Grace - real media research

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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Real Media Research

• Gone girl• Shutter Island • Black Swan• Sixth Sense • Jaws

Opening sequence conventions:The opening sequence of Gone Girl shows a close up of a persons mouth who is smiling a lot, this allows the audience to see her feelings but not her emotions as they cant see anything other than her smile. The colours are very dull which contrasts the woman's expressions, the dull colours could imply the women is faking a smile or that something bad is about to happen to her which leaves the audience asking questions. Leaving questions for the audience is a convention of an opening sequence. The font is an off white colour which could suggest the girl has or is loosing her purity and innocence during the film which could link to her smile which could be seen as sinister. The producers are also shown in the opening sequence

Gone Girl

Throughout the opening sequence facts about the women are shown such as that she likes writing, the fact this is shown suggests that this has an important part in the film. The colours are still dark and dull which suggests writing is a negative thing in the film or is connected to something bad. By showing the audience the date it allows the audience to know the period the film is set which could help with the story line and also the props used throughout the film. This is a key part in an opening sequence as it sets the scene for the film to be in which is allows the audience to understand the film more. Showing the women cleaning in the opening sequence also allows the audinece to connect with the character as they can understand a bit about her however they still have questions about her.

The establishing shot in the opening sequence allows the audience so see an isolated surrounding on a lake which could suggest the characters are isolated. Also an isolated setting is a convention of a thriller film as it creates tension and a feeling of helplessness. Also the colours are dark which suggests danger however the setting is peaceful which could imply the danger interrupts the peace of the characters or surroundings.

The first thing the audience see in the Shutter Island opening sequence is the year and place the scene is taking place, this allows the story to make sense to the audience and also question the story of why the characters are there. The black background connotes danger or death.

Shutter Island

Next the audience are shown a boat in the middle of no where, this could suggest the boat is isolated along with the characters. By showing the boat first and not the characters it allows the audience to question who is on the boat and why. The dull colours suggest something bad has happened or in the process of happening. The fog makes the scene hard to see which would increase the tension as not everything is clear to the audience yet making them worry there is something them or the character cant see.

On the boat the scene is very dark which suggests danger, this implies the character is in danger or going to be through out the film. He is dressed smart which suggests he is either an important character or has authority, this could leave a lot of questions for the audience to be answered during the film. A convention of a thriller is to have a crazy main character and in the opening sequence this character is first shown being sick and talking to himself in the mirror, this makes him look strange and ill.

While the characters are talking it cuts to a scene of a colourful house with a beautiful blonde girl. This is a big contrast from the setting before and puts the audience at ease for a few seconds. The couple seem to be happy however the woman's eyes are close to tears which could suggest to the audience there is something about her that people don’t know. The bright colours suggest positivity and happiness.

Black Swan

The location is an empty room with a single character in it, this allows the audience to question where she is and who she is which builds tension though out the opening sequence. Also the black connotes danger danger which makes the audience worried for the character as she seems very vulnerable. This also builds tension as the audience cant see anything other than the girl in the spotlight which makes the scene more apprehensive.

The girls dress is pure white with signifies purity and innocence, this allows the audience to warm to the character and although they don’t know her they like her as they believe she is good. Also the girl seems to be happy which implies dancing makes her feel happy.

The over the shoulder shot of the girl scares the audience as they don’t know who is watching her. This builds tension in the scene as the audience are apprehensive about what might happen to the girl as she looks a lot smaller than the mna.

In this scene the woman is being controlled by the man. This makes the audience worry for the girl as the man is in black which signifies danger. Also the girl looks very uncomfortable in the shot as the man is grabbing her. A convention of a thriller is a weird antagonist which is what the male character is as he is dressed up as a bird with horns and looks evil. This makes the audience dislike him more as they cant relate to him in anyway.

This shot shows the spot light only on the girl, this shows she is the main character and there could be something special or important about her. She seems very confident in this shot which is different to the start which could imply the man changed her.

Sixth sense

The opening sequence to the sixth sense uses dark colours for the titles which instantly tells the audience the film contains danger or something scary. The title can barely be seen which could imply you need to look carefully at the film to understand it.

This close up of the women allows the audience to see her scared emotion which allows the tension to rise in just a few seconds of the opening sequence. The area behind her s dark and the audience can hardly see anything which makes them wonder where she is and why she may be there.

This shot makes it look as if the woman is being watched through the shelf which makes the audience feel a bit uncomfortable. Also there is a lot of wine which suggests the woman is wealthy which would make her a good target for a murderer. Her expression is still worried. The location is still the same, dark an hard to see, this is a typical convention of a thriller as there is meant to be tension and the audience should feel uncomfortable.


The jaws opening titles are bright red which connotes danger and blood. This could give the audience an idea of what the fil is about. It also allows the audience to know the film will be about water as the title is under water.

This news article shows the credits of the film and also gives the audience an idea abo9ut what the film is about. The colours are very dull implying something negative will happen in the film and the title of the newspaper lets the audience know what that is. By listing all of the people trying it help it would worry the audience as they think the shark cant be stopped and would cause them to worry.

By showing an arm with no body it makes the audience wonder what has happened to it and also who's arm it is. The arm isn’t with a body which would make the audience worry about the persons who arm it was. Also the colours are still very dull.

Conclusion Overall, the main conventions of a thriller that all the opening sequences used was dull colours such as black or greys, this allowed the audience to know the film would include danger or something bad would happen. Also the films were all set in dark, eary locations which would make the audience feel on edge.

In my thriller opening sequence I think these are the main conventions to use a they have the most effect on the audinece.

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