Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Squirrels `are members of the family Sciuridae, consisting of small or medium-size rodents. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs. Squirrels are indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, and have been introduced to Australia. The earliest known squirrels date from the Eocene and are most closely related to the mountain beaver and to the dormouse among living rodent families.

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Tyrannosaurus (/t ræn s r s/ or /taᵻˌ əˈ ɔː ə ɪræn s r s/, meaning "tyrant lizard", ˌ əˈ ɔː əfrom the Ancient Greek tyrannos (τύραννος), "tyrant", and sauros (σα ρος), ῦ"lizard") is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex (rex meaning "king" in Latin), commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is one of the most well-represented of the large theropods.

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Sorry! Was a joke!Sorry! Was a joke!Further, even we talk about GTMFurther, even we talk about GTM

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

I Introducing Google Tag Manager

II Setting up a basic Google Analytics / Criteo tracking

III Enhancing your implementation with a Data Layer


Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

I Introducing Google Tag Manager

II Setting up a basic Google Analytics / Criteo tracking

III Enhancing your implementation with a Data Layer


Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

IntroducingIntroducing Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhat's the Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhat's the Google Tag Manager?

GTM is a Tag Management System (TMS).

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhat's the Google Tag Manager?

GTM is a Tag Management System (TMS).

What's a Tag Management System?

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhat's the Google Tag Manager?

GTM is a Tag Management System (TMS).

What's a Tag Management System?

Tag Management Systems aim to simplify the deployment and maintenance of JavaScript tags.Or in a business definition: TMS is designed to help manage the lifecycle of e-marketing tags, which are used to integrate third-party software into digital properties.

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhat's the Google Tag Manager?

GTM is a Tag Management System (TMS).

What's a Tag Management System?

Tag Management Systems aim to simplify the deployment and maintenance of JavaScript tags.Or in a business definition: TMS is designed to help manage the lifecycle of e-marketing tags, which are used to integrate third-party software into digital properties.

But how it works?

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhat's the Google Tag Manager?

GTM is a Tag Management System (TMS).

What's a Tag Management System?

Tag Management Systems aim to simplify the deployment and maintenance of JavaScript tags.Or in a business definition: TMS is designed to help manage the lifecycle of e-marketing tags, which are used to integrate third-party software into digital properties.

But how it works?

Tag management systems replace the multiple tags with a single container tag and afterwards arrange and “fire” individual tags as appropriate based on business rules.

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Tag Container



Website Google Tag Manager

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Tag Container



Website Google Tag Manager

Sorry :D

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhy the Google Tag Manager?

- Gain independece from long development processes- Experiment new partenerships more often- Keep improving the quality of your data- Do not bother programmers for each new pixel :D

- You will always remain dependant from your marketing departament- Transition to migrate hard coded tags can be painful



Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhy the Google Tag Manager?

- Gain independece from long development processes- Experiment new partenerships more often- Keep improving the quality of your data- Do not bother programmers for each new pixel :D

- You will always remain dependant from your marketing departament- Transition to migrate hard coded tags can be painful




4 : 2GTM win :D

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager vs Paid Solutions

- Support- A wider tag library- Controlling tag load order- Interface to select DOM elements- Real-time deduplication- A/B Testing

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Setting up a basic Google Analytics / Setting up a basic Google Analytics / Criteo trackingCriteo tracking

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

1. Signing in with a Google Account:

2. Creating a Google Tag Manager Account (company name):

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

3. Setting up a container (usually one per website)

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

4. Implementing the container on all pages after the opening <body> tag (not in the header)

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager4. Creating a new Google Analytics Tag: (For a Criteo tag, you need a Custom Tag with a snipped code from your partener)

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager5. Creating a new variable: (Label will have a dynamic value so we need to send that value from our application)

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager5a. Set type and configure the new variable:

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager6. Back on the Tag for configuration: (it will be an Event Track Type with a Category, an action and also a label)

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager7. Create a new trigger: (it will be necessary for dictation when that Tag will be fired)

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager8.That's all with 'My First Tag'. if all went well, you will be able to see the following screen:

9. The last step is to publish your changes (click on Publish button)

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

Enhancing your implementation with a Enhancing your implementation with a Data LayerData Layer

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerWhat's the point of a Data Layer?

“A Data Layer is an object that contains all of the information that you want to pass to Google Tag Manager” (Google Developer Guide)

In a developer language: A data layer is only a JavaScript object

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag ManagerHow will be a Data Layer for our “My First Tag”?

Below is an example of how it will look the Data Layer for our Tag.We need category and action as constants.When you click on the View Product button, we will send the “product_label” that will be the “ProductLabel” variable and also we send the event: “view_product” for the trigger.

Google Tag ManagerGoogle Tag Manager

That's all for todayThat's all for todayThanks for watching!Thanks for watching!

Dragos IonitaSoftware Engineer

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