

Basic information

Director: Harold Ramis Producers: Trevor Albert and Harold Ramis Cinemotographer: John Bailey Writers: Danny Rubin and Harold Ramis Stars: Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell Budget: $14.6 million Gross (USA): $70,906,973 Genre: American Comedy


Phil Connors (Murray), bitter and self-centered weatherman, and his crew are sent to do an assignment that Phil particularly loathes: the annual Groundhogs Day festivities in Punxutawny, Pennsylvania. Eager to leave the town as soon as possible, he is suddenly confronted with a freak snowstorm which forces him to stay the night in Punxutawny. The next morning, Phil is shocked to realize that he is reliving the same day over again. To his horror, this day continues to repeat itself, and Connors is trapped in Punxsutawney in a seemingly endless time loop. After many repeated days, Phil reaches a stage acceptance and learns care for others.


The more we dread something, the more we have to go through it.

Similar Ideas Reincarnation Meaning of Groundhogs Day Stages of acceptance

Fear/ Denial

00:25:09- 00:26:44Notice: Music Quick scenes Symbols: Clock, Puddle Camera Angles

Selfish Pleasure

00:32:09- 00:34:18Notice:

Colors of the vehicles Scene transitions Symbolism: Groundhog, mailbox, Time of day


00:59:40- 01:00:00Notice:

Music Camera angles Clock’s purpose Symbolism: Flowers

Psychoanalytical Lens: ID to ego

Also Notice:• What Phil is wearing• Symbols: Clocks• Camera angles• Music

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