Growth Hacking For Mobile - Hack 2 Validate & Hack 2 Grow

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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Before product/market fit startups hack to validate. After product/market fit startups hack to grow. Real growth hacking is NOT the new marketing. It is the intersection between product, marketing and data. When you place Product/Tech into this "equation" your startup will have a myriad of way to ignite and drive growth. In the age of social, the right growth strategy with the right product-market fit will lead to massive scale through viral loops. (Aaron Ginn).



Growth Hacking For Mobile


Hack to Validate Hack to Grow


same fashion ≠

different results


“whenever i followed another person’s advise i lost money” {jim rogers}


what is growth hacking?


the new marketing


the intersection between product, marketing and data


“in the age of social, the right growth strategy with the right product-market fit will lead to

massive scale through viral loops” {aaron ginn}


example airbnb


# of guests

example airbnb


example twitter


“We dug in and tried to learn what the “aha” moment was for a new user and then rebuilt our entire new user

experience to engineer that more quickly” {josh elman, joined twitter in oct 2009}

example twitter


example twitter


example reddit


what is growth for you? bpmf or apmf?


“product-market fit is the only thing that matters”

{marc andreessen}


before product/market fit hack to validate


after product/market fit hack to grow


“growth hackers make products that are easily understood beyond a niche tech crowd”

{bronson taylor}


simplify, simplify, simplify


simplify, simplify, simplify


simplify, simplify, simplify


old new

simplify, simplify, simplify

This is focused and simple


tracking on mobile


ios cuts the cord between acquisition and install


android doesn’t, yeah

tracking on mobile


tracking on mobile

cookie {ios}

unique identifier

device fingerprint

{web > app}

referrer url



tracking on mobile

other app has sdk of ad network

!ad network is

integrated with 3rd party tracking


your app w/ 3rd tracking tracking sdk


app download

3rd party tools


tracking on mobile


tracking on mobile


growth hacking bpmf


single-player utility !

hack 1

single-player utility


single-player utility


single-player utility


• get value out on your own • solves chicken-egg problem • its scalable • after they became hooked integrate smart viral loops

learnings single-player utility


how to tackle content v0.1 !

hack 2






how to tackle content v0.1

when they started





how to tackle content v0.1

This is restrictive

This is focused and simple


• keep the core features as accessible as possible • avoid/mind restrictive features

learnings tackle content v0.1


how to ‘fake’ or ignite activity? !

hack 3


spur activity

Aw’sm party? Well…



Sorry mate, no buddies

how to ignite activity?

Empty party


b + c do not know each other

user a

user b non-user c

invites invites

how to ignite activity?


user c

user b

become friendssigns up

non-user c

how to ignite activity?


alive and kickin’



Sorry mate, no buddies

how to ignite activity?

alive and kickin’


• non-trustful connections can get your product to the next milestone • make it appear like the party is in full swing

learnings ignite activity


tackle content v0.2 !

hack 4


existing users

tackle content v0.2

already have a bunch of ‘friends’

new users?w/ time+cash: onboarding flow like twitter


tackle content v0.2

signs up

list @user @user @user @user @user @user



growth hacking apmf yeaaah, luv’ that


aw’sm invitations !

hack 5


aw’sm invitations

user d


aw’sm invitations



possible only w/ android


• “pre-fill” the sign up experience • create an end-to-end invite loop

learnings aw’sm invitations


walkthrough testing !

hack 6


walkthrough testing

text version 2

Sign up now

adword version 1 text version 1

Sign up now

adword version 2

normal on the web


walkthrough testing

not done on mobile, why?


walkthrough testing


Going out tonight?Dinner with friends?

Whatever the activity, this is your new event!

< Swipe

P O S I N GCreate an event and add photos…

Invite friends on POSINGLIFE, via WhatsApp or Email…

Create the event. Then add photos or invite friends or simply share it

with others.

version a

version b


tracked w/ android

responsive website


• mobile can be as flexible as the web • make the onboarding experience consistent • test holistically on web & mobile

learnings walkthrough testing


give to get !

hack 7


tracking on mobile

user a

sms email




tracking on mobile

iphone android

are set up as publisher on MAT, w/ separate id’s


tracking on mobile &site_id_ios=4759&site_id_android=4760&site_id_web=5112


publisher_id=5433 !

site_id_ios=4759 site_id_android=4760

site_id_web=5112 !

inviter={phone} invitee={email,phone#}

app of inviter, e.g. iphone app !what app to download depending on invitee device !inviter and invitee details for callback to our server


growth hacking for mobile yeaaah, luv’ that

points to consider


points to consider

• can track every sort of event, e.g. btn’s, $ • KISS • the most important metric first • the fewer the better • start with android, then move to ios • data sent cannot be removed • reduce chaos • keep testing & prod versions separate • trigger tracking where the data itself changed • trigger tracking after event happened worldwide




NPS of around 30-40 !

ask how likely are you to recommend my aw’sm product to a friend?


NPS of about 35-45


NPS of about 35-45

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