Health & product information sample extract

Post on 17-May-2015






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In our Health & Nutrition 2014 report we will explore shoppers’ attitudes to health and healthy eating, nutrition labels and how healthy shoppers are in their own opinion. We will also provide an overview of the drivers associated with buying healthy products, and present possible gender differences examining how shoppers decide whether a product is healthy. This report will also provide comparison with the results of our Health reports from 2011 and 2012 highlighting changes in shoppers’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviour in relation to health, nutrition & lifestyle choices.


  • 1. Health & Product Information - 2014 Shoppers Attitudes Towards Health & and their Understanding of Health Messages Evolution Insights Ltd Prospect House 32 Sovereign Street Leeds LS1 4BJ Tel: 0113 336 6000 1

2. Disclaimer Please note No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Evolution Insights Ltd. The content of this report is based on information gathered in good faith from both primary and secondary sources and is believed to be correct at the time of publication. Evolution Insights can however provide no guarantee regarding the accuracy of this content and therefore accepts no liability whatsoever for any actions taken that subsequently prove incorrect. Evolution Insights Ltd 2014 2 3. About Evolution Insights Evolution offer a range of products & services for clients in the field of shopper research: Off-the-shelf research Evolutions off the shelf research publications deliver affordable insight into shopper motivation and behaviours in UK food, drink and grocery Insight Plus Insight Plus offers your business the opportunity to engage in any of our regular shopper research projects in advance of publication, tailoring the scope to suit your needs Bespoke Consulting As publishers of research, we are able to draw upon a wealth of existing proprietary data for consulting projects helping to better inform and shape any further research requirements Our research and analysis helps clients develop targeted shopper marketing initiatives designed to influence shoppers at the point of purchase. We use a range of research methodologies to discover genuine insights. Our research incorporates a broad spectrum of robust qualitative and quantitative research techniques. As a leading publisher of shopper research, we are ideally placed to offer your business actionable shopper insight. Evolution is a leading research consultancy specialising in shopper motivation and behaviour. We deliver off-the-shelf, tailored and bespoke research for manufacturers, retailers and agencies. Sign up for Shopper Trend Report, our free monthly newsletter offering analysis and commentary on topical shopper issues. 3 4. Contents 4 Key Findings Secondary Research Introduction Specific Dietary Needs Definitions Guideline Daily Amounts Government Recommendations Diet Trends Top 5 Talked about Diets of 2013 Smoking and Alcohol Abuse in the UK Top Rated Diet & Fitness Apps Government Regulations for Food & Drinks Packaging Sugar & Sugar Alternatives Superfoods Advertising & Initiatives for Families Retailer Propositions Tesco Sainsburys Asda Morrisons Shoppers Health Introduction Shopper Attitudes Towards Health 2013-2014 Shopper Attitudes Towards Health 2013-2014-Gender Shoppers State of Health Shoppers Exercise Habits Relaxed Attitude Towards Health & Fitness 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Shoppers and their Families Overweight Underweight Calorie Controlled Diet Vegetarian and Vegan Hypertension & Diabetes Summary Drivers of Healthy Choices Drivers of Choice Gender Drivers of Choice Male Drivers of Choice Female Summary Consumption Change Consuming More Consuming Less Shopper Attitudes Towards Alcohol Shopper Attitudes Towards Caffeine Calorie Counting Cholesterol Nutrition Labels Introduction Understanding Nutritional Information Labels & Confusion Nutritional Labels What do Shoppers Look at? Nutritional Components Most Important Health Claims & Regulations Which Terms do Shoppers Perceive to be Healthy? 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5. Contents 5 Product Comparison Nutritional Components Nutritional Components Gender Health Claims by Gender Female Health Claims by Gender Male Nutrition Labels & Product Comparison Summary The Price of Health Introduction The Cost of Healthy Eating Shopper Spend Themselves & their Family Categories, Retailers & 5-a-Day Introduction Healthiest Retailer 5 Fruit/Vegetables a Day What Contributes to your 5-a-Day? 5 Fruit/Vegetables a Day What Counts? 5 Fruit/Vegetables a Day What Counts? Shopper Perceptions of Category Health Shopper Perceptions of Category Health Categories, Retailers & 5-a-Day Summary Superfoods Introduction Shopper Awareness Characteristics of a Superfood Methodology 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 6. Introduction The World Health Organisation defines Health as: A state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The UK obesity epidemic has increased over the past 8 years with an average of just 36% of shoppers falling into a healthy body mass index range of between 18.5- 25. Since 2001 there has been 11x more hospital admissions for obesity related illness. According to NHS statistics around a quarter of adults consume the recommended 5 portions a day of fruit and vegetables, and alarmingly only 20% of children. The word Health is derived from hale meaning wholeness, being sound and well. 6 7. Guideline Daily Amounts The table above shows the government guidelines for men, women and children. These numbers are just an average and nutritional requirements can be more varied based on the height, weight and amount of physical activity undertaken by the individual. Calories Protein Carbs Sugars Fat Saturates Fibre Salt 2500Kcal 55g 300g 120g 95g 30g 24g 6g 2000Kcal 45g 230g 90g 70g 20g 24g 6g 1800Kcal 24g 220g 85g 70g 20g 15g 4g 7 8. Sugar & Sugar Alternatives The World Health Organisation has called for shoppers to decrease their sugar intake by Half , this equates to six teaspoons per day. The World Health Organisation blames the consumption of free sugars in both and for increases in calorie intake. Some products are now being made using sugar alternatives such as Stevia or zero calorie sweeteners. An example of this is The World Health Organisation has approved the use of stevia, aspartame, saccharin and sucralose in food and drinks. Advocates of sugar alternatives believe that educating shoppers on the topic of healthy eating is not working. Therefore, finding a way to modify foods that shoppers like would be a better alternative. Some shoppers are turning to natural sugars in products like honey, however critics discuss how sugars (either natural or granulated) are processed the same way by the body. 8 9. Superfoods S U P E R F O O D S The definition of Superfoods are products rich in vitamins and nutrients, many are seen to have extra benefits such as preventing illness and disease. Superfoods are dismissed as a marketing ploy by some medical experts, despite encouraging shoppers to consume the products. On the Menu Blueberries Kiwifruit Beans & Whole grains Nuts & Seeds Kale & Chard Salmon, Sardines & Mackerel Exotic Fruits And more 9 10. Tesco has launched its new healthy living brand this year to replace Light Choices and Eat Live Enjoy. The range consists of 230 products which have reduced amounts of salt, sugar, fat and saturated fat. Healthy living can be divided into 2 subcategories: Healthy Living Big on Taste, Lower in Calories for those looking to lose weight. All products contain at least 30% fewer calories than the comparison product. Healthy Living Beautifully Balanced for those trying to maintain their weight or wanting to make healthier choices for themselves and their families. Retailer Proposition - Tesco Responsibility Deal Tesco have pledged to help improve the health of its customers and employees by using clear labelling and reducing salt, fat and calories. The retailer is also providing variation when it comes to point of sale merchandising ,replacing confectionary with a mixed selection of items such as snack bars. Tesco is celebrating the 10th year of its free from range in 2014. The range includes gluten & wheat free, milk free, egg free and dairy free provides an expanse of tools including recipes, meal planner, videos and info graphics. 10 11. Shoppers that Indicated they were Eating Healthily by Month (2013-14). Shopper Attitudes Towards Health 2013-2014 % 2013 2014 PostChristmasincrease Remained higher longer than previous year 75 73 73 72 71 71 71 70 67 65 77 77 77 71 March April May June July August September October November December January February March April 11 From Evolution Monthly Shopper Survey 12. 11 30 22 4 33 Every day At least three times a week At least once a week Once a fortnight Less than once a fortnight Shoppers Exercise Habits Moderate exercise here is defined as exercise where your heart rate raises and you break a sweat. 63% of shoppers say they do moderate exercise at least once a week but a third (37%) do so once a fortnight or less. How often shoppers do moderate exercise The NHS recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week 12 13. Overweight One or more of my children are overweight 5% I am overweight 59% My partner is overweight 28% I am overweight 51% My partner is overweight 32% Shoppers that say that they and/or members of their families are overweight 13 14. Drivers by Gender - Male 30% 17% 41% 36% 35% 22% 2% 14% 6% What are the drivers for men when making healthy purchases? 14 15. Shopper Attitudes Towards Caffeine 20% Of shoppers are actively trying to reduce their caffeine intake There is an even spread between both genders when it comes to reducing caffeine intake. Shopper attitudes towards caffeine 15 16. Nutrition Labels - Introduction Since our last health report was released manufacturers and retailers have been creating a uniform nutrition label, to make it easier for shoppers to understand what is in their food. The new label is a hybrid of both traffic light labelling and GDA. In this section take a look at how (and whether) shoppers use nutrition labels. We examine what individual factors shoppers look at on a front of pack nutrition label and whether other cues such as ingredients lists and nutritional information are used when trying to decide whether a product is healthy or not. 16 17. 21% 20% 17% 14% 11% 6% 3% Healthiest Retailer Retailers that shoppers think sell the healthiest products (not restricted to shoppers of those retailers) 42% of shoppers think that all of the stores are the same, when it comes to the healthiness of their product offering. Less than 3% of shoppers scored discounters as being the healthiest retailers. Perceived to be the healthiest 17 18. Methodology 18 19. Secondary and desk research Preliminary quantitative survey Main quantitative survey Focus groups Insights Evolution carried out a preliminary survey of around 100 shoppers to test questions for the main survey. Detailed secondary and desk research is conducted to define the topic area, macro drivers and trends, scope and examples within the research topic. Initial insights gained are used to help further design the main survey. A main survey is completed by at least 1,000 UK adults who are the primary household shopper for food & grocery. Focus groups are carried out to further enhance the secondary research and main quantitative survey. Comprehensive and detailed assessment of all the data received was then used to uncover insights. Throughout this process, primary research was supported by secondary research drawing on Evolutions proprietary databases, national statistics, news and industry resources. Methodology Evolutions methodology 19 20. Methodology: Quantitative Research - Survey Shoppers perception of the cost of healthy foods How shoppers decide whether a product is healthy Drivers for buying healthy products Exercise habits of shoppers Shoppers understanding of healthiness of products What shoppers perceive as healthy eating How healthy shoppers are in their own opinion Shoppers attitudes to health and healthy eating Demographic profiling Topics of questions in quantitative survey Detailed shopper insights were gained from a survey of 1,026 primary shoppers. The samples were fully representative of the UK population. The survey contained 25 questions relating to topics outlined to the left in addition to standard demographic profiling questions The questions were designed to give maximum insight into shoppers motivation and behaviour Additional questions were asked to give further insights into general behaviour and attitudes into price comparisons. The survey was carried out during the week commencing 22nd April 2014. 20 21. Contact Us Evolution Insights Ltd Prospect House 32 Sovereign Street Leeds LS1 4BJ Telephone: 0113 336 6000 e-mail: Web: Company No. 07006001 Country of Incorporation: United Kingdom 21

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