Healing energy & cleansing negative energy

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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http://www.the-law-of-diversity.com/ Okay, who wants to get high? I got something that is really going to blow your mind. It will take the pressure off, make you relax, and send you to the moon and back. It will cause you to be in an everlasting euphoric state, an eternal high that you won't want to come down from. Don't worry. It is all natural and genuinely pure. And you are guaranteed to get addicted. What am I talking about? I am talking about the blissful state of energy healing. Maybe our ancestors had it right. They were shamans who used psychotropic drugs to induce a trance like state. These drugs were 100 percent natural, grown directly from the earth. They used them for rituals, spiritual practices, and as a tool for studying the augmented mind. Today, there are a few of us who choose to uphold their traditions. Only now, we are hanging out at some backwoods bonfire with a keg of beer and a couple of bags of Doritos and Sun Chips. We are telling our stories about our psychedelic trips to the anti-worlds while passing around a rainbow colored bong. For the record, when the bong was passed to me, I always passed (honest). I never believed in the whole mind-altering chemical induced states of consciousness thing. Why go through all of that, when I could do it naturally. No. I don't mean the drugs that grow naturally. I mean the energy that flows through the universe naturally. Mood altering drugs have a grave effect on the central nervous system. They affect the functioning of the brain, thus changing your perception, mood and behavior. What if I told you that you could do the same thing, by just altering the energy that flows through your body? No, I didn't smoke anything before I wrote this article. And I didn't come across this information during an altered state of consciousness. I am clean and sober. In fact, I can back up this theory with a little bit of science. I wrote about string theory in other articles. Many scientists believe that nature can be broken down into teeny tiny vibrating strings. These strands of energy are very versatile and can move and stretch to define the mass and charge of every single living organism and form of matter. These strands can curl up into complex shapes, each emitting a different energetic frequency, much like the notes that are produced from a French horn. So what does all this mean? In dummy terms, the shape and movement of your body can affect how these strands vibrate. So if you are feeling sick, down, or lethargic, your energy is as disjointed as the notes that stem from a three-string guitar. This is why people engage in the awkward and sometimes painful practice of Yoga. They do it to change their vibrational frequencies, so energy can flow throughout the body better. This is also why people jump and dance around while in a spiritual trance. http://youtu.be/b4sKRvGHYSc


  • 1. Healing Energy & Cleansing Negative Energy by Yamaya Cruz
  • 2. There is one thing that is an absolute complete turn-off, bad breath. It is even more disgusting when we start to understand why someones breath smells bad. When you dont brush your teeth properly You are allowing food and left over debris to literally rot in your mouth, resulting in cavities and gum disease. Food gets stuck in the creases of your teeth, and residue starts to build up on your tongue, causing your breath to smell worse than a garbage incinerator. It gets really bad when people start to pop breath mints into their mouth. As if covering up the smell is going to make the problem go away. Sadly, our oral hygiene is much like our spirits, in desperate need of cleaning.
  • 3. One of my favorite teachers once told me that enlightenment is about getting all the crap that is buried inside of us, out.
  • 4. Yes, it was one of my aha moments. At that time, I realized that virtually every form of illness, every disease, starts on a subtle level. Holistic health practitioners believe that illnesses penetrate us from within our auric fields. By the time a disease gets to the mind and or body, it is already fully grown. Today, in our society it is commonplace for many people to treat the symptoms and not the cause. It is so much easier to just pop in a breath mint.
  • 5. Many diseases actually come from the external environment. Our auric fields are vibrational bands of energy that surround our body. We have certain layers that act as our teeth. These layers actually sort through energy (information) and actually decide what kind of energy we want to take in (from other people and things). They break things down, chewing and molding, processing information, and only swallowing the information most pertinent to the growth and development of spirit. However, things get really dirty when we start to interact with people and things that give off negative vibes, or spread negative energy. Our auric fields get overloaded and the energy begins to build like residue. Slowly our fields begin to wane and deteriorate like cavities, allowing negative energy to seep through into the body.
  • 6. This is why a lot of spiritualists take a more preventative approach to holistic health.
  • 7. They do things like chakra cleansing, or they prescribe certain herbal baths. Many practitioners in African religions work to clean the spirit by cleaning the head. They do this based on the belief that the head, or ori, is the gateway to the soul. This approach allows practitioners to treat the actual cause and not just the symptoms. Just remember, we are constantly interacting with people and picking up a great deal of negative energy. So get your spiritual check up now!
  • 8. Listen To It Now

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