Gre preparation do's and don'ts

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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GRE exam strategyDo’sAndDon'tsBy: Ashwini (Math) Jamboree (Pune)

GRE Structure First


During Classes….

Keep on researching about your target universities and courses and their GRE score requirementsFocus on building concepts first, don’t be worried too much about time taken in finishing questionsBook your GRE dates- 40 days post your classes(not working) or else 60 days post classes(if you are working)

Un-scored section

Out of 5 (Q+V) sections any section can be un-scored, even the first one.

Although its adaptive exam section’s difficulty level may not be predicted

All topics are covered more or less but their weightage cannot be predicted, its quite subjective


Treat every Q on its merit TREAT EVERY SECTION AS A SEPARATE

EXAM Don’t get bothered by the Q you have just

done(if you couldn’t solve it) Don’t get bothered by the section you have

just done in case you have screwed it, as it could be un-scored one. Also 1 bad section alone doesn’t spoil your overall score

No negative marking in GRE

Make sure you attempt all questions, and in case if not able to attempt all questions, at-least tick all questions

Target one-liner and 2-liner questions and DI questions first.

DO NOT MISS ANY SIMPLE QUESTION You lose more marks by not doing simple questions compared to difficult questions

Exam planning

First 30 seconds in a quant section- just browse through all the questions and note down 1-liner, 2-liners and di questions and do them in first 10 minutes.

In case you are not able to get any idea about a particular question in first 60 seconds, just LEAVE THE TIME CONSUMING QUESTIONS FOR LAST i.e. Don’t obsess over time-consuming questions

Don’t forget to tick mark a feasible answer to all such questions in last 10 minutes

Focus areas during Preparation-

Concept coverage Accuracy Time Management

Book1 + Book2 + OG + Test Practice at varied platforms is the key

Testing Platforms- LEVELBook1 (5 tests) BBook2 (15 tests) METS Official Guide(2 Tests) A Power-prep (2-3 tests) AJamboree Full length (8 tests) HJamboree online Practice Questions MKaplan- 10 sectional tests AManhattan online tests ABASIC- B, MEDIUM- M,HIGHER- H, ACTUAL-A

How to fine tune focus areas?

Concepts(Basic)- Book1 Concepts(Higher level)- Book2 + Jamboree online

tests Accuracy- Book1 + Book2 tests Time Management- ETS(Power-prep) tests Kaplan tests Manhattan tests


In quant try to maximize as your efforts yield with surety

Do not forget to keep your original documents with you in exam (especially your passport)

Keep some eatables and fluids with you during exam (utilize breaks efficiently) to maintain energy levels

Don’t over burden yourself on days just before exam Your self belief that I CAN DO IT will be your biggest

key and strength

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