HEALTHY EATING EAT PLENTY - BREAD, CEREALS, PASTA, CHAPPATIS AND POTATOES weight your... · 2018-10-08 · course if you are very active you will be able to eat more food and still

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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A healthy diet is not just about how much you eat, it is also about the types of food you eat.

To remain healthy your body requires a variety of different types of food.

You can use the model below to check that you are eating the right amounts of each different food group.


BEANS, NUTS AND PULSESHave 2-3 servings per day


Day 1 Snack meal - tuna in a baked potato or sandwich

Main meal - chicken casserole with rice and vegetables

Day 2 Snack meal - baked beans on toast

Main meal - lean meat, vegetables and potatoes


To keep fat low - avoid frying, choose lean meat

and make use of pulses and beans which are

low in fat.



AND SUGARY FOODSCakes, biscuits, pastries, crisps,

chocolate, sweets, soft drinks,

mayonnaise should only be taken

occasionally as they

are sources of calories which have less

nutritional value than other foods.

• spread butter or margarine thinly on bread

• grill, bake or microwave rather than fry

• take tea and coffee without sugar

EAT PLENTY - FRUIT & VEGETABLESHave at least five servings per day


• fruit juice for breakfast

• salad and tomato with a sandwich or

snack meal

• vegetables with main meal

• fresh fruit salad as dessert

• fresh fruit as a snack

Remember: in order not to destroy

vitamins in cooking use only a little

boiling water and cook vegetables

until they are just soft.

EAT SOME - MILK, CHEESE, YOGHURTChoose low fat versions and have 2-3 servings per day


• semi-skimmed milk on cereal

and in tea and coffee

• low fat yoghurt as a dessert

• low fat cheese in a sandwich

or as a filling for a baked potato


PASTA, CHAPPATIS AND POTATOESPreferably choose wholegrain varieties.

Have at least five servings a day.


• cereal at breakfast

• roll at breakfast

• sandwich as a snack meal

• potatoes, rice or pasta with main meal

• toast at supper

The amount you eat will depend on how

physically active you are but be careful

not to add too much fat as a spread or in


Photography was produced in conjunction with the Health Education Board for Scotland


• vary your activities

• involve your friends and family in your activities

• keep a record of what you do

• reward yourself for achieving your aims

• do activities you enjoy


and yourweight


• choose a wide variety of fruit and vegetables

• base all meals on starchy foods such as bread,

potatoes and cereals

• choose low fat versions of milk and dairy foods

• vary main courses to include fish, poultry,

lean meat, beans and pulses

• eat fatty and sugary foods only occasionally and

in small amounts

October 2007

Gender Waist measurement Risk of heart disease, strokes and circulatory disorders


Nearly 2 million Scottish adults are overweight







The key to maintaining a healthy weight is to ensure that your body is in ENERGY BALANCE

To stay in ENERGY BALANCE the amount of calories you take in from food and drink

over a period of time (i.e. over a day or week) has to equal the amount you burn off

during that time from physical activity.

2500 kcals 2500 kcals = Weight Maintenance

If we regularly eat more than we burn off then excess energy will be stored as fat.

3000 kcals 2000 kcals = Weight (FAT) Gain

If we regularly eat less than we burn off then we will lose body fat.

1500 kcals 2000 kcals = Weight/Fat Loss

(1 kcal =1calorie)


Being overweight can lead to an increased risk of developing diabetes,

high blood pressure and raised cholesterol, all of which can increase

your chances of suffering from heart disease, angina and strokes.

Does your waist size affect your health?

Your waist measurement can indicate if your weight may be

damaging your health as fat distributed around the stomach

and waist area is likely to increase your risk of heart disease.

The chart below indicates risk in relation to waist measurement.

Male 37” or more Increased risk

more than 40” Even greater risk

Female 32” or more Increased risk

more than 35” Even greater risk

Being overweight can also increase the risk of

gallstones, problems with periods, infertility

and certain cancers. It can aggravate joint

problems, reduce confidence and self esteem.

What is the cause of weight (fat) gain?

The 2 main factors which influence weight gain are

• reduced levels of physical activity

• eating a diet which has a high proportion

of fat

Most people gain their excess fat over a long

period of time through regularly eating slightly

more than they burn off.

i.e. If you eat 130 kcals (roughly equivalent to a

packet of crisps) more than you burn off each day

then by the end of 4 weeks you will have stored

3500 Kcal (this equals one pound of fat). If you

continue eating that extra packet of crisps every

day for 1 year this would mean you could gain

almost 13 Ibs of fat each year (almost one stone).

Everyone enjoys a treat now and again but if we

regularly eat more without being more active

then we will slowly gain weight in this way. Of

course if you are very active you will be able to eat

more food and still keep in energy balance.

If you do need to lose weight you should become

more physically active and make changes to your


Becoming more active will help you maintain

important muscle tissue and ensure you lose fat

not muscle, if you are dieting. It will also help you

feel and look better.

Similarly by eating a healthy diet which contains

less fat and sugar and more bread, cereals, fruit

and vegetables you will be getting more of what

your body needs for health while controlling your

calorie intake.

Read on for more useful tips.


Becoming more active can

• help to control your weight

• reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease

• make you feel and look better

• help you relax

• give you more energy


If you have not been active for a while start gradually. Try to build

a little activity into your daily routine. You should make active choices

wherever possible.

• take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator

• get off the bus a stop early or park the car further away and walk 5 minutes of

your journey every day

• make sure you dance the next time you go to a party

• do some gardening - exchange your electric mower for a muscle powered one

Once you are into the swing of things, gradually increase the number of activity periods that you do each day.

• walk to the shops and get the bus back

• walk all the way to work

• go for a brisk walk at lunch time

• go for a cycle or a swim with a friend

in the evening or at the weekend

• visit your local sports centre and see

what activities you can take part in

Add up activities over the course of the day to total 30 minutes.

Activities such as brisk walking, gardening, swimming and

dancing are ideal.

If you are managing this level of activity and

would like to do more you’ll get even more

benefit from your activity by making two or

three of your activity periods last for 20

minutes at a time.

Almost everyone can be more active but if

you are in doubt speak to your doctor if you

wish to start a more energetic programme.


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