GS1 US Data Hub Product Create Manage User Guide

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GS1 US Data Hub® | ProductCreate/Manage

User Guide

Version 5.1May 24th, 2021

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Table of Contents

Product Create/Manage ………………………………………………………… 03

Create a New Product and UPC-A Barcode …………………………….….04

Product Detail ……………………………………………………………………… 05

Manage Products (Additional Information Tab) ……………………….. 09

Product Detail (Barcode Tab - UPC-A) …………………………………….. 12

Create a New Product Using the Clone Feature ……….................... 13

Create Sales Collateral ………………………………………………………….. 15

Product Packaging Level ……………………………………………………….. 17

Create an Inner Pack or Case ……………………………………………….. 18

Create a Mixed Case ……………………………………………………………… 19

Create a Display Shipper ………………………………………………………..22

Create an ITF-14 Barcode for a Case ………………………………………. 27

Create a Barcode with Application Identifiers ………………………….. 30

Export Your Product Information …………………………………………….34

Edit and View Product Information ………………………………………….36

View All Products (Manage Products) ………………………………………38

How to Reserve GTINs (Manage Products) ……………………………… 39

View Products in Draft Status (Manage Products) ……………………. 40

View PreMarket Products (Manage Products) ………………………….. 41

View In Use Products (Manage Products) ……………………………….. 42

View Archived Products (Manage Products) ……………………………. 43

View For ReUse/Retracted Products (Manage Products) ………….. 44

View a History of Product Changes (Product Detail) ……………...... 46

View a Product’s Hierarchy (Product Detail) …………………………… 47


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Brand owners who subscribe to GS1 US Data Hub® | Product can rely on this User Guide for help in creating and managing product information. The guide includes information on how to create base items (such as the retail unit), as well as higher levels of packaging, including inner packs, cases, and pallets. This guide includes instructions on entering products via the Create screens. You have other methods to add products into GS1 US Data Hub - import templates, or fed via APIs, which requires IT knowledge. These methods are covered in other user guides. For this section, we will focus on entering a product via the Create page.

After you license a Company Prefix, and you have a product ready for use in the marketplace, there are four main steps:

1. Create a product detail record that includes these required fields: Product Description, Brand Name, Packaging Level, and whether the product is purchasable by the consumer. Click Save.

2. Assign a GTIN to that item (or have GS1 US Data Hub “auto assign” the next available GTIN, based on the capacity available for your Company Prefix). The Product status will change to PreMarket.

3. For product and packaging design purposes, click the Barcode tab to generate a barcode that is “For Placement Only” (FPO), which serves as a watermark and is not scannable. You can work with a solution partner specializing in barcode printing to adjust sizing of the image to ensure it is able to be scanned effectively.

4. When you have finalized product attributes and you’re ready to create a barcode that can be scanned by your customers, change the product status from PreMarket to In Use. You can now share the barcode.

Product Create/Manage


To understand the lifecycle of a Product as it moves through the supply chain and how GS1 US Data Hub supports this, view the Understanding the Product Lifecycle instructional module in the GS1 US University (sign in is required) and the Product Lifecycle User Guide in the Help Center.

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

1. From the Product Detail page, click the Barcode tab.

2. Application Area defaults to the General/Retail Grocery. No change needed.

3. Barcode Type defaults to UPC-A. No change needed if the product is Each or Case as Each.

4. Size defaults to the Target barcode size. If needed, choose a smaller or larger size to better fit your packaging.

5. Click Preview Barcode to view the barcode, download the barcode image, or print to selected Avery labels. (NOTE: If the product status is PreMarket, a “For Placement Only” (FPO) watermark displays on the barcode, so that it’s not scannable. The FPO watermark is removed when you change the product status to In Use.)

6. To share with a print vendor, click Export Barcode Definition to save barcode definitions as an Excel file to your computer.

7. When finished, click Product from the menu bar to return to the main page.

1. From the menu bar, click Product.2. Click Create.3. Fill in the required fields: Product

Description, Brand Name, Product Industry.

4. iPackaging Level defaults to Each.5. iIs this item variable measure? Users

should generally leave this box unchecked. This field indicates whether the product can vary in weight, size, or length (such as fruit or fish).

6. iCan this item be purchased by the consumer? Leave this box checked. This check box indicates whether the product is intended to be scanned at checkout or online.

7. Click Save.8. Click Auto Assign GTIN button. This

moves the item to the PreMarketstatus.

9. If your company has more than one prefix, you will be prompted to choose which prefix you want the tool to use for this GTIN. Otherwise, skip to the next step.

10. Make sure brand name, product description and other attributes are correct. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Status field and select In Use from the drop-down menu.

11. Click Save. The Status Change to In Use dialog box opens.

12. Click Continue. The product is now created and In Use.

How to Create a New Each GTIN How to View a UPC-A Barcode

Use the steps below to create a new product detail record, assign a GTIN, then change the status to In Use to generate a UPC-A barcode for retail sale.

Create a New Product and UPC-A Barcode


To take a tour of the Create Product page, clickfrom the Create Product page.To learn how to create variable measure products (cheese, meats, etc.), click the Help link, then enter “variable measure” in the Search box to view the Variable Measure Trade Item user guide.

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Product Description – Describes your product for retailers, rather than for consumers. A best practice is to create a description using the brand name, functional name, a unique attribute and net contents. For example: Edible Harvest Apricot Jam Organic 20 oz. Avoid the use of certain characters that are known to cause processing delays. These characters include the pipe "|" and line breaks "CR/LF". There is a 200-character limit.

Brand Name – Indicates the name of the product line used with consumers. There is a 70-character limit.

Product Industry – The primary industry to which this product belongs. CPG is Consumer Packaged Goods.

Packaging Level – Packaging configuration assigned to the item (see page 17 for packaging level definitions).

Language – the default is English. If this product’s primary target market uses a local language other than English, you can change it here. In addition, you can assign a secondary language to this product. See “Product Description 2” and “Brand Name 2” in the Additional Information area of this User Guide for more details.

SKU (optional) - Enter the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for this item. The SKU is assigned to the item by your company and can be alphanumeric. There is a 70-character limit.

Is this item variable measure? – check this box for a non-consumer trade item that fluctuates by weight, volume or count. E.g., case of chicken parts. For more information, view the Working with Variable Measure Trade Item User Guidelocated in the Help Center.

Can this item be purchased by the consumer? – check this box if this product is a consumer trade item that can be purchased at a store or online. If you uncheck this box, the UPC-A barcode image option may not be available.


To understand the Product Detail Page, see below for field and button descriptions:


Product Detail Page


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Press Save to save this draft record. This enables the GTIN assignment buttons:

Auto Assign GTIN– Allow GS1 US Data Hub to assign a GTIN in sequential order from the designated GS1 Company Prefix.

Assign GTIN from Reserved – Allows you to specify a GTIN from GTINs that you have already reserved GTINs for this product or group of products.

Assign GTIN Manually – Allows you to type the desired GTIN yourself and assign it to a specific product. The GTIN-12 for an "each" must start with two fill zeroes (00), as the GTIN is always represented in 14 digits in GS1 US Data Hub. Also, you will need to calculate the check digit. For help, visit

GTIN - The 14-digit representation of the Global Trade Item Number as it would be stored in a database. This field will not be available until a GTIN has been assigned.

GTIN-12 (U.P.C.) - The 12 digit Global Trade Item Number as it would be used with a UPC-A barcode. The field will not be available until a GTIN has been assigned. If the product was created with a Company Prefix for GTIN-13s, GTIN-13 (EAN-13) will display instead. Refer to the Company Prefix for GTIN-13s Quick Start Guide in the Help Center for more details.

After a GTIN is assigned, the item moves from Draft to PreMarket status. You can now click Barcode tab to generate a “For Placement Only” (FPO) barcode, for product and packaging design purposes. You will need to change the statusto In Use to gain access to a scannable barcode image.



Product Detail Page (Continued)


Brand Name and Product Description have an asterisk (*) because they are also part of the Verified by GS1 program. Please visit learn more.

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

GTIN Assignment Option

Description Dialog Box

Auto Assign GTIN

Creates the GTIN in sequential order from a pool of “Available” GTINS for your designated company prefix.

If your company has more than one prefix, you will be prompted to select the prefix to use.

If you have selected the Packaging Type of inner pack, case, or pallet, and the box is unchecked for “Can this item by purchased by the consumer?”, GS1 US Data Hub automatically assign a GTIN-14 when you click “Auto Assign GTIN.” See page 18 for more details.

Assign GTIN from Reserved

Select a specific GTIN from your reserved GTINs and assign it to this product.

Assign GTIN Manually

Type the desired GTIN in yourself and assign it to this product. If you need to calculate the Check Digit, a Check Digit is calculator is available:

Note: when entering a GTIN-12, remember to start the number with two leading zeroes (00), as the GTIN-12 is represented with 14 digits in many systems. Keep in mind this does not make the GTIN-12 a GTIN-14.

See below for GTIN Assignment Options:

Product Detail Page (Continued)



After you assign the GTIN, the product is in the PreMarket Status, and the Retract PreMarket GTIN button displays. You should only click this button if you decide NOT to sell this product. When you click this button, the GTIN CANNOT be assigned to another item for 12 months. After 12 months, the GTIN is then made available to be assigned to another product, and that product detail record is deleted. If you selected "Regulated Healthcare" as the industry, then this button is not enabled.

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Status - you can select the Product Lifecycle state of the product (see the GS1 US Data Hub Product Lifecycle User Guide, located in the Help Center):Draft: A GTIN has not been assigned. Initial product information has been

entered but has not yet been finalized so many changes can be made. When a GTIN is assigned the product is changed to PreMarketstatus.

PreMarket: Product record is assigned a GTIN. You can generate a “For Placement Only” (FPO) barcode for packaging design purposes only. You can also change product attributes EXCEPT the GTIN, packaging level or the box for “Can this item be purchased by the consumer?”

In Use: Product is ready for the marketplace and to be scanned by your customers. You can now generate a scannable barcode or share barcode data with your print vendors. The GTIN is now subject to the GS1 GTIN Management Standard.

Archived: Product record that is no longer sold in the market. The product record and its GTIN are permanently attached to each other. An Archived product may be restored to In Use.

Cancel - Allows you to abandon the entered information, so it will not be saved.Sales Sheet - Pulls information from the product record and produces a Word document that can be edited and reformatted. For example, adding your company logo, changing the font, etc.Clone - Copies the descriptive information about this product as a new draft product. For example, if you are creating hand soap in multiple fragrances, using the clone feature is an easy way to replicate the product. See Create a New Product Using the Clone Feature in this User Guide for more details.Delete - Permanently removes a draft product.Save – Prompts the storage of the currently entered information.


IMPORTANT: Once the next lifecycle state is selected and saved, products cannot go backwards through the lifecycle. For example, when an item moves from Draft to PreMarket, the item cannot return to Draft. To learn more, visit the Help Center to and download the GS1 US Data Hub Product Lifecycle User Guide.


Product Detail Page (Continued)


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

From the Product Detail page, click Additional Information tab.

Enter the information as described in the table below and the next page.

Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Note: For In Use products, changes must be allowed per the GS1 GTIN Management Standard. Check the table in the Edit and View Product Information section in this User Guide.

Manage Products - Additional Information Tab

Once product details are saved, click Additional Information tab to enter optional information about the product. Entering details here will provide a more complete description of this product to others using the Share feature. Follow the steps below.

Column Heading Description

Dimensions Instructions for measurement can be found in the GS1 Package Measurement Rules located at


Net is the weight of the product itself. This does not include the product’s container packaging. For example, the weight of the soup you pour out of the can. Note: If net weight is entered, gross weight must also be entered. Net weight cannot exceed gross weight.

Gross is the weight of the product plus the weight of its container or packaging. For example, the weight of the soup contents plus the can. Note: Gross weight cannot be changed for an In Use product once it has been defined.

Comments Enter any additional information needed for this product.





Certain fields, such as Global Product Classification, Net Content & UOM, and Target Market, have an asterisk (*), because they are part of the Verified by GS1 program. Please visit to learn more.

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Column Heading Description

Enhanced ProductInformation

This information displays content that may have been added by a Certified Content Provider and approved by a brand owner. The indicates the product contains approved content.

Brand Name 2 This is the secondary brand name that may appear on the packaging for this product.

Product Description 2 This is the secondary product description that may appear on the packaging of this product.

LanguageThis is the language associated with the Brand Name 2 and Product Description 2. This language must be different than the language you provided on the main Product Create page for this product.

Image URL

Insert a web address that represents the photo(s) of this product. The address must start with either http:// or https://. If the URL is a valid web address and contains a PNG, JPG, GIF or BMP file, “Validated” will display in green text after you save. If the validation fails, "Validation Failed" will display but the web address will be still be saved in GS1 US Data Hub.

Target Market

Select the country from the pull-down menu that best represents the target market for this product. Content in this field is based on ISO-3166 country names and codes. The default is "United States of America" and can be edited for In Use products.

Global Product Classification

This is the “Brick” product code associated with your product category, based on the GS1 Global Product Classification (GPC) standard. Learnmore about Global Product Classification here:

Net Content - Count

The amount of the trade item contained by a package, as claimed on the physical label of the package. In case of multi-pack, indicates the net content of the total trade item (10, 4, 11.nnn). May be represented in whole numbers or up to four decimals. Note: Once defined, this attribute CANNOT be changed for an In Use product.

Net Content – Unit of Measure

This is the code for the measure representing the amount of trade item contained by a package, as claimed on the physical label of the packaging. A list of the most common codes are available from the drop-down menu. In addition, you can import any valid code. View a list of codes in the Help Center. If you import a product with a valid code that is not in the drop-down menu, the code is added to the menu the next time you visit the product detail record screen. Note: Once this code is entered, it CANNOT be changed for an In Use product.

Manage Products (Additional Information Tab)

Optional: Click Enhanced Product Information bar to expand the page and display additional fields for this product.


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Column Heading Description

Sub-brand Name Second level of brand. Can be a trademark. It is the primary differentiating factor that a brand owner wants to communicate to the consumer or buyer.

Product Description –Short

A free form short length description of the trade item that can be used to identify the trade item at point of sale. Allows for the representation of the same value in different languages but not for multiple values.

Label Description

A literal reproduction of the text featured on a product’s label in the same word-by-word order in which it appears on the front of the product’s packaging. This may not necessarily match the GTIN description as loaded by the supplier into the GTIN description field in GDSN. Allows for the representation of the same value in different languages but not for multiple values.

Manage Products (Additional Information Tab - Continued)

Optional: Click Enhanced Product Information bar to expand the page and display additional fields for this product.


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

In Use (GTIN) – The GTIN displays as 14 digits, with two leading zeros, as well as the name of the product selected for barcode creation.

Available Selections:

Application Area – Where the barcode will be scanned. The list of available application areas is based on your product details.

Barcode Type – The selected barcode symbol. This may include UPC-A, ITF-14, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar stacked Omnidirectional, and GS1 Data Matrix barcodes. If the GTIN-13 was assigned using a Company Prefix for GTIN-13s, EAN-13 displays instead of UPC-A.

Size – The size of the barcode symbol. Choices default to the most likely options based on the application area and the barcode type you selected.


Preview Barcode - View and download your barcode symbol.

Export Definition- Download the barcode symbol specifications as a worksheet to be shared with GS1 Standards Professional print vendors. This button is only available when the product is placed to In Use status.


After the product is assigned a GTIN, you have two options:- Option 1: While the product is in PreMarket status, you can preview and generate a

“For Placement Only” (FPO) barcode, for packaging design purposes only. This barcode is not scannable.

- Option 2: When you have finalized barcode placement within the packaging design, change the status to In Use to create a barcode that can be scanned by your customers.

TIP: Once created, use the available buttons to preview the barcode, print to Avery labels (UPC-A only capability) or share with your print vendor(s).






Product Detail (Barcode Tab - UPC-A)


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide




If you need to enter an item that is similar to a product already entered, you can save time by using the Clone feature. Clone reduces the risk of manual entry error by copying the information from a previously saved item. To Clone a product, take these steps.

Click Product > Manage.

Locate the product you want to clone and click Description hyperlink. The Product Detail page displays. Note: the Clone feature is only enabled for Pre-Market, In Use and Archived products.

From the Product Detail page, click Clone.

The Confirm Cloning of Product dialog box displays. Click Continue.

Clone will copy the following product fields: Product Description, Brand Name, Product Industry, Packaging Level, Dimensions, Weight, SKU, and Comments.


Create a New Product Using the Clone Feature






GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

5 Product Description now contains the word “Copy” at the end of the description. Edit the Product Description accordingly. In addition, Brand Name, Product Industry, Packaging Level, Dimensions, Weight, SKU, and Comments are duplicated. Change the appropriate fields to create your new product. Note: After you modify a field, an asterisk (*) displays after the product name above the Product Details tab, until you save the record.

Click Save.

You can choose to assign the GTIN now or later by selecting either Auto Assign, Assign GTIN From Reserved, or Assign GTIN Manually. The status will automatically change to PreMarket.

When you’re ready to communicate this product to your customers, change the Status from PreMarket to In Use. From the Status drop-down menu, select In Use and press Save. The product is now In Use.









Create a New Product Using the Clone Feature (Continued)

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide




You can create a Product Sales Sheet to distribute to your customers for new product introductions or updated product information. To create a Sales Sheet, take these steps.

Click Product > Manage.

Locate the product you want to make a Sales Sheet for and click Description hyperlink. The Product Detail page opens.

In this example, a sales sheet will be created for Eric’s Chocolate Chip Cookies as a Microsoft Word document.


Create Sales Collateral


Sales sheets are documents that can be customized by adding additional selling copy or your company logo.

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

From the Product Detail page, click Sales Sheet.

The Sales Sheet will download to your Downloads folder as a Microsoft Word file. Note: The web browser you use may present this file differently than what’s shown here.

Optional: Customize your sales sheet by adding additional sales information, your company logo, or an image of the product.







Create Sales Collateral (Continued)


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

The next few sections deal with higher level packaging. This table describes the packaging levels available in GS1 US Data Hub. To learn more, view thePackaging Levels instructional module on the GS1 US University Learning Management System (sign in is required).

Product Packaging Levels


Sample Image Description Example

Each The lowest level of the item hierarchy intended or labeled for individual resale. Generally this is the consumer unit sold at check out or online. This item would be assigned a GTIN-12 (U.P.C.).

• A jar of jam• Bottle of aspirin• A pack of t-shirts

(each t-shirt is not sold separately)

Inner Pack Intermediate package of multiples of the same trade item or a predefined assortment of trade items (representing a single GTIN). When you select Inner Pack, the box is unchecked for “Can this item be purchased by the consumer?” but you can check this box.

• Four jars of jam • A yogurt package

that contains four yogurt cups.

Case A standard shipping unit that contains “eaches” (packaged either individually or grouped as an inner pack). All of the items in a case must have the same GTIN.

A case containing 8 jars of strawberry jam.

Mixed Case A mixed case contains more than one type of “each,” and must contain more than one GTIN. The case can contain eaches or inner packs.

A case containing 8 jars of strawberry jam and 8 jars of blueberry jam.

Pallet A shipping unit that contains either cases, inner packs, or eaches. It must contain one GTIN regardless of the number of items in the grouping.

A pallet containing 18 cases of strawberry jam.

Mixed Pallet A shipping unit that can contain any combination of cases, inner packs, and/or eaches and must contain more than one GTIN.

A pallet containing 9 cases of strawberry jam and 9 cases of blueberry jam.

Display Shipper A shipping unit that is a self-contained display. It can contain a single type of “each” or multiple types of eaches.

A promotional display containing both strawberry jam and blueberry jam.

Case as Each Case as Each is designed for goods that are shipped as a case, but the contents of the case are NEVER offered for sale on their own. Used by industries, such as foodservice, that need to designate the case as its lowest orderable unit. The contents inside are neither assigned GTINs, nor are they sold at checkout or online.

A 25 lb. pack of bulk mushrooms. NOT used for multipacks of items which are retail units and whose contents have GTINs assigned.


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

1. From the menu bar, click Product > Create.

2. Enter these required fields: Product Description, Brand Name, and Product Industry. See page 5 for descriptions.

3. From the Packaging Level drop-down, select either Inner Pack or Case.

4. Leave the box unchecked to indicate the item is not a variable measure trade item.

5. Leave the box unchecked to indicate the item cannot be purchased by the consumer. However, if this inner pack or case is intended to be scanned at checkout or online by a consumer, then check this box.

6. Click Save, then click the Add Contents button. The Add GTIN to Container dialog box opens. Click the row for the desired item you want to add to this packaging. The item is highlighted in gray. Click Add to Container. Note: you can include more than one GTIN for an “Inner Pack,” buy only one GTIN for a “Case.”

7. Click in the Qty field and type in the quantity of this GTIN that goes into this packaging, then click to save the quantity.

8. Click Auto Assign GTIN. This moves the item to a PreMarket state. If you left the box unchecked for “Can this item by purchased by the consumer?”, a GTIN-14 is assigned. Note: the GTIN-14 is NOT assigned if you selected “Inner Pack” and then added more than one item to the contents. The GTIN-14 data structure is constructed this way: 1) An indicator digit of “1” is added to indicate this is a higher level of packaging*; 2) The GS1 Company Prefix is used; 3) The same item reference number as the item added to this packaging is used; 4) The Check Digit is calculated. Once the GTIN-14 is assigned, you cannot change the contents of the Inner Pack or Case.

10. While the product has the PreMarket status, you can generate a “For Placement Only” (FPO) barcode, for packaging design purposes only. This barcode includes a watermark and is not scannable.

11. When you’re ready to generate a barcode that can be scanned by your customers, or export barcode definitions to share with a printer, select In Use from the Status drop-down menu. Note: after you click Save, you will not be able to make changes to key attributes, such as Product Industry, Packaging Level, Qty, etc.

12. Click Save. The Status Change to In Use dialog box opens. Click Continue. The product is now created and In Use. You can now click the Barcode tab to download the barcode image or export the barcode definitions to share with a print vendor.

* If you create additional higher packaging that contains this same GTIN-12 (for example, if you add another “case” with a different quantity), the next available indicator digit is added sequentially, up to “8”. Please note this applies to fixed measure trade items only (“9” is used for variable measure trade items). View the An Introduction to the GTIN guide for more details.

Refer to the previous page for packaging level definitions. Use these quick steps to create either an Inner Pack or Case and assign a GTIN. Then continue to the appropriate sections in this user guide for steps on how to generate the barcode.

Create an Inner Pack or Case

When the GTIN-14 is assigned, GS1 US Data Hub preserves the “Item Reference Number” prefix capacity. In other words, you will not reduce the GTIN Capacity “Available” number that’s displayed on the main page of GS1 US Data Hub, as shown here.


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide




A Mixed Case contains more than one type of “each,” and must contain more than one GTIN. A 14 digit GTIN is then created for this mixed case (this is not a GTIN-14, however.) For example, a mixed case would include multiple types of t-shirt products (gray, blue, large, small). To create a Mixed Case, take these steps.



Click Product > Create

Fill-in the required fields: Product Description, Brand Name, Product Industry and select Mixed Case for Packaging Level. Leave the box unchecked to indicate the item is not a variable measure product. Also leave the box unchecked to indicate it will not be purchased by the consumer.

Click Save. You can now add item contents to this mixed case.

Create a Mixed Case



GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Because a Mixed Case is a container, click Add Contents to select the item(s) that will go inside.

The Add to Container dialog box opens. Click at least two appropriate item(s) with different GTINs for the mixed case. Selected items will be highlighted in gray. In this example, multiple t-shirts are being added. The items you add must be in the PreMarket or In Use status, otherwise you will receive an error.

Click Add to Container. The window will close and the contents you’ve selected display on the main Product Detail screen.






Create a Mixed Case (Continued)



GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Enter the quantity for each item(s). Click in the Qty field to enter how many “eaches” will go into this Mixed Case. Click to accept the quantity. The system will display a progress wheel indicating it’s Processing in the center and bottom right corner of the screen.

When complete, a green Quantity change successful message displays in the top right corner of the screen.

The Mixed Case is automatically saved as a Draft and you can make additional edits as needed. Before the item can be placed to PreMarket status, a GTIN must be assigned. To assign a GTIN, click the appropriate action: Auto Assign GTIN, Assign GTIN From Reserved, or Assign GTIN Manually. In the above scenario, Auto Assign the GTIN was selected. The GTIN is Assigned. This moves the item to a PreMarket state.

Note: If your company has more than one prefix with available assignment capacity, the Automatic GTIN Assignment window opens. Select the appropriate Prefix for this GTIN. Click Assign GTIN.







Create a Mixed Case (Continued)


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

A 14 digit GTIN is auto assigned to the mixed case (this is not the same as a GTIN-14). Since this item will not be sold at a store or on-line, the GTIN-12 is not applicable. To generate a “For Placement Only” (FPO) barcode for packaging design purposes, click Barcode tab and click Preview Barcode.

When you’re ready to generate a barcode that can be scanned by your customers, or export barcode definitions to share with a printer, select In Usefrom the Status drop-down menu. Note: you will not be able to make changes to key attributes, such as Product Description, Brand Name, Packaging Level, QTY, etc.

Click Save. The Status Change to In Use dialog box opens. Click Continue. The product is now created and In Use.

Now that the mixed case has a GTIN, you have two options:- Option 1: With the product is still in PreMarket status, you can generate a “For

Placement Only” (FPO) barcode, for packaging design purposes only. This barcode includes a watermark and is not scannable.

- Option 2: When you have finalized barcode placement within the packaging design, and you are ready to print the scannable barcode, change the status to In Use. You can now create a barcode that can be scanned by your customers.



Create a Mixed Case (Continued)






GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Click Product > Create

Fill-in the required fields: Product Description, Brand Name, Product Industry and select Display Shipper for Packaging Level. Leave the boxes unchecked to indicate the item is not a variable measure product and it will not be purchased by the consumer.

Click Save. The Display Shipper is saved in the Draft status.



A Display Shipper is a shipping unit that is used as a display which can contain a single instance of a GTIN or more than one unique instance of a GTIN. For example, a summer promotional display containing ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise. Or a display containing t-shirts. To create a Display Shipper, complete these steps.





Create a Display Shipper


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Display Shipper is a container, click Add Contents to select the item(s) that will go inside.

The Add to Container dialog box opens. Click the appropriate item(s) for this display shipper. In this example, five different t-shirts were selected.

Click Add to Container.





Create a Display Shipper (Continued)




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Enter the quantity for each item(s). Click in the Qty field to enter how many “eaches” will go into this Display Shipper. Click to accept the quantity.

The system will display a progress wheel indicating it’s Processing in the center and bottom right corner of the screen.

The Save Product Quantity change successful message will display in the top right corner of the screen.

Before the item can be placed to PreMarket status, a GTIN must be assigned. To assign a GTIN, click the appropriate action: Auto Assign GTIN, Assign GTIN From Reserved, or Assign GTIN Manually. In this scenario, we are going to Auto Assign the GTIN. If you added a single GTIN to this Display Shipper, then a GTIN-14 will be assigned (you must have selected the same prefix as the item that was added to the Display Shipper). See Page 18 to learn more about the GTIN-14. The item moves to the PreMarket state.

Note: If your company has more than one prefix with available assignment capacity, the Automatic GTIN Assignment dialog box opens. Select the appropriate Prefix for this GTIN. Click Assign GTIN.



Create a Display Shipper (Continued)








GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

When the product is ready to share with the marketplace, change the status to In Use, select In Use from the Status drop-down menu. Before you save this record, verify that all the items in this display shipper have an In Use status. Otherwise, you will receive an error message when you attempt to save.

Click Save. The Status Change to In Use dialog box opens. Click Continue. The product is now created and In Use.

Now that the display shipper has a GTIN, you can preview a barcode for product and packaging design purposes only. Change the status to In Use when you are ready to create a barcode that can be scanned by your customers. Note: each item (child GTINs) in the display shipper must have an In Use status before you can change the display shipper to In Use.


Create a Display Shipper (Continued)





GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide



One option for the barcode of a case is the ITF-14 barcode. This barcode carries the GTIN only and NOT production information such as batch/lot or expiration date. Check with your trading partner to determine their barcode requirements.

Click Product > Manage.

Click Description hyperlink text of the product for which you want to create a barcode. The Product Detail page displays for that product.

For example, we need an ITF-14 barcode for a case that holds jars of jam. The product status is In Use, but we could have generated a barcode while the product status was PreMarket. In that scenario, a “For Placement Only” (FPO) would have displayed on the barcode, for product and packaging design purposes.

UPC-A, ITF-14 and certain DataBar barcodes carry the GTIN only. They do not carry Application Identifiers (AIs) to carry production information. See the section Create a Barcode with Application Identifiers in this User Guide to learn how to create barcodes using AIs.

Create an ITF-14 Barcode for a Case




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

From the Product Detail page, click Barcode.

The Barcode tab is where you select barcode options. The options include:

Application Area - Where the barcode is going to be scanned. The list of available choices is based on your product details.

To create an ITF-14, be sure Non-Retail or Non-Healthcare & Is in General Distribution (Shipping/Receiving or transport) is chosen.

Note: Choices will present appropriate barcode size(s) in accordance with the GS1 General Specifications.

Barcode type – Select ITF-14 from the drop-down menu.

In this example, drop-down menu choices include ITF-14 and GS1-128.

Note: Since barcodes are pre-determined based on packaging level and application area, you may see additional or fewer options using other setups.

Size - Select the size of the barcode symbol.

Choices default to the most likely option based on the application area and the barcode type you selected.






Create an ITF-14 Barcode for a Case (Continued)

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide


5 Once you’ve made all your selections, click Preview Barcode. click Barcode tab and click Preview Barcode.

The Preview Barcode screen appears with your newly generated barcode. If the product status is PreMarket, “For Placement Only” (FPO) displays on the barcode, for product and packaging design purposes only. When you’re ready to generate a barcode that can be scanned by your customers, change the product status to In Use and repeat these steps.

Now you can choose to do any of the following:

Download to Open/Save image as a PNG file.

Export Definition to download the barcode symbol specifications to an Excel spreadsheet to be shared with your GS1 Standards professional print vendors to print your barcode. This button is only available when the product status is In Use.

Return to Barcode to make changes or exit out of this screen.



Create an ITF-14 Barcode for a Case (Continued)

Note: “FPO” only displays if the product is in the PreMarket Status. When you change the status to In Use, the “FPO” will not display.


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide



Application Identifiers allow manufacturers to include additional product information, such as net weight, batch or lot number, expiration date etc. in the barcode. To create a barcode with Application Identifiers, complete the following:

Click Product > Manage.

Click Description hyperlink text of the product you want to create a barcode for. This will take you to the Product Detail page for that product.

In this example, we will be creating a GS-128 barcode using the Aspirin Single Pack case.

UPC-A (or EAN-13), ITF-14 and certain DataBar barcodes carry the GTIN only. They do not carry Application Identifiers (AIs).




Create a Barcode with Application Identifiers

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

From the Product Detail page, click Barcode.

The Barcode tab is where you select barcode options. The options include:

Application Area - Where the barcode is going to be scanned. The list of available choices is based on your product details.

Choices may include: General Retail/Grocery (Cash register or check out), General Retail & General Distribution (BOTH Check-Out and Shipping/Receiving), Retail Pharmacy (Over-The-Counter Medication), Non-Retail or Non-Healthcare & Is in General Distribution (Shipping/Receiving or transport).

Note: Choices will present appropriate barcode size(s) in accordance with the GS1 General Specifications.

Barcode type - Select the type of barcode symbol for this product.

Choices default to the most likely option based on the application area you selected.

In this example, drop-down menu choices include: ITF-14, GS1-128, or GS1 DataMatrix.

Note: Since barcodes are pre-determined based on packaging level and application area, you may see additional or fewer options using other setups.

Size - Select the size of the barcode symbol. Choices default to the most likely option based on the application area and the barcode type you selected.

When creating a barcode, only certain barcodes can generate Application Identifiers (AIs). In this example, we are using the GS1-128 Barcode Type.





Create a Barcode with Application Identifiers (Continued)




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide


6 The Application Identifier section allows you to customize your barcode.

Application Identifiers AI (01) GTIN is automatically generated from the selected GTIN. Note: (01) is the AI for GTIN.

Additional Application Identifiers section allows you to add more AI’s to the barcode (i.e. Batch or Lot Number, Product Date, Packaging Date, Best Before Date, Expiration date, etc.).

Click Select an AI and type ** to see all available AI’s.

In this example, Production Date was used.

Enter the corresponding info under Application Identifier Value (e.g., choosing **11 Production Date (YYMMDD), you would fill in a date such as 190901 (representing September 01, 2019).








Create a Barcode with Application Identifiers (Continued)

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide


7 Once you’ve made all your selections, click Preview Barcode.

The Preview Barcode screen appears with your newly generated barcode. Now you can choose to do any of the following:

Download to Open/Save image as a PNG file. If the product status is Pre Market, “For Placement Only” (FPO) displays on the barcode, for product and packaging design purposes only. When you’re ready to generate a barcode that can be scanned by your customers, change the product status to In Use.

Export Barcode Definition to download the barcode symbol specifications to an Excel spreadsheet to be shared with your GS1 Standards professional print vendors to print your barcode.

Return to Barcode to make changes or exit out of this screen.




Create a Barcode with Application Identifiers (Continued)

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Click Product > Manage.

Optional – Apply a filter (or multiple filters) to narrow the number of products displayed onscreen in the data table. You can export up to 100,000 records at one time.

Note: You can enter data in any the “filter” column headings to identify the specific products you need. You may enter at least 3 consecutive characters in the filter. For the date field, you can also enter ranges using greater than “>“ or less than “<“ symbols.

Click Export All Products from Table.


GS1 US Data Hub allows you to export your product information in a spreadsheet format. You can export a maximum of 100,000 records in a single instance. If you have more than 100,000 records, you can filter by “Last Modified Date,” “Status” or other filters, so that you can run multiple exports without duplicating the records.






Export Your Product Information


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Confirm your export selections by clicking the Continue button.

The onscreen message advises that the export request was successfully submitted and will be accessible in the Export Center.

Click Export Center icon on the upper right of the screen to access your exports.

Note: Download experience will vary depending on your Web browser.






Export Your Product Information (Continued)



GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

1.Complete steps 1-2 above.

2.Click Draft tab.

3.Click Edit Mode button.

4.Locate your item(s) in the product table and click into the Brand and/or Description columns to make changes.

5.Click Exit Edit Mode button when finished. The change(s) made to either Brand and/or Description will be saved.

1.From the menu bar, click Product.

2.Click Manage.

3.Locate your item in the product table and click Description hyperlink in the table.

4.This will take you to the Product Detail tab. Make the necessary changes.

5.Click Save.

Note: After a product receives a GTIN and is updated to In Use status, changes must be allowed per the GS1 GTIN Management Standard. For example, you can only correct typographical errors to the Brand Name. Refer to the next page for fields that can be modified.

GS1 US Data Hub enables you to make edits while a product is in the PreMarket status, and you can generate a "For Placement Only" barcode. After a product is in In Use status, certain fields can no longer be modified per the GS1 GTIN Management Standard. Refer to the next page for fields that can be modified in PreMarket and In Use status.

How to Edit Product Information

How to View Shared Product Information

How to Add Additional Product Information

1.Complete steps 1-3 under How to Edit Product Information.

2.Click Additional Information tab. Enter optional information such as Dimensions, Weight, Target Market, or Comments. Click Save.

How to View Hierarchy Information

To view contents of higher level of packaging such as cases and pallets, follow these steps.

1.Complete steps 1-3 under How to Edit Product Information.

2.Click Hierarchy tab.

1.Complete steps 1-3 under How to Edit Product Information.

2.Click Sharing tab.

3.By default the product is shared with all Product View/Use subscribers.

4.For more on Sharing Product Information, refer to the Product Share User Guide located in the Help Center.

How to View Product Information Changes

1.Complete steps 1-3 under How to Edit Product Information

2.Click History tab.

3.View the table to see what information about your product changed, when the change took place and who in your company made the change.

How to Edit Draft Product Information Using Edit Mode

Edit and View Product Information


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

This table lists fields and whether they can be modified when the product is in either PreMarket and In Use status.

Edit and View Product Information (Continued)

*If the product was created with a Company Prefix for GTIN-13s, then “GTIN-13 (EAN-13)” displays.**When a product is in Archived state, the only field that can be changed is “Status” (change to In Use).


Fields in Product PreMarket Status: Can field be changed?

In Use Status:Can field be changed?

Product Detail ScreenGS1CompanyPrefix No NoGTIN No No

GTIN-12 (U.P.C)* No No

Product Industry Yes NoPackaging Level No NoProduct Description Yes YesLanguage (Product Description) Yes YesSKU Yes YesBrand Name Yes Yes – typographical changes only

Language (Brand Name) Yes Yes

Status Yes – to In Use only Yes – to Archived** only

Is this item variable measure? No No

Can this item be purchased by the consumer?

Yes – unless a GTIN-14 has been assigned (See page 18)

Yes – unless a GTIN-14 has been assigned (See page 18)

Item Contents No – unless item is a mixed case, mixed pallet or display shipper

No - changing Item Contents of higher level packaging requires a new GTIN

Qty Yes No - changing Quantity of contents of higher level packaging requires a new GTIN

Additional Information ScreenDimensions - Height Yes Yes - up to 20% of the original value

Dimensions - Width Yes Yes - up to 20% of the original value

Dimensions - Depth Yes Yes – up to 20% of the original valueDimension - Unit of Measure (UOM) Yes NoWeight – Net Yes No – content can be entered if field is blankWeight – Gross Yes Yes – up to 20% of the original valueWeight – Unit of Measure (UOM) Yes No – content can be entered if field is blank

Comments Yes YesAdditional Information - Enhanced Product Information ScreenBrand Name 2 and Language Yes YesProduct Description 2 and Language Yes YesImage URL Yes YesTarget Market Yes YesGlobal Product Classification Yes YesNet Content 1 Count Yes No - content can be entered if field is blankNet Content 1 Unit of Measure (UOM) Yes No - content can be entered if field is blankNet Content 2 Count Net Content 3 Count

Yes - after Net Content 1 (and Net Content 2) is entered No - content can be entered if field is blank

Net Content 2 Unit of Measure (UOM)Net Content 3 Unit of Measure (UOM) Yes No - content can be entered if field is blank

Sub-Brand Name Yes YesProduct Description-Short Yes YesLabel Description Yes Yes

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Action Buttons – Use the buttons to complete the following actions:

+ Add New – To create a new product from the selected Company Prefix.

Import Products – To start the process of importing product definitions from a system generated spreadsheet. See the Working with Product Import Templates User Guide located in the Help Center for more information.

Export All Products From Table – To download a spreadsheet showing all products in the Manage table.

Records per Page – To customize your page view (select from 10, 25, 50 or 100 GTIN records to display).

Data Table - Displays your entered GTINs. Note: view is based on how many records per page/search criteria selected. Use the sort and filter fields to quickly find specific GTIN information.

Navigation – Use the available navigation features to complete the following:

Sort – Use the up and down arrows () to sort GTINs by that column. This symbol indicates which column your information is sorted by ( ).

Filter – Enter specific GTIN information in any field cell to quickly find information matching that criteria.

View All Products (Manage Products)



Use this tab to view all products regardless of status. Create new product(s), import, and export your product information from the table. See below for field and button descriptions:








GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

How to Reserve GTINs (Manage Products)

Buttons – Use the available buttons to complete the following actions:

+ Add New– To increase the number of GTINs you have reserved for future assignment. A window displays so you can select the Prefix (if your company has more than one), and the quantity you want to reserve. These will then be displayed in the Reserved Data Table.

Select All – To highlight all the records in the table.

Deselect All – To de-highlight all the records in the table.

Remove Selected – To return selected GTIN(s) to the auto-assignment pool.

Data Table - Displays information as follows:

Prefix – The GS1 Company Prefix used to create the GTIN of a product. The column will be blank for products that have not yet been assigned a GTIN (i.e. Draft).

GTIN – The 14-digit representation of the Global Trade Item Number as it would be stored in a database.

Date Reserved – The date the GTIN was placed into the reserved status.

Reserved By - The user in your company who placed the GTIN into the reserved status.



You may want to reserve GTINs for a future date (such as assigning GTINs to a future product category, for example.) To reserve GTINs, and also view GTINS that have been assigned the Reserved status, click Reserved Tab.

filter filter filter filter




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Buttons – Use the available buttons to complete the following actions:

Select All – To highlight all the records in the table.

Deselect All – To de-highlight all the records in the table.

Edit Mode – Make changes to "Brand" and "Description" information quickly, right on this screen. Press the "Exit Edit Mode" button upon completion.

Delete – Permanently remove the product detail record from your product list

Data Table - Displays information as follows:

Brand – The name of the product line used with consumers.

Description – The text that describes your product to a buyer. Clicking on the description takes you to the product detail page for that product.

SKU – Internal product identifier of your stock keeping unit.

Packaging Level – The packaging configuration assigned to the product (e.g., Each, Case, Pallet, etc.).

Prefix – The GS1 Company Prefix used to create the GTIN of a product. The column will be blank for products that have not yet been assigned a GTIN (i.e. Draft).

Last Modified Date - The last modification date of the product.



Use this tab to view only products with Draft status. Products in this status do not have GTIN assigned and although initial product information has been entered, you may not have finalized the information yet and can still make changes. See below for button and table descriptions:

View Products in Draft Status (Manage Products)




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

View PreMarket Products (Manage Products)

Buttons – Use the available buttons to complete the following actions:

Select All – To highlight all the records in the table.

Deselect All – To de-highlight all the records in the table.

Update status to In Use – Select products that are ready to enter the marketplace and then check this button. A message displays to confirm the number of products you are about to update to In Use; click OK button to confirm. A message displays when these products are updated to In Use status.

Data Table - Displays key information:

Brand – The name of the product line used with consumers.

Description – The text that describes your product to a buyer. To view the product detail record, click description in blue.

GTIN – The 14-digit representation of the Global Trade Item Number as it would be stored in a database.

SKU – Internal product identifier of your stock keeping unit

Packaging Level – The packaging configuration assigned to the product: Each, Case as Each, Case, Mixed Case, Inner Pack, Display Shipper, Pallet, Mixed Pallet.

Prefix – GS1 Company Prefix used to create the GTIN of a product. The column will be blank for products that have not yet been assigned a GTIN (i.e. Draft).

Last Modified Date - The last modification date of the product.



Use this tab to view only products with PreMarket status. These are products that have GTINS assigned but have not yet been placed In Use to enter the marketplace. You may work with a Certified Content Provider to enhance the product information for PreMarket items and generate a barcode that displays “For Placement Only” (FPO). See below for button and table descriptions:




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

View In Use Products (Manage Products)

Buttons – Use the available buttons to complete the following actions:Select All – To highlight all the records in the table.Deselect All – To de-highlight all the records in the table.Share Products – For a shortcut to the share page so you can share product information with others.Update status to Archived – Select products (and their GTINs) that you want to withdraw from the marketplace, then check this button. A message displays to confirm the number of products you are about to update to Archived status; click OK button to confirm. A message displays when these products are updated to Archived status. Note: the product detail record and the assigned GTIN remain together indefinitely.

Data Table - Displays key information:Brand – The name of the product line used with consumers.Description – The text that describes your product to a buyer. To view the product detail record, click description in blue.GTIN – The 14-digit representation of the Global Trade Item Number as it would be stored in a database.SKU – Internal product identifier of your stock keeping unit.Packaging Level – The packaging configuration assigned to the product: Each, Case as Each, Case, Mixed Case, Inner pack, Display Shipper, Pallet, Mixed Pallet.Prefix – GS1 Company Prefix used to create the GTIN for this product. Last Modified Date - The last modification date of the product.



Use this tab to view only products that have an In Use status. These are products that have GTINS assigned and in the marketplace. When products receive an In Use status,they are subject to the GS1 GTIN Management Standard, and a scannable barcode can be generated.




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

View Archived Products (Manage Products)

Buttons – Use the available buttons to complete the following actions:Select All – To highlight all the records in the table.Deselect All – To de-highlight all the records in the table.Update status to In Use – select products below and click this button to return these products to In Use s status, so they can return to marketplace as active items.

Data Table - Displays information as follows:Brand – The name of the product line used with consumers.Description – The text that describes your product to a buyer. To view the product detail record, click description in blue.GTIN – The 14-digit representation of the Global Trade Item Number as it would be stored in a database.SKU – Internal product identifier of your stock keeping unitPackaging Level – The packaging configuration assigned to the product: Each, Case as Each, Case, Mixed Case, Inner pack, Display Shipper, Pallet, Mixed Pallet.Prefix – The GS1 Company Prefix used to create the GTIN of a product. The column will be blank for products that have not yet been assigned a GTIN (i.e. Draft). Last Modified Date - The last modification date of the product.



Use this tab to view products with the Archived status. These are products that have been withdrawn from sales. The product detail record and the assigned GTIN remain together indefinitely. You can restore these items to In Use status, and this will restore sharing permissions as well. Archived product records cannot be modified, but you can “clone” a product detail record to create a new draft product detail record, to reduce keystrokes. Archived product records are only viewable by the brand owner. Third party subscribers cannot view Archived product records.




GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

View For ReUse/Retracted Products (Manage Products)

Buttons – Use the available buttons to complete the following actions:

Select All– To highlight all the records in the table.

Deselect All – To de-highlight all the records in the table.

Update Status to Available – Select the “For Reuse” GTIN and click this button to move the GTIN to the Available Pool on the “GTIN Available” date. You will not need to use this button to take action unless you have overridden the date of a record marked “For Reuse”.


Use this tab to view only products with For Reuse/Retracted statuses.

For ReUse: Pool of GTINs withdrawn from sales prior to 12/31/2018. After an industry defined holding period, GS1 US Data Hub returns the GTIN to the Available pool for assignment to new products.*

Retracted: Pool of GTINs previously assigned to PreMarket products that the brand owner determined to not sell. A barcode cannot be generated for a product that has a Retracted status. GS1 US Data Hub returns the GTIN to the Available pool at the end of a 12-month holding period.*

*excludes GTINs assigned to regulated healthcare items. These may never be reassigned.

IMPORTANT: If any of the selected products are part of a hierarchy, all upper level GTINs should also be marked Available. These GTINs will no longer be associated with that product and will not be part of any search result.



GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

2 Data Table - Displays information as follows:

Status – Identifies the GTIN Product Lifecycle state of the item. Note: A product with the Retracted status cannot be updated to In Use by the brand owner.

Brand – The name of the product line used with consumers.

Description – The text that describes your product to a buyer. To view the product detail record, click description in blue.

GTIN – The 14-digit representation of the Global Trade Item Number as it would be stored in a database.

SKU– Internal product identifier of your stock keeping unit.

Level – The packaging configuration assigned to the product (e.g., Each, Case as Each, Case, Mixed Case, Inner pack, Display Shipper, Pallet, Mixed Pallet).

Prefix – The GS1 Company Prefix used to create the GTIN of a product. The column will be blank for products that have not yet been assigned a GTIN (i.e. Draft). GTIN Available Date- The date when the GTIN of an item marked For Reuse can be made available again. GS1 US Data Hub will move the GTIN to the Available Pool on this date. You will not need to take action unless you wish to override the date of a record marked For Reuse.


IMPORTANT: If you have items that were marked For ReUse prior to December 31st, 2018, the new GTIN management standard allows for the reassignment of these GTINs one more time on the expiration date of its holding period. The holding period is defined by the industry. Some industries, again, like regulated healthcare, do not allow GTINs to be reassigned at all. For more information visit


View For ReUse/Retracted Products (Manage Products) (continued)

GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Click History tab to view audit record (sometimes referred to as a “change log”) of all changesmade to a product. This view is different for users who have create and manage privilegesversus users that can only view/use the information. Audit details will be displayed after yousave the draft the first time. See below for table descriptions:

GS1 US Data Hub | Product view/use subscribers only see history for In Use products and no detail about the specific user thatmade the changes.

Column Heading Description

Field Name Lists the attribute in the product record that has been changed.

Original Value The initial information for this attribute.

New Value The changed information for this attribute.

Modified Date/Time When the information changed for this attribute.

Modified By Which user in your company who made the change for this attribute.

View a History of Product Changes (Product Detail)


GS1 US Data Hub Product Create/Manage User Guide

Locate the product and click Description hyperlink. Click Hierarchy tab.

Table descriptions:

Parents/Ancestors –Displays higher packaging level(s) that contain the selected trade item and their relationships. In the above example, the selected Eric’s Dark Chocolate Cookies case of 24 is found within Eric’s Famous Cookies Cookie Pallet.

Hierarchy– Shows the contents (i.e., the next lower packaging level) for the selected product. For pallets, this could show cases. For cases, this could be the individual trade item (each).

Children/Descendants– Displays lower packaging level(s) contained in the selected trade item grouping and their relationships. In the above example, the selected Eric’s Dark Chocolate Cookies case of 24 contains the trade item, Eric’s Dark Chocolate Cookies.



The Hierarchy tab displays how the current product is used in different packaging configurations and their relationship. See below for button and table descriptions:


View a Product’s Hierarchy (Product Detail)



top related