Great Yarmouth Annual Action Plan · Development Economic Growth Strategy To implement the Economic Growth Strategy 2017 – 2021 ... To support the Norfolk & Suffolk Economic Strategy

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Great Yarmouth Annual Action Plan



(Front cover image courtesy of Mike Page)


Contents 2

Introduction 3

Economic Growth 4

Housing 6

Neighbourhoods, Communities and the Environment 8

Tourism, Culture and Heritage 10

Great Yarmouth Town Centre 12

Transport and Infrastructure 14

Changing the way the Council works 16

Performance Indicators 18 - 21

Glossary of Acronyms 22


This is Great Yarmouth Borough Council’s third Annual Action Plan. Much of last year’s programmes and projects of work have been either progressed or completed, but there is still much to do to deliver “The Plan 2015 - 2020”.

“The Plan” sets out the Council’s commitment to lead and drive development of six key priorities for the borough over the next three years. These priorities are;

• Economic Growth

• Housing

• Neighbourhoods, Communities and the Environment

• Tourism, Culture and Heritage

• Great Yarmouth’s Town Centre

• Transport and Infrastructure

Alongside these six priorities there is a need for the Council to strengthen its foundations in terms of the way it works as an authority, and how it will continue to deliver good quality services to the residents of the borough.

“The Plan” is ambitious, directing the Council’s resources in a time of continued financial pressures. Activities and resource to deliver “The Plan” for 2018/19 is detailed within this Action Plan, showing how each priority will be realised from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.

Detailed within this Action Plan are a number of key projects that align with both “The Plan”, Council’s Business Strategy and strengthening the Council’s foundations. These key projects have a detailed project reporting framework to ensure consistency of approach and improved accountability. Updates for these key projects will be presented to Members quarterly through the Policy and Resources Committee.

Furthermore this Action Plan details the suite of Performance Indicators that relate to “The Plan”, on-going service delivery and the Council’s Business Strategy. This data will be presented to Members quarterly through the various Service Committees as also detailed in this Action Plan.

If you have any questions concerning the contents of this document please contact Colin Rowland, Corporate Policy & Performance Officer on 01493 846168 or email


The following projects detail the action that will be undertaken during 2018/19 to support the Council in achieving the delivery of ‘The Plan’ and Business Strategy. Within this section there are a number of key projects that have a more detailed project reporting framework.

Reports will be collected against key projects on a quarterly basis and then presented to Policy & Resources Committee.




Corporate Plan Action 18/19 Lead Officer(s) Committee

Regeneration within South Denes Energy Park

Key Project (KP01) To regenerate an area to develop a business park specifically focussed on the energy sector within the South Denes area.

Head of Property and Asset Management

Economic Development

Economic Growth Strategy

To implement the Economic Growth Strategy 2017 – 2021 Action Plan. The individual actions are grouped under the four broad aims, these are; a Destination In Which To Invest, Work, Visit and Live; Key Sectors; Workforce Development; and Infrastructure.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Development of Beacon Park

To further develop the Beacon Park Enterprise Zone and bring forward land and premises to meet the current demand for high quality business park accommodation.

Head of Property and Asset Management

Economic Development

Beacon Park Enterprise Zone extension masterplan

Prepare a masterplan for the development of 10 hectares of new employment land at Beacon Park and work in partnership to deliver against this plan.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Enterprise ZonesDevelop a delivery plan to maximise the investment in the enterprise zones, and increase business rate income, jobs and growth in liaison with NALEP.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Local Plan

To produce a suite of planning documents that form the Development Plan for the Borough from 2013-2030, including Draft Local Plan Part 2: Detailed Policies and Site Allocations Consultation. This forms part of the Statutory Development Framework.

Head of Planning and Growth

Policy & Resources

Support of business Growth

To support business development and growth across the borough.

Head of Inward Investment

Economic Development

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership engagement

To support the Norfolk & Suffolk Economic Strategy delivery plan.

Head of Inward Investment

Economic Development

Support key sector development

Liaise with Peel Ports with regard to port development, promotion and land supply.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Improve monitoring and transparency of planning obligations (Section 106 legal agreements)

Undertake a cross authority audit review of S106 process and to review our own S106 policy.

Head of Planning and Growth

Economic Development

Develop a Skills Forum

Develop a skills forum to ensure inclusive growth.Head of Inward Investment

Economic Development

Strategic Land Allocations

To bring forward strategic land allocations as per the Local Plan.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Economic Growth



Great Yarmouth Outer Harbour

Construction of giant turbines as part of the multimillion-pound GALLOPER and EAST ANGLIA ONE windfarm projects

Image courtesy of Mike Page


Corporate Plan Action 18/19 Lead Officer(s) Committee

Beacon Park Housing development

Key Project (KP02) Through the Local Authority Trading Company, Equinox Enterprises Ltd, the Council will develop site 25 Beacon Park. The overall aim is to deliver an improved revenue position by building housing directly on Council-owned land to generate a capital receipt and New Homes Bonus.

To design phase 2 of the housing development.

Strategic Director (NS)

Housing & Neighbourhoods

Implement Housing Strategy Action Plan

Develop partnerships with local registered social landlords, intervene in the housing market to deliver new housing through the council’s own property development company, drive improvement in the joint venture with GYN and review our approach to how we engage with our tenants.

Heads of Property and Asset Management and Housing

Housing & Neighbourhoods

Growth of new homes

To promote the growth of new homes througha) Review the different delivery models.b) New housing development.c) Progressing the Local Plan, notably new housing site allocations.

Development Director

Economic Development

Transition of sheltered housing service to new service model.

Successful transition of sheltered housing service to new service model.

Head of HousingHousing & Neighbourhoods

Empty Homes Programme

To bring empty properties back into use and reduce the overall number through the ongoing work of the Council’s Property Enforcement Task Group.

Strategic Director (KW)

Housing & Neighbourhoods

HRA Stock Improvement Programme

Reduce the number of voids and void turnaround times and improve the conditions of properties in 2018/19.

Heads of Property and Asset Management and Housing

Housing & Neighbourhoods

Housing Deal for Great Yarmouth

GYBC in partnership with Norfolk County Council to author The Treasury Green Book Housing Deal grant funding bid for Great Yarmouth.

Investigate and action potential GYBC funded interventions into the housing market for regeneration outcomes.

Development Manager

Housing & Neighbourhoods




Development of Beacon Park Artist impression of East Wood


Corporate Plan Action 18/19 Lead Officer(s) Committee

Middlegate Estate Regeneration

Key Project (KP03) Complete feasibility and option appraisal for Middlegate Estate.

Development Manager

Housing and Neighbourhoods

Licensing programme for private sector housing

Key Project (KP04) Implementation of a selective licensing programme for private sector housing.

Strategic Director (KW)

Housing and Neighbourhoods

Wellesley Road Recreation Ground

Key Project (KP05) Complete feasibility and option appraisal for uses and management of the recreation ground.

Strategic Director (KW)

Housing and Neighbourhoods

Improve levels of recycling and reduce contamination levels

Reduce level of dry contamination and increase level of recycling across the borough.

Head of Environmental Services


Review Neighbourhoods that Work programme

Delivering and examining options for longer term sustainability of neighbourhood working.

Strategic Director (NS)

Housing and Neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood Management Delivery Plans

Delivering three Management Plans.Strategic Director (NS)

Housing and Neighbourhoods

Partnership working to create a corporate anti-social behaviour (ASB) strategy

a) Working with the GYBC Enforcement Group members to design a new ASB strategy for the Council.

b) Working with Group members and their teams to turn strategy into operational processes.

Strategic Director (KW)

Housing and Neighbourhoods

GYB Services To deliver the improvement plan from GYB Services.

Strategic Director (NS)/ Head of Environmental Services


Neighbourhoods, Communities and the Environment




Wellesley Road Recreational GroundProject to develop a clear future direction for the recreation ground, including current and future usage and future management of the site.

Corporate Plan Action 18/19 Lead Officer(s) Committee

Marina Centre

Key Project (KP06) To further progress this project and to commence the planning permission process for this development in Spring 2019.

CEOEconomic Development

Winter GardensKey Project (KP07) To undertake a project to investigate the options around the redevelopment/restoration of the Winter Gardens.

Head of Inward Investment

Economic Development

Delivery of the regeneration of the Waterways scheme

Key Project (KP08) Project to develop, restore and revive the waterways through a Heritage Lottery Funded Scheme, Parks for People. This will be achieved through a Waterways Board to oversee the scheme.

Head of Inward Investment

Economic Development

GYBC to work with Greater Yarmouth Tourism & Business Improvement Area

To work in partnership with the Tourism BID to sustain and enhance the visitor economy, and support the Tourism BID in its renewal during 2019.

Head of IT, Communications & Marketing

Strategic Director (KW)

Economic Growth

Tourism & Culture Strategy

Review and update of the Tourism Strategy to include adding in strategy elements in relation to culture, arts and heritage and then work to deliver the strategy by implementing the associated action plans.

Strategic Director (KW)

Economic Development

Tourism, Culture and Heritage




The Venetian Waterways & Boating LakeProject to undertake comprehensive restoration and repair of the waterways and boating lake, engaging experts and the community throughout the project.

Corporate Plan Action 18/19 Lead Officer(s) Committee

Town Centre Master plan: Improving the markets and Market Place

Key Project (KP09) To improve the management and facilities of the two markets and newly-paved Market Place. To create a better event space for an expanded programme of events.

Head of Property and Asset Management

Economic Development

Town Centre Master plan: Transforming the Conge

Transform the Conge with new mixed-use development lining both sides of the lower half of the street, with following phase connecting the Conge to the renewed Market Place.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Town Centre Master plan: Creating a sense of arrival at the town centre

Enhance the gateway into the town at Fullers Hill, Acle New Road, the roundabout, train station and quayside.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Town Centre Master plan: Unlocking the potential of Hall Quay

Refurbish and regenerate buildings fronting onto Hall Quay for leisure-based uses, ensuring existing buildings are conserved and developed appropriately.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Town Centre Master plan: Linking it all together

To develop an approach to wayfinding and public realm through the historic core of the town centre that can enable people to discover and experience its unique character and structure.

Development DirectorEconomic Development

Christmas festivalTo develop an annual Christmas Festival and link this with the European funded Go trade project.

Head of Property and Asset Management

Economic Development

Great Yarmouth’s Town Centre




Great Yarmouth MarketProject to improve the management and facilities of the two markets and newly paved Market Place

Corporate Plan Action 18/19 Lead Officer(s) Committee

Progression of A47 improvements and dualling

Working in partnership with A47 Alliance, NCC, NALEP, Highways England and others to encourage/lobby/bid for road infrastructure investment along the A47. To include Vauxhall, Gapton & Harfrey’s roundabout schemes.

Development Director

Economic Development

Championing of Third River Crossing

Working in partnership with NCC, NALEP, Highways England and others to secure planning permission and delivery of the Third River Crossing.


Housing & Neighbourhoods

Support community rail partnership, influence rail strategy and delivery of key projects

Working in partnership with NCC, NALEP and others to encourage/lobby/bid for infrastructure investment on rail improvements.

Head of Planning & Growth

Economic Development

Improved flood defences

To work with all agencies, neighbouring Local Authorities, Environment Agency, businesses and local communities to address coastal and river flooding and bidding for NALEP funds.

Head of Property and Asset Management


Support of better Broadband for Norfolk Programmes

Working in partnership with NCC, NALEP and others to encourage/ lobby/ bid for infrastructure investment.

Head of Inward Investment

Economic Development

Development of surface water drainage programmes throughout the borough

Working in partnership with NCC Flood & Water Management team and local partners to implement surface water plan.

Head of Environmental Services


Transport and Infrastructure



Championing of Third River CrossingWorking in partnership with NCC, NALEP, Highways England and others to secure planning permission and delivery of the Third River Crossing


Corporate Plan Action 18/19 Lead Officer(s) Committee

Organisational Development

To design and deliver the Organisational Development Plan.Head of Organisational Development

Policy & Resources

Customer Services Strategy

To launch new customer services standards to drive better and more consistent customer service.

Head of Customer Services

Policy & Resources

ICT and Digital Strategy

To develop a ‘Digital Council’ strategy improving online access to services.

Head of IT, Communications & Marketing

Strategic Director (NS)

Policy & Resources

Review role of Building Control in competitive market

Explore the potential of how the service can compete with the commercial market.

Head of Planning and Growth

Policy & Resources

Asset Management Strategy 2018-2022

Produce a new Asset Management Strategy for 2018-2022.Head of Property and Asset Management

Policy & Resources

Revenue Services Improvement Plan 2017 to 2019

The Revenue Services Improvement Plan spans improvement activity from 2017/18 through to 2019/20 and includes a number of initiatives that will be implemented during 2018/19 that are aimed to improve performance and reduce overall debt.

Head of Customer Services

Policy & Resources

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) – Refresh

Publication of the MTFS along with detailed savings proposals ahead of the budget report process. This will take into account future funding and outcomes of the fair funding review and other technical consultations.

Finance Director Policy & Resources

Investment PolicyTo bring forward an Investment Policy which will provide a summary business model which will help inform future investment decisions.

Finance Director Policy & Resources

Changing the way the council works



Changing the way the council works


Great Yarmouth Town HallTo deliver good quality services to the residents of the borough

The following Performance Indicators are a suite of measures that relate to “The Plan 2015-2020”, on-going service delivery and the Council’s Business Strategy. Whilst Performance Indictors on their own do not always give a full picture of the issues, combined with this Action Plan they will help inform decision making and resource allocation.

Data will be collected against these Performance Indictors on a quarterly basis and then presented to Members through the various Service Committees.

IndicatorTarget 2018/19

Average time to assess Housing & Council Tax: Benefit new claims (Quarterly Cumulative) 18 days

Average time to assess Housing & Council Tax: Change in circumstances (Quarterly Cumulative) 10 days

Collection rates Council Tax (Quarterly Cumulative) 97%

Number of long term empty homes (6 months or more) (Snapshot at last day of quarter) Less than 600

Collection rates NNDR (Quarterly Cumulative) 98%

Contact centre telephone calls:a) Percentage of Contact Centre calls answered as a % of all calls offered (Quarterly Cumulative)b) Number of Contact Centre calls received (Quarterly)


Contact centre telephone calls: Average wait time by customers contacting the Contact Centre (Quarterly) 1.5 minutes

Number of new customers signing up to ‘My account’ (Quarterly Cumulative) 4,800

Visitors to GYBC website (Quarterly Cumulative) 260,000

Percentage of FOI and EIR requests responded to within 20 working days (Quarterly Cumulative) 90%

% of completed Full Performance Reviews (Quarterly Cumulative) 100%

The number of working days lost due to sickness absence per FTE. (Quarterly Cumulative) 8.5 days

Council spend on apprenticeships as a % of apprenticeship levy (Quarterly Cumulative) Monitor

% of Audit days delivered (of the annual plan) (Quarterly cumulative) 100%

Percentage of priority 1 Internal Audit recommendations completed on time 100%

Percentage of priority 2 Internal Audit recommendations completed on time 90%

Number of priority 2 Internal Audit recommendations outstanding – context information Monitor

Number of people signed up to ‘E Billing’(Quarterly Cumulative) 3,200

Open Accessa) Number of unique users accessing their accounts within ‘Open Access’b) Number of user logins within ‘Open Access’ (Quarterly)


Number of ‘Webchat’ calls received (Quarterly Cumulative) 1,200

Corporate Property Portfolio Revenue Growth per annum 10%

Corporate Property Portfolio Arrears per annum 3%

Corporate Property Overall Occupancy levels per annum 95%

% of agendas published in accordance with statutory deadlines (no later than five working days from date of meeting) 100%

Payment of Invoices within 30 days (%) 90%

Performance Indicators


Policy and Resources Committee


Indicator Target 2018/19

Planning applications: Major applications determined within 13 weeks or as agreed extension (Quarterly Cumulative)


Planning applications: Non Major (Minor or Other) applications determined within 8 weeks or as agreed extension (Quarterly Cumulative)


Percentage of Major planning applications processed within 13 weeks or as agreed extension over the last 24 months (Quarterly Cumulative)


Percentage of Non Major planning applications processed within 8 weeks or as agreed extension over the last 24 months (Quarterly Cumulative)


Percentage of Major planning applications overturned on appeal over the last 24 months (Quarterly Cumulative)


Planning Appeals:a) Total number of Non Major Planning Application appealsb) Percentage of Non Major Planning applications overturned

on appeal over the last 24 months of an authority’s total number of decisions on applications


Building Control: The percentage of building regulation applications where a decision notice is issued within the eight week statutory period. (Quarterly Cumulative)


Percentage of Land Charges search returns sent within 10 working days. (Quarterly Cumulative) 90%

Number of new homes built

Awaiting final calculation arising from new National

Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

before target is known

Enterprise Zone: Beacon Parkb) % of empty floor space across Beacon Park(Quarterly Snapshot at last day of quarter)


Economic Development Committee



IndicatorMonitor 2018/19

% of food premises scoring 3 star food hygiene ratings or above (Snapshot at last day of quarter) 94%

Garden waste service:a) Number of households taking up garden waste bin service.b) Total tonnage of garden waste recycled. (Quarterly Cumulative)


Percentage of total domestic waste collected which is sent for recycling (Quarterly Cumulative) 40%

Number of Flytips reported (Quarterly Cumulative) Monitor

Flytips removed within 3 working days (Quarterly Cumulative) 100%

Number of streets in the Borough meeting street cleanliness levelsa) Litter (formerly NI195a)b) Detritus (formerly NI195b)(Snapshot at last month of quarter)

95% 93%

Contamination rate in dry recycling 19%

Environment Committee



Indicator Target 2018/19

Great Yarmouth Community Housing rent: GYCH rent collection ratea) % of rent & arrears collectedb) Arrears as a % of rent debitc) Total rent arrears(Quarterly Cumulative)



Number of evictions from GYCH fora) rent arrears b) non rent tenancy breaches.


Number ofa) Social housing applicants in allocation poolb) Social housing new applicants awaiting assessment(Snapshot at last day of quarter)


Average Time to Re-let Local Authority Housing (Quarterly Cumulative) 35

Average cost of a Void repair £2,540

Percentage of residents very or fairly satisfied with the repairs service they received 95%

Costs – total Void Works (service provision) as % of total repairs costs 8.94%

Time taken for GYNorse to complete all standard voids 10 days

Time taken for GYNorse to complete all voids 24.54 days

Time taken for Housing Options to match property (Quarterly Cumulative) 14

Number of DFGsa) Recommendations receivedb) Approvalsc) Completedd) Numbers of calendar days from initial request to works complete (Quarterly Cumulative)


Wherry Way Control Centre call handling:a) Alarm Calls answered within 30 seconds b) Alarm Calls answered within 60 seconds (Quarterly Cumulative)


Number of Yare Care Alarma) Referralsb) Installationsc) Removals (Quarterly Cumulative)


Number of Community Housing Adaptationsa) Recommendations receivedb) Approvalsc) Completed (Quarterly Cumulative)


Neighbourhoods That Work programmea) Number of self-help resident led community groups supported to develop. b) Number of residents who have overcome issues preventing them from getting and holding down a job, resulting in them sustaining employment. c) Number of residents with complex needs supported to overcome at least one personal challenge.(Quarterly Cumulative)



Number ofa) Homeless acceptancesb) Homeless preventionsc) Homeless relief cases


Number of complaints regarding tenant related ASB issues. Monitor

Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee



Acronyms Full Title

ASB Anti-Social Behaviour

BID Business Improvement District

DFG Disability Facility Grant

FOI Freedom of Information

FTE Full Time Equivalent

GYBC Great Yarmouth Borough Council

GYBS GYB Services Limited

GYCH Great Yarmouth Community Housing

GYN GY Norse

HRA Housing Revenue Account

NALEP New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

NCC Norfolk County Council

NNDR National Non Domestic Rates

NPPF National Planning Policy Framework

MTFS Medium Term Financial Strategy

Glossary of Acronyms



Colin RowlandCorporate Policy & Performance Officer Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Telephone: 01493 846168 E-mail:


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