads to impairment o" the 'idneys andalso poor a7sorption o" "ood. 1he result is 0omiting anddiarrhea$ and a mar'ed ele0ation o" temperature.

O" course$ there is such a thing as %ater-into3ication$ and%e occasionally "ind people %ho drin' se0eral gallons a day.1hey go in the opposite e3treme$ drin'ing t%ice or three timesas much as they should. 1his condition is 0ery rare. It is sa"e tota'e a large uantity o" %ater into the 7ody 7ecause the outputincreases$ and a water balance is automatically maintained.

1he uestion o" drin'ing %ater 7et%een meals is one that hasne0er 7een ans%ered completely. It is true that %ater may act asa slight stimulant to the appetite. It is also true that many goodeaters do not ta'e much %ater %ith their meals$ and other  people$ drin' so much %ater %ith their meals that they do noteat su""icient "ood.

A good %ater supply during colds and other ailments is o" 0ital importance$ to ena7le the 7ody processes to "unctionnormally and the %aste products to 7e carried o"" promptly. In"e0er$ the 7ody temperature is raised and there is an e3cessi0ee0aporation o" %ater "rom the s'in and lungs$ %hich increasesthe demand "or more %ater 7y mouth to maintain %ater 

euili7rium.Please dont thin' that you ha0e a real health programunless you are drin'ing your share o" %ater. 1he olde3cuse so many people use that they dont li'e %ater %ill

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soon change to a normal$ natural desire "or %ater as soon asthe %aste material is "lushed out o" the 7ody. People %ho%or' and perspire a great deal eliminate their %aste material

through the s%eat glands$ and they ha0e a natural appetite "or %ater. #or this reason the "ello% %ho says$ EI al%ays "eel 7etter a"ter I %or' up a good s%eatE is many times tellingmore truth than he reali?es.

)e ha0e much su""ering 7ecause o" the thousands o"  people %ho %or' in o""ices and other places %here their %or' is mental and not physical conseuently$ they may not ha0e anatural appetite "or %ater. 1hese people can 7e helped greatly 7y "orming the ha7it o" drin'ing a large glass o" %ater e0eryhour.

1his is something that %as mentioned only in a casual%ay at medical college. )hen I attended medical college$ %e

%ere taught ho% to diagnose$ ho% to recogni?e symptoms$ho% to relie0e pain$ surgery$ and many 0ery important things.)hen I attended osteopathic college$ they taught us ho% to doall o" these things plus the method o" relie0ing tense musclesand putting 7ones in their proper places. )e %ere taught ho%to normali?e the  7ody$ so that it %ould "unction normally.

But 7oth o" these colleges %ere so 7usy teaching other important in"ormation that many o" the so-called little things%ere o0erloo'ed. I practiced many years 7e"ore I learnedsome o" these 0ery important small matters. 2ou may 7esurprised to learn that medical colleges and osteopathiccolleges teach 0ery little pertaining to diet. 1hey teach a great

deal regarding the digesti0e @uices and the action o" thedigesti0e secretions on "ood$ 7ut practically nothing is taughtregarding true "ood 0alues. !ost doctors and medical studentsare sic'ly$ 7ecause they do not 'no% ho% to eat or ho% todrin'.

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I %as in0ited to gi0e a lecture at one o" the colleges%here a group o" doctors later as'ed me to gi0e a course o" instructions on the su7@ect o" diet$ physical e3ercise$ air$ "ood$

%ater and mental attitude. 1his sho%ed that %hen the matter %as 7rought to their attention they reali?ed its importance. I 7elie0e that it is a crime to graduate thousands o" physiciansand %ish them on the pu7lic %hen they do not 'no% the "irst principles o" health. 1hey may 'no% all a7out disease$surgery and chemistry$ 7ut they may not 'no% ho% to 'eep%ell themsel0es$ or ho% to 'eep any7ody else %ell. O" course$ there are e3ceptions.

It is amusing to %atch some o" the physicians try old-"ashioned methods o" treating mucous colitis. During the last"e% years$ %e ha0e seen 7etter results in the treatment o" mucous colitis 7y using plenty o" colonic irrigations$impro0ing the diet$ and eliminating the "oods that producemucous.

In some cases o" hemorrhoids$ or piles$ the patients ha0eneglected their conditions so long that they need the help o" acompetent physician. I" the patient lets it go until he de0elopscancer o" the rectum$ then he needs an underta'er$ not adoctor. 1housands o" people today are dying o" cancer  7ecause o" their ignorance more than anything else. Cancer ne0er de0elops in a healthy 7ody.

I" a person has neglected his health o0er a period o" years$ I admit that to put a little anti-acid po%der in thedrin'ing %ater helps to neutrali?e the acid in his system$and %ill help nature to cleanse his system much "aster than plain drin'ing %ater$ 7ut this is something that the patient can do "or himsel" and has nothing to do %ith anytreatment the physician might gi0e. 1here are hundreds o"  po%ders on the mar'et used "or this purpose. Some o" them

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are 0ery e3pensi0e$ and others are 0ery ine3pensi0e.

I ha0e made many "riends among the layman 7y gi0inga%ay some o" the physicians secrets$ 7ut I certainly ha0e

recei0ed my share o" criticism "rom the pro"ession "or gi0ingout this in"ormation. It is not di""icult to neutrali?e the acid inthe system %ith a good grade o" acid neutrali?ing po%der$ andto eliminate the %aste material that is causing congestion.

!any people ha0e poor elimination 7ecause their outer s'in is so thic' and tough that their s%eat glands do not"unction properly. 1hey are clogged %ith dead s'in. )henthese people use a 7ath po%der that helps to remo0e the deads'in and opens their s%eat glands so they can "unction$ theresults are astonishing$ 7ut here again %e ha0e the same oldgra"t o" all 'inds o" per"umed 7ath salts and a7solutely%orthless 7ath po%ders %hich sell any%here "rom ten cents tot%o dollars a pound. 1he most e""ecti0e ones are not thehighly per"umed ones and not necessarily the most e3pensi0e$ 7ut there are many people %ho imagine that they ha0e to paya high price in order to get a good article. 1his is true %ithsome things$ 7ut it certainly is not true %ith all things.

1here are people %ho 7elie0e that 7ath po%der is in-tended "or per"uming the %ater more than anything else. 1heonly 7ath po%der that has any 0alue is one that %ill help toremo0e dead tissue and ma'e it easy "or the s%eat glands tothro% o"" their %aste material. 1he human 7ody is li'e asponge as "ar as the millions o" little pores are concerned.

1hey must 7reathe. I" man could li0e a more normal li"e$ hiss%eat glands %ould "unction more normally. 1he air andsunlight %ould dissol0e the dead s'in$ and it %ould scaleo"". 1he chemical rays o" the sun %ould also increase theal'alinity o" the 7ody and help neutrali?e the acidity o" 

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the 7ody. Ho%e0er$ since %e stay indoors and do not getenough "resh air and sunshine$ our s%eat glands do not"unction as they should. #or this reason$ I ha0e "ound s%eat

 7aths 0ery use"ul in maintaining health.2ou may thin' this is a little "ar-"etched$ 7ut %hen thego0ernment e3amined the cream o" our crop$ the "inest and 7est young men that our country could produce$ it %asdisco0ered that a high percentage o" them %ere de"ecti0e one%ay or another not enough to 7e re@ected "rom the army$ 7utenough so they could not pass a per"ect health inspection.

1he human 7ody 7ecomes 0ery congested$ and conges-tion is disease. Suppose I as' you to name "i0e o" the principal%ays the human 7ody 7ecomes congested. A7out the only oneyou %ould thin' o" %ould 7e the 7o%els. Only a small percentage o" the real %aste o" the 7ody passes out through

the 7o%els. 1his small percentage is a 0ile 7it o" poison thatmust 7e eliminated or death %ould result 7ut the nose$ the'idneys$ the lungs and the s%eat glands are @ust as important.A person may ha0e per"ect elimination through the 7o%els 7ut i" his s%eat glands are not "unctioning properly$ he is stillsu""ering "rom auto-into3ication. I" the 'idneys are not"unctioning properly$ the 7ody is su7@ected to to3emia. )eal%ays "ind that the sic'ly$ %ea'$ emaciated person uses onlya small part o" his lung capacity. )hat he needs more than a physician is a "e% lessons on correct 7reathing. He thin's thathe 7reathes correctly 7ecause he 7reathes a7out li'ee0ery7ody else %hile a test o" his lungs pro0es that he doesnot. 1housands o" people 7elie0e that their s%eat glands are%or'ing$ 7ecause they perspire occasionally. People 7elie0ethat their 'idneys are all right$ 7ecause they urinate.

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1he "ollo%ing case %ill help you to reali?e the impor-tance o" proper elimination. A young lady came to our clinicto 7e relie0ed o" a s'in eruption that had co0ered a large part

o" her 7ody. 1his 7eauti"ul$ young lady$ 8, years o" age$ had 7een to some 0ery "ine s'in specialists$ and the "amily hadmortgaged their home to 7uy s'in ointments$ 7lood puri"iers$therapeutic lamps$ and to pay s'in specialists. )hen I told her mother that all the materials needed to correct the girls s'introu7le %ould cost less than "i0e dollars$ she loo'ed at me asmuch as to say$ EI dont 7elie0e a %ord o" it.E

But in eight %ee's$ the young lady had as clear and per"ect s'in as it is possi7le to "ind any place. I made her sit inthe 7ac'yard e0ery day %ith a one-piece 7athing suit on untilshe had a 7eauti"ul tan. I ga0e her a little 7ath po%der and had

her ta'e three hot 7aths a %ee'$ drin'ing si3 glasses o" hot%ater %ith a little po%der to neutrali?e the acid %hile she %asin the 7ath tu7. 1hen I made her go to 7ed "or t%o hours a"ter each 7ath and co0er up and s%eat. I had one o" our nursesgi0e her colonic irrigations three times a %ee' until all o" themucous %as remo0ed "rom her large colon. In addition to this$she %as made to %ash her teeth t%ice a day %ith an acid-neutrali?ing po%der$ and gi0en instructions to ta'e t%odouches e0ery day. She %as taught 7reathing e3ercises to ta'e%hile she %as sitting in the sun. A diet %as outlined "or her %hich contained the essential "ood elements.

I" you could ha0e seen the dead$ scaly tissue that cameo"" her 7ody$ and the strings o" mucous that came out o" her  7o%els$ and the 0ile-smelling$ putre"acti0e su7stance thatcame "rom her 0agina$ you %ould understand %hy this

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young ladys s'in disease had 7een pronounced incura7le.Ho% she li0ed at all %as a mystery.

In the 7eginning$ her 'idneys %ere not "unctioning

 properly$ her lungs %ere not "unctioning as they should$ andher 7o%els and s%eat glands %ere sluggish. She had producedcolitis 7y ta'ing too many physics she had almost completelyclogged up her s%eat glands "rom ru77ing s'in preparationsinto them and$ 7ecause she %as a 0irgin$ her mother$ as mostmothers do$ 7elie0ed that she shouldnt douche. )hile this istrue %ith a "e% cases$ it is not true %ith all cases. 1he old-"ashioned parents %ho 7elie0e that their daughter should notta'e a douche unless she is married ha0e much to learn$ and 7ecause young %omen do not 'no% ho% to douche many o" them ha0e "emale disorders %hich might ha0e 7een a0oided 7y correct "eminine hygiene.

1here are di""erent 'inds o" 0aginas$ and the young lady%ho is 7orn %ith a 0aginal ori"ice that does not drain itsaccumulated secretions in a natural %ay$ certainly %ill ha0e todouche regularly$ or the accumulated secretions %ill remain inthere and decay. 1his decaying matter produces irritation tothe cer0i3$ and a condition de0elops commonly calledE%hitesE or leucorrhea. In the early stages this can 7ecorrected 7y using a cleansing douche po%der in the douche%ater$ and "ollo% this 7y clear %ater douching. In thead0anced stages$ these patients are compelled to ta'e t%odouches a day until the 0agina and cer0i3 are as clean andhealthy as any other tissues o" the 7ody.

I ha0e had many young ladies 0isit the clinic %ho ha0etold me that they "elt they needed a douche 7ecause o" theodor o" the discharge "rom their 0aginas 7ut they %ouldntdare to ha0e a douche 7ag around the house 7ecause auntie$ papa or mama might thin' that they %ere not nice girls.

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)hat people need is more teaching and less treating. 1hereare many married %omen %ho get up tired e0ery morning anddrag themsel0es a7out their %or' %ithout the slightest idea as

to %hy they do not "eel right. 1hey may or may not ha0e pain"ul menstruation$ 7ut they may 7e a7sor7ing pus "rom a"ilthy 0agina or "rom some piece o" tonsil tissue$ a tooth$ or "rom internal hemorrhoids %hich they may not e0en suspectthat they ha0e.

I ha0e had cases come to the clinic %here the eyes %eresupposed to 7e 0ery de"ecti0e$ 7ut a thorough e3aminationre0ealed an entirely di""erent situation. A married %oman %horesented 0ery much 7eing told that her eye trou7le %as in her 0agina soon 7ecame con0inced that it %as. 1he reason shedidnt 7elie0e this possi7le %as that she had 7een ta'ing a

douche three times a %ee'$ and she 'ne% that that part o" her  7ody %as as clean as it could possi7ly 7e$ 7ut a"ter using a0aginal speculum and letting her smell some o" the decayingmaterial that came "rom around her cer0i3$ she agreed that she%ould try ta'ing a douche in a little di""erent %ay. She had 7een using one o" the regular$ ordinary douche 7ags that is"ound in all drug stores. 1hese 7ags may 7e all right "or somecases$ 7ut a"ter sho%ing her ho% to use the right 'ind o"  pressure 7ag and ho% to really cleanse her 0agina$ her ner0ousness$ %hich she had attri7uted to eye trou7le$disappeared.

A gentleman$ 8 years o" age$ had a condition %ith hiseyes and ner0ous system %hich had not responded to eyee3ercises$ eyeglasses$ or ner0e tonics 7ut a"ter ha0ing hishemorrhoids treated$ and sho%ing him ho% to relie0e a tightrectum he %as a7le to rela3$ sleep soundly$ and his eye trou7leand ner0ousness disappeared.

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1he su7@ect o" elimination is o" so much importance thatit should 7e taught in our high schools and colleges instead o" some o" the nonsense that is less practical. 1his is a pretty

good %orld in %hich to li0e$ and there is not much %rong%ith the people or %ith the 6o0ernment$ 7ut there certainly isroom "or plenty o" impro0ement$ and I "eel 0ery optimistica7out it other%ise$ I %ould not spend my time %ritinginstructions$ and teaching people ho% to get more out o" li"e.1here are many other %ays that I could ma'e more money$ 7ut there is something interesting and "ascinating a7out this%or'. !y heart$ my soul and my li"e is in it$ and it is indeed agreat satis"action to see many people return to health andhappiness$ a"ter they ha0e had more than their share o" su""ering.

But on the other hand$ it is rather pro0o'ing at times%hen %e "ind such a large num7er o" people %ho are toostupid and too stu77orn to %ant to learn ho% to li0e. One time"ollo%ing one o" my lectures$ a physician %ho had 7eeneducated 7eyond his intellect made some sarcastic remar'sa7out me trying to re"orm the %hole %orld. )hen I as'ed him%hat college he %as graduated "rom$ %ith much pride he said$E1he Gohns Hop'ins *ni0ersity$E and that he had ta'en specialtraining at !ayo Brothers. )ell$ o" course$ %ith such a 7ac'ground he naturally %ould "eel that he 'ne% a7out allthere %as to 'no%. I as'ed him ho% he %ould treat a case o"  polyopia monophthalmica. His chest s%elled up and heans%ered immediately to let me 'no% that he 'ne% @ust %hat

he %as tal'ing a7out. He 'ne% all a7out psychoparesis and practically e0ery condition that you could mention$ 7ut %hen Ias'ed him to name the "our most important parts that %ater  plays in a mans li"e he could name only one o" them$ and hise3planation o" that %as 0ery %ea'.

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I ha0e no "ight %ith the medical pro"ession$ the chiro- practors or the osteopaths$ the allopaths or the homeopaths 7ut a"ter %or'ing %ith them more than t%enty years$ I am

con0inced that there is too much ho'um and 7un' in con-nection %ith their art. Regardless o" this$ they are a "ine 7uncho" "ello%s. 1hey mean %ell$ and I %ouldnt %ant to try to getalong %ithout them.

Ho%e0er$ %hen people learn to select a de"inite time eachday "or a mo0ement o" their 7o%els$ and ta'e a little time tolearn ho% to ta'e an occasional internal 7ath$ ho% to 7athe soas to 'eep their s%eat glands "unctioning normally$ ho% to 7reathe to help their lungs to eliminate their %aste material$and learn to drin' su""icient %ater to 'eep their 'idneys"lushed and the 7ody meta7olism normal$ they certainly can

en@oy 7etter health. O" course$ they cannot 7e "ood "anaticstrying to li0e on an orange and a lea" o" lettuce a day$ or eating a lot o" "ried$ greasy$ undigesti7le "oods %hich clog uptheir systems.

1he only real "ault that I ha0e to "ind %ith my pro"essionis that many physicians practicing the healing art dont %antto teach the pu7lic ho% to help themsel0es$ and they condemnany7ody %ho tries to teach them.

Dr. ane$ the 'ings physician$ ran'ed 0ery high in his pro"ession until he 7egan gi0ing too much in"ormation tothe layman. 1hen his medical 7rethren scorned him. 1hesame is true %ith e0ery physician %ho has dared to step outo" the old$ 7eaten path. Dr. 1ilden$ Dr. 5oss$ Dr. )eiger and Dr. eeds %ere highly respected physicians$ and at onetime in good standing %ith the medical societies 7ut %henthey 7egan doing some real good 7y teaching and

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rendering a real ser0ice$ they %ere placed on the disappro0allist 7y their medical 7rethren. Ho% a man can 7e considered astrictly ethical$ honora7le physician one day$ and a

uestiona7le indi0idual the ne3t %ithout ha0ing done a singledishonora7le act may 7e easy "or some people to understand$ 7ut it is di""icult to e3plain.

!ost people do not 'no% ho% to ta'e a colonic irriga-tion. *se a good 7ag that has 7een specially made "or this purpose. 1he ne%er method o" ta'ing a colonic irrigation is as"ollo%s( #ill a t%o-uart 7ag %ith %arm %ater$ then dissol0eone ta7lespoon"ul o" a good acid-neutrali?ing po%der in the%ater. Place the small ru77er tip in the rectum$ letting the%ater run into the rectum %hile the hips are ele0ated.

6ently massage the a7domen %hile lying on the 7ac'.1hen$ turn on the le"t side and massage the a7domen. 1hen$turn on the right side$ in order that the "luid %ill run into thetrans0erse colon. Continue the massaging$ and you %ill notonly loosen the hard "ecal matter in the 7o%el$ 7ut you %illmi3 the solution %ith the dead mucous$ and help nature toeliminate this putrid su7stance.

6et up and go to the toilet and rid your 7ody o" the %astematerial. 1hen ta'e one uart o" %ater into the rectum andhold l: minutes. 1he %ater used should 7e 7ody temperature.I" you ha0e ne0er ta'en a colonic irrigation in this manner$you %ill 7e astonished at the %aste material that comes "romyour 7o%els. I" you see some long$ stringy su7stance in the%ater$ do not 7e alarmed. 1his may 7e dead mucous or sections o" a tape%orm.

1he a7o0e procedure should 7e used according to your needs. I ha0e not missed ta'ing a colonic irrigation e0ery day"or more than ,: years. I ha0e seen others %ho ha0e done thesame thing$ and I ha0e ne0er seen anything e3cept 7ene"icialresults %here this method %as employed.

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A"ter much research$ science reports on constipation that"ood under normal conditions should ne0er remain in the 7ody more than thirty-three hours 7e"ore it is e0acuated.

In a study made 7y #reelander and !cester$ :< small$glass 7eads %ere used in 7oth men and %omen as an inde3 tothe passage o" "ood through the 7ody. 1he ordinary in-di0iduals su7@ected to this e3periment passed only :: per cento" the 7eads on the second day and 7y the "ourth day only ;< per cent o" the 7eads %ere e0acuated. It too' days$ e0en%ee's$ to e0acuate the other 8< per cent.

1%enty per cent$ then$ o" "ood residue is le"t a7out in thecurls and "olds o" the intestines longer than 99 hours to"erment and putre"y. Colisepsis$ auto-into3ication and in-testinal irritation may arise "rom that 8< per cent delayede0acuation and %ill e3aggerate most a7normal 7ody con-ditions.

In some cases o" slo%er e0acuation$ 4< per cent o" theglass 7eads remained in the intestines "or a %ee' or more.

I" the "ood residue is not e0acuated 7y 99 hours$ it tendsto 7ecome a hard$ "ecal mass$ 0ery di""icult to 7e remo0ed 7y peristalsis. 6as "orms$ causing discom"ort due to its ina7ilityto escape. Such conditions may gi0e rise e0entually to colitis$ulcerated conditions o" the 7o%els and rectum$ auto-into3ication$ appendicitis$ and local areas o" irritation. Strongla3ati0es ta'en into the intestines ha0e a tendency to addinsult to in@ury.

*nless you "ollo% the instructions in this chapter ac-curately you cannot hope "or 0ery good results. I ha0e done

my 7est to ma'e you see the necessity o" e3posing your 7odyto the sunlight$ drin'ing plenty o" "resh$ pure %ater$ and'eeping your 7o%els$ s%eat glands$ 'idneys and all organs o" elimination "unctioning normally. 2ou cannot ha0e health%ithout this understanding.

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#OODS #OR DI##+R+N1 CONDI1ONSDo "oods really ma'e or 7rea' you et us read %hat

some authorities ha0e to say. Dr. Gohn . oughran$ %riting in1%entieth Century Health Science$ says$ E+3periments ha0e 7een conducted %ith 7oth se3es and the addition o" "oods'no%n$ to contain 5itamin + has resulted in "ruit"ulness%here sterility had e3isted. 1he disco0ery o" this 5itaminshould 7e o" great interest to those engaged in animalhus7andry. +0en at this early date a"ter its disco0ery it isreported that sterile animals ha0e 7ecome "ecund a"ter theinclusion o" 5itamin + in the "ood.E

#o3 "armers in Canada had great trou7le raising tame"o3es "or their "urs. )ild "o3es ha0e a litter o" se0en to ten 7a7y "o3es e0ery year$ and they ne0er "ail to nurse all o" them.1he "armers raising tame "o3es %ere ne0er a7le to producemore than three to a litter and the "o3 %as una7le to nursemore than t%o o" them. )hen rich 5itamin + "oods %ere "edto the tame "o3es$ they had litters o" se0en a year and nursedall o" them. Here %e see that "oods are o" great importance$and our 6o0ernment$ as %ell as other go0ernments$ has seen"it to study the scienti"ic "eeding o" animals in order toimpro0e their health and ma'e them more producti0e.

A group o" children li0ing in a small orphanage in

Mue7ec %ere di0ided into t%o eual groups$ and "or se0eral months 7oth groups %ere "ed e3actly the same"ood$ e3cept that a special "ood containing 5itamin + %asgi0en one group. In eight months$ there %ere ,9/ cases o" sic'ness in the orphanage o" those ,,; %ere in the groupgetting the ordinary "ood$ and only ,; in the other hal" %ho

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%ere "ed 5itamin +. 1he children recei0ing 5itamin + "oodgained in health 98.: more than the others$ and in other respects 9: more.

5itamin + is to 7e "ound in none o" the "oods regularlyeaten 7y most people$ e3cept a 0ery minute uantity in lettuceand the yol' o" eggs. 1he a0erage person does not 'no% thathis lo% 0itality and diminishing "unction o" his reproducti0eorgans is due to eating "oods that 7rea' him$ %hen he should 7e eating "oods that ma'e him.

1he Israelites sla0ed ma'ing 7ric's "or the pyramids andtemples o" Pharoah$ 7ut Pharoah %as not content to see them%or' in the hot sun. He must ma'e their %or' harder "or them$ so he stopped "urnishing them the stra% that 7oundtogether the mud in those clay 7ric's conseuently$ the 7ric'scrum7led as soon as they %ere handled. Bric's %ith nothing

to 7ind them together 7rea'.!AN 1ODA2 IS #INDIN6 I1 G*S1 AS I!POSSIB+1O B*ID A S1RON6 BOD2 )I1H 5I1A2 AC1I5+OR6ANS )I1HO*1 +A1IN6 1H+ +SS+N1IA ++-!+N1S N+C+SSAR2 1O B*ID H+A1H2$ 5I6ORO*SBODI+S.

Practically none o" the 0itamins are "ound in %hite 7read$and only a "e% in %hole %heat 7read. Canned goods$ pastries$and much o" the so-called "ood that man puts into his 7ody$contains such a small uantity o" the elements necessary "or his %ell-7eing that children are 7orn %ith %ea' stomachs$%ea' eyes and per0erted appetites. 1hey inherit "rom their 

 parents appetites "or nicotine$ alcohol$ concentrated protein$concentrated car7ohydrates and many other things theyshould not ha0e.

1he %ise 7a7y specialist instructs the mother in the dieto" the child. He insists on the child ha0ing "resh "ruit @uicesF not canned "ruit @uices "resh$ ra% mil'$ and

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e0erything o" the 7est uality. Nothing deminerali?ed or de0itali?ed should go into the childs system until he 7ecomesstrong and healthy enough to demand the 'ind o" poisons he

%ants.I" %e tried to li0e entirely %ithout 0itamins$ li"e %ouldcease$ 7ut li0ing partly %ithout them$ %hich is true o" thema@ority o" ci0ili?ed people$ li"e processes continue %ithmuch agony$ sic'ness and pain. )e can scienti"ically "eed a person 7ac' to health$ 7ut %e cant al%ays ma'e him continueto eat the health-gi0ing "oods. 1he "irst party he attends %here pret?els$ home 7re%$ cheese sand%iches on %hite 7read or crac'ers$ and a lot o" other li"eless su7stance is ser0ed$ here0erts to his old ha7its(F!on'ey see$ mon'ey do.

1here are many dietitians %ho are capa7le o" %riting the"acts pertaining to "oods$ 7ut they dare not tell %hat they'no%. #or instance$ a certain pro"essor o" dietetics in one o" our leading uni0ersities se0eral years ago %rote a splendidarticle e3plaining the di""erence 7et%een %hite "lour and%hole %heat "lour. )hen people learned the truth and "oundthat %hite "lour did not contain the essential elements$ they 7egan 7uying %hole %heat 7read. 1he 7a'ers do not %ant to 7a'e %hole %heat 7read "or the "ollo%ing reasons(

)hole %heat "lour contains all o" the elements anddoes not 'eep. )hole %heat 7read is 0ery perisha7le and%ill not 'eep. I" le"t on the grocery shel" 0ery long$ it 7e-comes %ormy and stale$ the same as %hole %heat "lour.Since %hite "lour is a 7y-product o" the %hole %heat and

contains less o" the li"e-gi0ing su7stance$ the %orms %illnot 7other it to any great e3tent conseuently$ %hite "lour and %hite 7read are not only easier to 7a'e and easier tohandle$ 7ut there is a greater pro"it 7ecause there

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%ith some 7ee" grease$ plus the addition o" mil'$ to ma'e agra0y$ %ith this de0itali?ed concoction smeared o0er theli"eless mashed potatoes$ a person may eat his %ay into

 pneumonia$ diphtheria$ tu7erculosis$ smallpo3$ and other diseases %hich "asten themsel0es on people %ith lo% resist-ance. )e ha0e o0er 8$<< diseases as a result o" man 7einga7le to read and accept the cle0erly prepared propaganda so plenti"ully "urnished 7y "ood destroying "actories.

#or instance$ many o" the cereals that %e eat ha0e 7eenin0estigated and "ound to 7e de"icient in many o" the essentialelements. )hen rice and %heat ha0e 7een steamed and shotthrough guns at such a prodigious rate o" speed as to 7lo%them up se0eral times their natural si?e$ and then put in o0ensand toasted until e0ery particle o" li"e has 7een destroyed$nothing 7ut the shell and ashes remain. Ho% can man e3pectto do a days %or' %ithout 7eing completely %orn out %hen

he is "iring his "uel 7o3 %ith ashes Ho% people can 7e sodum7 is 7eyond me. I certainly dont thin' that I am 0erycle0er$ 7ut I ha0e to ha0e these things pointed out to me onlyonce in order to see the truth.

Some pro"essors and physicians %ho %rite "or  pu7lications are mere ser0ants. 1hey do %hat they are told todo$ the same as the chau""eur or the housemaid. 1hey ha0e amind o" their o%n$ 7ut they dare not use it. 1he chau""eur may 7e a 0ery good dri0er$ 7ut he dri0es %here the 7oss tellshim to$ and the same is true %ith a pro"essor o" dietetics$ or a physician %ho %rites. He o"ten %rites %hat he is told to %rite.

Be"ore I 7ecame so thoroughly con0inced on this su7@ect$

I %as approached 7y a maga?ine pu7lisher %ho as'ed me to%rite "or his maga?ine. He told me %hat he %ould li'e toha0e me %rite that is$ outlined some o" the things that I %asto e3plain. I %rote the article$ sent it in and re-

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cei0ed my chec' 7y return mail$ 7ut the "ollo%ing month%hen the article appeared$ it had 7een so altered that I couldrecogni?e only a part o" it. Shortly$ I recei0ed another letter as'ing "or another article. !y ans%er %as that "rom then onanything that I %rote %ould 7e pu7lished e3actly as I %rote itor not at all.

I do not ha0e to depend on any political "orce$ school 7oard$ or a group o" doctors to tell me %hat to do. I0e spentmany years doing and saying %hat I please$ and , e3pect tocontinue. O" course$ I %ont ma'e as much money as I couldi" I %ould 7e more agreea7le$ 7ut there is some satis"action indoing things the %ay you %ant to do them.

Ra% ca77age is a 0ery 0alua7le "ood. One ounce o" ra%ca77age sla% contains more mineral salts$ 0itamins andelements o" "ood 0alue than appro3imately ,; pounds o" coo'ed ca77age. A man can eat one ounce %ithout 7eing

uncom"orta7le and get many essential$ 0ital "ood elements$ 7ut %ho could hold eighteen pounds o" coo'ed ca77age at onemeal

I am not a ra% "ood "addist$ and I do not 7elie0e that it isad0isa7le "or anyone to change suddenly "rom all coo'ed"oods to all ra% "oods$ 7ut I do thin'$ a"ter e3aminingthousands o" people and "inding their resistance and 0itality0ery lo% as a result o" eating "ood "i7ers$ "ood ashes and%rong "ood mi3tures$ that there %ould 7e much less diseaseand the %orld %ould 7e much 7etter o"" i" %e did not ha0e somany decepti0e articles %ritten %hich lead people to 7elie0e alot o" things that are untrue a7out %hite 7read$ and other "oods

%hich ha0e 7een deminerali?ed and de0itali?ed.)hen the candy manu"acturers %ant to put on a candyeating contest they get a 7unch o" uni0ersity students to eat acertain number of pieces of cand a da to pro!et"at t"ose students #"o eat t"e s#eets do notbecome fati$ued

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as easily as students %ho do not eat candy$ and that they ma'e 7etter grades. 1hese demonstrations and propagandaspreading machines start thousands o" people doing e3actly

%hat they should not do.D. Breese Gones$ principal chemist in charge o" proteinand nutrition de"iciency$ *nited States Department o" Agriculture$ states( E1he "ood 0alue o" any gi0en articledepends upon the e3tent to %hich it can supply certain es-sential$ dietary "actors in "orms a0aila7le to meet the nutri-tional needs o" an animal. In the light o" our present 'no%l-edge these "actors include protein$ "ats$ car7ohydrates$mineral elements and 0itamins. #ats and car7ohydrates are primarily the "uel materials %hich supply our 7odies %ithenergy. Proteins also supply energy$ 7ut their chie" "unctionlies in "urnishing material "or the construction o" nitrogenoustissues$ such as muscle$ s'in and hair. 1hey enter into thecomposition o" practically e0ery tissue o" the 7ody.E

)hen %e read the go0ernment reports$ %e "ind that our go0ernment has spent much o" our ta3 money to "urnish us%ith "acts regarding the "eeding o" hogs$ sheep$ chic'ens andcattle$ 7ut not enough has 7een spent to in"orm man %hat toeat and %hat not to eat. !any o" these politicians are put ino""ice 7y the 7a'ing trust$ the canning trust$ the to7acco trust$etc or as a result o" their in"luence. Conseuently$ they mustnot diso7ey their masters.

2ou say$ EBut the people ha0e a 0ote.E 1he peoples 0oteis in"luenced 7y the propaganda they read$ and their 0otedoesnt mean 0ery much.

I am not a pessimist% and I #ou&dn't trade m"ome in t"e United States for an "ome in an ot"er part of t"e #or&d( If God "as an c"osen c"i&dren t"eare ri$"t "ere

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in America$ and during my tour in +uropean countries I ne0er "ound any place that I cared to stay e3cept "or a 0ery shorttime. 1he 7est steamship that I ha0e e0er seen %as the one

that 7rought me 7ac' to the *nited States. I do thin' there isroom "or a lot o" impro0ement in our ha7its o" li0ing$ 7ut it is0ery di""icult to ma'e people change their ha7its %hen themedical pro"ession$ in order to sell ad0ertising in their  @ournals$ put their stamp o" appro0al on cigarettes and other things that are detrimental to health.

Science tells us that man does not completely matureuntil a7out the age o" 4: or ,<< years. o%er "orms o" animalli"e li0e to "our or "i0e times their maturity. According to this$man should li0e to 7e "our or "i0e hundred years o" age$ 7uthe rarely reaches the one hundred mar'. At this point I mightsay that I dont care to li0e "our or "i0e hundred years$ 7ut I do

%ant to a0oid all o" the su""ering and disease %hile I am here.A"ter handling sic' people "or more than t%enty years$ I ha0elearned enough through "inding out %hat made them sic' tocon0ince me that nine out o" e0ery ten people are %rong. 1heold idea that a certain thing must 7e good 7ecause it tastesgood$ or 7ecause a large num7er o" people use it$ certainly is%rong. )hene0er you "ind anything that practically all peopleuse$ you can easily "igure that its %rong$ or at least that itcould 7e impro0ed.

)hen I "irst %rote this 7oo'$ I ad0ised people againstusing pasteuri?ed mil' and in "act$ I stated that mil' %as nota good "ood "or adults. At that time$ the crude methods used

"or pasteuri?ation rendered the mil' almost %orthless as a"ood unless it %as supplied in its ra% state and then$un"ortunately$ it %as o"ten a po%er"ul "actor in the spread o" disease.

In earlier$ crude methods o" pasteuri?ing mil'$ the

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1here is no single "ood stu"" that contains all o" the "ood"actors in uantities su""icient to meet the 7odys nutritionalreuirements. )e must ha0e com7inations o" di""erent "oods

%hich 7alance harmoniously. )hen "oods 7alance andcom7ine harmoniously$ the ner0es are not irritatedconseuently$ people sleep 7etter$ and it is during sleep thatthe 7ody ma'es its repair o" the 0arious tissues that ha0e 7een%orn out during the days %or'.

1he calorie system o" "eeding is not success"ul as ameans o" determining the "ood 0alue and the 7odys re-uirements 7ecause there are many "oods that are high incalories in proportion to their 7ul' %eight 7ut are de"icient inmineral salts and 0itamins$ and protein "oods are not eual innutriti0e 0alue. Gust 7ecause a "ood contains much proteindoes not mean that it is digesti7le.

#or instance$ cheese is 0ery high in protein$ 7ut "or some people it is 0ery di""icult to digest and causes muchconstipation and congestion$ %hich produces disease. 1he proteins o" 7ran are o" e3ceptionally high nutriti0e uality$ 7utin the ma'ing o" %hite 7read the 7ran is thro%n a%ayconseuently$ the proteins o" %hite "lour are in"erior to thoseo" the %hole %heat 'ernel.

)hen the 6o0ernment "ood chemist$ the Bureau o" PlantIndustry$ and other la7oratories$ including the Bureau o" Standards$ *nited States Department o" Commerce$ and theCali"ornia and !aryland State Agricultural +3perimentStations$ "urnish us %ith much 0alua7le in"ormation$ %e

cannot deny these scienti"ic e3periments 7ut the a0eragelayman is not capa7le o" understanding these reports e0en i" he reads them se0eral times. 1he reports ma'e 0ery dryreading matter$ and are %ritten in such an uninterestingmanner that 0ery "e% people %ill ta'e the time to read them.

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"oods %hich increase their 7lood pressure. A high 7lood pressure patient is not al%ays easy to reason %ith regardingthe uantity and uality o" his "ood.

1here is another thing that the ma@ority o" peopleo0erloo'. 2ou may thin' this is a small item$ 7ut it is not.1hey thin' that all a physician has to do is to loo' at them$loo' at their tongue and "eel their pulse$ %eigh them$ ta'etheir height and tell them %hat to eat. 1his is not true. 1hereshould 7e a urinalysis made. 1he 7lood coloring should 7etested. 1he uality o" the 7lood should 7e tested$ andsometimes it is necessary to ma'e a more e3tensi0ee3amination. O" course$ it is al%ays sa"e to say that a person%ho eats the 7etter uality o" "oods$ and eliminates "rom hisdiet the "oods that %ill 7rea' him %ill ha0e much 7etter health

and 7etter results than the indi0idual %ho eats carelessly and promiscuously o" anything that happens to 7e ser0ed.

1his may 7e a great shoc' to you. !any people eat "oodsthat ha0e 7een coo'ed until most o" their 0alue is destroyed.)hen asparagus is coo'ed more than "i0e minutes it 7ecomes"i7er and ash. 1he energy-producing elements$ the mineralsalts and the 0itamins are completely destroyed. )hen youeat 0egeta7les that ha0e 7een coo'ed until all o" their "ood0alue has 7een destroyed$ ho% can you e3pect to ha0e energyor health.

2ou may as'$ E)hy then dont doctors pay more at-

tention to dietEHere is t"e true ans#er* +eop&e #i&& pa &ibera&&

for msterious prescriptions #ritten in Latin or code(Since man of our co&&e$e students "a!e &earned to

read and

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%rite atin and 6ree'$ many physicians %rite their pre-scriptions in code and 7y num7er$ so the patient does not'no% %hat its all a7out$ 7ut you cant 7lame the physician.

1he a0erage patient %ill not pay a physician to sit do%n andspend an hour or so o" his time gi0ing ad0ice. 1he doctorso""ice rent and e3penses are going on all the time %hether heis gi0ing ad0ice or %riting prescriptions$ and since there is nomoney to 7e made gi0ing ad0ice and there is plenty o" moneyto 7e made %riting prescriptions$ you shouldnt ha0e to ha0e amagni"ying glass to see this point.

1here are 0ery "e% people %ho %ill "ollo% a diet con-seuently$ the physicians time is %asted e0en i" he %ere%illing to gi0e it gratis$ or thro% it in as good measure %iththe prescription. It may 7e un'ind to say this$ 7ut the ma@orityo" people %ho su""er do so mostly 7ecause o" ignorance$ or 

la?iness.A gro%ing child %hen acti0e in outdoor e3ercise reuiresand uses a greater uantity o" highly concentrated "oods thanis necessary to maintain the adult$ unless the adult is engagedin hard %or' %here unusual strain is put upon the muscles o" the 7ody. Since %e ha0e learned ho% to com7ine oils$ spices$0inegar$ e3tracts$ "ruit @uices and 0egeta7les$ our tastes andappetites ha0e 7ecome a7normal. #or instance$ only a 0erysmall percentage o" people reali?e the 7ad e""ects o" grape"ruit %ith sugar It is only the last "e% years that studentso" organic chemistry ha0e disco0ered this "act.

If more acid,formin$ food is ta)en into t"e bod

t"an is re-uired% t"e arteries and !eins be$in to dr

up( T"e mucous &inin$ of t"e stomac" and intestines

is o!erstimu&ated( T"e bod #it"ers a#a% #"ic" is

common& ca&&ed o&d,a$e% but in rea&it is not"in$ more

t"an tissue star!a,

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tion. I" the al'alinity o" the 7lood is maintained 7y eatingal'aline-"orming "oods$ the 7ody 7alance is more per"ect andhealth is impro0ed.

Animals that are 'ept in pens$ ?oos or homes "or petsmany times contract the same diseases as their masters$ 7ecause they de0elop the same per0erted appetites$ and their  7ody tissues 7ecome congested.

)hen the diet is de"icient in 5itamin A$ there is an eyecondition that appears$ 'no%n as ophthalmia. 1his disease hasoccurred at di""erent times in Ne%"oundland and Denmar'$especially %hen the diet has 7een unsatis"actory. In parts o" Roumania and Austria during the )orld )ar$ %hen the "ood%as limited to soup made "rom 7ran and o0er-coo'ed0egeta7les$ the disease %as 0ery common and e3ceptionally

so in children. 1his ophthalmia produced much 7lindness inDenmar' among children that %ere "ed almost e3clusi0ely onoatmeal$ 7arley soup$ and 7oiled$ s'immed mil'. It seldomoccurs %hen 5itamin A is used e0en in a moderate uantity.

1here is a condition 'no%n as night 7lindness "ound inmining camps$ lum7er camps$ and among the "ishermen o"  Ne%"oundland$ %ho spend se0en or eight months o" %inter eating a monotonous diet composed o" 7read made "romre"ined %hite "lour$ salt cod "ish$ salt por' and tea inenormous uantities. In night 7lindness$ the person can seeonly in 7right light. )hen t%ilight comes$ the penetration andstimulation is not su""icient to ma'e it possi7le "or the personto see.

.itamin / is abundant in t"e more common foods%

suc" as root !e$etab&es% $rains% and &eaf !e$etab&es

0corn% #"eat% oats% peas% beans% and a&so in fruits(

.itamin / is

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especially a7undant in green 0egeta7les$ such as lettuce$%atercress$ spinach$ radish tops$ and turnip tops. It has 7eende"initely pro0en that 5itamin B is positi0ely destroyed in all

"oods that are o0er-coo'ed. Some "oods coo'ed "rom "i0e toten minutes %ill retain a su""icient uantity o" 5itamin B toinsure health$ 7ut there are certain "oods so delicate that theycannot 7e coo'ed at all %ithout destroying the 0itamins.

)hen soda or salt is used in coo'ing 0egeta7les con-taining 5itamin B$ this 0alua7le 0itamin is destroyed. A "e%o" the canned "oods %here the processing is short containreasona7le uantities o" 5itamin B.

Since 5itamin C is "ound in many o" the "ruit @uices$ the 7a7y specialists$ as %ell as other physicians$ are suggestingthat some o" these @uices 7e added to the mil'$ not only "or 

in"ant "eeding 7ut "or adults as %ell. +3periments pro0e that%hen these "ruit @uices are added to the mil' digestion andassimilation o" the mil' is much easier$ conseuently more 7ene"icial.

Orange @uice and other "ruit @uices$ also tomato @uice$contain 5itamin C.

1he moral is( +at more "resh$ li0e$ pure "oods and not somany canned and coo'ed$ dead "oods. I" you ha0e piles$ high 7lood pressure$ lo% 7lood pressure$ a 7ad heart$ %ea' eyes$ or ill health in any part o" your 7ody$ you need special "oods$and not drugs.

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"o# $itality Diet%&o' (



ettuce 1omatoes =ra% or coo'ed> Beets =coo' ,: min.>

Ca77age =ra%> Asparagus =coo' : min.> Potatoes$ )hite =Ba'ed>Onions =ra%> Cauli"lo%er =coo' : min.> Potatoes$ S%eet =Ba'ed>Celery =ra%> String Beans =coo' ,: min.> Corn$ #resh =coo' : min.>1urnips =ra%> 6reen Peas =Coo' : min.> O'ra =coo' ,< min.>Carrots =ra% or coo'ed : min.> Brussel Sprouts =coo' : min.>

"ST CSuash Cantaloupe AlmondsParsnips )atermelon Pecansima Beans$ #resh =Not dried> !il' =ra%> 8 glasses daily ChestnutsPump'in A0ocado Buttermil'  Cucum7er Butter Oli0es =ripe>

Honey$ Bro%n Sugar 


)alnuts Bee"$ Rare =roast or 7roil> )hole )heat CerealsCocoanut am7 =roast or 7roil> Shredded )heat Biscuits

=Ne0er "ry or ste% meat>+ggs =%hole>

)hole )heat Bread Peanut Butter  People %ho are under%eight should eat 0ery sparingly o" the citrus "ruitsF 

ne0er more than t%o oranges a day or one grape"ruit$ 7ut al%ays ha0e one or the other e0ery day.

1he "oods in ists A$ B$ and D are the 7est "oods "or those %ho ha0e lo%0itality. A person %ho is under%eight and has lo% 0itality should ha0e at leastt%o so"t-7oiled eggs e0ery day and not "ess than ,8 o?. o" rare meat$ and at leasta hal" head o" lettuce$ a large helping o" ca77age sla%$ or the eui0alent in ra%onions$ celery or tomatoes. 1hese "oods contain organic mineral salts and 0itamins%hich are a7solutely necessary.

2ou can ha0e health i" you go a"ter it in the right %ay$ and you cannotha0e it any other %ay.Oranges 6rape"ruit Blac'7erries Cocoa PrunesPeaches 1angerines ogan7erries Cran7erries Rhu7ar7Apricots Stra%7erries Canned #oods #ish Articho'esCherries Rasp7erries Chic'en 6reen Peppers 1eaPlums Pears Cheese 6oose7erries Spinach =coo' ,8 min.>Apples Persimmons Co""ee !ushrooms

1he "oods in ists A$ B$ C$ and D are more important "or the under%eightor lo%-0itality patients. 1his list is gi0en to add 0ariety to your selection$ 7ut the"oods gi0en in this list do not produce as much energy as those listed in istsA$ B$ C$ and D.

I" you are o0er%eight$ omit the "ollo%ing mi3ture. I" you are under%eight$ta'e at least one o" these e0ery day(

Beat t%o eggs thoroughly$ add t%o heaping ta7lespoon"uls o" strained honey$add one glass o" %hole$ ra% mil' and one-hal" glass o" %ater and 7eat thor-oughly. Spend 9< minutes eating this mi3ture %ith a spoon. Che% each mouth"ulas i" you %ere eating dry toast. Drin' a small glass o" %ater e0ery hour.

People %ith poor health due to digesti0e disorders should not eat "resh ra%"ruit and "resh ra% 0egeta7les at the same meal. +at your "ruit 7et%een meals.

2ou %ill notice that %e ha0e omitted listing the "oods as al'aline 7ase or acid-"orming "or the simple reason that so-called "ood authorities do not agree as to%hich "oods are al'aline-"orming and %hich "oods are acid-"orming. 1his su7@ec t

has caused so much contro0ersy and argument among doctors$ as %ell aslaymen$ that %e are not attempting to say %ho is right and %ho is %rong.)ith my under%eight$ lo%-0itality$ and undernourished patients$ I ha0e

insisted that they drin' a glass o" %ater e0ery hour. Since most o" these peopleha0e small stomachs I ha0e "ound it necessary to "eed them more than threetimes a day. 1heir stomachs seemingly do not hold enough "ood at one mealto supply the necessary nourishment. 1here"ore$ 7etter results are o7tained %henthese people eat e0ery three hours.

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High Blood Pressure Diet%&o' )

Do not eat the "oods in ists A and B at the same meal$ as some people ha0edi""iculty in digesting "resh ra% "ruits and "resh ra% 0egeta7les at the same meal. Agreat 0ariety and too much o" a mi3ture may cause "ermentation and may inter"ere%ith proper digestion.


Oranges Ca77age =Ra%$ ne0er coo'ed>1angerines Onions =Ra%>6rape"ruit ettucePineapple Celery =Ra%>6rapes Asparagus =Ra% or coo' : min.>emons Carrots =Ra% or coo' : min.>

1omatoes =Ra% or coo' : min.>  Drin' t%o eggs 7eaten in a glass o" Cauli"lo%er =Coo' : min.>

6reen Peas =Ra% or coo' : min.>  orange @uice daily. String Beans =Coo' ,: min.>


DA1+SFNot more than / or ; a day.

#I6SFNot more than or : a day.RAISINSFNot more than ,8 a day.

)ith my high 7lood pressure patients$ I ha0e al%ays ad0ised them to a0oid %orry$"ear$ an3iety$ and all the distur7ing mental conditions %hich inter"ere %ith the proper digestion and assimilation o" "oods. People cannot hope to ha0e good digestion or good health i" they allo% all the petty things o" li"e to distur7 them. 2ou cannot e3pectto carry the 7urdens o" your "amily$ "riends$ and relati0es in addition to your o%n anden@oy good health. A"ter all$ e0ery person is his o%n pro7lem.

High 7lood pressure patients almost in0aria7ly ha0e poor elimination. 1here"ore$colonic irrigations$ proper cleansing o" the nasal passages$ the drin'ing o" plenty o" %ater$ some time spent in the open air$ a reasona7le amount o" physical e3ercise$reading o" good$ constructi0e literature$ and @udgment in selecting cheer"ul$ optimistic"riends are all 0ery important. )hile these things may seem to 7e o" little importanceto some people$ they are$ ne0ertheless$ 0ery important "or health.

I ma'e no attempt to prescri7e "or people 7y correspondence or to treat or e0ensuggest treatment 7y correspondence. )ith the 7etter class o" intelligent$ thin'ing

 people$ a "e% suggestions are help"ul and o" great 7ene"it. )ith the rest o" thehopeless$ helpless indi0iduals$ 0olumes %ritten %ould 7e merely a %aste o" time ande""ort.

+n@oying health is @ust li'e anything else. 1he 7ody needs a certain amount o" care. A7o0e all$ the elimination must 7e good$ or the "oods cannot 7e properlydigested. 2ou %ill en@oy health @ust in proportion to the amount o" e""ort and @udgmentused. &eeping the 7ody clean inside and outside$ 0aginal douching$ colonic irrigations$cleansing o" the nasal passages$ a normal "unctioning o" the s%eat glands$ a normal"unctioning o" the endocrine glandsFthese are all important "actors. No matter %hatany doctor o" any school does "or you$ you %ill "ind that the 7est results %ill come ast"e resu&t of our o#n persona& efforts and interest t"at ou $i!e to t"e care of our bod(

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Regular Diet%&o' *

Do not eat th e "oods in i st A and B at the same meal$ as they may n ot com7ine harmoniouslyand may cause distressing gas.


c Oranges 7 6rapesc Pears$ #resh 7 Currantsc Persimmons 7 ogan7erriesc 1angerines 7 Applesc 6rape"ruit 7 Raisinsc imes 7 Plumsc Blac'7erries 7 Cherriesc Stra%7erries 7 Apricotsc emons 7 Peachesc Pineapple 7 Rasp7erries 7 Dates 7 #igs

"ST B1urnips$ Ra% Parsnips

Potatoes$ )hite BeetsPotatoes$ S%eet 77 ettuceAsparagus ChardCauli"lo%er 77 Celery =Ra%>

 77 Ca77age =Ra%> 77 SpinachBeans$ String 77 )ater Cress

 77 Onions =Ra%> 77 1omatoesPeas$ 6reen &ohl Ra7iBrussel Sprouts Oyster PlantCarrots Articho'esO'ra Cucum7ers

 77 Radishes Corn$ #resh 77 6reens

1he more neutral "oods in ists C and D %ill com7ine %ith either ist A or ist B."ST C "ST D

1anta&oupe +ecans% Unsa&ted+eas% 1anned 1"estnuts% Unsa&ted

 A!ocado 2i&) 3Ra#4O&i!es 3Ripe4 /uttermi&)S-uas" Waterme&on+ump)in /eans% 1anned1ream 1ocoanut1ondensed 2i&) Hone/utter /ro#n Su$ar   A&monds% Unsa&ted

Wa&nuts Lenti&s

5is" Rice% /ro#n

/read% W"o&e W"eat Lamb

E$$s 1"ic)en

5&our% W"o&e W"eat /eef  

.ea& +eanut /utter  

1orn% 1anned

Drin' t%o glasses o" %ater the "irst thing in the morning. 1en minutes later$ eat one orange or one-hal" grape"ruit$ or t%o tangerines. 1hirty minutes later$ you may ha0e 7rea'"ast. Ha0e your choice( poached eggs$ 9-minute 7oiled eggs$ %hole %heat toast$ any %hole %heat cereal$ "igs$dates$ raisins$ grapes$ or any o" the "ruits mar'ed E7.E

#or lunch$ you may ha0e a small portion o" "ish$ lam7$ or 7ee"$ either roasted or 7roiled. Ha0ea large ra% 0egeta7le salad$ using ra% 0egeta7les "rom ist B. 2ou may also ha0e one or t%ocoo'ed 0egeta7les.

#or the e0ening meal$ ha0e some nuts$ a large 0egeta7le salad$ t%o 7ran mu""ins or t%o sliceso" %hole %heat 7read$ t%o coo'ed 0egeta7les$ a 7a'ed potato$ and t%o %hole$ ra% eggs 7eaten %ithone glass o" mil' and one-hal" glass o" %ater. 1a'e plenty o" time "or this meal. I" you are a small person$ you may not care "or t%o coo'ed 0egeta7les and a 7a'ed potato.

Por'$ 0inegar$ mustard$ and spices should 7e eaten sparingly$ i" eaten at all. A little salt is permissi7le in "act$ a reasona7le amount o" salt is necessary. *se honey "or s%eetening. Raisins

and dates are the 7est su7stitutes "or candy and sugar.I" you must eat pie$ ne0er eat the crust. 1oo much ice cream$ chocolate$ and "oods o" this

nature may cause se0ere gastric and intestinal distress$ caused 7y decaying$ "ermenting masseso" incompati7le mi3tures.

One cup o" mild co""ee or tea a day is permissi7le.

Al%ays eat oranges or grape"ruit a7out thirty minutes 7e"ore eating starchy "oods.

Do not "orget to drin' plenty o" %aterFat least$ ; or ,< glasses each day.

EcE mar's the "oods especially good as cleansing "oods E7E mar's those  especially good as 7uilding "oods and E77E mar's those especially good as 7lood 7uilding "oods.

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Gas Diet%&o' +

1his is "or e3treme cases. A small amount o" gas isnatural and should not 7e con"used %ith se0ere conditions%here gas pains are really distressing.

1%o dates and three raisins %ith each meal che%edthoroughly are necessary "or energy. 1he 7alance o" the "oodsshould consist o" "inely chopped or ground ra% 0egeta7lesmade into a salad %ith a small uantity o" salad dressingmade o" oli0e oil$ lemon @uice and egg.

Salad dressing should 7e used sparingly. 1he salad may 7e sprin'led %ith "inely ground nuts. Ne0er more than onethin slice o" %hole %heat 7read or toast at a meal. Peanut 7utter may 7e used sparingly on the 7read.

Bet%een meals eat t%o oranges or t%o apples or t%otangerines$ or one grape"ruit.

2our "ood must 7e che%ed thoroughly. 1he "act that youha0e gas is e0idence that your digesti0e organs are not"unctioning as they should and that your 7o%els are notemptying o"ten enough there"ore$ the "ood is decaying and"orming gas. 2ou %ill not get rid o" your gas unless you che%your "ood thoroughly$ and your 7rea'"ast should 7e your 7igmeal o" the day. Do not drin' any %ater %ith your meals.

2ou may ha0e poached eggs on %hole %heat toast$ or three minute 7oiled eggs$ 7ut no 7rea'"ast cereal o" any 'ind.

Be sure to drin' a glass o" %ater e0ery hour.2ou should ha0e no potatoes$ sugar$ molasses$ syrup$

honey$ 0inegar or spices. Dont "orget to che%. +at plenty o" "ood$ 7ut che%$ che%$ che%$ and ta'e colonic irrigations e0eryday until all symptoms cease.

A"ter all gas trou7le ceases$ change to Diet No. 9.

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&e,hritis Diet F &o' -

Patients %ho ha0e 'idney trou7le may ha0e Diet No. ,$

e3cept %ith 'idney trou7le$ meat must 7e omitted "rom thediet and nuts used instead o" meat. 2ou may ha0e one raw

egg a day$ 7ut never any coo9ed eggs.

2ou positi0ely must ha0e a glass o" %ater e0ery hour during the day. 1his %ater should 7e 7ody temperatureF ne0er real hot or real cold.

2ou should eat nuts "reely 7ut they must 7e groundthoroughly and thoroughly mi3ed %ith the sali0a 7e"ores%allo%ing. 2ou may ha0e three or "our slices o" %hole%heat toast each day and one pint o" ra% mil'$ pro0iding it iseaten slo%ly %ith a spoon.

2ou may ha0e your choice o" the "ollo%ing "ruits(Oranges emons Apples6rape"ruit Pineapple RaisinsPears Bananas =Ripe> PlumsPersimmons Rasp7erries Cherries1angerines Dates Prunesimes 6rapes ApricotsBlac'7erries Currants PeachesStra%7erries ogan7erries #igs

#resh "ruit is al%ays "irst choice$ sun-dried "ruits secondchoice$ and canned "ruits are third choice.

*se "resh 0egeta7les as gi0en in Diet No. ,. Do not mi3"resh "ruit and "resh 0egeta7les at the same meal. !anage toeat your "resh "ruit 7et%een meals. #ruit digests uic'ly anddoes not inter"ere %ith the appetite.

2ou should eat lightly and rest in order to gi0e your 7odyand 'idneys rest.

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O.esity Diet%&o' /

Oranges Spinach =Coo' ,8 min.>Pears )ater CressPersimmons 1omatoes

1angerines Cucum7ers6rape"ruit Brussel Sproutsimes O'raBlac'7erries ChardStra%7erries Cantaloupeemons Onions =Ra%>Pineapple Peas$ 6reen =Coo' : min.>6rapes Carrots1urnips =Ra%> RadishesAsparagus =Coo' : min.> 6reens =Coo' ,8-,: min.>Cauli"lo%er =Coo' : min.> Beets =Coo' ,: min.>Ca77age =Ra%> ettuceString Beans =Coo' ,: min.> Celery =Ra%>

O0er%eight people almost in0aria7ly assure their doctors that they are 0ery smalleaters. In "act$ they 7oast o" ho% they almost star0e themsel0es to death$ yet they saythat they cannot reduce. Strange as it may seem$ I ha0e "ound most o" these people

ha0e told this same old story so long that they actually 7elie0e it 7ut %hen I ha0e hada nurse or an assistant on these cases to %atch and ma'e a note o" the amount o" "oodconsumed$ I ha0e "ound that they al%ays consume large uantities o" "oods.

In other %ords$ pardon me "or 7eing "ran'$ 7ut these people %ho say that theycannot reduce are usually either stupid or deceit"ul. 1here may 7e a "e% e3ceptions$

 7ut in more than 8< years o" e3perience$ I ha0e not "ound many e3ceptions. 2ou noticethat I do not claim to ha0e seen all o" the people su""ering "rom o7esity.

1hese people ne0er seem to reali?e ho% @ust a little s%eet as they call it$ @ust alittle pastry$ or @ust a little ice cream could ha0e anything to do %ith their o0er%eightcondition. In "act$ they are rarely mentally capa7le o" remem7ering %hat they shouldor should not eat. Again$ they are %rong. I am sorry to say that practically allo0er%eight people are physically$ mentally and usually "inancially %rong. 1hey arein0aria7ly too la?y to ta'e s%eat 7aths or colonic irrigations. +0en i" you gi0e themsome acid-neutrali?ing po%der$ a 0egeta7le mi3ture to help eliminate the %astematerials "rom the 7o%els$ or anything else Fregardless o" ho% simple or easy it is touse$ the ma@ority o" them %ill not use it. 1hey %ill ma'e the e3cuse that they do notha0e time$ that they could not ta'e it$ or that it does not seem to agree %ith

them.!any employers %ill not employ o0er%eight people$ 7ecause they 'no% that

these people are not only physically inacti0e$ 7ut also mentally inacti0e as a generalrule.

)hat can 7e done "or such people Nothing much. )hat can they do "or themsel0es I" they ha0e a reasona7le amount o" intelligence$ am7ition$ and intestinal"ortitude$ they can do much "or themsel0es$ 7ut -they seldom do it. 1hat is %hy theyget "atter$ "unnier$ and continue to %addle li'e mountains o" "lesh.

2es$ it is true$ I ha0e practically no patience %ith them. !ore than 8< years o" e3perience %ith such people has le"t me %ith 0ery little "aith or con"idence inanything they say or do.

Ho%e0er$ I do "ind occasionally a "e% %ho ha0e a "e% acti0e 7rain cells and %hoha0e the determination and desire to do something a7out reducing their surplus%eight. I recall one lady %ho lost ;: pounds another %ho lost /8 pounds another %ho lost :8 pounds. 2es$ 7ut these %ere the more determined patients %ho had pride$sel"-respect$ and the desire to loo'$ %al'$ tal'$ and act li'e human 7eings rather than toma'e a 7a7y elephant appearance. 2es$ it can 7e done$ 7ut there must 7e something inthe "orm o" human intellect %ith %hich to %or'.

)hat is really needed is a simple system o" eating to supply energy "or the 7ody%ithout adding surplus %eight. #or the hunger pains %hich result "rom

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eating smaller amounts o" "ood$ it is use"ul to eat a highly concentrated "ood$ such asde3trose$ maltose$ or lactose 7et%een meals. 1his produces uic' energy and satis"ieshunger pains$ and the o0er%eight people are not so hungry %hen the ne3t meal comes.By all means$ o0er%eight people should not try to reduce 7y eating only t%o or threemeals a day. )hen they try to do this$ they miss one meal only to gorge themsel0es at

the ne3t. It is much 7etter to eat a small uantity o" "ood o"ten$ thus diminishing theappetite and ena7ling them to reduce their %eight.I" you should happen to 7e one o" the more intelligent ones$ then there is hope "or 

you. I" you "ollo% this diet list closely and "ind that you are losing too rapidly$ youshould add t%o so"t-7oiled eggs or ten ounces o" rare 7ee" or lam7 to your diet daily.It is much 7etter "or your health i" you do not lose more than one-uarter to one-hal" pound a day.

O" course$ o0er%eight patients should not drin' 7eer$ %his'ey$ %ine$ or anyalcoholic or malt liuors. O0er%eight people should eat 0ery little$ i" any$ 7read or cereals.

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A0id Eli1inating Diet%&o' 2


Oranges =not more than one large

or t%o small a day>Pears imes1angerines Blac'7erriesemons =not more than 9 a %ee'>DatesApples =Gonathan$ Delicious$

6rimes 6olden and !aidenBlush> ogan7erries

Raisins Rasp7erriesPlums #igsBananas =ripe> 6rapes

1he a7o0e "ruit is to 7e eaten"resh and ne0er canned in sugar syrup.

#resh$ ra% "ruit and ra% 0ege-ta7les should noQ 7e eaten at the

same meal$ as they do not com7ineharmoniously.

"ST B1urnips =ra%>Asparagus =coo' only : min.>Cauli"lo%er =coo' only : min.>Ca77age =ra%>Beans =string> =coo' only ,: min.>Peas =green> =coo' only : min.>Carrots =young> =ra% or coo' :

min.>Beets Celery =ra%> ettuceCorn ="resh> Oyster Plant

"STCCantaloupePeas$ canned =pour o"" s%eetened

 @uice and replace %ith mil'>SuashButter =use sparingly>Almonds$ unsalted and groundPecans$ unsalted and ground!il'$ ra% )atermelonBeans$ canned string 7eans =pour 

o"" @uice$ add mil'>

Choose < o" your "oods "rom ists A$ B and C$ and on

,< "rom ist D."ST D

Wa&nuts% $round t"orou$"& #it" nut $rinder% ne!er #it"$rinder(W"o&e #"eat brea)fast cerea&(/read% #"o&e #"eat 3not more t"an one s&ice eac" mea&% pre

t#o das o&d(4 E$$s 3t#o a da% t"orou$"& beaten ra#% ad$&ass ra# mi&) and

one $&ass of #ater p&us t#o tab&espoonsfu& of 2e&&in's Lamb /eef 3You s"ou&d ne!er eat boi&ed or ste#ed meat( T"s"ou&d

be eit"er roasted or broi&ed% and rare% ne!er #e&& done(4 +/utter 3use sparin$&(4/eat t#o ra# e$$s t"orou$"& unti& t"e are rea& f&uff( A"eapin$ tab&espoonsfu& of 2e&&in's 5ood and beat t"orou$"&one $&ass of ra# mi&) and one $&ass of #ater and beat t"orou

ou &i)e t"e f&a!or of banana ou ma mas" one ripe bananpu&p and beat it into t"e abo!e mi6ture( T"en eat t"is #it" a sDo not drink or sip. Spend at &east one,"a&f "our eatin$ t"efood% as it is !er concentrated and positi!e& #i&& not di$est t"orou$"& mi6ed #it" t"e sa&i!a( T"is s"ou&d be eaten bemea&s( DRIN7 ONE GLASS O5 1LEAR WATER E.ERY HOou are under #ei$"t or "a!e &o# b&ood pressure% ou s"ou&t#o or t"ree of t"e abo!e e$$ mi6tures e!er da(

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I" your digesti0e organs and your physical 7ody is in suchan undernourished condition that you cannot "ind %hat is 7est"or you in these lists$ then you need special attention. !any people neglect their health until they 7ecome incapa7le o" 

 @udging %hat is 7est "or themsel0es. Such cases 7elong under the care o" a physician.

I" %e are to ha0e health$ %e must ha0e the necessary "oodessentials to "orm and maintain the structures and "unctions o" the organs and tissues in the 7ody. 1his is the real "unction o" nutrition. Sometimes %e thin' that the only people %ho ha0emalnutrition$ or the only people %ho are undernourished$ arethose %ho are in the lo% income classes and cannot a""ord thecorrect "oods. 5arious studies o" 0itamin and mineralde"iciencies ha0e sho%n that this is not necessarily true. In "act$it is my opinion that e0en the 0ery 7est and most care"ullyselected diets may 7e lac'ing in some o" the essential minerals$

0itamins$ and other "ood essentials$ due to the e""ects o" improper preparation$ processing$ etc.

A good health program must include a diet %hich meets theneeds o" proper nutrition. 1he "uel$ or energy$ o" the 7odycomes "rom the starches and sugars =car7ohydrates>$ the "ats$and the proteins in the "ood. In addition - to supplying energy$"oods must "urnish materials "or gro%th$ materials "or repair o" the 7ody$ and materials "or regulating the internal acti0ities o" the 7ody. 1here"ore$ a %ell-7alanced diet must contain enough proteins$ "ats$ and car7ohydrates "or muscle energy$ as %ell as a%ide range o" "oods to supply essential mineral and 0itaminreuirements. It must also 7e remem7ered that plenty o" %ater 

is 0ery essential to health.1his 7oo' is not intended to ta'e the place o" a

 physicians personality and guiding hand. 1his 7oo' %as%ritten to help the intelligent "e% %ho ha0e the a7ilityto reason "rom cause to e""ect$ the %ill po%er$ and the desireto do something %orth%hile.

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BREATH&G E!ERCSESBreathing e3ercises$ %hen practiced o0er a period o" 

se0eral %ee's$ 7ecome second nature and result in a de"initely"ormed ha7it o" o3ygenating and puri"ying the 7lood.

Breathing e3ercise is one o" the most important andhelp"ul o" all physical acts in "act$ deep 7reathing is a7-solutely essential to health. #our or "i0e minutes$ or e0en t%ominutes$ o" correct diaphragm action tones the 0ital organsmore than the same period o" time spent in %al'ing or anyother e3ercise. Deep 7reathing ma'es the anemic person achanged indi0idual$ and is indispensa7le %here any chroniccondition e3ists.

)hen there is su""icient o3ygen ta'en into the system$ all 7ody cells are stimulated to normal$ natural action$ %hichma'es it unnecessary to use unnatural stimulants. It is 0erytrue that %al'ing$ s%imming$ running$ and such e3ercises arenecessary "or the tone o" the tissue cells. Regardless o" this"act$ deep 7reathing is no%$ and al%ays %ill 7e$ a part o" e0ery correcti0e procedure "or the reason that it remo0es thecause o" o3ygen-star0ation.

Breathing$ li'e e0erything else$ has its place and itslimitations. It is not a cure-all 7y any means$ 7ut %ith manyand 0aried conditions it has pro0ed to 7e one o" the uic'estmethods o" relie0ing ner0ous disorders. I "eel certain that i" the people o" the ne3t t%o or three generations could 7e madeto understand the importance o" deep 7reathing$ tu7erculosis%ould disappear completely$ 7ecause people intelligentenough to see this important "act %ould also see theimportance o" eating "oods %hich produce the necessaryenergy to raise the 7ody resistance. 1he tu7ercular 7acillus$

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the same as other 7acteria$ %ould "ind no decayed su7stanceto li0e on.

1he diaphragm action resulting "rom deep 7reathing

massages the digesti0e organs$ increasing their tone$ action$and "unction in a manner that is 0ery help"ul. No other  physical e3ercise could possi7ly reach as deeply and e"-"ecti0ely into the organs o" digestion.

Shallo%$ rapid 7reathing e3hausts the heart 7y o0er%or' and "ails to supply su""icient o3ygen "or the 7lood. Slo%$ deep 7reathing relie0es the heart$ supplies o3ygen$ and is o" 0italimportance %hen properly done %here there is heart trou7le.It is not possi7le to ma'e speci"ic mention o" the numerouschronic conditions$ as %ell as acute$ that are relie0ed uic'ly 7y slo%$ deep 7reathing.

I" it %ere possi7le to let each indi0idual see the %aste

material that is "orced out o" the %ea'ened tissues %hen the 7reath creates "orce"ul pressure$ causing stimulation andaction to the apparently li"eless cells$ he %ould practice deep 7reathing %ithout any "urther e3planation. 1he old idea that 7ecause 7reathing is a natural process it %ill ta'e care o" itsel" is as much a mista'e as to thin' that the digesti0e organs %ill produce a hunger "or the e3act 'ind o" "oods they reuire. Our many ha7its o" sleeping$ %or'ing$ and shopping$ in roomsthat are not correctly 0entilated$ ha0e caused an unnaturalchange in our 7reathing$ as a result o" nature trying tocompensate "or the inadeuate supply o" o3ygen in the "ormo" shallo%$ rapid 7reaths.

Ordinarily$ people past 9< use a7out one-hal" their lungcapacity. 5ery "e% 7reathe as deeply and as "ully as theyshould. Athletic people 7uild a good lung capacity$ 7utthrough their o0er-indulgence produce greater uantities o" myogenous cells than are actually needed "or healthconseuently$ %hile they are "orced to do deep 7reathing$

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they are o0er-indulging$ %hich is a crime in the oppositedirection. 1he short li"e o" the athlete pro0es the "allacy o" hisstrenuous$ e3hausti0e practice.

I" those in sedentary occupations could 7e made to reali?ethat nature is letting a great portion o" their lung tissuesshri0el up 7ecause o" inacti0ity$ they %ould see theimportance o" deep 7reathing e3ercise$ e0en though they%ould not ta'e a little time o"" "or other physical e3ercise.)hat a %orld o" good could 7e accomplished i" o""ice em- ployees and others %ho %or' inside could reali?e that to stepto the %indo% "or t%o minutes$ three or "our times a day$ and practice their deep 7reathing e3ercises %ould greatly stimulatetheir 7rain action$ their memory$ their digestion and relie0ethe ner0e tension$ %hich are all due to lac' o" o3ygen plus$ o" course$ %rong ha7its o" eating %hich go hand-in-hand %ith%rong ha7its o" li0ing. 1heir employers %ould notice animpro0ement in their %or' and "e%er mista'es.

1he spongy mass o" porous tissues 'no%n as the lungsconsists o" a7out /<<$<<<$<<< tiny air cells surrounded 7yminute 7lood 0essels called capillaries$ all congested "or the%ant o" o3ygen. )hen o3ygen is 7reathed into these air cells$it passes through the delicate lining$ mi3ing %ith the 7lood$ta'ing the %aste product 'no%n as car7on dio3ide "rom the 7lood.

)hen the 7lood that has 7een puri"ied starts tra0elingthrough the circulatory system$ one can almost 0isuali?e thesestar0ing cells reaching "or their portion o" nutriment and re-acting %ith the same 0igorous change that %ould ta'e place%ere %e to gi0e a star0ing man a 7it o" "ood.

Correct deep 7reathing causes a "orced action o" the 7lood$ sending it on and on to the "arthermost cells o" all thetissues. 1he red corpuscles carry o3ygen to help in the

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 puri"ication and 7uilding ane% o" the %orn-out cells$ %hichgi0es them the po%er to unload their %aste products.

Acti0e cells produce much %aste material$ 'no%n as

car7on dio3ide$ %hich must 7e emptied into the 0eins 7e"oreit can 7e carried a%ay$ 7ut they lac' the energy and puri"yingsu7stance 'no%n as o3ygen conseuently$ %e are "orced to practice correct 7reathing or pay the price in terms o" disease.

)hen the stagnant air in the lungs is changed "reuently 7y daily 7reathing e3ercise$ the cells$ li'e thirsty animals$ %illdemand their supply o" o3ygen %hene0er it runs lo%. 1heha7it o" diaphragmatic 7reathing 7ecomes as natural as thedrin'ing o" %ater or eating o" "ood$ and many people ha0emade their condition much %orse 7y neglecting to drin' %ater and "orcing "ood into the digesti0e organs %hen their 7odiesare really calling "or more %ater and more o3ygen to carry on

their %or'. 1he 7ody is more than 4< per cent "luid. )henthere is a lac' o" %ater or o3ygen$ tissue changes ta'e place.1he result is lo%ered resistance and "unctional disorders.

)ater does not ta'e the place o" o3ygen$ and o3ygendoes not ta'e the place o" %ater. Both are essential. )hen the proper uantity o" o3ygen is ta'en into the system$ the normalappetite "or %ater results$ and the same is true o" "ood. I"  people %ould lea0e spices and stimulants alone long enoughthey %ould "ind that their deep 7reathing e3ercise %ould produce a natural appetite that %ould call "or "oodsunseasoned$ and %ith their o%n natural "la0or.

In order to "a!e a s&o#% norma& de!e&opment and

$ro#t" of &un$ po#er% one s"ou&d ma)e sure t"at "edoes not o!er,do t"e breat"in$ e6ercise in t"ebe$innin$( 5i!e minutes at a time% t"ree or four timesa da% is a&& t"at is re-uired( /e$in moderate& andstop for a s"ort time #"en

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the "eeling o" giddiness is produced. 1o inhale larger amountso" o3ygen than one is accustomed to o0er-stimulatestemporarily and produces in some cases the same e""ect as

any other stimulant.#or those %ho ha0e serious organic ailments$ it is 0eryun%ise to start deep 7reathing e3ercises in a radical %ay in"act$ there are some conditions %here it %ould 7e disastrous.One must use @udgment and 7e 0ery cautious that he does noto0er-indulge in this 0ital$ important e3ercise.

1he "irst thing in the morning and the last thing at nightare the 7est times "or ta'ing deep 7reathing e3ercises. 1heycan 7e practiced many times during the day. At night theysoothe and rela3$ producing dreamless sleep. In the morning$they a%a'en and 0itali?e$ %hile during the day they re"reshand produce rene%ed energy$ strength$ and mental alertness.

Posture is 0ery important. Correct 7reathing cannot 7ee""ecti0e %ithout erect posture 7ecause the lungs must ha0espace to 7e e3ercised to their greatest capacity. Our numerousoccupations ha0e a tendency to let the %alls o" the chestcollapse$ lea0ing the 7reast 7one "lat and the lungs congested.It is 0ery important that a special e3ercise 7e ta'en to correctthis condition.

#IRS1 POSI1ION O# CORR+C1 POS1*R+ )HI+++RCISIN6( Stand %ith the "eet "lat on the "loor$ hands atside$ and shoulders 7ac'. 1his raises the chest and gi0es thelungs room "or e3pansion. !any cases o" chronic cold hands$cold "eet$ and pale "aces$ ha0e 7een greatly impro0ed in a short

time 7y learning to 'eep the shoulders 7ac' and the chest up.1his position "orces a more natural 7reath.)ith the hands dropped at 7oth sides$ raise them slo%ly

until they are straight up a7o0e the head$ inhaling slo%ly %hileyou count "i0e and raise the hands at the same time.

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Hold the hands straight up a7o0e the head and hold the 7reath%hile counting "i0e. o%er the hands slo%ly and count "i0e atthe same time you e3hale. A"ter all o" the air has 7een

e3pelled$ rela3 %ith the hands at the sides and hold all o" theair out %hile you count "i0e. 1his ma'es one complete 7reathduring the time that you count t%enty.

Inhale on the "irst count o" "i0e$ hold the 7reath on thesecond count o" "i0e$ e3hale on the third count o" "i0e$ andhold the 7reath out on the "ourth count o" "i0e. Inhale throughthe nose and e3hale through the mouth.

1his e3ercise can 7e practiced "our or "i0e times a dayduring the "irst %ee'. I" later on$ you desire to e3pand your chest a little more$ increase the tone and "unction o" the lungsto greater acti0ity$ you may increase the count to ten. Countten %hile you inhale$ hold your 7reath %hile you count ten$

e3hale %hile you count ten$ and hold your 7reath out %hileyou count ten. 1his can 7e practiced "or a %ee' and then it is possi7le to increase the count on the inhale to "i"teen$ hold the 7reath %hile you count "i"teen$ e3hale %hile you count"i"teen$ and hold the 7reath out %hile you count "i"teen.

In chronic diseases$ such as tu7erculosis and other %asting diseases$ the patient %ill ha0e to 7e 0ery care"ul notto o0er-do the e3ercises. !oderation in all things should 7ethe rule regardless o" your health. !any people ha0e lo%eredtheir resistance 7y ma'ing radical changes in their e3ercise$their diet$ and other ha7its. !y %ide e3perience in teachingand treating patients has made me put special emphasis on

moderation. !any people %ho are an3ious to impro0e their health 7ecome o0er-enthusiastic o0er a ne% system.Regardless o" %hether it is ne% or old$ it is ne% to many$ and"or this reason too o"ten misused.

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A man %ho had 7een a typesetter "or many years "oundhis health "ailing. Health tonics$ a change in diet$ and other methods used to impro0e his health apparently had "ailed. A

"riend suggested that his trou7le might 7e due to the retentiono" %aste material as a result o" his stooping position$ %hich pre0ented him "rom 7reathing correctly. He 7egan ta'ing 7reathing e3ercises$ %hich reesta7lished a normal "unction o" his lungs and eliminated e3cessi0e car7on dio3ide. In a 0eryshort time he 7egan "eeling$ loo'ing and acting so much morecheer"ul that it %as noticea7le to all %ith %hom he came incontact.

Ho%e0er$ his enthusiasm o0er %hat he thought %as acure-all pro0ed disastrous to others %ho tried to "ollo% in his"ootsteps. It is possi7le to start the 7reathing e3ercise in sucha "orce"ul manner as to rupture some o" the lung tissue. )herethe lungs are %ea'ened and the general health impaired$"orced$ rigid 7reathing e3ercises are to 7e a0oided$ 7ut thisdoes not mean that the patient should not ta'e any 7reathinge3ercise. It means that he needs 7reathing e3ercise more thanthose more "ortunate$ 7ut it also means that he %ill ha0e to 7emore cautious in the 7eginning. 1he se0erity o" his conditiondemands it.

1here are numerous tiresome$ e3hausti0e 7reathing e3-ercises. I ha0e gi0en you one sa"e and sane e3ercise to practice %hile in the standing position. I" it is not con0enientto e3ercise in this manner %ithout attracting too muchattention at your place o" employment$ you %ill "ind the"ollo%ing method 0ery con0enient(

!o0e your chair close to an open %indo%$ sit 7ac' in thechair %ith your shoulders 7ac'$ place your "eet "lat on the"loor$ rest your hands on the arms o" the chair$ inhale %hileyou count "i0e$ hold your 7reath %hile you count "i0e$ e3hale%hile you count "i0e$ and hold your 7reath out %hile youcount "i0e.

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Repeat this e3ercise "our or "i0e times during one sitting.Continue this "rom three to "i0e times a day "or the "irst %ee' or t%o$ and then you may increase it to the count o" ten. 1his

is usually su""icient "or the a0erage indi0idual and$ %hile Iha0e had some good reports "rom those %ho ha0e practiced itto the count o" "i"teen$ there are many cases %here the counto" "i"teen is too much until a"ter the 7reathing e3ercises ha0e 7ecome a part o" them "or many months. 1here are somecases %hich adapt themsel0es to it 0ery uic'ly.

It is impossi7le to state speci"ically @ust %hat each in-di0idual should accomplish. 1he "act that no t%o o" us loo' ali'e$ %al' e3actly ali'e$ tal' or thin' ali'e$ should con0inceus that %e are mentally and physically o" 0aried naturesconseuently$ our o%n @udgment has to 7e our guide.

Breathing e3ercise %hile %al'ing consists o" %al'ing

%ith the chest up$ the shoulders 7ac'$ inhale through the noseon the "irst "i0e steps$ hold your 7reath during the ne3t "i0esteps$ e3hale through the mouth on the ne3t "i0e steps$ andhold your 7reath out on the ne3t "i0e steps. Remem7er toal%ays inhale through the nose and e3hale through the mouth.#or people %ho are o0er%eight or under-%eight$ this e3ercise%ill tend to normali?e their %eight.

Deep 7reathing e3ercises are 7uilding and strengtheningto all tissues o" the 7ody. 1he o3ygen "urnished 7y 7reathinge3ercise is "ood "or the 7ody$ and ma'es "or impro0edassimilation o" other "oods. 1he deep 7reathing e3ercise %ill"e&p to reduce t"e person #"o is too stout because it

"e&ps e&iminate t"e #aste materia& #"ic" producescon$estion% resu&tin$ in diseased fat tissue( A&&unnatura&% abnorma& fat is disease( 5at peop&e #"odoubt t"is #i&& be

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%ill 7e persistent. Dont o0er-do it. Again %e come to theessential %arning$ E!oderation in all things.E

A young lady stenographer %hose %eight %as ,<8

 pounds had 7een ad0ised 7y her "amily physician to ta'e allthe rest possi7le$ eat the regular three hea0y meals e0ery day%ith a uart o" mil'$ %ith no results. She %ould gain "i0e pounds and then "eel misera7le until she lost it.

She 7ecame 0ery discouraged and decided to try some-thing else. !ost o" these people try e0erything e3cept theright thing. A"ter listening to a lecture on health and diet$ shedecided to "ollo% the 7reathing e3ercises$ impro0e her elimination$ and eat more "resh "ruit and 0egeta7les andsmaller uantities o" protein. In three months her %eight %entto ,9< pounds$ %hich %as per"ectly normal "or her height$ andtoday she en@oys per"ect health.

Some 7ed"ast patients ha0e 7een a7le to accomplish agreat deal 7y lying "lat on the 7ac' %ith the hands on thea7domen$ 7eginning %ith e3halation. )hen one e3hales properly$ and not 0iolently$ he is sure to ta'e a good 7reath.1his can 7e repeated and repeated until a slight "eeling o" di??iness occurs. 1his$ "ollo%ed 7y complete rela3ation andrest$ then repeated$ %ill 7ring its re%ard %ith increased energyand a happier mental attitude. 1his e3ercise does notnecessarily ha0e to 7e practiced 7y 7ed"ast patients. It is asplendid e3ercise "or anyone to ta'e %hile lying do%n.

Another splendid 7reathing e3ercise is to "old the arms 7ehind the 7ac' under the shoulder 7lades and 7lo% at someo7@ect across the room. 1he 7est results are o7tained %hen thehead is tipped slightly 7ac' and the chest is raised.

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!any ner0ous 7rea'do%ns are the result o" ner0es ir-ritated 7y poisons$ and to3ins that are not properly eliminated.!any patients %ho could not sleep 7ecause o" ner0ousness$

ha0e tried the deep 7reathing e3ercise$ %ith a long %al' in the"resh air$ and returned to their 7eds %ith the poisonseliminated$ the ner0e "i7ers properly 7athed$ rela3ed$ andready "or rest"ul sleep.

)e ha0e heard people say that they %ould E%al' it o""$Emeaning that their sleeplessness could 7e disposed o" 7yta'ing a %al'. It is surprising ho% many people ha0e thoughtthis to 7e a @o'e. 1he truth o" it is more uic'ly accepted a"ter gi0ing it a trial.

A patient %ho had ta'en headache po%ders$ all 'inds o" manipulati0e treatments$ electrical treatments$ and hot andcold 7aths "or headaches$ %as permanently relie0ed a"ter 

learning and practicing deep 7reathing e3ercises outdoors.Statistics indicate that among ci0ili?ed races one-se0entho" the deaths are due to lung diseases. 1here are some people%hose chests are so small that they are una7le to engage inany 0igorous sport 7ecause their lungs are not de0elopedenough to supply.the reuired o3ygen. !any others ha0e lungcapacity that %astes a%ay 7ecause they "ail to ta'e the needed 7reathing e3ercises to increase the mo7ility o" the chest$ 7utin addition they need "orms o" acti0ity including outdoor games.

1he 7reathing process is natural in man. He has made itunnatural 7y %rong posture$ 7ut the correction o" the

conditions causing the de"ect %ill soon help him to esta7lish anatural method o" 7reathing$ and "rom this on 7reathinge3ercises #i&& 7e a permanent ha7it.

1he discussion among physicians$ 0oice trainers andelocutionists as to the proper %ay to 7reathe is 0ery con-

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"using. Some o" them ad0ocate chest and diaphragm 7reathing.Others ad0ocate a7dominal 7reathing$ 7ut my 7est results %ithsic'$ %ea' people and others %ho %ish to impro0e their 

 physical condition$ ha0e 7een 7rought a7out 7y teaching thenatural 7reathing mo0ements o" 7oth chest and diaphragm %iththe greatest e3pansion 7eing in neither chest nor diaphragm$ 7ut at the %aist and diminishing in amount 7oth up%ard anddo%n%ard.

Pure chest 7reathing causes mo0ement o" the upper I parto" the 7ony cage$ %hich reuires e3hausting e""ort. In natural 7reathing$ the diaphragm contracts and the ri7s are li"tedup%ard and out%ard. 1his method o" 7reathing e3ercise a""ectsnot only all o" the chest muscles 7ut the diaphragm$ a7domenand chest recei0e the proper amount o" rela3ation andcontraction.

I" you inhale slo%ly %hile you count "i0e$ distending the%aist line to its greatest capacity$ then hold the tissues in this position %hile you count "i0e again$ and rela3 and count thethird "i0e %hile you e3hale slo%ly$ and %hile you count the"ourth "i0e hold the air out$ you produce a rhythmic$ systematicrela3ation and contraction %hich "orces all the %aste materialout o" the lungs and dra%s in pure$ "resh air "or the 7ody needs.

A7out "i"teen years ago a group o" physicians disco0eredthe 0alue o" 7reathing e3ercises "or their patients. Se0eral o" them 7egan lecturing on the ne% disco0ery o" 7rain 7reathing$super-7rain 7reathing$ Hindu philosophy$ 7lood %ashing$ etc.$and the pu7lic learned the 0alue o" 7reathing e3ercises.

/ut in t"e past fe# ears t"e -uac)s "a!e #or)edt"is to deat"( A dentist from 1"ica$o #it" $ra "air and a p&easin$ !oice "as been c"ar$in$ t"e peop&ea&& o!er t"e countr fift do&&ars eac" for teac"in$t"em "is mar!e&ous

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method o" 7reathing$ %hich he claims to ha0e originated$ A%aiter "rom os Angeles$ %ho tra0els through the country has 7een ha0ing success "inancially teaching people ho% to eat

ra% "ood and ta'e 7reathing e3ercise.But regardless o" these methods o" operation$ they ha0edone a great deal o" good$ 7ecause they ha0e taught people togi0e more consideration to their health. 1hey ha0e not taughta single thing that you cannot "ind %ithin these pages.

I am telling you this to impress on your mind the "act thatyou should re-read this 7oo'$ ta'e it seriously$ get do%n to 7usiness and impro0e your health. 1his method has %or'ed"or thousands o" others it %ill %or' "or you. Breathing isnatural$ 7ut man has 7een depri0ed o" many o" the 7eauties o" nature 7ecause he has learned to do o""ice %or' and closedhimsel" a%ay "rom natures sunlight$ "resh air and inspiring 7eauty.

O" course$ %e must admit that a good teacher %ho has us 7e"ore him %here he can demonstrate the right and the %rongmethod$ and sho% us e3actly ho% to do things is more0alua7le than a 7oo'$ 7ut the t%o go hand in hand. )e needthe 7oo's and %e need personal$ pri0ate instruction also. 1hesecond or third reading o" any 7oo' al%ays 7rings out muchthat %as not properly understood the "irst rending.

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1he "act that a "e% people ha0e e3ercised themsel0es 7ac' to health$ acuiring great masses o" muscle tissue plus po%er and endurance$ has led others to "ollo% in their "ootsteps.

)hen %e see an indi0idual %hom %e ha0e 'no%n all our li0es to 7e a pale$ unde0eloped$ sic'ly loo'ing person changeinto a healthy$ muscular picture o" 0itality$ and %e learn that it%as 7rought a7out through ta'ing physical e3ercise$ %eresol0e to change our ha7its and ta'e more physical e3ercise.)e do too much e3ercise %ithout 'no%ing %hat there is instore "or us a "e% years later.

It only has 7een in the last "e% years$ since %e ha0e 7eeno7ser0ing the mista'es o" others$ that %e ha0e learned that toomuch physical e3ercise and o0er-de0elopment means a shortli"e and an unhealthy one. 1he "act that e3tremely athletic people usually do not li0e to 7e 0ery old has caused us to as' the reason. I" physical e3ercise has apparently strengthenedthe 7ody$ %hy should it 7ecome less capa7le o" a long li"e1he "ollo%ing e3planation %ill help you to understand %hy itis not possi7le to o0er-indulge in physical e3ercise$ or toneglect it altogether$ %ithout a""ecting the health.

In the "irst place$ the human 7ody is not a machine that%or's spasmodically. All the cells and tissues o" the 7ody%or' rhythmically$ or they do not %or' constructi0ely and

health"ully.I" you %ere to carry your arm in a sling "or ten days you

%ould notice at the end o" ten days that$ through lac' o" e3ercise$ the muscles had lost their tone and strength

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until it %ould 7e impossi7le to li"t e0en ten pounds %ithoutcausing considera7le e""ort. 1his should con0ince you thatnature did not intend your 7ody tissues to 7ecome inacti0e in

"act$ nature automatically 7egins a process o" drying up$shri0eling$ and atrophying o" all inacti0e tissues.

)hen our athletic "riends ta'e strenuous physical e3-ercise$ they impro0e their circulation$ and %ith their muscular acti0ity they destroy the %ea'er cells. Nature replaces these%orn-out tissues %ith ne%$ strong$ healthy$ 0ital cells to ta'etheir place. 1he result is ne% tissue "or old. 1he heart action isimpro0ed. 1he heart$ 7eing a muscle$ has greater po%er %ith%hich to distri7ute and regulate 7lood circulation to all thecells$ and naturally %hen the circulation is good and thetissues acti0e$ the resistance is high$ and these people comingin contact %ith disease seldom contract the disease at all.

1here is one 0ery important thing that the a0erage athletedoes not understand. *nless he continues to ta'e his e3ercisesdaily and regularly$ his great masses o" muscle cells %ill startto 7rea' do%n and disintegration ta'es place.

It %ould not 7e so disastrous i" only the e3tra muscletissues %ere dissol0ed and carried a%ay through the organs o" elimination and discharged "rom the 7ody$ 7ut$ un"ortunately$all the cells o" the 7ody ha0e to su""er. In a 0ery short time theathlete %ho has neglected his regular physical e3ercise "indshimsel" in a %orse condition than he %as in the 7eginning$and it is 0ery hard "or him to 7uild himsel" 7ac' to health. )eshould not outline "or oursel0es more physical e3ercise than%e can ta'e regularly and systematically.

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tion. But since %e ha0e automo7iles$ ele0ators$ and so manymeans o" mo0ing man a7out$ he soon 7ecomes a %ea'ling$short o" 7reath$ lac'ing in endurance$ incapa7le o" digestion

and good elimination conseuently$ he must 7e taught some"orm o" e3ercise %hich he can ta'e e0ery day$ and not once a%ee'.

1he mista'en idea that a game o" gol" once or t%ice a%ee' is really a scienti"ic method o" 7ody 7uilding has ledsome gentlemen to an early gra0e. 1he 7ody tissues are notsupposed to %or' only once a %ee' %ith this e3tra$ addedstrain. It %ould 7e much 7etter to play gol" not so long and alittle e0ery day.

+ight minutes t%ice a day$ morning and e0ening$ %ill'eep the 7ody in per"ect physical condition %ithout the use o" dum77ells$ stretching euipment$ hea0y %eights$ and the

li"ting o" other articles that tend to destroy the 7ody instead o"  7uild it. I %ill outline the system o" e3ercises %hich helpedme to dispose o" 8 pounds o" surplus %eight$ and 'eep my 7ody in per"ect physical condition. +ight minutes t%ice a dayis all that is reuired.

!orning and e0ening are the 7est times to indulge in physical e3ercise. I" a person gets up in the morning$ re la3esand contracts all o" his muscles and mo0es all his @oints$ thecirculation o" the 7ody "luids is impro0ed conseuently$ the physical and mental "aculties are more capa7le o" a normal"unction throughout the day.

I" the e3ercises are ta'en the last thing 7e"ore going to

 7ed$ it is possi7le to rela3 completely. 1he 0enous 7lood %illdrain much easier and the "atigue to3ins %ill 7e "ilteredduring the night.

Stretching is one o" the 7est methods o" e3ercising all thetissues. It is a natural method. 1he tissues automatically gothrough a system o" contracting and rela3ing. )hen

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they contract they suee?e out their %aste su7stance %henthey rela3 they suc' in their nutriment. Stretch "or a minute or t%o 7e"ore getting out o" 7ed in the morning.

1he 7reathing e3ercise$ as e3plained in Chapter $should 7e practiced in con@unction %ith the "ollo%ing e3er-cises. Remem7er$ the "irst eight minutes in the morning%a'es up all the lung cells$ muscle cells$ starts the "lo% o"  7lood and lymph to all parts o" the 7ody$ and stimulateselimination.

)hile lying "lat on the 7ac'$ 7ring your "eet up o0er your head su""icient to raise your hips so they %ill 7e a "e% incheshigher than your shoulders. Do this "i0e or si3 times. 1hen%ith the hips ele0ated$ gently massage the a7dominal musclesso as to stimulate the action o" the large and small intestines.I" t%o glasses o" cool %ater are ta'en$ or one glass "or a small person$ prior to starting these e3ercises$ the results %ill 7emuch 7etter.

1he %ater helps to %ash out the stomach and intestines toma'e more per"ect the digestion o" the morning meal. 1hegentle massaging o" the a7dominal muscles and raising the"eet o0er the head increases the tone$ helps to hold thea7dominal content in its normal position throughout the day.

Stand %ith 7oth "eet "lat on the "loor$ 7ring your armsaround in "ront$ loc' your "ingers together$ then turn the palms out$ hold your 'nees sti"" and stretch "or%ard as "ar as possi7le. I" you cannot touch the "loor %ith the palms o" your hands %hile your "ingers are loc'ed$ do the 7est you can%ithout too great a strain.

A"ter 7ending "or%ard %ith your hands loc'ed and the palms out$ stretch in a circular motion$ reaching as "ar as possi7le in each direction$ 7ending in e0ery direction possi7le 7oth "or%ard and 7ac'%ard$ rotating all the

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0erte7rae %ithin their entire range o" motion. Do this a7out"i0e times.

Raise and lo%er your 7ody "i0e times 7y putting all the

%eight on the tips o" the toes. Open and close your toes$ goingthrough the mo0ement o" pic'ing up mar7les$ or rela3ing andcontracting them to impro0e the circulation and maintaingood mo0ement %ithin the 7ones o" the "eet.

1he cer0ical 0erte7rae are responsi7le "or much con-gestion and inter"erence %ith the ner0es supplying the eyes$ears$ nose and throat. 1hese 0erte7rae are so arranged that it is possi7le "or us to mo0e our heads in all directions. In order tosee that this "le3i7ility is maintained$ the "ollo%ing e3ercises%ill esta7lish drainage to these sense organs(

!o0e your head 7ac'%ard and "or%ard as "ar as possi7le"i0e times$ care"ully$ not too 0igorous or @er'y. 1hen mo0e

your head "rom side to side as i" trying to lay your head oneach shoulder. 1hen rotate your head around$ loo'ing o0er each shoulder "i0e times. 1his %ill not in any %ay strain$o0er-de0elop or produce an a7normal "unction o" these0erte7rae$ 7ut it %ill retain the mo0ement intended 7y nature.

!any patients ha0e su""ered unnecessarily %ith headnoises$ congestion in their eyes$ sinus trou7le and other an-noyances o" the head$ until the normal "unction o" these0erte7rae has 7een esta7lished.

Osteopaths$ chiropractors and others ha0e esta7lishedthemsel0es permanently in the pro"ession o" the healing artsince disco0ering that many conditions o" the sense organs%ould not respond to local treatment until a"ter the pre-disposing cause %as remo0ed through ta'ing the pressure o"" the ner0es supplying the special organs o" sense.

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A good$ "ast %al' %ith the chest up and the shoulders 7ac'$ the a7dominal muscles contracted$ al%ays helps to tonethe 7o%els and stimulate them to a natural "unction. People

%ho are con"ined to o""ice %or' and positions %here they arereuired to remain %ithin "our %alls o" a room should "indmuch pleasure %al'ing to and "rom their %or'. A %al' o" oneor t%o$ or e0en "i0e miles a day$ is a splendid e3ercise.Beginners should not o0er-do at "irst. All e3ercise is moree""ecti0e i" ta'en in moderation.

S%imming$ playing 7ase7all$ hand7all$ 7as'et7all$ gol" and many other games$ are e3cellent. 1he principal trou7le isthat they are indulged in occasionally$ and a great strain toinacti0e muscles results in lo%ered resistance.

It is much 7etter to outline a course o" e3ercise thatreuires a7out si3 or eight minutes the "irst thing in themorning and si3 or eight minutes the last thing 7e"ore retiring.1his method o" normal$ natural$ regular and rhythmic action isin accordance %ith the %or' nature has designed "or alltissues.

i'e many others$ I used to "eel that a good game o" tennis or an hours s%im once or t%ice a %ee'$ or to play 7ase7all t%o or three times a %ee'$ plus the regular e3erciseduring my %or'ing hours$ %as su""icient. But since settlingdo%n to a regular$ systematic regime$ there has 7een a%onder"ul impro0ement in my health %ith more energy and0itality$ and I am positi0e I %ill ne0er go 7ac' to the irregular$occasional "orm o" e3ercise.

It #ou&d be !er eas to #rite a boo) of se!era&"undred pa$es e6p&ainin$ a&& t"e p"sio&o$ica&c"an$es #"ic" ta)e p&ace durin$ p"sica& e6ertion%but for a&& practica& purposes t"e principa& t"in$ toremember is t"e 8oints are intended to permit t"e bodto bend in t"e different directions( If t"ese 8oints arenot )ept free and mo!ab&e% eac"

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year one 7ecomes a little more round-shouldered$ the ner0essupplying the 0ital organs are cro%ded into a constantlynarro%ing space$ and old-age is present in all the tissues due

to poor circulation.Our %or' is o" such nature that %e are usually in the erect position$ or 7ent o0er a des'$ a type%riter or a set o" 7oo's. Nature con"orms her acti0ities to doing the 7est she can %ith%hat she has to do %ith$ and doing a%ay %ith that portion o" the @oint and tissues that are inacti0e. 1hey naturally lose their "orm and shape$ and the 7ody is permanently %arped out o"  position. It is much easier to 'eep it in good condition than totry to re-7uild it later in li"e.

A splendid e3ercise "or "emale trou7le is to lie "lat on the 7ac'$ 7ring the 'nees up$ spread them apart$ ma'ing a circular motion %hile straightening them out "lat on the "loor again.

Repeat this e3ercise ten times morning and e0ening. 1hise3ercise is especially good "or toning the a7dominal musclesand increasing peristaltic action$ tone and e""iciency o" thelarge colon.

Another splendid e3ercise is to lie "lat on the 7ac'$ele0ate the hips 7y placing the palms o" the hands under thehips$ resting on the el7o%s$ and go through the mo0ements o" riding a 7icycle upside do%n. !a'e a7out t%enty-"i0emo0ements %ith each leg.

As long as the 7ody is a7normal$ the appetite %ill 7ea7normal and the elimination sluggish. I am certain that myrhythmic$ systematic and regular physical e3ercise$ as gi0enin this chapter$ %as responsi7le "or impro0ing my appetite anddesire "or the more natural "oods. I am sure that my 8 poundso" surplus %eight %ould not ha0e disappeared as it did had Inot paid strict attention to the diet as outlined in this 7oo'.

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#ollo%ing e0ery period o" physical e3ercise there should 7e a period o" rela3ation. Hurry$ %orry$ and "ear$ all pre0entrela3ation. )hen you hurry needlessly$ you contract themuscles o" the 7ody and cause a retention o" to3ins in thetissues. )hen you %orry you cause an a7normal "unction o" many o" the organs o" the 7ody$ and %hen you li0e in "ear youcause the glands to manu"acture and secrete poisonoussu7stances that "atigue the 7ody. But %hen you rela3 you permit the 0enous 7lood to drain these accumulated "atigueto3ins into the organs o" elimination.

All o" the 7lood passes through the 'idneys e0ery se0enminutes "or puri"ication. *nless the 7ody is rela3edthoroughly all o" the 7lood is not puri"ied and the accumu-lation o" poisons continues throughout the system. )hen youlearn to rela3 and do your %or' in a state o" rela3ation$ your  7lood then circulates "reely$ your heart 7eats regularly$ and allother organs "unction normally. But$ %hen your muscles aretense the "atigue to3ins in the tissues %ea'en the ner0es$inter"ere %ith digestion$ and set in motion other destructi0e"orces too numerous to mention.

Ha0e you noticed$ "or instance$ that %hen you try to go tosleep$ the harder you try the longer it ta'es 2ou cannot "orcethe 7ody to rela3. 2ou can 7ring a7out rela3ation only 7yrela3ing one part o" the 7ody at a time.

A good %ay to practice rela3ation is to lie "lat on your  7ac'$ li"t "irst your right leg a7out t%o "eet "rom the 7ed$ thenlet it do%n slo%ly$ concentrating your attention "irst to the

rela3ation o" the toes$ then to the an'le$ then continue therela3ation up the leg to the hip @oint. As you lo%er the leg tothe 7ed$ sigh %ith relie" as the heel reaches the 7ed.Immediately raise the le"t leg$ directing and concentratingyour attention to its rela3ation in the same man-

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ner. A"ter you ha0e rela3ed "rom the %aist do%n$ raise your right arm a7out t%o "eet "rom the 7ed$ and lo%er it slo%ly$directing your thought o" rela3ation "irst to the "ingers$ then to

the %rist$ and up to the shoulder @oint. As you let the armdo%n$ sigh %ith relie" and repeat %ith the le"t arm$ thin'ingonly o" one arm or leg at a time %hile you are rela3ing.

A"ter you ha0e rela3ed thoroughly 7oth arms and legs$slo%ly mo0e your eyes in a circle as i" "ollo%ing the line o" alarge letter E<.E Circle your eyes to the right ten times$ then tothe le"t ten times$ then close your eyes$ and thin' o" rela3ationto the e3clusion o" e0erything else. Put all other thoughts"rom your mind. By practicing this rela3ation method "or t%enty-"i0e or thirty minutes it is possi7le to store up as muchenergy as is ordinarily stored up during si3 hours o" sleep.

1his is only a method o" rela3ation and is not meant to

ta'e the place o" sleep. By this method many neurotic casesand ner0ous people ha0e 7een restored to a state o" per"ecthealth. It not only increases the ner0e energy 7ut it also permits the accumulated "atigue to3ins to 7e %ashed out o" thetissues$ and allo%s them to return to their normal "unctions%ith increased tone and e""iciency. !any patients %ho ha0enot en@oyed a good nights sleep in years ha0e 7een a7solutelyrelie0ed o" their insomnia 7y using the a7o0e e3ercises.During the state o" rela3ation$ all organs o" the 7ody "unctionnormally$ the 7rain is more acti0e$ the memory impro0ed$ andthe %hole system 7ene"ited.

1"ere are ot"er met"ods of re&a6ation t"at are

!er $ood( 5or instance% sit in a comfortab&e c"air #it" our feet f&at on t"e f&oor% our "ands f&at on

our )nees( Tense t"e musc&es of our toes9 t"en of 

t"e &o#er e6tremities9 t"en t"e abdomina&% c"est

and bac) musc&es9 t"en t"e

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to the higher$ "iner emotions %hich result in thoroughrela3ation.

People %ho pray earnestly$ %ithout sel"-condemnation$

al%ays "eel rested and rela3ed as a result o" such prayer$ %hile people %ho pray as a matter o" ha7it do not recei0e the 7ene"its deri0ed "rom the rela3ation produced during sincere prayer$ %hich directs the attention to the higher aspirations o" li"e and lea0es the 7ody tissues rela3ed and the 7lood "ree tocirculate normally. During prayer$ the 0ital organs "unctionmore "reely and more normally$ as there is no discord or irritation "rom destructi0e thoughts or emotions.

*nless people can go to church in all sincerity$ they %illnot recei0e the 7ene"its as do those people %ho attend churchser0ices %ith a de0otion to lo0e$ peace and harmony. 1his iseually true o" people %ho practice rela3ation "aith"ully and

earnestly. 2ou %ill not deri0e the 7ene"its that are o7tained 7ythose %ho are sincere and de0oted to the practice unless youare consistent %ith it.

1he physiological change 7rought a7out 7y rela3ation isas essential as the 7ene"its deri0ed "rom physical e3ercise.1hat is %hy %ith physical e3ercise I ha0e included this in-"ormation on rela3ation. In "act$ physical e3ercise %ithoutrela3ation %ould 7e %rong physiologically.

ie on the "loor on your 7ac' near the %all. Put your hands under your hips and %al' up the %all until the hips andlegs rest against the %all and all o" your %eight is on your shoulders. Remain in this position and inhale %hile you count

,<. Hold your 7reath %hile you count ,<. +3hale %hile youcount ,<$ and hold all the air out %hile you count ,<.Repeat t"is t"ree times mornin$ and e!enin$( T"is

drains a&& of t"e !enous con$estion and &mp" outof t"e

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!ind and the 7ody are not as easily separated$ as %e oncethought. 1hey must 7e studied together as a unit$ mo0ing$"unctioning$ and reacting in accordance %ith en0ironment.

1o sho% ho% the mind a""ects the 7ody and its "unction$%e need only %atch the %ay a person reacts to 7ad ne%s. A person may 7e en@oying himsel" and recei0e a message thathis 7est "riend has 7een 'illed. His 7ody "unctions changeimmediately on receipt o" this ne%s. 1he little manu"acturing plant %ithin the glands o" the eyes starts to produce anal'aline and saline solution and pours it out in tears. )hen %e

stop to consider that this al'aline and saline solutionmanu"actured 7y the 7ody tissues is more per"ectly mi3edthan any chemist could mi3 it$ %e reali?e that the mind doesa""ect the "unction o" the 7ody tissues.

)e ha0e %atched a child standing in "ront o" a %indo%loo'ing at the good things to eat %hile sali0a ran out o" thecorners o" his mouth.

1he person %ho tal's a7out his ill health and continues todescri7e his aches and pains merely increases their intensity.1he more a person tal's a7out his aches and pains$ the moreaches and pains he %ill ha0e to tal' a7out.

)hen one is thin'ing and tal'ing a7out matters thatdistur7 him$ his tissues contract$ producing congestion. Con-gestion causes pressure on his ner0es$ and pressure on ner0esmeans pain. I" anyone dou7ts that pressure on ner0es causes pain$ all he needs to do is %ear a tight shoe.

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ing and pour out the %aste material that caused his acidosis.1his poor man not only got %ell 7ut %ent into the 7usiness o" gi0ing people hot and cold 7aths %ith such enthusiasm that he

relie0ed many aches and pains "or hundreds o" people a"ter their physicians had "ailed.1he man did not ha0e an eighth grade education. He

could hardly read or %rite$ 7ut he e3plained the e""ect o" ta'ing 7aths %ith so much enthusiasm and con"idence in themthat a person %ould "eel 7etter to hear him tell a7out it. Peoplegoing to him %ho %ere ner0ous$ tense and restless$ a"ter listening to him "or a hal" hour$ 7egan to rela3. 1heir 0enous 7lood started to drain$ the tension o" their 7odies %asreleased$ and many o" them %ere heard to say that they "elt 7etter 7e"ore they had a 7ath listening to all o" the %onder"ulthings that correct 7athing %ould do.

1he person %ho practices his physical e3ercises and eatsthe proper 'ind o" "ood %ith his mind made up that he isgoing to regain health$ certainly %ill ha0e much 7etter resultsthan the indi0idual %ho says$ E)ell$ Ill do this 7ut Im not sosure that it %ill %or'.E

)hen a patient tells me that he has tried e0erything andnothing has helped$ 7ut he is %illing to gi0e me a trial$ Isimply tell the patient right then that he is not gi0ing me atrial$ that I am going to gi0e him a trial.

I remem7er a man "orty-si3 years o" age %ho told me thathe had tried e0erything that he had e0er heard o" "or hischronic constipation. He said$ EI ha0ent much "aith le"t in

anything$ 7ut I am %illing to gi0e your method a trial.EI said% :No% ou're not $oin$ to $i!e m met"od atria&( If ou "a!e ant"in$ to do #it" me% it #i&& bebecause I $i!e ou a tria&( 5ran)& spea)in$% t"ere is a-uestion in m mind as to #"et"er ou "a!e t"ementa&it% t"e ambi,

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tion and the enthusiasm to carry out a real health program that%ould correct your constipation. 2ou ha0e 7een merelytrying e0erything so long that I dou7t 0ery much i" you ha0e

 7ac'7one and %ill po%er enough le"t to do %hat you shoulddo. +0er since you came in my o""ice you ha0e tal'ed a7outnegati0e$ destructi0e things$ and I thin' you are spineless$%ea'-%illed and incapa7le o" doing anything the %ay itshould 7e done.E

He @umped out o" his seat and said$ E2ou tell me %hat todo$ and Ill sho% you that it can 7e doneJE

1his change o" mental attitude and his desire to sho% methat he %as not a spineless$ %ea'-%illed indi0idual %as the 7iggest part o" the treatment. 1his man had plenty o" money.His chau""eur called "or him and too' him %here0er he%anted to go. He did no %al'ing$ ignored the ad0ice o" 

 physicians and did %hate0er he %anted to do. He said that I%as the "irst one %ho e0er had ner0e enough to tell him thathe %as a spineless$ %ea'-%illed indi0idual.

A"ter ta'ing long %al's$ drin'ing plenty o" %ater$ and"ollo%ing the diet$ his constipation disappeared. He has sinceo""ered to 7uy me a sanitarium.

1here are other cases %hich I %ould not dare to handle insuch a manner. 1he patient %ould 7rea' up some o" my"urniture and lea0e. 1o handle a person %ho is mentally ill$ as%ell as physically ill$ is a 0ery di""icult pro7lem. It issomething that cannot 7e e3plained %ith pencil and paper.Only years o" actual contact %ith a great 0ariety o" people

ripens the @udgment su""iciently to ma'e it dependa7le.!any people dou7t the e""ect the mind has on the 7ody$ 7ut a physician o" %ide e3perience ne0er dou7ts it. A"ter treating a patient %ho has a normal heart$ normal 7lood pressure$ normal 'idneys$ 7ut still re"uses to get %ell$ and

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then to "ind that the patient gets %ell %ithin a "e% hours a"ter the return o" his or her lo0ed one$ the physician can plainlysee that he missed his diagnosis. 1he patient %as not

 physically sic' 7ut lo0esic'.!ental attitude plays many tric's on the physical 7ody.1he mind can ma'e the 7est "ood repulsi0e. 1he mind canma'e 0ery ordinary "ood appeti?ing. 1he mind can contract allthe tissues o" the 7ody and put the ner0es on edge. 1housandso" people ha0e indigestion 7ecause o" the negati0e picturesthey carry in their minds$ and the uarrels they ha0e at thedinner ta7le. A good$ old-"ashioned "amily uarrel at thedinner ta7le many times %ill ma'e the %hole "amily sic' the"ollo%ing day. 1he dinner ta7le is no place to discussunpleasant things$ and it is no time to as' papa "or a ne% dress%hen his stomach is empty. A"ter a good meal is the time to

%or' on papa "or all "a0ors. Ne0er approach him %hen he is ina hurry or has a 7ig 7usiness deal running through his mind$or %hen he is hungry. 1here is a time and place "or e0erything.

!any times I ha0e re"used to ta'e a patient 7ecause shedid not 7ring her hus7and %ith her$ and other cases , ha0ere"used to treat unless the lo0ing mate %as le"t at home. 1otreat a hus7and %hose %i"e "urnishes the 7rains o" the "amilyis a %aste o" time. In such cases$ it is al%ays 7est to treat the%i"e and let the hus7and get %ell o" his o%n "ree %ill.

It is 0ery easy "or a patient to get %ell i" he %ill startthin'ing ho% easy it is "or the 7ody to "unction %hen themental attitude is constructi0e. 1he person %ho thin's health$ta&)s "ea&t"% breat"es "ea&t"% and preac"es "ea&t"%

usua&& en8os "ea&t"( T"ere are !er fe#

e6ceptions( I "a!e seen peop&e #it" t"e correct

menta& attitude &i!e for 

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completing the picture. Since she could not get her mother o"" her mind and 0isuali?e her mother in a state o" health$ shemust complete the picture 7y 0isuali?ing her mother dead and

 7uried. 1his sounds unreasona7le$ 7ut i" you ha0e a picture inyour mind that is incomplete$ and you are %orryingconstantly a7out ho% things are going to come out$ try thismethod.

6o into a room %here you can 7e alone$ close your eyes$rela3 completely$ 0isuali?e your pro7lem$ ta'e it apart "rome0ery angle$ put it together$ 7ut stay there until you completethe picture and ma'e up your mind %hat you are going to doi" the condition turns out "or the %orse. By doing this youha0e prepared yoursel" "or the %orst. 2ou ha0e completed thetantali?ing$ tormenting picture$ and it needs no more o" your attention.

1he young lady told me that she completed the picture$sa% her mother dead and 7uried$ 0isuali?ed hersel" goinghome and "inding her mother a7sent$ planned all the thingsthat she %ould do %ithout her and ho% she could get along ina happier$ more rest"ul "rame o" mind than she had %hile her mother li0ed$ 7ecause o" %orrying a7out her condition. Notonly did this young lady 7egin sleeping and resting 7etter$ 7utmothers health impro0ed$ 7ecause o" more harmony$ lesstension and less discord in the home. 1he mother "elt thedaughters an3iety. 1his %orried her mother and made her condition %orse$ and this 0icious cycle once set in operation%ill ma'e any home a place o" misery.

I" you are %orried a7out getting 'illed or ha0ing anaccident$ suppose you do. 2ou ha0e to die some time. )hatdi""erence does it ma'e %hether you die no% or "i"ty yearslater 2oure not so important that the %orld %ould stop i" you%ere 'illed. No matter ho% important you thin' you are$ 0ery"e% people %ill remem7er you one %ee' a"ter you

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ha0e 7een 7uried$ and i" they do remem7er you the uic'er they "orget you the 7etter it is "or them.

1o 'eep dragging the past into the "uture and using it as a

 7ed o" thorns to sleep on certainly is un%ise. Such mentalitiesha0e 0ery %ea'$ dilapidated 7odies. As "ar as I am concerned$I am ready "or anything that might happen conseuently$ Iha0e nothing to %orry a7out.

A stenographer 7rought her mother to me to see %hat Icould do "or her head noises. I "ound %hat %as causing her head noises$ corrected it$ and the old lady thought that I %as a per"ect %onder. )hat I did could ha0e 7een done 7y nearlyany physician$ 7ut this old lady didnt thin' so.

1he "ollo%ing day the daughter came to the o""ice andtold me that I had made a %onder"ul impression on her mother$ and she said$ E1o pro0e this$ mother has decided to go

through your clinic "or a complete physical e3amination.E1he "amily had %anted the mother to do this "or a longtime$ 7ut she had no "aith in doctors and %ould not go to anyo" them. But the mother decided to in0estigate to "ind %hatthe lump in her 7reast and the lump in her a7domen %as. Her "amily %as 0ery happy that at last their mother had consentedto ta'e care o" her health. A"ter the mother %ent through theclinic$ I called her daughter aside and told her that the lumps%ere cancers$ and that her mother %ould not li0e muchlonger. Her physical condition %as such that she could notstand an operation$ and e0en i" she did the condition %as so"ar ad0anced that the operation %ould 7e practically useless.

1he daughter started to cry. A"ter she had "inished I toldher that the proper thing to do %as to gi0e her mother treatment to relie0e her pains "or the "e% remaining monthsshe had to li0e. I painted a mental picture "or the daughter 

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!an is 7y nature creati0e. 1he principal trou7le is lac' o" application o" his creati0e a7ility. )hen %e go %here %e can 7e alone %ith our thoughts$ turn the searchlight in%ard andloo' "or pictures o" our o%n creation$ %e "ind there is 0erylittle that is the result o" our o%n indi0idual creati0eapplication.

Suppose %e say to oursel0es$ E)hat ha0e I created that is%orth mentioning Ha0e I gi0en a single ne% creati0ethought to the %orld In %hat %ay ha0e I created anythingthat has helped me or my "ello% man to acuire more o" the 7eauti"ul things pro0ided 7y natureE 1o thoroughly analy?eoursel0es and loo' into the past %ill con0ince us uic'ly thatour creati0e a7ility has 7een 0ery much neglected.

o0e plays such a 7ig part in mans li"e that %e must noto0erloo' the lo0e section o" the 7rain. !an lo0es li"e and allthat it holds$ or he does not en@oy li"e. )hen %e analy?e our lo0e natures$ %e "ind that the dissatis"action pre0ailing among people is more pre0alent among those %ho do not lo0e the%or' they are doing$ their "riends and en0ironmentconseuently$ the days are long$ their %or' is hard$ and li"e isa great struggle.

1he person %ho really lo0es music can sit "or hours andlisten to 7eauti"ul$ harmonious tones. 1he artist %ho lo0es his%or' %ill paint until the %ee hours o" the morning %ithoutthought or regard to time.

No one can en8o and &i!e a rea&& "app &ifeunti& "e "as &earned to &o!e not on& "is #or) but "isfe&&o# man and a&& t"e beauties of nature( Wit" t"et"ou$"t of &o!e in t"e mind% t"ere can be no "atred9t"ere can be no

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discontent there can 7e only satis"action. Some o" thehappiest people I ha0e met ha0e 7een 0ery poor$ scratchingout a mere e3istence "rom day to day$ 7ut they "ound much

en@oyment 7y lo0ing and admiring all that nature had pro0ided.Indi0iduality$ %e say$ is the character peculiar to an

indi0idual and sums up his characteristic traits. A sel"-analysishelps all o" us to a 7roader 0ie% o" li"e and more tolerance "or those %ho ha0e de0eloped peculiar natures through their narro% thin'ing.

Interior understanding 7rings us closer to appreciation o" others 7y saying to oursel0es$ E)hat %ould I do under thesame circumstancesE Be"ore I condemn or critici?e my"ello% man$ it is 7est that I understand mysel". I" I amcon0inced that under the same circumstances I %ould ha0eacted di""erently than the party I am critici?ing$ there is onething that has 7een o0erloo'ed$ and that is I am not capa7le o" ma'ing a comparison$ 7ecause I do not 'no% thecircumstances o" the other indi0idual. His mentality$ his lo0enature$ his creati0e a7ility and his interior understanding aredi""erent than mine.

1his is %hy %e must 7e more tolerant and ne0er hate or %aste any time 7eing displeased or annoyed 7y %hat otherssay or do.

+motions are rarely studied e3cept that %e say$ ESo-and-so is 0ery emotional.E )hy not say the same thing a7outoursel0es )e are all more or less emotional. It may ta'e

more to 7ring the tears to one persons eyes than to anothers$and %ith some it ta'es 0ery little to 7ring tears to the eyes.A young lady %ho attended one o" my class lessons

insisted on ha0ing a pri0ate inter0ie% "or the sole purpose o" telling me that she %as not uite satis"ied 7ecause I had

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not made clear to her the cause o" her %eeping o0er so manytri0ial things that had no e""ect on others.

A"ter a short tal' %ith the young lady$ I could see that her 

emotional sel" ne0er had 7een sel"-analy?ed. As a child$ shehad 7een tormented and depri0ed o" her playthings 7y older children$ and had "ound that the 7est %ay to get them 7ac' %as to cry "or them. It seemed that all through li"e she had 7een crying "or e0erything that she %anted$ instead o" ma'ingan honest e""ort.

It is impossi7le to gi0e a person a treatment "or hisuncontrolla7le emotions. 1his is something that has to 7edone 7y the indi0idual himsel".

Intuition %e thin' o" as innate or instincti0e 'no%ledge$meaning that %e 'no% intuiti0ely right "rom %rong. 1he principal trou7le is 0ery "e% people ha0e learned to 7e sel"-reliant and sel"-supporting conseuently$ they are helpless 7ecause they ignore their intuiti0e a7ility.

EAs' and ye shall recei0e$E means to as' yoursel" theuestion. !ost o" the uestions %e as' others %ould recei0e amuch more satis"actory ans%er i" %e as'ed oursel0es theuestions and relied on our o%n intellect. A little more sel"-con"idence and sel"-respect de0elops our intellectual "aculties.

It is o"ten said$ and truly$ that necessity is the mother o" in0ention. I" it %ere not so easy to run to someone else %ithour pro7lems %e %ould "ind the sol0ing o" them 0ery producti0e o" good and %orth %hile truths "or our 7ettermentand happiness.

T"e a!era$e person does not ma)e app&ication of 

more t"an fi!e per cent of #"at "e rea&& is capab&e of 

doin$( W"en #e app& ourse&!es to t"e prob&ems at

"and% eac"

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1here are 0ery "e% people %ho do not ha0e a cold sometime during a year. 1his common condition is 0ery muchneglected. 1o neglect a cold may mean that you %ill ha0e "lu$ pneumonia$ diphtheria$ or something else. Nature gi0es e0eryman a %arning 7e"ore presenting him %ith a terri7le cold. )henthere is a sni""ling$ dry sensation in the nose$ or an unusuallymoist condition$ this is su""icient to noti"y one that the 7ody iso0er-loaded %ith %aste material. I" a person %ould startimmediately to 7rea' up the cold$ much su""ering could 7ea0oided.

#irst$ ta'e a colonic irrigation$ as e3plained in Chapter 5III$

 page ,<;. 1hen get into a tu7 o" hot %ater as hot as you can 7ear it. Drin' si3 glasses o" hot %ater %hile you are in the tu7. Staythere at least "i"teen minutes until all your s%eat glands are%or'ing "reely. Do not thin' o" lea0ing the tu7 until e0en your hair is %et %ith perspiration.

6et into 7ed$ co0er up and stay there at least t%o hours. 1hemore "reely you perspire$ the 7etter. 1hen ha0e a good meal o" alarge 7o%l o" cream o" tomato soup %ith t%o or three slices o" %hole %heat toast$ or t%o poached eggs on toast$ or a large 7o%lo" "resh$ ra% mil' %ith corn-7read$ or something similar. It is0ery important that you eat a good uantity o" su7stantial "ood$ 7ecause you ha0e not only drained the 7ody o" some o" its

 poisons and to3ins$ 7ut you ha0e also lo%ered your resistanceand drained out some o" the nutriment "rom the 7ody tissues. I" ou do not rep&ace t"is nutriment #it" $ood% substantia& food#it"in

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t%o or three hours$ the e""ect o" the hot 7ath %ill not 7e sogood.

I" your cold does not disappear %ithin t%enty-"our hours$

repeat this treatment. It is dangerous to let a cold hang on.1here is an old saying$ EDo not cross a 7ridge until youcome to it.E Some may thin' this 0ery good philosophy$ 7ut itis a poor mental attitude to acuire. 2ou may as %ell tell a physician not to prepare himsel" "or practice$ or a la%yer notto prepare himsel" 7e"ore practicing la%$ or not to ta'e any precautions against disease.

1he person %ho lets a cold drag on is lea0ing his 7ody ina state o" disease loaded %ith enough poisonous su7stance tode0elop pneumonia$ diphtheria$ smallpo3$ or e0entu7erculosis. Anything that lo%ers a mans resistance lea0eshim less a7le to %ithstand disease and return to health.

!any years ago Dr. !ayo told a group o" physicians atChicago that he thought : out o" e0ery ,<< people had some"orm o" organic or chronic disease$ or the disease %as in some process o" de0elopment. 6erms o" e0ery 'no%n 'ind areal%ays present. )hen man stops gro%ing$ he starts decaying.)hen acti0ity ceases$ disintegration al%ays ta'es place. 1hisis true %ith animal li"e$ %ith plant li"e and e0erything thatli0es. Nearly e0eryone has seen a cat or a dog struc' 7y anautomo7ile and le"t 7y the roadside. In a "e% days the deadcarcass is loaded %ith maggots and millions o" germs. )erethese maggots par'ed 7y the road %aiting "or someone to 'illa dog Positi0ely$ noJ 1he tissue starts decaying "irst$ then the

sca0engers go to %or'. 1hey cannot %or' on healthy tissue.2ou carry %ithin yoursel" su""icient germs o" all 'indsand descriptions to de0our any o" your tissues %hich start todecay or %aste a%ay. #or instance$ tu7erculosis is a

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As %e loo' 7ac' o0er the history o" serums$ %e "ind themedical "ad o" yesterday is "orgotten today 7ecause the pu7lic pays a little more "or the latest "ad in serums$ %hich in turn

may 7e "orgotten tomorro%.Please dont misunderstand me. 1here are thousands o" 

honora7le$ splendid medical physicians %ho do not e3ag-gerate the importance o" serums. 1he group to 7e%are o" isthe so-called society group that 7elongs to the local medicalsocieties and the national organi?ation %here political croo'sha0e @oined hands in a 7ig %ay to scatter propaganda and"righten helpless people into their net.

1he most "amous medical men in the %orld do nothesitate to say in con"idence that in administering drugs the physician is at all times e3perimenting. 1he use o" drugs is 7ased on guess%or' and nothing else. )hen drugs areadministered$ sometimes one thing happens$ sometimes an-other. 1hat is %hy the physician al%ays tells the patient tota'e one prescription "or a "e% days and then return$ or he %illcall at the home. He does not 'no% %hat the e""ect o" themedicine is going to 7e. 1hat is %hy he has to ma'e another call or ha0e the patient call to see %hat has happened. 1hat is%hy physicians do not agree as to %hat treatment they shouldgi0e.

T"ere is on& one point on #"ic" a&& "onorab&e

p"sicians a$ree% and t"at is :1&ean t"e #aste materia&

out of t"e bod and $i!e it sufficient nouris"ment to

start rebui&din$(: As t"e ce&&s of t"e bod #ear out

durin$ t"e da's acti!it t"e must be rep&aced b #e&&

nouris"ed% acti!e% $ro#in$ ce&&s( T"is process of 

#astin$ a#a and rebui&din$ must $o on( T"at is #"

Osteopat"ic,p"sicians% and ot"ers

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ha0e "ound that putting the 7ones 7ac' in their proper place$loosening tight muscle tissues and restoring the normalcirculation$ %ill start the 7ody thro%ing o"" its %aste

materials and ta'ing on ne% 7uilding materials.In other %ords$ i" a stream o" %ater is dammed %ith%aste material$ the only %ay to start the %ater "lo%ing that itmay continue on its %ay$ puri"ying itsel"$ is to ta'e theo7structions out o" its path. )hy are people so stupid thatthey cannot see these simple truths Plenty o" "resh air$ good"ood$ lots o" %ater$ and a reasona7le amount o" physicale3ercise is a7solutely necessary. A 7ody that has all o" theessentials o" li"e certainly has 0ery little i" anything to %orrya7out.

Strong$ healthy people ha0e 'een$ acti0e minds. 1heytal' a7out constructi0e things. 1hey tal' a7out doing 7ig

things. 1heir air castles consist o" mental pictures %hich actas 7lue prints "rom %hich to 7uild the structure that is toremain o" real ser0ice and dura7ility. It is the %ea'$ sic'ly$under-nourished$ %ea'-minded person %ho %astes his timetal'ing a7out the depression$ in@ustice$ and negati0e$destructi0e things.

O" course$ %e al%ays %ill ha0e political croo's$gangsters and gang leaders. )e al%ays %ill ha0e our medical croo's. 1hey ha0e 7een %ith us "rom the time o"  7eginning$ 7ut %e also %ill ha0e a large num7er o" honest physicians$ honest la%yers$ and other good$ la%-a7idingciti?ens %ho "e&p to ma)e t"is #or&d a better p&ace in

#"ic" to &i!e( Spend more time t"in)in$ about t"e$ood t"in$s in &ife and t"e $ood peop&e in &ife% and)no# t"at e!er $arden "as some #eeds in it but t"ene!er are permitted to cro#d out t"e $ro#in$!e$etab&es and fruits( T"e "onest% $ood peop&e of t"is#or&d ne!er #i&& permit t"e po&itica& croo)s and$an$sters to ta)e c"ar$e( T"e fi$"t

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%ill go on inde"initely 7et%een right and %rong. It has 7eenso "rom the time o" 7eginning. Prepare yoursel" %ith a good$strong physical 7ody and a 'een mind to do your share o" the

"ighting.I" you ha0e done something in the past %hich %orriesyou$ @ust remem7er that %hat happened yesterday has gone.#rom this moment on you are 7uilding "or the "uture. !anymen ha0e come to me stating that they reali?ed that theyruined their li0es 7y practicing sel"-a7use or o0erindulgencein se3$ or something else. No man has e0er ruined his li"e aslong as he "eels li"e is %orth li0ing. It might surprise you to'no% that the great scientists o" the %orld tell us that practically e0ery normal man has at some time or other  practiced mastur7ation$ and that the same is true %ith %omen.1his is 7ecause o" irritation$ 7ut since most o" these people"ind out early enough in li"e that such practice is 7ad "or themthey discontinue. 1hose %ho do not discontinue are al%aysshy and 7ash"ul$ e3ceedingly sel"-conscious$ 7ecause theythin' e0eryone can read their condition.

Such practice is an unnatural drain on the ner0oussystem$ and i" continued results in ner0ous and mentalconditions. !en %ho ha0e this ha7it generally ha0e an en-larged prostate$ 7ut not necessarily. )ith young girls and%omen there is some irritation to the "emale organs %hichstarts them manipulating their pri0ate organs to relie0e anitching or 7urning sensation. 1his manipulation results in a pleasant sensation %hich soon 7ecomes a ha7it.

I" mothers and "athers %ould teach their children early inli"e to 'eep these organs e3ceptionally clean$ to %ash andcleanse them the same as they %ould any other part o" their  7odies$ the annoying symptoms %hich cause mastur7ation%ould disappear. !any times a congested colon$ and

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sigmoid or rectum$ %ill distur7 the pri0ate organs su""icientlyto cause ha7its o" sel"-a7use.

)hat people need is more education and less drugs and

serums. I am not condemning the "e% remedies %hich ha0e 7een "ound to 7e help"ul in eliminating %aste material "romthe 7ody. A person may %ash his hands and 7ody %ithout anysoap$ 7ut %e do 'no% that it can 7e done much 7etter 7yusing a little pure soap$ and %e also 'no% that the internalorgans can 7e "lushed and cleansed much easier 7y usingsome o" the preparations made "or this purpose.

#or instance$ ground al"al"a$ ground licorice root$ groundcelery root$ and ground 0egeta7les$ %hen used in moderation$help to "lush the 'idneys and the 7o%els. Some o" these are placed on the mar'et in ta7let "orm$ some in po%dered "orm.1hey are 0ery good and 0ery help"ul$ 7ut they are not to 7e

con"used %ith harm"ul drugs or serums. 1hey are not in thesame class.!any people are so 7usy that they do not ta'e the time to

let their 7o%els mo0e. 1he "ecal matter stays in there until itgets hard$ and %hen mineral oils and strong drugs are ta'en to"orce this "ecal matter out it many times tears$ scratches andirritates the delicate tissues o" the rectum$ and since the 7o%els ha0e to mo0e e0ery day this irritation is continued$ne0er gi0ing the tissues a chance to heal. A"ter a %hileinternal hemorrhoids$ commonly called piles$ de0elop. Someo" these 7ecome so large and congested that they ha0e to 7eremo0ed. Ho%e0er$ many o" them can 7e corrected 7y a

simple home treatment using a good rectal dilator and a goodointment.

In the early stages$ patients can relie0e themsel0es 7yusing a little ointment$ %hich is soothing and tends to

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relie0e congestion. But here again %e ha0e an unlimitednum7er o" pile remedies on the mar'et made o" cheap mineraloils and drugs %hich soothe the tissues$ instead o" heal them.

People %ho use such remedies merely nurse their conditionalong until it 7ecomes cancerous. 1he time to ta'e care o" anycondition is in the 7eginning. Do not %ait until you ha0e tota'e care o" it. I" you %ait$ the @o7 may 7e more than you canhandle.

!eta7olism tests are 7ecoming a "ad$ 7ut %e must noto0erloo' the "act that meta7olism is the 7uilding up and 7rea'ing do%n process that is constantly ta'ing place %ithinall the cells o" the human 7ody. )hen meta7olism ta'es placeat a normal rate$ all is %ell$ 7ut %hen ana7olism$ the 7uildingup$ and cata7olism$ the 7rea'ing do%n$ are not correctly 7alanced$ the human machine does not %or' in harmony. I" the 7rea'ing do%n process ta'es place too "ast$ the patientloses %eight and 7ecomes restless. 1hat is %hy dead teeth$rotten tonsils$ and other decaying tissues$ should 7e remo0edsurgically.

I am not in "a0or o" all the unnecessary surgery that isdone today$ and I really 7elie0e that thousands o" tonsils ha0e 7een remo0ed that should ha0e 7een le"t alone$ and that manyother unnecessary operations ha0e 7een per"ormed$ 7ut on theother hand there are thousands o" people su""ering 7ecause o" a small piece o" tonsil tissue thro%ing decaying su7stance intotheir 7odies all the time$ pre0enting them "rom returning tohealth. 1he same is true %ith dead teeth. 1he person %ho hastonsillitis and sore throat many times is much 7etter o""$

 7ecause he %ill do something a7out such a condition$ 7ut theindi0idual %ho has decaying tonsil tissue that ne0er causes asore throat is the one %ho is la7oring under di""iculty$ 7ecausehe does not see that his tonsils are discharging pus into hissystem %ithout causing any throat trou7le. 1hese are thetonsils that are really dangerous.

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1onsillitis means in"lammation o" the tonsils. 1his small$almond-shaped mass is composed mainly o" lymphoid tissueco0ered %ith a mucous mem7rane containing 0arious crypts.

Some 7elie0e they secrete a su7stance that destroys 7acteria%hich enter the mouth. But there are 0arious theories as to%hat their real "unction is. Some authorities 7elie0e that thetonsils supply a su7stance that has to do %ith 7ody meta7-olism$ and that %hen the se3 organs start "unctioning thetonsils 7egin atrophying$ %hich seems to 7e proo" that theyha0e ser0ed their purpose.

!any physicians 7elie0e it is a crime to remo0e tonsils promiscuously$ 7ut on the other hand %e do 'no% o" manyinstances %here decaying tonsils ha0e impaired the health o" the patient$ and that a mar'ed impro0ement %as noticedimmediately a"ter their remo0al.

1he dead tooth that ne0er aches is usually the one thatcauses the most trou7le to the general health. A personcertainly should "ind out "or sure i" his teeth really should 7ee3tracted or his tonsils should 7e remo0ed 7e"ore ha0ing anyo" this %or' done.

W"en a person tends to $ain #ei$"t% fee&s s&u$$is"and du&&% "e s"ou&d )no# t"at t"e bui&din$ up andtearin$ do#n processes of "is bod are not e!en&ba&anced( No time s"ou&d be &ost before findin$ out#"at is #ron$( T"e stupid indi!idua& #"o #aits unti& "e"as &ost t#ent or t#ent,fi!e pounds before "e ma)es

an in!esti$ation #i&& pa dear& for "is ne$&i$ence( T"es&u$$is" person #"o $ains t#ent or t#ent,fi!epounds #it"out doin$ ant"in$ about it is not &iab&e todo ant"in$ about it% because surp&us #ei$"t is adisease t"at affects t"e mind% as #e&& as t"e bod( T"atis #" s"re#d business men #i&& not $i!e a position toa person #"o is muc" o!er,#ei$"t( +ast e6perience"as

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taught seasoned 7usiness men that large o7@ects mo0e slo%ly$and that o0er-%eight 7odies carry sluggish$ inacti0e men-talities.

It is 0ery easy to straighten out the meta7olism o" the 7ody and maintain a 7alance$ 7ut once the 7uilding processstarts manu"acturing a lot o" surplus "at cells$ or the tearingdo%n process starts destroying the 7ody tissues$ the conditiongathers more momentum as it goes$ and these people soon"ind themsel0es in an incura7le condition. 1he old saying$ EAstitch in time sa0es nine$E is true.

I" you are not happy in your %or' and you ha0e notlearned to lo0e your %or'$ your health is sure to 7e a""ected.I" your home li"e is unpleasant and many annoying dis-

tur7ances 'eep you in a state o" mental unrest$ you had 7etter correct these conditions 7e"ore 7othering %ith anything else.1he person does not li0e %ho can 7alance his physical health%hen the conscious and su7conscious mind %hich control the physiological "unction o" the 7ody tissues are "unctioninginharmoniously.

I ha0e ad0ised se0eral patients to lea0e their %or' and"ind something else$ or to lea0e their home and "ind a more pleasant one. 1he results ha0e 7een 0ery satis"actory$ and the patients ha0e returned to health %ithout any treatment. I ha0ein mind a young lady t%enty-t%o years o" age %hose mother 

and "ather did not permit her to do anything that she %anted todo %ithout a terri7le argument. She had 7een in poor health"or a7out "i0e years. She %as a good stenographer and 0erycapa7le o" ta'ing care o" hersel". I sa% her three years a"ter she had mo0ed to another state$ and she %as en@oying per"ecthealth.

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Re-read the in"ormation regarding meta7olism 7ecauserheumatism cannot 7e success"ully treated until you ha0e properly 7alanced the 7ody meta7olism. 1he principal trou7le

in the practice o" the healing art is in getting the patients tocarry out the instructions per"ectly. I" you %ill understand thatyou are %or'ing %ith a 0ery delicate$ comple3 mechanism$you %ill see %hy many people ha0e rheumatism the last hal" o" their li0es. 1hey postpone$ instead o" changing their ha7its.As long as you continue day a"ter day eating the same "oodsand "ollo%ing the same ha7its$ you %ill ha0e the same achesand pains. 1%o and t%o has al%ays 7een "our and it al%ays%ill 7e "our.


Arthritis means in"lammation o" the @oints. In the acutestage it is mar'ed 7y pain$ heat$ s%elling and redness. Any-thing that inter"eres %ith the purity o" the 7lood may result inarthritis. Patients %ith arthritis usually are highly acid and0ery to3ic. 1hey ne0er ha0e the slightest conception o" %hatis "ood and %hat is not "ood. 1hey merely 'no% %hat satis"iestheir hunger$ and are seldom interested in learning anythinga7out doing something "or themsel0es$ and a physician ishelpless %ithout the cooperation o" the patient.

S%elling o" the @oints is su""icient e0idence that the 7loodstream is loaded %ith to3ic$ poisonous su7stance %hich is

causing congestion. 1he home treatment "or arthritis shouldinclude a good acid-neutrali?ing po%der to relie0e acidindigestion %hich is many times present.

In arthritis cases$ good elimination and good "oods thatha0e not 7een o0ercoo'ed are important.

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 Pimples, Psoriasis and :ther 09in 4iseases

1he youth"ul patient %ith s'in eruptions and pimples ismany times dismissed 7y the doctor %ith the admonition to

Eeat "e%er s%eets it %ill disappear o" itsel" in time any%ay.EIt may 7e true that it %ill disappear in time$ 7ut the clean$sel"-respecting youth considers that time a long period o" em7arrassment and discom"ort. Care"ully studying thesecases has pro0en conclusi0ely that a"ter "inding the under-lying cause the condition is 0ery easily remedied.

Contrary to the commonly accepted opinion$ this con-dition is not al%ays attri7uted to Etoo many s%eetsE and thedissipation o" youth. It is 0ery o"ten a disease o" these7aceous glands$ %hich secrete a greasy or lu7ricatingsu7stance called se7um or suet. Naturally$ these glands %henclogged$ as a result o" %rong eating and poor elimination$

 7ecome enlarged and congested 7eyond their capacity.1hese unsightly pimples can 7e completely eradicated

%ithout drugs or doping o" any 'ind$ 7ut it ta'es teaching andnot treating. During pu7erty %hen the se3 organs 7egin their "unction the meta7olism o" the 7ody is changed and so are theactions and mental attitude o" the young people changed atthis critical time. Here is %here they need constructi0einstruction$ and i" high schools and colleges %ould gi0e moreo" this practical$ use"ul in"ormation instead o" some o" theuseless su7@ects that are taught$ %e %ould ha0e "ar lesstrou7le. Acne 0ulgaris is the name used 7y the physician "or the terri7le s'in disease that I ha0e @ust descri7ed.

Dermatoses$ ec?ema$ psoriasis and other s'in disordersreally mean that the nutrition$ circulation and physiology o" the s'in are under the control o" glands o" internal secretion$and %hen these glands "ail to "unction properly as a result o" nutritional de"iciencies and poor elimination$ 7oils$car7uncles$ and chronic ulcers$ or other s'in disorders may

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appear. 1his sounds di""icult to comprehend$ 7ut serums$drugs and treatment cannot compare %ith true nourishmentand corrected ha7its$ in clearing a%ay s'in trou7les.

I challenge any physician %ith all o" his drugs to sho%the results that can 7e o7tained %ith nothing 7ut air$ "ood$%ater$ e3ercise and mental attitude. 2outh does not ha0e to%ait "rom the age o" "i"teen to the age o" t%enty-"i0e "or his pimples to disappear. 6i0e this system a chance$ 7ut %atchhealth hygiene ha7its.

Ho% can anyone e3pect his s'in to 7e "ree o" pimples and 7lemishes as long as he continues drin'ing large uantities o" mil'$ or eating too much greasy "oods. Patients %ith a s'indisease must drin' a glass o" %ater e0ery hour in addition tot%o large glasses o" %ater the "irst thing in the morning andthe last thing at night. I" they %ill add a teaspoon"ul o" a good

anti-acid po%der in one glass o" the drin'ing %ater$ the results%ill 7e astonishing$ and$ since the s'in is congested ando0erloaded %ith poisons the condition should 7e treated thesame as %e %ould treat rheumatism$ arthritis or any other disease %here congestion pre0ails.

I ha0e ne0er seen a case %here proper elimination andcorrect diet "ailed to lea0e the s'in clear$ healthy and "unc-tioning normally %hen the condition %as due to mineral and0itamin de"iciency. +at more "resh "ruits and 0egeta7les$ anddrin' plenty o" %ater. +at no "ried "oods o" any 'ind$ no pastries$ 7oiled or ste%ed meat. 1he meat you eat should 7eeither 7roiled or roasted. Chic'en$ lam7 and 7ee" are

 pre"era7le$ and remem7er I said$ ENot "ried or ste%ed$E and positi0ely rareFne0er %ell done.

+3pose your nude 7ody to the sunlight as o"ten as possi7le and do not %ear hea0y$ thic' under%ear. Dont "orgetthe t%o hot 7aths a %ee'$ and remem7er to ru7 your 

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 7ody 7ris'ly %ith a tur'ish to%el$ 7ringing the circulation toall tissues. O" course$ you must e3ercise in the open air.Remem7er$ you are trying to cleanse your 7ody$ and you must

use the cleansing methods.A7out all I can say is that i" you do not get rid o" your s'in trou7les and pimples$ in most cases it is 7ecause you aretoo la?y or too stupid to get do%n to 7usiness. I ha0e ne0er seen a case "ail in the last ten years$ e3cept %here the patient%as either too stupid or too la?y to "ollo% correct hygieneha7its.


1here is one %ay that a physician can 7e o" some ser0iceto you$ 7ut it seems that the a0erage doctor considers himsel" too digni"ied to stoop to doing the dirty %or' that should 7edone. By the dirty %or'$ I mean cleaning the large colon$ the"ilth trap o" the human 7ody. During these days o" ci0ili?ation$ people %ill sit and tal' o0er the telephone "or long periods o" time %hile nature is telling them the 7o%elsshould mo0e$ 7ut the con0ersation must go on$ and the 7o%elsha0e to %ait. 1he "ecal matter 7ecomes congested and hard.)hen castor oil$ cascarets$ or some other "orm o" dynamite isused$ the "orcing o" this hard "ecal matter through the delicaterectal tissues and the large colon does a certain amount o" damage. A"ter a "e% years o" a7use$ these organs 7ecomeinacti0e and sluggish conseuently$ the accumulated %asteremains in the 7ody. 1he 7lood passing through these tissues pic's up this poisonous %aste material and carries it to theeyes$ nose$ throat$ li0er$ lungs$ appendi3$ etc.$ until some o" 

these organs are a""ected. 1hey can stand only a certainamount./acteria t"ri!es on t"e con$ested #aste materia&

in t"e bo#e&( Dr( <ordan in "is presidentia& addressbefore t"e Hunterian Societ% as reported in t"e /ritis"2edica& <ourna&% sas% :In c"ronic intestina& stasisacti!e pat"o$enic

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=disease producing> 7acteria thri0e in the 7o%el these "orm poisonous products in the intestines$ %hich are carried 7y %ayo" the thoracic duct into the general circulation$ and thus

reach e0ery li0ing cell o" the 7ody. No tissue or organ canresist their 7ale"ul in"luences e0ery tissue attac'ed 7y themloses some o" its po%er o" resisting pathogenic in"luences$and this lo%ered resistance has a 0ery potent in"luence in"a0oring the occurrence o" cancer.E

Sir Ar7uthnot ane$ !. D.$ #. R. C. S.$ regarded as one o" +nglands greatest surgeons$ %as uoted "rom the British!edical Gournal$ Octo7er 84$ ,89$ as saying$ E1he pro"es-sion is only @ust 7eginning to reali?e the enormous part played 7y the de"ecti0e "unctioning o" the gastro-intestinal tract$ theconseuent "ouling o" the "ood supply$ and the poisoning anddeterioration o" the tissues 7y septic material a7sor7ed "romthe intestine.

E1he cancerous cell %ill only gro% in a suita7le soil$ andthat soil is pro0ided "or 7y the prolonged action o" the to3insin the tissues. It is the ha7it o" ci0ili?ation to regard a single"ormed 7o%el mo0ement a day as normal$ so that theindi0idual is ha7itually constipated "or at least t%enty-"our hours$ and the products o" the "ood consumed during that period are accumulated in the large intestine and in the "irstinstance in its termination.E

Ochsner o" Chicago called attention to the "act that$ +0ery author o" note$ "rom Hippocrates to the present day$%ho has %ritten a treatise on medicine$ has insisted on theimportance o" pre0enting an a7normal accumulation o" e3crement in the large intestine$ 7oth as a prophylactic against"uture$ and as a cure "or e3isting disease.E

Roc'ey o" Portland$ Oregon$ says( ECare"ul clinical o7-ser0ation is con0incing me$ day 7y day$ that the uestion o" intestinal stasis and its conseuent mor7idity is one o" the

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most important su7@ects 7e"ore the medical pro"ession at thistime.E

Dr. ). +. Dic'son$ Pro"essor o" !ateria !edica in &ings

College$ ondon$ named among other highly poisonoussu7stances produced in the colon 7y the putre"action o" "oodresidues$ ammonia$ %hich causes hardening and degenerationo" the li0er tyramine$ a 0ery highly poisonous product indols'atol and cholin sepsin$ o" %hich a small dose 'illed a largedog$ al%ays "ound in the colon o" meat-eaters and %hich isdecomposed into 7lood pressure-raising poisons.E

1hese intestinal poisons ha0e 7een sho%n to cause arte-riosclerosis$ nephritis$ "atty degeneration o" the heart$ and all"orms o" s'in diseases. No %oman can ha0e a good com- ple3ion or 7e attracti0e physically %ho is ha7itually con-stipated. Her comple3ion %ill not 7e good$ her s%eat glands%ill gi0e o"" o""ensi0e 7ody odors$ and her physical andmental reactions %ill 7e sluggish.

Old age is not a matter o" years the run-do%n$ degen-erated condition o" the 7ody called old age merely sho%s ho%you ha0e spent your days. I" you read all that has 7een %ritten pertaining to human ills and disease$ the gist o" it all %ould 7e( Proper diet$ proper elimination =including a clean colon>$rest$ e3ercise$ 7reathe deeply$ and maintain a constructi0emental attitude to a0oid and eliminate disease.

A pure and healthy 7lood stream is the surest immuni?er against sic'ness o" any 'ind$ 7ut a clean 7lood stream isimpossi7le %ith a to3ic colon. In the treatment o" cancer andtu7erculosis$ as %ell as many other diseases$ one o" the principal reasons more has not 7een accomplished and morerelie" gi0en is that the ma@ority o" physicians ha0e o0erloo'edthe a7sorption "rom the colon in these cases.

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ance is 0ery lo% and he is in need o" help. 1he doctor 'no%sthat he cannot 7uild up a run do%n 7ody as long as the patientcontinues to use nicotine$ so he ad0ises his patient to

discontinue che%ing$ or smo'ing cigars$ a pipe$ or cigarettes.It seems that any sensi7le person %ould 7e a7le to reali?ethat i" to7acco is so detrimental that it is di""icult "or a person%ho is ill to return to health %ithout postponing the to7acco poisoning$ it certainly must mean that a person could maintainhealth i" he %ould lea0e nicotine alone. But %hen the 0italorgans are once saturated 7y the prolonged use o" nicotine$the %hole mass o" 7lood and other secretions arecontaminated 7y its poison.

1o7acco does not ha0e one constructi0e 0irtue. Nicotineis de0itali?ing in e0ery sense. !ans 7rain po%er is stimulatedor depressed according to his particular reaction to the %eed.

1o7acco is a ran' poison under all circumstances. 1hat is %hymem7ers o" the medical pro"ession agree that it should 7ediscontinued 7y people %ho ha0e lo% 0itality$ and must 7eta'en "rom those %ho e3pect to regain their health. But itseems that the %ea' indi0iduals %ho 7ecome saturated %ith it$e0en though they admit that it is an immense and portentouse0il morally$ physically$ mentally and socially$ do nothinga7out discontinuing its use.

I )no# a p"sician #"o "as studied t"e sub8ect of nicotine so t"orou$"& t"at "e can name a&& t"ee&ements of t"e #eed and $i!e t"eir action upon t"e"uman mec"anism% and "e "as tried on se!era&

different occasions to discontinue its use% but &i)eot"er dope fiends "e is #ea),minded( T"e medica&profession c&assifies tobacco #it" "enbane%ni$"ts"ade% opium% prussic acid% a&co"o&% strc"nine%etc( / science% it is re$arded as one of t"e most

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deadly agents o" the drug store$ although thousand- o" pri?eessays ha0e 7een %ritten and pu7lished on the su7@ect o" to7acco using. 1he sale increases$ it is used a7undantly 7y

many people %ho should 'no% 7etter.Since %omen ha0e started smo'ing cigarettes$ the eye$

ear$ nose and throat specialist has 7een getting a 7rea'. 1henarro% nasal passages o" the "emale soon 7ecome congested$closing the sinuses$ "rontal$ ethmoidal and ma3illary$ and a"ter a "e% years o" cigarette smo'ing she has to ha0e her sinusesopened and drained. 1his is a 0ery e3pensi0e operation and0ery pain"ul$ %hich in the past has 7een en@oyed principally 7y men. But since the "emale o" the species has so generallyindulged in the use o" cigarettes that Eare 'ind to her throat 7ecause they are toasted E her 7rain also %ill 7e toastedunless she has an ear$ nose and throat specialist open her 

sinuses occasionally to drain out some o" the pus. Nicotine has a drug e""ect on her "emale organs. It

changes her meta7olism$ and her o0aries and uterus changetheir natural "unction. Cigarettes 'eep her thin. 2es$ they ma'eher thin mentally$ as %ell as physically$ and she can 7oast o" the "act that she carries the 0ile$ 0ulgar odor that has 7een so 7ra0ely 7orne 7y man.

 As tobacco is a poison% #e need no ar$ument tos"o# t"at its contact is in8urious to t"e !ita& or$ans% butt"e nicotine fiends become so accustomed to t"epoison t"at t"e re$ard it as a necessar e!i&( T"eir 

ar$ument is t"at t"e p&easurab&e sensations more t"anoffset t"e de!ita&i;in$ -ua&ities( T"e same is true #it"t"e indi!idua& #"o uses a&co"o&( In "is o#n defense "e#i&& cite case after case #"ere peop&e "a!e "ad t"eir mornin$ and e!enin$ drin) a&& t"eir &i!es and &i!ed to beo&d peop&e( He #i&& use e!er con,

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that this uieted his ner0es$ and that he did not che% to7accoor smo'e it in any "orm.

A"ter some e3planation it %as possi7le "or me to ma'e

him see that a sponge does not need to che% %ater$ smo'e itor s%allo% it$ 7ut it certainly can a7sor7 a great uantity. Ie3plained to him that the mucous mem7rane lining his lo%er lip possessed great a7sor7ing ualities$ and that he %asa7sor7ing more nicotine than he %ould i" he smo'ed or che%ed to7acco and e3pectorated.

A"ter lea0ing to7acco alone "or ten days his chronicin"lamed eyes 7egan to clear up$ and in less than thirty daysthis chronic in"lammation o" the con@uncti0a disappearedcompletely. I" a chronic condition o" the eyes has 7eenmaintained o0er a period o" years through the use o" nicotineand disappears in less than thirty days a"ter discontinuing thenicotine$ this certainly should 7e su""icient e0idence to ma'e

e0en an indi0idual %ithout 7rain po%er see the destructi0e po%er o" nicotine.

1o7acco ta'en into the stomach in large uantities pro-duces 0omiting. Here it is said to ha0e an a""inity "or thestomach. Positi0ely noJ 1he 0ital instincts o" the stomachrecogni?e an enemy and ma'e a 0iolent e""ort to re@ect it.Certainly nicotine has no a""inity "or the stomach. It is arepulsi0e irritant hence the 0omiting. I" smaller uantities o" to7acco are ta'en into the stomach$ s%eating$ purging anddiuresis result$ not 7ecause to7acco has a selecti0e a""inity "or the 7o%els$ 'idneys or s'in$ 7ut 7ecause the li0e tissues andorgans are %or'ing as "ast as they can to get it out.

1he people %ho state that they do not inhale$ there"ore itcan do no harm$ merely e3pose their ignorance. 1he real harmthat is done 7y cigarette smo'ing is in the a7sorption o" thenicotine through holding the cigarette in the mouth. O" course$ they get a dou7le dose %hen they suc' it

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into the sinuses$ as %ell as a7sor7 it into the 7lood$ %hichcarries it into the sinuses and all other parts o" the 7ody. 1hemucous mem7rane o" the %indpipe$ mouth$ throat and

 7ronchial rami"ications e3crete a mucous-li'e "luid "or sel"-de"ense$ commonly called e3pectoration. 1o7acco$ %hich issupposed to possess the property o" e3pectorant$ containsnothing o" the sort. Again it merely aggra0ates the 7odysnormal secretions until they @oin hands in their e""orts tothro% it out o" the system.

1he to7acco "iend uses the argument that practicallye0ery President o" the *nited States has used to7acco. 1hishas nothing to do %ith the e""ect o" to7acco. Because a 7an' President 7ecomes a thie" and ro7s the 7an'$ disappearing%ith the money$ doesnt ma'e him any 7etter than any other common thie" %ho stic's his gun in the cashiers "ace and tellshim to hand him the money. In 7oth cases the 7an' has 7eenro77ed$ and %hy %e should @usti"y 7an' ro77ing 7ecause it isdone 7y the President and not 7y a regular$ pro"essional 7an' ro77er is 7eyond me$ and thats %hat the nicotine "iend does%hen he cites the "act that Presidents$ great la%yers and greatdoctors use nicotine$ as a means o" @usti"ying its use.

In child7irth$ to7acco hastens deli0ery and o"ten causesa7ortion or miscarriage in cases o" pregnancy. 1he uterus$ thesame as other 0ital organs$ is aroused to de"ensi0e action$ andin its e""ort to contract its muscle "i7ers the content ise3pelled. In other %ords$ nicotine has the same e""ect on the"emale organs as ergot$ conium$ emetic tartar$ and other drugso" this nature. Narcotic stimulants al%ays %ea'en the se3ual

organs$ and to7acco has the same e""ect. In the past "i0e yearsmany young men$ %ho ha0e attended my lectures "or menonly$ ha0e as'ed me %hy their se3ual organs ceased"unctioning so early in li"e. In my pri0ate practice there are0ery "e% people %ho as' these uestions$ 7ut %hen touring

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and lecturing it seems that people "eel "reer to as' suchuestions o" a stranger %hom they pro7a7ly %ill not see againin pre"erence to as'ing their "amily doctor.

One o" the most complicated and mysterious actionsto7acco is supposed to ha0e is its so-called ner0ine stimulantand narcotic properties. Because o" these e""ects it 7ecomesha7it-"orming$ and as these properties are misapprehended 7ythe physicians and seldom properly understood 7y thelayman$ I %ill ma'e them clear.

I" large uantities o" to7acco are ta'en into the system$ itis e3pelled %ith 0iolent "orce$ 7y 0omiting$ snee?ing or  purging. Almost e0ery7ody understands this. But they do notunderstand %hen smaller uantities are ta'en in graduallyincreasing doses that the small uantities are gradually di"-"used throughout the %hole system$ and 7y 7alanced deter-mination o" the 7lood and other 7ody secretions all o" the

outlets o" the 7ody are %or'ing as harmoniously as possi7leunder the nicotine handicap$ to e3pel the poisonous nicotine.)hen the 7lood and other secretions are spending their time%or'ing to eliminate poison they certainly ha0e no time le"t"or re7uilding and replenishing the slo%ly %earing outorganism.

Dr. A. &nop" presents this %arning in the !othersGournal( I am not a "anatic in "or7idding %omen to smo'e.1hey ha0e as much right to smo'e as men$ e3cept %hen theyare prospecti0e mothers$ or mothers o" 7a7ies$ or ha0e thecare o" 7a7ies and little children$ though I strongly ad0ise allgirls and %omen i" only slightly predisposed to tu7erculosis$

not to acuire the smo'e ha7it.E)hile the comparati0ely little nicotine contained insome 7rands o" cigarettes =%hich poison goes into the circu-lation through inhaling the smo'e into the lungs> may notgreatly harm the adult moderate smo'er$ nicotine and thenumerous other 7y-products resulting "rom the smo'ing o" 

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cigarettes are in@urious to the child de0eloping in the %om7 o" the mother and ma'e it less resistant to tu7erculosis and other in"ectious diseases.

E1hese poisons reach the child %hile still in the %om7through the "etal circulation. 1o smo'e in the presence o" alittle 7a7y so that the "umes can reach its lungs is eually-in@urious$ and this applies to men as %ell as to %omensmo'ers.

E*n"ortunately$ %hen the %oman acuires the cigaretteha7it she is more addicted to it than the man. !en usuallysmo'e a cigarette or cigar a"ter meals the %oman ha7itue %illsmo'e se0eral cigarettes 7e"ore and during as %ell as a"ter meals.

EI ha0e "ound that %hen men contract tu7erculosis theyha0e more sel"-control to stop the ha7it than tu7erculous

%omen.Eet e0ery mother or girl %ho e3pects to marry 7ear inmind that it does her much harm to smo'e and that it does positi0e harm to her o""spring.E

Recently a lady came to me and said that she %ould li'eto ha0e me do something "or her hus7and. She e3plained thather hus7and %as a 0ery 7rilliant man$ a good pro0ider$ 0eryam7itious and dependa7le$ and unusually goad in his line o"  7usiness$ 7ut she said that his health %as "ailing$ and that she'ne% he could not continue his %or' much longer.

Be"ore she le"t she said$ ENo% %hen I 7ring my hus7andin dont say anything to him a7out to7acco or co""ee$ 7ecause

i" you do he %ill uit you 7e"ore he starts$ the same as he hase0ery other physician he has consulted.EI had to 7e 0ery diplomatic %ith the hus7and. No man

li'es to 7e told o" his "aults e0en i" he 'no%s you are right.A"ter the e3amination I sho%ed him that his hemoglo7in

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%as do%n to /<$ and sho%ed him the di""erence 7et%een his 7lood and normal 7lood$ %hich runs around ;: to ,<<.

A"ter some e3planation$ I con0inced him that 7oth ca"-

"eine and nicotine had caused such an o0erstimulation to his 7o%els that their "unction %as o" a spasmodic nature$ insteado" natural$ and it did not ta'e 0ery much e""ort to con0incehim that i" his 7lood$ lymph and other secretions %ere 7usynight and day %or'ing the nicotine$ ca""eine and e3cessi0e protein out o" his system they had no time le"t "or 7uildingreser0e energy$ and that the principal reason %hy he did notrest any 7etter at night %as that his 7ody could not rest and%or' at the same time. Since his 7ody %as %or'ing most o" the night struggling to eliminate poisons$ he could not e3pectto get up "eeling rested and re"reshed the "ollo%ing morning.

He said$ E)ell$ i" one o" the other doctors had e3plained

it to me that %ay I %ould ha0e gi0en it a trial. No%$ Doctor$ @ust %hat do you %ant me to do$ "irstE

I said$ EAll I %ant you to do is "ollo% my instructions "or thirty days regarding %hat you ta'e into your mouth$ and I%ill not as' you to ta'e any drugs or any medicineF@ust good"ood$ air$ %ater and e3ercise.E

)hen a person has acuired the ha7it o" using nicotine or ca""eine to any great e3tent he in0aria7ly o0er-eats "oods highin protein$ and in this manner un7alances his %hole system$ 7ecause these poisons go together$ and the use o" onestimulates and increases the appetite "or the other. )e oc-casionally "ind a "e% e3ceptions. 1he nicotine "iend does not

al%ays care "or ca""eine$ and the ca""eine "iend does notal%ays care "or nicotine$ 7ut either the ca""eine "iend or thenicotine "iend usually 7ecomes 0ery "ond o" protein "ood$ and%hen they ha0e the com7ination o" the three$ %hich is usuallythe case$ the pro7lem is not easy to handle. A"ter a

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%hile they lose their appetite "or "ood and li0e almost entirelyon protein until a ner0ous 7rea'do%n or insanity "orces theminto a sanitarium.

1he hus7and re"erred to a7o0e$ %ho %as only thirty-"our years o" age$ gained "i"teen and one-hal" pounds the "irstthirty days$ and %e no longer ha0e to argue %ith him a7out"ood or anything else.

I had another case$ a man thirty-se0en years o" age$ %ho%as only "i0e "eet$ se0en and one-hal" inches tall and %eighed88< pounds in other %ords$ a7out "i"ty pounds o0er%eight.He had all the ha7its$ including e3cessi0e protein$ nicotineand ca""eine$ 7ut did o""ice %or' and instead o" 7einga%a'ened 7y the e""ects o" the dope it made it possi7le "or him to sit do%n and go to sleep almost any time or any place.His 7ody %as not ma'ing an e""ort to thro% the poison o""$ or 

to e0en thro% o"" the accumulated %aste material ta'en in 7y"ood. In other %ords$ practically e0erything he ate %ent to "atand surplus "lesh. His headaches %ere relie0ed only 7y shortnaps.

Suddenly he 7ecame restless. He could no longer sleep ashe had in the past. He 7ecame cross and irrita7le. Instead o" seeing the @o'e$ as he had in the past$ and 7eing a7le to laugh$things no longer loo'ed "unny to him. As his %i"e said$ he%as getting Ehard to li0e %ith.E In this case the 7ody hadreached the place %here it could no longer tolerate these poisons$ and in its 0iolent e""ort to e3pel them$ it %aso0erta3ing his ner0ous system.

A"ter "ollo%ing instructions$ he lost ele0en pounds ineighteen days. In si3ty days he lost thirty-t%o pounds$ and notonly "elt 7etter 7ut loo'ed 7etter. Here %as another case%here he had not had the proper e3planation and thenecessary time had not 7een spent to con0ince him that hecould return to health on his o%n po%er. I" people only

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'ne% ho% simple and easy it is to regain health and retain it$%e %ould not ha0e all o" the su""ering that %e ha0e.

)e are reaching a place in our ci0ili?ation %here themore intelligent people are reali?ing that many o" their %ea'nesses$ many o" their diseases$ and many o" their achesand pains are the results o" negati0e thin'ing$ a pessimisticoutloo' on li"e$ ignorance a7out correct diet$ and ignorance o" the correct rules o" hygiene. 2et %e %ill al%ays ha0e a "e% people %ho "ail to consider these important things.

!any college students spend more money "or cigars andcigarettes than their 7oard 7ill amounts to. I 'ne% one student%ho smo'ed on an a0erage o" se0en or eight t%enty-"i0e-centcigars a day$ a0eraging a7out L,8.<< a %ee'. His 7oard androom %as only L,< a %ee'. 1his$ o" course$ is an e3ceptional

case$ 7ut there are thousands o" people %ho spend L,<$ L,: or L8< a month "or to7acco %hich is hurting their health.

I" it %ere not "or mans health$ I %ould say$ ESmo'e allthe cigars and cigarettes you care to.E It "urnishes em- ployment "or more people and gi0es the to7acco gro%ers a 7etter income. 1he ad0ertising agencies can sell more ad0er-tising space the outdoor ad0ertising companies can sell more 7ill7oards the printers ha0e more 7usiness$ and there aremillions o" dollars put into circulation that %ould not 7e%ithout the use o" to7acco.

Suppose #e sa peop&e #"o "a!e $ood "ea&t" and

#ant to use a &itt&e tobacco occasiona&& ma do so#it"out specia& in8ur to t"eir "ea&t"% because t"e bod#i&& t"ro# off a sma&& -uantit of tobacco% and t"eresistance #i&& be &o#ered so s&o#& t"at a man #i&& &i!e&on$ enou$" an#a%

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 7ut ho% many people do %e 'no% %ho use to7acco %ho ha0ethe mentality to regulate its use 1his slo% poison increasesthe 7odys desire "or more poison$ the same as a dope "iend

has to ha0e more and more dope in order to satis"y hiscra0ing. 1his should upset the old theory that man should payno attention to %hat he eats$ 7ecause his appetite %ill call "or %hat his 7ody needs.

I" man li0ed a normal$ natural li"e his appetite %ould call"or %hat his 7ody needs$ 7ut %hen the appetite is per0erted 7ythe use o" nicotine and ca""eine$ the 7ody 7ecomes sosaturated %ith poison that an a7normal appetite is produced$the same as a pregnant %oman$ as a result o" the de0elopingchild in the uterus e3erting pressure and changing the "unctiono" her 0ital organs$ changes her appetite. She may ha0e adesire "or "oods she ne0er cared "or 7e"ore. Some o" themcra0e potato peelings. One patient actually ate lea0es o"" o" trees another one %anted %atermelon rinds another one 7ecame 0ery "ond o" cantaloupe seeds and so it is %ith theca""eine or nicotine "iend. His appetite may call "or manythings that his 7ody has no use "or. I" a person 7ecomes acar7ohydrate "iend$ he is many times apt to lose his appetitecompletely "or other "oods.

I ha0e had patients %ho could not eat delicious$ ripetomatoes$ and "resh asparagus also made them sic'. I ha0ehad other cases %here ca77age sla% caused un7eara7le painand distress$ and others %ho couldnt eat celery or lettuce$ 7ecause their digesti0e organs %ere "ull o" poison. But a"ter cleaning the poison out o" these people and restoring their digesti0e organs to normal "unction they could eat ca77age$tomatoes$ celery$ lettuce$ asparagus$ or anything else that anormal$ healthy person should eat.

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A"ter a man passes the age o" 9: or < he is so set in hisha7its that the a0erage physician does not ha0e the patience to

teach him. 1o 7e honest in this matter$ I ha0e had patients so

stu77orn and so set in their ha7its that I ha0e told them"ran'ly that I did not %ant to handle their cases at all. It isimpossi7le to help many sic' people. 1hey are unreasona7leand determined to continue eating$ drin'ing and using the0ery things that 'eep them in ill health. !any good physiciansha0e 7een condemned 7ecause o" their honest e""ort to gi0e a%orth %hile ser0ice.

1he reason more people do not get %ell is that thousandso" good physicians ha0e 7ecome disgusted %ith people$ andma'e no attempt to teach them %hat they should or should notdo 1oday$ a7out all any physician is interested in is getting his

 patient to change his ha7its long enough to get %ell$ so thatthe patient %ill do some good 7oosting and send more 7usiness$ and %hen he returns to his old ha7its he also %illreturn to the physician "or more help and more ad0ice. Its areal pleasure to 7e o" ser0ice to people %ho are in earnest$ 7utto ser0e the %ishy-%ashy mo7 %ho promise theyll doanything you say in order to get %ell is not 0ery encouragingto the physician.

1hat is one reason %hy I lo0e to teach the people rather than treat them. 1he more intelligent a person is the lesstreatment he needs$ and the 7etter he "ollo%s instructions themore 7oosting he does$ and since I$ li'e e0ery7ody else$ en@oy 7eing patted on the hac'$ my real 'ic' Cut o" li"e comes notthrough dissipating my energies 7y the use o" slo% poisons$ 7ut 7y ha0ing my ego enlarged and my entire 7eingstimulated to action 7y praise and 'ind %ords o" appreciationand all that goes %ith it.

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they ha0e to haul their "rame%or' in "or repairs$ or at least achec'-up on their personality gland.

1oo many people li0e under the impression that the

germinal cells that are im7edded in the se3ual glandsFtheo0aries in the "emale$ and the testes in the maleFare "or thesole purpose o" the perpetuation o" the species. 1his certainlyis not true. It has 7een demonstrated many times that toremo0e the o0aries "rom the "emale causes her to lose her shape$ her hips 7ecome large$ her 7ust 7ecomes "la77y$ her muscles lose their tone$ and she 7ecomes a 0ery peculiar$ partially "unctioning indi0idual.

)hen these glands are remo0ed in the male his 0oicechanges he 7ecomes more "eminine in his nature his 0italityis 0ery much lo%ered and he is considered neither a man nor a %oman.

1hese same things happen to people %hose glands do not"unction. 1he glands do not necessarily ha0e to 7e remo0ed.I" they cease to "unction the same changes ta'e place that%ould ta'e place i" they %ere remo0ed$ the only di""erence 7eing the change is so slo% that it is not as noticea7le as %henthe glands are suddenly remo0ed.

A person is apt to acuire ha7its and mimic those %ith%hom he is associated$ 7ut the real truth a7out mans personality gland and its "unction as "ar as I can "ind outne0er has 7een properly e3plained to the layman in terms hecan understand. 1he endocrinologist gi0es the reader a lot o" e3planation a7out en?ymes$ hormones$ pineal glands$ adrenal

glands$ pituitary glands$ para-thyroids$ and a lot o" other technical e3planation %hich doesnt mean a thing to thelayman.

T"e $&ands t"at produce interna& secretions arenot on& responsib&e for t"e s"ape and si;e andstren$t" of t"e "uman bod% but t"e are a&soresponsib&e for t"e "armoni,

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ous "unctioning o" the 7ody. )hether the 7ody "unctions in aharmonious manner pleasing to those %ith %hom it comes incontact$ seeing the good and constructi0e aspects o" all parts

o" li"e$ or %hether it is an antagonistic$ pessimistic anddestructi0e "unctioning 7ody is a matter entirely due to ones personality gland and its "unction.

)here is the personality gland located and ho% does it"unction A little e3planation is necessary 7e"ore attemptingto ans%er this uestion. #irst$ %e start %ith the pineal gland$and in0estigation pro0es that the "unction o" this gland is to promote the de0elopment o" the human ner0ous system$ andhas much to do %ith the acceleration o" the gro%th o" the graymatter in the 7rain.

Dr. Ber'eley o" Canada stated that in the meta7olice3periments on young animals he %as a7le to hasten their 

de0elopment$ 7ut %hen gi0ing the gland "ood to de"ecti0echildren the mentality sho%ed a steady and grati"ying im- pro0ement through the %hole period o" e3periments. He said$EIt occurred to me that the pineal gland %ill not only hurry theslo% mind o" the de"ecti0e child 7ut it %ill retard many caseso" premature senile decay o" the mental "aculties. It is a physiological stimulant and "ood "or the "ailing po%ers o" old people %ho ha0e not yet de0eloped a gra0e$ organic disease. Iha0e had encouraging success so "ar.E

W"en #e attempt to feed pinea& $&and e6tract #e

find t"e cost a&most pro"ibiti!e re$ard&ess of t"e fact

t"at t"e e6tract is $i!en in one,tent" to one,"a&f $rams

t"ree times a da( It ta)es t"e pinea&s from about fi!et"ousand bee!es to ma)e one pound of t"e finis"ed

concentrate( T"e e6tract is $i!en indeterminate and

o!er &on$ periods( Here #e see t"at t"e pinea& $&and

cou&d p&a a bi$ part in one's per,

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sonality$ since it has to do %ith the "unction o" thementality.

6landular "eeding "or impro0ing the physical$ mental and

spiritual "unction o" man is 7y no means ne%. 6landular "eeding %as disco0ered ,;<< years B. C. 1he Chinese$+gyptians$ 6ree's and Roman medicine included practicesand 7elie"s that recogni?e the internal secretions. #our hundred and si3ty years B. C. Hippocrates considered manydiseases as results o" 0arious "luids or semi-"luids o" the 7odyand used corresponding healthy organs o" animals "or relie".He teaches that it is to the e""orts o" nature that the attenti0eand a7le physician loo's "or guidance.

1%enty years A. D. Celsus$ a Roman medical %riter$recommended healthy animal organs "or relie" o" diseases o" corresponding organs in man. But during all o" these years the

great army o" physicians ha0e come and gone %ith only a "e%here and there interested in the glandular system. It is a studya little 7it too deep "or the a0erage physician. It ma'es himuse his mental "aculties 7eyond his desire to %or'$ 7ut in thelast "e% years a "e% physicians are 7eginning to recogni?e thene% method o" treatment.

)e spea' o" a person as ha0ing a magnetic personality$ a pleasing personality$ a %inning personality$ or %e say$ ESo-and-so has no personality. He is simply a "lat tire.E In thesame "amily %e "ind children 7orn o" the same parents andone is a pessimist and 0ery much disli'ed another is anoptimist %ith lots o" EI1E and 0ery much li'ed. Here %e seeen0ironment$ "ood and other elements ha0e "ailed to 7ring outthe same 'ind o" personality under the same circumstances.1he 7ig uestion is$ E)hyE I %ill tell you later$ 7ut right no%I %ant to say a "e% %ords a7out the pituitary.

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uestion a7out their 0irginity. 1heir tense$ ner0ous$ thinstructure tells the %hole story at one glance.

)hy are people so stupid that they do not see these "acts

)hy not tell the truth a7out the human 7ody and its "unction$the personality gland and its importance1he %oman %ho gi0es 7irth to a 7a7y and then "eeds it

on a 7ottle in0aria7ly has "emale trou7le 7ecause her uterusdoes not contract to its natural si?e. 1his pro0es that thenursing 7a7y %or'ing on the mammary glands$ %hich in turn%or' on the muscular "i7res o" the uterus$ causes it to contractto its normal si?e.

1he man %ho marries a %oman "or her money$ or the%oman %ho marries a man "or his money or social standing$in0aria7ly has the mista'e re"lected in his or her personality$ 7ecause the thrill that goes %ith true lo0e and true e3pression

o" the personality glands is entirely lac'ing.People %ho eat "oods that do not contain the essential0itamins to stimulate these glands to action al%ays ha0e a pessimistic appearance$ as %ell as a sour outloo' on li"e. 1heyare not only sour on the %orld$ 7ut .the %orld is sour on them.

I ha0e in mind one maiden lady %ho %as 0ery peculiar inmany %ays. She %as so e3acting$ so per"ect in e0erything shedid and said$ that she %as almost inhuman. O" course$ her  personality glands ne0er "unctioned there %as no uestiona7out that. It %as %ritten all o0er her "ace and her 7ody. Shehad had many doctors$ so I %as not complimented 7y 7eingcalled on the case$ 7ecause I %as only one o" many %ho had

 7een called on the same case.I told her "ran'ly that i" she %anted to get rid o" her ner0ousness and many o" the distur7ing little aches she had$she %ould ha0e to get do%n to 7usiness 0ery uic'ly.

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At "irst this old maid resented my e3planation$ 7ut I "inallysucceeded in con0incing her that she %as not uite a human 7eing$ that she %as one o" the %orlds mis"its.

I sho%ed her that she didnt li0e li'e a human 7eing$ anda"ter "eeding her some glandular e3tract and ta'ing her completely a%ay "rom her choice "oods and gi0ing her real"ood that started her personality gland to "unctioning$ she 7ecame an entirely di""erent loo'ing %oman. In one %ee' sheloo'ed almost human. In thirty days e0en her "riends couldnot understand ho% it %as possi7le "or her to ma'e such asudden change. She tal'ed and sho%ed signs o" humanintelligence.

I had a young man thirty-t%o years o" age %ith a collegeeducation %ho %or'ed %ith me "or more than t%o years 7e"ore it %as possi7le "or me to con0ince him that the reason

%hy he had no personality %as that his personality glands hadne0er "unctioned.

1he reader may say$ E)ell$ I 7elie0e that it is possi7le "or an old maid to li0e thirty years$ in "act all o" her li"e$ %ithouther personality glands "unctioning$ 7ut does this e0er happento menE

1he ans%er is$ ENo$ ne0er to real men$E 7ut once in a%hile there is a mishap 7orn that resem7les a man in ap- pearance only. Not that he loo's li'e a man$ 7ut he has someo" the outside appearance %hich leads one to 7elie0e that he isa cross bet#een a man and an o&d maid9 one of t"ose

anima&s t"at apparent& #as born for no $ood pur,

pose% an accident of nature% and t"e tpe t"at on& a

mot"er cou&d be interested in( He ma be a rea& $ood

bo% but it is difficu&t to disco!er #"at "e is $ood for(

T"e a&#as "a!e pecu&iar ideas about food( T"e are

offended at a&most ant"in$ ou mi$"t discuss

pertainin$ to nature0t"e super,

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sensiti0e type. As #reud %ould say$ EGust another one o" the%orlds million loose nuts.E

I ha0e al%ays %anted to e3press mysel" on this su7@ect$

 7ut the people %ho could 7e 7ene"ited 7y such a con0ersationare already "unctioning normally$ and those %ho should andcould 7e 7ene"ited are so prudish that they resent a discussiono" "acts conseuently$ the time seems to ha0e 7een %asted inmost cases$ 7ut 7eing o" a 0ery persistent$ positi0e nature Ireally "eel that I ha0e done my part to get this in"ormation to a"e% o" the mis"its in such a manner as to ma'e them see %hythey are ueer$ misunderstood indi0iduals. 1hey al%ays claimto 7e misunderstood$ and they certainly are. 1hey dont e0enunderstand themsel0es. It is "oolish "or people to 7elie0e thatthey can reduce or gain %eight 7y physical e3ercise or certain"oods %ithout a harmonious 7alance o" all the elements thatenter into the "unction o" the glandular system.

1he indi0idual %ho has high 7lood pressure ne0er has a pleasing personality. I dont mean the person %ho has 7lood pressure ten or "i"teen points a7o0e normal I mean the person%ho really has high 7lood pressure. In cases o" sympathetichypertension it is 'no%n that the adrenals e3ert a paramountin"luence on the muscular tone o" the 7ody. 1hey also ser0e tosensiti?e or energi?e the 0asomotor system. As long as theadrenals are "unctioning normally$ and as long as %hatCannon o" Har0ard calls EadreninE passes into the 7loodstream in the proper amount$ the tone o" the structures ismaintained on practically a normal 7asis.

I" the adrenals are stimulated$ the 7lood pressure isimmediately raised$ 7ecause o" the increase in the tone o" themuscles %hich comes "rom this special type o" stimuli. 1headrenal glands are su7@ect to many in"luences includingemotional$ sympathetic$ to3emia$ nutritional$ etc. !ental

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ing this time o" depression it is rather surprising to "ind a man%ith se0eral million dollars %ho has noticed a retrogressi0echange in %hat %as a %inning personality. But this dynamic

indi0idual %as too alert mentally to 7e 'idded into 7elie0ingthat he %as as "orce"ul and attracti0e as he %as t%o years 7e"ore.

A"ter "ollo%ing a "e% instructions regarding proper "eeding o" his glands$ he reports that the old pep and energythat helps him to hold the center o" the stage is no% returning.Its di""icult to e3plain these things to a person %ho ne0er has 7een on 7oth sides o" the uestion$ 7ut the thousands o"  patients %ho come my %ay gi0e me unusual opportunity "or gathering this 7it o" in"ormation$ not "rom %hat someone has%ritten "rom la7oratory e3periments$ 7ut "rom actual cases inreal li"e.

)e hear a lot a7out li0e %ires. 1his is @ust another term"or a man %ho is "ull o" pep and energy and dynamic "orce$su""icient to put things o0er. I" you notice a little physical drag%hen you go to %or' in the morning$ i" it ta'es you a littlelonger than usual to get into action and geared up to your 7est%or'ing speed$ its your personality gland thats gone %rong.Some o" the stale "ood that %as coo'ed$ 7oiled or ste%ed$ or %rapped in a can too long$ is clogging up your machinery.

2ou %ouldnt put grease %ith grit in it into the %or'ingmechanism o" your automo7ile. 1hen %hy put "uel %ithcar7on and ashes into the 7lood that "eeds your personalityglands Put ne% li"e into your glands and %atch the di""erence

in your mental attitude to%ard li"e. )hen a mans physical 7ody is "unctioning only a7out 4: per cent$ his mental 7ody is"unctioning only a7out ,< per cent. 1he mind does not %or' ,<< per cent in a 7ody that is anything less than ,<< per cent.

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It is splendid and e3cellent mental training "or thosestudents %ho study 7usiness psychology$ scienti"ic mer-chandising$ the po%er o" suggestion$ the la%s o" psychic

 phenomena$ and all o" the su7@ects that help them acuire agreater 'no%ledge o" humanity$ 7ut 'no%ledge %ithout physical "orce reminds me o" the lady %ho %al'ed into myo""ice one day and said$ EDoctor$ I "eel li'e a race horse$ 7ut Iha0e no7ody to race %ith$E all dressed up and no place to go.1he person %ith a lot o" 7oo' learning and no physical energyto put his 'no%ledge into action is all dressed up 7ut has no place to go.

1he sur0i0al o" the "ittest applies to all %al's o" li"e.Haanel states in his E!aster &eyE( E1hat much gathers moreand loss leads to greater loss is true on e0ery plane o" our 

e3istence.E )hen a man starts going uphill %ith the right po%er 7ehind him he clim7s so "ast that e0en his mostintimate "riends are astonished$ 7ut %hen he starts goingdo%nhill he goes so "ast that he is a %rec' and many times 7uried long 7e"ore many o" his "riends "ind it out.

T"e $&andu&ar sstem is composed of t"e or$ans

t"at furnis" t"e interna& secretions t"at bui&d tissue%

musc&es% brains% "air% persona&it and e!ert"in$

e&se( T"e person #"o star!es "imse&f to deat" to

reduce #ei$"t% is certain to ruin "is "ea&t"( T"e

person #"o stuffs "imse&f persistent&% but not

scientifica&&% in order to $ain #ei$"t% a&so ruins "is

"ea&t"( T"e at"&etic indi!idua& #"o bui&ds musc&e &i)e

iron% ma de!e&op an at"&etic "eart and s"orten "is

&ife( T"ere is a norma&% natura& #a to reduce or $ain

#ei$"t( T"ere is a norma&% natura& #a of de!e&opin$ a

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%inning personality$ 7ut people need sa"e and sane instruc-tion. 1hey need to tell the truth a7out themsel0es %hen theyare consulting a physician. 1hey need to 'no% that it is

e3pensi0e and dangerous to continue lying to ones sel".1he truth is that our glands$ li'e other parts o" the 7ody$

cannot "unction normally i" our "oods are de"icient in mineralsand 0itamins. Since our "oods are o"ten gro%n in soils that aredepleted and lac'ing in essential minerals and 0itamins$ it is0ery important that %e supplement our diets %ith additionalamounts o" the important minerals and 0itamins.

Tell <our 8hild the Truth

1here is al%ays a certain danger associated %ith tellingan untruth$ 7ut parents do not reali?e the added danger o" 

telling the uestioning child the "irst thing that comes to their minds in order to a0oid the uestion.

)hen a child says$ E!amma$ %here do 7a7ies come"romE or E)here did I come "romE and mamma tells thechild that she "ound her under a ca77age lea"$ or the stor'  7rought her$ or the doctor 7rought her in his satchel$ or @ustanything that %ill temporarily satis"y the child$ this certainlyis dangerous "rom t%o angles.

In the "irst place$ these children$ in con0ersation %ithother children$ "ind out that one o" them %as 7rought 7y astor'$ another one 7y a doctor$ and another one "ound under a

ca77age lea"$ and the result is an older child has an entirelydi""erent story to tell. 1he comparing o" notes soon con0incesthe child that something is %rong. Children are much moreintelligent than the parents gi0e them credit "or 7eing.

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1he child %ho has a desire "or 'no%ledge %illcontinue to as' uestions until he gets %hat he thin's is atrue ans%er. )hy not tell him the truth %hen he as's

I ne0er ga0e serious thought to this matter until I 7egantal'ing to men on the su7@ect o" se3$ and later 7ecame 7oldenough to tal' to %omen on the su7@ect o" se3$ and I am0ery glad that I did 7ecause I soon "ound that %hat I hadread in preparing my lectures on this su7@ect did notcoincide %ith the true nature o" real li"e.

A"ter I had gi0en a "e% lectures to men only$ one toldme that I "ailed to mention a se3 condition %hich seemedto 7e his particular pro7lem. A"ter a discussion %ith himI "ound that he had a per0erted conception o" se3 7ecauseo" %rong teaching during early li"e. Because he had not

 7een told the truth a7out se3$ %here he came "rom$ etc.$ hehad acuired some 'no%ledge 7y association %ith other  7oys %hich de0eloped a ha7it that later in li"e %as 0eryhard "or him to control.

Gust one case a"ter another presented itsel"$ con0incingme that the many "orms o" per0erted and a7normal se3conditions %ere the result o" an untruth told not only 7y the parents 7ut others$ %ho$ through lac' o" understanding$ alsomisinterpreted their se3 natures.

A"ter gi0ing se0eral hundred lectures on the su7@ect$and listening to the e3periences o" di""erent gentlemen$ I

 7ecame con0inced that ta7ooing this one su7@ect and lac' o" truth is largely responsi7le "or the actions o" un"aith"ulhus7ands and %i0es.

#ollo%ing my lectures to %omen only$ I ha0e listenedto heart-rending stories told 7y those %hose li0es ha0e 7een


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saddened due to ignorance and lac' o" true e3planation duringchildhood. I am certain that the sincere$ truth-see'ing peopleare capa7le o" tal'ing on the su7@ect o" se3 %ith cleaner 

thoughts and a much cleaner mind than those %ho aremasuerading under "alse modesty.Gust %hy any thin'ing person 7elie0es that it is 7etter to

tell a child an untruth than a truth is 7eyond me$ although I"ran'ly admit that 7ecause o" my o%n early training I at onetime thought it %ould 7e a terri7le thing to tell children thetruth. But I ha0e decided that the sad e3periences 7roughta7out as a result o" lac' o" 'no%ledge o" this su7@ect are manymore than they %ould 7e i" the su7@ect %ere approached "romthe standpoint o" "acts.

Our clinics and our hospitals are o0er"lo%ing %ith young people %ho ha0e contracted an incura7le disease due to

e3perimenting %hich %ould ha0e 7een unnecessary i" mother and "ather had ta'en the time to tell the "ollo%ing story(

)hen the child as's$ E!amma$ %here did I come "rom$and %here do 7a7ies come "romE it %ould 7e 0ery easy totell him a7out the 7eauti"ul 7ody and ho% one o" the mammacells and one o" the papa cells united to start the gro%th o" thetiny 7ody in mammas 7ody$ and that "or nine months the little 7ody continued to gro% until its hands$ "eet$ eyes$ ears$ noseand all other organs %ere "ormed. 1hen it came out into the%orld to 7egin li"e in the same %ay that mamma and papa 7egan their li0es.

1hen e3plain i" mammas 7ody had not 7een 'ept per-"ectly clean$ all o" her tissues %ashed and cared "or$ that it%ould ha0e 7een impossi7le "or the 7a7y to 7e strong andhealthy %ith per"ect eyes$ ears$ nose$ "eet and hands. I" mamma had not 'ept hersel" clean "rom the 0ery be;

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ginning it %ould not ha0e 7een possi7le "or the child to 7e per"ectly "ormed %ith correct "unction o" all its senses.

At this point$ i" the child is a little girl$ she should 7e told

%hy strong drin's$ such as tea$ co""ee$ %ine and alcohol$ andto7acco %ea'en the 7ody and may result in her 7eing una7leto produce another little 7a7y "or hersel" %hen she 7ecomes a%oman. 1o go a little "urther and e3plain the necessity o" 'eeping the se3 organs clean$ the same as all the other 7odytissues$ %ould %ithout uestion pre0ent "emale trou7les$ pain"ul menstruation and other annoyances common to%omen %ho eat carelessly and neglect their 7odies.

!other should uestion the daughter$ %atch her closely$and i" there is any sign o" irritation or a desire on the part o" the child to scratch her se3 organs or play %ith them$ themother should ta'e her immediately to the "amily doctor "or 

e3amination and see i" there is some a7normal conditiondistur7ing the child that may unnecessarily cause her to startsel"-a7use$ %hich could 7e corrected 0ery easily.

ittle girls %ho are 7orn into this %orld per"ectly normalmany times ha0e adhesions o" the clitoris and other distur7ingconditions o" the se3 organs 7ecause mamma le"t a soileddiaper on long enough to set up an irritation$ producingsu""icient in"lammation to result in adhesions$ or slightde"ormity o" the organs.

)here there is a7normal structure there is 7ound to 7ea7normal "unction. I" these slight a7normalities are correctedin the early stages 7y a physician$ many unpleasant "uture

e3periences %ill 7e pre0ented.At the age o" pu7erty$ the age at %hich the reproducti0eorgans 7egin "unctioning$ usually occurring 7et%een the ageo" ,8 and ,4$ indicated in the "emale 7y occurrence o" menstruation$ and indicated in the male 7y a change in

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0oice and a discharge o" seminal "luid$ the parents should 7e%illing to e3plain that the reproducti0e organs ha0e started to"unction and that the child is no% de0eloping into

%omanhood or manhood.#ollo%ing the menstrual "lo%$ the daughter should 7etaught to %ash those organs thoroughly %ith "resh$ cool %ater$and that her health is a7solutely dependent on the proper "unctioning o" these organs. She should 7e told that themenstrual period normally occurs a7out once e0ery t%enty-eight days. Plenty o" good "ood$ outdoor e3ercise$ "resh air and sunshine are the 7est medicines that can 7e gi0en.

At this time in li"e the child should 7e told that thereproducti0e organs manu"acture "luids that are carried 7y the 7lood stream to other tissues "or the purpose o" ma'ing themstronger$ gi0ing them more per"ect "orm$ adding to their 

 7eauty and grace"ul "igure.1he child should 7e told that it is not possi7le "or the 7ody to manu"acture these 0ital "luids unless the correct "oodis ta'en into the 7ody. )ith this e3planation the child sees%hy it is not sa"e to indulge in stimulants or harm"ul practices. Gust to tell a child that he should not eat too muchcandy$ %ithout gi0ing an e3planation$ is not enough.

1he young man should 7e e3amined also early in li"e andi" ad0isa7le$ circumcised. I" this is neglected the irritationresulting "rom a long "ores'in causes sel"-a7use and per0ertedse3.

If c"i&dren are to&d t"at it ta)es about si6t dropsof t"eir purest b&ood to manufacture one drop of t"is

!ita& f&uid% t"at t"is f&uid is c"emica&& about t"e same

as t"eir brain substance% and t"at a #aste of t"is f&uid

causes a #astin$ a#a of t"eir bodies% and an

inacti!e% s&u$$is"

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 7rain$ they %ill see the necessity o" preser0ing this 0ital "luid.I" the "ather ma'es a pal o" the son$ and the mother a pal

o" the daughter$ telling them e0erything there is o" li"e$ is it

not reasona7le to 7elie0e that the children %ill "eel "ree to as' the parents more a7out li"e in general Certainly they %illha0e more con"idence and a greater respect "or parents %hotell the truth than they %ill "or parents %ho gi0e an e0asi0eans%er to their uestions.

I" li"e is 7eauti"ul and %orth li0ing$ then it stri'es me thatthe 0ery source o" li"e is not a shame"ul thing that should not 7e mentioned or discussed. On the contrary$ the 0ery 7eginning o" li"e must 7e lo0e$ 7eauty and grace itsel"other%ise$ it %ould not 7e %orth li0ing. Since there is no li"e%ithout se3$ children should 7e made to understand that the0ery nature o" their 7eing is a 7eauti"ul$ lo0a7le creation thus

gi0ing a reason "or their mating early in li"e and gi0ing truee3pression to their lo0e nature and the animate instinct$ %hichis the desire in all animal li"e to unite %ith animals o" theopposite se3.

)hen any organ o" the 7ody ceases to "unction in ac-cordance %ith natures plan$ atrophying ta'es place$ and %henthe reproducti0e organs are depri0ed o" their natural "unctionother tissues su""er. 1hese 0ital "luids that ha0e to do %ith thetone and acti0ity o" the 7ody tissues as a %hole "lo% more"reely %hen the tension is released 7y the lo0e nature. 1othin' o" any part o" the human 7ody as 7eing other than 7eauti"ul and sacred is to cause a reaction o" tension andloc'ing up o" the "luids that ha0e to do %ith carrying the li"esu7stance to the tissues "or their re7uilding.

In the "inal analysis$ there is no other %ay to loo' at li"ethan "rom the constructi0e standpoint. )ith all the

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"acts 7e"ore us %e are compelled to admit that the truth is "ar superior to any and all "orms o" deception$ or e0asion o" thesu7@ect.

 3rteriosclerosis)hy do the arteries harden prematurely People are

as'ing this uestion all the time. 1he ans%er is that thedegenerati0e diseases 7ring a7out a change in the arteriesstarting at the age o" t%enty.

#or instance$ a child may ha0e tonsillitis$ ha0e treatmentand get o0er it$ and ne0er ha0e any more trou7le %ith thetonsils. Diseased tonsils manu"acture pus %hich creates ato3in in the 7lood stream$ and the continual a7sorption o" thisto3in hardens the %alls o" the arteries. 1he child may gothrough li"e to the age o" "i"ty 7e"ore his arteriosclerosiscauses any real trou7le.

At a7out the age o" 9< or 9: the teeth start decaying andmore pus is thro%n into the system$ 7ut since these decayingteeth dont ache$ nothing is done a7out it. #rom the age o" ,:to the age o" 9< or 9:$ the patient may ha0e to ta'e physics or la3ati0es$ and he may not. But in either case$ there is a certainamount o" %aste material that remains in the colon %hichhelps to "orm a mucous.

As this dead$ to3ic su7stance passes through the 0einsand arteries$ they are 7ro'en do%n$ and the condition gets alittle %orse. 1he physician as's the patient$ EHo% do your  7o%els actE

1he patient says$ E#ine. I ha0e one or t%o mo0ements

and sometimes three mo0ements a day. Im not trou7led %ithconstipation at allFnot the slightest colon trou7le.EBut %hen these patients are placed on the ta7le and their 

colons %ashed$ the long strings o" mucous %hich pass pro0ethat the patients 7o%els ha0e not 7een normal. His 7o%elactions ha0e 7een "orced mo0ements and not natural$

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complete e0acuations. 1his has 7een going on in the colon"rom a7out the age o" ,: some cases earlier.

It has 7een going on "rom the tonsils "rom a7out the age

o" 8<$ and %ith the teeth "rom a7out the age o" 9< to 9:. 1hesad part o" it is$ the teeth ha0e not ached$ the tonsils ha0ecaused no trou7le$ and the colon apparently has 7een doing its%or' all right. But %hen the patient 7egins su""ering %ith hisarteries$ he as's ad0ice$ and %hen a physician in"orms himthat he has small tonsils loaded %ith pus$ teeth that arethro%ing pus into his system$ and a large colon loaded %ithmucous$ the patient o"ten 7ecomes 0ery much disgusted$ andmay remar' that its 0ery ueer that he has not noticed any o" these things in "i"ty years.

2ou cant 7lame the patient "or dou7ting the physiciansdiagnosis$ 7ut on the other hand you cant 7lame the physician

"or seeing %hat he really sees. I" people %ould ha0e acomplete chec'-up occasionally$ the poor doctors %ouldstar0e to death$ 7ecause the patients %ould 'no% earlyenough %hat to do and %ould not ha0e to spend so much o" their money later on %ith physicians. Any health program thattends to 'eep the patient in a healthy condition is 0eryunpro"ita7le "or the physician.

1here"ore$ let me repeat that physicians %ho teach healthare ne0er 0ery popular %ith those %ho treat disease. 1he t%osimply do not go together. !any patients say$ EI see no reason%hy I should pay any attention to my health as long as I am ingood health. I ha0e no symptoms o" high 7lood pressure$ lo% 7lood pressure$ or anything else.E

*n"ortunately$ many people ha0e high 7lood pressure%ithout any symptoms until the condition has ad0anced so "ar that it is almost impossi7le to treat it success"ully. Here %esee %hy insurance companies are as'ing their policy

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holders to send in a sample o" urine o"ten. An insurancecompany "igures that i" a mans li"e is insured "or se0eralthousand dollars$ his li"e must 7e %orth protecting. !y

insurance company reuests that I send in a sample e0eryyear$ regardless o" the "act that they "ound nothing %rong the pre0ious year. 1hey 'eep on testing e0ery year. I might say$E)hy It hasnt done me any good so "ar. I could ma'e a test @ust as %ell mysel"J

But this doesnt satis"y the insurance company. I" there isanything %rong %ith my health$ they %ant to 'no% it earlyenough to help me do something a7out it 7e"ore it is too late.)ith them its a 7usiness proposition.

Health should 7e a 7usiness proposition %ith e0ery man$%oman and child. )ithout good health$ your 7usiness %ill notamount to much$ and since the "oundation o" 7usiness is 7uilt

on a "oundation o" health and energy$ it certainly should 7e protected.

1he superstitious indi0idual %ho 7elie0es %hat is to 7e%ill 7e$ and that e0erything is predetermined$ certainly isentitled to all the su""ering that he is sure to ha0e later on inli"e. No7ody can tell me that it is the Creators plan to ha0emen and %oman %or'ing e0ery day the "irst "i"ty or si3tyyears o" their li0es trying to sa0e enough to en@oy their oldage in com"ort$ and then ha0e the last ten or "i"teen years o" their li0es turned into a period o" 7lindness$ paralysis$rheumatism$ tu7erculosis$ or some other tortuous$degenerati0e disease. Surely$ these things %ere not

 predetermined. I" 6od had anything to do %ith such anarrangement$ then there is something %rong %ith His system.1o me it is not only silly$ 7ut it is only the lo%est type o" unthin'ing indi0idual %ho could 7elie0e in such a plan.

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It is true that many people are 7orn into this %orld %ithonly part o" their euipment. 1hey are de"ecti0e "rom the 0ery 7eginning$ and their li0es are "ull o" su""ering. Ba7ies 7orn

 physically and mentally de"ecti0e surely ha0e done nothing pre0iously to %arrant such punishment$ and i" some great$unseen po%er has seen "it to 7ring a7out such a condition itstri'es me that the %hole plan is 0ery un@ust. I" the *nseenPo%er has such po%er to 7ring torture and e0il into the %orld$then surely it has the po%er to 7ring happiness and health andall the good things.

I mention this not as a means o" e3plaining my idea$ 7utas a little "ood "or thought to help some o" the poor$un"ortunate indi0iduals %ho are mentally %ea' enough to 7elie0e that they cannot help themsel0es$ that their %hole li"e plan has 7een arranged 7y a supernatural po%er. +0ery day

%e see that this is not true$ 7ecause %e see people %ho ha0eta'en their %ea'$ su""ering$ physical 7odies and re7uilt theminto strong$ healthy$ 0ital 7odies capa7le o" li0ing$ en@oyingli"e and rendering a real ser0ice to their "ello% man.

#or years I su""ered %ith my eyes. I could read 7ut a "e%minutes at a time %ithout ha0ing pain in my eyes. At other times I could not read at all. I had to as' someone to read "or me$ 7ut a"ter %or'ing %ith my eyes "or many years I can no%read "or hours %ith com"ort and ease. 1he surplus$ poisonous"at that I once carried has disappeared "rom my 7ody since I 7egan li0ing right.

I "a!e seen t"ese t"in$s "appen to man ot"er 

peop&e #"o "a!e made t"e effort( Do ou #onder at

m ent"usiasm? I "a!e seen t"ousands of i$norant

and superstitious peop&e $o on #it" t"eir sufferin$

because t"e #ou&d not &isten to reason( I "a!e not

been on t"is p&anet obser!,

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 7an' accounts By the "ailures$ do you mean the people %holi0e in po0erty$ and struggle through li"e merely e3 isting "romday to day until in the "inal analysis un7eara7le su""ering and

death o0erta'es themE1hese are the t%o e3tremes. By the success"ul I mean theman %ho has made the 0ery 7est o" %hat he had to do %ithand remained poised under all circumstances$ %ho has seensome good in e0erything and e0ery7ody. By the millions %ho"ail I mean the %hining$ complaining group o" people %hoha0e spent the 7iggest share o" their li0es complaining a7outtheir hard luc' and their lac' o" opportunity.

!any men ha0e spent all o" their li0es and their energy inmassing a great "ortune$ thin'ing it %ould ma'e them happy$merely to "ind they %ore out their 7odies$ ruined their health$and in the "inal analysis made themsel0es and their associates0ery misera7le. 1o 7e success"ul is to en@oy all o" the goodthings in this li"e and continually loo' "or%ard to 7igger and 7etter accomplishments$ at the same time 7eing a7le to mi3su""icient pleasure and 7usiness in such a manner as to ha0edi0ersi"ied @oys and emotional thrills that add to this 0ery"le3i7le li"e.

I" 7eing the %orlds greatest artist necessitates suchconcentration and persistent e""ort that ones health andhappiness is sacri"iced$ then it is my 7elie" that 7eing the%orlds greatest artist is at the same time 7eing the %orldsgreatest "ailure. E)hat is a man pro"ited$ i" he shall gain the%hole %orld$ and lose his o%n soulE 1his may 7e an olduotation$ 7ut it %ill 7e true as long as there is li"e on this planet.

 Anot"er o&d and true sain$ is% :2an s"ou&d not

&i$"t "is cand&e and "ide it under a bus"e&(: An

attempt at sec&usion and modest is a dra#bac) to

anone( One of man's first and most important

re-uirements is t"at "e

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must respect himsel" and ha0e unlimited con"idence in hisa7ility 7e"ore he can e3pect others to see' his council or his"riendship.

1he a0erage man %ill tell you that his "ailure is due toother peoples sel"ishness that he has %asted his time onunappreciati0e people %hen he should ha0e spent more timein ta'ing care o" himsel" and preparing himsel" to do 7igger and 7etter things.

Sel"ishness is mans greatest asset. )e hear so mucha7out the unsel"ishness$ the untiring e""orts o" those %ho li0emerely to ser0e others. 1his is a lot o" pure$ unadulterated 7un'. !ans e0ery mo0e$ i" it is to 7e success"ul$ has 7ac' o" it a sel"ish moti0e$ and the more sel"ish the moti0e the morecertain the accomplishment o" the desired results.

One time I %as ma'ing this tal' to a group o" people and

an elderly gentleman stood up in my audience and reuestedthat I permit him to say a "e% %ords. He said$ EDoctor$ I am positi0e you are mista'en in your statement regardingsel"ishness. It %as you %ho operated on my eyes and ga0e me0ision. 2ou e0en called to see me %ithout ma'ing any charge$and I ha0e ne0er 7een a7le to pay you "or the operation. All o" this con0inces me that your act %as most unsel"ish.E

I as'ed the gentleman to 7e seated$ and I assured theaudience that my act %as most sel"ish that it %as a sel"ishdesire that I recei0e the gentlemans hearty appreciation. I %asan3ious "or him to shout my praises. I %as unusually an3iousto restore his sight that I might ha0e something to 7oast a7out$something to enlarge my o%n ego. I made an unnecessary callmerely to ha0e him praise me and re-than' me "or my ser0iceand my %or'.

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I am reminded o" the "act that I do not use to7acco andthat , do not use alcohol. It is not 7ecause I do not ha0e thedesire and the taste "or 7oth. It is 7ecause o" my sel"ish desire

to en@oy health and my sel"ish desire to 7e spared thediscom"orts produced in the 7ody 7y the use o" nicotine andalcohol. I say i" a man is not sel"ish$ he is not success"ul.

Another reason %hy only a "e% succeed is that the greatmo7 "ail to applaud and sho%er compliments on those %hoser0e. 1he child %ill run errands "or his parents much more%illingly and enthusiastically i" they %ill 7rag on him$ tellhim %hat a "ine$ 7ig 7oy he is$ and %hat a "ine$ 7ig man he isgoing to 7e. It is praise that raises a mans spirits$ or as some%ould say$ Eele0ates his soul.E I" there is any good in a man$ praise %ill 7ring it out$ and i" a man is so emotionless that hecannot 7e stirred to constructi0e action 7y praise andadmiration$ then he is lost.

i"e is a matter o" the sur0i0al o" the "ittest. 1he %ea'$the un%orthy and the un"it are %eeded out to ma'e room "or the de0elopment o" the more %orthy$ am7itious souls %homa'e this %orld a 7igger and 7etter place in %hich to li0e. Itis true %ith animal li"e. Only the "it sur0i0e. It is true %ith plant li"e. 1he small$ scra%ny$ %ea' plants are cro%ded out toma'e room "or the more 0igorous$ healthy and 7eauti"ul plants to gro%.

!an attracts to himsel" his 'ind. i'e al%ays attractsli'e. I" you %ill 7e one o" the "e% %ho succeed$ then you %illtal' success you %ill tal' prosperity$ not depression. 2ou %illtal' health and longe0ity$ not su""ering and disease. 2ou %illtal' and 7elie0e in the sur0i0al o" the "ittest$ and %ill so li0eas to 7e among the "it. I" you ha0e e0er told a hard luc' story$ please do not repeat it.

I 'no% a %oman %ho all her li"e has 7oasted o" ho% littleit ta'es to run her houseF%hat she can do %ith a

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dollar. I do not 7elie0e in a lot o" s'imping. )hy not spendthe same amount o" time "iguring ho% to ma'e more dollars

All success"ul men ha0e used the same ingredients in

their "ormula(#irst$ A!BI1ION$ one gram.Second$ CO*RA6+$ @ust a dash.1hird$ !+N1A +##OR1.#ourth$ D+SIR+ 1O B+ SO!+ON+.#i"th$ !I 1HORO*6H2 AND P*1 IN1O

AC1ION 1H+ ABO5+ in their proper propor-tions and you cant "ail.

1he "e% %ho ha0e 7een success"ul "ound that they mustinclude the great mo7 o" humanity in all things. Billy Sunday played to the mo7 and %as unusually success"ul. Henry #ord

manu"actured a car that %as %ithin the reach o" the greatmo7. )ool%orth supplied merchandise that the great mo7could 7uy. No man should o0erloo' the "act that his proposition must 7e made to appeal to at least the middleclass.

It may surprise you to 'no% that !ayo Brothers %erereally no 7etter students or 7etter prepared to practicemedicine than thousands o" other young men %ho %ere grad-uated "rom the same college %ith the same euipment and thesame 'no%ledge. But !ayo Brothers had something that thecommon herd o" doctors did not ha0e. 1hey had an un-derstanding o" human nature$ and they used in their practicenine,tent"s business psc"o&o$ and one,tent" actua&

practice of medicine and sur$er( In fact% ou mi$"t be

$reat& surprised to )no# t"at 2ao /rot"ers ne!er did

but a !er sma&& part of t"e sur$er t"at #ent to t"eir in,

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stitution. A high percentage o" the surgery done at !ayoBrothers has 7een done 7y associates and assistants.

&no%ledge is po%erJ )ithout 'no%ledge a person is not

only helpless 7ut hopeless. 2ou should spend the necessarytime to learn a "e% o" the rules o" the game o" li0ing. I" youare going to 7e success"ul$ you must do "i0e things(

,. !A&+ 1H+ RI6H1 &IND O# P+OP+ S++2O*.

8. !A&+ 1H+! H+AR 2O*.9. !A&+ 1H+! *ND+RS1AND 2O*.. !A&+ 1H+! HA5+ CON#ID+NC+ IN 2O*.:. !A&+ 1H+! )AN1 1O DO B*SIN+SS )I1H


1he "i0e suggestions gi0en a7o0e "or your success may

sound li'e something 0ery simple$ and they are "or the "e%%ho ha0e reali?ed their importance.Dont 7e one o" the millions %ho spend their time

recording %hat happened yesterday$ or %hat is happeningtoday. 1he "e% %ho succeed dra% 7ig salaries "or their a7ilityto "igure and plan %hat %ill happen in the "utureF"i0e or tenyears "rom no%. Stop tal'ing a7out the people %ho are out o" %or' and start tal'ing a7out the millions %ho are %or'ing.

All diseases %or' slo%ly in the 7eginning. 1he processo" de0eloping pneumonia goes on in the human 7ody long 7e"ore the patient or the physician is a7le to recogni?e pneumonia. +0en %ith the terri7le condition o" syphilis$ %e

seldom "ind that the patient has syphilis until the process has 7een in progression days and e0en %ee's 7e"ore he is a%areo" it.

A tooth decays so slo%ly that it ta'es months and e0enyears to de0elop a ca0ity large enough to annoy the patient.

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1housands o" people die %ith 'idney trou7le 7ecause %henthe 'idneys reach the stage %here the patient as's ad0ice andtreatment the 'idney disease has ad0anced so "ar that it is practically incura7le.

In health$ the same as in 7usiness$ all things pertaining tothe human 7ody should 7e gi0en consideration long 7e"orethey ha0e opportunity to do any damage. A good 7usinessman %ill not gi0e a customer credit and then loo' up hiscredit rating. A good 7usiness man in0estigates the credit o" the customer 7e"ore he gi0es him credit. 1he "ailure in 7usiness gi0es his customers credit and in0estigatesa"ter%ard.

1he man %ho en@oys health sa"eguards his health to pre0ent disease. 1he man %ho has disease starts sa"eguardinghis health a"ter the disease has progressed 7eyond repair.

1he principal idea %ith the ma@ority o" people is

a7solutely %rong. Other%ise$ so many people %ould notsu""er "rom some "orm o" ill health. I" in these pages I ha0ehelped you to help yoursel"$ I am %ell pleased. Gust remem7er that you should not neglect your health "or your 7usiness$ 7ut 7oth need your attention$ as a man cannot ha0e ,<< per centhealth %ith "inancial di""iculties con-constantly %orrying him$and he cannot ha0e ,<< per cent 7usiness success %ith health pro7lems constantly %orrying him.

6ood health is the most important thing in li"e 7ecause itmeans a clean$ healthy mind as %ell as a clean$ healthy 7ody.!a'e up your o%n mind a7out the health program 7est suitedto your needs. &eep your 7ody clean inside and outside$ get

 plenty o" "resh air and outdoor e3ercise$ as %ell as plenty o" rest and rela3ation$ ma'e sure that your diet supplies theessential minerals and 0itamins$ and thin' constructi0ely andyou %ill 7e healthier$ happier and more prosperous. Page %&'

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