Hatha Yoga Benefits for Older People

Post on 12-May-2023






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Hatha yoga's benefits for older people

Working with the breath, body and mind, Yoga offers a miraculous cure for personal wellbeing and mental health. Hatha Yoga is the most ancient science of yoga and works by way of postures, breath, meditation, to reach the requisite goals. Rectifying the problems of stress, tension, depression, BP, this ancient art form unites our entire personality into one loop of wellness, tranquility, peace and prosperity. Hatha Yoga can be practiced at any age, time and situation in life. Known to be accepted by the elderly, the easy poses of yoga can have far reaching benefits on the practitioner's body.

Hatha yoga has 84,00,000 asanas, cleansing procedures, yog nidra, mudras and bandhas to set the life on the course wholesome fitness. A pose requires constant focus and concentration, aligning each and every aspect of one’s being.

Powerfully working on one’s stress level, hypertension levels etc. yoga also strengthens the bones, muscles and tendons. Creating flexibility in the body, which we lack in old age, the poses are designed to benefits the elderly in the most befitting manner. Increase in memory capacity, focus level and breath rate, regular practice keeps unwanted diseases at bay.

Directing the energy of the body in a positive direction, it controls mood swings by creating a sense of harmony. Elderly people when practice yoga, as per a research, The Journals of Gerontology Series, showed significant improvements in their overall wellbeing, ability to perform daily activities, memory, focus and breath rate.

While there are poses to suit all levels of yoga practitioners and age groups etc., one can choose any pose and work on the same, gradually progressing to advance poses.

Under the guidance of an expert teacher or yoga guru one can try these poses: Mountain pose, Chair pose, Tree pose, Corpse pose, thunderbolt pose, warrior pose, child’s pose, cat pose, cow pose, downward dog pose, Cobra pose, Half cow pose, fish pose, legs up the wall etc. The list of poses to pick and chose from is endless. One needs to understand where they stand and pick up poses that best satisfies their current need. Yoga is a boon and can be tapped into anytime, anywhere and by anybody.

Presented ByVishwa Yoga Peeth

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