HCI454 Final Project Analysis and Redesign

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DePaul University College of Computing and Digital Media Website: Content Analysis and Organization Study


  • HCI 454 Interactive Systems Part 2:DePaul University College of Computing and Digital Media Website: Content Analysis and

    Organization Study

    Thursday, June 9th, 2011Team in2it2on

    Carl Duffield

    Sravan Kachavarapu

    Joe Steinkamp

    Tom Sanderson



    THE STUDY page 4


    REFERENCES page 12

    APPENDIX A (Reflection) page 13

    APPENDIX B (Informed consent) page 14

    APPENDIX C-1 (Card content) page 16

    APPENDIX C-2 (Freelist frequency-weighted analysis) page 17

    APPENDIX D (Revised sitemap) page 21

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 2

  • IntroductionThe DePaul CDM website (http://www.cdm.depaul.edu) is part of a larger network of websites supporting DePaul University. The College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM) is a college within the University that offers programs of study exclusively within the realm of the computing sciences, cinematic design and display, and various graphic and media arts. Team in2it2ion previously performed a content inventory of the existing website content (Duf!eld, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson, 2011) and uncovered several problematic areas, namely poor visual prominence of ostensibly important information, unnecessary or non-useful redundancy, and lack of a clear organization scheme. As a result of the content inventory, Team in2it2ion undertook a study of the target audience of the DePaul CDM website to determine their perceptions and categorizations of the content of the site. The goal of this study was to asses the way that the target audience views the content in question, and propose a re-organization of the content to better suit their collectivized mental model. The target audience of the site is fairly broad, encompassing current and prospective students, professors, administrative staff, and interested community members (benefactors, parents, local participants, etc). The content inventory revealed that the DePaul CDM website content needed to be re-organized to better serve the needs of these users and provide an easier and more ef!cient interactive experience for them, and this study sought to address that end result. To complete this study, Team in2it2ion performed a free list exercise to gather the full breadth of content that users in the target audience might expect to !nd on the CDM website. After the free-listed data was collected and analyzed, 99 of the most relevant items were retained for inclusion in a card sort. The result of the card sort was a representation of the way that CDM target audience members view the content they wish to see on the site, and how they imagine it mentally. Based on the results, it was apparent that users of the CDM site were comfortable with the sites layout (or at least did not direct their content organizations in a way that would belie a desire for a different structure), but that they preferred the content to be organized a bit more granularly. New top-level categories are recommended for Advising, Facility Information, and Calendar, while a name change is recommended for the Academics section to Degrees & Programs. This report will detail the methods used to gather content items and ideas from members of the DePaul CDM website target audience, as well as how they were categorized via card-sorting. The !ndings of the card sort will be outlined and will inform recommendations for changes to the content organization scheme. All auxiliary information is contained in the Appendices for reference purposes.

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 3

  • The Study

    The components of this study included a content inventory (Duf!eld, et. al,, 2011), a freelist exercise, a card sort, and a proposed re-organization of the DePaul CDM website based on the collective results. Since the inventory had been done previously, the results of the freelist and card sort are outlined below.

    Freelist Exercise


    The freelist exercise required that members of Team in2it2ion recruit individuals who were members of the target audience. These individuals were asked to participate in a free-listing exercise, which was explained as a list of terms, concepts, and ideas that pertain to information that a member of the target audience might expect to !nd with a visit to the CDM website. A total of 11 members of the target audience participated in the freelist exercise.


    Each participant was asked to provide a list of items as it pertained speci!cally to DePaul CDM website content, but no other constraints on the type (or format) of the items were given. These solicitations, and the receiving of the freelist data, were all conducted electronically through email, and the resulting submissions were sorted together in a spreadsheet for analysis. The raw freelisting data from each participant was put into a spreadsheet for analysis. The initial methodology was to sort through the freelisting data individually, but it was then decided to create a spreadsheet to do the bulk of the analysis, and then re!ne further after that if necessary. The freelisting data was broken into 3 separate sheets, each performing separate functions to analyze the data. The !rst sheet was simply the raw freelisting data organized by each participant. The second sheet was set up to convert the raw freelisting data into lowercase

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 4

  • strings in preparation for the next step in the analysis. Converting to lowercase strings was achieved with the following function: =ArrayFormula(LOWER(Participants!A2:K)). Once converted to lowercase strings, the third sheet was used to analyze the prepared data. The sheet consisting of 4 columns, each having a speci!c function to analyze the data. The !rst column in the sheet sorted the unique instances of the freelisting data alphabetically by the following function: =SORT(unique(transpose(split(ArrayFormula(concatenate(Lowercase!A2:J&",")),",")))). The second column then tallied the times that each item was listed by using: =ArrayFormula(if(A2:A"",countif(Participants!A2:K,A2:A),iferror(1/0))). The third and fourth column worked together by creating a "Working list by frequency" where the third column was the freelisting data ranked from high to low with respect to frequency by the function: =SORT(A2:A, B2:B, FALSE), and the fourth column listed the items count using: =SORT(B2:B, 1, FALSE). The fourth column also consisted of conditional formatting on the cells to indicate items that appeared more than four times by green, two or three times by yellow, and once by red cell coloring. This list was used a jumping off point for further re!nement such as merging categories that were semantically identical. This resulted in a frequency-weighted spreadsheet of the terms from the freelist, in order of usage by participants (Appendix C-2).


    A total of 11 participants produced 470 total freelist terms, of which 366 were at least marginally unique. The most popular terms were predictably clustered around admissions, advising, employment, research, events, and news, among others. Items of close secondary concern were information about student life, scholarships, academic programs, and distance learning tools, among others. The breadth of the freelist data revealed that it would be unwise to assume the target audience was using the DePaul CDM website primarily for academic program-related inquiries. Many other areas of interest surfaced such as location, getting around, connecting with alumni, facilities/lab information, and distance learning options.

    Card Sort

    Card Content

    The above-mentioned freelist was pared down to a !nal 99 items in a collaborative effort that included the entire team. The list was put into a Google Doc Spreadsheet and was interactively edited and commented in real-time, resulting in quick and ef!cient decision-making to eliminate non-obvious duplicates, extraneous items, and to condense sub-groupings that were unnecessarily faceted (E.g., course information, course reviews, course location, and course syllabus would be condensed into a single, more useful item). The resultant 99 items comprised the content of the cards in the online card sort (Appendix C-1).

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 5

  • Participants

    The card sort required team members to again recruit target audience members who would be willing to participate in an online card sort. 12 participants who were members of the CDM website target audience agreed to perform the card using the WebSort web application. Participants were directed to a unique URL for the card sort study, where they were shown a

    description of the study and informed consent language (Appendix B-1). Participants were also informed of compensation for their participation in the form of a gift card lottery, which was later amended to a participation-based $20 Amazon.com gift card to all participants when acquiring enough participants became a barrier to the completion of the project. The majority of participants were in the 18-24 age group, and slightly favored being in a Graduate CDM program, though their frequencies of accessing the CDM website were relatively evenly distributed.

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 6

  • Method

    The team used a virtual card sorting tool called WebSort to perform the card sorting exercise. All participants in the card sort were remote and performed the sort using the online tool, there were no in-person sorts performed. The combined responses from the users were obtained from WebSort, which provides numerous methods of exporting results data. The team studied formats of data such as Items x Items, Categories x Items, Category Summaries, and a Tree Graph. The methods used for analyzing the results were based on the instructions for the use of the spreadsheet developed by Donna Spencer (Spencer, 2007). Based on the instructions and the results of the card sort, the analysis began with the importation of the results from all sort participants into the Spencer spreadsheet. When all the raw data was entered, the categories were standardized by A) using the most frequent raw category labels for standard category labels, and B) condensing categories with similar names, meanings or card content into single, standardized categories. After the set of standardized categories was determined (our card sort found 18), all unique categories from the raw sort data were replaced with their corresponding standardized category name. After this, all duplicates were removed from all sorters' results, and all results were combined to create a single list of all standardized categories. Each of these was then given a code number for use as a key in the rest of the spreadsheet. The results of the spreadsheet were used mainly to re!ne and determine categories for the new content organization. Based upon the category standardization from the raw sort data, the 18 standard categories provided the basis for the new organizational structure of the content.

    Statistical Analysis

    The results of statistical analysis showed evidence for the new content categories, with surprisingly strong negative correlation between topics related to Advising and topics related to Degrees & Programs. Currently, advising information is buried in the section of information for current students, and was shown by the results to be more desirable as its own section. The other notable statistical result was the rather nominal correlation of calendaring or event-type information with anything else on the site except for information about the college/campus. The card sort results showed, however, that users consistently wanted this information in its own category as well.

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 7

  • Findings

    The results of the card sort provided evidence that there are not currently enough categories in the DePaul CDM website to suf!ciently organize the content. The card sort revealed that the organization would be improved by adding additional categories and renaming Academics to Degrees & Programs. The recommended additional categories are Advising, Facility Information, and Calendar. Moving the Advising category from Current Students to the homepage provides immediate access to Advising content, which sort participants indicated they would prefer;the card sort demonstrated that most users wanted to place Advising content in its own category and not within a broader category, such as Current Students. Adding Facility Information and Calendar categories also provides immediate access to content that currently is not properly categorized and is dif!cult to discover. The card sort revealed that the users wanted categories for information about facilities (E.g., labs, buildings, resources) and events of note (academic calendar, special events, student organization events, deadlines, etc). A re-organized site map can be found in Appendix D.


    The current navigation structure of DePaul CDMs website is a structural global navigation menu. The website has two main navigation elements: 1) the main menu on the left, and 2) the supplemental menu on the right. The supplemental menu displays options for the three different schools of CDM and acts as a !lter for the left menu by displaying only the information that pertains to the selected school. The main global navigation menu is a seven category hierarchical menu. It is recommended that the CDM Home main menu item be removed, as users expect this functionality by clicking on the homepage logo.

    The results of the card-sort and free-list provided no evidence the navigation structure of the website should be altered. As a result, the navigation structure is recommended to remain as is, but the sub-navigation items should be displayed in a Mega Menu for easier access to the content in the sub-categories. CDMs website has a large amount of content with many sub-categories. A mega menu will allow the sub-categories to be more easily discoverable, and making more complex

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 8

    Proposed New Wireframe

  • navigation choices easier to see at a glance (Tidwell, 2011). Moving the sub-categories to a more accessible mega menu will allow the complex navigation discoverability to be moved out of the sitemap footer current in use. The current sitemap footer is useful, but awkward and out of place in a page-intensive site like the CDM website, since there is a general lack of whitespace due to long passages of content. This detracts from its effectiveness, as the user must often scroll through several screens worth of text before realizing the bene!ts of discoverability that a sitemap footer offers (Tidwell, 2011). By moving this functionality above the fold into a mega menu, users will discover additional navigation more quickly and easily. A look at the before and after wireframes illustrates the changes proposed to the main navigation along the left side, with the added categories and removal of the redundant CDM Home link:

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 9

    Before Re-organization

    After Re-organization

  • Validation Task Flows

    Scenario 1: A current Graduate student in the HCI program wishes to !nd out about major electives that might be available for the next quarter. She navigates to the CDM main page and clicks Advising, knowing that class determination is an advisory concept. When the Advising mega menu appears, she quickly sees a link for available classes (theoretical, not pictured):

    Scenario 2: Parents of a student graduating from the Digital Cinema program wish to get information about attending graduation. Speci!cally, father wishes to get directions and parking information for the DePaul CDM campus. He visits the DePaul CDM main page, and sees the main menu item for Facility Information. He clicks on the menu item, and from the resulting mega menu, selects information about Directions and Parking (theoretical, not pictured):

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 10

  • Scenario 3: A prospective student is interested in applying to the DePaul CDM, and visits the website for more information. He quickly sees a main menu item speci!cally for Prospective Students, and clicks it. The mega menu reveals several points of information on applying and the application process:

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 11

  • References

    Duf!eld, C., Kachavarapu, S., Steinkamp, J., Sanderson, T. (2011, Spring). HCI 454 Interactive Systems Part 1: DePaul University College of Computing and Digital Media Website Inventory. HCI 454: DePaul University.

    Spencer, D. (2007). Instructions for use: Card sort analysis spreadsheet. Retrieved from http://www.rosenfeldmedia.com/books/downloads/cardsorting/ cardsort_analysis.pdf.

    Spencer, D. (2009). Card sorting: designing usable categories. Rosenfeld Media, LLC: Brooklyn, NY.

    Tidwell, J. (2011). Designing interfaces, second edition. OReilly Media, Inc.: Sebastopol, CA.

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 12

  • Appendix A (Reflection)

    This project began with the expectation that the DePaul CDM website was in need of a major content overhaul. This was due in large part to perceived dif!culties on the part of those of us in Team in2it2ion when using the site. Our expectation was that those of us in computing-related disciplines would have an easier time navigating complex information structures than those who were less apprised of such systems, or otherwise unskilled or inexperienced using them. Through the content inventory, we discovered that pertinent and important information was being relegated to non-intuitive and inconspicuous placements, and we were hopeful that the freelisting and card sorting exercises would tell us which pieces were, in fact, important enough to move to the fore. In-person interviews would have been helpful at this stage, potentially coupled with website browsing task analyses. We did not get a good feel for how people actually use the site today, only what thoughts they had about the information contained in it. It would have been useful to observe users browsing the site and record any actual dif!culties, rather than relying on our (admittedly biased) expert user perceptions of where they may lie. The freelisting exercise was successful as far as it went, but we all suspected that people were not really thinking freely, and that they tended to write down items that they remembered viewing or searching for on the site. Our freelist instructions might have needed to be clearer, or perhaps an explicit instruction to NOT try to retrieve the site map from memory would have mitigated this. We did have a good selection of items that were, as suspected, not featured prominently on the current site, and were good indicators of the re-organization needed. The card sort itself was an illuminating exercise but again, we all felt that participants might have been creating a site map rather than truly responding viscerally to where they felt the content truly belonged. If the team had the exercise to do over again, we would push for more in-person, physical card sorting to mitigate the mistaken perception on the part of users that they needed to create a site map. We all felt that the conversation around a physical card sort of this content would have been quite helpful. The main take-aways from the card sort were the addition of top level content areas, which was in line with what we suspected initially. We did not anticipate the actual areas that appeared, but that discovery added to the intrigue and enjoyment of the exercise for the team. At the end of the day, the team felt that the card sort was successful, but that it was limited by the inability of users to sub-categorize the large amount of content, and by the impersonality of the online tools; perhaps for large, existing content sites the better route is to perform these exercises live and in person, to steer conversations away from the recitation of rote usage patterns from the users past. The natural next step would be to perform usability testing on a working prototype of this new content scheme, but ideally the team would re-run the card sort live !rst. There is a nagging suspicion that an in-person card sort of this content would reveal more data that the online sort did, and ultimately the site would bene!t more from such data. Overall the experiment was enjoyable and interesting, and illustrated the responsibilities of an interaction design professional well.

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 13

  • Appendix B-1 (Informed consent language from WebSort)

    INTRODUCTION:We are conducting research intended to give us a better understanding of how content on the CDM web site should be organized.

    INSTRUCTIONS:On the left, you'll see a list of items. Click on the items to drag them onto the empty white area in the middle of the screen. A category will appear, and the item will be placed inside it. Repeat with the remaining items, grouping items that belong together.

    What items belong together? Think of where you expect to !nd these items on a web site. Then name each group with a word or words that describe the set of items it contains.

    There is no right number of groups, but make sure that you think about how the items relate to each other. If you have a group with a large amount of items, you may be able to split it up.

    Informal Consent (information sheet)

    You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Team in2it2on for the Interaction Design class (HCI 454) at DePaul University. If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to complete: 1) This "card sort" exercise, and 2) A short survey about the card sort

    To participate in this study, you must be 18 years of age or older.

    You may choose not to participate in this study. There will be no negative consequences if you decided not to participate or change your mind later.

    If you have questions about the study, please contact our team by email at sravankacha@gmail.com or by phone at 773-630-1169.

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 14

  • Appendix B-2 (Informed consent print form (unused))

    Informed Consent Form - DePaul CDM Website Content Study

    Please read thoroughly.

    Carl Duf!eld, Sravan Kachavarapu, Tom Sanderson, and Joe Steinkamp from DePaul University HCI-454 Interaction Design are conducting a research study on the organization of DePaul CDMs website. The research will identify user expected organization of important content on DePaul CDMs website.

    The research will have the participant card sort a list of expected content on DePaul CDMs website. A card sort has you, the participant, organize a list of content items into different categories of your creation. The card should take a maximum of 30 minutes. A short survey will also be conducted directly after the card sort.

    Participation is voluntary. You can choose to quit at any time. The information collected in the card sort and survey is anonymous and con!dential. No information will be made available to the public. As compensation, a gift card lottery will be held after the study is completed, in which three names will be drawn at random to receive a small denomination gift card.

    Your participation is appreciated. Thank you for your time.

    By signing this form, you agree to participate in this research.

    Signed __________________________________ Date _______________

    Please contact the following with any questions or concerns.

    Carl Duf!eldcarljduf!eld@gmail.com

    Sravan Kachavarapusravan_kacha@gmail.com

    Tom Sandersontom_sanderson@yahoo.com

    Joe Steinkampjsteinka@gmail.com

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 15

  • Appendix C-1 (Card contents)

    about CDMacademic calenderacademic policiesactivitiesadministration informationadministration staffadmissionadvisingadvising hoursadvisorsalumni informationapplicationassistantshipsbuilding addressesbuilding hourscalendarcampus connectcampus facilitiescareer centerCDM accomplishmentsCDM career fairsCDM statisticscerti!cates informationChicago attractionsChicago hotelsco-opsCourse On-LineComputer Graphicscomputer lab informationComputer Scienceconnect with alumnicontact infocounselorscourse catalogcourse informationcourse registrationcredit requirementscurrent students informationDesire2LearnDean's Listdegree informationdegree plannerdegreesdigital cinemadirections to CDMdouble major informationemergency informationevents calendarFacebookfacilities

    facultyfaculty blogs!nancial aidgame developmentgraduationGraphic DesignGREhow to applyHuman-Computer Interactionimportant linksindependent study informationinternational studentsinternship informationjobs at CDMlab hoursmajorslibrary minorsMaster's DegreesmyCDMNetwork Technologynew studentsnewsonline learningonline programspeer advisingpeer mentoringpeople (directory)Ph.D. informationprerequisitesProfessor biosprogram descriptionsprospective studentsregistration requirementsrequest information packetreturning studentsscholarshipsSoftware Engineeringstudent handbookstudent organizationsstudy abroad programsBookstoretourstransferringtransportationtuitiontutoringBachelor's Degreeswork study programs

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 16

  • Appendix C-2 (Freelist frequency-weighted analysis)

    Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    about us 2 application 5

    academic center 1 events 5

    academic policies 1 news 5

    academics 2 research 5

    accolades of the cdm 1 advising 3

    accomplishments 1 alumni 3

    account information 1 computer science 3

    acm 1 courses 3

    activities 1 directions 3

    address 2 employment 3

    administration 1 faculty 3

    administration contact 1 jobs 3

    administration staff 1 labs 3

    administrative information 1 about us 2

    admission 1 academics 2

    advising 3 address 2

    advising hours 1 application information 2

    advisor 1 calender 2

    advisors 1 campus connect 2

    alumni 3 col 2

    alumni information 1 course catalogue 2

    alumni survey 1 current student 2

    application 5 d2l 2

    application information 2 degrees 2

    appointmenst 1 directory 2

    appointments 1 dual degree 2

    around chicago 1 facebook 2

    articles 1 facilities 2

    assignment 1 game development 2

    assistanships 1 graduate 2

    assistantship 1 graduation 2

    attractions 1 history 2

    best practices 1 international 2

    bookmark 1 location 2

    building addresses 1 multimedia 2

    building hours 1 my cdm 2

    building map 1 mycdm 2

    building number (not depaul #)

    1 requirements 2

    calender 2 scholarships 2

    campus 1 statistics 2

    campus connect 2 students 2

    campus facilities 1 tutor 2

    campus map 1 academic center 1

    campus maps 1 academic policies 1

    Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    career 1 accolades of the cdm 1

    career advising 1 accomplishments 1

    career center 1 account information 1

    catalog 1 acm 1

    cdm 1 activities 1

    cdm building 1 administration 1

    cdm career fairs 1 administration contact 1

    cdm career information 1 administration staff 1

    cdm clubs 1 administrative information 1

    cdm course schedules 1 admission 1

    cdm degree information 1 advising hours 1

    cdm events 1 advisor 1

    cdm homepage 1 advisors 1

    cdm interactive forum 1 alumni information 1

    cdm jobs 1 alumni survey 1

    cdm professors 1 appointmenst 1

    cdm required courses 1 appointments 1

    cdm requirements 1 around chicago 1

    cdm schools 1 articles 1

    certificate 1 assignment 1

    certification 1 assistanships 1

    chat 1 assistantship 1

    chicago 1 attractions 1

    class registration dates 1 best practices 1

    class schedule 1 bookmark 1

    class schedules 1 building addresses 1

    class times and locations 1 building hours 1

    classes offered 1 building map 1

    club contact info 1 building number (not depaul #) 1

    club info 1 campus 1

    club news 1 campus facilities 1

    clubs 1 campus map 1

    co-ops 1 campus maps 1

    col 2 career 1

    col info 1 career advising 1

    col tech support info 1 career center 1

    collaborate 1 catalog 1

    college of computing and digital media

    1 cdm 1

    college of interactive media

    1 cdm building 1

    combined bs/ms info 1 cdm career fairs 1

    combined degrees (with other schools) info

    1 cdm career information 1

    combines degree 1 cdm clubs 1

    complain 1 cdm course schedules 1

    computer graphics 1 cdm degree information 1

    computer lab information 1 cdm events 1

    computer science 3 cdm homepage 1

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

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  • Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    connect with alumni 1 cdm interactive forum 1

    contact 1 cdm jobs 1

    contact info 1 cdm professors 1

    contact us 1 cdm required courses 1

    costs 1 cdm requirements 1

    counselors 1 cdm schools 1

    course 1 certificate 1

    course catalogue 2 certification 1

    course description 1 chat 1

    course online 1 chicago 1

    course registration 1 class registration dates 1

    course reviews 1 class schedule 1

    course schedule 1 class schedules 1

    course timimgs 1 class times and locations 1

    course-path 1 classes offered 1

    courses 3 club contact info 1

    courses offered 1 club info 1

    courses taught 1 club news 1

    credits requirements 1 clubs 1

    current class schedule 1 co-ops 1

    current news 1 col info 1

    current student 2 col tech support info 1

    current student information 1 collaborate 1

    current students 1 college of computing and digital media


    cyber security 1 college of interactive media 1

    d2l 2 combined bs/ms info 1

    dean info 1 combined degrees (with other schools) info


    dean's list 1 combines degree 1

    deans list 1 complain 1

    degree paths 1 computer graphics 1

    degree planner 1 computer lab information 1

    degrees 2 connect with alumni 1

    degrees offered 1 contact 1

    demographics 1 contact info 1

    depaul 1 contact us 1

    details about cim 1 costs 1

    details about soc 1 counselors 1

    devils tuning fork 1 course 1

    digital cinema 1 course description 1

    directions 3 course online 1

    directory 2 course registration 1

    discussion board 1 course reviews 1

    document 1 course schedule 1

    double major information 1 course timimgs 1

    dual degree 2 course-path 1

    dynamic 1 courses offered 1

    easy 1 courses taught 1

    Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    education advancement opportunities

    1 credits requirements 1

    emergency information 1 current class schedule 1

    employment 3 current news 1

    event schedule 1 current student information 1

    events 5 current students 1

    events 1 cyber security 1

    exam 1 dean info 1

    existing students 1 dean's list 1

    facebook 2 deans list 1

    facilities 2 degree paths 1

    facts 1 degree planner 1

    faculty 3 degrees offered 1

    faculty advisor 1 demographics 1

    faculty blogs 1 depaul 1

    fall quarter 1 details about cim 1

    fee 1 details about soc 1

    filmmaking 1 devils tuning fork 1

    financial aid 1 digital cinema 1

    finding cdm advisors 1 discussion board 1

    forms 1 document 1

    full time 1 double major information 1

    funding 1 dynamic 1

    game development 2 easy 1

    game lab support info 1 education advancement opportunities


    gaming lab information 1 emergency information 1

    gpa calculator 1 event schedule 1

    grade 1 events 1

    graduate 2 exam 1

    graduate information 1 existing students 1

    graduate program 1 facts 1

    graduates 1 faculty advisor 1

    graduating/degree information

    1 faculty blogs 1

    graduation 2 fall quarter 1

    graphics 1 fee 1

    gym 1 filmmaking 1

    history 2 financial aid 1

    honors programs 1 finding cdm advisors 1

    hotels 1 forms 1

    hours 1 full time 1

    how much cdm programs cost

    1 funding 1

    how to apply 1 game lab support info 1

    human computer interaction

    1 gaming lab information 1

    ide 1 gpa calculator 1

    important information 1 grade 1

    important links 1 graduate information 1

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

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  • Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    independent study information

    1 graduate program 1

    integrated 1 graduates 1

    interact 1 graduating/degree information 1

    intern / co-op 1 graphics 1

    international 2 gym 1

    international information 1 honors programs 1

    international students 1 hotels 1

    internship 1 hours 1

    internship information 1 how much cdm programs cost 1

    internship opportunities 1 how to apply 1

    internships 1 human computer interaction 1

    intranet 1 ide 1

    is 1 important information 1

    job oppurtunities 1 important links 1

    jobs 3 independent study information 1

    jobs at cdm 1 integrated 1

    lab hours 1 interact 1

    lab support info 1 intern / co-op 1

    lab user levels 1 international information 1

    laboratory 1 international students 1

    labs 3 internship 1

    learn 1 internship information 1

    lectures 1 internship opportunities 1

    library 1 internships 1

    link to campus connect 1 intranet 1

    link to financial aid 1 is 1

    link to mycdm 1 job oppurtunities 1

    links 1 jobs at cdm 1

    links to external sites 1 lab hours 1

    links to internal sites 1 lab support info 1

    links to the lpc 1 lab user levels 1

    loaction 1 laboratory 1

    local internship opportunities

    1 learn 1

    location 2 lectures 1

    lost and found 1 library 1

    mac lab 1 link to campus connect 1

    mac lab information 1 link to financial aid 1

    mac support info 1 link to mycdm 1

    major 1 links 1

    major / minor 1 links to external sites 1

    major information 1 links to internal sites 1

    majors 1 links to the lpc 1

    majors and minors 1 loaction 1

    maps 1 local internship opportunities 1

    masters 1 lost and found 1

    masters degree 1 mac lab 1

    masters students 1 mac lab information 1

    Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    mfa 1 mac support info 1

    microsoft 1 major 1

    minor 1 major / minor 1

    minor information 1 major information 1

    minors 1 majors 1

    multimedia 2 majors and minors 1

    my cdm 2 maps 1

    my cdm link 1 masters 1

    mycdm 2 masters degree 1

    networking 1 masters students 1

    new student 1 mfa 1

    new students 1 microsoft 1

    news 5 minor 1

    octodad 1 minor information 1

    offerings 1 minors 1

    on campus jobs 1 my cdm link 1

    online 1 networking 1

    online classes 1 new student 1

    online learning 1 new students 1

    online program 1 octodad 1

    opinions 1 offerings 1

    opt/cpt 1 on campus jobs 1

    organizations 1 online 1

    part time 1 online classes 1

    peer advising 1 online learning 1

    peer mentoring 1 online program 1

    people (directory) 1 opinions 1

    phd information 1 opt/cpt 1

    placements 1 organizations 1

    post 1 part time 1

    prerequisites 1 peer advising 1

    previous faculty 1 peer mentoring 1

    professional development 1 people (directory) 1

    professor bio 1 phd information 1

    professor bios 1 placements 1

    professor courses 1 post 1

    professor information 1 prerequisites 1

    professor rating 1 previous faculty 1

    professor reviews 1 professional development 1

    proffesors 1 professor bio 1

    proffessor 1 professor bios 1

    program descriptions 1 professor courses 1

    programs in the cdm 1 professor information 1

    projects 1 professor rating 1

    prospective student 1 professor reviews 1

    prospective student information

    1 proffesors 1

    prospective students 1 proffessor 1

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 19

  • Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    prospective students 1 program descriptions 1

    quarter dates 1 programs in the cdm 1

    question 1 projects 1

    ranking 1 prospective student 1

    reference material 1 prospective student information 1

    registering 1 prospective students 1

    request 1 prospective students 1

    request information packet 1 quarter dates 1

    requirements 2 question 1

    requirements registration 1 ranking 1

    research 5 reference material 1

    research info 1 registering 1

    research lab info 1 request 1

    respond 1 request information packet 1

    returning students 1 requirements registration 1

    review 1 research info 1

    room 1 research lab info 1

    rss 1 respond 1

    sandbox 1 returning students 1

    scholar 1 review 1

    scholarship 1 room 1

    scholarships 2 rss 1

    school description 1 sandbox 1

    school history 1 scholar 1

    school info 1 scholarship 1

    school map 1 school description 1

    school of cinema 1 school history 1

    school of computing 1 school info 1

    scrolling through lecture 1 school map 1

    services links 1 school of cinema 1

    simple 1 school of computing 1

    snippets 1 scrolling through lecture 1

    social media 1 services links 1

    software engineering 1 simple 1

    sound 1 snippets 1

    spring break 1 social media 1

    statistics 2 software engineering 1

    student 1 sound 1

    student blogs 1 spring break 1

    student forms 1 student 1

    student handbook 1 student blogs 1

    student life info 1 student forms 1

    student organizaitons 1 student handbook 1

    student work 1 student life info 1

    students 2 student organizaitons 1

    study abroad 1 student work 1

    study abroad programs 1 study abroad 1

    study strategies 1 study abroad programs 1

    Alphabetized Unique Instances # Working List By Frequency Freq.

    submit 1 study strategies 1

    suggestions / questions 1 submit 1

    supplementary material 1 suggestions / questions 1

    support contact info 1 supplementary material 1

    surroundings 1 support contact info 1

    syllabus 1 surroundings 1

    teachers 1 syllabus 1

    text books 1 teachers 1

    time 1 text books 1

    tools 1 time 1

    tours 1 tools 1

    transferring 1 tours 1

    transportation 1 transferring 1

    tuition 1 transportation 1

    tution fee 1 tuition 1

    tutor 2 tution fee 1

    tutoring 1 tutoring 1

    tutors 1 tutors 1

    u-pass 1 u-pass 1

    undergrad 1 undergrad 1

    undergraduate 1 undergraduate 1

    undergraduate information 1 undergraduate information 1

    undergraduate program 1 undergraduate program 1

    undergraduates 1 undergraduates 1

    university 1 university 1

    university ranking 1 university ranking 1

    upsilon pi epsilon 1 upsilon pi epsilon 1

    virtual map 1 virtual map 1

    visiting faculty 1 visiting faculty 1

    watch 1 watch 1

    what is the cdm 1 what is the cdm 1

    what jobs you can get with a cdm degree

    1 what jobs you can get with a cdm degree


    what online programs are there

    1 what online programs are there 1

    what? 1 what? 1

    where cdm students have been hired

    1 where cdm students have been hired


    where to get more information about the cdm

    1 where to get more information about the cdm


    whiteboard 1 whiteboard 1

    who is in this class? 1 who is in this class? 1

    why cdm 1 why cdm 1

    wimba/col information 1 wimba/col information 1

    work study programs for cdm

    1 work study programs for cdm 1

    zoom 1 zoom 1

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 20

  • Appendix D (New Sitemap)

    ! HCI 454 - Interactive Systems Part Two: Final Report

    Duffield, Kachavarapu, Steinkamp, & Sanderson (Team in2it2ion) - 21

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