Hard CLIL or soft CLIL? That is the question.

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Hard CLIL or soft CLIL? That is the question. Norman Cain. How old is CLIL?. The term CLIL was ‘invented’ by David Marsh, University of Jyväskylä , Finland in 1994 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Hard CLIL or soft CLIL? That is the question.

Norman Cain

How old is CLIL?

The term CLIL was ‘invented’ by David Marsh, University of Jyväskylä, Finland in 1994

"CLIL refers to situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the learning of content and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language."

Bilingual Integration of Languages and Disciplines (BILD)Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Content and Language Integration in Primary CLIPContent-based Instruction (CBI)Content-based Language Instruction (CBLI)Content-based Language Teaching (CBLT)English Across the Curriculum (EAC)Languages Across the Curriculum (LAC)Teaching Content Through EnglishTeaching English Through Content

Are you a CLIL teacher?

This is CLIL where the teaching and learning is focused primarily on the subject content and so is content-driven

This means that the subject content is given primary focus, this applies to both content and the administrative implications. For example, a school that uses total immersion – where the academic (and possibly social) medium is in the new language – would operate under a strong version of CLIL and favour subject concepts and skills in the language being taught..

What is Hard (or Strong) CLIL?

The soft version of CLIL is one in which the teaching and learning is focused primarily on language and so is language-driven.

A language-driven approach mean foreign language classes using more content than is typical of such programmes, or using didactic units which make greater use of subject-based content. The language-driven approach has language learning as its basic objective.

What is Soft (or Weak) CLIL?

The mid (or ‘comfortable’) version of CLIL is one where lesson subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught via a foreign language with dual-focused aims, and where learning is a combination of both language and content.

What is Mid (or Comfortable) CLIL?

What’s that? Why is it useful?

What shapes our world?

Exploiting posters

What shapes can you see?

What are they?





Which food comes from where?

How do we categorise food?

Where do we buy food?


What is it?

It’s an animal.It is usually white or brown.

It has a beak and wingsIt is a bird but it can’t fly.

It can also be two types of food.

It is type of food.It comes from a plant.

Most people in Italy eat it.You cut it to eat it.

You can put butter and jam on it.

It can be triangular, round or flat.It’s usually white but can be

different colours.When it grows it’s usually green.

People eat it all over the world but especially in China .

Many people go there.It’s a quiet place

You can meet people there.Some people go there to sing.

Most European people go on a Sunday.

They are a conical shape.They are very good for you.Some people say they help

you to see things better.They are orange.

They are a type of vegetable

You need them to help you.They can be in the street

They are usually on maps.They are generally international

They can represent things.



How many different types of food can you see?

How many different animals can you see?


What’s the language & topic?Has this animal got ……………………………….?

Does it eat………..?

Can it……..? etc

What do plants and people

need to grow?

Three things

Can you find the words?


The W…… C…….


seeds leaves sun water a flower

Italian or English?

Guarda il ciclo della vita e scrivi le parole.Ecco un seme di girasole. Si semina in primavera e poi inizia a crescere e diventa una pianta. Ha bisogno di concime, calore e acqua. Dopo qualche settimana spuntano le foglie e allora ci vuole tanto sole. Poi arrivano i fiori– guarda come si girano verso il sole! Quando il colore del fiore cambia da giallo a marrone si vedono tanti semi. Alcuni semi puoi darli agli uccelli, altri puoi tenerli per piantarli la prossima primavera quando il ciclo della natura ricomincia, oppure puoi mangiarli tu!

What’s the topic?

From the pictures do you

know this story?

What does the story cover?

Different foods

Another cycle – The cycle of life

The past tense!!! Yes, but that’s not a problem for CLIL and that’s another session!!

All I can say now is

Don’t forget to CLIL out!!

Thank you


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