Greater Vancouver Regional District The Livable Region Strategic Plan An integrated regional approach to land-use and transportation planning.

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Greater Vancouver Regional DistrictGreater Vancouver Regional DistrictThe Livable Region Strategic PlanThe Livable Region Strategic Plan

An integrated regional approach to land-use and An integrated regional approach to land-use and transportation planningtransportation planning

The Need for a Regional Growth The Need for a Regional Growth StrategyStrategy

Unmanaged growth – sprawl

Declining environmental quality

Lack of coordination between municipalities

Creating Our FutureCreating Our Future Vision Vision

““Greater Vancouver can become the first urban region in Greater Vancouver can become the first urban region in the world to combine in one place the things to which the world to combine in one place the things to which humanity aspires on a global basis: a place where human humanity aspires on a global basis: a place where human activities enhance rather than degrade the natural activities enhance rather than degrade the natural environment, where the quality of the built environment environment, where the quality of the built environment approaches that of the natural setting, where the approaches that of the natural setting, where the diversity of origins and religions is a source of strength diversity of origins and religions is a source of strength rather than strife, where people control the destiny of rather than strife, where people control the destiny of their community, and where the basics of food, clothing, their community, and where the basics of food, clothing, shelter, security and useful activity are accessible to all.”shelter, security and useful activity are accessible to all.”

Livable Region Strategic PlanLivable Region Strategic PlanKey StrategiesKey StrategiesProtect the Green Zone

Build more complete communities

Achieve a compact metropolitan region

Increase transportation choice











Air Air QualityQuality

Land Land UseUse

Trans -Trans -portationportation

Protect the Protect the Green ZoneGreen Zone

Designate and protect some areas of the region from urban development

Farmland, parks, and sensitive areas, such as watersheds, bogs, streams, greenways

Develop a parks and outdoor recreation system

Build More Build More Complete Complete CommunitiesCommunities

A better balance of jobs and labour force location throughout the region

Network of major centres linked by high-capacity public transit

Diverse and interesting urban environments for work, living, play

Centres integrate living, working and playingCentres integrate living, working and playing

Achieve a Compact Achieve a Compact Metropolitan AreaMetropolitan Area

Accept two-thirds of growth in population and jobs in a designated Growth Concentration Area

Efficient support for public transit and other major service investments

Greater Vancouver Greater Vancouver Residential Development, 1981Residential Development, 1981

Greater Vancouver Greater Vancouver Residential Development, 2001Residential Development, 2001

Burrard PeninsulaBurrard Peninsula


North SurreyNorth SurreyNorth DeltaNorth Delta

Manage growth

Manage transportation demand

Provide transportation supply to reinforce the first two levers

Increase Increase Transportation Transportation ChoiceChoice

Monitoring and Results:Monitoring and Results:Annual monitoring indicates Plan is generally

effectiveTwo-thirds region within the Green Zone;

protected areas increased by 60,000 haSubstantial development of town centres; 70%

new housing is multi-family70% new growth within growth concentration

areaGreater Vancouver Transportation Authority

established. Increased transit use in town centres

Challenges:Challenges:Town centres only moderately successful in

attracting jobs, result is dispersal to office parks

Existing development pattern difficult to serve with transportation and utilities in areas

Managing the edge and the interior of the Green Zone

Greenhouse gas emissions increasingSocial and economic aspects need to be


Livable Region Strategic Plan Livable Region Strategic Plan ReviewReview

Formal review of LRSP required every 5 years

Guided by the Sustainable Region Initiative

Completion anticipated 2005-06

Thank youThank you

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