»h« im mxm mm tm MMMMAI - Catholic Courierlib.catholiccourier.com/1903-february-1905-september...»h« im mxm mm tm MMMMAI ^* Hit w&n isoipsp6i»d«»t mm» j^wliaid fw-euio«t(^tom*w^\'f

Post on 03-Feb-2021






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  • rm>i;i-rv-tm

    • . -"K-w .,.;.,•?.: :1$fGi

    •ppNoninpamipi i m p ' ̂ «ti«a Govrni, Nothing i s prettier and more becoui-

    lug to a flilr, slight womtiu *wltbja pset- _^ __ ty complexion t»au*teMte^h»t -yfUfte ^ ^ Wm^bmm * h e « U b y W g , gowns must be carefttlly avoided, hy a i t , ^ei^fer^Linoittfas or so flHumfli her sister of too aniple charpt, Blaes 8hQn]d he .8lHige4^: 4- olacfe gown wBl towing the hair to hang loose down the/ make her look slighter than ftnythj^g b a c K f o r 8 o m f e ^ j r a i B s : a ^ i j y w hjnaftvlttg' else, while pule blue, light gray and it a good deal ofnttstttidjtin the w*y nearly every shade of red will mate 0 f brushing stnd Kjoinblns* her "too, too solid flesh" most unaeslr-, ^^restorctf»©iBs|e|Of tbohftttaaer ably self assertive, A subdued shad* waslung it m»» be anointed «H«UtV *t of blue, heliotrope und olive green, with 0 i g J l t o n m®?m ^ i t h « lotion foxM-

    5, . , » , «. - ^ block, amy be advantageously worn DOsed ofĵ ^ ferfeviielhio, 25 «r.atnsj BOH » MEAV̂ RKtt̂ wtw +imm&%**a&

    itg > by the stout woinan, who will aJae And a e cologne* & ftfitms? nitwte of pHp tioft o i |he real bw»d*i»% W t t i mauve aud the higher shades of green, carplue, I Irahuf * — ^hahakQWJatefs, witb ti^^tllK used In decoration about the throat and suoulders, very helpful lu diminishing the effect of her site.

    4-Ttf t^ i^PJp CHESt., t i

    itrUCttbty COlOM. ^Cne t̂jUttty drej

    ^ _ «hOwtt-Jft-*fee»fllttrtStl!* W' A s«uttuietit«i «na *t the Sam* «!•T0Ul4 the reyulred size and close with a gat and lined with lowered ehhite , . M M , , Into .^hfe* enjKil' button or with hoote and eyes. %kQ The idea hi t o flinaio chest W t̂h pret' inak^tlw bj»» corner *(M

    ly aided by considerable Inherited abil- tapes tied in front and bunchy gathers t y things towenr OP for the fnmlttiog *4fcM «o1^r th« l«P#h*of ity. For ubout fifteen years the dutigb- probably cansu your well mude mw and decoration of a home. One girl h? a^yfeiu Ih^re J* lll*t *wo# ter has been the business head of the dress sUrts to wrinkle below the belt, nuing hers with dainty (tytthjn* which, h«id ihrotig^'t|»« hPlfe«;i buse and likewise the energetic bead Undervests and drawers should nt she is makhiff hcrselt Anollier Jls h)iy- ptece of llhbottti ^elr¥d% of her own house, being the mother of snugly about the htps, (And the latter i n g ornaments and ^oiclsknivcta Jtrpm ' t h i ho6onally to the place to be decorated, having only one pair o f A n k a

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