Habilitar y conectar : Desarrollando y potenciando una Cultura social.

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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© 2012 IBM Corporation

Habilitar y Conectar: Desarrollando y Potenciando una Cultura Social

© 2012 IBM Corporation 2

Compañías no hacen negocios con compañías. Personas hacen negocio con personas.

Las personas son lo central en su negocio


“Social Business” = La evolución del Negocio

Alistair Rennie, General Manager IBM Collaboration Solutions, auf der Lotusphere 2011

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Las personas son sociales por naturalezaLas personas compartirán sus ideas y encontrarán a otras si se les dá la oportunidad

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Lo social promueve la innovaciónLa creatividad es el motor de la innovación y propera en entornos sociales.

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CEO's nombraron la “creatividad” como una cualidad importante de liderazgo

“...para los próximos 5 años” como lo indica el estudio de 2010 a 1500 CEOs por el IBM Institute for Business Value.

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¡¡ Promueva lo Social y deje que cumpla su trabajo !!

● A culture that motivates people to reach, engage, discover and act.

Una cultura que motiva a su gente a encontrar, conectar, descubrir y actuar

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Promueva y conecte a sus empleadosLa necesidad de expresarse, compartir sus ideas y ejercitar su sentido de pertenencia.

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Enable IBM Connections

A multifaceted environment to manage people networks, knowledge, ideas, plans and goals.

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Connect IBM Sametime

The means to know where others are, what they're doing and the power to reach out to them in real time.

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Let social communications roll... Use cases

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Las personas necesitan tener una identidadPerfil Empresarial en la Intranet y Presencia para Contactarse

La oportunidad de contarle al mundo quién y dónde estoy, qué conocimiento tengo, qué pienso, en qué estoy trabajando y con quién me relaciono.

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Quién soy, qué me gusta, qué estoy haciendo ahora, qué tenemos en común, quién está en mi red y como contactarlos.

Sobre mi persona

Buscar por nombre, experiencia o palabra clave.

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Sobre mi personaPodría estar involucrado en los mismos proyectos, comunidades y discusiones en los que tu participas

Sepa que tenemos en común

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Podría tener conocimiento útil para tu desarrollo de proyectos

Sobre mi persona

Accesa a mis publicaciones recientes en Comunidades, Archivos, Blogs, Bookmarks, Foros y Actividades

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I may not be actively posting about what I know but you can always get to what I may have published in the past.

Sobre mi persona

Revisa mi experiencia, calificaciones y proyectos anteriores.

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Once you have an idea about who I am and what I know you may want to see where I stand in relation to you.

Sobre mi persona

Dónde estoy en la organización, con quien me relaciono y cómo nos relacionamos

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If after learning so much about me you decide I'm the person you're looking for then it's time to find out whether you can reach me.

Sobre mi persona

Sepa si estoy disponible para chat, hablar, agendar o unirme a conversaciones o video llamadas.

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Availability works both ways: since you can see me you can bet I can see you.

Sobre mi persona

Decide si quieres estar disponible.

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You may not need to reach me but I may know who you need to reach out to.

Sobre mi persona

Úsame para llegar a personas en mi red de contacto/trabajo.


Portal / Web Content Mgt / Connections

Calendar of Laboratory


Calendar of Laboratory


Training CoursesTraining Courses

News around the Lab(content source is


News around the Lab(content source is


Common Header

Common Header


Research Division Homepage

The content on all Division pages is WCM generated

The content on all Division pages is WCM generated

Division-specific Events

Division-specific Events

Access to collaborative


Access to collaborative


23©2011 IBM Corporation

Staff ProfileStaff Profile

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Banner Navigation is served from

Portal, including WCM content for

Alerts, Threat level

Banner Navigation is served from

Portal, including WCM content for

Alerts, Threat level

Displays information about current Activites.

Displays information about current Activites.

Boxes are user-customizable. All retrieve content directly from the

relevant application.

Boxes are user-customizable. All retrieve content directly from the

relevant application.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 25

Las personas pertenecen a grupos, comunidades. Por afinidad o necesidad

Connections communities with Sametime presence and Sametime Advanced features.

Un lugar de reunión para compartir conocimientos, ideas e intereses, un campo de acción para las comunicaciones sociales; un contexto común para trabajar juntos e innovar.

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¡¡ Es sobre Nosotros !!Our common projects, ideas, tasks, discussions, and goals along with the means to bring us all together in real time when needed.

Ver la lista de la comunidad para saber quién es miembro y con qué perfil.

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¡¡ Es sobre Nosotros !!Use the community context to get to know those of us you haven't met yet.

Abre la tarjeta de negocios de los miembros de la comunidad para saber mas sobre ellos.

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¡¡ Es sobre Nosotros !!Leverage their availability status to get to them in real time.

Puedo definir si eres la persona con la que necesito trabajar basado en tu identidad, con quien te relacionas, o qué has publicado/compartido.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 29

¡¡ Es sobre Nosotros !!Leverage their availability status to get to them in real time.

Contacta a los miembros de la comunidad directamente desde sus tarjetas de presentación.

© 2011 IBM Corporation 30

● Access all of your Connections data from mobile browsers or free native apps

● New Capabilities

­ Media Gallery – upload photos/videos from your phone

­ Access Ideation Blogs

­ Hyperlinks in Status Updates

­ Improved Home screen navigation style

­ Saved login information in native app

­ Device wiping & VPN capability● Download native app from major app stores: iTunes,

Android Market, Blackberry App Worlds

Social EverywhereNew Mobile Apps to Access Data Anywhere / Anytime

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Apple iPod Touch / iPhone Devices

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Google Android Devices

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RIM BlackBerry Devices

ShippedQ3 2011

© 2012 IBM Corporation 34

It's about usNot everyone lives in the browser. Those of us who live in Sametime also have access to communities and more.

Access your Connections communities directly from Sametime Connect.

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It's about usGo deep into the tree and get a glimpse of the makeup of entire divisions, departments, etc.; all from Sametime Connect

Locate people based on their standing in the organization's hierarchy.

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It's about usNeed to ping all of us at once? Sametime Connect has a plug-in for that.

Send announcements, questions, alerts and polls to all community members at the same time in real time.

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It's about usGet our collective input in real time and store it for future reference.

Capture knowledge and insight just by keeping the conversation alive.

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People need to find peopleConnections applications with Sametime Advanced presence and real-time connectivity.

An engine that helps me find the right people for the task at hand.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 39

It's about youYou have the expertise, the insight or the authority to help me make something happen and I'm going to find you.

I can determine you're the person I need to work with based on your identity, who you hang out with and what you've published.

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It's about youConnections lets me find you from different contexts and ping you through a single vehicle.

Your business card is everywhere and it tells me whether you're available.

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It's about youSametime let's me find you based on where you are and what you're doing at this very moment.

I can look you up in the organizational hierarchy and decide whether to ping you based on your availability status.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 42

It's about youSametime gives me access to broadcast channels to let you know I need help.

I can find you via announcements, broadcast chats, using Skill Tap and even launching a poll asking for answers.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 43

It's about youI know where you've been... and I can get to you from there.

Find the person you need based on their participation in persistent chat forums.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 44

¡¡ Es cómo llegar a ti, cómo contactarte !!Accesando en tiempo real a los canales mas robutos en el mercado.

Desde la tarjeta de negocios a una sesión de chat, voice chat o llamada telefónica usando el soft phone.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 45

Las personas necesitan comunicarse

Los canales que me permitan ubicar a la persona, no el dispositivo ni el lugar, cuando lo necesite.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 46

¡¡ Es cómo llegar a ti, cómo contactarte !!Canales de comunicación en tiempo real a través de una variedad de dispositivos.

Llegar a la persona no es un problema. Ruteo automático de la llamada al/los dispositivos mas apropiados basado en su presencia y estado actual.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 47

¡¡ Es cómo llegar a ti, cómo contactarte !!Video de clase Enterprise e integración con sistemas de terceros.

Cuando la voz no es suficiente, podemos abrir una video llamada.

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Escalar a un chat grupal

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Guardar la transcripción de los chats

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Usar voice chat para llamadas VoIP o establecer llamadas telefónicas tradicionales.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 51

¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Ir de chat con voz a video o unirse a una sesión de telepresencia en un sistema de video empresarial de terceros.

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Configure sus opciones de llamada y administre su address book.

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Escale hacia salas de reunión instantánea (y persistente) con soporte de audio y video.

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Añade personas a tu lista de contacto para futuras referencias.

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!The Connections plug-in for Sametime takes Connections beyond the Web browser.

Añadir la transcripción del chat a una Actividad

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!The Connections plug-in for Sametime takes Connections beyond the Web browser.

Encontrar Actividades relacionadas

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!The Connections plug-in for Sametime takes Connections beyond the Web browser.

Añadir esta conversación a un Foro o Comunidad

© 2012 IBM Corporation 58

¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Ubicarte en tiempo real a través del canal mas apropiado para la situación en marcha.

Comparte tu pantalla completa, o una porción de ella, o una aplicación abierta con tus contactos de chat.

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What Sametime Connect can doThe Connections plug-in for Sametime takes Connections beyond the Web browser.

I can get to you on Connections from the Sametime business card.

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¡¡ Qué podemos hacer !!Saber de ti, tu red, tu conocimiento y experiencia desde tu tarjeta de visita

Acceso 360° al Perfil digital de mis contactos de chat

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People need to work together Connections communities and Sametime meetings.

The context to exercise people networks to produce tangible business value.

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¡¡ Hagamos el trabajo en colaboración !!¡¡ Conectémonos !! Primero chat, luego escuchar y ver a los demas – como lo hacemos los humanos.

Desde la sesión de chat, abrir una sala de reuniones con audio y video, presencia y soporte de contenido o documentos.

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It's about getting the job doneLet's connect! We can chat first and then hear and see each other—like humans do.

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It's about getting the job doneLet's connect! We can chat first and then hear and see each other—like humans do.

Launching the meeting room from Sametime Connect gives us access to additional features such as the ability to take control of each other's workstations.

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People are doing it today... References

© 2012 IBM Corporation 66

Communicating and sharing knowledge Berlitz Corporation

IBM Connections enables Berlitz employees to find colleagues based on need, expertise, background and skills for answers to questions, consultation and project staffing.

IBM Sametime allows users to connect and interact with each other in real time infusing Berlitz with fluid communication and collaboration channels across the corporation.


“eBerlitz” Community in which they develop on-line teaching materials

© 2012 IBM Corporation 68

Extending expertise beyond your own walls to save lives

Children's Hospital Boston

IBM Connections enables clinicians to grow their skills in a social environment with complementary expert and peer contextual commentary, on-boarding support, profile management and search capabilities.

IBM Sametime connects clinicians with colleagues and mentors reducing information bottlenecks and maximizing access to the most relevant information in real time.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 69

Enabled and connected to serve Chinese Deaf Association, R.O.C.

IBM Connections enables deaf and hearing-impaired clients of the Chinese Deaf Association to share information in video format with sign-language interpreters and each other.

IBM Sametime connects Chinese Deaf Association clients with sign language interpreters through video chat to help them communicate with hearing people in real time.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 70

Building people networks United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

IBM Connections enables United Nations users to easily connect with other users, other agencies, non-government agencies (NGOs) and host-nation personnel.

IBM Sametime connects United Nations users through unified, real-time communication and collaboration services from enterprise instant messaging and online meetings to telephony and video conferencing.



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What's next? The Connections-Sametime integration roadmap.

● Sametime Proxy support for Connections

● Sametime A/V Widget for Connections

1Q 2012 ● Sametime Proxy support for Connections 4.0

3Q 2012● Sametime Meetings

support for Connections Files

4Q 2012

● Closer integration between Connections communities, Sametime Advanced and Sametime meetings

● Richer Sametime presence into Connections profiles and the business card

● Improved search on connections profiles from the Sametime Connect client

2013 and Beyond

The information contained in this presentation is made available under the rules outlined in the non-disclosure agreement currently in place between your company or institution and IBM. All information related to new products, product releases and capabilities is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. All information on new features and products is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. All information on new features and products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for our products and the capabilities included in them remains at our sole discretion.

© 2012 IBM Corporation 74

For more information on how to get all this done...

● The IBM Connections Wiki‒ The Connections plug-in for Sametime‒ Integrating Connections communities and Sametime Advanced‒ Surfacing Sametime presence as a custom attribute on Connections Profiles

● The IBM Sametime Wiki‒ Integrating the Connections business card‒ Enabling click-to-call from the Sametime Web client and the Web meetings client‒ Integrating Connections and Sametime Advanced

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We can help youStart by enabling and connecting your people; let creativity flourish and get on your way to becoming a Social Business.


© 2012 IBM Corporation

Thank you!

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