Google Analytics December 2013 Meetup: Advanced Segments

Post on 09-May-2015






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Ryan Summers of ISITE Design shares tips for using Google Analytics Advanced Segments.




ISITE Design

Marketing Technology

Experience Design

Analytics & Optimization


Google Analytics Advanced Segments

“Aggregate Data Is Crap” - Avinash Kaushik

Visitors have different needs and goals why would you measure them all against the same success criteria?

– Current Customers (25% of traffic)

• Comes to site to find support

– Prospective Customers (75% of traffic)

• Comes to site to research products

Why We Segment

All Goals Aren’t For Everyone

Spot Trends

Show me Visits People that…

Users or Visits

• User

Unique visitors who have ________

• Visit

Sessions where ________

Users or Visits

• User (Current Customer)

A unique visitors who has Logged-In last 90 days

• Visit (Researcher)

Sessions where a video was watched or a whitepaper was downloaded

Visit Sequences

Visit where…

1. First landed on homepage

2. Next went to a product category page

3. Next went to a product page

4. Eventually added something to cart

User Sequences

Person who…

1. First came to the site from an organic search

2. Then came back to the site directly and watched a video or viewed a product page

3. Eventually submitted a lead


Group visitors who all have something in common:

• Visitors who first came to my site before our TV ad

• Visitors who first came to our site during our TV ad

• Visitors who first came to our site after our TV ad


Get demographic data from Google Display Network:


Get demographic data from Google Display Network:

Some Questions To Ask Your Segments

What do people do when the come to my site from organic search as their first and

subsequent visit?

How well does social media acquire qualified visitors?

B2B Customer

B2C Customer

What is the influence of video on conversion?

New Segment Interface

Segment Gallery

Segment Visibility

Good Reads



Stay Tuned…

February 6, 2014 (Tentative)

Track events without deploying any code using GTM auto event tracking!

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