
Robert Gordon universityMSc Dissertation

No social media please,

we’re researchers!Shazia Arif


Investigation into the use of social networking tools by PhD researchers throughout their doctoral activities at Brunel University


“We need to understand learners’ personal digital literacies before ploughing into 'supporting' them”. (White, 2012)

Academic research cycle


I use the tools where I feel they benefit me but am not a slave to tech.

Training and advice in how and why and when to use would be FAB!!

I am not using social media as of now but believe they will be supportive tool as a researcher.

I rely heavily on sharing sites such as Dropbox

I'm quite comfortable in using the ones I need

These tools are not effective for obtaining or disseminating research material


Important role for libraries/librarian

Digital literacy sessions focusing on social networking tools should be offered

Tailor them to the needs of PhD students

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