


Inspirational Magazine: Natural Health



Newsstand - The Health & Fitness magazines caught my eye the most because of their simplistic

beauty. I am attracted to magazines with the natural and not overwhelming look.

- Natural Health magazine caught my eye the most in my genre because of its white background in contrast with the different shades of blue. I want my magazine to look

as pure as this one.

- Natural Health had the best photography because it was clear, close up, and beautiful.

- Natural Health had the best design due to the simple format. Its not busy, overwhelming, or gaudy.

- Your Fitness had the best magazine articles because the hot pink made them stand out and my eye went right to those articles.

- Natural Health had the best table of contents because it consisted of all of topics I was looking for. Other magazines left out some important health and fitness


- Natural Health had the best articles because it included health, happiness, exercise, and natural ingredients.

Reflection What really caught my eye at the newsstand was the white and blue color scheme. These colors are

natural which directly relates to the title of the magazine. All of the texts are simple and clean cut. All of the coverings are black and sleek in contrast to the eye catching sea foam green main covering.

I especially loved that Jessica Alba is in blue to match the color scheme. I liked that the table of contents included pictures and a pink and black

color scheme.

Inspirational magazine

This magazine is so inspirational to me because I am very interested in

a healthy lifestyle which I am aiming for, as well as being fit. I am

inspired by the health tips, the happiness tips, the health recipes,

and the new workouts that are accompanied with workouts. All of

these aspects are exactly what I am currently trying to achieve in my


About the Magazine The magazine is about happiness, health, and fitness.

The target audience is young women. The types of articles include:

Wake up happier!

Look toned, feel strong

Secrets of super-immunity

A “natural” ingredient that‘s not

Fall asleep in five

Jessica Alba

THE COVER Generally, the central image on these magazines is a female who is beautiful, fit, and healthy. Her skin is always smooth, shinny, and healthy looking. As well, the model is fit and in shape. Her outfit is always more on the simple casual side.

Generally, the photos are taken in a studio with a white background, or a nature scene such as the beach or trees.

The masthead color always changes. The colors change and the font has changed. Most of the coverlines are on the left

third of the magazine. But generally, the layouts are all varied.

Favorite Cover

This cover is most inspirational to me because of the simplicity. When you are looking at the model, you are intrigued to read more about

her. You want to have her skin and radiance. As well, the orange, white,

tan skin, and pink color scheme emphasize natural beauty. The black contrast makes the magazine look clean and organized. I am striving for a beautiful central image with

captivating yet clean layout.

Table Of Contents


Oxygen Magazine Table of Contents

Common Elements in Table of Contents On all the table of contents pages, the layout

is clear and clean looking. It is generally spread out over two pages which means that there is a good amount of white space. Table

of contents words are generally small and black. Also each page consists of images that

take up most of the page. These images coincide with the article found on that page.


2nd Article

Common Elements in Articles Articles consist of generally four columns with

information and are found on the left side of the two page spread. They are mostly white

backgrounds and the main information is in black. There is often one main image that takes up most of the page therefore leaving the text to be on the

smaller side. In each corner of the article, there is a box that consists of “Your Style”, the type of report

it is, and the page number. The page number is bolded and in very big.

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