Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - July 3, 2016

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Local news and advertising for Clarkson, Hamlin and Kendall, New York.



July 3, 2016 Issue No. 27 www.westsidenewsny.com

A national park right in our own backyardThe Women’s Rights National Historical Park, along with57 other national parks across the U.S., celebrate 100 years

by Grace GriffeeWhen most people think of national


The park tells the story of the firstWomen’s Rights Convention held inSenecaFallsonJuly19-20,1848.ItwascreatedbyCongressin1980topreserveandinterpretthenationallysignificanthistoricalandcultural sitesandstruc-tures associated with the struggle forequalrightsforwomen.

“The park is where women’s rightsinAmerica were born, but has beenbroadened to include equal rights forall,” said Kimberly Szewczyk, chief ofInterpretationandEducationandpub-lic information officer for the Women’sRightsNationalHistoricalPark.“We’dbe remiss if we only focused on whitewomenwhenthefight forequalrightsappliestoeveryone.”

Szewczyk said what is happeningin this country today surrounding theLGBTQcommunityisaprimeexample.“FortypercentofthehomelesschildreninthiscountryidentifywiththeLGBTQcommunity and are homeless becausetheyareafraidtotell their familiesorwerethrownoutbecausetheydid,”shesaid.“It’svitaltotalkabouttheissuessurrounding equality and education isourmostpowerfultool.”

TheparkconsistsofseveralbuildingsinSenecaFallsandnearbyWaterloo,includ-ingtheHuntHomeinWaterloowheretheconvention was planned; the M’ClintockHomeinWaterloowheretheDeclarationofSentimentswaswritten;theWesleyanMethodistChapel inSenecaFallswheretheconventionwasheld;andthehomeofElizabethCadyStantoninSenecaFalls.

Exhibits tell the story of struggles forcivil rights, human rights and equal-ity; global struggles that continue today.Visitorslearnabouttheeffortsofwomen’srightsleaders,abolitionistsandother19thcenturyreformersandareremindedthatallpeoplemustbeacceptedasequals.

TheparkwillbecelebratingConventionDaysfromFriday,July15throughSunday,July 17 to commemorate the Women’sRightsConventionheldin1848.Thewholeweekend of activities includes scavengerhunts,yogainthepark,artexhibits,tours,music,discussions,films,aluncheon,boattoursandmore.A full list of eventsandtimesareavailableatwww.nps.gov/wori.

TheWomen’sRightsNationalHistoricalParkisfreetovisitandisfundedthroughtheU.S.DepartmentoftheInterior.Asanational park, it is part of the NationalPark Service’s centennial celebration onAugust25.Thecelebrationwillincludetheclosingofa timecapsule thatrepresentstheroleofwomenoverthepast150yearsandwillincludeartwork,essaysandmany

Jane Hunt invited Lucretia Mott, Mary Ann M’Clintock, Martha Wright, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to spend the day together at her home in Waterloo on Sunday, July 9, 1848. That day after much discussion in the front parlor, together the women decided to call the first-ever women’s rights con-vention. Photo courtesy of the National Park Service.

A visitor at the Women’s Rights National Historical Park explores the section of the exhibits that focuses on women, work, and professions. Photo courtesy of the National Park Service.


Thenextday,August26, theparkwillcelebrate Women’s Equality Day, whichcommemoratesthecertificationofthe19thAmendment to the Constitution grant-ingAmericanwomentheright tovote in1920.

ThefoundationforthecentennialeventsattheWomen’sRightsParkandnationalparksacrossthecountryis“ACalltoAc-tion,”theNationalParkService’sblueprintfor the future that includes39goalsandactionsnationalparksaretakingastheymoveintothesecondcentury.

“Most of what we’re doing here at theparkisdirectlyrelatedto‘ACalltoAction,’”saidSzewczyk.AnexampleoftheireffortsisthePaddlewithaRangerprogramthatgivesvisitorstheopportunitytotakeguidedkayaktourstoincreasetheirawarenessofthenaturalandculturalresourcesrightintheirbackyardthatcaneasilybeviewedfrom the water.Another example is theARTSAFIRE! programs that showcasetheparkthroughdance,music,visualarts,writingandsocialmedia.

Children visiting the park will haveplentytodo,includingearningabadgeintheJuniorRangerprogram,dressingupinperiod clothingandexploring theUnder-groundRailroad.


to earn theirParkServicepatch,” saidSzewczyk.“Weteachyoungvisitorsthattheyhaveaverylargevoiceandcanvotewiththeirchoicesasconsumersandhowtheyspendtheirmoney.It’simportantforthemtoknowthateventhoughwomenmake less money than men, they payanaverageof42percentmoreforitemsmarkedtowomen.”

Many of the visitors to the Women’sRights National Historical Park arefromaroundthecountryandaroundtheworld,butnotasmanyfromaroundthestate.“Wehaveanationalandinterna-tionalaudience,thebulkofwhichfollowsus virtually through social media andSkype,” said Szewczyk. “We also wanttoencouragelocalpeopletodiscovertheparkthat’srightintheirownbackyard.It’sanextremelyspecialplace.”

Other National Historical Parksto discover in New YorkSaratoga:LocatedinStillwater,thisiswhereAmericanforcesmet,defeatedandforcedamajorBritisharmytosurrenderintheautumnof1777.

Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty:Where 12 million immigrants passedfrom1892to1954seekingtheopportu-nity to attain theAmerican dream forthemselvesandtheirdescendants.


2 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016


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Hamlin Lions award scholarships to local high school seniorsFor the past several years, the Hamlin

Lions Club has awarded a scholarship to a graduating senior in the Brockport, Hilton and Kendall School Districts.

The selected individual of each school district must reside in the Town of Ham-lin, be involved in community service, have written an essay outlining career orientation, scholastic achievements, and personal involvement/contributions

related to community or other non-school organizations and have submitted three letters of recommendation.

For this 2016 school-year, Danielle Falkenstein was selected to represent Brockport High School. Danielle plans on attending the University of Rochester in the fall. She hopes to become a doctor and would like to work in immunology.

Sarah Pearson was selected to represent

(L-r) Vern and Terry Pearson, Sarah’s parents; Sarah Pearson, Kendall recipient; Dan Hicks,Club President; Danielle Falkenstein, Brockport recipient; Kathy Soper, Club Scholarship Coordinator; Molly Falkenstein, Danielle’s sister; and Kellie and Mike Falkenstein, Danielle’s parents. Provided photo.

Kendall High School. Sarah plans on at-tending SUNY Fredonia this fall to major in music.

There were no applications received from Hilton High School this year.

Both young ladies received a check in

the amount of $500 at the club’s last din-ner meeting that took place at the Hamlin Station in Hamlin. The club wishes both students much success in their future endeavors.

Provided information

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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - July 3, 2016 3

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Legal NoticeTown of Kendall, New York

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 21, 2016, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York, ad-opted a resolution entitled:


an abstract of such resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, being as follows:

FIRST: RECITING that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall (“Town Board” and “Town”, respectively), New York, has here-tofore duly caused the preparation of a general map, plan and report for the proposed Water District No. 8, in the Town (the “District”) consisting of the construction and installation of ap-proximately 12,900 linear feet of 12-inch diameter PVC water main along portions of Kendall Road and Creek Road, including land or rights in land, stream and road crossings, furnishings, valves, hydrants, fittings, connections, fill, services, appurte-nances and related site work and other ancillary work; which map, plan and report have been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Town public inspection; that an Order was ad-opted on May 27, 2016, reciting a description of the boundaries of the proposed District in a manner sufficient to identify the lands included therein as in a deed of conveyance, the improve-ments proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expend-ed therefore, the proposed method of financing, the fact that a map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and specifying the time and place of a Public Hearing to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same; that copies of such Order have been duly published and posted, that all environmental laws and regulations will be complied with, and that such hear-ing has been duly held on June 21, 2016, at the time and place specified;

SECOND: RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that (a) the Order Calling Hearing was published and posted as required by Law and is otherwise sufficient, (b) the Notice of Public Hearing was mailed by first class mail to each owner of taxable real property in the District (c) all the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby, (d) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed District, and (e) that the establishment of the District is in the public interest.

THIRD: FURTHER RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that the establishment of the District be approved, DESIGNATING such District as Water District No. 8 in the Town of Kendall, and DESCRIBING the District by metes and bounds; FOURTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said District improvements is $1,340,000.00, which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $1,340,000.00 serial bonds of the Town offset by any funds received from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, in-cluding but not limited to loan and/or grant funds from USDA Rural Development, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of land within such Benefited Area which the Town Board shall determine to be especially benefited by said Water District, so much upon and from each as shall be in just propor-tion to the amount of benefit which the Water District shall con-fer upon the same, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable.

FIFTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the permission of the State Comptroller is not required with respect to the District be-cause the estimated cost of the District to the Typical Property (as defined in the Town Law) is below the Average Estimated Cost to the Typical Properties for the establishment of similar types of districts, as computed by the State Comptroller, and a full application will not need to be submitted to the State Comptroller’s Office for approval; and

SIXTH: STATING that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum.

By order of the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York.

Legal NoticeTown of Kendall, New York

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 21, 2016, the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York, ad-opted a resolution entitled:


an abstract of such resolution, concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof, being as follows:

FIRST: RECITING that the Town Board of the Town of Kendall (“Town Board” and “Town”, respectively), New York, has here-tofore duly caused the preparation of a general map, plan and report for the proposed Water District No. 7, in the Town (the “District”) consisting of the construction and installation of ap-proximately 8,000 linear feet of 10-inch diameter PVC water main along a portion of Norway Road, including land or rights in land, road crossings, furnishings, valves, hydrants, fittings, connections, fill, services, appurtenances and related site work and other ancillary work; which map, plan and report have been duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Town public inspec-tion; that an Order was adopted on May 27, 2016, reciting a de-scription of the boundaries of the proposed District in a manner sufficient to identify the lands included therein as in a deed of conveyance, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended therefore, the proposed method of fi-nancing, the fact that a map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and specifying the time and place of a Public Hearing to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same; that copies of such Order have been duly published and posted, that all environmental laws and regulations will be complied with, and that such hearing has been duly held on June 21, 2016, at the time and place specified;

SECOND: RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that (a) the Order Calling Hearing was published and posted as required by Law and is otherwise sufficient, (b) the Notice of Public Hearing was mailed by first class mail to each owner of taxable real property in the District (c) all the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby, (d) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed District, and (e) that the establishment of the District is in the public interest.

THIRD: FURTHER RESOLVING AND DETERMINING that the establishment of the District be approved, DESIGNATING such District as Water District No. 7 in the Town of Kendall, and DESCRIBING the District by metes and bounds;

FOURTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said District improvements is $860,000.00, which is planned to be financed by the issuance of $860,000.00 serial bonds of the Town offset by any funds re-ceived from the federal, state, county, and/or local grants, in-cluding but not limited to loan and/or grant funds from USDA Rural Development, said balance of costs to be provided by the levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of land within such Benefited Area which the Town Board shall determine to be especially benefited by said Water District, so much upon and from each as shall be in just propor-tion to the amount of benefit which the Water District shall con-fer upon the same, to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable.

FIFTH: FURTHER RESOLVING that the permission of the State Comptroller is not required with respect to the District because the estimated cost of the District to the Typical Property (as defined in the Town Law) is below the Average Estimated Cost to the Typical Properties for the establishment of similar types of districts, as computed by the State Comptroller, and a full application will not need to be submitted to the State Comptroller’s Office for approval; and

SIXTH: STATING that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum.

By order of the Town Board of the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, New York.

Legal NoticeTown of Kendall

Complete Assessment Roll


Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Town of Kendall, in the County of Orleans, and the State of New York for the year 2016 has been finally completed and verified by the undersigned assessor, and certified copy will be filed with the Town Clerk on the first day of July 2016, where the same remains open to public inspection.

Dated this 22nd day of June 2016

Arthur E. Massey, Jr.AssessorTown of Kendall

Legal NoticeTown of Clarkson

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Board Meeting of the Town of Clarkson, County of Monroe State of New York, scheduled for Tuesday, July 5, 2016, has been cancelled. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York.

Dated: June 27, 2016

Kristen DiFilippoBuilding Department Coordinator

4 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016

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Events•St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 14 Main Street, Brockport, is opening its kitchen and parish hall to the community on the second Sunday of each month from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Luke’s Harvest Kitchen is offering a free meal to everyone in the com-munity. There will be tables set up for eating, playing cards, coffee or just relaxing. There is no charge, but donations will be accepted. The Clothing Closet is also open every Sunday afternoon from 3 to 4:30 p.m. and Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call 637-6650 or email The Rev. Krista Cameron at stlukes@frontiernet.net.•The Loaf and Ladle Community Kitchen serves free meals to all who are hungry for food and fellowship at St. Paul’s Church, Jackson Street and Main Street (Route 237), Holley, on Saturdays from noon to 2 p.m.

Fundraisers•Fundraiser to benefit the Aurora House - Save bottles, cans and pull tabs (aluminum only). The collection is on-going. Call John, 352-7866.•Morton Baptist Church, 1152 County Line Road (Rt. 272), Morton will hold a Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday, July 8 and 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, $2 bag sale.•Euchre at the Hamlin Firemen’s Exempts, 1382 Lake Road, Hamlin, every Tuesday at 7 p.m.•Kendall Fire Department Carnival, Thursday, July 7 through Saturday, July 9. Kiddie Parade - Thursday, July 7 - 6:30 p.m. (Registration 6 p.m.) Firemen’s Parade - Friday, July 8 at 7 p.m. Chicken Barbecue - Saturday, July 9 at 5 p.m.

Government Meetings•Brockport: Village Board meets the first and third Monday of each month (July 4 (none) and July 18) at 7 p.m. Village Board work session meets the fourth Monday of the month (July 25) at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second Monday of each month (July 11) at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first Thursday of the month (July 7) only upon application. Historic Preservation Board meets the third Thursday of the month at 7:15 p.m. All meetings are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted.•Clarendon: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon. Planning Board meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. Zoning Board of Appeals meets upon necessity, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.•Clarkson: Town Board meets each second and fourth Tues-day at 6 p.m. at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. Planning Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, effective September 1 meetings take place at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the second Wednesday of every month as needed. Architec-tural Review Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month as needed. All meetings are held in the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. The Library Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue. Historical Society meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Clarkson Academy, 8343 Ridge Road. The Town Clerk’s Tuesday office hours have been extended to 6 p.m.•Hamlin: Planning Board meets the first Monday of each month (July 5 Tues.) at 7:30 p.m.; Town Board meets the second Monday of each month (July 11) at 7 p.m.; Conservation Board meets fourth Monday of each month (July 25) at 7 p.m.; Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Monday of each month (July 18) at 7:30 p.m. All meetings held at the Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin. For information, call 964-7222.•Holley: Planning Board meets the first Tuesday of the month (July 5) at 7 p.m. Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Regular monthly Supervisors Meetings are held prior to the Board of Trustees meetings, beginning at 5:30 p.m. •Kendall: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for regular meetings. The conference sessions (workshop) meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. The Town Board has also scheduled additional work sessions to occur on Saturdays prior to the third Tues-day of each month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. Planning Board meets the

fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., with optional work sessions held the second Tuesday at 7 p.m.; and the Zoning Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall. •Murray: Town Board meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. at the Murray Town Hall, 3840 Fancher Road, Holley.•Sweden: Town Board meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second and fourth Monday of each month. Town of Sweden offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, contact the Supervisor’s office at 637-7588.

Health/Help•TOPS #242 Morton (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Mon-days from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Morton Baptist Church, 1152 County Line Road, 659-8459, or call 659-8445 anytime.

Library•Hamlin Library Programs - Summer Reading Program “On Your Mark, Get Set, Read.” Tuesday, July 5 - Diffraction in Ac-tion, 3 p.m. Physics behind diffraction. Ages 8+. Registration required. Wednesday, July 6 - Tie Dye, 1 p.m. Bring pre-washed 100 percent cotton item of clothing (t-shirt, socks, etc.) to tie dye. Thursday, July 7 at 1 p.m. Just For Teens: Make a t-shirt pillow. Bring 1 or 2 shirts to turn into a pillow. Registration required. Friday, July 8 - Family Fitness Fridays, 1 p.m. Get moving with S&S Fitness. Bring a water bottle. Healthy snack provided. All programs take place at the Hamlin Public Library, 1680 Lake Road. For more information or to register, call 964-2320.

Meetings•The Triangle Tract Genealogical Society meets the first Tuesday of the month from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Ogden Farm-ers’ Library, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport. Free; all welcome. For information, call 617-4867.• The Brockport Lions Club meets the first and third Wednes-day of the month at the Brockport area Vet’s Club on West Avenue at 6:30 p.m. Contact person is Barb Marshall, 255-0948 or e-mail at appleumpkin@aol.com.•The Hamlin Morton Walker Board of Fire Commissioners meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. and the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. for the purpose of paying bills. All meetings will be held at the Hamlin Morton Walker Fire District Building, 1521 Lake Road in Hamlin.•Board of Commissioners of the Brockport Fire District meet Tuesday, July 5 at 6:30 p.m. at Brockport Fire Station 3, 191 West Avenue, Brockport. •The Hamlin Democratic Committee meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Hamlin Town Hall.•Brockport V.F.W. Post 2890 meets at 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Brockport Vets Club, 222 West Avenue, Brockport. For information, call 637-5012. New members welcome.

Social & Professional•Brockport Writers Group meets every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Lift Bridge Book Store, 45 Main Street, Brockport.•Country Neighbors Quilt Guild meets the second Wednes-day of the month at 7 p.m. at The Landing, 90 West Avenue, Brockport. New members and guests are always welcome. For information, call Nancy Allen at 392-8976 or email nallen@rochester.rr.com.•The Hilton Heart and Hand Quilt Guild meets the first Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Hilton Fire Department, 120 Old Hojack Lane. (Please do not park in front of hall - park and enter by side door on left side of hall). New members and visitors welcome. For information contact, Mary Hinkley, 392-4153 or Sarah Barton, 392-5403.•Hamlin Crafts Club meets the first Thursday of the month. All are welcome. For more information and location, call Gladys 392-2529.

Bruce Rychwalski reaches running milestoneby Kristina Gabalski

Gates senior runner Bruce Rychwalski has com-pleted his 200th 5K race since experiencing life-threatening ventricular tachycardia.

The 66-year old Rychwalski suffers from a heart muscle disease and received an implantable cardio-verter defibrillator (ICD) to manage his condition.

The race - the Real Beer 5K - was held June 18 at Lovin’ Cup Bistro & Brews on Park Point Drive on the RIT campus in Henrietta. All proceeds from the race benefited Camp Good Days and Special Times.

Rychwalski expressed gratitude to his cardiologist, Dr. Sarah Taylor of Sands-Constellation Heart Insti-tute for her care, which he said made the milestone possible.

The 200 races were run since 2011, and although Rychwalski does not run as fast as he used to, he says he continues to be, “in the middle of the pack,” making him competitive in the Male 60-69 or Male 65-69 age groups.

Gates senior runner Bruce Rychwalski ran his 200th 5K on June 18. Provided photo.

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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016 5

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Open House informed local veterans about their benefits and servicesby Kristina Gabalski

Veterans living in Orleans County had an opportunity to learn more about the services and benefits provided to them during an open house held Monday, June 27, at the Orleans County Veterans Service Agency, 13996 Route 31 in Albion.

The open house was hosted by Earl Schmidt, who serves as director of the Orleans County Veterans Service Agency, and Mary Jo Syck, his administrative assistant. Volunteers from the Joint Veterans Council Veterans’ Van Transportation Service also attended.

The open house additionally enabled the public to see recent renovations to the building, which make it easier for veterans who visit.

Schmidt said the event was a way of, “getting veterans informed of the benefits to which they are entitled.” He explained that the Veterans Service Agency is not the VA (Veterans’ Administration), but that as the director, he, “advocates for veterans and their dependents.” The Agency is, “mandated by law,” Schmidt said. “Every county has at least one officer.”

The Veterans Service Agency strives to make sure that all veterans and their dependents have access to benefits as a result of active duty, military or naval services, Schmidt said.

The lengthy list of benefits/services includes widow/de-pendent pension/DIC; vocational rehabilitation, remote access claim tracking and submission process, VA health-care, VA home loan guaranty and VA life insurance; NYS property tax exemptions; New York State Exempt Parks Pass, NYS hunting licenses and permits, and burial benefits, which name only a few.

Schmidt began as director of the Orleans Veterans Ser-vice Agency in December 2015. He is passionate about obtaining the maximum benefit for veterans and their dependents in the shortest amount of time. Schmidt says he is dual accredited through the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and maintains ties with many veterans advocacy groups.

Additionally, he works in conjunction with Genesee Com-munity College, the Department of Labor and, “anyone who is a stakeholder in veterans affairs,” he says.

The Orleans County Joint Veterans Council Medical Van Service is housed at the Agency office in Albion and provides transportation for veterans to VA medical ap-pointments.

The Orleans County Veterans Service Agency office underwent extensive renovations recently and is now handicapped accessible, Schmidt says. The bathroom is handicapped accessible and veterans are welcome to use the Dedicated Veteran Resource Room with a computer to access E-benefits, navigate VA healthcare and prescrip-tions.

Summer office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Veterans should call ahead to make an appointment for state and federal benefit counseling and application services by calling 589-3219.

Vans used by the Joint Veterans Council in Orleans County to transport veterans to medical appointments. The Medical Transport service is housed at the Orleans County Veterans Service Agency office in Albion. K. Gablski photo.

Worship on The WestAn informal worship experience at Hilton UMC

Sundays, July 10th to August 28th, 8:30 a.m.West side parking lot - bring a lawn chair, if able

In the event of rain - we will meet inside the church.

HILTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468 • (585) 392-8761

6 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016

Bring the Family and Join The Fun!

ThursdayKiddie Parade 6:30pm (Registration at 6pm)

Ride Matinee 6-10pm • Auction 7pmLive Music in the Beer Tent

FrIdayFiReMen’s PARAde 7pm

7th Heaven 9pm-1am

Thurs.-Sat. • July 7th, 8th & 9th

Chicken BBQSat. 5pm

Kendall Fire depT. CarniVal

saTurdayHuman Foosball Tournament 11am

Ride Matinee 1-5pm & 6-10pmCruise-in Car show 4-7pmKendall Community Band

5pm PerformanceKarma 9pm til

$1500 Giveaway • Fireworks

CommunityFree Library

638-698786 Public Square, Holley, New York

Pleasenote that


is subject to change

Tues 7/12 Olympic Opening Program - Meet a former Olympic torch bearer, find out about the Olympic Games.Thu 7/14 Games Around The World - Everyone loves to play games, come find out about them and try your hand at playing something new.Mon 7/18 6:30-7:30pm Pajama Story Hour - Food Fun I. Put on your pajamas and join Miss Rita for an hour of stories.Tues 7/19 Bodies In Motion - Learn about the science of movement.Thu 7/21 Bend, Stretch, Wiggle And Shake - Join the Nioga storyteller and participate in activities such as a parachute circle.Tues 7/26 Karate: Discipline For Body And Mind - Meet black belt Owen Jones for a

demonstration, then learn some of the katas that all karate students must master.Thu 7/28 The ZOOMOBILE - Learn about Vertebrates from around the world.Tues 8/2 Move With Music - There will be no sitting still, join along in the singing and actions that match the words in the songs.Thu 8/4 Dogs Move Too - Mary Ann Robach will be bringing some of their dog athletes. Find out what dog trials are and how the dogs are trained.Tues 8/9 How Did Kids Play Before Technology? - Meet members of the Genesee Country Museum and find out how children played in the olden days. Try your hand at some of the toys and games.Thu 8/11 Food Glorious Food! - What’s new for you to taste from our local farms? Investigate and taste-test old favorites and new treats.Mon 8/15 6:30-7:30pm Pajama Story Hour - Food Fun II. Put on your pajamas and join Miss Rita for an hour of stories.Tues 8/16 Library Scavenger Hunt - What do you know about the library? Search through the library to find clues.Thu 8/18 Come To The Carnival - Carnival games, treats and prizes for both the games and the summer readers.

teen Programs All Teen Programs Are From 6:30-7:30pm

Wed 7/13 Board Game Day - A healthy mind and a healthy body. How good are you at board games?Wed 7/27 3-D Printing - Learn how a 3-D printer works and create an item using 3-D printer technology.Wed 8/3 Food Tech - Eat healthy, have fun!Wed 8/10 Manga: The Art, Graphic Novels & Movies - Let’s view some films and try our hand at its unique graphic art form.

2016 summer reading Programs Children’s Programs All Children’s Programs Are From 1-2pm Unless Otherwise Noted

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You are reading a Westside News Inc. publication

NYS offers tax breaks for summer day-camp expenses

The NYS Tax Department reminds par-ents and guardians that summer day-camp expenses for a child or dependent may qualify for the Child and Dependent Care Credit. The credit, which varies based on income, is intended to help reduce expenses involved in raising a child or caring for a dependent.

The tax break applies, for example, to qualified expenses for a dependent child under age 13 to attend day camp, but not overnight camp. To claim the expenses, the taxpayer and spouse (if married) must be working or job hunting while the dependent attends the camps.

Nearly 520,000 taxpayers claimed nearly $189 million in NYS Child and Dependent Care credits for tax year 2014. The average amount claimed was $364.

GuidelinesTo claim the New York State credit, tax-payers must first qualify for the federal Child and Dependent Care Credit. The NYS credit ranges from 110 percent of the federal credit, for taxpayers with incomes under $25,000, to 20 percent if their income is over $65,000.

Dependent-care benefits from an em-ployer will reduce the credit amount; these benefits are included on a taxpayer’s W-2 form. Taxpayers should maintain accurate records to support their claims for the credit and for use when filing their income tax returns. These include:•Itemized statements from the day camp or licensed care provider•Names, addresses and taxpayer identifi-cation numbers of the care providers•Copies of the checks or money orders used to pay, or receipts for cash payments.

Provided information

West Side Challenger Baseball wishes to thank the Brockport Police Stetson Club for their generosity for providing the 51 Challenger Players and their parents, siblings and friends with an Ice Cream Social after their game on June 18. This is the sixth consecutive year that the Stetson Club has done this and a favorite day for the over 125 they served. Provided photo and information.

Clayton Kershaw named Hickok Belt® award winner for May 2016

Clayton Kershaw, pitcher for Major League Baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers, has been named the Hickok Belt® Award winner for the month of May 2016. A select panel of members of the National Sports Media Association conducted the voting. The voters selected Kershaw after the ace posted one of the best months of his career, finishing May with a 5-0 record, 0.91 ERA, 65 strikeouts and two walks in 49 2/3 innings.

Other finalists for the month of May in order of how the NSMA voters ranked them included: Jackie Bradley, Jr. (baseball), Kevin Durant (basketball), LeBron James

(basketball), Jason Day (golf), Martin Truex, Jr. (auto racing), Logan Couture (hockey), Canelo Alvarez (boxing), Martin Jones (hockey), Lex Thompson (golf).

His selection as the Hickok Belt® Award winner for the month of May 2016 recog-nizes Kershaw as “the best of the best” in professional sports for the month and makes him the fifth candidate eligible to receive the overall Hickok Belt® Award for 2016, joining Jake Arrieta, Novak Djokovic, Steph Curry and Jason Day.

To learn more about the Hickok Belt® Award, visit www.HickokBelt.com.

Provided information


Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016 7

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Spencerport Canal Days

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Registration: 9:00 a.m. - 12 NoonFree hot dog: for Pre-registersAwards: 3:00 p.m.Dash Plaque: 1st 20050/50 RaffleDJ: Mike Vickers www.legends1027.com

BREAKFAST (8-11am): Inside American Legion

LUNCH (11am-till): Barton’s Parkside Hots

FOOD2015 Best of Show Winner!

Post 330691 Trimmer RoadSpencerport, NY

14559(Rain or Shine)


355 Washington St., Spencerport, NY 14559 Contact Gary Tatar 585-233-8863protatar1027@hotmail.comwww.SalmonCreekCountryClub.com

Salmon Creek Country Club2016 Junior Golf CampsGolf Instruction with PGA Professional Gary Tatar

Camp I: Tuesdays, June 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26. (Sign-up deadline June 20)

Camp II: Wednesdays, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31(Sign-up deadline July 25)

Camps will be broken down into two groups:Juniors (13-18) • Sub-Juniors (8-12)

If any group doesn’t fill up Salmon Creek reserved the right to combine age groups.Schedule:

Juniors will have instruction from 10:30-11:30 & Golf from 11:30-3:30. (Lunch after nine not included)Sub-Juniors will have instruction from 11:30-12:30 & Golf from 1:00-3:30. (Lunch 12:30-1:00 not included)

Cost of the Camp is $130 (non-members) $75 (members). Price includes instruction, range balls & green fees.All Camp dates will be held as scheduled. In case of bad weather instruction will be held inside and rain checks will be issued for golf.All Sub Juniors will be required to have an adult present for at least one week of on course supervision.

The goal of this five week program is to provide your child with a positive and enjoyable golf experience. This will entail instruction on swing fundamentals, short game, putting, etiquette, rules, playing and safety. The camp director and instructor is PGA Professional Gary Tatar.

Please view our website for a printable registration application.


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Annual book saleshares the joy of reading

The St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Annual Book Sale is always a success regardless of the number of books that the church sells.

“People come back to the sale year after year, and we get to talk about what books we’re reading. My favorite part of the sale, though, is seeing the children coming in and picking out their books. I ask them if they’d like their books put in a bag of their own that they can carry themselves, and they always do,” says Bev Walker, speak-ing of the Book Sale team and St. Luke’s parish.

This year’s sale coincides with the Village of Brockport Sidewalk Sale, but begins one day earlier on Thursday, July 7 and contin-ues through Saturday, July 9. Hours are Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Bag Sale, in which one can stuff as many books in a bag as possible for one price, is Saturday noon to 2 p.m.

This year, St. Luke’s will add a Coffee Café, selling cups of free trade coffee from the Rochester Coffee Connection, as well

as donuts. “We enjoy interacting with our community, and by offering coffee and do-nuts we’re inviting friends and neighbors to linger a while longer as they check out their favorite authors and visit with us and one another,” said Ricki DeBaun, Book Sale team leader.

The Book Sale team’s commitment to St. Luke’s and their love for people shows, and it seems that others can’t help but respond.

“The sale is a lot of work and it takes three or four sessions of sorting the books into categories just to get things ready. Many visitors to the sale express their appreciation for the well-organized event, and note that books are displayed by genre and author, making it easier for them to find just the books they are looking for. We enjoy our time working together. Our hearts are in the Book Sale and St. Luke’s,” says Bev.

St. Luke’s accepts books throughout the year. Drop them off at the church office between 10 a.m. and noon on weekdays.

Provided information

Esther Klafehn celebrated her 100th Birthday in Jacksonville, Florida on June 4. Her daughters, Sherilyn Unger and Chalie Burke, hosted a dinner at a local restaurant for 40 family members and friends. The celebration continued at her home where she watched a video of birthday songs and wishes from her church congregation members at St. John Lutheran, and her friends from a weekly lunch bunch. Sue Klafehn and Pat Suhr traveled from Hamlin to personally deliver their video to the guest of honor. Provided photo and information.

New physician assistantjoins Hilton Health Care, P.C.

Hilton Health Care, P.C. is pleased to welcome Alison Baillargeon, PA-C. She joins Drs. Zoghlin, Blackburn, Sarnov, Martinez and Beth Mucci, FNP in their west side family practice office.

Baillargeon is a Physician Assistant who holds national certification. A graduate of Siena College, Bachelor of Science in

Biochemistry in 2012, Ms. Baillargeon at-tended the University of Bridgeport where she was awarded a Master of Science as a Physician Assistant. Originally from Brim-field, Massachusettes, she enjoys camping, kayaking and playing with her rescue cat in her spare time.

Provided information

The Right Blend...News • Consumer information Community events coverageSuburban Newsand The Herald

8 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016

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Duck tickets available from: BISCO members, BISCO Booth at Brockport

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Duck Derby Raffle Prizes• 1st - $1,000 Gift Card (Wegmans)• 2nd - $500 Debit Card (Dr. Thaney)• 3rd - $400 Gas Grill (Lowes)• 4th - $300 Debit Card (Five Star Bank)• 5th - $250 Gift Card (Wegmans)• 6th - $235 One Year Membership at the

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July 7, 8 & 9

Downtown Brockport’s

Sidewalk Festival & SaleFri., Sat. & Sun., July 8-10

The Center at 133 State Street in Brockport makes a picturesque setting on the Erie Canal. Provided photo.

Open House provides a fresh look at The Center in Brockportby Doug Hickerson

What do you know about The Center at

133 State Street in Brockport? Lori Skoog calls it “One of the best-kept secrets on the Erie Canal.” Others may think it’s still the “Senior Center” of bygone days, but there are many changes that have taken place.

A get-together is being held on July 17 for the public to enjoy the attractive setting and refreshments. Dessert and drinks will be served from 6:30 to 8 p.m. with enter-tainment provided by Jean Brooks on the piano, followed by Jim Foote’s “Buskers”.

The Center opened in 1980 as the Town of Sweden Senior Center serving the senior citizen population. When several concerned seniors learned that it was going to be sold in 2014, a committee was formed that included Lori Skoog, Hanny Heyen, Jean Brooks, Harry Shifton, Chet Fery and Cora

Schrader.There was a great deal of community

support and the Town Board reconsidered selling it, approving a budget that sup-ported a wider purpose, encouraging a broader use of the facility. Skoog is still active as liaison from the Sweden Town Board, attending Senior Association meet-ings and working with Deanna Irvine, the building supervisor.

“The Center is a community gathering place, where people of any age or back-ground can come to socialize or participate in classes, programs and events that are interesting and stimulating,” Skoog said. “Extensive volunteer hours go into creat-ing quilts for children and the homeless as well as hats for cancer patients locally and in Rochester hospitals. Others make ‘pillowcase’ dresses for children in need around the world.”

From singing in the chorus to joining in Line Dancing or Tai Chi, playing bridge or baking cookies sold at the center, there are numerous opportunities for participa-tion. Also, The Center is a site for training Lifetime Assistance clients who train in the kitchen with a full-time employment specialist.

The Center gets regular attention to keep it functioning and attractive. The Town Board made it possible to have several of the first floor rooms painted. Volunteers have been working on the grounds improving and maintaining the landscaping.

The Sweden Senior Association, Inc. raises money that is frequently spent on the needs of seniors, such as supplement-

ing special lunches and programs. They re-cently purchased a commercial dishwasher for the kitchen and through the years have invested over $100,000.

More and more outside groups are tak-ing advantage of the space for events, and others hold monthly meetings there. The setting is perfect for reunions, dances, parties, concerts and more. Special events, like the Chris Wilson concert, are drawing large audiences.

On July 17, come and see for yourself what The Center has to offer. There is no charge, but reservations would be appreci-ated. If you have not responded yet, please do so by July 6. Call 637-8161, email: deannai@townofsweden.org, or stop in at The Center.

Sidewalk Sale


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SaturdayJuly 99am-5pm

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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016 9


Most stores open Fri. & Sat. 9-9, Sun. 10-4


Festival & Sale


Great Funfor the Whole


Fri., Sat. & Sun., July 8-10

Games, Crafts, Face Painting, Bubble Fun, Fire Truck & Police Car to explore,

Try the bicycle built for seven. Petting Zoo & Pony Rides 11-3Drumming with Jeff Mann 12-4

More Fun and Activities on Main St., 10-4

Brockport Buskers Band Sat. 4pm

Live Music, Food Trucks & Beer Fri. 5-9pm Cool Kids! Catskill Puppet Theater, Sagawa Park 7pm

Saturday Activities on Market St. 10-4

brockportmerchantsassoc.org Like us on

Sponsored by Brockport Merchants Association:Agape Physical TherapyAgent MobileArjuna FloristBeBe MillsBeyond YogaBicycle OutfittersBittersweetBrockport ReikiC&S SaloonCamman AcresCreative InkingDunn’s Furniture

Fazool’s Italian KitchenGenesee Valley Penny SaverJava Junction Coffee RoastersJill’s Antiques & CollectiblesJimmy Z’s Texas HotsJubilee Christian ChurchKlafehn, Heise & Johnson, PLLCLife’s Luxuries/InMotion WirelessLift Bridge Book ShopLightways CommunityMahansNext Level Barber Shop

Nothnagle RealtorsPita Mediterranean Cuisine Seymour LibrarySmartypants ClothingState Farm InsuranceStewart Insurance AgencyStoneyard Brewing Co.SunnKingThania’s BoutiqueUltimate Sports & ApparelVapor WorldWestside News

Pre-Sale Bargains & Summer Serenades Thurs.

Mom’s Club Fun, Garden Club Plant Activity, Quilt Club Demonstration & Popcorn Truck

BEST Foundation, Community Museum, BISCO, Girl Scouts , Seymour Library, PAWS, Sweden Democrats, Hamlin Dog Shelter, Brockport Food Shelf & Local Churches

Farmer’s Market Sunday 8-1pm

10 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016

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SpencerportCanal Days

Saturday July 30th | Car ShowFerris Goodridge

American Legion Post 330691 Trimmer Rd.

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Race on the canalTickets on sale now at

The Unique Shop, 130 S. Union St.and The Ogden Senior Center,

200 S. Union St.


Spencerport...Someplace Special!

Closing Ceremonies

Moving WallFerris

Goodridge American

Legion Post 330

Monday, June 20, 2016

Moving Wall photos by Karen Fien

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016 11


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12 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016










3weeks until the


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Bright Raven gymnasts win upstate championships Bright Raven gymnasts finished the season by bringing

home first and third place team banners from the USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Upstate New York Champi-onships held in Syracuse, May 20-22. The Bright Raven Level 3 team captured first place among 27 teams and the Level 4 team was third with 24 teams represented.

Many champions were named at this meet by taking first place in their respective divisions in individual events and all around competition.

In the Level 3 meet, 11-year-old Baily Flynn of Church-ville earned first place on vault, balance beam, floor exer-cise and all around in the Senior C Division. In the Senior D Division, Kylie Willis of Greece won first on vault and Katie Bradfield of Spencerport was first all around.

In the Senior E Division, Abby Pastorella of Spencerport placed first on vault, beam, floor and all around and Jordan Robinson of Ogden earned first on the uneven bars. Caro-line Garbe of Webster took first place on balance beam, floor exercise and all around in the Senior B division.

In the Junior B Division, nine-year-old Mia Perno of

Chili won first on vault and floor exercise. In the Junior C Division, Megan Sizer of West Henrietta took first all around and Nyla Ragland of Spencerport won first place on the uneven parallel bars and floor exercise.

In the Junior D Division, 10-year-old Kailey Tran of Gates placed first on vault. In the Child E Division, eight-year-old Kylie Montague of Avon earned first place on vault, bars, floor and all around and Heidi Tran of Gates placed first on floor exercise in the Child D Division.

In the Level 4 meet, 10-year-old Grace Gocher of Churchville earned first place on vault and balance beam in the Junior A division. In the Junior B division, 11-year-old Natalie Wood of Henrietta took first place on vault. In the Level 4 Senior B division, Emily Post of Spencerport took first on vault and Hannah Kalb of Gates placed first on the uneven bars.

In the Senior C division, Jessica Brest of Spencerport won the uneven parallel bars and Jessica Pelkey of Caledonia won vault, balance beam, floor exercise and all around.

Provided information

Bright Raven Level 3 winning team: (L-r) Front - Brynley Stella, Heidi Tran, Kendall Mesh and Kylie Montague; second row: Kailey Tran, Mary Sack, Hannah Prince and Katelyn Schultz; standing - Mia Perno, Kylie Willis, Lauren Weiss, Abby Pastorella, Morgan Sizer, Taylor Laubacher, Rebecca Bready, Nyla Ragland, Jordan Robinson, Madison Hoyt, Jenna Reiss, Zahria Ruper, Baily Flynn, Katie Bradfield and Carolyn Garbe. Provided photo.

Bright Raven Level 4 Team - Third Place at Upstate Championships: (L-r) Front - Olivia Bieber, Katrina Daly, Meredith Fingler, Megan Piper, Alyse Ahlstom, Sophia Daeschner, Camryn Trybuskiewicz, and Vanesa Santiago; back - Emily Post, Lucy Ray, Grace Gocher, Addison Glozer, Jessica Brest, Hannah Kalb, Jessica Pelkey and Aliyah Gibson. (Not in photo - Natalie Wood). Provided photo.


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Stump Grinding & Bush Removal. Small and large s tumps. Call Brian at 585-392-6175.[TFN]




★★★★★★Trade In Your Good Oil or Gas Furnace towards a super 90+ high efficiency. Univer-sal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

Reconditioned Fur-naces. $480 can in-stall with warrantee. Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

Gas Furnace Clean or Service Special. $20 Off! Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]

F u r n a c e S a f e t y Check, 1/2 off! Reg. $80 now $40 in -cludes adjustments as needed. Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN]



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TRUCKS2004 Buick Regal GS, 4door, Super charged, 3.8 litre V6, stored winters, leather interior, power everything including heated seats, chrome wheels, $4,500. 585-415-5141.[7-3]__________________2006 Chrysler Sebring Convertible GTC, all power options includ-ing power seats, two tone leather, V6, 91,000 miles, nice condition, silver, no repairs need-ed, $4,000. 585-415-5141.[7-3]__________________2005 Ford E150 Cargo Van, 52,000 miles, tilt, stereo, dark blue, 4.6 V8, $6,900 or BO. 585-415-5141.[7-3]

Four a luminum, 12 spoke wheels, from a 2002 Buick LeSabrel $50 each or all four for $175. Call 585-452-8730. [TFN]


Ford Van Bench Seats: Fits 2008-2014. 4 person bench seat - $275. 3 per-son bench seat - $250. Gray, good condition. 585-637-3480.[TFN]


2011 Jay Feather X23Jhybrid, only used for 6 nights. Double slide, tons of storage. A must see! $16,500. Weighs: 4,739.Call Pat, 703-1427.[TFN]

Junk Cars, Trucks &Vans Wanted. Cash paid for most, any condition, running or not!! Always free pick up. Never any charg-es or fees! No ap-pointment necessary. 585-305-5865.[TFN]

Complete Home Im-provement including in-terior and exterior work. 35 years experience. Free estimates. Locally owned and operated by S&G Remodeling. Call Cory, 585-352-0747. [TFN]



D&K Handyman Serv-ice - Deck, Remod-eling, Painting, Floor-ing, Electrical, Plumb-ing, Power Washing & more! Fully insured. Call Dave Inclema, 585-455-2593.[8-28-16]

L A N D S C A P I N G - Cleanups, Hedge/Shrub Trimming, Gut-ter Cleaning, Fence Installations, Repairs and Removals. Fully insured. Call Chinappi Enterprises, 585-469-6334.[TFN]

Check it out in the Classifieds

JIM CERVINI Paint-ing and Paperhang-ing, remodel ing, drywal l hanging, textured ceilings, gutter cleaning and replacement, and power washing. 585-392-4138.[TFN]

PAINTING: Interior/Ex-terior, Powerwashing, Deck Restore, neat, dependable and highly skilled. Reasonablerates, 30 yrs. Experi-ence. Call Phil 585-659-8366.[TFN]

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news& the herald.thank you for



VINNY & RON CONCRETE SERVICE, LLCPatios • Driveways • Sidewalks • Floors

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Appliance Repair: Call Lou Borrelli. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges-ovens, micro-waves. 585-352-3440. [TFN]__________________Top Notch ApplianceService - “A notch above the rest!” Insured. Rea-sonable rates. Profes-sional Service. 585-820-9964.[TFN]

ATTORNEYS/LEGALAttorney: Real Es-tate Closings, Divorce, Family Court, Bank-ruptcy and Wills. Free initial consultation. Jen-nie M. Cooper, 2255 Lyell Avenue, 585-325-7792. A Debt Relief Agency.[8-14]


Professional Computer, Cell Phone, Tablet Re-pairs and IT Services. Call Agent Mobile 585-445-3310, 16 Market St., Brockport.[TFN]


Gravesite care when you can’t get there Headstone Cleaning, De-tailed and Personalized Plot Maintenance. Flower Bouquet and Wreath placement for holidays or special remembrance days. Call 585-352-7476 or visit www.personal-gravesitemaintenance.com. Locally owned and operated.[TFN]

P r o f e s s i o n a l l y trained soloist, avail-able to add a touch of elegance to your wedding, meeting or social event. Call 585-352-8730.[TFN]



14 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016

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art wOrK

Original acrylic paint-ings ... seasonal, land-scapes, portraits, mod-ern folk images, various sizes. Affordable & very interesting. For more information contact Nils R. Caspersson, 585-924-7868.[TFN]

BOatS& aCCeSSOrieS

2011 Larson LX710, 135 hp. custom covers, trailer. Used 5 times, less than 15 hrs. on motor. $15,000 585-355-5873.[TFN]


C o m p l e t e l i n e o f Animal Feeds & Bird Feeds. Pasture & Wild-l i fe Seeds. Hendel Farms Feed & Grain Store, 3451 North Main St., Holley. 585-638-6042.[9-4]



Hilton - Must see!! Clean, spac ious 1 bedroom apartment in village. No pets. No smoking. Good credit. Commuter bus. Dottie, 585-392-8039.[7-3]__________________Spencerport/Greece. Studio/1 BR apart -ments, 2 BR House and Mobile homes. Great lo-cation on W. Ridge near Manitou. Commercial Building 2,000 sq. ft. Subdividable. 585-381-3672.[TFN]__________________Hilton: Cedar Hill Town-houses - The Space your family needs to grow ... away from the crowded city. Affordable two and three bedroom town-houses with 1.5 baths, finished base-ment family rooms, stor-age/laundry rooms with w/d hookups, central air, 24-hour emergency service, and playground for the kids. Cats are welco me. Rates from $850-$875 + security. Call for details 585-392-6015. Professionally managed by Landsman. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Equal Housing Opportunity. We do not participate in Section 8 or DSS programs. [TFN]__________________Brockpor t -Wil low-brooke Manor. Spa-cious two bedroom apts. Appliances, carpeting, 24 hr. emergency ser-vice, free cable TV, recreation and laun-dry facilities. 585-637-3400.[TFN]


Water Hauling Busi-ness for Sale. Turnkey Operation includes cus-tomer base and equip-ment. Great retirement or Part -Time Business. Call Chris, 585-261-7072.[7-3]__________________Reach almost 5,500,000homes in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585-352-3411 and place your ad today![TFN]

reSOrt PrOPertieSFOr rent

Three bedroom, 2 bath home in North Cape May, N.J. (10 minutes to the ocean, beaches). Call Keith at 585-352-8730. [TFN]

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We buy houses! Cashoffers - Local buyer seek-ing Single Family, Multi Family and Apartment Complexes. 585-484-0123 or www.585CASH.COM.[7-24]

MOBile hOMeSFOr Sale

Harper Park Hamlin: New and pre-owned manufactured homes for sale in lovely com-munity. Yard with 2 car asphalt driveway. Short drive to Hamlin Beach State Park. Moderately priced, single floor liv-ing. Take a tour today. 4000 Brick School-house Rd., Hamlin, NY. Call 585-964-2434 or visit us at www.harp-erhomes.net. [TFN]

Be sure to ask your realtor to advertise your home in The Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Sub-urban News. The only two publica-tions on the west side with saturation coverage ... and a professional edito-rial staff. That spells readership ... and that spells results. Have them call us at 585-352-3411 for all the details. [TFN]

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eState/hOuSehOlD Sale

★★★★★★Moving/Downsiz-ing Sale, household and yard items, too many to l ist. 805 Spawning Run Lane in Hidden Creek Trail-er Park in Hamlin. Call 585-964-3878 or 585-331-7347 for more info.[7-3]


garage/MOVing SaleS

Moving Sale- Friday, July 8 & Saturday, July 9; 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at 204 Pine Hill Road off Trimmer. Down-sizing - Furniture, Comfort Furnace, Tools, Household, Books, Lamps, Holi-day, Crafts, Lug-gage, Ladders and much more! All price to sell.[7-3]

32 Bright Autumn Lane off Maiden Lane. July 7 - 9, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Huge Multi family, part of street sale. House-hold, name brand cloth-ing, purses, electronics, books.[7-3]__________________75 Sherwood Drive,Brockport. July 7, 8 & 9; 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hunt-ing supplies, electrical supplies, clothes, Avon bottles, exercise equip-ment, fabric, basket muling supplies, mow-ers, camping trailer, utility trailer, reloading equipment & much more.[7-3]

205 Clark Street, Brock-port. July 7 & July 8, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; July 9, 9 a.m. to noon. Large mirror front armoire with matching make up table and night stand, Octagon end table, a newly upholstered chair, table lamps, white wall cabinet shelf, TV stand, two working TVs, Oreck vacuum, blue leather chair and ottoman, chil-dren’s bikes, older Bar-bie Dolls and Cabbage Patch Kids. Clothing like new - each piece $1, buy 5 get one free and much more![7-3]__________________Multi-family yard sale July 9 - 10. Bauers Cove, Spencerport. Sat., 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.; Sun., 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Household items, giftware & col-lectibles, outdoor items & more.[7-3]__________________2281 Lake Road, Ham-lin. Toys, clothing, wo-mens shoes, kitchen items, baby crib, bikes, attic treasurers. Come & see! July 7 & 8, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; July 9, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.[7-3]__________________Huge Moving Sale - Two households: 308 Burritt Rd, Hilton. July 9 & 10, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Household, tools, electronics, com-puter, Xmas, furniture, so much more![7-3]

Electric Motor Pole Saw - $25. Call 585-392-4247.[7-3]___________________For Sale - Sears Tread-mill. $50. Call 585-392-4247.[7-24]___________________Microwave Spacesaver,$75. Dishwasher $100, New countertops - 33’ total, Hi definition - $500. Bathroom vanity, 24” oak top, faucet - $50. 585-469-8939.[TFN]___________________Kitchen, natural oak,raised panel, 18 units pantry sink, faucet, dis-posal, counters, beauti-ful! $1,275. 585-469-8939.[7-3]___________________

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Ogden and Spencerport.

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sHOULD, PLease CaLL OUr OFFiCeat352-3411.

antiQue/art/CraFt ShOwS

Vendors Wanted! Flea Market Extravaganza - Saturday, August 6; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Gaines Carl-ton Community Church, 14585 Ridge Road, Al-bion, NY Email: fleaday@yahoo.com or call 585-659-2276.[7-3]

Makita, 18 volt circu-lar saw & hammer drill with case and battery. Older style, good con-dition. $200. 585-637-3480.[TFN]___________________Softub Hot Tub, dark blue, 220 gallons, includes cover & pump, recently re-lined. Works fine. $850. 585-637-3480.[TFN]___________________Maple Syrup - 100% Pure and Natural. Maple Grove Farm - a 5th generation family farm. 4394 South Holley Road, Holley (north of Rt. 31A); 6 miles west of Brockport. 585-638-6245.[TFN]___________________Ain’t it sweet to beat thehigh cost of heat? Coal, wood pellets, Enviblocks. Pick-up, delivery. Gloves, boots, critter control, hay, straw, pet/farm food and bird seed. www.higbie-farmsupplies.com. 585-594-8300.[TFN]

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Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201

ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circula-tion totaling over 10 million homes. Con-tact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at danielleburnett-ifpa@live.com or visit our website cadnetads.com for more information

hOMeS FOr SaleLakefront Home for Sale by Owner. 1,812 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Boat ramp, 75’ frontage. Call for appt. 585-392-7504.[7-3]

Party TentsTables • Chairs

ReseRve Today!



Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016 15


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Crew Members for fence ins ta l la t ion teams needed. No experience neces-sary. Must be willing to learn; dependable; hardworking and have reliable transportation. Full time with benefits. Send resume to New York State Fence, 858 Manitou Road, Hilton, NY 14468; fax to (585) 392-2126 or email to cindy@tra-mac.com.[7-3]

Full t ime experi-

enced dump truck driver. Good pay, ben-efits available. Clean CDL A or B license a must. Send resume to pradema@mjdreher.com or stop by 50 Owens Road, Brock-port, NY to pick up an application.[TFN]

★★★★★★Skilled grill cook wanted. Great pay & benefits to those who have the “right stuff.” Apply in per-son. Tillman’s Village Inn, Albion. 585-589-9151. www.tillmans-villageinn.com [TFN]


House Cleaner - Days, M-F. Can earn over $500/wk. with perfor-mance & attendance rewards. Must be at least 21 years old & have own car. 585-247-4650.[TFN]

Janitor/Maintenance Worker needed Mon-day - Friday mornings. Some knowledge of plumbing and electrical work helpful. Immediate start. Retiree’s welcome. Please apply in person to fill out an application. Salmon Creek Country Club, 355 Washington Street, Spencerport, NY 14559.[TFN]

This is Suburban News & The Herald.

Thank you for reading!


3570 Fancher Rd., HolleyCall for an interview638-0300bigashstoves.com

HELP WANTEDGrow with us...

Looking for an individual for


Mechanicalknowledge preferred,

not necessary.Benefits available.


Please apply online at www.lakesidehealth.org

Or apply in person Mon.-Fri. between 9am-4pm at

170 West Ave., Brockport, NY 14420 585-395-6095 ext. 4318 EOE

RN Nursing Supervisor: Part Time,16 hrs/wk, Evening/Night Shift. Includes every other weekend. Must have strong communication, organizational , & clinical assessment skills. Nursing leadership and/or Long Term Care experience preferred. Cur-rent NYS RN licensure.

RN – Nursing Team Coordinator: Full Time, Evening Shift position. Includes every other week-end. Provides direct skilled nursing care to the resi-dents/clients of the facility. Oversees the day-to-day nursing activities performed by nursing assistants. Maintains accountability for the functioning of assigned unit during shift. Must have strong com-munication, organizational , & clinical assessment skills. Nursing leadership and/or Long Term Care experience preferred. Current NYS RN licensure.

LPN: Full time & Part Time, Day/Evening/Night shifts; Per Diem shifts available. Current NYS LPN licensure.

CNA: Full time & Part time, Day/Evening shifts available. Current NYS CNA certification required.

‘Offers long term nursing care and short term comprehensive

rehabilitation services’

Security Guard: Weekends & Holidays, Days/Eve-nings/Nights; Requested to be certified to work in NYS as a security guard. Six months working in law enforcement field preferred.

Housekeeper I: Performs cleaning functions in assigned areas following established schedules and using prescribed methods. High school diploma or GED required. (1) Full Time (40hrs/wk) Evening shift, rotating weekends and holidays.

Dietary Worker: Assist with resident tray assem-bly, food delivery, dishwashing and the cleaning and sanitation of kitchen and food preparation areas. Per diem openings for day, evening, weekend and holi-day shifts.

We are currently offering a sign on bonus for up to $1000 for qualified CNAs

**Sign-On Bonus is paid out as follows:

3 months, 6 months, and 12 months.

Part-time and Full-time positions available for the evening shift only.

Please apply online at www.lakesidehealth.org

Or apply in person Mon.-Fri. between 9am-4pm at

170 West Ave., Brockport, NY 14420 585-395-6095 ext. 4318 EOE

‘Offers long term nursing care and short term comprehensive

rehabilitation services’

DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTALSERVICES: We have an exciting opportunity for an experienced Director of Environmental Services. We are seeking a high energy, profes-sional to join our team and to provide optimal housekeeping and laundry services for the nurs-ing facility. This position will plan, organize, develop, and direct overall operations of Envi-ronmental Services in accordance with current Federal, State, and local standards, guidelines, and regulations governing our facility. Must possess effective communication skills in-cluding the ability to gather, manage and dis-seminate information. Previous experience in Environmental Services in a health care facil-ity preferred. We offer a competitive salary and benefits.

T h e V i l l ag e o f Hilton is currently seeking a part time maintenance/cus-todian position to work approximately 15 hours per week in the Community Center, 59 Henry Street. If interested, please complete an application at the Vil-lage Office.[7-3]


Gates Albert, Inc.3434 Union Street • North Chili, NY 14514

Fax: 585-594-4305hr@gatesalbert.com


Seeking innovative, talented people to advance our leadership position in precision

Davenport machining. We are looking for motivated people to join our team in

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No experience required, but insurance

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Kelly M LewisAgency

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kelly@kellymlewis.com(Sorry, no phone calls please)

Kelly M Lewis, Agent

Customer serViCe/oFFiCe rePresentatiVe

Nature of Work: Performs scale room duties necessary in the unloading of corn and loading of distillers and ethanol.

Essential Duties:• Inspect and grade corn received to ensure it meets USDA standards.

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Education and Experience:• High School/GED Diploma required.• Demonstrated competencies.• Work experience in core essential responsibilities and duties.• Agricultural background preferred.

Physical Demands:• Ability to lift 50 lbs.• Stand for periods of time.

Send resumes to:Western New York Energy

4141 Bates Rd./P.O. Box 191, Medina, NY 14103jobs@wnyenergy.com


Monroe 2 - Orleans BOCES

Cleaners (Substitutes)

Per Diem (Hourly paid), eff. immed.Needed to fill in for current employees

during absences. Minor maintenance, lawn, grounds &

snow removal as required.For more information and to apply for

available positions, please refer to our website: www.monroe2boces.org


for Town of Ogden: Works closely with the Building Inspector in inspecting buildings, issuing permits and enforcing state and municipal building codes, 20 hrs/week. Valid NYS driver’s license re-quired. Applications available from Re-ceptionist at Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Ctr. Rd. Spencerport or @ www.ogdenny.com. E.O.E.


16 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016

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Continued on Page 17

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016 17

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Quillan (Roskey) (Sanborn), Evelyn M.“Lyn,” 89, passed peacefully on June 25, 2016.

She was a lifelong resident of both Spencerport and Lakeville, NY. Lyn was born April 10, 1927 to Joseph and Jeanette Roskey in Rochester, NY and then adopted by Leonard and Jane (Noon-an) Sanborn of Spencerport, after the sudden death of her mother Jeanette.

She is survived by her only adopted daughter Lynn Quillan-Robertson (Steve Flagg) and grandson Brian Gerlach (Jeanette Keating) both of Spencerport, and her longtime companion Ron-ald Lord of Lakeville, NY and Clearwater, FL, and also brother Bruce Sanborn of Rochester.

Lyn also leaves sisters, Helen Wright and Laura Martone, several nieces and neph-ews, very dear friend Jessie Rothenburgh, and her loved Main Coon Cat, “Andy.”

Lyn was an avid animal lover and owned and operated her own business in Spencer-port “The 1845 Shoppe” for many years. She also enjoyed playing cards and dancing.

A Memorial Service will be held Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 7 p.m. at Walker Broth-ers Funeral Home in Spencerport. In lieu of flowers, Lyn had requested that you please donate to Pet Pride of NY, Inc., P.O. Box 338, Mendon, NY 14506 or online at Pet Pride of NY Inc.

W.B.F.H. to sign book.

Shirley HenryShirley was born on October 20, 1934 to Marvin Stephen Beauchamp and Willie V. Choate Beauchamp in Abilene, TX and was raised in Midland, TX. She graduated from Midland High School in 1953 and in the fall of 1953, she met and fell in love with Earl J Henry, Jr., of Brockport, NY, when he was stationed in Big Spring, TX. They married on July 17 of 1954, 62 years ago, and in 1956 they moved to Brockport, NY. Shirley worked for Kodak for a number of years and in 1960 she became a Registered Nurse, a position she held for 36 years, working for Doctors Carl Sansocie, Malcolm Holtby, Robert Boon and others. After retiring in 1996, she moved back to Midland to be closer to her family. Family was always first for her.

Shirley is survived by her husband, Earl (Hank); three children, son Stephen (Eliz-abeth) Henry, grandson Stephen Henry, Jr., great grandchildren Terrin and Arianna Henry; daughter, Valerie (Eddie) Brewer, granddaughter Jillian (Tommy) Ellison and great grandsons Ethan and Tommy Ellison; son John (Darlene) Henry; sisters, Ann Hicks and Tommie Barrett; her beloved dog, CoCo; and many nieces and nephews.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to Midland Quilters Guild, P.O. 8757, Midland, TX 79708 or a charity of one’s choice in her memory.

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Continued from Page 16

death notices

BERGEN•Seely, Richard S., died June 25, 2016, age 87; husband of the late Dorothy E. Bennett Seely; father of Blaire (Frederick) Giancur-sio of Churchville, and the late Grant R. Seely; grandfather of Kristina Giancursio, Joseph Giancursio, both of Churchville, and the late Grant T. Giancursio.

His Funeral Service was held June 30 at H.E. Turner & Co. Funeral Home, Bergen. Burial in Mt. Rest Cemetery. Contributions can be made to Bergen Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 428, Bergen, NY 14416.

BROCKPORT•Frankenberger, Michael C., died June 22, 2016 at age 69. Predceased by his par-ents Clarence and Mildred, sister Sally Dean and brother-in-law Charlie Dean. He is survived by his loving daughter, Kari Frankenberger; his oldest daughter, Kelly (Jim) Neuman; four grandchildren; sisters Millie (Chuck) Clark and Diane Carey; his nephews Chuck Clark, Brian Carey, Dan Clark, Cody Dean, and many dear friends.

Services were held June 27 at the Fowler Funeral Home, Inc., Brockport. Donations can be made to the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, NY 14420, or to Wease Cares Children’s Foundation, 18 Regina Drive, Rochester, NY 14606 in his memory.

CLARKSON•Bartolucci, Giana Marie, died June 18, 2016. She is survived by her loving parents Tony and Lois Bartolucci; grandparents Al-bert and Patricia Bartolucci and J. Stanley and Sandra Allen; along with uncles, aunts, cousins, and many, many dear friends.

Giana was beautiful, kind, funny, musi-cally gifted, intelligent, and articulate. She was home schooled and, along with par-ticipating in various activities and classes, she sang with the Amadeus Chorale Youth Singers, and played soccer and basketball with the girls’ teams at Cornerstone Chris-tian Academy.

A Memorial Service celebrating her life was held June 26 at the Spencerport Bible Church, North Union Street, Spencerport. Donations can be made to the Clarkson Community Church, 8339 West Ridge Road, Brockport, NY 14420 in her memory.

HAMLIN•Wright, Elsie M. (Radford), died June 16, 2016 at age 84. Predeceased by her beloved husband of 64 years, Glen, May 2015. Survived by her five sons, Michael (Lori), Scott (Sandy), Ricky (Bonnie), Robin (Tammy) and Christopher (Christine) Wright; brothers, George (Marilyn) and Harold Radford; her sister, Patricia Huber; 10 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Also predeceased by her brothers, Jack and Robert Radford; and her sister, Jean Anne.

Private interment, Lakeside Cemetery, Hamlin. Contributions can be made to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton in her memory.

HILTON•Stiewe, Carolyn, died June 17, 2016, at age 89. Predeceased by her husbands, Francis Gray and William Stiewe. Survived by her children, Patricia (John) Scholze, Michael (Cindee) Gray and William (Su-san) Stiewe; grandchildren, Brian (Tracy) Scholze, Erin (Matt) Smyre, Kevin (Mary) Gray and Lexie Stiewe; 5 great-grandchil-dren.

No formal Service will be held. Those wishing may contribute to Lifetime Hospice in her memory.

KENDALL•Rohde, James H., died June 23, 2016 at age 78. Predeceased by his wife Janet, sister Audrey Joensen and son-in-law Cort Fowler Jr. He is survived by his daughters Jeanine (Russell) Rohde-Barthel, Marian Rohde, Jennifer Fowler; loving friend Mary Jane Bieber; grandchildren Alisha, Allison and Alexander (Hannahjo) Barthel, Ashlyn and Trey Fowler; great-grandchildren Shaylee, Sydnee and Randy Stoner; sisters Marion Montemayor and Kathy (Hubie) Burns; also many nieces and nephews.

His Funeral Service was held June 28 at the Kendall United Methodist Church. Interment with military honors in Green-wood Cemetery. Contributions can be made to the Kendall Volunteer Ambulance in his memory.

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18 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald - July 3, 2016

AREA WORSHIP SERVICESST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY 14468 (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm), (585) 392-4099, www.stgeorgehilton.org.Please join us for Worship & Sunday School at 10am, Bible Study on Tuesdays at 11am.

ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464, (585) 964-2550.Pastor Christian Bode. Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11AM. Sunday School & Bible Class 9:45AM. NYS Licensed Child Care - Mon.-Fri., 6AM-6PM, 964-5859, UPK & Preschool.

ST. LEO’S CATHOLIC CHURCH167 Lake Avenue, Hilton, (585) 392-2710. Father Joseph Cata-nise. Worship: Saturday 5pm; Sunday 9:30am (child care avail-able at 9:30am Mass); Sunday 7pm LifeTeen Mass; Adult Bible Study Thursday 9am. Handicap accessible. Vacation Bible School: “Birthday Blast” August 1-5. Summer Intensive Program: August 8-12. Register by July 20. LifeTeen Mass 7pm in July and August.

ST. MARY’S CHURCH ST. MARK’S CHURCH13 South Main Street, Holley 16789 Kenmore Road, KendallParish Center - Holley 638-6718, www.stmarystmark.org. Father Mark Noonan. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 8:00AM St. Mary’s;Thursday - 7:00PM St. Mary’s; Friday - 11:30AM St. Mark’s; SaturdayVigil - 5:00PM St. Mary’s; Sunday - 8:30AM St. Mark’s, 10:30AM St. Mary’s.

BROCKPORT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHA Welcoming and Affirming American Baptist Congregation Serving our community. 124 Main Street, (585) 637-9770. Pastor Joanne Gilbert-Cannon. Sunday: 9:45am - Praise Music; 10:00am - Wor-ship; 10:30am - Children’s Worship.

HILTON BAPTIST CHURCH“A Congregation of the American Baptist Churches.” 50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-7990. Pastor Dan Brown. Website: www.hiltonbaptist.org. E-mail: hbchurch@frontiernet.net. Summer Worship Service: 9:30am. Fellowship: 10:30am. “Bible Blast to the Past” Vacation Bible School for ages 4-12, July 18-22, 6-8pm. Com-plimentary Dinner 5:15-5:45pm. Register on-line or call the church office. “Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go” Adult Bible Study, July 18-22, 6-8pm. Complimentary Dinner 5:15-5:45pm. Call the church office to register. Handicap Accessible.

HILTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCHMaking disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transform-ing Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-8761. Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor. Website: www.humcny.org, E-mail: humc98@rochester.rr.com. Informal Worship: 8:30am (July 10 through August 28). Service: 10am. Fellowship: 11am. Sunday School: 11:30am. Child care available 9:30am to 12:30pm. Adult Bible Study: Monday 7pm & Thursday 1pm. Handicap Accessible

LAKEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCHReformed Church in America. Our Life, Ministry, and Mission: To Have Hearts Centered on Christ And Hearts Open to Our Neigh-bors. 30 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14612 (near Edgemere Drive in Greece), (585) 227-4910, www.lakeviewcommunitychurch.net. Rev. Steven Rodriguez, Pastor. SUNDAY SERVICES: Sun-day School at 9am (during June, July & Aug., No Sunday School Classes); Praise & Worship at 10am. OTHER ACTIVITIES: Mon-day: Boy Scout Troop #18 (7pm); Tuesday: Community Cards (1-3pm); Wednesday: Women’s Prayer & Share Group (10am), Bible Study (7pm), Band Rehearsal (6pm), Choir Rehearsal (7pm). Visit our website or call for additional info. Handicapped accessible.

LIFEQUEST COMMUNITY CHURCH59 Henry Street, Hilton, Hilton Community Center, www.lifequest.cc, email: info@lifequest.cc, facebook: LifeQuestCC, twitter: @life-questcc. Rob Dickerson, Lead Pastor; Jamey Hinman, Associate Pastor. Worship Experiences: Sunday 9:15am; Sunday10:45am. Mid-Week Programs: Tuesday 7pm @ Crosspoint Free Methodist - Royal Rangers - Boys Scouting Program; Sacred Girls - Girls Scout-ing Program. “Journeying together as we discover God’s love and purpose for our lives.” faith.family.friends.fun.freedom

PARMA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH39 Hovey Street, Hilton, (585) 615-6383, www.PCFMinistries.com, Facebook: Parma Christian Fellowship Church. Rev. Dr. Myke Mer-rill. Worship Services: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 10AM. Family Midweek: Wednesday 6:30PM - Kids Club and TurningPoint Teens. Nursery School: Parma Free Center, 167 Lake Avenue, Hilton. School Phone: (585) 392-5792

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Legal NoticeHilton Central School District

Athletic DepartmentAthletic Trainer ContractRequest for Proposals

OVERVIEWThe Hilton Central School District’s Department of Athletics is seeking proposals to provide the following services for the 2016-17 and 2017-2018 school years. •Athletic Trainer Services •Performance Enhancement Services

INTENTIt is the intent of the district to identify a vendor who will serve the district for a period of 24 -months, starting in August of 2016.

VENDOR SELECTIONIn reviewing the RFP’s the district will consider, at a minimum, the following factors:•The suitability of the individual/firm for the district’s need;•The special knowledge or expertise of the individual/firm;•The credentials and applicable certifications of the individual/firm;•The quality of the service provided by the individual/firm;•Cost;•The staffing available from the firm or the time available from the individual

SERVICE REQUIREMENTS•Cost per hour for each year for: o Coverage of athletic training room o Coverage of athletic events (F, W, S) o Implementation and oversight of the impact concussion management system o Providing sports performance and condition enhancement training programs for teams, student-athletes and coaches o Obtaining and recording HIPPA forms

•The services will also include: o Preseason meeting with coaching staff o Preseason athletic meeting with athletic teams o Evaluation and first aid treatment of injuries o Medical consultation o Student-athlete training program o Ongoing evaluation of injury rates and types o Reconditioning and returning to competition after injury o Communication between physician, coach, athlete, parents, school nurse and school doctor o Program and staff evaluation

QUESTIONSPlease direct questions pertaining to this request for proposals to: Mike Giruzzi, Director of Athletics, Hilton Central School District, 400 East Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, phone (585) 392-1000, extension 2136, email mgiruzzi@hilton.k12.ny.us

Proposals are due by: July 20, 2016

Please send your proposal to:Michael P. Giruzzi

Hilton Central School District Athletic Department

400 East AvenueHilton, NY 14468

Legal NoticeHilton Central School District

Athletic DepartmentAthletic Trainer ContractRequest for Proposals

OVERVIEWThe Hilton Central School District’s Department of Athletics is seeking proposals to provide the following services for the 2016-17 and 2017-2018 school years. •Athletic Trainer Services •Performance Enhancement Services •Physician Services

INTENTIt is the intent of the district to identify a vendor who will serve the district for a period of 24 -months, starting in August of 2016.

VENDOR SELECTIONIn reviewing the RFP’s the district will consider, at a minimum, the following factors:•The suitability of the individual/firm for the district’s need;•The special knowledge or expertise of the individual/firm;•The credentials and applicable certifications of the individual/ firm;•The quality of the service provided by the individual/firm;•Cost;•The staffing available from the firm or the time available from the individual

SERVICE REQUIREMENTS•Cost per hour for each year for: o Coverage of athletic training room o Coverage of athletic events (F, W, S) o Implementation and oversight of the impact concussion management system o Providing sports performance and condition enhancement training programs for teams, student-athletes and coaches o Obtaining and recording HIPPA forms

•The services will also include: o Preseason meeting with coaching staff o Preseason athletic meeting with athletic teams o Evaluation and first aid treatment of injuries o Medical consultation o Student-athlete training program o Ongoing evaluation of injury rates and types o Reconditioning and returning to competition after injury o Communication between physician, coach, athlete, parents, school nurse and school doctor o Program and staff evaluation

Physician Services1. Independent Contractor During the term of this Agreement, the Physicians, as independent contractors, will act as a school physician(s) dur-ing interscholastic athletic related activities and events in ac-cordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2. Term The term of this Agreement shall commence September 1, 2016 and will continue in effect until August 31, 2018, un-less terminated sooner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

3. Payment As payment for the performance by the Physicians of its obligations under the terms of this Agreement, the District will pay the Physicians.

4. Responsibilities of the Physicians The Physician will provide the District, during the term of this Agreement, with the services of New York licensed physicians necessary to discharge the duties of a school physician for the District, in the manner and as such duties are described in this Agreement and on the attached Schedule A. All such

duties shall be discharged in a timely, competent and complete fashion and, to the extend necessary and when appropriate, af-ter appropriate consultation with the District, and subject to the standards and policies of the District and applicable law.

5. Responsibility of the District The District is responsible for the following:(a) maintenance and repair of all equipment which the District normally provides for use by the school physician in the perfor-mance of its duties under the terms of the Agreement; and(b) providing the necessary supplies, space and support services which the District normally provides on its property for use by the school physician in the performance of its duties under the terms of the Agreement.

6. Outside ActivitiesThe Physician may engage in teaching, consulting and the prac-tice of medicine off District premises, provided that such activi-ties do not create a conflict of interest with or interfere with the discharge of their obligations under the terms of the Agreement.

7. Reports All reports and other administrative documenta-tion and recordkeeping required of the school physician by the District or applicable law will be provided and maintained by the Physicians in accordance with the District’s requests and policies. During the term of this Agreement and for a reason-able period of time after the Agreement has been terminated or expired, the Physicians will provide the district with all such re-ports, documentation and other records which relate to perfor-mance by the Physicians of their obligations under the terms of this Agreement.

8. Time Records The Physicians will keep time records, which will re-flect the hours worked and duties performed under and in accor-dance with the terms of this Agreement.

9. Ownership of Records All records relating to District students, District per-sonnel and the performance by the Physicians under the terms of this Agreement are and will remain the property of the District both during and after the term of this Agreement. However, the Physicians will be entitled to reasonable access to those re-cords, during normal business hours, upon written request to the District.

10. Compliance With Laws Performance under the terms of this Agreement by the Physicians and the District will comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to pro-fessional ethics and standards as enunciated by the New York State Education Department, the American Medical Association and the American Hospital Association.

11. Insurance As independent contractors the Physicians will not be covered by insurance maintained by the District. Therefore, the Physicians will maintain, at their expense, such liability and mal-practice insurance necessary to insure against any loss resulting from any act or omission on the part of the Physicians relating to performance by them under the terms of this Agreement, and necessary to insure the indemnity obligation contained in para-graph 17 of this Agreement. The policy limits shall be at least $1,000,000 per claim and $3,000,000 annual aggregate. The Physician will provide the District with proof that such insur-ance is in full force and effect at all times during the term of this Agreement.

QUESTIONSPlease direct questions pertaining to this request for proposals to: Mike Giruzzi, Director of Athletics, Hilton Central School District, 400 East Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, phone (585) 392-1000, extension 2136, email mgiruzzi@hilton.k12.ny.us

Proposals are due by: July 20, 2016

Please send your proposal to:Michael P. Giruzzi

Hilton Central School District Athletic Department

400 East AvenueHilton, NY 14468

Legal Notices

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 3, 2016 19

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Keeping Brockport’s gardens in caring for plants and peopleby Doug Hickerson

“I think of gardens as public art,” Pam Ketchum said. “And when people in a community see a garden in nice shape, they get a sense of well-being. They feel, ‘Something is good in this world right here.’ ”

With an artistic touch and true grit, she has voluntarily developed and maintained many of the Brockport Village gardens since 2009. With occasional help from citizens, organizations and church groups, she tends Remembrance Park, Sagawa Park, Harvester Park and the Welcome Center, Corbett Park, and Village Hall. Add to those, many of the 26 garden fenced-in garden squares on Main and Market Streets.

Besides volunteer help, Pam regularly works with individuals doing court-re-quired community service, wanting to engender in them, she says, a sense of self-worth and accomplishment.

Keeping gardensinteresting year-roundIn the first years Pam would pull weeds and, with permission, do touch-ups to the Village gardens. Over the years, she has become more involved with design. “I am trying to create gardens that are interest-ing year-round for the public,” she said after working several gardening seasons. For instance, in spring there are tulips, daffodils and giant alliums. Summer brings irises, day lilies, sedum, hydran-gea, coral bells, hostas and ever-blooming roses. Winterberries bring their red berry appeal in winter.

She has had to re-work some areas, such as Sagawa Park. Inundated with weeds, she took out almost everything in the north and south border four years ago. Now the south border looks “good and stable,” while the north border “is defying me” with per-sistent weeds, Pam said.

The 26 garden squares on Main and Market Streets have been a special project. Merchants donated to some of them. Oth-ers were purchased by individuals with a plaque to honor someone; and among these, some donors have done the planting and maintenance themselves. Pro-Brock-port coordinated the funds for this project. Last year tulips were contributed and have provided a “strong visual effect” in all the garden squares, Pam said.

Reviving gardens and restoring people sent by the courtsFor community service helpers, Pam keeps careful records on hours worked and reports back to the courts and the College at the end of a season. In 2016

records as of June 23 show 31 people do-ing court-or-college-required community service for a total of 555 hours beginning in January. In 2015 she worked with 14 people completing 208 hours of community service from April to December. All were from the Village Court except one from Town of Sweden Court. In 2014 it was 20 people completing 324.5 hours, from April to November, ten from the Sweden Court and five from the College

Pam started working with the Sweden Town Court in 2011. The first “co-worker” assigned to Pam said to her later in the first work day, “You are being so nice to me. I thought I was supposed to be your slave.” Pam answered that she believes in respect. “That was the way the day went. We had a great exchange and we worked hard with great respect for each other and for the community that we live in.”

She has gone from supervising one or two court-appointed helpers to as many as eight at one time over five years. As the numbers have grown, her managerial skills have evolved, she said. She trains and encourages her co-workers as a team. “We introduce each other and have a pretty nice time,” Pam said. “I feel like everybody has something to offer and we can learn from each other.”

Comradery is cultivated in chatting about recipes, travel or other favorite things. “We don’t talk about offenses but concentrate on making the village gardens nice.” Pam’s attitude is that, “They are all good people who just made a mistake. We all do that,” she said. “They are valuable in helping the village and helping me. And, there is such a good sense of therapy for everybody involved, including me. It’s so worthwhile.”

Beautiful gardensare a free gift to the public“Priceless beauty” is a good term for the aesthetics as well as the economic aspects of the public gardens. Besides volunteer labor, contributions of plants and funds for plants come from a variety of donors, leaving essentially no demand on Village funds. Pam has done her own fund raising at times, once with buckets of hydrangeas in front of her house with a sign “Free or make donation.” That gleaned $100 and selling plant bulbs at a garage sale also made money.

Bill Andrews contributed funds for the eight ever-blooming roses Pam wanted for Remembrance Park. Ute and Ray Duncan have donated plants from their garden. The tulips on Main and Market Streets were donated by Josephine Matela. Duane Beckett (owner of Sunnking, Inc. Brock-port), and his cousin who owns a tulip

bulb company in Holland, donated tulips, daffodils, alliums and crocus a year ago. Kathy Kepler at Sara’s Garden Center has provided plants and systemic plant food at discounted prices.

Pam’s gardening skills are free, but she wants her volunteer work to be of high value. “I feel a responsibility to do it right, do it well,” she said as her reason for earn-ing her Master Gardener certification at the Batavia cooperative extension. And, her work has received the attention of the regional Master Gardener’s organiza-tion. Ten of the members visited Pam in

mid-June to view the Brockport gardens. Discussion included garden design, vol-unteerism and a program that ties law enforcement with community gardens and parks. “They were impressed with what is going on in Brockport,” Pam said.

In 2013, Pam Ketchum was one of the first winners of the Monika W. Andrews Creative Volunteer Leadership Award. See the article sub-titled “Reviving gardens, restoring people, respecting history for Brockport’s vitality” (Suburban News, Hamlin-Clarkson Herald, February 3, 2013, www.westsidenewsny.com).

Pam Ketchum tends to the Remembrance Park garden on Park Avenue in Brockport. Photo by Dianne Hickerson.

Grace Kent won first place in the Facebook voting for her coloring of “3-D Fishes,” in the Coloring Book Contest held recently at the Community Free Library in Holley. Kent re-ceived 13 of 42 votes. Library officials said they had a great time with the first-ever contest and hope patrons did, too. K. Gabalski photo.

Nancy Spychalski won first place in the in-library voting for her coloring of “Multi-Colored Wolves” in the recent Coloring Book Contest at the Community Free Library in Holley. Spychalski received 21 of 61 votes for her entry. K Gabalski photo.

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