Grinch Script

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Grinch Script


Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The Grinch


- Narrator (1: Libby R, 2: Grace G, 3: Emily N)- Grinch (1: Emma, 2: Lily, 3: Arianna)- Max (Rosie)- Lou Who (Harvey)- Sue Who (Elena)- Drew Who (Zoe)- Cindy Lou Who (Courtney)- “Who-permarket” voiceover (Emily)- Shoppers (Megan, Bridget, Alfie)- Mayor of Whoville (Daniel)- Betty Lou Who (Ellie W)- Martha May (Erin)- Teacher (Katie G)- Policeman (Jacob)- Young Martha May (Megan)- Young Grinch (Will)- Young Mayor (Elijah)- Mayor’s Assistant (Grace M)- Crowd of Whos (Imagination group)- Santa (Alfie)


The crowd are seated and start to enjoy drinks and chat between themselves.

All of the ‘Whos’ enter with Xmas decorations. They sing “Deck the Halls” as they decorate the hall. The audience have the song words in front of them and can join in if they wish. Towards the end of the song there is an announcement from the “Who-permarket”

Who-permarket voiceover: “Only 7 hours ‘til Christmas… I repeat… only 7 hours ‘til Christmas. Buy your gifts NOW! Special offers on; Snoozle phones – only 5.99! Muncles (perfect for your uncle) only 2.99, Fants (perfect for your aunt) now only 3.99 and all Fampas are now half price at just 4.50 each! BUY NOW whilst stocks last!

(everyone rushes to the shops)

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasChristmas music is played by the technician and the crowd are encouraged to join in.

When the crowd have got into the swing of singing, the Grinch (Grinch Number 1) bursts into the room out of his cave. He whistles/shouts to techy to turn off music and proceeds to take some of the treats off the tables. He tells audience members to stop laughing, enjoying themselves. He picks out a member of the audience and remarks about how miserable they look and says something like ‘you’re my kinda guy you are’.

Max the dog bounds into the room and excitedly runs around the audience, bumping into people and jumping up on them, being friendly, maybe begging for treats, until the Grinch shouts AHEM!!! And Max skulks back over to The Grinch’s side, looking sad.

Grinch says to the audience something like ‘If I hear anybody laughing or having fun, or even the creak of a smile… I’ll be back out here to put all your faces straight… do you understand? (AUDIENCE BOOS). Grinch says ‘aaah shut up’ and returns to his cave. Max stays behind and after it looks like he’s gone, Techy puts the music back up again… Max begins to do a little dance around the audience… as he does, The Grinch pops his head back out … he says ‘AHEM!! Do I hear Christmas cheer?’… then ‘come on Max’… Max reluctantly returns to the cave.

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As The Grinch and Max return to their cave, the ‘Whos’ start to exit from the “Who-permarket” with piles of presents… lots of hustle and bustle and excitement…They sing “We Wish you a Who-ey Christmas” and make their way around ‘Whoville’ towards the stage.

As they finish singing, they return to their homes (offstage)

NARRATORS:Inside a snow flake like the one on your sleeve,There happened a story you must see to believe,Way up in the mountains in the high range of Pontoos,Lay the small town of ‘Whoville’ – the home of the Whos!Ask any ‘Who’ and they’ll have this to say:“There’s no place like Whoville around Christmas Day”.Every window was flocked, every lap post was dressedAnd the Whoville band marched in their Christmas-y best.Arbor Day was fine and Easter was pleasantAnd every St. Fizzes Day, they at a fizz pheasant.But every ‘Who’ knew from their 12 toes to their snout…They loved Christmas the most…Without a single doubt.

LOU WHO (DAD OF CINDY LOU):Got a snoozle phone for your brother Drew.And a snoozle phone for your sisiter Sue.A muncle for your Uncle;A fant for your Aunt,And fampa for your cousin Leon.So we just need…(looks around for Cindy)Cindy? (Turns around looking for her)(Starts racing around the audience looking for her amongst the audience)Cindy? Cindy Lou? Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas… (to audience members as he looks around)Cindy Lou??

Cindy-Lou walks out of the shop with a huge armful of presents…

CINDY LOU WHO:(from behind the boxes)Dad?


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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasCINDY LOU:Doesn’t this all seem a bit much?

LOU:This is what Christmas is all about! Can’t you feel it?

SHOPPER (Megan):(Coming out of the shop and going towards Whoville with her Xmas shopping)Another minute closer to Christmas!!

SHOPPER (Bridget):Better get home to do all the wrapping!

SHOPPER (Alfie):Better start preparing the Christmas feast!

VOICEOVER (SUPERMARKET CLERK):For the next five minutes only, 99% off EVERYTHING!

LOU:Boy, nothing beats Chrismas, right?

CINDY LOU:I guess.

LOU:You guess??

CINDY LOU:Well, it’s just I look around at you and Mom and everyone getting all kerbobbled. Doesn’t it all seem superfluous?

Lou and Cindy Lou are (silently) talking to one side of the room as we hear the ‘Whos’ begin to hum the song “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas”. They come onstage and form their choir positions as they sing the words and do the actions to this song.

As they sing, Sue appears through the main hall doors and starts to nosey around the Grinch’s cave… she whistles/signals to Drew to come and join in. Drew comes onstage and sees that Sue is near the Grinch’s cave… she signals for her to be careful (but still finds it funny). Sue almost looks in the cave but then chickens out. She sees some nearby branches and has an idea…She passes Drew a stick and takes one for herself. Sue and Drew both begin to poke at the Grinch’s cave. The Grinch comes out and roars at them. Sue flees and runs around to backstage, towards Drew who has now run to the other side of the stage. All the little “Whos” have run offstage in fright. They each say something like “It’s the Grinch!”, “He’s horrible!”, “So ugly!”, “aah, run!”.

Sue and Drew now spot their father and Cindy making their way home.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasNARRATOR (Waits for the screams to die down):Every who down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot,But the Grinch, who lived just north of Who-ville, did NOT!

SUE:Dad! Dad! We saw him!

LOU:Saw Who?

DREW:We were in the woods looking for a Christmas tree, when out of nowhere…

SUE:Yea and he was like GRRRRRR!

DREW:Yea and we were like AAAAHHHH!

LOU:Saw who?

DREW:(said growling)And he was like EEEEEEEEEEE!

Crowd gasps and covers mouths

SUE:And we were like EEEEEEEEEEEEK!

LOU:Saw who?

DREW:(runs across stage with hands clawed up over head)And he was like AAAAAAAA!

SUE:And we were like NOOOOOOOO!(stumbles on the floor and backs up quickly on hands and feet – like a crab walk)

LOU:Saw who??

DREW:He was horrible!

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasLOU:Who was horrible?

SUE:He was awful.

LOU:Who was awful?

DREW:It was…

SUE & DREW together:… the GRINCH!

Crowd screams and everything comes to a halt.Sound: record scratch.Music: stops.

MAYOR (Followed by Megan, Bridget, Alfie, Katie, Cora, Issy, Lucy):Did someone just say, “Grinch”??

LOU:Hello, Mister May-Who, Sir.

ASSISTANT:That’s MAYOR May-Who to you!

LOU:Sorry, Mayor May-Who…

MAYOR:(sighs)Lou? I don’t need to remind you that this Christmas marks the one thousandth Whobilation.

ASSISTANT:Whoville’s most important celebration!

MAYOR:And the book of Who-says, uh, very clearly – “Every size of Who we can measure knows that Whobilation is a time we must treasure”…Now, please tell me that your boys were not out in the woods provoking the one creature within a billion billometres of here – who HATES Christmas!!

SUE AND DREW:But it WAS the Grinch!

SUE: We saw him and he was like…

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DREW: Aaaaagh!

SUE: And we were like…

DREW: Ohhhhhhhhhh

SUE: And so we ran…

DREW: Yeah we ran…

SUE: We saved everyone!

DREW: We’re heroes!

LOU:No, no, no, no, sir. They didn’t see any Grinch. They just – I think they were out in the woods playing with matches or defacing public property or…

MAYOR:(sighs)Oh, well. That’s a … that’s a relief. Alright, you heard the man: there’s no Grinch problem here.

ASSISTANT: You heard Mayor May-Who… there’s no Grinch problem.

The chattering crowd are relieved – Mayor and Assistant usher the Whos off

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Lou walks with Cindy back to the house with all of the presents.

LOU (to Sue and Drew):I’m glad you’re okay, but I don’t want you ever to go there again, d’ya hear me?

Drew and Sue nod. Betty Lou comes out and interrupts them

BETTY LOU:Oh, good, I’m so glad you’re home. Oh I can feel it, Lou. This is the year. When everybody asks who has the most spectacular decorations in Greater Whoville,They’re going to cry out “Mrs Betty Lou Who!”. CINDY LOU:But mother…

BETTY LOU:I’ve pulled out all the stops; I’ve ‘tinsellated’ the living room, I’ve sparklified the dining room, I’ve mistletoed the hallway, thereare snowmen in the bathroom, angels in the kitchen, elves in the conservatory and, of course, reindeer in the garden. The tree is small but fantabulous, the roast beast is huge and spectaculous. And the gifts, OH the GIFTS!! There are gazillions and bazillions of gifts. I’m EXHAUSTED Lou! Not to mention skinted! Why I don’t think we will have any money left until NEXT Christmas! But we’ll just both have to get a second job. It’ll be worth it.

CINDY LOU:But mother, don’t you think…

BETTY LOU:Yes, Cindy, you’re right… lights, I just haven’t got enough Christmas lights. Well that just won’t do will it? Lou, I’ll have to send you back to the shops again later darling. We’re going to need more lights.

LOU:But didn’t you say we’d spent all our money?

BETTY LOU:We’ll dip into our savings.

LOU:But the children! What about ‘Who-niversity’?

BETTY LOU:Lou! This is Christmas! The most important time of year!Every year, Martha May Whovier has the best Christmas decorations.Well, not this year. This year I’m gonna beat that prim, perfect little prissy…

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole Christmas



MARTHA MAY:My I’ve never seen so many beautiful Christmas decorations, Betty Lou!

BETTY LOU:Well of course I couldn’t keep up with you Martha May!

MARTHA MAY:Well of course not, darling. That would be impossible!Good night Betty Lou!

BETTY LOU:(sadly)Goodnight Martha May.Martha leavesOh dear… Why is she so perfect? It’s so unfair! I do try hard, Lou, I do. But she has everything! The looks, the money, the clothes, the house, the creative talent… I just can’t win!

LOU:You look fine dear.

BETTY LOU:Fine??? (she sighs loudly and goes back in the house)

CINDY LOU:But Dad, I just don’t understand something. Why won’t anyone talk about the Grinch?

LOU:You kids and the Grinch! You see, Cindy, the Grinch is a ‘Who’, who always…Actually, not a ‘Who’… he’s… he’s… more of a…


LOU:Exactly, honey. And he’s a ‘What’ who doesn’t like Christmas.

Drew and Sue suddenly start to listen

DREW:What’s a what that doesn’t like Christmas?

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasLOU:Exactly! See honey? You’ll understand when you’re older (he walks away).

SUE:What’s he talking about?

CINDY LOU:The Grinch. Can you tell me about him? Do you know why he hates Christmas?


CINDY LOU:But why? Why does he hate Christmas so much? Something must have happened to make him be this way, right?

SUE:Who cares! He’s a freak and no one wants him around. Why are you so interested anyways?

DREW:She wants to be one. She wants to be a Grinch.

SUE:Yeah, you do Cindy! You want to be a Grinch… you’d look good with a beard!

DREW:Look Sue! She’s turning green!!

SUE:She’s turning into one! That would explain why you’re not into presents like the rest of Whoville!

DREW:She’s been hiding amongst us all this time! Maybe as a spy!

SUE:Your real name is Grinchet!

The children start to chant ‘Cindy is a Grinchet, Cindy is a Grinchet..” over and over.

CINDY LOU:(trying to yell over them)I am not turning green! I am not a Grinchet! I know there is something more to Christmas than presents and I’ll prove it to you!

Lou comes back in

LOU:What’s going on in here?

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasCindy Lou walks away angry and upset without making eye contact with Lou.

SUE:(Trying to play down the argument)Oh, look at the time! Good night Dad. (slaps Lou on the shoulder whilst walking past him)

DREW:Yeah, goodnight Dad!

LOU:(Stands there for a minute, trying to process what just happened)Kids these days…(Shakes his head and walks back in the house)

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 3 – MARTHA MAY’S HOUSE

NARRATOR:Cindy Lou had some questions in her curious heart.Why did the Grinch hate Christmas?Where did it all start?

Cindy Lou walks over to Martha May’s door and knocks. The Mayor answers the door.

MAYOR:What? What do you want child?

CINDY LOU:Mr Mayor, I am here to ask Martha May some questions about the Grinch.

MAYORDon’t be ridiculous my dear. Run along now and go home.

Martha May comes to the door and pushes Mayor aside.

MARTHA MAY:The Grinch??! Did someone mention the Grinch??Oh hello Cindy Lou. Did you ahem… say you had some questions for me… about the Grinch?

CINDY LOU:Yes I do. Could you please tell me everything you know about the Grinch. Why is he so angry at Christmas?

MAYOR:Well this is just nonsense.

MARTHA MAY:(Trying to pretend she isn’t that interested in the subject – but she is).Well, I hardly remember him, of course.

MAYOR:If the truth be told he, um, he… liked Martha. Martha was MY girlfriend. I don’t like discussing this Grinch so very close to Christmas, but maybe if you hear the truth, you’ll understand why. He was different. Not pleasant. Not right. He had beard in elementary school… not fair (in a jealous voice).

CINDY LOU:Did you…

MARTHA MAY:No.. I didn’t have a crush on the Grinch! (laughs)

CINDY LOU:I didn’t ask you that.

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MAYOR:She didn’t ask you that.

MARTHA MAY:Didn’t you? I’m sure you did…

MAYOR:She definitely didn’t.

MARTHA MAY:Oh (nervous laugh)… silly me…

CINDY LOU:So, what do you remember about him?

MARTHA MAY:Oh, right, yes. Well, the last time I remember seeing him we were in school. It was almost time for Whobilation.


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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 4 – FLASHBACK TO GRINCH AT SCHOOL

Flashback:Lights go out at Martha May’s house. Light comes up on classroom in the centre of Whoville.

A young Grinch walks in with his Xmas gift. Other class members come in noisily. Finally, a young Martha May walks slowly in across the front of the stage. As she does… a song like One Direction’s “What Makes You Beautiful” comes on. He stares at her with his mouth wide open. She flicks her hair as she takes her place in the classroom. The Grinch sighs a loud sigh. The teacher enters the class.

TEACHER:Alright class! And here we are. In a few short days Whoville will celebrate yet again another wonderful Whobilation! Whobilation is a tradition that has been part of our town for generations and generations of Whos. Ever since we can remember, Whos have celebrated Christmas time with beautiful, opulent decorations, with lavish parties, buffets and who-treats. With wonderful Who-dances and sparkling who-gowns. Now every Who knows the important part of Whobilation and Christmas is… the gifts. So in honour of the spirit of Christmas and good Who practices, let us begin our gift exchange!

Class cheers with excitement.

YOUNG MAYOR:But, but, but… I thought the best part is when the Mayor is crowned Cheermeister!

TEACHER:Uh… no. The exchanging of gifts is an ancient tradition in Whoville. It allows us to show each other just how much we care at Christmas time. And (laughs), what could be more important than presents?

MAYOR:A crown?

TEACHER:Ok kids, let’s form a line please.

The kids all line up with their gifts

MARTHA MAY:(Leaning close to the Grinch. She is wearing a red dress)You know, Christmas is my favourite time of year. I just love the colours, red – and GREEN.

GRINCH:That’s funny, I’m green!

MARTHA MAY:Oh I know, my little Grinchykins, I know!

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasTEACHER:Sally Sue, why don’t you go first?

SALLY SUE:(Turns and hands gift to Allie May).Merry Christmas Allie May! Now I thought long and hard about this – and seeing as you’re my best friend in the whole wide world, I thought I’d get you something special.

ALLIE MAY:(Opens gift with excitement which turns to a frown).Hey! This is the gift I gave you last year!

SALLY SUE:(Quickly takes gift back).Well I didn’t think you would notice!

ALLIE MAY:Well you’re not having your gift now.

SALLY SUE:Give me my gift!

ALLIE MAY:No! I expected an amazing present from my best friend… not a recycled one! The cheek of it!

SALLY SUE:Give me my gift Allie May! I’ve given you yours! I want mine now!

ALLIE MAY:Well you’re not having it.

SALLY SUE:Oh yes I am!

ALLIE MAY:You’ll have to fight me for it!

Class start chanting ‘fight, fight, fight’ as the girls grab onto one another

TEACHER:(Jumps in to break up the tension).Girls, girls GIRLS!!!!!!Oh! Wasn’t that lovely? Good lord, why did I go into teaching again? Give me strength! Next! (Pushing the little Mayor forward).

YOUNG MAYOR:This year I decided to give myself a gift! After all I have been working so hard because one day, I’m going to be the Mayor of Whoville!

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasTEACHER:Yes, I’m sure you are, Augustus. Such a talented, popular young boy. You will achieve whatever you want in life!

YOUNG MAYOR:(Opens gift… looks surprised)Chocolates! Oh I love chocolates! How kind of me!(walks away eating them)

YOUNG GRINCH:Oh… I’m next! (Steps out and turns to Martha May - he hands her her gift). Merry Christmas Martha May.

YOUNG MARTHA MAY:(Acting all bashful)Why Grinch, you didn’t have to get me anything.

Class starts snickering. Martha May opens an ornament shaped like a heart. Whole class starts laughing.

YOUNG MARTHA MAY:For me?? Wow! So kind, so thoughtful, so…

YOUNG MAYOR:(Bellows in laughter).Are you serious? A stupid “heart” ornament?!! (laughing)What in all of Whoville makes you think anyone could ever like you?! (continues laughing).

Children begin to shout insults at the Grinch, teasing him about his green colour and his weird hair, beard, funny voice – the Young Mayor joins in.

YOUNG MARTHA MAY:Stop it! Leave him alone!


YOUNG GRINCH:(Charges Young Mayor and knocks him offstage)AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 5 – MARTHA MAY’S HOUSE. PRESENT DAY

Lights go out as soon as Young Grinch attacks Young Mayor. Lights go back up on Martha May’s house (Present day)

MAYOR:The anger! The fury! The temper! The…

MARTHA MAY:(Interrupts him, fanning herself)… muscles!!!

Mayor glares at her

MARTHA MAY:It was a horrible day – they were so cruel to him and I could hardly bear it.

MAYOR:Well, now that I am fully matured I can see how we may have been just a tad too honest with him. But he didn’t really hurt me, he didn’t win the fight!

MARTHA MAY:(Under her breath)That’s not how it looked on WhoTube!

MARTHA MAY:Ahem.. And that was the last time we ever saw him … the very last time.

Lights go out on stage as scene changes. Lights up on Narrator.


And after the young Whos had their laughs and their way,The Grinch’s heart shrunk 2 sizes that day.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 5 – GRINCH’S CAVE

Lights up on Grinch’s cave. Grinch and Max return to their cave with bags that say ‘toxic waste’

GRINCHWhoo! Uck! What’s that stench? It’s FANTASTIC!


GRINCHDon’t worry, we’ll go back for the rest. Of course when I say ‘we’ … I mean ‘you’(looks through the bags)It’s amazing what these whos can throw away. Oh well. One man’s toxic sludge is another man’s pot pourri!


GRINCHI don’t know. It’s some kind of soap.(he sits in his chair and grabs a bottle out of the bag and bites down on it)

Sound effect – glass crunching

Mmm. Excellent year. I’ll tell you Max. I don’t know why I ever leave this place. I’ve got all the company I need right here.

Grinch sticks his head in his cave – we hear an echo as he shouts

Hello!(echo – Hello!!)How are you?(echo – How are you?)I asked you first!(echo – I asked you first!)Oh that’s really mature, saying exactly what I say.(Oh that’s really mature, saying exactly what I say)Sniggers as he thinks of an idea…I’m an idiot!(echo – you’re an idiot!)Alright, fine. I’m not talking to you any more. In fact, I’m going to whisper so that by the time my voice reverberates off the walls and gets back to me I won’t be able to hear it!!(echo – you’re an idiot!)

Grinch begins to eat an onion

Am I just eating because I’m bored?

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Pretends to throw a stick for Max(as he throws it… the little ‘Whos’ make their way onstage for their next song)

Get the stick, Max! Get the stick!!(chuckles)There’s no stick!!

Max runs off chasing invisible stickBark!!

Grinch presses button on his answering machine

ANSWERING MACHINEYou have no messages

GRINCHThat’s odd. Better check my outgoing message

ANSWERING MACHINE (GRINCH’S VOICE)Hello, I’m not here right now, but If you utter so much as one syllable – I’ll hunt you down and gut you like a fish! Thank you! BEEEEEP!

GRINCH(still unsure as to why he hasn’t got any messages)Hmmm. Hmmm. Oh, well.

The Grinch and Max go back in the cave. Lights up on stage Left, where children have gathered to sing Carols.(Little Whos begin to sing ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer‘)

GRINCH(hears the singing and comes out of the cave)Carollers?? Yuck! I can hear them all the way down there!Jumps upIt’s their Whobilation!

NARRATOR He snarled with a sneer.

GRINCHTomorrow is Christmas. It’s practically here!Max! Fetch the phonebook.

NARRATOR The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason.It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasBut I think that the most likely reason of allMay have been that his heart was two sizes too small.

GRINCH(Looking at his heart)Yes, Down a size and a half. And this time, I’ll keep it off!

NARRATOR So, whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes,He stood outside his cave, hating the Whos.Alphabetically.

Max brings him the phone book and he makes his way through it angrily picking out namesSome of the Whos bring Lou’s armchair on.

GRINCH‘Aadvarkian, AbakenezerWho. I … hate you! Aaron B. Benson Who. I … hate you!Billy Bob Bucklewho. I … hate you!Caitlyn Chislewho. I … hate you!Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE! Double hate! Loathe entirely! (singing continues)Yuck! Shut up!!! My poor hairy ears!! Come on Max!

Grinch and Max make their way back into the cave. Carollers finish their song and Exit.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 6 – CINDY NOMINATES GRINCH FOR CHEERMEISTER

CINDY LOU’S HOUSE – Lou is sat on his chair, busy reading the Whospaper – he’s not really listening



CINDY LOUI’ve been thinking about the Whobilations.

LOUUh huh…

CINDY LOUAnd I may do something drastic

LOUThat’s fine, dear. Ask your mother.

CINDY LOUWhere did she go?

BETTY LOUHoney! Honey. Hi! Ooh. Look, I just found the cutest light for my Christmas display.


BETTY LOUDo you know, Cindy Lou, when I was a little Who like you, I was very creative…


BETTY LOU:I often wondered whether I would become an interior designer one day…


BETTY LOUI think I have a natural sense of style… not tacky like that Martha May… no, I’m more, classy, more, chic… yes! That’s it! Chic…

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasCINDY LOUMum…

BETTY LOUMaybe that’s what I’d call my design company: “Betty Lou’s Chic Interior Design” – it’s got a ring to it, don’t you think?


BETTY LOUYes dear?

The Mayor and the crowd begin to arrive for the Whobilation.

BETTY LOUOoh! Hurry up, we’re going to be late!

Crowd applauds the Mayor as Cindy Lou’s family join them.

MAYORAnd now the nominations: for that Who among us who best typifies the qualities of Who-dom and is nominated to be our Whoville Christmas Cheermeister!

Crowd Cheers

Do I hear a nomination?

CINDY LOUI nominate the Grinch!

Sound effect – car crashing…

BETTY LOUCindy Lou!!!!

CROWDHuh?! The Grinch? The Grinch? The Grinch? What does she mean? Why that’s ridiculous! Does she really mean The Grinch?

MAYORMy, my, my. What an altruistic daughter you have there, Lou!

LOUThank you

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasMAYORCindy! Let me quote a verse from The Book of Who. (Assistant passes him The Book of Who)Thank you.Ah, “the term ‘Grinchy’ shall apply when Christmas Spirit is in short supply”.Now, I ask you: does that sound like the kind of thing we expect from our Christmas ‘Cheermeister’?

CINDY LOUTrue, Mr. May-Who. But the book of Who says this too:“No matter how different a Who may appear, he will always be welcomed with Christmas cheer”

MAYOROh. Yes. Well, th-the the book also says the uh…“The award cannot go… to, to the Grinch, because erm.. sometimes erm… he likes to kick and pinch”

CINDY LOUYou made that up! It doesn’t say that!


MAYORNo, no, no it does.

CINDY LOUWhat page?

MAYOR(pretending to look through the Book of Who)Uh, oops! Lost my, uh, my-my place, but it’s- it’s in here!

CINDY LOUBut the Book does say:“The Cheermeister is the one who deserves a pat on the back and a toast. And it goes to the soul at Christmas who needs it most”And I believe that soul is the Grinch. He needs it the most! And if you are the Whos I hope you are, you will too!CROWDShe’s right! (crowd cheer) Grinch, Grinch, Grinch, Grinch, Grinch!!! (crowd exit)

MAYORFine. Fine. Y-you people want to waste a perfectly good nomination, why, it’s up to you. But I am telling you the Grinch will never come down.

ASSISTANTAnd when he doesn’t, the Mayor will wear the crown.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasMAYORIndeed.

ASSISTANTAnd if I might say, Sir, how fabulous you look in that crown… and I’m not just saying that for a pay rise Sir I…

MAYORPay rise? I don’t give pay rises

ASSISTANTNo, of course not Sir. How very silly of me… I simply meant to say that, well, I think you are the Whoey-est, most fantabulous, spect-who-cular Mayor this town has EVER had… and, well, I’m not sure what all the other Whos could possibly be thinking, voting the, the, the…


ASSISTANTThe Grinch as this year’s Cheermeister… I mean, they must be out of their Who minds mustn’t they? I mean next to you, Mayor May-Who, Sir, well he’s, he’s, he’s…

MAYORHe’s a beast. Now no more talk of the Grinch. He’ll never turn up anyway. Back to my office to plan my fabulous future.

ASSISTANTYes, Sir. Whatever you say Mayor May-Who Sir.

(Xmas music comes in as lights go down)


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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 7 – CINDY LOU VISITS THE GRINCH (Grinch 2)

Background noise – the Whos are celebrating. They sing “Whoville Bells” from offstage. The Grinch hold his ears as he speaks.

GRINCHBlast this Christmas music! It’s joyful and triumphant. Must drown them out!(bangs his head with cymbals)Not working!

Cindy begins to head towards the Grinch’s lair

NARRATORThe whipperwinds whipped high above the Who town,A trip or a slip, you’d slide all the way down.But this girl had a mission. She knew what to do.She’d invite the Grinch herself that brave Cindy Lou.

Grinch makes all kinds of noise to drown out the sound

Cindy Lou arrives at the Grinch’s cave

CINDY LOUMr. Grinch? (knocks)Mr. Grinch?? Hello? Excuse me…

GRINCHHello, little girl.How dare you enter the Grinch’s Lair!The Impudence!The audacity!The unmitigated gall!You’ve called down the thunder, now get ready for the boom! Gaze into the face of fear…

CINDY LOUMr Grinch, my name is Cindy Lou Who.

GRINCHYou see, even now the terror is welling up inside you.

CINDY LOUI’m not scared

GRINCHDenial is to be expected in the face of pure evil (does an evil laugh).

CINDY LOUI don’t think so.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole Christmas

GRINCHDoubt? Another unmistakable sign of the heebie-jeebies! You’re doomed!Run for your life before I kill again! I am a psycho!(growling)Danger! Danger!

CINDY LOUErm… maybe you need a time out! (giggles)

GRINCH(turns to crowd)Kids today. So desensitized by movies and television!(yells)What do you want?

CINDY LOU WHOMr Grinch. I came to invite you to be the Whoville Christmas Cheermeister!

GRINCHErm.. “The Christmas whobie what-y?”

CINDY LOU(laughs)Cheermeister!

GRINCHHuh? Cheermeister?? (laughs) That’s a good one! (laughs some more)

CINDY LOUI know you hate Christmas, but… what if it’s all just a misunderstanding?

GRINCHDon’t care

CINDY LOUI mean, even I have been having some doubts about Christmas, but maybe if you can reunite with all the ‘Whos’ and be a part of Christmas…

GRINCH(mimicking her)“Maybe if you can reunite with all the ‘Whos’ and be a part of Christmas”… GROW. UP!!!

CINDY LOUThen maybe it’ll be alright for me too!

GRINCHI’m sorry. Your session is now over.Please make another appointment with the receptionist on the way out.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole Christmas

CINDY LOUPlease, please!! You have to accept the award!

GRINCH(gasps) Award? You never mentioned an award!

CINDY LOUYeah, with a trophy and everything!

GRINCHAnd I won?


GRINCHThat means there were losers.

CINDY LOUI guess. So if you come…

GRINCHA town full of losers! I like it.Was anyone emotionally shattered? (Cindy doesn’t answer)Come on – a minute ago I couldn’t shut you up!Details! Details!

CINDY LOUWell, the Mayor wasn’t too happy.

GRINCH(mocking gasp)Oh! No!

CINDY LOUMartha May will be there…

GRINCHOh? (pretending not to be interested) … She will?

CINDY LOUMmm hmmmm.

GRINCH(getting a bit excited now)And she’ll see me. A winner.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasCINDY LOUMmm hmmmm.

GRINCH(still excited)She’ll be running after me like fleegle flies on a flat faced floogle horse.(realising how difficult it will be)Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, Martha baby, but the ‘G’ train has left the station.

CINDY LOUSo… will you come?

GRINCHOh, all right.

CINDY LOU(giggling)

GRINCHI don’t know if it’s that adorable twinkle in your eye, or that non-conformist streak that reminds me of a younger, less hairy me.But you’ve convinced me. Who knows?This Whobilation could change my entire outlook on life!

CINDY LOUReally???

GRINCHErmmmm… No. Now. You’ve got what you want, off you pop.

CINDY LOUThanks Grinch! Byeee!!!

She leaves and heads home

GRINCH(watching her skip home)The nerve of those Whos, inviting me down there on such short notice!Even if I wanted to go, my schedule wouldn’t allow it!Let me see… 4pm wallow in self-pity. 4.30 stare into the abyss. 5.00 practice my nasty faces (does a nasty face at audience member). 5.30 Zumba. 6.30 Dinner date with myself. I can’t cancel that again. 7pm an hour of self-loathing. Hmmm… I could maybe move the self-loathing back to 9pm and then I could go, come back and still have time to lay in bed, stare at the celing and slip slowly into madness. But what would I wear? (reaches into cave and starts to throw out all kinds of clothes)

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasThat’s stupid.Ugly.Soooo last season.I wouldn’t be seen dead in THAT!(sighs)If I can’t find something nice to wear I’m not going!


GRINCHAll right, all right. I’ll swing by for a minute. And allow them to envy me…Then I’ll grab a slice of cake and blow out of there. But what if it’s a cruel prank Max? Oooh if they dare…All right, I’ll go. But I’ll be fashionably late. No, I can’t go.Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Definitely NOT!All right. I’ve made my decision. I’m going, and that’s that.Ah. Had my fingers crossed.Maybe I should flip a coin.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 8 – GRINCH CAUSES HAVOC IN WHOVILLE

(The Whos are cheering for the crowning of the Cheermeister)

MAYORWell, it’s time for the announcement of our Christmas Cheermeister of the Year Award!(He knows the Grinch hasn’t turned up)Congratulations Mr Grinch!(pretending to be surprised)Oh, he isn’t here! What? He didn’t show up? Oh, who could have predicted this??Oh well, the award will have to go to someone else. Someone great and altogether admirable.

MAYOR’S ASSISTANTThat’s right! A man for whom Christmas comes not once a year, but every minute of the day.A handsome, noble man.A man who is to be looked up to, adored, cherished…

(The Grinch appears as the Assistant is talking)

GRINCHHello Martha.

CINDY LOUYou made it!

LOUCindy… what have you done??


Crowd gasp

GRINCHGreat crowd. Thank you. Thank you so much.I believe I’m here to accept an award of some kind?And the child mentioned a cheque?

CINDY LOUNo I didn’t

GRINCHOh all right then. Give me the award.

Everyone stares

Come on! While I’m still young!

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasMAYORDon’t you worry, Mr Christmas Cheermeister, you’ll get your award. But first, a Who tradition! Come and sit in the Chair of Cheer!

One of the Whos wheels in the Chair of Cheer

GRINCHChair of Cheer? What’s the Chair of Cheer? You didn’t tell about any Chair!

CINDY LOUPlease, Mr Grinch, please?

GRINCHNo, no, no. I can’t do it.Honestly. I’m not ready. It’s too much, too soon! (he screams)

MAYOR(loving this)It’s that time of year. The Cheermeister’s ride in the Chair of Cheer!

The Whos begin to wheel The Grinch around in the Chair, spinning him and laughing with Joy.

GRINCHPut me down! I mean it! I’ve got a lawyer!Gee, look at the time. I really should be getting back. ALL RIGHT!!

The Who children begin top sing a Christmas song to him and he writhes with displeasure.

MAYORAnd now it’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for.

GRINCHAh, yes! My award. Write that cheque! Get me outta this chair!

MAYORThere is no cheque.

GRINCHAre you sure? Because I really thought I heard someone mention a cheque.

MAYORI’m sure.Before we present the award, I have a little something for the love of my life.(gets out a ring with an enormous diamond in it)

Crowd gasps

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole Christmas

MAYORMartha May – will you take this expensive ring and become Mrs May-Who?


MAYORIf you agree to be my wife, along with a lifetime supply of happiness (of course), you’ll also receive this:(To Gameshow music)Mayor’s assistant passes him the gifts

ASSISTANTIt’s the holiday of a lifetime!You and your fabulous husband will jet off to Paradise Island – a place where everything’s almost as fabulous as he is!

MAYORAnd that’s not all you can win…

ASSISTANTIf you say yes, you could win this fabulous new ‘Who-house’, courtesy of the tax-payers of Who-ville!

MAYORSo, whaddya say Martha? Ya got 20 seconds on the clock.

Clock starts to tick

MARTHA MAYWell, I erm.. these gifts are quite dazzling…

GRINCHOf course they are. That’s what it’s all about isn’t it? (laughing)That’s what it’s always been about! Gifts! Gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts.You wanna know what happens to your gifts?They end up in the garbage.And I know because I’ve been through your garbage.

Crowd chatter about how the Grinch has been through their garbage

GRINCHI could choke myself with all the bad Christmas neckties I found at the dump!And the greed… the greed never ends! (mimicking them) “I want golf clubs” “I want diamonds” “I want a pony so I can ride it twice, get bored and sell it to make glue”!Look, I don’t wanna make waves here, but this whole Christmas thing is just stupid, stupid STUPID!

He grabs the ‘presents’ from the Mayor/Assistant and throws them onto the floor and leaves

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole Christmas

MAYOR(looking at Lou Who)Lou? I’m hurt, Lou. I’m hurt and I don’t hurt easily. But you, your-your family… I’m so-so-so disappointed. (looking at whole crowd who are sad)Can’t we go back to the way Christmas should be?Grinch-less. (picks up the presents from the floor)And full of presents!Merry Christmas everyone!

Crowd cheers at the Mayor

CINDY LOU(centre stage)I just wanted everybody to be together for Christmas.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 9 – THE GRINCH HAS A GREAT IDEA

The Grinch arrives outside his cave with Max

GRINCHHaha, I quite enjoyed that! I hope I get another invite soon.(asking audience)What do you think? Do you think they’ll invite me back?

Audience ‘NOOOOO’

GRINCHAh shut up. What do you know?

Whos start to sing a Christmas song down in Whoville

GRINCHSuffering snorkelsnufflers! They’re relentless!

MAYORS ASSISTANTOnly four hours ‘til Christmas! Four hours ‘til Christmas everyone!

NARRATORYes, the Grinch knew tomorrow all the Who girls and boysWould wake bright and early and rush for their toys…

GRINCHAnd then, oh, the noise! Oh the noise, noise, noise, noise!They’ll bang on tong-tinglersThey’ll blow their floo-floundersThey’ll crash on jang-jinglersAnd bounce on bong-bounders!

NARRATORThe Whos young and old would sit down to a feast. And they’d feast and they’d feast and they’d feast…

GRINCHAnd they’ll feast, feast, feast, feast!They’ll eat their Who-pudding and rare Who roast beast!But there’s something I just cannot stand in the least.On, no. I’m speaking in rhyme!Ahhh!! Blast you, Whos!!

NARRATORAnd the more the Grinch thought about what Christmas would bring,The more the Grinch thought –

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasGRINCHI must stop this whole thing.Why for year after year I’ve put up with it now!I must stop this Christmas from coming!But how?Aahhhh! I’m rhyming again!I mean.. ‘in what way?’

MAX starts to sing the Christmas carol that the Whos were singing and starts to dance too

GRINCHAre you having a holly, jolly Christmas, Max?

Sound – needle scratching on record. The carols stop.

GRINCHIf you’re not going to help me, then you might as well… (gets ready to kick the dog)

Max cowers

NARRATORThen he got an idea.An awful idea.The Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea.

GRINCHI know just what to do

NARRATORThe Grinch laughed in his throat.


NARRATORWhat if he had a Santy Claus hat and a coat?And he chuckled and clucked at this great Grinchy trick.

GRINCHWith a coat and a hat, I’ll look just like St. Nick!Ho-ho-ho!! (he goes in his cave and comes out wearing the suit)

SANTA(arrives in Whoville and starts to deliver presents)Ho-ho-ho!!! Merry Christmas!!(he goes to each table and delivers a parcel. Then he goes onto the stage and delivers parcels to Cindy Lou’s house.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasOh! I just love my job. I bring Christmas cheer to every house in Whoville! They’ll all wake up on Christmas morning and have the most wonderful surprise! Anyway, lovely to see you all – I must dash, I’ve got to deliver presents to the whole world! Ho, ho, ho!

GRINCHFat boy should be finishing up anytime now. Talk about a recluse. He only ever comes out once a year, and he never gets any stick for it! Probably lives up there to avoid taxes. Sneaky.

SANTA(finishes his deliveries and heads offstage)Merry Christmas!

Sleigh bells are heard

GRINCHOh, hells bells. I forgot about the reindeer.

NARRATORNow Whoville doesn’t have any reindeerIn fact, reindeer live a long long way from here.Did that stop the old Grinch? No!The Grinch simply said…

GRINCHIf I can’t find a reindeer—I’ll make one instead!Oh Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxxx!

NARRATORSo he called his dog, MaxAnd he took some red threadAnd he tied some deer horns on the top of his head.

GRINCHAll right. You’re a reindeer.Wait. Something is missing. (puts a red nose on Max)There!Right (Grabs a big red Santa sack)Here goes nothing ‘hot dog’!(Fastens reins to Max and pretends to whip him like a horse)(They begin to ride around the room)On Crasher! On Thrasher! On Vomit and Blitz ‘em.Aahhh we’re going to die!I’m going to throw up and then we’re going to die!Mummy! Tell it to stop! (laughs as they exit the room on their way to the Who houses)

Grinch no. 2 exits backstage to let Grinch 3. know it’s time to go on

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 10 – GRINCH STEALS THE PRESENTS (Grinch 3)

NARRATORAll their windows were dark. Quiet snow filled the air.All the Whos were all dreaming sweet ‘Who’ dreams without care.When he came to the first little house on the square.

GRINCH (enters)Welcome to Whoville, Max. Come on. This is our first stop.

NARRATORThe old Grinchy Claus made his way to the houseAnd he snook in all quietly like a Grinchified mouseHe made his way in with his dog, Max in towAnd he spied the Who stockings, hung all in a row

GRINCHThese stockings…

NARRATORHe grinned…

GRINCHAre the first things to go!

NARRATORThen he slunk to the fridge


NARRATORAnd he’ spied the Who’s feast.He took the Who pudding.He took the Roast Beast.


NARRATORHe cleaned out that ice box as quick as a flash. Why, that Grinch, he even took their last packet of mash!

GRINCHWho likes powdered Mash anyway?

NARRATORThen he stuffed all the food in his sack with such glee

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasGRINCHAnd now…

NARRATORGrinned the Grinch

GRINCHI’ll stuff in their tree…(He starts to sing “We wish you a merry Grinchmas, We wish you a merry Grinchmas…”)

NARRATORAnd the Grinch grabbed the treeAnd he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove.

CINDY LOUExcuse me.


NARRATORThe Grinch had been caught by this tiny Who daughterWho’d got out of bed for a cup of cold water.

CINDY LOUSanta Clause? What are you doing with our tree?

NARRATORBut you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick,He thought up a lie and he thought it up quick!

GRINCHWhy, my sweet little tot…

NARRATORThe fake Santa Claus lied.

GRINCHThere’s a branch on this tree that is bent on one side (breaks the branch)So I’m taking it home to my workshop, my dearI’ll fix it up there and I’ll bring it back here.

CINDY LOUSanta, what’s Christmas really about?

GRINCHVengeance! Oops, err I mean… presents… I suppose.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasCINDY LOUI was afraid of that.

NARRATORAnd his fib fooled the child.Then he patted her headAnd he got her a drinkAnd he sent her to bed.

CINDY LOU(pauses and looks at the ground)Santa?

CINDY LOUIf you see the Grinch, could you give him this for me?(she takes a present from her dressing gown pocket)I’ve been thinking about his heart. Hoping it will get better.They say it got hurt.I think he’s actually kind of sweet.

Grinch puts the present in the Santa sack

GRINCHYou think he’s sweet??

CINDY LOUMerry Christmas, Santa.

GRINCH(touched by Cindy’s comments)Nice kid.(Evil face again)Bad judge of character…

Grinch starts to take the log from their fire and their Christmas cards from the walls

NARRATORThe last thing he took was the log for their fire.On their walls he left nothing but some hooks and some wire.

Grinch leaves with the sack of presents

NARRATORAnd the one speck of food that he’d left in the houseWas a crumb that was even too small for a mouse.Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most unpleasantAround their Who home… and he took every present.Three thousand feet up, up the side of Mount CrumpitHe went with his load to the tiptop to dump it.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole Christmas

GRINCH(comes back to his cave with the big sack of Who presents)Yeah! Woah! We did it! We did it! We did it!That wasn’t so bad, was it, Max? They’ll be waking up now.And I know just what they will do.All those Whos down in Whoville will all cry ‘boo-hoo-hooooooooo’

He starts rummaging through the sack of presents as the next scene begins

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POLICEMAN(enters angrily)I’ve been robbed!Mayor May-Who? I’ve been robbed! Oh, dear.

MAYOR (sarcastically)Well, I wonder who could’ve done this?I told you people one thing, I said “if you invite the Grinch, you’ll destroy Christmas”But did anyone listen to me?


MAYORNo, you all chose to listen to a silly little girl who isn’t even a fully-grown Who yet!Cindy, I hope you’re proud of what you’ve done!

LOUIf she isn’t, I am. I’m glad he took our presents.


LOUI … well, I… I’m glad.

MAYORHe’s glad. You’re glad. You’re glad everything is-is gone. You’re glad that the Grinch virtually wrecked – no, no, no, not wrecked – pulverised Christmas? Is that what I’m hearing from you, Lou?

LOUYou can’t hurt Christmas, Mr. Mayor because it isn’t about the-the gifts or the contests or the fancy lights. That’s what Cindy’s been trying to tell everyone. And me. She’s been trying to tell me.

MAYORWhat is wrong with you? This is a child we’re speaking about! (laughs)

LOUShe’s my child. And she happens to be right, by the way. I don’t need anything for Christmas other than what is right here. My family and my friends. Merry Christmas everybody!

CROWD enterMerry Christmas!

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasMAYOROh, give me a break.

CROWDMerry Christmas!

The choir begin to sing “We wish you a Whoey Christmas” once again (quietly). Cindy sneaks off to get the Grinch.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasSCENE 12 – THE GRINCH’S HEART GROWS 3 SIZES

The Grinch, confused, hears the Whos singing Christmas Carols

NARRATORThen the Grinch heard a sound rising over the snow. It started in low, then it started to grow.

Choir carries on singing

GRINCHHuh? What’s that?

NARRATORAnd the Grinch, with his Grinch feet ice-cold in the snow,Stood puzzling and puzzling…

GRINCHHow could it be so?It came without ribbons! It came without tags!It came without packages, boxes or bags!

NARRATORAnd he puzzled and puzzled, til’ his puzzler was sore.Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before.

GRINCHMaybe Christmas –

NARRATORHe thought

GRINCHDoesn’t come from a store!Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means quite a bit more!

Sound effect – heart beat

Ahhh… Ohhhh. Max help me! (he grabs his heart)I’m … I’m feeling!

Max cocks his head to one side and whines

NARRATORAnd what happened then, Well in Whoville they sayThat the Grinch’s small heart… grew 3 sizes that day.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasGRINCH(sobbing)What’s happening to me? I’m all – toasty inside!And I’m leaking… my eyes are leaking! Oh Max! I love ya!(crying)

Cindy Lou arrives at the Grinch’s Lair

GRINCH(gasps)Cindy Lou! What are you doing here?

CINDY LOUI came to see you. No one should be alone at Christmas.


CINDY LOUCome back to Whoville to celebrate with us all!

They leave to make their way to Whoville

LOUI’d like to make a toast to my wonderful daughter, Cindy Lou Who. Without her, we would have never realised the true meaning of Christmas. And who would have thought such a small child could teach so much to so many of us?Three cheers for Cindy Lou! Hip Hip (Hooray), Hip Hip (Hooray), Hip Hip (Hooray!)(notices she’s gone)Cindy? Cindy Lou? Oh where has she gone now?

CINDY LOUI’m here!

LOUCindy Lou?

Makes her way through the crowd


They hug

GRINCHHi Daddy (hugs Lou)

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasLOU(a little shocked)H… Hi M… Mister Grinch!

GRINCHMerry Christmas to one and all!

CROWDMerry Christmas!



They hug

POLICEMAN arrivesAll right. What do we have here?

GRINCH(Hands in the air)You got me, officer! I did it! I’m the Grinch that stole Christmas.And I’m … I’m sorry.


GRINCHAren’t you going to cuff me? Put me in a headlock? Blind me with Pepper spray?

MAYORYou heard him, officer. He admitted it. I’d go with the pepper spray if I were you.

POLICEMANYes, I heard him all right. He said he was sorry. But it looks like everything is back here in Whoville, where it should be…

MAYORBut, you can’t let him get away with this! Help me out here people… Uh… Martha?

MARTHA MAYMerry Christmas, August May-Who.I’m afraid I have something for you.Your ring back.Sorry, but my heart belongs to someone else.

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Wild Things – How the Grinch Stole ChristmasGRINCH(laughing a little, whilst saying)Hmm? No hard feelings? Cheer up dude, It’s Christmas!

CINDY LOUMerry Christmas Mr Grinch!(she kisses his cheek)Your cheek is so…

GRINCHI know. Hairy.


GRINCHGreasy? Stinky? Do I have a zit?

CINDY LOUNo. (chuckles) Warm. (she gives him a big hug)

NARRATORSo he brought back the toys and the food for the feastAnd old Grinchy himself even bought a roast beastNow the Whos and the Grinch could all get alongAnd the Grinch even joined in their Christmassy song!

They all finish with the song “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas” as the snow falls on Whoville.


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