Handicrafts Quality Control Big FM, CT Group felicitate …epaper.greaterkashmir.com/epaperpdf/162016/162016-md-hr...Yunus Mir, Jenab Abdul Lateef Wanganpora, Jenab Ajaz Ahmad Shah,

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19Greater Kashmir SRINAGAR | June 1, 2016, Wednesday

Two day conference of Jamiat Ahlihadees at Eidgah SrinagarMAGNIFICENCE OF ISLAM LIES IN ITS INSPIRING MORAL TEACHINGS.



The name Islam is derived from word peace and stands for peace, tranquility, construction and stability. This is the religion that determined the topmost moral values and ethics for humanity but today this religion and its followers are victims of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam propaganda. As Muslims it is our duty to work tirelessly to eradicate this negative propaganda against Islam and set high examples of morality and high values. Kashmir issue is a reality that needs to be addressed and resolved and rulers should refrain from implementing their anti-Muslim and anti-Kashmir agenda. This was stated by the president of Jamiat Ahlihadees Jammu Kashmir professor Ghulam Muhammad Butt Almadani while addressing a two day Islam: Deeni Akhlaq (Islam “the religion of high morals”) at central Eidgah Srinagar. The two day conference was attended by thousands of people who had come from Poonch to Ladakh and from Jammu to Uri and addressed by scholars and intellectuals from Jammu Kashmir and abroad. From outside world scholars and Ulema who addressed the conference included Fazilat-us-Sheikh Abdul Lateef Abdul Samad Alkatib, Professor Abdul rehman Alfriwayee (teacher University al-imam Mohammad bin Saud, Shaikh Rahmatullah Bali al-Madani (Khatib and Al-Taif), Maulana Asghar Ali Imam Mahdi (Secretary General Jamiat Hadith India), Sheikh Abdul Haseeb al-Madani Nepal, Sheikh Abdul Gani Alqoofy, Sheikh Shamim Ahmed Nadvi etc. another feature of the conference was the presence of known elders Jamiat ahlihaddes J&K including Jenab Habibullah Gani , Jenab Ghulam Mohammad Bhat (Sathu), Justice Nazir Fida sahib, Maulvi Abdul Jabbar, Moulvi Abdul Rashid Farooqi, Jenab Mohiuddin Baba, Master Abdul Rehman, Ghulam Mohammad Bhat of Methan, Mohi ud din Ahmad sahib etc. among various Ulema from Jammu Kashmir who addressed the conference included Dr Abdul Latif Akindi, Maulana Mushtaq ahmad Veeri (vice president Jamiat and convener of the conference), Mufti Mohammad Yakoo Baba al-Madani, Jenab Ghulam Rasool Malik (former president Jamiat Ahle Hadith), Mr Abdul Mateen Sahib, Dr Zahoor Ahmad Malik al-Madani, Irshad Ahmed Tantrey al-Madani, Moulana Basharat Bashir (editor Muslim),Moulana Mubashir Ahsan Wani al-Madani, Jenab Abdul Manan Deva, Jenab Abdul Latif Reyazi, Dr Zahoor Ahmad Paray, Jenab Sajjad Ahmad Dar, Jenab Muzammil Rashid al-Madani, Prof Zahoor Ahmad Shah al-Madani, Jenab Abdul Basit al-Madani, Ustad Mohammad Ramazan Al-Bazlawi Al-Madani, Moulana Muhammad Yousuf Butt etc. various District Presidents of Jamiat including Mohammad Ramazan district president of Kulgam, Jalaluddin Shahid district president Ramban, Fayaz Ahmad Wani district president Ganderbal, Akhtar Hussain Wani districtPresident Shopian, Basharat Ali district president Doda, Ghulam Nabi Band district president Pulwama, Abdul Hamid Shah district president Kupwara, Ghulam Muhammad Mir district president , Munir Hussain, provincial president of Ladakh. Besides these Sheikh Mohammad Ramadan, Abdul Rehman Butt (former secretary general Jamiat) Maulvi Ghulam Nabi Shah, Mehmood Ur Riyaz and Ustad Muhammad Ramzaan Zahid etc also were part of the conference. While speaking on the occasion intellectuals, Ulema and scholars said that Islam is the religion of peace, tranquility, prosperity, openness and universal brotherhood. Our religion teaches us to be honest, upright, kind towards humanity and generous towards friends and foes but today enemies of Islam and Muslims in the guise of false propaganda are trying to demonize Islam and Muslims and hence it is the duty of every Muslim to defend his or her faith and try to fulfill his or her duty and convey message of Islam to others. Speakers said that we will have to tell the world that Islam is the only hope for the humanity and demonizing Islam will yield nothing but disaster. Speakers from outside Kashmir mainly Fazilat-us-Sheikh Abdul Lateef Abdul Samad Alkatib, Professor Abdul Rehman Alfriwayee (teacher University al-imam Mohammad bin Saud, Shaikh Rahmatullah Bali al-Madani (Khatib and Al-Taif), Maulana Asghar Ali Imam Mahdi (Secretary General Jamiat Hadith India), Sheikh Abdul Haseeb al-Madani Nepal, Sheikh Abdul Gani Alqoofi, Sheikh Shamim Ahmed Nadvi etc while congratulating Jamiat Ahlihadees JK for such a grand conference said that the whole life of prophet of Islam (SAW) was a combination of towering high principles and moral values and that is why Allah bestowed him with the highest honor of having best of morals. Speakers said that Muslims need to unite and implement these high values in their lives and put a high example of greatness of Islam before the world that will silence the enemies of Islam and Muslims. In his presidential address President Jamiat Ahlihadees Professor Ghulam Muhammad Butt Almadani said that we can prosper by acting according to Quran and Sunnah and only implementing Islamic morals and ethics in our lives can eradicate pain and misery from our lives .He said that today Islam the religion of peace and high morals is being dubbed by enemies as cause of every wrong and it is our duty to eradicate this false propaganda. Jamiat President Said “the name Islam is derived from word peace and stands for peace, tranquility, construction and stability. This is the religion that determined the topmost moral values and ethics for humanity but today this religion and its followers are victims of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam propaganda”. President Jamiat said that “As Muslims it is our duty to work tirelessly to eradicate this negative propaganda against Islam and set high examples of morality and high values”. Terming Kashmir issue is a reality that needs to be addressed and resolved, Professor Butt said that today establishment of separate colonies for Pandits, ex-army men and homeless outsiders, implementing controversial new industrial policy, Oppression Unleashed against Jammu Muslims, NEET type laws and so on, president Jamiat said that rulers should refrain from implementing their anti-Muslim and anti-Kashmir agenda. On the occasion many resolutions were also passed unanimously in which participants condemned the ongoing oppression in Jammu Kashmir including arrests and restrictions etc. At the end of the conference, Moulana Mushtaq Ahmad Veeri (convener conference) while thanking participants of the conference thanked all those who worked tirelessly to make this conference a grand success. Veeri sahib thanked Jenab Shafaat Ahmad Farooqi, Jenab Zubair Ahmed Tahiri, Janab Ghulam Mohammad Rather, Jenab Mohammad Saleem Mir, jenab Abdul Rehman Khan, Hafiz Abdur ur Raof , Jenab Tariq Ahmed Kaloo, Jenab Manzoor Ahmed, Jenab Mohammad Yunus Mir, Jenab Abdul Lateef Wanganpora, Jenab Ajaz Ahmad Shah, Jenab Ghulam Nabi Band, Jenab Nazir Ahmad Mir,Jenab Ijaz Ahmed and Jenab Shakeel Ahmed Zaroo etc. AD


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Handicrafts Quality Control Council holds first meet


Srinagar, May 31: To bring confidence in handicraft buyers in domestic as well as international market, recently constituted J&K Handicrafts Quality Con-trol Council, which met for the first time here today, has stressed that quality of the goods must be maintained at all stages of manufacturing.

The council also stressed that labeling of the handi-craft items should be vol-untary in the first instance till the Handicrafts Direc-torate devises the param-eters for the same.

The first meeting of J&K Handicrafts Qual-ity Control Council consti-tuted vide S.R.O 94,dated 18.03.2016 was held today at Craft Development Institute, here under the chairmanship of Director Handicrafts Gazanfar Ali, an official statement said. The meeting was attended by Director Handloom Development Department, Managing Director Handi-crafts Corporation, Direc-tor IICT, Deputy Director Handicrafts Quality Con-trol, President Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industries, President Fed-eration Chamber of Indus-tries Kashmir and other members of the council.

Taking strict note of the unlabelled fake items circulating in the market, it was impressed upon the stakeholders to adhere to the norms of the J&K Hand-icrafts Quality Control Act failing which stern action will be initiated against the defaulters under the act.

Big FM, CT Group felicitate top performing 10+2 studentsSrinagar, May 31: To cel-ebrate Kashmir’s top per-formers of 10+2, CT Group of Institutions in association with 92.7 BIG FM organized ‘Big Rising Star’ a felicita-tion ceremony at EMMRC Hall, Kashmir University on Tuesday, a statement issued by the CT Group said.

Zahoor Tchat, Chairman, J&K Board of School Educa-tion felicitated the students who have achieved more than 75 percent marks for their hard work and efforts. Muzzafar Shah, Station

Head for 92.7 BIG FM, Abrar Zargar, programming head, Manbir Singh, Managing Director, CT Group of Insti-tutions, Gaurav Khanna,

Head, Public Relations and others were also present.

Tchat applauded the efforts of 92.7 BIG FM and CT Group of Institutions for

honouring the future stars.“Students who work hard

as per the advice of their parents and teachers were always successful in life. Sometimes our laziness con-tributes to our failures. But those who continue with their hard work always come out with flying colours,” he said.

Manbir Singh of CT Group expressed his gratitude to all the students present on this occasion. He said, “Such awards not only appreciate their work but their abilities as well.”

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