HASA Newsletter 201003 SI

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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This supplementary issue of 201003 include the meeting minutes of the 2nd drafting committee & the revised draft of the Charter of the Founding Members\' Conference of HASA.













会 议认为:HASA不同于国内任何其它


































































2010年4月20日 2010年第3期增刊

人力资源从业者公会(筹) HR Administrators & Specialists Association











页 2 人力资源从业者公会(筹)

1. HASA的组织结构如下:

1.1 筹备期间:发起人会议,为最高权力机构。

1.1.1 起草委员会,为法定文件起草及审议机构,向发起人会议负责。

1.1.2 筹备委员会,为日常筹备事务工作机构,向起草委员会负责。

1.2 正式运作后:

1.2.1 会员代表大会,为最高权力机构。

1.2.2 理事会,为常务决策机构,向会员代表大会负责。第一届理事会由所有


1.2.3 执委会,为公会常务执行机构,执行会员代表大会及理事会决议。第一


2. HASA发起人应为个人身份。HASA发起人享有终身免年费的待遇,并享有人力


3. HASA应建立会员档案制度;

4. HASA公会成立后,应制订有关制度,对个人会员及企业会员征收相应的会


5. 为确保公会未来的运作与可持续性发展,公会应设立独立的HASA基金。

6. 会议认为,发起人不能吃大锅饭。要谈回报,必先谈付出和贡献。HASA公会






7. 为达成公会的愿景和宗旨,HASA的主要职能包括以下几个方面。同时,由此


7.1 人力资源管理专业研讨和交流活动;

7.2 人力资源管理培训;

7.3 人力资源管理从业水平评鉴;

7.4 组织人力资源管理体系及人力资产价值评估;

7.5 HR管理标准化标杆;

7.6 HR服务行业规范;

7.7 HR服务商评估;

7.8 HR专业出版物;

7.9 HR专业研究报告;

7.10 政府交办事务。







会议决定,部分发起人对于HASA的英文名称表述:“HR Administrators & Spe-

cialists Association”持有的争议,留待报批时由中央政府有关部门审定。


页 3





会议决定,为便于联系沟通,起草委员会成员将启用域名为 @hasa.org.cn的邮




截止日期 内容 参与人

2010年4月 发起人名单提案 起草委员会

2010年5月 公会章程起草 起草委员会

2010年6月 发起人名单审议 发起人大会

2010年6月 公会章程审议 发起人大会

2010年7月- 进入法定审批程序 筹备委员会

页 4 人力资源从业者公会(筹)


会主任、HASA公会 联络人


泰科亚太区HR副总裁 康越先生

埃森哲大中华区HR总监 Daisy Dai女士 Marsh副总裁 孙筱萍女士

开利亚洲HR总监 戈青云女士 中银基金HR副总裁 刘爱东博士

葛兰素史克HR总监 蒋靖先生 立邦涂料人力行政总监 钱国新先生

HASA公会外联部主任 陈思宇先生 荷美尔中国区HR经理 黄刚华先生

世邦魏理仕中国区董事 杨鲜红女士 威盛中国区HR总监 王明保先生

阿文美驰亚太区HR总监 杨群声先生 达芙妮HR总监 张彤女士

重机中国副总经理 严俊德先生 TPI HR及财务总监 何安源先生

Prologis副总裁 徐佳梅女士 华腾软件HR总监 李伟颐女士



李洪先生 HASA公会筹委会秘书 陈玮菁女士


菲亚特集团HR副总裁 Chong Yen先生 通用汽车中国HR总监 Shannon Dipietro


阿尔卡特朗讯亚太区HR副总裁 Javier Cerrudos先生 思科全球HR总监 Scott Slippy 先生

李宁公司HR总监 廖斌先生 美亚财险HR副总裁 王毅女士

复星医药HR副总裁 周文岳先生 德尔福亚太区HR总监 Jonathan Lu先生

渣打银行HR高级执行官 Felix Chua先生 物美HR高级总监 Richard Li先生

霍尼韦尔亚太区HR总监 Nada Najjar 女士 施耐德中国HR总监 Linda Fan女士

瑞士西卡中国区HR总监 Qin Jiang 可口可乐中国区HR总监 Angle Lee 女士

康明斯东亚HR总监 Wilson He 先生 海拉汽车亚太区HR总监 管莉女士

飞利浦中国区HR副总裁 张庆中先生 Exide 亚太区HR副总裁 薄霖先生

Power-one HR总监 Gordhan Cheng先生 MeziMedia HR总监 陈镭先生

好孩子集团HR副总裁 李春先生 Celaneas亚洲区HR总监 黄一清女士

微创医疗HR总监 胡平先生 勃林格殷格翰HR副总裁 叶文玉女士

Robinson 集团HR总监 余翠琴女士 博斯格钢铁HR副总裁 余伟先生

富士通PFU董事总经理 屠云峰先生 Ashland亚太区HR总监 Junder Chiang先生

伊顿亚太区公司事务总监 鲁兰女士 Polo HR总监 朱忆蒙女士

Poka Poka Hotel HR总监 Romulo Balbin先生 瓦克化学HR总监 刘云凌女士

特灵空调中国区HR总监 张秀川先生 Cortina 亚太区HR总监 Jenny Gao女士


人力资源从业者公会发起人会议章程(草案) 1 / 3


2010 年 4 月 10 日

1. 1.1 为了更好的筹建人力资源从业者公会,服务人力资源从业者,特制定本章程。


1.2 人力资源从业者公会(下文称“公会”)是一个人力资源全行业的非盈利性社团,由人


力、改善社会劳动力素质及促进就业。 1.3 公会不隶属于任何商业机构。公会是一个国家级的、正式的、由中国政府官方认可的人

力资源社团组织。按照法定程序,公会将受中国中央政府注册认可。 1.4 本公会不限会员的地域、国籍、种族、宗教、年龄、性别、从业单位投资背景等; 1.5 本章程所指的人力资源从业者公会发起人会议(下文称“本发起人会议”)是由有志于


成; 1.6 本发起人会议的宗旨是:本着组织、推动人力资源研究与交流,推进理论实践创新的


和行业公会—人力资源从业者公会; 1.7 公会的所有权益归属于全体会员。会员代表大会是公会的最高权力机构。在筹备期间,


理日常事务的权力。 1.8 发起人大会和起草委员会有权力决定公会的所有章程、规章、准则、规范、标准等文件,



宜,有权力决定会员的准入资格、应尽职责以及应享有的权益。 1.9 本制度在人力资源从业者公会正式成立后,自动失效,由人力资源从业者公会章程替代。

2. 2.1 本发起人会议的发起人为个人。


2.2 发起人资格 2.2.1 人力资源从业者公会的发起人为个人。至少拥有 10 年级以上知名企业高层人力





人; 2.2.2 对于符合条件的企业人力资源工作者、企事业高层管理人士、国内外专家学者


人。 2.3 发起人退会

2.3.1 发起人在书面通知发起人会议或筹委会后即为退会; 2.3.2 发起人无正当理由,一年之内不参加任何本发起人会议的任何形式的学术活动

或发起人会议所形成的决议,为自动退会; 2.3.3 发起人严重违反本章程的,经发起人会议决定,可以劝其退会或者予以除名。

2.4 发起人的权利和义务 2.4.1 发起人的权利 参加本公会发起人会议及其学科或者专业研究组织举办的学术活动;

人力资源从业者公会发起人会议章程(草案) 2 / 3 获得本公会发起人会议为开展学术研究和交流提供的必要的物质保障

和便利条件; 共享本公会发起人会议组织编辑的论文、论著等人力资源研究成果和

经验交流资料; 享有公会的运作过程中涉及使用的相应的版权、知识产权等产生的收

入; 对本公会发起人会议工作提出批评和建议; 在本公会发起人会议框架内,有选举权和被选举权; 对起草委员会人选提名、表决; 对起草委员会的提案有建议权和表决权; 终身无需缴纳会费; 享有公会发起人终身名誉权。

2.4.2 发起人的义务 遵守本制度,执行本公会发起人会议的决议; 积极参与本公会发起人会议及其组织举办的学术活动; 自愿向本发起人会议提供论文、论著等人力资源研究成果; 承担本发起人会议委托的工作。

2.5 发起人会议职责 2.5.1 发起人会议是指人力资源从业者公会成立之前,人力资源从业者公会发起人为



立后,这一最高权利机构将被公会会员代表大会取代。 2.5.2 为了保护所有发起人的利益,发起人会议采用四大原则: 平衡原则:即保护意见多数者的权利也保护意见占据少数者的权利,


些人组成的整体的权利; 对公会领导人的制约原则:集体在交出自己一部分权利给领导人(泛



被领袖所控制; 多数原则:即通常采用的所有提案表决,均需要全体发起人 2/3(三分

之二)票数通过,方可生效; 辩论原则:每个人都有权利通过辩论说服其他人接受自己的意志,直

到这个意志变成总体的意志等。 2.6 发起人会议的工作任务

2.6.1 制订审议未来人力资源从业者公会的章程; 2.6.2 制订人力资源行业规范、标杆及准则,藉以培养人力资源管理人员、评估企业

人力资源管理水平并促进社会人力资源发展; 2.6.3 参与人力资源教育培训,促进培养人力资源管理新兴队伍; 2.6.4 组织会员评审吸纳工作; 2.6.5 开展国内外人力资源学术交流与合作、 建立学术与实践资料共享机制; 2.6.6 承担有关政府机关、科研机构、教育团体和工商组织的人力资源研究与开发工

作,或为上述机构提供咨询建议。 2.6.7 组织、推动 HR 从业者开展调查研究工作; 2.6.8 承担其它发起人大会指派的工作。

3. 3.1 筹委会组成


人力资源从业者公会发起人会议章程(草案) 3 / 3

3.1.1 赞成本制度,具有一定人力资源研究能力并且在人力资源岗位工作 10 年以上,



威专家经本人申请,可作为筹委会成员; 3.1.2 筹委会的作为发起人会议的牵头机构,主要作用是为发起人会议服务,执行发

起人会议的决议; 3.1.3 筹委会专设主任一名、副主任若干名,委员若干名; 3.1.4 筹委会设秘书处,目前由浦东新区外商(各地)投资企业协会人力资源专业委

员会指定专人担任,负责筹委会的事务的发起、实施及日常联系等工作。 3.2 筹委会职责

3.2.1 联系符合条件的人力资源从业者作为发起人; 3.2.2 组织发起人会议; 3.2.3 筹委会成员调整; 3.2.4 制订、总结筹委会工作计划与活动安排; 3.2.5 组织起草委员会会议; 3.2.6 对起草委员会成员调整建议权。


4.1 起草委员会组成 起草委员会组成和职责

4.1.1 起草委员会由人力资源领域资深权威人士及企业最高层管理人员担任; 4.1.2 起草委员会成员,是由筹委会或发起人会议提名人选,并经过发起人会表决通

过的人员组成; 4.1.3 起草委员会根据人力资源从业者公会未来的人力资源专业模块组成不同的小

组。 4.2 起草委员的权利

4.2.1 提名、表决起草委员会相关课题学术负责人; 4.2.2 公会正式成立后,自动当选为第一届学术委员会委员; 4.2.3 与公会共同拥有中国人力资源管理行业准则的知识产权和署名权; 4.2.4 享有公会的运作过程中涉及使用的相应的版权、知识产权等产生的收入; 4.2.5 终身无需缴纳会费; 4.2.6 享有中国人力资源管理行业准则起草人终身名誉权。

4.3 起草委员职责 4.3.1 起草、修订人力资源从业者公会的章程、规章、人力资源行业规范及专业准则; 4.3.2 为以上文件的起草、修订,提供素材、资料及相应经验; 4.3.3 提供一定时间或其它资源以促进起草委员会的工作; 4.3.4 为公会的宣传、讲座、出版、政府公益活动等提供支持和帮助; 4.3.5 有义务向起草委员会不定期提出建议和沟通。

5. 5.1 本发起人会议的一切活动均在国家各项法律、法规、政策允许范围内开展;


5.2 本章程与中华人民共和国法律、法规、政策相悖的,以中华人民共和国法律法规为准; 5.3 本章程与中华人民共和国法律、法规、政策相悖的无效部分,不影响其它部分的执行; 5.4 本制度未涉及之条款及待定事项将另行制定; 5.5 本制度的最终解释权归人力资源从业者公会发起人会议所有。

On the afternoon of April 10th, 2010, more than 20 HR VPs, HR directors join the 2nd meeting of the Drafting Committee of HASA, representing over 300 founding members and 63 drafting committee members.

The meeting was held at the reception conference room of Zhabei government of Shanghai. The attendees enjoyed the new Long Jin tea and discussed thoroughly about the documents, financing plan and operations of HASA. The representatives elaborated their opinions enthusiastically

The meeting discussed about the results of the 1st and 2nd preparatory sessions, the 1st drafting committee meeting. Also, the meeting reviewed the charter for the founding mem-bers’ conference, the mission, vision and the operations of HASA. The meeting also au-dited the funding of the preparatory stages and investigated the financing, investment, and income distribution for future operations. Meanwhile, the meeting initially determined the ownership of intellectual property and copyrights and thus confirms the working products of HASA founding members with mechanism.

Meeting Minutes for 2nd Meeting of the Drafting Committee of HASA (2010.4.10)

The meetings believe that: Unlike other types of HR communities in China, HASA is a industry-wide association and will be sanctioned by the central government of China per the legal procedures.

China is facing the 2nd transforming of indus-trial structures. In the future economic develop-ment, human resources play a critical role. HR management get fast development in the past over 10 years, while enormous HR practitioners come to this occupation and bunches of HR ser-vice vendors emerge. Therefore, to set up formal processes and models for HR management with common agreement, is significant for coaching next generations of HR practitioners, for regulat-ing behaviors of HR service industry, for providing support to government’s decision making, for optimizing workforce and for promoting employ-ment rates.

Hence, HASA should have the following functions in the HR industry: 1. Self-improvement for HR practitioners: it is

one of the missions of HASA to improve the competencies of both senior HR professionals and next generation of HR practitioners. HR

can undertake the social responsibilities only based on the healthy HR team and industrial rules. The founding members and core team of HASA come from senior HR executives, scholars of business administrations and top executives. We are able to conclude the gist of HR management from rich on-site experi-ences and from theoretical perspective. Those benchmarks and regulations for HR industry established from various angles play crucial role in advancement of HR team;

2. To provide support for public decision making: To assist the government to design and implement feasible and effective public decisions, HASA should provide relevant intelligence, feedback, report and etc. that help implementation of the policies formu-lated by the government. Furthermore, that creates positive social and legal environment for HR management as well.

3. To speed up the optimization of human resources structures and promote the employment rates: Being the team that manages the workforce, the HR profession-als most understand what types of talents

are required in economic development. Therefore, as an industry-wide for HR, HASA should initiatively undertake the social re-sponsibilities of consolidating human re-sources and improving social productivity. From a micro point of view, that is to better act well as an HR administrator in the organi-zation as mentioned in item 1, while from a macro view, we are supposed to offer profes-sional advice and suggestions to the govern-ment with regards to education, mobility and employment to support manpower equipment in the country’s economic development.

To reiterate the above, the meeting approves the following missions and vision for HASA:

Main Contents

The Mission & Vision of HASA

The revision of the Charter of the Founding Members’ Confer-ence of HASA

The financing,, operations and ownership of intellectual property & copyrights

The working schedule of the Drafting Committee

The participants of the meeting

The Charter of the Founding Members’ Conference of HASA (Version II)

Preparatory Office of HASA Pudong New Area Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) Investment

April 20th, 2010 201003 Supplementary Issue

人力资源从业者公会(筹) HR Administrators & Specialists Association

The Mission: To bridge between the government and economic entities in human resources management. To build up

and maintain communication and interaction with the government from HR perspective to provide advice for the government's public decision-making, and create positive social environment for HR management. To contribute to expediting the construction for modern industrial systems by ensuring the quality and effi-ciency of economic growth from HR angel;

Through setting up benchmarks, rules and standards, educating & information exchanging, to promote HR professional successors and upgrade the level of HR management;

To support the government in terms of advancing the quality of the community's workforce, optimizing the talent structure, in order to promote employment.

The Vision The HR Administrators & Specialists Association dedicate to communicating and consolidating the HR

theories, methodology and practice of both China and global regions to represent the advanced HR man-agement models, helping multinationals in terms of localization and promoting China business to global-ize operations.

Page 2 人力资源从业者公会(筹)

1. The organizations of HASA: 1.1 At preparatory stage: 1.1.1 The Founding Members’ Conference: The top decision-making authority of HASA; 1.1.2 The Drafting Committee: to draft and review the legal documents. Responsible for the

Founding Members’ Conference. 1.1.3 The preparatory committee: responsible for day-day operations of HASA. Reporting to the

Drafting Committee. 1.2 After sanctioned: 1.2.1 The Member Representative Conference: the top decision-making organ of HASA; 1.2.2 The Board of Directors: The executive decision-making organ and report the Member

Representative Conference. The 1st Board of Directors consist of all founding members of HASA automatically;

1.2.3 The Board of Executives: The organ in charge of day-to-day operations of HASA. To exe-cute the resolutions of as approved by the Member Representative Conference & the Board of Directors. The 1st Board of Executives consist of the drafting committee mem-bers automatically.

2. The founding members of HASA should be individuals. The founding member has the rights for perpetual exempt of membership fee and is entitled to the honorary title of “The Foun-der of HASA”;

3. HASA should have the database of the members’ profiles; 4. After HASA is officially sanctioned, related policies should be formulated to charge the mem-

bership fee to the individual and organization members and provide services; 5. To ensure the future operations and continuous improvement of HASA, independent HASA

funds should be set up; 6. The meeting claims that, egalitarianism is not the spirit in HASA. Speaking of rewards, contri-

bution should go first. HASA is the organization for all HR professionals and needs the efforts from all members. HASA is still at its beginning stage and requires the founding member’s contributions. HASA needs to set up mechanism to evaluate the future reward based on the member’s contribution. In order to respect knowledge and protect the founding mem-bers’ working products, the meeting believes it necessary to allocate the shares of the HASA funds to the founding members according to the individual’s contributions, ownership of intel-lectual property and copyrights. The founding member is entitled to the interests generated from the operation of the HASA funds. The funds should have monitoring mechanism of audit-ing and public scrutiny. All details should be institutionalized.

7. In order to achieve the mission and vision of HASA, the main functions of HASA should in-clude the following. The income derived will be used to support the operations and continuous improvement of HASA.

7.1 Professional seminars and communication events; 7.2 HR professional trainings; 7.3 Occupational assessment for HR practitioners; 7.4 Evaluation for organizational HR management system and human assets; 7.5 Standardized benchmarks of HR management; 7.6 Regulations for HR service industry; 7.7 Evaluation for HR service vendors; 7.8 HR publications; 7.9 HR research reports; 7.10 Other assignments by the government.

The meeting reviewed the nominated name list of the founding members and the Drafting Com-mittee; The meeting deliberated on the application of USD 50,000 invested by C.HOWARD HR Develop-ment Funds as the preparatory funds for HASA preparation; The meeting authorized C.HOWARD HR Development Funds as the delegate of HASA for fi-nancing before the association is officially sanctioned. The meeting clarifies the expression and defines HASA as “the country-level HR association au-thorized and sanctioned by the government”. The meeting decides that the disputes on the English name of HASA (HR Administrators & Spe-cialists Association) will be finalized by the central government of China when the association is sanctioned. The meeting determined the working schedule of the Drafting Committee:

Page 3

The meeting also plans to conduct series of professional events throughout different loca-tions since April of 2010, based on which view points, experiences will be consolidated. That intelligence will be compiled into publications or teaching materials to spread the advanced trends and concept of HA management. The concrete arrangements will be announced in sepa-rate notifications. The meeting decides to assign a email account with @hasa.org.cn to each drafting committee member for convenient contact. The account name and password will be sent to each committee member afterwards. Appendix: The Founding Members’ Conference Charter for HASA (Version II)

Working Plan for the Drafting Committee for April-June of 2010

The Deadline Contents Participants

April, 2010 Nominated name list of the founding members

The Drafing Committee

May, 2010 To draft the charters of HASA The Drafting Committee

June, 2010 Review of the nominated name list of the founding members

The Founding Members Conference

June, 2010 Review of the charters of HASA The Founding Members Conference

July, 2010- To run legal formalities for sanction The Preparatory Committee

Page 4 人力资源从业者公会(筹)

PAEFI PAEDI HR Commission, Director General HASA Coordinator

Mr. Kevin Cheung Tyco, HR VP Asia Pacific Mr. Kevin Kang

Acceture, HR Director Greater China Ms. Daisy Dai Marsh, VP Ms. Sophie Sun

Carrier, HR Director Asia Ms. Charlene Ge Bank of China Investment, HR VP Dr. Ai-Dong Liu

GSK, HR Director Mr. Eddie Jiang Nippon Paint, HR & Admin Direc-tor

Mr. Owen Qian

HASA, Director of Public Liaison Mr. Si-Yu Chen Hormel, HR Manager China Mr. Frank Huang

CBRE, HR Director Ms. Sharen Yang Vishay, HR Director China Mr. Bright Wang

ArvinMeritor, HR Director Asia Pacific Mr. Jason Yang Daphne, HR Director Ms. Jenny Zhang

Juki, Deputy General Manager China Mr. Jun-De Yan TPI, HR & Finance Director Mr. Kevin He

Prologis, VP Ms. Mary Xu Hua-Teng Software, HR Director Ms. Lily Li

C.HOWARD HR Funds, Marketing & PR Director Greater China

Mr. Howell Lee HASA, Secretary to the Prepara-tory Committee

Ms. Jennifer Chen

Participants of this Meeting (Listed with no special orders)

Fiat Group, HR VP Mr. Yen Chong General Motors, HR Director Ms. Shannon Dipietro

Alcatel-Lucent, HR VP, Asia Pacific Mr. Javier Cerrudos Cisco, HR Director Global Mr. Scott Slipy

Li Ning, HR Director Mr. Bin Liao Chartis Insurance, HR VP China

Ms. Yi Wang

Fosun Pharmaceutical, HR VP Mr. Wen-Yue Zhou Delphi, HR Director, Asia Pacific

Mr. Jonathan Lu

Standard Chartered, Sr. HR Executive Mr. Felix Chua WU-Mart, Sr. HR Director Mr. Richard Li

Honeywell, HR Director, Asia Pacific Ms. Nada Najjar Schneider, HR Director China Ms. Linda Fan

Sika, HR Director China Qin Jiang Coco-Cola, HR Director China Ms. Angle Li

Cummins, HR Director East Asia Mr. Wilson He Hella, HR Director Asia Pacific Ms. Priscilla Guan

Philips, HR VP China Mr. David Zhang Exide, HR VP Asia Pacific Mr. Lin Bo

Power-one, HR Director Mr. Gordhan Cheng MeziMedia, HR Director Mr. Michael Chen

Goodbaby, HR VP Mr. Chun Li Celanease, HR Director, Asia Ms. Helen Huang

Microport, HR Director Mr. Ping Hu Boringel-Ingelheim, HR VP China

Ms. Marlene Ye

Robinson, Head of HR Ms. Anne Yu Bluescope Steel, HR VP Mr. Maxwell Yu

Fujitsu PFU, Managing Director Mr. Phil Tu Ashland, HR Director Asia Pacific

Mr. Junder Chiang

Eaton, Corporate Affairs Director, AP Ms. Lucy Lu Polo, HR Director Ms. Yvonne Zhu

Poka Poka Hotel, HR Director Mr. Romulo Balbin Wacker, HR Director China Ms. Rebecca Liu

Trane, HR Director China Mr. Chevy Chang Cortina, HR Director Asia Pacific

Ms. Jenny Gao

The following are not available for the meeting and provided their opinions or proposed to the meeting

Charter of FMC for HASA 1 / 4

Charter of the Founding Members’ Conference for

the HR Administrators & Specialists Association (Preparatory)

(Draft, Version II)

April 10th


, 2010

1.1 This Charter is formulated as to set up the HR Administrators & Specialists Association and better serve the HR professionals;

General Provision

1.2 The HR Administrators & Specialists Association (Hereinafter referred as “HASA”) is a non-profit industry-wide for HR incumbents, dedicating to standardizing HR industry, improving professionalism, advancing workforce's capabilities and employment.

1.3 HASA is NOT affiliated to any commercial entities. HASA is an country-level HR association officially sanctioned by China government. Per the legal requirements, HASA will be sanctioned by the central government of China.

1.4 HASA sets no restrictions to the member’s geography, nationality, religion, ethnics, age, gender and the employer’s origin of investment;

1.5 The “Founding Members’ Conference” (Hereinafter referred as “FMC”) for HR Administrators & Specialists Association mentioned herein is constituted voluntarily by senior HR executives, top corporate executives and academic experts;

1.6 The mission for the FMC is: With the principle and methodology of organizing and advancing researches & communications in human resources management as to promote innovation of HR theories and practices, dedicate to setting up the professional network and industry-wide association for human resources incumbents that fit China markets: i.e. the HR Administrators & Specialists Association.

1.7 All rights & interests of HASA are owned by members. The member representive conference is the top decision-making agency. In the preparatory period, the Founding Members Conference is the decision-making agency. The drafting committee will execute the day-day operation issues of HASA on behalf of the Founding Members Conference.

1.8 The Founding Members’ Conference and the drafting committee has the power to determine all documents like charters, regulations, rules, standards and etc., has the power to determine the governance and organization, has the power to determine attributions of ownership, intellectual property and copyrights, has the power to determine the financing and income distribution while HASA is executing its missions and responsibilities, has the power to determine the qualifications of membership and the duties and powers of being a member.

1.9 This charter shall be valid until HASA is formally founded and registered and will be replaced by the charters of HASA.

2. 2.1 The founding members of HASA are individuals.

Constitution, Duties & Powers of Founding Members’ Conference

2.2 Qualifications of the founding member 2.2.1 Any founding member of HASA is an individual. The founding member shall

possess 10+ years' experiences at the position of HR head of at least country level or above (e.g. China HR head or AP HR head), or be the senior corporate executive or the authoritative expert of HR management or business administration from distinguished institutions. The qualified applicants who admit & acknowledge this Charter and conform the duties as founding members shall be accepted as founding

Charter of FMC for HASA 2 / 4

members after approved by the FMC; 2.2.2 Individual HR practitioners, senior business executives or scholars who meet the

qualifications of the founding member and acknowledge this charter shall be accepted as founding members, upon invitations from the Preparatory Committee of HASA;

2.3 Resignation and termination 2.3.1 The founding member who notifies the FMC or the Preparatory Committee of

resignation in written form shall be granted as voluntary resignation; 2.3.2 If the founding member does not participate any events or does not execute

resolutions determined by the FMC within one year without the acceptable reason is regarded as voluntary resignation;

2.3.3 The founding member who seriously violates this charter shall forfeit the membership of the FMC upon approval by the FMC.

2.4 Founding members’ duties and powers 2.4.1 Powers To participate the FMC or the professional events organized by the FMC; To access to the necessary material conditions or convenience provided by

the FMC in order to initiate professional researches or communications; To share editorials, articles, publications or other types of HR research and

practice organized by the FMC; Owns the rights to share the income of the intellectual property &

copyrights while HASA execute its mission; To advise or suggest to the activities of the FMC; To vote or be elected within the framework of the FMC; To nominate and vote for the candidates of the Drafting Committee; To advise and vote to the proposals raised by the Drafting Committee; Perpetual exempt from membership fee; Entitled to the lifetime honor of “the Founder of HASA”.

2.4.2 Duties To conform this Charter and exercise the resolutions approved by the

FMC; To participate the FMC or the professional events organized by FMC; To provide the FMC with articles or other types of HR researches and

practice; Exercise duties as assigned by the FMC.

2.5 Responsibilities of the FMC 2.5.1 The “FMC” referred herein means the executive agency through which the founding

members determine resolutions via meeting to prepare HASA before HASA is formally founded and registered. The FMC is the top authoritative organization during the preparatory period of HASA. Once HASA is founded, the FMC will be replaced by the member representatives’ general meeting.

2.5.2 As to protect the interests of all founding members, the FMC set the following principles: The principle of balance: That is, to protect the rights of majority opinions

also the minority opinions, as well as the founding members’ opinions who are not able to attend the FMC, and ultimately for the purpose of ensure the whole interests of all founding members; The principle of constraints on the leaders: That is, while the members

Charter of FMC for HASA 3 / 4

empower the rights to the leaders (including but not limited to the Preparatory Committee or any other officers or academic leaders who potentially impact on the group decision making), members shall reserve their independent rights to directly control the group affairs, without being controlled by the leaders instead; The principle of majority: That is, all proposals shall come to force only agreed by at least 2/3 (Two Thirds) of the founding members. The principle of persuasion: That is, every member has the right to persuade other members to accept his/her arguments, until that argument is accepted as a common agreement or a different common agreement is agreed by FMC and prevails the individual arguments.

2.6 Assignments of the FMC 2.6.1 To formulate and approve the charters for HASA; 2.6.2 To formulate the criteria, rules and benchmarks of HR industry, with which to

improve HR incumbents’ professionalism, evaluate the organizational HR management level and to advance the society’s workforce progress;

2.6.3 To initiate the professional education of HR management; 2.6.4 To promote membership; 2.6.5 To process international cooperation and build up sharing mechanism for academic

and practice materials; 2.6.6 To participate in consultancy for related government organs, research or academic

institutions or business entities in area of human resources development; 2.6.7 To conduct social surveys for workforce development in various areas and provide

advisory reference for government while formulating policies and regulations; 2.6.8 Other assignments as agreed by the FMC.

3. 3.1 Constitution

Constitutions, Duties and Powers of the Preparatory Committee

3.1.1 Those senior HR executives, top corporate executives with 10+ experiences or authoritative experts from academic or research institutions who are willing to contribute time and efforts as to dedicate to serving HR industry, if admit and acknowledge this Charter, shall be the committee member after applies and be approved by the FMC.

3.1.2 The Preparatory Committee is the executive agency on behalf of the FMC. The purpose of the Preparatory Committee is to serve the FMC and exercise the resolutions agreed and approved by the FMC;

3.1.3 The PC comprise one Director General, a number of Vice Director General and some committee members;

3.1.4 There is a secretariat affiliated to the Preparatory Committee. At the moment, the secretariat members are temporarily designated by the Human Resources Commission of Pudong New Areas Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) Investment. The secretariat shall be in charge of general issues of the Preparatory Committee, including but not limited to the day-day liaison and the implementation of other affairs as assigned by the Preparatory Committee.

3.2 Duties and Powers 3.2.1 To promote qualified individuals to join the FMC; 3.2.2 To organize the FMC meeting; 3.2.3 Personnel adjustment of the Preparatory Committee 3.2.4 To formulate and summarize the working schedule and event arrangements for the

Charter of FMC for HASA 4 / 4

Preparatory Committee; 3.2.5 To organize the meetings of the Drafting Committee; 3.2.6 To advise the personnel adjustment for the Drafting Committee.

4. 4.1 Constitution

Constitutions, Duties and Powers of the Drafting Committee

4.1.1 The member of the Drafting Committee shall be undertaken by senior HR professionals, top corporate executives or authoritative of HR or business administration;

4.1.2 The member of the Drafting Committee shall be nominated by the Preparatory Committee or the FMC and the designation will come to effective only after approved by the FMC;

4.1.3 The Preparatory Committee shall consist of various groups categorized by the functions of human resources management.

4.2 Powers 4.2.1 Nominate & vote for chairperson of each module of the committee; 4.2.2 Automatically becomes the committee member of the first academic committee once

HASA is formally registered; 4.2.3 Owns the intellectual property, copyrights and rights of authorship with HASA in

terms of the corresponding parts that the committee member contributes in drafting or revising;

4.2.4 Owns the rights to share the income of the intellectual property & copyrights while HASA execute its mission;

4.2.5 Perpetual exempt from membership fee; 4.2.6 Entitled to the lifetime honor of HASA draftsperson;

4.3 Duties: 4.3.1 Draft & revise HASA charters, regulations, rules and other documents that governing

HASA operation; 4.3.2 Provide materials, documentation, cases, data and other experiences to HASA to

ensure HASA documents are properly drafted and revised; 4.3.3 Contribute time and other resources to promote the drafting committee’s progress; 4.3.4 Support the propaganda, seminar, publication and other charity events as assigned by

the government; 4.3.5 Propose suggestions and advise to the committee.

5. 5.1 This charter and all activities of the Founding Members’ Conference shall be governed and

construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China;


5.2 In the case of any conflict between the terms of this Charter and the laws of the People’s Republic of China, the laws of the People’s Republic of China shall prevail;

5.3 If any provision of the terms and conditions of this Charter is deemed invalid or unenforceable under any applicable statute or rule of the laws, such part, to that extent only, will be deemed to be omitted without affecting the validity of the other parts of this Charter;

5.4 Any pending matters not covered in this Charter shall be discussed and determined in other forthcoming documents;

5.5 The final rights of interpretation of this Charter shall be reserved by the Founding Members’ Conference for the HR Administrators & Specialists Association.

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