Growth of Microorganisms in Total Parenteral …microorganism was added to 10 mL of each test solution and incubated at room temperature. The number of microorganisms was counted as

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Int. J. Med. Sci. 2010, 7


IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall JJoouurrnnaall ooff MMeeddiiccaall SScciieenncceess 2010; 7(3):101-109

© Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved Research Paper

Growth of Microorganisms in Total Parenteral Nutrition Solutions Con-taining Lipid Takashi Kuwahara1 , Kazuyuki Shimono1, Shinya Kaneda1, Takumi Tamura1, Masao Ichihara2, Yoshifumi Nakashima1 1. Preclinical Assessment Department, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., Tokushima, Japan. 2. Research and Development Center, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., Tokushima, Japan.

Corresponding author: Takashi Kuwahara, Ph.D., Preclinical Assessment Department, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., 115 Tateiwa, Naruto, Tokushima 772-8601, Japan. Telephone: +81 88 685 1151 (Ext. 678) Fax: +81 88 684 0553; E-mail:

Received: 2010.02.01; Accepted: 2010.05.17; Published: 2010.05.18


Background: To identify the microorganisms that can grow rapidly in total parenteral nu-trition (TPN) solutions, we investigated the growth of the major causes of catheter-related blood stream infection (Staphylococcus aureus, Serratia marcescens, Bacillus cereus, and Candida albicans) in TPN solutions containing lipid. Methods: The pH value of a TPN solution con-taining lipid (pH 6.0, containing 20 ppm of NaHSO3) was adjusted by the addition of HCl to 5.7, 5.4, or 4.9. The pH value of another TPN solution (pH5.5, containing 400 ppm of NaHSO3) was adjusted by the addition of NaOH to 5.9, 6.3, or 6.8. A specific number of each microorganism was added to 10 mL of each test solution and incubated at room temperature. The number of microorganisms was counted as colony forming units at 0, 24, and 48 hrs later. Results: C albicans increased similarly at any pH values in the TPN solution. The bacterial species also increased rapidly at pH6.0 in the solution containing 20 ppm of NaHSO3, but growth was suppressed as the pH value was reduced, with growth halted at pH4.9. However, these bacterial species did not increase, even at pH5.9, in the other solution containing 400 ppm of NaHSO3. Conclusions: These results suggest that Candida species can grow rapidly in almost all TPN solutions regardless of the acidity, lipid, and NaHSO3; also, some bacterial species may grow in TPN solutions containing lipid unless the pH value is 5.0 or less. Therefore, each TPN solution should be examined whether or not the bacterial species can proliferate.

Key words: CRBSI, microbial growth, TPN solution, lipid, pH, bisulfite

INTRODUCTION Catheter-related blood stream infection (CRBSI)

is one of the most common complications of intra-venous catheters.1-3 To reduce or prevent CRBSI, fac-tors that enhance or inhibit microbial growth in pa-renteral solutions should be investigated and identi-fied. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions are considered to be relatively good growth media for microorganisms,1,4 whereas a number of investigators have shown that TPN solutions are poor growth me-

dia for most microorganisms that cause CRBSI, with the exception of Candida species.5-9 Likewise, we have previously confirmed that while bacterial species do not grow in TPN solutions without lipid, Candida species grow rapidly.10 Our data have shown that bacterial species cannot grow due to the acidity, but Candida species can grow regardless of the acidity.10 In contrast, most microorganisms grow rapidly in com-mercial lipid emulsions,11-15 and sporadic CRBSI and

Int. J. Med. Sci. 2010, 7


outbreaks have been traced to contaminated lipid emulsion.16,17 Because lipid emulsions have been shown to contribute to the rapid growth of most mi-croorganisms that cause CRBSI, it can be assumed that TPN solutions containing lipid promote the microbial growth compared with TPN solutions without lipid.18 Consequently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that when any infusion solutions containing lipid are administered, the entire delivery system such as the administration set be replaced every 24 hours.19

As the major causes of CRBSI, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Serratia mar-cescens, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Can-dida albicans, etc. were shown.2,3,6,11 Furthermore, blood stream infection outbreaks of Bacillus cereus via intravenous line were recently reported in Japan.20 In the present study, we investigated the growth in TPN solutions containing lipid of the same microorganisms studied previously:10 ie, Staphylococcus aureus as a delegate of gram positive cocci, Serratia marcescens as a delegate of gram negative rods, Bacillus cereus as a delegate of gram positive rods, and Candida albicans as a delegate of fungi. To clarify whether the acidity of TPN solutions suppresses microbial growth in the presence of lipid, the growth of all strains employed were investigated at various pH values in a commer-cial TPN solution containing lipid in the first experi-ment. To identify which factors enhance or inhibit the growth of each microorganism, we supplemented a

TPN solution containing lipid with multivitamins, supplemented a TPN solution that did not contain lipid with lipid, and increased the bisulfite concentra-tion in a TPN solution containing both lipid and mul-tivitamins in the following experiments.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Microorganisms employed

A standard American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) strain and 1 clinical isolate were used for each microorganism; the standard strain ATCC6538 and the clinical isolate N3 of Staphylococcus aureus, the standard strain ATCC13880 and the clinical isolate N4 of Serratia marcescens, the standard strain ATCC11778 and the clinical isolate H2 of Bacillus cereus, and the standard strain ATCC10231 and the clinical isolate N7 of Candida albicans. Test solutions

A commercial TPN solution containing lipid (ML; MIXID-L, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., Japan), a commercial TPN solution without lipid (AT1; AMINOTORIPA-1, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.), multivitamins (MV; Otsuka MV Injec-tion, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.), a 20% lipid emulsion (IL; Intralipos 20%, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.), and a physiological saline were used. The compositions of ML and AT1 are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The compositions of ML and AT1

Solution ML AT1 (volume) 900 mL 850 mL Amino acids 30.0 g 25.0 g Glucose 110.0 g 79.8 g Fructose - 40.2 g Xylitol - 19.8 g Lipid 15.6 g - Na+ 35 mEq 35 mEq K+ 27 mEq 22 mEq Mg2+ 5 mEq 4 mEq Ca2+ 8.5 mEq 4 mEq Cl- 44 mEq 35 mEq SO42- 5 mEq 4 mEq Acetate- 25 mEq 44 mEq Gluconate- 8.5 mEq 4 mEq Citrate3- - 10 mEq P 150 mg 154 mg Zn 10 μmol 8 μmol NaHSO3 17 mg 412 mg pH 6.0 5.5 Osmotic pressure ratio to physiological saline Approx. 4 Approx. 5

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ExperimThe pH valusaline (OPR,molality of pNaHSO3 of ppm (about lutions of Maddition of 0


Experimand used as OPR, and conapproximatespectively. Tjusted to 5.9,NaOH. Each1/10 volume(S+AT1V).

Experimand used as solutions of the addition and MLV(p(MLV+100 pppm). Addition of sampling

A speciwas added tplastic tubesroom tempertion was samdition of micMeasureme

Each aloculated in ain duplicate.tion was dilusaline beforeat 37ºC, the neach microormean CFU oaliquot, and was calculatealiquot volushown as vgraphs. As ogrowth,5,12,13,

not analyzedance of thessessable with

ci. 2010, 7

ment 1: ML wue, osmotic pr, the osmolal

physiological ML were 6.020 ppm), res

ML were adjus0.5 mol/L HCment 2: ML(pHed with MV (Mment 3: AT1 w the base soluncentration o

ely 5, and 412The other pH , 6.3, or 6.8 b

h pH solutione of IL (L+AT

ment 4: ML w the base solMLV were a of 0.5 mol/LpH5.4) wereppm) or 200 p

f microorgan

ific number to each 10 ms, and all tuberature (23-26º

mpled at 0, 24croorganisms.ent of viable

liquot of testa Soybean Ca When necess

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Cl. H6.0), ML(pHMLV) were uwas supplemution (AT1V).of NaHSO3 of 2 ppm (abou solutions of

by the addition of AT1V wT1V) or phys

was supplemelution (MLV)djusted to 5.7

L HCl. Besidee added wppm of NaH

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of each test mL of test solu

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FU/mL in semental studieobtained in t, because bio

data is considal analysis.

he base solutioto physiologicolution/the o

concentrationately 4, and he other pH s4, or 4.9 by t

H4.9), and thoused.

mented with M. The pH valu AT1V were 5t 400 ppm), rAT1V were a

on of 0.5 mol/was added wisiological sali

ented with M. The other p7, 5.4, or 5.0 es, MLV(pH5

with 100 ppHSO3 (MLV+2

ation and

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on. cal os-

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MV ue, 5.5, re-ad-/L ith ine

MV pH by

5.7) pm 200

sm rile at lu-ad-

in-ate lu-cal ion of

The ach mL ate, are mic bial ere fic-as-


S6.0, bureducemarcescincreasnot inccereus pressepH of cans in(Figure

Figureaureus adjuste

Figurein ML (pby addi

ULTS riment 1

. aureus increut growth wased, coming tocens increasedsed but with screase at pH increased at d as the pH v4.9 (Figure 3)

ncreased rapide 4).

e 1. Effect of in ML (pH6.0; d by addition o

e 2. Effect of pHpH6.0; NaHSOtion of 0.5 mo

eased in ML s suppressed

o a halt at a pd rapidly in Msuppression avalues of 5.4 a pH of 6.0.

value was red). However, bdly and simil

pH on the gr NaHSO3, 20 pof 0.5 mol/L H

H on the growtO3, 20 ppm). Thol/L HCl.


at the origind as the pH va

H of 4.9 (FiguML at a pH ofat a pH of 5.7, and 4.9 (Figu Its growth w

duced, decreaboth strains olarly at any p

rowth of Staphppm). The pH Cl.

th of Serratia mhe pH value was


al pH of alue was ure 1). S. f 6.0, also , and did ure 2). B. was sup-asing at a of C. albi-pH value

hylococcus value was

marcescens s adjusted

Int. J. Med. Sc

Figure 3. Effe(pH6.0; NaHSaddition of 0.5

Figure 4. EffeML (pH6.0; Nby addition of


Supplemthe growth resume the cerning S. manot affect the

ci. 2010, 7

ect of pH on thSO3, 20 ppm). 5 mol/L HCl.

ect of pH on thNaHSO3, 20 ppf 0.5 mol/L HC

t 2

mentation wiof S. aureus growth at a arcescens, B. ceem both at pH

e growth of Ba The pH value

he growth of Cm). The pH va


th MV to MLat a pH of 6pH of 4.9 (F

ereus and C. aH 6.0 and at pH

acillus cereus in M was adjusted

Candida albicansalue was adjust

L enhanced on6.0 but did nFigure 5). Coalbicans, MV dH 4.9 (Figure

ML by

s in ted

nly not on-did 5).

Figurecescens,pH4.9 tamins)



Inmarcescwell asat pH 6-8), si

SuB. cereu5.9, deresults6.3 andvolumgrowth


e 5. Growth o, Bacillus cereuin ML and in M).

riment 3

The OPR of 1V (or S+AT1ng effect from

n AT1V, the cens and B. ces at the origin 6.3 and incrimilar to the rurprisingly, nus increased i

espite the pres conflicted wd pH 6.8, how

me of IL to AT1h of these bac

Addition of 1/

of Staphylococcus, and CandidaMLV (ML supp

AT1V was 4V) was 4.3 (o

m the addition

standard strereus did not nal pH of 5.5reased rapidlresults of our none of S. aurin L+AT1V a

esence of lipidwith those of wever, supple1V (L+AT1V)

cterial species/10 volume o


cus aureus, Sera albicans at pplemented wit

4.6, and the r 4.2) as a resun of the isoto

rains of S. aincrease at p but increasely at pH 6.8 previous studreus, S. marces

at either pH 5d (Figures 6-8Experiment 1ementation w) enhanced m

s (Figures 6-8)of physiologic


ratia mar-pH6.0 and h multivi-

OPR of ult of the nic solu-

aureus, S. pH 5.9 as d slowly (Figures

dy.10 scens and

5.5 or pH 8). These 1. At pH

with 1/10 mildly the ). cal saline

Int. J. Med. Sc

to AT1V (S+OPR from 4bacteria less IL (Figures 6Experiment

The grohalted only appm of NaHS. aureus. Hoadded, the grpH 5.7 and (Figure 9).

Figure 6. Effeadjusted by adsaline (S+AT1

Figure 7. Effadjusted by adsaline (S+AT1

ci. 2010, 7

+AT1V) contr4.6 to 4.2, en slightly than-8). t 4

owths of 2 straat pH 5.0 (Fig

HSO3 was not eowever, whenrowth of the sthe clinical is

ect of lipid on ddition of 0.5 mV).

fect of lipid onddition of 0.5 mV).

ributed to thnhancing the n did supplem

ains of S. aureugure 9). The enough to ston 200 ppm ostandard straisolate was ha

the growth omol/L NaOH. T

n the growth omol/L NaOH. T

he reduction growth of tmentation wi

us in MLV weaddition of 1

op the growthof NaHSO3 win was haltedalted at pH 5

of StaphylococcuTo AT1V was a

of Serratia marTo AT1V was a

of the ith

ere 100 h of

was d at 5.4

Twere hpondintion ofstrains

TMLV wgrowth(Figurehalted and thgrowth

us aureus in ATdded 1/10 volu

rcescens in ATdded 1/10 volu

The growth ofhalted at pH 5ng with the rf 200 ppm of Ns of S. marcesce

The growth ofwas halted boh of the cline 11). The a the growth o

he addition oh of the clinic

T1V (pH5.5; Nume of 20% lipi

1V (pH5.5; Naume of 20% lipi

f 2 strains of 5.0 and pH 5results of ExpNaHSO3 halteens at pH 5.7 f the standardoth at pH 5.0ical isolate w

addition of 2of both strainsof 100 ppm ocal isolate at p

NaHSO3, 400 pid emulsion (L+

aHSO3, 400 ppid emulsion (L+


S. marcescens5.4 (Figure 10)periment 1. Ted the growth(Figure 10).

d strain of B. 0 and pH 5.4,was halted at200 ppm of s of B. cereus a

of NaHSO3 hapH 5.4 (Figure

pm). The pH v+AT1V) or phy

pm). The pH v+AT1V) or phy


s in MLV ), corres-

The addi-h of both

cereus in , and the t pH 5.0 NaHSO3

at pH 5.7, alted the e 11).

value was ysiological

value was ysiological

Int. J. Med. Sc

Figure 8. Effeaddition of 0.(S+AT1V).

Figure 9. Effetamins). The p(+100ppm or

ci. 2010, 7

ect of lipid on t5 mol/L NaOH

ect of bisulfite pH value was a +200ppm).

the growth of BH. To AT1V w

concentrationadjusted by ad

Bacillus cereus inwas added 1/10

n on the growtddition of 0.5 m

n AT1V (pH5.50 volume of 2

th of Staphylocomol/L HCl. To

5; NaHSO3, 400% lipid emuls

occus aureus in o MLV was add

00 ppm). The psion (L+AT1V)

MLV (ML supded 100 ppm o


H value was ad) or physiolog

plemented witor 200 ppm of


djusted by ical saline

th multivi-f NaHSO3

Int. J. Med. Sc

Figure 11. EfThe pH value +200ppm).

ci. 2010, 7

ffect of bisulfitewas adjusted b

e concentratioby addition of 0

n on the grow0.5 mol/L HCl.

Figure 10. ESerratia marceThe pH value was added 1+200ppm).

wth of Bacillus ceTo MLV was a

Effect of bisulfescens in MLV ( was adjusted 00 ppm or 2

ereus in MLV (Mdded 100 ppm

fite concentraML supplemenby addition of 200 ppm of N

ML supplemen or 200 ppm o


ation on the gnted with multi0.5 mol/L HClNaHSO3 (+10

nted with multif NaHSO3 (+10


growth of vitamins). l. To MLV 00ppm or

vitamins). 00ppm or

Int. J. Med. Sci. 2010, 7


DISCUSSION To reduce or prevent catheter-related blood

stream infection (CRBSI), we have to understand the growth properties of the microorganisms that cause this condition. We have previously investigated the growth of the microorganisms that are known as the major causes of CRBSI (Staphylococcus aureus, Serratia marcescen, Bacillus cereus and Candida albicans) in total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions without lipid.10 Therefore, we investigated the growth of the same microorganisms in TPN solutions containing lipid in the present study.

In a commercial TPN solution containing lipid (ML), both standard strains and clinical isolates of all microorganisms (S. aureus, S. marcescens, B. cereus and C. albicans) increased rapidly at the original pH of 6.0, even without multivitamins. Although only C. albicans increased equally at any pH value, the growth of S. aureus, S. marcescens and B. cereus was suppressed as the pH value was reduced, with growth halted at pH4.9 (Experiment 1). However, these 3 bacterial species did not increase in another TPN solution con-taining lipid (L+AT1V) even at pH5.5 and pH5.9 (Experiment 3), which is the same result as obtained in the solution without lipid (AT1V or S+AT1V); this finding conflicts with the results of Experiment 1. The conflicting results from these 2 TPN solutions may be attributable to the difference in the bisulfite concen-trations (ML contains NaHSO3 at a very low concen-tration [20 ppm], but L+AT1V contains NaHSO3 at a relatively high concentration [400 ppm]) because the bactericidal effect of bisulfite is enhanced in acidic conditions.21 Therefore, the additional experiment (Experiment 4) was performed to investigate the effect of bisulfite concentration in the TPN solution con-taining both lipid and multivitamins (MLV). As a re-sult, the growth of the 3 bacterial species was sup-pressed or halted at the same pH (5.4 or 5.7) as the concentration of NaHSO3 increased (20 ppm, 100 ppm, and 200 ppm). These results suggest that the concentration of bisulfite in TPN solutions is an im-portant factor for suppressing bacterial growth, espe-cially between pH5.0 and pH6.0: the bacterial species cannot increase at pH5.9 with 400 ppm of NaHSO3, at pH5.7 or pH5.4 with 200 ppm of NaHSO3, and at pH5.0 with 20 ppm of NaHSO3.

Other findings in the present study are as fol-lows: 1) even if lipid is contained, the acidity of TPN solution is the critical factor suppressing the bacterial growth; 2) the addition of lipid enhances mildly the growth of the bacterial species in TPN solutions but does not affect the growth substantially; 3) the addi-tion of multivitamins further enhances the growth of

S. aureus but does not affect the growth of S. marces-cens, B. cereus, and C. albicans in TPN solutions con-taining lipid; 4) C. albicans can grow regardless of acidity, bisulfite, and lipid.

Because C. albicans could grow at pH5.5 with 400 ppm of NaHSO3 (AT1V) in our previous study,10 the effect of bisulfite concentration on the growth of C. albicans was not investigated in the present study. However, it has been reported that C. albicans could not increase in a TPN solution at pH4.4 with 500 ppm of NaHSO3, whereas C. albicans increased in the same TPN solution at pH4.4 with 40 ppm of NaHSO3 or at pH5.0 with 500 ppm of NaHSO3.23 Practically, Candida species can grow rapidly in almost all TPN solutions.

The pH values of most of the recent TPN solu-tions are within 5.0 and 6.0, similar to the old TPN solutions. On the other hand, the old TPN solutions contain bisulfite at relatively high concentrations, but the recent TPN solutions contain very low concentra-tions of bisulfite or are bisulfite-free. To investigate bacterial growth in the recent TPN solutions, referring to results from the studies that used the old TPN so-lutions that contained high concentration of bisulfite is not appropriate, even at the same pH range. In the recent TPN solutions containing lipid, some bacterial species may proliferate unless the pH value is 5.0 or less. Although the TPN solutions containing lipid can be theoretically improved to be bacteriostatic by re-ducing the pH value and/or increasing the bisulfite concentration, more studies seem needed to improve the solution because lipid emulsions become unstable as the pH value reduces or as the concentration of bisulfite increases.

In conclusion, Candida species can grow rapidly in almost all TPN solutions regardless of the acidity and the presence of lipid; also, some bacterial species may grow in TPN solutions containing lipid unless the pH value is 5.0 or less. Therefore, each TPN solu-tion should be investigated to determine whether or not the bacterial species can proliferate.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Dr. Yoshifumi Inoue,

Kawasaki Hospital, Kobe, Japan, for his helpful sug-gestions.

Conflict of Interest We declare that there are no conflicts of interest

for all of us.

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