GREENVILLE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT - … · meter boundaries at the park, ... Discussion: Henley asked if ... Don Dunham, of the

Post on 17-Mar-2018






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P.O.Box~ Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services Dis­trict met in regular session on January 20, 1988, at itls regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as pre­scribed by law.

Call to Order, R011 Call: \'l'he meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m. by Board President, Don Dunham. The roll was called by the secretary, and Directors Dunham, Basinger, Henley, Hamilton and Posch were all present. Also present were Jim Hamblin and secret­ary, Brenda Lal.

Review, Correct and Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved in a motion by P~sch that was seconded by Basinger, with all Directors voting aye, there were no changes.

Public Comment: There was none.

General Manager: General Manager Hamblin gave the Board an update on the progress of the grant work. On the 184 grant, all paperwork is completed, Millay has copies, and the application goes to the State. The work has to be advertised ten days, and if reasonable bids are received, we will proceed. If not, we go to force account. 2) The paperwork on the first 186 grant is nearing completion, most of the money is earmarked for irrigation and the main electrical panel. 3) The work on the 2nd 186 grant will begin when the above­mentioned one is completed.Cf this s~cond 186 grant, $14,000.00 is of course, set aside for the depot. The remaining $6,000.00 will go to electrical. 4) Hamblin said that it is possible Glenn Gal­lagher will donate some work time on the backstop, and Hamblin will proceed with these plans. 5) Hamblin discussed the need for peri­meter boundaries at the park, saying that using logs, as previously considered, seems impractical at this point. Dunham and Hamblin like the idea of using hedges. They suggested putting in the hedge, and then 'Using stakes and posts to protect it while it grows. Henley favored using a fence, possibly a chain link one# and the pros and cons were discussed. Posch offered to check out prices on fencing, and a decision will be made at a later time, per Hamiltons sugges­tion. 6) Hamblin said that he has asked the Road Department about whether or not we can put a gate on the bridge, and he will have an answer at the next meeting to that question, hopefully.

PARK: At the last Park Commission meeting Marsha Roby provided Hamblin with a list of persons who donated time and work during the past year on park projects, and she would like to see that they get




the thanks they deserve. A motion was made by Basinger that we thank them in the newspaper, the motion was seconded by Henley, and all Directors voted aye. 2) We have a new application for power at the park. Gene Moore and Jim Hamblin are working on it. A motion was made by Henley and seconded by Posch to complete the application, and to check into the possibility of undergrounding the last two poles (so as to determine if it will be cost effective). All voted aye. 3) Posch made the suggestion that we have phone and TV cable lines put in at the same time. Everyone agreed that this was an excellent idea. 4) Dunham asked Posch if he could bring his cat in the spring and help with some preparation work for trees to go in. Posch said he would be glad to.

Fire Department: There have been three calls since the first of the year. One was at Woody Hovland's place of business. One was in the flats, and involved the chimney. 'Ihe other one was at the Indian Valley Hospital. 'Ihe Fire Department was not called until after the fire, when they called to use the exhaust fans. Hamblin was concerned about this, and arranged to meet with hospital per­sonnel on January 20, 1988. At this meeting he conferred with Laveta Alexander, Bob Heard and Bob Stone. They are to have a ge~ eral fire plan to him by Friday, January 22nd. Hamblin offered to speak to all three shifts regarding fire regulations. A letter confirming the meeting will be sent to the hospital after it is held. Hamblin expects full cooperation in the event of a fire at the hospital in the future. 2) February 13th will be the date for the firemen's winter dinner party. All Directors and the secretary are invited. February 13th will mark exactly the 40th anniversary of the date that Hamblin joined the Greenville Fire Department.

Lighting District: Everyt~ing for the installation of the new lights has been ordered. ~he crew from Modesto will not do the work, the Quincy P. G. & E. crew will do it. 2) Cal Trans regu­lations will not allow the wooden pole to remain at Papenhausen's. 3) We have met all requirements and are ready to proceed. 4) Communications are good now between our District and Supervisor Schramel, the-Road Department, and other County departments.

Sanitation: There are no problems, everything is flowing smoothly.

New Business: Dunham spoke to the Board, suggesting that the Board .• as the governing body of our community, adopt a policy of encourag~ ing the beautification/improvement of our community. Several ways of approaching this were discussed, with no final plans being made. It was agreed that we take this up again, and that everyone will be considering ways to accomplish ~his.

Old Business: Director Henley brought up the property donated to the District by Evelyn Hall, wondering if we have decided to finalize the transaction. Hamblin t2en revie~ed for Henley that the Board's decision had been (at the September 16, 1987 meeting) to have Hamblin be the contact person with Mrs. Hallj that he was to set up a meeting at a mutually convenient time for the Board and Mrs. Hall to meet on





site and inspect the property, for the purpose of a complete understanding; that Hamblin and Mrs. Hall had agreed that the meeting should be postponed until such time as Mrs. Hall was feeling sufficiently recovered from her surgery to make the appointment; that Hamblin has checked back with her on a few occasions, and that she indicated she was not ready yet, but would contact us when she waSi that Basinger had brought up the same concerns at the November meeting and the matter had been discussed with the decision made to honor Mrs. Hallis re­quest that the Board corne to inspect the building as a unit, rather than individuals corning at different times, and that she would notify us when she was ready. Hamblin said that he feels she will notify us in the near future, as she seems to be feel­ing better and stronger.

Approval of Claims: The claims were read by the secretary, as presented on the attached copy. A motion was made by Basinger and seconded by Posch that we pay the claims. All voted aye.

Adjournment: With no further business on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned by Dunham at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

~-G-~ <:<;>./ cJ Brenda Lal, Secretary




James R. Haniblin Brenda Lal (33.50 hrs.) Greenville Volunteer Firemen State Compensation Insurance P. G. & E. (No. 2 Lights) Bidwell Water Cobels Cal Gas P. G. & E.

P. G. & E.


James R. Hamblin Kurt Bohne P. G. & E.

Fire - Zone A

James R. Hamblin Cosmo, Inc. Texaco Refining Cal Gas Hunter Hardware Greenville Auto Parts and Saw Service Bidwell Water (January - June 1988 fire plugs) citizens Utilities

200.00 233.83 132.50-

1,750.00 585.80

17.19 131.09

45.40 112.29


550.00 50.00 90.91

550.00 19.12 49.61

141.19 12.02 39.47

462.84 26.72

" U



Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services Dis­trict met in special session on January 29, 1988, at 5:00 p.m. at it's regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Board President, Don Dunham. Also present were Directors Basinger, Henley, Ham­ilton, Jim Hamblin, Charlene Owings, and secretary, Bronda Lal. Directo~ Posch was absent. FIRE DEPARTMENT

Hamblin spoke to the Board, telling them that we have had notice from the Office of Emergency Services (OES) that there are three fire trucks available to us. We have been on the waiting list for a year. Hamblin has been to Sacramento to look at the three trucks. He drove all three, pumped all three, and filled all three tanks to be sure there were no leaks. All three are 66's. He took photographs of all three from several angles each, and arranged for some quick developing of the film for the meeting, so as to let the Directors see for themselves what the trucks look like. Hamblin went over each truck for the Board, telling them the mileage, etc., of each one. In the end, he recommended the one with 40,000 miles on it as the best choice. He said that if we do get it, that we may retire #3 from active duty, making it available for parades, etc. He did point out, however, that in the event we ever need it, old #3 still could be used.

At this point, Basinger made a motion that the Board authorize Hamblin to purchase the OES truck for $10,000.00. Hamilton seconded the motion. Discussion: Henley asked if there was enough money in the budget to buy it, and Hamblin explained that there is ample in the Zone A truck fund. Hamilton asked about the availability of any parts that may be needed, and Hamblin said there was no need for con­cern there. Call for the vote: all aye.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

~.!L'" k1 ,Ig) risS2 Brenda Lal, Secretary


Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a call by President,

Don Dunham, of the Greenville Community Services District,

that the Board of Directors will hold their regular meeting

on Wednesday, 02/17/88 at 6: 00 p.m., at the Fire Hall

Office, located at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, CA.

~ Brenda Lal, Secretary to the Board I


Dated: 02/16/88

.';,t. "


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Greenville. California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on February 17, 1988, at 6:00 p.m., at it's regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Approval of Minutes: 'I'he meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Chairman, Don Dunham. A roll call was taken which disclosed that Dunham, Basinger and Henley were pre­sent, and Posch and Hamilton were absent. Hamilton arrived later at 6:18 p.m. Also present were Jim Hamblin and Brenda Lal, secretary. With unanimous consent the minutes of the previous meeting were ac­cepted. There were no corrections.

PuT) lic Comment: There was none.

General Manger's Report: Len Franz has told Hamblin that in regards to the warehouse building that Mrs. Hall is giving the Services Dis­trict, a grant deed should be drawn up. Franz has had experience in doing these, and has offered to meet with Mrs. Hall and Hamblin when Franz returns to town on 02/29/88, for the p~rpose of working out all details. Franz will assist us as a courtesy, no fee involved, as far as he is able to do. 2) Dunham said we can petition the Fish & Game Department for a permit to possess protected birds and animals for the purpose of displaying them in our museum. A motion to do this was made by Basinger, seconded by Henley, the vote was unanimous. 3) Henley then asked about the grant that Anthea Smith had worked on, and how it was progressing. Hamblin then gave a detailed accounting of the progress on all of the grants. .'c

Fire Department: Hamblin reported that there has been another fire at the hospital, a minor one of the same origin as the last one, namely the electrical heating system. He reported happily, that all recommen­ded procudures were adhered to this time, with good results. 2.) ThDre has been another flu fire at Jewell Standarts on 02/16/88, and the men stood by as it burned itself out, not a serious situation. 3) Hamblin now has the pink slip to the new truck. The new fire truck was hit by a delivery truck 02/17/88, as it was parked in front of the Fire Department. The damage was not serious, about $200.00 worth, and Ham­blin got all of the necessary information from the driver for insur-ance purposes. 4) The dinner that the Fire Department hosted 02/13/88 was an enjoyable evening. All firemen from our department were present. The occasion marked Hamblin's 40th anniversary with the department, and he was honored by several speeches and a plaque from the Board of Sup­ervisors in Quincy, as well as a helmet from the 'Taylorsville Fire Dept.


Fire Dept., cont. Hamblin also received a belt buckle from his men that had the name "Jim" and the letters "40" on it. There was a "40th" cake served, as well.

Park: Halblin reported to the Board that he has already started the clean up at the park, using some of the Workfare program workers. 2) Henley inquired about whether or not we've had an answer about our cabling off the bridge access, and Hamblin said he expected to have an answer from Brock any day now. 3) Since the weather has been so nice lately, everyone agreed that we need to move quickly to discourage off-road vehicles, vandalism, etc. It was agreed -to have this meeting reconvene at the park Saturday morning, 02/20/88, for an on-site inspection of the area to be fenced, so as to deter­mine the exact amount of barrier needed, positioning of signs, etc. Only then can we make an accurate estimate of the different types of barrier that have been considered at recent meetings. It was agreed to meet at 9:00 a.m. at the park on 02/20/88. 4) Hamblin said that Don Heyerley is working on plans for the BBQ area, so as to put in all the electrical and utility lines beofre the con­crete work is done. 5) The need for putting in some drainage was discussed. 6) Henley asked what our policy will be regarding the ball teams, and what they should be charged. Basinger explained we have, in years pas~, had a fee schedule that was adhered to, but that this past year, the fee had been waived because the ball dia­mond was not in peak condition. It was agreed that we will be returning to charging a fee, the schedule will be determined soon.

Lighting District: Hamblin showed the Board some correspondence from P. G. & E., specifications for the poles and arms, and also a copy of the candlepower chart prepared for Papenhausen.

Sanitation: Nothing irregular to report, everything flowing smoothly.

Old Business: Nothing to report on.

New Business: Dunham told the Board that a letter from Betty Henley had been received, and invited Henley to read it to the Board. She paraphrased the letter, saying that she felt the Board was trying to inhibit her. She cited the first amendment to the constitution of the United States. She said that she writes for the local newspaper, and some other publications, and that she feels the Board is trying to inhibit her writing activities. Henley advocated publishing the minutes in the local paper, saying that the Board of Supervisors in Quincy publish theirs. Hamilton said he was of the opinion that if Henley wanted to write to the paper as a contributing editor, it was fine, but not as a Board member. Dunham reiterated his statement of the last meeting, that the Board's position is that the secretary is the contact person for information relating to the Board and it's activities. Basinger then asked Henley if she was ever paid for the material she submits to the paper, and she replied IIsometimes. 1I

Basinger then said that he didn't think this was proper. Henley then said that she does not plan to be inhibited in her writing pursuits. (Saretta~·Pew arriv.ed to observe at this time.) Henley went on to say that she intended to continue to write, and that she would continue

U to press for the minutes to be published.




Allowance of Claims: The secretary read the claims, as presented on the attached copy. Payment of expenses incurred since the last Board meeting were discussed. It was regularly moved (by Hamilton) and seconded (by Henley) that all such expenses be approved. fJ'he mo­tion was put to a vote and unanimously carried. The motion included Hamblin's request for an authorization to be signed that will cover the transfer fees and sales tax on the new truck.

Return to Old Business: Dunham pointed out that it is possible that the Forest Service may start the process that will culminate with the Bureau of Land Management donating the property north of town (which includes the campground) to the Greenville Community Services' District. More on this later.

Return to Fire Department: Hamblin wants to order the extra equipment needed for the new truck sometime in the near future. Henley asked for more information on what will be needed, and Hamblin explained. Perhaps as much as $1,000.00 will be needed for miscellaneous equip­ment, in addition to a radio. It was explained that even with these items, the truck was still a bargain for the District. A motion was made by Basinger and seconded by Hamilton to authorize Hamblin to spend up to $2,000.00 to outfit the new truck. It was understood that Hamblin would try to stay below that figure, as he has in times' past when he has been authorized by the Board to make purchases. The vote was unanimous.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned to 02/20/88 at 9:00 a.m. at the park.

02/20/88: Hamblin, Basinger and Dunham met at the park. A decision was made on where to put the fence, and a few other items, to be re­ported on at the next regular meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

~' h 6> h dg;,.)

Brenda Lal






P. G. & E.


James R. Hamblin Citizen's Utilities P. G. & E. Kurt Bohne

Cal Gas Brenda Lal (28.25 hrs) Bidwell Water P. G. & E •

. Citizens Utilities P. G. & E. (No. 2 Lights, two months) James R. Hamblin

Cal Gas


Greenville Volunteer Firemen (fire call fund)

James R. Hantb1in L. N. Curtis & Sons L. N. Curtis & Sons Hi-Tech Emergency Vehicle Service, Inc. Texaco Refining & Marketing Poole Fire Equipment


550.00 39.20

114.62 50.00

25.22 201.99

34.07 120.94 152.31

1,171,60 200.00



550.00 331.91 208.92 193.51 85.47 70.00

, '-





Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284·7311


lJ:'he Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services Dis­trict met in regular session on March 17, 1988, at- 6:00 p.m., at it's regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call To Order, Roll Call: At 6:03 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Chairman, Don Dunham. The secretary called the roll, which showed Basinger, Dunham and Henley present. Arriving late was Posch and Hamilton. Also present was Jim Hamblin, secretary Brenda Lal, Saraetta Pew, Charline Owings, and Supervisor John Schramel, who arrived shortly after the meeting started.

Review, Correct & Approve Minutes: At the request of Henley, the minutes of the previous minutes were corrected to read "contribut­ing reporter" rather than "contributing editor". IJ:he change was put in the form of a motion by Henley, which was seconded by Basin­ger, with all voting aye, except Posch, who abstained.

General Manager's Report: Hamblin reporta that he has recently met with Evelyn Hall regarding the Miller Warehouse building, and that it appears the transaction may be concluded without the J._elp of an attorney. 2) Tom Hunter did not want to sign the plans for the electrical and irrigation work, since he was not the one who drew up the plans. He advises that it be put on the agenda for the Board of Supervisors, so as to have them approve the plans. Super­visor SchralllEil said that they had been approved already, at the most recent meeting of the Board of Supervisors. 3) IJ:he backstop will be completed within a day or two. Glenn Gallagher ha.s done the welding, with Workfare and Community Service Workers doing the labor. 4) Hamblin made the suggestion that the Board might consid­er (as a perimeter barrier) heavy chain link fencing. 5) P0sch said that he has observed the problems with the fence att.he Quincy park, and that without a log barrier, there will be continual pro­blems making repairs. He suggests a post and chain barrier. HO~;l to get some telephone pole type posts was discussed. Schramel suggest­ed using butts of some type to elevate the logs off the ground. Posch said he thinks he may have enough logs to do the job. He will check his supply and advise the Board. 6) Hamblin said that he is still waiting for Heyerly to finish the plans for the BBQ area, and that hopefully, work can be started before much longer, this season. 7) Dunham inquired as to where we are in responding to the Special District Insurance Authority, and Hamblin replied that he is working on completing it.



Fire Department: There have been four fires since the last meet­ing. On 02/18/88 there was a fire at Marian ~addei's residential property. Two acres were lost. It appeared to have started when some burn piles were thought to have been out, but flared with the onset of some high winds. On 02/20/88 at about 10:30 p.m., there was a fire on the road to the rifle range, aka Power Line Road. This one appeared to have started when someone dumped a pile of ashes, and it caught fire. It was not at all a serious fire. The third one was on 03/10/88, and took place at Anthea and Jesse Smith's residence, when their car caught fire parked in the front of their home. Haniblin speculates there was a short. rl'he four-th fire was on 03/14/88 at about 8:30 p.m. at Papenhausen's, in an old house being' used for wood storage. ~he Department was there three hours. There was a 100% turnout for this fire. ~his fire is of suspicious origin and is being investigated. Russ Papenhausen gave the Fire Department a check for $100.00 in appreciation, and this will go to help with the new truck. 2) Arrangements have been made for the new truck to be painted. ~he original paint num­ber was available to Hamblin, so he is going to be able to match it. 3) The radio for the new truck will be ordered tomorrow. It is a Wilson, like the others. 4) Hamblin is making a lot of price com­parisons, so as to get the best possible price on all the items to go on the new truck. 5) The Quincy Fire Department took an old truck to Los Angeles to a museum recently, and they were able to bring back some equipment from that area that was donated to area Departments. Hamblin was able to get some nice things for the Greenville Fire Department.

Sanitation: We have received a grant deed on the sewer easement from Delizio. 2) Dunham asked Schramel if there might be any funds available for extending the sewer lines out of town, and Schramel will check and get back to the Board. 3) Hamblin says he has conferred with Bill Kearns, who is Papenhausen's attorney. Hamblin feels that Kearns understands the situation and will be able to resolve things with Papenhausen over the st,reetlight si-t­uation without it ever becoming a problem.

Approval of Claims: 'Ihe secretary read the claims, as presen-ted on the attached copy, and a motion was made by Basinger, seconded by Posch to pay the claims. The vote was unanimous.

Old Business: Supervisor Schramel told the Board there will be two large signs put at the two main entrances to the valley saying in both English and Maidu "Welcome To Indian Valley. II 'The mine has donated the travertine for the facing. Supervisor Schramel says that the signs are very beautiful, and the Board expressed enthus­iasm for the idea. Schramel says the money is already allocated.

New Business: The secretary suggested we establish a fee for per­sonal use of the copy machine, saying that occasionally a Board member, or a visitor, needs to have a copy or two. In a motion by Basinger, seconded by Hamilton, a 25¢ fee was; agreed upon and voted yes upon'by everyone with the exception of Henley, who voted no.



~he motion regarding the copy machine includes the stipulation that the machine is to be operated by either Jim Hamblin or by Brenda Lal only. These two persons will make the copies for anyone desiring to use the machine. ~he sign on the machine will indicate this.

2) Schramel discussed with the Board the possibility that GCSD may get the land north of town that includes the campgrouna It is presently under the control of the Forest Service, and they have declared it unmanageable, but they cannot sell or give it up. However, they can trade it to the Bureau of Land Manage­ment for a parcel that they (Forest Service) would rather have. In turn, BLM has a process of turning over BLM lands to puclic entities, which we are. It is a complicated process, but it can be done. Schramel suggested that we talk to Ken Roby, who is knowledgeable on the subject. Dunham, Henley and Hamblin volun­teered to be the committee that meets with Roby, and will make arrangements to do so. Basinger made a motion authorizing the committee to act, if they feel the situation is advantageous. The motion was seconded by Henley, and all voted aye. Dunham made the observation that if we can operate it on a break-even basis, the town will win. There are between eleven and seven­teen acres involved; eleven if the rodeo grounds are not added in. The official process between the Forest S~rvice and BLM can begin after the committee meets with Roby.

3) Basinger asked Schramel if the problems with the water lines have been resolved, and Schramel said all repairs have been made with some of the money he has for his district.

4) Hamblin advised the Board that we have received a letter from the Department of Parks and Recreation on applying for grants. We have already sent for the application package and the procedural guidelines.

5) Our guest, Leah Wills, of Plumas Corporation spoke to the Board, She discussed with the Board some of the reasons she feels that we did not get the Urban Stream Renewal grant we applied for a few years ago through the Department of Water Resources. She explained that one thing they look for is heavy community involvement, such as volunteer days, revegetation projects, etc. Plumas Corporation has become involved with getting agencies concerned with erosion problems together, working on grants, organizing volunteers, agency participation, etc. She then showed an interesting slide presenta­tion that illustrated what has been accomplished at Red Clover Creek. P.G.&E. funded the presentation that was titles "Erosion Control Demonstration Project in Red Clover Valley." ~he presentation graph­ically illustrated the need for all concerned agencies to join forces and address the erosion problem. Leah Wills offered to assist GCSD in reapplying, and said that Plumas Corporation will assist us in many ways, providing technical assistance, etc.

Therefore, Basinger made a motion that GCSD reapply for a grant to the Department of Water Resources Urban Stream Renewal program.


~ The motion was seconded by Henley, and all voted aye. Suggest­ions were then made as to what we need to do to get started.



We have to contact landowners adjacent to the creek, and try to arrange a meeting. By the end of May we nned to have deter­mined what the landowners want in the way of improvements. Some options are : fish planted for increa$ed fishing opportunities, bike paths, walking paths, greenbelts, swimming holes, etc. Greenville Community Services District will contact property owners and set up a meeting. We also need to be thinking ahead to projects like volunteer clean up days, children involved with revegetation, and to having as much coverage from our local paper as possible on these projects, for the purpose of making the com­munity aware and the encouragement of further participation. All of these things will better our chances for the grant.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, t: ,~ r-.... ) __ n ~W~\A..~ Brenda Lal, Secretary





P. G. & E.


Hunter Hardware James R. Hamblin Kurt Bohne P. G. & E. Citizens Utilities


James R. Hamblin Hunter Hardware Cal Gas Quincy P. G. & E. (No. 2 Lights) Viking Office Products P. G. & E. (e1ec. to Fire Dept.) Susanville Office Systems State Compensation Insurance (adj. 1987) Brenda Lal (37 hrst Citizens Utilities


James R. Hamblin Hunter Hardware B&G Auto Supply Cal Gas Quincy Texaco Refining & Marketing Fire Chief Executive Magazine subscription L. N. Curtis & ~ons Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service

Zone A

D.M.V. (sales tax on new truck)


13.99 550.00

50.00 109.80


200.00 42.13 15.12

585.80 87.77

124.60 56.53

742,.38 264.55 46.15

550.00 42.49 25.12

148.76 20.00 15.00

165.73 301.99






Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


On April 20, 1988, at 7:30 p.m., the Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session at their regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order and Roll Call: At 7:30 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Raymond Hamilton, acting Chairman. All Directors were present, with the exception of Don Dunham. Also present was Jim Hamblin, Saraetta Pew and Brenda Lal, secretary.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved in a motion by Henley, seconded by Basinger, with all voting aye.

PUblic Comment: There was none.

General Manager's Report: Budgets for the upcoming fiscal must be prepared and sUbmitted by 06/01/88. H~:nbli:" suggested that a committee be formed to work on the Park and GCSD budgets, saying that he will do the Fire Department, Lighting and Sanitation bud­gets. Hamblin asked for two Board members to be on the committee, Henley volunteered, and Dunham was" appointed.: "2) Hamblin read the response we received from Fish & Game on our request to possess the mountain lion. We have been granted a permit. 3) The back­stop is up and looks good. 4) Central Plumas Recreation District's certificate of insurance expired on April 1, 1988, and they have been sent a memo on that point. 5) There is going to be a meeting 04/28/88 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the Forest Service intent to put together a plan for off-road vehicles. 6) Hamblin told the Board about literature received concerning a Parks & Recreation grant we can apply for, explaining that this grant is a reimbursement pro­gram, 50%. 7) Hamblin says he and Dunham have met with the Forest Service, and we have written a letter to the Forest Service asking for a use permit on the Campground land north of town. We need to project ahead 5 to 10 yrs. with a plan. It has been suggested we concentrate on repairing what is there. 8} Parts needed for the well have been ordered, as we can't rely on using city water due to the shortage we are sure to face this summer. 9) Basinger said he thinks the play structure is unsightly. There was some agree­ment. Hamblin said that maybe we can do something to make it more attractive and functional.

Lighting District: One light on East Main Street was out, but is fixed now. No other reports of any problems.



Fire Department: There have been two fires since the last meet­ing. On 03/31/88 at Jess Miller's there was a very minor trash fire. On 04/09/88 at 8:30 a.m., there was a fire at the Oak Grove Motel that could have become very serious, but fortunately, didn't. Hamblin was very pleased with the response and quick action by his men. The fire was started by a suitcase left too near the wall heater. 2) The Setzer Foundation has made a donation to the Fire Department in the amount of $450.00, and the money is earmarked for communication. 3) Work on the -new" truck is coming along nicely. 4) We have received the $70.00 refund check that was due us from Maricomm Communications (now Clackamus Communications). 5) Hamblin said that the Fire Department cannot resond to Henley's request for a donation to help Joyce Fife, because they cannot do­nate puclic funds. However, he said that the firemen had indicated that they wanted to donate, as individuals. Henley said that the amount needed had already been collected, but thanks anyway. 6) Hamblin said that we may lose our fire alarms due to complica­tions with P.G.& E. It seems that they no longer want our fire alarm lines on their poles. More on this later.

Sanitation: Everything flowing along smoothly, no problems.

New Business: The secretary showed the Board the new warrant au­thorization process the Auditor-Controller's office now wants us to use. The new process will be more time consuming than the old, and will mean quite a bit more use of the copy machine as well as of the secretary's time. Regret was expressed over the nearly $500.00 worth of new warrant authorizations we purchased last year, and the fact that they would have lasted us for years to come. ~here seems to be nothing we can do about it. 2) Henley asked for an expla~ion of IIforce account" and Hamblin and Basinger explained it.

Old Business: Basinger asked what is new on Mrs. Hall's donation of the old Miller Warehouse Building to GCSD. Len Franz and Mrs. Hall are working on revising the agreement. 2) Hamblin showed the Board the Joint Powers Agreement between the County and GCSD, it is for the grants we are working on. Hamilton signed the Joint Po~ers, as acting Chairman. 3) Hamilton asked about the meeting on 04/21/88, and Hamblin reviewed the details of that meeting for him. 4) Posch said that he hoped that some of the concrete taken from the bridge could be utilized in some way to shore up the banks of the creek, and Hamblin will be checking on this, to see if it is possible. 5) Henley said that we should probably check with Leah Wills, of Plumas Corporation, before we dump any concrete along the creek, as it may prove to be counter-productive to what is planned.

Approval of Claims: The secretary presented the claims for the month as posted on the attached copy. Basinger made a motion to approve the claims and Henley seconded.

Adjournment: The meeting was ended at 9:00 p.m., to be reconvened on 04/21/88 at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.



Thursday, April 21, 1988, the Board of Directors of the Green­ville Community Services District reconvened at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call: The secretary called the roll, and Basinger, Hamilton and Henley were present. Dunham and Posch were absent. Also present was Jim Hamblin, secretary Brenda Lal, Supervisor John Schramel, Leah Wills of Plumas Corporation, and approximately 35 other persons who were Wolf Creek stream-front property owners, or interested parties.

Hamilton introduced Leah Wills, of Plumas Corporation. Wills explained to the group present that Plumas Corporation is interes­ted in the economic development of Plumas County, and that one of the projects undertaken since 1975 is the restoration of the east branch of the Feather River.

Wills then introduced a slide presentation (the same one that the Board had seen at their last regular meeting). After the present­ation, there was a question and answer session. Wills pointed out the different groups on a large map on the wall, that had certain sections of the creek designated as different colors, thereby al­lowing everyone present to see where their property fit in on the overall proposed project area. There was color-coded literature

~ available to further help the individuals break into groups.


Wills discussed some of the possible goals : to stop the deepening and widening of the creek; to stop losing land into the stream; to control erosion, etc.

Wills encouraged the groups to walk their stretch of the creek, and to try to arrive at common goals for each respective group. It was then agreed to meet again on May 19th at the ~own Hall for the pur­pose of seeing what progress had been made.

Wills advised all present that the.technical team will be here for a walk-through inspection on Thursday, May 26, 1988, and that it would be well for them to find clean-ups underway or better yet, completed, and that each area of the creek would have to be clearly marked as being "red" or "blue" or whatever color they are. There was the suggestion. that we plan on having a potluck dinner after the team walks the creek. That way we could show them our appre­ciation for their time to come up and try and help us, and we can also possibly guage what their thoughts on the subject are, after having walked the area. Final decisions will be made on this at the meeting on May 19, 1988.

It is noteworthy that there was enthusiastic response to the pos­sibility of getting the grant. Property owners were agreeable and anxious to begin. Lots of good ideas and suggestions were made, and there was a lot of enthusiasm for the project felt by all. It is also noteworthy that this secretary did not hear even one


r .



negative comment during the evening. The next meeting of this group will find (hopefully) the groups well into the preliminary work that needs to be done before the walk-through of the tech­nical team on May 26, 1988.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting ended at 9:30 p.m. and was adj ourned by actinl~r-Chairman Hami 1 ton.

Respectfully sUbmitted,

)a A.a--xd sv ()\CLQ Brenda Lal, Secretary

· .





P. G. & E. Glenn Gallagher

Erma Hamblin Texaco Refining Fire Chief Magazine L.N. Curtis & Sons ShellnOil Company Cal Gas Quincy Huntel.· Hardware James R. Hamblin


,Xames R. Hamblin Kurt Bohne P. G. & E. Citizens Utilities

James R. Hamblin Cal Gas Quincy State Compensation Insurance Fund

(quarterly pmt.) Cobell s Hunter Hardware Brenda Lal

5.00 332.50

84.50 151.81

24.00 39.34 29.17

100.86 48.93


550.00 50.00 89.42 19.67

200.00 10.09


12.31 72,44





Greenville. California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on May 18, 1988 at their regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Don Dunham, Chairman of'the Board of Directors. The secretary called the 'roll, and Directors Basinger, Henley and Hamilton were present. Hamilton and Posch were absent. Also present at the meeting were Jim Hamblin, Steve Millay and secretary, Brenda Lal.

APPROVAL OF MI~UTES: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved in a motion by Basinger, seconded by Henley_ The motion included a correction in spelling on page 2. All voted aye.

GENERAL MANAGER: Hamblin introduced Steve Millay from the Plan­ning Department for an update on the grant work. Posch arrives 7:41 p.m. Millay reported to the Board that he has been work-ing on all three during this past winter, working on cost esti­mates. Coming up: sets of plans and specs on all three. The 1984 grant to GCSD for $14,000.00 is in the last phase and has a dead­line of June 30th. It is almost ready to put into a bid package. Because we haven't been able to hire an engineer to do the basic plans and specs, it has been slow going for Millay. 2) Millay says he plans to use an engineer for the remaining two grants so as to avoid the above-mentioned problems. He says that he will do the bid package and hire the engineer. 3) Millay stressed that he has been allowed extra time by his supervisor to work on these projects, and has been paid overtime. He suggested we may want to write a letter of thanks to his supervisor. 4) Millay has asked someone from the firm of N.S.T. Engineering of Susanville, namely Fred Nagel, to do the engineering work. Millay thinks highly of his work, as he is the same person doing the work on the Chandler Park project. He expects to hold Nagel's fees to 10% of the grant. 5) Millay says P.G.&Eexpects to be able to underground their lines by the time of the depot move. Hopefully, Citizens Utilities will cooperate about the lines between Main Street and the Park, Millay perceives this as the only possible hitch he can foresee right now. 6) Millay stressed that he expects the $14,000.00 estimate to move the depot is going to be very difficult to stick to, and will be very dependant upon donations of labor and materials. 7) Millay said he is concerned there may be problems moving the depot, if we run into cost overrun. He gave several options that may be open to us in that event (a) the remaining $6,000.00 of the depot grant


could go for depot completion rather than the electrical work it was earmarked for; (b) Schramel may be able to give us some of his discretionary recreation funding; (c) On the June ballot, there is another bond act, if it passes, we may be in for another $40,000.00. 8) Millay commended GCSD for the progress at the park with so little money in had thus far. 9) Henley asked when the

depot will be moved. Millay replied that he canlt make even an estimate until he has the answers to several things such as: Will Citizens Utilities cooperate and give us a decent price on moving the lines? Will we be able to resolve the problem of Mr. Trost (the mover) being unwilling or unable as the case may be, to provide the necessary technical paperwork? 10) Millay reiterated that the County and his supervisor in particular, have been most generous in allowing him to work overtime evenings on these matters for us. Millay left at 9:05 p.m.

GENERAL MANAGER, continued: Hamblin then proceeded giving the Board his General Manager1s report. He told the Board that he has an appointment with Manfred Endress of the Auditor-Controller1s office for some recommendations on a few needed changes. 11) On the budgets, Hamblin reported that Hamilton has met with the Fire Dept. budget committee and helped prepare the 1988-1989 budget, which will be submitted at $49,070.00, compared to $44,300.00 for the previous fiscal year. 12) The Sanitation District budget will be submitted at $22,950.00 as compared to the previous year1s $20,000.00. 13) The Lighting District1s budget for the upcoming fiscal year is slated to be submitted at $12,000.00, a $2,000.00 increase over the previous years budget. 14) GCSDls budget will be submitted for the fiscal year upcoming at $38750.00, up from $35,500.00 the past year. 15); The total budgets of all Districts: $131,270.00 for the upcoming fiscal year, up from $115,400 for the 1987-1988 fiscal year, most increases due to insurance costs rising with no end in sight, and undergrounding costs, as well as increased employee time. 16) Park: Basinger made a motion to move $6,500.00 out of the GCSD budget to the Park. The motion was seconded by Henley, with all voting aye. 17) Posch made a motion to approve the budgets as presented, with Henley seconding the motion, and all Directors voting aye.

Hamilton arrives at 9:10 p.m.

PARK: Hamblin says he has been given a certificate of insurance for the Plumas Central Recreation District. Jon King has checked it over and says it is okay, even though it doesnlt name us as an additional insured. 2) Hamblin and Dunham are to meet soon for the purpose of establishing a fee for use of the park. 3) water has been turned on at the park, and there are three major leaks, all of which appear to have been caused by vehicles driving over. 4) Probes and the tank for the well have been ordered from Joe Knadler, and he will install them when they come in. High prior­ity is being put on getting this system operable as soon as pos­sible due to the extreme water shortage facing our community this summer. 5) 'l'he restrooms are ready to use. 6) Henley asked why we don't get the trees planted that we1ve been talking about. 7) Hamblin says that the Park Commission has recommended someone

~ be hired to finish the play structure. Hamblin suggested using




metal, and letting Kurt Bohne do the welding. He estimates that between $200.00 and $300.00 will do the job. 8) The barrier in front of the restrooms needs to be put np, and Dunham said that the forms should be prepared in case some free cement comes our way. A motion was made by Posch to have Hamblin go ahead and complete the play structure, prepare for the restroom barrier, and to pour concrete for the addition, and get the trees planted this season. Basinger seconded the motion, and all voted aye. 9) A barrier to stop vehicles from going on the lawn area was discussed, and agreed to be a high priority item. 10) Hamblin said that he felt if we'd write a letter to Louisianna Pacific' asking them to donate the remainder of their adjacent property, he felt there was an excellent chance they would do so. Henley spoke about wanting to get some of the property for housing the Drug & Alcohol program in our community, and after some discus­sion, Dunham made the point that while it was an admirable cause, it had no ties to the G.C.S.D., and therefore, would not be an appropriate matter for G.C.S.D. to become involved with. Call for the vote: All aye, except for Henley, who abstained.

LIGHTING DISTRICT: No problems to report on this month.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: After July 01, we will no longer have our fire boxes, due to P.G. & decision mentioned in the previous month's minutes. Our 911 and general alarm box in front of the Fire Dept. will be all we will have. The one at the hospital will stay there. Hamblin advises we put a notice in the paper advising citizens of this development. 2) There is a new fire plug near the cemetery. 3) Since our last meeting, there was a fire involving two juveniles who were on the Hollingsworth property. One of the juveniles sus­tained a second degree burn on his face. 4) ~here is one more day of work on the new truck 'til it is completed.

SANITATION: Nothing to report, everything flowing smoothly.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was none.

OLD BUSINESS: Hamblin reminded the Board that they need to decide how much we can afford to apply for in the matching funds grant for which we recently received the procedural guide and application. After discussion, it was decided that we will seek a $20,000.00 grant under the proposal Hamblin has outlined. Henley asked if volunteer labor would count against it, and it was decided proba~ly not. The above was put in the form of a motion by Hamilton, and was seconded by Posch. All voted aye. 2) ~he business of Mrs. Haliis donation is still unresolved. 3) Basinger referred to an article in the 05/18/88 edition of the Indian Valley Record about the use of alc0hol in pUblic places. He wonders what our obligation is in re­gard to compliance at the park. We will check on this.

clEW BUSI&ESS: Eamblin says that we need a dumpster at the park. After discussion, Basinger made a motion that Hamblin ce authorized




to.order one of the size that he determines will be best for the job. Posch seconded the motion, and all Directors voted aye. 2) Dunham said that the time has come to appoint a vice chair. A motion was made by Basinger and seconded by Posch to appoint Hamilton. All Directors voted aye, with the exception of Hamilton, who abstained.

APPROVAL OF CLAIMS: The secretary read the months claims as posted on the attached copy, and a motion was made by Basinger, seconded by Hamilton, to pay the claims as presented. Everyone voted aye.

MEETI~G ENDS at 11:05 p.m., to be continued per notice posted as prescribed by law, at 7:30 p.m. on rrhursday, May 19, 1988 at the rrown Hall. This continuation is for the purpose of meeting (for the second time) with the Wolf Creek property owners and Leah Wills of Plumas Corporation. ~he motion to end the meeting at this time and to continue the following evening was made by B?singer and se­conded by Henley. The vote was unanimous in favor of leaving then.

05/18/88 REGULAR MEE'lI.I.'1G OF THE BOARD CO.l.'J'lINUED 'IO 05/19/88

MEETING CONVENES at 7:30 p.m. in the 'lown Hall, with Ray Hamilton presiding. All Directors are present with the exception of Dunham. Also present was Jim Hamblin, Leah Wills of Plumas corporation, secretary Brenda Lal, and approximately thirty five persons from the various groups designated by color.

LmAH WILLS was introduced to the group by Hamilton. She gave a brief summary of what had transpired at the first meeting, and outlined what is ahead. 2) At that time Wills led in a group-by­group discussion of what they had discovered on their own, !.7Wao~ki:q.g their stretch of creek. As each group spoke about what they had found, what they would like to see, it was written down for the sake of comparison with the results of the technical team's walok through on OS/26/88. 3) Wills told the group some good news, that Plumas Corporation has been funded for $125,000.00 from the Soil Conserva­tion Service for the purpose of looking at and studying the soil erosion problems in Indian Valley. 4) The group was told that the technical team will arrive at 12:00 p8m. on OS/26/88, and that she and Hamblin will accompany them for the three mile walk. At about .:00 p.m. they expect to be through, and return to the Fire Hall office to compare notes, etc. 5) It was agreed that it is a good idea for the different groups to each bring food for a pot luck to show our appreciation for their time and efforts to help us get the grant. At that time a contact person for each group was established.

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

~~,o'-~~ ~~ Brenda Lal, Secretary




Kurt Bohne (53 hrs. @ $5.00) P. G. & E.


James R. Hamblin Kurt Bohne P. G. & E. Citizens utilities

James R. Hamblin State Compensation Insurance Fund P. G. & E. Bidwell Water (May - September @ Park) u.S. Stamped Envelope Agency Brenda Lal (45.25. hrs @ $7.15) Cal Gas Quincy Cobel's Hunter Hardware


James R. Hamblin


Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc. Clackamus Communications, Inc. Greenville Volunteer Fire Department P. E. O'Hair & Co. Cal Gas Quincy Hunter Hardware Cascade Fire Equipment Company

265.00 5.00

550.00 50.00 86.01 19.67

200.00 835.00 111.54 251.60 272.40 323.54

12.62 4.91 8.84

550.00 80.17 50.53

1,250.00 869.57

32.78 7.42




Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on June 15, 1988, at it's regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes: Board President Don Dunham had sent word that he would be arriving late, therefore Vice Chair Ray Hamilton called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m., and the secretary called the roll, which reflected Basinger, Hamilton and Henley present, and Posch and Dunham absent. Also present: Jim Hamblin, and secretary, Brenda Lal. Basinger made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting, Henley seconded the motion, but had a question regarding Millay's comments at the top of page 2. Hamblin explained. Henley asked for clarification of Dunham's statements regarding the pos­sibility of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse program getting some of the parcel in question for the purpose of housing a treatment facility. It was de­cided to wait for Dunham's arrival so he could clarify his comments.

General Manager's Report: Hamblin told the Board about the budget trans­fers made on 06/09/88, which were as follows:

$6,500.00 from GCSD to Park for 5280 (operations) fiscal 1987 284.76 from Sanitation to GCSD for comp. insurance fiscal 1987 135.50 from Sanitation to GCSD for it's share of pre-stamped

envelopes ordered 2,500.00 'from Zone Z to GCSD for comp. insurance fiscal 1987 5,038.22 from Fire Dept. to GCSD for comp. insurance fiscal 1987.

2) Dunham arrived at 7:55 p.m., and said (regarding the portion of the min­utes on which Henley had a question) "It might be easier to deal with GCSD than L.P. on that particular exchange". At that point all voted aye on that motion, and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved. 3) Hamblin then reported to the Board that the representatives from the Department of Water Resources, Fish and Game, P.G.& E., and the Forest Service, had met with himself and Leah Wells of Plumas Corporation for a walk-through of the proposed erosion control project areas of Wolf Creek. After the walk, all came back to the Fire Hall and upstairs to the meeting room, and had a discussion. Afterwards:, the team came down to the Town Hall for a potluck prepared by members of the different color groups along the creek. GCSD supplied the ham and the set-up and cleanup. The potluck was a great success, and all in attendance seemed to have a relaxing time after the long walk. It was felt that the ef­fort made went a long way in the area of good relations. Leah Wells has told us that we probably won't have much in the way of any feedback on the group's feelings until the fall of this year. 4) Today, 06/15/88,



Hamblin walked the same area of the creek with Gary Wooten of the Northern Cal-Neva Resourse Conservation and Development Area, of which we are now a sponsor. Wooten left Hamblin with some printed material, and a better understanding of what NCNRCDA is all about. Hamblin showed Wooten the project map and discussed in detail what is planned. Wooten gave Hamblin some good ideas. Hamblin said he felt that we will benefit from our affiliation with NCNRCDA. 4) Basinger asked if we had responded with a thank you to Schramel and the Board of Supervisors for allowing Millay to work overtime on our projects. Since no motion to do so had ever been made (only Millay's suggestion) a motion was made by Basinger, and seconded by Henley, with all voting aye.

Fire Department: On OS/26/88, Mrs. Fredrickson had a chimney fire caused by her burning dry grass in her fireplace. She related to Hamblin that she had been cutting tall grass, placing it in a burn­pile, and burning it. When the burnpile got too high, she decided to burn the excess in her fireplace, which wasn't such a good idea. 2) On 06/06/88 at 9:30 p.m., there was a fire on Norberg Lane at Les and Lois Lindner's home, which spread to the bldg~ next door. It appeared to have started by Mr. Lindner removing ashes, which were placed next to something that burned, in the carport. By the! time the Fire Department arrived Lindner's carport and an adjacent structure were involved. Hamblin says he had 100% turnout by his men for this fire, and that he was proud of the job done. 3) Henley asked Hamblin if he did inspections of businesses, and Hamblin said that schools, hospitals and day care centers are the responsibility of the State Fire Marshall, and that he doesn't do inspections of businesses. 4) The paint job on the new (old) truck is going slowly but surely. 5) The alarm boxes around town will be covered, as they are out of service (as discussed at the previous meeting). Only the one at the Indian Valley Hospital is left. 6) Hamblin is working on getting a pager system for the firemen, and feels it will be a great asset in upgrading the department.

Lighting District: Nothing to illuminate on this month.

Sanitation District: All flows smoothly.

Park: Hamblin reported that there is a blockage 30' down the well. When checked last fall, it was okay, so someone has put something down it in the interim. For $1,000.00 Underwood will bring in his pounder, and try to push it on down. If we choose to do this, the building will have to be moved, so as to allow Underwood room to back his truck up to the casing. Or he will drill a new well for $3,200.00. Hamblin says he has a few ideas he wants to tryout first. Discussion followed with Basinger saying he wants to see a block building. Henley and Dunham both said we need a new building anyway, so if the building does have to be moved, it will be no big loss. After further discussion Henley made a motion to remove the existing building and build a better one for the purpose of letting Underwood try the $1,000.00 method of sa­ving the existing well. The motion is contingent upon what Hamblin is able to determine concerning the old well, and if the ideas he wants to try will work and save us the expense of trying either of Underwood's

~ method~. Hamblin is to use his own discretion as to what is best.





Hamilton seconded the motion. Discussion: Hamblin reminded the Board that it is a gamble, that Underwood will not guarantee that the $1,000.00 method will work. Call for the vote: all aye. 2) Hambliri reported that some over-zealous softball people have made some unauthorized lIimprovements" using our materials, some of these lIimprovements ll are counter~pl!Dductive to what we are trying to do. Hamblin has talked to the person responsible, and feels that the problem is under control. 3) Hamblin reminded the Board that if we do have to spend money on these well problems, it will have to corne from somewhere, and we need to determine from where in the Park budget it will come. 4) Park user fees still need to be determined, Dunham and Hamblin agree to try and meet soon on it. 5) Discussion on the possible new building at the park takes place, after which a motion was made by Basinger that if and when we do build a new build­ing at the park (to replace the one would be torn down) it will con­form to the existing restroom buildings. Call for the vote, all aye except Henley, who voted no. Motion carries. 6) Henley asked (after a recent observation of the play structure) what activities it was designed for, as she stated it was hard to imagine it's ultimate use while looking at it. Hamblin gave an explanation of what he thinks Marsha Roby intended. Henley asked if there is any way to salvage what everyone agrees is a puzzlement. Hamblin will look at it again, and get back to us with any ideas he may corne up with. He will also check with Marsha Roby to make sure we have a clear understanding of what she had in mind.

Public Comment: ~one.

New Business: Henley requested that the meetings be started at 7:00 instead of 7:30 p.m. during the summer months. She put that in the form of a motion, discussion followed, and there was no second at that time. Hamilton recommended waiting until Posch is present, to get his feelings on the matter. Henley agreed that might be best.

Old Business: Dunham asked if there has been any progress in the acceptance of the donation of the Miller Warehouse Building by Evelyn Hall. Dunham said that considering the many changes and turns, perhaps we should write a letter to Mrs. Hall saying that we are willing to do whatever may be needed to conclude matter to her convenience. A motion to that effect was made by Basinger, and was seconded by Henley. Vote: all aye. 2)Basinger asked what progress has been made on getting the mountain lion for our museum, and Dunham said that it is in cold storage, and is ours.

Approval of Claims: 'Ihe claims for the month were read by the secret­ary as presented on the attached copy. A motion to pay the claims was made by Hamilton, seconded by Henley, and all voted aye.

Adjournment: With nothing further to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.






GCSD citizens Utilities (2 months) Brenda Lal 46.25 hrs P. G. & E. James R. Hamblin Bidwell Water B & E Market (ham & supplies for potluck

on OS/26/88) P. G. & E. Street Lights

Sanitation District

citizens Utilities P. G. & E· Kurt Bohne James R. Hamblin

Fire Department

James R. Hamblin Cal Gas Quincy Texaco Refining & Marketing Hunter Hardware

P. G. & E. Kurt Bohne Kampschmidt Hunter Hardware Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service

126.54 330.69 116.18 200.00 19.31 72.09


19.67 91.91 50.00


550.00 7.56

34.28 340.52

5.00 195.00

6.56 60.53 10.07





Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on July 20, 1988, at 7:30 p.m., at it's regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Raymond Hamilton, who presided until Dunham's arrival at 7:45 p.m. Hamilton called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m., the secretary called the roll, and Directors-Basinger, Posch, Henley, and Hamilton were present. As previously noted, Dunham arrived shortly thereafter. Also present were Jim Hamblin, sec­retary Brenda Lal, Leah Wills of Plumas Corporation, and Mark Elliott.

Public Comment: To accomodate Mr. Elliott, the Public Comment portion of the meeting was moved to the first item for consideration. Mr. Elliott spoke to the Board and requested that the fire alarm not be sounded at noon every day, saying he considers it to be a public nuisance. He read the meaning of "public nuisance" to the Board. He said that it makes him nervous and has caused aggrivated headaches. Basinger inquired whether or not he slept days, and Elliot replied that he did not .. 2) Hamblin explained that the horn is our general alarm, and that it tests our system daily. 3) Basinger suggested to Elliott that he talk to others to see if they feel the same way, and if he finds enough people to sign a petition, to come back to the Board for review of the matter at another time. 4) Elliott said that he may retain an attorney to enforce the II law" • 5) After further discussion, Basinger made a motion to shelve this matter until such time as Elliott returns with a petition, or the Board is advised by an attorney to desist. The motion was seconded by Hamilton, with all voting aye.

Sanitation: There has been one new hook-up, near Tucker's place. There are no problems otherwise.

Lighting: There have been several lights out since the last meet­ing, but they have all been fixed.

Fire: There have been four calls since the last meeting, three of which were automobile fires. On July 19th there was a wild land fire caused by juveniles smoking. Two Plumas County Sheriff's Deputies questioned the juveniles and have determined they had been smoking, and that this was the probable cause. 2) The Fire Department was un­able to get a liquor license for their booth at the Gold Diggers's



celebration this year, due to a Sheriff's Office decision about liquor booths. Therefore, the muster this year was not as good of a fund raiser as in years past, but the results weren't too bad. 3) Woody Hovland is painting the new truck. 4) Denny Wright is a new firemen here in Greenville, he is also a member of the Crescent Mills Fire Department. 5) Hamblin asked the Board for approval to get a pager system for the Department. IIhe complete system will run about $6,000.00, and the Fire Department has enough money to get the system. Basinger made a motion to allow Hamblin up to $6,500.00 to get the pager system so as to upgrade the Dept., Posch seconded the motion, and all voted aye.

Old Business: Leah Wills spoke to the Board regarding Prop. 70 passing, and that there will be more money available to Northern Cal­ifornia next year. 2) She brought the Board up to date on what has been going on since the technical team's walk through. She said that some of them are feeling very cautious, and that there appears to be some disagreement among them as to what needs to be done. One thing they all do agree on is that the entire project needs more study, and that the area behind Papenhausen's place is one of the first in need of attention, and that it will likely be a demonstration project. 3) CRIMP is trying to hire Dave Rosgen of Colorado, who developed the geomorphic stream typing system. His fee is $1,000.00 per day, which includes his travel time and expenses. They calculate he could do what they want him to do in approximately four days for $4,000.00. They propose that he would field-tour segments of the approximately 600,000 acre study area with professionals and landowners; review flow discharge, erosion data, and preliminary stream typing; and,make preliminary recommendations about the applicability of different treatments, including stream meander reconstruction.

On behalf of Plumas County's representative, John Schramel, Leah Wills submitted a measure request to Gary Wooten, of North Cal-Neva Resource Conservation and Development District (of which we are a sponsor) for representation by North Cal-Neva RC&D on the proposed tour that will evaluate a geomorphic approach to erosion control in Indian Creek and other subwatersheds in Plumas County.

4) We are hosting the Northern Cal-Neva Resource Conservation & Development District (hereafter referred to as NCRC&D) on the 22nd of September. We are in charge of making the arrangements, and the members will pay for their own lunch. ~his is their biggest meeting of the year.

5) Basinger asked what has happened in the matter of Mrs. Hall's donation of the old Miller Warehouse Building to the District, and Henley said that Mrs. Hall was to have been there for the meeting, but that something had come up.

6) The secretary advised the Board that a correction of the min­utes had been made regarding the numbering of a past resolution, from the minutes or the 12/10/87 meeting, it is being changed from 87-3 to 87-4.

" -~-

7) Basinger asked about the frozen edt that Fish & Game is holding- fOLo our inuseufCl. DuuhdiYI will pursue anu (tldke arran(jements for it to be proces~ed.

8) The secretary reau. a l eLter [Loom NCNRC&D askin,:! for a donation of $75.00. Tht:: secretary will check inLo the ma tter La determine i[ we can make such a donaLion with our fLlnds, and will report on the matter at the next meeting.

General i..,1anager: Hamblin relayed °Lo the Board that Millay has phoned him, and Lhai- no one has presenLed a bid on Lhe work aL tIle park, so we can yo Lu [ort.:e account on Lhe projects earmarkeu fOLo °the $14 ,000 .00 grant. Th~ lttOlIey should be here aLouL mill-August. 2) Millay, TL~ost alIa. Sht::~han will be here un 07/26/88 at 10:30 a.m. to look. in the depot and inspet.:t the prupusecl route.. On the same clay , MilldY is scht::dult:!d to COme up to th~ uffice and 9u over the accuuntilIg pL'ut.:eduret:i [or the grallt. 3) The o other grant ~hould follow short l y.; The well i~ doing fiIle. Underwuod brought his halluHeL' rig ill and was able to pund down the object that was obstructil"19 the well, pushing it down to 248 feet . Hambliu is to te~t the

well ~oon. 2) Basinger -'chdnKeu Post.:h [or briny-iny the log:;; to the po.rk that creatt::!d a barrier. The resL of Lhe Boaru exp.r:esst::!d their thanks, also. 3) Heyerly will (ji ve $50.00 tu GCSD f ur the use of the ballfield [or his Lournament. Tile clean up o[ the area after Lhe tournamen-t was very sa L.isfac LOLoy. Harri}j,lin sa.icl tfta L he hacl many favorable corrunents auout lhe conuitioll o[ the bdllfield Lhis year.

New Business: There was none.

Approval of ivIinuLes: The rn.inules of Llte pre v ious mee lin,:! were approved i n a motion by Hamilton, seconded by Henley , all vo teu aye.

Allowance of ClaiHLs: The claims were read JJy the secretary , and a molion wa::; made by Posch , secouded by Hacll.ilton, lo pay Lhe claims as presented un "tlIe at.tachell copy. All voted aye.

Ad4ournment: Wilh no fuoclher Lusiness La be discussetl, t he meeting was adjourned aL 9:30 p.m.

RespecLfully submitted,

Brenda Lal , Secrelary




Underwood Services Bob Murray Kurt Bohne P. G. & E. Knadler Electric Kampschmidt's Texaco Hunter Hardware

Fire Dept.:

Ca1-Ag Insurance Texaco Cal Gas Bidwell Water Hunter Hardware James R. Hamblin

Sanitation District:

P. G. & E. Citizens Utilities Kurt Bohne James R. Hamblin

State Compensation Insurance Fund P. G. & E. Citizens Utilities Hunters Hardware Cal Gas James R. Hanlb1in Brenda Lal P. G. & E.

702.88 300.00 545.00

5.00 327.26

24.37 545.20

108.00 104.62

17.65 462.84 152.73 550.00

87.87 19.67 50.00


835.00 144.16

51.25 713.49 12.59

200.00 237.74 601.42







P. O. Box 899 Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284 .. 7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on August 17, 1988, at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Dunham. The secretary called the roll, and Directors Dunham, Basinger and Henley were present. Directors Posch and Hamilton were absent. Also present was Jim Hamblin, and secretary, Brenda Lal.

Public Comment: None.

General Manager's Report: Hamblin expressed some concern after meeting with Steve Millay and Fred Nagel of Nagel Engineering in Susanville, that the portion of the grant money set aside for administration will be used up by hired consultants, and that GCSD may well end up paying for the technical and clerical end of the projects. A motion was made by Basinger that we send a letter to Steve Millay requesting that our costs in administering the grant be charged to the 10% allowed for ad­ministration. Henley seconded the motion, and all voted aye.

Lighting: Hamblin has had several calls regarding the poles that PG&E is removing, and what will happen to them when they come down. Since this is a PG&E decision, we cannot give the poles to anyone, as several have requested. If we ever do get them, it will be a bonus for us. 2) At 8:20 p.m. Russell Papenhausen arrived, and said that Tom OWen of PG&E personally told him that they are planning on giving the poles to BCSD, but as of the date of the meeting GCSD has had no notice of this.

Park: The $14,000.00 is now available to us. Before any work can be done, the area needs to be surveyed and made level, adding topsoil as needed. 2) Don Heyerly has given GCSD a check for $50.00 for the use of the park during the tournament. 3) Several church groups have re­served and used the park. 4) Dunham and Hamblin are to meet at the park on Tuesday 08/23/88 at 8:00 a.m. to look at and discuss the exist­ing building.

Sanitary: Hamblin told the Board about being approached by Hydro 'Iech, Inc. to clean the lines, and make a film of the lines. Since there are two or three areas with an infiltration problem, Hamblin said that he would like to look into it. He will get back to the Board on this, after checking further. Basinger made a motion to authorize Hamblin to spend up to $6,000.00 to have the lines checked and cleaned out, and repaired, as necessary. The motion was seconded by Henley, all voted aye.

Fire Department: There have been two fires since the last meeting. One was an auto fire on 07/23/88 on Haun' s Creek, and the otl! er one was at Me & Ed's Market on 08/12/88 at 8:45 a.m. Hamblin said that he called on the Departments from Crescent Mills & Taylorsville, Lake Alrnanor West and Hamilton Branch carne on their own. Approximately 40 firefighters responded. There were nine lines on the fire at one time. Greenville used between 1850 and 1900 feet of line, and Crescent Mills had about 300 feet of line out. Investigation revealed that the fire started when the owner was burning boxes in an oil drum- type of stove. There was a crack in the stove, and the fire carne out of the crack and caught some boxes stacked near the stove on fire. It spread very rapidly. Eddy Garman was burned on the forehead and arm. Unfor­tunately, the insurance had recently expired and had not been renewed. 2) Hamblin reported to the Board that he pleased with the cooperation received from the Plumas County Sheriff's Office, and in particular, from Deputy Steve Hitch. 3) So far, we've had a higher than average amount of fires this year . 4) 1, 250 feet of 3 " hose has been donated to us by the Manteca Fire Department in response to Hamblin's letter requesting the donation. It can be picked up in about six weeks. 5) Hamblin updated the Board on the pager system. 6) Hamblin told the Board that the Augmentation hearing will be on 08/19/88, and that he plans to ask for $7,500.00 for the Fire Department, and $11,000.00 for Zone A.

New Business: Henley said she has spoken to Plumas Justice Court Judge Roger M. Settlemire about the donation of Mrs. Hall's building to the GCSD. He advised her to speak to County Counsel. Henley asked the Board for approval to proceed. No one voiced any objection , although no Board action was taken on the matter.

Old Business: Basinger asked once again about the frozen cat. Dunham suggested that if Fish & Game will relinquish it to us at this time , we could ask the taxidermist to keep it in his freezer until we are ready for it.

Allowance of Claims: The secretary read the claims as presented on the attached copy. A motion was made by Basinger and seconded by Henley to pay the claims. All voted aye.

Ad journment: With no further business to discuss, the meeting was ad­journed at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted ,

~J, 4=n '/"- d " Q Brenda Lal, Secretary


08/17/88 Allowance of Claims


PG&E Hunters B&G Auto Supply Feather River Disposal Greenvi lle Auto Parts & Saw Service Kurt Bohne (2 1 hrs.)

Erma Hamblin Hunters Cascade Fire Equipment Citizens Utilities Texaco Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service James R. Hamblin

Murray & Edwards Insurance Agency James R. hamb lin Citizens Utilities State Compensation Insurance Fund Cal Gas Quinc{

88.50 90.15 6.45

49.75 36.83


63.00 4.28

254.74 14 . 1 3

146.41 46.31


200.00 200.00 57.57

2,505.00 10. /),)




Murray Insurance Agency citizens Utilities Susanville Office Systems P.G. & E. Cal Gas state Compensation Insurance Fund Brenda Lal (31.50 hrs) North Cal-Neva RC&D Area James R. Hamblin

P. G. & E. Hunter Hardware B & G Auto Supply Kurt Bohne Feather River Disposal Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service

James R. Hamblin Erma Hamblin Hunter Hardware Cascade Fire Equipment Citizens Utilities Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc. Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service


James R. Hamblin Kurt Bohne Citizens Utilities P. G. & E.

200.00 57.57 19.08

126.85 10.09

2,505.00 225.23

75.00 200.00

88.50 90.15 6.45

105.00 49.75 36.83

550.00 63.00 4.28

254.74 14.13

146.41 46.31

550.00 50.00 19.67 82.25




Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on September 21, 1988, at itls regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Don Dunham. The secretary called the roll, which showed all~Directors to be present. Also present was Supervisor John Schramel, Jim Hamblin, Jerry King, and secretary, Brenda Lal.

Review, Correct & Approve Minutes: The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved in a motion by Henley, which was seconded by Hamilton, with all voting aye. There were no corrections or changes.

Public Comment: ~here was none.

John Schramel: Supervisor John Schramel asked to speak to the Board re­garding some problems with the proposed depot move. One of these items is the fact that the proposed site is over the old pond, therefore, a soil compaction test is needed. 2) McMurrow feels that Millay is spend­ing too much time on grants, etc. 3) Other unexpected costs seem to be arising, therefore 4) Schramel asked the Board to consider shifting the $6,000.00 from the #1 186 grant that had been allocated for irrigation, and putting it with the $14,000.00 for the depot move to help with some of these expenses. It would be returned at a later date out of the funds that Schramel already has earmarked for us. 5) This proposal was accepted in a motion by Henley, seconded by Posch, and voted aye upon by all Directors. 6) Hamblin asked Schramel what progress has been made on GCSD obtaining the campgrounds north of town, as previously dis­cussed. It appears that not much progress has been made, and Schramel suggests taking a "wait and see" attitude. 7) Schramel said that the possibility of creating an Indian Valley Community Services District might be a good idea in some ways, and it was discussed at great length. The entire Board was enthusiastic, while realizing that there would be some drawbacks to be overcome. After much discussion, it was decided that Hamblin would prepare and submit a written report to Schramel, which would outline the advantages and obstacles to a valley-wide Fire Depart­ment. Posch said that he would like to see some public meetings to introduce the idea to the community, and guage the public response. 8) Posch and Schramel both felt that it might be best to activate the Indian Valley Recreation District first, and get it on the June ballot. Schramel will schedule a public informational meeting at the ~own Hall on 11/28/88 at 7:00 p.m.





General Manager: Hamblin reminded the Board that 09/22/88 was the day for-the North Cal-Neva RC&D luncheon here in Greenville, and that we are hosti~g. He also reminded the Board that 10/10/88 is the day for the fly-over by the Rosgen group. 2) Hamblin then asked the sec­retary to read a letter fram Cal-Farm regarding the liability insurance at the park, the letter offered coveraqeon the structures at the park and at the sewer ponds, for (an extra) $1,482.82.. . above the liability amount. After discussion, the Board elected to not take the structure coverage, and to continue as we have been. Therefore, the premium for our continued coverage will be $8,985.14. The above was put in the form of a motion by Basinger, and seconded by Henley, with all voting aye. 3) Hamblin then reported to the Board_ on the Augmentation hear­ings which h~ attended. He was able to procure $6,000.00 for the Fire Department, and $8,000.00 for Zone A.

Fire Department: Hamblin reported to the Board on the pagers previously discussed, and that the pagers are on the way from Motorola. He asked for an additional $25.36 above the amount previously allocated for the pagers. Approval was given in a motion by Basinger, which was seconded" by Posch,.all Directors voting aye to give the $25.36 to Hamblin, who explained that in order to get a better system, the Volunteer Firemen were donating some money for the pagers from their own, private account. 2) On 08/29/88, eight men were sent to Portola, arriving in one hour and seven minutes, packing 800 gallons of water, on a mutual-aid assist­ance call from Portola. Crescent Mills and Taylorsville also sent a truck each. Hamblin read a letter from the Mayor and City Council of Portola, expressing their thanks for the help received. 3) On 09/02 the Fire Department responded to a call, which was not where it was re­ported to have been, after some checking, it was decided to abandon the effort and return to the Fire Hall. 4) On 09/06 a burn barrel started a fire in a back yard on main street, and it was shortly controlled. 5) On 09/17 at 5:00 a.m. the Department had it's first flue fire of the season in Greenville. Basinger suggested having a follow-through on flue fires, to see if the people involved have made the necessary changes and taken the recommendations of the Department. 6) Hamblin said that so far this year, his Department has responded to 28 calls, with 24 being the average amount for the entire year.

Sanitary District: Hamblin told the Board that the company who is going to clean and make a video of the sewer lines is going to be here within the next two or three weeks. The process allows for the repairs to be made as the machine goes through the pipes utilizing a water jet with 2,000 pounds of pressure. 2) Hamblin has met with a representative of the Department of Water Resources on 09/14/88, for the purpose of in­specting the ponds, creek, etc. He have us a good rating.

Lighting: Att of the new street lights are installed. The light that used to be between Grand and the first driveway into the High School -parking lot is missing, and the area is dark. Hamblin recommends that one be put back there. Several of the Directors noted that some of the new poles are crooked. A motion was made by Basinger, seconded by Posch that Hamblin approach the proper party and advise that the light be put back up. All Directors voted aye.

Park: Hamblin told the Board that he and Rich Humphrey have run a grade on the park. More on this later.

New Business: None.

Old Business: Henley told the Board that she had taken Evelyn Hall over to see County Counsel regarding Mrs. Hall's donation of the old Miller




Warehouse building. They were told that the County Counsel cannot assist with legal documents, and recommended having a private attorney help. Henley asked the Board for permission to see Craig Sett,lemire regarding this (if Bill Kearns doesn't do it free, as he suggested he might try to do). A motion was made by Posch, seconded by Basinger, authorizing Henley to finalize the transfer, using up to $500.00, if necessary, in the event that Franz and Kearns cannot do it free for us, ~ if Mrs. Hall prefers to proceed with her own attorney, Settlemire. Call for the vote: all aye .• .. ,"' ....

Allowance of Claims: The secretary read the claims as presented on the attached copy. They were approved in a Posch, seconded by Basinger, with all Directors voting aye.

Adjournment: 9:36 p.m.

~spectfu11Y Sub~~' ~/~CL ~~ Brenda Lal, Secretary







James R. Hamblin Citizens utilities Kurt Bohne P. G. & E.

Feather River Disposal P. G. & E. Kampschmidt Service Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service Hunter Hardware Kurt Bohne (37 hrs)


James R. Hamblin Bidwell Water Cal Gas Quincy Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc. L. N. Curtis & Sons


P. G. & E.

James R. Hamblin Sierra Technical Services Citizens Utilities Brenda La1 (39.25 hrs) P. G. & E. GCSD (to rep1inish petty cash fund) State Compensation Insurance Fund Cal-Ag Insurance Services

550.00 19.;]3 50.00


29.21 108.41

36.82 18.76 11.82


550.00 49.59

2.50 118.12 256.56


200.00 80.00 83.92

280.64 127.06 116.27 835.00






Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session at their usual meeting place in Greenville on October 19, 1988, at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call ~o_Order, Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Board President, Don Dunham. The secretary called the roll, and all Directors were present, with the exception of Hamilton, who arrived at 7:45 p.m. Also present was Jim Hamblin, Floyd Austin, and secretary, Brenda Lal.

New Business: Floyd Austin spoke to the Board. He and Rich Humphrey have been circulating a petition among the residents of the area be­ginning at the Round Valley Road end of Hideaway Road to Hway 89 to Humphrey Circle. The purpose of the petition was to determine interest in annexing that area into the Sewer District. Although they had been unable to contact all of the parcel owners, they have thus far made con­tact with about seventeen of the (estimated) forty landowners. Of the seventeen contacted, fifteen were favorable. 2) We need to find out what percentage is necessar.y for proceeding with the annexation. 3) Basinger made a motion to proceed with the annexation of the east section of Greenville into the existing Sanitary District. The motion was seconded by Posch, and carried by a unanimous aye vote. 4) Hamblin said that this will be expensive, and we will have to secure grant money if it is done. 5) Austin offered to do some of the leg work on grants to finance the project. He also offered to stand the costs of the certified mailings. 6) Austin left the original of the petition.

Public Comment: There was none.

General Manager's Report: Hamblin said that the Rosgen group is in the process of putting together their recommendations. 2) P.G.&E has dona­ted $10,000.00, but we can't use it yet because we don't have our permits. Plumas Corporation will "hold onto" it for us until we get the required plCa:!mits.

Fire Department: The pagers will be shipped about 11/05/88. 2) There is a possibility of a matching funds grant that will help offset the costs of the encoders, more on that later. 3) Hamblin has talked to Woody Hovland about the work on the II new" truck. Hovland has intro­duced Hamblin to James Terrell, who will be able to proceed with the work on the truck. All indications are that he does good work, and has a good reputation. 4) Another class of preschoolers will be here soon. 5) A first aid class is going on now here at the Fire Department, and



another one is slated to begin shortly after the first of the year. There is a five dollar fee. 6) The Fire Department is going to stand by during the filming of certain segments of the Warner Brothers film "Pink Cadillac"~which will be shot on the Pew property. 7) Hamblin is going to a USFS meeting on 10/20/88. 8) Hamblin has gone to Manteca and picked up the equipment they donated to us.

Park: The park is winterized. 2) The sUb-panelling has been ordered, Knadler will install it. 3) A slab needs to be poured for the building soon. 4) Materials for the sprinkler system have been ordered,. and Knadler has saved us a lot of money. 5) The dumpsters will be removed soon. 6) Dunham suggests a sign at the park stating "no overnight camp':" ing~' which will discourage misuse of the fa9ilities. He then went on to say that probably we should post all of the park regulations on the sign. Basinger made a motion that the Board finalize park regulations and put them on a properly posted sign, perhaps two. The motion was seconded by Hamilton and all voted aye.

Sanitary District: Hamblin reported to the Board that he has learned that the firm we had planned on doing the inspection and repair of the sewer lines has been out-bid. Ed Anderson suggested that it might be best to hold off for now, and get more information.

Lighting District: P. G. & E. has met with Hamblin and suggested that the lights coming into town, off the bridge, need adjusting, and they plan to do it. 2) Dunham wondered if we shouldn't have lights on the bridge itself.

Old Business: Dunham said that the frozen cat is still in Oroville, in the freezer at the fish hatchery, ,and suggests a letter to Lt. Orange advising him (reminding him) we still want it, and will advise him of when we have a place for it. Posch made a motion to send the letter t~ Orange, and the motion was seconded by Henley. All voted aye. 2) Henley said that Mrs. Hal:l' is gone for one month, and that Mrs. Hall is having difficulty in having the present tenants out of the Miller Warehouse Bldg., and our plans are in ~imbo until the matter is resolved, and_.we 'N"." have an idea of what is going to happen. 3) Hamblin showed the Board an ad for stainless steel flatware, as the Board had previously expressed an interest in getting some for functions, so as to avoid having to buy disposable each time. The price is $13.95 per service for eight, and the' place settings are five-pieces each. Henley made a motion that we order ten sets. Hamilton seconded the motion, and all voted aye. 4)Hamilton reminded us that the time changes this month, and this means we will be going back to our winter schedule of meeting~at 6:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes, Allowance of Claims: The minutes of~the previous meeting were approved in a motion by Basinger, seconded by Posch, and all voted aye. 2) The secretary read the claims as presented on the attached copy, and a motion was made by Henley to pay them, the motion was seconded by Hamilton, and everyone voted aye.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Dunham at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully sUbmitted,

U nr~AA-< cx:'92 Brenda Lal, Secretary





Allowance of Claims - October 19, 1988

State Compensation Insurance Fund P.G.&E. . Brenda Lal 35.25 hrs Viking Office Products James R. Hamblin Citizens Utilities Bidwell Water


Kampschmidt Texaco Feather River Disposal Hunter Ace Hardware P.G.&E. Kurt Bohne 38 hrs

James R. Hamblin Texaco Re~ining L. N •. Curtis & Sons Erma Hamblin Citizens Utilities




Hunter Hardware Citizens Utilities Kurt Bohne James R. Hamblin P.G.&E. (2 mo. bill)

835.00 135.51 252.04 89.66

200.00 50.26 21.59

8.93 31.20 41.91 86.42


550.00 443.09 15.28 56.00 39.25


23.99 19.71 50.00

550.00 135.51





Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on November 16, 1988, at it's regular meet­ing place in Greenville at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Direc­tor Raymond Hamilton at 6:40 p.m. The secretary called the roll and Directors Basinger, Henley and Hamilton were present. Dunham and Posch were absent. Also present were Jim Hamblin and Brenda Lal, secretary.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made (Henley) and seconded (Basinger) to approve the minutes of the previous regular meeting. All voted aye.

General Manager's Report: Regarding Floyd Austin's petition which was discussed at the last meeting, Hamblin informed the Board that he, Austin and McMllrrow are to meet soon for further discussion. More on this at a later date. 2) Mrs. Hall, Len Franz and Bill Kearns have met recently in regard to Mrs. Hall's donation of the old Miller Ware­house Building to the GCSD. Kearns wants a copy of the parcel map. There may be an agreement soon.

Fire Department: Most of the pagers have arrived, four more to come. 2) There has been one fire since our last meeting, at Emil Taddei's. Ashes from the stove were set near the wood pile, the wind carne up and ignited the stacked wood. He lost approximately three cords of wood. 3) The first aid course is over, fourteen people were certified. Another course is slated for spring~ 4) Hamblin is attending a meet­ing of Fire Chiefs of the Almanor Basin on 11/21/88. 5) On 11/29/88 Hamblin will attend a meeting in Quincy on hazardous materials, and on 11/29/99 and 11/30/88 he will be going to a seminar in Quincy on foam equipment. 7) The Junior Firemen program is underway, it will be a 180 hour R.O.P. course. Hamblin will be the credentialed instructor, although some of his officers may assist.

Sanitation: Ponds are empty, everything set for winter.

Park: The boxes for the first stage of upgrading of the electrical system are here. The balance of the pipe should arrive soon. Harold Brown and Cliff Ginger are doing the work, and doing a nice job of it. Brown will level when through. 2) Basinger asked if the Park Commis­sion is still operating, and Hamblin replied yes, that he is in touch with them, and that meetings will probably resume in spring.




Lighting: P. G. & E. have not straightened the lights yet. Hamblin will check into it. No lights on the bridge yet. A motion was made (Basinger) and seconded (Henley) that Hamblin send a letter to the

Ward Bridge Building Co. and commend them for the good clean up job they did upon completion. All voted aye.

Old Business: Henley asked about what progress there has been on the depot move. Hamblin said that all has been done on this end, and that the delay is within the County system. 2) Within two weeks Hamblin will have the plans for the irrigation system. 3) Shaping ithe creek bank at the park was discussed, with no final decision being made. 4) Hamblin updated the Board on the progress of the Wolf Creek Project, not much new at this time, mostly planning.

New Business: 12/21/88 (our next regular meeting) was set as the date for the Christmas party for the Board. The party and potluck will fol­low the meeting at 6:00 p.m. 2) A special meeting has been called for 12/14/88 at 6:00. p.m. for the purpose of the annual salary review for personnel.

Allowance of Claims: The secretary read the claims as presented on the attached copy. A motion (Henley) was made and seconded (Basinger) to pay the claims. All voted ,aye.

Adjournment: With no further business to discuss, the meeting was over and adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

,,- '.-0\ r-x~ Q /dJLe..-.=n d.e< '<:::>0 C

Brenda La1, Secretary






Zone A


Citizens Utilities Susanville Office Systems (copier supplies) Bidwell Water P. G. & E. Hunter Hardware James R. Hamblin Brenda Lal (39 hrs.)

Cal-Ag Insurance Citizens. Utilities Texaco Refining & Mktg. Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service James R. Hamblin (reimbursment) James R. Hamblin


Kurt Bohne (4 hrs) McMullen Sand & Gravel Hunter Hardware P. G. & E. Kampschmidt Service


P. G. & E.


Kurt Bohne (monthly retainer) James R. Hamblin Kurt Bohne (extra hours - 3 @ $8.00) Citizens utilities James R. Hamblin (extra work done through the year) Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service Hunter Hardware P. G. & E.


43.95 89.04 16.88

120.18 49.07

200.00 279.00

8,803.00 102.71 46.11 18.83 60.50


20.00 300.00 52.03 46.90



50.00 550.00

24.00 19.71

538.75 4.55

13.76 66.82





Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors met in special session on December 14, 1988 at their usual meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Presi­dent, Don Dunham, at 6:00 p.m. The roll was called by the secretary, and Directors Dunham, Basinger, Henley and Hamilton were present. Also present were James R. Hamblin and Brenda Lal, secretary. Absent was Director Posch. As the only items posted on the notice were an Executive Session and Park Business, the meeting proceed~d directly to:

Park Business: Hamblin told the Board that there are yet more grants available to us, the same type as in 1986. GCSD can apply for the amount of $20,000.00. It is very possible that Schramel will be able to direct his $20,000.00 our way once again. The Board of Supervisors has elected not to apply this year (they have three years to do so). We can apply now, the deadline is 01/12/89. Hamblin said that if the Board does elect to apply now, that a decision must be made now as to what ppojects we want to list on the grant. McMurrow of the Planning Department has given his permission for Millay to spend the time needed to prepare the grant for application. On this end, priorities must be established and information gathered and compiled as quickly as possible if we are to proceed. There was a discussion about which projects to undertake, and the following were listed, although not necessarily in the order given, that will be clarified at a later date:

bleachers and picnic tables finish up any electrical work landscaping (trees) concession stand, storage shed fencing, definition of parking area playground equipment

Money won't be available until the fall of this coming year. A motion was made (Henley) and seconded (Hamilton) to have Hamblin proceed with procuring the $20,000.00 grant. The vote was unanimously aye.

Brenda Lal, s~ary






Greenville, California 95947

Phone (916) 284-7311


The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on December 21, 1988 at their regular meeting place in Greenville, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

Call to Order, Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Don Dunham, Chairman, at 6:07 p.m. The roll was called, with Directors Basinger, Dunham, Henley and Hamilton present, and Director Posch absent. Also present was James Hamblin, and spouses of the Directors, and Erma Hamblin.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous regular meeting, and one special meeting, were approved by the Board in a motion (Hamilton) made and seconded (Henley). The vote was unanimous.

There were no changes made.

Executive Session: The Board went into executive session at 6:10 p.m., and returned to regular session at 6:45 p.m.

New Business: Dunham read a letter to the Board from Plumas Corp­oration's Leah Wills. She was advising the Board of upcoming deadlines, and the need for Hamblin and the secretary to be at the ready for the extra ~ork upcoming in the near future. 2) Hamblin reviewed with the Board the requirements for us to apply for another grant. The 'procedural guide is available to us now, and the first requirement is ~ resolution from the County, which Schramel has agreed to have on the agenda of the next meet­ing of the Supervisors. A motion was made (Basinger) and seconded (Henley) to proceed with pursuing the resolution and the application.

All voted aye.

PUblic Comment: There was none.

Old Business: Basinger told the Board that he has been approached by a citizen about sweeping the streets more often between the months of April and October. A motion was made (Basinger ) and seconded (Henley) to contact the Board of Supervisors about sweeping the streets more often. All voted aye. 2) Hamblin told the Board (regarding the Miller Warehouse Building being donated by Mrs. Hall) that the attorney is busy, and not able to help at this time, but will contact us soon. We should see progress soon. 3) There was a discussion about the campground, and the progress of the transfer.

Allowance of Claims: A motion was made by Hamilton and seconded by Henley to pay the claims as presented on the attached copy.






Fire Department: There was a calIon 11/26/88 at 12:20 p.m. to go to the home of Bruce Martin, where there had been an explosion of LP gas, which had filled the room. Martin then lit a match, causing the explosion. 2) On 12/04/88 there was a fire at the Coach House at 5:45 a.m. It was a grease fire contained to the kitchen, but it did get into the walls. Crescent Mills responded to a mutual aid call. 3) On 11/22/88 Hamblin went to a hazardous spill exercise. On 11/29/88, 11/30/88 and 12/01/88 Hamblin went to a work shop on compressed air foam. He felt it was very worthwhile, as he learned about new techniques.

Sanitary: No problems.

General Manager: On December 7, 1988 Hamblin went to a meeting in Quincy on technical data regarding the Wolf Creek project. On the 12th of December, he went to Susanville to the RC&D meeting for Wolf Creek assistance, and learned that the help will come in 1990. He also feels that they will help us with grants. 2) We have re­ceived a dividend check from State Compensation Insurance Fund in the amount of $1,044.16. 3) Hamblin attended a meeting 11/22/88 with Supervisor Schrame1 and representatives from Forest Service about the campground transfer. More details later, as they are worked out.

Executive Session: The Board went back into executive session at 9:13 p.m., and returned to regular session at 9:40 p.m. At that time a motion was made (Hamilton) and seconded (Henley) to raise Kurt Bohne's hourly rate at the park from $5.00 per hour to $5.50 per hour, also to upgrade his job description. The motion included raising Hamblin's General Manager's salary from $200.00 to $400.00 per month, and his salary as Fire Chief from $550.00 per month to $600.00 per month. The vote was unanimous.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

These minutes were prepared by Brenda Lal from the notes taken at the meeting by Jim Hamblin.

Respectfully SUbmitted,

~~~ldqQ renda La1, Secretary


, u ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS - December 21, 1988


Susanville Office Systems Bidwell Water Co. P.G. & E. James R. Hamblin Brenda Lal Cal Gas Quincy Citizens utilities State Compensation Insurance Fund Viking Office Products Bidwell Water Company

Zone A

James R. Hamblin Shell Oil Cal-Ag Insurance Services Simplex Time Recorder Citizens Utilities Citizens Utilities

U Sanita;:y

James R. Hamblin Kurt Bohne Citizens Utilities Rolls, Anderson & Rolls PG&E

PG&E Feather River Disposal Greenville Auto Parts & Saw Service Kampschmidt Service



60.00 16.88

110.05 200.00 330.69

7.62 53.09

835.00 54.70 16.88

550.00 12.73

101.00 43.81 37.08 66.81

550.00 50.00 19.71 22.50 75.92

5.00 37.86 4.98



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