HAVERFORD NEWS - Institutional Scholarship

Post on 11-Mar-2023






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VOLUME 21-NUMBER 16 *2i0 • Toy

FIRST Edition

1 P. M.




Announces Commencement Speaker Prize Awards and SCI10135-

Experiment Is Planned tic Honors Announced at

But Still Indefinite Exercises



Lunt, Jones and Students

Speak as Professor's Res-

ignation Is Revealed

01r. Gray ban beed5d .o. to 11...eford... auto Jove pm 01



• ■ • tudi

!env. .011, ten-dered to An K. Gniy. gueriale ste- reo.. et Whitebait Friday. May 9. by hla Heserterd. Poleettor Grata rogooien Dein Ironthe Doily In emal 10 10 11110 cf. 1tt Dene. I1.1. Not year he Will puma .1 ob... love. pnub ants in En. Dr, wo


andtoo. profrAor of

• Englinh enotitatioal history, go the Geo open.. at /he inner. lle eat, • onset .11e ...mow.. on Mr. Orly.

4:11 tinbinx his moot ill., 2. SOO, 'Mk read o romp. for 11.• orraolnn. Cameron. 1,11, 1Whalf the Sophomore rho. Ile ma Gut it wen the ...metre Am. whet. wo hen.. hit trat 0. Di', eigno, Geo. opine te eke lai tho hod lu opportingy to mak. hi. att,

Alter 1";r. um.

Alotener J. st.,..wa %Wk., •66., Ahtart1111■11 of

1...1.11Elfr eon,inirl•••• of the leaned of wooers tato,. tle. wallment• ths stionni etruenio•men Mr.

I t...7::";:..'"="0.Vr•,,;. io 1,-26;r, flr

'nr•o.•1:677:11V6r,n lie

. San made Ito forowoll newel err ocaoien. mted ok1• ..en estuoted with hie 0.

Yrt lAnf ho nip overflown with to taperoloo. In thin. Mr. iltsy se... mod we a te boamiwte in having nne under kle alon he old god ram., ...told let note up

:%fiTo7.10'541°-74Z'iran. Com.. on PIA. a. Column

o, addres s a t Commencement Pre...lent W. W. Comfort in hi, I

ar day mom.. announced !het Itaver.: ford would Undertake all educational experiment which he felt would render a national service to which due itiosenior would ultimately le Re


e president old that there are: fl A college is America selMeh aye ab e to e.t.der the individual needs and capacities of their atudenta, but mated the particular experiment Hausman, hoe chosen h. not yet been worked out.

When interviewed by the Noon Dr. Comfort declined to elaborate farther on his Commencement adds.. the fall text of which facers. no. year Jot Mo. ban Men 1.

intoot., to tin here bees de ,•d-

DR. - DEXTER S. KIMBALL od now eretodo ell the problem, atimt

Natio to The a non of Mill The 111.00. of • moll 11 .1088932 troop of t d n.o erottuate It ed te. on or rte. et do etudev . ameterect thou. the .111- p to 'ow ear do ,n.ni

in m11.11. *Ai MA-or,. in in •

land. tioderuottneteo, the inee.hie. Oro ;Po ...nite'f;P%'tritet";:tri

retnetkalay low figure

Drew depolturate offer. • one. otimulue to our faculty. 111.rtiml in, homer.. Iledirmed norleonainote inomemlon. To main.. the droiml


for Students; Biology 1-A -

Abolished at Meeting

Nor &wow, rerelolow. tor Orden. and ...re too eeegled. tort the re-paired Freabonto M.D. tooter. Bi. eiagy la. wee Abollalowl. al the meth. ly Mot.. ou of the Flty. May 9. The 1,019 also meted Ilona the 0.11 of the wade!. cur alum emeinatge. temouretIng several rho.. on Ow '0'

rt. bootee I, ...Theo. F. Booed aft at whi.

▪ Iterier 1011 1.4.11nr.A. 6111 whir .Nov.onnon te take the

liinor of Fort.. hloloar 1.11,41 vs. obeli...

Th. Fernley al. 1.101 the loll..., "fl.t..71:'Pli..VO;°"re"Pr0;'n 78'n..""'171;8. the nom Or of now... ■ •• moo, w•o • Ion ;wood by the rmadry. but will • put: effect omit the Intl of Entre Coenes Lle2

o11•61 nodint .•• non. ten no. ono..

"••••••••■•• :Nor: 1r. '•• Hwy Um t no

••" :112.• ••••' • °"7.7"'"r*.i he new cut regulation. tor Junior. and Senior.. whIell 2lo. nr6,-

:°0= Vr.2."` ma. own se es ...Med .Watam .1

.1..."• '1=



711:isi1711. ..134 , 1 .1F.

Due Prolemare Hem P0.0 goarouor

Etentinurd on Page 8. Column 2 nd

%ewe if side... • lilwrol endo.

lullnt, It,

.r the ettotaite1.

a aererted Aouloo, hat the. nolo-ulna' 1,11. anol eapar ,

Ii•• um, onei...1 our mt rrrrr for moor yeere Ilan Ion ta or.oloa. continued en Pane Column 1

Main Linera Garner 41 7-10 Points to Capture First Championship; Morris Sets

Two New Marks

Brealtiox tow mot Foal sou College held by J. S. Dmhtnesky. 9, Contain 17;,ti,7;:lts:11,1.1',g11■°„1,V1v. E,--11, 110 lb. too--, 1..b I.

Polley, roma which I. glares with E. Ve; la; Ile. 0 tip lhet1Xtuse0r; M. Jonet. '14, ?per gi1P°1!: tad rolUret 78:;71Zeo'l•ta. "..137;', "117J"::•5:11,4;0°.'47: "'''': e Hoe. and FIN. • to ,I 41 to fischiegner. of 2D 011'..t. t;:111;:iterrd "91;11111T:4 ,..

..., eel in a 1.. half...e. .

rwzbat.a.° .4:,.".:st 7.074 ItI. Oro pedants, and two third,. bud oar by the present tratsbomore ern, ir°brtartit VP'el;P7 .°P.';'=. fitkeZ41°:7!f'irAtIr.°114 "? 0.dh., .743".11/8:r8 1:1":VolliVii:,.:Liti ..z.7,7,T ruled 1VIIT. Vb":11■O Ml.Fir.,,,. 2.: i„,,Ir ,0 1..., 5, r.,, . ran rata it.',,,wr.s. la t.a F.,-

best Middle Atm.. performs Cag ilergtP11;:edi'Varellr re1:0"11 VP: College mark by Inches and be:t't*Ph°: err Inn. es. oioniejait 0, riSr: 1.1rVrnelrbto at,17:11. dt7rlin IV& 110.8 inches. was a ent to ea.,. othan.

IfalileFolftitiror:11:11.4C+1111Cielr It in Gtr:.1:11V;rg Ire°7Jr."17."1?Pe!

Gees. At Aline. High Samar Rtil,e'r:.•.1-°: rnt.'"rk gdtgrV14.1. -1° '1" ''' tared

that event. George Edgar mune In ..,,,,,,,,..,,,,. L,, ,,,. ..,.. .., th, tina, the hell to m re, !If rgUr.ge: in hurdles rare to shove tifth of a mem. eni.3 from the farmer College word. Cro011ed ol. Poe I. Goa., a


I'm Alone Sinking Meant Work for Alumnus Frost


Questionnaire Returns Urge Better Roads, Faculty-Student Friendships

and Favor Prohibition The major. 1,1t4,11•11•• nOIC .11.0,1 10 the Koabomere end 01 lb. Prob., by elt Dealt was eye... Rends. of sash ...Don appear Nprord by rote art M to IU. to he bet

• Pri;: h of g vote.: ow. ...Le:T:1' Irk ams.

'29, isle selected by ID .1 rinve.. the bot-lookiim ;.ag rerrajlie. Mr oto. M-10 ty J. PrlitborP!VIrPel:PIV•oto. :nd Draut ow Saar lo 0.1••• Y. Wright. 91... 11 of Tri mut was al. nain. the twat mi-emad !„.ttrtrrea,,I.1: ItT lets by 07 nf the balk4 end the agog .-ro pool. by 47. J. R. =Jr MO,

Honore for tbe to

poAmiar Helmet.

len t owe tied thi• yor w. A M lmet. 'or 7■1.4711:7:1,11.. n. Mathematic, orb potted 34 rotes. Redo M. Jon... undo.. of Phr.. and loon Verpenter. Jr

.,r soortate prefeenor op

Romano rea. gum divided tier

rem... yam al. n. to nun. .

loom maw ror.:ILV e=.1:r orr:.-1 nye.. al

'Kai"Adminet Panes .00oon in•11.16-211:

one. Better Meath De...

woo hi.,,,...•7...;,.. igager.717.11. Saggw•tpri 447111raelf-T .11.

X.72.: f. 1 1t. now 1....14,0r2 I allege by 12. mere Noses by mnd •

°°- the

Pkt;;2.= Tft'e;ry.tinirnt '14/1.r2.•°18 'at:87'1"P' bine here not ben fulallool, OiNrl.= 1.12r AY mon. The makority held,

that the ' oneas'.• no .0101 Va4:417",'„,,r:Is.0.1zt

• uva, hIVEPPOPO.


Ursinus Furnishes Last Foe

of Year; Alumni Play

Golf and Tennis



Morris. Supplee, Hogenauer,

Chosen as Leaders;

Wistar Re-elected


Tripp Awarded Class Spoon at Exercises This Morning

Haverford Track Squad n 11111110 an addreo, mell Pott mot . wife retooled the dinner.

A.m. elm-Goon In the four sot. sport. went soon.. Wet week by John It. ifoopea. Graduate Mena.. of Athletic.. with the ospro. ,.l of rt. •thlette funktnit• to

J. H. Morris, Jr.. 91. rowed held,. in the shot nut red dittron thrum eat coonletent double winner far the pool two wave. In thooe nem., woo elected reptelo of oath for GIGO. W. TrJr. rainn lender of next yeer. lontro .. Club. wo ehown

while E. A. lithihm. wo the ego of analotantaninager. Nineteen loons were enrol.' ie track. The foLlowlug rereived Cap.. Mesmer.. 'Mk Hartman, 'Mk Moreloney, "A. Miller Bork TM.


0rt4et Triinu Wrirbt.

Method 829. Captain-elect ifoertm 00, NM.. ralu, Stead 90, Cl. Ed.r. 31. It, Edg•r, 01. Rim, 'II. pecker, 13I, Itichanbuou Field.. WI and eeee beck 9 Sumer.. veer mink to Drown.. '01. Gebriel, 01, Iteirmer. '31. Vol.,. 9- N. T. of Ile h. been Auditing me pis r.0 of Notion. in Its outdone. lit 7.-Avz:...r,:k .7: .1:: m"1 finial turn pant.. of the 11oltion. Nnn

Continued on Page 7. Column 4 D. H. Wilt, '9I, QUITS

REVENUE COMMISSION Alemose Flestmes Fogg GINernMettl Pest to rasa. taw Mot.

The on • n1 Deeld Blair. • rontin ion

..tune of loternal Roe-

lirmvera 10111ina

linn the occonor. Robert II. lows of loth. dl b. Ky.

Mr. Malt mar minted to the In-ternal Hermon. pedalo by Preeildeara 1021. Itereee Diet titne

•••• a Imo. AM mmnbr ..Ina Ian. Mation. Ile los •Inte orineinal of Winton...19d N. C..

911.1. Be mint mom. hie proline of lew in Winston-Solna eine.. hi. pub. do.. ore now over. FELIX MORLEY, 'IS, SUN


Wholes &Arta, ANIMInted i• 31°18' Part by 110111..r• Pap. Melia 31. ?port.. '15, libido whaler sod mime.' of • Simon tiwarnheim Me. omega Celo. In the oolitic, maroon leo been • lorto

rh7g.°1171ira. Ztt'rr:r1:,

r„T,'„" 4.1 ";17V, Ztr'1"2:1;'.• >1,1.44 Mhos ehe peal year nn • Gu.eol

oden Pdlmr-


Pet.syloFo es. Chi. Extgoti. Speed s, Cam p.

Governor Um K. Fe., ,Prot ton hoe on the Revertant ■••113,11.1 . nook as 6. .00 of hi, daughter. Ilen H. T•1.11 Brown. le., mite of the me haunt dean and photiml director.

Atrtriog Wednetalay. 01,. Metter t to the 10,0,, Moto Show Thur. wen lo the wow. of Mt. ort groin, Admiral Ileriao J. Chriety se %want T. Atorenbuty. Philadelphia financier and moiety magnate 111s voting the .rty bed dinner et tbe

li Do Friday the r

In went Mr prom's hoot In Mooroumn, N. J., lid on Kew.. thellented n tnenInti• .01.1 pie. by ma State of Penoyl-to Pierre S. du Pent. Al the lot enla

home. Ignammet, ilelowere.

1.1rano of Dort. member'', moo fo.

1 foollowtolcot dinners and rnore oh... to gut.. onto were ox-en. al pneeible fnc tho

'0 hr 110-old t, 41 int; 411.Teird= 1014..""Per to".111°are7;ornl. TM

;itertrPoaPid'iLl 0P8i171ZIer=1., I. honor moot to be desired, get. 14. tam 6e may ruin proalem way ..nobler, the mot ...rt... con. 1.10 hy 32 num. Oily 11 0 Ballot. Dad Approximately 110 want. were coo. Idered. Twenty-three n1 thew- owe- en. the itenlor don. 27 Or Junior.

The retirement of two n1 Hero, ford's most distinguiehed faculty me. hers (alma plate forlfl. Dr. Nen Sheering Pratt. proles,. of Biol., Is after thirty-al.

IT yearn of active •PPVIte the College Dolly.

II Ftederle Peimer. Jr.. relleroish-Mg the office of dean Etter twerp-one year., will continue ble duties me °totes- on ef Phoics. Dr. Palmer ho been on the faculty .Ina 1004. De le the nrrood member of the faculty to rertly tom that poelliem retain bit Otofeenoreblp. Dr. Don Carlo. Bar. 0014 prokaaor of Foxe.. mem in. rambeee of lb. Ober of dean from 1304 to 1008. Don Palmer woend suonatted la-senator of Physics a A•111100•11 la 71101, adding the KID of dean . 1009 et the age of Mk In IMO 11r. Palmer became an &moist. profane., of Phi. it. otalang • Oil profemearsh. 109. fu Meer. and Experimenters

Pratt earne to Haverford 1803 se tilstructor In Biol., In 1.7 he •/•11 made omentate profeeor of Biology, and In 1002 berme me tint balder of the Dim. 0.11 Pref..- worship In Biology. Upoe h. don eh. year be was made David Krell "110717 ;Ira Bea!"iotr:"Ve. wide!, used cone. tents .0'4 nomeroug poblOtions end ...Smote bay. Haverfonl College notable ger-vire,

Dr. P.D. onmor Is Dr. Emmett 1,114001Irg':.5,11111rPre; he bas been gatt;.°1r1 socteltte sofeoor of M.o. Dr. Duo la •• nephew of On Dolt W. temfe.or

.1 Mathematic. Tbe p, 04, of H. Taman Bowe, Ix, 23, to everted Dr. Palma dew, deem, wes retest. mamma.. Mr.

Spoon Man


=1'FzLeltt"`"'"-"" 74. •••• iv, Saaion■ st, amomeree-ic Dom.- D. ,1••••••••••••-.1.1.



ao•ZaTleing1,11-21!Zioll'ints- a snot • ..w •, i. eatnaloe Continued on Page 8, Column 5

,11,tru oloini..4..41,1L4neulty in 11127 I 119.7.11, and emnleto/ TIPZPo'irPir Ph! 271:4:TO.V:1- htl:antrn171 roll, of Phyoical Fatotton.

Dr. Barrett Completes 10 gun Dr. Prey Is the senior member tr.ah 'h I Z° nut Me' dirty-senor year of Dwell. a Iteertford. Prob., W. W. Co.. ▪ Ica wen appointed to the Nettereard faculty In 1.17.. Income. tn Free and German. but

If 1000 to 1017 he man proton. of Room' Ion Paget

!teen AA Chat. wan eh. asPoloted Ill 1107, From ISM to 1015 he ma im Meehaaleal 1007 .1ILL7;17'1171177407717

001A7:„., „Va■i.121„).17.1.0 std°101:1;/ last you Mr. Glasse we ambient urofeneor of Doming 11110 Dr. Roll et Nagerfore 78 Vors

ITIh W. Reid finish. his

f■:17LreVti th1111.fitigo°1;17,!°rnyfr'aa of E.ineerlog. celebrate. lb: Weill°, ourth onolreraary of hir salmiteteteen

;;!7". Vr: 7, 'the fenny •howill he Ina 1;11 ,-111im mr.r,r° prelib:OttotTutfnanr7 Uteestate. ell year: Dr. Fog Ballul D. Watson. professor of Keelotogy and Social Work Nevi, 1.11.yeari Amain

..1=111e of Ro-

°The follow!. hube resigned from 1be riAT!!,1=40. Dr. Pratt. Pier-

Lekth .11 Chadwick, lthdo'"ethOr Eievela ma. and Arthur F.. Nedleasher sersetot II Chemistry.

716. elan. al 1949 61•16.1011 1160 Mao If 1910 la • omega.' do .1.4.1 5500 en Ceps Cram resteniar .1161 1111 021-119

Reunion rho. (blob sot olohe end Ibis morning .1 dinner a our. wni III loll lAstobal dame ar the seem 1.. te Coln. et 3 Priori efternoon

Sot o'c".'6ent• lemlerehis of Nip

Nosotin, Won, newt Hodo. loot., mill I dui

f"7•4;',"` lb.

uf Pomade. 11811 at .bout 7.13 no. ohm 'while their veto. put," May THIMA Alemai •er MT*d in barb.. • 1.12 Found. and tbe sn11= Alma, thicket ma. .11 to

peomptly It 910 P. M. held io got. the l'ap awl Rens Club mill per v.•11, -Itr, Loan." II Reterta

The Aloes which spent end. Id odor on the onions mere 'SO, 101. Ilk 14 '11. and

John fn., Rmtukrs x 11.r „I4.1.111- °Trrsr:tV . 11:.• welth, fem.. et College to

?Pet 0.01 1.1..1 Me thirty-pi., head of the I litkontel Morton teed 1 m elee .1111 Iday between donate. DO nod the Hulse Inleratery from 2 lip threllt 4.1.11,:tints7""

anen(M 1• A

mm son r.1 tbt 2101, ul ll. V,1 elate

::rii7,1:r747411°; Diner `slo:r1'.1T:t.".rts!'i

;11 "f!,2t,i des

'II ore it• reunion ginner Ian niali In Fonder. lb. oath en attendee. el twenty meanhere nod remained tot 111' A dinner II the 1Ie11on ('.1,5.,

11.7 r,!"..!,!'r!r,1% 11'1° Ft I • I 11 ;;;PPPPZIlutirrn;cgrert7.111+ ,net der. activitleo.



Pr••11001 Comfort end SPOSIt at 1111..0

Mel If.".';1;!,!!'r,:r 7:4 t' r,!'!!',;;_ T Roma. 91onday

il.:7117-■;1°11:.°;P:IgLI ;P

:411thril.;e7PP°.01 Moto.. Pre.1.1 W. W. Cembert aennl a-


Wu Pronto., 1410., ot Des 0,1.s. Woe Naterfe. Sollelarshlp Merl. it Brener..

men, died Dee Moineg Iowa, attorney, died Her 3, in Dee Moline.. Death followed tota. pllealloes whkh notaltel from an ore entice for been. ID. e !VC'S reeeived VII. 11. and M. A. doroe. from Penn College. where be woo the Heretic. It1 1.0;1:.111be'i

gr!le 14r 1:11XI:Iti'Zret" l1 11


he pvearpee V, 40 admen and hie soother, Le:. iierr"g. ar 1.• Angeles, Calif.


800••• lull al Pam en to Ctel. Late Reim II Alomill Day The commencement wee of the New which vrili be the .neat in th. hIstory uf the F.04. with eight .au "%Van., u0 will be Retributed orlork. elate Ilee sn- ood eclat. costedmir late nevni of Idianol day and eummeatement. sdn se. to all mar sobeeriberm 1.11911. alum.

Another Sent, clue haa bream history nt Havertord College. Thin morning 60 member. of the einem of 111211 received their diploma, from PrenItlot W. W. Conlon. In Riker. IUD After the poceolon of the graduating class. Founders Moll to Roberts Hall. Proident td Comfort open the Cornment amen Exercises 011.1. hit annual Odra..

Honors. D.... Aworded Following whitens the Presi- dent announced the ...into prizes and honor.. annually awarded and confetti, 57 dories upon the men.. of the graduating oh... 21y being bachelor° of art and 34 bachelor• of erte.e.



in 'hotatt'ty 1..°14.man Nowell 3 er MA, Prellteinery boort Fgatish wrre. grantrvi looddiart Amon.. 01, Alfred Rome Crow-Ont. 131. nO

Jr..l 7.1.

aeived met hoot. in SOcheniaett.. The °I1PrIY:r g•PP'rEir.:P=841F! 78/ Ton. Noon Wright. salt. to's., nandhei..IT. 91. and Bramwell bind 'NO, gained the firet oad grhalsokin laiproir.n. Peeve. re- opertioly. mbibe Kate Ale..

011. was 1.91, the S. 14°- tanott History Prise.


For Senior% end o. Dem,. were al.. to Conde. ill.. The Sod.. 'her 0,0,1.1 were cot. Inn.. Thotno• Cot...ate Gortbrop. 211.1, George Walter Johoen and John 100.11. The dolor. were Bradford Silerinan Abrro..th,-, Modem. Foote lin 111.1r ntel Itroator Ifillard Morrie. 111;!1!!:.1174,' l',..1.-4:r,AV„! moue Carl Same. titeerfei„ errsna,rtj..rhe under. Club

Doter S. Kimbell... of the College of Enainori. at Don. VII. "4 ,t.Z :.. d

rt..- the Commence-1V-.16416n old in hi. ad..: Ion:P?':i;;;:;.:‘ rtrotrercar1V i.

ollundamly bet Ono. rhombi. Die f;V:..1.7.7.!:b,!;:?.■7,T.T'11,!!1„n:

;Lir Ta

,,,....!!!, •1311,11.to Bad r Omit... on

■6:orro'not= 871616117oh.

of 161.11or olenderolo 110 Ihe rot. of taw ufiele. -Mmlern indonto woo. onto of „11,i1,1'7.77b.L.:r;!..mtz,g; melon, Perna.•tame we moot tool

■,., 31 modern Hernie. to mil...Mute ancient tillue. ill 141 hearty of hew We. prelmaily. on new. canoe. ae nave I, cniumn a



Elections to entaeoley 8.1.11 mar. Ammel Meek. 11.1a. ielnrerfmnl

i74 tYt°°Prtill. '41117-Mal?ra. w, mbar 17.;.°P, tl.gt.trTte 07"" Tarr ink«

i'0.r Nvr


The elm.. siew member- to, the , Ora-tr.:. 0';Pb711) re0t.t.tt1 Hon thy Dam.. wow ehamal. T. Ilex... Moot.. W. ' hofr not II. lotto. Frons the

ale ehma et iniAl olcoolr onool

no. in owl 1, F.

It5pate. John ROO. C. It. iod.

Illtir P . II. Wright end I.. I'. Peron. of m m


Senior Was to Have Received

Degree and Prize This


1No snooty ram

• aol =1,1

11+ 'err ;111:71. ;;'"o"wiplent

; frsti10oVottiZo11:o:it'Oe'll= ItTIVI: troll Linn. al itrerbomk, Philedefithin. .1.1. Callum B. Linn. el the hum, !t Tr a ,51.' n°1111 I o° col.a.71;17P1'h; Shortly *Ger to Wel.. Inot Meld

MarCoor. of.. baring Kidd... the ea.. throughout the d.5 an-no, offirially nod the de. mat 'St one of made brood Imeorion of deo.... owl that net had concluded their Intentfantlan. POrfueolory lemma ant.

Denrt. ateunoment. • Pew dock t.ROoJa11

yx1liee.01;111.1,eist Brook-III.Tn; t'yfi'R.M 711-

strier'04.A.1°11. Peatethrda.7.'1"roro° 1.71;4°. lour. In Me bog A. 91 rifle wag Conti... Pg.& Column I

Athlete and Senior,

President Given

High Honor

Bz.v.r,F..., =7, " Unto by Ile 1111■••••• pareatt. An Allegan. MIThi.n. athlete. otell .ered the heot-hogIng undetuare In Cal-

7,14 ,71.7214 Clirt--4 the mod. of Gm risofoet. modal tfr'121 brItra°,1471;

le;tet ltt1.11."°h°1 null."'"13:, '''''

x;,,rtz.:' 7,r

end Ir Cent •re Inemehere. The remelt

; '121 Four other eandldrrer had been nom. ion.] tutee and rook.. it. elan Ter.

n H. K. Low. T. s. flowtho. ITfahld A. Mewhinoex 7.0 oleo of th... ToodIdeten In tha voting Val ..beld lb.

"...M- ice.

VOINI Pops., eel Good Leek., Maud who wee toted the moat pop. Continued on Page 8, Column I BURRELL H. TRIPP, '29

Barrett Senior Faculty Member As Dr. Pratt Resigns Position

Pere:RAN 081 TODAY .61.7111.7 Mx. rt..

PH nog 1,76

Tiloo " Tm .

"." .4

"07117i. 1117.11

vt-- --17'.4.141w.rit•rx rt-cTer'^u...". sot me

Wins Middle Atlantics ON GRADUATION EVE


Page of


VOLUME 21-NUMBER 16 12.00 • Yew

FIRST Edition

1 P. M.



KIMBALL CALLS FOR IDEALISM Pees, Comfort Announces I Commencement Speaker Prize Awards and SCI10135-

Experiment Is Planned tic Honors Announced at But Still Indefinite Exercises TO AID INDIVIDUAL SONDHEIM WINS PRIZE


Lunt, Jones and Students Speak as Professor's Res- ignation Is Revealed .11r. Gray ban beendla ..rtertsble

moisten. so ilererforM. Im Itutue II. Look.. al drelerwl It • 11,1101 1.1. 1.- dexd to /amain K.

11 Earth. at Whilehal. May 1✐✑✎ hi. fame. Henerferd. Prof... Grey. r.iammion from th e fend. moreted MI into ef. for Jone. iikrt. beet 1111r hr Mn 11.11 knee. pe4r. .11 in Borland.

1/.. of Egmli•h vowtilidional inner. e, the • newt troth. at 11 Ile inner. Ile gave • kart .11. room... on Mr. Orly,

his retern Mak, J. 1.1.11, 'M. read m poem mmimeol Ow terra/an. 1 . S. Canaan, 111, on 1,11.11 ▼❈❅ ✳❏❐❈❏❍❏❒❅ lasee. Ile wok. om tint it em the ...moo. rt.. wheal wee he. hit to HIM a. kw. kina lo the 1ml HIM I ❈❅❙ hmi lad .1 opmatind. to make hie en, ro *skim. ads•

Alm,. Ceram.. J. se.a.am ••11, .41.11111 , 4411111,1...• of the leaded or mienkert. vapreekl ter . nil the e/ousni etentaimmeen Mr.

✑✌✚✛✎✎✚☛✗✌✶✗✚✚✑✑✇✂✑✑✂✎✶✎✇ I, ha a.,7 th.. be :2- 1... ..1111 1111111111. . Jon. med. tho farox..41n.141,.. mentinn. mool proleteir idd M emigrated with hie ma,

11.11 timely overflowt with ic rteee.loo. die tlr. okay it srb mid wr nee e el., in having ame under noen he eabl.

e raki, ...old Isi noole 11tit7.1"")17."="1.7a4e.

Camino. on Pm. Column I

"lank) address at Commencement Perkier', W. W. Comfort in ho

Wu !morning announced (hut

liaver. : fo-d u'ortd Undertake no educational eaperMent which he felt would render a national semi. to which due .Whine would ultimately le ateardtd.

The president Reid that there ITO : frt. alleges in America which are ab e to ronsider the individual needs and capacities of their students, but stated the particular experiment Heverford Ma chosen has not yet born worked out.

When interviewed by the New. Dr. Comfort declined to .aborate further on his Commencemt address, the full text of en

which Whin. ■❏✎ year feat eloned b. Mem lo-

br .110.1 ta 4. here M.o.tr "' n""'"•'"' DR. - DEXTER S. KIMBALL nod now prawn. ell the problem, al. Mehl. to von

•educational !ion 31111

Tbe eahaen. of • woad eishi wed.g

roan of t o xrioluate It curt um it. me or Oak !it ko , ore) km.* the did ti .... to mom oar Ito .1.11/11

in al... whmh N. in • kikrgraeluntem the inert... foe.

'netnfve'%:1:tg'itliteit"/".tal :1'01 .hrirtitl'ait'ntrne:f"Te'a'il"71i'tTell'r rvinertubly figure

(emu departenote afford. • art.i. ,imulue to our to d1, Ilevertoni however. Iledleated to norlerenalikte instrurtIon. To makt•in Swami

FACULTY ADOPTS NEW REGULATIONS ON CUTS 5 Courses Made Maximum for Students; Biology 1-A - Abolished at Meeting

✮❏❒ ✆▲◗❏❒❅ ✩✍❒❏●●❅❄✎✎✎ ▼❏❒ Joron. mod rtertore wen ndatemd. mai the re-paired Freahmem Welke tour.. Bi. oleo la. was ✡❂❏●●❁❈❍●✎ 111 the meth-k Wert.. of the Farolty. May 01. The 1.1y also meted epos the report of the etadent eurraulum reamtgortlitut several chance. in In. .0' *T".e.:=1!1"..7rhai tom la Dr Them. F. Brokm. at 113113 ▪ 11.1111111. 1111 . rammed. but wick eanuonation. a. fake Ow 1.1.•n• he Frgehmen hlW1.,oy our. 11111.1 ahollabeel.

Tbe Enroll, al. pottoi the follow. rie=l;41n the uum.r ❏❆ ❒❏❏❍✎✎ ▼❏ ✩❒❅ ●❅❏✍✎ ❁❍✎ �✩❏ ❐❒❅❍❅❄ by the Emil.. but will

11[1,. Eon Into

by irmil the tall of

Li C ed Entre onees n l ffitodint than vi man 1/..• ted

"••:•n•• :Nor: Ir. '•• ami ••1•La t n•• ••"••n••••••••tadY• ••••' • °"47.7"'"7°. = e:S.= he new mt re.Istione tor Junior. and Senior.. which re... the nno- :°1= Ada ta ..due al

-L..' 're= 'tr'il."rearIa711L7

.112 .TR" ttleFiatglaJC:)":1411:rrtat..'41....- Dun III Prole... Hevar P01.1 In.. geold•••• II dim1.1•211.1 C0062113cd on Page 8. Column 2

pew, If aide. eith • liberal enalkonala


mimminimi mart.. a :aa meneeml Aouloo, ostall hi. their loiliodial 11111. 411 1 1. 1111 omeidenal it rrrrr for mkt "...r. ha. hart to ,n do.

continued en 1.••• 2 Caere

✭❁❉■ Liners Garner 41 7-10 Points to Capture First Championship; Morris Sets Two New Marks

Brnonon tn.. ,eat and mu College held by J. S. Mrtnia.hy. Bn. Captain =1:d17,10.!::1.111,":;.,g11;°,1:14:. E,--,,, --n th. too-,- loot lo roller, mark whieb lie ,hero with E.

41; ta; r:te. at tie lb.! Xruse0r! M. donee. '14. IlroOrgeT2 taid rrilUre. t"ttrr71Ze'es'1"igi. 11.137;', "111.::I.:trt0I'47: '''''''" e Merle, and 111.. • mat of dl to Sachieker. of srt Oln tetl7literrel "MIP"Ifilinle. ,..

..1 . in a 1.5.1 half.... I. rwzbatz.° .-A:',.".:st 7g°7!„:1 14 161.2 two neonate, and two tbirdn. boa err r by the present Mipbookre rag- ir,brartiti be boa ✎✑✚▲✍✝✚✎ fitg....,11'.°0.Mr,"4 "' 0'dk, .7:."°1124%,":3tatili.,.:Liiii 0Z:"17:g. .1110,04 Alden, :711;6 mjirlf,..1.:,:zIo ...., 5, r.,, . ran It 1„'„1„..... la Net F.,- iw„i Middle At... performs CLIergPligeklarxtr t".:0'7,10 VI: College mark by Inches and boat the i te, ,... mMimMAget of de feet. Ur Vrnelrista'n 1114.7,17a t'37rri a ire .•

5. Inches. ore • ent to eclipte ..,..it.

Illited1171obi,i7,911' 11,,%,,i7;imb . G,VNI:.";.:: IL' zr ',!::;'.7.;?‘ mita. At Attru. High, Bearer

M feet

Pat Mr n?..1 %It A- °: :inv.- gtgrV14.1. -1° '1" ''' Terra that event. George ✥❄❇❁❒ mune in

...,........ L. Li.. 1..L. ., therf.t. the half to carry !If rTliFr.p1Me: la hordles rate to shave fifth of a mart end from the former College weld. Comely. am rale I. may:. a

" 10

✩✇❍ ✡●❏■❅ ✳❉■❋❉■❇ ✭❅❁■▼ Work for ✡●◆❍■◆▲ ✦❒❏▲▼


✱◆❅▲▼❉❏■■❁❉❒❅ ✲❅▼◆❒■▲ ✵❒❇❅ ✢❅▼▼❅❒ ✲❏❁❄▲✌ ✦❁❃◆●▼❙✍✳▼◆❄❅■▼ ✦❒❉❅■❄▲❈❉❐▲ ❁■❄ ✦❁❖❏❒ ✰❒❏❈❉❂❉▼❉❏■ The 1111 j011 ,11. ow 10 the Mipbomore and 01 kr Preehm. by k 1neult overwhelm. Ram]. of egeb appear Nprard br rote of M to IU. to he bet

• S of g vatel mow •Ve. "Ign ad. li.IIeTripn, '29, era, seleeled by ID y1...rt.: srtre. cm the bewl.himg ✚✡■

ter Ram, 00. Mort: b. ty J. Int leol!!"2;.%:111Vvote t. rave met lama 1. Ow.. Y. H. 1Vrieht. 'N. Mk 11 toted Tri mut was

by valued the beat e0-round ..„shrtrm,I.1: ItT le. by 117 of the Milo. end the moat .mr. popular by 47. J. FL .11•=de

Donors for the num wid. pref.. ear wore tied ki• y.r w. ✡✿ Reim.

Makesualiet. ea.. polled 30 rot.. Mao. M. Jon., pmfeamer of Phorrt. mot Jain. MeV. Chrpeoler. Jr.,r sasortate protean.,

op Romeo. Ian. mann, divided remnioing ewes. al- na. to gun.

❅❍▲❒❅❍❅❍❒❁ ❁❅❏■ ■❅❍ ❒❅❒✎✚✩✬✶✝❅❒ ❒❒ ❒ ✯❒❅❍ ❅● •114.1"1.1.1 Parlos 4•10.e•n Zas11.1.-21: Bells Reeds M.o., L.M.ed

14.47.rtelf-Tillev= & fm 11 11t. ■❏◗ I akar by 12. more come. by mad • 'CA. ';11:7:1.= the 1'01• Emend- 41..r2.-.."- t:."""P' lame have led Men luialled, tleellred Oi=1.2r,“ ill tarn. The mrtikty held that the ' matt °'1._^r,• ma mown, Se V..4; "


� ◆❖❁✌ ❈✩✶✥✰✰✯✰✯✎

Tripp Awarded Class Spoon at Exercises This Morning

Wins Middle Atlantics ON GRADUATION EVE

Haverford Track Squad ter. 1.11 I. 11111111. so W. to vb., Iodi Dr. P.ti mat Me wife rtmuntliti. the Ilnneexer


Morris, Supplee, Hogenauer, Chosen as Leaders; Wistar Re-elected 40 LETTERS AWARDED

Amnia. eircliont In the four ...a sport. were announced timat each by John R. Itoopea. Graduate Menager of Athletic., with the rtspro. veil of the executive •thletie .111111• to J. H. Morrie Jr.. 91. newel holder the shot nut ned ditcut throw met enuthitent double winner for the 8..1 two mato. In thaao neon, wite elected vanillin of track for IMO. W. It. 111.1e, Jr. letdee of neat yeerin hstru mental Club. Women ma

while E. A. Brink. wim the ,Mee of assiatantaninagee

Nineteen kite wee. tmental ie track. The follavaug rereived Rh: Cap.. Bosworth. Hartman, 'Mk almehlomey, "A. Miller, Lk, 217. Sykes. '20. Trim, '28. Wrist, ✇✒✐✎ Bike. Mk Captain-elect Mort

Meek 90, G. Edger. 31. It. Eda•r, 01. Rim, 'II. P.M.' neater...I, Richard.", MI. Field. WI ❁■❄ eeee brtd, :L. Somers. we lammed to Brawn.. IL Doak. 01,

Itelmier. '31. 102. N. T. Ielap. Ile h. b.o rowdy.. 01;21 7 d Notions in Its lir ...IL

✎✗✚ ✎✑✚✚ ❍✝✂✑ II 10041 rrrrr .pone.. of the lInItimme Mar, Continued ❏■ Page 7. Colman 4

D. H. Wilt, '9I, QUITS REVENUE COMMISSION Alemes, Flesiens From GevernMaitt Peal to Hammy Law Pruett.

no • MO ❏❆ 'WM It Blair. • rontiteloner of Iokrnal lie,..stz7.elt ,...W.h-

Preekdont Mover. 1111111111111011 iit rticceetur. Robert II. lack of leaalw • Ky. lir. Blair was appointed to the In-ternal lievenur petition by Preeddeof

1921- Sotore thiet time he re. a lemwee •eollea Bar Amaiklatiam. Ile wog •laa

Priordrul of . Winrtonflaleen. N. C klmol. De 1 ❅❘❐❅❃▼❅❄ to rein.. hie preetiee al law in Wineton-Milent his pun. Make ere mow o'er. FELIX MORLEY, 'IS, SUN LONDON OR Rhodes Saheb, erteel•ted 81"1•'. Past by fla111•1•r• Pap.

Frt. II. Simile". '15. Rhoden whaler snd wioner of • Room floggenheim Me. untried Kelloweble In the oolitic-al trienres. 11.0 berti nnitlimed • lam,. :ToIrg."11:.V.:::,. !Pr" "41"":17."":10 >.r. 11.4; Mans tl.:nn 0111... for

ale past year on • floggeohelin P10100- GOVERNOR VISITS

Psimsyleeela C1110 Eseemtak Speed Foe, Days Camp..

linter-kr 3040 K. Either ken. ton lay' on the Raver.. 111011. Isg work as 11 meet of him daughter. lin H. Ta1.II Brown. Jr.. wife of !be ea !skint de. and phyehel director. Aertrtog Wedeeeday. Sir. Fieher went in the Itecon lane. Show Thur. her le the memo. of Mr. mei M. Hawn, Aknival J. Chide. an %want T. Ittorembury. Philadelphia ..crier and kr.. magnate. Tha maks the party had dimmer at the

(ht lb. flovernor went to Mr naarnis boon In Moorettown. N. ✪✎✌ lid Da 3.1111.7 obtlionted n ineumele MA, Wee. by ola Mare of Penneyl- to Pierre R. du 1,11 Al the lot pr. home. Ismannoch ihlowere.

omen of fart., member., more fa-- ❙❅❁✌ ❂❏■❉▼❏✎✎✎✷❅■▼ dinners end rnore mvitato. to •tudent reams were mu- e.. pneeible aolotton. ❆■❒ the 1.7;;; 110-rald ballot... 1, 41 int; .211.Teir Z.1714..""...trio".111"ave7;orinli Tll'i;iortrTioald;.7;:c1 0rMil7Ziee'grd,. me honor mot to hp desired, stet. WI lool lb

'Imp prole ◗❁▲ oneblered the roo, Import.. cmnpas eke hy .2 mu. Defy 110 Ballet. Dal Approximately 110 MInkr were ton. Memel Twenty-three ■✑ thew. ...re- m.. the Benin; epan. 27 the Biome.

The retirement of two ■✑ ★❅❒❅✌ ford's most distingui•hed faculty oink bars kite, plate Put.. De Henn Sheering Pratt. prolestm of Biol., Is reeltoing'•fter thirty-sir yearn ❏❆ motive 11111. on the College family. Feeder. Palmer. Jr.. rellecrelrto Mg the office of dean Etter tamely-one yew. matinee hle duties me prides- ser of Phrtics. Lk. Palmer /ma been on the faculty since 1004, Re in the ▪ mod member of the faculty to resige INN. 11542 positioe. nee retain bit Orotessomblp. De. Don Carlon Bar. 1.14 profeaaor of Idamooda, wt. in. rekkent of lb. office of dean from 1604 to 1001 Dean Palmer wee appnleted le-stem-tor of Physic. wed A111.10111/ In IDOL Wirt. the MB of deep 11108 et the age of Mk In IMO De. Palmer became nei proles.. of Ph.. teg oict,101. 0 full prof...hie ie ◆■❉▼ Anthers and Experimenters Dr. Pratt earne to Haverford In 1SP3 se lustructor In Biology. 10 IS. he 9/611 made wok. e proles., of Biology. and 11(02 henna. tbe del bolder of the Devid &mil Pro..- .nth. In Biology. Upon him reelgoe. Min this year ❈❅ ◗❁▲ made David Beall

"Vrtri ;Ira Baitl".17otrarrinOli wide. used kik. texts and 'Iry numerouv pabliestions end ...men. have rem derk 0111(111111 College notable ger-vic, Dr. Pm". eakessor Is Da Emmett

1,114DX11•;:.5, 4111erge he bas been gatt;.-11 asseekue profetam of Biology. Dr. Dart la • nephew of Dr. lash W. Held. of Madam.. The WPolutment of H. Tama Brow, In, 28. to named Dr. Palmer ss Week nes retest. mown... Mr.

Spoon Man

'-•••• Saalor. st! Maters-avr ameeweree-le mem.- 3I. 1••••••••••••-.1.1. Ltrol ,t1.-ft:r41•-•

71.',a" ZrierVot j:1111-21!":.,11'cgt;

a Ana. tee eure.salar Continued on Page 8, Column 5

.11,7mu...pirii.....1...41.7;4neutiy in 11127 s tetela and .0.10ani dirtgr:trPh! 21oVere'rbe1::ra.e1;r.i.n.ft hr rotor ❏❆ Phyek, FdruntIon.

Dr. Bartell Completes 32 Yearn Dr. Pratt la the senior member CItielgIti";SIII"*.11Z.Yure hi...Inv...met" year of tesehIng a Preklent W. W. Com., Ilea_ nag appointed to the litaverfaH frtiolty in 1.17.. If 111, in Freon sod German. tot ream IMO to 1017 he was peek., of Romance Ion Kungen.

0.11,M. Crtme was alto artedneed In 1107. From ISM to 1015 he 00 Instructor hi Mtehauleal 1.111111,. 1907 .1bL1161717'137.11:17.40;r""1 last yest. Hr. Class. wee

professor of Draning 11115 Dr. 0.10 Cl Harare,. 28 Yens

I).. Leith W. 01.14 finish. Si. n:17LreVtithli!"ghtego.117;,!°1?;:".'es of Rwrineering. Mehra,. la:111111"r fourth ismoiveraary of Mr •Okietmeo b;711- Lty.'".."malilereb

;17•167rel'i7t 'the fanny •5 will be 1;11 rfq...r7 Ertb .Ortot.7,rOfnanr7 Biblical LIteeskee. III year: Dr. Free D. Watson. professor of Socking and Social Work Secood telt..ari AoatIel

th,G•71';:z71,' ..r:,.1:011.7` pvter.

;thaw, of Ro- 'The following balm resigned from ate =ip ilet....Z.tla4 Dr. Pratt. Pler- Leigh .111 Chadwick filwro'"'eti'r Arthrt P. Beditiamber strector lo Chemistry. 'Li

TN claw 19410 Waal. the Raw of 1910 le • prmaissrta day .1dat mak en Cliper Cm. yesterday .11. aeon 02S-119 Reunion claw* kirk .

olahl moil Ibis mond. ea Mon. a took. will wit.. Me heal knob. ewe ❏❒ Ilk year, a. I. pl•Yed ni l'adel. et 3 airlock Ike Niko-noon

A ".' 6 ,alter:'l.:Ye0:ert

of pines, ied :I


• nmek. loe

a01., ;"7".4,41°1 Id Pounder, Ilall at shoot 7.11 11 ail. -while !heir Voir. Imit."

Play THMIR Alneud Inert. to imakmai • 1.12 Fomodo?. and the 1111111 Memel Cricket nut. will loin peomptly al 2.00 P. M.

6ekl iv the l'ap and Bens

Aver Club MCI pre 1111, -11.r. Lamm." ia Roberta Hall- The chums tr.. spent yeidertla rtul today on the campus were ✇✳✲✌ ✇✡✭✎

'14. '10 nod .41.,


11eio wattled Bootie. st College to ?CM, 1.11.11 '10 hart the thirtymirt band of the Wink. Arteries, Legim

ehik .111 Oar 4.1"-I.ro Foote.. Ile 1 spa Me Dales laloratory from 2 I 4.1.1:„Ina'."" A 2.11.1 re

ie 11,102. Cricket 191,.

• 7474/"; 10. '•nn••••:t • "111•1n1117eireL71411°;'•••"" poll gat, it• reunion gunner Ian nigh In Mom.. 1.11 with an altenelaite k !okay nuonlier. nod remained 101 th.

A dinner 11 11.. Merton Crlehrt QM. IV :in '- "1 F, • n•1.. 111111 t'heir actleitive. PRATT GIVEN FAREWELL - DINNER BY FACULTY ei-.110.1 Gondol-teal Or. Moe. SPVIlt

at 11.110 0•111;b1.1r el.nTrir lloolo. Moo., Lk. la

"IVIrthriZo7oir.71 Bl Meade. W. W. Comfort maul

M. B. SEEVERS, 'OS, DIES Wu Prominent Lawyer ell Des 0,1,11. Wee If...fa. Salltdershlp

Merl. it law attorney,

promlneat De. Moin., lama attorney, died Her 0. in net Moine.. Death follow. toto. illations which ...Mt. from ole e.t.a for here.. ✲❅❅❖❅✎✌ reeeived Pb, 11. send M. A. degree. from Ikun College. I where he wee the Beretta. dellre7I" le ✑✌✗ ✩▼✑✗n✔✚✑❂✁✇✇ ❇ ✪❒ He .`11, he p1..arOee t1,1•01i1D.r. land end Isla mother, tar ittlx of Lo. Angeles, Call10,

2 EDMONS OF NEWS &Kai.8 lull ❁● Pa en .r to Centel. Late Nun al AMMO Day

The enounennrrnou kale of the Nene, which .15 be lb. kmeat in the hIstoty of the r leilh eight 011, Add o'Rer ctdttttr.edition wIll be artributed ntrl °rte.. while the sec- ond edition. costainin late mew. of alianol day and commencement. ve111 be not to all mall eubderibork Including

Senior Was to Have Received Degree and Prize This Morning

❅▼■■❒❅❅●❙ win no r I n+ ' of Iwai.l '11'."„0,,A.... well LiamId itrekrook, ton ed Sol. Melba., B. Linn. of Oa ft 11 !Tilt sr a n". th I S. riel.an'"1•174'11. 0" 0. ithortly niter In ...elk* km Mold

}.Ke■ ❅✎ out havateg•trti the meet throughout the drt5 an-nrteed !Aia" thm the !Wirth• war co. ❏❆ ❏●●❅❉❄❅ hnrntni noettion of deka... and that they hinl concluded their In....amnion. Perfunctory ounce ant. Despite thiel ateuncement. • Pee'10

dock 0.1[ooJay yxiliar...1,alletst Break-

nu ones t ?", '511- 0151,071'01'8.1°11. y'eleteardae';'"0"rthr.a. bullet w0014 In 0., lad A. ✍✒✒ rttle we Coot...ROO Rm. fl. Column)

Athlete and Senior, President Given

High Honor =7, " U

r., by las 1111•66r• parentt. reap

An Allegan. Miehi.n. athlete. voted the betalmaing under...dusk In Col- ✑☎ ✎✗✑✎✗ ✒✑✌✔ Clir•--.1 the reread of the cenifool. wort.,

:•71."!ff‘121 h"tti. ltt1.11.""h'i °AUrrrl It

tell R.ohrpIy ▪ ..,:r.'";.n r lb *ad I), Mod •re numbert. The result

Vol.be ur other eandleiram Imel been nano ion.] la the ittee and romdeleeed 7A77i. H. K. Liswo T. P. flanthro end ✡✎ Martainork The pls. of kook atedidete. In the voting 1111 withheld ■✇●●❍■✑✂ ▼❅❅✎ ✶❅●❁✁Poeta. eel Good Leaking th Tripp, who we. toted e mat pone.

Continued on Page 8, Column I BURRELL H. TRIPP, '29

Barrett Senior Faculty Member As Dr. Pratt Resigns Position


Ursinus Furnishes Last Foe of Year; Alumni Play Golf and Tennis SPAETH TO LEAD SONGS



M✓✒✎✗.. ✎✌✛❃


4 1


✎ eat ■✎✗


- 1'4.1414:.2rtyrx

see rile-cT,7 ...?' sat pit

Another Senior dna. has .110111, history 00 Heverford College. Thit morning member. of the Memo of 11101 received their diplonirt from Preeitikt W. W. Co.nfort In Robert. Dail. After am pmccrtion of the graduating class. Found.re "Hell to Robe H President Comfort opened the Cool amen Exercises mill, Sir annual riddle..I4ia.. Holmes. Dear., Aweirded Followiew hit add.. the Presi-dent announced the main. prizes and hone. annually awarded and motel-led 57 degrees upon the member. of the greduaCng clash ✔✑✌ being bacheloro of art and 34 ❂❁❃❈❅●❏❒❅ ❏❆ ❅❅●❍❅❒❅✌

in 'ennnniry In'T;nnnin nnn.n er Prellininery boom. ranclish mere granimi Imelthart Amer.. Alfrnd Moe ...clnk '1. tad 71.n 1111:171..fro ....„01.171...i A;ilk ki?. eel .1,b loom. in Stethromebo. The

'1.."10.71".;:"121..P;;"Elria=4;2 ream. Marra Wright. "LW !aim., `M. and Bramwell Link ✇✪✯✌ maned the Sett krocal Milosta.hip IttiproveIllen. 141•en. re-nuerrisrels. while William Kite Al.,. ✪❒✿ ✎✒✑✑✎ was annelid the 0, I' lip- pineutt History Prise.


Four He.. sod three dom., were alerted to remade. ilk. Tbe Senior. Mai honored nee. carton lanedam I ors.. Thom. Cernomme Gembrop. hid, George- Walter daimon maid Job. 100041. The Junior. were Bradford 'Merman Abrrorth, IInnj•m122 Eveek• lin 111.ir nod Wks., Dillard Morrie tiChte.1174ii' 7.'ette.rwItir.1Z1V7.: wooe Carl Sankt Allem - Founder. Club

Dr. Mater M &en at the Collette of Ignein.ring at Cornett Cal- i Zratert'ad

the Commence. I "IC. IC= ate Id his addrek ne.X7:1744V rrrotrerel;r1:7 i.

!:17,1` Ig.7:1`„"„;'` allundamly Mt .0001 dianbute the I f;"•1:ela7.7.11i:bitit'uiVIT.":11e:'un.bi

, et ,nam milleation and vition1who men 11:orrie"'notr;nati.t..!....1171,74.1 1n 4211•1. inIrllorinal nIendeirolx 11110 I lia mem of kr tektite whole. me wrooglie mid I nlnml,0 .mho oake., Perhaps who we moo rood 1%11 modern Wa to redirtribute ...at virtu. the Warm of III Ink We. arohnhly. even mm.

conmo. on Poe 2, comma a PHI BETA KAPPA DINNER HELD FRIDAY AT COLLEGE Elections to btootniey 8.1.11! pads A•mmal Artie

rw .;:ntrrt7,„",7""

Theelmoik of mew knob.- ta ke , orint. F"v"..171a MM. eimma. T. II. 1, Bosworth W. ' loaf end 11, II. boot. Krone ▼❈❅

eine., Dal ❏❒❅ ❁●❒❅❍●❅ ❍❅■❄ ❍✎ cool

IlBocke. J. It C. la Inte.

Ill F. II. Weigh! mini I.. 11 Pmeria. of




Page of


FIRST Edition 1 P. M.

VOLUME 21-NUMBER 16 *2i0 • Yaw 15 CENTS A COPY


KIMBALL CALLS FOR IDEALISM Prel, Comfort Announces I Commencement Speaker Prize Awards and SCI10135-

Experiment Is Planned tic Honors Announced at But Still Indefinite Exercises


om.) address at Commencement r President W. 1V. L'orof cm .11 he,

nmnong announced (hut Gayer.: 10,1 would Undertake an educational eoper..1 which he felt would render a natio.1 r,emi. tu which due rt./ignition would ultimately le geoThtadtd, e president old that there ore: aw eolleges in America 'which me ab e to consider the individual needs and capacities of their students, but slated the particular experiment Heverford hos chosen has not yet bccn worked out.

When interviewed by the Nemo Dr. Comfort declined to elaborate farther on hie Commencement add..., the full ✰❅▼ of which fellows. ,no. year H. mom bedi ben be .1101. te us here ❂❒❁▲ the dol-

..' ". "'"''"."' DR. -DEXTER S. KIMBALL tad now pr... ell the toolilcms 0.tight

toe.. to The rasa

one 10111

The emmenee of • ...mu OnnHaus groop of t d mon sreileate It tun> ren to. on or ploc, oi ...Ms ...red through tbe p wir in 1.111.111. who,. Floorrlonl No in •

'onfrkrgetivee. the arbb g f



. e rte:r01 M


, donsekahly low figure

(emu deperlumode afford. • tenets ...Ion to our faculty. 11...rfonl in, however. 1101...1. or toirlerenon.te instru.lon. To main.. Ow WWI °Z7:224: Md.... • lilt.. enalowinent, to .r the higher: odumaineel a selected b.o., Aoulo, smell hat their itolrotiosl 11.111. Emiliris. be ....Odeon! imr m, rrrrr for men. b

ee et ...Wm. commit. en Pm. 2 CV..

Main Linera Garner 41 7-10 Points to Capture First Championship; Morris Sets

Two New Marks Break. too wet eitil tito College held by J. H. Mmbranghy, '28. Captain =Ilteirartiljet',1.1:0"Otrte ale/1:14V. E"''''''' I", th. 1.1"-''' I."' 1.

Polley, mart whit b he eludes with E.

IrrnergtisT: tOd rolUre TOrerFcresr71;12. r'..137;., "117J"::I5:1:114;0'.'17.1"'1: e Negrito Ind M.. • tot• of 91 In Tachiegner. of .ot giVt fT11.1";:arro "0,1Ildiatt ,

..., rd to a 1,56 half....� I. rwzbatz,.° .-A:',.1'.:::n• =07w:1 ItT two mooed., and two third,. bud yeer by the present Wrobomore rag- tr"briartit rbe'el2.7 ...LS= fitruellrhl.nr 7g71.1.0rrn.4 "r 0,4'" 1740".11/0:re 0A1/:/"TolliVii:,.:21eithi: verl'ITaVt. 7.:gt:11 tOdtrie tib711nO m●✎Fir.,,,.2.:,„1,77,✐ ...., ✔, r.,, . ran rata w'11„...... la t.a F.,- iwsi Middle Attendee performs HenarderghlgekleTeli. ry"aat :11::2 College mark by Inches Led beat 0N: h•e hors Di• wixtntaatt of 4PfSet: kirge7hta'n .11.7,1= ilt7rTI 1 tn II 0-8 inches, was a far to eelipae •prtgis.

11111IFAit'1791:1n149.11eg.e.ieV .>I in ti:.1:111f,r nrg Ir.•zr'17.;',;.';',!

O•tf. At Alp.. Wyk, Scene laAillYli i TA ✎✑-⑤✚ ✶✩✶✔✕✂✍❋ ❇❄▼❇❒● '141. -1° '1" ''' ●❅ that event. George Edgar mune In

...,........ L. LLL. a..L. ., LL:e.111,1 the hall to . rry !ro:f rgKr.p.ge: le hordles race to share tlfth of med. end from the former College record MM.. a on em, I. Gomm a

g? la; Jitte. o A. lbe1grese0r! M. Jonee. •14.

" i'I`d"1.1.ts`

I'm Alone Sinking Meant Work for Alumnus Frost


for Students; Biology 1-A -Abolished at Meeting

Nor ...we reeteletloos fur Jordere anti .elere ore, edateled. end the re-paired Freabouta Hegleme tourer. IR. ohm, M. was Abollahml. al the math-tY Omens. of the Fend.. hlay Tbe 1.1y also meted Ikon the report of the modem cur alum asmatnittde. ...atlas several change. on 11.

*T"se.:=1!1"..7that fourr boomer by DeThorage F. Brow. 09, at whieb ▪ 11fililer .111 be roper,. but wit. old ...now.. ere to take the Pltor of lb, Freshmen Motor. m.o.., 1/111.1 vs. ebolleheel.

Tbe Enroll, ales, pew, III. "fr1:71:Ult:rin"g"rrers/rt; n 71.?.7..""'171;9. the num.r of moon.. to Immo wtro •Im promod by the remit.. but will t.t. effect moil the frill of

• Est. Co.n.s Ltetlle. mo/mt mom Om toomm •'••rif• :Nor: Ir. '•• III WM t

••".•n••••••••1•1.? ••••' • °"7.7"'"7°. = he mew cut ...lotion. tor Junto. and Senior.. which reeemble the nee. :tti= Am m Moue .Mdu, .1


.112 Tatai1s.q.71111^:m7a.......,tro

VA:" ttleFats:4111.r.14117:,....V.... Due nal Prole... He. Paw., Ina grolomor 0.111 Marl Continued on Page 8. Column 2


Questionnaire Returns Urge Better Roads, Faculty-Student Friendships

and Favor Prohibition The inajor.411,11•11 a• .IC .11.0,1 10 the Hopbornore and 01 Me Free... by Inuit wee Reeulta of end ,.,,chin appear

� ✰❒❉✛✚ ✌ of

■❉■■❙ vote emer

i....2T:r. V. "Irk am.. ✢✎ ✩❉. TIC trle seleded by If. ,,,,1.5d,p; grr ❒atite.. the beet-I.hiog terrylli.r. ...foe 3-0:

ty J. Irlitlint!"2rWINIIVrect.. :o21 Yds. moo lama lo Orlon Y. Wriebt. 'Mk .d. 11 of Tri mmt was al. named the beet .0-roved ItT lets by 07 of the hallo., ad the moat mob. by 47. J. FL .1a.Z.Je 00. -


Hone. for the moat wird. grefee. sor were tied thi• y.r w. A M im,. p1.d0*h. end t1. h1 Mathereatire. e

arb polled 06 rot.. Ref. M. Jonon. wren.. of Phil.. orb. atul Jaws Meg. Pert/enter. Jr., tease pref.., of Roma., Ida. gm... divided dos remeloieg votes. al-noW to a oun.

- mtormoroolo Immo t•••• Pirm:I=7=VrrroLL•rrtroo• •Itlndi" at .I1 ,4.2.1,4.4.e.M. Wilmot ZmIlalt-11: nowt. Better flea. WHead Me. zece,ts,„itager.rriztilau.eeteri 14.47gleolf-riler= %1 re7tati'4 11t. non 1....14,0r2 I one. by 12. more enurnes by mod e


411147:2.= Indeed- t:••"""P' 10 heyr mg been 1.11111.1. tleellred Oi.V= ill torn. The majority held that the ' essoymy• nom gm...10.


• uva, hIVEPPOPO .


Ursinus Furnishes Last Foe of Year; Alumni Play



Morris. Supplee, Hogenauer, Chosen as Leaders;

Wistar Re-elected 40 LETTERS AWARDED

Tripp Awarded Class Spoon at Exercises This Morning

Haverford Track Squad call. Milk so &Mem, to It.M.M loth P.. mot wife remoulded, the IlnOrr


Mean. .ml election, In the four .prig* sport. were sonouoced Rest emelt by John It. lioupes. Graduate Iltinager of Athletic.. with the map.. ,.l of the emend. •ibletic earnalit• to

J. H. Morrie Jr.. '*1. nowt hold.. to the shot pal old Mewl throw awl toonletent double winger for the pool two wan.. dm.wet. woe elected toptnin of nook for IMO. It. le. 0n. lee.n of next aNOatrca tomnal Plob. ehown while E. A. Whiten. tiom the ...to. of asaletant-minager.

Nineteen kite wee. ie trade The foihrolug envie, It, Peptide Eesworth. 'Mk Hartman, 'H), Mmehteney, "A. 1111.. IV. Bur;,Aieu '29. Tripp. '28. Wrirbt. '29, Bielop, m, Paplain.lert Mom.. 39, Stbirk, 101, Ste.. 00, G. DR..31. It. RM., 01. Men, 'II. Pe d, tack. II, Richard.. MI. Fields. WI and eeee beck O. ',mends ◗❅ era., to Browne. '01. Hebriel, 01, Iteioner. '31. Vol.,. 03 N. T. ldp. lie b. been mudyieg ✩❋❅ ●❉✎❒●◆ of Notions in Its ...lone. lit a. 7Avz::...r,:k .7: metal rrrrr mistime of the Holder,. lints

Condoned on Page 7. Column 4 D. H. Wilt, '9I, QUITS

REVENUE COMMISSION Almenst 51111ts From Geow•Maat

Pest to Demme Law Prattles mui • hot of Deeid H. Blair.

• ronti.eloner

of ...nal le,zelt . .e ,..,Wanh-,,,

Preekdent Mover. 1.1111i110.0111 111 weeenor. Ho.. II, Imes. of Imitio. c111.2. Ky.

Mr. Blair wars appointed to the In-ternal Hermon. ponitien by ...Meat Ga... 1921. Whore Met time he lawyer ad facade. ar 14-M818►

Pensflem Bar Awklaties. Ile woo •Itto Principal of a Wier...Hall. N. C., .11.1. Der ill orpromi to ern.. hie to of law in Witietomkelent

hi. pubile dede. ere now °Ter. FELIX MORLEY, '15, SUN

LONDON CORNMORDENT like.. Solider rkelteleIml N 3/•"" Pest by SaltInler• Pahl

Felix II. Steele,. '15. Rh,rn whaler snrI mime.. of • Kew Gogrenbeint Mc. Fellesohlp in the oolitic, wren bas bet. etrIsiimed • 19..

rrg."117::.4. Ztt

41 "":11771; ❉

▼d4 Mho. 11111... the mat year on • flu.rolorlin Edirne. GOVERNOR VISITS

Psimsyleesla Chief Exam.. Seca Peer Days Camp..

Governor 3010 K. Fidler ,Prot ton ley' on the liacerford .110,1 Ise work an 11 .est of him daughter. IIn H. T.1.11 Brown..... strife of the ma ietarit de. and Moo., director.

Wednerulay. Slr. t in the I0, .,Hot. Show Thur. wen le the compao, of Mr. .111 SG. Hen., Admiral Iloriatt J. Phriaty se

2warr1 T. Ittormibury. Philadelphia financler and ...my magnate Tha ...ening the sty had dinner at the T:: (ht lbe fiocerrinr went to Mr Brown. boom In idoorestnern. N. J., nd on

en Mellented n 011.11,01 GA. pi.. by ma Ntare of Peenwl- ta Pierre H. du INnt at the lel enla

IP. bum.. Loneerned.

mom of faculty member,. mere Ire. mom fornitymmulmo dinners and room irritatio. to etWeot rooms were met ro. al nneeible fnr the oM7;:; 110-.111 t, 41 urit,-

.211.Tedr Zre1V/L.""..ttrfo".111"are7Torld, Till't;iortrTmild;t7;:c1 0t18iirnerler'gerl] rde honor moot to be desired, stet. 34. end die IthInie roles prehlem was weidered the otow inm.rteet wintas .De ter 32 re.

Oily 110 Ballet. Gat Approximately 110 .11nte were too. Mwl. Twenty-three of thee. ...- PM. the Beni. dent.. 27 the Junior.

The retirement .21 two of }Deer. ford's most distinguiehedcu falty now her. take, pls. tnilel. De. Henn Sheering Pratt. prefer,. of RIOIMIT. Is teelmilne•fter thirty-4e years of active ...It. the College 11.1..

1/r. Fredeele Patmee, Jr., relledeMb-Mg the office of dean Eke. tereety-one yeere.11.001nue Kr duties oe proks2

onel Phyrtics. Lk. Palmer hse been the faculty since 1004. ree in the ne.nd member of the faculty to reside Item that posItio. I. retain big OmfessoreMp. Dr. Don 01211. Bar. tett. pmle.eor of Stminotni.. wee in.

eameent of lb. olbre of dean from 1904 to 1908 De. Palmer woe appnleted lo-steed, of Physics god Alilf0001111 In 1901, addiag the tlfle of deem . 1908 et the age of Mk In IWO De. Palmer became ao &owlet. profeseot of Pbyer take •t laIng • .11 erofeenorshin .Jig"' and bxperInenters Dr. Pout came to Haverford 1893 se lilatrIlflOr In Biology.. In 1.97 he made me... profee.r of Biology. ared 1902 berme the Bret bolder of the David 0.11 Proles-wohip In Biology. Upon him midge.. Hoe 11 la year he was made David P1011

"Ittr: ran% Beitl"trutrarrin'o.f. wide!, used maw texts elm

n teno

n numereav pith...dons end expen. have ren-der. 11111,1.1.11 College notable aer-rice, Dr. Pro". swessor Is Dr. Emmett

tilliDX1leg':.5, 4111rge he bas been gatt;.-11 Z:.4"4..°7:11.11 ewe.. brae., of Biology Dr. Du. la • nephew of Or. MO W. Held, Orofeasor of Mathematic. The oPPMutment of H. roman Bro., de❒ 23,

In meteed Dr. Palmer se Mum, ern rectally moomitt.d. Mr.

Spoon Man

1111:1.14."" - ue...roZ•rvIr.2.4•:"0.4,"

ff. arm 1. Saatory. sti ge.r.-Per esosemeree-to H. Outommoro•-.1.1. A! ..X.otroi ,t1.-mr**_•

▪ vritri.."

✚✇❁● 41,11-21!"1.,11°e1:11- ma

ia snot • ...or.. tS. rstsiesalac Continued on Page 8, Column 5

✑1,72.0.1oini.24..t.f,nruliy in 11127 I IWO:0, and arm Ian[ flie1Z.n17r.r Ph! 210,11.d'InVOT..elerslent hz.:.7.171 rector of Phygical ErruntIon. Dr. Barred Compl•tes 12 keg. Dr. Pratt la the senior mem.. e 01'41;171 tr";/"*.t1ZrYil ✂✚✛✌❒✌✇✌☎ Ma. tbiny.serourr year of lead/log a Iteenforch Preside, W. W. Com., Gs. wag appointed to the Becerford faculty In 1417.. Inatructof in Freon and Gomm°. but from 1000 to 1016 he was pro..., of liomancer Lk gingko

Oscor M. Chaim was aim aneolded In ISST, From ISM to 11115 he instructor Mrebanleal 111.111.,. 19


7 .1t.!;117'137.1,11:177ner717 Eaol:1;:e, erIVrenVtui tred"frer:!1! last yell. Om. watt •.11.11... amistsof professor of Drawing in 1910

Dr. Reid at Haw.. 28 V.I.


0.. fdit It W. Reid nab.. be. ="IVtithlirritI4LVALT,r,ott'e'rras of B.ineering. celebrate. la: tweet", oath miniver.. or hie •PPeietmeo b;71-1EOW,."ogloreb 27"..Vr: 'the fanny •5 will be

B " 1;11 Irrr f"riehrr. ra...r,i,relib:GrlotTnOfnanr7 Biblical LIteerPire. el year: Di-. Free D. Way.o profess. of 8.101agy and Social Work

Loco. o1 Amt.

7.o.lessor of Ro- '"rThe haje roatreed (rem die rin.gb...u=4, Dr. Pratt. Pier- Leigh .111 Chadwick itlwrorrr.eti'or Eiewa man: and Arthur F.. iikdleasher streetcar lo Chemistry. •L,

✕TM olase of 1080 0,0.111 IN Ram II 1910 la • prodtlyst. day crldtet 501 en Cm. Gm. yesterday eft. aeon 025-119 Reunion clamor* obieb met II

nleht mid this mond. to dinner a epode will oldies dm lama tommi came ar 110 year,

do plea. wi T... et 3 dela. dor (rem..

A '"„Inc

goocere FI1.e; egog 11 leetlersbip of PM... gtmeth, Promineot ...h. Iw l gut.

✂✛✗✔✎✗✌✍✎ :r ✎✎✎ '.1 remade, 11811 ex show 7.15 too Hog -while their ruin.', lot"

Play THIsla Atonal •ro Ineiged to lo.cbmm • 1.12 7 Fonedem and the still= 2100.1 Prichnt moo .11 loll promptly et 200 P. M.

beld Mogi. the Pau a. Belie Cluberill pre • -IE. Legend" ia floterla Hall. The el.... which smote semend. tool todey on the ranitms were 00 101. 110. 14.

g tnitKin,tb.lt"e"„I4.1.1112"crlerV.1. 2.• mewled noteritme at College to

1:9 atirt tile thirty,iet. Imml of the Ilitlonont Morrie. Leg., hieh will pl. 4,1.1.110 Fonedr. Ila nod tbe 11111,. 1.1.entery Dom 2 ti I ▼❁▼11 = "" .rnr".4 4..1sns. A 1.1

2216 it,,-n .‘ ,:

11 2e;


a '11.

tTn.HCir 72

n✴●▼❅ iI ●❉❅ ,!1"7.i7:41"; din.1;

'•nntlr.t' 111•In1 117•Ir...1..7.11477n•••"" on 10 gam. it• reunion eloper led oish In Dalt with en attention. of twnnly 1.1..ni nail remained for th. A dinner 11 the Merino


• 1r

la 1 veil[ far ,nl n of


t .


ir Ft I ly1tn grgrl"r 11

I lrritX.4 utrk o . . .1, ll their


do's acticides. PRATT GIVEN FAREWELL -

DINNER BY FACULTY p.-.111.1 Geode, end Or. Jeoes speak

at 111100

nrti V Room. Itonges by 4e. ie fa "aVrthrlt.rtirrnf

Preolde, W. W. Pe.fart a..I

M. B. SEEVERS, 'OS, DIES Ogg. Premleent 01m1e1 et Des Melees. Wee Haverfe. Sebtriarahlp Merl. is. *Revere, 110 eromlneat 10.. Moine. Iowa, attorney, dted Mer 3. in Deg Stainer tenth follolved toto. pllethees which temoltel from In o notion for

e Mier. hen..

reeeived VII. P. and M. A. deer.. from Pen, College. I aloe let

woo H. Rarerf

dord' 1 e l

iOX7re the flrrHe 111 he ple410ee t

r, ✇❉❆ ✤✎✆ IL of ae. hie mother, !Mr:. a.,"g tileiletn: Of I. Angeles, Callf,

2 EDMONS OF NEWS tionemt lull alP..al P 10 CORM. Late Rena al AMMO Day The commencement Wee of the New. ✤✐✑✎✐✐

1.11, be lb. Wettest la O. bleu, of the rb4. with tight 1/1116, voll uo Cratet...editIon will be dletributed et% 001ork. whsle dre sec-ond edit.. costienieg late wire of alutool .all men

empoincement. sdn be sent to all men subseriber.. Inducting alumni.

Senior Was to Have Received Degree and Prize This


dtittarrolp Itr,1;. • root. 4.,t2.t.1 T

II lb. pnIAs

wen LA. of ikerbomk, eon of Melm. M Moon B. Linn. of the fttlrarriteruills'rthIC.c24.117"1b.ITy'll. 01. Hbortly *Her III oieloch Met Mold 7Hgriri,

101 111x110,1 IlarComer. ere haring iocedigetr. the wre throughout the dm5 nounred officiany nod the deetit• was mine of ntleide beron,1 tmergion of doubt.° end that tbey lirol concluded their ImeetIgotirm. Peduncle. lemteat Mood. 1.011te Mkt aturuncement. I Pee•

dock p.HOOJay yAortlire.7113est Break

Tn; a" Or. A Pe:Rea:do

e' tr''Trttra. lallTetn; wooed In the Ind rifle wag Continnal 5l Dee 11. Column I


Lunt, Jones and Students -- Speak as Professor's Res-

ignation Is Revealed

'Mr'Mr. Gray has bermeCof .rtleelable . to Ilererfont. 1. Mullet 121. Joroor. twolrimor of ilreMmul at • nanwrIl 111111110 ihred to Ave.. K. Gray. wea10 pro-... of EGON. at Whitehall. Frid.. May kW. by his friend: Haverfeed.

Ifrofeenor Grey, wino,. from the fetrulty emed 10 into ef. Peer to Jew N.,1 yankr hr Mn numi .11051.1 prob. .my iv }Noland.

Dr, wane. rntfrmor of etromitritional history. wer the G

em streaker et the inner. Ile rate • short .11t temmrstn. on Mr. dray. r.ttrtr?,%1171'.."7::,=; 1„";', his moven Mow. J. 1104.11, 'Mb rein! 21 p.m ...red for 11. mrroalnn. 1 . 111111,011. 1.1.11 of the Sophomore Aron Ile imbued om diet it

war t ...now elk. with. wart he. hit hir 1. drug, dgne. thei. wine os the le. thot they herl had opportiodk to rook. hie se.


Monne. Ceramists J. smomi M1, ..airinall the /.1111nitl.... of the board of notrumere. es twereed Inc. owliment• the Mumni Mr. r. to.771:er:';:11'r.:'Th"oVir'q 1.1, micacral, th.o? be ,tei/i.


. S1.1.1111. wat ion. lho forrwrIl of he momsion. 0 owl wit.. ukt with hie ode troX Ihnt hp ...ply overflows with ...Won. In dile Mr. Gray I. stma. mid nre ern, in boring woe tinder h. vothirow he .191. sood ravel. eltoul. Ir. Boole up

gorainued on rm. Column

Athlete and Senior, President Given

High Honor =7, IV. " ":71r.t M

M. lry Ile 11•10.1.1 partatt. An Allegan. Michi.o. addete, toted the heel-looking under.ereduate 10 Col-

11.7.721,1;:rrIle 7,14 ✦'l'u of lb. two.fool. ..0120

%7is"rff‘S ry II yreter lt

t1.11.""hri u°'


:' 7,r

mid Tent •ee membere. The result

e'rt".4('ir7;, Dim Four otherndide ad en h been nom- howl lor the

ea ittee and proairk..

.471"i. n H. K. ;nano T. F. filwthrop. end A. MwbInoe. Ilte pls. of the.. toodldsien in the ...fog Val withheld DT the nnmnt" tee. VAIN Peed. eel Geed Lealthe Tripp. who wart rote. the moat home Continued on Page 8, Column I BURRELL H. TRIPP, '29

Barrett Senior Faculty Member As Dr. Pratt Resigns Position

PROGRAM FOR TODAY .13411137 itree 177 IN 1- Mine. re7.

rironor'il "AlooTm"7. " 4Nr. ..747117i. 117.11

AnotherSenior duos has become history 00 Haver-ford College. This morning 59 members of the Moos of 1112:1 received their dipletnno from President W. W. Co.nfort In Robert, 11.1. After the procession of the graduating class. Founders Mall to Roberts Hall, President Comfort opened the Commeneement Exercises oill, his annual rtdd...

Primo. Hoer.. Degree, Avrerded Following hie eildrees the Presi-dent announced the verb/. prizes and honor.. annually awarded and conferred 50 degrees upon the member. of the graduating Mao. 2ty being bacheloro of art and 34 Intrhelor• of seimeee,

..;7e '24 7::1 in 'heiod.ry I.:V...6 moan _ar

Prolliniosry Moto





were 1,1,1.1 1. ImeltImm Amen., 01, Alfred Ilene Crawiuml, '31. nod 11111.1:1.frorkl„,,Sarr,t..1 te. LI., ecieol emit hoot. in Ilettieniatiee The '1."11.21.7tr.;:"Ig.g;;"01!..g2764::5! era.. Gwen Wright. na, 90oilhehn..... 'Rh arid Bramwell Lino •brar, trained the firm wood Heholandlip Improuralen. rr- onertirel, melt, William Kit. Mem. Jr.. MI. was ...anted the 8 P. pion. History Prim. Four He.. snd three yomers mere rime., to Founde. cliM The Penh.. M. beamed ae. ...II aned. ermo. Thorns+ Cerm,moot tfmrtbrop. .1,1, George Welter Jelomen mad Joho Mode. The Juniors it.re Heedford slberman IMnjumip Fronk. III tnneis

111.1r nod 1trewster Morrie. .„- Psi 1 hentietry. woue Pad Hamlett Alle, .tun

ChM II,. Dearer 4 Kimint11. de. of the P ollege of Engin... at Pore,. Pei-ttefiTad Z

&I. ..A the l'euneoce. 01"4.164•26n wild in his Whew: ot•X's474:PC‘ rorotrercl;r1:7


:17,1 ellund.otly but

dim... the Py-"U'd'elo7e.".rolr:b,;:f:P.',7,T.'::'11,711n:


,, ....1311,11on and visiou

'who Inn 1d

'Zortro'bot= stre1ire of higher inklboun, dem

lards 11.1.0 d. ow. of .ople ...lern bn, wrooglie ninity ! 1.02217:"..:rol,ideh'77b2.11::rfremriltil; Wormed. PrMaps who we moot need ..,11 modern Iferatee oolleteibute b le &orient rimers im the hem, of on low We orohnraly. rem ow.

cant.. oa rum 2, S


Elections le me. nem 8.1.11 MWst A••••1 Adele

F611 '41117-Mit?O. 'Mr !;


• .

..11;;;:rFt';„.!;: The elmoi, et slew member- to the

, ureeri "117111"711)1r4...,171 " Harm Msemoi

e follow IL .. ye. one,. ..

Ir T. Iloee. lo ' hoff D. II. Low.. From the

01' 1111.1.11-

It9nteke. J. 11.011. C. Hole.

Ill F. II. Wright otel I.. Perorra.




Page of



*2i0 • Vey

FIRST Edition

1 P. M.



KIMBALL CALLS FOR IDEALISM hen. Comfort Announces I Commencement Speaker Prize Awards and SCI1 0 laS-

Experiment Is Planned tic Honors Announced at But Still Indefinite Exercises TO AID INDIVIDUAL SONDHEIM WINS PRIZE

s at Commence..., President W. 1V. Comfort in he. I

no m.) addres monung announced !het Haver-'.

10 would undertake an educational eeper'111111 which he felt would reader I national setTice to which due recognition would ultimately he arThoordmi.

e president old that there are : fi 1. colleges in America "Well me ab e to consider the individual needs and capacities of their etudents, but meted the particular experiment Heverford hoe chosen has not yet iron worked out.

When interviewed by the Newn Dr. Comfort declined to elaborate farther on his Commencement add... the fall Met of which fen ■❏✎ ye. Ina mama b. le- tereenag to tie here ...tee tit. 104-

.S. ". ''""."' DR. - DEXTER S. KIMBALL eed now awls ell the leo.. 0. Mehl. to ire,

educatioost enti Mill

.11.100 of • enall Olicss8S0 i'• •ge• ore.. 4of tis d nvo erntleate It nay ea te. on or elm. ot tho Amin. mattered din.* tbe p h. oiu inslut, when .100101 te in •

lend. ilm.ranoliatee. the iniehhis force ral'netnfee'f::%rtliltr;:tel:1'01 M.5

iggetirkaley lee faun.

ferret dept.:Iowa. Weide • dot.. otimolue to eur faculty. in, however. 11010.1th is onderencluete it...len. To maintain the deeingl °;.'47:224; 0.1e. ltd. • liber.I Aeleement. 10 .r the Him.. 111 .010 ....tm.ted oe het their teclotinel eel eapar. live um, Der mi rrrrr for time" y...r. la. h., to prod.. cone:num en twee 2 Column 1

✭❁❉■ Linera Garner 41 7-10 Points to Capture First Championship; Morris Sets

Two New Marks Breakioe ova meet end tire College hold by 4. A. Itegoonshy. `ZS. Captain :.51:7.47,11t:1.111,1..;',g1 the 1.11,0 6-0-0, - th. 1,0--, 10^4 In

rollent mark whit. lot Aare. with E. g; la; ite. a tag lhe1 X.47 IL Jane 114, •1 4. Irrialrg" XI!: tad

fur Ire71trerFcreerrit= r'..137;., "117J"::I.:trt0'.'17: ''''''': e licerlet and Bleak • tett el :II to Kochi.... of at CIVA. t'11.1";g.,1.0."-(:P^1,17.1.. ,

..., rd in • 1,50 helf.tecle. I. rwzbat.a.° a:,."gs":n• 7.°7wIl Iti. two _ode, and two tbIrde. lent par by the present ✳❏❐❈❏❍❏❒❅ ten, Ns ✍ ✩❒☛❂❒❆❁❒▼❉▼ be ❅●✚✑✑✗ ✩✎✚✳✶✩✺✩✩✗✎ .11:::-.4:',..°0ymr 0-4 "P --u" 74."111.1,.°A141:30'.1.111;fli:,.:1.;:s ...';:17.',4'; .0115,04 1.•00.10i. :711;6 ml.Fir..4. 2.:,,,,,r,0 1„,„„ 4, rith . ran rata w..1„..... la Net F.,-

beat Middle Attendee performs gapclergi'llgek1.74r re"0:071; :11:: College mark by Inches end b❁▼

9., e.- Ill. nInninjait of riSr: kir FT:Lt.% .11.7,17a il'i7er 1 tri II Re In was ii ■◆ to eeliow. ..,,,Le.

Filite.11.7to'Ciitiree:11:11.441C011%eg.e.ia'T .>I In IVNI:.";.:: tg.•:trt:.."1:7ae! Geta. A t Meng Higli Scorer

1%17,4r:A er: r 1V:5 r"rk :L 51:1 '141. -10 '1" 1,0 rr-d

that event. George ✥❄❇❁❒ mune In ...,........ L. LLL. ,L..L. ., LL:eetiLl, tho hall to co err !ii:f rgUr.pi:e: in IoM raee to Mare fifth of a met. Hid from the former College errant Crottneetl eo F. I. pee. r


✩✇❍ ✡●❏■❅ ✳❉■❋❉■❇ ✭❅❁■▼ ✷❏❒❋ ❆❏❒ ✡●◆❍■◆▲ ✦❒❏▲▼


for Students; Biology 1-A -Abolished at Meeting

Nor ehgewe ereilletlons for Jorn. do and tiegron ore, edosard. end the re-paired Freahmen Knit. Coosa. IR ale. la. ea ❁❂❏❇❁●◆■●✎ al me- month-,/ ...dee of the Ferule,. May XL The Intly else sated epee the report of the engem cur alum eanintitcle. ine.nrating several change. on the ex. *T"ie.n:1!1"..71.rbilt hod leieoreo DeTb40. F. Bre.. rata. to whith .ruleir .111 tint *id, ...mined... ere le take Ow 1.1n,.. ❏❆ ✩ be Prgebnan ❂●❏❋❅✌ ❍◆▲▼✎✎ 11,1e1 vim abolleheel.

Tbe Enroll, el. 1.0.1 the "e171:illit'Vn;""D".ZVin the ItumHe ■▼ ❅✎❏✎❍✎✎ ▼❏ ✩■ ✩❍❍❏ ◗�▲ ❄❍ ❅❍❃❅❅❄ by the rm.., but trill tido effect moil the frill of

Extra eo.nes Ltetlled ffitadint than via man . Ilya ...Nampa :4':n•n•n •2 Ira '• ace walaaa

I••" klail•Ttadt? •••.' • ✇✗✎✗ be new cut rendstion. tor Jortiore end Beeler.. will. rewmble the

'411= Ada .1

"n" '° il."rearLi7"= 711";;Lari:1711...134,iii.

VA:" ttlia2Fat5"111.47.'::)":1411"oid..'41....- Deal mil Pridemore Mee POWar Os la

COntinued on Page 8. Column 2 nd


✱◆❅▲▼❉❏■■❁❉❒❅ ✲❅▼◆❒■▲ ✵❒❇❅ ✢❅▼▼❅❒ ✲❏❁❄▲✌ ✦❁❃◆●▼❙✍✳▼◆❄❅■▼ ✦❒❉❅■❄▲❈❉❐▲

❁■❄ ✦❁❖❏❒ ✰❒❏❈❉❂❉▼❉❏■ The major. a• nOIC .11.0,1 ID the Bonn.. and 31 the Free.. by [molt wee 00.0. Reeulte of eaehtimation appear Nprnrh by rote tit M to IU. to he bet

-.tt: • Pri;: of g voter: oenri.....T:r. "re. "Ign

B.' .29. ;rag selected by ID xj• grr ratite.. the bembinkii. g. 3-0: ty J. erlitliot;NrWlgtreetni. racle. weer ❅❍❄✎✎ ✩▲ ✷✭✎ Y. H. IVA., II Tri gni was al. mom. the beat ea.round ..;Re...rtrrms.1: ItT ●❅▼▲ by 11-1 ❏❆ Ike balletmeed the mon .mr• prpul. by M. J. FL .1114=Je -111rielr...

Honore for theme. wwwler w00.- sae were tied too y.r w. ✡✿ Kelt., o. Matheauttiro. emb polled MI rot.. 110. M. Jon., prefenor 1.11eel mud Jain. MeV. lathenter. Jr.,r saso.te Frees.. of Roman. lam mi.., divided the remeloieg eotee. el- m. to nun .

"r ❍❉▲❅■✎✎✔ ☛✩■ ❍❅▼

✌◗❏❅✎ ▲▼✂❒✔✍✑✑✌✗☛✎❏✎✎ 'Ka!' 111..1 and Panes

amont .010-011. name. Boller Made Pe.. Dn.. nto

for Man, ,...7...;,..ilaBgrZrIztLaaggnitnel g.r a."&11

11t. ■❅◗ I elle. by 12. more by end • 'CA. 'Pi.`47:2!:Orta, Tfe''eTy.iolent Emend- 41;r2.-.."- t:••"""P' Ape

sty, not been le11111.1. declered Vier Me men. The held tbet the ' 1.00,


� ◆❖❁✌ ❈✩✶✥✰✰✯✰✯✎


Ursinus Furnishes Last Foe of Year; Alumni Play



Morris. Supplee, Hogenauer, Chosen as Leaders;

Wistar Re-elected 40 LETTERS AWARDED

Tripp Awarded Class Spoon at Exercises This Morning

0:rrrig4ii• Haverford Track Squad n111111. an ad.tresa to vincil loth car. PD. nrof . wife rentemloil. the ltWWnwlst

.ml cheiclone In the four sp.. sport. were a...A Rest week by Jobe It. Graduate Reneger of Athletic.. with the there. mil of the executive •thlette fanktnit• to J. H. Morris, Jr.. MI. reeonl holder te taw shot pal end Rerun throw and tonoletent double winner for the pool two maw. In cleme event, wee elected (-entitle of Dark for HMO. W. It. Illete, le. Mr, truer of next year'. loner. meotel ChM. w. rhea.

while E. A. lirlabini ML 00 the ege. of andetopt-minagee Nineteen bster• were me.1.1 ie track The feLlowl. Wm Cepteto Enwerth. Hartman. '81 Mmebteney, "A. 011the Rpm*, P. Bybee. ✭✭✎ Tripp. '28. Wright. ✭✲ Hiding Centelowleet Mend, Sthlek '311, S.a. 90, U. Ed.r. 31. It. bldg. 01. Mee, Pea.), nether. '3I, Inch... MI. Field.. WI ❇❏❄ eeee 0. Somers.. tier eranted to Browne. '01. thrbriel, Iteimer. '31. M.2 N. T. elclp. Ile b. been Audyitie 01;21..7 of Notions in

Its lit a. IL

torial 1.n rrrrr pontlent of the lInItimore Sea Condoned on Page 7. Column 4


Ahneeee FlatMes Frog Gerwentitt Peat to Rennie Law P.N. on • ion ❏❆ Oneid It Blair. • reiti.eloner of Iti.enal Rens

le,,,stze.els,...,Wenh- Prembhat Dear, 1.1ainalinn :dig Aecnor. Rohe. II. Incas of Ifni..

Ile Blair wee appointed to the In-ternal lieTralir ponitIon by Preddenf Dar.. II 1921. Seto. that time be ••• lareyee Ad lanoline Her Amoriation. Ile woo ••10

In of a Winetonclialme. C.. 01101. De 1. ❅❘❐❅❃▼❅❄ le hie preetice al• law in Wilaintottitlete eine. his

to dot n ere now oeer.


Pest Men. Saheb, Anehcl. ENT

Past Ill121111ars Pan, Fetix 31. Merl.. '15. Ithalen whaler end winner of • Simon Ougeenheim Me-m rid Fellowohlp In the polltied ...a has beta ettledeini • laud..

P„T;„" 1.1"717".°10 11.4;ben 1, Renee far Ike net year on • Guthenhehn GOVERNOR VISITS

Pmasyleeele Cblef ERMA.. Seca Fee, Daya . Commis three.. 3040 K. Ficlier nen. ton Iny. on the lieeerford enn3211.1 . work as neel of him daughter. lln H. Ta1011 Brown. .1... wife of the nn isttent den and phymit, 0000.

Wednesday. Sir. FM. went in the Deres Hone Show Tbuto lo the crinipeee of Me. end M. Hee., Admiral nation J. Chriaty se %went T. Ittore.bury. Philadelphia ...ler and eerier, magnet, TM violins the nrty had dinner et the 100-4- 101E

aM 10 (ht Friday thIn oeertior went to Me hrownie home Icloonatmen. N. ✪✎✌

0 M om thellented n tnenInfl1 nth et M em by one Stare of Pentotyl- anin to Pierre S. INnt. Al the let I,'. home. Igneweed.

were el feculty members fog- ✑✎✑✑ ❆ ❙❏■◗●✎❏▼ dinners and room seItatio. to etude.. rooms were ma-ma 0 pendble nolultnne tot "the oM7;;; 1 10-nald ballot... 1, 41 urt,-

.211.Todir .1n11714.""nitria".111"are7.1-.1. 0r8i171:ler'grd] me honer meet to he desired, Alden 84. Red RbInie rule. prohlem woo von.idered the mon linnetee1 cmneas .tie hy mth.

Oily III Ballet. Cal Approximately 110 nente were ❍❏✎ Mre, Twenty-three ■✑ thee- .pre- ented the Reeler el... 27 Oa Junior.

The retiremeet of two of fortre most distinguithed faculty mem-bers .4., ply. holed. Dr. Hen Sherri. Pratt. ticolesmor et Biol., Is •fter thirty-ale yearn ❏❆ motive sten. In the College 1110110. Frederic Palmer. Jr.. relbecrelain log the offs, of dean Etter twisty-me year..11 continue hl. duties o• proles-see of Phyttics. Lk. Palmer hoe been on the faculty since 100a. Be le the Recited member of the faculty to reside frum tbst positiee. 1. retain hie Othfeenonbip. Dr. Don Carle. Bar. rett. of Fenno... we. in. enetheet ef the ogre of dean from INN to 10010 Demi Palmer ewe appoleted stn.. of Physics end Aillrenega, la 1901, adding the MD of deem . MAO at the gee of Mk In IMO or. Palmer became ay eas0Iste profeseor of Ph. take •t Wing • fall profenaershio fu ▼❏❉❋

Adhere zed goperlematere Dr. Pena tame to Heeerford ha 1803 no tilatructor In Biology. In ISS7 be wee made proles.r of Biology. 1952 herame the tint balder of the that 0.11 Proles-.rabio In Biology. line hiti rode.. the 110 year ❂❅ ◗❁▲ made David Beall

"110717 ;Ira Beitl"trutrarrin'o.f. ',deb used mike. texts and sermon

numeroug onbIlestiona and experiment.. hare rea-d.. He1,140 n11 Callege notable ner-rice, Dr. !Pea'. Ancesser Is Dr. Emmett Er.°C.71;;::

gatg.:.°1V Nrrts:enG"tiotrd .wile profane, of Biology Dr. Deno la • nephew ❏❆ De ✭✯ ✷✎ Reid. P.D.. et Madmen.. The pp '04 of H. Tatman Browo, le, 28 to mete. Dr. Palmer os wee recently mice Mr.

Spoon Man

_11,1'..2.2.• 1.11:114..""

ft. arm 1a, Saatonn Hi Im.r.arr esesswer..0 luaaaam..4-1.1. Ultrod 1; 1. zr t:r7V-•_•

antri.',:a" ZaTireVat j:11,11-21!"11.,11°c11:1-

a anat.. n. wist.ollee Continued on Page 8, Column 5

11,r.unnoloini.:4..41,1L4nrulty in 11127 I YYnc end .01.1ani flir1Z-nirr'rr Pb, 210,11.d'inVr..elerelent

hr reeler ❏❆ Physical Feruniion. ✤❒✎ Barrett Completes 12 Wean Dr. Pratt hi the senior member 0It'art tr";;;hrbliZr 710 ":1;,% Ms. tbiny.sennur year ef treelIng a Itsenford. Prethlent W. W. Coml.. elan_ was appointed to the Fie reapfaculty In 1417.. Matructet te Fettle and Oernion. tat 1100 1000 to UHT he was of limn.. Ian amerce

Chmee Chime wee elm eneointed In ✑✥✓✗✎ From ISM to 1015 he Instructor II Meehenlen1 r.11.111,. 19°7 .1ILL7n117'137.417,14e1r717

tred,fer:rt! last yell. Mr. Clown wee •,,,,nt.n ...tont professor of Dreeing In 11115 Dr. Reid at Haverfo. 28 V.'s De. felt h W. Reid finish. bis

of E.ineering. celebrate. la: tweet", fouotb eon...a. of b;781EOWL.."nglereb ilrl'areVo'rro

dumb.,. 1f 'the fatal. •5 will be se Wes

" 1;11 Irrrf"riMiYr. 5.4-...1',1,7E12:11ttotTnOfnanr7 Biblical LlteesOire. el year: Di-. reap D. Watson. professor of Sado.. and Soda! Week Seem, balbyear: Amain

14o.leseor of Ro- 'The follow!. babe resigned from the heel rin.gb...u=4, Dr. Pratt. Piero Leigh .131 Chadwick. lilogro'"eti'or Em'rer' man: god ✡❒▼❈◆❒ F., fteclImigher, stovetop le Chemin.. '0.,

▪ elan 19410 iterated the 011th 5ef 1910 la • pritthle.1 day orldiet

501 on Cent Crease yesterday alio ▪ • 126119

Reunion ❃●❁■▲✎✎ ehita nal nlebt ned this mond.. dinner a epor. will .loon the lam aaaaaai came ❁❒ the year. 1... phaed lane. et 3 'drier,. nfterno0

A ".'6 e"e"hI louder.'

u o :I lelerbepofOthou..ob. Othmuek. Ima aut.,

;"774,,""' hf reeade.. Ilan at shoot 1.11 em dog -untie their roiroa hod."

Play THIeld Alined •ro Inv*, 10 lo.cloom • 1.12 roma,. tyre st31. Ai., Cricket moo .11 begi peemptly 2.1141 P. M.

beld iv the lay emi Bethel. will we arta lasent.- hi Bet.. Hall. The eta.. which swat yeater. end today on the ...us were 010. '14. 'Ili red -0,

grot7400Iuttr:".4.1.111-71ertV '14. wb.0 mtentled fem.. et College to ne eitd the thirty-oho. land ,.f the Oakmont Merriest, Logi.. ,

ea... aid, Oar 4,10,,, Fano.. Ile god the 11111,. lelnentory Dom 2 I d may. 4.1.11:477..7"' .rnr"..4 A aka

,:11.1 ,!tettl mot ie 1.1.1ri2e

• trr 7 411 i "; Dinner I,• •

'31onr1=::.rlti.'l and lirirdl 11Talree1.7eltweli7-"'"r""r'' 10.r. It• 0010 runner can nigh hi Mende. Mit with en altenilemo the 111,017

nwind.ra nail remained leer th. A dinner al Iln. Merino Cr..

117 tir Ft• I • I vinl.,rcM.ttrd.r l0 1111;4;1X7,11 • r.la their day's actleitha. PRATT GIVEN FAREWELL -

DINNER BY FACULTY Prodded Comfort mil or. Jaen Speak

at 111100 lar.'11n 04';Ir 7:4 "1'"7,',' Id ✶ ✩●❏■❁✌ Itonday roight,'Iley',o. by

❉●✚✗✑▼✛✛✑✑✑✑✶✑✎✑✚✛✑✑✑✌✑ Vrthr:11;1071.1iri Preeldeid W. W. ea.rart

M. B. SEEVERS, 'OS, DIES Wu Pronlithet lAwyer of Dos 101011. Wait Moneta. Selleclarshlp Mori. ❉▲✎ Reeve. I15 oromineet Dee Mote.. Iowa, ellen., 41.4 Met 3. in Dee Melee.. Death follow. thia. p11,011,,. which 00211n1 from • for ben..

• e Mier. reeeived VII. B. end M. A. deer.. from Penn Collene. I where be woe the Hoteerford ;e1lree1" .la 11/70071rerdthe'1 grr lee l'NnMly of (111• he ypewDee

t1,1.0 L mid bla mother, Tifel 1,"g. df I.• Angeles, Conf. 2 EDMONS OF NEWS

geonel lull al Plinir Centel. Late Run af Da> The commencement lame of the New. which Ida be dm tersest in dm hieton of the F.54. with debt pee. will

o° eZkor. edition will be dletributed etrl oracle.. ab.le the sec-ond eclat. nets.. latt neva of 110.1 dee and comowommenL will be sent to all mall ...berm 101mling

Another Senior cline t has become history nt Haverford College. This morning SU member. of the elate of 011 received their diploid.. from Prealtlent W. W. Co.nfort In Robert, 1101. After thu prectominn of the raduating class. Hall to Roberts Hall. Pm-5112,1 Comfort opened the Cornineneentent Exercises 0.1. hie annual mithans. Prins. Hoeors. Degrees Awarded Fol lowing hie whirr. the Presi-dent announced the carious pines end honor. annually awarded and contented 50 degrees upon the member. of the graduating chum. ✒●❙ being bachelor.fn rt .d 34 ❂❁❃❈❅●❏❒▲ of faience.

et Vitlobl'.7.a ..;7e':41,1,Z1,::.r.".: in hi-pie:or 1...14amiiii Newell _ rt- iebrt, n Pr...nine. encore gran1r11 1.1 Igelthart Amer., Mt: Alfred Rome Crenturil. '31. n. J, Jr..

.1 !I., tti 1 Aeli boon. in .thatientettee Th.

oranete Dwell Wright. xat, in'alter Yondheim. M. arid Branweil Lin. gained the drat and ❍❏❏❄ Beholandip Prieee. Awctiriely. wine William Kim .41.0. Jr.. MM. -was aseeoled the P leo. 0.0 History Prise. Four Senior. end three were elected to Pounden clob. The Senior. thug bemired see a danitham egrwo. ✴❈❏❍✎ Cetneena thortbrop. 211.1, George. Walter ...en mud John thele11. Th. Junior. were Bradford Silertnan lbajemie Ere.. lin 111.1r nud Itrewster Moroi.. Lt'..‘„:",,17:7.: arote Carl Same. Allem Foueder. Club

I h. Dexter Kimbell...I of the l'ellette of Enateeeritte at Doreelt 'gate

01.1.1 the Commence. I 0104. it= en Id in his add .+ nerr':'64744;t:' rnrotrerrarIV '11::•n• nbundaritly bet 'rennet dinnbute the Vall'et7i7e!:1;e7n161T.r.rilir'rrin.

"z.4.17.1.; ,,„„.„ miltrelion and visviin 0.

1111 1111. wl.oly 1,e l'15. t

ad- of lather inteliestell stem

leirde 11..00 the pert. of in. weple .1 whole -Modern ,,f in. hn. .0010 natty gglettned. ,Per •

who we moo newl ad.re inter. eiseient im the heart. ef Inta, orohnhle. tan new. eon.. Pe. f, comma


• Is Dememay 5.1111 Mad al A..1 Annie ••r hr Fdlh,ednnl ..,T.I.I.-,,tut.T.Stheilv.heir

rd-Ir'n'"rr. 'tr;

Vi:•.".,:t.rtl' 1:71.,A„..1;;;:rFt';„.rT

Tho ef slew member- le the , eaihl'in bi' Hee. the &Route. yore

eiecool. T. Ilerenneee ituewerto Ir ' led( ant It I 1. to.i.

dm dm., Hal ❏❒▲ ❁●❃❏❍✩❒ ◗❏❏● ❄✎


16 H

❉▲ ▲❏❄ ✥

It6oithe. C. 1.1.5

. II.•Wright et I.. I'. Perera. of



Senior Was to Have Received Degree and Prize This

Morning ✎✎✎▲❅❅❙ ✑ o❏h ❖❃✌✑✛✁✎ ❄❏❏❒✎✑▼✸✎✑


✑✌✗✑✌✗✑✑✚✑✑✂✌✰✚✌■✛✌✌●❉■❀✺ l 11.001. well Linn. Drerhomk, nen ef B. Line. of the 411104 test atilt' th .1".unr'"1;170'y'll 0"; Shortly triter to oieloch loot .10 7Sgrird, PAtli,"ern,C,ha,r11.1.111.T.. Ilathaneg oft. bovine irteengelvd the now tbreurbeut the dm5 ao- noneol rat-int. tbei dee. was ia en.. ❏❆ ❍ade bero..1 inteethin of Mega'. and that they Inel concluded their Inreetenntion.

Parrueolory HeedttY IlespIte thie ele,:euncement. • P.m ,;L°T°1n104°.! fly 4. 4......01;113eist Break.

'body"yeZ:arti Tn; nu o.ed

a".1m7it'04.A.1°N: ✰✇❅■▼❅▼❈❅❄❇❅✇ ✪✇✂✎✎✎✇✎✎✑✑❂❒✎ la117.".. 00004 In Me heed. A. at dile we. Contional Poge fl. Column I


Lunt, Jones and Students

-- Speak as Professor's Res-

ignation Is Revealed May baa be.Cif moisten. le lieveetend.- Itulem

11. ✪❁❍▲✎ ❅pee 01 iltainant21. &clonal at • tonwett 11.111. ten-dered ...tin K. Greg seeeriate 11 Eagliala at Whitehall. Fridra. May the by hie 1,1111 Haverford. laitlemor Beata reeinemien 11010 the fneully 1e 4.0.011 le KO 11110 ✩❆✎ feet in Jene. P.M. Next year be with . .4110‘11.1 1n4,... mob. .11 Berland.

De Lao, pn.frassa of • 1-1.1100...tittaineol histera 10. the fleet lopeener nt /he lle Mt, • ahort Hlk ...mmatoine 0 Me. Bray, 1H011,. h eel

4.":11 bis rerent11111 1110.. J. 1101.11. 'MX read pmen nentmenl tho 24. 1.1111(100. '211. . 1.1.11 ✩❋❅ ✳❏❐❈❏❍❏❒❅ 1410. Ile pot.. tiot I. it wee the theMenetre 44.0 whieh wee henlen hit 0 0. tlruya dim. erring lathe tht0 they hod lad oppertind. reabe hi. no. ry=„fet F. roam.. ghelen.

J. st.,..wa %Wt., ••11, .41.4,111111 ❏❆ 1111, •••• of the hand of men.... 000.1 the nallment• the shonni enpainamen Mr. r. torn:.'=';1;11''Th".;r‘q 1, iv. pnga.ral, 641;r, Dr be

,n hie

. June. Mad. fzirow..11 of oineeien. mial prelemetr Wit ...e latneatol with hi. AM-P. dint he simply ...alone with orpee010. thle. Mr. Orse nod we ntra feitteucle in tuning 0. ender el. eaten, be ..11191 . real rat...Medd uneic

Conon. on Pa... Calm.

Athlete and Senior, President Given

High Honor

=7, 1'.1. " "Tir.•.! te

ed. by lila 11111106ra ilertatt. An Allegan. Diebi.e. athlete. voted the beet-Imaing undercloarleare In Ital.

✗✌✑✔ ✎✗✑✎✗ ✒✑✌✔ Clre--.1 the maltu ut the tooth. wont. ;:::".ff‘-21 yreter "Li he


t1.11.""hri r7,1 "'•13:, "°'

tell 10,o11AIy


01.1 mie inembere. The result

'121 rotFour other rendldron 041 been nolo- inetn1 Ilm e...2„ thee end naeidend•

✇✇�✗✑✑✎ ❒❏✎ n H. K. Lew. T. T.F. flawthenp. end ✡✎ MairbInerg The plse. of enedidate. in the enting Val withheld Dr the ✩❄✎✎✎✂ ✩■❃✎ Paled Pees.ath Geed Leah., Tripp, who we. roted the most nine Continued on Page 8, Column I BURRELL H. TRIPP, '29

Barrett Senior Faculty Member As Dr. Pratt Resigns Position

PROGIthg FOR TODAY MTVfger1 ❏■❅ gra

eel frt:X."4 Yild="7.

"." ..747117i.1117.11

taro Ezzi ii. st


Wins Middle Atlantics ON GRADUATION EVE


H. H. ilichit. DO. 1. rho.. Per drot of th• Vanier for ii•xt Y../

eIsslone hold Wed..., 6 a CurporetIon Nebular end o mem-ber of the larnity .error .ml baseball tom.

A. H. Ileinton. net. rilikar of the Stros end nentr'siiii editor or the IWO Cla. Recordt nee eNcisi Orr meal- lent. .011. K. S. Wilda member of the Van.. wiser and Deck Mass arid preeent holder of the Cellr, Deo. sile ism, In meek, eras chomro were. my,. D. II. Morris will be treseurer of the risen. Morris le a Corporation ...sr. W.,. meant of the IMO Record III nearly-elected Ore prma• a I 1. Ir nd Br. C.

J. W. lilyth tra• preidarut th I J ' th 1

dons held Day Si. With s orwher thr Ube ChM End the Dark squad.

C. Pennywelrer. member of IM Yer. Kay treck atel moss Iowan, wan ,born rier preoldrot. whILe H. P. Shane, Nn filiation snag,. of the HeterfoslIsn. amt • member of the Nowa hoard. Is-soar esre.ry. The new vaienagner Ile E. r. most. of let won6 tram. mad a member of ttle ilea flub anti Vareity football squad T. ...mam. comit. of the Mem me- ga.. a o. Silt. E. A. Whiles. end H. IL Jeer.. Jr. H. .... beck Jr.. member or Ow

Versify tack owed, wan Sow. Mimi- dent of the riare of 'III. et the elec. thou on iley 22. FL Situr won elected rice ...ideas. mod F. Walton, Coe-

1.""Vt7, E; Irrn`!7',7,■"`",T.!: ..." ntiLt", ..• .1 A Hunt. C. H. Ham! and ff. P. Sol,. _


riott.:411..P111.1y per cal rib graduate ...int n won. he hail ielliteci .ot during theyele H. Si.

ArtstiVa U, "Frs7:"41V"t"e. the

!it ."1rsrc IVII!'",11.7%omar're7 nounced last week by N. P. Alai 1111.

nwager. Edger is .sember or

th e.meson. sweat.. ae to.:

the tram end the delf !or- ,,,D; X,: Pa., half-.71'11P"Punn..."11"

VW!. A. Donfigli ar,ast.iri/Ss'



Abernethy Inducted as Stu-dent Body Head; Palmer Thanked

Announcement wee war lam week of twat yea. ch... of three on-derma... commit.. be B. F. Aber-nothy. SO. president of the littele. Wentration.

V. E. Bull,. SO. wee new. man of the Student Estenalon Commit, ter. He mused for Ow last too Y.r. so. a somber of that committee end 6 • sem,. a( Me Olne Club.

J. IV. 11.16. ie the amr chair. man of thr curriculum cemmittee. He

..,red ism-Mary of the saw.- tee thin year est 6 editor of the Hoc-error.n wed of tee IPSO Cis.

J. A-Turner. SU, WU heed the in. surel Adam. committee. He I.. weed [ ye•re me a memper

a cat t:Lis

Abernethy see Inducted Into Ms make as president of On 1•11111•11. llosecia-Mm It • meetly.. the Lob Wean... du'. )des 101. T. C. tinware., DI re-

11rt.e'"Lyett' • 711.17. 'en1iin!'s i7reelefs"1 Ihe ha, that Ow coming /We woeld even mere He Own ntro- dm. Abe ,corny. who thanked Ike .1.1. donne Sir his election nod nrknowledted the rregoneibilltleu of hi. Wiee.

A. Atodents Assoclegon meeting of the year.

I rewintion

pm.. by 1. Id Mor Ita. and pawl unatilmoueU by the asesiation that • letter.. orate.. De. Fred.. Y. Mane, de m. and protege:or of phyelee. eager... thy regret of the mumrintIon. M ble retirement and thanking bon foe his .,mine .e aeon.


Always Aheacl I...ear/tam amt mm

_shoe, iviaartiaidaerif,suits cod topcostalkTowestotylet, new. coliori.s.s.

SUITS TOPCOAWS-'45 atest sopa

JACOB REED'S 501110 1434-26 S., 1.611.3.1,11.


corionum trom Pane 1. riiumn 7

“S 130 CLASS PRESIDENT now to In sineiderahly. the statue of life in all prearresine r.r.eroly w, lois only the Blyth and Gerenbeck Will lbw.. to mako Long step Ns Head Juniors and oned

Dr. Kinrioll in a .11111.6 of Wew ford Finemity. Palo A., ('.111., before Inshmine Ofiliatell with 16swil I Iiitrrltity WAN riin.r1 in Irk.," on the Parifie ewe. Or. Kimball Ranks High as Enge. He wan npiednted their... of ter

nweiration consul.. of the tested 11e-American ttsnela.emioe Confer-

os in !Xi. Dr. Kimbell 6 the author

11:1:76:11..4 ftrelli:6119tr.:411'. Elements Cost finding" In 1.1111160

fierere attending Stanford (haver., Ive es• engs. (or Amaral

le 7.1IT'hlr;!..7" i'"

Commencement stoma's


e Dm


••• Swale

, Sow Pannowest Ite ir I Ia. e

2 Saturday. June a, 1926


-- •

Psychological Experiment Yields Unusual Results

Test on Accuracy of Testimony in Phil. 1 Reveals How Differently Individuals

Report the Same Event io the emus. of In.. mentfollen st not 31.111. thr

sminomp hem ems., it, effendi,. 11 lieu flio had .1•1.1 I rho.. yleidra mew dhernitiod on. 1,171 owe. to . montionnaire oh. one .4:11:17;„, ,„.„=

nowhere of the ch. by Kaue of the ones'. to Oa. quee- rs... Y. ..... 1.66.. Mow rt. Dr. Mee, tag

ollilemodo, The obi. the closed lam week 6 moor, to the NrriTer Yht' ,In rI

goirerptima mul how mre• from 1..43 2.11.. In anew. thr drioetioMue Pm( lcmi ref.. ,'1 b30 mrdor

mem sha. ermowl er„ mainsea. weimIr may 14 out .4 winhe

ilay 111 blab nertirs of Phil... prisms were moir. Met moth... Mel nh. 1 met totrolos Mom 4 of her. the term. M

1.7*.:nallernittn/t! tcrTI.'"eir =1.7"ttoMi

the floor with a 1.4 es.. Tyra uer we sported inn mei. member.

thie e covered nno 1.1..1 of the eeyipitt irlen 1011 b

X11 Vi ,M :•,,t1!%! ZA:V. .3 man... yin... Th. min tbrn me' "Pre mood mina. of WM^ end dimmenired 061 the miler ern, er Dm ta n

ono row .of

Pres. WM 1. bloc h. in 16 bend; me: Twenty.. innomborif of the

"r th."7" '"‘" "("" ""71' tr.7.r,trfr.`70. due... M W u-ax

yby. -Gm ow ho .." "oboe." .1 "Here Dm. rel mat erg soey arch etcrIbin like Ihar," 4/111.0.11

11.1111 the intruder might br recrirmi cal

'It""Cl're :•117•7'..rl• :1t2; like ghat of Dr. Rayner W. Kelsey,

Mar uf lelotery sod nine won. Ws Mewls the. Ow Mr. ow that. of De. Jame. 51cF. thrpenten mos

prof.. of room. knew. at ... 4,1 m.o. the Will oder. Ilona. Iltat it we I. W flan, with tbesi munie. "Here. low. 21,...11. er I.. C. Peres, Mr.

ao L.., The ire by Mix thee wen en Ilouy met."PV'ZIITh!!r i...rulgy"h". 'bIcte"le 111. mar.' to leme Ir. wen. in pug maw. 6 gsliriMal ...no I suit of the hem. limire. WI Mr ...dated ma Mal if, et. Sne= Mr. Wowed ihmi. that the whole

wee norbh.. hot en mi.... :T.:7.11„7.7.-", .7.7•7'''.4: had tient he nee quite non. nI ohm ore of Iwo tri. ural tims ha" had hnspenrd. Geo., eoreml miler the rem.. mem.. of rbo Mom .11.1 mot return, of el courtroom In.. I 0 My Menem row .1111.0 re. hew. 100611, 110

I.VIrItt i• i• 11•114. ika. Own. are a fro i

F.1.7.":;"1:Z 1..1:;;."......1..i'."17e r'..r.e I TEXT OF PRESIDENT'S SPEECH i

.„.„,„ „,..,„.„, „, „, ,,,,„ , 11511111. Lii.iii. 1. miiii..i1 a vont... of hie intellinre Inter-

l‘r.,7,,,,...7,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:z,,,,...- ......-,... I-, - ..,,,, eetber ........g• Tire,. 6 r...`. I"....."(."'"t '....",". '''",',T,,';:. .,,,........ .................. ":.1.1,,.:::,1" h.,1:),..h.* 1',..TL.'",...-.7..7.," I:. ,','i'...".144 I:.',..".1;," ,his h. ".`."-; :6'4:1 .1".""'"!?"...::'..'"," "-;','; -,--::::1 ,.• - - . ' r-1 1,7, I "" 4 4 - 1 .ell, of :; ,,;-,,- .I.I.,,, 3.4'. -.47,::.,1z,'",'.0.7

......... ,... ..... - .". ''.- z:::::.:;,:r....",.:::;;;:triiii,,,riit:L,:,4:;.;,,,„::;.1,,,,.;;;,..11/1r..':1.:7:7.,:iF::!:",.:...:7,":1,.;.:.;• ;,:,..':::,:r1,;i.;.;:1.1....r...,11,1.-,,i7.,:;...,r:,.:."..`",„1:.,..7:::::....1,,,,z1". 1.!''r7u.R.71',1.117,-I''....771'117'1.-0tll.b..1'!:11,1;.",411"17"'

nOnrAiePtAir FfiLift

.-. .-,...."''ir,„.:;,` ',I'. 0t:1-17.'. ',',T..„:";',-, '.':..""."1,7.'.1"' '''":• t".-r'''11117'71:"'"''''";.-'.'''''' TO °I1SEE 1,,....1.,11.4...,....4.....,.t.,,,,,,,„,„,_ 1,

„„,,,,..7:4-....,..... ,...."1,„',, ,....gr.1.11r,:,;,,,,,,,,,;,. .........r.... be

'"'. iir• iirittag C.,'::!". tie47i'f"..1 1.16,"''.1.1.7..."Fri".7.:-..r■ :::11:d' 7',TS'1,17.1:1•12;:r1r:7"::::;:::;::.;;;?-i'l "'"0".'..".:11, 1;.1.-'1!.-;-.7.7'''.7".": l.""' - -, 44, ...- -, n,,,,, •,., :4,-,- :',17.`47',.:,!T:L1-.1:N.,'„"M"?.`r t■:: 1 .//11.;/iiIi /1/ 7.. '1..'.. . riraatr4:a a:111amIrifit'n a'n'IXIilleiai'air. N,...M...;1f..„7:r.,,III.t..j.U.'t.liii.:341',7:...

P"... rr."*....P. . 'PP 1.1°. 1 „L;... ,...., ,.I. -...... I. hol. ,,, ,,,,,,,, . „„,,,,,,,,. r4„,,.., r,..., i. the ...Dr rj miiii0Gi' will rPPP.P.PriP' or we... or nark Wer, 177,:.,,,, ■.: 1•,.....,...sobor ImetIontione. It ie.

.... "PP.'''. 'Pi. 1.".... ..' ::...:":!t"..17.•Zt Ite ree1 sm7erou . ... ....iIP.. I? .4. 1:7.7r; 'Pt. ." r".'7" 1,`

r. w+1.,... ...,-... and il'Peo. for which we .. ..7,:,:,„;,,,,,,...d...,- ..1,r.'„.■.',':,.;,7., ,':,,

r.,;, !,`•"*.:, ',1" "'''' .71f."1,2':117..7:T. "i'l 1.V.P.7V ..• "...'P robe.

""'""" r"r -" ''''' '''' "'''r"- l''' ' 1714'. 'i7P ' `‘P./. .. "...I' ". t7till'IZt '.'••• ■71e:'11!.."1'iel"„•:'.:1.,"'V ""Eratree11114 .1113;aeal °U1161W• ' ..7.1".!ar"Illn..""".."" "1"....iiir"S'Itl "II. 'PPIP JPPP'r .`i .'ffir.r P.PrP• '...

In ream. to ...silo,. of the loi- v taa7,...„.;:.:,;',„„,„,:„,„, „ ,.„_ ■.....• of 1.1. new lon..s6m. mei,

.F.'"'•:Fil■:"'..":"::','!"".7.7'....: 1.: rL.11"7""a .....7, I...:.:1'1.7."'...":"'"''''''''''z-r''' '''"'''"" 1"."7°'"1414"*"."7.!:"I'nk ":':r7".. t !: i cad n MI

a 6 .• n reelily. gm, el Ilte mai, /Vela in whirh a eto. MANY URGENT

lb. "'"' l" "3""nr'' 171:! l';ri trel; UNSATISFIED AS VET Vie". "and' Iiirr."monlig".he IS. rrf...7t. 're"..'"2.1."i'l t'itt ri.- emosei it „a. .,... t„, Lag„,,,,,, ,a Api dioa 4e,',,',".".,',17.7:."!.-1..:".,",,,r::i nunee ter our hod. to A., ecel nu- ,,,,,..,,gr.,:.., „,,,,,:...,=,,,,,L,„ ,,,. ,,,,,,. ....... 0,,...,,,,,......... ,,,. „v.., ..


""ni ." ""''"e" .'"'!“-;: '"-I"''''': "'""'""").!.7,":-.'-'.."°..7":,"; "-7,...„................/ ..... . ::-, 47..T....!..7'."';',,-- •---" .`"t,'.7..:.... ,.....,.-- ,,-, ,-,;,„,,,,;,,,,-,,,,:v,,,,,,r7,, , dz."; Ina ,-.- ' . - • • r_rv„.1,,z, ,, „..,,,,..,.... ,, • ,i R00 IF 1:aaaL'aa 'i'/' a'aai"" &Par '1 reat'ea ital.: .. ".' .. '...' '.carer ''"'"'• will 1111 obi, earTv...itt to,,,,miriep 1..,.....: .7.."Fat i seir........,7ne,etw ..:,

nVI'mli!t'inr(.-tireprIvi•Wreelli'leal(r• :,":: I.I.ri.;:.""t::,i'o'rNti"''.;:........7r..-. ,,,,,,r....zz.v.,...!..,...T..,.z., ,..,-.• .-' .......... = ;:: '::.•:::":„.".7...:7".="1" ......., moiiiiiiiiiii •iviihiir l n"..11.1,111vi"..::118:rthr"gro i.e'..".'.f77.'::,;"7".1..d,..eL

or rent wee am non na llgai 6 . a „, „ .

411.1'11:;47/.;Fara-..71F":1..1!n.""rry"F:.!;:, 'i,..!'",,',.■;nr.::,„,,./..,:::::4ut.:( ,"?:.1.a".71.:7.,r.,1".:,,I:itl.r,,ii n cal

. ma. la Is lint : .:::' V'f'"'if %.n7r *V„illOOli i . ' Menorah.- 1.11 row. of"...."" til.t i ' i' 1 i;

wean wows te. 66 ma. er et• Aire, r. yr . ,:?..:.,,,..1?....,..,..,. i.... "..,... ITia'cloi!!"11!;:' ,11 111:11!:::Lar 41. Mr t

ues M di. trinmitr. Th• eammItto• cal ai.:itt,:t Z,:;„the :' 17::::^;;, "Eirilli:iip"a";;CiaitLi ::::; .::,..,:rt..,,,;:iiti.;:,,,..,..i.,:::.:,.. .;;!„.:7,,i.:::::ih.„.:[:,,,,;:,,.,..;.:,i,;:v,11,!.,,:,,.7..7

:11::"F:::i:::.,14:,::-Z:::'1:1i:11. ,`,.....,„i'iaIL- 7T .h..,-irii..F.f.:'i2 ... You err nhoui it ..t" "‘"4 4

'fl"" "I b e' el" many Prem. tenesualle br1117,go,,i0 ..,,. 1,,,,,,,,,,

1.1.:1.....1e.1".7.7m:.....1.!'ne. ' .."."1";'''L (1,1".1 "'"' ""' Ot Gene., irle la restore lerels we. .. 'Ili'ili:ir';'3ail;:::;: elriFtli..:la '''::';:!.;17'il"; i7,;:i'rhi'l:'':r:,,::.:1!,1"1 ';:"',.",,::, IF

41.1„111 ',. .',.'.1.:,' "Tii '`: ......„, ....,,, „,..., .,..,,, .., PRATT PRAISED FOR HIS ....tn.,. art r at- DEVOTION TO SCIENCE There 6 such that needs 6 be done.

:nr. ..:117 ",17.'.r.-;.7,..7..7.1.!!...-.1: .;,1-.:-. 3t,".‘-..-i-., .11.011 ' 3h."."1

, - r --• t --4.- 71°.3,!`.". l.`1"..!;MV't'.'.-.1..'...1„';,174.:F.'". 1717 i.',: ',F,t1:1:.,1.1i1:4."i'"'?":1:1"':Ib'


Advisory Committee Reports

Managers Have Acted on Alumni Representation

Airier lomea aumaxere

le new favored 'cos lerueS hi the hoard, recorritie m Me ...Sal of the Aloes. Albinos onwrien. to hr chi. eflme.... snianil We in.- mem.. of Mr Ahouln Amor elation in Me Ibion aao In Alfred C. Maul., 111, obeirneo.

'The report. I pa n ct lelloon. • A oommitre.


Drinker. Jr.. 110. W. P... 1...

a. Ini•Miree. sod F. R. Taylor. I.O. oh:arms one niamom. ei • nwelS. of the 1.61 of manage. MN Ks wwber 111. Intr. re.. the .111.. Thin momolttee on May 11,1. nve1

ireo. Wter erem mesh., the tem.. mmin. that Mei souk. make th. roms ibenwetino rum ,tl don haecon KW a 00 eta lir.. 0 ,hr

wirh n SOP .6., ,„, „„„„, „, ihe bmolkerrhier TIM Arms. apparition. mire,. of alumni repreemoution

Loi. imirmitcr. P. .g t he

l;b1 eiroull."4-11 teach gen. the Ilea.. he amend. calm ml

n,,„, cei.soeuts., to -brew bri, at Mr deek. etrikin.t

is. I 4nr ,b. bent owe

Fr"'" ti;,a • inetr.WIOr. ni An Iiir Inembern

g hip hi' the buena

"11. sm., one lam... op .ad yb

Ma, y 31r. Drinker at Ow b

n meet-

Me Ka Meyer IT and.

Ire! or mom.. Your ...worecat

rot. 11111 1 lir 1.11111 i• rz .•••

yeare eite erynr4

x Sworably aimmeml.

telenree so • littly mare. te• •tarr the ea rural .....


Speaks, Receives Gold Key of Building

Dedication enewisee Mr the Hill, of App161 Wiener wee

held morning lusediately IOUs Cummerement.

Premstation of ei 1.1111 key n! the Hill,. Lobo.. to T. Allen

donor of the MS.,. wee • mo-m. Swore of the afro, The hey, fentributed by undergraduate meadow oi the lingineeriog vim pre.. by B. H. Tripp. w prrld-ilent of the Senior rim. end .11 Gogh... rand.. A mandlog rit•lion ei. Me Mhos., at, rise woe conseyed nith the key. ay-

to Mr note amstolmnr. K. rollewion the lommodon tom.

166. Hall m the -mud. aundrangie" In front of the bath.. Preclaent W. Comfort opened elm payee... rich r whorl eye. of ...St. go Ile.

AreatIma Eliot mei/ans. %Vallee HAW, 111. email., of the

6boraer arid a meeker the ambl- e tctural firm of ?Mho. Mips. & Haw.

Now York. Imo. the ...kr keyn II1the build. to Dr. I Idle.. %Om

oul T....7:o. me n rhr

77-71illon hie Wis..m end

et dr eompletion ot 0. had Lon. bnen

mew., I" greonliarente. Mc and Mrs Samuel HSI, fist superimea• dent a moron, resienalvely of Horn-Ord. in PLVI.

The formal preemamiou of the bulla• 311. to Flarerford Coilege took plarr whis Dr Miler the ire, 6 16.6 E. Ism., 'Ica yr... of the boo. of numerera Mr. on bolf of the College. marmwerl Ms IS preriatiou of the sit smie Mc Dille" .


H. Illowhome. pro...

The two Inerbte WPM be m.


inner...I. of the home. morre sod

"76"ra7ratadi.8.a.71:. i111;11...rnen'o tit oto1( ow et the morons r she balk


PUhlialitin to S• Mall, to Students After WWI* ol

The "SI lo. Otelearmed to rde rim by mail one or toe

wels. after Cennernormool. J. P. Eng 0,1 Inn ;Tr 4f.'111..'1214.";1..V141 Imp TOR 6.4.0. 1.1 the lies. of mt.

'Al 'et Me lalrereity of Virginia au May K

well the bared hawhall em.

Ith.""4"bi.1.17(11:7wayttri"m1 int.% late even. /am Ince entered.

•221 Mil be Inurk 11.1

""" rosol milter, iind thy will be 6.7 I

amen lay W. W. DInneke. orimshom to pea 01- war en Is Y. 16.11. n mown to lush member of Om rhea 'Mere nee rm.

1..I.Z.."'"ihrSii.,;, "1"11;"41y"?... "441.V.:f.'22,,,..:IIVP,. Waif. 2- Lunt. pod.. of 14.


Al tayera preasatii_a_ by

1101■11, 17111:11; %61 • 71,iiiinitainin vniaralal7i..

4".4"."';'nZgi who hm

rose "psie tn.. ,Wen rhs

• it psis

"" C a trans . -^ -..

P. ire ......01011111111.

"They've been telling us for the

past six months that we can

reverse the charge on our tele-

phone calls to home ...

"And still some of you fellows

moon around the campus won.

dering why you're lonesome!"

• . 73 .-o-d,' ...'

4.1 1.6. J... narr •,14,.,.,i ,.r .41.1=1 : robv . the intern am. bow, IL rein 1, "tefr..7!".1t the 1.n. worn.Ifra H.

,:;111,:r 7 3;;;;:g7:41"1"..M; „,„; mi.iii":.;',iiii; IC Hoop. "." """". ''''''' d '." ' ."-d". i'..,„ A mesh, of the Drolly min, IND, real talent .11 iiy. ty w tie .o ...

'".C. Dr. Prole Wm been f.,...,sone yere..17 r1,1a, 4,14.tov: f,.71; CLASS OF11929 DINES

IITYbriikilTi•Y fit; atalItillir:. h'are done whet we Dahl for v.m. you Whitehall So. el Far•II Dlaa r, - """""" '1••• 19°' ""•1'.7,14'

Lb 1 • ;V. LIR Ott-rSer, RI Whitehall 111 tn al;1111.....a 'Ugrian.. ...it which SM. Po. ...hero of the Woror

• '""" 4"'"""" '"'" mina i" hi H. r le. h. rid g ms. In nn re I , mown. • reel

raa r 0111,11X Irlr MLP{Mla. .../{{{{11, A ,{{11 a1111. nerrAltrii PR. nit t • • "'a" aa' naaa'"' r a a eeCret of preform areat-■ Ponnible Alarm. of [be dinn

orio Al. too, . nun yrre. in acceptiag his mag- a... Drib" cr... en rare, .n ,

." Smill pro.. Siology Emeritus der. on Palmer fee MMI eery. thr O M 1/.11 whirl. 711110, 01■1

latitr Ri artli•j• ter lien tr h.... etc... cervles Proviaent •110 dre it lir omuenm Rs ntrAt.1.71 zt.. 1.44...khlIt.r.n1.7.1.

""a'a aaaaa'aa " aaaaa 1■■ nriutne he han 6.6 it I... awl br Th• crimes. M. Wel, dr . r

el.. and Mil eel

lima d art Yr ml whirr per.ol rota. wi,

osier of vb. College edsinintration anyone eler mons ml, end or limprak

717..7...ettagV•rar Z. a Ilinne

New Beta Rho's Initiated

Alumni Notes Inc

Inntuilalion the Her. Pierson P. Rorie on pastor of the St mosetIonal Church nt !'fl

1111111.1. Iloy 21. will the

flIr.31:`,14411"111 -"'" 1", 11'1" TO ASSIST TREASURER

A. J. Scattergood. 'MY to Ald Brother le College P.n.s


d G. Brattriprod. 16. was ap• poin. astizten: trepiurer of t17,,t2g;

8n11.1,1 d in 1.51.1 eV brother. J. Hen, Sett-

tergood. treasurer. who WI he S.... Naerrfordials who were NSW.. 1.1, 13.6. 131..• -mune. .

II,. le epend a lame pi of Ms While th• saves wore edify/Ng Doe. N••r. 111,y tqraala

time In Washington liessme of IL t • elegate, K. tap..1101'1y P

to• frn.


Prealtlent Capron Urge. UN 01 Path on FS. SSD e1 College Ave.,,

•Oriserford for, the Callow to eon... pn15 on College avenue unless member.. of the College

'''":;?•4'..4;.P:''tr'1". Co all in a Plea for greater ,moon In wall... in Collertion Mee-

d.ribe Oelew box offered to beer half De capewe of samaras* • sm.

giVatrt oe'espoassed the, ewe. or sites

ZfOltilaCC'Zo'fire7:13.1:.! "0"1""

Even if you're "broke," you can telephone home-just tell

the Operator to reverse

the Charge


D. S. Ilichit. woe deteen pee der ,1 11. Senior gnaws for lux. YAUt •7

!Lee photion. hold Wednesday. Rich.

i• Co moratIon Nebular and n mem- ber of the Va.. Noe. and hase.11 te.

A. H. Winton. nut' edilor of the News and editor of the IMO

Recowl. mn• elected rice real. lent. wrath. N. A. mert.r of the Van. truer and track tr.!, aml pre.. bolder of the Colte r Dro-rink tow. la trek. eras eboneo roc. • R. II. Morris .11 be tremor. of the else. Morel le a Corporation to-holar. oranaget of th IPSO Regoo awl nwelyrIrted • f I ; Belli. Club.

J. W. Myth wa• elertiol f Ira I J ' 1'1 tin 1

Holm held May CI. illstis 6 a 11-,,her of the Ube Chat End the rash squad. C. A lOnnyrviere. member of the Tair. nity track tool err. roadn. was siren viee preside.. while H. P. Shane. III. tole.n mans,. of the Heverrowlime. .1 • member of the Nowa hoard. k-erne enteral,. The new Dearer will Iwo E. F. Ho genauer. tap... of 1. tent. team. sad a member of the ;Me Club and Vomit ; football squad. Mee carol. nounittee of the elovn cum Nbil• of O. 9,

Sill. E. A. *hilt. end

H. It Porten. Jr. ★✎ .... Jr.. member of the

Trutt; trek s qoad, wan raomen Prast dent of the eta. of 11ra2 at the elec. tio. on Illy 22. FL Silue ye. elected rice orrident. tend PT It 10.111.1. Cot- 1""Vt, .pair. berme rcmry J.

toir.• mist• nt A Host. (7!11. Holm and G. P. Foray. _


ortio-yele'rwl"rit riott.:1';',...'n11131y graduate •theleuta ❈❒ he had mlited,nt bit... the year . H. M.

ArectiVI, P."F.r."87,"41111,1"tt; the W sex ones:

rtV;."1rmrp.::::r mooned rant week by N. P Ship 1111 , butineen mena ge, Ed o. is .nte mber of the cure. rl team and the golf !I. ,, ,H;

VW!. A. Donfigli fitd.f+.4.


Abernethy Inducted as Stu-

dent Body Head;

Palmer Thanked

Announcement wee made Ian week of twat year'm chain.. of three at, tie randuate committer V.I.P. Aber. set.. C.O. reddest of Ike Stud.. Am.-ration.

V. E. Who. win. lammed chalt- man of the Student ...h. Commit, tr. He h. erred for tie last Iwo Y.r. to. • member of that committee and in • MUM, 11 the Cilne Club.

J. W. Marabs. '110. 6 the arr Are. man of the curriculum committee. He has .erred err.. of the goat., tee thin year inni 6 editor of tie Hay. erfardlen awl of the 11.0 Cia. Record.

J. A-Turner. SU, trill bred the inse a- m athletics committee. Ile b ra weed two pont me a metal. If , this

nn aM rot O

Abernethy sae Inducted Into Ms office as oresidost of he glIki•ntA horns-till to • meetin g of the hotly 1Terbs..- day, II,, 777. C. traortltrop, 51. re-

li'rote'" Lyett • Th.e'l. '11'911L17:ea lni..71 the ha r that the coming Pier ...Id be even more aco..1. He new Intro-duced Abernethy. whn thanked the stu-dent. for Si, election owl acknowledged the treponeibilitlem of bed Wice,

Al lb.

fl.t Rodeo. hood.. meetin g of the year. • terolotion promord by 1. H. Morris. 10. sod rued onatilmousra by the aseoration that • letter.. written to Dr. d ent..,,. r, Ihtimee , yr,. de. and profem.or of phynkt expronlo g the re gret of the mtwisiatIrs him retires... WA thanking ban Ise bra .,tint .

Always Ahead In trarryt}rang amen wear ...shoe,

topon..Nrweststyloty newut colorings.

SUITS TOPCOA11- lad sem


1434-26 Cl,..,.,,


Crom Put 1. Llama 7

. 7" a “Sr ...Ir.' 13 0 CLASS PRESIDENT ewer to rim, roe...11y. the statue

fife in all prom-resist contraries

lock only , the Blyth and Gerenbeck Will

memory to mak. ton g step Ir. Head Juniors and oned.

Dr. I:imbed in . .moot. of Sum, ford Cuiverity. Palo A., t'alif., tl before berming offitiatell with Cornell I nisereIty wan reared indoder ❏■ the Pee. con. Or. Kimball Ranh. High as Earl.

He wan opovInted rhairomm of the .eirtion cornallrar of the •emnd

Ibn-Amerienn node, c1Itt in 1PLG. Dt, Kimbell 6 the tratthor

Ila:o:7117.44:111:1 n119Lte: rtit'. Klernergs of Cost Moding." In additioa

Refore attendin g Stanford Calvert, Isr. Xisahall Itra• en.s. for mee.

Inn 11;1•Zde". i?"(.1k1=1.7" '''""-

Commencemene Awards

, Mom .denwest Dar d



raj., let r hitty: wee tour. V


4,V12.r1..! ruf 1D

2 Saturday. June 8, 1926


-- •

Psychological Experiment Yields Unusual Results

Test on Accuracy of Testimony in Phil. 1 Reveals How Differently Individuals

Report the Same Event to the ans.. of Inter. ot not endin g the

pther, he. ...m ops phitocort, olfoulim. 11 I, het Lb. unlert. I eraser Gelded umny diversified an. 1.1:14 nwere to . goentionnaire oh, won .4,11717,„, ones n

hoard m.o.. of the rem by K ora of the nwovese to the. ogee- Doogi. ..... Prof' ,', tIon. *Cr inotosing. Mr.

the db.

The object of thec closed lato week. in anon. to the

!Ir tied r Low

tTer I hr

..1 torra tiow moil how ota• from 1 ..43 ra, 2.111, In mow. to thy °HY h.°. adon, °Dili rso. Pee.-

.. to the ev ert, shat u.


ortrawel. Ismimrae .4 14 out et Kt menthe tos May Ill mob toe.. of Philo.- worm were ex. ra. morabota ba

1 met tomther lb limos, 4 of ha... berore the hetol

r:toldle"1% Ot.".t't:nollernin7tC ttell . '"e17, tnEt.=rttlt7"ttoMt10The

th.. floor with a Two nib. wen tar reported member. own. et. o ml nem 1..1 of the cinto ern.. "leo b

:;r7;.:11:4,1rrIL both. Th. pm then ow!' "I've obool ennerah of th6.^ mud dionowured owl the otior rot op Von cant n nortkey not oflPerot with 1. Mr In. I. too.; Twenty..., woodmen of the

"rwth."7" '"‘" "11"" Mee r HIP t..7:1714,2;".`70. worm.. r. Weer sme r oported oty.e. -Get of Ile .." "whom" tool -liere y tank get tr. atith !torah. like 11ar," 4/111441.11 In OM the intro. might be reriy.

liter that of 1m Rayner W. Kelsey, two.. of biro,. sod other mon. Len tlooght tin et houre w. that. of Jame. Sler. Carpnter. aro-

ow... of room.. langs.. ... innywrod the Will other. thenuthl 1.1 it wfam I. W

ligre dm word, 'Mere. er I.. C. Prem. 'PR what M. yew nom, Tke tor hy

One ,Nor

to no erre Ilnuy met.","rtIlTh!!ri...117U7dst 'btly"Ty them rarted io leer lbe mom in to, govern. in rirabirmi eilsothune. I suit of the howled ligure. MI Mr you thol If, torah nottswo= Stow rowed to aro that tie whole opetir wen nob.. not oe riterameitt ..7.77.11,-7.7. -.; ;,.. nod dant he n 14 ore rm. of who ore id a couri tried nod b. bad hoppened Gower, emerall elaimed ;rater errs ommborm of dm clam .11,1 sor retro, or et courtroom intadi Iw❏ even Ira the thou. role mono d tire inioure. very beet Po... tint

rand e it u Orny !hot there are a few ,

F.11".."'f..ri.:;11Z !:.1.1eLn!..t"ol..i'."1.0"e r7t. I TEXT OF PRESIDENT'S SPEECH I

. ,.....,,, ,...,,,,„, „, ,.. ,.., ,, ..... ,............. a eontinuntow. of Pis 111•11iellt Inter,

.,r.,7,,,,...7,,., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,:,,,.. .. - . ,.....-,... I -, - .,..., er her then LltmotitY• There it. r.... II.::‘,- I.i.t -,....t...rna .:;:. .„......; ...., I. ..„,, ':,..',,..::;.'r,;:.,r,': 1,1•7:',..'",•77.:,:11"'.`. ,','gt., 4:.:',:',1;' '1'1 h" ''..`47,:','41.:i

..,. 11.."", ',"!..?',.;:i."7: 1-: ,-;;;;, ,- - - , ' r-5 1,7, IA. I "" ' ' - ' . ,., „,;-„^„ „-:::,,: :; ,,:-,,,, :111,, 04'. i,- ,:.;,, :::-..,r,:::.,z,“7.7 ...,.... ,... .1 I. I " .".! ! 7

z::n;:.:;,..r...",,-..:::::';4riii,..riit.l',..,4'.,,:.;.,,,:.1,,,..;,,:,..../i...,1 ..;7:7::iF::.:,.",."..:1,:.;,:i;.: •.; 1,..":,.:7 r1,;,,,..,..,:........r..., 1 ',..r. i 1.:,::: ..., r I.1:.-..' .1; : .„..- -,,, '.: -.... . ' ; z- ... 1.!;'Ir7u.R.,„',1.117,-b,....::77.,r.....-Ir.:',::.?!:17:-..",4:11.17'.! ...'14.6'0.,fiLift

...,. r,,.."':ir,„.:Li ',I:. Al.,,,,, ':17it; '•':,.'".17!"' '''''''' '''''''''''''''''''':::::"F'.'''''' TO PURP OSE

1.,....,,,,,,z.,,,4,..51.,:,,„,„,..,.. „.. ,..“4,7:4r.+1.10.1. rot ,....",,,,', stgnheInry,:y.;,;..1,,h7. ...rt.. I.

• .-hr iir' 711/11 S .,':Ut". tiv47i1f:;1 tulie'''...Y77:"7.1:''.'''-nri ":""lid 7'E' 7:11,,i.'2; 71r :71:;:::;.:. .';',1':.;-,in:;1'-'1i ' "'"".'"o'v"It7 1:11t,"';',7,-.;;;''':,7',::: l.':':' - -., ---- --- -, n,,,.. :-,-- '...„-,....'47 ...,.:,!,-z,1-....i:;,r,r_ni:g7,‘, t:',

1 U7'77.7.7 7.77 U 7. '7.'7 7 '7.77 7.' ';i a.31"' anr4n•nn:a a:111aml iZilifit/ aan'ir'; i lnal' ann N.L7,7,tr„ 7.7..r:r 77:n1I1.1..j.13t.:Pd,,,,.%.47:... .h.... n'............. . .. 1.1°' 1 ,,,',,.....1 b. Kii. P dhow w ard to b. ,,, ,,,,,,, . ,,,,,,,,,,....7„,,.., r,..., i. dm mi1i fs u...1......' `T................ or wen. me yeei Yonr , 0,7,11.,:',Z......,..,7 lore in mom othee iron.... It iv.-deer

... '''........ .... ........... .ho :::::":!. b.1717.1 ' Lt.' orem7o1 se:rareue .. ... ... .i....... .? .;:.,...• 1'...7..h :ht h ." 'hdI.7.1. A..........„ .-r.,... ...,- ,..,..-... for whirl, we rill .....,"......:,..,:,..: ...;,, ,,,xu.d,...iir.

.I,r.'„,,',';':,.',;.:.:., :,,,.,4, !: ';',.7:11'''7- ""0- ':'71f.'1,2'727..tr. h.i.1 1....'.... ..... ..'....'. .'".... ""'"""" r"r -" ''''' '''' "'" .r".' l''' '.7.714..".71 ' h."1. .. ...h..° .h. "Itn rlZ '.'.:n::t*Ivi're".t1'irt"„..O:ls "'"f ""Ergtrgetir"Iritik09.01 .UWISP. ' ;111-•• inn "7....-11:"."4,V1 "II, .h°. ''.... .......° .....' '....

In mord to the ...robot of the ttotTnt.„.;;,,:,,,,„„,„,:„,„, „ ,.„_ oorpre of the new nlen..shome tort.

.17.';',-O'Fiii'iii'ts.:Lt'''i."::"..712 tibliF fLe.11"7""Z.:. ....I''''..1:::r.t:n.6::.:::"'"''''.".t. r''''" '"'"''''''..".." V:"."7°'"'"'""14"*"."7.!:"I'nk ":':r7".. t !:

i d n In i a 6 41 n wilily. ans. of I. moire field in whieh a do.

MANY URGENT lb. ".14 (5, ":3"-"fl.'.:"17...! l'.1d t'''.1.r UNSATISFIED AS VET

't tented "and' 11tre."uninhir .ho ist-et erf.'n't. ''''":'''.2.1.11 tItt rit a.m., it „an in.. t„t, Ly;„,,,,,, or Am die.1 4e,'L''.:"..,',1= 1!••"'1..:*.,",br ::.i

nth for ... holy to elmt mod on- o.,, =1, „,,,4,,,..,,,.. 31,...r ,.. ,...,... ....... . 4.... ........ ,,,.

get. ,.1.

Wight ""ni ." ""''"e" .'"'!'7: '"'''''"''''' ."'""")...7,":-.‘-:^°..7":;; '-7: ..„.... large nun... of .. Lt. ::'," tn..7..1;,7•!..V.',7,-- .---' .`"t,:7,:......, ,,•-.. n• ..., .-,,I,,,-,z,v,rirz, titer 1,i ." '..".- ' • - . • ,..r_rvx,"„„, ,,,,,,......,. • .n. CP, litre .

1:aaaL'aa T a'aai"" &P ar '11n17 sta..; 7.7 "7'7 .. 7... ....''''''• will bike tie vorTfi. to ,,iiiiadhip I..,....: sZt7t 7.• seinet,.....7 yVf'ollh,'inrbris' iretors hr; lettTnoe ll'I'Indr, 7:: '.17 'i,,',".rt::..!',T'Tti'.11;;.. ,..:L:

,,,,T...,:z:„...4!,..,..:..?,,;7,i, ,,,-,,„ w ' .......,... ,..•,..

.....„ completee • w ther unit e"rtl, ,'11*vi".i."11:rtatryrie't"1-'yf"1',..2';:,;"7".o.d,..eL or cent ours so. ram . 111. le , e ,v „ .

.:1:111';„;;,`;.17.,!.':-.7.",:i!:..'"rr,"1!..i:..!:., ',:i;,.•`'..::5;::;;,:;::::;;,.."i"..,",;:r:,..ir,l'.:.Ifit,.;:,:ii . noel. la 1st bye, : .;'::. VI7r.,"'..1 1% ....7r *".'„.1Out it '

in....1. oat... of"..,ii"" ttl.t i ' i' 1

es., won. has r... sow et tn. alueln Ichn atr ... ,;L::...:..,..4,....,...,..p i.... "..,... ;T aro' ny.'"11'..;";.::::.1!:::::kr .14.. lor t

tho. h. On ........ sk. consevsee. cam '1.3tT......"ny.e",;„Ira'

::,"17..17::.;' "::137;11:1;,MP"It::kiiiET'ili::::; ,,..3z. ,11i.,;,,,,itifil,,,,,,:- i.,,....b ...„,1,1. S;Ei,1.7.':1;Di:,,mii7....T1j.:,,,,;,,,,..,:;.:,,,,,i;:lr,,...7:7E.,...,,::,.:;77

:1'"::::i"`;4:,:-Z:.::::' '...E.i ,.....,„,i'lx.-,,IL, -.7.T.:.h..,-;:irii...F.f.:...,:.i.2 ... ,„„ .- ....., 1:- ",.. '

----i b....- troy imown. teorlually heill? ,:dx ..„. 1“...,,.. :1°1.:,5,,1*.:7„.17.7.r.-:.::,•7.!,°7,,,Lt ' .."."1";'..4- (1,'", ""' ..."'

Oc oso, tee st annlore le..... •••• .1 '7a7iit';' :nSain'al{: P iriri:: ..:la I' I::" ':!.i.i.r1i7;:: Eb';:rir :r:,;;I!,!: "1 ";:",.",,:,1 rIF 41. 1„1.1 ',. .',. '.:','"Tii '' 11,,,..., u... „„, „,.. I, ...„„ .., PRATT PRAISED FOR HIS ov„tury. 77,ey.. nor rownino.......e. ter r tit- DEVOTION TO SCIENCE 'There is much that n eeds to Ise dope.

,r,, ...:74r ',17.Lr';.7•7.,.7. 1.2.!`"::1: "i.'':". 3t.':,"" h. -"Is. '14'4 ' d'''."..

't 'e1.01!."1 l.r.ne .1.-=';,'.11.i'e rei"1„rr.9711 jild;-. !III!' ii',IFit1trdtr"ri1:4."i."r;:'AV:Ib'


Advisory Committee Reports

Managers Have Acted on

Alumni Representation

WunlinTinn nn 1-ord nootagern le eon favored ht the board, rev.. te the Mr. of the Abormi olmtrote. to he reed thin nflerooto d the outons1 boninen. meet. of th e Almon. Arn- e-lotion in the tiro o.sw lo Alfred C. Man, f kg, vbelettoo.

The report. lo pare lolione, • A wow... .d.. or it

Drinker. Jr.. 1111, W.

at. trot.. atml F. IL Ta tior, lrE ther. wag .p P. at • owelt. err lord of manatee. bell N., .her IN. n to mei. the to...

Th. ...tee 1tay tie tool

kw tor to erm member of the Mel. rod. that rate s mold , make the.. m oo al ibemeetina foor ,

tl don ltdr.t. 77. and Au. Pr. ,. .1 Ike (Unlit.. with o light .6., ,„, „„„,„0„ „, ihe toodkerthier This Armor. s opa ra tims. r.... of ohm. eepreseurellon oil

tite bob. of irk.

the mlioulor111 bowls

grytol the ItY dom. by minetelid eel m lad .,,,, to -town raw brick at the des.k. etrikingt

rii. I ...hi.' Vhn"e".'

InetntelOr. 31. n1 niff An Flinn !by umemberehio n •I the hon.,

"Iloy nottter ene broughr 111. rodoi ity 31r. IOW... at the meet

'of rite Marrow ou May IT and.xt

lent or rooron Tour worn... fon, 11111 1.11111 nirtn'n't o ""I'li:1"."...t=it. who were

yearn a go ery 1 fmt 4typonval.

Itud a.huld telenntea In • (1111U 7U• ',Nur thin ta out. ..... usts


Speaks, Receives Gold

Key of Building

for the Hlllr f.o.b., of Appilni Wiener re held lira morning introllately Our Commencvmeet.

Perootralloo of et gold key of thr laborresty to T. Arn Hillem.

M. donor of the hand... nor • eel-,. Natl. of the affray lir Imp contrihotwl unde rarm.. member. '.4 the Pingineerawg tralortum... oretra. by R. H. Tripp • pre. dent of the Senior elm. thd Enabler.. etude.. A rantin g In. Mutton to Omit the Imbetatory tet atra time w. conveyed nth tbe key. r-ood. to the note ...1.1m.D.

Following the Promoolon ....11 to the -youth quesinsa nie" in front of the Perident 1.

Comfort orned the re.. with a eh.. ...eh of woreristioa to Mr.

Arebilealt Ella Mr.. 11.1.. WI. Ambit. nf Gra

laboratory and a soother or the mob. ...al firm MAI., & Here. New York. Wooled the regular keyn eel the buildio • to Mr. 1 111Iex lyre itur oul 1:e...7i:tow no n e

-7,7Hillen to rero! hie .lion


the rambled. ot the isloirstora whiell. h. Lon g be. en, . memoriel to him graodrmotm, Hy and )Ire Saint. Hill, find maprinten• dent awl moron, mono.. of Haver. Ord in 1 KM

The formal ...ration of the .114, ins ll.,e,fard Ctleg, took pl. nth. Mr, Wiles ger the Ite m to Mo.. Ph teed, ono. o of the boo. of 1t 11 11. MY Iwo.. on he' half of the College. esorred hie eV orriatiu of the mit hr Mt

Le. FT. Irattenhonye. of Frier tin . cone r, n he peer

gee ,ties.

The new Ire,. Immo hearing .on insyriot ent of the son. r raw and

weer" "ra7on"rli8 4"3""in .111i:1 '7u:10 :1n 17' weer wen ot the entrance T. dto



PnLId1gIn1 to Rs rat. Students Aft.. Middle el Jena

The "J.I thrributed tu oodengraditate. by moil one or two steekt. after Cononetheir ol. J. P. rei,

1111 pr"reT1:" The tue':O'11.1"eisTIS c"4 t:el 1, TOO .4.. 1.1 the livened of mt.

the rai-riy of Virginia on Play an well aa thr haspball gamerl

la. evente bre Men remerl.

of 'At 1.111 he murk Inca

"" ....1 Inn, n. there will 110 drawn I., W. IT'. Rratorke. ono.. to Co,s, m wo. oratren

dun!. o core to mit member of do anew Mow- or ts

x ✑✌ n'Itd' Hnn ar d or

nt:11y!..fty'l.t7."11,..1441 t" .7b. 1VtIlietn 11,111,1,1. of I tray_



Al blytes OrthirateR flar.1...r. by Dn tinti tiOldli a 1;,;

Is %.1 77,1iin a•ininnViatalal7T..'.1

v.err.• moos pennon, wt. ram none to" otraticinate in their . elor unit . e .. nott the ilon- weer

C seance of it '"' ✡✩

M'en 4, "4 ,"°;',"Li.t.l'I


"They've been telling us for the

past six months that we can

reverse the charge on our tele-

phone calls to home ...

"And still some of you fellows

moon around the campus won.

dering why you're lonesome!"

•. 7' "0-1"'

width, 1.1.1 .f.rnt Lltr:Z• 1 ;nr.n? tithes : laniar' aaa . the interndoion brown Ira, tiali":!1 111

"toafrZt the Prom werohlre. H.

,:;11,1,:r 7 3;;;;:g7:4 7.1.W.,; .„, xg,...":.;',.1;.: It Hoo t..

"." 'fl."..11. 11'1 '." ' .""." Zt A mem. of the for. et. 1110.1, real taint god o re ty w po .

I. et De Prole bee heen t,,,sns on, e yo:ro .-,tr noret r;ettil; CLASS OF11924 DINES

" ••";.• 1:Vbrin WiTeY b'nvet doer whet ow Too. for v.. you Whitehall Sans •1

▪ - '" 19'1. : the I worrd. Corry Tram toto rettogetio el 519 bat•


'in to"inkiney., tor ',shi r t.. new Seib. the victor.. milt which ight. Foo s ...hero of the



'""" i" •41,::Z•VV.:•• „.•,• hi H. 11.,OPS, e tolluiont lot esertral gms. In mo MK 9. g se I wee. • oulel raa r n11.1iellta IOU tan dna n. atillpfactin, and Ton pertnannt. nun... 7 • •

"' a" aa' naaa'"' r a a

lye... of 113. mole. tbo Mond. A.m.. of the dine yr r..

pen gyre. in atorpti. his Ionian odw. DrIniut cumin. an •••••• n •. .... .n , i„„ ." ono.. fliology Emerithe. der. •w Proratm or Palmer hen N•VIII nerving

nuIna u the Colle g e s e Dean Anti. MN. end laticu 1.1u,11: tn alnilitj• men tlun the II. op. ...rim sort ntso Proxident tut. 1.114t In no 'mere. te. If• He

"" aaaa aaaaa'aa " aaaaa aindutne he han held it and be loin Tin awns.. W. Wel, Et3u Wns. . snitwd

erry. Ile o ..g. Yr mod wider

moo contact with "". otter nil. of b. Collor mdmiebtration 111.

anymo , mon moos ow an d we liem ornk 717.1...nat "P71=1.1.7 41 a Wean

New Beta Rho's Initiated

Ma fun.


Prrident Comfort Ur ge. UN of Path an FM. IMO el Collage A...,.

-1111orford towonhio lone the Calle. to coward a prith on College ant.. valor ...therm of the College

WMe f the Intl;' Co rid in Plea for greater dim eratlon In walkIna. in Collet., Meg.

d.r/ibe box offered to her' half the expere of cou•troctl. • cop.

s'ty"o'nb.".PreIs2det. giVe trt .ano;',1Z. ste'empotrarled the, erre. or ones.

ralitts1:0ZZ7:11.1g! ""`""

Alumni Notes 1920

lentoilation .1 the 0,1, Pierson P. Ilurrim on one.. of the St greantlimal Church nt !'fl tor player May VI. will the

n17.7 V4TL"'"^""1"111, `"111. TO ASSIST TREASURER

A. J. Scattergood. 'MT to Ald Brother In Coll/. Finances

Alfred G. Scattergood. VS. lora etp. pointed aseira nn: Me:mores of th :fOg;

eetir Lt I era r., xrt1e1Noa IR 11.1.1 eVbrather, J. Hea r Sr,

tergood. trimmer, who .11 be Sr.. Narrfardlatis who are 1•1111.1 late 13.ta RIM 131..• tompd la a Rene pall of his W111. Do sera wore •IfIfylep hi••r. tlar In Washin gton beware of hi t re. t • drat., p. Swap., :10, ...Rightly Inb ar. P

:71=17:41 M of

Even if you're "Ibroire," you can

telephone home-just tell

the Operator to reverse

the Charge


D. FY Itichit. MI. wee rhea a pre dr. of 11. Paolo. 71.a11•for oral

rlentien. held Wolereday. Richt, i•

rove Corporation warder and s mem-

ber of the Varnitp weer. and hese.. tonnes

A. H. ltrioten. new. editor of the News sad am's. wilt.. or the Mau Claws Record. na• eleetmi eke pnal. lent. whOr N. S. SUM, member of the 11..itg men- and track totem, acid preeePt bolder 1,1 the College two. tn. mord la creek. was choose merry. Imo, D. II. Monis will treseacer ❏❆ the rima le a IMmoratien erholar. Imeinea meager of the IMO Record and nearly-elected prami• • t ; nd Belle Club.

J. W. Myth wa• elerted th I J ' lb 1

dons held Day Cl. ist tueober W thr 151. Cab and the Ira. squad. C. P. Peeny.eter. member of t. Kity week and worrier was drown Dee preeldral wrest H. P. Shane, tin relation manager of the Heverfoollan. mid • member of the Nowa bard. hve-corer mare... The new ...en. will rem F. Hogenauer. m dta'n of Ike Club ow. sad a member el the thee Club and Vanity football squad. Mte exetutive comoilllee of the eV. coo.

M. of 0. S. Dill, E. A. Wail,. end Hat IL Jorret. J. H. 11 .... Jr.. member or the

Tensity track ri med• wan chmen Inkod-dna ni the eta. of 11MS *1 the elec. tie. II 1114 M. Ft WI. wee elected rine Incident. and F. Walla. Cr..

irVt, .polar. heemf rcmry. J.

Heim rol'a-

eim• nt K Finn. (7.'11. Heim and G. P. P... _


prVidrIto.11111;13 riott .:4'1...? 1131y 111i; graduate voledentn on enore he had inlitecl ot mt.... the year, H. It.

'FiCa1.7"411'.'re . the

ret:^n::`,,..trtinn'Its',11:71omar .r.7 enuneed !vat week by H. P. Moir. 1111 , boohoo,. iumagyr. Ed gar is . ,,member of the mot. rometiatee. leam sod the Kolf a,

VW!. A. Donfigli P604.414.4.6


dent Body Head; Palmer Thanked

Announcement oom stair Ian week of twat time. chain.. of three on-deranduate otonnittees by 11. r. Aber. aelby. NO. president of the Stud.. Aneneation.

0. E. Rolle,,. DK wee enema chale-t.. of the Student Extension Commit. tee. He her erred for the last two 1.... • member of that wrimmittee and i• • mend.. et De Olm Club.

J. W. IfsHin. to the woe chair. man of the curricelow remmittee. He 5., .erred ....Mr, of the commit-ter thin year end in editor ef tie liar-erforrhan end of the 11100 els. Hemel

J. A. Tun.. SU. will heed the hoe morel 1111.1. eummittre. lie he. caned two par. se • memper of , hi.

nn 1111

Abernethy wee inducted into Ms office as presideut of Me 1•11111•11IA

nt • meet.. of the laxly May W. T. C. Clawarep, ME re-

111rote7ett' t'an!'• r=e lx,e71

rhea Mow that the coati. ten wo.ld more eacq..1. He then ntro-

duced Aberamby. Hahn thanked Me stn.

dem. let Si, nml e atery MM teeventribilltlem of hi• eatery

At th. ff. Pardon Assuchation 111.1110 of Me yea,. terolatIon woo ',imposed by I. H. by lith sod pea unanimously by the association that • letter.. writ., to Dr. Fred...

111... Fol.,. deny and protermor of Omit.. raprreelog the regret of the meurrinthut We retirement WA thankin g hen Mr Ms se.... deco.

Always Ahead zo iltverytkia s mm wear ...shoe, Leta, lialrertimileary.suits topcd.slircw.tst rists, newest 1olori15s.


'49 tod

Emlrkijrom /u 90 •e~ilJ.,gm

JACOB SEED'S ✳✯✮✳ 143426 Pkilead dld.


co.tinuta Imo Past 1. Carman 7

`..." “s 13 0 CLASS PRESIDENT nowt mist, Moot...ably. the statue of life• le all prozwesitt countries

sr. Mck my , ,he 14,..h.r. Blyth and Gerenbeck Will lietomary to make ti Lon g step tor. Head Juniors and on.

Dr. KinvIall in a giliti.tir of Won font Iltiverrity. Palo Alp. Calif., end before becdming effiiiated with tkireell I nitrritity Wan rirtSrl IP Mao ,. ee the Part.. coo.. Or. Kimball Flasks Hi gh as Eagle., He wan eppaln.I ehnirnwl of thr nniatia torpail0n of the eery 1,d

lan-Amerken Stendardiemiee Calder. .V in tar. Dr. Kimbell V the ...Mar

1:nutirtrell.II I"Infl k=1EILOZPIT' ClorneeM of Cost finding." In ..1111tion Hr ".bell ,11eM,n1M 11 Str?::17 n 31". of Popvier 11113,1,." IIe Ica nor

Before attendin g Atanford Carteret. lir. Kimball 1.• en gsami for memo.

le i'^

✣❏❍❍❅■❃❅❍❅■❅ ▲▼❏❍❁✇▲

1,r,r fr. ranunntitt 1 Mr of

Tf..'"Wftli r tr.+. rrrtntn

rt t' int Vim tit• stle. thoode

2 Saturday. Dwell, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS

-- •

Psychological Experiment Yields Unusual Results

Test on Accuracy of Testimony in Phil. 1 Reveals How Differently Individuals

Report the Same Event ka experiment Mr amoral, of Inter. rrentfklen at est 3.111 1 the

tokbuoti v held immotop h, Weeder. Mum a, rls. had quiet. cafe r I clniowe yielded um. divernified an.

ewer. to a ooretionnaire Irk, wee headed to member% of the vie. by mot,. of the ookvet. to the qa..- 'meet. F ..... Preb.. Fe. renissiox. Dr. Wren. dix. altilemo dby, The object id the closed hor week le ans.. to the NrriTer •1::UIZ III a'itrir

perceptido. mei how 'Fa from 1 ..43 2.111 In nu.. to thy qtreerirmirra mrrY h... I ter in n tuuthloo woo, wei-

o. to the ev er. that ...owl me mom ocrimrill. werialr 14 out of 46 menthe111

tom Day 111 both see.. of IMIlttete moment were wok. Mot at m tlem kw I noel tomtit, iit Mem .1 of hoPPeeed etqwertul

r:taldint 1.7*.:noirlern=tfer'. ticTl'ehe'ree lair d=1•7"tritoMt

1.1 The floor with ❁ 1...1 ....h. Ten mils I. tr. reported I V ...um member.

▪ •Ner Mi.. ...red one tepprol of the ds...yrogt "leo b

711.1P1'.71-•;;.1.1",:rr.: ...Free pietism. The peon then me.' "I've mood .n.0 of tbk.^ of dimp tepred rod the other ecor op Poo van, men" n nm." net oflPeered with sr idne lem In hand; ter: Twents.two woodmen of the

."" 'e th."P. nVi*' tr.7:1714,2;"..170. minable. }Ir. Meer. ow rmwtted tyiny. S. .tt of he .." nod "Herr you. It111 eanl ❇❅▼ so. meth retertbin like 11ar," ttntrrn11

lik e

In who the banker might be revvir.

:11;7' ..f cl like that of lir. Rayne, W. Kelsey, prof.. of MO., Owl other m.n. Mr. Dwight ihnt th. • lature wee that of Jame. MeV. Carpentei,

pre... of moven. lenge..


fla... imewered the Will ether. lbou.11 MD it wee I. W n

had thew, word.. Ism. 21remaell. 314 or I.. C. Peter, :et. wet. Mt ;ow ateol, The el em hy lia thee ,Noe oo nom., Illoy nitt"tt'ifilTb!!rii..417•71;•"e; 111.1"1.

Motto kart.' to Dam Me room in pod guverawl ...dm, ...Mr.. I soh of the lemoled ligere. hot Mr ...fed ma M el if, .4 Maw= Strew Monied to Moot, Mat the whole Altair wao nothhia bot oe elk Dant he one mile wenn nI whni um of a mu. Dist IAA On hr had bompre.d. 1 1.wrem. reveml tislows1 mitt; Me arme th. membore of lb. els. .11.1 trot retort., of el mailroom intadi 1 rem io the Moiler net returned lire mho.. yr. bee. Oradell, rod

While it n • lir. Ir. then. RI, a few ,

Finn.:27.1.:11"rtZ :.iinv...1...i'."1.01e r« 115111°1. I

TEXT OF PRESIDENT'S SPEECH I .„....,,, ,...,„,„, „, ,„ „.,„ , .........a........ n mon... of Ins intellient Ill.,-

r,,,7,`,... .,t,.., ,,,i.,,dIT,',....' '. ,......... '..• .'. i,a1it V ...her Mon Ile Tim,. it L'. Il.'',',.•""t ' ,,:r. ''r n,',7::;:. „Ildpeal.; Diegolly la Rafter! rin'Uid7:1"eff: ..rr's*f 1;Zre'"u,77b7ii "It.: i'l'Untrlf Ientreret 1 .1'1 h'. 'vVrek‘e1.1

ghat 1...."1:;:7:"!...?',.;:: n ";': "tZ -":1 '- - “ ' ' r-1 r, I-I!.. I "" ' ' - ' . ,., „';':. v -:::: :; .,,:7' : 111,, n:. ioi- ::.r,, :::-.,t;,....,z,'"g; ....,.. . .1 ... - ...... 7 zI,:t,;:;,:r....",:.: .'::,..;;471,;:,:,oriit..17',',,,,L;,;,:.1, ,,,.;..r.,./i....,1 ,.;7:7;:i F.::.:,.",:,,:..,:ir..: .; • ,,!..":::, . r,,,;:i;:::'......: a 1 ,',.:,,. snot.: :: ..., r :11.:: 11, ; : .,..-,,, .',".... . ' ; r, z' " .: 1.!;',r7u.R.71',1.111-I,.....771,11.171ria:In:1?:',1,11.:.".14:11'17'


...... .,,..-ir,„.:Li ',I:. 0t.L°,7.'. ':r..t. L1:1.'""2'17:".''''''''''71::::::::"F'*'''''' TO


1.,...., ..,11,4,,-..,,..4.....,.,...::,,,,„,„,_ ,..„..,40z,14--.....,. .1,1 ,...",,,;,,: ,„.:;t7„,.'or,:,:,..1,,,-,. ,. .......r.... he

6" iir. :711/1t1 1 ,,':at; in47it 4.1 lube'':1...7"etnirill1:::.iji ":111:d1 7'.:S'7:1:1.12:71r:1•"::::;'1::.:1:1':.;,:::i'-'41 "'"''''.'..t;'' 1;.1.,11..!-,-.:7.°L7',.^.: ..':.:' - -., ---- --- -, n ,,,. - :-.- :.•„7.`47',.:..,!rz,1-.1:;,r,r41:!1'.4',‘, t::

I tit'il...; ,. r t. ',..... . ';ia .31"''17 n•n : a:plawl iZinfihn/ aVita;i lnai'anti ,:::17.-,cv,,g-:,,IIi„,t,..j.11't,j ,„,*4.4",;.: .1.... 1-1..r..1'... n..1 "II lb. 1.11°. 1 ,,frirnii U. an , Haim re gard to btrili ty ,,,,,,.. r„,...,,,,. r4.,,,,, ,,..., i. the mini tr ...."1”.. will f.........' ✎ went. ee enekYrrer,177,:.r .z. r.,7 6.- i. ... other ineteetions. It ie.-rlwT... 1.11.1...‘1111 .i. rm11....I .11.' L't...1.1":!•Zi..Zt '"Itte sou:. am7eroun not .. .,..,11'... '11 .1'.1.41 11.177,W; 1tl''

"'" '1,111' A.....11....,.-r ,,... -0., -.... e nd 11%In for which we kill :w.,..:,...11.:: ,,,,.,,,,, x,....d.,'"

,11' „ n,,L',': .;;::. n ,'::,,,.,4, lfr.7,' l'7"'''''' ':71f.'1,,!!' :1`17-tr. Iji 1.."''''' ".. •"'"'"''' """k"'" """"'"'"" r""•-" '`""' "`"' "'"'""- '''' ' .717‘14'.'i7I '.'''''',. .. ''''''....' .''. "OttlZt ',7•4 1tilti:1111he".!Zet"„1.'.:Ivi1't 1"GrUtroelle4M11111,1;Mal .11 'Mlle i ..";.11t!tI." II:111.1"1.."1 "111.e.U17112:1 .n111, '114 '...r 1.1 .'n'''' . M....1 '''''.

In regard le Mr ..sloe of the MI- 7 porTec.„.; •,,,,„;,,,,,,„„,„,,,.,,,,, „ ,,„_ .... , Me new nlen..sboar ere

.17.';',.O'Flrit'ir'n.::Ll':7'.::47.1wi tittlwel.: fLr.11"7""a ''....7, 'I..:1:1...16:: nn:'.'"'''''4":1. t'''wee V.".""'"'"'""14"*"."7.!;'"I'nk ":':r7".. t !:

n d n In i

a in ..1 n ...My. grned of 11. entire tield in whieh a ete,

lb. w.1 dl 17r". 17",:‘,7,,!1rit:r111; UNSATISFIED AS VET Vientol ' .11.1' IVV.7.7.4firlin ItS ...21.17i. MANY

'...":!'. 1 '11.";i1 1,x eel rr. edreler tt „we q.t.., nut , ,,,„,,,,,, ,d A t...el a'aiffn i:t",'!..".4,17Z nt'los:*.11"th'e":4 , owive 1. ow. hot, tn Av. erel en- ,,,, ,..,,,r.,:.., „, ,,.....111:,,,,,.1,...r •,,,.. ,,,,,,. ....... 0, ...,,,,,......... ,.. „v.,

Lt"." "" ni ." ""''" e" .'"'!“-;: '"• 1"'' ': -6"".-L,t," :-.‘-7°..7",',•; '-7,............... ......, .4 ..,... . ::-, 47..1,L7„ L'.7'.'LL7,- --- .6.•=7,:.-......., .,-..,r ... .-T„,,,,•,,,,,-,z,v,rTrz, •,:t.,-; , .- ,--. , - - • 1:...,,,i1g, t ve. oualtec. hem. II • th e VP, It , 1:aaaL'aa 't'/' a'aai"" &Par 'l rir sta..; .. ".' .. '... '." . ''"'"'• will Ma. MI. ... vv... 10,,,,eradiep i:C....: te7rtr 7 sozZir,x,rrlie,ot..1. ., dVI'iril h,;inrCqt irrepahr; 1..Ta-ve.' boiler. 7.:2 '.1".L7.::..!-,T1.,R.''LL.....,7;.: ,,,T.....,,,:z:....4.,z.....x.4.,,.,7,,,., ,...,,-,..„ ,,,-' .......,... ,.. ,.. = ;:: '::..:,:17^:L...-.....7.°•.="1- ,....r.,..„, ...ph... ••,....,..„ .... ,,t,,,' ,..,',1,:.„1-....7 ,.....L.,,;„„..f.-1,F.....':.:7):.7::,

or rnirnall- yr 1111n !La IlIttt In , , „ ,

.74111.'„;;,',...,.:,7.,';:.:,,E,..."1:::!:-...'",r,"Fi..!:., .:i;.:r.::: 5;:::,,:,:;:::::,1.;,...."i1;:rcr:,..,:r.,tifit,,r; . mai. w le Mt. : .';''Z' 'r!71"'if %..41.11e'ltelet a i 11 inenorkuti pair.... lif"i•oi"" "4,1tt i ' 1' i i;

•••••• rt. or N. re• Aar $t Ote Ittreln r. ntn ... ,;L::•,•:„,,..4,,,,,.:,,. ,,..., ".„... ..7.nrod ner'"11!;: .,d:'.:et!:::::k"I'im .:i. for t

thus . On Ananonten 111. eammIttr cal ai.:Ittt 4" ,:;„: :::, 7.:::^7,;, "..:n17::FL:;,g;g:,:iiiilli::::; .:.rizt.,::,,;:iti::.!:,,,..,_"::,:::::i.. S;Ei,:,f,,V1i,I;D::,,aii..:•,,T.:[;Iri,,,I.,:;7 ,,,;,,,,,,IT!....,,,,:,„7,7

:1'ri:i::::: '.:44_,:'"I I0%in:;1:111::::1.1a '11....Z7..d1L, h46 I>

17,,1E7.fa,,:ir:.!.1:;;; err You ere Mind ft .:. "'", 4

'fl"'" I b id -.I' many Timm& tesemeall t brilli;rm.to ..,... ,,,....,.. 1.11.: It 1te..;n ,1:7.7.!:14.1..:.,,7e.!117,,,L` ' ...""I''''''''L (1,1.11 "'"' ""'

Ot nntatt, trip la restore terelt wt. .. 'fli 'rl:it';' n.;';ail7n.n:;: elriFtISla '' '::" ':!.i.i. r1i7;:: r7;t:/',rhi'l:'':r:;,.',:.:7,1." 1 ';:"',.",,::, IF 41. 1„,11 :i. .',. 6...I.::'Tii ': 111.1.1, tr ,{.. t,•., It „,,,,,,, t, .„ 1 PRATT PRAISED FOR HIS ..„tury.

77,1u.. leer cmumow ✎✎✎✩✎✎✎✎❁✎ art r a- DEVOTION TO SCIENCE There is nm eh that n eeds to he dope.

t,,',:.}7 Fanc:,2•F,.....nr,•:. Tv r,..,,.7,:d; •tes,r, I Car .;:i.rI;:',7.,.7.3..!.!1"*.l: "i.'".:-. mit,"' 5._"', --'-' - 11.

;;L°,?..", l.`•;..!;r:::.11..., ,..1„zia,! n.:F..;-. 1717 i.!'',F.6,,,I,Ii1:4,,:il"'?":'''''''':Ib'


Advisory Committee Reports

Managers Have Acted on

Alumni Representation

Alaimo Arnririnn nn 1...1 e tkomere le uow favored 'rem InrakTi the board, netetrillte W Me tittm.1 of the Aleemi Albino.; ttuntrow. to he read thi..fterwe. w Me seised Meknes. notetino of Me :Duette Akio elation in the littioo to kilo to Allred C. Mnult, 111, timintes,

The report. In pact lolkm, • wommit.. itt 11. M..

Drinker, Ir.. 1111. 1,1 W. hkeite. oe tresktree. sod r. R. Teals. ollainunn. wee .p ing I• • meel.tre of the book! a ane... held No-

kilter 1 11+ t, the Thin ...nicer. nu Hey 111111. ark

riwelor letter to ere. member stbl the De!. takitio Mal Me;

ad make their m t... at the n b foor , dote hetew.tek&I nnti Fla .1 ir rtelitall with n lighl ills. ,„, „„„.„0„ „, the tweak...hie, This etrarme spramilon. miereiloti of oboe. r.perseorelliot tot ret. Pur , rrf .. 1.1;111. elrooler1"411 teach • the Ili dnie• he anwittl.1 ud afoot ., tw omovetstive. to -brew kw bre& •at the ilesik. krikitio

"'"1' I 1"'"1"11..."17tor,l;

Fr"46 Vha".1. '47,a lekt4e1Or. ..,nr ni g i teemberehip t n rt1 th. Want metter oine brought•od Il

eked by Ile I trieker at Mr awe, ii1olt1 f Me Ilabusere im May IT wad. lent .4 ...moon Tour entaltiAttnr rot, 11111 ir 1.1.1 ie rz

:fret I,11i:17.taTi!it . who were

ere boorablv diepoencl.

Iti•Parild terratee In • Indy Arr.. rn 'tart that ta rural ..... er du.


Speaks, Receives Gold Key of Building

Ordiesti. mem.. for Hill. ma..., of Adolleti Wittier owe held DM morning lermediatei r niter Cotomenerment.

Ivremottalleo or .111 key of the Hill. Lahore.. to T. Allen Haien 17.1. donee of the halbli.g. w.• • an

M.o. of the aft.. The Iter, ...adhered hy undergraduate member. id the IfogioreDng ral.D.mol. F.` pretreat. by B. H. Trim.. pr.!. dent

II Orr Benin r elltr and

Fogineerim plod.. A aawrilo rt in. elution to visit Me ...tory at MI rime mem conveyed with tbe kek. at-eordino to rte. este arteitelkeTMS K.

FoIltroIik Isms...Ion too. IM.r. Hail to the ...oh oundratte11- In front of he butirlh. Prenident 1.

1. Ceinfort opened Ow emmiam rich a Mort memb of opt...ration lo Ile.

throllOtalt Ulm Isaweatle. Weller Ilea.. YD. Ambit., of Me

Mho..., arid a member of the ark. rettural firm id' ?Mho% kli mm & Hu.. New York. Immird the regular keyn oftthe build.. to Dr. [filler. %rt.

7,:arte :f na n e

771-7Hillen espret...1 him estinfeetl a al eempletion dt the Intrrttnt7 rbinit r had Iona bee Idoettittit tie tomearik graoilparente. PM. •and Hew Samuel Hill, saperintea. dent and moron, rest...lively ef Hatred Ord. In 11151.

The formal preserontinu of the WIN. tug . Fleverford CM.. took ph. wk.. Dr. Wile. ex. the Ire. 0, Dor.. Ph Leerl..0, prevident of the

nt 1,a era Mr. Idedn. on M, half of rhe College. Ids ni- p.... rd the F. em. ID. Dille.

I.r. Ft. illttenhonee. prob.... of

[n crinr

The new mediae rel. ! .a• ring inneriptioli of the do nde. moue sod

"ra7r m" rdie8t.1"3"Ca i 111:11,alanc:11:1n 1: wee; wen the mare., T., she halL


Ptalleatin as era.. to SMannts After NMI* el J..

The "P.1 Itriard wal be laiributed to ...ognolut.F.

• by moil nee or toe

aft. Coormememe et. J. P. re

VAi w"reinr ;fie 'Itoe':.'1 1.1-7-1•11;1. 1.1 TOO 11114.1111 111 111n lierord or an.1

p.b alit, elflairereity of Virginia e

n IL. K well RA thr Ilrezel baseball ga mer

etonte )01,0 4,11 .11.7.11.

id .221 will he Intirk Ianter

nntri Ilartn ond thrn

.1rawn by W. MI'. Illnackr. mem.. to V .x, The pre, written by I. Midoll. ilosnlen n mom. to end. member ofthe clneu 'Mere nee e rror.

1.-Idsor. prob.. of 1 De or,


Al Myere Drateetrn tirnti 1101n111, eni.ni 1;4 e frcirXt .inv e"rnr"tVrrnet 'dem.


:1TIrirVre'nit'er:Zel 4"t4VIX .IinZen1 niment pre set. olio her

none le"perticips Neer. ctn. nolo Dn. doe- pre.

C, Iran. o "L, 1",.;";,11z

"They've been telling us for the

past six months that we can

reverse the charge on our tele-

phone calls to home ...

"And still some of you fellows

moon around the campus won.

dering why you're lonesome!"

• , 1.13 -0-1-'

abish, In.. l.rein antr:Z.1111,11t? nir...«11 : rular'" . tbe leterndettion botIrere are einillr":!1!1 "torif:n..7.!'in asr rroos tr.....Mra. H.

,:;111,:r 1:". 3i7...: it7:4711., 51:,t; .,,, Ilee.":j.'',.ttn.

II. Hoot., "'" .r .1.11. '''' '''' ' ."'"" .;: qt A member of the Inveliv ern. Vali, real talent god o en ty w go go ...

‘tIontrol.':.e.'slrb.. et Dr. Dralt Iwo been fi ,w.,sonie

ogl.; CLASS OF11924 DINES

mum n,••"";11Zbrin WiTeY 7.7draitIvi n b:ve done whet we bald for v. you Whitehall Sam ❅▼ Far111


- th` 19°' n-•-• the I worrd. C.rry Ints re d-

her nt Whitehall Weariendar



na Int 'Ugrian. new Pride the virtorionn milt which Lt 'Fn parmberg of 111P .111.1or

'"%;;;; ''""T i" tail hi H. H.,riPS,

r le. km rid Mms. In no 1 MT {1.1. {{. I vow. • reel

raa nri kyr I I' deep. ...a{{{{11, AM{ 1{{ Der nr

Int. t • n • "'a" aa' naaa'"' ra a dvfnir Mire of Ito perform 1. greet.. temerblv ofinirman of the dine

moo,. to roo...u.s.

*-°"'• : non gem. in a.eptio. bin •me.- wove- ne rInirt torrent. an reran. .n , i„„ II

." Frat prole.. lliology Emeritee.

."*" Pude.. Palmer tore 1.6111 rrYlitZ L.arref eta.alL'•,an% r .ar nrItnn, the Conr o e as lime Mira 11111... md wow. mak; ot 1Intisji mks Pun tr lir maw otwation eetivt .as ProxidentRe M11{. ••0 dirt Et kr eartlern re tr Ana=

""a'a aaaaa'aa " aaaaa •n• warn.. he han held. it I.r. and br knx Tha awns.. M. Wel, du . in

.,. and Mph., Ile hoe ti.I

d sr. rr nnit permed. mot., with •1i

"". Wier 411.1 of vb. College nthektikration Mon any.. el. mons ex, and we limprak iT.1.1tw.seit "gtiVarakr 1,7i. 4, 111.1

New Beta Rho's Initiated

Alumni Notes 1920

lentullalirm et the Hee. Pierson P. Hurd, on mster uf the St greantl.al Church ■❉▼ Ch

1took ;dem Ilay 21. 1.115 the 11114 ,Le 17v1-


A. J. 5.11ortmod. 'II, to Ald 0rot11.1. 10 00111117 FInanco•

Alfred G. Scattergood. VS. au • at, pointed aseigt on: we:mcer of th :,(1g;

ir.`'Igtiergood iu ..I.1 Ida brother. J. Reny Sean

tergond. Irtasuror, '151 *11 be S... Haverfardlans who mom hill 11.0 hke Bete algre• 'Thumb . forced la a large ;art

hit lei Wells Ma saves wore entrylag wheelMo hav aroon

time In Washiagtou Imeapae of hit t • 51.7.11, •H. 811Vrn, :JO, tr. ellebtly Inpmed by P tria _Syr.

;e:erds= re'rdof Vilairs7aIrs7" ." 1%.31"HT"rrerr:,121rA."D!OrIrlk.1,. daera


PrIISIMInt Canton Urge. UN of Path ov FM. Side al Collage Awe..

..ilsverford towonhip will for. the Colle ge to roman. n tenth on College avenue unless mem.. of the College

16T prewel pstb 111 he ynppoo its

Co mad in a plea for greater do- n in waiting. iv Collection Two-

d.rfibe 0.1e. box ,read to be., half Ove esdees

IS, f ponetroett ng • ea.

.g‘aate'rt or vieemrinanmeo the, ed... or slier.

l'aigth.,FnClf:jZo'fireTe" dal& 11"1""

Even if you're "Ibrolie," you can telephone home-just tell

the Operator to ❒❅❖❅❒▲❅

▼❈❅ ✣❈❁❒❇❅

Sophomores D. Fl, wa. eletom P re

dent of gents. Oar foe rat grr

dot •1 Inn. held Wednesday. Rich. O. a Corporation Nebular amt mem- ber of the Voraity Ramer and outlaw

A. H. Iiri nton. nem rd.. of the News awl asnoristr editor of the IMO Ciao. Record , na. electuI rice meal. lent. whlIe N. S. Shirk, member of the 11.11ii emcee and track t.com , and pre.eof bolder of the College Dro• rm. rem. la tmek, was ehoodo merre. tn.. H. II. If... tresmrer of the elma. Morrie la Corporation erhelar. Mein,. meagre of the IPSO Kreord and newly- elected elm pre.,

f It ; Id Bello (gob. J. W. Birth wa• eleetetl PreaTilIoI

f th I J ' th 1

Kons held Ifay Cl. iso oromber of the Mee CIM mil the Irsh squad. C. N. Peanymeter. member of t. aity tenet gaol Romer nomad, was chore dee preddeot. while H. P. Shane , III. MIR.n manager of the Hoverfoullan. .ml • member of the Nowa boon! , be-rotor uvreNry. The new 'renewer will Ida E. I'. Hogeneurr. captain If ow /Soniasad a member of the Glee flub and Vomit; 3111.11 squad. The est. monad s of the ela w mo-

.. of O. S. VIGIL E. A. *hit,. end FL H. Joe... Jr.

IL 11 .... Melo Jr.. member of the Toralty tea. muted. wan doom Peed - dna ni tbe eta. of JIM Rt the elec. tie. on Ilay 22. FL Itilow oc. elected Mee peddent. and E. IL Halloo Corm

1.""Vt7, Irk`;'7',7"11T:2: erre co:-

ahem nt A Hunt. Ham! and H. Fair, _


prild•Itul 1■111;13 111i; graduate meth.. on awooto he had ivlitiol .cd mt... the tear, H. M.

ArrwtiVII 111781.1"417,'"I"o. the

of souneed ills week by N. E. Blair. HI

onstomer. Edgar is %member of the mimeo. eon.... r o. it team and the golf tert- a, half-elk rvva

VW!. A. Donfigli P,64.14.4.


Abernethy Inducted as Stu-dent Body Head; Palmer Thanked

Announcoment me made lan week of Idle y.r10 chain. of Mree

roommate. by it E. Aber. NO. presdear of the Nod,.

ARentiatinn. 0. E. Hollow. onmed chat.

man of the Student Extension Como:tit. tee. H. h.. served for the last two eon too a mealier of that cummIttee red im • member of Me Olre Club

J. W. Mad.. 'SO. ie the am /Male. mta of marricolom monmittee. He has .1.4 a. secretary of the

thin year and la editor of the Ham erforchgo and of the 11161. Clads Keen..

J. A. Tomer. M. will head the Inte morel athlettes committee. He ha. weed two yomr. se a memper of , `hi.

Abernethy a.. Inducted Into Ms aria a. presidetat of the I•1 Itd•intA Auto.- tiamod • meet.. of the looly

W. T. C. Gawthrop, ME re-

li'rote7e111:•1rit'o111. t"dn!'lo •x(1.1.11

even Ie ham that the coming /Mr .note v more He then Intro-

duced Abermethy. who thanked He stu-dent. fmr Si, elution nod nrknowlettged the reoponoibilltle. of blot Mige.

01 lb.

ft. Atintrots .Assochation meeting of Mr yeat. • ...Ion wee prom. by 1. H. Mord.. lift. and

unanimousS by the Ramciation that • letter.. mitteg to Dr. EAtederte

111mer, roldog dem and protegee r of phydrot rdprevoing the regret of the momeintlo• M retirement ALIA thanking hats foe his sertese• as 4.11.

Always Aheacl

Ia siveaytkin g 1. men ...ear laata,•Lalarelaeleary,suits and tapcoets.Nrweststyles, newut colarin0s.

SUITS ...I TOPCOArg. ■149

JACOB SEED'S SONS 1434-26 Clara. Philed411..

KIMBALL ASKS IDEALISM D. S. RICHIE ELECTED 59 SE continua, Iioln Ps* 1. „aim= 7

“sr 130 CLASS PRESIDENT mem to. mi., Mod...ably. the dam. of life In all morreasive romtries

srr. lack mile the Blyth and Gerenbeck Will 11,1•14.at, to make ol Long step Nor. Head Juniors and on.

Dr. Kindel' in a grold.b. of NM, ferd Folvemity. Palo Mu, Calif., end before bec.ming offiliated with l'ornell I nits.11.11; emmed in halm. en the [Me. code. Or. hilaball Rata. Pillph al Foram'

He wee aptiiiIntpil ehairodm of the irgani.tion tinonilttm of the mound Ibm-Americon CoMerm .V In 1OLG. De. Kimbell lathe mother

1:■Itirorrloo 1I.Infl kottnt Elt:1411111' Elements of Cost 1'1,14 5." In •chlItion

renllOr paw.

Ile ".bell ,l11m ,nrM 1° Ibe Thole

mr Before attending Stanford Cniveral.

Ito Xatall 11,k Irk tan

raps. for Barrel

Commencemene stoma's

;tr.. tn. thadusostot 1 lase of


7:.1.747.t1; Pm.. LIt•tatnt..

rw'...:•teo.' a let e To: Perede




Saturday. June 8, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS

-- • Psychological Experiment

Yields Unusual Results Test on Accuracy of Testimony in Phil. 1

Reveals How Differently Individuals Report the Same Event

Au io ammo. of In.. credfidlen ot not tooling the heto remmtu op imoo,... rm. Wender. 11 km haol toul•Oul

I elmee. Gel. mt. olisertigul anm 1.171 swem to . mentionnaire whit. wee .4:11:17;„,

me.. of the el.. by Kd o e of the ommon to d r. qv.-

Wen n

imoglom ..... Pre.. tint,. *IT ommaing. Ne. Mee. du ploilomphy, Ile object of the Imo closed hoor week. Ito ens. to the

Nr Ile, r haw

i1iTer 1.1::1Z t'17.• ;Mt' 'i't1.12.V:i tommeptioo. motl how ...• from 1 ..41 IC 2.11o. In mom. to the

qnn 'I. 1 .I. °Itill toothlog dome PP.-

ape thr rain, slat ...rm.! on. eii„ mob 14 000t of di menthe ma May outb red.. of PhIbuo. moment were mi. Mot myth,. Idol

oh• 1 del together lb Ham 4 of kap.. Pena. •Ihr Mall=teil:21,7"trit17,

mildew The man the Ihoor with itud emeh. MK m. reported in n wee Inenth.r. dm cob, oh, ml ono moo. of the "Imo b

III o•I :,;;■!%! rl

m•torer'e pl... Th. pion then roe' "I've mood mon. of thlo^ dimpoommed oloe .1. corm, op can, modor n moot. nog oq mooed wido 1.1 w led in bond; low: Twenty... tontobeen of the

3313 'iH, 11" "v.:1r 1"11 1111" tlrwml

me.thot Mr. Meer. wax soy ... Meet ow of Ile .." mebust." opel

"Here I. eaKt get amy with moth. like 11.r," Me qUer41.11 1 OM the hotrod. might remirest

'eqrlooat 1:11•11e 17.7, - like that of Dr. Rayner IV. Kelsey, prof.. of Mi. soot othre mum Mr. olunght thd die ligure me that of Carpenten

prof.. of room. latimme. st .... hold ...white mod.. the Mill other. I 1.11 God it woo 1. W ligonme with there mrole. "Hero hero S et ,n.11. •SK m I.. C. Pere. :M. Mini do ,N or The Oa. hy Mix tioto woe O. am.. Mom of merP 1rtIlTh!! r i...:17Z•v "R10 111:171. theou daroul to leme I be nom in pm gummed to Mlirlohdt rovodoo.. 1 soh of the Mooted ligure. hot Me poiuteri ma dad If, MaosoLon Somme ohm. to oh. that th. whole 411boir, wax no... hod Rid ohm he n L ouite men. 14 ward um of a mum orisl tla tint! Ilaa had hnporned. 1 1.wever. eme.I daltited afar the reerodom onembere of rim Mom did mit re.. of co unortronio Intadi Ire. Imo la the though row reinuned Iire mho. very bed. P.Olodli ond

Whole it „ 1•114. Ihn. Mere are a few o

F.1.11:27.1.:11"rtIZ ::.1:in!.1.7ora'..i'."1.01e r7


,,,,,„,„ „,,,J„,„, „„ ,„ ,.,„, , ..................... n romInome. of pia in.ligoilt later-

t‘n.,,,••,•,,t tI,,I,,,,'‘,ia,',',.. .."` '' Or .i'''''.. I'''' .i. •Oullti. eodher OM. oloomdoM• ' ,lot ." I. LI. I"..'',- ,"''t ',...t .'",7.* :;:.

„pp...1.; ..,.....,......, ,..'.',,,i'h.,;:',r,'„*1,..7:1.'"„!.'"7,:„";':. ,;',....tp I:.x.:',1;1.1'°,1, h' ''.:,7',:'"41:,

...,11...1Z7',"!...''',.;:i."7: 1-Z: ."-;;;;1 '- - “ • ' r-1 r, I-I!.. I "" ' ' - ' . ,., „';':„ „-;;;;,,: :; ,,:-:- •:111,, 04'. i,- ,:.-.r,, Nr..';',:::.,z,“7.7

...,„.. ,.. „ .1... - !..... ' 7 zI4):;,:r....",,.:::,.., ;,';471,;:,:,.t.iit.,17',:,,,L.,:;;,:;:,,,,.;;;,,....,./i....,1 ,.;7:7::iF.::.::::,,.:::.;,":1,.;.: .,,, ,,!.."::, . r,,,;i;::'......r..., 1 ,',.:,,.. 7.: ; :::: ..., r :11.:: 11, ; : .,..-,,, .',".... . ' ; r, z' " .: 1.!;'Ir7u.R.71',..1.1171rI,.....:77'1,17;;:lria:InL:1?:II'r,c,.'",4:11'17''

GORrAi.V."610a, PLAN

.... ....-ir,„.:;;',1.-.01:.°.7.P',..17it; 'i.'"11;1.1.1-2'17:".''''''''''71:::::::"F'*.':.1 TO


1....,,,,,,..,:-.:,.,4,....,.,...::,.„,„,_ ,..,40,:4--... ,,i. „... ,...'11,,;,,: ,..::,rn„.'",,,,:„„;;;',„..7,. .....7,..4 he

• ''''. i 17:11rol t -','::!". tien*it.'"..1 lube'":71.7tntFort';:•'.i.li; :::11:d1 7'. 1.7t1 ' 7:1:1-12::•rr!r:1'":::::;';-'1::. .';‘:':.:".,:li'-i' 1 ""-',ZZ:' 1;.1.,11..!";-..:7Z",::: ',.':':' - -., -4- , --- -, ,,,,,,, ',- .4 ,-- :',,'";',..`,tr',.:;,!=,1-.... 1:;,r,r41:!1 t:: I ,it'il...; ,.. 'a t. ' ,...'an . ';i" .31"'''47 ■•■■:." ;'all:rlifi hnV":14 1 1...n.'"! sz ,a-,c..,-,,g-,,,,,;.Ii„,,,,,..j.u;r,,„..Z.,;;;`;:

"1.° ........n.. . lb. 1.1.1 ........1 W. Mot PloMut rim. to bor. „,,,,,, ,. r„,...,,,,,,,,,. r4„,,,,, ,.,..., i.

In Ihr tooNI or i"... l.". .111 F..i"......' re went.... e tch Mdr, ,,, ,,,,..,: ,. ,- ,...,- 61.1. i. •-- other Imo.... It 1..

... '....‘.. `'''. rm.... th. ::::rt: !•• t:1Z.•Zo 'to. pre;o1 ro7eyoue . ... l' ... '? .1::... 11:7;Z; 1:1: . ." '',IN A..'.....,, -r.,... ..0., -- ,...,;... for whirl, we dill :.....:,...:..: ,..,,,,, x,....d.,,ni

'Iir.' „,,;;r .;;:ZZ, ,'::,,,.,4, !:".‘"17: , '"7- "."5- ':'"7

,:f.'1,,!!' ZfIlrootr. iiiii .1 1. ..'i'i7 .... ''''''''''' ..id.'i '''''''''

far -" '''''' '''' "'"'"' '''' ' .71714'7.'l7. ' `'''.F. .. ....II .''. "MotO rl'IZI '.'•1•411•11t1:111!..".t1'te "„1O:Ic1'rf 1"Srg41;11INIRtikOMmel •'Uldilig i ..";41•!WrI I:n..""1.."1 "111...O1711.,-LI .■111, '' .14 'N... ..i ..........• 1.”.

Iii award to it aneia,. at bale 1 , ,..,7„,.„.:;,,:,;',„„,„,-,„,„, „ ,.„_ mt.. of doe olso..shone et..

.17.';st'Filri'ir'n.::Lt':7'."4:tor1.7..tittltel.: fLe11"71"Z11. ''.....7, I..:::1...16::■■:1‘"''''.4"4r!'''' r ''''''''.." V:."."7°'"'"'"" 14"


." .:"I'nk ":':r7".. t !:

o 71 n In a M .• n ...Ply. ere.. 'kr entire field in whieb a xto.

MANY URGENT lb. "1.4 ic". ". r"!1:"::::,,! l'ild'''''.1.r UNSATISFIED AS VET

Vie" "Mt!' liVr1.7.411:1 Mn OrfO7i.

..";•''''' '.i'l 1,x eel rto - Med lt „... .,,,. i„ ;,,,, tg;„,.„, ,d Aimded n 'aiffni:t11,'!.." ..;,7Z;t'..:".,1"0:1514 , nwise for .... hod h to el.. mod ow ,,,, ,..,,,r.,:.., „, ,,,i.:..L..,;:,,,,,L,..r ,,,.. ,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,„ 0 ,,,•,,,,,,..,,, r,,,,. ,,,. „v.,

t"." "" ni ." ""''" e" .'"'!“-;: '"''''''"''': .- "")..ts":-.‘-'°..7":g; '-7,...........- ....L., .4 ....... . .!•.-"-, t 7..1,L...L..V.t.7,- --- .6.•=7,LL-........,--.■• ... ,--,,I,•,•,z,v,•Trz, •,:::;1-; Ire ,--. , • - :.; • 2,..,,,,r;71, th e motto.. Mve II • th.. y0.1, siege ,

te7".'4"" &Pt I r ir stl'1: ..

".' .. '... '." . ''"'"'• will IA, Cm oprom...i. 1. 1 ,,,,madhop on•oisza:.1.4,..,•,71...t.....,, .nil -tiorepO hom:IX• -erio'r hollrr. 7,:.: '.7,-...L.-.::..!-,TI.R.''LL. ,..:.7..: ,,,T.....:,:d:z:....4.,z,...,...r4,...,7,i, ,...... -...L ,,,.-' .......,........ ,..

......-„,...„ ...ph... ••,....,..1.... ,,t,.. 1,..1",,1,:..,1"....7■.,..."Lr.riLL...f.,.,F../:.7):.7::, •• or erne 1•If Ito 111n in INMS , r „, „ „

.7.:1V;;,`,7,zFL.,'F.:,,,E,.."1:4:-..nr,."Fi:..L.s: ',:i;..:'":".:5;:;;;,:;:::::".,.,;;,....":::.`.r.cr:,..ir,l'.:.‘ffit..;:,:ii n eel

. ntMl. is Ito bre. : ''''' Z ' V71"'•if % ...17r 1Vtooldm. • 11 Mooed.. palromoge .4 "'...1"11 doht i 'i' 1 i;

It... &attar has re• ra• 4 . Ow alrest

k.. sr . ,;,,:•.:.,,,..1:,,,,,.:,,. ,,..., ".„... .•:..nrod ne.'"11! ■1;.,•::::to!:::::1 "I"no.-l. Mr t

mos . Ow ossoomowe. vb. cum.. eta 11.:Itt,:t 4" ,:;„: ::' 1'117:4, ::■17::TEI:ji."It;,...iiii:'1.i::::; .:.rizt,..,::,,;:itii!,:,,,..,- .i.,:,.2„..i.. S;Ei,I.,I,Vii,1;,Ci:,,oii..d.,,T.:[:,;/,‘,;,,,I.T..„.;,,,,,y±...,,,,:,„7,7

:1'ri..;'i:::::'.:4:q::'1 II0%in:;1:111::::li '1,1....ii7ed1L, 1'3.7nt:hof".;:of 117,,ifia,,:t io,.1.1;; ere 0. or.... o t.1r1 "‘"4 4

"1"'"I b oo' v11 many imwent tenedualli brilll ,R,co,z ..,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,

1.11.:It 1th.le.17.7m:...:.,.71..!, 1 7,,,Lt ' ...""I''''''''L (1,1.11 "'"'

DT eta,. tor. se restore lettlets wee .. 'fli'rit:ish!■.:Iii;U:14: elltiFti: ..:1' '''::"':!.i.i.r1i7 r7r1.1.r:i'l:'':r:;,.',:.:7,1."1 ';:"',.",,::, IF

41. 1„,11 :i. L*.l.:,''Tii ': "Hall, ily ,,.. ,.... If ,.,,,, .., PRATT PRAISED FOR HIS .r.atnry. eree.aiwiars ...I....a. art r It- DEVOTION TO SCIENCE There is morh that needs to be dome.

eeer. ...:11..r ',17Lr';.7r7.,.7. 3..!.!1"*.l: "i.'".:',. m.„.L"' 5•_w i••'• --'-' - •1.--- , - r -- t •-= 1;7,?..". ' ..L.'.;r:.11... ,..1„Zia,,i".:F.:". 1717 i.!'..F.6,LI.Ii1:4.,:il"'?":'''''V:Ib'


Advisory Committee Reports Managers Have Acted on

Alumni Representation

A.ornTion on I 1...n1 of Rummer. le mu faceted ired Melody' b• oho: board, orcorditom oo ohe M•lowt of the AM.. tomories.

to he rem tbi. old emen d doe mood bminem medild of th e Moo. A..- .Lath. in rhe en oil° Allred C. Monte. AM. dolma..

'Po moon. 111 part lollows. • A modstit

.. 1111. ter. m

11oricom Ol ,

Jr W. Mtdoe. to.

•R ores... Rod E. It. Tailor. IN •Illoiromn. wag apt , to • IneelM. of the bomdl of manage. Mid No-

. 1 FL MOM. lo emmies the O.. Tbi..i.iralpitter nu May IP. 1.21. erul

Mo. to erem nonobtr of the Pod. dm... that thet mould mike Moor temm tha t b foor ,

tl do,. bd. moo Her H. mod ...um' „I the („telitad

std light .6., ,„, „„„,„0„ „, obe houlkeromhief This straide apparalow

Hest of alto. represeondhot .1

tlor 'd '1;4. toil 1.1;11..1.0.111-11 Pooh geetol dd.. hp anouolool

dom., ...mos.. to -mow dor Mi. at the oles.k.

fun I 1"'"1"11..."17ontV1t1i 11."46 VhM".1.' '47,a

ImOnVelOr. 31. „sr ni g nal. 'I hi. memberehip

An tt1 the M..,

•Gloo Imto. w. 111. mod Mr. I Oioker at the meet-

io111: 1of row Mn,utere ou Hoy IT and.

led .4 do... Vaor 1.11... I 1111 l

niroti 11111:17.MLUit. ho, were

yeae. aw. are Om fmortddi diotoedl.

air'h arid r esterase Is • (Mir ears.. I•No-r Vast ta ovum. ..... pm


Speaks, Receives Gold Key of Building

Dediestim me... for H111. Mbo.tory of Applied Mi. r treer held thM morning loomullately Our Commeneememt.

l•rodeotalloo of odd key of the Idhormlory to T. Allen

"id dome of the both.. ••• • m -mble femme of tbe off.. The 1.0 contributed hr' andergradoate noun.. of the Engine-MPS ...Mo.. , F.` pre.m. by 11. H. Tripp. 11 med-.. of the Benin, 1.11•01, and om Flogineeti. ettideot. A daodolnic In. vit•tion visit Me Inhorelory oar rime ed. conveyed with the key. .- ..dim to oh. awl .01.....[

EollmIllg t,1" Ito.. Hall to the itomdrardle" In front of the boiNh. Peroddent V. W. Momforl opened Ow mend. M.

•hort operrb of monseistIon to Ile. Hille..

Arebtlod Cita Isesioatica %Velar HAW, YR. Ambit. of Ile

MM... arid a m.o. of the arch. teetotal firm of 21.11.1. & Hue, Now Tore , handed the regular kept el 1,e huihlL,[ ro Mlle.. ter rill,

ml n. n e

esornoul hie aratisfaetlm at Me oompletion or the laharat.,

whit. r had Long berm ON.. mo rumor.. him graudomente. 1.1.. and Slew Samuel Hqle., (MO saperimen. dent and morrow , reductively of Have, Ord. in PHI.

The formal presentatioto of the hog . Flaverford College to. plays ohm Mr . Mlle. tam the bey, Ot More E. 1.1., 101. preoldent of the Mo. of manager. Mr. Imolo , on be- half of doe College. eionuted or- tonviatim of the her e mute be Ho

Lem FL. IlIttenhome. pro.... of

[n erinr

The new mod. Paget Ma

ting mo inowrioliom of the do n.. mole sod

welt;" ":".7ray"rtii.804"311.1R .1111:11,71,1„.:.10 ■1: elt; wt. oa the loam.. T. she


Ftglialltlool MI Nailed to Students

Attlir el Jana

Rm. MI too t.ributed tu oodencradtoodee M one or .o. m.o. after Commemeimeol. J. P. Eng

;fie 'oto.':.'11.1"ela";1 :4;1 Imp TOO 111,31.1111 111 1 1W lidded of Li u1

:hr l'almowit. of Virgin...a

n Itm K well 3.1% the. Ilrerel baseball goone lon11.

III, bar tor,

nt ho. mu. lancer

"" "1;414. rolod Ilort„ there will he lm

of .1rwan hy Ilboorkr. nem.. to poc, The dam ...ow mittn by J. Udid]. ,Ira ex Masan Inn Psi+ mambo, of Ills eine, 'glees are Flea

no rm. R'•Ilien

eel 1 elm.

2- lam. mdeuror of nur


Al hilyoria 0.11teg.Alnell Ethel

h'I I &Will a red ,„..mi •I II.

%•1 f1,41,1.ince"I1■111717Inet

t,,OTI•OrV:.'.ot'ent11141 41•41.1r1haZgi

Mr; Omani pre emto who lon room "nolnielps. too their . rin. onto . e .. .1••• rho oreor

0, a Ironer

"L, 1",;;";,I1Z


"They've been telling us for the

past six months that we can

reverse the charge on our tele-

phone calls to home ...

"And still some of you fellows

moon around the campus won. dering why you're lonesome!"

• . 73 -o-d,'

which, loto. feint

nntttsod.1.11.1It? oire•«11 : rnlie 1 " . lbe laterntiesion between IVre toinillo ":!1111

'llbootf:=!'.ot lb, Mom were.Alra. H.

,:;11,1:r 1:". ,i7......1.7.4711., 51:;ti a „, xsa...":.1.'!.1;1; II. Hoii,a.

"'" ''''''''' '''' ".' ' ."'"" ',7„, A member of the Menlo, NM. INC, real talent end aye ty n. nil an ea. 'M1d7=n1.:1 ‘olono.r.r.11'..Z.111. Dr. Prole MN heen


"•";.• 1:Vbri■WIT:41' 76711till;. 6'. done who we Muhl for rod. you whitetail Sans .1 For 111

- th` 19°' "'".1' Z Lb I IMerr ;vet Zito

RI Whitehalln far attontl. 'm to *bohlihess,I.d . ',star tles. new flehlo the vielorio. milt which ight. Fos, nernIsert, tha gnu .

1"'T i" hi H. IL,riPS, r lor tweeted gms. In on Ir. I „ moo. • d reel

he r kola Willi tan den,. lollpfarrin, and Foll pert t■a

lli.t. Pr...I. A. • A. • "M." ""."""". .""' "a"' r" I... of 113 • perform at. arrat.”.1 Pored. odwiee MM.. of the dinn ro At sra,r.

won grits. in ameollog do.- um.- sr adore eares•tetr an •••••• ■ •• , i„„

ri ." ZE: prolerode of iliology Emeritue.

Proboopr Palmer h.1, bran aPrVillZ L..tref • ■•" ■ '„"•%•77.."

the l'oUr g„ yid loan Anti. 11.W. end

1..11■.” •1■0,11: t„'Intlisj• men tdan lat 11. ...inn mouton Prod..He •nd 1.11.t h•• eartterd re. th• Anna

arouse he ham held it Invo. and br heM wan

Th• asonsta. Mt. Wel, El3. MIA". . UAller. and Mph, IL Dm a lona •

d am, rr whirr per.' moll. with M "". atm xio. of vb. Collage noltahobtration ,inn

.11yoro, anon[ mi. and we broom. .1.11tt...n•tagV.ribr 1M a 1.1

New Beta Rho's Initiated

Alumni Notes Imo

Inult... of the tarr. Pierson P. Horde on mat.. of greautimal Church nt Ch hod. phow liar 21. 1.11 I Me

fla7 •V4%"'"1"1" TO ASSIST TREASURER

A. J. Sailorpood. PA to Ald °editor In Code. FInan.1

Alfred G, Scattergood. VS. mos ap• pointed adoidan: tre:mcer of

Ile.```141:11ergood board I gee iu 11.1.1 brother. J. Hen. Set,

tergo.. 1711. Irttgror. '151 .11 he Sr. firerfardlar who rem Inllidad late Sots litto Saila Thom.. forced la apt a lame part of Ms WhIla Ma mow edIfy1ag OrY• N••r. wheell•p Mmogh time I. Washington beta.. of IL te. I I .11.10 H. Snip, Wit .allghtly ',Arad hy P

;e:ersli=rer dof


qI•MH,t Comfort Llrga. UN of Path oo FM. Std. al Collage Arse,.

GInverford bWnt,hiU 111 for. the College to rondrowl a on. on College a.m. vole. member. of the College

f the Ines;' Co dad In a plea for greater M. e.t.a in wall... in Caution Twee-

d.r/lbe Oat. b.a offered to bar half the ramose of eandroctIng

'I ma.

1.1."ot1Re,""PreItsidet .&‘:orte 'rt VriocTi. coeempoommem tbe,espea. of Mee.

v■fdlt ilibTIP:'Zo'firen" dal& 11"1""

Even if you're "broke," you can telephone home-just tell

the Operator to reverse

the Charge


• oa uie 13 05 PHILADELPHIA



CRICKET T. WIttar. Jr.. '30

TENNIS E. F. Ha 31


°r sun,

Ma bank .1 dirt at rishL of upper p.m, come part of ancient Beth Bliwn.h...11.9.33;Lart.fo_rdr.a_rclei

."*"" "th ". ".""

trzig rz:71:7:1"-FT..... • „•-tratx7rthg = left. Beyond wall arti plies or dirt mimeo! bY neer rot Won Cesnoterko whore bent finds were Made are located between the Iv all and the din pile.`

, "Enough

Uredt1120lBe72, may cornesta"modernistie. symphony for piccolo and fu-tory whistle, or it might urive in a tobacco shop--that glorious innant when the heulthycitixen boots out polite pretense and announces, "Enough is enough! Give me music I OM underst•nd; give me a cigarette 1 COY redly (MC, Or stop the show!"

You suit blame Maw Cigarettes, like music, are supposed to give pleasure; if they don't

they're eat, and that's all there is to it. Now, Chesterfields are made for the express

purpose of staffing the sae. They have the requisite mildness, but nor carried to the yin fishing point. Starting with the finest tobaccos we can buy, we've added a blend that keeps the best of their flavors intact.

That's the whole story, of which the happy ending is, "rd rather have a Chesterfield!"

CHESTERFIELD MILD enough for anybody.. and yet.. THEY SATISFY

Saturday, lune 8, 1929 3


Seniors Graduate today-4 Captains Picked-Photographer Covers Middle States Meet

ON FOUNDERS STEPS Bash row, left to ROI—Peron. Gunter, c.•laghara, Sullivan. r. 50.41.9 .1■11, Falwell, Ch... HI., bee, T.01. Third raw—beet, MatHatnes. Leeds, Baler, Bishop, Fier r, 13H41.• Marto... BurtieroP, Mouldroo—L1.. Ralph. Ho ..., Plallor, 1164.116 Stock, Horophill. B.., Sky.. MIII r, Tripp, Bro.. Fro. rho—Lea., Ensworta. Fro. Co. • want. Hadley. Han., 1.011. Cora.. 111 aaaaa . des. J....


J. H Stools. Jr '30 BASEBALL

A. I. Sappl., '30

HAVERFORD WINS MIDDLE ATLANTIGS MEET At let. photo sha. IRMA of 100.1.4 M Middle A...4U .1 wee by Captain Er1001105 11 Hasaflud In 10". Loll to right 1-• Aldus. Swarthmore (s...); .... Makin. tibird). a. Easworth. Hoehn.. Lafayette. on 1 ourla. RIM of sprint Mods IS SW.. 144.rford. Nat aaaaa meant tor hue.. with Mme et 24 4-V. Eon. right pa. shows Getz. Alfred. breaking tapa 14 RIO n, In sohlals new 01.1 rosord of 4' 24 1.5°. Clatr also Oil Ma toe- mile run In rosatd.brantl. t1sa of 9' 45 1.2° •11.41 third in Melina



TODAY Or. Henry 5 prati

Isbeo, 13.1.1 5.11. professor of .... his 131.1.11Y onsarit

week 1I

today ..- .wisp 36 years e• r". Palmer, Jr.

aa loAre!"Vi 'At el aorrine as homily Lod r001.. MAO Mgr 21 you's Mt I.o.M.. H. Tat-all Brews. Jr., '23. dkeeter of atilt.a ▪ lestrartu la Pr.., Is 1. y. Dr. Emmet. R.

Br/ra'11'.'":errn. On 6141e. ...t-oast.

SETS 2 RECORDS J E go . moos, Jr.. '30. aatila•

the Mal to a new HunerfOrd ae• MM. dal Mato reamed, May 23. with • Ma. of 45 /Mt. II% 1.oh., a• WM. . 1 M EM Meld. EAbe at saw neer. for tam di.. Ore., .111. • Mu of

eat 146 f 1/3 Ink la the M. A. B. C. A. A. moat, May 24.


• oa uie 13 05 PHILADELPHIA



CRICKET T. WIttar. Jr.. '30

TENNIS E. F. Ha 31


°r sun,

Ma bank .1 dirt at rishL of upper p.m, come par t of ancient Bet h Bliwn.h...11.9 .33;Lart.fo_rdr. a_rclei

."*"" "th ". ".""

trzig rz:71:7:1"-FT..... • „•-tratx7rthg = left. Beyond wall arti plies or dirt mimeo! bY neer rot Won Cesnoterko whore bent finds were Made are located between the Iv all and the din pile.`

, "Enough

Uredt1120lBe72, may cornesta "modernistie . symphony for piccolo and fu-tory whistle, or it might urive in a tobacco shop--that glorious

innant when the heulthycitixen boots out polite pretense and announces, "Enough is enough! Give me music I OM underst•nd; give me a cigarette 1 COY redly (MC, Or stop the show! "

You suit blame Maw Cigarettes, like music, are supposed to give pleasure; if they don 't

they 're eat, and that 's all there is to it.

Now, Chesterfields are made for the express

purpose of staffing the sae. They have the requisite mildness, but nor carried to the yin fishing point. Starting with the finest tobaccos

we can buy, we 've added a blend that keeps the best of their flavors intact.

That 's the whole story, of which the happy ending is, "rd rather have a Chesterfield! "

CHESTERFIELD MILD enough for anybody.. and yet.. THEY SATISFY

Saturday, lune 8, 1929 3


Seniors Graduate today-4 Captains Picked-Photographer Covers Middle States Meet

ON FOUNDERS STEPS Bash row, left to ROI—Peron. Gunter, c.•laghara, Sullivan. r. 50.41.9 .1 ■11, Falwell, Ch... HI., bee, T.01. Third raw—beet, MatHatnes. Leeds, Baler, Bishop, Fier r, 13H41.• Marto... BurtieroP, Mouldroo—L1.. Ralph. Ho ..., Plallor, 1164.116 Stock, Horophill. B.., Sky.. MIII r, Tripp, Bro.. Fro. rho—Lea., Ensworta. Fro. Co. • want. Hadley. Han., 1.011. Cora.. 111 aaaaa . des. J....


J. H Stools. Jr '30 BASEBALL

A. I. Sappl., '30

HAVERFORD WINS MIDDLE ATLANTIGS MEET At let. photo sha. IRMA of 100.1.4 M Middle A...4U .1 wee by Captain Er1001105 11 Hasaflud In 10". Loll to right 1-• Aldus. Swarthmore (s...); .... Makin. tibird). a. Easworth. Hoehn.. Lafayette. on 1 ourla. RIM of sprint Mods IS SW.. 144.rford. Nat aaaaa meant tor hue.. with Mme et 24 4-V. Eon. right pa. shows Getz. Alfred. breakin g tapa 14 RIO n, In sohlals new 01.1 rosord of 4' 24 1.5°. Clatr also Oil Ma toe- mile run In rosatd.brantl. t1sa of 9' 45 1.2° •11.41 third in Melina



TODAY Or. Henry 5 prati

Isbeo, 13.1.1 5.11. professor of .... his

131.1.11Y onsarit week 1

I today ..- .wisp 36 years e•

r". Palmer, Jr.

aa loAre!"Vi 'At el aorrine as homily Lod r001.. MAO Mgr 21 you's Mt I.o.M.. H. Tat-all Brews. Jr., '23. dkeeter of atilt. a ▪ lestrartu la Pr.., Is 1. y. Dr. Emmet. R.

Br/ra'11'.'":errn. On 6141e. ...t-oast.

SETS 2 RECORDS J E go . moos, Jr.. '30. aatila•

the Mal to a new HunerfOrd ae• MM. dal Mato reamed, May 23. with • Ma. of 45 /Mt. II% 1.oh., a• WM. . 1 M EM Meld. EAbe at saw neer. for tam di.. Ore., .111. • Mu of

eat 146 f 1/3 Ink la t he M. A. B. C. A. A. moat, May 24.


• oa uie 13 05 PHILADELPHIA



CRICKET T. WIttar. Jr.. '30

TENNIS E. F. Hog 31


°r sun,

Ma bank .1 dirt at rishL of upper p.m, come par t of ancient Bet h Bliwn.h...11.9 .33;Lart.fo_rdr. a_rclei

."*"" "th ". ".""

trzig rz:71:7:1"-FT.... • „•-tratx7rthg = left. Beyond wall arti plies or dirt mimeo! bY neer rot Won Cesnoterko whore bent finds were Made are located between the Iv all and the din pile.`

, "Enough

Uredt1120lBe72, may cornesta "modernistie . symphony for piccolo and fu-tory whistle, or it might urive in a tobacco shop--that glorious

innant when the heulthycitixen boots out polite pretense and announces, "Enough is enough! Give me music I OM underst•nd; give me a cigarette 1 COY redly (MC, Or stop the show! "

You suit blame Maw Cigarettes, like music, are supposed to give pleasure; if they don 't

they 're eat, and that 's all there is to it.

Now, Chesterfields are made for the express

purpose of staffing the sae. They have the requisite mildness, but nor carried to the yin fishing point. Starting with the finest tobaccos

we can buy, we 've added a blend that keeps the best of their flavors intact.

That 's the whole story, of which the happy ending is, "rd rather have a Chesterfield! "

CHESTERFIELD MILD ❅■❏◆❇❈ ❆❏❒ ❁■❙❂❏❄❙✎✎ ❁■❄ ❙❅▼✎✎ THEY SATISFY

Saturday, lune 8, 1929 3


✳❅■❉❏❒▲ ✧❒❁❄◆❁▼❅ ▼❏❄❁❙✍✔ ✣❁❐▼❁❉■▲ ✰❉❃❋❅❄✍✰❈❏▼❏❇❒❁❐❈❅❒ ✣❏❖❅❒▲ ✭❉❄❄●❅ ✳▼❁▼❅▲ ✭❅❅▼

ON FOUNDERS STEPS Bash row, left to ROI—Peron. Gunter, c.•laghara, Sullivan. r. 50.41.9 .1n 11, Palwoll, Ch... HI., h a, T.01. Third raw—beet, MatHatnes. Leeds, Baler, Bishop, Fier r, 13H41.• Marto... BurtieroP, Mouldroo—L1.. Ralph. Ho ..., Plallor, 1164.116 Stock, Horophill. B.., Sky.. MIII r, Tripp, Bro.. Fro. rho—LI.., Ensworta. Fro. Co. • want. Hadley. Han., 1.011. Cora.. 111 aaaaa . des. J....


J. H Stools. Jr '30 BASEBALL

A. I. Sappl., '30

HAVERFORD WINS MIDDLE ATLANTIGS MEET At let. photo sha. IRMA of 100.1.4 M Middle A...4U .1 wee

by Captain Er1001105 11 Hasaflud In 10". Loll to right 1-• Aldus. Swarthmore (s...); .... Makin. tibird). a. Easworth. Hoehn.. Lafayette. on 1 ourla. RIM of sprint Mods IS SW.. 144.rford. Nat aaaaa meant tor hue.. with t1ssa et 24 4-V. Eon. right pa. shows Getz. Alfred. breakin g tapa 14 RIO n, In sohlals ne• 01.1 rosord of 4' 24 1.5°. Clatr also ston Ma toe- mile run In rosatd.brantl. t1sa of 9' 45 1.2° •11.41 third in Melina



TODAY Or. Henry 5 prati

Isbeo, 13.1.1 5.11. professor of ons 31.1.1Y ar ... his re.

here today ..- .wisp 36 years e• r". Palmer, Jr.

aa loAre!"Vi 'At el aorrine as homily Lod r001.. MAO Mgr 21 you's Mt I.o.M.. H. Tat-all Brews. Jr., '23. dkeeter of atilt. a ▪ lestrartu la Pr.., Is 1. y.

Dr. Emmet. R. Br/ra'11'.'":errn. On 6141e. ...t-oast.

SETS 2 RECORDS J E go . moos, Jr.. '30. aatila•

the Mal to a new HunerfOrd ae• MM. dal Mato reamed, May 23. with • Ma. of 45 /Mt. II% 1. ,h., a• WM. . 1 M EM Meld. EAbe at saw neer. for tam di.. Ore., .111. • Mu of

eat 146 f 1/3 Ink la BO M. A. B. C. A. A. moat, May 24.


• oa uie 13 05 PHILADELPHIA



CRICKET T. WIttar. Jr.. '30

TENNIS E. F. Ha 31


°r sun,

Ma bank .1 dirt at rishL of upper p.m, come par t of ancient Bet h Bliwn.h....11.9.33;Lart.fo_rdr. a_rclei

oloilnl ."*"" "th ". ".""

trzig rz:71:7:1"-FT..... • „•-tratx7rthg = left. Beyond wall arti plies or dirt mimeo! bY neer rot Won Cesnoterko whore bent finds were Made are located between the Iv all nod the din pile.`

, ✂✥■❏◆❇❈

Uredt1120lBe72, may cornesta "modernistie . symphony for piccolo and fu-tory whistle, or it might urive in a tobacco shop--that glorious

innant when the heulthycitixen boots out polite pretense and announces, "Enough is enough! Give me music I OM underst•nd; give me a cigarette 1 COY redly (MC, Or stop the show! "

You suit blame Maw Cigarettes, like music, are supposed to give pleasure; if they don 't

they 're eat, and that 's all there is to it.

Now, Chesterfields are made for the express

purpose of ▲▼❁❆❆❉■❇ the sae. They have the requisite mildness, but nor carried to the yin fishing point. Starting with the finest tobaccos

we can buy, we 've added a blend that keeps the best of their flavors intact.

That 's the whole story, of which the happy ending is, "rd rather have a Chesterfield! "

CHESTERFIELD MILD enough for anybody.. and yet.. THEY SATISFY

Saturday, June 8, 1929 3


Seniors Graduate today-4 Captains Picked-Photographer Covers Middle States Meet

ON FOUNDERS STEPS Bash row, left to ROI—Peron. Gunter, c.•laghara, Sullivan. r. 50.41.9 .1 n 11, Falwell, Ch... HI., bee, T.01. Third raw—beet, MatHatnes. Leeds, Baler, Bishop, Fier r, 13H41.• Marto... BurtieroP, Mouldroo—L1.. Ralph. Ho ..., Plallor, 1164.116 Stock, Horophill. B.., Sky.. MIII r, Tripp, Bro.. Fro. rho—Lase, Ensworta. Fro. Co. • want. Hadley. Han., 1.011. Cora.. 111 aaaaa . des. J....


J. H Stools. Jr '30 BASEBALL

A. I. Sappl., '30

HAVERFORD WINS MIDDLE ATLANTIGS MEET At let. photo sha. IRMA of 100.1.4 M Middle A...4U .1 wee by Captain Er1001105 11 Hasaflud In 10". Loll to right 1-• Aldus. Swarthmore (s...); .... Makin. tibird). a. Easworth. Hoehn.. Lafayette. on 1 ourla. RIM of sprint Mods IS SW.. 144.rford. Nat aaaaa meant tor hue.. with Mme et 24 4-V. Eon. right pa. shows Getz. Alfred. breakin g tapa 14 RIO n, In sohlals new 01.1 rosord of 4' 24 1.5°. Clatr also Oil Ma toe- mile run In rosatd.brantl. t1sa of 9' 45 1.2° •11.41 third in Melina



TODAY Or. Henry 5 prati

Isbeo, 13.1.1 5.11. professor of 131.1.11Y onsarit.... his re. here today ..- .wisp 36 years e• r". Palmer, Jr.

aa loAre!"Vi 'At el aorrine as homily Lod r001.. MAO Mgr 21 you's Mt I.o.M.. H. Tat-all Brews. Jr., '23. dkeeter of atilt. a ▪ lestrartu la Pr.., Is 1. y. Dr. Emmet. R.

Br/ra'11'.'":errn. On 6141e. ...t-oast.

SETS 2 RECORDS J E go . moos, Jr.. '30. aatila•

the Mal to a new HunerfOrd ae• MM. dal Mato reamed, May 23. with • Ma. of 45 /Mt. II% 1.oh., a• WM. . 1 M EM Meld. EAbe a. saw neer. for tam di.. Ore., .111. • Mu of

eat 146 f 1/3 Ink la t he M. A. B. C. A. A. moat, May 24.

HAVER..F9 ,RD NEWS a. ardeleadaet PeaermeMilete Ilmewejefril=res el tauten le ...Went

Lama I. Blaalneae, Ir..

MITE .01101

AranHEWS COMES /she 7anua. 'M

Aram. H. Battu, are frosts 110.13p. Vewealte en SO

Marne A. 4thet. entroatab ItOAAP Now O. ...mt. 10.,

dewera 0. Ilutteatee, /a. Weft.. O. 4Iurr. zoo v. Bites as

03. PEWS 1410flat 7:012 Marna P. Mom '71 we MIleadt 10Mtle almi iss Parofeis7'.Ds" WM. T. R. Ro.

elver. Sr.. S.

".• t TZ:Ir..1;?'11

101113261 Pallavea


II freah N. Devine. 71.. 71

1.,...4.1"ir.vren,:n1itlIt.r.taltillnill.:43'&11::0 ,7l.fird Trio=

ISIOST.Te Yoko Z. VIM. 'at .31 tn. L Parris. '91

HAVRMFORD NEWS Saturday. June S. 1929

I In The Mail 1 The Crow's Nest BY R. M. DOUGHTY. '30

H. P. SHANE, 31

THE HEWS EDITORIAL POLICY Editorial inthe News do lit neceoltril represent the opinion of

majority of the undergeadnatm, faculty or •Iumni. They are designed Instead to arouse InteRigent /Hammelon of such Haterford problems ea the News believes merit the consideretion of those interested In the College. Const.tire commode/aloneconcerning Raverford problems or the con-duct of this newspaper. whether favoring or opposing the stand token by this paper. are treleemed by the editor and will be published ea this asp. The News dem not aseuma responsibility for the farm or opinions eon-taMed In such remmanicetIone and must remain wale ledge of their suita- bility. Anonymous tel are not considered. bet names will be with. held from publication if so desired.

EQUALITY OF THE SEXES 21e night of tM Zwerinon din. MTH, and rm. la eh, light dem.. svhile Me louden/body sweltene under of heavy posts, le one to briug .re to the eye's of everyone-

who i Ihs Inseery. Ale spent about 0,10y bolus in the librem tan! week, wadin nom., lenika- end at Melt lireof Me hours 'mei- 1,41 mopping om lame or ehining our position or 11 Whin. nhinit Wiwi, of it all. am Mil,

.earne. If mu went to may Wink it, either end of the nem you Mil ▪ sonr met. lint limn you hate thethe nanny of hewn. soft

of nom. grabbing for the old own mid set.. an Jaw in time to sTeet Doggie John.. or ....Ay,

With lipids lignites the tinkling of broken siolows. The Ale( merest. of the nelf-rdied. dignified mod mtored etude/. bed, ono Lir rn he throw. Mg melts ballet...oh ele.1 windows nod thee withdraw. m • lintel plase b. here good Magi, THE MIDDLE ATLAPITICS Aft, meiy him am shy mile null

Poo-mile r nt the linen NM.- real here end lel. third film". is the neordshreskIng rou ihink • time@ name Menial he moll. A:0W' Alfred's hon., mulling. rfimy mu. nor who Mm out m. Kamm. 1.11 •thr 230 um, Mwrie of ['Moo lo the int wee eridendy steeled hi for the nod outdielly bey.. ,ligtninel Ronne. and sandal INNER WORKINGS

• • •

OF HAVERFORDIAN Work en the Itarettapliati ltbet small near i.e r. n distribu- ted once a mond" le of e eon 2-7Ito the meld! Ter noto

r1epenclis Me night • of the eth visiting the various meinhera ear trll.o loo n'InlInabl;r111'7Z: d wrote t ms all eel, On the Info et the inontli another lotf Phi. iiermhm through with severallee tiOlKIF

awl sr.e. soil the miller domn tin du ninth hot cr

ise. I The his day, howmer. the der eh

h, ILoewl • 1,:-Osi=lidrnactostly

lit tit. the Tuthasty.. 'nmkM

are •el to he fated. IThether

he . un fit!. l'A St., of mat' loll ~I,

te toren is 11 eZ 1.1.,Tetsis.,:nbut poldieleru 7,4:101 roofs are then aued.

piTterf'an t " 1: [elk ht how toom and lath ...a, roatiered orer the eit011111, Solo lem cignrettre. About nine the man inalentraZate bade ie . in, ;1,1r dorm

Io.mnrnl taint, Roe ad 11 Intl

your,. Ills lineerfarliine until tie Ise. hes it-the Wee 111111, •r,r thr

PP efiege, considered one of the last retreats of the classics, where Latin and Greek ere 11111 emphasized. has o student body intently Interested In the srienees, engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, economies and social. eriencer. The chemistry department is crowded, the laboicto-ries filled every afternoon. The classes in biology and physics are larger, each year. There is a growing intermit in the new learning. less ii, the Id. This winter. the News stated, speaking of the majors and minors of , the Senior duns: "A tendency toward greeter poDulerity of the erientifie tenses is extremely minable in the College as a whole...

Christopher Morley who atudied here when we were all in fad-I siting clothes, imbibed some of this newer learning.

-Tbon eohl Wilt dime mixture is pinned in Wiling ohne acid, nhie1. take. sor an the mai leaves only the globule of mire sold." he writes. . A

-1 , 10 In Clidadelphia." -The matter that pun. air-

his item. ie.- he -haw do you And these adage 011 I in the plot

Got I would belie ve ainstkin. after mu, marvel ear friend showed me M. yet:. n ens, thm hooked tIn istmeeaL tambJet of epriug I • iterit spill it om yatte eiethent sr it will ',Ms.- he um, 0"01"0...! L'; loto the tambIhr he drolilied n11,110111 elf peir hal • a ran. dim, pliii.leinee Legal, to Milton toward bottom of the doss. waving Ifie tees in a mle. 'Tint', the einer,” he mid, sod while I wes WO tree.-

boo stewed me onferr of cold dim...Irma io aqua re.1¢. When complmely Ms- r mml Ito. ut ea,. Mahe... oi per.

formed similar nin.ie °two same nilver mlotim by miloading sett ruler ..n mat slinking it in la int, machete celled en 'agitate, snot which. he fell I sous minimal, humble to .faux- me the furnace room."

111 these enlightened times, even the Freshman, taking Chem I a, rec-ognizes- AgNOs, and the equation

ARNO.- HCI.-.11310.0AgC1 Haverfowes newest move in its advance in scientific education was

elimaxed this morning with the dedication exercieea of the recently coin-pleted Wiles Laboratory of Applied Science. This building, the gift of T. Allen Hines. '70, represents the realisation of a dream of fifteen years rtending at Haverford• the fulfillment of a high allpiratiOtt. The laboratory now houses complete and modern engineering and equipment, which eon make Haverford as well known in the future scientific edu- re es it is ow known for Ste mineral and classical learning.'

Hoverford m hos mooed another milestone on the road of Programs. We hope she will continue in the future, ever ready to discard the old and to take on the new.

Po"'"' 19'4 1W1 seamen fl rrfad

IL=1-:.:1I!tr:',".11r:.°::",:, Is Ir. svill molar to Venvolleer end thee sail taci="110:1'117:, bIOU'lli!"Eltotti'11Z

grtment nt the nokkaldo Preturaton 4---"lVil?.7,17,';',0 H. W. Thurman

Zti'llTg'er yIaleTtTrTX. a deetnrie deer • mod e latter nith Or. PP of PhhomphE e subj. uf phis. of

QM.Ininekie intends 10 take linet Za"tst,i,7171,r140 aria e. ewyrr


Chemistry, hi. laut;dt7:'PPTX urn Is "at It.I!Mg, mew om Cespim'ianice, at Gmene..

air.. 'cement, matt De. Freak D. ',Samoa end famDP. Re is ma- dded,. uorking nest 11 ter with the World Peace Foundation in Hoe..

W. 001.10.3 play to fill an advisory


tg:eTtl:ti'Ntiy7m'a!rb'OrG" 157 town. un'e keener et Philmaphy or

M"I' radT,d- re~Wee !strt. to Wiley Collars, Mar.

.hens Texsa

The Merion Title & Trust Co.


Narberth Baia-Cynwyd

Total Resources


For many yews Jahn Wards have been the came man's shoe. Hue you may select, from a variety of stifles, does. which ocrticulory suit your individual taste.


Complete stock and UT.

Viee at our Philadelphia Hose, 1041 -1223 Chestnut

Se. Just belowtheAdelphis,

Have you chosen your life stork?

do- ne

fiend Stscre-onew

MARV," UNiValleiTY Dal soloot, Lantrihot AM Nor. be*.

GET Haverford College

Seal Stationery

31.00 a box Sodas, Sundaes and Sandwiches at the

Haverford Pharoacy.

NOW YOUNG MEN T. am. Cloths.

Ithherdiatreer,M.fa.id Aseneel aust nee.

1111.1916 CHESTNUT 371OET

Grill Room Restaurant

Ardmore 3160 Garage Service Just Off the College Campus

. .

test Whitman's Prestige Chocolates...the

finest thing of their kind ... $2 the pound. WHITMAN'S TAM011it CANINZS ASK SOLD IT WARNER'S DRUG STORE, HAVERPORD, PA.





D Le W. a San, Ire,

SENIORS: What will '1011 may when your find employer asks "HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE have you,. Young

ma'?" WILLIAM Y. RARE, '13 1601101. American Mr. Philadelphia. Pa. Peen:Gbick't "" Life, Accident. Health GrOop



A choice suite and a few single bachelor apartments, either furnished or unfurnished, are now available.

Rooms for Transient Giraill Always Available

E.xcelleat Renamed Sayler Special Attention Given to Private Affairs

Eastman, Dillon & Co. SPilete as an mu gall rationous. mums, momvms ems 110.411





The alumni advisory committee. which soh.. ite outs el report the atmluste ...mien today, is, ...a of the New, the mar Meredtwd iienmixellou ',tie!, IWO the Mar ere.. of alumni. tan.. faculty and

12m'sitle 7:1"X".rilriat bantindtTale fee.? to meleretitud the altitude of the other three, and It has Initial. and proLt. e am, ...hie auggeStIons foe tile work Of en of them.

C0,4,N2e4uttttle ;Vet' (At; vyi..7 tame which lave completed

y toe vino. rletories.g. all the :poge'weg oeit.I.La"``?:0 ebb Om eineleuend•turf mine over stte. colleges for dee MUNN Atlantic htnier neck cream. Slit mine of eddetice to the College in reputation and to die ntodents lo recreation sad mental and physical eiterdee is IddiNteed linleal by who.

Tu. proMesers who 0111 no longer spume here in the repent, of in- :inn-Mr. Heory S. Preis end K. Grey, werapdven farewell din.

'17Z I711::01!..1:n0mtlr!wit.Vt? ebb has' men l*p.ro- slonewl

What Will They Think) T. the Editor of the News.

Admitting for the porno.a of dd. truer thin some sort of supervision of ee Freshman clam M a necessity-

Ins alcOWut

tr"1150:1111r:It!:::t oce;;i00:1 l'Z'unneeemo'cr •ad heidadol•

liarerford Loaned for rears or baring Oren tip ',nee end a marine the Freebes. ,artmet nod organisation to roe Student Council. Having dem sonw hemdiug myself. you 01.0

1mege. my hundiNtiam et M ho.. Me Olumt-staiiied rentaimi Iperhem MP metaphorim11 of one .0 lent &MM., bees victims the son of n respected wield.. And It wee osat. not that ° Taira s toy

luntelY have de- re-loped ...tea Meets of its e.. Pigging In' the New p sincerely hone Met it ion Melded thnt a friendly sod-

1s,r; od. "whip to50. dean Info eh...." It In t:bIl'hilleIgrir'h•Crinen.n1e'Sdre"r''beVt efillieemes for lomat, 1,e.1 010 for tbel inistteri to mareh their men mind. and dim eoblie

:t m°tim9,°m ponxlbie rat eve,. wes instft l'otiegw will be too It us e fashion MI liervanl to latish he ,11,1:1:1„„ts tw`apeL0,

to svold behzg

fe.mitry hhn


P"' It ingI.:sin is:lsed carte.th' Iv, u= nochml Mareute.e I'm 1. In

he light

field. don i dkr nssinw. who will people ,hlnb far

R. WAIWIELD. biro-N.1'n lea Cambridge. Newapapers in Japan TO the Editor If the New.:

Without whaling any wm what-

'4Z.M•tbilt Ntr17%."..Igt"?2d'itly1:- ship of Me "ler. Haws a. 31101.1. r2,55;511relter177wV

005o1:,7 .r.,0.,,tsh_emr,:!tiv"glIc:tgitr', i;..;16;r151.8:1.11.1:11.4 The foe. Maine. Conimmy hos in hoe In Tokyo a flinty En of their 'Token Sichi

„iltinn of the urn

Harold st. Lane. 'M. Haver..


YleIt Work "Memorials of die Mlles

Paintilys, hook of OVnt 200 pages of text sod

St. rl.01 by 0drierM7s.?7;','117lierrlelit." clue et nmarrons boo1ness 00000,5. Cltioaati. hio.

Two COP. of the book. one of where o be tilsred io the library, were

in the owns to U . Haynes W.

'17011P1Vie,Vio°1'hli"irga way eat•

work was shove Use seams In

1,:amotLet of valuable materiel that It The book represent, over two and a half yearn of Ilse author-hi spare time

ee0 about mars In gathering MeI

"tre'l7; width are of the Hemrford mint0lla

l',111m7e'it)aslit;ornli sonnet of Jobe Ii, with an own Wretch or hinnaelf mod omen ma. Wen .

Mr. floes mooly bear. ame eds. 1,11.111r Cotteee. aretallstlior

=tom r j the Masa tir:=strol r CZ% Ws.

the College In N3412,_ T. Allen HIM., 701. geOkr:ct, the °'. I


Lea, 'II, and N, L. P.M Will Te;e0 al Jana.. College

Graduated This Morning Commencement today sees the last of the CI. of 1929 as under-

graduates. Feted by friends, officials and relatives, M accordance with annual custom. the relehration today is marked by more than the ordi-nary rand of colorful events. Dedication of the splendid new Hines meovial lahorotory of engineering. revival of old-fashioned stepering-ing,

m with Sigmund Spaeth demonstrating to his collegemates Irby he has

heroine AO prominent in the musical world. staging of a Varsity baseball game, reinsuarmeni of the brass band idea. and the withdrawal of sem cr. prominent professors from their present positions, all add importance

to the OCCAnitillti The eh. of 192P has pantribuled much to the life of the acholzitellfin MhleticaiiT end in other ....curricular activities,

and merits the jubilee events which this year's Celebration bringe- Precident Comfort's address this morning refers to a or-opened ex-

periment ineducation to be attempted at Haverford and links this an- ent closely with the statement that "there are few, if any, col-

leges in America which are able. with a liberal endowment, to render the highest educational service to a selected body of students so small that their individual needs and capacities may be considered." Any effort at Haverford to Mee.. the measure of individual service available to stu-dents will indeed be a national service. The tendency of twentieth cen- tury education in this country 150100 standardization of ...chine, made products. ..urn an to Ignore the fundamental axiom of divine and human nature that all rnen ate erested equal bet difrerent. No two men net for the same vocation or ...len in Life and all need. therefore, different courses and different specialti. in those courses. But more fru. portent even than the difference in peat-COMMenternent plans, is the ail-ferenee in disposition due to training, environment and individual nature, anJ the consequent difference In studiht proclivity for work and play. Any plan which takes into consideration these factors will be of inesti-mable benefit to American education.

Mention by the President M his address of the rapid approach of the Centenary event in 1933 is vitally important. in view of the number of items still to be checked off on the million-dollar program. This subject is further mentioned today in the annual report of the alumni advisory committee. There is no reason to be frightened over the incom

mopletion of

the fund when Sw re arthmo can raise two million <Ware in is nth. but it is significant .het Haverford's $300,000 to 1400,000 has been nearly six years in the retiring.

The good wishes of the College today g0 out to the elm, of '29. The Dedication

Harerford has grown. expanded, fee beyond the hop. Mid aspira- tions of its founder, It hes developed. itself to the needs modern education, and is indeed nova much broader in the education

Mane tee tortemmom ram The keen tie..., betweep:Mm..0,70

Bremer odr ":: n tann itentlittinn ast wee . Taw two ronegesi opposed earls other inToor idltlefic mutents-Itark,' beec-h, Is tennin and golf. The intermit en to their probable m.o. was tn, ilt;F(412:' emote had eleared away the who

• 7%! dowuni our Irian to even op this yrdes two... imam. She had nitneintillied is tennia and gait

A SIMI., of the !oh. 9711 en1111117d tr"."11 .e.TriMte.r. ne to her credit victories to isomer is. golf .04 baseball. PM the eels.

aerit'"="a;it1"1"frIra";";0 " be Modes. a tie verdict nsig'ut molly be VITodboll%ei:ts10,11z.frrl:nttePt the griffins old eivelded the ...too bf euereniney In he lone re- niaintlig sport-football?

'NESTTOWN CLUB ELECTS A. BrIntos 1311. President for 1929-301

Entertain HI School Gueeta

ehe Arthur

remdwt its« Nene of In n meeting of h. Club held In the Union, Ma 24 TLr ogretnryitretsurer,,will eel

t't.,151,7trcr:on'::e Tel "" etMe*

grkHP,:dr:17.1g, V„Mrrg ...lord In the Colon by George *aux. Jr.. '00. whoshowed movies of Haverford and the Hamm

11:"ifel:rfire; Newts and member of the J. V. al:M- eer team.


It,: 0;1Z r24gri.i3°4-.

;V:r 11417,1.1.::d174%. b. nouncerneet M use Hey joernal ml .T.10.ettlt 0 IL The .10111 the Precknent- :ri01,7:444 tiereOrorto "Oath IRMONA ■42,5 7ie.,ilte took lib hL o. at Ha

in ht. Ali.: nal:u Ise viR retire to private LI, e these columns Inmous...

• . ork. the News is cimi to Wean or praise sod grerual ror 's co-enc./on end eod- les, mai., with tide amstscitIcieed of all mtunas libti extent the Preenlenow. The triune position of almmi necreta .radnate- malinger of mitioits and amistaut io the lirmident o whell'atfords ereat unnorteni. 110.0 tor eseentire esperieme benefiria o. toot, thdiver mut in a 1 1,1101 Enid. Inlit -Am..- as lie is nilinerailliy known, till. node the Psit sser timoilly sultdific to lineerford dense 1111 ths-pior tenure of ogee. Bid hr is Mile hen. for a broader and preinimin. &dd. beadng with 11 the good wishes of many friends. Site elamonine end succe es or Arehibnl Macintosh, popular 51008 the hl to Idle as teacher and crutch; .ho Id du moody in hie new task,. He WO rime.- the tosimerailon of Me ,sztit,kri,ogicigt,Ishri others ay dependent mom Kin an. he Wive Ma new

Thelow rants. committee bas end some itaiseoremmus areltlea.PmtlenlOell

I 47.he of majority sopport in eliminating the Mittanon.''n"wio. op op o ath e minority to see them them mmItmeh pragesm ist eamated withime tM reale

nimyeot of prlrate Pattie. designed to etiltallioh the work of the st

Appointment of Coaches Hervey J. Norm. and Alfred W. Haddleton to the famIN et the lett Meeting Of the beani of menage. marks lie hoe

ITC'71igm'CanYILOI"OlitIrm'il*.V'Atgrt:114 te'etZ"OrIl Pr7401711e0I'ale'ity on mble.dca to the entire professorial body directlyrwill remit In understanding end es-operistIon between tile- ...in.,. and physleal aides -of College which le the past here heel conddeeed too meth heel eel. think lo bur.w and la practice.

HAVER..F9 ,RD NEWS An aratelesarat Veatearatecte tem rastejeirgatiews el Lunar to ahentrlent

rynx BlLaealcate, Ir.. ArnHeE WS aDriaRa

fa CreMnatIe lE m iles

Arlo 11

H flnAn, IMOARD SO Rattee 4tant. fat

rinteaut. ROAM Raw O. ilendient. 10., 05..4 O. illuffleates, Yr.. Weft., O. 4Iurr. e.ai v. Bitsa as REIMS M. 71312OR ❁❍▼✎ P. gum '31

O wawa neint 10.0

an ALUM .,

H. as telt Par fair. ' " .. W.. T. R. Ifor. Bice. St. Ia.

• °010 .ar ".• `AV" N I kor..1;?'11 attalartal Retinae.

STECRIATION laer0a. artna.181110 111.1.10La Patel o •31 arech konse. 50

Vtotirnt Trio=

lagleYSITe Yolui a. VIM. 21

crattrt:.'tae'r, thou L Yarde..9I

Newspapers in Japan Te. the Editor of the Now.:

Without, wishing n, eam whet. car

ship of Me -loom Thom a. MM.'


= 47 .1740.,:.h.W.:ti41:tr::::V,,, iL;16._,C`157:Ir°10111.4 u7sten:germi:. The tosins Carn ally ie.

he, In Tokyo a doily En of their -Tot. Sichi N

million of the

Harold M. Lone. '04. liaterMret


"ran yr„Vt.37.1.1. Potted lzr1 "Memorials of don Hines Pansilye, book of over page. of tent sod

P.474 V.r:,'L?7,.,,,,7*.rr 4g." eet,ee of ...me bovine. einem.

Clorionati. Ohio. ✴◗❏ COP,. of flat book. one of w here o be Mitred in the library, were

by as amino to Dr. Haynes W.

✛✗✟✍✇✑✇✑✗✚✑✗✎✑✎⑤✑✑✚❉●❒❇❉●✔❅❀❇ so work was afar above Use merme


2e.motio.nt of valuable material that It

Tim book retire.. over two and a half years of dm authorin spare time a. about years M gatherin g Me

'4771;I:',..!LIT "tre7; width car tat the Lts,rfoul tion ti

l'ilku7: 534alt;tenit 12 .,%191:led sonnet of Jolin

II, with hie

own siketob or himself and ate., mr. Wee

1,1Mr. Mlles handy bear. tense Ills-

011.hir Wills. t Ilia gr emlbglior


r the 11111ca tir:Mn1 r

me Coll ege in D142,_ 0 T. Allen 111111w,

cal the rw eux,neer .7.06 17bOkr;tot,


'II, and M, L. peel. Will Te;100 al Jaouram WM.

ej e latter oith Or.


of Phinuohe. esub3set of mine hinter.. phases of

QM.'rEnckie lotenda to take tort peace c o 011 end

.„.'7,7r Chemistry, Imre Iniul' eat7'1'n'eT

"ru tt.!!!ct, 717;i% - maw oil Em ma:Lea, at Greene...

ahrtbern Vermont, F-fhnb D. lemma end his filmOP. De la coo. 'Mertes 'sorbing nest whites Ma the World Pmee Foundation In Hoe..

W. Coleman pl.. to El an advt.,

tte'hii'loloy7mTgli 05°,.," town. se's team, Philotophy ot

M"h;r1IPTV re~Wile tert. kvM 11.1,„.. to WOO Collate. Mari

2%,-rnz 19.1,

re,l1W1 TxcrlI1 fl v=ie , Rrle,Cl madam' wiU ca ,,p h mile, other

41r. tItilz..--,,T,°r;rAlt„. wet motor to Vnecolvege and thee nail

tactrnoVIIOO, biOthth!"Eltat' 11Z r.rtroeast et the Hokkaido Breton..

dg ★✎ ✩✶✎ Thurman

Zti'n7[':4:47 PitTiorgt:' a ❄❅▼▼◆❒❋❉ ■❅❙✌

HAVH1LEOMD NEWS Saturday. June S. 1929

I In The Mail 1 The Crow's Nest BY It M. DOUGHTY. '00

H. P. SHAME, '31

EQUALITY OF THE SEXES 21. eight of the Ohneriem flit r.

isilffiir and ❙❏■ is net. dean.. ohite Me etude, body swelters under

000111 of heavy roma le one to 1,011115 .re to the ey e's of everyone—who time Ike Imre,. Me spent Mout nifty Inoue in the library ✬❅❏✁ week. roan. rmerved Inwica—end et Meet Me or ibe hot. were 1,41 moppin g per brow or Mining our panition or

ithnut the Dhoti, of it ail. mhos IIIroma, If ❙❏◆ ❍❏■ ▼❏ away hack ia Ohl., end Ill the on, you van

remote yoor roal. then ❙❏◆ ❈❏❖❅ the many of hear. soft Otd- miring a ino.e ta, grabbing for the old

.at mid ...nine lo an Bar in time to oTret Daseie 3.Liouni aemeh.uly,

With 111,11, tinklin g et broken whom. The AM( recreation of the nelf-relin, dignified Awl a ler. bud, ▲❅❅✎ re he throw. Mg monis bnite ,Haled windows and then

• wiehdrenita M • iteiel plate

here end laugh.

✴★✥ ★✥✷✳ ✥✤✩✴✯✲✩✡✬ ✰✯✬✩✣✹ Editorial in the Nests do slit nerealtril represent the opinion of

major ity of the under graduat., faculty or •Iumal. They are desi gned In.,. to arouse intelli gent Heenan. of such Haterford problems ea the News believes merit the considerstion of those interested the Colle ge. Conntinctive communIcallona concernin g Haverford problems or the ten-dent of this neu t.., whether favorin g or opposin g the stand taken by this [taper. ere ◗❅●❅❅❍❅❄ by the editor mid will be published ...hie pars. The News de. not agenme responsibility for the Mete or opinions con-tained In such cemenenicellene and must remain sole ledge of their ite- blli letters are not considered. but names will be with. held from publication if so deals..

THE MIDDLE ATLAMTICS Aft, nee. him we 1, mile sell

ton-eine rinee nt the Mira. Pm.- , here end tell th. lame lu

rerord-breshIne SAO,. rew we think tioxin name slionial he opened etikame

Alfred, hunts, million. Mont moo nor. who be, ton Co mer, mr..

the ✒✓✐ smi Bowie of Verne In the ✑✑✐✎ ✇❖✎ evidently ...led tolvatur

the ornion, nod bestowed • MI 11i11 ,Ilgteieel theme. tool min!


OF HAVENFINIDIAN Work eti nth Haveetonlian Ithet

1.11 e em marmite M distribe• tad ante a inane, is of o 1i-innerly wart.

"e:p"y 't kr'.ennTi otEll'e -0.11P01 the- meld! Tor mitor'epeorlis the MAI • of the 4411 elsitiv e eke various m om..

n"Irallnabllrlit'7Z: ear LrIL01l00

all Mantels On tbe lath of the ram,Ih another let





rime. Hunch with several ]10,06 idid CO art ale. nail the silt, itorent IleVe le do none het crise.

Whe his Say, hoarier. is th...ioy th

rieha • 11-...labir,enaretially PI lase b o

the trufmatty.. to ho Villether "1111':Zit ly ent itled YA Made of

Prlaytal loll infew in s

mortio.,:niett Of

k'tio •nn. pultliehera fITC 7erVit'al roof a ale then med.

ntrw bilk sin

I`" bilk lit low tonwo and let, mot. simmered ey, the nom, smoistrag• him eignretten. About nine he eon ondentraZete MAY l a in, -.1,64. darn,

Fir 7,:4, `1:". :72t vett, Ills lieceriffiniinn until -ea du

. ❈❏▲ ❉▼� ▼❂❙ Wee. enej ✎❒✌❒ the

college considered one of ▼❈❅ last retreats of th e classics, where Latin and Greek are still emphanized. has o atudent body intenatly interested In the seienoes, en gineerin g, chem.,. physics, biolo gy, mathematics, economies and social.i.cee. The chemist, dep artment in crowded, the taboret.,

each filled every afternoon. The classes in biolo gy and physics are lar ger,

each year. There is a growin g inter. in the new learning. • len, in the Id. This winter. the Neu stated, speakin g of the majors and minors of ,

the Senior dm, tiA tendency toward greater popularity of th❅ ❏❏●❅■▼❉❆❉❅ courses is extremely rnticeable in the Colle ge as a whle..

Christopher Mori, who studied ❈❅❒❅ ◗❈❅■ we were all in lid-: filing clothes, imbibed some of this newer learnin g.

eidl Pled db., mixture is whited in bail. eerie noid, chic], tide. stir all lb. Like, rad I..., nub. .lobule mire sold." wore, c o at In -I • is In Pliiiadelphla." -The matter that mu. the sliser iie.r•sellieefe. -hoe. do you lea these ada ge elel ie. nee olcar lila I would bolter, Nuclide. after met marcni friend Mowed me 111. pea...111p n ntats h ooked tel innueeet rembiet of eprin g older. I • lierit O your Oland or it will 'TM,- he emli. sx'Lq; 00. eahnet. l uto the tomblir he mimed 1•11,110111 fie. on t our belle

• a sou. rites, PIII n eleeee be gan to Mitten ward bottom of the slum. wavin g libr

. trees in It Me. eTtinCe the siiver,e he ❍❉❄✌ sod while I was snit trennt-

Mos sioned tor net-era nr sold uhuairms aeu. resin When multihued Ma- •, e cede aunt,. ut part et,. MO MM.. fa pert formed similar meek tan, some Myer s oled. by unloading eieelle la sett

wider ..n it 11141 Melting it in nine., called an 'agitate, Anse which. he Mil I roue eiderriently Meade to Aim me the furnace room" In these enlightened times, even thy Freshmen, taking Chem I a, roc-ogniaea A g1101. and the e quation

AgN0-1- HaserelINOtiA gC1 Haverfoml newest muve in its advance in scientific education was

climaxed this mornin g with the dedication excreta,. of the recently ..- .led Laboratory of Applied Science. This buRding , the gift of T. Allen Hines. '70, represents the realitallon of a dream of fifteen yens, standin g at Haverford. the fulfillment of a hi gh somiration. The laboratory now houses complete

• and modern engineering and electrical e quipment,

which can make Haverford as well known in the future scientific edu- ration es it is now known for iM cultu red and classical learnin g.'

Heverford has named another milestone on the road of Progreso. We hope she will continue in the future, ever ready to discard the old and to take on the new.

The Merion Title & Trust Co.


Narberth Baia-Cynwyd

✴❏▼❁● ✲❅▲❏◆❒❃❅▲


Far many vs./. ✪❏❈■ Ward.

have been the ca w fiseT'll

shoe. Hoe you ma r select,

from a variety el stifles,

douse which ' ,ardent...1r

suit your individual taste.


Complete Steteelt 404 5(14. vice at our Philadelphia More, - MSS Chestnut St. Just belowtheAdelphis.

★❁❖❅ you chosen your life ▲▼❁❒❋✟

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. .

test Whitman's Prestige Chocolates... the

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s. P. W.. Son, ✭❅✌

SENIORS: What will YOU say when your find employer asks


Ma'?" WILLIAM Y. RARE, '13 1690 N. American Bldg. PPliadtinhia. Pe. PeealiBilakar ""

Life, Accident. Health Group



A choice suite and a few single bachelor apartments, either furnished or unfurnished, are now available.

✲❏❏❍▲ ❆❏❒ ✴❒❁■▲❉❅■▼ ✧❁❅▲❅❇ ✡●◗❁❙▲ ✡❖❁❉●❁❂●❅

I-scaliest Renamed Service

✳❐❅❃❉❁● ✡▼▼❅■▼❉❏■ ✧❉❖❅■ to ✰❒❉❖❁▼❅ ✡❆❆❁❉❒▲

Eastman, Dillon & Co. m an new Well rituoiuus. out,. auras mot:eybe




The alumni advisory committee, which Bohm. it. eon ... mart id the ..ust. mreraistlun talky, te, outside of tne Dew, the ode Hayed." , oeltalliattlien Willett IWO the dour eroupe of alumni. ease.. faculty and

12m.'sets StietWe foe? otoo eueleretand the altitude of the other three, and It has Weis/. israLt.

eny value Lie suggentirms Me the work Of ALL of ▼❈❅❃❁

Tgr2n,lutttis are In ;Lnoirer f0tratig, vsfrion: teams which lore completed toe lowin g sewn rietnrire.it%11 the :pogo'weg oeit.I.La"``?:0 1419 neth the eineleenend•turf deuo m over astern colle ges Mr , the Mid. and

lithe track crown. nlie sante of OH.. to the College In reputation and

in the otudents in recreation sad mental and phmical exert. is WM.. men, liteee by when.

Tu proMmon who will no lon ger smear here in the ca rein of in- ernefor, Ur. Deo, S. Pratt end R. Gray, were Tat foreerll Gs.

t7Wrel.n 'An le% sPa'l. ebbll.' been 'o.n.-


✧❒❁❄◆❁▼❅❄ ✴❈❉▲ ✭❏❒■❉■❇ Craoinencolneut today M. the last of the pleas of 1929 ea under-

graduates. PMed by friends, officials and relatives, M accordance with annual custom. the celebration today is marked by more than the ordi-nary rand of colorful events. Dedication of the splendid new Hines memorial lohnrotory of engineering. revival of old-fuhioned step-ting-ing, with Si gmund Spaeth demonstratin g to his colle gemates why he has become AO prominent in the musical world. sta ging ❏❆ a Varsity baseball game, ninsat.ment of the brese hand idea. and the withdrawal of see.

fre eral prominent pronnrs from their present positions, all add importanee to the OCCAek$R. The mesa of 1929 has contributed much to the life M the • ncholmtiettllY, HbleticaiiY end in other entre...Mr activities, and merit, the jubilee events which this year's celebration bringe-

Preleident Comfort, addrem this mornin g refers to a proposed ex-periment in education to be attempted at Haverford and !Inks this am


n closely with the statement that 'The re are ❆❅◗✌ if any, col-

leges in America which me able. with a liberal endowment, to render the ce to a ,elected body of students highest educational servi so small that

their individual needs and capacities may be considered." Any effort at Haverford to incream the meaoure of individual service available to stu-dents will indeed be a national service. The tendency of twentieth cen-t.. edueation in this country it 1001rd II standardization of ,machine-made products. surly na to i gnore the fundamental axiom of divine and Annum nature that all rn en are created e qual bet different. No two men net for the same vocation or arnentiOn in Life and all need. therefore , different caursee and different epecialtieet in those courses. But more ins. portent even than the differ. re in peat-COMMeneetuent plata, is the dif-ferent. in disposition due to trainin g, environment and individual nature, anJ the canne quent difference In student preMlivity for work and play. Any plan which takes into connideration these factors will be of inesti-mable ❂❅■❅❆❉▼ ▼❏ ✡❍❅❒❉❃❁■ education.

Mention by the President in his address of the rapid approach of the Centenary event in 1933 is vitally Important. in view of the number of items still to be checked off on the million-dollar pro gram. This subject Ls further mentioned today in the annual report of the alumni advisory committee. There is no remain to be fri ghtened over the incompletion of the fund when Swarthmore Mtn raise two &Mare in s month. but it is aigniflcant that Haverford's $310,014 to 1406,000 has been nearly sis yearn in the raining.

TM good wishes of the Colle ge hod, gy ❏◆▼ to the ries, of BP.

✴❈❅ ✤❅❄❉❃❁▼❉❏■ Haverford has grown. expanded, Mr beyond the hop. end aspire.

Bons of it, ❆❏◆■❄❖❒❏ It ❈❅▲ developed. itself to the needs modern education, and is indeed nova much broader in the education

tatant larriatneore stow.

keens,tfairC arrasea:90..,70 1.7"ZZ, ":: for race rectal ant wee .

was two team,. opposed mirk other in1foor nthietic teenteate—Mack,' bom-be la ten. and toll . The inter.. an to their probable ancon. visa in-

010 let can Rlark, nTe'n'alta.'1.ii;!1';;;e 77;1'

de hid✌

elmred sorer the smite I●s❅✯ ✗✙✇✶ ✝✺❉✟✌❀ ✗☎✁ nod 10111 douve our ban.. teem en ❅❖❅■ op thin codes tut... the had enoteched in tennla and Cold

A summary of the athletic YTee

enk11117d fa.• tr". in".1 .cTrilTor.r. am to her credit dee,. noty.or

Ms is. gall ba.PI. 11. on the eels.

onol'"/17",;ItIrIrlr n";";o " hr nettles. a vie -.rennet nstit'ut , belly brto

the gridiron nod decided me question or ntliletie supremacy In Me lone re-maining mort—foothall?

'NESTTOWN CLUB ELECTS A. 13rInton, i311. Preeldent for 192S-30i

Entertain HI School Oueot• Arthur H.

✑✌▼ ✇▼ ihr

yror of BOMA at a meeting of

h. Club held In the Go., his 24 TLr egret., ry itretaar,,,U11 neeI

t'i,i157ircro'SM:'e "" etMe *

gokY,t7.1g, V„Mrrg Vitusentertained In the Union ❂❙ Grorge Vitus. Jr.. '00. who showed movies of . Haverford and the Hamm

iligArrS News and member of the ✓✌ ✶✎ not-e, ▼❅❅❍✎


❇❏❙✇▲✇ ✎✑✎ T.

✥❒❆❁❒ ❙✵❈❉❇❉▼✇❉● ▼❏▼✚✚

✛✶✚✩✕ lb.

nuntoraot - M 3fily jonenal cal 1,51ragi.,eAl.E.,testies The UMW

the rwskasst-Iniir 1rNt'o7:1:34+1 Ovettenrewn Hedy Hglerajd !gm It.ilte took hia hL 6. at Ha

n111111 111.0 retire to private fie,

these columns itelicaor lomonse Ts • irk. the New. m

aim! tie n its or preme grortiZe Mr 's co-unerinlon 11. sea , bse nat., with this mismeriticiesi of di I-We.. ele111111i021, eztopt the Presidency. The triune position of alumni secrete arndente - malinger of tohloii, end tontictrtut 10 the Precideor it. one whichr.titionin ■❒❅❅▼ ❏■■❏❒✎✌ tias rue eayentive Ihrnefieio both 1•0110,, and mit hs a limited

no lie kneWr e )111e snide the P.n.s ase, Moonily vajulde Iturerfer. datine bin doe-yeor

the of office Dm

hr is 001, Mare. far a broader and Inure promicin. fiehl. hearing with 11 the amt nisi. ❏❆ many (Weeds. ille classemen, nod succeenor Archibni Macintosh, popular alon g the hfiln Line tench, end crutch; oho Id du 1,%n 11, in his new tank,. He WM The emeneration of Me nzer.r,, igel e.igtelohr °there me dependent mem bine when he Ultra hp hi. new

The low rum our committee bes me,. and want. iinnintemeau arc the TIn trimidt,".10111'.8"ks 0t:

`07',771tn,;.. ✔✗✎❈❏ sure ❏❆ majority soppert In eliminating ▼❈❅ ooll eing ininsoon.''.ut"win oe to the ma jority to see that them madtmeie pro gram he elecated withene the

nimyeot Of Orlrate Pattie s designed to enittelllok the work of the

Appointment of Goad. Hervey ✪✎ Hartnett and Alfred W. Fladdleme to the faculty et the ●❅❁ fantail, of the board of mena ge. marks anothef ITC'71re'sCtrZO Itelitlint' d'Atgrtellg te=retd Pr7401'flte 01'41:7 an mlilelica to the entire prottaaorlal body directly ,...61 remit In Berea.. understanding eel -e between the and nbulasi aldes.of Colle g e emirgy. whiten in else past here been conridered too notch ins oath Untie lo purpon and in practice.

What WE They Think) T,. the Editor of the News:

Admitting for Me porno. of mk letter that eon, nett of senervigion ❏❆ the Freeltenen Blau I» a oecearlty-

1.b.'.1.:", Iri5r out er leer If earl!

vett;;je l'x'aionecema'rr and bsirtotoL Harerford beaded far years of boring ▲✎✎▲ ✎✍❈✎❁✎▲✂ ▲ ✌● or teatin s the Preen mw rendoet erati or ganization to the Prudent Connell. Having di.1mike hooding myself. you

ci, hnRlne

my burn.. at Mils e nhown he blued-otaioed rental. Inerhape I am metaphorical) of one of le. Soften. brie vier,. the win of n reopened PHU., And It wan point. ont thin

woo InutelY ,63,7,r, re srIyral1 »° hie

° Thin have de- veloped idem it* own. NUS. In Me News' report,: sincerely hone

it Mtn deckled hot f yieodi y wed- that

V.hg, timll Ins, oted. If Hose Info eltallte." a le

"1:1Vtilleetair'h .ttrZe ns'Cdre"VileVI Vellitaton, leyeity. tht,%7Yn1117elintl:

6,11.1 inetttiet m seer,h their own min& and that of toddle turbid..

0t 0e: i7e'."'.91.2"•••;tare'en72,1:11 mem waim••ineHl Mine. will be too late. It La e Mu,. 51 Harvard to laugh he

NU, to avoid


hhn ty.tiurrt

P"' Itlet'ait ieOletted ceneollIrle ss rime, raarepute.


'''HoWl.'acYao'117e7110e11Hn's:hVy"ntl I else t m nosing whet 1 e°p1e

ehlnb n1 J r1. WAREIELD. ' 90

F.in,wlyda lien Cambridge.

HAVER..F9 ,RD NEWS gratolosamat 11adaranatota 11m.naomejointgatteno al Lomat le ...Wool

Loma 7.. 21.9goato, MITE L01101

ranHEWS rarrOna /ohs ganut. 'M Lanett H. Belau, To ornate 90.13

Z. Vona. San 30

entreat. ZOAAD Now O. Ilatalount. 79, Egoista O. 11ofkootoo, 7r.. WONT C. 4Itsr. root V. gm 'es RCVS MM. 7:01203. Erni. P. gum fee

we litarzOt son A... 'es

aosap Parofeis7'.." Wham T. R. ret. pike. Z. M. Warur9.121XOo.

• °TE:a ter ".• t: I TIII?..tt?'11

111111111[61 Zatolacen LLECIms7101111991.011. AlIoTZT1.1110 11ILLYOLI 0191110 A. Wow. •71 fru. gooll.o. 3,..4 51

??..first Trial=

Ulna Z WILL. Valttn:.'VtiIta think L Parch. '91

HAVEREORD NEWS Saturday. June S. 1929

I In The Mail 1 The Crow's Nest BY B.M.DOUORTY.10 H. P. SNARE, 11 What WE They Think)

T,. the Editor of the News: Admitting for the mom. , of M.

letter that enure mat of supervigion of the Predation clam. a necessity-

%stale Opt m that if irlt

ece;;I:u l'I'unneceme 0ni bmindol• Harerford Wanted for yearn of boring siren end of mavin g me Creeltiona eondoet god or ganization to the Student Coen.. Hulas deee non, ...Hog use you ran ..e.. my honsi=tion se lei, mho. the blued-stained remaine Inerhose I am metophorirell of one of lort hero victims the ono of maperted PO.. And It was voluted ant tioqt mix largely resPenelide

have de- vil...I mone Meets of its own. In the News. report,: sincerely boo. that it brie deekled hoe a friendly *rid-

11.tril' ro"Ii2;"d!II .rshg, t:e Haas Into ebepe." In

"11: I'Ailleetrir'h•Crine7gle''Il dre"V ileVt roillesmnt f. loy alty.

Ilo,l'iO stfl 01. 150 for that motor fa porch



own mind. mi d that of public onto.. ;11.res.;rat": .J...72a01.1

mem slate. Mg.= opens

will be tno It used r feshion 51 Ilarvarg too laugh he Combeidge to mold being hhn re.tautra et r

- t 71'7"n7sod rA....It. ❒❏❏❍ ✹❁●❅

P"' It I.:1 isn'leted mirealh(ch us= . ss =metal merepute.

fret th le Inherll+hen

I nssinw. who will people mink "k1;::, R, WAHFIELD.

Linfoloh, Inn Cambrid ge.

THE NEWS EDITORIAL POLICY Editorial in the News do at nectslaril represent the opinion al majority of Me ondergradeat., faculty or •Iumni. They are desi gned Instead to arouse Intelli gent diacussion of such Haverford problems es the News believes merit the coneideretion of those interested the Colle ge. Constructive comomolcati.e concernin g Haverford problems or the duet of this newspaper. whether favorin g or opposin g the stand taken by this paper. are wolsemed by the editor and will be published ...hie pare. The News doe. not aneume responsibility for the fame or opinions coo. Mined In such cemmunicetione and must remain *ale ledge of their suita-bility. Anonymous /mtem are not consider.. bet names will be with. held orei publication so desired.

EQUALITY OF THE SEXES eight or the nor/trines flittimu iiirffim and you in airy, li ght gee., whil e Me loud en/Me= swelters under rhe 000111 of heavy coats, be ono to Ming .re to the eye. of everyone-who nave Ike Ilk,. Me spent about arty Immo in the libre rn Leal week. road. reiterant 1.1.--ntid et leeft Me or lbw houre Wrer 1,41 moppin g , In nbitiin g our puitioa or

think. nhinit Me M.O. of it MI. am Mu,

ilf am., If you want to mwey Leek in eith. end of the tin, you 11111 Lemon too ool. I thrn you bore thr 1111141R =any of heoritm soft MO-rrint boa s.. ',abb., for the old vomat .1 se.. lo ent jam io to

el Immtie Adm... or emoshode With Made 101111es the tinklin g ot broken whnime. TM eltief recreation or the nelf-relis. di gnified .11 mtered god. bank see Lir to lox them, log tennis hallo dosed windows and then withdroalog M • 1011r1

hare • good Mo gi,

Graduated This Morning Commencement today twee the last of the pleas of 1929 al under-

graduates. Feted by friends, officials and relatives, M amordance with annual custom. the rebehration today. is marked by more than the ordi- nary of colorful events. Dedication of the splendid new Hines memorial lahorotory of en gineering. revival of old-fashioned stepoingi ing, with Si gmund Spaeth demonstratin g to his colle gemates why he has become AO prominent in the musical world. stagin g of a Varsity baseball game, reinsentement of the bra= band idea. and the withdrawal of 0ev. oral prominent proftonora from theW present positions, all add important, to the OCCAnk$0. The rhosol of 19200 has contributed much t o the life of the rank, scholostleallY, alkleticeiir M. in other extru murrieu. activities, and merit, the jubilee events which this year's celebration brings- President Comfort, addreas this mornin g refers to a pre empts! ex-periment in education to be attempted at Haverford and Enka this an- • ent closely with the statement that ether* are few, if any, col-leges in America which me able. with a liberal endowment, to render the hi ghest educational service to a selected body of Modenta so small that

individual needs and capacities may be their indiv considered." Any effort at Haverford to increase the measure of individual service available to stu-dents will indeed be a =Menai service. The tendency of .ventieth cen-t.. education in this count, it 1001011 II standardization of ...chine, made products, such on to ignore the fundamental axiom of divine and =man nett. that all rnen created equal but different. No two men net for the same vocation or avocation in Life and all need. therefore , diffenem courses and different mecialtie. in thos e coumes. But more ion. portent even than the difference in ....COMMenternent plate, is the dif-ference in disposition due to trainin g, environment and individ.I nature,

ue noJ the conee q nt difference In eluded proclivity for work and play. Any plan which takes into consideration these factors will be of inesti-mable benefit to American education. Mention by the President in his address of the rapid approach of the Centenary event in 1933 is vitally important. in view of the number of

items still to be checked off on the million-dollar program. This subject is further mentioned today in the annual report of the alumni advisory committee. There is no rue, to be frightened

mo over the incompletion of

the fund when Swarthmore can M. two million doGare s nth, but it is si gnificant that Haverfort, $900,090 to 1100,000 has been nearly at years in the raising.

The goal wishes of the College bad, go out to the alas, of T9.

TEE MIDDLE ATLANTICS Aft, ere. hint um the toile nnJ

ra.se nt [be Hitt. Swe- ll., he m nevi tell third Pl. the reeord-hreekint N.. tom we Mink

name Monist hr

=wiled AM.'" Alfred, how., e mittin g. Mom ow .

nor. who m out tin.. Enema, the 2-in sod Bowie of Coign In the

1111 was evidentlyetre. In etivnttn. for the e ngin. nod intblitity • iin 11i11 Age,' Rem.es snot model


Work on the Iteveefunlien ithet melt rem whiett distribu• red ance a month, Is of e kismet, wort.

"41"e'11,1'14'7110Itt:iiZelPRO1 the meld! Tor reitor'epenchs Me night • of the visitin g Me various m om,.

ear trIL01l00 n" Itellnabl;r19M: all

De the lath of Me lout. another lot

l.10,11;:r inite: 07,1. 0lh'e"IrnI7fr"iinti rranh. thro ugh with several RORK1F tool an ar.r , end the does. intl., 10 do emeh het ile..

I The Mx day, how, er. the do- th

• 11-,..Talurna,....tb• fat 0111 the Inani ty- t;rrg":1"thatql.... to he find. Minh. to

entrigel °A Mode of

nrisyao1 loll ol, of to.'w m rot

•nn nuldlehers. 7,4:101 roots are then = ed.

piTterf'On'gt 't:f1 tolent bah ht how mime eici loth. mon. .red over the m.o. ,molook• le. eigurtme. About nine the etait undentreZete berg dorm

etmem the Merefontlan antil the hno it-thr wee erliii• lin1001..r the

The Dedication Haverford has grown. expanded, far be,nd the hop, and aspira-

tions of it, found ers. It has developed. adjuWed Itself to the needs modern education, and is indeed nova much broader in the education

college coneervd one of the last retreats of th e classics, where Latin and Greek ere still emphevized. has o Mode= body Interiorly interested in the sciences, engineering, chem., physics, biology, mathematics, economies and social sciences. The chemist, dep artment is crowded, the lithoola-ries filled every afternoon. The classes an biolo gy and physics are Mr mer , each year. Those is a growin g internist the new learning. • less in the Id. This winter. the Nue stated, speaking of the majors and minors of ,

the Senior du. °A tendency toward greater poDulerity of the soientifie courses is extremely ...eels= in the College as a whle...

Christopher Mori, who er ladled here when we were all in tod-dlin g clothes, imbibed some of this newer learning.

-Tifen gahl 011111 Mx., in pineed 111 nitric odd, othitdo mho, ,er all the siker nod leaves role do. 0,bule a mire sold." loa worra. a to at -'1 • • Is In Pliiindel ohla." °The matter that pualen Oft ins nese.. is.- he eielli0111/01. -how dot you -find three Wa ge 0111 in the lit, totem o Bo I would hothece gloating alter entO mnrool my friend showed ice Ile tot. ot t o clean tho L ooked like too Inoue., tumble,' of epilo g outer.

I • I huit O your clothed or it Dill lo "xh Lrt e,:t .shoe. Imo the inmbIhr he rimPlowl 0111 11111011 on L our hal • a

son. chef. p111101 elnee he em to memo toward bow. of the dues. wavin g trees in o mie. 'Mtn. f eilver,7 he aid, sold while I suo seal moron- imp .towst me onfers of gold diemdrin g io noun Login Whim comolmely •e, r mod ouhea mi. li n sweet mo ewes. t fo per-

formed sirmiler ma nic epos some nil., s olidi. by utdoettin g 1.11 sett

Mall I 1 it 41111 Mnkin g it in la little nine,. palled an 'agitate, At. which.

he felt I roue soffiefeatly humble to dime me the furnace room." In these enlightened times, even the Freshman, taking Chem 1 a, r.- onniaea AgNO,..end the e quation AgN07- HCI 5UNGt. AgCI

Hnverfool newest move in its advance in scientific education was climaxed this morning with' ith the dedication exerciee. of the rmently com- pleted Wiles Laboratory of Applied Science. This buifding , the gift of T. Allen Hines. '70, represents the realmallon of a dream of fifteen yearn standin g et Haverford, the fulfillment of a high =flotation. The laboratory now houses complete and modern engineering and electrical e quipment, which can make Haverford as 1,11 known in the future in !scientific edu-ration es it is now known for iM cohered and classical learnin g.'

Hovel-ford haa peeved another milestone on the road of Progreso. We hope she will continue the future, ever ready to discard the old and to take on the new.

Newspapers in Japan TO the Wk,r of the Neu: ITEM. wiebing le any way what-

47.:111;1111.;Tt. ship or Me ',nun Times a. Magi.

1111:71:M7 r2."71relIer17,1.,IpcA

u7ssen:geriet:. The tow, MOM. Co rn.g nine

hez In Tokyo a d eny En

of their Siehi of [be

Harold M. Lone. '04. rte.


" ran 4:,Vt.37.1.1. Pentad Heui,1a

'Memorials of ti te Miles Saostly., ❈❏❏❋ of ❏❖❅❒ NO pages of teat aod

P01 r'L.,r4" .474 f

?7,,,17.rg. ,61 0

nun botnneae *oneness Ohio. Two coo. of the book. one of whiell 0 be [flared in the library, were lo do ocher to Dr. Hoye, VV.

work was 'Tar shore Use •verage tto

2e...mort of valuable matersial that It

Ths book re tire.. Gorr and a half scare of the author's spare time a. about year. M gatherin g Me

"::tre't7; Mahn ¢1 sal which =Liu

ins mile m r it. of the L ila.rfuril mult ill,

sonnet of Jo, 0.•=bittler ulth ble own eketch or hiouselt end other rm. Wes , Xt. ismly bear. otos, tete- tiotshir Collem. aratolislti cr lam

the 111111eit rir:=nnl r crlio

the College In l842 T, Aline 11111.,

76I. . Chnskr;tot, eoineert

prohuor of Philounhe. e =Nen of none hiatories1 ph.. of

QM.'{1.7Ileckie ie.= to take WI Srts,O,',101,r1.0!el' R:Trur.Ng

.„!1:71.Z .77:n711'1;

nett toe hare lain;dt71'n'T trin "A tt2Mg, (Ite7;main. maw om Ca mitu'Llite, at Greene.. earth.. 'remota, eith Emob D. Watson end hla tem.?. Re la mo. ',Hering workiag neat wIntte sr= the World Pare Foundation in Mateo. W. Coleman plane to fill so advt.., g:seTtel:n'ty7mWertv'OrPG: he

town. An'e Iwo= 1M Phtlemphy or kvN 11.r to WIley Collate. Mart



Lana, NM and L. Peel. Will Te;e91 at Jao=su WM=

r°11-'"' 010.1,other

1181 0011„1. I0 vrMad Hasalute ob., II'

IL;10.7,11'14'!tr:ZIT:.°: Ir. tz.'111L1...--,,T,°7„,r-Alt,.

awfil motor to Venm=er end thee sail


gnment et nokkaldo Proms...tore

4."`fyi:.?„":17,".',,,, H. WA T,rmandl✑✑ ❍✬

PeTturt=' xt a Menu.. de.r

e latter kith Dr. mielrr. anal

The Merion Title & Trust Co.


Narberth Baia-Cynwyd

Total Resources


For many years John Wards hare been she ca me ssan's shoe. Here you may select, From a variety of strict, tiles. which parasol...dr suit your individual taste.


Complete stook and sets. Vice at our Philadelphia Ron, 1241-1223 Chestnut St. Just belavotheAdelphis,

Have you chosen your life stark?

1.1,1,="101-' ne t'sned

MARV" UNtVZIOYCZ Po, scHOOL Rannenee AM emus kn...

GET Haverford College Seal Stationery

31.00 a box

Sodas, Sundaes and Sandwiches at the

Haverford Pharoacy✎

NOW YOUNG MEN T. am, Cloth.. Ithheediebers

MM.= Atosiol aod

1111.1316 CHESTNUT 37BIET

Grill Room Restaurant Ardmore 3160 Garage Service

Just Off The College Campus

. .

test Whitman's Prestige Chocolates...the

finest thing of their kind ... $2 the pound. WHITMAN'S VAMOIM CANDISS AM SOLD IT



0 0. P. W. yon ,

SENIORS: What will YOU say when your first ensphiyer asks

"HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE have you. Young ma'?" WILLIAM Y. RARE, '13 IWO N. American Bidg. Philadelphia. Pa. Peon ,Ftch't ""

Llfe, Accident, Health Group



A choice suite and a few single bachelor apartments, either furnished or unfurnished, are now available.

Rooms for Transient Gaegeg Always Available

F.xcelleat Renamed Service

Special Attention Given to Private Affairs

Eastman, Dillon & Co. IgNiUm at us um Mick rstamous. mum s, ?farce°, we t gottaah.



The alumni advisory committee. which solult• it. ems part MI the modiste unueletion talky, te, utile of the Neese, the mar Herod...4 rgalli9011011 sofa rob 1190 the dour group. of =mud, tw ee.. fatuity and

11741'1OtIrf,%ho 12ta'setti bantintd e otoo vuoleretaad the altitude of the other three, sad It has proLt. are, value Lie surge... Me tlie work Of sn et them

Tgr2o,t.utttlas tr.ed.l.r2 ;Lrioier veto= tame which love templet.] toe latIng dm. rictori=11%11 the :poge'weg oeit:t.i"`tY.7 gbh Otneler.and•turf Ono, over Mote= colle ges Me Me glid. Atlantic Lt crown. Xlie uhte of athletics to the College In reputation end

iff the ntodente Jr rerr.tioct sad mental and pleyeical exert. is IsalsanCed nntm .101eal by wit..

protrasors oho telll no lon ger =pear Pere in the rapacity of in-...oho. Ur. Henry S. Pratt end Alletin IC. Gray. were Aden. farewell dig

ITrIelird!..1211"tIrwitt'tjt? 'As coTet"co, elv*aelrililrly" fefluence esal inspiration that her been ee soluble en. It been I*p.ro- rhnettl

Mom Oa sarimovre oman, The keen rienlre between:h0...0,70 ":: Lo.:;f: t for man fest.. am wee .

Twe two cone geo unposed mirk other 10Toor athletic fouteatti-Imek; hue-, I, ten. and to ●●✎ ✴❈❅ Interred en to their probable mtcotere wen in-

fin the nTe'n'elts.'1.1:1;!.:?;;,;;;I'

sm. hide

iflured sorer the ande

=itl?e' 7%! nod down. our band.. Man en nven on Mtn yedris tu mor= serf. She had nnentellied in to of and golf.

A summary of the ethboie YTie

enhll'end fa.• tr"."11 wTrtiTor.e. am to her credit Moos. sneeor ia. golf ✎✐✔ beneball. On the eels. carx'"="a;Itl"1"frir n";";0" hnr. -h Patties. a venlict tisig.e1 br

't.rirro d ifoll Isfee t:14% z.frrl:ntt ePt the =MI. old decided the moot= cif =prem. It he lone re- mainin g o fort-foothell?

'NESTTOWN CLUB ELECTS A. grin., .30. Preeldent for 1929.301

Entertain le School Comte , Arthur H. Brinlnn. '30, w

rrol ifaa

yror of IMAM= at n meetin g of

h. Club held in the Union, Ma 24 TLr mgcatareitretaucer,,r011 Ze 41

Axg gokY,t7.1g, V„mllg erimrtelned in the Union by Glenna Your. Jr.. '00. who showed movies of Wes., Haverford and the Hours

re'111:4"71I;o:"Il Mt 'riligArr; Newts and a member of the 3. V. me- ter team.


rear .24g nstlaer Iltile,1::d174%. b. nouncement - In Yoe.= mJ 1,5111egizI .E,teatiou The UMW

the Parkins,- InUr Oreeneseve Wady et Sterraill 143a It.ilte took hla hL 6. at Ha

/111111 will retire to private o .\tf.r ❁■▼❒❁ Le

rhea e coluenne Inairns7 • ie to wk. the :sewn le

chol to its n or ormoo sod p.orilZn ne vi 's co-unrest/0o end end- leen nano... with thie amsoenticieel of ell 1101.1,1011 11111 A11110011 cztopl the Preeificzny. The triune position als o malin ger of othitsiste end ...tomtit Ito the Prenident ie ono whiall . tirtontt area unnartn, nee fn. esemitive ... r esents brood. m both College find =It In a limited 11111J no lie

•in 11111Veralli e known, Riln noide the Lmit.i oael

notedly sujuble to Dm-erg. derine 1111 thw-y. tenure of =hoe. Hot lir in now ham, far a broader and men' gronleing field. hearin g with If the good wish, of many friends. file nod eueceenor Archibel Macintosh, popular alo ot the Melo Line as tench, and coach.' rho Id du 1411111li, in hie new leek. He .0 receive The ...ration of the .mtric,t,, c1ingioigteln,,71 cohere No dependent tot. Iiirn when he tolies Ms new

The new en.. committee has me, and some eoe

trimidt,".10111'.8"k. 0`: !nab'. gb o

of majority sopport In eliminating the oollgin g ''s,"wlet ep o ath e ota jorlty to sac that them natIttee, pro gram ix oneonted 1•111oLat the of ornate Patton designed to etatelliek the work of therot

eYa(et1 body.

Appointment of Coach., Hervey J. Magna, and Alfred W. Iletidlotma ▼❏ the faculty et the lest Meetin g of the hoard of mena ge= marks anothee

✐✑✐✌✑✐✎ ▼❈❅ ❅❙ 1.1;"71=m.C2hYgOI"Oliftlotot' d 'AL:grtell'Illo te=re tti 01 mbletles to the entire professoriat body direetly rwill remit In Incest.. understandtor anti es.0 0erotion between the and =role= =des.= College ne fOr which le the peat here keen ceneldered too moth me end • think lo mamma end practice.

HAVER..F9 ,RD NEWS An tralssesamat IrmlemeMinars Il msurrejairgabless sl Lunar ts

IInTax Allaleaum, n,,Me


ArloHEWS AIMSOAS /ohs 7Amar. 'M

Arno. H. BrIstss groats 110.13a. Selma. len SO

Mamas A. 4tAse. entromm ItOAAD Now O. Ilansbunt.

dammed 0. Iluflarates, moire 41ter. gain v. Aim ss


erg. MIAMI. Poop OM H. Alluded, us Parofeilr'gs" VIM. T. a. rm. 31 sear else. M. It

".• Dg...1r!'11


101117.61 YallatmA

STECInAMION II AD•TATIM1113 111AMLOLI PMI110 A. lie.. •31. fresh a. Inanee. dv.

lagteTalga nem a WI 21 team L Yeede..91


Newspapers in Japan To the Editor of the Nowa:

Walton, molting In any am what-

'4yo....Sat611111.; ship of Mo Demo Thom a. Meg.'

;I":; Itirs nri"!:at7 r27rWelIef:017elerV


iL;16._,C":57.1"1:11.4 The (melee Malnield Co rn eny Ho PI

bee In Tokyo a doily En of their -Tykes gichi

of the ■❏■

Harold M. Lime. 'II. Hever..


"ranorssirtvlatis cgifird Mir a "Memorials of Ma Mlle. Family", hook of OVnr NO page. of text sod ;Iv .= tr:,•L?7,•,,ri*.rr 4g.”

★❏❅ at ...due bovines. cones,. Clariumui. Ohio.

Two eerie, of th, hook. one of w here o be [Heed in the library, were

hr mat. to Ur. In da, W.

;711'1Vie:rio°1'111i1Z;:gi who eat•

work wag -far abuse the svera le

liy,, ametint of valuable materiel that It

TM book rem.. over two and half years of !Le authorb spare time

a about t ears M gatherin g Me

":tr:t7; whisk ell. of the Na,rfonl

sonnet of Jobe •Wbittler oath rile II Wretch or himself and other ear. Itlea

Me. 11111es family bear.



l ip

t00 Coneee aretuddltior

=tory 0 the 111111re

on,tir:=nrol Grdlf WIllren rk me Coll ege la

leg:, T, Allen Dille, 70,

17bOkr;todt?y, '01tine'r-


Leas, '14, and M, L. Poeta WIll Te;100 at Jeomem College


profemor of Phnorephr. e subj. of eel}, Mende. phases of

QM.'{1.701eckie e to Mkt part

'iirgva.70Ftrre! finny.Ng

.„ .T.:7 rt77e'e.ga Chemistry, hme trosi;d';'17:X

"aolIt.I!Mg,.:-rN.- mar Cespt.'Lette,. at Green...

ahrtbern 'garment, wak De. Flash D. Watson end bla (MOP. Et in eon-!Meting werkiag neat wInter with the World Peace Foundatloo in Bollyn.

W. Calm. plane to ●❉●▼ nn adv.,

geetll:ntsyrgerts'OrG" "7te

tamer et Pallomphy at

M'th;"711Ad- re~nsle ten!: 1,32. 11..,„o r to WHO Collate. Mars

2%,-,r1az 19'4 vi0 ca .bet mites raker

.11. ..Ml motor to reminder and thee nail

tacjIt=0.1.:1'110OO,b1Ot htle!"Elstett' 11Z

grt.v.. 01. Hokkaido Pretend.,

14.7%iTiL?,.'ire -511 1.1. T.rman

Zr115::4:117 19,1sii-er'errn . sTeiss1XX. a deetnen deer

e latter oith Dr. mud

HAVERFORD NEWS Saturday. June B. 1929

I In The Mail 1 The Crow's Nest BY HI M. DOUGHTY.10

H. P. SHANE, '31

EQUALITY OF THE SEXES Z. eight id the hare.. MM.

Ililffisr and yen in airy, Hetet dr.. %Mite the etudemPod e swelters under

welala of homy teats, le ono to brim .re In the eye's of mayore-ss, nets the Imre,. My spent about leg s Lonna in the Meaty teal week, road. rererved Ireeka-end et Its lire er the home isere 1,41 mo ons. om hr. abining our pateition or think. Mom die West. of it ell. am Him

III ism,. if you wattl to n we LAI. hi either red of the neve you e ta rerneen sour mml. I then you have the many of hem. soft loom ot free., grabbin g for the old coat mid gettim lo tat him io time to greet Deggie .r

With file, 1,111es Me tinklin g or broken whams. The Ale( recreation or the nelf-relata. Mend. eel new lured ra(ndent bast, n eu

1,0 00 he the

rennis lane ibrougheloat,1 end thee widedreolos M • plare ra here good Mo ab

THE HEWS EDITORIAL POLICY Editorial in the News do at net-MIME represent the opinion of

majority of the under graduates, faculty or •Iumal. They are desi gned Instead to arouse InteRi gent Meanest. of such Haterford problems es the News believes merit the coneiderstion of those interested the Colle ge. Cone-tractive commend/aloha concernin g limerford problems or the ton. duet of this nerspeper. whether favorin g or opposin g the stand taken by this [raper. are weleemed by the editor and will be published on Ibis Para The Neves does not ageume responsibility for the facts or opinions con-laMed In such remmitnicelbane and must remain le ledge of their suite. blli Anonyrnoun letters are not considered. bet names will be with. held from publication If so &Mired.

THE MIDDLE ATLANTICS Aft, nee. hilo um 1, mile red

two-nine rinee nt the Middle twre end telta third !dee itt the

reterd-brereln din. we think name hr melted -1,1.1'

Alfred, hewing, malting. Mom mu. rev who Mm ton ge mato Korean. tai the 2-'0 and lb. of roion ales ibe waa reidends steeled III elm. 11,0 the empinum sod outdalls betstazere MI lint ,11,eitell teme. end siren!


OF MAY01E0130101 Work

s se he tneeetannen Ithet

,nail near enema .. eh. H distribu- ted .. a mom, a of e wort.

0,1 "C4", '1,;tnIr't1 OtE1V-AL POI the mold! Ter rettor 0apeorhs Me night

• of the elatin g tke 02001.18 111,10,1,

2L'41,r2.°L., 1,11 Mowed

III the 10111 of the inontli another lot

';100:111,:rnst :o7,1. 0dli'e"Iror' s:sr"Inst: mann. ...an with several tIOCKIF led a Mee. end the Hilly stomnt

bet, le do emie Mil criticise. I TM Me day, howeier. in 4ey th

(7';1111/7.:Elt[n.:47,7r;s'aInFein;i1?;:Miel!..th71:1 In • 1;-..eir,saldr,enxentelly

t, the rrufnmrty.. to he elted 111.1.

itra r..4x '1 rood of

mat' loll a,ov iv v vf

espy ,.idhd rnfia the ,.m poldiabere 'Imo litrct.d

ruuls are Men read.

piTterf'ant"1:1'711! ;:ttnient bilk it kw tome a. lam. srm, arattered no n resoktolt• lere Aleut er he eon liaderteraZate bead H. -.1,tge dorm

Io.moroI 1w .. gre ml Le Intl

ledIli n

15..to.tl. the . hns it-tbr Welt enie• Net, .r,r the


colle ge coneerest one of the last retreats of th e dazzles, where Lat in and Greek me .11 emphavized. has o etude.. body intensely interested in the sciences, en gineerin g, chemistry, physics, biolo gy, mathematics, economies and social. eriencer. The chemist, dep artment is crowded, the layman.

each filled every afternoon. The classes en biolo gy and physics are lar ger,

each year. There is a growin g inter. in the now learning. lens in the Id. This winter. the News stated, speakin g of the majors and minors of ,

the Senior class: ea tendency toward greeter populerity of the 0r 10nt ifie courses is extremely enn oble in the Colle ge as a whle...

Christopher Morley , who studied here when we were all in God-1 filing clothes, imbibed some of this newer leamin g.

-Tlson lise Ohl Med alb:, Mende is !deed in boiling uit,e noid, shieh Ink,. eta all the eilme nod It only rhe e,bule of mire sold." he mare, s e In 11 • Is In riiiiadelphla." .-The matter that lima. M to. el s.. ie.- he esellitien, -how do you led theme thin gs eel nee lire plot lila I would belie anslkIrm alter inn, marvel my friend Mowed m M. o va... Mass thm ' molted JIM, mi Mouser° tumbJes of sprih s

I • 1terit Anil] it gm Suite Char. or it will 'T..- he ,"11- -111 .1! L'; sechnes. l oto the nembIbr he droned 1110111 fie. off pair 10414: • a

solt tlibelenee began to Memo tonani bottom of the II.. warn.

l ik imea o mle. Ttitit's, the ailver,” he mid, sod while was seal Hen. boo, siondl stm onMre eila diamtring i n aqua regla. When completely dim

•es r e austl oulm line a Ile. ut mar, serest forreallee. .11 per- formed similar music otwo some diver s oloti. by unloading eteelle la sett

Pfeil it 111111 Making it in la Mt, nine,. celled an 'agitator." arere which.

he dell I ......fari.atiy livable to el.- me die furnace room." 111 these enlightened times, even the Freshman, taking Chem I a, rec-

ognize.- A gN0a. and the e quation AgN0-1- HamrelINGasA gC1

Hecorfowl newest move in its advance in scientific education wan climaxed this mornin g with the dedication excreta,. of the recently coley tamed Hiller Laboratory of Applied Science. This budding , the gift of T. Allen Hines. '72, represents the realisation of a dream of fifteen years mendin g at Haverford. the fulfillment of a hi gh supiration. The laboratory now houses complete

• and modern engineering and electrical e quipment,

which can make Haverford as well known in the future its scientific edu, ration es it is now known for iM cuhural and classical learnin g.'

Haverford has reseed another m ilestone on the road of Fre er.. We hope she will continue its the future, ever ready to discard the old and to take on. the new.

The Merion Title & Trust Co.


Narberth Bala-Cynwyd

Total Resources


For many years John Ward.

have been elle coSese man's

shoe. Mon you may select,

from a variety of stoics,

thpa which navtisulaslY

suit yew individual taste.


Complete stock and sew. vie. at our Philadetphia rum, 1248-ISS5 Chestnut St. Just belawtheAdelphrw

NOW YOUNG MEN Tu. ada.oaot

Etbberdiebora et MeMal Aeon., wed a...

1111.1336 CHESTNUT 37E4E1-

Grill Room Restaurant Ardmore 3160 Garage Service

Just Off The College Campus

. .

test Whitman's Prestige Chocolates...the

finest thing of their kind ... $2 the pound. WHITMAN'S A/WOW< 0010111 059 SILO gr






*v. F. <0..1.,Ine.

SENIORS: What wtH YOU nay when your End enulloyer asks


Mao?" WILLIAM Y. RARE, '13 MO N. American Bide. philadolphia. Pe. Penn, Ditch.. ""

Life, Accident. Health Group

Hetye you chosen your life stark?

e01e- ne



MARVA, UNrYtelletTY [Mrs a

" t.. sCECOL

Laalfeete Ate am.. Moo.



A choice suite and a few single bachelor apartments, either furnished or unfurnished, are now available.

Rooms for Transient GariEs Always Available

E.scellerd Restaurant Senior

Special Attention Given to Private Affairs

GET Haverford College Seal Stationery

31.00 a box

Sodas, Sundaes and Sandwiches at the

Haverford Pharoacy.

Eastman, Dillon & Co. P.a. at He wee gal raga..., guis e, sues xastsait.




The alumni advisory committee, which Bohm. ite enn part Me sresuaistion au side of the New, the mar Hayed." ,

egni n ixellou ',tie!, MO the Mue erem oe of alamal. ewe... (amity and

1TS1'1OtIrf,%ho 1:11ve'rIetir 12m.'strla ;":17.r ilriet bantletale ot: totc; toderatand the altitude of the other three, and It has praLt.

eny suggentlems foe IMF work Of ALL of lbw,. d0.0;agr2arr Vt. rd.02 ;Letoter zug, v7.7 tams which lave complete.]

toe untIn g deem N'otalle detorimsr: all the :pogs'weg oeit.I.La"``?:0 ebb the einder.and•turf endu re orer .teen colle ges Mr the NMI. Atlantic Pinter Hack crown. Slte relee of Maletica to the College Ist reputation and lo the ntudents in recreation sad mental and nIsmical exerciae is ealtalleed Inn, omen hy who.

Tu. tirotemors who will no lon ger appear here In the m marity of in- dritetor. Dr. Henry S. Pratt end K. Gray. were Alvan fertemll dins

ITrie lird!..12:1"tIrwitrtjt? mbar si'it ebb has' been 1*:ro-


Graduated This Morning Cmomencelnent today dere the lett of the CHM of 1929 ea under-

graduates. Feted by friends, official, and relatives, M accordance with annual custom. the celebration today is marked by cure than the ordi-nary rand of colorful events. Dedication of the !splendid new Hines memorial IsImentory of engineering. revival of old-fashioned stepping-ing., with Si gmund Spaeth demonstratin g to his colle gemates Irby he has heroine AO prominent in the musical world. sta ging of a Varsity baseball game, reinstatement of the Mess hand idea. and the withdrawal of revs real prominent profre from goes fro their present positions, all add importanne to the OCCAekt, The elms of 1920 has yontributed much to the life et the college. schalmtleallY, Mblvtioni ,Y and in other extrupurriculer activities, and merits the jubilee events which this year's Celebration brings.

Preleident Comfort, addees this mornin g refers to a proposed ex-periment in education to be attempted at Haverford and !Inks this am

en closely with the statement that 'There are few, if any, col-

leges in America which me able. with a liberal endowment, to render the ce to a selected body of students highest educational servi so email that

their individual needs and capacities may be considered." Any effort at Haverford to increase the measure of individual service available to stu-dents will indeed be a national service. The tendency of twentieth yen-., education in this country 1.4 100100 II standardization of .mochine-made products. such an to ignorer the fundamental axiom of divine and buman nature that all rn en are created e qual bet different. No two men net for the same vocation or avocet. in Life and all need. therefore, different rte ursee and different epecialtieet in those anuses. But more ins. portent even than the difference in poet-COMMenretnent pia,. is the dif-ferenee in disposition due to trainin g, environment and individual nature, enJ the conee quent differente In student proClivity for work and play. Any plan which takes into conaideration these factors will be of inesti-mable benefit to American education.

Mention by the President in his address of the rapid approach of the Centenary event in 1933 is vitally important. in view of the number of items still to be checked off on the million-dollar pro gram. Thin subject Ls further mentioned Play in the annual report of the alumni advisory committee. There is no rea.n to be fri ghtened over the incompletion of the fund when Swarthmore can rode two Mill. &Mare in month. but it is aigniflcant tbat Haverford's $300,000 to 14 00,900 has been nearly sis year.. in the ridging.

The good wishes of the College today no out to the class of 19.

The Dedication Havrford has grown. expanded, fee beyond the hop. and aspira-

tions of.its found ers. It hes developed. adj.ted itself to the needs

moderneducation, and is indeed nova much broader in the education

sport Memthridleser• gar,

Thr keeneren.re hme..er "::

t fee Mee reellettlel am wee . pan Hee eonagre opposer mus k., In-fat athletic delmta-Iteek," bat. be ten. and eolf. The inter. en to their probable m.o., ease In-

fano, had sameed swar the •wen

=al?: 7%! r:e:t dom. our braehell Mere to even up this re ties tn... soden. She had elleelteltied in t

en. sod golf.

A Selt11011, of the ei6nnle yesa en1ell'end 11 se•TrilTor.il Lea to her credit victor.

is. golf 111113 harebell. IM eels.

retm'"/17",;Itl"1"feln t";";0" hnrh Males. a ti; verdict taig .ut be

't.r1.1'1.7od lsollIe'eri:tsT41z.frrZte b:O me ar.roa red dee. the cored. of athletic suorentare he loao re- cuiyiHe .port -football?

'NESTTOWN CLUB ELECTS A. Stella, 'at, P.M,. for 1925-3 ✐

Entertain School Guest. Arthur H.

VtiL.',3,t);,,7"077.1 sro wear of 1101-311, nt meeting of

h. Club Lela in the Voisin, Ma 24 ✴✬❒ egreenry itretsur,,,eall neue,1

t'elPia'frartleM:re Tel "t a" CtIte*

Axg V„Mrg entertained In the EH. by .Pena Vela. in.. '00. who showed movies of Westtown, Haverford and the Ham,

re.%::::711;o:"1:t the 3, News end s member of the 3, V. ere- cm- team.


ilfar .24grIat ;V:r 11417,1.1::d174%. b. nouncernent - M Sfey joereal 213 1,5hagizt .Fal.o.eattou The Wahl

the P4.q.k...-1.11?",7 7 ne""17,74.14 Oreeengertei Hedy 'et Egreajd i‘tiga took ha at Ha

retire Is {frirute o

these columns. ileistefor lommosa. • go irk. the New. Is

elesi est steles ita or mince g eoZe for 's emonerellon P. etch less male.- with thie arent.eralcieed of .11 11611,1, extopt the Peered.. The triune {wok. of shone aseretu v Aradnute- menages of sahletive nod assists. m me remittent ia whieL'arronte ereat wear.,

tur 03,e1,012 ,reriellee Ihrnofiela m both t'ullree anti mlt lo a limited CAL 1111d nu lie Verellity knew, )11110 made the itavitMn esen Medi, v almble Ileserffm6 derine hi. ere-yenr tenure of Mace Het he is 0. Hamra for a broader and 1,100 Iirminleina field. beedng with 11 tho essod wade.. of ninny friends. SIM dm.. nod succe en or Arc-basil Macintosh, °o p.°. 51008 the Main en tench, end coach; ehould du etttlitii, in Itie new Make He .0 receive The twoneration of the

igll eigs,le1,71 °there eo dependent tip. Ilan Phen he Wive 0,0 hIs new 01111.1

The low moan. committee bee mei. end come italicommeons nee

trimidt,".1011:.8"k. .introduce I rims 47.he

sure of ma jority support In eliminating the noldiva Ininauen.''sjuln oe to the ma jority to sae thee the commIttwed pro gram ix olecated wItkone the

body.of °grate Pavane designed to embank the work 01 the

Appointment of Coaches Hervey J. }brill. and Alfred W. Ibuldletma to the family et the lett Meetin g Of the ❂❅❁❒❄ of mena ge. marks ●❅❅ her

ITC'ggm'esnYILO I"Oltlint' d 'Atgirt:114 pe an mble.dea to the cadre professorial body directle ,..11 remit la Incr.. understaadtog and co.operstIon between the wean,. and ohs-steal aldas.ot Cole,. savior, which le the oast here heel conddered too myth 'es ands thetIc In porno., Sod la practice.

What WE They Think) T,. the Editor of the New.

Admitting for Me norpoms of ELL letter that anew oat of supervidon of ▼❈❅ Preela.o dam Ix a necessity-

Intat tr"115=11::it!:::t

ve.;;bi'a l'a'ainnegeam'gr nod bnirmIoL lieneelnol Loaded for rears of haring s..s ar marin a the Peron man myst aoil or ganization to the Modem Connell. Having de. none baseline myself. you sen my hued... at bring abeam Gm bluert-staioed remain, Perhaps I am a...orient, of see ol Iteldem. ber's victim. the non of reareeted POOH. And It um waged ont thee

❈❉❅ ▼❈ ❅✰✥❁❁❄✎ ❻■ wre horde ,6. •

here de- re-le/red mrMe it* own. by the New reports: sincerely he. teat it Me deckled that a friendly nod-

ri..":;t7ds'It Vshgl valid! t:a Ores !Mena." le

t:I'Asilleepr isrl i.:asenVes'e dr.."g'S 611:eft tellIvatere fie Imons.

heir lily whole 101,0 In oxitmx 050. I.'

nod 10 foe that amtori to ...rel. their men minds. and that of Walk uninioa,

.711frela.;rniTt7Zew,:: -.1:11 ...rim gait. nem ikesea will be tno hate. It in, flushion 50 Harvard to laugh he

Less Cambettlee II

staid being

10.iturrrti Pe' t* hhn

„::'-','rezn:r„-,°'VI° Pr" . It la'ait is:leted ●❅■▲ u= iss . general marerotr.

've7:18(e Intetr ir 'oterg=1

firld r::;110e1rMs nI'V7atI I don i den „nssinw. what oeopte ❅❈●■❂ ●❅▼

WAlteltILD. '911 hineoltre Loa Cambridge.

..g.7111 ,„ trevel met ...Nate professor of Euglioh. win Loeel. mummy innde by the New. lost teach M the Ihrratd Pluouner &bed.

Dr. 6111. Dr.; worm.. of Elb• AMounther of at members will aw. Writo 0.11 Bat..

flea literature 00 his •abbaties1 leare spe. the summer at tiarerford will 1.1 Me .ccond Plarerford 01. llOf oe MIMI. Dr Ray.. W 0.11. dill. to Palest.. to motley* the ex- Dowieeeor .111..ry. plow in vAtel;i6..begain hor. yenr or

the nine Piet.. him handbook. on' -WeehlhitroZ. "Latin American Problem... and 'The

Freon. Ire w■ny ail summer. L. Arnold 1111, .1 .. it tenon. it !Weil Will not Poet. professor of Greek, will ran ged 471 L 167.'"'" 1" '"""°"' grArdel,:. Mr. Jam. II., Carpenter, Jr., ••• H. W11.1, aeetriate, prof anadate roofeomm of Homo. Lan. z.z. of .16thetuaticm

In 101111 lure, on and Prance. Ile will leave laserford nt aver. an no me, Is hi. Dr. Prank 1.1, profennor 1000 fifi Geo. la E....0 ...otos,. will e... the ratatioa with Dr. Hula. . SI 0111100, I M. family at their rut... on 010 rill 0111 take Mused IN..


11;11.1:".,""1:1"7":"7' few.. Enslish. 1.6 plantains to Dora PWpm* idatorical phases,of _Gusker- the State . of Re ■rlorit. t". 1rib' r -f 1,42711r.,,71.71= I. A. Wm.. Rehoni. In ;loin, W.. to velum to Fitmlatid. hia far- ml A. W. Had... inst.mor in awe home. lisht Whim..

0111 be • counaelor nt latT•nap Red Cloud, Oa Northern Penn-

Wit Amt.,. eireee "Peel. Liters'. ..dkrertte. r /I. Wehr, esaintant in Ir.e.g""1.1 tentee'alartilt:r.l'

Physic., will tondo, e.imelments at the Unirerairy Pem.Ylleola wm 161 1001) rrz,°,10'r. "1„.1'7,'";.1 of the far.,

••re undecided cm 0 their

herb beollneZtVglitset:10,11■1: ranttions or deeline to so.nnee their


or. arm? • ohio.t.sk. for ,,b1,...04.01,107,:n. V171..0.1"f.0


History Second Choice as Subject Required by

New Exam Plan Pnunonden wan the dot popnlar

nubleet in the am. of melon, male land month hi the Sonthomore. nyder the new ni•jor examination plan.

With twelve ...Mmwn. rem, twitted, mil ad thirteen that ono ... resulremeut• mete., thirinell member. of the claim of .31 rho, lbe derurtment of ammo... polnind ewe and sociology for • mad.' uork-NextIn impulneity wine hisinm. In welch eleven Sophomore* .111 melee.

Philosophy rank. next with to ow ton. followed by chewier, with eight Emmen„men m•jor In 1171000 owl Ire hue rheum engineer... Shied!. mod German each drew four .pho. mores and three men rimer Preach.

Mathematics. physic' end Latin were each chosen by ...Indent for a ram Jar Greek elone remoioul without an

o major. Choke of v.- Jors will be made es.

•Seel' under the

Present plo,, by the Sophomore claw anti remed, hero,. Mar I. Iles-int.. I. IL rinse amid hot week.

GRANT BOOK FEATURED Dr. Flit,, Deane. new hook "Beth

Shrine." vane lea... • window 1.10} in Brent.. Boolushop. po

Walnut .treet war Waled, bia. a week ego. demeal objects In

pottery end bronze road by the Ham erford eamolition were dam-, •Iso.


Reliable Real Estate Service

Oa. Cbmin. HA Illitemank Baia LW Ms. Talley

W. a.

s2: J IaOrallw





h. n



w "

LIP Se. NO Stmt. Philm.Gbia

This Atunnuss May Becalm "Big Chief Scatter-Good"

Som.... name in an a... Ione. an that of J. Henry Emattergood. '9. who

got. to Waah•

ingnin next month to take neer rim ditties of awletant fern- m11.1.1n, ut lb. r`

The ehmetinn Heiman. ,inn mid edittorinlir him 10 of Mr. Smatter. Muds, lay his reputatioo for

homsaitarian ourkm J. II. Scatter- [ I. the neW Reetelaw of the Vnitml States Bureau of D-an. Affair,. earriip nut the In. di. pl. of making the mime fit the m.. Only they would probabb nave made it Chief Who Sown Kinder. "

SPELT HEADS DEBATERS Elected chains. of Cenci' and

Maaaar of Yaw kilwition X. Spelt. O. an

man of Om Damn. Column ■•■■• neat re, wee Meth. at n Pt the romooli tota Watinewley. Ilan Mk IL K. Eneworth. 'Al. the prenent char..

mead Spelt mi. 1111140- 7.,, :: tint tletwlime testa n/ the wane

"I want my son to get some good business training"

-QUAKER BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ Faith and Prude of Inr Chmkorm Juo. 11200 51st and 1Mm0e1, A. N. Branch. 82.00 Jam Wool..n, Am.. M. Comma. 02,00

Postage Extra. Get Them From: FRIENDS' BOOK STORE


Morley, Wood & Company Investment Bankers

all Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Members N. York Do. EacImmea-Philadslphio Sta. Esc.

Antoci.. Members New York Curb Joseph E. Morley James Warnock, Jr Alexsusder C. Wood, Jr. Holstein DaHaven FOR

Gin.. Pe... Telear.ph *ad Teterbor. Wire. to New York

Satt17/11y. June 5, 1929 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 5

NEW RHODES PLAN British•Ameri.. Senotarallat to Be

Awarded Agesally by 11,010.0 01.1e. wholershipe

Homed .001,117, beginniog h In 1540. on 0 bas. of wographicel diode, ion end of hi Woe

101 of three ,ars by ..... ,

s. at pre... Punident Frank didelt torte. et Swarthmore, Anted. geere-MT to the Rhode. trnetees. maneuomed Wt mouth, The Nu plan. 10 wooed by Pordnient, calls for the emotion In the Uoited State. or usti ovum of id Rumen oath, Each Mate 0.111 ne• der. suslually Its two hem eaodidates, ard ol three four will he newt, teem each diweiet.

la Arnold Poe, prof,. of Derek. Old Ilarerforans repreeentstive on the Peonsylrankt State Rbodee nebolanthip committee, mated that no eunstlo .,old

he held lo Penwybania nett

States were not a...led to aeleet

:20111.7.r2AV'tere01:Flirra7tes."0..17.11H1 be all la lompete in their borne oat es,0,11 ,2t,,,,,, Immediately lmrma


byy 0;10t7 .17111tV 74'; 0‘411o Ref

Apell mph., of tut ma.aine in the current boue of tee Kelm, on who.. of British and Arnerkun cony. ite,.

r1Vi.r.,!7:rt Wok reeelv.r of lb

ilmeeronlian, ap- peared Ihe Jon. ins. of Nro. Student.- collegial, monthly review.


New York University Daily Takes I. N. A. Prate

for Editorial amyelag with thirteen other East.

tem rollege new. pm., 11.erford Nowa woo the sliver hurl. cep Offered h, the Inteemolleglate Newspaper As-sociation of the Diddle AdanCe SONa for the beat all.aeound eollege news. paper at Ito tenth aniversary maven-don in Allentown last month- The News will keep lb. trophy wit'l

petition open, for the nett liemiont-oel content i the fall. Announcement

of the contest results we made last week by J. stockman Jr., TO. retie. in. president of the a.odatioo.

red bl Newil"'Vor r:r:mr-11;111 nos. end of tolversity. and Soarthlnore Photo.. In the order tile. Madame were lamed 00 new. coverage. style of writing and heads, feature.. •nd

D,set Teasgle, Cettyobarpau Haawfoed New, N. 1. U. DOD

41;",.7'rev;',R.:71.4;1-'172:4! ty and the ...Untied.. Enui.

N. Y. U. Will 1111ertal Coldest New York

Col .reraIred tem

print '11',..eLlal.. A.-.1CIZ'11;reir.1 U11014.,

in the N. Y. l. Daily Nam.

C.d. S. 10311. Each of the college 0art'clp.lio0 In

""r. naz.V 1. judged.

Heammble menden woe giree la edi-torlide entitled "What 01010 Parnaseon.°

116.1"Tlir.ver■rfictuet7W. 1928: '1.11W6*.ite "PrZ7■07. r 1 07a6r..1. aIral Matt None." In thr N Y. I% DollyN.

In suj.. material. and Jas.. for the mode.. were Richard Reamlel. w writer sod motietant

editor of the Madder.. loquirer, loa'Po n ofF t.te Japhis.

Iasi fall the Ilaurfoni News won the L N. A. content

,1 the lmnt

Puha. and the Swarthmore. Homo.

note m 4:Lb"'

nom mould- almews. cont..


donna. tram P.e 1, Oetumn • presen, felt in. be nelleial t own

:;freaV f!,:er o Sou.' Commeutim 0,6 ire lagarjul.

nd.e..tr boon- of no one so mdch in demand

rDattl'orTerMillittr so many table.,"

Dr. Joe. Endre.. Redrei !Set Wulf a the entire College. Dr.

Took expressed Ile turret no, Br, Grey: leariuM debt ••1•3!"..n.° the College own our gm. duty pro fes.r." the bone bat his health un4ht be completely restored mot the belt

64:17.1 pre ]Ile em b fnnn

wx lm art:

hint ever had to mate tau

. I bare ght

ellnfont Ow of Cambridge lo 0,110• ,01. where I woe hare mad aolondell. will rank first in m7 M.N. • • •

Mans Haverford to Cambridge "As I hare often told 114. Jon, a WM, of ell the college. America

Irlfee; .'1111 fraZt7■71 etro're" re.... my be... Cambridge than

t Vigne; fle'vel.t7d, Irn'■1'-e 042 at 1 •1...

owe,oboe •nd I nball al.

army. oberbilfItatne... 1 appreciate thegust souperation. end scholarly attitude of may kodwgradonten with

f■c:N11%:01 were


pro "rro1 of Ira wit: neitsel, moist.. professor of Emilia. Leon FL Rittenhome, pro..- .or of 11.g.eeMsg, •111 Dr. 111.. LL Irilnaq, otameiste professor of MOH-

The dinner Wallinttemled by Twents• pine uodergrathiatee. C. IL Colliron. TS, was tweelmaater. M Atkineen. MI1, made •rreesernents for the dimme, with the wank... of Collleou mod C. H- Nonillion, 1111,


L"dv: %%At' 000:1711.w" Spreadiog the . ideals .of

67tr1)!RI. 0E.:17...1inO, glaktPe

summer. The enterprise, otich Iv the third

one to be undertnadkeLi?,.% Illrerford spov-

Committee. ni 1.1e done IT, .d dt about /signet 30. The pea, Ill.e-Bt. uhe desire $400 to Larry their

work to tr. follent relent, have re-ceived 03011 to date, of which 5100 woo contributed by the Ilarerford Welfare Chest, tea the reminder by alumai asel . iteverti member. of ,the fatally. Sled-ler eeralthas, mem,. Period Bettie. of the United Elm.. will be conducted tr ‘lIl i8ZghZ". "" otye:flreanOeg

MAY FETE HEADMASTERS Badman Altdel Plan to Follow Ex•

ample of .1, V. 16.4117 in Fail BALTIMORE.-P1.6 . give n 0100,010* in the fall In the. heady/lantern Ev P.poratory ech.ls In Balthaote and

11,1011, were diem... the anont.0 Itincbron of the IDeerford Model, of Ilsryl..1 Tune ft. 11.• Mee Met at be ...eon, Club, 0 West Paten. 76',; Inn 1. Invite Imadm.....

ream. of the Butiniore 1.11.1,. If au, a mead. Is arranged It will

ks...0, babil,!7.Laddresactl by Preadent W.


- - Archaeologist Calls Work a

"Distinct Contribution to Knowledge"

By DR. GEORGE A. BARTON. 110 • fatat. duottmt a ' WWm.!. Matuol....1

Someimi. P. n

Over most educated people antMultY hs• the pow. to vent Tbe trays of men otbm yee. mid eouta. tan. their toola and 0.10 of of their hot. and fear. are matters of tb '■.tttrt 11,1:l,r.oI17. 1,;1r 'bolo

Production. of rerm. .1. mu-


PIN Gape

• ty:FiFitt.,“1:7

for ihey are oat. 'the Vi ten their order of etireessien aver. pretty well .'UT;I:a16.71:itte'V'ar,11 "rrolre.71:r:'h:;.■ nude know. sum,. near nsamplen •nri ketuthe.

Thu. who or, not arrimealarim• hardly reede what important hit., dtwnateara pot. nod poolunda ere ITIVie:n:elr1 41P:77.

mind rnr "di"

er the to. anil nettle down me It.. we we the Hebrew. oncomP,mi,e,t6 in bin own ete. mo,

r"Trt■ ite •rehsenlogiat bead Is 6 bee I nod pot • pot Fark is .1,1;1 uti'ott to blra become of Ito form we

r It. decoratIon but h nee' It.'"in'Ithdoo"ty. • di. In the history



mitimai hut aim., Imo as. 01 DO lea.tact. where the .meantII. Prom.rT1brnro1l.ere.anrereZt

thero. ,71t n 00. .. for allemd

nweem at hit ork. m. emu,


az■ 014 walwatery. 01.

ran .a e v. "

am. w aan.


Perfect Weather Adds to Occasion as Havertord

Wins Annual Event With fin* eeather.

• sword (RIO. SliMile 8Ie I Staten tem. 111•01. ImId here

an. ronni.mol • V111,....4 from mem point of ace.r.

AppeoMmatelt IOW rooters. inn many •Iumni. watched five rt. .



t .1ri•TX..171:7 tel I rZe nr; 9'Ltle

lode moMger. annolioced. The field we. wen protected

us led Ica • n Mr ,d nnlrun law-

J,lninr Ica} rwwtl )W' lie °"' fM

Haverferd.. Ass. 01R01als The Ital of oll.ele for the ut,t noodomml an. unmen n. Alfred LP ether.;' Lasx...... la.. 1..

`2.74.;:7 'Mid


II. dle Allende roamed In thc in NUL 01, woe chief worm-. E. J. "Dernies PO1ere. de. of Amer'. eau vte of the f•tIrrt,::12e. .1037'

1071 gene,. tract gmj gem

• Vit.:, ar.r•stiie'rtitrem.. 6.V.ret

PV • q:t. .

3 P.11.1-.111 • -.v s - .

'tat? L"..Y*41r. 41.11.

'Ir's744:1 1P14:2.17

M.ram rests., T. PaLant.t.. ittr


the oreti. of the Smola Wid Sky 21.

Dr. Grant Leaves Soon On 2d Trip to Palestine

President Comfort Will Teach in California this Summer; Other Faculty Men

to Travel and Study

Lir. Genet has ao felt the chore. of MI this Oast be hoe undertithen the earl...oil of Beth libetneah. • ate ol■ ral .1 Ili ti as hare left dep., Ili. In newon. tae n s for t e .100. he 1,11. lot in tki, rename lea


ride. of width the mound wet att. me Or had the Soul fortune

tholn.ZA 'oretarrnrr■giler1 !lrt. recW7 ii...1.1tU t tirir,::. not only I written de•

.pr te tiran.7:1"Id'kt47: The 'rum th'• a

▪ In Ids ihmtetplitin of 61n. the

="..!:;" thin



hull up. mid Inaln Wow.

101tro."airttorIntire"eri' T:n7.1-07 I.I.111 071-V.01,:017:11-001,17• F.i,n1;.°.::". heir Leo .,d fee Widdle Atlantic and 1.•

."1"6"116 ■Vo !re.. ant?..od ,arc alts from hi. honk

Listen to the Morss "Money and Music" Program Every Wed. 6 P. M. W CA U

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For details, call or write


Pen. 3414

"I feel better now that I have named you my esecu. t or and trustee," James MacLean told us recently. "When I am gone, my estate will be well cored for. But I wish you could help me with en estate problem right now.

• • ' "I have a son," he continued. "Instead of receiving his share of my estate under Day win, I should rather he receive part of it now and get some outside business training during my own lifetime Obviously. I do not want to let him, through inexperience. lose the property I shall give him. Nor have I the time to oversee his business ventures."

We solved this problem as fellows. The father organized • crimpany in which the son was to be actively interested and placed its stock in trust with us Then we as trustee were represented on the company's board of directors. In this capacity we were able to give the son independent business training, to keep watch on the family's investment M the business; and to assist the son in his financial affairs-all during the father's own lifetime.

As on example of how valuable this plea was, during the als. sea. of the father on a trip abroad I crisis in management arose We as trustee auggested • change in personnel, and when the father returned the business was I. good shape.

This story Is one of those told in our booklet, Trot Storios of Ten &toes, actual cases which have been changed in minor details to avoid any violation of confidence. Have you made an estate plan without expert advice? Our trust officers ere always available for consultation with • and your attorney.



..g.7111 ,„ trevel met ...Nate professor of Euglioh. win Loeel. mummy innde by the New. lost teach M the Ihrratd Pluouner &bed.

Dr. 6111. Dr.; worm.. of Elb• A Mounther of at members will aw. Writo 0.11 Bat..

flea literature 00 his •abbaties1 leare spe. the summer at tiarerford will 1.1 Me .ccond Plarerford 01. llOf oe MIMI. Dr Ray.. W 0.11. dill. to Palest.. to motley* the ex- Dowieeeor .111..ry. plow in vAtel;i6..begain ho r. yenr or

the nine Piet.. his handbook. on' -WeehlhitroZ . "Latin American Problem... and 'The

Freon. Ire wnny ail summer. L. Arnold 1111, .1 .. it tenon. it !Weil Will not Poet. professor of Greek, will ran ged 471 L 167.'"'" 1" '"""°"' grArdel,:. Mr. Jam. II. , Carpenter, Jr., ••• H. W11.1, aeetriate , prof anadate roofeomm of Homo. Lan. z.z. of .16thetuaticm

In 101111 lure, on and Prance. Ile will leave laserford nt aver. an no me, Is hi. Dr. Prank 1.1, profennor 1000 fifi Geo. la E....0 ...otos,. will e... the ratatioa with Dr. Hula. . SI 0111100 , I M. family at their rut... on 010 rill 0111 take Wl IN..Tau 0000.

11;11.1:".,""1:1"7":"7' few.. Enslish. 1.6 plantains to Dora PWpm* idatorical phases ,of _Gusker- the State . of Re nrlorit. t". 1rib' r ✍❆ ✑✌✔✒✗✑✑❒✎✌✌✗✑✎✗✑✝ I. A. Wm.. Rehoni. In ;loin, W.. to velum to Fitmlatid. hia far- ml A. W. Had... inst.mor in awe home. lisht Whim.

l 0111 be • counaelor nt latT•nap Red Cloud, Oa Northern Penn-

Wit Amt.,. eireee "Peel. Liters '. ..dkrertte. r /I. Wehr , esaintant in Ir.e.g""1.1 tentee'alartilt:r.l'

Physic., will tondo, e.imelments at the Unirerairy Pem.Ylleola wm 161 1001) rrz,°,10'r. "1„.1'7,'".1 of the lions or undecided cm 0 their

herb beollneZtVglitset:10,11 n1: ranttions or deeline to so.nnee their


or. arm? • ohio.t.sk . for ,,b1,...04.01,107,:n. V171..0.1"f.0


History Second Choice as Subject Required by

New Exam Plan Pnunonden wan the dot popnlar

nubleet in the am. of melon, male land month hi the Sonthomore. nyder the new ni•jor examination plan.

With twelve ...Mmwn. rem, twitted, mil ad thirteen that ono ... resulremeut• mete., thirinell member. of the claim of .31 rho, the derurtment of ammo... polnind ewe and sociology for • mad.' uork-NextIn impulneity wine hisinm. In welch eleven Sophomore* .111 melee.

Philosophy rank. next with to ow ton. followed by chewie eight with eight. Emmen„men m•jor In 1171000 owl Ire hue rheum engineer... Shied!. mod German each drew four .pho. mores and three men rimer Preach.

Mathematics. physic' end Latin were each chosen by ...Indent for a ram Jar Greek elone remoioul without an

o major. Choke of v.- Jors will be made es.

•Seel' under the

Present plo,, by the Sophomore claw anti remed, hero,. Mar I. Iles -int.. I. IL rinse amid hot week.

GRANT BOOK FEATURED Dr. Flit,, Deane. new hook "Beth

Shrine." vane lea... • window 1.10} in Brent.. Boolushop. Io

Walnut .treet war Waled, bia. a week ego. demeal objects In

pottery end bronze road by the Ham erford eamolition were dam -, •Iso.


Reliable Real Estate Service

Oa. Cbmin. HA Illitemank Baia LW Ms. Talley

W. a.

s2: J IOrallw.





h. n



w "

LIP Se. NO Stmt. Philm.Gbia

✴❈❉▲ ✡▼◆■■◆▲▲ ✭❁❙ ✢❅❃❁●❍ ✂✢❉❇ ✣❈❉❅❆ ✳❃❁▼▼❅❒✍✧❏❏❄✂

Som.... name in an a... Ione. an that of J. Henry Emattergood. '9. who goe. to Waah• ingnin next month to take neer rim ditties of awletant fern- m11.1.1n, ut lb.

r` The ehmetinn Heiman. ,inn mid edittorinlir him 10 of Mr. Smatter.

Muds, lay his reputatioo for homsaitarian ourkm J. II. Scatter- [ I. the neW Reetelaw of the Vnitml States Bureau of D-an. Affair,. earriip nut the In. di. pl. of making the mime fit the m.. Only they would probabb nave made it Chief Who Sown Kinder. "


Elected chains. of Cenci' and Maaaar of D11alIne Yaw

kilwition X. Spelt. O. an man of Om Damn. Column n•nn• neat re, wee Meth. at n Pt the romooli tota O'o,Ineo4ey. Ilan Mk IL K. Eneworth. 'Al. the prenent char.. ennouneed Spelt mi. 1111140- 7.,, :: tint tletwlime testa n/ the wane

"I want my son to get some

good business training"

-QUAKER BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ Faith and Prude of Inr Chmkorm Juo. 11200 51st and 1Mm0e1, A. N. Branch. 82.00 Jam Wool... Am.. M. Comma. 02,00

Postage Extra. Get Them From:


Morley, Wood & Company Investment Bankers

all Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Members N. York Do. Eacbuea-Philadslphio Sta. Esc.

Antoci.. Members New York Curb Joseph E. Morley James Warnock, Jr Alexsusder C. Wood, Jr. Holstein DaHaven FOR

Gin.. Pe... Telear.ph *ad Teterbor. Wire. to New York

Satt17/11y. June 5, ✑✙✒✙ HAVERFORD NEWS Page 5

NEW RHODES PLAN British•Ameri.. Senotarallat to Be

Awarded Agesally by 11,010.0 01.1e. wholershipe

Homed animal, beginniog In 1540. on 0 bas. of wographicel diode, ion end of hi Woe

101 of three ,ars by ..... ,

s. at pre... Punident Frank didelt torte. et Swarthmore, Anted. geere-MT to the Rhode. trnetees. maneuomed Wt mouth, The Nu plan. 10 wooed by Pordnient, calls for the emotion In the tanned State. or usti ovum of id Rumen oath, Each Mate 0.111 ne• der. suslually Its two hem eaodidates, ard ol three four will he newt, teem each diweiet.

la Arnold Poe, prof,. of Derek. Old Ilarerforans repreeentstive on the Peonsylrankt State Rbodee nebolanthip committee, mated that no eunstlo .,old

he held lo Penwybania nett

States were not a...led to aeleet

:20111.7.r2AV'tere01:Flirra7tes."0..17.11H1 be all la lompete in their borne oat es,0,11 ,2t ,,,,,, Immediately lmrma


byy 0;10t7 .171111V 74'; 0‘411o Ref „t f thr

Apell mph., of tut ma.aine in the current boue of tee Kelm, on *who.. of British and Arnerkun cony. ite,.

r1Vi .r.,!7:rt Wok reeelv.r of

lb ilmeeronlian, ap-

peared Ihe Jon. ins. of Nro. Student. - collegial, monthly review.


New York University Daily Takes I. N. A. Prate

for Editorial amyelag with thirteen other East.

tem rollege new. pm., 11.erford Nowa woo the sliver hurl. cep Offered h, the Inteemolleglate Newspaper As-sociation ❏❆ the Diddle AdanCe SONa for the beat all.aeound eollege news. paper at Ito tenth aniversary maven-don in Allentown last month- The News will keep lb. trophy wit'l petition open, for the nett liemiont-noe content i the fall. Announcement of the contest results we made last week by J. stockman Jr., TO. retie. in. president of the a.odatioo.

red bl Newil"'Vor r:r:mr-11;111 nos. end of tolversity. and Soarthlnore Photo.. Ire the order tile. Madame were lamed 00 new. coverage. style of writing and heads, feature.. •nd

D,set Teasgle, Cettyobarpll Hoawfoed New, N. 1. U. DOD

41;",.7'rev;',R.:71.4;1-'172:4! ty and the ...Untied.. Enui.

N. Y. U. Will 1111ertal Coldest New York

Col .reraIred tem

rer '11',..eLlal.. A.-.1CIZ'111;reir .1 print. in the N. Y. l. Daily C.d. S. 10311. Each of the college

0art'clp.lio0 In ""r. naz.V

1. judged. Heammble menden woe giree la edi-

torlide entitled "What 01010 Parnaseon. °

116.1"Tlir.vernrfictuet 7W. 1928: '1.11W6*.ite "PrZ7 n07. r4107a6r.y.1. aIral Matt None." In thr N Y. I% DollyN.

Noe lbe.e In suj.. material. and

Jude,. for the mode.. were Richard Reamlel. w writer sod motietant

editor of the Madder.. loquirer,

loa'Po n ofFrt.te Japhis.

Iasi fall the Ilaurfoni Nowa won the L N. A. content ler the lmnt Puha. and the Swarthmore. Homo.

note m 4:Lb"'

nom mould - almews. cont..


donna. tram P.e 1, Oetumn • presen, felt in . be nelleial t own

:;freaV f!,:er o edvfws Sou.' Commeutim 0 ,6 ire lagarjul.

nd.e..tr boon- of no one so mdch in demand

rDtt 'orTerMil littr so many table.,"

Dr. Joe. Endre.. Redrei !Set Wulf a the entire College. Dr.

Took expressed Ile turret no , Br, firm, leariuM debt ••1•3!"..n.° the College own our gm. duty pro fes.r." the bone bat his health un4ht be completely restored mot the belt

64:17.1 pre ]Ile em.uth fnnn

wx lm art:

hint ever had to mate tau

. I bare ght

ell nfont O of Cambridg w e lo 0,110• ,01. where Iwoe hare mad olondell. will rank first in 117 M.N. • • •

Mans Haverford to Cambridge "As I hare often told 114. Jon, a

WM, of ell the college. America

Irlfee; .'1111 fraZt7 n71 etro're" re.... my be... Cambridge than

;6'1 Vigne; fle'vel.t7d, Irn 'n1'-e 042 at 1 •1...

owe,oboe •nd I nball al.

army. oberbilfItatne... 1 appreciate the gust souperatio f. end scholarly attitude of may kodwgradonten with

fn c:N11%:01 were loan t 4a1ulp1. in


pro "rro1 of Ira wit: neitsel, moist.. professor of Emilia. Leon FL Rittenhome, pro..- .or of 11.g.eeMsg, •111 Dr. 111.. LL Irilnaq, otameiste professor of MOH-

The dinner Wallinttemled by Twents• pine uodergrathiatee. C. IL Colliron. TS, was tweelmaater. M Atkineen. MI1, made •rreesernents for the dimme, with the wank... of Collleou mod C. H- Nonillion, 1111,


L"dv: %%At' 000:1711.w" Spreadiog the . ideals .of

67tr1)!RI. 0E.:17...1inO, glaktPe

summer. The enterprise, otich Iv the third

one to be undert nadkeLi?,.% Illrerford spov-

Committee. rei 1.1e done IT, .d dt about /signet 30. The pea, Ill.e-Bt. uhe desire $400 to Larry their

work to tr. follent relent, have re-ceived 03011 to date, of which 5100 woo contributed by the Ilarerford Welfare Chest, tea the reminder by alumai asel . iteverti member. of ,the fatally. Sled-ler eeralthas, mem,. Period Bettie. of the United Elm.. will be conducted t rot‘yle:Ifullrela itn8ZOgehgZ". ""

MAY FETE HEADMASTERS Badman Altdel Plan to Follow Ex•

ample of .1, V. 16004117 in Fail BALTIMORE.-P1.6 . give n 0100,010* in the fall In the. heady/lantern Ev P.poratory ech.ls In Balthaote and

11,1011, were diem... the anont.0 Itincbron of the IDeerford Model, of lb. Tune ft. 11.• Mee Met at be ...eon, Club, 0 West Paten. 76',; Inn 1. Invite Imadm.....

r eam. of the Butiniore 1.11.1,. If au, a mead. Is arranged It will

ks...0, babil,!7.Laddresactl br Preadent W.


- - Archaeologist Calls Work a

"Distinct Contribution to Knowledge"

By DR. GEORGE A. BARTON. 110 • fatat. duottmt a ' N. Wm.!. Matuol....1

Someimi. P. n

Over most educated people antMultY hs• the pow. to vent Tbe trays of men otbm yee. mid eouta. tan. their toola and 0.10 of of their hot. and fear. are matters of IblI tb n.ttt rt 11,1: 17.1,;1r 'bolo

Production. of rerm. .1. mu-


PIN Gape

• ty:FiFitt .,“1:7

for ihey are oat. 'the Vi ten their order of etireessien aver. pretty well .'UT;I:a16.71:itte'V'ar,11 "rrolre.71:r: 'h:;.n nude know. sum,. near

. nsamplen

•nri ketuthe. Thu. who or , not arrimealarim• hardly reede what important hit.,

dtwnateara pot. nod poolunda ere ae ITIVie:n:elr 1 41P:7"7.

mind rnr "di"

er the the anil nettle down m e It.. we we the Hebrew. oncomP ,mi,e,t6 in bin own ete. mo,

r" Trt n ite •rehsenlogiat bead Is 6 bee I nod pot • pot Fark is .1,1;1 uti'ott to blra become of Ito form w e

r It. decoratIon but h nee' It.'"in'Ithdoo"ty. • di. In the history


esperteng t mitimaitiem hut aim., Imo as.

01 DO lea.Set, where the annientII.

onlr.T1beranrenrtrZt Prom.. 1,1713t ner .004. ...es for the roallemed nweem at hit ork.

m. emu, O.R.:•17,•-a`

azn 014 walwatery. 01.

ran .a e v. "

am. w aan.


Perfect Weather Adds to Occasion as Havertord

Wins Annual Event With fin* eeather.

• sword (RIO. SliMile 8Ie I Staten tem. 111•01. ImId here

an. ronni.mol • V111,....4 from mem point of ace.r.

AppeoMmatelt IOW rooters. inn many •Iumni. watched five rt. .



t .1ri•TX..171:7 tel I rZe nr; 9'Ltle

Tree moMe. annolioced. The field we. wen protected

us led Ica • n Mr ,d nnlrun law-

J,lninr Ica} rwwtl )W' lie °"' fM

Haverferd.. Ass. 01R01als The Ital of oll.ele for the ut,t noodomml an. unmen n. Alfred LP ether.;' ✬❁▲❘✎✎✎✎✎✎ ●❁✎✎ 1..

❀✒✎✗✔✎✛✚✗ 'Mid

II. dle Allende roamed In thc in NUL 01, woe chief worm-.

E. J. "Dernies PO 1ere. de. of Amer'. eau vte of the f•tIrrt,::1 2e. .1037'

gene,. tract gmj gem

• Vit.:, ar.r•stiie'rtitrem.. 6.V.ret

PV • q:t. .

3 P.11.1-.111 • -.v s - .

'tat? L"..Y*41r. 41.11.

'Ir's74 4:1 1P14: 17

M.ram rests.,

T. PaLant.t.. ittr 4 D.



ti. of the Smola Wid Sky 21.

Dr. Grant Leaves Soon On 2d Trip to Palestine

President Comfort Will Teach in California this Summer; Other Faculty Men

to Travel and Study

Lir. Genet has ao felt the chore. of MI this Oast be hoe undertithen the earl...oil of Beth libetneah. • ate oln ral .1 Ili ti as hare left dep., Ili. In newon.

00100. he 1,11. lot in tki, rename lea ;r01. 1.4•Prof Str.

ride. of width the mound wet att. me Or had the Soul fortune

tholn.ZA 'oretarr nrr ngiler1 !lrt. recW7 ii...1.1tU t tir ir,::. not only I written de•

.pr te tiran.7:1"Id'kt47: The 'rum th '• a

▪ In Ids ihmtetplitin of 61n . the

="..!:;" thin



hull up. mid Inaln Wow.

101tro. "airttorI ntire"eri' T:n7.1-07 I.I.111071-V.01,:017:11-001,17• F.i,n1;.°.::". heir Leo .,d fee Widdle Atlantic and 1.• 10011,)

."1"6" 116 nVo !re.. onh..00 000 alts from hi. honk

✬❉▲▼❅■ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ✭❏❒▲▲ ✂✭❏■❅❙ ❁■❄ ✭◆▲❉❃✂ ✰❒❏❇❒❁❍ ✥❖❅❒❙ ✷❅❄✎ 6 ✰✎ ✭✎ ✷ ✣✡ ✵

PROTECTION PLUS PROFIT ✬❉❆❅ Insurance carried by you today will provide the moneys to carry yourself or your family through the unforeseen financial problems of the future. The Protection Plus Profit plan provides a growing fund. At the age of 35, a $10,000 policy gradually grows in value as your profits accumulate until it is worth $22,800 in cash to the insured at the end of 30 years or at the age of 65. This is a Profit of $12,000 over the Total Premiums paid by the insured over the 30 years, and he has had Life Insurance protection, increasing from $10,000 to $22,800, Free. Or he has the option at the age of 65 of taking a full paid Life Policy for $10,000, paying him an annual dividend, and in addition to receive, in cash, $15,500. His premiums have been returned at over 40% Profit and he has a full-paid policy for the original amount. The results are comparable at all ages.

For details, call or write


Pen. 3414

"I ❆❅❅● better now that I have named you my esecu. t or and trustee," James MacLean told us recently. "When I am gone, my estate will be well cored for. But I wish you could help me ◗❉▼❈ ❅■ estate problem ❒❉❇❈▼ now.

• • ' "I have a son," he continued. "Instead of receiving his share of my estate under Day win, I should rather he receive part of it now and get some outside business training during my own lifetime Obviously. I do not want to let him, through inexperience. lose the property I shall give him. Nor have I the time to oversee his business ventures."

We solved this problem as fellows. The father organized • crimpany in which the son was to be actively interested and placed its stock in trust with us Then we as trustee were represented on the company's board of directors.

In this capacity we were able to give the son independent business training, to keep watch on the family's investment M the business; and to assist the son in his financial affairs-all during the father's own lifetime.

As on example of how valuable this plea was, during the als. sea. of the father on a trip abroad ✩ crisis in management arose We as trustee auggested • change in personnel, and when the father returned the business was I. good shape.

This story Is one of those told in our booklet, Trot Storios of Ten &toes, actual cases which have been changed in minor details to avoid any violation of confidence. Have you made an estate plan without expert advice? Our trust officers ere always available

for consultation with • and your attorney.



fold es agitaiut

..g.7111 ,„ neva mot ...date professor of End. wise to mune, made by the New. Int hick the Nerve, Sumner &brad.

Ira Ell. Dr.; proferwer of 11111 n• AMounther of fuel. members Many nal. Onleg

and literature oo his •ebbetleal leave spe. the summer et /Larerford axle. will le. Me Haverfond exec- oe Written Dr. Rayon W liehe Melon to Palest.. to snot.. the er- DwoMeter Man in vAlei;tic..begen nor of the rad Pine him handbook. on' -PrahltetrmT' . °Lath American Problem... sad 'The avJ

,rare!' Ire nills.0.,.!!.. .e:Lthot','0.: w nny all summer. L. Arnold 1111, bt [2o to oe. wweil Will not Post. profenor a : Greek. will ten ged 471 L°167.'"'" 1" grArdel,:. Mr. Jared Meth Carpenter, Jr., ••• Anon

H. a....miate , prof amine prof...or of Rumen Imin• z.z. of .16thetuatie m ,11....eeeekeee.

and hwore. Ile witi lean beverford et over. ad .0 nom le hi. Lee. Prank le Wane. profensor o 1.00 004 Gra, in E.O.M.' oorsostr. will e..l the ratatioa with De. Rau, 51. 0111100, cede,. f h. family at thei r ...toter meta., un Pbiloo mhy..11 take Wl tn.: Thu 0000.

11;11.1:".,""1:17:4.' femme Enslinh. I.6 nisch. to In

P Wpm* Mahn-ice phases ,of _gusher. the Mate . of Re e.lorit. I larvelb:re'or.11.1" t".1rik' r -f 1,42711r.,,71.71= I. obseot Sodom Sehonl. le

at noted to veldt to Monleed. hia far-

.00 A. W. lladelfeto. instraetor in dr home. light athletiew.

0111 be • moodier nt

the'rt=ter''grni'rn1.1‘..'7..rPtirr a ti lap Red Cloud, to Northern Penn. III monimi t. armee athelien Liters'. .. direrthr U. Webs eselmant in

Ir.e.g""1.1 tent ee'etartilt:r." %helot .11 menden eelmeimento ae the Unirersity Pem.Yireeln Nr the 16rn,ep1 717 1."”1.1,0erery.

thati.."''"' rrz,°,10'r. "1„.1'7,'";.1 o of

the, faeulty •re undecided to their

te:ra ranttiens or drain to so.unts their Oen.

or. tiror:IPf 1. is. • thr sthowt.sk. for '1.911.,, 0001 V171..0.1"f.0


History Second Choice as Subject Required by

New Exam Plan Fumeenko wee th• moo popslar

othhet in the am, of melore male hod month by the Hemhomorve under the new ninor enutinetIon plan.

with twelve denten... re 1e rented, out of thirteen lb., onommeed recuiremenr• dip., thirteen member. of the elms of 211 rho. the donne.. of trout... polltinl or, epee and aetiolo gy for • man week-Mut in pnpularity WOO history. la whieh eleven Sophomore* .111 mote s

Pni6so;'hf rank. next with to ei ght Jon. followed by amnia, wilb n eight.

pmen„en en In•jor in Main e, end I., Imre rhueen enuineerioe. 151.000end German each drew four .phn Oores and tbrre men ranee Free,.

Mathematics. physits mod Latin were erwil chosen by one student for a rum Jar Greek elote ...mimed without an • far tu tu. Choke of the • will be made ea, Seel' under the Prem. Man by the Sophomore slew. awl enc.. Meer. MM . I. Itegietrer /. Chen amid int week.

GRANT BOOK FEATURED Ds Elld Grand new hook "Beth

ethetneteV woe featured 10 • window inlay in Errand's ...hop. ve

Want .treet near Rona Phlholel. Ms a week e go. t,eteral objects in

pottery end bronze found by tbe Ham Wool rapellition were S miley. •Ieo.

EMLEN & CO. Reliable

Real Estate Service Gan Owelnet HA Illasonle

Lie L. Oder Palley

J. DIaOrallw W. Mdon. Jr. lined Pm. n dwan

112 Se. ICS Senn 01.1.1..

This Atuntoos May Becalm "Big Chief Sauer-Good"

Sometimes a num ix en adv.. Inee. se that of J. Henry who goe. to Waah• log.. next month to take one ths ditties a anle rank Indian rern -

m11.1.1n, ut lb. r`

Thr Seieore Monitor .0111 editorinIM May 10 of Mr. Smatter.

-Jud e. by his reputatioa for hosanna,. work. J. II. Scatter-end. the car W Anietast Herten. tio. Void States Bureau of [n-en. Affair,. earriip nut the In-dian pine of tanking the name fit Oh men_ Only they would prob.. hove mode it 'Claief Who Sown

SPELT HEADS DEBATERS Wind charm. of Sneed and

Mee.. of Yaw Elertion or it, K. Spelt. O. se Attie

matt of Id Deha.. thtiotell n•nn• neat wee, Imo ewe,. at n 'It the

n'il 1"1d Wetineedny. May _Si. IL K. Eneworth. •At the erode intr.. eneouneed Suit •ee.

rim dash. mom n/ the nem

"I want my son

to get some

good business


-QUAKER BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ Path .ad Prude of the LI...re. Ilan. M. June 11200 Oman.. Ste. .tad Mena ge, A. N. Breeched 82.00 Jade Weave., Ad. M. Crammer. 02,00 Postage Extra. Get Them From:


Morley, Wood & Company Investment Bankers

all Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Members New Yon Mora Examont-Phileidelphie Steele Esc.

Annie. Members New York Cora Joseph E. Morley James Warnock, Jr Alexander C. Wood, Jr. Holstein DeHaven FOR

Dina Print* T•1 ..... h *ad Telephone Wire. to New York


Listen to the Morss "Money and Music" Program Every Wed. 6 ✰✎ ✭✎ W CA U

PROTECTION PLUS PROFIT Life Insurance carried by you today will provide the moneys to carry yourself or your family through the unforeseen financial problems of the future. The Protection Plus Profit plan provides a growing fund. At the age of 35, a $10,000 policy gradually grows in value as your profits accumulate until it is worth $22,800 in cash to the insured at the end of 30 years or at the age of 65. This is a Profit of $12,000 over the Total Premiums paid by the insured over the 30 years, and he has had Life Insurance protection, increasing from $10,000 to $22,800, Free. Or he has the option at the age of 65 of taking a full paid Life Policy for $10,000, paying him an annual dividend, and in addition to receive, in cash, $15,500. His premiums have been returned at over 40% Profit and he has a full-paid policy for the original amount. The results are comparable at all ages.

For details, call or write


Pen. 3414

Sattqday. June 8, ✑✙✒✙ HAVERFORD NEWS Page 5

NEW RHODES PLAN British•Ameriras henotunlp e to Be

Awarded Agetally by 11.1011 • echelershi ne wid eldr- Domed snouelly, beginolo g In 1540. on e bag. of nographie.1 Maar, teamed

of in two eel of three noire by • ..... , set at inseam. rankle, Frank 01 del. torte. et Rwartbmore, Antedate geere-MT to the Rhode. tr....K. menommor LW mouth The Pew plan. se pees. by Parliament, mills for the need, In the Uelted Mote. or .1101 overt. of 610 Steen edit Baal Intate n• leer. emeuelly Its two hem candidates, and ol three Goer will be craned from each diodes

la Arnold Post. prole.. of Gun. end Ilererford's repreeentative on the Peansylnd note Rhode. nebolandlip mannoillee, mated thee nu mental.. .,old

be held lo Penna... nett

b 0;10t7 .171111V 1.4'; 0‘411 Ref

April nionner tut mo nline in Oh of Inn. of tee eo, on emboli. of British and Arnerino direr ite,. turn AP 1'11'1'

)17: book meatier of th• lisnernerlin, Op-ener. in Me Jen. hove of ..Th. New milegiele monthly review.

Paten were not aehrded 11 eeleet

01111eFAV'ter•01:0Flia7tes."0..17:11H1 be Mid. to od d, In their home eta immernately



New York University Daily Takes I. N. A. Prize

for Editorial emyeing with thirteen other Rut.

tent rolle ge new. pepen lieverford Rows woo the silver 1,1ng men h, the Inteesaltglate Newspaper As-sodden of the Middle Allan', Read for the beat ethanolm saki. news. paper at Ito tenth einiversary conven-ion in Allentown last month._ The

New. win been this trophy .111

petitpetition open, for the nett ...he-lmet

ionthe Announcement

of the rontetet red. was made last week by J. menu., Jr., 30 , ear. ins president of the ononetioo.

✩● ✖✑ Newil"'Vor r:r;;:mr-11.1;111 meow. mod Ntl.htte, of Latino leilerrally. end SeerthInore Mind. In the order tile. Undone were belied on new. coverage. style of wn g and heads, feature.. •nd makeup.

D,sel Tdo gle, Gettythorpayx Hover., New, S. 1. U, Doth New. 1'SOtnbnlr It. 1001

7'rev;'R.71.4;1-'172:4! .:If and the ..ra., Hand.

N. Y. U. Will 111110,11 Doodect New York UnlverMty servived tem

print '11',..eLlal.. A.-.1=111;elr'l print. In the N. Y. l. Daily Nem.. Una, S. 10371. Eacb of tbr college "" r. naz.V

1. hedged. Hononble meetion was gietto to an-

emias entitled °What Pia ParnenueS Vo"'LlIZer:1 (t'r. d'Osetuet 7W.

1928: "PriZies17. the

r07tekr .y.22. IMF. mg; Matt Peeve." In thr N Y. DalyN.

to subten. material. and Ica... for the molten. were Richard Remain. epeeist writer sod nsietant

editor of 11. Plilledelpbh Inquirer, .4 len'ennof F IL

Lea fall the Ilsurfonl Sows won the L N. A. content for the Lent code. and the

w Swarthmore. Maud

ppe IVe 4: b"' noir mento; In Me alerott. ro eel.


dot,Od tram nee 1, comma •

n, felt in a. mom urinal m ra

:;frenV "tfr'n'" fVer o eller tiro t'' Commentln ire reject.

nge. lows- of no one so mdcil

n in demand

rietttl'orTertnit littr im many hale,-

Dr. Seen Eaprellam Rerel tht behalf a the entire College. Dr. Nod expressed Ile regret at• Hr.

eirtm, IraeleM the debt the College own our good torn


tenor.- the holes lbm his health me ght be completely restored end the beet .11,P7Uf 64:17.1

him ever had to mete. I have bIll

ell nfont v. of Cambridge lo Fludend. where I woe hare mei andeted, will rank lint in 117 hesti. • • • Likens Haverford to Cambridge

"A., I have often told Joon a ntlime, of all the college. America

Ire:e7rf171' etro're" remunoling my bd.. Cambridge 1000 ;Ln't et ile'vele7,7417Z's 042 at 1 •1 ., awn en I Oral' al.

oherielf ,Itome... 1 s crupled. the gnat ehoperation . sod scholarly nettled. of mom' utedugraduntew with

fn r:Ntl'rel,e were N';."11:0

Oro l rre1 of Ira I ii.rota:.. • wit: Woo ', noise!, neistnit pod.' of Foglia. loom FL Pennine., prof.- .or of Itte g.eerin g, •1n11 Dr. Al.rt fib O2 il xOn, otameisto professor of MUD- d


dinner attended by Twener• pine uodermoduotee. C. II. Conine. wan toastmaster. M Atitineeo.

MO, made •ermigeraents for the alone', with the unletnnee of Collleou and C. 11. Nonillion, 1111,


`"1.. %%At' 000:1711.w" Fernald tbwill eals Bof L entrant

eTcri)!RI. Torit.. ti20,.011rellaktPe

I The enterprise, which the third

III to began, underinedkeLi?a II:reefed

.:ard'b ry.tene..... Committee. will leave hole 17, rad r ran re- bout',poett 00. The can Pd.- ketos, wbe desire $400 to ear n their work to tr. folleat relent, have re. eelred 9300 to date, of which 9100 wan eon...Med by the Itarerfool Welfare Chest, mad the remainder by alumni end

'neer. members of ,tite festally. Simi-tor caamels, carmine retied Beeline ot the United id.. will 0,

conducted trognfollrela imSZOgeiren;.". ""

MAT FETE HEADMASTERS 00111mo0 Aida Plan to Follow Ex•

ample of Pe V. Inelely te Fall

lure 10* DinIO


f-allP ai

teh e. hemin

gem er

o Ev nepaatory man

t. In Raltimore and

alleirAI, were denims. st the nomad I.e.. of the linerford Hodes of klaryind dins O. TM. OW Met at be ...nee.' Club, 0 w rest Pa i ette 71:; Inn 1. Invite Iterameetere

unman :leant of the 1101 1100,0 WO.(1.17.

If aura eintie g Is arran grd It .111 kse0, bal/W7Ladeireentl by Preadvnt W.


- - Archaeologist Calls Work a

"Distinct Contribution to Knowledge"



Metitget ePootent Prides et' in..

I. /Dodo, P. los

der most educated unpin Redon e tha• the cower to net • mod Tbe ways of mete othm yeen and route tries. their tool. and 0. 1. livlag. t heie ho t. and fear. are•Inners


11,1: th

17. 1,;1r 'bolo

Induction of rem.. pot

ors"rihert Archnelogd1 One

for tar. ore Dot The Miter sod theie of enceession were pretty well n••0T;enr.71:ette% ,r,11 "e rolre71:r:'h:;. n dd. know, su m,. new seam.. •orl inane..

Thom who she et a areMeoloWlem hardly node whet important. hirtor , Intl deroateara poet nod potnerds ere

0°111e:1:014.r Ar'ler 41.a7"7.

Amer e. the Nebo.. oncomOnea ,e,t11 in bin own ete n new„.

r"Trtine neheralo giei bead 6 bee 1 sed pot • pot Fara is Inter ;

to bleo beesets of Re form se r II. dm-oration het h nee' er"ItrIt hdoely. • link In the history

espertratt"kOrk7er;rte":1;nrdlticios of meilq uitiew hut grammes Imo Ade

NM j lea. Pd. where the whims Iregrjril . .railr.TthorsoW menrerZt downer 1,1713t ner .04. .shes for the reaffirmed mere. al he ok. we. tom. ow n. et tra one.

O.R.:•17,•-a` azn 01 whao.re. th•

nm on,. m gas = 2'..t="vz.", .


Perfect Weather Adds to Occasion as Flavertord

Wins Annual Event With fine neat her. n too t • reword (RIO. . I Statee teen 111•01. ImId here 2. ow. coned., • V111,....4 from every point of rho. Appentotaul a IOW re.urs. tea.. Ma many •Iumni. watched tive

r Wt .r.1" t r01:74.171:7 tea rZt. O'n rnres; Th J.

lent. immatte. announced. The Ilehl wns wen protected add

°'"' "'' ...deed.. An. OPmiels

The Id of alias. for the mut undmsel hoch unto, net Alfred LP lettnerb a e

Middle Atlesttle mooted In thr 741.

II. in Rea, Ile was chief month IL J. 'ideate° Whirr,. ilesu Amer', eau rarbetern ii; vte of the IttIrrt,:t1 2e. 'dent

▪ genera. truth gmj gem



ar.r•stt''r711.... e..? At= 33%.,73 1n=1.. lt.t!"«,-.7=ti

27 PV • Aq:3,t.

P.11.1-.111 •~1lL-.vs - . 'tat? L"1%..r.


'Ir's7.4. 4.:111P14:2.17

1..1:1niit know, emu,.rr T. •Ul

2...'"'"2".Vti';1'i.:n ,.: LAWRENCE ON NEWS

neetinit of the Wen. held To

Shy 21.

Dr. Grant Leaves Soon On 2d Trip to Palestine

President Comfort Will Teach in California this Summer; Other Faculty Men

to Travel and Study

Dr. Grant le. ao felt the cheese of All dole that 0. Itne underterace the eeplorelleu of Beth libetemah. • site tat eel .1 Ili ti as have hft deponits firm anon, ▼❁❅ ■ fare renVamed x.1 M0100. he teem lot in tki, rename 111 V01101.46nrof Str.

chic. oe whieh the mound we. Ate. ee he Ind the geed fortune

thett n.P.7i'orelVaer nrr nrrtcr 1 !lrt. retlin=7.n tl...1.1aU t tr ir,::. Sol nly is I written de•

'Lott„'"M. 2Ve tirVe.7:1"Id' kt 1n70. The 'wren 't th'• a e

▪ In ids dmort inion of 61e . nmdnN and ror

"di" Ein"fi ▪ .writ ~we

';er Ike to. anil ule. down l ee it..

the ="..!:;" thin



hull up. mul 10.10 deed

• 1010ert"lortincI ntire"ere; T:n7.1-07 I.I.111 071-V.01,:017:11-001,17•

F.i,n1;.°.::". heir bo .red rem kus 10,11 boor'

Widdlo Atlantic and he. 110 011nd ."1"6"116 nVo i ..fr:f"ehe !re .. Type. :LT. 0100 hi. 0i-at

"I feel better now that I have named yogi my meme for and trustee," James MacLean told us recently. "When I am gone, my estate will be well cored for. But I wish you could help me with an estate problem right nom"

• • ' "I have a son," he continued. "Instead of receiving his share of my estate under my wit', I should rather he receive part of it now and get some outside business training during my own lifetime Obviously, I do not want to let him, through inexperience. lose the property I shall give him. Nor have I the time to oversee his business ventures." We solved this problem es tullows. The talker organized • onmpsny in which the son was to he actively interested and placed its steel, In trust with us Then we as trustee were represented on the company's board of directors. In this capacIty we were able to owe the son independent business training, to keep watch on the family's investment M the business; and to 11.101 the son in his financial affairs-all during the father's own lifetime.

As en example of how valuable this pion was, during the ab-sence of the father on a trip abroad I crisis in management arose We as trustee euggested • change in personnel, and when the father returned the business was ie good shape.

• . This story Is one of those told in our booklet, Trot Storios of Ten &toes, actual cases which have been changed in minor details to avoid any violation of confidence. Have you made an estate plan without expert advice? Our trust officers ere always available for consultation with and your attorney.



Dr. Grant Leaves Soon On 2d Trip to Palestine

President Comfort Will Teach in California this Summer; Other Faculty Men

to Travel and Study

▼✇✛❀✑✎✂✝✎✚✑✑✎✑✂❒✎✶✎ ✰✎✇✑✑✚✑✛✛✛✛✚❒ morel mei amoriate ondessor of Rug.. win Lo,A. mummy made by the New. last teich M the Ifarvard Sommer &h.(

Dr. Kilian Gnat, profeemor of 1111,- Maly of fitrulW members will

any We. 01.11 II•e•MW Real Menton on his •abbatical leave spa. the summer at Darerford .0OP will 1.1 de ...I Haver.. 1.[Tw. Ins writing Dr Ray.. W Rehm dition to Palest.. le vont.. the ex. ens1einior in( 11 la.ry. Natm vAt.1;i6..begun mor of the din • idle bin handbook. on' -Prehlhitrei ms,' . °Latin American Problem... a ml 'The 1111

Freon. Ire ✗✔▼❉✺❉ an summer. L. Arnold pe work Will not Pont. profensor of Greek. wiLl ten tged ✔✗✑ ✬▼✎✌✣✎✇✂✇✂ ✑✂ ✇✂✂✂⑤✂✇ ✷❏⑤✌✑✑✌ ✗✌✗✎✑⑤✑✌✍❇✂✚✚✐✌✔✑❀ ❇❒✡❒❄❅▼❅✌✚✎ Dr. Jammu Der Carpenter, Jr., au Allen N. Waston , ane0.1ate , prof anefinte pane,,,, of Rumor. ❚.❚. of , .21.6thetaatica ❃■❚✴ ▲❒✎✶✎✌✚✎❈✇✔✑❏❒❙ ✌▼✔ ✌❬✌❒❉✴❒✛ awl Prance. Ile will leave Itiverford nt over. ag mer

01 la bl LW. Prank 1.1, Worm. profensor 1000 DPI Grua In E•WINNI ...mar. will o...

lb. 1.1.1011 with Dr. Ea.. Si. 11.110, proles. I M. fondly

Ot thek rot., on 111 Oren.bnn. Philoamhy. rill take Wl kk. i Thu 0000.

✑✑✛✑✑✎✑✚✂ hoe., of ....Ph. rilaneins to travel h.1, her pan to

P tr nem* ;planed phases,of _Qumker- Male . of Er *Anat. IlarvelAo.r:oc.11.1" r -f 1,42711r'071.71= In nor'

0. ✎❂❂●n ✭✩ oboe. Sommer Rehonl, la curb to rottten to littlaed. hia far- ad A. W. liaddretem, iontwetor in cur borne. light added. will be • mmonclor nt the'Z'n'rtea1.0:geni'r601.1‘..'7..rCottriVr a

ll lap Red Cloud, io Northern Penn- aid Pioduct . elitseeto "Pres., Liters!. "Ihrertte. r /I. Welic essimant in Ir.e.g""Li tent ee'at.rtalt

.11 Physlre. will condou eanuimento at the I.nireralty Pem.Deeols ❒❒❚✌✶❒✎ o the 10011

07 "ram4'ea-red ❚◗✦❖✎ of the faeulty undecided 0. 0 their


brollthZtVgiltar111:10.;TrIV resollena or 4,011., to almoner their Plans

• 111 tea• � ❆❏❒ ✰✛✑✑✗✑✎✔✑✂❆✎✇


History Second Choice as Subject Required by

New Exam Plan 11.0101100 wan the mut popular

nubjut in the choice of maim, mad. hat month hi the Sombomme. under the new nr•jor examinetion plea.

With Pm.. depart.... re.... unted out of thirteen dm onnomord require... fuumpire, thieteall member. of the claim of .31 chum the deportment of emonmica. olld0l tsel. epee and sociology for • maks , .0,1,- Ni.,In .pularity was h1.1 m. In whieb eleven Sophomore* will mijore.

Philosopky rank. next with to ei ght Jon. followed by chem., wilh n eight.

Emmen„men In•jor In brolow. Dud dm hove ohm. engineer... 151,106end Germ. each drew four .pho. mores and three men cbmw Prep..

Mathematics. physic. end 1.110 were earl, chosen by ore student for a mu Jae Greek alone reponior. without an „twin...1 00, 0 stone Choke of the

will 6. made each Seel' under the Present plan by the Sophomore plane meal nem.. Pefere Mee I. Itegietror I. 21 linse said In. week.

GRANT BOOK FEATURED Dr. Ent. Drone. new book Paletti

ithemetd° wen featured in • window ;,play In BeentanoU v.

Walnut .trut near low. 1.111.0111. Ms a week ego. neseral objects in

pottery end bran. road by the Rem errant raperlirion were dinolayed •Isn.


Reliable ✲❅❁● Estate Service

Oasin. HA Eli.mank

Lin Lim Oa Vsg.,

W. Cl

2: 2: :;".A. '" J. MeOrrriltr W. Woen. Jr.

vat adm A a Dom.

114 Se. ICI Street Plandelehin

This Atunmus May Becalm "Big Chief Sauer-Good"

Som... a name in an ad.- Me.. Irate. that of J. Henry Scattergood. who doe.

to Ward.

Inv. next itionth to take ore, the dirties of ...Imam . Imams reril- m11.10,11, ut thr eked The ehrintion Science Monitor add mlitorinify Day 10 n( Smatter ,

-Judo. by his reputatioa for hmesaitseinn orka, J. II. Scatter- coml. the are lf Auledma Recce of the 1"nited States Bureau et In-A. Affair,. eereikp out the In-aim ulna 1,1 snaking the wine fit the m.. Only they would w

ine haat made it 'Chief Who Ito n ms


Elected chairmen et Comb and Manaoar of 0.1.11,1 Team

Eau, of 10 FL Sub.... ...An,. man Id Ihr Debation Connell n 01. neat yam woo merle or n mud. of the onnoll laa Warlismidny. Say 30. IL K. Ennword. 'Al. the pruent elmirman, •nnnoneml. Spelt reolo1. nom-

.111w1n,e Ism„ nt the mom

"I want my son

to get some

good business


✍✱✵✡✫✥✲ ✢✯✯✫✳ ✹✯✵ ✳★✯✵✬✤ READ Polak esti Prentice of Om Os...", EA. M. Lam. 112-00 Olunk.m. Seery and Metange, A. N. BraneAnte $2.00 Joke Amelia M. Gomm.. 02,00

Postage Extra. Get Them From:


Morley, Wood & Company Investment Bankers

Sit Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Members New Suit Doak Eadmurge-Philadelphi. Stock Ese .

A....1.I. Members New York Co. Joseph E. Morley James Warnock, Jr Alexander C. Wood, Jr. Holstein DeHaven Fox

Dimet Pr..* T.I,.... *ad Telephone Wire. to New York


Listen to the Morss "Money and Music" Program Every Wed. 6 P. M. WCAU

PROTECTION PLUS PROFIT Life ✩■▲◆❒❁■❃❅ ❃❁❒❒❉❅❄ ❂❙ ❙❏◆ ▼❏❄❁❙ ◗❉●● ❐❒❏❖❉❄❅ ▼❈❅ ❍❏■❅❙▲ ▼❏ ❃❁❒❒❙

❙❏◆❒▲❅●❆ ❏❒ ❙❏◆❒ ❆❁❍❉●❙ ▼❈❒❏◆❇❈ ▼❈❅ ◆■❆❏❒❅▲❅❅■ ❆❉■❁■❃❉❁● ❐❒❏❂●❅❍▲ ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ❆◆▼◆❒❅✎

✴❈❅ ✰❒❏▼❅❃▼❉❏■ ✰●◆▲ ✰❒❏❆❉▼ ❐●❁■ ❐❒❏❖❉❄❅▲ ❁ ❇❒❏◗❉■❇ ❆◆■❄✎ ✡▼ ▼❈❅ ❁❇❅ ❏❆ ✓✕✌ ❁ ✄✑✐✌✐✐✐ ❐❏●❉❃❙ ❇❒❁❄◆❁●●❙ ❇❒❏◗▲ ❉■ ❖❁●◆❅ ❁▲ ❙❏◆❒ ❐❒❏❆❉▼▲ ❁❃❃◆❍◆●❁▼❅ ◆■▼❉● ❉▼ ❉▲ ◗❏❒▼❈ ✄✒✒✌✘✐✐ ❉■ ❃❁▲❈ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❉■▲◆❒❅❄ ❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❅■❄ ❏❆ ✓✐ ❙❅❁❒▲ ❏❒ ❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❁❇❅ ❏❆ ✖✕✎

✴❈❉▲ ❉▲ ❁ ✰❒❏❆❉▼ ❏❆ ✄✑✒✌✐✐✐ ❏❖❅❒ ▼❈❅ ✴❏▼❁● ✰❒❅❍❉◆❍▲ ❐❁❉❄ ❂❙ ▼❈❅ ❉■▲◆❒❅❄ ❏❖❅❒ ▼❈❅ ✓✐ ❙❅❁❒▲✌ ❁■❄ ❈❅ ❈❁▲ ❈❁❄ ✬❉❆❅ ✩■▲◆❒❁■❃❅ ❐❒❏▼❅❃▼❉❏■✌ ❉■❃❒❅❁▲❉■❇ ❆❒❏❍ ✄✑✐✌✐✐✐ ▼❏ ✄✒✒✌✘✐✐✌ ✦❒❅❅✎

✯❒ ❈❅ ❈❁▲ ▼❈❅ ❏❐▼❉❏■ ❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❁❇❅ ❏❆ ✖✕ ❏❆ ▼❁❋❉■❇ ❁ ❆◆●● ❐❁❉❄ ✬❉❆❅ ✰❏●❉❃❙ ❆❏❒ ✄✑✐✌✐✐✐✌ ❐❁❙❉■❇ ❈❉❍ ❁■ ❁■■◆❁● ❄❉❖❉❄❅■❄✌ ❁■❄ ❉■ ❁❄❄❉▼❉❏■ ▼❏ ❒❅❃❅❉❖❅✌ ❉■ ❃❁▲❈✌ ✄✑✕✌✕✐✐✎ ★❉▲ ❐❒❅❍❉◆❍▲ ❈❁❖❅ ❂❅❅■ ❒❅▼◆❒■❅❄ ❁▼ ❏❖❅❒ ✔✐☎ ✰❒❏❆❉▼ ❁■❄ ❈❅ has ❁ ❆◆●●✍❐❁❉❄ ❐❏●❉❃❙ ❆❏❒ ▼❈❅ ❏❒❉❇❉■❁● ❁❍❏◆■▼✎

✴❈❅ ❒❅▲◆●▼▲ ❁❒❅ ❃❏❍❐❁❒❁❂●❅ ❁▼ ❁●● ❁❇❅▲✎

For details, oat/ or write


Pep. 3414

SMUCtlay. June S, 1929 HAVEILFORD NEWS Page 5

NEW RHODES PLAN Britlah•Amarka. Senolusala. to Be

a0•11•11 Anually by IleoIons Ehrde. neholershipe wig Ito .1 , P01- Rolled antruelly, begInnion In 1540. on

ban. of ...rap.. inntead of is 1.1101 ef dare years by ..... , s. at mount. Prmidrot Faulk 01,1.1. lotto. of Swarthmore, American emre-tary to Ike Modes tree -wee. msnommal Wt month, The out plan. 1, plumed by Ptirthainot, call. tor tbe emotion In the United date., .1101 dprr[tts of .10 State. oath, Poch Sta. will nu leet manually it• two Lem candidates, 0.4 II arse Parr will he neteumI I ram ssebelintriet.

In Arnold Post, porn of Cud. Old Ilarerford's reprenentative on Om Peamdleand State Rhoden naholandip momoillee, mated that no emopetttioe erould be held In Penuitidnia nett

Dates were not nehedided to eel. •



2:2A1c7rl t0eFlirra7t m."0.7.: bill allowed to punnet. In their borne otat

V.s,0,11 ,M,l'orri ImmerIlately


0;1017 .071111l4"t "r•lb1; C II Ref

frareifne n11.0. ,..'60 , rag:Z.:1 '11:1:m April nu.", of real ...line Otr current lune of tee Reho, on andolot. of British and Arneriten college

✉✑✗✚ book receivar of Om limerrnallan, Ap. Moral In Ihe Jon. imp New Strulent... collegiate monthly review.


New York University Daily Takes I. N. A. Prize

for Editorial thirteen other East.

tern rollege new. poi.. 11•Yerford News woo the sliver loving cup Offered h, the In.moogeMlate Newspaper As-sociation of the Middle Atlanta Stet. for the beat e0aarmnl college news-wiper at II, tenth aniumaary conven-ion in Allentown last month._ The

Need will keep din trophy 0.11 petition op.. for de brat aeml-en-noel noble. In the 1.11. Announcement of the content moults lass made bat week by J. [stockman, Jr., 30, retie. in. president of the 0.66.tioo.

Nenii"'Vor nrunin and 3• 11.., of smblon litlarralty. nod Soarthlnore Mineola. in the order [ilea

Deslnionn were baud on new. coerge. style of wng and beds, feature.. •nd mak.p.

bile Uv!aani,r;. Dmael Taaogle, Gettydurgian,

Num.. Newn, N. U. DUD A. e.. Re the ✮✩❀❊▼❒❉❒

✩✩✩✶✚❂✎✗✗✑❁✗✮✲✚✗✑✔✛✑✇✑✗✚✑✗✔✁ s ty and the demmiuter Noland. N. Y. I). WON Ellitorial Gootott

New York Unlyerty received teei

print '11',..eLlel.. A'Retia.'1117Z1r.1 print. In the N. Y. T. Daily N.*..

littober S. 10211. Each of the college ""r. .17hrlart na;T:11

✐✗✌✐✑☎✑✎✇✐✌✑✎✑✎ ✑✐ Paige. marred Heammble mention wan Ii,f13 n edi-torir4a entitled "What 01010 Parnerserra °

116.1"TIVier:W.6(ktoet7W. rte 1928: '1.4 V6*.ite "PriZirs 117. r 1 07uar..1. mg;

Pont Peace." thr N. Y. Daky

✚✛▼✗❇✎ In subjut,

material. and saes.. for the mate.. were Richard Ream1.1. pe writer snd

editor of Om PhIddelpbd loquIrr ,nod

Len n e F ile kntigtrrtr.Wit: Jelphia.

last fall the Hamrfonl Sows won the L N. A. content for Om ;wet ed. torial. and the Swarthmore. Phu,.

pp, ✔✚✬ ✚✎✁✛✛✺✚✇✌✇ nom meta.; the an-round cont..


continued tram Page 1. Catunun • presenm felt d •mi. be neg.. t arm,

:;Te nV "iff'n'" ;Zeit71 0 relaner pond' Commentlm 0 ,6 Ziarjrd ,

ng.e.fr know of no one so mach ;l

❁t❅ demand

❒❋▼▼❆❀❏✌✂■❒❉✎▼n ✩▼▼❒❉▼ no many

Dr. Attlee ERprellaaa Clem; lin behalf a the entire College. Da.

bad expressed Ile mgret at Nr. Choy, leaclu , debt the College ow. mit btu wpm pro fes.r.•• the hope that big health todht be completely restored mot the beet

.11,P7Uf ✖

✔✚✑✗✎✑ for n

have ever had to mate. I have dog. ●❏❒❇✎▼✗✴❒✇❉❬✑✗✑❀✎✑✌✑✂n❇✇✎✵✎✚❆

✐✑✌ al Cambridge lo England. where I wee hare .01 ninmatell, will rm. lirst in mg ern. • • •

Likens Havarlord to Cambrido• "dal I have often told Dr. Jon. a mt

other., of all the college. 131 America

Zliere; .". ratt I raZet= etrra " re...a my beiored Cambridge


;6'1 at 12veigt7d, 17n Ca'a 042 01 anon ,

lease •nd dell al.

u.y. adieristr 'itamenn. ... 1 appreciate the gnat au...rationi end scholarly attitude of ma.. und.gradontan with

fn cV111',:i11 were

❇✛✎✇✑✑✚✐ rarjrn.r, Jr., ⑤✍⑤✶ pro Itrro10.nreg wit: iteitsel, pcofessor of Snell.. Leon FL Rittenboose, prof..- .or of Elginnerish, •111 Dr. Albert fib

otarotiote professor of MEd-nintan.

The dinner 1.11 attended by TWentd• pine ooderrratluate.. C. II. Cont.. TS. waR Ineslinaatee. is. Atkin.. 111, made •rdegernents dIeeer, with the annirdenta of Colliaou find C. H. HanrIllon, 1111,


✬✂❄❖✚ ☎☎✡▼✇ 71n!: 0000"177011W" Spreadiog the. Alenla Bof L notecase!


Blee ✧■◆ ▲❅❅ ✌❀✑✌✑✛ summer.

The enterprise, adIch Iv the third one to be undert nadkeLla I 1,:merford nO'Vrarb ry.Trelineekan

Ice Committee, will Inure -Noe IT, mad m-t.. about /teapot 30. The peace Pr..- kftes, who desire $400 to carry their Work to ▲❏ fallen( extent, have re-ceived S300 to date, of whicb 5100 wan issetsibutn1 by the limner.. Walla. Chest, and the rendlnder by alumni and . 0101.1 menden of ,011. fatuity. Sind-

corgrons, corm.. realm. settler. the United R... will be conducted

t rZalenTgld'CrIb 'aintSZOgehaZ.". "" MAY FETE HEADMASTERS

BallImata Alimel Plan to Fellow Ex• amnia et et V. 13.1017 10 Fall

BALTIMORE.-Pla. give o lunebeen it, de fall the. headman.. Ev Maparatory school. in Baltimore and elelyity were ril.eusseel st the enontba Innebron of the Ilacerford Bagel, of J4 pia gunr• 0. Tamgroup met st be Rogineera Club, 0 Wed Rum. ✗✖✚✛ ✎✑✎✎ ▼❏ Inv. 10.1mantere fol.

Irirue '3.'{rPreagy..1 ream. of the 8.11100,, SO(1.17,

euell met., Is arranged It will kl.11babil i,!7Laddre.ni by Preeldent W.


- - Archaeologist ✣❁●●▲ ✷❏❒❋ a

"Distinct ✣❏■▼❒❉❂◆▼❉❏■

▼❏ ✫■❏◗●❅❄❇❅✂

By DR- GEORGE A. BARTON. VS gams Maligtalg

Preeeler. rttt.ait


t tto, z.

el u.


tee rnu Pnvoloaier I. 0..

Over most educated ton.ple antittnita na• tke pow. to • nOIL Tbe trays of oleo othu mem 01111 coon. tries their tool. and 0.1. Ilrlag. their h.". and fear. are matters of th

✑✗✎ ✑✌✚✑❒ ✎✂ chera

Dr. Orant b. no felt the eberol at all lisle that b. tom undertsion the repluratiou f Be. libernenh. • site

M1,, tool 011.1.111 '1 Ili ti as hare left deposit.. His firm

✴✛✛✶❒✂❒❁❅❅❍●�✗✎✈✩ aging. he 1,11. im in Ow, rennet

;r01. 1.40nrof Strn of whir. the mound 1.0.

Fhnwdm. me Or had the it"ml fortune to on.

tholn.Z.:retter nrr n Vrter 1 rec n=70 I'll rt...I t re"i2;n not only le I . written de•

'PWL'"tit. 2Ve tirVng1"Irt k4ar ; The 'arr. th '• a e ro•

boll up. miti Inally humne tram


Irrgrjr11 .20164.T .Poranre nrtenat

hird lone Pak, where the ancient

.1"1"6" 116::00o i..fr:f"Che o



ksraSt ner wishes for

glimpus Into vistar


the coetinued %uremia at hit ork. Pe. wus. .we et tm. emu, O.R.:•17,•-a`

4.1. el. en awn*, Ow

W emu.. h... a. = ✎✑✒✇✎✎▼✝✂❁✎✂✎



Perfect Weather Adds to ✯❃❃❁▲❉❏■ ❁▲ ★❁❖❅❒❆❏❒❄

✷❉■▲ ✡■■◆❁● ✥❖❅■▼

With fin* oesrher. n lost •nd • record (RIO. Stalin . I Staten mark 111•01. held herr an. runnietermi • VIII,Tm from every

point of Moo. Mum.. 10110 rooters. incl.- inn many •Iumni. watched are nom . r et .r.1". re t

Val:Z.17Z tr; rZt. O 'n rnro;9 'Ltle ▼❆❚✌ loth weenie,. announced.

The geld wns wen protected nestut ✚✑✚✎✚✔✗✑✑✗✗✎✌⑤✌✑▼❏❂✌

the Ini ~ 11110

Nererterdlette Agouti Officials The Ind 01 pianists for the rum, nomlorcl -orb imam en Alfred Le

I mmarb .4- Law... o

II.Diddle dila...le wooed In the 7.1(1.

in lie was chief .corer. IL J. 'Than .° Warn, de. of Ameri-can nprantera ilIs vta iprfinkli-int ibe OtTiraV.:1 2e. 'WedrIA. -

gement. trod gmj 0.1

• Wtra.jr; ara'sgg'injem...

•jrttf,;,"4 ❒●❉✎❆✁✂♠✎✗✝✕

✌✎✎�❀✗✍✑✚ ✇✶✩✺✚

✰●▼✎ � q:t. .

3 P.11.1-.111 • - .vs - .

'tat? L"..1%..r. aiorn k.


Mm, num., T. 'I: •Nl

LAWRENCE ON NEWS the molly of the eof hold Tomb., Sky 21.

T:n7;L7 . 11111 Ilk(, non . t 117. 0011 w oI lees ,brit borne. diddle 011.011, and 3., Englsod

prod Minn. of repo. n't1

"' IRMA SRN Archon...NW naps 3:0 ▲❐✚✎✎✑✚✑✔✑❂ 110 tor they nm nog 1, titan sod Oda order of numession were pretty well TV;t:16.71:011..%:-.11 "rrolrnTitr 11:;. n nodr know. sopclics new example, mid III. /mono..

Thou alto ner not arriurnInlIni• hardly reeline tabor important hintoe. cni drsiumen. porn nod pookords are a

as'a 17:011e:::031r 1 A a f


we glee the Hebrew. oncomPmal ,r,t6 in bin own .teeu

r" Trtine mahoonlogint bead la. 0 ben I nod a pot • ait. FAA is Inter; uti'int to biro bee.... el Ea form ire

t it. deroratioa but h n'"Itr 'ithdonly. • Enk In the bated


1111"I IIIIiV:71.11fI nt LI7V11 ;

Orem In Itis dawrimion of It .

mind rnr nmldred

✇;sr I Ito tonell alul mettle down la . it..

Ihr ="..!:;" thin

●❅❁ • 1


✂✩ ❆❅❅● better now that I have named you ●❉●❙ wimpe for and trustee," James MacLean told us recently. "When I am gone, my estate ◗❉●● ❂❅ ◗❅●● cored for. But I wish you could help me ◗❉▼❈ an estate problem right sow."

• • '

"I have a son," he continued. "Instead of receiving his share of my estate under my will, I should rather he receive part of it now and get some outside business training during my own lifetime Obviously. I do not want to let him, through inexperience, lose the property I shall give him. Nor have I the time to oversee his business ventures,"

We solved this problem es tams5. The father organized • ormpany in which the son was io be actively interested and placed its stack in trust with us Then we as trustee were represented on the company's board of directors.

In this capacity we were able to give the son independent business training, to keep watch on the family's investment M the business; and to Maid the son in his financial affairs-all during the father's own lifetime.

As en example of how valuable this plea was, during the ab-sence of the father on a trip abroad a crisis in management arose We as trustee auggested • change in personnel, and when the hither returned the business was I. good shape.

This story is one of those told in our booklet, Trot Storios of Ton &toes, actual cases which have been changed in minor details to avoid any violation of confidence. Have you made an estate plan without expert advice? Our trust officers ere always available for consultation with • and your attorney.




Will Lb. ...





21 Haverford Ave. 'Phone Ardmore 1248 Vision shopping without parking worries.


And in the rest and peace of the country. I We eater to the bride. . We eater to thew s. player-the lover of rare glass. The debutante illid the children.


Barbara 1487, CMIVIMIM of Course 5111iss Biddle Page

Pb.... Ardmore 805 10813ING A SPECIALTY


"Protects Health of Community"

Edward A. Kearney Manager

225 Linwood Avenue Ardmore, Pa.

When You Think of Life Insurance Think of


Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. 401 Chestnut Street

Phil.. P..


Saturday, June 8, 1929

Haverford Track and Field Men Capture First Middle Atlantics Crown in College History TRACKMEN SCORE FIVE WINS

INCLUDING M. A. S: MEET Undefeated Dual Meet Record Maintained for

Third Straight Season; Swarthmore Trounced


Thu in the word to one can nor Id= in. with a had h." when =scribing Me pa" In= Saran horn= that hod erns mere. ender Me Para.. of Captain Ens. Ion. Javelin them.. Err. for them wort mad Me mi., of op 11ad. ....me the Searlet tad Black dies= the trnrk som emit, eumended =nod wan =mussily as in winniug mery rand inert and wound le Mown by Me fact dm mime were op rim mmon eplettilisity taking Sinn ,.erred In ten of the met= la thir

in the 31_ S. C. A. A. 111,1 111ralle ter the find time in the hi.. of tra In the Lafayette mem on April M. sport at Mar. ilm ti

egfind =Din tnek eleven n= Ti,. breaking ef three rollene sehleh with mm1,0■11) 11,0114116 Intl

toe MM. Anemic rem. by Scarlet Mira. mode the m 87% tis and Illnek •thlere. we.ere outtlmid. 1-ath. On =Many of the sem. Week inc mrrenunne. ring the relay sr= "imposed or Syk. Ores spring. J. Howard Morris un

a,, or• spleck, IL 0.= end Ihmrhinnry took

... bro. hie men di". atand• rind ph,. In M. Ine-mile It a= the Inst time with n heave of I* A S. C. A. A. reray. .ine of the

ts Inch .1raing the malIfyina of the PI.= Helm,. Morris

anrounds or M. A. S. ti. A. A. meet. dice t the ,cltirtli•M fre■1111 1.14 hi m„ „m,s sm. same mees.

Irak" of Swarthmore. The nest dray Dalanlins-Uralem Pram Easy -msr- men. M. only non to held


Masters Gains Slight Edge Over "Henry Supplee in

Hurling Duel

KEECH'S PLAY FEATURES Cins. l'honare nine lirt to Me UM- lteraiols aura, 1Vitilneoley,

31, ilf lutrthro„dell .1111e which ended with the "ore 4.2 T. sourest Jul ere hid I 11111. lnk. tem Lrel m the litenokliti Field Mammal nail mar.I Me tad .4 Me Ilaserfsini legion. Mill "sumo molt co.. of

i•stet "men gran, wire leen. re-

I Imderom

gepd ta ...mint mail Sleets 1.•

13, welter 31n.tere =tram more twirler A, 110,1 00.1 Icons ...Mere were greatly liansilentsped to Me poor rumor! siren then, le Men

leftdleldre fee Me lb= lois.. 01,1 Me font.. 61111 lif she

Ilis.k road. tworemprhable nosh.. l'emi offering, in the form

pererInd bile. In.. ridding the /trst and Mae In sit resting eltM.r•

••1 111 the mem. Oxen, M. m Me twollmerf,ni tnlli

Iimerford Tallies Twigs I. 7th An., the enet and BM= had hem

Weilr7.1 pileVe..'h..:"1:11.."nrmg till I 1'4.;

Welker who


rts,"="re !ts ■111thth Haves-fa. Monet. 1.1 mum= the first spelt. Thom Corr and Perm both feting big lmile. himil mem tml up to the pram atal milk oat It. iiinely ramble to the left hell ars., miring Is= bur rump. O. w left

ended howemr. 31tmeee tbrow l. Ric. to fimt end Captain

Minglmni fanning. 1=y1mui. see.. its firm tally

Di the emend. limerford baying tailed le mire in i. Moe nt rash ennui. kur.kni am • tworangger to right field O. i. tessornstm ...kw had ecrissemi S. our. The Penn bill Ireeninu arrived se third when ,airy

55Th. threw.. al fir= and he mimed

on 'Men. Supple., will pitch. T. a. stn bike

tram. the Searrat Dl ark deferce ha the Mob chukker. After Suppler had fanned Prager. Walker era Ion. with • ramble to len. field... Hecker month=

rank lk • third • onenr1 laid .11:10 Olt Slaughter, "MO to left m= and fled. likes.. orell when Abb.. in renter boote

od the ball.

Ltme11 Waste C1.1.00 10 Tally Tom

bschats.tto1,en,, were iummt

end . Daly nne out. Ow neat two La= memsupple. end were


hin dependable wish the Mick. were

reedy erfired. T. former popped our to Winer er "cond. The Isom =moth

Tra. reitorat °PI ,,,, 1.7 game the fin1. ei=I= vemet went lo

cam on Corson, when

fly: Sewell tamable not on Moe he Walker 11.11351. bornm. Hut wit men 1.1 ff. and 1111A, SIMS poled an <"1 ray 15 1015 at the torver.

ltd in fail. in iteseh ens. her in Me Moth brought to el.

on= prosrarang rran eer fred and Plue final eimnier mat•

ravel In the fel= wreat Mil. tere Mdoff wilk eiture to renter field

nulled. A wMa merillee fly by 1.1".. sod • pr.,


Ogifil nut. 113 tett HI Tot. 01171711

lee"' : :2121222L1

:=0.747'11.114:' et«."::* e:11747

giV...earra Ver.:TX

1P-It Fr■ohe ems J,e7

PASSON 507 Market St.

Sporting Goods Radios Toys

Outfitter of the Haverford Athletic Teams

Special Reductions to Haverford College Student*

RUMSEY Electric Company Electric Supplies and

Machinery Everything in Radio

1007 Arch St. Philadelphia

see Middle Aden= inerke when he Ism.. Mc front 5,1,0 by It.. of

V_ 150.i55 the shot * fret

115 midi" sonde In the Innmenl. legion, lead nprEllr.

II, F. Edger, 11, in Mt Swoon...re meet broketer. 22.-yearmiri 10115 record

effisnled loclimore and Crninun in a threecur. tiered um= Ihripite Ike ntomme of Mimi,. Ilw Psarlst and Black IMO of

51. gem= Man the combined ramres of the Mud Hens end the Ilenr. SS and 2704 muspectively. Mamie weed rernmetIng that elm in the Ohio .[ale Ilerays where he took third In the dim


Southall end T.= Nlentors, nho xvie appointed instructors in Ilea,

Inral athletic.. rraperaively. hy the Irani of =maser. May 17.

There is no Substitute for Good Bread.


Cos=Sermon Bramra.14. net team during the *strums sen.o named Lm lam yeerts men= of nine win. nod four loseen by .101101 ten of the fourteen MR... prayed spinet the hardest kind[ ind of oppneitkom Three of the ratchets lent by th. Notelet and Illara were by the margin of one point the 4.3 context dropped to Swarthmore belm probablY the =Irma fought of my of the encounters between the own trirdltlopal rims= Among the teoms (bat fell before the ragueleern of Cap. Ws George Johnston were Wesleyan. Vraglnis, Johns Hopkins end ltr•inon. the latter two trams basing been un-defeated Pm.. tar meeting the Qua-ker netmen.

Jobs, Cray. It Vircinia mu winner of hot yes, the te m duns. the year with the splendid sword of wine Int I t fin f t tb

oM1 lb. two defeats Mine at the bond& f Monger. of Penn. end Mont./aroma,

of Lehigh, Ionising Imerrillerame Ways ohma Henry Banshurat. Mt. who played at the fifth single. perm during moot “7 the yeah sp. errond In the =reenter? Mbles, a inning Oa of hie nine encounters.

Capt. Johnson played • lipirelf1141 Grand of transit coming through with ...rims In mare.= all the impor-tant machete He tamed Is sine t-urns. in Is fourteen starts. Engem. Hogonmer. JL sommin-elect. mode the eel= rm.= ea his contain. John Go. smi, M. other nerd" the our.. moke even MT= fourteen court strag. I.

Gaiy B gradolum Led It Geables The Scarlet and Bisek teams turn

In wonderful nemesis in the double.. Pew team. were obte to Mend up be fore thr Quaker ombinoble. eon= pransuudge men allveye erorlog hes=

ilohtZer',*.ret mark made by Jobe.= nral Bentham by virtue of loran. only =oh ram- lug the year. The Senior. duo Lost 1.1'1,,tih,tesm tamed hril

atom. in t miles... doules. wen twice with.

bro'lL"re7= iR'n 11.! ty%dmel'ettra:

PlIVe srl'us‘e'h opened up their seanott dessimively enough on Me house courts, downing 1.10. MI. Wenterman Iva the only Smrlet and Mora Mayer te suer • rover.. Laek of smelt= plainly endent in the match with Pen and the lone nf 1-2 does sot ehow

77=17 61'.; its's'rWrh';' Vodhlitc;:nI:s1r7.

Insurance for Students Penmen! Effect, Automobile.,

Accidents, Fire or Theft while at college or oLsowhere. Risks to property or person while travel-ing in Mi. country or abroad. Damage to motor cars. Liability to ccidents to persons or prop-erty.

J. B. Longacre s. ...... .


141 S. 4th Street, Phil... P.,

Mob. triumph over lavioe and Stan- r. end 111!150e "Moira cored

in by Irarnhurst. After +offering a 4-3 mach. at

Arno. II the Northern nip... netmen Wart their ntride and downed Wes-101m. 4.5. Ono and Jobnnon won their mingles encounters In each mt. to. while both double. tea. came

et Wesley= to pull the ens counter eta of Me fire. Gesty and Barnburet acnred the other =int in the mateh veldt the Cadets..

5 BOOMS moan we* Villanovn nnd Steve= then went mo

Mr V.O. The tmot wm Moen.= smoothly and mily several matches sont to the extra Pet. The =defeated l'r. minim ream next fell before ae oa. rambing Quaker. after I hard match. 4-2. era, and Rod= emn In tee •In dm al both double. tome triamphel.

Vim.... powerful train journeyed to li•Ceeford to tray to moot the four. match sinning safest, but nt the solon, lInverfor4 was still on the greet. Th. retort light was bitter all down the line. Grey. Hogeratuer, itsralsurst and Wrovnunn wan their Individual troth which, wills triumphs in first end thiri double., gassy the Quaker.. 8-1 triumph.

Jenlmvsl .1111oPhltrar,.. =defeated rr1

With Mir alefreW .07 7111terZIn. Main= rererdn. Johmon and Barn unit fought nob. to moque, s tram


ems o *gndr,„, 1.71%

thrue..t marsh to male 1. martin of Victory 5-1 Dreams. Neetic 4.3 Match to Garnet Deena. strenuous efforts lu Gomm-

:e710 ,tt0 5, an.„111

nmmuntere, but when teamed together est to Ninetyand Hamm= n bat- tle, that will long be remember= l hemwly 10.1, rinal,w

• new al, in the doubke. Several

Mint, in ems+ "I tawarthmom had set

fLur.ld.t.tz through.

J unior awn 0?0.171

Tui7nOliti ItiZati":21!::


111 Get/Myer. were woe Orall, the Om! 111.0 and the Mot 5-4


Scarlet and Black in Final Contests

Commie (home Joinsmis am tern brought mermuful sea.. to a close by winning the last two matches sealant Delawere and hrettyerate. early fash- ion. May 22 11551 24. respectively. The Mud Hens svent under WO, nod fMtly" burgh M. se

Ono; lob... Mmemuer. and Modell... won

of in. the Individ=1

contents. not one of the 41. golog the

tgrs:; rratrabltrres:Irr %al doublets while .11rainumer md Ike=

Zr7t. trihrinswoT alsr ItZTV hhe

riTIV;'"■r: ril=


s bi Granelcuen

h !1 F--""°. he al7ndt.1,


tease.. MUM W11■10.1114 for Sloth WI. I. Eight Marts

A el.. vietuM ter VAMP. .. 11., 24 mark= the completion of the

ore:AZ" haZartp:111.e.ri'.

1thnIthk‘sl inn n'mpO wen held on

ff the I1aeble 8.11 C. C. Dan

Lleit'slat atrly'.th5, A. A,

711:47, 7,Z,7 "Itt° 00, me

fn the Mil, 11 red stirtMeeoy con thelrah arith • birdie A5 for the In he 2,f371,2 eglr

the da 5in


-ltr;%e the




tiW1;1 1 for; 111 po•6 wham

linkmen ehow.'4= ,sent

11.14 pporn he

5011 an well. and Mould receive more

me:sroilin,.4.7na the Athletic Amor=

The immonts memo 1.110. Mawr. • NM.. =mat. Oserestrare =t. • 000114 1110.001 TWA* 4*. • 080,/ass 11■••■■••■ ..... . 110.041.


Bicycle Repairs & D. F. Donohoe

15 East Lammte• Av.. Phew. 3303 Ardmore


Triumphs Over Wesleyan, Ursinus, Stevens, Virginia, and Hopkins Feature

Successful Campaign


mien. to ceter IA Prager branals 11 the Pennralr

nenin pitcher.

The mme is in Me boa everr one fairly ev. The the mil trait morel mt. him to sin safe= no Om 3.1. Line hall inns ,, r , tint lmunr..

1,17:4 ta. mt.. "end 1111 1111",ory =Me. melt Mkt.= two. The uf the Penn 1.113 th buncii their ewe whet

of the half sral• men. oleo, sem forged to turn M iM excellent time of 4 min. ".• fratira M the ,lent. oleo 340.5 sir.. to brat Boyer. Gar. lit soon Of., of the sem= arm

•570.1 the near noel. when lbeireln 111•0t out or ft. rhun meet 1. . a= Army. MPfil, sm.= •ml Sy.. were tbe only mover. ofr Me Main Liners, ganwring a totel of eleven

rter ma, M. tam. M. 11.8M. rantrad No. a ...a off

Mee...We winds ler Me 02 lown M. by of the M. =oh Nettr, wa. bempu .5 by =ram when -111, eemblinbrl Petra, wirae adete were Inakinn .hie nom /2% and the Violet flotm. Speck turned

in his bent perform.. of Mr "nom Lafayette and =Mph Overwh•bend he tied for fir 1. 0. lotleOhm

trait."' "11h Tu1141P4 404tr ri.1.1.? Groot tench squad was 11,1,11.., Me MINI

I'z23,1.1v This victory marked tbr sominetion of bre

d2.,7"1:',ar .101 ED.w .M1 11.1th Itzrued'io 1.41e victories, while Its Ed.. we winning tz.rhaal:. a.= the mile. thee Inn" in

nmtent winner its both Melte, Ile Mo. the Om III both Mr 1011.1220 rairinm every time he Mc= the start.


emmut in tbr trbingular whin Army and N. 1. 1'. end In the furlong event ha Me 311ddle Ana.= trams .= is the holder of llama.]

in both dm... but 11.10 3.1. Herb wee v fors. ual tb

I made hot owing mewl In the CAI. First MIMI. Atlanl= TItl•5,1,

"td714; nod mimed out nn eeJed team into Mope mrly, de.= the fo- e "Dent stem ether n, I. pond to C. A meet. The Orunge mon.

Lt b. h' Lehigh end leranotte broke the ram in every ram ever P. by uneapectedly large morns 1101001 arra and added mit. in the high

le7m81711"egde 'Pr1n1, riT5 Ar015.05!nalCS'rh:t'totIterTal:....xtri....4. 117.10

Wit■ poseemion el the ebam•

him Am.= in Me.... Menus cup for it year. More= with him been theoullsrat thr P041000. prnm.ale Ensworith 'Nth Joe. o f G beek h I

expe• fu


c eq. uartehemravon,

found htey t lace

wfh tlhe e G

Vem, 4

owf iAh fr

'de. S. blth err.

=on.. man ape t. plow..


Haverford Downs Alfred Manufacturing Optician

For M. A. S. C. A. A. Title 253 South Sixteenth St.

HOPPER, SOLIDAY & CO. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange



Established 1872

Only last night I was saying to Dad . . . "

"Didn't know your Dad was in town?"

"He isn't, but when I was very young he taught me how to use the Telephone ... and next time don't interrupt me!"

Even if you're "broke," you can telephone home-just tell

the Operator to reverse the Charge

Coaches Are Appointed to College Faculty


R ✷❉●● ✬❂✎ ✎✎✎



21 Haverford Ave. 'Phone Ardmore 1248 Vision shopping without parking worries.


And in the rest and peace of the country. i We cater to the bride. . We cater to thg_cvd player-the lover of rare glass. The debutante Oltd the children.


Barbara 1.74 CGTHHINIC of Course

LtIlissi BlddlaPaae LA


PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. "Protects Health of Community"

Edward A. Kearney Manager 225 Linwood Avenue

Ardmore, Pa.

When You Think of Life Insurance Think of


Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. 401 Chestnut Street Phil.., P..

ktAVEMFORD NEWS Saturday, June 8. 1929

Haverford Track and Field Men Capture First Middle Atlantics Crown in College History TRACKMEN SCORE FIVE WINS

INCLUDING M. A. S: MEET ✵■❄❅❆❅❁▼❅❄ ✤◆❁● ✭❅❅▼ ✲❅❃❏❒❄ ✭❁❉■▼❁❉■❅❄ ❆❏❒

✴❈❉❒❄ ✳▼❒❁❉❇❈▼ ✳❅❁▲❏■✛ ✳◗❁❒▼❈❍❏❒❅ ✴❒❏◆■❃❅❄

✴★✲✥✥ COLLEGE RECORDS BROKEN Thu in the word to um ea n hi. in..., et bed 1010 amt when ...mina the team le. ern.. Swett loin. that bad arm breve. Vader the leadoolvip of leapt. Ens- M. Javelin throw,. Except for the. nom 03141 I. Had week.. the Sear. end Sleek Helen. the tork too noin weer.. imend wen ,,nay .11.h...1. as in winning every 1111,1 inert and wound le Mown by the Mot dm pills. were up eke ernmy he tubing fin. wood In ton of the ore. In ,1151.e in the Si. A. A. 1'. A. h IIIPPE 1/Iddle Atlantis:eh by the lira lin3P in the MM. of In the Lafayette nn. sel April 24. sport Pt Haverford. 11.5.0 a.in tok Omen fir.

Ti,. break... three Off.. mud .1. with roods toe Middle Athletic error. by Scarlet .1. mode the I re 87% to and meek •thlme. wee. Ow mast. 3.5. On .00, of the sat... a ink individual ...an. timing Ow relay tei. one.. or Ore seeing. J. Howard Morris on five or• mitiork, IL Ed.. and Ihorkinney took es. ... bro. his own di.. man. ph,. In M. Cann St aril. the lest rime with n /warn of IF A. 5. C. A. A. rid,. one of the tot es ht. .1.1. the qualifying of Me Penn Redeye Morris re.. or IL A. S. ti. A A. mem., took third in the ell., and fif th le. .44.0. the ,cnfinli. frront 1.14 hr io„ „ho pp or woes, m <. linker of Swerthinnee. The neat ilny Dalawara-Urele. Pre. Easy •Fiva- town. Me oh. nowt to held


Masters Gains Sli ght Ed ge Over "lien" Supplee in


C.n. Thomle nine Inst tt, the UM-oweits td 31, 27, . .“1111. MI4,11 ended with the moo 4.2 The emit. .1. where Isso held the lonetklin Field diamond endiimucked end .4 leghwe bell ern.. stab die 0.•• re-. vow. mour wt. lest... h.- I lender.

ta seer. to.1 ...114.• 13, 3Instery Mud.. more twirler on Is, sss imr Ito. pew-hero were greatly lientlienypol to the poor miteport given then, lo Ihor b......1., left Ire. r e tor Ilse eh. Ivor. 04,1 Gnome 1.1 Os dterenoli Iliek mettle two remeirkable

Pe offer offer.. in Ow form • 1 neter.1 him 101,111,,, /t,4 Get Ffine Imes.. et ...Ins ••1 .n1..1, lit the oeswitii frame, GI. h in m Me did, Ileverftipl Haverford Tallies Tides In 7th Afl.r Sear. end Sleek had hewn

ho:"7•11'e" 1st .121.1!ir,r,,,11":„ n 7 1'4'; Welker who

r."rtenM 'nt ,1V n1An n1111,, Have,. ehortseve 1.1 the fleet ea.. Hoy. nal, Cerron end roue both tali. big bole Korb me. veil Jul to Ow plate end neloi not le. timey double to the telt Pell gar., vowing Ise. hon e runner.. Dirk left won., how., Ili.vr•o throw hotline Rid. to fire, mid thiptain Ming.n fanning. Penmylonia s.ered ito It in the oecood. Haverford having failed h. sore in Pe dole at bat. linllaglian beinekol out • tyres-bagger to right Ile. drew hise teammate .aughter had reg.«. ow fins*: The Pena bill bowman arrived se third when Cesoliglin n. thrown ow al firm. awl be mood on -Mee Suppler, was Owl, T. Er.. un. bike throe. the tmorlet 111.14 defence in the cloth chukker. After Supples. had fem. Prater. Walker ent Ion. with • double to left_ field. end P... me.. lk • third oh • pawned hall. sed .2110 in On Plaughtee n elnal te left pm. and Necker likes.. wool who Able.. in meter field hooted the bell. M. Liners Wa2141 Ch.. to Tally Teen eh... to Men. were pa.. tee end Drily noe out. the not two

n, 11. 11. supple. end emus. very depended. svitb the Mich were randy retire& T. former popped ma Wit.. noon. The latter ntruel. T71. Yon. ,,,, mime the fink Aldo. M.10 hs ...et 40 scent to nem. on Com., emrifier fly: Keol likewiete sot on hswe when Walker 11.131. MK hero.. Nut with men nn If. and thlvd, RIO. holed an

ny to Wit. et the led ono, Longe. in failing to to. orennel Imat. in the soh brought to in peconled. relly The Red and Slim final wo. ma, o owl In the fat. seventh. Manor. will, a do. to meter tlold enerfflee fly t s 1.1iten and • prette


via.ljfil 113.6“111 Toull 1047{711


P.%"*"..1111747 Itudoes may* !7541.,t'Ttitili 'peen:0Z TILI Ver.:TX Fenefone elnIn nee

PASSON 507 Market St. Sporting Goods Radios


Outfitter of the Haverford Athletic Teams

Special Reductions to Haverford College Student*

RUMSEY Electric Company Electric Supplies and

Machinery Everything in Radio

1007 Arch St.


Aden. merhe be the rowed Trid by Venn. of 15..5 the shot * lot 113 b motto Ronde In the Intwool. I. to Inet oprng. 11, F. Edgar, SI, in the Swerthinore mom hr.. 22-yearmIrt mile peened

1 he uniree op... wee mfr.. by 1.1.orr and ra t in a threcor. to. neol. IMoolte lie Amore of Morrie. the Pwarlet and 111. Intel of we, greater than t. rem.. mores Rif the Mud Hon end the Hearty SS old 2715 ...Seely. kinmle yr. romper. that eta, In the Ohio State Ileleys where he took third In the dia•

Coaches Are Appointed to College Faculty


Foo0.11 end Tock Mentors, .he xvie appointed instructor.. in holy and light athletics. etYpeetively. by the Inarel of man.. 3lay 17.

There is no Substitute for

Good Bread.


Coseh Nommen Bramooll'a net team Miring the overeat sea. sue-ne.ed lam reerls reyord of nine win. and four looney by win13151 On of the faerteon m• he played spinet the hardest kind of ..eition. Three of 05 Matches lewd by the Scarlet and Blark were by the margin of one point the 4.3 context dropped to Swarthmore bet. probahlY the bitten. fought of my of the enennoters betor.n the owo teledItImml Among the teams that fell before the ranueleere of Cop. tale George John. were Wesley.. V... Johns Hopkins end Pr.... the latter on teams haring been u-defeated PH.. to :nee.. the be, ntt. John Gray. 11. Virginia on the of Isst year. led the to daring the year with the splendid tyro. of wa- le I tfhif tit en. Ilk two defeats Caine at the head, of M... of Penn. sod Montentmert, of Lehigh, ranking Imermillegle. Player. Henry Haruhurst. M1. Iv ho play. at the fifth at.. pt re during molt “1 the year. st. locoed In the pereentace .bles. winning ale of nine eurmottre. Captain Johanna played • xylreit1141 bond of tent. oming through with lektorie. In practically all the impor- tant matebete Ile tumed Slog tri. mobs In Ifia fourteen starts. Engem. Hosmauer , mode the stone reord I. his captain. John Ro. G 0011er his the ea.. hroke even 1a his fourteen vourt slog. Gee Only 3 Match. Last m 00010 Tr. Scarlet end Shirk teams turn eJ In wonderful records in the den... Pew teame tore Mite O stead up be fore thr Quaker o.leuabts. P.M prensmall, men alwa, aro.. befall

/hehtZer!*.ret mark made by Johnson nivel Hen.. by virtue of Ion. only me match due. Ing the year. The henior duo glued hell

et-fiTehlte "I;1,147', ollegiate doubles. won Price with. bree'lL"re7. t.re1.7.1tra: °Y r'. Zsrl'ifie'h opened up Mee seanou ...el, enough on Use home ourts. Mowing IMettel. Wenterman M. only Notelet and 131. player tet nefer • revere.. Le k of pea. meident en the cot Pen and the Ione nf 7-2 does mot eh me 77=17 6: ri'Ls'eVra';' VeldhlItc'sgln0:slt7e

Insurance for Students Pennon! Effecte. Automobile., Ageldenta, Fire Or Theft while at college or aLsewhere. Risks to prOperty Or person while travel-ing in this country or broad. Decor 41 motor ears. Liabilitff fo ceiden. to [Jargons or prop- erty.

✪✎ B. Longacre s. ..... .

LONCACRE & EWING Bull:. Skil,. 141 S. 4th Street, Phila., Pm

dee.. triumph over Lavine and Stan-. end The lane O... MM. 00.1 in 15 Parnburst. After .offering 4-3 over. at Army. no the Northern trim the nett. etruek their etHde and downed Wes. 10.. 4.0. Gray and Johnenn won their mingle. encounters In each .0- M. while both dontdoe te own< through at Wesleyan to pull the en. ounter ..rood of the fire. Mety end Barnhoret mood the other mint in

the 00.0% with the Cadetn... 5 Stralglet Matelm We. VIllanovn end Steve. then went me der 7.0. The team waa fetectimins smoothly and only several matches ere. tes the extra Pet. The undefeated I', sinus teein next fell before the on- 0.1sleut Quaker. after hard match. 4-2. Goy and Hod. won lo the sly. glee d both doubles tem. triumphed. Vire., powerful train journeyed li•rerford to try to npost the four. newel. winniog etre. , but •at the elose, lInverford was et. on the tenet. The essort light wan hitter all down the line Grey. Hngennuer, btsralsumt Wrotermen wren their Indi.dual whiels. with triumphs in first 5. MInd dal.... gave the Quake.. 8-3 trluniph. .1,1soPkIner,.o hderlyted . 71 With thie alofrtZT .57 tOw': onc e um entitled reordn. Joheason and Ram. oast fought uphill to eon.. s tram J:117; Z272`...r::::, nit 101-

.gr,„,1or1% three. reeteb to make the martin of tittory 5-1 Dropout Hectic 4.3 Match to Garnet Dempite strenuous efforts be Hog.-

1:e7Ir flallsh51.,t7; and .trtirre" tier o r a7',d'„"11 nneoontent. but when team. together met to NIttly and 11.0.11 n brit- tle, that will long be remember.

f17.1-7,71,1z1 • new .In In the double, Several rime. in on+ eel Swarthmore Wei let rill. though. Tu., 1,0, toeing 7%. 7.17";71115.1: A.wrlet end

!11.71z.,..::1,:e.14.'4=1; n„ The

Oot¢alyirg were won H., the Or al 0.0 and the Met 5-4

COURIMEN WHITEWASH DELAWARE, GETTYSBURG Visitors Easily Repelled by Scarlet and Black in

Final Contests (1140100 Morse .1.1.5. net .0113 brought a ...del seamen to a cloae by wine. the last tan matches againnt and Getty. in easy May 2/2 ,ml 24. respectively. The Mud Hens went neuter 04/, and Oetto-Mergh M. at 3-G


Ctorli Joh... Havener. end een. won Ohre in. the indield.1 nt one of the dnele going the tr7;•re'cr. Ire t re psb_rtrr.:151rr. ;;:e double., while ...uer .4 Res.

'f.rt-Tr Jhrint= HZNV P.r. rIg°744"L:Vrnil=,

O7I .2alac en

tbiF""""' he alndcOtL


(1.0... DM. Wilde. tor Sloth WI. la El. Starts A chose Wk., May 24 marked the completion of the organtetr71:Zafil.:111:el'. Itfah .

run e'WWIe idea 61111 on

Lm?' 401: t1y5HiC, A. A, 05 ,v fnkl

ul.yed. le«int 5n tit.

fn the ny WilleCny 0,athe llith .th • birdie 3.5,:74'111.1! 1 ta for the 01.15 5,

fo the da fleerof Q. 7i yrV;11fottte 1 all'e"ret. 247 0,4714.-'47:1,7 01,0,1: 110.5. show.'hoe fp ' int ans...= golf .11. and oho recelne more me:groilir,...fr./ the Athletic A.M.

The ...is emra fellow:

lesermantre • Owrl V.* ...... ss . 41 /a 116.(1.


D. F. Donohoe 18 ram Lae... Av.. Phan. 3313 Ardmore


Triumphs Over Wesleyan, Ursinus, Stevens, Virginia, and Hopkins Feature

Successful Campaign

LOST TO ✳✷✡✲✴★✭✯✲✥ ✮✥✴✭✥✮✌ ✔✍✓

entee7 h. renter Pr Penner boos. 11 The Pennmlonin The game no it sow. in the hoe weme sem sae even. The Ned and 100.•on him ti. six safe. Ise the Me.Line halt men. Ile , r , 'ZIT! se e 1.".-,7,7"11'..PI poshero mewl .514 ewe. two. The ef the Penn 1.10 it. burni, their him ...Al

of the half tutl• roe. Mee, Ott lore. eo turn In Ills, excellent time 4 Fein- "0...15.°1111°. uten 34 3.5 best Bayer. Gar. ow. defoar of the season sean •Ieffered the neat wok. wt. the mm W.1 silt a On old Inert N. 1. . nod Arroy. Mpfil, snob .1 SY.. were the only mower. for the Main Liners garvering totel eke. .5 by ,when when -GIP ,blinked whiteweer meting

nee ster, O. lupe M. IC SHok ,etel.•'Mk Mil std es sob occna 31.C.maphy, en. MJ 1.0 to M. final. of th. A C. A. A. nieeL ti 4.1 Hem .yen wa. hese. shoo now ff255 and the Violet GO,. :Meek turned in his beet perform.. of the seamen Lafayette wad Lehigh Ovaretb•inod 450 be tied toe ftret . lode

‘71O Tuillo'r1P4,7fhltr nnettre. meek mond sr. 11,1..4 Me thIrel ntlfot'nre'n.f1'4 ,1..11' This victory marked the oonneetion et Itrrd2r.,71:-Zr:r".11.71""" .45 EilWorth 11.41i11 turbed'Io double Yletorles. While lb Ell. woe mel ee a.:n1 the mile. the hater in


omtent winner In hods ilnollee. 1ln Mo. •the nee In both the MO .1220 wino every time he faced the mart-ers 1-111 n rzera In the tr.... feel IMO Army and N. 1. V. end In the furlong ment dm 311ddle En.. is the holder of Ileorfonl Herb

re both dealer,. hot thin Mar Herb wee v for. to nal tb

I made Met toeing • .reel In the Plot Middle Ad.. TEE

611 X=tir nod n...1 out team into Amer sm., den., the to- e ement ne ether . ..king le po. to C. A A meet. The Oreose ben


Lt bothLehigh end Ipleyntte broke the expo in every rare .vr Ire by unexpeopolle Moe erne.. 21.11.1 arde and added /mi. in Me high 1:7081Z711"elorVe 'Pr1e1 , iirkt.hrde gr1. ,5!"a1171‘e'rh:"'tatIterTat."...4111...1. 7 41 7'0 p.m In Min pentefind. al the eham• erten.. ebo.. in the. ...eats pleint. map for a year. More.. with , been -o n. the... tar M.S.. lob InInmi,x1 Enswor ith ;kph

r[ M. 'seek II I I • future mart... Mt they laele while Getz of Alfred. to. MO mower experience. Rleherdeon found dint one of the Met.l with 'hie.. coln.m.

mu.. P. SW. 1. MOnme


Haverford Downs Alfred Manufacturing Optician

For M. A. S. C. A. A. Title 253 South Sixteenth St.

HOPPER, SOLIDAY & CO. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange



Established 1872

"Only last night I was saying to Dad . . . "

"Didn't know your Dad was in town?"

"He isn't, but when I was very young he taught me how to use the Telephone ... and next time don't interrupt me!"

Even if you're "broke," you can telephone home-just tell

the Operator to reverse the Charge



Will Lb. ...



And in the rest and peace of the country. I We cater to the bride. . We cater to thg_cvd player-the lover of rare glass. I The debutante mind the children.

Barbara 10/70 CaPORIRIC of Course Mimi Biddle Face

Rime I



21 Haverford Ave. 'Phone Ardmore 1248

Vision shopping without parking worries.

Pb..., Ardmore 805 JOBBING A SPECIALTY


"Protects Health of Community"

Edward A. Kearney Manager

225 Linwood Avenue Ardmore, Pa.

When You Think of Life Insurance Think of


Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. 401 Chestnut Street

Phil.. Pa.


Saturday, June 8, 1929

Haverford Track and Field Men Capture First Middle Atlantics Crown in College History TRACKMEN SCORE FIVE WINS

INCLUDING M. A. S: MEET Undefeated Dual Meet Record Maintained for

Third Straight Season; Swarthmore Trounced

THREE COLLEGE RECORDS BROKEN Summeofull nut in the word to um ran not hi. with e RI" amt

when describing the pa. I nth ernes. Siren horned that n .al arm pre Fader the leatitherp of Captain Ens- long frith throw. Except for them win 01141 •the 'rale, of 1 Had weskitethee the Smiriet end Shirk slim.. the tenth the ethitt earthed. rood was unonuelly Well.bnio.eil. as in winning sorry (hod meet and wound le Mown by the Mot dm milli. were up the ...in splendidly he takin g gni mowed In ten of the rlr111. Ilir ,11144.e in the 51_ .A R. C. A. A. Illre n Atlantic. bie the tthe in the 1110,t, of Hie In the Lafayette nu. sni April s eer Pt Hever., Ilaverfeml spiv tn. Omen firths

Ti,. breaking of three fbillem ingl .1. with mods 1111,1 toH WM. Atlentic moor. by Scarlet third. mode the 1 re 87% rid Sleek athlete Imre the ithclend. Sus i. On .threlay of the name Weelt inr individual mthruaneth durin g the relay te,. romp.. or S O Oth. oning. J. Howard 31st un five r• retwels, IL Edam. and bleerhinn, took ...1 ... bro. his even died. statin monad ph,. In the one-mile Clara It aril. the lest titer with n heave of IF IL A S. C. A. A. retey. ime of the

ss inch .loring the qualifyine ...tom. of the Penn gel,. Morris room. of M. A. S. V. A. A. meet., t.e.k third in the dim.. and 5111s rib. the ,cltirtli.5 fremfd held some meth Seri Jul Swerthnuire. The nest limy Delathro-Urslen• Pro. Easy mar. the only nine to hold


Masters Gains Slight Edge Over "lien" Supplee in

Hurling Duel


Feu. Thom, nine Inn ti, UM-

Jul er

Ponesyimil. Wi.deentsy, 51,

with 115 . .11111. whit+

misled with the sin. 1.2 Tie contact 1' I , mite. was

ter the Fensiklic Fier Manhood and inert. the etal of the Ilinerfsmi login. hell ceneeri with ilie ...omen of lise Pon theren roue won ne

1 1 ender... seeetee eee mewing mid Sleek. 1.•

13, 15.11.0 5Inster. Amino meth twirler re, 'ie. Red 00.1 we.. ere e itenees were greatly handle... to Om poor miteport elven then, t o then

hem,. left retire fee the 51x. times 04,1 the brim. bull of the

flii.k ninth- two thomthable d. he ..f Pens of ferimm in the fern.

,t setentiol bite. In.. endin g Ike /fed end Moe Iota... ellnt•

••1 the eine!. train. ithe leinging m the tw, Ileverftiml

Matheford Tallies Twits In 7th

Af1.1-111. neon. end Blink hail been

th:" pili74.C.h .b..:"7•11.-" 1471


10Welker u•In+

otig, rt.threnthOtLi

n11111,, Haverfind Moroi,. 1.1 ernseol the Sent enc. nen. Corr. and Fero, both tartly big Ithile. Moch •

.ill Julto thy plaus and pig. lile t o double to the lefi 1101,1 ardth, mewing Loth base rump.. left stranded bowman. Ilt.ers throw beeline Richie to Stet end Captain

Eirethent fanning. Ponsu glotthia :veered ite first tally

ni the othend. Haverford having failed to score in Pe dene at hag Celle.. ...kin out • twoRagger to ri ght field erre. Inc thaughor had

ille grin The Peen fir. e.,. arrived se third when Cnolialin

nee thrown or al fir. and he wor th on Alen° Suppler , will pitch_ T. net. eee o ur en. broke

though th e .4 Math defence ha the cloth chulker. After Supple. had fanned Prager. Walk, ent Ion. with • ilouble to left Meld. rod Pocket seethed

be. Ile • tilled ou • patheil 00,1 .111" i5 Olt Slaughtee a eh. to left that, and ilthker like... nor. when Aldo.. in tomer field. bsinted the hall. M. thners Waste Chance to Tally

Twa chaste. le were theeed .an,nhr11kOr,k2nk:Inerc,:tezttoz.

end Daly nee or. the next two hats-non, 11. sup... end Lothsther. neuallY very depend.. with the Mi.. were t. mo th Wire& T. former ...mil ow

Wittier et errand_ 11. lett, mouth

The ,,,, 1.17 come the fifth- *Meer ei.lth O. outer red umnt to ...mai on Co.., thceifire fly: Kerb Nitwit, sot en Moe when Walker 11.15131. MK Mo.. MP wit men ell gest end tlind, Mire poled an <"1 ifs to mum et the hot minter

lougalter, in fn.. b. tini. area Imo in the eioth broth. to Sox e another prom... er n Ter Red and Moe final nonger met•

owl In the fred nom.. Maniere le1 thr will, a thigh to comer field zz:, ,!eL..r.net wLou

serritho fly l a turhirre sod •



Tout. 113.1“111 Toull 1114171711 2222222L1 rZeuee. sop. imgim.

!,7e's11,V41.1 'isesn'sstr: Tis VrTsr::

1,en Fene d 1511 Mr.

eeon nee

PASSON 507 Market St.

Sporting Goods Radio* Toys

Outfitter of the Haverford Athletic Teams

Special Reduction, to Haverford College Student*

RUMSEY Electric Company

Electric Supplies and Machinery

Everything in Radio

1007 Arch St.


Atlentls, memo 1014.5 he Inor rethed 5,1,1 by Peon. of

150.155 the shot * hot It In ...Inn sonde in the In... !thine, Inet

II, F. Edgar, SI, in the Swarthmore moot broke the 22.-yearthr mile rested

„-e wee ...led by 1.1there end rexinue in a threecom tiered meet. Ihrmite lie Amore of Semis. the Marl. and Birk Intel of

x.ex great. than t. worth of the Mud Hens Foul the 715.0.. SS end 71Thr rthpectively. Meth. thia Ninth.. that day In the Ohio State Ileleys where he lank third In the dla•


111551511 end Tthrk Nientors, nhe xvie appointed instructora in beery

10.10 athletics. etspeCtively. by the 'nerd of managers Slay 17.

There is no Substitute for Good Bread.


Coseh Norm.. Brimming's net team during the mom. seethe sum Peened ler 'eel's mord of nine wins and four Rothe by .1,5151 tth of the fourteen m. he played spinet the hardest kind of optheition Three of the Match. hod by the gantlet thil Vieth were by the margin of one point the 44 content dropped to Swarthmore bells probehlY the bitten. fought of mly of the encounters betorthn thr

that dell rise. Amo. the tel..

that fell before the thourleere uf Cap. 1.0.5 George Johnenn were Wesleyan. Vice.. Johns Hopkins end Feels.. the latter men tame haring been un-defeated Pow.. tar meeting the gun-k. nem..

John Cray. It Virginia cus the of lest year , the teen dorms the

year with the splendid toroth of win- Int 1 t !hi f tb

ea. His ten defects Caine at the bend, of Menge. of Penn. sod Monteneourt, of Lehigh, ranking Imermilleglior Player. Henry Bernhur.. 131 , who played at the fifth single. pint durin g moot of the yew.. wee loom. In the percentage tables. inning six of he nine encounters.

Cap.. lobneno playe d • xylreit1141 Grand of tent. thmtn g through with victoriee In ureelk-ally all the impor-tant mach,. He Mined tame tri. map. In his fourteen starts. Eugene Hogon.er , rapmin-elect. mode the mine rethrd as his captain. John Flo. tm. the other med. the mar. '.'Ike even In his fourteen eourt etre.. nes


Oat, 3 0.1,5.. Led Is Geablee The Scarlet and Steck teems turn eJ

In wonderful moth.. in stea d ouble,. Mor teame were Ode th up .

e thr Quaker e.laughts. Coath

Bernthal, men elwaya ecorlog hes. ilohtZer',*.ret mark made by Job.. thd Benthrw by virtue of lotting only one mathh dum ing the year. The Senior* duo

117!„l.11'• mem PIthed hell lishtngur:t. :t7.7.11;1,1475. thliegiatr doubles. won twice within. brsd'..Tre7eb ithlr! t.rd 4 re7CIVe"a:

hIlVe th'ilrl'hine'n opened up their erasion dei-Mively enough ott the home courts. the Iterxel. ILL Werermart the only Sthrlet and Illath Meyer te even • revere. Leek of nrathlee plainly• ...Sent . the mat. with Pen and the loth nf 7-2 does mot tante meth.

Far:17 6,;:Xer:


Insurance for Students Persons! Effecter, Automobile.

Athidenta, Fire or Theft while at college or ebewhere. Risks to properly or person while travel-ing in this country or ebroad. Damage to motor cant LlabilitT s ceidente to per.. or prop-

erty. J. B. Longacre

s. ...... . LONCACRE & EWING

Bull:. Sidi,. 141 S. 41h Street, Phila., P.

&abb. triumph over Levine and Stan-

r. end the Ione ... ," ea MM. Oohed

in by Hernhorst After +offering 4-5 reverse at

Arno. so the Northern trip, the vete.. atm.n their etride and downed Wee. 101th. 4,71. GM, and John.. won their mingle. encounters In each mt, M. while both donblem tea.. estoe through et Wesleyan to pull the en. counter out of the fire. Grey gad Barnhart.. ',cored the other point in the th ink with the Cadets..

5 Strom 0,10101 we* Villanorn nil Steve. then went ✳❒❖✍

der TO. The tthm was rataell thins smooth, and only several matches nor to the extra Pet. The undefeated lb-sinue .ain next fell before the on. molting Outo,. after bard match. 4-2. Reim and Rod. woo 11. the Iles d both doubles tee= triumphed.

thwerful teem journeyed li•reeford to my to onset the four,

match grInidog streth , but at the etas. Ileverford was OM on the most. The

net light woe hitter all down the lb. Grey. Hoverter., iternintthe and Westerinen Penn their Inelerklunl mu-OB.. wbieb. with triumphs in first and thlrel dourest [ere the Qoakere 8-5 triumph.

.1,1.0PkIthr,.h undefeated res zl With obi, 4,7Z wen7 t'or h: onc e an entitled ode. Jnheeenz .d B arn bur• fought uphill to roomie r tram 5.10,57

bark 1501150 y05 fIt 1.0 ed of

llthre:hir 'tly:Ihlh:°70'...r Iv' n11:,";':;...^.1 271' thrue.tht match To make the mem& of MOM,' 5-2, Dreamt Colic 4.3 Match to Garnet Dcepite strenuous efforts by Mo gen-

1:e711 and .Irtirreh itir orNeir at'w.„15.1

eneountns. but when team. to gether ,sst to Nicely and Hammen n Mt- Ile, that will Ling br remember. tel.7.7nahl:St • new elm in the double. Several rim.. in each eel theaOhmoth lual set

e;I:r.10 5LIzt, Leullo throufh.

35515, 'Heil, toeing 7%. 17t .";71110.1: tzkr.lnen:

ZIT= 1::74'..L.%°,:dfanZe „ telt Get /Mors were won Mk. the Ire 0.0 and the hod 5-4


Scarlet and Black in Final Contests

Captain (hem Rthnosio net tern brought • enereseful mono. to a close by whining the last two matches &gained ilelswere and Getty., in ea, fash-ion. Si., 272 land 24. respectively. The and Hens went miler 4-0, aid Ortth-!mesh Mr at 5,

Coy; John.. Hone... and Roil.. ea. won twith in the to

nnt one of the cud: going the tr7; rn.elhIrrrhirre.brt:r?"-Irral double. while xlinimmucr Ike. Irfrth:r eher'JhrinsT: Ft2t7eXf


Cr'"r: nei


I =y714, n hi C2r



7dthith'"h"whenthe alOnrOn_


Allannum DONK wile.** tor Sloth WI. In EWA stark

A chore victor/ 0thr Tillanuth 0. May 24 marked the completion of the orgsVoetrhaZIOidl.:111 1 lhh. rentkhrlf 5theg:"11•71''Z'.

StId on

Lsr tke' ..C. le.rn*ektrni• "Itlf4° 0v the

fn Ibe yon tb red Mog on the [8th .th • Mere 3. Ch 111 1

CZ!' fl7,Z.BgtiNolen.

In he 2,f371 an eaw' t4.141 for t, mm 0117.


for the day florrof ClhueVfit. for7te rtiwevnitlt Vgd.e‘ekTv.

1,701,0,1: " linkithen ahow.'nue 411. n15-1..14:1 golf an well. and /Mould noelr more me:grolin,...I.7en the Athletic Amore.

The othonla co. follow: Mmes. atm. enunta4 • I inorrnour aunt. • Lall...1ta Itime.11 V512sion Saverf. 4118,Wass nn ••nn =11 ...... . agn.....earo 116.4.1.


Merle Repairs a Ascessoei. D. F. Donohoe

18 Eno Lanceete• Arm Pima 3313 Ardmore


Triumphs Over Wesleyan, Ursinus, Stevens, Virginia, and Hopkins Feature Successful Campaign


odes, renter In 1• ages brautht 11 the Pertmlestnin the.,

The thme it silt.. in the Noe wore wee faiely even_ The Red and Rim emen hi. In six safe. !hand

the Mein Line hall men. Ste, r , whiffet t.r. he'.-,77,-.14'..0 mi... nousl 1111 1.1"n,, .11. es., than.. two. Ti,, Ability of the Penn 1.10 to bunch their hi. wag whin

of the half in. reined elect wan forced lo turn In the eirrilent time of 4 utin• "us .ml 5.1l. 41°. Mee 545.5 wooed, best Royer. flar. 11.1e only defeat of the sees. now

.1.111ened the next wok. when the team went opt or On meet N. 1. 1. nog Army. Sher •th Sfitee vivre the only other. fee the Main I-iner. garnering a totel Id eirren

it. ree, the tu n. R. IC SY., 5.1. 'Rh ththod ri win et e ...ea off 31.7Cemeghyls meth for the 122 lows ht the tithle of the 51 A M. C. A. A. me. 4.1 wa. ^Lil by inches. when -111.11 enehlinhml whge the adete were Inehing it. now ttocg ,„,, .12 % and the Violet Speck turned

in his beet performetre of the mean Lafayette add L.1 111 Othrwbelmed .era he 51.1 for fire. the 1.1e

E.11.11r111 TornInhellha'y,hltfry '17, Pei wand wiss the NM

L, This victory marked the comlnetion nf

`111.7.1"""34t 111141 1110i5 throtol'io dour , victories. while IL Eiger WW1 mod es

a.nd the mile. the letter in

e.tent winner In both Ile bro. the ta m hi both the It. and =0 sprint. every time he faced the inert, ere thu except in the triennia. fr. 101111 Army and N. I, V. and In the forking event in the Middle .51.01th.


Idnemielb the helder of Ilarerfen1 in both the.. but thlo Jeer

Herb was r booed to stal tb I made laet ruing e ,reel In the emle slot Middle Adam. MNt.l

fin X=edir ,..°V1017 nod 51.1. nn 1 out

tern into nhape feel. me.. the fo-

Ltr orient omit er ng

I. powel 15 C.

.h. A meet. The On thor..

both lethi gh end Infeyettr broke the tape in every thee over Ill by onexpeemdi r Meg. nor th. Ageing. arth and added poi.. in the high le7m01711"el'ehhe h'ihri 1. rt.'. rhrlirde 71h5hhalC.hih:h'Ihet nerTat.^...xtri.... 4. heing pw 1,J' hhh".hh'h h .".80"'rl 417,10 015.15 win negate... al the elsam• erford'e ehnth. in [bete ththe'reente plonahth cup for a year. Morel. with hair been theouththt the 111.11.0. telt 151. m. T1 Ens.1111 ;kph

holt h I ea future quartermilleth het they lack while Geo of Alfred. us. bin worth experience. Richerdeon found 'het one ot the M.. with thirteen .11..

vnntiiN um en* I. conc. s


Haverford Downs Alfred Manufacturing Optician

For M. A. S. C. A. A. Title 253 South Sixteenth St.

HOPPER, SOLIDAY & CO. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchan ge



Established 1872

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And in the rest and peace of the country. I We cater to the bride. . We cater to thg_cvd player-the lover of rare glass. I The debutante mind the children.

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21 Haverford Ave. 'Phone Ardmore 1248 Vision shopping without parking worries.

Pb..., Ardmore 805 JOBBING A SPECIALTY


"Protects Health of Community"

Edward A. Kearney Manager

225 Linwood Avenue

Ardmore, Pa.

When You Think of Life Insurance Think of


Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co.

401 Chestnut Street Phil.. P..


Saturday, June 8, 1929

Haverford Track and Field Men Capture First Middle Atlantics Crown in College History TRACKMEN SCORE FIVE WINS

INCLUDING M. A. S: MEET Undefeated Dual Meet Record Maintained for

Third Straight Season; Swarthmore Trounced

THREE COLLEGE RECORDS BROKEN Thu t ie the word la use ran nor high ions bed hfith •1" , when deneribin g she tam to. swoop Swen Run., that n Lod aria woe reswe

Fader the leadership of Captain Ens- Is. Javelin throws Except for them And 01141 she tool. al Had. weskit.. the Sendet end Sleek slleten. the tthrk so. cam mom.. road wan ounolly Well.bniomoil, as in winning mery 11.1 meet and wood le who. by the fad that poi. were up v.... eplendidly he taking Snit 0.. In ten sir the rlr111. In Ilir ,11144.e in Ito 51_ .A S. C. A. A. Illren 1110d1e AtIstunen. 5. the time in the 111.0 of the In the Lafayette no. on April N. me. Pt Haverfovil. Ilavethedl no. oink eleven loll.

Ti,. breaking ef three CAI's. mal .1«h with mm11.5. mods 1111,1 two Middle Atlentic men. by Scarlet thirds mode the 1 myre 87% tii and Sleek •thlmee w the nutelod- 1.55. On Otarday of the moue Weelt inn imlividust melon... during the relay te. mono. or SO, Orr. spring. J. Howard aunt rin un five r• retwels, IL Edger. end Maerhinney took

... bro. his own db.. datid• ph,. In the ono-mile Clam It aril. the lest lime with n heave ill 1* A S. C. A. A. retny. in. of the fist t s .lering the notifying ...en. of the Perm lieleye. Morris ram. of M. A. S. P. A. A. meet., t.s.k third the dime, and 51111 ...ming the ,cltirtli.5 frem111 held isk d,„ „is„, nem, me, Peker of Sew... The neat tiny Delaware-Ural. Pro. Easy -E s c- I oulY unot to hold


Masters Gains Slight Edge Over "lien" Supplee in

Hurling Duel

KEECH'S PLAY FEATURES Cies. Thom. nine lost te the UM- ... Pcne oltholii, :Hy 22, 115 . .1115. whit. misled with the sense 4.2 The vont.

I' I il • lnkr sem Iwo I,1 1d,1 m the Freuklin Field and murk. r. end of the Ililierfsint legtine erne. nob On• esiostimi 0. maeon ream wt. lesions. id

1 1 ender. seeetee e... :et ie....-arlet mail niece. 1.•

13, avow. 5Insters :verb. more twirler re, 'ie. Red 00.1 we.. nete pitehers were greatly handle...I in On, poor import given them l o their

keeely leftHel•lee foe the NI.. Loves 04,1 the honor bell of the os.. nude two resnorkahle

odd.. iif Pons offerings in the Linn icstre.1 bile, In.. enithIn g the /km

dot FM. Ims.. et ...leg nliPr•

••1 the am. Maine, thug brier. m the Ina Ileverfnol .11.5

Haverford Tallies Twice In 7th

Af1.1- 111. Scarlet and Black hail been

the Pit

1'4.; which WitIker who

nude isst hrieve n1111,, Haverfaird ehortssth 1.1 eensessi the Dent ench. 111.11. eith Pepsin and Fen. both toting big Imile. eimel • owl up to Om pl. eini wiled ant Isle timely double to the Mit Ink gars., eisiring lieth base moires Pick left sounded haw.. 51.ede throw Meting Richie to firm met Ea.. -11.• Dingleint fanning.

lAntegivenia :mimed its firer tally

tothe emend. Haverford havin g tailed

to score in de dose at hst. ...kid nut • Iwo-bagger to right field Orm hie seamiest, thaugh.e had registered the find one The Penn first lime., arrived as third when anus ems thrown mo as firm. and he moved

Alen° Suppler , will piscb. T. net. eee wee en. bite

110.0 the Searlet 111. defence ba the doh chukker. After Suppless had fannell Prager. Walker ent Ion. with • double to left_ Yield. mel Pecker sleuthed

11. Ile • tilled oil • posed isnd .11:1" 11 Slau ghtee. dons to b•ft thuter and ilmker speed when M.o. in tenser field. bon:. the hall. M. Liners Wa2141 Chaos to Tally Teen chats. to were :mewed

end only nee out. the next two hats-wen, 11. supple. enit Longa.. aeon y very de pth.. with the Oki, were seedy refired T. former tempest our so Wile, et errand_ 11. latter mock

theeMi WAIN come the fifth. Ableott WOW th.et 11.4 stent to nem. on .thartie mssifire

Kemb likewite got on M. when Walker 11.15131. MK berms Nut wit men en H. and thlid, Rid. holed an <"1 Fly In Will. at the hat corner. ion.r in fail. b. tinieh and leo. in the doh brim. to el. spottier pro:nixin g relly

Ter Red and Pim final isithier mat• n owl In the fated seventh. Master. 11 off with a do. to renter field

Abort nulled. A energise fly ly 1,de. and • pretth


Ogifil 113.1“111 Total. 1114111


L1 rZeuee.

ig im sop. imgim.

!7e's11,V41.1 'isesn 'sstr: Tis VrTsr::

1,en Feneeone 1.01 nee

PASSON 507 Market St.

Sporting Goods Radio* Toys

Outfitter of the Haverford Athletic Teams

Special Reduction, to

Haverford College Student*

RUMSEY Electric Company Electric Supplies and

Machinery Everything in Radio

1007 Arch St. Philadelphia

ise 5.1.11. AtInntii , maeLx 1014.5 ache the vessird 1.61 by C... of

150.155 the shot * fist It Sr miens sonde in the Inn... ',ides leer

II, F. Edgar, 31, in the Swarthmore moot brake the 22.yeerthlri mlln record

„-e wise Orin. by Pelithere end l'orinue in a threecor. timed meet. 1..1. tie nbsence of Monis. the Scarlet and Black Intel of

x.ex theatm than t. wo rth sir the Mud Hens end the 71eare.

SS end 2Ti6 Hanle opt rentheting that slay In the Ohio Stele Ilelsys where he tank third In the dla•


1'o50.11 end Tuck kientors, nhe xvie appointed instructor% in heavy and light athletic.. etupeCtively. by the board of managers Slay 17.

There is no Substitute for Good Bread.


Cosehgerm. Dranwoll's net team during the esteems seamo sur-Mmeed lam yeees mensal of nine wins and four Home by .1115151 ten of the (oustern m. he played spinet the hardest kind of °v omit.. Three of the Malebo lent by the Scarlet oil Rh•ek were by the margin of one point the 4.3 mutest dropped to Swarthmore bells probehlY the bittereei fought of or of the ...meters betormn thr

thatordltiool rive. !throng the teems

t !fellbefore the 'sonneteer's uf Cam talp George IMP..

5'.Cp Wesleyan.

Vie.., Johns Hopkins and re•Ine, the latter awn team haring been un-defeated Perrino to meeting the Qua-her nomen.

Jahn Cray. DI, Virginia cup the of hot year. the te m dorms the

year with the splendid sword of whi- t," I t !hi f 1 t b

on. lb. two defeats thine at the bends f Stenger. of Penn. sod Monument.,

of Lehlrh, reeking interoillegls. Players Henry Barnhur. 'SA wbo played at the fifth single. pad during tont of the year, wee locoed In t he tercentare tables. winning nix of ble nine encounters.

Co.. Ohne. played • xylreit1141

bond of ten. thmtng throu gh with victoriee In praetkally all the impor-tant machete He Unwed IS Mee b1- tone. In his fourteen starts. Engem. Hormorr. comin- elect. mode the mine rethrd Ia his captain. John Flo. tmi. the other the outer. sr•ek e even In his fourteen court erre. cIvw

Only 3 Matcher Led II Geablee The Scarlet rind M. teams turn eJ

in wonderful records in the double,. teame wer e Ode th Mend up .

Brae thr Queker nollinghts. t'oesth

pransundl, men alwaya everto r hermit

ilishetZer',"ret mark rode by Jobe.. and Ben.. by virtue of toeing only one ma.11 dron lent the year. The Sentor-gooltemore sht

•1.V-1,,1h, tea. Mthed hell o

I:roger:A :t7.7. 11;1,147 5. thllegiate doubles. won Prise wit..

brselIT re7th ilrshirt! tw0


hliVe srl'hokeh opened up tbeir 'tenon derimively enough ott the house mots. Owning IMexel.

and Weinerman

the only Sorlet and RI. May

t. even • seven.. Lads of pr... Mainly escident . the match with Pen and the lom nf 7-2 does mot Anse th

Insurance for Students Perrone! Effecter s Automobile,

Athidenta, Fire or Theft while at college or ebewhere. Risks to properly or person while travel-ing in this country or bored. Damage to motor cars. LlabilitT to ccidente to personor prop- erty.

J. B. Longacre s. ...... . LONCACRE & EWING

Baildia g 141 S. 41h Street, Phila., Pm

lowed,. triumph over Lavin. and Stan-or. end the Inne ringiee O. ," Sowed in bs Hernhurst.

Afor eugering a 4-3 reverse at Arno. no the Northern OM, the ...nem Mork their istride and downed Wes.

4,71. Ono snd Jobe.. won their mingle. encounters In each mt , M. while both donblen tea. essoe through et Wesleyan to pull the en. looter ant of the fire. Seey and Bernhurnt acorrd the other pmilt in the man. wIth the Cadets..

5 Strom oatiew we* Yll1enoea nevi 6rcve1,s then went en-

der TO. The tom was !mien.. smoothLy and only several matches weal to the extra Pet. T. undefeated l'i-sinue Main next fell before the op. nobler gusher.after I bard match. 4-2. near and Rod. woo lo ...- glen d both doubles too. triumphed.

Virgin., powerful team journeyed to li•Ceetard to my In .poet the four. niatele erinniog etre. but at the elobe, lInverford was PM on the crest. The emiet light wee bitter all down the line. Grey. Hogeneuer, Bothers, and Westerninn wan their Inelerklunl mu-Oda. which. with triumphs in firat amt thlerl tore the Qinthera 6.3 triumph.

JestLsoA .1,1oonklor,.. undefeated traz1

With shit. alef7Z weeTt'sf h: once um mined rethrthe Jnheeenz od Barn•

bur• fought nphill to conquer •tram

hs.:11:11Tr rhiliTLV:enerlOf

Slthre:h; 'tly2h:°70'...:' Iv' ✪◗ ✎❄❅❅❄ ▲ ❉■▼❏ n11:,";':;...^.1 271'

them-sot snot to maim toe marl. of tktory Dreamt Colic 4.3 Match to Garnet Dempite strenuous efforts by Hop.-

1:e711 AIV151151.,;:i7; get .irtirreh an or

at'w.„15.1 emountens but when team. together est to Nicely end Ilammell n brit- tle, 1101 will long 5, remembered

f17.17.7ag hlZisi •

nn m On in the double.- Several

risme in ea. eel Swarthmore had set e;I:r.105LIzt, through.

35515 , iv... 7%. 17t .";71110.1:

ZIT= „ The

Cattheburg were woe Signe, the Ire 0.0 atell the lest 5-4


Scarlet and Black in Final Contests

Captain Genege DM.,, net teem brought a euerelmful mown to a ,lose by winning the last two matches othInet itelawsee and Getty.e t in eaey fash-ion. Si., 272 knsl 24. reepectively. The Mud flees went ender 4-0, mid fiettth-One gh Mm at 3-0.

fiayi" Yoh... Hoge.. and Roden. ea. woe,

of in the Individual

contents. nnt one of the duele going the

te7; rn.rihfrsrudrre.brt:r?"-Irral double., while elloseimuer MI Reran

'err eher'JhrinswoT ahir gdgeef hhe

ThV4"nrhl: match




• h




r lt h '"hwhen

the tarn


Allannum DONK Wile.** tor Sloth WI. In EWA stark

A In vietoth neer VAR.., 0. May 24 marked the completion of the

organterhaZIO27111hh. neffwlrc

Itnthhsit . inn n'mwf• wet Held on



'i°11:..'itra.....4 soled nirt,MsCoy thelfgh Oth • MOS S.

for the


In he SI37,.d an ear i.741 41 rh 0117. ft*rh ISO


day ftesrof CihnaWfit.


AI. linkmen ehow

.'nne 4111Y n15-1..14:1 golf en well. and eheuld receive more me:sr:I:147o the Athletic Anemia.

The Nth.aia mores fellow: Mime. atm. enunta4 • I inorrnour ut. • Lall...1ta

Itime.11 V512sion Save


nnn =11 ...... . 0 agn.....earo ancrm4


Heyde Repairs & Accossorim D. F. Donohoe

18 East Lathaete• Ave. Phu. 3313 Ardmore


Triumphs Over Wesleyan, Ursinus, Stevens, Virginia, and Hopkins Feature

Successful Campaign


venter la Penger brannirt 11 the Penewlymnin

The ome se it sows. in the toe scone was fairly even_ The Red and Dim emon hi. n six safe. 00 the 11,15 Line ball . men. Ile ,, r , !ZIT!! t.s. ten . the mr.ers dausl 1111 1.1"n,, ea.. ther

ors taw The ef the Penn 1.10 to bunch their hi. en...

of the half ruil• record bleu, s00 fereed re

on In Oa , excellent time of 4 nail- ". 1 •m15.i. in the .hoL

utna 343.5 inesonly best Royer, Gar. only defeat of the seas. mit thgered the next we...11CD the team went opt or On meet N. 1. I. nag Arno. Sher sPeris mid Shin'. Isere the only smners for the Main 1: arc, ornerier a toml eleren

err ma, the lure. M. IA gth., .Pled ri win et e ...ea off

MeConagh. meth for tin , •22 Iowa ht the bole of the A.

ts 4.1 wa. ▪ rev ^Lil by inchee when edehlinhol whge the adeta were matins s h. now 5255 and the Violet inite. Speck throw,

in his beet perform.. of the seamen Lafayette and LthIgh Overnbelmed when be Poi for fast a the 1.1.

".5 1°.• "It Ttolinhellh'y,hltiry rInimind tench wound was the NM I coed

11,1504;21.; This victory marked the ethilnetion et breed i


1111 41 Enu v rthru.(0fn turned'. I.hle vino.. while IL Dior

. WWnhiti

izhol: thy Mk_ he lM

ter in .a

n.tent winner In both ilnehes Ile bro. the tape in both the 1.1 and 320 end. every

thtime he faced the scam.

era on except in e Olen.. fro lelth Army and N. I, 1'. and In the forking event in the Middle Allamiew Enemielb the hnlder of Haverfithl reminte in both dank. but SO Jeer Herb wee v fo rced to Dal tb

I made lot going e,rent In the slot Middle Adam. MN1.

fin nod 51.1. nn 1


team into shape thrly, .Menlo the in-

Ltovert tient es me ng le pool 15 C. .t. A meet. The Onothe mon. overwhelm both lothigh end lethoette broke the tape in every race over PM

unexpeetedi e kn. worm. Amp. an. and added oh. in the high le7m01711"el'ehhe h'ihrn1. MhSh hal171Ihkh:h'IhatIterTal:.^..a tri....4.

high i7n,71:fi.iad:Eit hhh".hh'h h. ".80"'rl 417,10 015.15 nIn panto. al the cham•

erford'e eboO. in them thee. 'menus pions. cur Mr a yens Mnrrle. with ban been thr 111.11.0. telt 151. m.T1 Enalt1111 ;kph r[ M. beelt I

fte future nuarter-Oler a lint they lack while Getz of Alfred. wo bith mower exper1onth. Rleherdeon found thnt one of the M.. with thirteen Isiliew

ousstoth om en* I. conc. s


Haverford Downs Alfred Manufacturing Optician

For M. A. S. C. A. A. Title 253 South Sixteenth St.

HOPPER, SOLIDAY & CO. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange



Established 1872

"Only last night I was saying to Dad . . . "

"Didn't know your Dad was in town?"

"He isn't, but when I was very young he taught me how to use the Telephone ... and next time don't interrupt me!"

Even if you're "broke," you can telephone home-just tell

the Operator to reverse the Charge

Coaches Are Appointed to College Faculty

DORTON'S All Kinds of Maps,

Magazines Lancaster Pike and

Ardmore Ave.

C. 0. FRANKLIN Meats & Poultry

institutions, Hotels and

Family Trade

Tel. Poplar 1018 1824 Ridge Ave.


51111841I13 OF SPRING SPORTS wr4Mrc7L

r a re wee -row Wen--tott



ono.. m® Mo. theme I Falwell. Jr.. IA. road the 11,01,1 Otthesere idler.

to tennis North. F. Bogen., 711, woe cameo captain 11.1 1.1 J. F. Rleve. :TO, ran 2111 Ihv nn. 1111 b,norz, .hole a awe lei. of 1aai..ne

Roe Lettere Ore414I te Nalree Five lettere nth numerala irrre sant. to the tenni. mom The reel. h.. were Captain Jelonott 18. empoinulut Hgensum. 11, Rm.. Elstotheret. '01. awl Manager Hamilton. The offireen of the ..rekof teem re. maimed the utee for •not Yonf, esth thr 33reption that an thtento.- erwhit, es. neat. thr duties If ire will be performed by L. Amer.

rien .'; elutesnv 81s Inter. pod fien neuter. were 041 to the CIP1,13 members of the tram. Captain Win., no. Mellor. Xondrina. Rohe.. 10. It Bates red II. M. Morrie :MAO nteeleed thair Nomerale went

I° ."""k11:: A I

the Mae.] team fee nen yearn lead. l ea while A. D. NW.. 111. mounded Saint. 11. w•• elev. .Ra r r. ..nt moo- . for 1.

(Pr '''''' e”tain-elect riumde H. llupplee, 10. Keeth 10. Idagalter. 92. R. Fe.. rscos,

their 118.141,eldIrld. 11, au 'ere


Wathent. NO Am Bela. 7.1 /rt. "a W!1',""

mon. IL. oh. h 1,1.11 i1r13.1rd t-111i411 IL 431111 "11.11.3, ill. Ind mud the marl ed.. rennie tennm hostel therted final. try dl.

•Nt .Iterlii!l'iyen;17ttrIt woo the hardeet othtlo la the worm, zp.,n1,4,88 :ar,„17.14..ter,tel. leader retpt:;.l.

Orne. wee rum lune. of the Illy ot all tImes In nut nuttels had an posy Nem of it iry winning hi 1.7irdr1r"dtrOi!rlierr'I'nert':'r'7'd:tZIll,

.." "" •

M.I .Herr ryp

m.nrx "111

ARDMORE TAILORING CO. Cleaners and Dyers S. Sehwartsi, Prop.

College Tailor

Parke's Gold Camel

Tea Balls 'Toms, Cop•a Treat-

L H. PARKE COMPANY Dan North Foth smut

Plandelphle. Pe.


Dr. P. Bishop, W. Palmer:10. and Coach Iladdieton

Deliver Addresses HELD IN XI PAVILION'

itoth,, ■ Mom-reel, olmnol gath n tau m Op ,thkrt

tangle Note title rilithor erto 30 ma de were prem. inelosli. the mu. .1 p.m hue Ir.... of the rwrn

.(for n ea, had la monocal lo all torment. Tuwometer A. la.. Jr rest hooelethi ltmeh

the rutting. Douro. men,., delio menu.. wills 14,1111 sod Btu* frIrk ttu 0111, the GE 1027 when he.hod hml, tem- hied ull. an oath.

71.11-3,0efin Ellsworth end. Csionin• ,car )local. delivered brief talks. fed. lowmi 111 la P. Binh„, why Ilse earl of nein.. In All of 11....1 duel ma Wthen Field in them II, RS. told el neural of the man. rootelener orb. here been hie let in the num us. M. ha. ben •riii.13 tonne. Wth troth md field wort In

mmlity. Meier 44.054n 1f 5.441 SP.% Waiter INN.. NI, bolder of the Col. b.. quarter mile record et MI nod I

• h4th 41 rho. tare bun de-

fvw m,eve

of the frateirlin ins nil

.fb for 1 .n Ar folk lr. lire pr, 111 1 lid

llawarar. 1.1y or

math. here ith. mmet Or Be.. of Iladdleme .cab' • 1:1274n7rtlITtal7oFt.".'11'.■.1:i

"""' No need for a lime table an the

Philadelphia & Western, Trains at Regular Frequent



Wm. H. Pile's Botts 422 WALNUT STREET

ra Boa,. Pamphlet. and Calming.

Of. Stationery romtu.

lasitant Mole lag


BARBER SHOP Mut t • Wa7 A antrarrart o ntt.. Nth,. Putt

Ladies' end Gant: R. Halt C


. Tialan1


1=4.4" 11110 NEWEST=7 = CRUISE-SHIP • 4 "LETITIA" Not oten.s owl . ..no-.

From $1450

OP Toth .uum.n. er CO non. nanvicz. Mist Mew 7th C.

UnlYelnity Travel Association York

Suburban Publishing Co.

Wayne, Pa.


200 Single Sheet, 75e

100 Envelopes 71c

Printed in Black or Blue

When You're Hungry and Wont a Rita Stop

at the

Little Bigger Eat Shop CrIeli. Are, Arai TY



Green Hill Farms Hotel


of Track Trophy for Third Time

L el, h1iirris. '211. ariiiiIrri1 txo

71771arr Ate reit3'3.13Z73:317.1:1 r17474:11:bre.rileIVele.71"13"fi2 LT' `„';',,TrI,Irmoa":',:r%:',..,1".1:0 111.110.431111131; Slate. leo. th ' 148. .t.,,Telythp=ed lot (111 11• per en,sh 4T H. K Knawnrrh, 11,, cap non calamino. who tallInt 07 paints. end W MMus, '211. Ahdlege 220.yerli Ittadl

M title tram. who ginner. 411 Innate. during the Neu..

.ariAm . Blinie Morrie first won 11,1110

re. s total of tr2 tallies. while par a hr aeon 11111N1 the trophy hr

aria. 72•riibtr No tle bt Leta

If!rar:;z,r thte In the thug.. men .11. 11.1. wore awl rune.. On that day th 7V,Z1.617`11 wrIfir°A.ritZ";


W. B. Kerrigan & Son 728 Lanus. A.

Bryn Ma. 1171

AZPELL'S i "The Main Le Music Stem" 44 B. West Luca.. Ave.

Ardmore, Pa. Virboins, Senn& Sheet Mesa

Isaac P. Miller Special Arent

Provident Mutual

Lit. Insueonee Company

401 Ch441.4t Soeet Plailadelabia

FITTI Tailor

Cleaner and Dyer

222 Laneothe Ave.

Pb. 1405 Ardmore. P..


KEBRIS Tot" Leak, and Roland

Bryn Mawr Supplies Co.

Talking Machine

Records. Radios

Your Future Every man's Lune is a gamble and yours is no exception. The least you can do is to provide for your protection in old age -get the whip hand OW. faze in use the wheel of fortune shouldnun against you. Inves• tigate Old Age Endoomea: Insurance. The Provident Representative will gladly ex-plain the details of such . policy, or, write today for the booklet...Kent Blueprints His Furore"

Provident Mutual

The saving you make when you have a smart Edward suit tailored to your individual measure is just like a check from home.

$2875 and $3875

S. sir -LL

cal HILLpn

pa Canal

thern Nadu C 0.44.1fotatfARKLTITS.



$017001 . ...NEW YORK...wAYNNGTO N...A7LANTIc CI71

NOWA..NJ .. VILMING7ON. DEL ....525. PA.

Be onnesweed .kite yen eee tha mien

Saturday, June 8. 1929



Baseball and Cricket Seasons Reviewed; Spring Sports Elections and Awards Announced

plate In the New SITE end New der. Amoolotion mate... The metro. ehowl or Ilro3arial per. thy 210. wto elm Met of lb. 0,1.1 for Newark. TI,. (ran,. of th. .111.b woo Pthod Men double hot Diet, whit. woo per• formed in eoureutive ours

Two Ina,ehaal wyrt 104 by the 11.Y. retool mere •a on Noma. tiny the Medea C. proved vim..., 74-51, while rote week later. nn dn. I. the Ardmore Ir. C. made the hinted emir' cal the puerto on tort prune to deregt thr Haverferrl eleven. 124.111.

The Merion 1,01. wns led by h. W. MINI., who turn. in the but booling overage by tithing moven Itswerford wicket. foe 28 throb He opened the Wt's( for the clubusen, but rue my

plerrol lto sod foiled to won, Id. arm Cartle followed with

porton-UM of 31. hoi doh ...re pot out by Houton. .4., now foal Phil Osrult to take • duet egg fee M. sm eau... C. C. Mort b the II beau ler Metion anti etweeelled in hitting up tuns

Hanerfeni Wirt .1 Bat For liguelorti Winter .ml J.

were the only et. te mald. C:1717.11"1:`:,'",7..'",„ar'‘.11;71,1°T1,

.1. h•for lehind ad Ink whkrts fo mum.n. The iteselrt and !thick 111.0.1 great 27'41,71.1kt "'"'t I lb. Newark thou of H. He • send of XI. while liobeleo earnob .tee luo. Cesoe end MeCennell al it Ind. He hod eta wieke In kand worn MOINonnell rloorrout t winning nor Stand., Peo too hoe with enght with,. to hie reedit fe nor

_m! rug. Iloanon. M. Flogi nor. took a wicket to rn. X.

moler. altr.Itonlot oberth the bowilug oium minuet nth.. 'dreg Chow Hat. I. Ardmore

11;17tfrtIntirs'n'tch"...11.1t hl1 up 24. collo phew, After the eollege eleven onee

duel the our.. monuted trickly. due mainly lo Om effort. of

rmins who wen high mon with .110, ""datIntortia."4In'rer2I11h1"1;15 'Kt nine, reltputiorl. I..ptaln Hughes. of Ardmore ehowel M venality by outing 42 to Meld.

tr1:711::11;.,;1111.41::!1'.:y uktn! 1,w

er bowler. with five rim. per withel 'I74e o 1.1 cad

Tor"roiiTtn Itrir ".r.`1,12°:11:11."'1.30")Z1,..7.11.,: et714:

011, 00, a. 'Orr71:7'11.1i. Will.. 11. woo the minima ol hr Improvement Rat Aw ol of th or (5100 Flat net ton1r1e. no on, 1.1.41 I, 751 es be th lemon! cat be datlthoOnol ssnols.

of N. Modorio133. MO N. 111.1 Nre the flerslobing feature of tut wee. WA, Mem • warm ado. After Mlle. et hoilehrx no the rope Dent The Mt three curs ir WI °I "I. ...I and ItlatIPX1 &tented the der-

leilVntentOurn=trilePlalle r],wri e ot rend ira. far 'pro; whet mlT.:1!'"/•14

""'"'" mr N. Y. U. 14.4 host td the 101- Patuolay to the Ilaverfont ler no Ohio 01..1. New York_ 1.1 by th• redoubts. .Ann" 9r thr VI mirrored three num in the

▪ e1riurped. ▪ Inning weer the ant tied at II. Thu rm. • pitthere bat• wt. remained draws. until ay 1 half of 1th fume. Ampler phenol ...NI hall nod de-n. to win. In the Cool Inoue s Mee a.


Scarlet and Black Dropped Six of Seven Frays Lost by Narrow Margin of Two Runs


react Thornad der ennelurith Ito out. how. 13,1.1•311a3, WI, .blue 0733.•11 with the tat ••alast lehens Mout-Ion like... mumonlel. the Careers.- of Pennsylvania 8.0, Naliteday. Hutilme b. the .1 Wednesday, Ito V. Althorn& ter end nf a 2.1 cant t'. 1,h, Ninahon R•verford ballason loot this content whet out the Ithilndelphinne In Mum by 44 margin. tkuo bring. their day'. cent.. cad ...oat tot! for wino and lout. phtherl his ...mu to On mom

and 7 respectively. Noir alsowino the Bethlehem and Clinfen asnregn• wee by no mu. poor. IN the @rot dote. it et. be r. iviirnhored that /hi. year, eds..

ineln4m1 toone of no mean • New York ruivereity. Lehigh. sod thearthmere shunt have n elutn. This ,st. they were ...path- ;'01 sTals'alat.mrtf it:'nerttlr

Hater.. April morked tbr open- itta of the UM. beaatln. Penn A. C. bese 'he oppose... co..., on the rola oe ono., two 17:Atn.Irmeptit id:1 he T2.11T., "Of the se RI, hem

10 m. end.. Porlimil ter platter. ICeul: and IL Nepal,. weee Al'hItlt‘t ethond In the enter mentioned. A • ...Inning dee. the Proem punted Seth.. two tweeter. .4 thp Itothed ourident to win, 2-0,

Lad Pint Foie 0.... On the follow.. Saturday the Maln Linen. went down tn Collegeville •nd

*de. ,'nines. Henderenn SupPlee lwlrinl fur 1,h. iv2 direr '"I'en.."ny 1.7; the vie. Itherford 1.1'4.2! our'.

• tbeet.run only mend by tb• inopirod itz.!.,,,t,.V.frze Jo.. the on-

Theo the Buelet sod ;tart met Ito odent Iv I. thr.thmone. in the .11.1r4■17;

sin remrrM Iv ,

11;;,,`.1.1t111.,:"Lc14'no...1175 41; lend wan gratin., Haverford roosting the pla the eixth frame A thrilling' Moth inning ndly produced three room tsl.

hilt Jut th the roma, the ithel uove being

The week of . Aped rFrirwid.r• Lehigh being the vita go) WnInem

Ilay, and • ...a oree rre. t'tht Btrtrel"alt; Ilu.thrt" Xultee third bop on.1 R. Per

th mu sent to tenant in the HarerfoH .13-

'ira";:il.raurV"In•-3111;r11Vdria!=a1; Voir arid %lover were In ,suer -Driver- Supple. mettpied hi. exttel ""gt17thIIF:t: rafiresssem Three triumpho marked the etml week to an eventful one for the nov-el-fool boll... Mon. nowt Ont.-


Victories Over Crescent and Newark C. C. Feature 1929 Campaign on

Cricket Crease TWICE DEFEATED BY ARDMORE CLUB ■.7'n' ...",74.7":74::.....'".'-iiit . .,..17:.; !...°',1,:"'Al:'.:::'.7'; ■■;:.;, : :■"i;=7'41::::. 11.1'. 1'21.1..."■.•'11.: Vi ,'"II' 41'1' 1" 1"" 111". o' l';" 71.Vioh11.1■::::Ii.:,17,3kro:;iiI7ii.11Jt7:411-c 1:11."'1::::::::'"71"::i'7'42::' r':"%!'11-

„?'11:111,:,:5ukI!of: '.ii1!1:4!.:111::::1'i''''':.1:;:,;t17 b..7., 01.171..y.:...t.„.., ., ..,,, 3 a porlarriiiii1,1..,;;'4,:i:101r,1:7•11r: o'. 3.ji2 ....1Vrt".".r1I'r14. i,., !....1041 .1•62.1%•riZ 11 1.7 :

proud no. .... drou" ro" end. -.19 1.11 ...... ''r"rrAr ......• . ". ‘41:arrx:. arg,,,I.I.a,r ir:a 2• """"" ''. Ea.- " ""a" .... ... .,....71 ...,. .,..., .,.., -.... ... ., n.r..,--, ,,---- __ ... „... „_.___ ____ _n __ _ n en asturths Mo. 25. I. II- ;;;:x ..;.,....,; 7;;..,...:17,z,,;:"17; ford etubtnett 1,3Mal .411 n 74.51 silo

oly twebe rthe. •rara,,-. LT, .1.0 ".1 ''," 11." "...- NI 01 .■o• .„.., ..,,...., ,.., ,,,.. ,..,,....„. ...hem. only the Will. both. Rolle Kooning Noyml eutootar for "' W'r"r "ri H. '''''' rr."'"" "'"

In , ...,,,,,,, .„,,,,, .,, ,,,. „],i.. pu le

oth for the ape thrown. on Hoed. defeated the Tuneml C '4" "."."""' "rrr"."""' '''''' ""' ,,-..„....h.r,rsi,...:,114.:.1..r]',,Irt]iN1r,Ir] •_T•Ite. .."..",6".1' Ilt,' Ike Broth nod erlete't unito] 'the" thilt Trine'lae.e7.1 11 4 ,1i.1,1.red ''.r '''''' r1.- ' t''' Iz0r1:71r.!..rfini...tr:,-%,!..?b.. r'r{,n;:`::::;. "1::-.:1,....;:. ""'„."•::.::,%; ,:;;;•,•,:t 7:,,::--- '.':"..,:r",:',:,'',I..--"LI"':2;';'::.j:1,14

BMW, 01144", ENNewA 05.7I " 71t.'rn rIngit'a'n'rUrtdeltt.;'SOtHel 5",!....,..r::::11],"J"?'..",t,,,,.1,;.:.. r;;:yz'kl'rilr;:t;'t::::.:"I r1,;11!1.]] ..,

real 1,110 ''' ,',:,',.,":,....".]..]:?.....::'!,,...,1::11'..mi.::?:1:r.I'...5,1 ]"a'::,;,......']...F!;t:

tV:::t.'.1:1:::,;::::::::::".'..:1.1';t:'':: ''.;.:*,',„;=...r.:7:71 0-7' "‘"';'. al ""m• ''','.',..":.t':, ttn„ .1.- . ,,, ,..m,,,..!....:,,.x..,.. ,,.._ t4:6.adi410. Caine.] iar1..e...7.11. lo..4.. rt":ItnelitCoarh 111.1..11-

n1 •

The grade Menlo.. el.. of Imptoin Winter

of the Mow. to ell I ' race Almal Ott T•day

lb. overwhelm. .111111 of die. front Knginth Mae ,1,h

the Neortet sod I tn. 4 the lInverford NI .441pli• at M.,0, ..... molch reauluste the no

■1.7.'"'"a ..1.t:," .. froth Oro. ■ • r win. anal live Ina A rtr.

dere tth men hretd And noir the Altusuri 11141, will rlirti th

imith wa• rot. a ao. r ....tido,. al it vory ...Ira weft turf

inte me...ma tbe wet turf which be I moth.


C. But Bows to Merlon and Ardmore C. C.





Pb.,.. Aollaiore 1848


INTERNATIONAL SHOP tsi E. bursar. Ars. Ardawne.

Gifts of Distinction for Weddings and Graduation

The Gift Shop

Pictures, Picture Framing and Novelties

Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne

Try Your Favorite Soda or Sandwich at Our Modern Fountain

Harper Drug Co., Inc.

44 West Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, Pa


c Pteg:srlisro.srTruk Tr.n1.

c""""o 7Z! V.1:.°41....2.77L.g.".7...., mnow.


.hie IWn ' will tend lb, tronix ATHLETIC COUNCIL CHOSEN

. Morels. Swan and tr....gr. U. J. II. tr..•,T"Ir! 'NI. F. W. Swan 'MI, nth IV. 1). elg.1-

.7L2:=i:.!.thgt"M ....tee a o recut meeting of I. tandem run:. .11. At the uth muti Ott utte fin, three underontieste

ng mitt fe r buiblino nor

!'r",,`..'1g1:1■1:„.171:.t.;"""b chyle

*.Ahern Comte... Feoler Ott Pworthmere again fond their

=e'fatilIT"rAZ.:4, we."' but the

1.(61.';'"A"-'7,1"^""t1' 11.1i rev .arid 1adn,. 3T•o

"„:,•77g,t; .11,01, Il tlY Itupdre bad

• Abe livrartbmitm;

th:."t71117.11tnItr trintnatT.'"wr;e th11.:■T'ar"101."' the td. in the Bret nttil ney.1

r:rtrIgt1 Bine. game. nutter In the


rartklin Field was the mow .4 oal gmne of the eollegiate ream Harertonl ume

....a. t. nun!, abd althetoth the N'.7:11=117: ''',:64'","•.:,7:111.; kn

arrelith. Diet den14. to "'

• "

Announcing---- Our New Location-

N. Wayne - P.R.R. Station

Now Showing a Complete Assortment of Summer Merchandise



Electric, Radio and Lock Shop

We offer to O. Douro, three distinct types of serene


Suburban Electrical Co.

HARRY P. SWING. PROP 849 Lancaster Avenue,

Bryn Maw, Pa.


DORTON'S All Kinds of Maps,

Magazines Lancaster Pike and

Ardmore Ave.

C. 0. FRANKLIN Meats & Poultry litatitutio'ne Hofels

and Family Trade

Tel. Poplar 1018 1824 Ridge Ave.




a re v.v.:- oo. la-Lon Way :



rant u trom Pus I. room. I Falwell, Jr. IA. rerenvel the enciel it,ann.C. letter,

la ten.. eleollthre IX. F. HOMO., 91, wo then. captain for ROI J.


;';17V. of t

Ras Lnetrs 11..140 18 MM. .ere lettere add ha mime.. were

ineneeted to theten... The 1'0.aNnte were Captain Johann DO, Ceptalnelnt Hogenann. Oray• .31, 11,4111. "Af, Reirrhunt. awl Cl...,,, Hamilton.

The offlerre of Ow ..n.kof loll re. Thal the three for next Yeas with

the. exception Neat an oieteent•el.- nab. wee ereated. the duties If Rh will 10 performed by Is Amer.

SW letten and five ...oral. were elven .1 10 the thsrro members of the. tram. 2.11.1. W.... We. Meller.

Stendring. 20, Rehrien, 10. IL Baker 91. and A. 37 Mania DO. all ,vit. thole Intleft Namrtelr wont

A. 1. .1 the ham.. team Po nen yeses lead. Ir. while A. D. URI., 117 etneceedn1 Bain. 11, wone elneed ...tent nea-rer for I.

nr0 ''''8., ect'

DR. Captain-el

A Num. llupplee, 10. Kreth 10. lathe., 92. R. Rene. rinse, irm7r11,1;1717.4."(Izir....f tAr 93.1.111-hfleld. 11, au received



einho.a. Net An Retain Enne ',rt.'7,1-'.01 s.f.V.1? Jr.,.4.

mils. RNA,. whoa h 'I'll DaPIAIP G. W. JON Dn. 13.3, t1-3, in the 11.1•1 round

eh.. 01,1.1 rotten erne., inn. h.. revealed Ibr finals by dl.

•Nleerlii!IVU■or;re'et.ile'r we. the harden tondo the Innen. tang e.,488 :8.1.,„17.14..ertnl. leader reen.:;

, ul flr11y. reln. wan Innen. of the el. INS ne all time, In Meal nmeel. had aa posy tin. of it iry *ON( N n.



ARDMORE TAILORING CO. Cleaners and Dyers

S. Sehnert*, Prop.

College Tailor

noata.taZ'S r, fleet.


Try Your Favorite Soda or Sandwich at Our Modern Fountain

Harper Drug Co., Inc.

44 West Lanethater Ave. Ardmore, Pa.


Dr. P. Bishop, W. Palmer:10. and Coach Iladdleton

Deliver Addresses

HELD IN XI PAVILION' 111111 a,nlu. Ilm lboorrol,

olvenni .te n alemer m the mirk.

wade Hone title 811•1110 Xo Pie were preemie ineheelin thr thane. eon pens nue Ir."... 111 ho rwrn

After n nen. had both ente,e1 lo all prement. Tentheserer A.

T.. lie r DI, inl.olorea Ceath

Ihe e.t.a Ilaterfervra mentor dellv-

onnntle. weds 14%111,1 and Beath neck ten. *III, the fedi of 1021 when fine thel, .en hind ud.. esmth.

Thro 1-xOtan iInsnorth end. Csignin• ,tor ItIorrl• delivered brief talks. feet. low.110 18 P. Binh... who Ilea ay. rot Nene. In III of Ihr H.... duel nen. on W.I. Field in noon yens. II, Rishnp told of pevorai of the maw newrIth. alarit hate been hi. I.4 it the nuo, year. ban rennet. WM. nark And field non in rine hemliet.

801. alstahan fit 5 1.00 Mien Walw 11111•IrE 'III, holder of the Co}

ten quarter mile reend of NI end I

• Rykeet both of whom lean been .le

Itno of the Initial... IId t dinner

▪ pnwrar Oly the, maths he.. ide. noel the emend. of Haddletoe

'111 ml Fhr


No need for a lime table on At.

Philadelphia & Western, Trains at Regular Frequent



Wm. H. Pile's Sons 422WALNUT STREET


Elm. Pamphlet. and Catalo gs. Once Stationery

r.,. cootare 111 Male ,111




o No Dolls1 Ladies and Gant:

Flea Halt C



WORLD CRUISE 1929-1930

1=ftf" == 1111, NEWEST CRUISE-SHIP •4

"LETITIA" W. maths L. NO . sante.

From $1450

OP Tn. nall.orrat to. an 1.1.1111 manvicz. inc. .PIraa Dotal. Now TN* C.

UnInthily Travel ABIttstialion 1111 •ro.. Mos TN* CV

Suburban Publishing Co.

VJ ayn., Pa.


200 Single Sheets 75e

100 Envelopes 71c

Printed in Black or Blue

When You're Hungry and Wont a Bite Stop

at the

Little Bigger Eat Shop COO. Are, Aran Pa.



Green Hill Farms Hotel


of Track Trophy for Third Time

L if, Marra,. Jr., T111. maosirt+1Ixn r nee

The n k nllIvll-fleet I Ill' III

.„711, ,-1,4r..a"V:Jr,'%:'.1.1:0 11*1

IDOIN.A11111111" Slate. error. le lh

' 1"1114111.itetteTelythp,u0.1.,1 for preno

It'arieb:371■1:1g.d.C.chaTe7ea'al'ereNt= Winn. ..1.e tallied 07 wines. mod W Nyleva, 'Rh College 220.threl km Lade rx.dhl title holder who pioneered 411 Innate. during the xenon.

Am • Rein. Morris first won the 1.110 io114 a tata1 112 tallies. while Km .Pd** avou gRillN1 the trophy by nuring 72 toibtr. No do ht Lax

ri:t1 b6.:x14,........^ li

pe pe. in the diens... men wide 1.1 erne and Crain. the them day lh

'11;11=.1.41::";..^: wr.424t1.1.7.1,1..";


W. B. Kerrigan & Son 728 Lane.. A...

Bryn Ma. 1173

AZPELL'S i "The Main Le Music Store

44 B. Ws. Lannnater Ann. Ardmore, Pa.

Virboia, hoods. Sheet Mese

Isaac P. Miller Special Arent

Provident Mutual

Life Insurance Company

401 Chemed Street




Cleaner and Dyer

212 Lnnnnit. Ave.

Pb. 1405 Ardmore. Pa.

Suburban Electrical Co.


849 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa.


Electric, Radio and Lock Shop

We offer to our Patron-, 11‘rs distinct types of termer




"Doc" Leak; and Roland

Bryn Mawr Supplies Co.

Talking Machine

Records. Radios

Your Future Every man's fund, is a gamble and yours is no exception. The least you can do is to provide for your protection in old age -gm the whip hand ovCI foe in cue the wheel of annum shouldtwn against you. Inv. tigare Old A ge Endownsen: Insurance. The Providen: Representative will gladly .• plain the details of such policy, or, write today for the booklet...Kent Blueprints His Furore"

Provident Mutual

The savin g you make when you have a smart Edward suit tailored to your individual measure is just like a check from home.

$2875 .8 d $38 75

Mon ON MIL n....1.1.assan Than,.

Casual Cin Mort -LL C.. Man HAMMY rot



Be wowed ohne pan fee

thif 14.1

Saturday, June 8. 1928



Baseball and Cricket Seasons Reviewed; Spring Sports Elections and Awards Announced

piece In the Nrer York and New Jersey Anceletion matches. The noon, 1,1.x1.1 da armorial I/sr. Rely 210. wt'• tbe ant of lb. saliarsa for Newark. TIN bonito of thy 0111.b Wait Stand• n, double bet dirk width Ir. per.

I'rmed in tunneutive ewer.. Two maiehom wart 1oet the H.,

rrlord Ne.. e Satuniny. 11.1 the 0,4. 17 proved vletorlone 74-51, while one week later. nn Junn. I. the Ardmore 17. C. made the highest nor, ref annul on the rolltme erne, to defeat the Haverfortl Nevem. 124.111.

The Merino tamns be- P. W. RIM. who turn. in the beet bow11,11 everthe by thking Nevem Its.prfard Iritato11 for 28 three. He opened the boding for the Nob.., but was Luc fortunnely pleyed en and 1.11,1 1.. wont 1.11 Cantle fnllowed with

ponnonihip of 111.'1. N.Ilt wore put out by }loosen.. who oleo fond Phil Bernet to Oder • do. 11R for Mx hat. ng l... C. C. Morrie the tee ...en for Merton a.) peened..

in billing up thno Hathrfeell With .1 OM

For Haverford We.lar .ml J. B. VIII. Nero the only onr• In maim ant

the bolI',,

51.101 mII1d L0.,bIl,,r )1111, 411 far

wth hot 1121,,. and

1,6 thew wickets for ateragInt 'I`he Neffirlot awI ItDok shownl great

trr41,71.1kt Th-V I the and mon of H. Re •

nand of XI. while 14,64,1 wax ally h. Ina Crane end via Ito It .41. H•rerferd had eia wwkeb

In hand when McConnell drore out t winning not Penile-La nem No how 1 with el.ht oldie.. his eredie aly 29 run. Honten. in his plogl v.v. on. a .thet tn ore,.

Ruder. amer.11.84. shed3 the bowling .e talent thntliV. Prop Cloth MN. to Anlaterg


ch"TurIX'44 1'.'1:; nul. elm.. After the eoliths eleven

WAR one* atorted tbe peon innunted niettly. thie mainly he the effort. of rte.. ed. wee high Inn with .110, "Thtintoula.."4.,rer2I11h1"1;11 let

nen., rexpnlicel. C•ptele Hughes. of Arden..., rhowee

is verve/Sky by earring 42 remp. Meld. gIl II I

tr1:711::.11;e7.1."e4;:e't!r 1,11 ee howled. with fivr ra. per with,

'I 74e

n In he 1111 1.1474:11:11.-.;;,01..,i11,211.... 11714:

1101 f'I~hling 'Pell, fill IL a. '17.1"errro7'1g IL Willi, 11. nue the nail .11

be Improvement Rat. Aw of IL Xene Flet wal me enn.rle. ea n, natal, I. 711 In be 14.1.. Inthive lb rengn the be detereninri smolt.

of Nrwnrk. N. J.. wen the dim Mod.... ID; S. lerthrl nte the flerslabl. feature of Wet week, rdelt.

tram • warm wet... After Mlle. et aoilehoit no the Cope that Tho eelr tithes ruhs i" the. nI tIBL amid. and ItlatIPX1 &toned the Je, liVerantinr=trril oPlalle I.,

nem .1 1lr.vI tr. tret-w114. P"".114

deal,fidd'" "" """""".. N. Y. C. Nana host no the fol-

lowing Patudlay to the Ilaverfont Ill no Rhin Mehl New YorL

by rho. redoubt.. •Tion.- Stn. the Vlotot aeon. three run in lb.

'75::■F"net, .8tior:edFiii.r7k. Inning was- the edunt tied at

II. Then ensued • pitebeth hat• width remained dra. until the

1 half of the ninth Poppler plottel 1,11,1111 hall ared

neel to win. In the final Inoue •l M•e 011


Scarlet and Black Dropped Six of Seven Frays Lost by Narrow Margin of Two Runs


170.6 Thomas. nine concluded 1to opathy bow. ID. la...NI., It IOW rr.lat iNAPaa with the 1St ••41.1 lehem. Moravian like... enemonleel. the Culrershy of Pennsylvania 8.0, Banteday. Heath.. bad the Kul Wednesday, She V. Althea/Eh the end nf • 2.1 thed. Ceptedee theverferd ballasralot III,content abut out the Phil...hie. In 1Inu. by a 4.2 margin. them bringing their day.t cooled. euel Hendee-Inn thethen evanoehe toted for wInx and Insee• to 0.1,1 We lea/neat. to win nee

and 7 respectively. their alumina the Bethlehem and Clinton asereen• w1 by no mean. pmt.

tbo first oboe. It niust be r. nannhnoel that / year, whelk. Includedten.. of mean • New York Eniver.ity. Lehigh. sod thcarthmore have ge clean. This year they

wen ernpUen-

; =let. 'TN

Retorday. April ranked the open- . of the 1.1. ara.n. Penn A. bese 'he


au the rold ,olem two

hnAauu Fame, r.mpl,ieR the-T2. 11T., 111 II, 7:7Villoe=r1 10 ms n Pone inn Porta. the Natter, 81,74 and IL Nupulee wee.

.1.1'61.1t‘t 711.1'.(t'r'neit'in=11"FIV:1' smund la the °Meer mentioned. A • nixdanIng deselioek • the Proem estplued tern. two entente,. and the Imerrd purident to win. 2-11

First Fen Qua. On the following Sneed. the Ifaln

Linen went einwn tn Collegentle ned Oiled C..., Hendenon SupPlee

i'rle.V..f.X.Ibliltroni0r.f"LI.12.'tel"nf 1.7; the ninth. Ilya me 1,1'4.2! oar'.

• thret.run redly method by tb• Oat.. .1,„VITze jrnved the on-

Then the &owlet and ROA met Ito mien Iv I. anthrthanere. in the

Kr. (•;,r,; of Hm Bu favorgin rem.rM 11

leJil wan gratillaily dImilieaM, awn Haverford creniog the plat. tho plash frame. A thrilling ninth Inning ndly produced three more tel. IMP. bell 111. 1.1.1 the roma, the Opal non Ml.;

week of . Athol 1ohob dere.. IthIgh being the rivwinon on 1,Inea. W. and • etIrring no. }Wave.

Bre:rtrel",ilt; Vfn.thre" %ether third tra. nell R. Fern

wee -No to eentn in the HarerfaH rWar

Tii"11t.14!1=1; [al. and never were In danger. -014v.e. Punplee ,,pied hi. exnal

r:Xesethn Pletteries Than trinrophre marked ibe ant

week me an event. on for the li- erford 1fondey the, On,


Victories Over Crescent and Newark C. C. Feature 1929 Campaign on

Cricket Crease


■.7'n' ...",74.7":74::.....'".'-iiit . Z1.1 t."; !...°'d.:"'Al:' .:::'.7" 4; ■•■;:.;,:•

:17:V ..':' ni:::::ii.' ',..r ::;" ■.•:'11.: Vi ,'111' 41111 '"'" ' n'" "'"' ''''' II;" 71.V:,....:iR::::11.,,g,Rkrt4i/FiP171:411-c "I'"I'::::"::::'"71":.'7'1"':' r':" .!.1"-

„?'111,1,.,:R!,:,7,k1!.f, '.ii.11!1:4!.:111:::::.'il':'''''.1:;:,;t17 b..7., 21,1,1. TIP.

,,,,, ..,,, 3 a porlarrohai,:11.1r;4,:i:ls,1:7•:o:

t. Ta2 ...7.14""r1I'rolIa.,., !....1,141 johskrooriZ 11 '..-: -: propos, masa. ioo Ora." • -.1....... l.."'`'''.. '1... • .

‘411:rs:l 'i7,'s '7g,..1.7..!.riir' 2. 4"-"" '' E".- 4 "*"" ..., ..., ........a ..... ....,„ -,.... ••• , n.r..,--, ,,---- ____ ,... „.„ „_._ _ _n __ .... n en Nsetente, 11, 27.. The 11.-- ;LW ::.,..7, 7;;;;-,...:,--7,z,,z" 17,-. ford rtethenen NIA AM n 74.51 win nly web. dn. re v s, 91 On .. 09. 'b.' ......' N. II .3 .„.., ..,,...., ,.., ,..,,.....,. thr,n,.... tiny the loth.. 1.1i.

.. sm... NeFed ...thR r.i "' w'""' "" H ''' ∎""•'"" "'" h. , .„,,,,, .„,,,,, .,, ,,,. ,..i.. M. ea non for the ether pin... on

Haterfer.1 defeated the Ten mvol C '4" "."."""' ...."."' '''' ""' ,,,,I ''

..„ ,...t ,iis',3.71.: 7F.l... 1,1,,L1.,9;},P7'. • hire.

:11e11.7.1.!.14 1.1nn'y' Me Sea dee null T he non.; re he" :Wilt Trire'rlire.r7s1 ''" .1m.''''' ''.' '''" ''''" ' t''' ItZurl':1"IrSorWI'Vrat.t.112!....6., r'r{,:=:`.: "1:-.;',"^t:;:. 1111-111;:.::,%; -7.1:t ,,t ,,,,,,,- 74.,:;':,!'" ,",,.. "1....:1"717r;'':.Z-11'

OMR, IHnen 04nena .}.7i -n.'1'... re:Vitr'n'::::delelirrSheHel

],r7,72::::....,...11,"J"?'.." ,,,..i.:!1;.:. 1;;:yr:Iir;:t;Nle.,7::.:"I, r11;.!1: ..,rbnl

1,110 ''' ,',:,',.,":,..."..e..:.i.:j..........".'!,,...,.:I::;1::,..:.111.1"7'11,:,1 .7L::,.;_ye::.,:lel..r.:t:

1":::::;";:rri;.:7.-."...:::::::".'s7e ir':!;.':: '11:7,',„;"=...'::::1 0-7' ""T. :LI ".4..." 44',..":..t,.:; t':',. a... ,,,,i ,...1.,,,,,,,!..,,:.,,r,..,, ,,.._ tf.fordialr, Oinol ia.r1.......7.11.1..4.1.... (1..1=711VmeltrCemeh 111.1.41-

n1 •

T. 'de ....31 ....

elfon. ef Captain Plano

of Or ullualion o ally ' ;:a44.1-1. Mown X.1 T•day

L e overwhelm.. comenl of

Nene from Nog.. end

nein the Pearl, nal I 'di of the lInverford NI .ANIPIs at 'di) oar match roinalttioa.

71.7. '""...1.t:r" .. ,.. fn. Ono

■ • r orino seal her Ione.. A detr. meth nu non bre. end mer the Ainesoel WAIT will wIRS th

omph w. oath, a A,. r norloolois al it rosy ereNtable

nett turf into dm...Inane air

net turf which bre I eon,.


C. But Bows to Merlon and Ardmore C. C.







Phone. Anima. 1848


INTERNATIONAL SHOP 1311 F. Lamar Asa. Anhwei. Pam-

Gifts of Distinctio n for Weddings and Graduation

The Gift Shop

Pictures, Picture Framing

and Novelties

Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne

Parke's Gold Camel

Tea Balls 'Teeny Cup•a Treat-

I- H. PARKE COMPANY Nor. rm. an.

PalloatIolda. Pas


c Pterl::srlis:rsr grin! :."1:.°41....477L=7...., no,

'14:711.172:' Alrl 8,4'18.4.1. 811mgex

Nunn Perri. rill M 0,71* n d

' ,114 will liend the tronix lona.

ATHLETIC COUNCIL CHOSEN . Menlo. Swan ath tretgler.„Erled

.1. II. t[12'ir. 341•!. P. W. Kw. 71et mill W. LA

enmrattlee . recent meting ol the Rendre, Como ell.

At owe tn.. the eonn lin, three undergrenhinee 81 eerie 10

e slornalonra

01.111.4e• Conitheth o. Senor Oat Prorthonro Resin faced their

VZ'On'teIT"...Z4, lit 't■ ;13

1.(41.7"&-7:11-"".t.t • 11.1i "".„,;7:.t. 11 a...0,',

tir Rupplee had . the RwarilTior;

th:." m72'tnael.r trivT■nreTn'we;e

the Nate the INN nreel pee- Mnl 141}tIrt;";Tel

Wave garnered smother In the eighth

nal agklIn Ffi ed

thew are oheeg no m

e"1 t.,

Then hen Im

a o

onl rneon

werr nand, ead

erventh. to Keeelia ander t

kn o


Thy final trentlma w 1.2. "


Our New Location- N. Wayne - P.R.R. Station

Now Showing a Complete Assortment of Summer Merchandise



DORTON'S ✡●● ✫❉■❄▲ ❏❆ ✭❁❐▲✌

✭❁❇❁❚❉■❅▲ Lancaster Pike and

Ardmore Ave.

C. 0. FRANKLIN Meats & Poultry

institutions, Hotels

and Family Trade

Tel. Poplar 1018 1824 Ridge Ave.


511118A1I1S OF SPRING SPORTS wr4Mr.c7L

r a re wee -row Wen--tott



ono.. tram Mo. theme I Falwell. Jr.. IA. road the ...WI n,

to idler.

to tennis North. F. Bogen., 711, woe cameo captain 11.1 1.1 J.

Roe Lettere Ore414I te Relate Five l

et nth numerala irrre sant. to the tenni. mom The reel. h.. were Captain Jelonott 18. empoinulut Hgensum. 11, Rm.. Elstotheret. '01. awl Manager Hamilton. The offireen of the ..rekof teem re. maimed the utee for •not I' 11, esth the 33reption that an othtento.- erwhit, es. neat. thr duties If ith will be performed by L. Amer.

riennvt.'; elutes 81s Inter. pod fien neuter. were 041 to the CIP1,13 members of the tram. Captain Win., 1111. Mellor. Xondrina. Rohe.. 10. It Bates •ed II. M. Morrie :MAO ,..Iced thair Nomerale went I° ."""k11::

A I the Mae.] team fee nen yearn lead. l ea while A. D. NW.. 111. mounded Saint. 11. w•• elev. .Ra r r. ..nt moo- . for 1.

(Pr '''''' e”tain-elect riumde H. llupplee, 10. Keeth 10. Idagalter. 92. R. Fe.. rscos,

their 118.141,eldIrld. 11, au ere


Wathent. NO Am Bela. 7.1 /rt. "a W!1',""

mon. Ire oh. h 1,1.11 i1r13.1rd t-111i411 IL 431111 "11.11.3, ill. Ind mud the marl ed.. rennie tennr hostel therted final. try dl.

•Nt .Ittelii!l'iyen;17ttTr:In't woo the hardeet othtlo la the worm, zp.,n1,4,88 :ar,„17.14..ter,tel. leader retpt:;.l.

Orne. wee rum Mae of the Illy ot all 1,I es In nut nuttels had an posy Nem of it iry winning hi 1.7irdr1r"dtrOi!rlierr'I'nert':'r'7'd:tZIll,


Cleaners and Dyers S. Sehwartsi, Prop.

College Tailor

Parke's Gold Camel

Tea Balls 'Toms , Cop•a Treat -

L H. PARKE COMPANY Dan North Foth sout

Plandelphle. Pe.


Dr. P. Bishop, W. Palmer:10. and Coach Iladdieton

Deliver Addresses HELD IN XI PAVILION'

itoth,, n Mom-reel, olmnol gath n tau m Op ,thkrt lretlIun I, h, weer .• I1r2,1 111

arktangle Note title rilithor erto 30 ma de were prem. inelosli. the mu. .1 p.m hue Ir.... of the rwrH

Aforn ea, had la monocal lo al . trment. Tuwometer A. la..Jr rest hooelethi ltmeh

the rutting. Douro. men., delio menu.. wills 14,1111 sod Btu* frIrk tutu 0111, the GE 11.91 when he hod hml, tem- hie d ull. an oath.

71.11-3,0efin Ellsworth end. Csionin• .tor )local. delivered brief talks. fed. lowmi 111 la P. Binh.. nth. Ilse earl of nein.. In All ef 11....1 duel ma Wthen Field in them II, RS. told el neural of the man. rootelener orb. here been hie let in the num us. M. ha. bon •riii.13 tonne. Wth troth md field wort In

mmlity. Meier 44.054re 5.441 SP.% Waiter INN.. NI, bolder of the Col. b.. quarter mile record et MI nod I

hill. rhr

h4th 41 rho. tare bun de-

fvw m of the frateirlin ins


.fblr. l

ire pr, cal a lid

llawarar. 1.1y or

math. here ith. mmet Or Be.. of Iladdleme .cab' 1:1274n7rtlITtal7oFt.".'11'.n.1:i

.If lb. 11111111 2,I 0 orc 11.11,1

"""' No need for a &ne table an the

Philadelphia & Western, Trains at Regular Frequent



Wm. H. Pile's Botts 422 WALNUT STREET

euwapah ra Boa,. Pamphlet. and Calming.

Of. Stationery romtu.

te'a't r




BARBER SHOP !Nut t • Waantrarrart o int.. teth,.Putt

Ladies ard Gant: R. Halt C


. Tialan1


1=4.4" 11110 NEWEST=7 = CRUISE-SHIP • 4 "LETITIA" Not oten.s owl . ..no-.

From $1450

OP Toth .uum.n. er CO non. nanvicz. Mist Mew 7th C.

UnlYelnity Travel Association York

Suburban Publishing Co.

Wayn e, Pa.


200 Single Sheet, 75,

100 Envelopes 71c

Printed in Black or Blue

When You're Hungry and Wont a Rita Stop

at the

Little Bigger Eat Shop CrIeli. Are, Arai TY



Green Hill Farms Hotel


of Track Trophy for Third Time

L el, h1iirris. '211. ariiiiIrri1 txn

71771arr Ate reit3'3.13Z73:317.1:1 r17474:11:bre.rileIVele.71"13"fi2 LT' `„';',,TrI,Irmoa":',:r%:',..,1".1:0 111.110.431111131; Slate. leo. th '148. .t.,,Telythp=ed lot (111 11• 1,1, ofamino. who 11111,1 07 paints. end W MMus, '211. Ahdlege 220.yerli Ittadl

M title tram. who ginner. 411 Innate. during the Neu.. Am . Blinie Morrie first won 11,1110 re. s total of tr2 tallies. while par rPrint hr aeon 11111N1 the trophy ly aria. 72

•riiibtr. No tle bt Leta If!rar:;z,r thte In the thug.. men .11. 11.1.

wore awl rune.. On that day th 7V,Z1.617`11 wrIfir°A.ritZ"; oh...


W. B. Kerrigan & Son 728 Lanus. A. Bryn Ma. 1171

AZPELL'S ❉ ✂✴❈❅ Main ✬❅ ✭◆▲❉❃ Stoma

44 B. West Lucite. Ave. Ardmore, Pa.

Virboins, Senn& Sheet Mesa

Isaac P. Miller Special Arent

Provident Mutual

Lit. Insueonee Company

401 Ch441.4t Soeet Plailadelabia

FITTI Tailor

Cleaner and Dyer

222 Laneothe Ave.

Pb. 1405 Ardmore. P..


KEBRIS Tot" Leak, and Roland

Bryn Mawr Supplies Co.

Talking Machine

Records. Radios

Your Future Every man's Lune is a gamble and yours is no exception. The least you can do is to provide for your protection in old age -get the whip hand OW. faze in use the wheel of fortune shouldnun against you. Inves• tigate Old Age Endoomea: Insurance. The Provident Representative will gladly ex-plain the details of such . policy, or, write today for the booklet...Kent Blueprints His Furore" Provident Mutual

The saving you make when you have a smart Edward suit tailored to your individual measure is just like a check from home.

$28 75 and $38 75

S. sir -LL

tat HILLpn

pa Canal Ci

thern Nadu Cty 0.44.1fotatfARKLTITS.



$017001 . A...NEW YORK...wAYNNGTO N...A7LANTIc C

.P1.NOWA..NJ .. VILMING7ON. DEL ....525 A

Be onnesweed else yen eee tha mi en

Saturday, June 8. 1929



✢❁▲❅❂❁●● ❁■❄ ✣❒❉❃❋❅▼ ✳❅❁▲❏■▲ ✲❅❖❉❅◗❅❄✛ ✳❐❒❉■❇ ✳❐❏❒▼▲ ✥●❅❃▼❉❏■▲ ❁■❄ ✡◗❁❒❄▲ ✡■■❏◆■❃❅❄

plate In the New SITE end New der. Amoolotion mate... The metro. ehowl nis Ilro3arial per. thy 210. wto elm Met of lb. 0,1.1 for Newark. Thr (ran,. of th. .111.b woo Pthod Men double hot Diet, whit. woo per. formed in eoureutive ours

Two Ina,ehaal wyrt 104 by the 11.Y. retool elereo. on Noma. tiny the Medea C. proved vim..., 74-51, while rote week later. nn dn. I. the Ardmore Ir. C. made the hinted emir' cal the prto on tort prune to deregt the Haverferrl eleven. 124.111.

The Merion 1,01. wns led by h. W. MINI., who turn. in the but booling overage by tithing moven Itswerford wicket. foe 28 throb He opened the ban. for the clubusen, but rue my fur plerrol lto sod foiled to won, Id. arm Cartle followed with

porton-UM of 31. hoi doh ...re pot out by Houton. .4., nIno fond Phil Osrult to take • duet egg fee M. sm eau... C. C. Mort b the Int beau ler Metion anti etweeelled in hitting up tuns

Hanerfeni Wirt .1 Bat For liguelorti Winter awl J.

were the only et. te 111.4. Ow C:1717.11"1:`:,'",7..'",„ar'‘.11;71,1°T1,

.1. hot•for lerhind and Ink three whkrts for mum.. The iteselrt and !thick 111.0.1 great 27'41,71.1kt "'"'t I lb.

Newok thou of H. He • oteml of XI. while liobeleo wa.only hree luo. Cesoe end MeCennell al II Ind. He had eta wieke In kand worn MOINonnell rloorrout t winning nor Stand., vie too hoe with enght with,. to hie reedit fe nor

_m! rug. Iloanon. M. Flogi nor. took a wieket to rn. X.

moler. altr.Itonlot oberth the bowilug opium minuet nth.. dreg Chow Hat. I. Ardmore 11;17tfrtIntirs'n'tch"...11.1t hII up

collo phew, After the eollege eleven onee Ptarted the our.. monuted trickly. due mainly lo Om effort. of reins who wen high mon with .110,

""datIntortia."4In'rer2I11h1"1;15 'Kt nine, reltputiorl. I..ptaln Hughes. of Ardmore ehowel M venality by outing 42 ono. Meld. tr1:711::11;.,;1111.41:!1'.:y 1.ktna 1,v

er bowler. with five rim. per withelI'.

'I 74e o 1.1 cad

Tor"roiiTtn lax.

".r.`1,12°:11:11."'1.30)Z1,..7.11.,: et714: nmi

0111, 00, a. 'Orr71:7'11.1i. Will.. 11. woo the minima ol be Improvement Rat Aw ol of th or (5100 Flat net ton1r1e. no on, 1.1.41 I, 751 es be th lemon! cat be datlthoOnol Ir.

of N. Modorio133. MO N. 111.1 Nre the flerslobing feature of tut wee. WA, Mem • warm ado. After Mlle. et hoilehrx no the rope Dent The Mt three curs cable WI °I "I. ...I and ItlatIPX1 &tented dm der-

leilVntentOurn=trilePlalle r],wri e Ito[ rend Lira. far 'po; trethitt T.:1!'"/•14 """"'"'" mr

N. Y. U. 14.4 host td the 101- Patuolay to the Ilaverfont ler no Ohio 01..1. New York_ 1.1 by th• redoubts. .Ken" 9r thr VI mirrored three num in the

▪ e1riurped. ▪ Inning weer the ant tied at II. Thu rm. • pitthere bat• wt. remained draws. until ay 1 half of 1th fume. Ampler phenol ...NI hall nod de-n. to win. In the Cool Inoue s Mee or

★✡✶✥✲✦✯✲✤ ✮✩✮✥ ✤✯✷✮✥✤ ✕ ✦✯✥✳ ✩✮ ✑✙✒✙ ✣✡✭✰✡✩✧✮

✳❃❁❒●❅▼ ❁■❄ ✢●❁❃❋ ✤❒❏❐❐❅❄ ✳❉❘ ❏❆ ✳❅❖❅■ ✦❒❁❙▲ ✬❏▲▼ ❂❙ ✮❁❒❒❏◗ ✭❁❒❇❉■ ❏❆ ✴◗❏ ✲◆■▲

❏❒ ✬❅▲▲ ✤✩✶✩✤✥✤ ✴✷✯ ✴✩✬✴✳ ✷✩✴★ ✧✡✲✮✥✴

react Thornad der ennelurith Ito out. how. 13,1.1•311a3, WI, re.lat 0733.•11 with the tat ••alast lehens Monday like... mumonlel. the Careers.- of Pennsylvania 8.0, Naliteday. Hutilme b. the .1 Wednesday, Ito V. Althorn& thr end nf a 2.1 cant Co pore. Ninahon R•verford ballast loot this content whet out the Ithilndelphinne In Mum by 44 margin. tkuo bring. their day'. cent.. cad ...oat tot! for wino and lout. phtherl his ...mu to On mom

and 7 respectively. Noir alsowino the Bethlehem and Clinfen asnregn• wee by no mu. poor IN the @rot dote. it et. be r. iviirnhored that /hi. year, eds..

ineln4m1 toone of no mean • New York ruivereity. Lehigh. sod thearthmer• shunt have n elutn. This ,st. they were ...path- ;'01 sTals'alat.mrtf it:'nerttlordl

Hater.. April morked tbr open- itta of the UM. beaatln. Penn A. C. ❂❅▲❅ ✇❈❅ ❏❐❐❏▲❅✎✎✎ ❃❏✎✎✎✌ on the rola oe ono., two 17:Atn.Irmeptit id:1 he T2.11T., "Of the ,e RI, hem

m. end.. Porlimil ter .1,11.1, ICeul: and IL Nepal,. weee Al'hItlt‘t ethond In the enter mentioned. A • ...Inning dee.. the Proem punted Seth.. two tweeter. .4 thp Itothed ourident to win, 2-0,

Lad Pint Foie Qua. On the follow.. Saturday the )tin Linen. went down tn Collegeville •nd *de. ,'nines. Henderenn SupPlee rwlrInl fur 1,h. ivy direr '"I'en.."ny 1.7; the vie. Itherford 1.1'4.2! our'.

• tbeet.run only mend by tb• inopirod itz.!.,,,t,.V.frze Jo.. the on-

Theo the Buelet sod ;tart met Ito ,.den Iv I. thr.thmone. in the

.11.1r4n17; , 11;;,,`.1.1t111.,:"Lc14'no...1175 41; lend wan gratin., Haverford roosting the plc the eixth frame A thrilling' Moth inning ndly produced three room tsl.

hilt Jut th the roma, the ithel uove being

The week of . Aped rFrirwid.r• Lehigh being the vita go) WnInem

Ilay, and • ...a oree rare. t'tht Btrtrel"alt; Ilfu.thrt" Xultee third bop on.1 R. Perth mu sent to tenant in the HarerfoH .13- 'ira";:il.raurV"In•-3111;r11Vdria!=a1; Voir arid %lover were In dsure -Driver- Supple. mettpied hi. exttel ""gt17thIIF:t: rafiresssem Three triumpho marked the etml week to an eventful one for the nov-el-fool boll... Mon. nowt Ont.-

★✡✶✥✲✦✯✲✤ ✸✩ ★✡✳ ✷✯✮ ✔ ✯✦ ✩✴✳ ✮✩✮✥ ✥✮✣✯✵✮✴✥✲✳

✶❉❃▼❏❒❉❅▲ ✯❖❅❒ ✣❒❅▲❃❅■▼ ❁■❄ ✮❅◗❁❒❋ ✣✎ ✣✎ ✦❅❁▼◆❒❅ ✑✙✒✙ ✣❁❍❐❁❉❇■ ❏■

✣❒❉❃❋❅▼ ✣❒❅❁▲❅

✴✷✩✣✥ ✤✥✦✥✡✴✥✤ ✢✹ ✡✲✤✭✯✲✥ ✣✬✵✢

n✎✗✇■✇✎✎✎✂✌✗✔✎✗✂✚✗✔✚✚✎✎✎✎✎✇✂✎✇✍❉❉❉▼ ✎ ✎✌✎✎✑✗✚✛ ✁✎✎✎⑤✇✌✑✌✚✂✇✡●✚✇✎✚✚✚✇✎✗✇✛nn✛✚✎✛✌❀✚ ✚n✂❉✛✝✗✇✔✑✚✚✚✚✎✑✑✎✑✇✎✑✇✒✑✎✑✎✎✎✂n✎�✇✑✑✎✚ ✶❉ ,'"II' '"1"". 41'1' 1" 1"" 111". o' l';" 71.Vioh11.1n::::Ii.:,17,3kro:;iiI7ii...11Jt7:411-c 1:11."'1::::::::'"71"::i'7'42::' r':"%!'11-

„?'11:111,:,:5ukI!of: '.ii1!1:4!.:111::::1'i''''':.1:;:,;t17 b..7., 01.171..y.:...t. „.., .,,,, ..,,, 3 a porlarriiiii1,1..,;;'4,:i:101r,1:7•11r: o'. 3.ji2 ....1Vrt".".r1I'r14. i,., !....1041 .1•62.1%•riZ 11 1.7 :

proud no. .... drou" ro" end. -.19 1.11 ...... ''r"rrAr ......• . ". ‘41:arrx:. arg,.a,r ir:a 2• """"" ''. Ea.- " ""a" ...... ... .,....71 ...,. .,..., .,.., -.... ... ., n.r..,--, ,,---- ____ ... „... „_.___ ____ _n __ _ n en asturths Mo. 25. I. II- ;:x ..;.,....,; 7;;;;;..,...:17,z,,;:"17; ford etubtnett 1,3Mal .411 n 74.51 silo

oly twebe rthe. •rara,,-. LT, .1.0 ". 1 ''," 11." "...- NI 01 .no• .„.., ..,,...., ,.., ,,,.. ,..,,....„. ...hem. only the Will. both. Rolle Kooning Noyml eutootar for "' W'r"r "ri H. '''''' rr."'"" "'" h. , ...,,,,,,, .„,,,,, .,, ,,,. „],i.. daleoth for the ape thrown. on Hoed. defeated the Tuneml C '4" "."."""' "rrr"."""' '''''' ""' ,,-..„....h.r,rsi,...:,114.:.1..r]',,Irt]iN1r,Ir] •_T•Ite. .."..",6".1' Ilt,' Ike Broth nod erlete't unito] 'the" thilt Trine'lae.7.1 1'" .1mr1.red ''.r '''''' r1.- ' t''' Iz0r1:71r.!..rfini...tr:,-%,!..?b.. r'r{,n;:;::`:::::;.: "1::-.:1,....;:. ""'„."•::.::,%; ,:;;;•,•,:t 7:,,::--- '.':"..,:r",:',:,'',I..--"LI"':2;';'::.j:1,14

BMW, 01144", ENNewA 05.7I " 71t.'rn rIngit'a'n'rUrtdeltt.;'SOtHel 5",!....,..r::::11],"J"?'..",t,,,,.1,;.:.. r;;:yz'kl'rilr;:t;'t::::.:"I r1,;11!1.]] ..,

real 1,110 ' ,'',.:,....".]..]:?!....::'!,,..,1::11'..mi.::?:1:r.I'..5,1 ]:"a'::,;,......']...F.!;:

tV:::t.'.1:1:::,;::::::::::".'..:1.1';t:'':: ''.;.:*,',„;=...r.:7:71 0-7' "‘"';'. al ""m• ''','.',..".t', ttn„ .1.- . ,,, ,..m,,,..!....:,,.x..,.. ,,.._ t4:6.adi410. Caine.] iar1..e...7.11. lo..4.. rt":ItnelitCoarh 111.1..11-

n1 •

The grade Menlo.. el.. of Imptoin Winter

of the Mow. to ell I ' race Almal Ott T•day

lb. overwhelm. .111111 of die. front Knginth Mae „h

the Neortet sod I tn. 4 the lInverford NI .441pli• at M.,0, ..... molch reauluste the no

n1.7.'"'"a ..1.t:," .. froth Or. n • r win. anal live Ina A rtr.

dere tth men hretd And noir the Altusuri 11141, will rlirti th imith wa• rot. a ao. ....tido,. al it vory ...Ira

weft turf inte me...ma tbe

wet turf which He I moth.


C. But Bows to Merlon and Ardmore C. C.





Pb.,.. Aollaiore 1848


INTERNATIONAL SHOP tsi E. bursar. Ars. Ardawne.

✧❉❆▼▲ ❏❆ ✤❉▲▼❉■❃▼❉❏■ ❆❏❒ ✷❅❄❄❉■❇▲ ❁■❄ ✧❒❁❄◆❁▼❉❏■

The Gift Shop

Pictures, Picture Framing and Novelties

Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne

Try Your Favorite Soda or Sandwich at Our Modern Fountain

Harper Drug Co., Inc.

44 West Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, Pa


c Pteg:srlisro .sr Truk Treaty

c""""o piing

R.: mnow.

b.nn •••:,

' will tend the tronix ATHLETIC COUNCIL CHOSEN

. Morels. Swan and tr....gr. U. J. II. tr..•,T"Ir! '201 F. W. Swan

'MI, nth IV. 1). elg.1- .7L2:=Li.:.!.thgt"M ....tee a o recut meeting of I. tandem Couto .11. At the uth muti Ott utte fin, three underontieste

ng mitt fe r buiblino nor

!'r",,`..'1g1:1n1:„.171:.t.;"""b chyle

0.11thOrirr• Comte... Feoler Ott Pworthmere again fond their

=e'fatilIT"rAZ:4, we."' 'n ;g:; 1.(61.';'"A"-'7,1"^""t1'

11.1icad "„:,•77g,t; .11,01,

tlY Itupdre bad Abe livrartbmitm; th:."t71117.11tnItr trintnatT.'"wr;e th111.:n T'ar"101."' the td. in the Bret nttil ney.1

r:rtrIgt1 Bine. game. nutter In the


rartklin Field was the mow .4 oal gmne of the eollegiate ream Harertonl ume

....a. t. nun!, a odnldfhetoth the N'.7:11=117: ''',:64'","•.:,7:111.; kn

arrelith. Diet den14. to "'

• "

Announcing---- Our New Location-

N. Wayne - P.R.R. Station

Now Showing a Complete Assortment of Summer Merchandise



Electric, Radio and Lock Shop

We offer to O. Douro, three distinct types of serene


Suburban Electrical Co.

HARRY P. SWING. PROP 849 Lancaster Avenue,

Bryn Maw, Pa.


DORTON'S All Kinds of Maps,

Magazines Lancaster Pike and

Ardmore Ave.

C. 0. FRANKLIN Meats & Poultry

institutions, Hofels and

Family Trade

Tel. Poplar 1018

1824 Ridge Ave.



wei•Ml.7 L

r a re vv.:- Woo. la-Lon




con.. worn ten

Falwell. Jr. TA. rem. Ihr eteciel toonmer's Idler.

la tenni. eleellone E. F. Hogenauer. DI, wee roam captain for 1.1 J.

honor., while m ,ww afire ,f 1.1;11, of t

lrui is null As Hn. •V:',.;;;;;;;';17V.

Roe Letters Orsonl N Maim Five lettere mod ro mime.. were

me m.. to thetenni. Tam The reel. pirate were Captain John.. TA eptalmel. Flgenau..

III "Af, Handount. 'XL ami Manager HamOlon,

The offireme of the ,11.4.1 form cr. maimed the name for nen Mer, with the exception that an modatant•none-

entilt, was ere.. the duties II WI will 10 yerfeemed by Ic Amer.

SW lettere lend fier ...alp were given .1 to the Chsrro members ot the train. CANA. Wider 30. Mb Sten... 20, M... 90. IL Baker 711. med A. 37 Morrie HO. dl ,vit. thole In... Namrtelo word

A. .1 the hasel. mare for rode yea. 1.1- ee. while A. D. III move..

Saint. 11. wee elem. l.c11151 mea-t. for 181.

SP. rfir;e:IrAlm",:et, '''''' 'Mb Captain-elect A Num. Buipplep, 10, Kee. 10.

Iangekeer. "32. R. Ken.. P1,1,.,

irm7r11,1;1717.4."(Izir....f'17. 313.L111-hfleld. 11, nu received



soshemo. 14. An Pelgio. Tnel

',rt.'7,1-'.01 s.f.V.1? -.. Jr.,.4. des hi,



GT. . W.h J

n hh

D1. 3.3,113, iA


e Mal nund eh.. 11.11111 rennie ton.

hix re1111.1 Nrr finals kW dl.

eNtr.lerr!IVUnornv;IntTe'lle't we. the hard. reentlo ne lite Torok B1 i.,48:1:8r,„31.v..ertol. leader reepe:;.

1. Bruy. who wait'nenter

iof the ell. 1 u 1R all elmme In final nmielt.

aa posy tin. of it iry winaINt



Cleaners and Dyers S. Sehwarte, Prop.

College Tailor

rtiltv.T unata.taZ'i= fleet.


Try Your Favorite Soda or Sandwich at Our Modern Fountain

Harper Drug Co., Inc.

44 Wait Lanertater Ave. Ardmore, Pa.


Dr. P. Bishop, W. Palmer:10. and Coach Iladdleton

Deliver Addresses


41,1,1,1,1, a1nluB Ili 11,o erfool nimmil goee n,ih,nr1 d eke rick.

mnele Neste title ...a. Xo pl1 were propenenrlodin the mewl. .1 prom hem ImAnTe. he 7071,

After n sums r had lemm enCo. lo all present. lhemnemarr A.

Jr DI, ini.olartal Omen

Ihr men. delle-

with 14%111,1 and Blade Nock !rum. 0111, lb. NV 11.21

ul when II fird took .oar hie d le rew-h.

Thou 1-1,0ain Enrwedeb mot Csidnin•

Owe ilrlivervel brief talks. fol. lowed lo IN P. Binh.. who Imo aeito rot oar. In nil of Ihr 11.. ,1,l duel

now. on Wnlion Field in nee..., Dr Mk. t.•111.4 arveral of the maw

alarit hate been hi. lot en 011.1, t . Tu. year. has b^1, mcieely connec. Wile nark Aid field work In 11,.8

018. alsohore et some Swat Welter 11111•Irr. '111, holder of the

ie. quarter mile record of NI .1 1.7, b 1011


both of whom leave bren .1. r.

d11lHl`1h,4111I .re

Ilex ',fix.. few cl.

Dino of t 'Leal nitial... f dinner

coin 11 pnwrar silly two mark. heep ith.

comet Nee ersatele. of Iledelletoe

• n ila;1;1174:i7II:rta171Fr".'j.n:.1


No need for a lime table an the

Philadelphia & Western,

Trains at Regular Frequent



Wm. H. Pile's Sons 422 WALNUT STREET

Booby Pamphlet. and Catalogs.

Once Stationery

twese.....nme coma. 111 Male NM




Lon... Non, Dolls1

Ladies and Gents'

Rao Halt C



. isrcivER•rry

WORLD CRUISE 1929-1930

1NEWES Tttr" =":1t:7


atrgnan LI.toad a. nava.

From $1450

OP Tn. Yaw.. to. an Potiatamanvicz. inc. .PIraa Dotal. Now TN* C.

Unineally Travel AB.Clillion 1111 Travel

Moo TN* Cit,

Suburban Publishing Co.

Vif aye., Pa.


200 Single Sheets lem

100 Envelopes 71c

Printed in Black or Blue

When You're Hungry and Want a Rita Stop

at the

Little Bigger Eat Shop COO. Are, Aran Pa.



Green Hill Farms Hotel


of Track Trophy for Third Time

Marra.. Jr., T111. saasirt+1 Ixn f me

.„7,,T, -1,4r..a"V:Jr,'%:',„.1.1:0 111.110.A11111111" 111.1,, reran. le lh

'1"1.4111.1etateaTelythp,u0atal for preno

It'arinb:371n1!".g.11C.cleaTe;:e'Lllere's= r Teo, wen, tailled 07 points. end W

Sykes, '211. College 220.yerel beadl d Wit heave who denier. RI

Innelern during the eneon. A. • Rh'nie Morrie 11,11 won the clip

io114 a tat11 112 vehilr

.1.1ne hr 1200 gRinNI the tenuity hr leering 72 trsibtr. No do ht

ri:t1b6.:x14,........^ li pe petr in the triangle. nine will. Ivelne entre and rneinen. On that day lh

11;11=.1.41::";..^: wr.424t1.1.7.1,1..";


W. B. Kerrigan & Son

728 Lane.. A.

Bryn Mawr 1176

AZPELL'S "The Main Line Music Store"

44 B. West Lancaster As.. Ardmore, Pa.

Virlialas, Records. Sheet Mask

Isaac P. Miller Spacial Arent

Provident Mutual

Lilo !moron. Company

401 Cheamot Street

Phil.... PA

FITTI Tailor

Cleaner and Dyer

212 Lancaster Ave.

Pb. 1405 Ardmore. Pa.



"Doc" Leak; and Roland

Bryn Mawr Supplies Co.

Talking Machine

Records. Radios

Your Future Every man's future is a gamble and your is no exception. The least you can do is to provide

for your protection in old age -gm the whip hand OW. fur in use the wheel of foto,oe

shouldturn againnyon Inv.. tigate Old Age Endowelen: Insurance. The Providen: Representative will gladly .• plain the details of such policy, or, write today for the IMOIclet,..Kent Blueprints His Furore"

Provident Mutual

The Raving you make when

you have a smart Edward suit

tailored to your individual

measure is just like a check

from home.

$2875 and $38 75

Moe its MIL ramesol.lannity Thonclay

Canal Sou "Itlicae.tedts DARKLY trts.



Be mommed else yen me


Saturday, June 8. 19'a



Baseball and Cricket Seasons Reviewed; Spring Sports Elections and Awards Announced

plate In due New York •nd New Jers. Amociellon matches. The mete. 140.41 oo armorial 1/er. MT 30. wem tier lint of As saliarsa for Newark. The Nona, of thy 0111.b wait felgod• n, double bet TWA whi. Ir. per. formed in

rtes over,

Two mar,

wart Iost IT the Mr rrlonl elereo. em Satuniny. kley the blert. 17. 17 proved doe... 74-51, while one week later. on June I. the Ardmore I'. C. made the higheal wore of liet woman on the rollear erne,. to defeet the Haverforel rieveo. 134.111.

The Bleriten tamns .1 IT S. W. WO., who torets in the hem 0.11.1 average by taking Roden Itswerfnrel Iritato11 foe 28 Nene. He opened tbr Meting for the dn.., te. line Ill fortunntely pleved en eml • foiled In more Ian. 11.1 Cantle followed with

.n111,011,1 of 31. 1. N.. wore put

out by Henetne. who retro formed Pell Bernet to take • du. 11R for Ma hal. 1. lIortp. C. t'. Merril, was. the tee halenned for Mad and pep...

in hitting up 2T1uno

HaverfeN1 Wink .1 OM For Unreel°. Wire. mod J. 13

Tills were the only men to melee any

1capful efarlm ,u r0'iebl7,



e"Wrel IAe

ter. nt few 112 ad• I .6 ihne wickets foor


The Neffirlot awI ItDok shown1 great

trr41,71.1kt Th-V I the Newark reen of H. H. •

mend of XI. while lbubrIen was alb r. ... Crsne end kleConnell al

It we11. Hever.. hod wieke In hand when McConnell eirorr out t winning run. Stand., nem hew bow 1 with Bahl evirkete or hie eredii sly nen.. Floameen. 111l ..ogle wee. took a wieket to AM.

soderin.tsoder. .11.11.nies sebenot the bowliug eon. almoat

Orep Clem MM. to Ardmore 11,




einem, After the eallrge eleven WRA AMY etneted tbe aeore mounted nighty. die mainly to Ike effort. of

rd... whet we. high man with .30,

"ThtIntoula."4!,,re,r2I11h1"1;.11;WIX:el X nen., reedweieelY. Captain floglere. of Ardmore, Tod..

is erremeility by wooing 42 remp. Mold.

we bowler. with fivr per twirled



,1I 1.1.474:11:11.-.,01..,i11,211.... 11714:

11a f1~Illnl 'Pell, xreI If II. '17.17n1:7'111'1'. IL Willie. 31. war the

loft ol

hr Improvement Rel. rd 18 Xme ildem Flat wee not we'd., ea n, 1.1m, ro be 1.1. hefore th rengem reel be deted1,ine.1

of Nrwnrk. N.

M0ditotola1. 11. A 111.1 enfe the feature of Wt wee. mark. team • warm wber. After Mlle. ee no the Cope elvaL TA. RP eh. run. i" BiTr hell lb" amrlet and 1118AWNI &tented Jer-

IrilVerant.e.r=trriloPletie rhr koalvren flu[ 1lr.tcl tr.

tret-w114. .P"A".114

deal,fidd'" "" """""".. N. Y. F. 1.11.1 had ed the fol-

lowing Patuolay to tbe ilaverfont Ill no Oho Mehl New York_ 1.1

by rho. affloutitabIo earn" Stn. tho Vi Iowan. three rum II lb.

'75::nF"net, eHntiort Inning weir the ,.cue NM at

II. Th. ensued • pitehere remnieed drawn until the

1 half of Iler ninth frinee. Am

epler pitelod handful hall and de.

rM towin. In the final fn.1 •


Scarlet and Black Dropped Six of Seven Frays Lost by Narrow Margin of Two Runs

or Less

DIVIDED TWO TILTS WITH GARNET roach Thomas. thee Teneberled im "pad. how. ID. IN,IarnIa.r, al 14.111

rr.lat ...a with the WI •••1.1 When, Mornvleo anemonlel. NT Mayer., ot Pennsylvania 8.0, Baltuday. 71.11tro bad the b. Wednesday, She Althoogh thr end of a 2.1 rani. Ceptetee Llseerford 011Imen iota this content abed out the Pitiledelphian. In Mow by 4.2 mare.. Num bringing their day'. rooted. 1.111 lirrelerwei Supplee aegned'e to. for wine and lame. phrheel Nat... win were

and 7 respectively. their elbowing the Bethlehem and Clinton imaregn• wee by no mean. poor,

In the Arm filner. it noon be ve. nannhoord that / year, ads.. Intlevded ...A of no mean • New York Euivereity. Lehigh. sod etwarthemerslereep have de elute. This year they wen ...Mtn-

feet c="let.

feetordny. April meek. Mr open- . of the 1.1. ara.n. Penn A. bese 'he

on the ma n.o v.v., two

17etn.lemeptit he T2tItT.,"111 Ibe 7:7VMee=r1 to ht. ry Paola. the pia., Kee.' end IL Numelee weee

.1.1'1,Palt‘t tel'Vete7aet:141.3Talnrrial' H to the °Meer mentioned. A • ..Inning [Mei. the Proem punk. tern. two counter. and the

purident to win, 241

lad Fine Four 0.... On the folio.ne theterday b. Hain

Lim. went down tn Collegeville nal *Ted Cninus. Henderson Supple

Vrjlele'lefeZ1bliltroui0e.f1'1,12.'te.."41.7; Ow ninth. linverford hol out'.

• Tate-cue redly pinged by tb• inepirod .1,„VITze jeered the un-

Theo Me &owlet seel ITIArie met it. ndent le I. Ser•rehme.n. in the (•;,r,;

sin rem,rM Iv , It

of'lLaci:oi'on.1175 !Mil wan grubleilly Heverford crorceIng pla tho .bb frame X thrilling Meth

nfily produced three more






Ilea. but 1net fathel m the roe., the lIngi ware .11..

The week of . Aprel feu h T"Twill13' dere. Lehigh lei. the viwinoor 3,Inea. My, and • Miming ee

tfiee Bre'eredriat; Ilfu.thre" 'A.. on third be, owl R. FT. was -To to rent. in the Hoverter., ralar

Tii"11t.14!1=1; aallio and never were In Anger. -Drive, Supple. occupied hi. ..1

Sven Fe l refeemes. Meter. Three trlumplue marked the newt

week ete an eventful one for the lime-rrforel bell... Mond. .we Onfo-


Victories Over Crescent and Newark C. C. Feature 1929 Campaign on

Cricket Crease TWICE DEFEATED BY ARDMORE CLUB n12" E'i...".7t:,..i":7i,:::=..'":-iiit . Z1. 1 t."; !...°'d.:"'Al:' .:::'.7" 4; n•n;:.;,: :17:V ..':' ni:::::ii.' ',..r ::;" n .•:'11.: Vi ,'"1,1' 41111 '"'" ' n'" "'"r ''''' II;" 71.Vil:1.•::::11.,,g,Rkrt4i/1.:ZPI74:41-c "I'"I'::::"::::'"71"::.'7'1"':' r':" .!.1"-

„?'111,1,.,:g7.,k1!.f, '.ii.11!1:4!.:111:::::.'il':'''''.1:;:,;t17 b..7., 21.171„.y..t...., ,,,,, ..,,, 3 a porlia.r.hai,:11.1r;4,:i:ls,r,,1:7•:o:

t. TIT. ...17.14""r1I'rolIa.‘, !....1,141 johskraoriZ 11 '..-: -: pro,. ma. im. stra." rar"thr -.1. . i'.... i.."' '''.. li... • . -

‘411:tirr,'s '7g,...7..!..riir' 2. 4"-"" '' E".- 4 "*"" ..., ..., ........a ..... ....,„ -,.... ••• , n.r..,--, ,,---- __ ,... „„ „_.___ _ _n __ .... n ow Nes ter. 11. 27.. Her DT. ;LW ::.,..7, 7;;;;-,...:,--7,z,,;:" 17; ford elm.. IRWINI AM n 74.fd win

nly o-ebe rime •ravt..,. 7s. lib. "."1 01". .b" ......" N. II ".3 .„.., ..,,...., ,..,, ,..,,.....,. ebroweboul. only the briiii. Petri.

.. smmIring Naved ..tehtt 1,4 "' w'""' "" H ''' ""•'"" "'" h. , .„,,,,, .„,,,,, .,, ,,,. ,..i.. piety ono for Om ore. ednyere. on

I.e.. dd.. Noe Ten ovol C '4" 111'""""' """'"''''' ''''' ''''''' . ..„IX. ..."...,"s7.74!..".I... 1.1,,11'Il,..17"."'-. • _ ..I."11.". :1411.7.1r,ri"J 1.1nn'y 141' Ben dee mill

else n ....; rthe" s'eviit Tor174filre7.1 '''''''' '1'"I''''''' ''." ''''''' "1.- ''' t'''

ItZeirl':1"Iri!orilerwtett';',',.T112,l,neir r'r{,:=:`.: "1:-.;',"^t:;:.

1111-111;:.::,%; ;;;;;-7.1:t ,,t,:,,,,,,,- 74.,:;:,!'",:,:,",,.. "1....:1"717r;';':.Z-11'

81111.0 mows O•tonni. WS'7I " -n.1'.. rentt'it•'n'e:.rfdelelirerSraHeir

,:;‘,"12::::......11..!"?'..." ,,,..i.:!1;.:..-;;:yr:le'e.:ir;:1;Nt::.:"1,, r11;.!1.1 ..,


Is!'" ''' .',:,',.,":,..."..,..j..........".'!,,...,,:l::;1:17;:::.111.1"7'11,::..1.7.h::,eir.'_:::::::,,:11..r.:t:

1"47:::,...";:ri;.F.::::::::".'s7111:!;.':: '11:7,',„;"=...'::::1 0-7'

""T. :LI ".4..." 44',..":..t,.:; t':',. a... ,,,,i ,...1.,,,,,,,!..,,:.,,r,..,, ,,.._ tf.fordialr, animal ia.r1.......z. 1.4..


n1 •

T.... II' ....

rtfone of Captain Wiator

of ace ullualion al ally ' ;:e44.1-the Al. teal RI Teday

dm ovreoleelmt. comenl of

Mr. Dont Kn.. end

nelay Dv N.. mod I .ni of the fInverford NI hula at

N,N, oar match roinalttioa. A+ no.

7T.. '""...1.t:r" .. ,.. from Oro.

n • r orlaa seal lire 10..e. A rd.

dors nu men hreed and noir ,lee Aluesdel WART will rlirti th

.mph war rota, a .A. r ark...lob Al it vary ere...

merlded. WA. Mt.. rt.-dem.. air art turf which beso I ,....i.


C. But Bows to Merlon and Ardmore C. C.







Phone. Meletore 114/8


INTERNATIONAL SHOP 130 F. Lamar. Asa. Animas Pam-

Gifts of Distinction for Weddings and Graduation

The Gift Shop

Pictures, Picture Framing

and Novelties

Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne

Parke's Gold Camel

Tea Balls

•Toory Cup•a Treat- I- H. PARKE COMPANY

Nor. rm. anon

P4I62t11lda. Pw


c Pterl::.1"1:4rsIrTruk. Tema.. TIZ!

:."1:.°41....477L=7...., 14711.172:' Alrt

' • will i.1„1thr ern. leun.

ATHLETIC COUNCIL CHOSEN . Menlo, Swan... tree...1Zr. Line

J. II. t[12'er J4r!. 1101e P. W. Nwein fiet n. W. Lt.

eommittee s recent meeting ol the Worivnt Co


ell. At anow nodeitig Ber mooed

• ehrrett

uodrrarnehisere eaearl'

ad i. oo ie. slornalonro.

The 1101 n nn 7-1. Rwm"UwwenCnlIMM e• Semler Oar

Prorthmoro Resin feed their

VZ.'1atelT"..Z:4, ler"' 'n ;13

1.(41.7"&-7:11-"".t.t • 11.1i ".„,;7:.t. 11 a...0,',

te. Rupp. bad Tar liwartiTior;

th:."L'In'P'tnatier trieTnnra7;e1'wed!,

the plat. De Ilept end ref- (1litIrt;"21

Blum garnered smother In ehe 11,66

Field war tbe ecene .1 Ow nal gm. f thr eollegiete

Ilarerotord enmr up mrsi.

1•rnlbe N1,.

werr ragged, awl although

erventh. Died Keay', Mouldy to

r^1'711 Inn Tree final 'rentlm. w 1.2. "

✡■■❏◆■❃❉■❇✍✍✍✍ Our New Location-

N. Wayne - P.R.R. Station

Now Showing a Complete Assortment of Summer Merchandise



Electric, Radio and Lock Shop

We ogee to our Patron, three distinct types of serme


Suburban Electrical Co.


849 Lancaster Avenue,

Bryn Mawr, Pa.


Saturday, June 8, 1929 8



MACINTOSH SUCCEEDS John Hoopes' Resignation 40 P. C. OF GRADS HELP HOOPES AS MANAGER Is Surprise to Associates PRO BONO THIS YEAR Many Officials Lament

Loss of Alumni Secretary

Sr,,,,,, end deep were eA• • rrr• Ned or the resign.. .it tf .1. litoers. ner-reforY. sthletie unloose, and s. ...int Ill Illy .7.4.14-111. roe... hie BIN. and nonteintes.

7:17;1: '7"-"i"'"'"'' IF:Z:7 17,

11.111 Arott

JOHN R. HOOPES, Mumen.. •W yes. mew.. we. mot •beet 4 4 Art

I an. m.o. •t Z.... A. rd.. te . eftleelt um of moldne both ow. of am otiftelo en. ose.•hs . oroll wr .111. wow 6. .11.1 onit Wt. d1.1 wolf as H. of aar ent no.. arms en rad .. E. Jas. tw

o. am. am, roma mt... el his MIN.

ant of Imentort.m. WY1.m. moll re perftee111• of • oft.. fol. rem... a. .1.• eaftel temente. Mt

um esti aro s.. Do INA. Mt I. . Ds

zemt mint avast • esseas• feeee'fs sae UN tilw eses. low ben Tory toms. lo Me. man wow. mor

of ...d. Iloo nese an PO ft UM

=.41.,,,,= .2,Z,V. DR, EMMETT REID DUNN, 'IS a.`1,,'".....„,,,,,"",,„1.7, Faro. Smith Collogr Pretstimrt t:W. se arra it MI ha bee d I bet.

ftepiteholus J.. MA reit:tim tmettl...erd"he terwit3es% .:OWT.'174, ":.°,1::::n1


".4.11Llemu tie t. umv f

Has Mule HI. Odle. Important ton

President W. W. Attroferr Mortar. intereirerdo.

.Z0 a. we ne. wooer two .my minx. . ewer., me ie pm.. eve mot arms wms she es.1111. a an also 1..1 • Das when loneness wow eot sumer -

tn... or se Lye.. me.- Ps.. Yu... I.. fine. ftif ...to ant W.I.

AU In Island et awn. nsu. Ind ell can., teal .1.11. of usenet. to be oaloos

ttl w pimply thunderstruck when t court seta up eM boa met.' Dr. Jura. A. Babbitt morri.r

kri:71rr, of

per oagiii L": Non. indelibly ...Mated with bin =Us rFi'dialt"littri.rainti seretoplistancet of a prodigious Imo.) of no. will make us an feel ht. low


lemigeolloo a san,r,” err le, It. Yarnell l2. ere ail

dam. la Oh. 41.reo wee OA ft LI% fted Iwo . the fts. owe at Net 1a Aimett BHP fer nil JO

yr. Hoopoe worvoimost on 1.1.1

• 1r7T1,1";..V1.

Mater job of • hisser lob of it and

.fteea1 loo. .1,1 Ift....-41; rer.."ger. leatead ft al.. It . . yes own. t•Lrs=

_In.s11*: ..efteatleee-Ut

in'eroolott".7•Z"f= ley 13oanee-C Mew Eft. voter: : rant

teettuderte Smeh t'e.es=r =.t.e= VostitranZe=Vestts=at. rW


• r



Lai -Nrantari 4- Ow

:XL 1:7=.:Inrit.'S:2-1r•- ' .124`

At •fee.g.t.0:1

n othapIed the P0•111011 I than 11, Yen. nyur else. We're erotalnly sorry to pa

Hoe h hes v , ALUMNI NOTES


Ls ,,

gyro to

n. furnished the of..

myth,- to'fIrrVis ton. 1 persoently .m eery urnsee bim so. and 1 re.. Pe .•

Alfred 1. Mlii,. 1D, tbafrmav I b.

al sal delve IttO. de'iued • ,

711.=W '" ""d '771"

Punt of arta. In thin Anne 'Sabo.. Afternoon. and -In the Leontime en skort sketches.rother than stork, not

hurt '42 irWe d=1"1;o2= ore...L.1k toad knout am convic-tion a plea far the leisurely enjoyment

1.1!..o0.'14'1111.''.'lner '''ilolerin17711, Haver.. matt.: IA p.m. -es,. Diem' sweemhtl In ito hafts-.. of Sett...J. teehninue. The 12W' ofirt"tntan'. 'et=1.• ,he '1';.f1:Ps Tine."7Ttirtl'."'"Ar'rr"'S

eeserrhelesn. • genuine poetRol lia,r i 11r. Der.

Fan it liitimity'n 'dud, en. ,Ile" Tti'Vrit7t?-lb.oirrl"

Pb, mgr

from 117.1,718utrYd .1mollirterit Ore, explode,. and ldierint. TNZtr,17. Ina. thonab Inry MI, . to that 0 otttTt


elaw0., h encroachment noon the twoore. of wain, J. R., -Froament Brom • tong P..-

4:717,477"1."."eir qa knee ethoe to heat Stour rhythm ..

...,. Imam. Hull `The loorilable Result of • Half Flour .Rh Dorothy Poker, Veree. In ll.. fooling. II the

Haverferdion bite hull. It le perklo



Rim, Homitottor, Roister, Appalat• N by 8111211 uadortaa. Work TR. hmellesth, formerly yob•

liahwi by the IL I' A.. far the fear .1 .r, will he issued under Ht. sa0errininn of the Alritnia• Enloe nest year. H. IA Abernethy. RR preardeut of the Prudent: Annwint ion. two

, Warm-riled the the wo. of Ruble tonon. under the mopouni......

Cann... Item Aso 1. Column 5

t,",11.1.17 ": Als Do ems N. Peslants.m Z•

tagest s a L

i: dent s • dent C. um. ..t eltn w. Swan. 710. a the


gaZrar:721.1t!:7Sial"; .1.17



ft.'"oft..4.1Ostrtlf 'AienVat'l la& 1.1.7.r To. Ob. reftfeyee married "lat.' 04.:AIS

IPLP 111.t=e.1=1:114....."'"Ve• re! Za.a.

To. merrive . •7.....turg • ft of Ws= 11:7.7.:21::.

▪ coolly imnierred noon him by the Stu;

'".".PlrirtOtee Sa .mores.'.a- e"6ti'n lum ...tee, submitted ut the 1.1. tel. charge of the Ouring . thr

TI'e r IM ail t'.1 .ni^61 Hosentourr W Reittner.' 11 tor I wen

we Rio...sans.. the pee-

wan at'tod'Ittr'.7onSerrlz.:rt% dn.. while Iltsreneuer Ind Rein. melt.. of 1/c. Bretall Ir. Woo

ten.. nee treemed hr mkertiseateeln. '*"...11"u'R' Itrthn‘r4. KZ; licettlr7 gi; won 1:Antrold Yaw. rosommen• and a-A111 hie amount. low the re- dei. dan emote.. emoternPg condo from . advertiommento, „will. he Ilse proposals .f the etude. were when from th. of.„6:e 16.1"f:

p of h}u min Ina, to follow, etrol moon et the low Feenity mort•

11;=,-. In the low lame oflrh o‘TI7i„r,',17f by Or. ;taxon?, """'"' "

""" odd ail „1;r 1;11„7171"1 ;"


ee,ll faoerl porohnIney.

6,0„por„ V. To Snead Meath le Melee Before salt, Woolen. will .l permitted I"fi EiDNa ".•4

met. linif-yeae motor offered • untilic • 4.1”.'nf the entrIturot In eltbm 1.111... Nashville. Tomo. tomorrow To.'rear'h or either Amhomore or Juteior thr. Noshed, in timr the r; 'men lir Ns EMmalloo Coen.. Baton left IleverforTI

The gniolA r. -1■'"-n77

'rutemrowliftioh• ..f comm.. on the yranajin ' A

.iter tatolePt bri'Mtht ir "h• ett Lemont. be deli;ered Thursil'syt lb; ALUMNI BRIEFS draw. notion, no follownt he g 1 Mammon School. rr0hm In' aril. ter he will

11, J„nor le o shart life of Fli‘elog."DIZiOt:O1 tg"V1:.6' Gene. Boo Ad forthertmiris Bar r 42. r" Brothers' melee. °Thal PemonallDerd 31: 81- History: IAplene n. pent. this Tbrii r6blit work before beginning Drop.. 18. th. Hoop Brown IhrhooL enet. on ern.. oN, of the Provident. 11. It William J. Ilerto Oakwood kkhord. Hone. this stone.. M. Ourn. Dr. Jones will or. • month al hie Maier BchlmL num., home . " sine

thmonmoweatflo In lb, lire

nolontime felt reaseenble. Ihr.' 1,6 IV. Re. .1 Mehemet. ale. elorrol wee willies e te ruelt men to take The IP•Libir eptember oetketep ...Iron in a.m.! mnfbetunlirs. onreroio. roerepo reline wofte pomp. by IP .11111.11

I:7Zr ftllto • 7thi" 1..e said. Selo. lehiMflelphia, for Entlend. He X. Turk with Lae wIP and daughter on tr. N. IA Kehur of Dop„,,, fut.. 'jlt tailor '4.'4! ty nommitire woo uneuininue In eel.

timogr Wankimitoth July 24. pnlntment .1 la, Haverfonl alumni to Owing to amistaken report, theNewo the ',fan dy,te, ftspwro hom sae as of Moy . that Dr. Isom would Ise en Enulend. ao It shown Ps ith emitted In hle rmesreh .oak this sr.. in db. Menebester Gumshoe stonm. by Mr.. W. Thurman grad- weeDy for 11, 17, telling of the en-

l.n.. ePorto of lnriorgralltirite. nob ...Ole to dem,. the senentitom reNmen". 1 even. shot. 1. give. at lioverforti. alon... em, nod pointed nut Met minden. wiehing Orl. Prettier', hauler. Jr.. trese- for dietely enderrrst writ trodoloot 6.. W., Fonobot lleorlfttftlft the 1 , rn.

th. summer ot the lioverlonl

toonahlo • eft.114ft-eftleol *eft. toed exaello elmoteS. ot ‘tvirr "r"k

whool. where Tem. I noseivitv n.IA for WW, unwire. ems Pro•Lfra

l\Il"' "14 th."

I. Cl..." s"'" o WI mewing od the no Or

=7: ri.7.471,•.

7 rl.'-',Z,f-4.■:.'"gr .7417.1" X11,71r.m

f• reboy H. K. Enwthoh woo lortrurted to writ. n Ofier sympathy m the enter. sem., Linn hod hen. .111.., of the Tu..- f-onion frit: mat.. in I1r9. nerv• inn no nn atonciate editor hoth hoInge und nfthr hlt,eilitorshio HO poet '.7o;"11.7ttl's' ..r m. 1111,-V11- lege.

l'reeideot Comkot woo to hove boo slowed on Linn Borh

examines.l rlo draree at thin tabraingb

RHINIES EAT ICE CREAM Only Fete 0111.11 as Balaltil Lowt

Foati Is Hold Inter limn ,root and without the r=oo '17:171"717;n2; raVo:'''oOlV7o

Kyrr. In too tr''e'stirotrol"V ear hu noun,. ,gags

delay In the 14117.untli ■":4 7 r7,1i1 the feminine.

use. to 1011 Andantlei .tbe =mop In Vgl.'hoo17" "'"" '"1".'"''

g7onrriEn:70 iilw!"'ef.Ireriteriir"FIE detail. of ..ties plan be worked opt by IM Demon .1 8,,,

recommend. that action lortal'en'T a llolg=ron'the"noraTnefd 'eonfllete af he OM hoar. the comanwee felt that rtteed 11rthrtialgorronbotaof Hlo4: L •1141.4.1mattoonement of Mete, 6

Alumnus Professor Thinks More Antics and Excesses

Would Help, However

By L ARNOLD POST Mandate Protestor of Brost

The June otioher n1 the Hever. lenlian should bring the ...ono nothing MI congrathlatiaow It. eberretIonslu owIe end ammo oe reo .light indeed and nut worth mentioning. The Hover. f Adios. wince it demo.. on therein undrnntlwre mr1onatate fat ilt oriel. in even more oubject than wort ...mariner to up end Mama Th. oresent inn.,

marks a fairly high point

of athlerement romparisoss with other bootee "eel other yews- With IA woodcut., Its older, Ione. •ed verse.

not thooghtful book molests.

it tiebtly gladden. Ow heart of an alumnus who worked for It ot a time w en it wan not ea the crest of a .

The editor. •0101111 them have tin, dunng the sustain. with very little sum. aid. The editer-M-ebief Is represented hy Neu stnries. two PftefElft and on tiny. Ur. Ntsrlie's etudes re,

Is ail.. excellent. Amply Peace. Po Is content In &Pm typo of cher.mr that h. ban evidently Mooned for Dm-oelf. stagily uudermsdaate type', ie. 371.1=1:1 nhrr ,dull.

fintIL'orlt: b:Its.5trysfknfl•t ...nobly as he ban don. I Htniette murb of I.• sorrel. in Neck to the ftntJt.tofe mod ro-onoro,s Wren ote Si 31, 110.43.

,,fter..ez, ilareasn. lend loothell 74 mon ■Ll tY roolaseltlw

Z . 43 .... Yoe

ARCHIBALD Mu INTOSH, '21 tI 10..1 L. who is et broom

AZ! . eNont ND . when

ND restart iy trier le en- teOre aid„ nis with .1 r-

r"hies ni1:11117thalt •• et.

."11:e it: t. •1.1.7 h'et I ;

'11.1%! !;;.11'itTertiiril lIneletesh

it13:".4t,W"e't■t; Itt!'t ail Nun

He ens ermitlent ef his teas.

Romittr year mod .• le s.. of 11e. Ithe


owntiu. .. I. CoNMft Ins owl bestbsoltine Lowbrow... in the mot News ourstimonair, hon lora meet nrowinern La Nth.... Ilo

;171:1Z"1,7,1'.7ror hail and pined him n lOwe

Veir:noroTlitl.t1 It:TI"the 'r itren■.1.1.t7 Vettol alro'hest ender. in

Nros 1r:1,r:reseal., poll. Trips has

bend-Dm.. strourrht "bite hme won ..... in hie Sophomore and Rey- , tor met, in 1...11 be tn.. hi. let-1 VerlitaT;e■Zeit'4171:r.etWX1 nnhaFir7rbr■:17..rt;:,',:"*..4=2,b. new ...on men io prwnen1 dent of the notim hue.. men. ter of the eh. Record. rhino.. of ihe do. day rommitte, Doeskient of TrIonlet"..aorn!ottrat:e.7."b" man and ...more yen.. •nd .1.111or Vona mom.. n yeat ago, sten pendent of him clew In Freohm H. and wore., in hie Junior yea H. was m.mber of the executive Imie forth.. this yror. .1 dr oh let cabinet. Jen, Ina nor] rhair-

PngtiselZ trIle of the Bill. Inttorntery,the Pleninny oftft, mho ftelleftle 11.11 Su- the Claes Day ex orelogn

ThrIntotery OM., in a.Meshclaw if.

tithl bin e op ..% woo delivered by II. 'Min torn. went presigb..nt the el., who:, wan ir'roloitol toe%•rtraTr.';'4Zo.''' W. II. lithes re. the dors Ma- to,. oil. bad of the protrem of

ItaVono.'.n"Ty"rls',""acivi7171 4.12: non Following- the rending of the rie.

slo011 .1. Ital. ...Abed votionn tonnhesimi 1.81. corning ID More of Me vim of '2A. ID Amor/ens. fevers were awarded by l. L Comet When the epees b. IN. presented II. II. Tripp by W. Sontlintin, fr..



COMM. loom Peer I. overhy A mde iml io tthm

toddieity to ths tragic even, whir pot s , ,Inn' thr ferlimo of nude tomitmleo thin the day. on widespread in this mo,nine'e 'elm

▪ r Imo. Irgr. 225 VISIT OBSERVATORY 1,77dr. i77togeneTtl:61Otrtro ..me whit. be hoe no long protested

Groups to Loot at Mtn 1817 The Conroe observatory ono ...ailed or. 11. hopnd snag., Jr., boo re-

V:d11"4 ""111%=',Vora'rE7

Seventy Per Ce- nt. Support Sought by Secretary Hoopes

in Annual Report

ICI gony pr nob .4 the 17)0 Hever. bona orplunies ...tribute to the up kerAof the Alumni Anwerialionn it wan fere.. in the shun. seerctary'r ao. noml re mot Antosl tor week. John It

lant report follows: ▪ relleeftehl. poit. el I.e.. to

IS weal . el Oa ..1 zner. Pro.. mom do. Y.. Ile ft.. It. of worri Ms Jo Soorman. oft.

4-- mouilmileaa thent=1.a. Yee 14.

RC61 gain


Swan. '30, Chosen Chairman of Customs Committee;

First Night Changed

The treditIonel green reeolio of the Rbinie class will disappear from the oftllftrae 11ftil year -

Itreee Nee .11 be rephusrd try toon• orrrotiv. Inset fouroln-Derle. The mown rou of old will he onto.... Me modem 111.ek lop-pine with I 11c^... let 'mum, The ID..g pertoinb-mtl-low tog of the days before the Rbini. 1.7011 will pam auto a runnd white tag to Ite Imes. lb Mack Ond sin Mares La dliameter lo to be the fashion for 11.611-20. Smirker. end tweeters will be yeoman. ,seep[ that ow. mom I. worn to chi., and dinner.

All tine woo .renewal by the l`1111- [MIL Comm1ttee et no meeting loot overt

Looming Freshmen will no Wager eubterted to the indignities with

which eh yrovinuo .lawn Imre been nattered into College. If the torrent bkw of the .11.11.3 nurtlfiliftroo ere 2;LX T'n'renboToteol""foo'r'th7trirt! elawes anothied by yhe Ithibies Me. nob hut all tworgunt.d omusement at 111h:...zioza.eo. of Freshmen .11 be

After the gyanuotice hark ef Boo .ier 01.11, the Wore of 1 1144 will Iwo Molted to the Own where Nicest,. Zarl'he1Zootturell'In'a ails

n. em1 ling, 1, The frothm•o will be en wkes to mt.. Is toed. The elm-snifter nes esied that they are to be :Paw.. no further during the onto. 'Itt'the'lot'ilol mewing of to mamas.l

V7tr.1Porooki ,saes. ire I 11211-10. Swan I. • lineman 'l thr Var.

Vgeerr7rt"the"&'rtitYlese: tet'llae •Lto Nutirneto .1 the Union. • Intwrr 1..leat of his dam awl member of the eiPrIlliVr nate,. committee for nest year . 17ort,'Im"."Tgar=ed li:rn■D'en't7

of Oh Juniata. and thomiorsft'',Lot; Ino:sTite'..


. Vgrh.V.1i7b tlw Chrietian 1.niato hlm. le rent Mtter eltdom-faulilly readout

Phase ONO It Vail. Harerford atudeme We,

We 11 1.18, rod. Union Ttir ore,' goon': fnor'r.

A hooted In (broil'. Weretay nee'n moved from there ta the clack room at the flow hoar of the taboo.

1, bring too Weir]. It wend br ell the better for ontos,and entice. ezremew, and purge with windmill,. The range of pure might well be ...a. eve. og 0. root of dignig, All the um. the June number O a good


Will Become Assistant to President and Alumni


Appeimetret of An Itibuld Mee,- rsh, te ...yeti John It Wm... .11.. dump. Kerwn, ern.. mate suer when. 1.1 resistant to the Preekl.r. nos enwwwwl Its ProstioleM W. W. Ver.. In Ittilts 31. 21.


ptCa!' Aa



t.":"11V, Ot`a,".1011" lam


The laborniorie. nod Oft, aftftl.trYarYth. sources of loony of the enduring anoint:tam of our thme. In the 13m• eva1 Ejectrie aged.. tioa io an army 01


trm., caeoptatimt • dorthitity de Mtge •14 better work P.O humaity. A serleo of G-6 ibilTet- :re=41r lorgaVIAt eta./ fink, will be sent

repue. AA for book-let H111C-18.

Four millions of the best man-power of Europe perished in the Napoleonic conquests. Military con-quest is non-creative, while industry is always creative.

In the last ten years one American manufacturer-the General Electric Company-has created machines having a man-power forty times as' great as that of all the lives lost in the Napoleonic wars.

/a the years to oome, when the college men and women cf today are at the helm of industry andof the home, it will be realized more and more that human energy is too valuable to be wasted where electricity can do the work better at lower met.



2111.1 The' ':,;t1r.:, .1, el If,,, Mawr College A. I..... from Shirley nehnol were Ore-vontai from risillor IA hml weather-The Anneore aeons of 1,y Won. nod 7"V"ui:77.7 a aL":1;o1:.°

beer-watery bag been open to

hlay. The "Lat't!i';:r"'LlrOoli'44°11i, • year,


2 Bedrooms Cool, Quiet and Pleasant

Location on Beeclocood Lane

""' ,"tips f' ll "'""" •i" 0".10,17;rattl . Htbp.b, pea' Jn

Prier Se who. errors was of the Doubt ding toll eke "aili■ ianrittN•tt: Pare la June.

go Hole*, The vent-

Heats M11. Stel•ty Jonathan 31 (Deere, lat. Thursday

Hight. electeri president of the DODD Right. Satiety of Philldelph. to one reed Charles J. Rhombi. WI, who wen

rirdlrar'A 112nrr rr.7trg ' or

Narberth, Penna. ca Nardi 311344 •I Aron

Bareassui Nom 4 33ri

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