Have we forgotten how to program? - Tunisian WebDev MeetUp

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Have we forgotten how to program?

@elacheche_bedis SOUSSE, April 2016.

Modern Javascript

Javascript is no longer just being used to enhance the user-experience on sites, it’s being used to build complex applications.

If you’re still including all of your scripts in your pages using a <script> tag, you’re doing it WRONG.

What a modern front-endworkflow looks like?

Dependency management

Tasks automation



Continuous Integration

Version control


Code linting




- A command line with less suck*

*If you’re doing development in Windows, the built-in console sucks

- Command Line Interface Application

- Allows users to install Node.js apps that are available on the npm registry

- Manages dependencies

Manages dependencies ?

Generally when working on a project, there comes a time when you have to leave the dev environment and if there are dependencies, you will have to follow them. Rather than copying them by hand, which more completely pollute a source manager.

/* Hello world */

require('module1');require('module2');/* Awesome Code */

/* Bazinga */



module1.js module2.js

- When you distribute your program, simply provide your sources and a config file.

- A simple command and the module is downloaded and installed!

- If a module requires another module to operate, NPM will download automatically!

NPM registry

- When it comes to building programs, there are a whole lot of modules and tools available to make the process quicker and simpler.

- NPM registry works sort of like an App store for developers. They look up the functionality they want, and hopefully fund a module that does it for them.

The guywho broke

the internet

“ @izs accepted to change the ownership of this module, without my permission. ”

“ I know you for years and would never imagine you siding with corporate patent lawyers threatening open source contributors ... I want all my modules to be deleted including my account, along with this package. I don’t wanna be a part of npm anymore. If you don’t do it, let me know how do it quickly. I think I have the right of deleting all my stuff from npm. ”

Unpublished more than 275 of his modules from NPM,


- Left-pad was fetched 2,486,696 downloads in just the last month, according to NPM.

- It was relied upon by companies such as Facebook, Netflix, and Airbnb.

- Programmers were left staring at broken builds and failed installations.


“ This situation made me realize that NPM is someone’s private land where corporate is more powerful than the people, and I do open source because, Power To The People. ”

“ I did it for the benefit of the community in long term. NPM's monopoly won't be dictated to the free software community anymore. ”

Now what?

“ If a developer calls on an npm module, it’s basically shorthand for 'put this code in later', and a software compiler will just download the code when the time is right. ”

- Matt Weinberger

Have we forgotten how to program?

@elacheche_bedis SOUSSE, April 2016.

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