GoOpen 2010: Stian Danenbarger

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Fra Open Data tilLinked Open Data

Stian Danenbarger <@stidan>Bouvet ASA <>

• 30 dager...

• 47 nye anvendbare tjenester...

• Totalkostnad USD 50k (20k i premier)

• Estimert ROI på 4000 % (!)

W. David Stephenson

• “The potential benefits of democratizing data are many, and varied:

– more informed policy debate, grounded in fact, rather than rhetoric

– consensus building– better legislation– greater transparency

and less corruption: greater accountability

– optimizing program efficiency and reducing costs

– new perspectives, especially when “the wisdom of crowds” emerges.

• Who would have believed that dry data […] could become the engine to involve the public in governmental transformation!”

• ”Democratizing Data” (O’Reilly Media, under arbeid)

“A hierarchy of database journalism”

Level 1: Data delivery

Level 2: Data search

Level 3: Data exploration

Level 4: Data visualization

Level 5: Data experiences and storytelling


l of



Basert på Rich Gordon: “Data as journalism, journalism as data” (2007)

"If we can find enough of these things that intersect with the lives of our readers, I think we will be all right.“− Dennis Ryerson, Editor, “the Indianapolis Star”

COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT, Brussels, 7.5.2009on the re-use of Public Sector Information

– Review of Directive 2003/98/EC –

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Offentlige Norge: ”Tjenestetrappa”


Hvordan blir handlingsplanene fulgt opp?

De årlige tildelingsbrevene fra det enkelte fagdepartement til underliggende etater definerer hvilke oppgaver etatene skal utføre gjennom det kommende året. Disse har lite eller ingen fokus på samhandling med andre etater.

⇒“Siloene” går hele veien fra departement og ned til operativ etat.

Regjeringens samhandlingsstrategier blir ikke fulgt opp av departementene !!

“So far, the deployment of EI has been based

strongly on a combination of the following two


• Objective 1: Supporting a “big bang” transition to

a more efficient, enterprise-wide “best way” of

working. This seeks to make sure that the enterprise

remains competitive under changing market

conditions. This new best way of working is defined

by a relatively small group of dedicated expert

analysts (industrial engineers, business engineers,

information analysts etc.) and implemented and

maintained top-down.

• Objective 2: Once the major change related to

Objective 1 is completed and the new way of

working has become business as usual, exploiting

the predicted gains in efficiency as much and as

long as possible in order to secure a proper return

on the investment made during the initial big bang

change process.”

• Objective 3: EI should stimulate value creation

based on innovation and co-creation in a context of

networked enterprises that is very much defined

bottom-up, by creative, committed workers.

According to this perspective, EI helps “reflective

practitioners” to manage their work, their

responsibilities, the key knowledge they possess,

and their relations to the work and knowledge of

others (inside and outside their own enterprise).

Unlike the traditional approach, this support is not

driven top-down and purely enterprise centric, but

allows a much more individual and subjective

approach that leverages personal creativity and


While traditionally individuals were supposed to

adjust to “the system”, now the situation is

reversed: the system is much more

about supporting the individuals.”

• “If we let the computer

do the job and stop

worrying about the

operations executed inside the black box, this may imply an ever-greater decrease in our knowledge and insight on how the public sector in society works with regard, for example, to distribution and re-distribution of money between the different layers in the community. Moreover, we will be more and more helpless if we try to examine the correctness of government decisions concerning our lives and welfare. Such a situation would affect the very relationship between government and its' citizens in a democratic society under the rule of law, namely, the capability of citizens to participate in the decision-making and control of dispositions by government authorities. The many at the bottom may have greater problems than before in controlling the few at the top.”

“Transparent computer systems - transparent government“, D. W. Schartum (1995)

Skiftende paradigmer?

Prosedyre-orientertFokus: SyntaksData: Internt i applikasjoner

Objekt-orientertFokus: StrukturData: Databaser med proprietære skjema, tekst

Komponent-basertFokus: TjenesterData: XML, åpne skjema, namespaces

Desentralisert og emergentFokus: Prosesserbar informasjonData: Delte identifikatorer (URI), selvbeskrivende hypermedia-formater over HTTP

19951975 2005 201519851965

Tom Coates, Yahoo: ”The web as it was”…

Tom Coates, Yahoo: ”Web of the future?”

Samhandling krever delte definisjoner – og delte identifikatorer for disse

• Gjelder ikke bare entiteter – også relasjoner og føringer• Eksempel:

– Skole, skoleeier – og relasjonene mellom – Fag, eksamen, skole – og relasjonene mellom

Når flere løsninger skal spille sammen, må identifikatorene løftes

ut av de lokale systemene

Utdanningsdirektoratets Grep: Delt datamodell med forskriftsstatus for grunnutdanningen



S pørring/abonnement





Skoler og lærere

Leverandører av læringsressurser



K ompetans emå l

Loka le læreplaner R es s urs e

rfraS kolenettet

R es s urserfrapriva teaktører

M ateria lefunnet ellerlag et avlærere

M ateria lefunnet ellerlag et a velever

• Veilede • Tilrettelegge• S kape muligheter

Visjonen er der, byggeklossene også…


• “Discovery”• “Trust metrics”• Filtrering• Abonnement

• Registrering• Notifikasjon • Indeksering• Aggregering


• Finne• Sammenstille

• Dele• Tilgjengeliggjøre

”Abonnere på et søk!”

Atom/RSS (inkl. podcasts)SMS/MMSIM/XMPPEpostKalendersynk.…

• “[…] regardless of what may be regarded as a true service-orientation,

we should avoid employing computerized systems in a way that reduces the number of citizens who are actively participating in legal decision-making processes, concerning him- or herself, and in democratic debates. […] Here, when I talk about transparency, I am not primarily thinking of the insight represented by thin layers of pleasant simplifications, in the shape of glossy brochures. Instead, I wish to give attention to the problem of communicating knowledge concerning the very bedrock of legal and administrative complexity. […] Our society is not based on freedom and justice because this is the most cost-efficient way to construct a society”

“Transparent computer systems - transparent government“, D. W. Schartum (1995)

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