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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 


1.0  Purpose .....................................................................................................................4 

2.0  Scope.........................................................................................................................4 

3.0  Reference ..................................................................................................................4 


Organization and Responsibil ities ..........................................................................4 

4.1  Corporate HSE Manager.................................................................................................4 

4.2  Project Manager ..............................................................................................................4 

4.3  Construction Manager .....................................................................................................4 

4.4  Site HSE Manager...........................................................................................................4 

4.5  Engineering Manager ......................................................................................................5 


Definition ...................................................................................................................5 

5.1  Hazard.............................................................................................................................5 

5.2  Risk .................................................................................................................................5 

5.3   Acceptable Risk...............................................................................................................5 

Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by TANMIA having regard to its legalobligation and its own Occupational Health and Safety Management System. ..............................5 


Hazard analysis or hazard assessment ..........................................................................5 

5.5  Risk Assessment.............................................................................................................5 

5.6   ALARP.............................................................................................................................5 

5.7  JHA..................................................................................................................................5 

6.0  Planning and Operational Control ..........................................................................5 

6.1  Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determining Control Requirements............5 

6.2  Hazard /Anomaly Register ..............................................................................................6 

6.3  Common Workplace Hazard in Construction ..................................................................7  Mechanical Hazards:...................................................................................................7  Physical Hazards:........................................................................................................7 

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 


Responsibility for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment..................................13 

6.5.4  Procedure..................................................................................................................13 

6.6  JHA – Job Hazard Analyses..........................................................................................14 

6.6.1  Step in Conducting JHA ............................................................................................14 

6.6.2  Using The JHA ..........................................................................................................16 

6.6.3  Procedure..................................................................................................................16 


Detailed Job Method Statement ....................................................................................17 

7.0  Monitoring of Compliance .....................................................................................18 

8.0  Management Review ..............................................................................................18 

9.0   Appendices .............................................................................................................18 

9.1  Job Hazard Analysis form (HSE-4-064) ........................................................................18 

9.2  Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Worksheet (HSE-4-063)...........................18 

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

1.0 Purpose

This procedure establishes the requirements for every TANMIA Project Management toimplement a Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Evaluation and the necessarymitigation/control in order to execute every TANMIA’s operations /activities safely with noinjury to personnel, ill effect to employees and public health and no negative impact in theenvironment. The prime objective of this procedure is to proactively identify the hazards inthe workplace, assessed and mitigated adequately to prevent accidents/incidents in thework place to live up to TANMIA’s goal of Zero Accidents.

2.0 Scope

This procedure covers all TANMIA’s activities in different project sites, facilities andequipment including subcontractors’ facilities and equipment. This hazard identification, riskassessment and determining controls procedure covers all activities, work environment,people, infrastructure, equipment, materials, and other resources in the work place.

3.0 Reference

This procedure is consistent with the following HSE document and standards:

•  TANMIA HSE Standards and Work Practices Manual (TANMIA-HSE-2-001)

•  OSHAS 18001:2007

4.0 Organization and Responsibili ties

4.1 Corporate HSE Manager

The Corporate HSE Manager shall ensure that Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is being carried out at the beginning of TANMIA’s contracted projectsand that responsible project site/facility staff are carrying the same as the workprogresses.

4.2 Project Manager

The Project Manager is responsible for the implementation of this procedure in theproject ensure that proper flow of the process of Hazard Identification and Risk

 Assessment is being followed by his staff before commencing any activities.

4.3 Construction Manager

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

giving advises to the operation group. Maintain records of JSA, HIP, Risk Assessment and Method Statements.

4.5 Engineering Manager

The Engineering Manager is responsible for developing Method Statements for allactivities as per milestone basis and as required by the client.

5.0 Definition

5.1 Hazard

Is something that can cause harm if not controlled. The outcome is the harm thatresults from an uncontrolled hazard.

5.2 Risk

Is a combination of the probability that a particular outcome will occur and theseverity of the harm involved.

5.3 Acceptable Risk

Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by TANMIA having regardto its legal obligation and its own Occupational Health and Safety ManagementSystem.

5.4 Hazard analysis or hazard assessment

Is a process in which individual hazards of the workplace are identified, assessedand controlled/eliminated as close to source (location of the hazard) as reasonableand possible.

5.5 Risk Assessment

Is the calculation of risk pose by the identified hazards based on the likelihood orprobability of the harm being realized and the severity of the consequences.


 As Low As Reasonably Practical

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

Hazard analysis or hazard assessment is a process in which individual hazards ofthe workplace are identified, assessed and controlled/eliminated as close to source(location of the hazard) as reasonable and possible. As technology, resources, socialexpectation or regulatory requirements change, hazard analysis focuses controlsmore closely toward the source of the hazard. Thus hazard control is a dynamicprogram of prevention. Hazard-based programs also have the advantage of notassigning or implying there are "acceptable risks" in the workplace. A hazard-basedprogram may not be able to eliminate all risks, but neither does it accept"satisfactory" -- but still risky—outcomes. And as those who calculate and manage

the risk are usually managers while those exposed to the risks are a different group,workers, a hazard-based approach can by-pass conflict inherent in a risk-basedapproach.

TANMIA Project Management shall implement Hazard Identification and Assessmentbefore the start of the project covering the following aspects:

a) routine and non-routine activities;

b) activities of all persons having access to the workplace (includingcontractors and visitors) ;

c) human behavior, capabilities and other human factors;

d) identified hazards originating outside TANMIA’s workplace capable ofaffecting the health and safety of persons under the control of TANMIAwithin the workplace;

e) hazards created in the vicinity of the workplace by work related activities

under the control of TANMIA;

f) infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplace, whether providedby TANMIA and clients;

g) changes or proposed changes in the organizations, activities, or materials;

h) modifications to the OH&S management system, including temporarychanges, and their impacts on operations, processes, and activities;

i) any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment andimplementation of necessary controls;

 j) the design of the work areas, processes, installations,machinery/equipment, operating procedures and work organization,including their adaptation to human capabilities;

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

  Construction Manager, Superintendent, Supervisors and HSE Personnelshall develop plans and procedures to eliminate or mitigate the hazards listedin the Hazard Registers; issue work instructions and communicate identifiedhazards and controls measures to the workforce.

6.3 Common Workplace Hazard in Construction Mechanical Hazards:

By type of agent:

•  Impact force

  Collisions  Falls from height

•  Struck by objects

•  Confined space•  Slips and trips

•  Falling on a pointed object

•  Compressed air/high pressure fluids (such as cutting fluid)

•  Entanglement

•  Equipment-related injury

By type of damage:

•  Crushing•  Cutting•  Friction and abrasion•  Shearing•  Stabbing and puncture Physical Hazards:

•  Noise

•  Vibration

•  Lighting

•  Barotrauma (hypobaric/hyperbaric pressure)

•  Ionizing radiation

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

  Bases•  Heavy metals (lead)

•  Solvents (petroleum)

•  Particulates (asbestos and other fine dust/fibrous materials)

•  Fumes (noxious gases/vapors)

•  Highly-reactive chemicals

•  Fire, conflagration and explosion hazards:

  Explosion  Deflagration  Detonation  Conflagration Biological hazards:

•  Bacteria

•  Virus

•  Fungi (Mold)

•  Blood-borne pathogens

•  Tuberculosis Psychosocial issues:

•  Work-related stress, whose causal factors include excessive working timeand overwork

•  Violence from outside the company

•  Bullying, which may include emotional, verbal, and sexual harassment

•  Mobbing

•  Burnout

•  Exposure to unhealthy elements during meetings with businessassociates, e.g. tobacco, uncontrolled alcohol

6.4 Hazard Reporting

The Site HSE Manager shall develop a simple hazard reporting system so that allProject personnel are actively encouraged to correct and report hazards as andwhen identified.

Hazards outside a person's ability to remedy or those that cannot be rectified

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

6.5 Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment is the process of identifying and assessing Health, Safety andEnvironmental Hazards involves in the work from the start to completion. Thesehazards may be identified at any stage of the activity /process. The evaluation /assessment shall characterize the risk in terms of severity and probability.

The calculation of risk is based on the likelihood or probability of the harm beingrealized and the severity of the consequences. This can be expressed

mathematically as a quantitative assessment (by assigning low, medium and highlikelihood and severity with integers and multiplying them to obtain a risk factor, orqualitatively as a description of the circumstances by which the harm could arise.

The assessment should be recorded and reviewed periodically and whenever thereis a significant change to work practices. The assessment should include practicalrecommendations to control the risk. Once recommended controls are implemented,the risk should be re-calculated to determine of it has been lowered to an acceptable

level. Generally speaking, newly introduced controls should lower risk by one level,i.e., from high to medium or from medium to low. Below is a simple flowchart asgeneral guide in implementing Risk Assessment.

Severity Table

Severity Definition

1) Identify the hazards

2) Identify all affected by the hazard and how

3) Evaluate the risk

4) Identify and prioritize appropriate control measures

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

•  Serious or fatal injury to small number of employees•  Fatal injury to employee or general public•  Serious or intermediate damage or pollution to Environment


•  Significant reduction in safety margin or functional capability•  Significant increase in employee workload•  Conditions impairing employee efficiency or creating significant


including injuries:

•  Major occupational illness/injury and/or environmental damage,and/or property damage

•  Injury more than First Aid


Does not significantly reduce system safety. Actions required by

employees are well within their capabilities. Include:

•  Slight reduction in safety margin or functional capabilities•  Some physical discomfort to employees•  Minor occupational illness (First Aid Injury) and/or minor

environmental damage, and/or minor property damage•   Acceptable if ALARP

Probability Table

Likelihood Definition


•   Anticipated to occur one or more times during the entiresystem/operational life of an item.


•  Unlikely to occur to each item during its total life. May occurseveral times in the life of an entire system or operation.

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

Recommended Decision Table

   H   i  g   h Tolerable if





   M  e   d

   i  u  m 


Tolerable if






   L  o  w 

 Acceptable AcceptableTolerable if ALARP

Tolerable if ALARP

   P  r  o   b  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

  Minor Moderate Serious MajorSeverity

Recommended Risk Assessment Approval Table

Conclusion Risk Assessment Approval

 Acceptable Site HSE Manager

Tolerable if ALARP

Project Management + Site HSE Manager

Not Acceptable None - (no authorized person)

6.5.1 Scope and timing of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

•  Hazard Identification shall be done on the following stages of the projectand continuously review its suitability throughout the life cycle of theactivity /s :

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

e) Structural steel/ piping erection works (i.e. work at height, hotworks and lifting /rigging, radiography works, etc.)

f) Equipment installations (heavy haulage, preservation, confinedspace works, and etc.)

g) Heavy rigging /lifting works

h) Electrical & Instrumentation Works (cabletrays/conduits/raceways installations, electricalequipment/devices installation and cable pulling/laying,dressing and terminations)

i) Cladding and Insulation works

 j) Touch-up painting at site

k) Other activities

  Pre-commissioning Stage

a) Pressure testing (hydrotesting and pneumatic testing)

b) Leak testing

c) Blanketing (equipment/system preservation)

d) System cleaning (air/steam blowing, chemical cleaning, water jetting, etc.)

e) Electrical Testing (motor run test, electrical system/equipmenttesting, hi-pot testing, etc.)

f) Equipment /System Testing

g) Other pre-com activities required

  Commissioning Stage

a) Live Plant Conditions

b) Permit to Work System

c) Introduction of utilities (steam, plant air, electricity, water, fuel,


d) Introduction of feed stocks (nitrogen, oxygen, catalyst, etc.)

e) System /Equipment Energization

  Start-up Stage

D bili ti St

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

6.5.2 Hierarchy of Control Measures

•  When determining controls in mitigating hazards and during riskassessments, the following hierarchy of risks reduction measures shall befollowed:

a) Elimination of hazard

b) Substitution

c) Engineering Controls

d) Administrative controls (rules, signage/warnings)

e) Personal protective equipment (PPE)

6.5.3 Responsibility for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

•  TANMIA project management, supervision and HSE personnel shalladdress all Risks associated with all the activities under their jurisdiction.

•  Assess and document the overall risk in terms of High, Medium or Lowand demonstrate the residual risks are ALARP – As Low As ReasonablyPractical.

•  Must identify all hazards (as much as possible- foreseen & perceived)applicable to significant risk activities.

•  Must describe or details in place measures to control the risks.

•  Must identify the responsible department or person to manage andimplement the corrective measures.

•  In addition, the most important, is that the information in the risk evaluation/assessment is being cascaded to all affected employees to ensure thatthe effort met its objective of preventing incident /accident.

6.5.4 Procedure

•  TANMIA Project Management before mobilization to the project shallconvene a Risk Assessment Team composing of the followingrecommended personnel:

  Construction Manager

Site HSE Manager

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

mobilization, setting up temporary facilities, site preparation, excavationworks, etc.)

•  Risk Assessment shall be jointly conducted by construction group(supervisors / superintendents / construction manager), site engineeringand site HSE personnel.

•  Accomplished Risk Assessment shall be routed to the TANMIA Site HSEManager-Quality Control Manager- Project Manager for review andcomments.

•  If required, Risk Assessment will be submitted to CLIENT for review andcomments.

•  Upon final approval of Risk Assessment (RA), copies will be distributed toconcerned construction manager, superintendents and supervisors fortheir implementation with their respective employees under their control.

•  Risk Assessment will be used by the supervisors and foremen asreference in managing HSE in their workplace, generating their JHA-job

hazard analyses and for their toolbox meeting with their crew.

•  Risk Assessment will be used by HSE Officers in monitoring compliance ofworkforce.

•  Accomplished Risk Assessment shall be kept on file by Engineering andHSE Department throughout the project duration.

•  Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Worksheet (HSE-4-063) formwill be utilized in conducting the risk assessment.

•  Risk Assessment files is active documents that need to be reviewedregularly during the entire duration of the project. The Site HSE Manageris responsible for updating the Project Hazard Register and facilitatesand/or advises the review and updating the Risk Assessment Processes.

6.6 JHA – Job Hazard Analyses

Job Hazard Analysis is one of the safety management tools that can be used todefine and control the hazards associated with a certain specific process, job orprocedure. The purpose of a JHA is to ensure that the risk of each step of a task isreduced to ALARP (As Low as Reasonably Practicable).

The analysis starts with a summary of the whole job /task process. This is broken

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

regardless how simple or complicated the job is. Below are compulsoryfor JHA:

  Frequency of Accidents: A job that has repeatedly producedaccidents or near misses is a candidate for a JHA. The greater thenumber of accidents or near misses associated with a job activity oran operation, the greater is the need for a JHA.

  Severity Potential: Some jobs may not have a history of accidentsbut may have the potential for severe injury.

  New Operation: A new piece of equipment or a new operation mayneed to be analyzed to uncover hazards or to establish the correctprocedures.

  New Job: New jobs created by changes infield conditions, such aspre-commissioning activities, new technology, or methods ofoperation have no history of injuries, but their accident potential maynot be fully appreciated.

  High-Risk Jobs such pressure testing, steel erection, lifting, elevatedwork, scaffolding works, confined space works, confined spaceentry/work and other risky jobs.

•  The following are the standard steps in conducting a JHA:

1. Defined the Scope of the Job - (i.e. specific location/equipment to beused /materials to be used/ tools to be used, etc.)

2. Break the Job/Task Down

Before the search for hazards begins, a job should be broken downinto a sequence of steps, each describing what to do. Avoid twocommon errors: making the breakdown so detailed that anunnecessarily large number of steps result, or making it so generalthat basic steps are not recorded.

3. Identify Hazards and Potential Accidents

To effectively identify the possible hazards associated with each jobstep, the safety analysis should include personnel who areknowledgeable of the particular job or operation. It is not enough tolook at the obvious hazards; look at the entire environment and

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

•  In order to effectively conduct a Job Hazard Analyses a JSA TEAMcomposed of the following persons is recommended:

  Craft Supervisor / Foreman  Senior Craftsman or Lead Man  HSE Officer  Specialized Craft (i.e. rigger, scaffolder, etc.) as required.

6.6.2 Using The JHA

JHAs developed for jobs, projects, or operational activities help uncoverhazards and potential situations that may not have been identified without thestep-by-step analysis. Listing the sequential project steps and worker’s tasksalso help identify coordination requirements. In conducting the JHA, thepeople involved in the analysis learn more about the job and enhance theiroverall safety awareness.

When a JHA is distributed, the supervisor's first responsibility is to explain its

contents to employees and, if necessary, to give them further individualtraining. The entire JHA must be reviewed with the employees concerned sothat they will know how the job is to be done - without accidents. The JHAwill be available and maintained at the job location for employees performingthe job.

6.6.3 Procedure

•  Foremen / crew supervisors shall develop Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs),

for their planned activities for the week. JHAs are particularly required forall new and non-routine activities.

•  In developing and enforcement of specific JHA, it is important that crewsupervisors/ foremen involve their respective workmen on hazardidentification, elimination and abatement process.

•  JHA shall be made on such a format that will provide the followinginformation, as minimum:

  Basic job steps (which describes specific work to be performedincluding tools, equipment to be employed)

  Risk or potential hazards (e.g. fall hazards, oxygen deficiency, toxicgas, pinch points, fire hazards, electric shock, nearby energized lines,etc.)

The abatement / preventive measures to be followed by employees

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

responsible crew supervisor / foreman and careful study of the plannedactivity.

•  JHA shall be accomplished at the exact work location.

•  HSE officers shall conduct spot audit of JHAs to ensure adherence ofrespective work groups to the safety measures contained therein.

•  JHA will be attached to the Work Permit (where permit to work isimplemented). 

6.7 Detailed Job Method Statement

•  Detailed METHOD STATEMENTS shall be prepared by site engineering inconjunction with construction group for all works, which has risks to health,safety and environment as determined by Risk Assessment.

•  The Method Statements will describe the work procedures, sequence ofoperation and the control necessary to achieve effective risk management andefficient execution of the work.

•  Detailed job method statements shall be prepared for all critical tasks such as:

  Complicated or Non-Routine lifts.

  All hot work within or near live plant.

  Simultaneous Operations

  Erection of steel (including flooring and handrail)

  Heat Treatment / Stress Relieving

  Hot Taps

  Pressure Testing

  Confined Space Entry.

  Working @ Heights

  Work that may have environmental impact and / or effect environmentalmonitoring conditions.

•  The method statement shall, among others, describe:

  The job to be undertaken

  All risks and controls from the Risk Assessment.

The individual activities required to complete the job

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Tanmia for Oil and Construction Limited  Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls ProcedureDocument Code: TANMIA-HSE-3-018Revision A / March 2010 

  Name of supervisor responsible for each activity

  Name of person in overall charge of the job task

  Specialized procedure may require demonstration or training exercises

  Any specific known hazards to be listed (e.g. presence of toxic substance,etc.)

  Process fluids and chemicals likely to be encountered.

•  Method Statement shall be reviewed by Site HSE Manager/Representative,Site Quality Control Manager, and appropriate specialized discipline. (e.g.Rigging Supervisor, Scaffolding Supervisor, etc.) and Site/Project Managerbefore submission to Client (if required) for comments.

7.0 Monitoring of Compliance

•  Compliance with this Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Determining Controls

Procedure will be periodically monitored /audited during the Project ManagementWeekly HSE Assessment and Quarterly Corporate HSE Audit.

8.0 Management Review

•  This procedure shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary by theManagement. The following staff shall attend review meeting:

  General Manager  Corporate HSE Manager  Project Manager  Construction Manager  Site HSE Manager  Other Staff as required

9.0 Appendices

9.1 Job Hazard Analysis form (HSE-4-064)9.2 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Worksheet (HSE-4-063)

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Job Hazard Analysis Form (HSE-4-064)

Rev. 00/ Jan. 2010








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Doc. No.Revision No.

Revision DateHazard Identification and Risk Assessment Worksheet


Risk Assessment Worksheet (HSE – 4-063)Revision 0, January 2010


Project: Location:

Work Activity:

Residual Risk

No. Potential Hazards Harm Severity




Level Control Measures Severity Likelyhood

Risk Level


Position: Name / Signature Date: Assessed

by:HSE Representative Tonie Jun L. Farrol


Name and SignaturePosition

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