Harvest Stargate Energy Fund II Ltd version January en5 2013

Post on 26-May-2015






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Investment Manager: Harvest Financial Services Ltd,Regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission,

License Number 021/03 –Member of the Investor Protection Fund (TAE),Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd: Registered and Regulated by the Central Bank of Cyprus

As an international Collective Investment Scheme Law No 47 (1) of 1999 (ICIS).


CONTACT: Telephone + 357 22 552800 andy@harvestgroup.com.cyThis document is for informational purposes only. This document does not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer,or a recommendation to enter into any transaction, nor does it constitute investment advice. This material does not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell securities in any jurisdictionin which such a solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such a solicitation,


Executive SummaryFund Structure Indicative Summary Terms

Final Maturity • Open Ended Unlimited holding period. Minimum Holding Duration two Years.Currency • EUR or currency equivalent on the subscription date.Principal ProtectionProvider

• The fund therefore offers soft capital protection only on selected underline assetsthat bare issuers guarantees.

Form • Shares – ICIS UNITSNotional • [●] MM, minimum 1MMIssue Price • CURRENT MONTHLY NAVRedemption Amount • The shares will be redeemed on the Redemption Months NAV:

• The Shares may be redeemed prior to that on a monthly basis after year 2 .

• Share Price (t) – Early Redemption Premium, whereby the Early RedemptionPremium is initially 4%, and then decreasing by 1% on each anniversary of the IssueDate, until reaching 0%

Additional Investments • Investors will be able to subscribe additional amounts in the fund on a monthlybasis, with rounds of 10,000 EURO

Initial Allocation intothe Underlying Fund

• The Initial Allocation of the Issuer to the Underlying Fund will be equal to 100%;thereafter the Trading Administrator will adjust the allocation between the assets ofthe Issuer in accordance with the Rebalancing Rules.

Investment Manager • Harvest Financial Services Ltd -Transaction Fees

• Investment Manager Fees: 2.0% annual management fees on NAV and an incentive –performance fee of 20% of annual returns in excess of 10%


Risk Statements

Investment Horizon: The fund has a minimum holding period of 2 years with unlimited duration. Investors must maintaincapital for this period.

Non-Reliance on HistoricReturns:

Past performance does not guarantee future performance; investment in the fund should be based upona complete assessment of their terms.

Limitations of SimulatedReturns:

Certain presentations and back-testing or other statistical analysis materials that may have beenprovided in connection with explanations of the mechanics and/or potential returns of the Notes use proforma analysis and hypothetical circumstances to estimate how the Reference Portfolio may haveperformed prior to its actual existence. Harvest provides no assurance or guarantee that the Notes willoperate or would have operated in the past in a manner consistent with those materials. As such, anyhistorical returns projected in such material, or any hypothetical simulations based on this analysis,provided in relation to the fund may not reflect the performance of, and are no guarantee or assurancein respect of the performance or returns of, the fund.

Non-Linear Returns: Absent the occurrence of a Knock Out, the return on the Notes will be based on the performance of theReference Portfolio over time. As such it is not possible to predict the return on the fund simply byreference to the initial and final values of the Reference Portfolio. The application of the Fund’sMechanics may result in an opportunity cost when the return on the fund is compared to either a directinvestment in the Reference Portfolio or as the underline assets principal protected investment wherethe exposure to the Reference Portfolio is achieved through a conventional call option issued by theproduct providers.

Clean Up Event: If there is a significant reduction in either the value of the Reference Portfolio or, shortly after issuanceof the fund, a rapid decline in interest rates, a Clean Up Event may occur. Under both suchcircumstances, the return on the fund will cease to offer any potential capital gain as a function of thefuture performance of the Underlying Fund and will effectively become that of the remaining assetclasses.

Credit Risk: The value of the fund may decline dramatically based on market conditions. Investors understand thatthere are risks involved and capital may decline due to market conditions and valuations. Pastperformance is not guaranteed for future returns.

Disclosure of InvestorIdentity:

It may be required for purposes of the Investment Manager’s compliance procedures to disclose to thename of the initial investor in the fund.



Table of Contents

Benefits of the Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd,Summary: A Multi-Asset Fund offering several key Advantages.

The Benefit of Investing in International Collective Investment Funds (ICIS):

Given the recent volatility in stock markets worldwide, we wish to give investors an update on the benefits of holdingICIS, as part of a balanced and diversified portfolio.

The Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd, offers individual investors access to a unique multi-asset, multi manager investmentmethodology usually only used by sophisticated institutional investors. The fund’s objective is to deliver returns inexcess of those offered by traditional investment funds, by the careful and active allocation of the portfolio acrossthree key asset classes, combined with the active selection of the best performing underline fund managers. The fundprovides diversification-the foundation of a successful portfolio. The fund invests in three strategies each managedby a leading specialist manager.

Investing in just one asset class carries with it a higher degree of risk and the Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd adopts anactive asset allocation policy that ensures the fund invests across a spread of asset classes that offer the best riskadjusted return. In addition, Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd and its advisors, Harvest Financial Services Ltd, aim to selectthe best performing funds for each asset class which are then analyzed on an ongoing basis.





Harvest Financial Services Ltd, is a leading investment management company, based in NicosiaCyprus. Harvest Financial Services Ltd was established in March 2000 by Harvest Advisors Ltd, asa spin-off from Harvest Financial Group. Harvest Financial Services Ltd, is regulated by the CyprusSecurities & Exchange Commission with license number 021/03.

Harvest Financial Services Ltd provides a wide range of mutual funds, hedge funds and portfoliomanagement advisory services. Its investment team has over 14 years experience in:

Tailored portfolio construction- the construction and management of diversified, high quality fundportfolios, tailored to the needs of private and institutional clients.

Distribution of Hedge Funds- the distribution of a wide range of fund of hedge fund products forboth the institutional and retail markets.

Structured Products – the structuring and management of products linked to hedge funds.

Traditional Investment portfolio Management – The construction and management of traditional,predominantly long / short portfolios.







Competitive FundManagement

Competitive FundManagement

Integrated Fund Management

Harvest Financial Services Ltd Manager’s Style




The most popular traditional asset classes are cash, bonds, equities, real estate,futures, forex and energy hedge funds. Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd, combines theseasset classes, with the exception of cash, in order to create the next generation ofmulti asset Global Macro investments.

The different asset classes will perform their best at different stages of a normalinvestment cycle. When building a portfolio, it is therefore essential that it should notonly be spread between different asset classes, but should also make an allocation tothe asset class that is likely to provide the best return in the following year. Whilstequities may be rising, bonds or property could be falling, and when equities fall,hedge funds could perform well.

The Stargate Fund is an aggressive market neutral fund with a return objective of 10-15% annually with a standard deviation of approximately 4%-7%. It allocates capitalamong managers who have stated investment objective of returns in excess of 15%per annum. It is expected that the fund will have higher than average volatility butthrough diversification of strategies can mitigate drawdown's during bear marketenvironments. In positive market periods, the fund should produce returns abovemarket benchmarks.




Scientists recently discovered a massive offshore reserve of an estimated 122 trillion cubic feetof natural gas called the Levant Basin Province. While it is one of the world's richest natural gasreserves, the Levant Basin Province is located between countries with endless amounts ofmutual hatred. It straddles the sea borders of Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, the Republic of Cyprus.The largest section discovered so far, the Leviathan gas field, is believed to possibly contain,alongside natural gas, 4.2 billion barrels of oil. Leviathan straddles the Israeli-Lebanese maritimeborder.


Example of the investment Strategy: Zero Coupon +DirectInvestment 1/3 Strategy

• The standard way to create capital protected notes for a variety of underlying asset types

• The initial investment strategy of the Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd is allocated (1/3 of its assets) into or through structured fundsand High Yield Treasuries and Bonds:

– Buying a zero coupon bond that will mature at 100 at the maturity of the transaction [cost of zero coupon bond = 75].Buying the Underlying Fund (or an option on the Fund if such can be created) using [100% - price of zero coupon = 25].

T = 0 Maturity e.g.5- 7 years

€100 invested €75Price of



€25Underlying Fund

RISKLESS:Zero couponBond will matureat €100, to repayPrincipal in full

RISKY:Payoffdependent onUnderlying Fund


BondMaturesAt €100

Payoffe.g. at €50

RedemptionOf €100+50

• This structure is the oldest and simplest principal protection strategy



Fund Structure1/3 of the fund’s assets are investment into protected asset classes with100% Initial Participation or Real Estate Assets.

SPVPut Option

at Guaranteed Amount

Investment€ 100




Zero Coupon Bond(Riskless)Underlying Fund



at Maturity

Part 1:

Dynamic Rebalancing

€ 100 initially € 0 initially

Part 2:Put Option

HFS as the fund managerDetermines the proportion

of Assets investedin the Underlying Fund or

the 0-Coupon BondOr Real Estate Assets

• Part Portfolio Capital protection is composed of 2 parts:

1. A dynamic rebalancing between an investment into the Underlying Fund and a zero coupon bond. Objective: to ensure that funds are invested in the Underlying Fund for the maximum time possible Through the fund structure it is possible to capture 100% of the performance of the Underlying Fund

2. An unconditional put at 100% at maturity To ensure full repayment of 1/3 capital, in case the dynamic rebalancing is insufficient


Successful Investment Strategy

• The Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd, offers individual investors access to unique multi-asset, multi manager investmentstrategy usually only used by sophisticated institutional investors and hedge fund managers. The principal questionsfaced by any private investor today are: how to allocate their investable funds between the various asset classesavailable; how would this asset allocation should be regularly reviewed, and; how they can be certain that they’re inthe best possible funds run by the best possible fund managers. The Harvest Stargate fund’s objective is to deliverreturns in excess of those offered by traditional investment funds, by the careful and active allocation of the portfolioacross the five key asset classes-bonds, equities, property, capital protected funds and commodities-combined withthe active selection of the best performing underlying fund managers.

Global Macro/RealEstate

Capital Protected

Equity Long/Short• Primary Fund strategy focused on undervalued

equities in Europe and US either directly or throughselected highly rated mutual funds. Investments inthe CY and GR markets will take an opportunisticapproach based on fundamental catalysts that willyield capital gains for the fund.

• Secondary strategy overlaying portfolio focused ondifferent products. The addition of capital protectednotes as the strategy yields stability and earnspossible coupons for the fund.

• Tertiary strategy overlaying portfolio focused oncurrency management and occasional non-equityopportunities such as bonds, forex, commodities andreal estate funds and property assets.1/3 of theFunds assets are allocated into this dynamic strategywhich offers stability and growth.


Experienced and Accessible Investment Manager

• Founded in Cyprus in 1998 (EPEY since 2003)

– Harvest Financial Services Limited (“HFS”) is a Cyprus based fundmanagement group, providing discretionary portfolio managementservices to high net worth individuals, institutions and mutual fundsboth in Cyprus and abroad (www.harvestgroup.com.cy)

• Head Office in Nicosia– Key management and staff nearby and available to investors to

answers questions regarding investment strategy, performance,Harvest Stargate Fund Ltd mechanics and administration.

• Regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission LicenseNumber 021/03

• Affiliated with some of the World’s most prestigious Product andinvestment service Providers


The Fund’s Asset Allocation ProcessFinancial Instrument’s




Energy Focus60%

Hedge Funds


Fund’s UnderlineStrategies




• The First and core strategy seeks to buy undervalued equities either on an individual or sector basis and holdthem for capital appreciation and income for the medium term. The Fund will engage models prior in investingin speculative investments and simulate possible return vs. risk prior of entering in such transactions.

• The strategy also seeks to identify major changes of direction in key markets through independent analysis ofrelevant macro-economic factors, trend developments and investor sentiment. Harvest seeks to vary overallmarket exposure accordingly, either through further allocations/reductions to existing holdings orinvestment/divestments in market heavy weights. The strategy does not aim at a particular geographicalexposure but rather is driven by a sector approach. Historically, Europe and US have provided the mainholdings for the strategy, but Israel and Russia are currently in focus.


– Global gas use overnext 30 years


2000 - 2,5272010 - 3,3772020 - 4,2542030 - 5,047

Tamar and Leviathan: the two biggestdeep-water Gas discoveries of the past 10 years


MED ENERGY Primary Strategy: Equities Long / Short / Hedged


• EAST MED MAJOR STAKEHLDERS: Delek Energy, Delek Drilling and Avner, Nobel Energy, Lukoil, Noya Oil &Gas, Globe Exploration Partnership, Modiin Energy LP, ENI, initiating coverage on the fund diversificationpolicy. Triple digit upside potential of an oil discovery. Symbols: (DELKG.TA), (AVNRP.TA), (DEDRP.TA),(DLEN.TA), (NBL. NYSE), (LUKOIL. DR) (CUSIP 677862104), MICEX (Moscow), Gazprom (OGZPY), TOTAL OIL(TOT.NYSE), (GAS.CSE), Israel Opportunity Energy Resources, LP (ISOPL.TA)

• The value of the Levithan, Tamar, and the Cyprus Aphrodite Reserves (12) can be derived from two sources: Thevalue of the natural gas reserves and the value of the oil potential. The current share prices do not reflect value of oilpotential. Ratio share price partially reflects an oil discovery, highest upside potential from an oil discovery. Levithan oilresults likely in early 2012. US-based Noble Energy has discovered gas in Block 12 of Cyprus’ Exclusive EconomicZone (EEZ) and the reserve is thought to be 30-40% higher than estimates. Tamar was discovered in 2009 and holdsan estimated 8.7 tcf (246 bcm) of natural gas. It is expected to come on-stream in 2013 and investment is estimated at$4 bln. Peak production for the first phase is targeted at 1.0-1.2 bln cfd. Leviathan was discovered in December 2010with reserves estimated at 16 tcf (453 bcm). It is estimated its production life would be 2017-48 with gas sold from twoLNG trains, each with a capacity of 7.5 mln tons/year. The first would come on-stream in 2017, the second in 2020.Total development costs would amount to $14 bln. It forecasts that 75% of the LNG would be shipped to Europe andthe remaining 25% to Asia.

Investment Strategy- Fund Overview

Fund Overview

• The investment seeks long-term growth of capital. The fund invests, under normal circumstances, at least80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in securities of issuers engaged inenergy-related industries. It invests predominantly in equity securities. The principal type of equitysecurities purchased by the fund is common stock. The fund may invest up to 100% of its net assets inforeign securities of issuers doing business in energy-related industries with operations or interest in theEastern Mediterranean Sea. It invests in issuers of all market capitalizations.





• Noble Energy has been operating in the Mediterranean Sea, offshore Israel, since 1998. We have a 47 percent interest in the Mari-B field, the first offshore natural gas production facility in Israel. Production from Mari-B began in 2004 and sales volumes haveincreased as Israel’s power demand and pipeline infrastructure have expanded tremendously. A string of successful wells atTamar, Dalit, Leviathan, Dolphin, and Tanin have resulted in several discoveries, including a very large inventory of natural gasresources. In late 2011, we announced a significant discovery offshore Cyprus which further expanded the resource inventory.Development at Tamar progresses with production expected by April 2013.

• NBL has a 36 percent operated working interest at Tamar, with gross mean resources of 9 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas.Tamar was the largest deep-water natural gas discovery in the world in 2009. Sanctioned in September 2010, initial expectationstarget commissioning in late 2012. Development drilling at Tamar is underway, and we are continuing discussion with a growingnumber of parties to deliver reliable and clean energy resources to customers.

• Noble Energy is working on providing additional gas deliverability until Tamar comes online in 2013. Noa, a nearby field, is beingdeveloped and is expected to provide 100 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of production by September 2012.

• Leviathan represents the largest exploration success in Noble Energy's history, with gross mean resources of 17 Tcf of natural gas.NBL is actively studying multiple export options, including both LNG and pipeline scenarios. We drilled a successful appraisal wellin 2011 and are deepening the initial discovery well to test for a deep oil concept.

• In late 2011, NBL announced a discovery offshore Cyprus with estimated gross mean resources of 7 Tcf. In early 2012, NBLannounced our sixth consecutive field discovery at Tanin with estimated gross mean resources of 1.2 Tcf. NBL now discoveredapproximately 35 Tcf gross of new gas resources from this region.

Source Nobel Energy.




MED ENERGY Primary Strategy: Equities – Key Developments


Source: Israel Opportunity Resources L.P











200 7 200 9 201 1 201 3 201 5

















World LNG Production May Double by 2016

LNG hub in Cyprus seems most likely:

Cyprus seems to be gaining popularity as a potential hub for a future LNG facility that would help pump naturalgas upstream from the Israeli and adjacent Cypriot offshore fields and use the island to transport the product tocustomers. Two reports have cited the current geopolitical climate in the Middle East and North Africa asreinforcing the case for Israeli gas, while looking at Cyprus as an alternative solution to lengthy and politicallysensitive pipelines in other countries. Recent natural gas discoveries halfway between Cyprus and Israel at theTamar and Leviathan fields estimates gas reserves at 25 tr. cubic feet (705 bln cu.m.), enough to meet domesticdemand for several decades, and enough to transform Israel into an energy exporter, the Middle East EconomicSurvey.



Oil And Gas Energy Industry in Greeceby Andy Ioannou Varoshiotis on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 5:54pm·The key trends and developments in the Greek oil & gas sector are: - Russian gas giant Gazprom is among 14 firmsthat have expressed initial interest in buying Greece's state gas firm DEPA, according to the Greek government inApril 2012. According to a statement by Greece's privatization agency, other potential suitors that may submit indicativebids for DEPA include Azerbaijan's SOCAR, Japan's Mitsui, Spain's Enagas and Gas Natural, Italy's ENI and Edison,Algeria's Sonatrach, Russia's Negusneft and the Israel Corporation Ltd. Gazprom already provides most of the gasDEPA uses. Edison is cooperating with the Greek industry on plans to lay an underwater gas pipeline in the Adriatic Sea. -Antonis Samaras, the head of Greece's Conservative New Democracy party, has put forward a proposal to establish aneconomic exploration zone (EEZ) to exploit offshore oil and gas reserves. He stated that the move could allow the countryto improve its debt position. However, the proposed EEZ is expected to lead to disputes between Greece and Turkey overland, air, sea and sea-floor borders in the Aegean, after the latter opposed similar plans touted by Cyprus. - Natural gasconsumption, which was estimated to have been 3.5bn cubic meters (bcm) in 2011, is expected to continue increasingover the medium to long term. BMI is forecasting 3.7bcm by 2016 and 4.3bcm by 2021. The dire state of the economyhas slowed growth in gas consumption; however, infrastructure will still be developed for local use, with new powerstations to be gasfired and the country securing sources of imported gas. - In 2011, the country imported up to 2bcm ofliquefied natural gas (LNG), according to BMI estimates. There are plans to import gas from Qatar via a new receivingterminal. By 2021, we believe Greece could be importing up to 4bcm of LNG. - Although there is scope for medium- tolong-term stability in domestic oil production, there is considerable uncertainty over the scale and the timing of any newfield development. Beyond the expected energy market weakness in 2012-2013, the country’s oil consumption is forecastto rise and is expected to reach 358,000 barrels per day (b/d) in 2016 and 399,000 b/d by 2021. The 2016 oil import bill isforecast to come in at US$12.66bn, rising to US$13.87bn by the end of our 10- year forecast period in 2021. With gasimports due to cost US$1.83bn in 2016, the total petroleum import cost in 2016 is forecast at US$14.49bn. By 2021, gasimports are due to cost US$2.05bn, resulting in a total petroleum import cost of US$15.92bn. At the time of writing, weanticipate an OPEC basket oil price for 2012 of US$111.47 per barrel (bbl), falling to US$107.00/bbl in 2013. Assumptionsfor 2016 and 2021 are US$99.00 and US$97.00/bbl, respectively.



“With the increasing financial burdens clouding Europe's future, it is crucial to ascertain how we canexplore new opportunities to gauge how the new discoveries will help pave the way out of an economiccrisis and lead to forming new business alliances, shape difficult strategic relations and of coursedetermine how new energy will bring about a wealth of positive change in old waters”.

•Cypriot minister: Block 12 gas production by 2017•Block 12, owned 70% by Noble Energy and 30% by Delek, has an estimated 8 trillion cubic feet of gas, justunder half the size of the nearby Israeli Leviathan field.

•Cypriot Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Mr. Neoklis Sylikiotis says that Noble Energy Inc. (NYSE: NBL)plans to begin a second round of drilling at Block 12 in 2013, begin production by 2017, and begin exports by 2019.Noble Energy owns 70% of Block 12, and Delek Group Ltd. (TASE: DLEKG) units Avner Oil and Gas LP (TASE:AVNR.L) and Delek Drilling LP (TASE: DEDR.L) each own 15%. Block 12 has an estimated 8 trillion cubic feet of gas,just under half the size of the nearby Israeli field, Leviathan, owned by the same companies together with Ratio OilExploration (1992) LP (TASE:RATI.L)

•Mr. N Sylikiotis added that Cyprus expects to earn €300 million from its offshore gas and oil concessions.•According to the "Cyprus Mail" today, "In the government gazette edition of August 17, the US firm invited bids for twoseparate contracts which, taken jointly, suggest that it is pressing forward with the natural gas field - approximately ninemonths after it announced a significant find there." It adds, "Subsea testing costs around US$350 million. Analysts saythe total tab for developing the Block 12 prospect, including all the facilities for subsea testing as well as the pipelines,could come to $3.5 billion."•Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on August 22, 2012



• Novatek Shows Interest in Cyprus Offshore Oil, Gas Licenses

• By Stelios Orphanides and Anna Shiryaevskaya - Apr 5, 2012 6:17 PM GMT+0300• OAO Novatek (NVTK), Russia’s second-biggest natural-gas producer, is looking at bidding for

licenses to explore off Cyprus after the island nation’s first gas discovery attracted globalcompanies. Update : Dec ember 2012 – Cyprus Government Postpones Discussions on field 9.

• Leonid Mikhelson, Novatek’s billionaire chief executive officer, flew to Cyprus for talks yesterday,Neoklis Sylikiotis, Cyprus’ commerce and industry minister, told reporters in Nicosia today. Thecountry is accepting applications for a second licensing round until May 11.

• Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. (NBL) reported the first discovery off Cyprus’s coast inDecember, with results from the Cyprus A-1 well indicating as much as 8 trillion cubic feet of gas.The find prompted “a lot of interest” in the area, Sylikiotis said.

• Cypriot President Demetris Christofias also met with Mikhelson and a Russian delegation includingOAO Gazprombank Chairman Andrei Akimov, said Phidias Pilides, the chairman of the CyprusChamber of Commerce and Industry.

• The Siberian company’s natural-gas production and sales are now limited to Russia where state-run OAO Gazprom (GAZP), the world’s biggest producer, controls the pipeline network andexports. Novatek ended a concession agreement last year to its only exploration project outsideRussia, the El-Arish project in Egypt, after drilling didn’t find commercial prospects.



• Gas Liquefaction

• The Russian gas producer may invest in Cyprus’s gas industry, including gas production, transportand processing, if it is successful in the licensing round, Pilides said by phone from Nicosia.Liquefaction and petrochemical projects may follow, he said.

• Chinese companies have already submitted proposals for construction of a gas facility, Sylikiotissaid last week.

• The east Mediterranean island is working with Israel, 300 miles (480 kilometers) south across thesea, on plans to build a pipeline to link their gas fields before the fuel is liquefied for export toEurope or Asia, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Feb. 16.

• Cyprus must hold a “considerable” stake in a proposed liquefaction plant to export its gas, Sylikiotissaid on March 28. As construction costs will be “extremely high,” Cyprus is seeking “multipartycooperation with the involvement of other important countries and energy giants,” he said at thetime.



• Israel Opportunity lists unit on Cypriot Stock Exchange• Cyprus Opportunity and Norway's AGR are bidding for two Cypriot offshore exploration licenses.

• 22 July 12, Amiram Barkat

• Cyprus Opportunity Energy plc (CSE: GAS), a subsidiary of Israel Opportunity - Oil and Gas Exploration Ltd. listed its sharesfor trading on the Cyprus Stock Exchange last week, at a market value of €14 million. Sources inform ''Globes'' that CyprusOpportunity plans to hold a public offering in 2013. It is a sister company of Israel Opportunity Energy Resources LP(TASE: ISOP.L). Cyprus Opportunity is controlled by Israeli, Norwegian, and Cypriot shareholders. The Israeli shareholdersare Rony Halman and Uri Aldubi, the general partners of Israel Opportunity. The Norwegian shareholders are the owners ofAGR Group Inc., which is jointly bidding with Cyprus Opportunity for two of the offshore exploration licenses that the Cypriotgovernment is offering - Block 2 and Block 8.

• The two companies submitted their bids on May 11, as part of the 2nd Licensing Round tender for 12 offshore licenses.Cyprus Opportunity acquired 2D seismic data on which it has already performed preliminary analysis as part of its businessstrategy. The Cypriot government is due to publish the results of the tender in November. Cyprus Opportunity says that even ifit does not win in the tender, it will continue to operate in the Cypriot offshore oil and gas exploration business through jointventures with third parties.

• Israel Opportunity owns 5-10% of the five of the deep-water Pelagic licenses - Aditya, Ishai, Lela, Yahav, and Yoad - covering500,000 acres 170 west of Haifa, between Leviathan's Ratio Yam and Block 12, which includes the Aphrodite structure, inCyprus's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Israel Opportunity owns 10% of the licenses, Beny Steinmetz and Teddy Sagi eachown 42.5%, and AGR owns 5%.

• Cyprus says that Cyprus Opportunity is the first oil and gas exploration company to list on the stock exchange. The CyprusStock Exchange is still recovering from a corruption and insider trading scandal from almost ten years ago.

• 25 consortia have filed 15 bids for the 12 licenses. Industry sources believe that the size of the signature fee that the bidderswill offer the Cypriot government will be an important factor in selecting the winners. The Cypriot government and the gasdevelopers will sign production sharing contracts.

• Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on July 22, 2012



• Shekel appreciation and “Dutch disease” to be mitigated through a SWF

With Israel’s current account surplus likely to get even bigger in the future, concerns have beenraised about “Dutch disease”, i.e. a large appreciation of the shekel damaging the competitivenessof Israel’s non-energy exports. While further shekel appreciation appears very likely, we think theextent of appreciation can be reduced through the establishment and careful management of aSWF that would help to sterilize a large part of the natural gas-related FX inflows.

• The real game-changer could be oil

Geological tests suggest a possibility that, in addition to natural gas, Israel might also find sizeablequantities of offshore oil. While the ‘probability of success’ is currently considered to be low, ourcalculations suggest that, in the event of success, oil could potentially deliver a boost to GDPgrowth, the budget and the external balance that might potentially be even bigger than the impactfrom natural gas. This would also imply a larger appreciation potential for the shekel and an evengreater requirement to manage the resulting macroeconomic challenges through a carefullymanaged sovereign wealth fund.

More meaningful results of geological tests on oil are expected in late 2013.


Geographic Map of Nobel Energy Operations

Source: Nobel Energy


Geographic Map of Delek Energy Operations

Source: Delek Energy


Important Legal Note

• The material provided herein is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offerto buy any securities relating to any of the products referenced herein, notwithstanding that any such securities may be currentlybeing offered to others. Any such offering will be made only in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the OfferingMemorandum pertaining to such fund. Alternative investments such as hedge funds and ICIS are subject to less regulation thanother types of pooled investment vehicles, may be illiquid and can involve a significant use of leverage, making them substantiallyriskier than the other investments, including any products which may be shown as comparison herein. Prior to investing, investorsare strongly urged to review carefully the Offering Memorandum (including the risk considerations described therein), and allrelated fund documents, to ask such additional questions of the Investment Manager as they deem appropriate, and to discussany prospective investment in the Fund with their legal and tax advisers in order to make an independent determination of thesuitability and consequences of an investment.

• This presentation does not constitute an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation isnot authorized or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. It is the responsibility of anyperson or persons in possession of this material to inform themselves of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of anyrelevant jurisdiction. Prospective investors should inform themselves and take appropriate advice as to any applicable legalrequirements and any applicable taxation and exchange control regulations in the countries of their citizenship, residence ordomicile which might be relevant to the subscription, purchase, holding, exchange, redemption or disposal of any investments.

• Investment in ICIS Funds are suitable only for sophisticated investors for whom an investment in such fund does not constitute acomplete investment program and who fully understand, and are willing to assume and understand, the risks involved. While thegiven material is subject to change and, although based upon information which we consider reliable, it is not guaranteed as toaccuracy or completeness. No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representation, warranty,statement or assurance not contained in the Offering Memorandum and, if given or made, such other information orrepresentation, warranty, statement or assurance may not be relied upon.

• Past performance is not a guide to future performance and the value of investments and the income derived from thoseinvestments can go down as well as up. Future returns are not guaranteed and a loss of principal may occur. Harvest FinancialServices Ltd makes no warranty or representation that the security and or recommendation/the fund made are appropriate for allrecipients and investors.

• Opinions expressed are current opinions as of the date appearing in this material only. No part of this material may be i) copied,photocopied or duplicated in any form, by any means; or ii) redistributed without Harvest Financial Services Ltd prior writtenconsent.



“The Central Bank of Cyprus shall not be liable by virtue of its recognition of the ICIS or byreason of its exercise of the functions conferred on it by the International Collective InvestmentSchemes Law. Recognition of the ICIS does not constitute a warranty by the Bank as to thecreditworthiness or financial standing of the various parties to the ICIS”.

Supervision of ICIS

In accordance with section 3 of the Law, the Central Bank of Cyprus is the regulatory andsupervisory authority in the Republic of Cyprus for ICIS, their managers and trustees.

An ICIS must sell, redeem or repurchase its units at the request of unit holders, in accordancewith its constitutional documentation. Units may not be issued as partly paid and may not besold unless the equivalent of the net issue price is paid. Basic Rules for the calculation of sale,redemption or repurchase price can be found in “Regulations on the valuation of theproperty of an ICIS”.


Any gains or profits generated by an ICIS of any type, including a unit trust or an investmentlimited partnership, are subject to an effective tax rate of 0,425%, while no further tax isimposed on any dividends or other distributions made by an ICIS to its unit holders. Theincome of managers and trustees, if not permanent residents of the Republic, which isgenerated from services they offer to ICIS is exempt from income tax.



• Fund Regulator: Central Bank of Cyprus,• Investment Manager Regulator: Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission.• Investment Manager – Harvest Financial Services Ltd• Internal Auditor: KPMG Advisory Services Ltd• Administrator – Hellenic Bank Public Ltd• Custodian - Hellenic Bank Public Ltd• Auditors – PKP Professional Services Ltd• Legal Advisor – Drakos & Efthymiou• Hellenic Bank Public Ltd• Wall Street Global LLC• Interactive Brokers LLP• Deutsche Bank Securities Israel Ltd


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