Ha06 modesty-haya

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Derived from the word “hayat”

which means life.

shyness, self-respect, bashfulness, shame, honor, humility, etc.

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•  Asking favours •  Telling truth

•  When we need break from something •  Following Allah’s command in society

•  Following cults and peer pressure •  Watching vulgarity

•  Back biting and other haram

يا بني آدم قد أنزلنا عليكم لباسا يواري سوآتكم وريشا ولباس التقوى

ذلك خير ذلك من آيات الله لعلهم يذكرون•  O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment.

But the clothing of righteousness - that is best. That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember.

Bad and uneasy feeling accompanied by embarrassment, caused by one's fear of being exposed or censured for some unworthy or indecent conduct. 

Modesty by


Modesty by


•  The natural instincts of shyness and shame i.e. the natural feeling a person has to cover his private parts.

Example of Hazrat Usman (ra)

Once, Prophet Muhammad (saw) was sitting with some of his Companions

and the shin of leg was not covered. In the meantime,

somebody informed him about the arrival of Hazrat Usman (ra).

Prophet Muhammad (saw) immediately covered it and remarked, "Even the angels have regard for the

modesty of Usman."

•  “In the times when I am alone and even in the times of need I do no see my private parts because of Allah’s Haya. “

•  “Allah has told us to cover our private parts, so even in the times of need I do not see them because I feel shame from my own body.”

(sermon of Abu Bakr ra)

•  “If a person loses modesty(Haya) then he loses Allah’s fear too. And when he loses Allah’s fear then his heart is dead.”

•  “A person who is modest (baa haya) will try to cover himself, he will not show off his body, he will not do bad things. And the person who will cover himself will become pious, and the one who becomes pious will be saved.”

Major aspect of Modesty.

Based on faith. A sense of haya should affect a Muslim’s conduct before

Allah, before others and even when one is alone.


•  Objective: What the average man thinks about modesty?

•  By Christian guys and girls who care about modesty. •  Over 200 Christian girls submitted their questions. •  In less than twenty days

–  Over 1,600 Christian guys (12 and up) responded –  Close to 200,000 separate pieces of data were collected, including 25,000 text responses.

The survey was presented in a traditional five-point Agree/Disagree format.

–  Each participant was presented with 148 positive/negative statements and was given the options to Agree, Strongly Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, or remain Neutral.

–  Each statement was accompanied by an optional text box for additional explanation.

A person not hurting another with his words, tone, or body language.

Not talking rudely, unpleasantly, or not showing bad or uncivilized behavior.

Having a critical eye on us, the way we talk, walk, behave and

think and our thoughts when we are alone.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) once said that self judgment and self

realization is haya.

Covering our body according to the rules mentioned in Shariah.

•  A person says something intolerable to us.

•  A person demands something wrong

•  A person talks indecently.

Controlling our immediate and negative

reaction when

Meeting someone in a presentable way,

not being a cause of displeasure because of the way we have dressed up or the

way we smell.

To treat children with kindness

Narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A) “Swear upon Allah I served Prophet Muhammad (saw) for 9 years. I do not remember him saying me why you did not do this, or why you did this, if I did not do something properly, or did not do something I was told to do.”

Desires of nafs Pressures of environment

Lack of believe in the existence

of Allah

The first condition of acceptance of “Tauba” is shame, guilt, and a strong feeling that

we have done wrong.

And all these feelings come from Haya.

Sign a life

Sign of faith

Sign of recognition(“Marfat”) of Allah

Sense of responsibility

Feeling of being answerable for own deeds

•  Hilm: Not taking immediate and negative reaction.

•  Haya: Not being a source of displeasure for others.

Two qualities which Allah Loves

There are different levels of Haya in every person, and these levels depend upon

The level of recognition of

Allah The fear of

Allah The feeling that Allah is

very near

The feeling of Allah’s


He stops himself from things, which are allowed in Shariah, but he feels they are not right for him.

Haya then becomes a shield between that person and bad.

starts to see Allah’s blessing and His greatness in everything, starts to ponder upon the miracles of Allah.

this creates Haya in him. (Junaid Bhaghdadi)

Feeling shame over our mistakes.

To accept that we are weak but not

accepting “be hayai”.

Deep love of Allah, that makes a person’s tongue to seize with haya.

He does not blame others for his misdeeds

Feeling shame from ourselves

This helps to move towards solutions

Modest in his relationship with Allah.

Refrain from doing bad even when alone

Visualize every situation

as a test

You have four cameras pointing at you

Recording from all directions

And all this will be played back in front of Allah, and all of creation!

You had a busy day, slept late at night, could not wake up

for fajar namaz, how would you feel when you get up late and

realize that you missed namaz?

Oh! Missed again! No problem it was just one namaz…


Feeling shame, guilt, feeling how great Allah is and how unthankful we am, and think

of how we can avoid this in


You come home from work/university,

tired, exhausted, your mother start scolding

you on something that was not even

your fault.

Shout back at her.?

Understand that she is human too, she may be

upset because of something else.

So we should control our immediate and negative

reaction and think of other person’s state of mind.

You have a habit of talking rudely with people.

Don’t forget the cameras !

Talk to people politely, and


Makes us pious

Realize that only Allah is great (Allah-o-Akbar)

The bad inside starts to vanish

Creates the attitude of gentleness in a believer

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