HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA … on the divine teachings of . A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada . International Society of Krishna Consciousness *

Post on 14-May-2018






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Based on the divine teachings of

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

International Society of Krishna Consciousness


Krishna’s Shakti


we are more than sum of our parts

More than our talents, looks, personality, abilities, genes, intellect, coordination, mind. For each of us there is an indefinable something that

makes us stand out. Something you can’t

necessarily put your finger on.

Presentation Notes
Something about each of us makes us special, gives us an advantage. Krishna breathed a part of Himself into you. Spirit Soul, part & parcel, Bhagavan 6 opulences. We are sample Gods. Atma & Paramatma. Can’t be explained by modern science. Happened by “chance” means you can’t explain it. Why is sky blue? Why is Krishna blue? MIT. Krishna put something on you to give you an advantage. Something about those who honor God, makes them stand out, X draws opportunity, X causes them to overcome obstacles, to accomplish dreams. SHAKTI


Favor factor

“The Supreme Lord is unlimited; His favor is unlimited; His mercy is

unlimited. Therefore the mercy of the Supreme Lord upon His pure devotees

is unlimited”

Gita 7/23.

Krishna’s blessing. can’t put your finger on it.

Not just your talent, your education, your hard work,

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It’s the almighty lord breathing in yr direction. Most of us looking back, wonder, “How did I get to where I am?” This was not just my own ability. How did I marry this incredible girl.” How did I overcome that sickness. Noyes, Fraid I don’t have good news. How did we build this temple. Sold cookies, sold llamas, Dr Patel, still when you add it all up, doesn’t explain it all. How could I be this happy, this blessed after all I’ve been thru.” Not just good fortune, lucky break, it’s the gracious hand of Krishna, His favor, His goodness on my life.


Victories of the past

not our own doing, but because Krishna favored us,

smiled in our direction.

Krishna smiled at Arjuna.

Smiled at Pandavas after exile

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That smile goal of all yogis, transcendentalists. Smile of favor. His smile is our best future. Every accomplishment, every good break, every obstacle you overcame-that was Krishna opening the door. Basking in his smile is our ideal & rightful position. “Daddy, daddy, look at me.”


So called disadvantages

..of education, birth, wealth, connections: outweighed by

Krishna’s favor.

Can take you places you couldn’t go on your own.

Presentation Notes
There is something about you which is indefinable. 1/10,000 tip of a hair, so powerful-illuminates this body like sun illuminates the universe. Can’t be measured, put on paper, can’t be explained. On paper, we could have never built this temple. Other people may not be able to figure it out. all they know is “You’ve got it.” Something about you they like. X causes you to succeed. Hatch “ebullience” that makes you want to support him. That’s the smile, breath of Krishna.


The Lord’s facial expression always indicates that He is ready to show favor and benediction to the devotees; for the nondevotees, however, He is silent. As stated in Bhagavad-gītā, although He acts equally to everyone because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and because all living entities are His sons, He is especially inclined to those engaged in devotional service. Just as the devotees are always eager to render service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord is also very eager to bestow benediction upon the pure devotees. SB 3/28/17


The Edge of putting Krishna first place..

Makes you confident, secure, not intimidated by your dreams, knowing you’ve got what it takes. Smile of Krishna attracts right people, causes good breaks, gives you inside information (letting you know things critical to your success) Prabhupada 70 years old

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Can’t be measured. In other words, with less talent but Krishna’s favor can go further than people with more talent. Less experience, less training... go further. Numbers & Champions were with Duryodhone, but Krishna was with Arjuna, not even as a combatant.


To See Favor of Krishna at Work..

..can’t go thru days intimidated, thinking you are average, wondering, “Why don’t I get some of those breaks.” Have to ‘carry’ yourself like you have favor: to think, act, talk, dress. Prabhupada. Carried himself like a king. We wanted what he had.

Temple at Sunset

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Quiet confidence knowing you have an advantage, you have an edge in your life. Always bragging about the favor of God. “There’s something you can’t see. The smiling favor of Krishna is on my life.” You may be facing a situation that seems impossible. Don’t go around talking how big problem is, don’t have the resources, don’t have what it takes” zip that up and start declaring, “With Krishna’s smiling favor I’ll accomplish my dreams faster than I thought. How are you going to get well? Smiling favor of Krishna. X get out of debt? X break that addiction? More you brag on His favor, more you’ll see. 3 years to build the temple.



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Lot of us keep dwelling on what we don’t have. Just looking in the natural, what’s on paper. But something cannot be measured. Goes beyond talent, education, ability. Quit telling yrself dream too great, obstacles too high. No, not going to happen in yr own strength. SAVITRI had plenty of opportunities to get negative, critical and bitter, but she knew the favor of Krishna would keep the enemies of sickness, loss, poverty and death from defeating her. In the natural did not look like Savitri had any favor. Looked like every bad break could have come, did.


Faith is all about

Not waiting to see it before you believe it. It’s believing it before

you see it.

Arjuna thanks Krishna BEFORE battle starts

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Caru, I don’t have favor, Krishna’s grace is not on me. If you knew my situation. If you could only see my problem” No you are right where Savitri was. Your attitude is going to determine the outcome. declare favor in the beginning of yr troubles, not think, As soon as it turns around, then I’ll know I haver Your favor. Then I’ll thank you.” What causes Krishna to turn things around is when we thank Him for his favor even when we don’t see any sign of His favor.


Not time to be passive

when you face big challenges. not time to hope it will all work out. beginning of the troubles is the time to boldly declare

His favor.

Moses Sol

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Thank you that your favor will keep my enemies from defeating me. Thank you for yr favor that will find a way though I don’t see a way. Moses Sol fish. God put something on him to protect him. Krishna has put something on you to protect him. Thanks to God paralyzes the enemy. Talking how big the problem is, how you are never going to make it, does the opposite - acts as bait to the enemy. When sol is in sharks mouth, BP doesn’t go up, doesn’t call 911. Goes about his business, know there is something special about him.



All through the day, speak favor over your health, over your finances, over your family. Thank you, Lord that Your smiling glance is upon me.

Presentation Notes
Friends, you have this “favor factor. It can’t be measured. You can’t put it on paper. Bottom line is “you’ve got what it takes.” Now do yr part & activate it. In the tough times, don’t complain. Thank. When the dream looks too big, don’t give up. Thank.




Presentation Notes
If you do this, you’ll stay cool & calm in the midst of adversity, you’ll will repel even the most dangerous enemies, and you will make it back home back to Godhead where life is eternal, blissful, & full of knowledge.

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