Guidelines of PAROLE Journal of Linguistics and Education ...

Post on 26-Feb-2022






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Guidelines of PAROLE Journal of Linguistics and Education for

the article contributors

The Board of Editors is pleased to invite you to publish your papers in our journal which is

published twice a year (April and October). The following are terms and conditions of

publishing with PAROLE Journal of Linguistics and Education:

1. The article has not yet been published elsewhere, including in conference proceedings by

giving a written statement from the contributor that the article sent does not contain


2. The full article is written in English or Bahasa Indonesia, typed in Times New Roman 12

pt, margins all 2,54 cm, single spaced on quarto (size A4). The text is 10 - 15 pages in

length, including references, and tables/ figures with MS Word. The submission and

review are totally online. Therefore, submit and check the progress of your article


3. The article structure consist of three part: a) essential title page information; b) abstract

and key words; c) content of the article.

4. The essential title page information is: a) title (max 20 words); b) complete name (without

academic title); c) affiliation and address (present/permanent); and d) e-mail.

5. Abstract maximum length 200 words in English and maximum length 200 words in

Bahasa Indonesia, and key words (3-6 words) in English.

6. The article contains a) INTRODUCTION (without subheadings) consisting of

background of the study, problems/aims, review of literature or previous research, and

theoretical framework (2-3 pages); b) RESEARCH METHODS (for research-based

articles); c) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION presented in sub-headings; d)

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION (optional); and e) REFERENCES primarily taken

from journals and in the last 10 years of publication.

7. Quotations should be integrated in the text, except for those exceeding 3 lines. Separate

quotations should be formatted with Left Indent: 0.5 and Right Indent: 0.5 and typed in 1

space, without quotation marks.

8. The author of books/articles cited should be completed with: “year of publication” and

“pages”. For instance, Levinson (1987:22); Hymes (1980:99-102); Chomsky (2009:25).

9. References should be typed in alphabetical order with Arabic numerals in square brackets

that run consecutively through the paper. For instance,

- For books [1] Alwasilah, Ch. A. 1985. Linguistik: Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Angkasa.

[2] Badudu, JS. 1985. Pelik Pelik Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia.

[3] Foley, William A. 1997. Anthropological Linguistics: An Introduction. Cornwall:

Blackwell Publishing.

- For articles : [4] Heath, J. 2001. “Borrowing”. In R.E. Asher (editor). Concise Encyclopedia of

Sociolinguistics. New York: Elsevier.

[5] Charles, M. 2007. “Argument of Evidence? Disciplinary Variation in the Use of the

Noun that Pattern in Stance Construction.” English for Specific Purposes, 26, 203-218.

[6] Masinambow, E.K.M. 2004. “Teori Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya”. In T.

Christomy and Untung Yuwono (editors). Semiotika Budaya. Depok: Pusat Penelitian

Kemasyarakatan dan Budaya Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas



Available online at:

- For articles from internet : [7] Dealey, C. 1999. The Care of Wounds: A Guide for Nurses. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

Retrieved August 24, 2007, from NetLibray:

- For articles from newspaper: [8] Hardjito, D. 2012. “Saatnya Berguru ke Malaysia?” Kompas, Wednesday, 29 February,

Kolom Opini, p. 6.

- For articles from video/cassette recording: [9] Porno, L. (Producer) and Kotton, S (Sutradara). 2010. Isabel Allende: The Woman’s

Voice in Latin-American Literature.(video recording). San Fransisco: KQED.

[10] Costa, Jr. (Speaker). 2009. Personality, Continuity, and Changes of Adult Life.

(Cassette No. 207-433-88A-B). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

- For articles from CD-ROM: [11] Preiss, B. and Nixon, J. 2004. The Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright: American

Architect. (CD-ROM). New York: Byron Press Multimedia.

arole is a Journal of Linguistics and Education published by Master Program in PLinguistics Diponegoro University focusing on lingusitics and education and or language teaching. The journal is intended to be a medium of sharing and presenting

ideas and research findings for lecturers, reseachers, and those are interested in linguistic and education and or language teaching. In the beginning of the establishedment, in order to give more chances to those living in Semarang and Central Java, Master Program of Linguistics conducted a peer discussion led by Herudjati Purwoko, Ph.D (Undip) as the chairperson, and Dra. Sri Mulatsih, M.Hum as the secretary (Udinus). The discussion attended by the representatives of the higher education institutions in Semarang and Central Java. Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education was firsly published on October 1, 2010, named Parole: Jurnal Linguistik dan Edukasi, ISSN 2087-345X in print, then, on April 17, 2013, the Board of Editors applied for online ISSN, named Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education. This is to make Parole accessed by both national and international writers and reviewers. According to our plan, this journal will be published twice a year in April and October. The Editors predict that this journal will be consumed by: linguists, experts in socio-cultural studies, university lecturers in language teaching, students in linguistics, language teachers, journalists, and other professionals. Thus, as its name has it, the journal will publish papers in the study of linguistics and/or applied linguistics (or language teaching). The Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education has been indexed and abstracted and displayed in Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) (, GOOGLE SCHOLAR (, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI) (, EPRINTS UNDIP ( Articles received will be peer-double blind review. Decision on manuscript accepted or not is decided by the Editor in Chief based on the comments of reviewers in the forum session of the Board of Editors. O A I a d d r e s s o f P a r o l e : J o u r n a l o f L i n g u i s t i c s a n d E d u c a t i o n :

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