Grade 4 Writing Booklet

Post on 07-Dec-2021






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Grade 4

Writing Booklet





Class work

1. Writing (1) p. 4

“Daily Routine Activities”

2. Writing (2) p.6

“Write about your favorite hobby”

3. Writing (3) p.9

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

4. Writing (4) p. 11

“How to be healthy?”

5. Writing (5) p. 13

“What do you want for your birthday?”


1. Writing (1) p.16

“Talk about yourself”

2. Writing (2) p. 18

“Write about your school and your favorite subject”

3. Writing (3) p. 20

“Describe your best friend”

4. Writing (4) p. 22

“Write about your last summer vacation”

5. Writing (5) p. 24

“A day at the amusement park”

Spelling p.26


Writing 1

-Daily Routine Activities

What do you do every day?

The Guiding Words:

The Guiding questions:

1. Do you have a/an boring/interesting daily routine?

2. What is your typical day like?

3. What do you do at the weekends ?

Daily routine activities

wake up - get up - take a shower - get dressed - comb my hair -

make breakfast - brush my teeth - make your bed - go to school-

have classes - go home - eat lunch - do my homework - study - read a book -

watch T.V - eat some snacks - eat dinner - sleep early - hang out with friends -

play sports – painting – colouring - exercise


Now, it’s your turn:

Write not less than 6 sentences about your daily Routine Activities



















Writing 2

Write about your favourite hobby:

- The Guiding Words:


The Guiding questions:

1. What is your favourite hobby?

2. Do you practice your hobby every day?

3. When do you practice your hobbies?

4. Does your hobby make you happy?


cooking – gardening- singing – drawing - dance – painting – scrapbooking

-birdwatching - sculpting- knitting – puzzles - playing an instrument-

breadmaking - jewelry making - creative writing - gymnastics – singing

- acting - soccer


Write about your favourite hobby



















Writing 3

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Write about the following topic describing the picture by using the following guiding


-The Guiding Words:

Jobs/occupation Phrasal Verbs

engineer – doctor - artist - teacher

- football player - police/army

officer – astronaut - nurse –

scientist - cook/chef- pilot-

accountant - photographer

follow up your dream - set big

goals - exert efforts - work

hard - be patient- be successful

-The Guiding questions:

1. What do you want to be

when you grow up?

2. Why do you want to be a

doctor/an engineer/a pilot?

3. Do you have plans to be

successful at your job?

4. If you are-------, how will

you help people?


What do you want to be when you grow up?




















Writing 4

How to be Healthy?

Write about the following topic

describing the picture by using

the following guiding words:

-The Guiding words:

-The Guiding questions:

1. Do you have a healthy lifestyle?

2. What can/can't you do to stay healthy?

3. How do you feel about being healthy?

health- healthy – lifestyle – fit - do

exercises - go on a diet - keep fit -eat

healthy food (fresh vegetables and fruits)-

do sports - drink water and fresh juice -

sleep enough hours -be active

avoid junk/fast food - avoid

drinking soft drinks (soda) -

decrease eating sugar and sweets

- don’t be lazy


How to be Healthy?















Writing 5

A birthday wish

What do you want for your birthday?

The Guiding Words:

The Guiding questions:

1. When is your birthday?

2. What do you need to buy for your birthday ?

3. What do you want for your birthday ?

4. Whom will you invite to your birthday party?

Shopping list Presents

wall decorations – balloons – candles -

sweets – cupcakes - chocolate cake -

party blowers - party hats – banners -

ribbons - pop corn – cookies - bunch of

flowers - ice cream - pizza

teddy bear - skateboard- mobile phone

-iPad - toy car - kick scooter -

PlayStation - indoor bowling set


Write about your birthday wish





















Writing 1

Talk about yourself

Write about the following topic

by using the following guiding


The Guiding Words:

The Guiding questions:

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When is your birthday?

4. How many brothers and sisters do you have ?

5. What does your father/mother do? (Their jobs)

6. What do you enjoy/love doing?

Useful words/phrases

father – mother – sister – brother - a teacher - an accountant - a doctor -

an engineer - a manager - a businessman – reading – colouring – drawing -

painting – singing - doing sports - playing a musical instrument - taking

photos - listening to music – Egypt – Egyptian - birthday


Write about yourself



















Writing 2

-Write about your school and your favourite subject

The Guiding Words:

The Guiding questions:

1. What is your school's name?

2. What are your school facilities?

3. What is your favourite subject?

Facilities Subjects persons

classes - science laboratory

computer lab – playground -

art/music room - swimming

pool – library - smart

boards and desks

English – Arabic -

French – Science -

Social Studies -

Maths – PE – art -


teachers - students -

colleagues - friends


Write about your school & your favorite subject















Writing 3

Describe Your Best Friend

The Guiding Words:

-The Guiding questions:

1. Who is your best friend?

2. How old is your best friend?

3. What do you like about your best friend?

appearance personality hobbies

long – short – fat - thin-

black/brown/fair hair -

big/small eyes -

handsome(boy) -


Kind/gentle -

helpful/cooperative – funny

– honest - optimistic-

friendly - sensitive-

warm - hearted


drawing and

painting - playing

sports - reading



Your Best Friend













Writing 4

-Write about your last summer vacation

-The Guiding Words

The Guiding questions:

1. How do you feel about last summer vacation?

2. What did you do in your vacation?

3. Where did you go in your vacation?

4. How did you enjoy your vacation?

5. What are the useful things you did?

6. Did you enjoy your summer vacation?

Summer Vacation Activities

travel - bike rides – make ice cream – meet friends at the club - have a picnic –

backyard camping - homemade playdough - visit your local library- build a tent –

play hide and seek – do puzzle together - visit a splash park – paint rocks – plant

flowers or vegetables - go hiking - visit a swimming pool - fly a kite


Write about your last summer vacation













Writing 5

A day at the amusement park

The guiding words:

The guiding questions:

1. When did you go there?

2. How did you get there?

3. What did you do/eat there?

4. What were your favourite rides?

5. How was your feeling?

Useful words/phrases

get a ticket - ticket booth - check my backpack - ride a roller coaster - a ferries

wheel ride – crash bumper cars - (merry-go-around) – carousels – swing – slide -

play games - pay money - win prizes - an arcade - wait in line - a water ride - a big

splash - get wet - hold on tight – excited – thrilled – fun - ice cream - chips


A day at the amusement park




















1. The elephant's trunk

I think the elephant's trunk is the most useful nose in the

world. Of course, It is used for breathing and smelling, like most noses

are. However, elephants also use their trunks like arms and hands to

lift food to their mouths.

Trunk (n.)

Useful(adj.) helpful

Breathing (n.) the process of moving air out and in the


Smelling (n.)

Lift (v.)



2. Dolphins

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals that live in water

but breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head. They are

remarkable creatures. They are very friendly and playful. They are also

easy to train. These qualities have made them a favorite of many people.

intelligent(adj.) smart/clever

marine(adj.) relating to the sea

mammals(n.) any animal that gives birth to live young, not eggs,

and feeds its young on milk. Cows, humans and

dolphins are all mammals.


blowhole(n.) a hole in the top of

a whale's head

through which it


remarkable(adj.) astonishing/wonderful/amazing

creature(n.) a living thing such as a human being or an animal

qualities(n.) features


3. Sports

For many people, sports are just a daily or weekly entertainment. But for

those who love sports like me, they can dedicate themselves to sports. The great

thing about sports is that the more we train, the better our level of fitness and

better movement performance we will have. Of course, we all remember one of

those acrobatic moves that we weren’t good at, but after a short period of

training, we were able to perform it perfectly. This is what makes sport great.

entertainment(n.) amusement, fun and relaxation

dedicate(v.) to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular

activity because you think it is important.

fitness(n.) the state of being

physically healthy

and strong.

performance(n.) The act of doing a sport

acrobatic (adj.) involving or performing difficult acts or movements with

the body.

perform(v.) to act or to do something

great (adj.) amazing


4. The Milky Way

What do you think of when you hear the words, “Milky Way”? Do you think of a

candy bar? Well, there is another Milky Way, and you live in it! It is our galaxy. A

galaxy is a group of stars. Scientists have learned that there are many galaxies in

the outer space.

Milky Way A band of light across the night sky made up of a

huge number of stars that form a large part of the

galaxy that includes our sun and its planets. galaxy The system of stars that contains our sun and its

planets, seen as a band of light in the night sky Outer space The area outside the earth’s atmosphere where all

the other planets and stars are

Scientist A person who studies one or more of the natural



5. The tallest tree

Redwood trees are the tallest trees in the world.Some grow over 300 feet

high,which is taller than a 30-storey building.Think of it this way: If a six-foot tall

man stood at the base of redwood tree,the tree would be 50 times taller than the

man ! These giant trees grow near the coast of California and Oregon.The climate

is foggy and rainy there.




Very large; much larger or more important

than similar things usually are.

The synonym : huge

Climate (n.)

The regular pattern of weather conditions

of a particular place.

The synonym : weather

Foggy (adj.)

not clear because of fog.

The synonym : misty

Rainy (adj.)

having or bringing a lot of rain.

The synonym is : wet

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