Group Vi Modern Medical Care

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  • 8/8/2019 Group Vi Modern Medical Care


    Facultad De Medicina HumanaEscuela Profesional De Medicina Humana

    Medical EnglishCURSE : Medical English

    TEACHER : Dra. Rosa Gonzles Llontop

    CONTENT : Modern Medical Care







    CYCLE : 2010-I

    Lambayeque, Per

    September 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Group Vi Modern Medical Care



    In the twentieth century, medicine has undergone a radical transformation,

    especially in regard to the ability of professional action of this science, which

    today can cure diseases that once were fatal, creating a very life expectancy

    large. These developments are reflected in the methods of diagnosis, medical

    and surgical therapy, and even in preventive medicine.

    Among the most sophisticated diagnostic elements are the modern techniques

    of reconstruction of three-dimensional models of the body (traditional CT,

    ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging), and

    direct views from inside the body (arthroscopy, endoscopic surgery, cardiac

    surgery remote control, etc.).. Examination by analytical chemistry and image

    can now know every corner and reactions of the human body.

    Advances in surgery are also spectacular. The use of the microscope, the laser

    beam as a dissector, transplantation techniques, which have enabled

    thousands of lives saved due to the introduction of entire organs (heart, kidney,

    liver ...) in hospice-techniques endoscopic surgery, the many interventions

    guided fine on small areas of the brain, and even the current trials of robotic

    surgery and controlled by computer without almost anything involving t he

    intervention of human hands, added all at best sutures, hemostasis systems ,

    cutting and dissection, have created a very satisfactory picture surgery.

    One of the most significant surgical fields is the reference to the heart and great

    vessels. The valve expansion techniques (intravenous today), recanalization of

    coronary and other open heart achievements, unimaginable until recently, have

    made possible the continuation of the lives of many patients.

    Unfortunately, these advances in medicine do not occur equally in all countries

    of the world, so that there is still a general advance in all branches of medical

    care, some sectors of the population have better access, and therefore are

    much better protected than others, especially the marginalized and poo r

    countries. Pending, and in the twenty -first century, which are pending bothmedicine and political leaders that structure the social and economic dynamics

    of the world.

    But medicine still has to face many challenges, among which are cancer, the

    treatment of many mental illnesses like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease,

    and many infectious diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS (Acquired

    Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

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    Although science has made major achievements in combating infectious

    diseases, there are others for which there is no known effective method of


    In the case of AIDS, for example, although drug therapy has increasingly better

    results, has long been trying to find a vaccine to curb this scourge of our times.

    The hepatitis B virus (HBV), in addition to producing liver disease, causes a

    common form of cancer, and is the most important human carcinogen, after

    snuff. In this sense, the progress of molecular biology of HBV has found

    interesting medical applications, among which are prevention o f infection

    through vaccination. They have high hopes for new vaccines created through

    genetic engineering, for the eradication of such diseases.

    Cancer, for its part, is very different methods depending on the type, but today

    is still looking for a system of immunotherapy, ie a treatment to increase the

    potential innate immune system, which is the main natural defense the body

    against viruses and other foreign invaders, including organ transplantation, to

    eliminate cancer cells. And in any case, immunotherapy is a good complement

    to existing treatments.

    Thanks to modern techniques of biochemistry and molecular genetics has

    opened a huge field of future possibilities for control of hereditary diseases.

    There is a global project, the genome project, coor dinated by numerous

    institutions and aims to get the complete human genome. The maps obtainedwill be of great value in research on gene and chromosome organization, as

    well as the identification of genes involved in certain genetic diseases.

    Medical developments promise better health in the future, through the use of

    new therapies, genetic manipulation, construction of artificial organs, the use of

    drug design and implementation of other ingenious techniques to restore organ

    function. Likewise, counter many more infectious agents. However, all this

    knowledge must be applied to enable a better quality of life, and we must take

    into account ethical issues that every case entails

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    A medical laboratory or clinical laboratory is a laboratory where tests are

    one on clinical specimens in order to get information about the health of a

    patient as pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.



    Also known as: CBC; Hemogram; CBC with differential.

    The CBC is used as a broad screening test to check for such disorders as

    anemia, infection, and many other diseases. It is actually a panel of tests that

    examines different parts of the blood and includes the following:

    White blood cell (WBC) count is a count of the actual number of white

    blood cells per volume of blood. Both increases and decreases can be


    White blood cell differential looks at the types of white blood cells

    present. There are five different types of white blood cells, each with its

    own function in protecting us from infection. The differential classifies a

    person's white blood cells into each type: neutrophils (also known as

    segs, PMNs, granulocytes, grans), lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophi ls,

    and basophils.

    Red blood cell (RBC) count is a count of the actual number of red

    blood cells per volume of blood. Both increases and decreases can point

    to abnormal conditions.

    Hemoglobin measures the amount of oxygen-carrying protein in the


    Hematocrit measures the percentage of red blood cells in a given

    volume of whole blood.

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    The platelet count is the number of platelets in a given volume of blood.

    Both increases and decreases can point to abnormal conditions of

    excess bleeding or clotting. Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a machine-

    calculated measurement of the average size of your platelets. New

    platelets are larger, and an increased MPV occurs when increased

    numbers of platelets are being produced. MPV gives your doctor

    information about platelet production in your bone marrow.

    Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measurement of the average size

    of your RBCs. The MCV is elevated when your RBCs are larger than

    normal (macrocytic), for example in anemia caused by vitamin B12

    deficiency. When the MCV is decreased, your RBCs are smaller than

    normal (microcytic) as is seen in iron deficiency anemia or thalassemias.

    Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a calculation of the variation in the

    size of your RBCs. In some anemias, such as pernicious anemia, the

    amount of variation (anisocytosis) in RBC size (along with variation in

    shape poikilocytosis) causes an increase in the RDW.

    What does the test result mean?

    White Blood Cell: May be increased with infections, inflammation, cancer,

    leukemia; decreased with some medications (such as methotrexate), some

    autoimmune conditions, some severe infections, bone marrow failure, and

    congenital marrow aplasia (marrow doesn't develop normally).

    Red Blood Cell: Decreased with anemia; increased when too many made

    and with fluid loss due to diarrhea, dehydration burns.

    Platelet: Decreased or increased with conditions that affect platelet

    production; decreased when greater numbers used, as with bleeding;

    decreased with some inherited disorders (such as Wiskott-Aldrich, Bernard-

    Soulier), with Systemic lupus erythematosus, pernicious anemia,

    hypersplenism (spleen takes too many out of circulation), leukemia, and


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    II. Microbiological tests


    An antibiogram is the result of a

    laboratory testing for the sensitivity of

    an isolated bacterial strain to different

    antibiotics. It is by definition an in vitro-


    In clinical practice, antibiotics are most

    frequently prescribed on the basis ofgeneral guidelines and knowledge about sensitivity: e.g. uncomplicated urinary

    tract infections can be treated with a first generation quinolone, etc. This is

    because Escherichia coliis the most likely causative pathogen, and it is known

    to be sensitive to quinolone treatment. Infections that are not acquired in the

    hospital, are called "community acquired" infections.

    However, many bacteria are known to be resistant to several classes of

    antibiotics, and treatment is not so straight-forward. This is especially the case

    in vulnerable patients, such as patients in the intensive care unit. When these

    patients develop a "hospital-acquired" (or "nosocomial") pneumonia, more

    hardy bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa are potentially involved.

    Treatment is then generally started on the basis of surveillance data about the

    local pathogens probably involved. This first treatment, based on statistical

    information about former patients, and aimed at a large group of potent ially

    involved microbes, is called "empirical treatment".

    Before starting this treatment, the physician will collect a sample from a

    suspected contaminated compartment: a blood sample when bacteria possibly

    have invaded the bloodstream, a sputum sample in the case of ventilator

    associated pneumonia, and a urine sample in the case of a urinary tract

    infection. These samples are transferred to the microbiology lab, which looks at

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    the sample under the microscope, and tries to culture the bacteria. This can

    help in the diagnosis.

    Once a culture is established, there are two possible ways to get an


    y a semi-quantitative way based on diffusion (Kirby-Bauer method); small

    discs containing different antibiotics, or impregnated paper discs, are

    dropped in different zones of the culture on an agar plate, which is a

    nutrient-rich environment in which bacteria can grow. The antibiotic will

    diffuse in the area surrounding each tablet, and a disc of bacterial lysis will

    become visible. Since the concentration of the antibiotic was the highest at

    the centre, and the lowest at the edge of this zone, the diameter is

    suggestive for the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, or MIC, (conversion of

    the diameter in millimeter to the MIC, in g/ml, is based on known linear

    regression curves).

    y a quantitative way based on dilution: a dilution series of antibiotics is

    established (this is a series of reaction vials with progressively lower

    concentrations of antibiotic substance). The last vial in which no bacteria

    grow contains the antibiotic at the Minimal Inhibiting Concentration.

    Once the MIC is calculated, it can be compared to known values for a given

    bacterium and antibiotic: e.g. a MIC > 0 , 06 g/ml may be interpreted as a

    penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Such information may be useful

    to the clinician, who can change the empirical treatment, to a more custom-

    tailored treatment that is directed only at the causative bacterium.

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    Blood culture is a microbiological culture of

    blood. It is employed to detect infections that

    are spreading through the bloodstream (such

    as bacteremia, septicemia amongst others).

    This is possible because the bloodstream is

    usually a sterile environment.


    A minimum of 10 ml of blood is taken through venipuncture and injected into

    two or more "blood bottles" with specific media for aerobic and anaerobic


    The blood is collected using clean technique. This requires that both the tops of

    the culture bottles and the venepuncture site of the patient are cleaned prior to

    collection with alcohol swabs containing 2% chlorhexidine and 7 0% isopropyl


    To maximise the diagnostic yield of blood cultures multiple sets of cultures

    (each set consisting of aerobic & anaerobic vials filled with 3-10 mL) may be

    ordered by medical staff.

    Ordering multiple sets of cultures increases the pro bability of discovering a

    pathogenic organism in the blood and reduces the probability of having a

    positive culture due to skin contaminants.

    After inoculating the culture vials, they are sent to the clinical pathology

    microbiology department. Here the bot tles are entered into a blood culture

    machine, which incubate the specimens at body temperature. The blood culture

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    instrument reports positive blood cultures (cultures with bacteria present, thus

    indicating the patient is "bacteremic"). Most cultures are monitored for 5 days

    after which negative vials are removed.

    If a vial is positive, a microbiologist will perform a Gram Stain on the blood for a

    rapid, general ID of the bacteria, which they will report to the attending

    physician of the bacteremic patient. The blood is also subcultured or "subbed"

    onto agar plates to isolate the pathogenic organism for culture and suceptability

    testing, which takes up to 3 days. This culture & sensitivity (C&S) process

    identifies the species of bacteria. Antibiotic sensitivities are then assessed on

    the bacterial isolate to inform clinicians on appropriate antibiotics for treatment.

    Some guidelines for infective endocarditis recommend taking up to 6 sets of

    blood for culture (around 60 ml).

    C. VDRL(the venereal disease research laboratory test)

    Is a blood test for syphilis and was developed by the former Venereal Disease

    Research Laboratory, now the Treponemal Pathogenesis and Immunology

    Branch, of the United States Public Health Service. The VDRL type test was

    invented before World War I, with its first iteration being that developed by

    August Paul von Wasserman with the aid of Albert Neisser in 1906.

    The VDRL test, as it is largely still done today, was developed in 1946 by

    Harris, Rosenberg, and Riedel.

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    Is an array of tests performed on urine and one

    of the most common methods of medical

    diagnosis. A part of a urinalysis can be performed

    by using urine dipsticks, in which the test results

    can be read as color changes.

    A urine sample is about to be examined under a phase -contrast microscope using a

    Neubauer counting chamber. The urine is under the cover slide, in the upper segment

    formed by the H-shaped grooves.

    The numbers and types of cells and/or material such as urinary casts can yield

    a great detail of information a nd may suggest a specific diagnosis.

    y Hematuria - associated with kidney stones, infections, tumors and other


    y Pyuria - associated with urinary infections

    y eosinophiluria - associated with allergic interstitial nephritis , atheroembolic


    y Red blood cell casts - associated with glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, malignant


    y White blood cell casts - associated with acute interstitial nephritis , exudative

    glomerulonephritis , severe pyelonephritis

    y (heme) granular casts - associated with acute tubular necrosis

    y crystalluria -- associated with acute urate nephropathy (or "Acute uric acid

    nephropathy", AUAN)

    y calcium oxalatin - associated with ethylene glycol toxicity

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    (also known as immunoglobulins , abbreviated Ig) are gamma globulin

    proteins that are found in blood or other bodily fluids of vertebrates, and

    are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects,such as bacteria and viruses. They are typically made of basic structural

    unitseach with two large heavy chains and two small light chainsto

    form, for example, monomers with one unit, dimers with two units or

    pentamers with five units. Antibodies are produced by a kind of white

    blood cell called a plasma cell. There are several different types of

    antibody heavy chains, and several different kinds of antibodies, which

    are grouped into different isotypes based on which heavy chain they

    possess. Five different antibody isotypes are known in mammals, which

    perform different roles, and help direct the appropriate immune response

    for each different type of foreign object they encounter. [2]

    y Though the general structure of all antibodies is very similar, a small

    region at the tip of the protein is extremely variable, allowing millions of

    antibodies with slightly different tip structures, or antigen binding sites, to

    exist. This region is known as the hypervariable region. Each of these

    variants can bind to a different target, known as an antigen.[3]

    This hugediversity of antibodies allows the immune system to recognize an equally

    wide variety of antigens. The unique part of the antigen recognized by an

    antibody is called the epitope. These epitopes bind with their antibody in

    a highly specific interaction, called induced fit, that allows antibodies to

    identify and bind only their unique antigen in the midst of the mi llions of

    different molecules that make up an organism. Recognition of an antigen

    by an antibody tags it for attack by other parts of the immune system.

    Antibodies can also neutralize targets directly by, for example, binding to

    a part of a pathogen that it needs to cause an infection.

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    Is any substance containing free ions that make the substance electrically

    conductive. The most typical electrolyte is an ionic solution, but molten

    electrolytes and solid electrolytes are also possible.

    y Electrolytes commonly exist as solutions of acids, bases or salts.

    Furthermore, some gases may act as electrolytes under conditions of

    high temperature or low pressure. Electrolyte solutions can also resultfrom the dissolution of some biological (e.g., DNA, polypeptides) and

    synthetic polymers (e.g., polys tyrene sulfonate), termed polyelectrolytes,

    which contain charged functional group.

    y Electrolyte solutions are normally formed when a salt is placed into a

    solvent such as water and the individual components dissociate due to

    the thermodynamic interactions between solvent and solute molecules, in

    a process called solvation. For example, when table salt, NaCl, is placed

    in water, the salt (a solid) dissolves into its component ions, according tothe dissociation reaction NaCl(s) Na

    +(aq) + Cl


    y It is also possible for substances to react with water when they are added

    to it, producing ions, e.g., carbon dioxide gas dissolves in water to

    produce a solution which contains hydronium, carbonate, and hydrogen

    carbonate ions.

    y An electrolyte in a solution may be described as concentrated if it has a

    high concentration of ions, or dilute if it has a low concentration. If a high

    proportion of the solute dissociates to form free ions, the electrolyte is

    strong; if most of the solute does not dissociate, the electrolyte is weak.

    The properties of electrolytes may be exploited using electrolysis to

    extract constituent elements and compounds contained within the


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    B. HORMONE (from Greek - "impetus")

    Is a chemical released by a cell in one part of the body, that sends out

    messages that affect cells in other parts of the organism. Only a small

    amount of hormone is required to alter cell metabolism. It is essentially

    a chemical messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another.

    All multicellular organisms produce hormones; plant hormones are also

    called phytohormones. Hormones in animals are often transported in

    the blood. Cells respond to a hormone when they express a specific

    receptor for that hormone. The hormone binds to the receptor protein,

    resulting in the activation of a signal transduction mechanism that

    ultimately leads to cell type-specific responses.

    y Endocrine hormone molecules are secreted (released) directly into the

    bloodstream, while exocrine hormones (or ectohormones) are secreted

    directly into a duct, and from the duct they either flow into the

    bloodstream or they flow from cell to cell by diffusion in a process known

    as paracrine signalling.


    A panel of tests, usually selected for their ability in the particular species to

    evaluate the functional capacity of several critical organ systems and general

    health. The 'profile' may literally be the results plotted on individual, parallel

    numerical scales, producing a pattern similar to a bar grap .

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    1. EFI ITION

    Radiology is the branch or specialty of medicine that utilizes imaging

    technologies like x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs to diagnose and treat diseases.

    Radiologists are physicians that utilize an array of imaging technologies (such

    as ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine, positron emission

    tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) to diagnose or treat

    diseases. Interventional radiology is the performance of (usually minimally

    invasive) medical procedures with the guidance of imaging technologies. Theacquisition of medical imaging is usually carried out by the radiographer or

    radiologic technologist.



    Radiographs (or roentgenographs, named after the discoverer of x-rays,

    Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen) are produced by the transmission of x-rays through a

    patient to a capture device then converted into an image for diagnosis. The

    original and still common imaging produces silver impregnated films. In Film -

    Screen radiography an x-ray tube generates a beam of x-rays which is aimed at

    the patient. The x-rays which pass through the patient are filtered to reduce

    scatter and noise and then strike an undeveloped film, held tight to a screen of

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    dissection (tearing of the aortic wall), appendicitis, diverticulitis, and obstructing

    kidney stones. Continuing improvements in CT technology including faster

    scanning times and improved resolution have dramat ically increased the

    accuracy and usefulness of CT scanning and consequently increased utilization

    in medical diagnosis.

    The first commercially viable CT scanner was invented by Sir Godfrey

    Hounsfield at EMI Central Research Labs, Great Britain in 1972. EMI owned the

    distribution rights to The Beatles music and it was their profits which funded the

    research.[4] Sir Hounsfield and Alan McLeod McCormick shared the Nobel Prize

    for Medicine in 1979 for the invention of CT scanning. The first CT scanner in

    North America was installed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN in 1972.


    Medical ultrasonography uses ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) to

    visualize soft tissue structures in the body in real time. No ionizing radiation is

    involved, but the quality of the images obtained using ultrasound is highly

    dependent on the skill of the person (ultrasonographer) performing the exam.

    Ultrasound is also limited by its inability to image through air (lungs, bowel

    loops) or bone. The use of ultrasound in medical imaging has developed mostly

    within the last 30 years. The first ultrasound images were static and two

    dimensional (2D), but with modern-day ultrasonography 3D reconstructions can

    be observed in real-time; effectively becoming 4D.

    Because ultrasound does not utilize ionizing radiation, unlike radiography, CT

    scans, and nuclear medicine imaging techniques, it is generally considered

    safer. For this reason, this modality plays a vital role in obstetrical imaging.Fetal anatomic development can be thoroughly evaluated allowing early

    diagnosis of many fetal anomalies. Growth can be assessed over time,

    important in patients with chronic disease or gestation -induced disease, and in

    multiple gestations (twins, triplets etc.). Color -Flow Doppler Ultrasound

    measures the severity of peripheral vascular disease and is used by Cardiology

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    magnetic fields (3 teslas), shortening exam times, wider, shorter magnet bores

    and more open magnet designs, have brought some relief for claustrophobic

    patients. However, in magnets of equal field strength there is often a trade -off

    between image quality and open design. MRI has great benefit in imaging the

    brain, spine, and musculoskeletal system. The modality is currently

    contraindicated for patients with pacemakers, cochlear implants, some

    indwelling medication pumps, certain types of cerebral aneurysm clips, metal

    fragments in the eyes and some metallic hardware due to the powerful

    magnetic fields and strong fluctuating radio signals the body is exposed to.

    Areas of potential advancement include functional imaging, cardiovascular MRI,

    as well as MR image guided therapy.


    The Ultrasound uses sound waves of high frequency to look at organs and

    structures within the body. Health professionals use them to see the heart,

    blood vessels, kidneys, liver and other organs. During pregnancy, doctors use

    ultrasound tests to examine the fetus. Unlike X-rays, ultrasound involves no

    radiation exposure.

    During the scan, a special technician or doctor moves a device called a

    transducer over a body part. The probe sends sound waves that bounce off

    tissues inside the body. The transducer also captures the waves that bounce

    back. The images are created by these sound waves

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    Radiation Therapy

    Also called: Brachytherapy, Radiotherapy

    Radiation is a form of energy released in particles or waves. In high doses,

    radiation destroys cells or keeps them from multiplying.

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    Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment. Its goal is to kill cancer cells and shrink

    tumors. Unlike cancer cells, most of your normal cells recover from radiation

    therapy. Doctors try to protect normal cells by limiting the radiation dosage and

    spreading treatment out over time. When they use radiation machines, they

    shield as much of your body as possible while targeting the cancer.

    The radiation for cancer treatment comes externally, from special machines, or

    internally, from radioactive substances that a doctor places in your body.

    Sometimes radiation is used with other treatments, like surgery or


    Diagnostic Imaging

    Diagnostic imaging refers to technologies that doctors use to look inside your

    body for clues about a medical condition. A variety of machines and techniques

    can create pictures of the structures and activities inside your body. The

    technology your doctor uses will depend on your symptoms and the part of your

    body being examined. X-rays, CT scans, nuclear medicine scans, MRI scans

    and ultrasound are all types of diagnostic imaging.

    Many imaging tests are painless and easy. Some require you to stay still for a

    long time inside a machine, though. This can be uncomfortable. Certain tests

    involve radiation, but these are generally considered safe because the dosage

    is very low.

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    For some imaging tests, a tiny camera attached to a long, thin tube is inserted

    in your body. This tool is called a scope. The doctor moves it through a body

    passageway or opening to see inside a particular organ, such as your heart,

    lungs or colon. These procedures often require anesthesia.


    It is born of the need to realize and complement examinations of support to the

    ophthalmological diagnosis, as well as in the prevention of visual deficiencies

    and in the necessary cases, in the treatment and the visual rehabilitation. His

    performance is realized to level of primary care in hospitable sectors and from

    the first aids to state and private levels, being this the principal filter in the

    affections of the field of vision.

    y CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHER: is a non-invasive medical imaging

    technique for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea

    y PUPILOMETER: It measures the size pupillary

    y ORA (OCULAR RESPONSE ANALYZER): It measures the resistance ofthe cornea and the elasticity


    They can develop in:

    - The clinic doing auditory examinations, of balance and of the nasal

    function for the support to the medical diagnosis, as control of medical -

    surgical treatments;

    - The production and execution of programs of precocious inquiry of

    auditory alterations, in neonates with Emission Otoacsticas and school

    children with sifted telephone earpieces;

    - The precocious detection of deafnesss induced by noise with the

    production and execution of programs of prevention of the deafness;

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    - The auditory rehabilitation with headphones or implants cochleares

    - The treatment of the patients with dizziness by means of the vestibular

    rehabilitation and the maneuvers of reinstatement of particles:

    o Accomplishment of examinations ORL in evaluations doctor legal.

    o Other services destined for the teaching, investigation and

    extension in related topics to ORL.

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