

Kim, So-Mi Park, Bo-hyoung

Park, Ju-Hyuck

Kim, So-Mi

Hello, my name is Kim, So-Mi.My family member is Mom, Dad, oldersister, me and puppy.I want to be a scientist.I don’t like to get up early.

Park, Ju-Hyuck

Hi, my name is Park, Ju-Hyuck.My favorite sports is baseball.And I like meat.I don’t like studying.

Park, Bo-Hyoung

My name is Park, Bo-Hyoung. My favorite subject is P.E and math.

My family member Is father , mother , older brother , and me.

Suwon ㆍ Korea’s amazing story!!!

Four Seasons

We have four season.*Spring : It's warm. And flowers are everywhere.*Summer : It's hot. We can swim in summer.*Fall : It's cool. Colorful leaves are so fantastic.*Winter : It's cold. It's snowy. White world is beautiful.

spring summer fall winter


• Bulhui is a kind of alcoholic drink. It’s a famous product in our city,


Suwon History Museum

• We can learn about Suwon’s suprising history.

Suwon Hwaseong Fortress

• King Jeongjo built Hwaseong Fortress in the year of 1796.

Bye, bye~~~!

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